SWMS_Rolling shutter fixing work
SWMS_Rolling shutter fixing work
SWMS_Rolling shutter fixing work
Project Name: HILTI MANUFACTURING INDIA PVT. LTD. Address: Savli, Gujarat
Company Name: SCON Projects Private Limited Activity/Work:- Rolling shutter fixing work
Address: Samarth House Sr. No. 116, Hissa No. 3/1,3/3, 3/10, Pune Bangalore Highway, Near Shell Petrol Pump, Warje, Pune-411058
Office Contact No: 020-25286425
PM/Supervisor Name Mr. Sachin Khairnar Contact No.: 9657002698
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into (Identify the hazards associated with Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or minimize
the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls below as a this happens
steps. Each step should each step. Examine each to find (See
accomplish some major possibilities that could lead to an below) guide
tasks and be in logical accident or potential harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
sequence.) 2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Unaware about workplace 4) Tool box talk will be conducted every day before start of the work.
5) SOP's & Safe Work method Statement's will be briefed to workers
before starting the work.
6) Job specific trainings will be conducted for workers.
7) Only authorized, medically fit and trained workers will be
deployed for the work.
8) Proper supervision will be provided.
9) It will be insured that Mandatory PPE's & Job specific PPE's are
being provided and worn by workers while working.
1) Ensure material shall be handling safely and use cotton hand Area
2 Material shifting
Fall of material gloves, only inspected vehicle shall be used for shifting of material. Supervisor
M and
2) Access way should be clear for material shifting.
Fall of material Engineer
3) It will be ensure After shifting of materials respective location and
Fall of equipment
stack properly with barricade.
M 1) Only inspected tools and equipment shall be used for fixing side Area
Electric shock brackets. Supervisor
3 Fixing side brackets by
M and
using welding machine. 2) Authorized welder shall be deputed for hot work.
Fire Engineer
3) Connection shall be ensuring through 30 mA ELCB/ RCCB.
Burn M
4) Area shall be barricaded for hot work.
5) Electrical cable should lead min 2 m height from ground surface. No
exposed electrical wire.
6) Ensure tools and material shall be tied with rope at height (work
7) Use of good insulation of welding supply & erecting cable.
8) Ensure Joint free cable to be used.
9) Ensure only approved and inspected welding machine to be used
and inspection tag stick on machine body with valid sign.
10) Hot work permit to be taken from concern Engg. and verified by
safety dept.
11) Proper earthing to welding machine.(double earthling required)
12) Ensure 30 mA of ELCB shall be used for welding machine.
13) Remove all flammable & combustible material from work area.
14) Fire extinguisher to be kept available nearby working area.
15) It will be insured that Mandatory PPE's & Job specific PPE's are
being provided and worn by workers while working.
M 1) Ensure work permits taken by Engg and verified by safety officer Area
Lifting and fixing of shaft Fall of material prior of activity Supervisor
4 M and
by using farana/ 2) Ensure only inspected scaffold should use for work and ensure tag
manually. Fall of material Engineer
system followed for scaffolding.
Fall of equipment M
3) It will be ensure that only light weight shaft lifting by manually
help of pp rope.
4) Ensure only inspected portable tools and equipments shall use for
work and inspection tag stick on equipments body.
5) Ensure all mandatory PPEs to be used Safety helmet, Safety shoes,
reflective jacket, safety goggle, hand gloves etc.
6) Ensure safety harness (FBSH) above 1.8 mtr. Height
7) Ensure only trained rigger deployed, and only allowed Inspected
crane /farana used.
8) Safe access for movement of Farana, Trained workers & use of PP
guide rope used during shifting of material, Signal man should be
deployed. Area under suspended load shall be clear.
9) Ensure only authorized operator with valid license shall operate
9) For continuous protection double lanyard belt to be used. Worker
to tie his safety belt to lifeline or nearest scaffold.
Fire M 4) Ensure electrical Cable shall not obstructed traffic and man
5) Remove all flammable & combustible material from work area.
6) Fire extinguisher / Fire point available on working area.
1)Ensure proper illumination during dark hours.(100 lux) Area
Work during dark hours Darkness
8 H Supervisor
2) Route shall be illuminated.
Fall of person , materials
3) Ensure close supervision will be done while working at night work. Engineer
4) Job specific training has been conducted to all worker’s
Personnel Summary
Supervisors Name & Qualifications: Name: Mr. Sagar Patil
Experience: 4 Years
Qualifications: BE (Civil)
Supervisor’s Responsibilities: In addition to the above, the supervisor is to provide training in the use of this SWMS, issue PPE and
provide training in the same, supervise the work, ensure conformity with this SWMS, amend the SWMS
when additional hazards are found (and if applicable, ensure all workers receive a tool-box talk to discuss
the control measures for the additional hazards).
TICKETS, PERMITS or LICENCES REQUIRED undertaking this work (ie. Certificates of Competency, Confined Spaces etc):
Serial Plant/Equipment Contractor Work cover Plant Maintenance/service records and log books
Registration Hazards sighted by Principal Contractor prior to
No (if identified equipment being used on site?
applicable) and
controlle Yes No Sign Date
d within
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT USED DURING THE WORKS (Attach Electrical Equipment Register if applicable):
Item Tag/ Testers Name License Test Result Test Result
Item & Signature Number Date Date
____ /___
/____ _
/____ /___
____ /___
/____ _
/____ /___
Purpose Location & MSDS
Date MSD
(i.e. Volume Controls Attache
Date on Site Left Product Name S
Applicatio Used on (& PPE to be worn) d
Site Date
n on site) Site (Y/N)
/ / / / Cement / /
/ / / / / /
N.B. - All workers must be trained in the safe use of all chemicals and provided with the PPE required when using and storing these chemicals. Disposal
is to be as per the waste disposal methods in the MSDS. Spillage and leaks are to be cleaned up as per the spill/leak procedures identified in the MSDS.
We agree that we have been consulted in the hazards and control measures and agree to complete the work in accordance with our Safe Work
Method Statement (SWMS).
We have been provided with training in all tasks outlined in our SWMS and in the Codes of Practice applicable to our work.
Date: Time: