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(6 Pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32027 E Sub. Code : SMJM 21/




Second Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Core


(For those who joined in July 2017 – 2020)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answers :

1. Headlines are generally given by –––––––––

(a) Page designer (b) Sub-editors

(c) Reporter (d) (b) and (c)

2. Which of these news values are not highlighted in
sports news story?
(a) Prominence of the sports event
(b) Progress in terms of statistics
(c) Human interest
(d) News elements

3. One or two words that reports at the left top of the

story to identify a specific copy is known
(a) Slug (b) Subhead
(c) Headline (d) Subject

4. News headlines are normally based on the ––––––

(a) Story (b) Body
(c) Details (d) Lead

5. An important news received and put out briefly

when a news bulletin is going on the air is called
(a) Kicker (b) Flash
(c) Chunk (d) Lead

6. Yellow journalism started with –––––––––

(a) Rupert murdoch (b) Pulitzer
(c) B.G. Horniman (d) Winston Churchill

Page 2 Code No. : 32027 E

7. A news story follows ––––––––– style.
(a) Inverted pyramid (b) Pyramid
(c) Journalese (d) Straight

8. Feature stories means –––––––––

(a) A detailed look at something interesting that’s
not breaking news
(b) Stories that uncover information that few
people knew
(c) Movie reviews
(d) Articles that any reader can add to or change

9. In journalism, “convergence” means

(a) Sharing facilities, newsgathering resources,
personnel or content
(b) Different news media all cover the same story
in the same way
(c) The content of one newspaper is
indistinguishable from that of any other
(d) News organizations are all striving to put the
same ideological slant on news stories

Page 3 Code No. : 32027 E

10. Blogs means –––––––––
(a) Online diaries kept by individuals or small
(b) Online question
(c) Talking with people
(d) Answer pages

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Explain the important features of column


(b) Explain the types of interviews.

12. (a) What are the qualities required for a reporter?

(b) Explain the various elements of news.

13. (a) Comment on international news agencies.

(b) What is the structure of a news story?

Page 4 Code No. : 32027 E

14. (a) What is the importance of proof reading in a

(b) Explain string operation.

15. (a) What is news? Explain the various sources of


(b) What are the essentials for science reporting?

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b). Each

answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Define news. Discuss the main elements of


(b) Describe the various techniques in the crime

17. (a) What makes news? Explain the news values

with examples.

(b) News editor is the number one man in a news
room. Elucidate.

Page 5 Code No. : 32027 E

18. (a) Critically analyze the duties and
responsibilities of a reporter.

(b) “The headlines is the best salesman of a
newspaper”. Explain the functions of
headlines with examples.

19. (a) Explain the inverted pyramid method with


(b) Describe the duties and functions of
parliamentary correspondent.

20. (a) Define the role and responsibility of a

journalist in shaping the nation.

(b) Elucidate the principles of reporting science
and environment.


Page 6 Code No. : 32027 E

(6 Pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32028 E Sub. Code : SMJM 22/




Second Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Core


(For those who joined in July 2017 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answers :

1. Quoted passage set off from the running text

without quotation marks is called

(a) Block quote (b) Quote block

(c) Brackets (d) Bold

2. Note on hard copy to indicate the placement of art
or to signal a cross reference is called
(a) Caps (b) Character
(c) Callout (d) Citation

3. A ––––––––– performs a traffic control function,

assessing incoming copy, giving priority to urgent
news and ensuring consistency in the handling of
the story.
(a) Taster (b) Tester
(c) Checker (d) Quicker

4. What is the official title of AP stylebook?

(a) Associated press stylebook
(b) The associated press stylebook
(c) American press stylebook
(d) The American press stylebook

5. Citizen journalism is also called as

(a) Weather journalism
(b) Courtesy journalism
(c) Guerrilla journalism
(d) New journalism
Page 2 Code No. : 32028 E
6. ––––––––– add nothing to meaning, an editor can
simply cut them in desk operation.
(a) Empty phrases (b) Quotes
(c) Numbers (d) Graphics

7. In news writing, after brainstorming the next step

(a) revising (b) drafting
(c) designing (d) spell check

8. ––––––––– is language that is specific to a group

of people.
(a) Voice (b) Slang
(c) Spelling (d) Grammar

9. A ––––––––– is a letter sent to a publication about

issues of concern from its readers.
(a) Letter to the editor
(b) Letter to the correspondent
(c) Letter to the head
(d) Letter to the reporter

10. A feature story is a piece of news writing which

comes under the genre
(a) Interview (b) Non-fiction
(c) Fiction (d) Vox populi

Page 3 Code No. : 32028 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b) not

exceeding 250 words.

11. (a) Write notes about editorial.

(b) What is the differences between an editor in
chief and a managing editor?

12. (a) Who is a desk editor?

(b) What is direct injection?

13. (a) Explain about the stringer.

(b) What you mean by a correspondent?

14. (a) What is photo caption?

(b) Write note about byline.

15. (a) Explain about editorial.

(b) Write note about letter to the editors.

Page 4 Code No. : 32028 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b) not

exceeding 600 words.

16. (a) Write about the organizational structure of an

editorial department in a newspaper.

(b) Write an essay on news processing.

17. (a) What are the main desk functions of a

newspaper editing?

(b) Illustrate about the proprietary software.

18. (a) Write an essay on the advantages of citizen


(b) Illustrate about editing and proofreading.

19. (a) How to choose appropriate headlines for

feature stories?

(b) How are catchwords used as an effective
element in news stories? Explain.

Page 5 Code No. : 32028 E

20. (a) What are the principles of writing an
editorial? Explain.

(b) What are the qualities and responsibilities of
leader writer of a newspaper?


Page 6 Code No. : 32028 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32031 E Sub. Code : SMJM 41/




Fourth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Core


(For those who joined in July 2017–2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. The role of advertising is to –––––––––

(a) Stimulate audience (b) Remind audience
(c) Engage audience (d) Inform audience

2. Billiard Ball principle was proposed by –––––––––

(a) John Dalton (b) Neils Bohr
(c) Ernest Rutherford (d) J.J. Thomson
3. The first advertising agency appeared in the
––––––––– century.
(a) 20th century (b) 19th century
(c) 4th century (d) 18th century

4. ––––––––– is the pattern of timing of an

advertising which is represented as plots on a
flowchart on a yearly basis.
(a) Media planning (b) Media scheduling
(c) Media strategy (d) None of the above

5. An advertising budget is –––––––––

(a) Promotional expenditure
(b) Expense for promotion
(c) Spending money to establish a brand
(d) All the above

6. The first pioneer of public relations who wrote

declaration of principles was
(a) George Parker
(b) Ivy Lee
(c) John D. Rocker Feller
(d) George creel

Page 2 Code No. : 32031 E

7. The first book on public relations crystallizing
public opinion was written by
(a) Edward L. Bernays (b) Carl Byoir
(c) George creel (d) Ivy Lee

8. Measuring the impact of public relations

campaign is
(a) Analysis (b) Evaluation
(c) Researching (d) None of above

9. In AIDA model first 'A' stands for

(a) Attention (b) Accurate
(c) Audience (d) None of the above

10. Advertising is affected by ––––––––– forces.

(a) Economic (b) Social
(c) Technological (d) All the above

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Describe the role of public relations.

(b) Discuss the growth of advertising in India.

Page 3 Code No. : 32031 E

12. (a) Distinguish the differences between
advertising and public relation.


(b) Explain the objectives of public relations.

13. (a) What are the skills required for a good copy


(b) Explain in detail about AIDA model.

14. (a) Explain in detail about Billiard ball principle.


(b) Comment the difference between informative

function and persuasive function.

15. (a) Explain in detail about the public relations

transfer process.


(b) Explain the role of PR in political Campaign.

Page 4 Code No. : 32031 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Discuss the growth of advertising in India.

(b) Explain the difference between advertising in
radio and TV with appropriate example.

17. (a) In the current scenario, discuss elaborately

the role of social media in public relations.

(b) Explain elaborately the seven important
functions of advertising.

18. (a) Explain in detail about the categories of target


(b) Analyze the role of a PRO in managing a crisis
of an organization.

19. (a) Explain the barriers in advertising process

with an example.

(b) Explain in detail about the mediums/channels
in marketing.

Page 5 Code No. : 32031 E

20. (a) Your department is conducting a seminar on
public relations and advertising for three
days. Students of JMC/VisCom can register.
Registration fees : Rs. 200. Food and
accommodation will be free. Write a press
release for the above event.

(b) Write in detail about branding? And mention
the characteristics of a good branding.


Page 6 Code No. : 32031 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32032 E Sub. Code : SMJM 51



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication - Core


(For those who joined in July 2017-2019 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. New All India services can be initiated in India

only if the following makes a recommendation?

(a) President (b) Rajya sabha

(c) Lok sabha (d) Council of ministers

2. Who among the following reserves the right to
initiate the Constitutional Amendment?
(a) Supreme Court of India
(b) Parliament of India
(c) President of India
(d) Union council of ministers

3. Which among the following amendments of

Constitution of India had accorded precedence to
Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?
(a) 25th (b) 42nd
(c) 59th (d) 44th

4. The right to move freely throughout the territory

of India comes under which Article of the Indian
(a) Article 11 (b) Article 13
(c) Article 19 (d) Article 22

5. How many Fundamental Rights have been

provided by the Constitution of India?
(a) Eight (b) Nine
(c) Five (d) Six

Page 2 Code No. : 32032 E

6. How many fundamental duties are noticed in the
Constitution of India?
(a) Nine (b) Eleven
(c) Eight (d) None of the above

7. What is the meaning of the term ‘Liberty’?

(a) Right to express anything
(b) Right to go anywhere
(c) Absence of restrictions
(d) Presence of restrictions

8. –––––––––– is unauthorized use, typically of a

patent or copyright
(a) Infringement (b) Invasion of privacy
(c) Slander (d) libel

9. Which act formed the supreme court of India

(a) Vernacular Press act
(b) The press and registration of books act
(c) Regulating Act
(d) Gagging act

10. Which state is exempted from the contempt of

courts act
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Bihar
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Jharkhand
Page 3 Code No. : 32032 E
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions. By choosing (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) What is Preamble?


(b) List down the “Fundamental Duties” in the

Indian Constitution.

12. (a) Define: Information technology Act.


(b) Write short notes on Right to Information.

13. (a) Write a detail note on Cinematography act.


(b) Expand and explain: AIR. - -:

14. (a) Examine the freedom of the press as

guaranteed in the Indian Constitution.


(b) Discuss in detail about the ethics of


Page 4 Code No. : 32032 E

15. (a) Explain Copy right act and give example.

(b) Expand and explain: IPR.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions. By choosing (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Discuss the functions and jurisdiction of the

Supreme Court of India.


(b) Examine the salient features of Indian


17. (a) Draft an essay on film Censorship.


(b) Discuss the freedom of speech and expression

guaranteed under the Constitution of India.

18. (a) Explain the functions of Cable TV Network

Regulations Act, 1995.


(b) ‘Media should have self regulations.’ Do you

agree? - Discuss.
Page 5 Code No. : 32032 E
19. (a) With freedom of the press go obligations and
responsibilities. Give examples.


(b) Enumerate the importance of Press Council.

20. (a) Define: (i) Cyber Crime (ii) Cyber Law.


(b) Why is it important for journalist to have

basic Knowledge of the constitution? Discuss.


Page 6 Code No. : 32032 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32035 E Sub. Code : SMJM 54



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2017-2019 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Who started the journal Indian Opinion?

(a) B. G. Tilak
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

2. Kesari was started in ––––––––––––

(a) 1881 (b) 1947
(c) 1920 (d) 1935
3. In which year Tamil News Daily Tamilan
launched ––––––––––––
(a) 1905 (b) 1907
(c) 1921 (d) 1906

4. Name of the first printed Tamil book –––––––––––

(a) Tambiran Vanakkam
(b) Tamil Vanakkam
(c) Thol Kappiyam
(d) Sathura Agarathi

5. Editor of Kudi Arasu ––––––––––––

(a) K.M. Thangam Perumal
(b) M.C. Rajah
(c) Periyar
(d) S.Ramanathan

6. Il Giornale ––––––––––––
(a) Journal (b) News paper
(c) Reporter (d) King

7. First Tamil book was printed in ––––––––––––

(a) Latin (b) Dutch
(c) Portuguese (d) English

Page 2 Code No. : 32035 E

8. Who was the first pietist missionary came to India
(a) Bartholomaus Ziegenbalg
(b) Johannes Schnaitmann
(c) Anton Egeler
(d) Immanuel Gottlieb Kolb

9. The first newspaper of India was ––––––––––––

(a) Bengal Courier
(b) Bengal Times
(c) Bengal Gazette
(d) The Hindu

10. Who started the newspaper Kesari

(a) Bala Gangadhara Tilak
(b) M.K.Gandhi
(c) Rabidranath Tagore
(d) Motilal Nehru

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Write a short note on importance of Tamil

newspaper before Independence.

(b) Write about the first Tamil book.
Page 3 Code No. : 32035 E
12. (a) Write about Madras School Books Society.


(b) Write a short note on Non-Brahmin

Movement in Tamil Nadu?

13. (a) Give details about Dinamani.


(b) Write a short note on Self-Respect Movement.

14. (a) Explain in short about Freedom Press of



(b) What do you mean by Political Consciousness

and why is it needed?

15. (a) Write a short on Tholkappiyam.


(b) Write a short note on following Tamil


(i) Nakkheeran.

(ii) Kumudham.

Page 4 Code No. : 32035 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Write elaborately progress of Tamil

Journalism in post-Independence India.


(b) Write the origin of journalism in India.

17. (a) Explain the role of Missionaries in Print



(b) Explain the role of Tamil news dailies during

freedom struggle.

18. (a) Discuss the difference between Tamil

Magazines and Newspapers with appropriate


(b) Write elaborately the history of Daily Thanthi.

Page 5 Code No. : 32035 E

19. (a) How journals helped for the development of

(b) Discuss the contribution of Tamil newspapers
in the development of style in the language.

20. (a) Describe the Role of Newspaper in Indian

Freedom Struggle.

(b) Write about the portrayal of Women in Tamil


Page 6 Code No. : 32035 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32036 E Sub. Code : SMJM 61



Sixth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2017–2019 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer

1. ESPN stands for

(a) Entertainment and Sports programming
(b) Education and Sports programming Network
(c) Education and Science
(d) Entertainment and Science programming
2. One of the pioneers of Women sports casting are
(a) Jane Chastain (b) Oprah winfrey
(c) Jennifer Aniston (d) Barkha Duff

3. The current editor of Economic Times is

(a) N.Ram
(b) Rahul Joshi
(c) Bodhisatva Ganguli
(d) None of the above

4. SEBI stands for

(a) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(b) Social Exchange Board of India
(c) Secular Exchange Board of India
(d) Service and Exchange Board of India

5. Which of the following can be considered as a

division of business department of a newspaper?
(a) Advertising (b) Composing
(c) Proof desk (d) Photo department

6. Full form of APP is

(a) Agence France-Presse
(b) Associated France Press
(c) Agency of French press
(d) Association of French Press

Page 2 Code No. : 32036 E

7. NISCAIR publishes Science Reporter, a popular
science magazine in
(a) Hindi and English
(b) English only
(c) Hindi only
(d) Hindi, English and Urdu

8. Blue Revolution denotes

(a) Development in Irrigation facilities
(b) Cleaning Water resources
(c) Increasing the production of Fisheries
(d) None of the above

9. Place which is the centre of news gathering

process is
(a) News desk (b) News bureau
(c) Morgue (d) Library

10. —————— is a circulation auditing

organisation in India
(a) Press trust of India
(b) Registrar of Newspaper for India
(c) Audit Bureau of Circulation
(d) Press Council of India

Page 3 Code No. : 32036 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Define Sports reporting and its types.

(b) Explain the importance of sports reporting.

12. (a) Define share market.

(b) Explain the importance of business

13. (a) Explain the economic structure of Villages.

(b) Explain the dos and dont’s of rural reporting.

14. (a) Describe the need for science reporting.

(b) Define Jargon.

15. (a) Define Lifestyle reporting.

(b) What are the basic qualities of a War

Page 4 Code No. : 32036 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate on the necessary skills required

for a reporter to cover a sports event.

(b) Write a report for any recent women sports

17. (a) Compare the style of reporting in business

columns in newspapers and magazine

(b) Business reporting helps to stabilise the
economy. Comment.

18. (a) How does globalization have an effect on

social change in villages?

(b) Rural reporting helps to develop villages.
Comment your views with suitable examples.

Page 5 Code No. : 32036 E

19. (a) What are the necessary qualities required for
a science reporter?

(b) Technology helps in development. Comment
your views.

20. (a) In Lifestyle reporting the use of photographs

has increased remarkably. What are the
reasons? Explain with arguments.

(b) Discuss the principles of news writing and
its relevance to political reporting. Illustrate
with examples.


Page 6 Code No. : 32036 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32039 E Sub. Code : SMJM 64



Sixth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2017-2019 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Where was the first Common Wealth games held?

(a) Britain (b) Australia
(c) Canada (d) China

2. Which country held Asian Games in 1982 held?

(a) Kolkata (b) Delhi
(c) Chennai (d) Mumbai
3. How many medals India won in Tokyo Olympics in
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 5 (d) 7

4. Non-professional and Non-official publication

produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural
phenomenon is _____________
(a) Fanzines (b) Periodicals
(c) Journals (d) Magazines

5. Who is the official broadcaster of Indian cricket?

(a) Eurosport India (b) Viacom 18
(c) Star Sports (d) Sony Six

6. Neeraj Chopra won gold medal in Olympics 2020

for ________
(a) Athletics (b) Javelin throw
(c) Weightlifting (d) Archery

7. Major international sports competition for athletes

with disabilities_______
(a) Paralympics (b) Asian Games
(c) Common Wealth (d) National Games

Page 2 Code No. : 32039 E

8. World Sports Journalists Day is celebrated on
(a) 2nd July (b) 5th December
(c) 12th March (d) 2nd April

9. Reuters is a _________ based news agency.

(a) Britain
(b) United States of America
(c) Australia
(d) Canada

10. The relationship between sport, the media and

sponsorship are known as __________
(a) Image Branding (b) Marketing
(c) Golden Trio (d) Golden Triangle

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Write a short note on Commonwealth games?

(b) What is golden triangle in sports?
Page 3 Code No. : 32039 E
12. (a) Explain the role of a sports editor in a
newspaper organisation?


(b) What are special interviews in a sports


13. (a) Explain how to report sports result in media.


(b) Name any five sports magazines of any

languages and explain them.

14. (a) Explain the role of a sports beat photographer.


(b) Explain the importance of infographics in

sports news.

15. (a) Discuss on any five advertisements featuring

sports stars with suitable examples.


(b) Write a short note on sports marketing.

Page 4 Code No. : 32039 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) What is sports commentary? How it is

differing for radio and television?

(b) Explain the role of news agencies in sports
coverage? Give examples.

17. (a) Explain the skills and qualities needed for

sports beat reporter.

(b) “Public Relations and marketing are
important for sports”. Explain the statement.

18. (a) What is beat reporting? Explain different

types of beat reporting with examples.

(b) What is sports photo journalism? Explain
photo-editing and writing captions for sports

Page 5 Code No. : 32039 E

19. (a) Discuss the uses and need of archives and
reference section in Sports journalism.

(b) Write an essay ‘marketing powers of sports
stars and brand advertisements’.

20. (a) Explain sports merchandise and

advertisement sales.

(b) Write an essay on ‘future of sports journalism
in the digital era’?


Page 6 Code No. : 32039 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32042 E Sub. Code : SEJM 6 A



Sixth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication


(For those who joined in July 2017-2019 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Where do the public is involved in scientific

(a) World Science
(b) Open Science
(c) Citizen Science
(d) Natural Science
2. –––––––––– is under the administrative control of
the Department of Space, Government of India.
(a) ISO (b) ISRO
(c) ISROT (d) ISI

3. What is the structure of a typical news story?

(a) Vertical
(b) Horizontal
(c) Inverted Pyramid
(d) Pyramid

4. ___________ helps to uncover trends, realize

nsights, explore sources, and tell stories.
(a) Good Sound
(b) Effective Visualization
(c) Theory
(d) None

5. Story emphasizing the human or entertaining

aspects of a situation. A news story or other
material differentiated from straight news.
(a) Soft News (b) Hard News
(c) Feature (d) Column

Page 2 Code No. : 32042 E

6. ____________ is a public communication of science
related topic to non-expert.
(a) Science Communication
(b) Sports Communication
(c) Intra personal Communication
(d) Group Communication

7. ‘Poovulagu’ is a _________ magazine published in

(a) Children’s science magazine ;
(b) Sports science magazine
(c) Environment science magazine
(d) Medical science magazine

8. First sentence or few sentences or paragraph in a

news story is ––––––––––.
(a) Libel (b) Lead
(c) Head (d) None

9. Full form of KSSP- popular science movement.

(a) Karnataka Sastra Sahitya Parishad
(b) Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad
(c) Kollam Sastra Sahitya Parishad
(d) Kollar Sastra Sahitya PariShad

Page 3 Code No. : 32042 E

10. When the World Environment Day is celebrated?
(a) 3rd June (b) 4th June
(c) 5th June (d) 6th June

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Why Science journalism is important for


(b) What do you understand about science

12. (a) What are the different tools of science


(b) Point out the growth of science journalism in

13. (a) Define the nature of science news.

