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J K Tyre Report

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Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore

Industrial training as the name suggests in the preparation for the future project implementation. Training at J K Tyre, Mysore plant was been a very good learning in all aspects. In the training phase first of all I came know about the company, the work done, the products manufactures, projects done, the standards maintained by them during the whole process of their work. uring the Industrial Training period at J K Tyre, I studied the organi!ation details, "ompany profile and the functions of #rievance $andling at J K. The study re%uires thorough knowledge of organi!ation. The study focuses on the different departments and their functioning and the methods to improve the organi!ation. &o, this study provides a wide scope for the student to gain an insight into the practical aspects of the working of an organi!ation and thus increase his managerial skills.

Department Of Mechanical Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

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Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore


Company profile

Department Of Mechanical Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

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Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore

1.0 COMPANY PHOTOGRAPHY Vikrant Bias Tyre Plant

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1.1 Vision, Mission and Quality Policy Vision:

'T( )* +M(,#*&T T$* M(&T + MI-* T( */"*00*,"*1 "(M.+,I*& I, I, I+ "(MMIT*


To be a customer obsessed company.

To be the largest and most profitable tyre company in India.

To retain ,o 2 position in truck and bus segment and to be amongst top 3 in all other 4 wheeler tyres. To make truck5bus radial operations profitable and retain leadership in the passenger radial market. To enhance value to shareholders and service to all stake holders. To e6cel as a value driven organi!ation.

To be the most preferred tyre brand in India.

Quality Policy:
The people of JK Tyre have an organi!ation committed to %uality in everything they do. They continuously anticipate and understand customer re%uirement, convert these into performance standards for their product and service and to meet the standards every time.

1.2 J K Industries
JK (rgani!ation owes its name to 0ate 0ala Juggilal &inghania, a dynamic personality with a broad vision, Inspired by the &wadeshi movement of Mahatma
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#andhi, and driven by the !eal to set up an Indian enterprise, 0ala Kamlapat &inghania founded JK organi!ation in the 27th century in India. The process of industriali!ation and diversification was worthily and successfully carried on by 0ala Kamlapat8s three illustrious sons &ir .adampat, 0ala Kailashpat and 0ala 0aksmipat, aided in no small measure by the late #opal Krishna son of sir .adampat. JK (rgani!ation has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of India. It always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of country men and provides high %uality of products. It has driven to make India self reliant by pioneering the production of number of industrial and consumer products, by adopting latest as well as developing its own know9how. It has also under taken industrial ventures in several other countries. JK (rgani!ation is an association of industrial and commercial companies and charitable trust. Its member companies, employing nearly :;;;; persons are engaged in the manufacture of variety of products and in diverse fields of commerce. Trust are devoted to promoting industrial, technical and medical researches, education, religious values and providing better living and recreational facility. <ith the spirit of social consciousness uppermost in mind, JK organi!ation is committed to cause the human advancement.

Background and inception of the company 27== >irst in India to manufacture calico prints9 ?Juggilal Kamlapat cottons spinning and weaving mills company, Kanpur.@ 274; >irst in India to manufacture steel bailing $oops for jute and cotton and to make the country self sufficient by meeting the entire demand9 0td., Kanpur. 2744 >irst in India to produce +luminum Airgin Metal for Indian )au6ite9+luminum
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J.K Iron and &teel "o.

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Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore

"orporation of India 0td., Jaykayanagar. 2747 27:7 27B; >irst in India to manufacture *ngineering files9 J.K. *ngineer8s files )ombay. >irst in India to set up a continuous process -ayon plant. >irst in India to set up a $ydraulically operated "ane "rushing Mill for Kandsari &ugar .lant and completed 2;; ton plant. 27B2 >irst in world to set up a plant for production of $ydrosulphite of soda by

&odium +malagam process9 J.K. "hemicals 0td., )ombay. 27B3 >irst in India to produce ,ylon9B with its own polymeri!ed raw material9 J.K. &ynthetics 0td., Kota. 27B: >irst to produce sodium &ulpho6ylate >ormaldehyde C-angolite " of >ormosulD in India9 J.K. "hemicals 0td., )ombay. 27BE 27FB >irst to manufacture TA sets in India9 J.K. *lectronics, Kanpur. >irst in India to produce steel belted -adial tyres for passenger car, trucks and buses9 J.K. Tyre plant, Kankroli.

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27E; 27E4 27E: 27E7 2772 2773 2774 277:

>irst in the world to make steel belted radial tyres for = wheelers. >irst in India to produce white cement through dry process. >irst in India to produce cathonic ye able .olyester >iber.

>irst in India to produce magnetic tapes with cobalt technology. )anmore tyre plant ?)T.@ set up with the capacity of :.F lacks tyres per annum. -G centre setup at $+&T*-I.

India8s first T9rated tyre launched )anmore Tyre .lant ?)T.@ "rossed 2;; T. . Mercedes )en! launched on JK &T**0 -+ I+0& first tyre manufacturer in the world to get I&( 7;;2.


India8s first dual contact high tractions steel radial9 a%ua sonic launched. ?Introduce steel wheels@.


>irst tyre manufacturer in the world to get H& 7;;;. +warded "+.*/I08& highest e6port award for 277F97E.


&ynergy with AT0 in procurement, marketing and production fle6ibility. "ompletion of states of the art moderni!ations of truck radials J.K. Tyres ranked 2Bth largest tyre company in the world I&(9 24;;2 accreditation for environment and safety.

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3;;; 3;;2

J.K. introduced national #o9 carting championships. J.K. industries received >("I& 0+" */.(-T award for the year 277793;;;. "ommendation certification of "II , held. ,ational e6am. #o9 carting championships

JK Tyres Plants

Mysore plant9 2 ?AT.@ Mysore plant9 3 ?AT. -adial@ Kankroli )anmore

9 9 9 9

Karnataka Karnataka -ajasthan Madhya .radesh

1.2 Vikrant Tyres Limited

Aikrant tyres ltd ?AT0@ is situated in an area of := acres in Mysore. AT0 is a major tyre manufacturing company and one of the most successful industrial ventures in the state of Karnataka. In the year 27F; this company was conceived as a joint venture by the participation of south Indian e6port company .vt 0td, Madras ?"hennai@ with Karnataka state industrial investment and development corporation 0td ?K&II "@ for establishing and automobile tyres and tubes manufacturing unit at Metagalli industrial area in Mysore. In 27FF the management was taken over by the #overnment of Karnataka state industrial investment and development corporation 0td ?K&II "@. The commercial production started from 27th may 27E;. manufacturing of radial tyres. The company is certified under I&( 7;;2, H& 7;;;, I&( 24;;2 and I&(5T& 2B747J3;;3 certifications, for design manufacture and sale of automobile tyres, tubes, flaps and tread rubber. JK industries ltd was inducted as strategic +lliance .artner
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uring 27E: a plant was set up for

Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore

?&+.@ during may 277F with a view to improve the overall performance of the company. "ollaboration agreement was entered with the M5& "ontinental tyres #ermany in 27E;. Aikrant tyres 0imited, a JK tyres associate, manufactures cutting edge innovative products at conformed to the highest international standards. JK industries ltd in 277F +c%uired Aikrant Tyres 0imited, Mysore. AT0 has the first truck5bus steel radial in India. This has state of the art technology in technical collaboration with continental + # #ermany. Aikrant tyres have successfully launched high performance steel truck radial tyres in the latest international pattern for the Indian as well as international market. Register Office at:'AIK-+,T $(I&*1 ,o :4, 2st Main -oad, A.A Mohalla, Mysore 9 :F;;;3

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Milestones of Vikrant Tyres Limited


27F Joint Aenture by &I*" .vt. 0td., and K&II " conceived to manufacture +utomotive Tyres and Tubes at Mysore.

27F= Incorporated as a joint venture company by K&&I " and &I*" .vt. 0td., Madras ?"hennai@. 27FF Taken over by government of Karnataka through K&II ". 27E; "ommercial production commenced. 27E3 "ollaboration with M5& +A(, Tyres IK. 27E: T9.ilot plant setup for manufacturing of truck -adial Tyre .lant. 27E7 "onstruction of new Truck -adial Tyre .lant. 2772 "ommercial production of all steel truck -adial Tyre. 2773 >irst against (T- tyre rolled out. 2774 "ertified to I& 7;;2J2774 %uality management systems. 277F JKI0 inducted as strategic +lliance .artner ?&+.@ by government of Karnataka. 2777 "ertified to H& 7;;2J277E HM& and also I&( 24;;2J277B *M&. Turnaround under JK management within 2; months and declared divided after a gap of B years. Massive moderni!ation and up gradation investing -s. 334.2= crores. 3;;; March9)ias plant9-s F=.2B crores, crores. ecember9Truck -adial .lan9 -s 2:;.7F

3;;= Merged with JKI0. "ertified to I&(5-& 2B747J3;;3 process based HM&. 3;;4 >irst Indian tyre company to adopt process based management through )usiness .rocess -e9 *ngineering ?).-@.

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1.3 J K GROUP !V"R#!$!CAT!ON

JK O !A"ISATIO" J.K. (rgani!ation, founded over 2;; years ago, is an eminent industrial group in India. The #roup has multi9 business, multi9product and multi9location operations

JK #A#E $TD% JK .aper 0imited is one of the leading manufacturers of reading and writing paper JK $AKS&MI CEME"T $TD% JK 0akshmi "ement 0imited is a well respected name in the cement industry in India

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'E""E (I) $TD% >enner KIL 0imited is a leading manufacturer of Industrial and +utomotive )elts, (il &eals, .ower Transmission +ccessories and Te6tile Marn *MA"! DAI IES $TD% The "reme de la creme of dairy foods

JK A! I+!E"ETICS $TD% +t JK +gri9genetics limited, concentrates on -esearch and evelopment, production, processing and marketing of hybrid seeds%

JK S*!A $TD% The companyNs principle activity is to manufacture &ugar. $owever, the company currently operates in two segments. .ower and &ugar



&ervices rendered to various clients for all facets of Insurance both life G non9life.

C$I"I - ESEA C& # I.ATE $TD% >ull &ervice "ontract -esearch (rgani!ation K"-(L
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1.% Pr&'()t*#er+i)es ,r&-ile.

The major products of JK "ompany are automobile tyre ?,ylon tube tyre, radial tube and tubeless tyre @ tubes names. /0 Tr()k Tyre

2. Jet rib 3. Aikrant truck king =. &tar lug 4. &uper T.K :. JT king B. $i 0ife 10 /i01t T()ks 2. Jet rib 3. &tar lug

F. Jet truck E. jet truck 7. &and cum hiway 2;. Truck plus 22. JT "lassic 23. J*T-K

=. >leet king 4. Truck king

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22 O.T.R 3O- t1e R&a'4 /% A*M 77 *9= T50 3. A*M 77 *94 T5T 30 T(5es 2. JK Tubes 40 $la,s 2. JK >0+.& 3. JK - >0+.& =. JK */. >0+. 3. Aikrant tubes =. Tube A */ =. A*M ;; && *94 T50 4. *#(4 #3 T5T

1.6 MANU$ACTUR!NG /OCAT!ON# JK Tyre has five Modern plants in India which are strategically located at Mysore plant92KAT.L Karnataka Mysore plant93KAT. -adialL Karnataka )anmore, Madhya .radesh Kankroli, -ajasthan JK Tyre has also enhanced its global reach by taking over Tornel a renowed Me6ican company, which has = plants in Me6ico. +ll these plants are e%uipped with <orld8s most advanced manufacturing and testing machines.

.IK A"T ,IAS T5 E #$A"T

.IK A"T ADIA$ T5 E #$A"T

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.IK A"T OT #$A"T ghg6ddfdf

KA"K O$I T5 E #$A"T Three plants in Mysore are AT. 9Aikrant Tyre .lant (T- O (ff the road Tyre plant -T. 9 Truck -adial .lant JK T R! "#A$TS O"!RAT%O$A# CA"AC%T .0+,T Kankroli Tyre .lant )anmore Tyre .lant Aikrant Tyre .lant T(T+0

,A"MO E T5 E #$A"T

"I--*,T "+.+"ITMKMT5 +ML 32;.;; 2B:.;; =32.7: B7B.7:

nature of the &usiness carried'

JK Industries is en"a"ed in manufacturin" and marketin" of

automoti#e tyres, tu$es, fla%s.Products In#ol#ed: "ross ply and radial tyres for light commercial vehicles.
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"ross ply tyres for passenger cars. "ross ply tyres for agricultural vehicles. "ross ply tyres for of the road ?(T-@ vehicles. +utomotive inner tubes for trucks, buses, light commercial vehicles.

Achie(ements )a*ards

JK Tyres ranked 2Bth largest company in the world.

3. I&( 24;;2 accreditation for environment and safety. =. India8s first T rated tyre launched. 4. Mercedes )en! launched on JK Tyres radials first tyre manufacture in the world to get I&( 7;;2. :. (nly tyre manufacture to get * mark certification. B. >irst tyre manufacture in the world to get H& 7;;;. F. +warded "*.*/I08& highest e6port for 277F97E. E. JK introduced national #o9carting championships. 7. JK industries received >("I& 0+" */.(-T award for the year 2777 and 3;;;. 2;. "ertified to I&( 7;;; K2774 %uality management systemsL. 22. >irst Indian Tyre "ompany to adopt process based management process based management through business process re9engineering K).-(L. 1.7 8&rk $l&9 M&'el

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The company opted for ).- K)usiness .rocess re9*ngineeringL with the concept of '>actory with in >actory Pcalled as )usiness Inits. The primary objective of this concept is to focus on (perational *fficiency such as production, %uality, "ost, other parameters. This breeds healthy competition amongst the )Is. )I 2J Mi6ing, ipping, "alendaring, *6truders )I 3J &tock .reparation and Tyre +ssembly )I =J Tyre molding, Inspection )I :J Tyre ispatch eliverables and

)I 4J -adial Tyres The )usiness Inits are supported by &&Is calls as &ervice &upport Inits. general functioning of )us. *.g. . &&I 2J *ngineering &ervices &&I 3J *ngineering &ervices for -adial .lant &&I =J >inance &&I 4J H+, Technical, IT &&I :J $- , I- , #+ &&I BJ I* , &hift in charges , Mgf. services

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&ork 'lo( Model

)* 1
1+ ,om%ound -t )an$ury:
"ompound is the process of mi6ing the necessary raw materials with selected elastomer in the banbury. )anbury is an internal mi6er, which consists of a completely enclosed mi6ing chamber with two spiral shaped rotors. There is a hoper to feed the ingredients and a door to discharge the mi6. The rubber ingredients like chemicals are weighted as mentioned in specification file and feed into hoper. Then the mi6ing process takes place. -e%uired mi6ing time is fi6ed to get better %uality mi6ing.

The main function of an e6truder is to produce tread and side wall, bead, ape6.

*6trusion is a process of forcing the mi6ed compound by means of screw, which rotates inside the barrel. There are two types of e6truderJ aL &crew e6truder, bL -am e6truder. +, -ell "lant: : .ipping The dipping process takes places in a !eal plant. $ere rayon, nylon. .olyesters are dipped in a solution containing normally a late6 based resorcinol formaldehyde to improve adhesive properties. Then the fabric is dried at a temperature of about 3E;9=;; > for 2:;92E; sec, the fabric is stretches to about ;92:Q /, Calendaring: "alendaring is a machine, which consists of three or four rolls held in a frame work used to produce the rubber sheets of re%uired strength and length. To get a better %uality calendared fabric with uniform gauges, viscosity is important in the same way, hot temperature of about 22;92=Fmm.

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B0 1
2, Bias Cutter:
It is a machine used to make ply8s or to the rubber coated fabrics at re%uired width and angle, which are used in the production of tyres. )ias angle is the angle of cords in tyres with respect to the central line. )ased on the ideal cured angle, re%uired for particular type si!e and pattern, bias angle is calculated for the particular drum. 3, "ocket 4aking: It is a process of making the pocket from the angle cutter fabrics. In pocket making section, three types of pockets are constructed. The ply8s used for the first and second pocket are known ad inner ply and those used for third pocket are known as outer ply. FL )ead +ssembly J )ead wire O $igh tensile copper coated &teelwire coated with compound wound on a former , fillered and flipped EL Tyre +ssembly J +ll individual components of tyre Ai! )eads , .ockets, Tread and &idewall are assembled on a )uilding drum and the finished product is called as #reen O Tyre.

