Thinktactoe Assessment Portfolio
Thinktactoe Assessment Portfolio
Thinktactoe Assessment Portfolio
Think-Tac-Toe Assessment
Directions: You may choose any three assignments that are in a line, but your line must go through the middle box. Possible combinations include: (1-5-9), (2-5-8), (3-5-7), (4-56) Assignments (not including the DBQ) will be due on May 7th (A Day) & May 8th (B Day).
1. Trench Warfare Movie Make a video from a soldiers perspective that accurately depicts the conditions of trench warfare. Your video must include technology/weapons that were used in trench warfare (you can be creative with props). This can be a group project if you wish. You must also include a one page, double-spaced paper discussing what the difficulties of trench warfare were. This must be done individually. 4. Todays History Create a 3-page play that includes dialogue between the major powers present at the Paris Peace Conference. Your dialogue should include each countrys opinions on the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. 2. Brainwash a Country! Construct a propaganda poster from any country involved in WWI. Your poster must be original (not similar to any real posters) and accurately portray the message that the country you chose would have tried to convey. You must also include a onepage paper explaining your poster and how it portrays that countrys nationalistic views during wartime. 3. Rhyme with Reason Write a rap or poem, or create a music video, on the causes of WWI. All of the causes that we discussed must be included and described in detail. If the rap/ poem does not include historical content, then the project will not be considered complete. (No inappropriate language!)
5. Imperialism Assignment Imperialism DBQ (assignment on separate page) Due: April 23 A-Day April 24 B-Day
6. Mapping out Alliances Create a map depicting the alliances of WWI. Write onepage paper explaining your map. Your explanation should consider how geography might have influenced the alliances in WWI.
7. Not-So-Lovely Letters Write a series of 3 letters from a soldier to a loved one. One letter must include the soldiers feelings about war. Another must include an explanation of the new technology used in WWI, and the other must mention trench warfare. Each letter should be 1 page (double-spaced).
8. Peace-maker Write your own Treaty of Versailles. The goal of your treaty is to create a peaceful Europe after the war. Additionally, write a onepage (double-spaced) paper that explains why your treaty would make peace possible.
9. Photo Narrative Create a 5-page Photo Narrative (like the one we completed in a previous class) depicting a timeline of WW1. Must include 5 photographs from WW1 that describe the events of the war. Each photograph should have accompanying text of at least 5 sentences.
Choice Assessment
Think-Tac-Toe Assignment Rubric
Exemplary (20 Points) All information presented in the assignment is historically accurate. All project requirements are met. The assignment conveys very effectively and creatively a clear theme or message that is related to World War I. The writing is free or almost free of errors. Project is submitted on time.
Acceptable (15 Points) At least 75% of all information presented in the assignment is historically accurate. One project requirement is not met. The assignment conveys a clear theme of message related to World War I. There are occasional errors, but they do not distract the reader.
Limited (10 Points) About 50% of all information presented in the assignment is historically accurate. Two project requirements are not met. The assignment conveys a discernible message, but one that is not particularly interesting or creative. The writing has some errors, which may distract the reader.
Deficient (5 Points) Less than 50% of all information presented in the assignment is historically accurate. Two or more project requirements are not met. The play either conveys a theme very ineffectively or conveys no theme at all. There are so many errors that the meaning is unclear. Project is submitted late.