(b) How do you write a science news story based
on a research paper?

Page 4 Code No. : 32042 E

14. (a) Write a short note on Environmental
(b) Point out the role of the poster in science

15. (a) Write a note on Tamilnadu Science Forum.

(b) Point out the role of VIGYAN PRASAR in
promoting science communication.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) What are the characteristics of a good science

reporter? Discuss.
(b) Why science journalist should read reports,
research papers, and science magazines?

17. (a) Discuss the role of science journalism in

developing countries.
(b) What are the things to be considered while
reporting science writing? Discuss.
Page 5 Code No. : 32042 E
18. (a) Explain the importance of Medical journalism
in the current era? Discuss.
(b) Discuss the role of Tamil Newspapers in
Science literacy.

19. (a) Illustrate the effective ways of science

journalism for a special target group.
(b) Write a detailed note on Entertainment with

20. (a) Write about the popular science movements in

India. Explain with two examples.
(b) Describe science journalism’s role in creating
public awareness.


Page 6 Code No. : 32042 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32046 E Sub. Code : SAJM 31/




Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Allied


(For those who joined in July 2017-2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Johan Gutenburg introduced __________.

(a) Computer
(b) Printing press
(c) Radio
(d) Television
2. Font is the term which deals with the style of
(a) Alphabets (b) Types
(c) Letters (d) Drawing

3. Identify the software which is used for designing

magazines in the following
(a) MS – Word
(b) Indesign
(c) Corel Draw
(d) MS - Windows

4. Identify the software which is used for creating

(a) Photoshop
(b) Quark Express
(c) MS – Office
(d) DOS

5. In CMYK system of colours M stands for ________.

(a) Magenta (b) Black
(c) Blue (d) Red

Page 2 Code No. : 32046 E

6. In RGB system of colours G stands for _________.
(a) Grey (b) Black
(c) Green (d) Group

7. In relief printing the image area is _________

(a) Projected (b) Covered
(c) Depressed (d) Suppressed

8. In gravure printing process the image area is

(a) Projected (b) Covered
(c) Depressed (d) Suppressed

9. _________ is the trade character of MRF.

(a) Muscle Man
(b) Dancing girl
(c) Elephant
(d) Lion

10. Identify the colour of the Parachute oil package

(a) Magenta (b) Black
(c) Blue (d) Red

Page 3 Code No. : 32046 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Explain the nature of planographic printing

(b) Explain how the invention of printing press
influenced education.

12. (a) Write short notes on: Quark Express and

(b) Explain the types of scanning in few words.

13. (a) List and explain the special features of

colour theory.
(b) Elaborate: Colour wheel and colour triangle.

14. (a) Explain: Digital Printing Process.

(b) Explain: Screen Printing Process.

Page 4 Code No. : 32046 E

15. (a) Draw two logos to advertise any two brands
of bathing soap.


(b) Discuss: Any four types of packaging.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Trace the origin and history of printing



(b) Who introduced modern printing technology?

What are the resultant consequences in the
religious and educational scenario in

17. (a) Elaborate the principles of designing for



(b) Elucidate the importance of colour theory.

Page 5 Code No. : 32046 E

18. (a) Discuss the applications of colour theory.
(b) Elaborate the importance of illustration in

19. (a) Elaborate the importance of digital era and

the consequences in printing industry.
(b) Elaborate the differences between offset
printing and screen printing.

20. (a) Elaborate how packaging for wholesale is

more important.
(b) List and explain the features of packaging.


Page 6 Code No. : 32046 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32047 E Sub. Code : SAJM 41/




Fourth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Allied


(For those who joined in July 2017-2020)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer:

1. The first television broadcast service in the world

was started by
(a) Doordarshan
(c) ANI
(d) BBC
2. Radio Broadcasting Commenced in India in

(a) 1923 (b) 1926

(c) 1936 (d) 1930

3. Journalists start collecting answers to the

questions of _________.

(a) 5W and 1H

(b) 6W and 2H

(c) 5W and 2H

(d) 4w and 1H

4. The first ever news bulletin in the country went on

the air from which station _________.

(a) Calcutta (b) Bombay

(c) Delhi (d) Chennai

5. A live news bulletin is controlled and coordinated


(a) PCR (b) MCR

(c) Edit Suit (d) Studio

Page 2 Code No. : 32047 E

6. A device that scrolls the text in front of the camera
for the anchor to read is
(a) Tele-reader (b) Tele-viewer
(c) Tele Prompter (d) Scroller

7. Chroma key is used in Television Production for

(a) Lighting
(b) Colouring
(c) Removal of background
(d) All the above

8. Voice over is given in a news bulleting usually by

(a) Anchor (b) Reporter
(c) Editor (d) Anyone

9. The minimum number of camera required for an

interview programme in television is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4

10. ENG Stand for

(a) Electronic news gathering
(b) Electrical news gathering
(c) Electronic news generator
(d) None of the above

Page 3 Code No. : 32047 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Discuss the objectives and policies of AIR.


(b) Write about the history of Television

Broadcasting in India.

12. (a) Explain role of reporters in news production.


(b) Discuss about the wire service reporting.

13. (a) Explain News room conference and copy-



(b) Explain Stage news conferences.

14. (a) Explain news presenter.


(b) Explain the qualities need Anchor.

Page 4 Code No. : 32047 E

15. (a) Explain the features of Electronic News


(b) Describe the pre-production stages of a

television interview.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Explain the history of Broadcast and

Broadcasting journalism.


(b) Explain the Growth and Development of


17. (a) Discuss the qualities of a Freelance



(b) Explain the role of News Agencies in news


Page 5 Code No. : 32047 E

18. (a) Discuss about the basic camera angles and
camera shots.
(b) Explain the Golden rules for Video

19. (a) Explain the qualities of News Caster in

Television Channel.
(b) Discuss about the importance of Costume
and Makeup for Television.

20. (a) Discuss about Satellite uplink and Electronic

field production.
(b) Explain the stages of live reporting in news.


Page 6 Code No. : 32047 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32048 E Sub. Code : SSJM 3 A/




Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Skill Based



(For those who joined in July 2017–2020)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. White space in a layout or illustration is called


(a) Gutter (b) Negative space

(c) Empty space (d) Black hole

2. A filler text commonly used to demonstrate the
graphic elements of a document or visual
presentation is –––––––––
(a) Dummy text (b) Placeholder
(c) Lorem ipsum (d) Space holder

3. ––––––––– is a detailed sample page layout

indicating the approximate position and style of
the various page elements – text, line art, photos
in newspaper.
(a) Prototype (b) Design
(c) Blueprint (d) Dummy

4. Which colour mode is used for print production?

(a) CMYK (b) RYB

5. Which file format contain photorealistic images?

(a) PNG (b) JPG
(c) PSD (d) MOV

6. ––––––––– are the visual representation of

information or data appearing on a page which
adds value to a story.
(a) Cartoons (b) Caricatures
(c) Illustrations (d) Infographics

Page 2 Code No. : 32048 E

7. ––––––––– form has height, width and depth.