B0 +
5, Bladder:
)utyl rubber compound is used for making the bladder. +s first, butyl rubber is mi6ed with specified chemicals properly and then it enters the e6truder section by the use of the e6truder, a specific length and width of slug is e6truded. Then the ends of the slugs are cut into the specified angle for proper joining. 6, Tyre 4oulding:

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)efore moulding operations, the green tyre has to be made ready for painting with inner lubricants inside tyre for easy release from the bladder and the side walls are to be coated with blemish paints. 5, Tyre Curing: It is a process of cross linking the rubber compounds through heat and pressure. >or the pressure of curing tyres presses are used. These pressed are pre warmed before loading of green tyre is done in the top ring raise condition with vacuum.

78, Tyre 9inishing and %nspection: +fter curing, the tyres obtained by trimming of the e6tensions on the tyres surfaces are checked for defects. Thus the process of removing e6cess materials from the tyre after curing is called finishing. The finishing process is done either by buffing or trimming method. +ll the tyres then are inspected and separated.

B0 2 :
>inished #oods &torage and dispatch J &toring of (kay tyres and arranging logistics to various depots 5 &TIs 5 (*Ms as per the marketing re%uirements.

9uture gro*th and prospectus: To be the ,o.2 tyre company in India. To be the largest tyre e6port company in India. To be a customer obsessed company. $igh %uality of products. .rofit Ma6imi!ation.

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Structure The &tructure of the company is shown in the ne6t page. JK Industries limited formerly being public sector unit, is a democratic and well organi!ed structure in itself. The lower level and functional level managers are

consulted and consultations are analy!ed before the top management takes any decisions. Task to be performed are assigned to separate functional heads. JK Industries limited adopted the ).- K)usiness process re engineeringL concepts, its objectives. -adically improve the process and make changes in the way business is done. Integrate and align all business processes and sub processes. -eduction of cycle time a reducing cost for all business transactions. To reduce )ureaucracy and e6cess fat.

JK %ndustries :;%", Board of .irectors: "hairman Aice "hairman G Managing irectors irection J J J $ari &hankar &inghania -aghupathi &inghania +rvind ,arottam 0albhai +rvind &ingh Mewar
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)hakul Jain I.M. Aittala Murthy 0I" ,ominee I )I ,ominee Managing irector irector J J J J J J (m .rakash Khaitan r. Ainayashil #autam )harat $ari &inghania Aikrampati &inghania &waroop "hand &ethi 0odha G "o., "hartered +ccounts

y. Managing

<hole O Time irector +uditors

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Bankers Assisting ;T#: "orporation )ank Indian )ank .unjab ,ational )ank &tate )ank of India &tate )ank of Mysore &yndicate )ank Aijaya )ank 9inancial %nstitutions Assisting ;T#: 2. Karnataka &tate Industrial Investment and KK&&I "L 3. Industrial evelopment )ank of India. KI )IL evelopment "orporation 0td.,

The organi!ation chart accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how task are both divided up and integrated. More flatten structures are visible at the Aikrant Tyre .lant O 2 Mysore of J.K. Industries limited all though there e6ists clear cut line of authority, it is never rigid, and the staff have enough freedom to be free and open with there superiors. More over, the senior manager and higher officials are also very easily accessible.

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Organization Structure

:.1 Or0ani;ati&nal str()t(re

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Aice .resident O <orks

A . Technical

A . Manufacturing

#eneral Manager

+ssociate Manufacturing A.

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1'1 9%$A$C! .!"ART4!$T:

Unit head

Head commercial

Commercial Manager I Ca!ital e"#i!ment $ Proc#rement

Commercial Manager 2 Ca!ital coordination $ licen%e%

&inance Manager 1

&inance Manager 2 MI'(

&inance Manager 3 Co%ting(

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&inance Manager 4 )an*ing(

&inance Manager 5 +ill !a%%ing indigeno#%(

&inance Manager 6 Pa,roll and in%#rance(

&inance Manager 7 im!ort% and e-!ort%(

Commercial Ser(ices: +ccounts "osting )anking and Treasury .urchase O "apital e%uipment "ontracts "ustomer coordinator and licenses .rocurement of capital e%uipment8s 5 spares, is done in co9ordination with $( for commercial for placement of orders. Aendor rating system for capital imported spares related parties.

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"ustoms coordinator and licenses, applications and reconciliation of customer and carry forward services related activity for coordination for imports. 9inance and Accounts: .reparation of MI& G )-- K)usiness -eview -eportL >inali!ation of monthly %uarterly, half yearly and annual report of the company. "oordination with statutory auditors and ta6 auditors. >inali!ation of cost accounts. "ost reduction and cost of %uality report. -eview of books of accounts. .reparation of Trail balance. (verhead position of )--.

2.2 Marketin" 0e%artment:

VI,. P1.2I0.3T

4.3.1-L M-3-4.1

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0.P*T5 4.3.1-L M-3-4.1

0.P*T5 M-3-4.1

T.11IT615 M-3-4.1





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-oles and responsibilities:

&ales and marketing overseas. "ustomer interaction &ales planning, forecast and targeting Interaction with $( and other parties -egular monitoring with production department Monitor "$+ Kcustomer houseL "oordinate with e6porting for smooth work flow Timely dispatch to insure schedule shipping of Tyres to customers The marketing Ke6port department is such a department that the people associated will have to work with all other departmentL >unctions 2. >inance for there banking transaction. 3. .urchase of advance licenses *.) K uty *ntitlement pass book benefitsL.

=. .roduction for meeting the customers re%uirements 4. "$+ for interaction with customs. :. *6port inspection agencies for inspection of the cargo K*6portL B. &hipping companies like Maresk, +.0 K+merican .resident 0inesL for documents after the cargo is shipped

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Marketin" 3et(orks
$ead office at Mysore connected with various regional offices, districts offices, branch offices and carrying and forwarding agents through out the country. "ommon marketing organi!ation K"M(L manages the marketing of ,ylon bias tyres JK industries the head of "M( is at elhi. The marketing of all steel truck radials Tyre is managed by the Truck -adial #roups KT-#L head office at T-# in )angalore. +, !<ports .epartment JK industries are e6ported to over BE countries. Major countries include Inited &tates of +merica, +ustralia, ,ether land, Inited Kingdon, ,ew!eland, $ong Kong, +frica, most of Middle *ast countries and +sian "ountries. /,4ain pro&lems in !<ports: The e6porter is fully geared up to meet the e6pectations of the customer there is no authority or control for lot of other aspect with are behind the control some of ht problems are common to the e6porter. +vailability of container ships ate of departure of ships elay by the concerned people of the inspection agencies.

.ort strike and other disturbance "ustoms authority.

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1'+ =uman Resources .epartment :

P./'I0/12 310 0I./C24.

0/PU25 6/1/.37 M3136/.

0/PU25 M3136/.


Training system in JK Industries limited KAikrant Tyre .lantL

To establish the training needs and impart training to support organi!ational objectives of enhancing knowledge skill and effective utili!ation of human resources.

+ JK industry is a production oriented company has a majority of work force that the technically oriented and also management e6ecutives. Training becomes a part and parcel of inputs given by the company to its employees. &o it is great importance to know the training system in Aikrant.

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Training records helps to measure the effectiveness of sending various people on training and those who really need help It has been rightly said 'if you plan for a year, plant a corn, if you plan for a decade, plant a tree, but if you plant for a century, plant a man1. This is the philosophy, which guides the people policies at JK Tyres.

?ork Culture:
JK Tyres provides enabling work culture with a clear sense of visionR mission and strategies in which people work with clear goals and there by achieve more. #oals are set, performance are reviewed transparently, starting with self assessment. Merit is recogni!ed through proportionate reward and growth opportunities

2.7 @uality Assurance .epartment:

Huality +ssurance 9 $ead

Huality +ssurance 9 Manager

*M& K*nvironmental Management &ervicesL G &afety Manager

Huality Maintenance &ervice O Manager


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Industrial Training At J K Tyre , Mysore The people of JK Tyres have an organi!ation committed to %uality in everything they do. They continuously anticipate and understand customer8s re%uirement, convert these into performance standards for their products and services and meet these standards every time. >ull customer satisfaction both internal and e6ternal is the motto. Certificate of @uality: I&( 7;;2 H& 7;;; *nvironment Management &ystem KI&( 24;;2L *9M+-K ot K epartment of TransportL

I,M*T-( KInstituto nacional de matriologia O )ra!ilL

Technical colla&oration:
>ormerly Aikrant Tyres limited had technical collaboration with techno O e6port foreign trade company, .raha, "!echoslovakia, for the manufacturing conventional tyres and subse%uently with +von Technical &ervices, Melkashan *ngland K&ubsidiary for +von tyres limitedL for the manufacturing of "onventional 5 -adial Tyres. .resently the company has

foreign collaboration with M5& '"ontinental Tyres #ermany1 Keffective from 277EL.

2.8 2tores 0e%artment

There are three stores in JK industries KAikrant tyre plantL aL -aw materials stores bL *ngineering &tores cL >inished goods stores The function of raw materials stores and finished goods stores are centrali!ed in the $ead (ffice itself. >or all 4 plants of JK industries the $ead (ffice itself controls purchase decisions and supply of raw materials.
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a+ 1a( Materials 2tores:

The stores manager does inventory management of raw materials stores. In JK Industries KAikrant Tyre .lantL first O in O first O out K>I>"(L method is followed. The head of purchase department Kraw material purchase departmentL does any purchases regarding the raw materials. &, !ngineering Stores: In this stores materials like spares parts of machinery8s needed for the purpose of production in dealt. This department does the inventory management itself. This department takes the purchase decisions. +re ordering level is fi6ed for each material, when the materials reaches the re9ordering level the computer itself identified it and keeps purchase re%uest to purchase department. The reordering level is calculated on the basis of lead time. )uffers stock is also maintained to meet emergent re%uirement.

c, 9inished goods stores:

The finished goods are stores and preserved in finished goods stores in order to protect it from rain, dust and water. It is the duty of >#& head to distribute the finished goods directed by the supply chain management. &upply chain management decides to day to day distribution. +ll the finished goods after the final inspection are kept at the transferring area. + finished goods transfer note is prepared in triplicate. The content of this note are materials, descriptions and %uality. The original copy is sent to central e6cise wing and duplicate is sent to production department and triplicate copy is sent to .." department.
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Aerification of goods is done by checking the stock with the details in transfer note. If the finished goods re%uire packing with tube flaps it is transferred to packing area. If the packing is not re%uired it is transferred to storage 5 loading bay.

+ skill is the ability, knowledge, understanding and judgment to accomplish a task. &kills may be defined as what the company does bestR the distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the organi!ation. The job re%uirements, type of job and importance of job gives rise to different skills in the different jobs and different department of the company. The skills differ with respect to performance of job the sills differ with the performance of job for instance9in Huality "ontrol they need a *ngineer and in $epartment they re%uire a post

graduate with speciali!ation in $uman -esource Management.