(a) 2D (b) 3D

(c) 4D (d) 8D

8. Red, yellow, and orange are –––––––––

(a) Secondary colours

(b) Warm colours

(c) Primary colours

(d) Cool colour

9. What is the extension of Adobe InDesign?

(a) PNG (b) PSD

(c) INDD (d) JPEG

10. Choose the popular software used for newspaer

page make-up

(a) Coral draw (b) Adobe illustrator

(c) Adobe InDesign (d) Adobe Spark

Page 3 Code No. : 32048 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) List out and explain the basic principles of

newspaper design.

(b) Explain the role and importance of white
space in designing.

12. (a) Explain the vertical and horizontal lines in

page makeup of a newspaper design.

(b) What is 'dummying' in designing?

13. (a) Explain the differences in designing a travel

magazine and a political magazine.

(b) Differentiate the traditional and
contemporary way of page layouting.

14. (a) What is special effects in designing?

(b) Explain RGB and CMYK in designing.

Page 4 Code No. : 32048 E

15. (a) Explain special day page makeup in

(b) What are photo cut-out?

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) What is typography? How does it important

for readability and legibility?

(b) Explain the role of a layout designer in a
newspaper organisation.

17. (a) List out and explain various pages in a


(b) What are the dos and don'ts of a good layout?

18. (a) Explain various types of headlines used in

newspapers with examples.

(b) How dummy layout is important for a design?

Page 5 Code No. : 32048 E

19. (a) Explain the difference in designing a feature
pages and news pages.

(b) Explain about info-graphics, cartoons and
caricatures in newspapers and magazines.

20. (a) Which are the major designing and pagination

softwares? Explain them.

(b) Explain the role of computer softwares for the
development of designing.


Page 6 Code No. : 32048 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32086 E Sub. Code : ANSO 41



Fourth Semester


Non Major Elective –– INDIAN SOCIAL SYSTEM

(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Varna system which existed during the vedic

period was based on –––––––––
(a) Religion
(b) Race
(c) Skin colour
(d) Occupations and division of labour
2. The concept of 'Sanskritization' was introduced by
(a) M.N. Srinavas
(b) Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) D.N. Majumdar

3. The caste system is based on

(a) Kinship
(b) Hereditary occupation
(c) Educational class
(d) Political class

4. The occupational theory of caste system was

established by –––––––––
(a) Hutton (b) Herbert hope Risley
(c) Nesfield (d) M.N. Srinivas

5. When was the Hindu Marriage Act passed?

(a) 1940 (b) 1950
(c) 1955 (d) 1960

6. The first and the highest aim of the Hindu

marriage is
(a) Dharma (b) Praja
(c) Rati (d) None of the above

Page 2 Code No. : 32086 E

7. In matrilocal family the husband goes to live in
the house of his
(a) Uncle (b) Wife
(c) Aunty (d) Grandfather

8. Joint family
(a) Consists of at least four generations
(b) Is also known as undivided family
(c) Was never known during the vedic period
(d) Is separate dwelling

9. What was the impact of westernization on our

(a) Weakening of caste system
(b) Increase in number of divorces
(c) Advent of nuclear families
(d) All of these

10. What is required to be a dominant caste?

(a) More population
(b) More arable land
(c) Higher status in caste hierarchy
(d) All of these

Page 3 Code No. : 32086 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Give a short note on purusharthas.

(b) What are the changes in Indian society?

12. (a) Explain the features of caste system.

(b) Bring out the changes in the caste system of
modern India.

13. (a) Write a short note on Muslim divorce system.

(b) Explain the system of Christian marriage.

14. (a) What are the functions of joint family


(b) List out the merits of joint family system.

15. (a) What is Sanskritization? Give suitable


(b) What are the problems of modernization?

Page 4 Code No. : 32086 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate the theories of the origin of varna


(b) Discuss on Purusharthas - a simplified

17. (a) Illustrate the origin and evolution of caste


(b) Distinguish caste and clan.

18. (a) Describe the types of Hindu marriage.

(b) Examine the legal provisions of Muslim
marriage system.

19. (a) Elucidate the factors responsible for the

disintegration of joint family system.

(b) Enumerate the advantages and
disadvantages of joint family system.

Page 5 Code No. : 32086 E

20. (a) Define modernization. Bring out its causes.

(b) Discuss the impact of westernization in


Page 6 Code No. : 32086 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32088 E Sub. Code : AMJM 51



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions, Choose the correct answer

1. —————— is celebrated in India to marks the

date on which the Constitution of India came into
(a) Republic Day (b) National Flag Day
(c) Civil Services Day (d) National Army Day

2. Right to Information Act was enacted in

(a) 2002 (b) 2000
(c) 2005 (d) 2008
3. CBFC stands for——————.
(a) Censorship Board of Film Certification
(b) Central Board of Film Certification
(c) Central Board of Film Classification
(d) Censorship Board of Film Corporation

4. Freedom of Press or Media is referred in

—————— of Indian Constitution.
(a) Article 19(l)(a) (b) Article 15(a)
(c) Article 21 (d) Article 11

5. Official Secrets Act was enacted on

(a) 1992 (b) 1956
(c) 1923 (d) 1930

6. A written defamation is called ———————

(a) Libel (b) Slander
(c) contempt of court (d) Sedition

7. The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act

aimed to———————
(a) regulate unsystematic growth of Cable
Television Networks
(b) provide cheap cable network connection
(c) provide high quality programmes
(d) privatise Television Cable Networks

Page 2 Code No. : 32088 E

8. The Press and Registrations of Books Act is
enacted on ———————

(a) 1890 (b) 1850

(c) 1880 (d) 1867

9. —————— is the self-regulatory watchdog of the

press, for the press and by the press.

(a) Press Council of India

(b) Media House

(c) Union of Journalist

(d) Working Journalists Association

10. Information Technology Act (IT Act) of India was

enacted in ——————

(a) 2002

(b) 2008

(c) 2000

(d) 2010

Page 3 Code No. : 32088 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) What are the salient features of Indian


(b) Explain the Fundamental Rights of Indian

12. (a) What is Right to Information?

(b) Briefly explain the Article 19 of Indian

13. (a) Write a Short note on Official Secrets Act?

(b) Write a short note on CBFC?

14. (a) What is The Cable Television Networks

(Regulation) Act? What are its aims?

(b) Write a brief note on The Press Council of

Page 4 Code No. : 32088 E

15. (a) What is IT Act?

(b) What is Copyright Act?

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Media is called as the fourth pillar of

democracy. What is its role and importance
in strengthening democracy?

(b) Explain Freedom of Speech and Expression?
What are its various grounds of restrictions?

17. (a) In India, many films are censored and

banned by the CBFC by citing many reasons.
What is your opinion on the censorship of
films or any artistic expressions? Comment.

(b) ‘RTI has been one of the most empowering
Acts of democracy in India in recent past.’

Page 5 Code No. : 32088 E

18. (a) “Social media has taken over our privacy”.
Critically evaluate the comment.

(b) Do you think freedom of Press in India is
shortened? Explain.

19. (a) What is Press Council of India? What are its

roles and functions?


(b) Can media cause changes in society? Discuss

the issue with appropriate examples.

20. (a) Define Cyber Crime and its types? Explain

the need of cyber laws and regulations in


(b) Do you think journalists and media houses

are aware about media laws & ethics? Do
they really follow them? Explain.