2.9 T1-I3I34
T1-I3I34 -T JK T5P1.2 LT0.,

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63 T:. J6) T1-I3I34

6'' T:. J6) T1-I3I34

8o+ .otation Coaching 8o+ In%tr#ction% 'te!9+, 'te! 2raining 0i%c#%%ion 7ect#re

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2(ot -nalysis
&<(T analysis stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. It is a tool for auditing and organi!ation and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. &trengths and <eakness are internal factors. (pportunities and Threats are e6ternal factors.

JK Tyre is the only company which has adopted T.M ?Total production maintenance@. >irst truck5bus steel radial plant in India. (ver rise decades of e6perience in tyre manufacturing. It is self sufficient in tyre production. In )angladesh it has no, position in market share. +bsorption of international technology to suit Indian conditions. <ell9knit distribution network. *6ports to more then BE countries in the world. It has 32Q market share in India. Tyre is easily available and serviced even in remotest parts of the country. ?eakness Media of advertisement is insufficient. Target will be fi6ed by the head office. It doesn8t manufacture two wheeler tyres. There is no pricing strategy adopted by JK Tyres, Aikrant plant, Mysore. The company is incurring more cost compare to other tyre manufacturer. <elfare of the labour is not taken into consideration. 0ow productivity of labour, in comparison to world standards.
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$igh cost of raw materials in comparison with the goal standards, smaller si!e of plant and hence less economic units.

Opportunities It is easy to become ,o.2 Tyre "ompany in India. -obust economic growth, particularly vehicle production growth resulting in healthy demand growth for tyres in the future. *6cellent brand e%uity of Indian cross ply5bias truck tyres in the world market. *6port culture inculcated enabling participation of small car is e6pected to give a thrust of auto component and tyre segment. Improved road infrastructure especially on the golden %uadrilateral and north9 south9east9west national highway project will result in significant increase in movement of goods and passenger traffic through roads with resulting growth in demand for in tyres. The company has the knowledge of entire tyre industry and businesses conditions prevailing in the market. &o it can easily start two wheeler tyre productions.

>aster pace of opening up of the economy will increase import of tyres. #radual increasing in natural rubber price. -eduction in important duties will lead to high volume of tyre imports. "onfessional import tariffs for countries like china and &outh Korea under regional trade agreement will lead to additional imports. "ompetition posed by the national and international market. Too much intervention by the head office.
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It has to adopt modern technology to reduce the cost of production. #overnment policies about the tyre industry. Multinationals with financial muscle setting up of manufacturing facilities in the country. #earning !<perience In this competitive world it is very much important to have e6perience of working in an organi!ation and only class room teaching is not enough. oing this project lot of learning has occurred. 0earning of practical applications of theoretical knowledge by e6posing to company has occurred. The learning e6perience is enlisted below. 2. The company is managing good industrial relations wherein good relation between workers and the superior managers. Is visible in terms of performance in the company G Industrial peace.. 3. The company is well managed with timely business strategies. =. )ased on ratio analysis the financial soundness of the company is measured. The following are learning e6perience with respect finance area of the company . I have studied the organi!ation of the company, the strategy adapted by the company, the organi!ation hierarchy and the way it works. The company gets the products of other competitors such as )ridgestone tyre to their testing labs and makes comparison with their product and adopts the technology of their competitors and attempts to give better product than their competitors. The company has adopted 'The participative leadership style1 so it encourages to its workers to show more interest in managerial activities. In production department, the process of the production is divided into different shops. It has safety measures at the work place. It has used
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advanced technology like automated machine in order to minimi!e cost of production. They produce %uality product. Main strategic intention of the department is recycling the wastage. If any wastage comes after the recycling it is send to other company for making the rubber better. uring the adoption of new technology, management provides more training skills to the workers for the efficient work and the work position. In order to motivate the employees, the company follows an internal recruitment process through promotions. If there is any vacant job the company first searches within the organi!ation and if right employee is not available internally then it goes for e6ternal recruitment.

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Grievance Han ling

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81y is Han'lin0 an "<,l&yee Grie+an)e s& !<,&rtant=

*nsuring a sound professional conduct and a healthy environment for its internal customers is a predisposition for any company. &ince, a firm is essentially comprised of individuals it is natural for disruptions to arise. $owever, how those disruptions and grievances are tackled is what plays a very important role for the smooth functioning of a work place. There may complaints or objects pertaining to the contract of an employee or the working pattern and parameters, or even out of cultural differences, at times even an employee persecution, disruptions arising out of salary and many other reasons. *ffective human resource policies should handle the grievance in such a way, which causes minimum loss to either the employee or the company and holds to the focus on performance orientation. They should be fair in their conduct while tending the complaint and foster a positive environment which is suitable for not only the firm8s growth but also individual8s professional and most importantly mental growth. Maintaining a positive rapport with the labor is the key to relationship building.

Pre)a(ti&ns an' Pres)ri,ti&ns

The management should take care of following aspects to develop a culture of trust and confidence upon the employees. 2. +lways ensure that the managers involved in the grievance handling procedures have a %uiet place to meet with the complainant. 3. +lways ensure that managers have ade%uate time to be devoted to the complainant. =. *6plain managerNs role, the policy and the procedures clearly in the grievance handling procedure. 4. >ully e6plaining the situation to the employee to eliminate any misunderstanding and promote better acceptance of the situation complained of. :. Try to let employee present their issues without prejudging or commenting B. o use a positive, friendly ways to resolve the crisis than punitive steps, which disturb the system.
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F. o remain calm, cool, collected during the course of the meeting. E. +lways focus on the subject of the grievance than allied issues. 7. onNt make threats manage the grievances. 2;. ,ever make use of allegations against personalities. 22. )e aware of the staff memberNs potential concerns to the possible repercussions of raising a grievance. 23. onNt become angry, belligerent, or hostile during grievance handling procedure. 2=. o listen for the main point of arguments and any possible avenue to resolve the grievance. 24. 0isten and respond sensitively to any distress e6hibited by the employees. 2:. *liminating the source of the irritation or discomfort being complained of. 2B. -eassure them that the managers will be acting impartially and that your hope is to resolve the matter if possible. 2F. onNt Shorse tradeS or swap one grievance for another Kwhere the union wins one, management wins oneL. *ach case should be decided on its merits. 2E. +void usage of verbosisms like Sit will be taken care of.S 27. *nsure effective, sensitive and confidential communication between all involved. 3;. Take all possible steps to ensure that no victimi!ation occurs as a result of the grievance being raised. 32. The investigator or decision maker acts impartially, which means they must e6clude themselves if there is any bias or conflict of interest. 33. +ll parties are heard and those who have had complaints made against others are given an opportunity to respond. 3=. Try to look upon the problem on different angles for appropriate understanding. 34. *nsuring that there is proper investigation of the facts and figures related the problem under concern. 3:. "onsider all relevant information in the investigation process.

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3B. +sk the staff member their preferred resolution option, although it is important to make it clear that this may not be a possible outcome. 3F. )e aware of the limits of authority of the person who involved in the grievance handling procedures. 3E. If the manager feels that he5she is not the appropriate person Ksenior managerL to deal with the issue refer the complainant to the appropriate person as soon as possible. 37. Try to get a better idea of whether the alleged discrimination or harassment happened or didnNt happen. =;. Tell them e6actly what they are supposed to have done, to whom and e6plain, why this may be seen as discrimination5harassment or as inappropriate. =2. #rievances are preferably to be settled informally at the level of the employeeNs immediate supervisor. =3. Try the level best to involve team members to resolve the crisis at unit level itself. ==. +void as far as possible the union involvement in conflict resolution situation process. =4. >ollow documentation the procedures, of all necessary steps taken to resolve the problem5complaint.

3.1 &5>e)ti+es &- t1e st('y.

2. To determine the industrial relation in the JK Tyre. 3. To determine the causes and degree of dispute in the JK Trye. =. To determine the machinery used to settle the dispute in JK Tyre. 4. To identify the areas of grievances in JK Tyre. :. To determine the grievance handling procedure in the JK Trye. B. To identify the type of grievance in JK Tyre. +'1 SCO"! O9 T=! ST0. Industrial relations is an integral aspect of social relations arising out of employer9employee interaction in modern industries which are regulated by the &tate in varying degrees, in conjunction with organi!ed social forces and influences by the e6isting institutions. &o, the employees should be provided with all facilities and should
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identify his or her talents to avoid any grievance in the organi!ation. The study about the grievance handling in JK Tyres and Industries 0td., e6amines its effectiveness. This project also helps to know the ine%ualities with regard to employees and effective procedure to solve them. +'+ 4!T=O.O#OA primary data: + set of %uestionnaire had been prepared to gather the information related to the subject from the employees. .ersonal interview were conducted to get more information. Information is also collected by observing the employees. secondary data: ata has been collected from organi!ations various documents from $- department. The process of data collection is further supplemented by various books and web9sites to get more information.

The Causes of Arie(ances: The causes of employee grievancesJ 2. emands for individual wage adjustments. 3. "omplaints about the incentive systems. =. "omplaints about the job classifications. 4. "omplaints against a particular foreman. :. "omplaints concerning disciplinary measures and procedures. B. (bjections to the general methods of supervision. F. 0oose calculation and interpretation of seniority rules, and unsatisfactory interpretation of agreements. E. .romotions. 7. isciplinary discharge or lay9off. 2;. Transfer for another department or another shift. 22. Inade%uacy of safety and health services 5 devices.
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23. ,on9availability of material in time. 2=. Aiolation of contracts relating to collective bargaining. 24. Improper job assignment. 2:. Indesirable or unsatisfactory conditions of work. +'/ !ffects of Arie(ance: #rievances, if they are not identified and redressed, may affect adversely the workers, managers and their organi!ation. The effects includeJ 2.On production : : 0ow %uality of production : 0ow %uality of production and productivity : Increase in the wastage of material, spoilage5leakage of machinery. : Increase in the cost of production per unit. 3. On employees: : Increase in the rate of absenteeism and turnover. : -educes the level of commitment, sincerity and punctuality. : Increases the incidence of accidents. : -educes the level of employee morale. =. On managers: : &trains the superior9subordinate relations. : Increases the degree of supervision, control and follow up. : Increases in disciplinary action cases. : Increases in unrest and, thereby, machinery to maintain industrial peace. +'2 The &enefits of a Arie(ance =andling "rocedure: +ccording to Jackson, further benefits that will accrue to both the employer and employees areJ :It encourages employees to raise concerns without fear of reprisal. :It provides a fair and speedy means of dealing with complaints. :It prevents minor disagreements developing into serious disputes. :It saves employer8s time and money as solutions are found for workplace problems.
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:It helps to build an organi!ational climate, based on openness and trust. O&>ecti(e of a Arie(ance - =andling "rocedure: Jackson lays down the objectives of a grievance9handling procedure as followsJ :To enable the employees to air his5her grievance :To clarify the nature of the grievance :To investigate the reasons for dissatisfaction :To obtain, where possible, a speedy resolution to the problem :To take appropriate actions and ensure that promises are kept. :To inform the employee of his or her right to take the grievance to ne6t stage of the procedure, in the event of an unsuccessful resolution