Page 6 Code No. : 32088 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32089 E Sub. Code : AMJM 52



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions, Choose the correct answer.
1. The term global village was coined
by ————————
(a) Marshall McLuhan (b) Antonio Gramsci
(c) Wilbur Schramm (d) David K. Berlo
2. ———————— states that an individual who is
more dependent on the media for having his or her
needs fulfilled, the more important the media will
be to that person.
(a) Cultivation Theory (b) Dependency Theory
(c) Propaganda Theory (d) One Step flow theory
3. The phrase “Medium is the Message’ is coined
by ————————
(a) Marshall MeLuhan (b) Wilbur Schramm
(c) George Gerbner (d) Antonio Gramsci

4. Media is known as ————————

(a) First Estate (b) Second Estate
(c) Third Estate (d) Fourth Estate

5. An autonomous body for public radio and TV

broadcasting is ————————
(a) Prasar Bharati (b) Press Trust of India
(c) CBFC (d) Aakashvani

6. The carrier of communication is called

(a) Message (b) Medium
(c) sender (d) receiver

7. The media which disseminate information through

creative cultural and performance arts
is ————————
(a) Traditional Media (b) New Media
(c) Pop Media (d) Folk Media

Page 2 Code No. : 32089 E

8. ———————— compare and evaluate opinions
and information that is first presented by the
mass media.
(a) Opinion leaders (b) Active listeners
(c) Passive listeners (d) Chief leader

9. The term TRP stands for ————————

(a) Tally Rating Profile
(b) Television Rating Point
(c) Television Related Program
(d) Total Regression Profile

10. A reporter is responsible towards

(a) news organisation (b) Sources
(c) Society (d) All of these

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL the questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) What is Global Village? Explain.

(b) Discuss “cultural hegemony” with examples?

Page 3 Code No. : 32089 E

12. (a) What is Framing Theory? Explain.


(b) Explain the relationship between media and


13. (a) What is Frame of Reference? Explain.


(b) What is public opinion? Explain.

14. (a) What is folk media? Explain.


(b) Discuss the impact of social media on youths.

15. (a) Explain the importance of deciding target

audience for a media content.


(b) Write a notes on Popular Culture.

Page 4 Code No. : 32089 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL the questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate the different types of


(b) Elaborately how reality from mediated reality
with suitable examples.

17. (a) Discuss how media can be used as a tool for

social change. Give examples.

(b) Write an essay on Hero worship in Tamil
cinema and current political scenario.

18. (a) Critically evaluate the representation of

religion and religious groups in films.

(b) Explain how a personality becomes a brand
name? Cite examples of some popular product
advertisements featuring celebrities.

Page 5 Code No. : 32089 E

19. (a) Digital space has given space to many
independent and alternative media. Explain
the pros and cons of these new media

(b) Elaborate how media functions as a tool for
cultural constructivism in the society.

20. (a) Write an essay on the role of media during the

time of COVID-19 pandemic.

(b) Critically analyse the current trends in Tamil
cinema and explain how it impacts the culture
and society in Tamil Nadu?


Page 6 Code No. : 32089 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32090 E Sub. Code : AMJM 53



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication — Core


(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Who invented Radio ––––––––––

(a) Alexander Graham Bell

(b) John Logic Baird

(c) Nikola Tesla

(d) Guglielmo Marconi

2. Vividh Rharathi was started in ––––––––––

(a) 1972 (b) 1936

(c) I957 (d) 1958

3. In radio, the term FM stands for ––––––––––

(a) Free Menu

(b) Frequency Modulation

(c) Frequency Mode

(d) Frequency modification

4. SFX in radio production stands for ––––––––––

(a) Sound Mixing (b) Sound Effects

(c) Narration (d) Sound Mix

5. Radio News are also edited according to ––––––––


(a) Join line (b) Hour-glass

(c) Vessel (d) Inverted Pyramid

6. The opening lines of a news story is called


(a) Lead (b) Extract

(c) Body (d) Gist

Page 2 Code No. : 32090 E

7. Which radio programme is called ‘Voice of the
(a) Newsbyte (b) Newsreel
(c) Vox-pop (d) Interview
8. –––––––––– is a document that lists all of the
musical elements of an audio/visual program
(a) Time sheet (b) Timeline
(c) Script (d) Cue Sheet
9. What is the second stage in Radio production?
(a) Pre-Production (b) Post Production
(c) Multi Production (d) Production
10. A person who is interviewed is called ––––––––––
(a) Announcer (b) Interviewee
(c) Anchor (d) Interviewer
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
Each answer should not exceed 250 words.
11. (a) Write a short note on All India Radio and its
(b) What are the strength and weakness of radio
as a medium?

Page 3 Code No. : 32090 E

12. (a) Write a short note on radio jingles with


(b) Explain the different types of microphones

used for radio production.

13. (a) Explain AM and FM in radio and its



(b) Write a short note on radio advertising? Give


14. (a) Explain the process in the structuring of

bulletin for radio news.


(b) Write a short note radio documentary

15. (a) Explain the various stages of radio

programme production


(b) Write a short note on radio interview and

need of research for an interview.

Page 4 Code No. : 32090 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Give a brief history of Radio broadcasting in

India and explain about Aakashvani?


(b) What is community radio? Explain its aims

and functions with suitable examples?

17. (a) Discuss the role of radio news editor and

news producer.


(b) What is web radio? Explain the future of

radio in this digital era?

18. (a) Explain radio news writing with regards to

headlines and leads.


(b) Explain different types of leads and

functions of headline in radio news bulletin.

Page 5 Code No. : 32090 E

19. (a) What’s running commentaries in radio
programme? Explain with suitable examples.

(b) What is radio news bulletin? What are its
basic principles of preparing radio bulletin?

20. (a) What is radio interview? What are the skills

needed for a radio interviewer?

(b) Explain vex-pop, sound bites and live news
production in radio broadcasting.


Page 6 Code No. : 32090 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No.: 32091 E Sub. Code: AMJM 54



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Miraat-ul-Akhbar published in —————.

(a) calcutta (b) Delhi

(c) Bombay (d) Chennai

2. First Tamil News Paper

(a) Swadesamitran

(b) Madras Courier

(c) Kesari

(d) Dinavarthamani

3. Kesari was started in —————.

(a) 1881 (b) 1947

(c) 1920 (d) 1935

4. Sigappu Nada was first published in the year


(a) 1986 (b) 1952

(c) 1970 (d) 1981

5. Bal Gangadhar Tilak started the ————— in


(a) Kesari

(b) Brahminical Magazine

(c) SambadKaumudi

(d) Madras Mail

Page 2 Code No. : 32091 E

6. Who started Desabhaktan —————?
(a) U.V.Swaminathan
(b) Thiru Vi. Ka
(c) Ramalinga Adigalar
(d) Bharathiyar

7. Dinamani was started in —————.

(a) 1933 (b) 1897
(c) 1940 (d) 1915

8. Religious Tract Society was founded in

(a) 1799 (b) 1759
(c) 1796 (d) 1721

9. Name of the first Tamil book

(a) Tambiran Vanakkam
(b) Thirukural
(c) Thol Kappiyam
(d) Sathura Agarathi

10. Kudiyarsu was a Tamil weekly magazine

published by —————.
(a) Sangu Ganesan (b) E.V.R. Periyar
(c) Veeraian (d) Si.Pa. Aditanar

Page 3 Code No. : 32091 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Write a short note on Madras School book


(b) Write a short on American Mission press.