+'3 The .isco(ery of Arie(ances: #rievances can be uncovered in a number of ways. #ossip and grapevine offer vital clues about employee grievances. #ripe bo6es, open door policies, periodic interviews, e6it surveys could also be undertaken to cover the mystery surrounding grievances. These methods are discussed belowJ 7' O&ser(ation: + manager5 supervisor can usually track the behaviors of people working under him. If a particular employee is not getting along with people, spoiling materials due to carelessness or recklessness, showing indifference to commands, reporting late for work or is remaining absent9 the signals are fairly obvious. &ince the supervisor is close to the scene of action, he can always spot such unusual behaviors and report promptly. 1'Arie(ance"rocedure: + systematic grievance procedure is best means to highlight employee dissatisfaction at various levels. Management, to this end, must encourage employees to use it whenever they have anything to say. In the absence of such a procedure, grievances pile up and erupt in violent forms at a future date. )y that time things might have taken an ugly shape, impairing cordial relations between labour and management. If management

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fails to induce employees to e6press their grievances, unions will take over and emerge as powerful bargaining representatives. +' Aripe &o<es: + gripe bo6 may be kept at prominent locations in the factory for lodging anonymous complaints pertaining to any aspect relating to work. &ince the complainant need not reveal his identity, he can e6press his feelings of injustice or discontent frankly and without any fear of victimi!ation. /' Open door policy: This is a kind of walk9in9meeting with the manager when the employee can e6press his feelings openly about any work9related grievance. The Manager can cross9check the details of the complaint through various means at his disposal.

2' !<it inter(ie *mployees usually leave their current jobs due to dissatisfaction or better prospects outside. If the manager tries sincerely through an e6it interview, he might be able to find out the real reasons why '/1 is leaving the organi!ation. To elicit valuable information, the manager must encourage the employees to give a correct picture so as to rectify the mistakes promptly. If the employee is not providing fearless answers, he may be given a %uestionnaire to fill up and post the same after all his dues are cleared from the organi!ation where he is currently employed. 3' Opinion Sur(eys: &urveys may be conducted periodically to elicit the opinions of employees about the organi!ation and its politics. +'B 9orms of grie(ances: The grievance may take any one of the following formsJ a' 9actual: + factual grievance arises when legitimate needs of employees remain unfulfilled, e.g., wage hike has been agreed but not implemented citing various reasons. &' %maginary:
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<hen an employee8s dissatisfaction is not because of any valid reason but because of a wrong perception, wrong attitude or wrong information he has. &uch a situation may create an imaginary grievance. Though management is not at fault in such instances, still it has to clear the Pfog8 immediately.

.isguisedJ +n employee may have dissatisfaction for reasons that are unknown to himself. If he5she is under pressure from family, friends, relatives, neighbors, he5she may reach the work spot with a heavy heart. If a new recruit gets a new table and almirah, this may become an eyesore to other employees who have not been treated likewise previously.

4odel Arie(ance "rocedure: The Model grievance procedure suggested by the ,ational "ommission of 0abour involves si6 successive time bound steps each leading to the ne6t, in case of dissatisfaction. 2. The aggrieved worker in the first instance will approach the foreman and tell him of his grievances orally. The foreman has to redress his grievance and if the worker is not satisfied with this redressal, he can approach the supervisor. 3. The Super(isor has to provide an answer within /6 hours. In the event of the supervisor not giving an answer or the answer not being acceptable to the worker, the worker goes to the ne6t step. =. +t this stage, the worker either alone or accompanied with his departmental representative approaches the =ead of the .epartment who has to give an answer within three days. 4. If the epartment fails to give answer or if the worker is not satisfied with his answer, the worker may appeal to the Arie(ance Committee, consisting of the representatives of the employer and the employees. The recommendation of this "ommittee should be communicated to the Manager within se(en days from the date of the grievance reaching it.
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:. Inanimous decisions, if any, of the "ommittee shall be implemented by the Management. If there is no unanimity, the views of the members of the "ommittee shall be placed before the Manager for decision. The 4anager has to take a decision and the worker within three days. B. The worker can make an appeal against the manager8s decision and such an appeal has to be decided within a week. + Inion official may accompany the worker to the manager for discussion and if no decision is arrived at this stage, both the union and management may refer the grievance to (oluntary ar&itration within a week of receipt of the management8s decision. F. The worker in actual practice may not resort to all the above mentioned steps. >or e6ample, if the grievance is pi%ued because of his dismissal or discharge he can resort to the second step directly and he can make an appeal against dismissal or discharge.

3.? M&'el Grie+an)e 1an'lin0 Pr&)e'(re. Pr&)e'(re A,,eal a0ainst 9it1in a 9eek Ti<e $ra<e


3 'ays

Grie+an)e C&<<ittee

@ 'ays (nani<&(s

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3 'ays


%? 1&(rs




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To conclude the analysis it reveals that in the competitive market a small change in the strategy of the company, can win a lot as well as ruin in its position in the market. The committee is of the view that the tyre being the derived demand item that is for the fitment in the vehicle. Tyre demand and production growth is closely related to production growth of automobile and e6tent of usage of vehicle. In the above study the comparison between the theoretical aspect and the practical operations of institution is studied with respect to JK Tyre and Industries, Mysore. >rom the analysis its clear that there are several institutions that come into picture, like I"" +TM+ >I*( "+.+/I0 -)I and other banks *6cise "ustoms "learing and forwarding +gents &hipping companies. The above mentioned institution come into picture for smooth flow of e6ports, they not only provide a path for e6port but also acts as a spinal cord for the e6porting firms

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2. M- .Krishna .rasad Ksenior manager9 $- L. 3. "ompany profile and annual report.

www.jktyre.com '

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