12. (a) Write a short note on Swadesamitran.

(b) Write about Free Press of India.

13. (a) Write the brief history of Tamil newspaper.

(b) Write a short note on trends in contemporary
Tamil journalism.

14. (a) How the digital technology helps for the

development of journalism?

(b) Write a short note on development of Tamil

Page 4 Code No. : 32091 E

15. (a) What are the things have to keep in mind
while reporting caste and religious issues?
(b) Write a short note on Web portals. Mention
few web portals.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Explain the Origin and Development of Tamil

(b) Discuss elaborately the role of journalism in
Freedom struggle.

17. (a) Describe the role of Tamil Newspaper in

development of language.
(b) Trace out the history of printing technology.

18. (a) How political consciousness is created

through journalism? Explain with appropriate
(b) Describe the contribution of Dravidian leaders
in Tamil Journalism.

Page 5 Code No. : 32091 E

19. (a) Write the history of Dinamalar.

(b) Criticize the media ownership and control by
political parties in Tamil Nadu.

20. (a) Discuss about the portrayal of women in

Tamil media.

(b) Write about the portrayal of marginalized
communities in Tamil media.


Page 6 Code No. : 32091 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32092 E Sub. Code : AEJM 51



Fifth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication


(For those who joined in July 2020 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. What is multimedia?
(a) Multimedia is the presentation of information
using images
(b) Multimedia is the presentation of information
using a variety of forms
(c) Multimedia is the presentation of information
in only one form
(d) Multimedia is the presentation of information
through the media
2. What does AIFF stand for?
(a) Audio Interchange File Format
(b) Audio Interchange File Folder
(c) ASCII Interchange File Format
(d) Audio Internet File Format

3. What does AVI stand for? |Multimedia Mcqs

(a) Audio for Voice on the Internet
(b) Audio Voice Interleaved
(c) Audio Video Interleaved
(d) Adapted Video for Internet

4. What is the ideal resolution of an image for web?

(a) 72 dpi (b) 300 dpi
(c) 100 dpi (d) 250 dpi

5. Social journalism or citizen journalism

(a) Is accurate most of the time
(b) May not be as reliable as mainstream media
(c) Is where everyone gets their news feeds
(d) Is a good source for mostly facts

Page 2 Code No. : 32092 E

6. Which was the first newspaper to offer an online
edition in India?
(a) The Times of India
(b) The Nay Bharat Times
(c) The Hindustan Times
(d) The Hindu

7. Multimedia elements are typically sewn together

into a project using _____________.
(a) Authoring tools (b) Multimedia tools
(c) Audio tools (d) Video tools

8. GUI stands for _____________.

(a) General User Interface
(b) Graphic User Interchange
(c) Graphical User Interface
(d) Graphical User Information

9. Which are the sections of IT Act applicable for

Cyber pornography?
(a) 66, 66A, 66B (b) 67, 57A, 67B
(c) 67, 67C, 67D (d) 57, 57A, 57B

10. Which is the appeal court on the orders issued by

the Cyber appellate tribunal?
(a) Munsiff Court (b) District Court
(c) High Court (d) Supreme Court

Page 3 Code No. : 32092 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Discuss the characteristics and functions of

the Internet as a news medium.

(b) What is a blog? How is it different from a
website? Explain.

12. (a) Write a note on Data Journalism. Explain.

(b) What were the objectives behind the
formation of data journalism? Discuss.

13. (a) How is writing for online media different from

other media? Discuss.

(b) What are the unique qualities required for an
online reporter? Discuss.

14. (a) What is SEO? How are local news stories

optimized for the web? Discuss.

(b) Define the term crowdsourcing. How is it
helpful for online journalism? Discuss.

Page 4 Code No. : 32092 E

15. (a) How does writing for the web differs from
print? Discuss.

(b) Distinguish Mis Information and Dis

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) For the Media audience, the Internet has

changed everything. Elaborate.

(b) “The impact of the internet on the media is
revolutionary.” Examine.

17. (a) How essential is the concept of convergence in

media change? In your response, make at
least three references to media? Examine.

(b) Write elaborately on the role of a
media-specific reporter in a cross-media

Page 5 Code No. : 32092 E

18. (a) Elaborate online journalism’s importance,
strength, and impact.

(b) How online medium helps recreate
information ideas and their creative
presentation? Examine.

19. (a) Discuss flash as an animation tool and

multimedia powerhouse.

(b) Discuss the role of multimedia in the field of
News media? Elaborate your answer with
suitable examples.

20. (a) Have you visited any Exclusive News

Websites? Comment on its layout and content

(b) Explain and discuss the leading portals in
Indian Languages and their news services.


Page 6 Code No. : 32092 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32094 E Sub. Code : ASJM 41



Fourth Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication


(For those who joined in July 2020 only)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. What was the first instant camera?

(a) Brownie (b) Polaroid
(c) Camera Obscured (d) Daguerreotype

2. The amount of light passing through a lens is

defined by the
(a) Shutter speed (b) Aperture
(c) Film speed (d) Exposure
3. The amount of light or darkness on a photograph
is known as the

(a) Shutter speed (b) Exposure

(c) Contrast (d) Sharpness

4. Resolution of an image describes

(a) The quality of the image

(b) The clarity of an image

(c) The size of the image in pixels

(d) Color and contrast of the image

5. Fill light is the

(a) Prime light (b) Key light

(c) Additional light (d) Camera light

6. Wide angle lens

(a) Focal length is smaller

(b) Focal length is longer

(c) Large size of the lense

(d) None of the above

Page 2 Code No. : 32094 E
7. Soft light makes portraits
(a) Sharper (b) Thinner
(c) Broader (d) Colorful

8. Ambient light is
(a) Available light at surrounding
(b) Back light
(c) Artificial light
(d) None of these

9. The balancing of light within a photograph is

known as the
(a) White balance (b) The aperture
(c) The shutter speed (d) The exposure

10. This is a lossless file format

(a) JPEG (b) Bitmap
(c) Secam (d) RAW

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Explain the significant of photography.

(b) Write about camera Obscura.
Page 3 Code No. : 32094 E
12. (a) Explain the different types of camera.


(b) What is shutter speed and how does it work?

13. (a) Explain the use of prime lens and wide angle


(b) What is meaning of depth of filed, and how it

can be changed?

14. (a) Describe the four rules of composition with



(b) Write an essay on exposing and focusing.

15. (a) Write about news photography.


(b) Describe the different functions of


Page 4 Code No. : 32094 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Explain the evolution and history of


(b) Explain the structure and functions of

17. (a) Write about the different genres of


(b) Explain the main components of a camera.

18. (a) Explain the various types of lenses used in


(b) Explain the types of filters and its uses.

19. (a) Explain the types of lighting and it's

important in photography.

(b) Explain the basic camera angle and shots with

Page 5 Code No. : 32094 E

20. (a) Explain photo journalism.

(b) Discuss about the basic of digital photography


Page 6 Code No. : 32094 E

(7 pages)
Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32114 E Sub. Code : CMJM 11



First Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Who established Serampore Mission, India’s first

Christian missionary organisation.

(a) William Carey

(b) Lord ellenborough

(c) B. Messink

(d) Peter reed

2. Who was the first to invent the art of printing?
(a) Africans (b) British
(c) Chinese (d) Americans

3. It is believed that Johannes Gutenberg of ________

was the first to develop printing around 1439.
(a) Holland (b) England
(c) Germany (d) Poland

4. In 1684 the English East India Company set up a

printing press in _________.
(a) Gujarat (b) Bombay
(c) Calcutta (d) Madras

5. Which was the first newspaper published in India?

(a) Bengal Gazette
(b) Samachar Darpan
(c) Mumbai Samachar
(d) The Times of India

6. Which was the first vernacular paper in India?

(a) Bengal Gazette
(b) Samachar Darpan
(c) Mumbai Samachar
(d) The Times of India

Page 2 Code No. : 32114 E

7. Which was the oldest daily in India?
(a) Bengal Gazette
(b) Samachar Darpan
(c) Bombay Samachar
(d) The Times of India
8. Gandhiji started the __________ under the
editorship of Mahadev Desai.
(a) Harijan
(b) Mumbai Herald
(c) Mumbai Samachar
(d) The tribune
9. Who ________ launched a weekly, called the
“Navjeevan”, in Gujarati?
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Nathaniel Butter
(c) Nicholas Bourne
(d) Henry Muddiman
10. Who was nicknamed the “Father of Yellow
(a) William Randolph Hearst
(b) Benjamin Harris
(c) William Bradford
(d) Nicholas Bourne
Page 3 Code No. : 32114 E
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Discuss the early attempts in the growth of



(b) Describe the growth and development of any

of the modern publishing from 19th century.

12. (a) Mention any one of the family-owned

newspaper group that is flourishing


(b) Write a detailed note on the following

ventures: The Tribune or Hindustan Times.

13. (a) What is the role of Bharathi as a journalist

in social development?


(b) Gandhiji is known as a freedom fighter.

Comment on his journalistic writing.
Page 4 Code No. : 32114 E
14. (a) What could have been the rationale for
bringing the Vernacular Press Act?

(b) How will you characterize the participation
of the Bengali press in the people’s

15. (a) Expand the role of social reformist writer


(b) What is the news coverage style in the
newspaper you follow regularly? Explain.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Do Christian Missionaries contribute to the

growth of Indian journalism? Evaluate the
role of missionaries in Indian journalism.

(b) Give your comment on the role of Serampore
Baptist Missionary in Indian journalism.

Page 5 Code No. : 32114 E

17. (a) Make a comparative assessment of the
journalism of Hickey and Buckingham.
Comment on their contribution to the growth
and development of journalism in India.

(b) Can James Augustus Hickey be described as
the father of Indian Press? Did Hickey
initiate the struggle for the freedom of the

18. (a) Give a brief account of Gandhi’s contribution

to the development of Indian Journalism
from ‘Indian Opinion’ to ‘Harijan’.

(b) The trends of journalism set by Raja
Rammohan Roy influenced the reformist
movement in India. – Explain.

19. (a) The Nationalist movement played an

essential role in Indian journalism. Do you
agree? Explain this statement mentioning
two journals they were associated with.

(b) Critically estimate the role of the Bengal
Gazette and Kesari in Journalism associated
with freedom struggle.

Page 6 Code No. : 32114 E

20. (a) Outline the development of Indian news
agencies in the post-independence era.

(b) “The Navasakthi had a unique place in the
field of our cultural awakening” – Explain.


Page 7 Code No. : 32114 E

(7 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32115 E Sub. Code : CMJM 12



First Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Core


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. What is defamation?
(a) Publishing unflattering reports about
(b) An invasion of privacy
(c) A clearly labeled personal opinion
(d) An untruthful accusation that lowers
someone’s reputation
2. Reuters is the news agency of

(a) Holland (b) France

(c) England (d) America

3. Which of the following article in the Indian

constitution deals with reasonable restriction on
freedom of speech and expression?

(a) Article 19(1)(a) (b) Article 19(1)(b)

(c) Article 19(2)(a) (d) Article 19(2)b)

4. Which of the following can be described as ‘in-

depth reporting on a particular issue, sector,
organization over time”?

(a) Beat reporting (b) Page reporting

(c) Section reporting (d) Column

5. It is up to the ______ of the story and the editor

which will decide the story’s placement in a
newspaper or magazine.

(a) journalist (b) photographer

(c) angle (d) trend

6. ‘Politics’, ‘Business’, Lifestyle’, ‘Environment’, etc.

are types of _______ in Reporting and Editing.

(a) beats (b) words

(c) messages (d) alphabets

Page 2 Code No. : 32115 E

7. A news story is said to possess timeliness if it

(a) stresses events that have occurred in the last


(b) stresses events that occurred today or


(c) includes anything that has been written

within the last six hours.

(d) has been read or heard by the reader within

the last six hours

8. Which of the following is NOT true about

journalism today?

(a) Stories created for one medium are likely to

be found in other media

(b) Few people nowadays rely on journalists for

information about important events

(c) The techniques for researching and writing

stories continue to be important

(d) The tenets of good journalism critical

thinking, clear writing, and Reporting
organized presentation–remain the same
Page 3 Code No. : 32115 E
9. Which of the following is NOT a news value in
crime beat reporting?

(a) Seriousness

(b) Unusual nature of the crime

(c) Size of the community

(d) Entertainment

10. ———— means the action of searching out and

publicizing scandal about famous people.
(a) Muckraking
(b) Beat journalism
(c) Crisis reporting
(d) Traditional journalism

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) List some of the reasons why news is

important to society?

(b) A Journalist must be a Jack of all trades.
Comment on this statement.

Page 4 Code No. : 32115 E

12. (a) How does a person become a reporter?


(b) What are the five Ws and One H, and why

are they important?

13. (a) Define news and explain the nature of the



(b) What is the inverted pyramid? What are its


14. (a) “Headlines perform the functions of

indexing, summarizing and advertising the
news story.” Explain.


(b) Why are the editorial page and the editorial

section of a newspaper so important?

15. (a) What is attribution, and why is it essential

in journalistic writing?


(b) Write the types of reporting? Explain any

case study on investigative journalism.

Page 5 Code No. : 32115 E

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Reporters are the eves and ears of a media

organization Do you subscribe to this view?
Illustrate your answer by giving the job of a
(b) “Journalists are gatekeepers of information”
Do you agree? Does this gatekeeping obstruct
the free flow of information?

17. (a) Film and sports have become mainstream

news. Discuss this change with reference to
the recent examples.

(b) Write a feature on “smart phones in online

18. (a) “Interest is an important element of news”.

Can this statement define news? Discuss
with examples.
(b) Explain the various news values for selecting
news for publication.

Page 6 Code No. : 32115 E

19. (a) Do you think news sources make the news?
Discuss with examples the importance of
news sources in making news.
(b) Recently, there has been a spurt in
specialized reporting. Do you agree? What
are the major areas of specialized reporting
generally found in the newspaper?

20. (a) In print media, the use of photographs has

increased remarkably. What are the reasons?
Explain with arguments.
(b) News has become more interpretative with
the growth of 24 hours news television.
Discuss the value of interpretation to the


Page 7 Code No. : 32115 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32116 E Sub. Code : CMJM 21



Second Semester

Journalism And Mass Communication — Core


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Yellow journalism is
(a) Unbiased report
(b) Crime report
(c) News on revolution
(d) Sensationalized news report
2. What the reporter records while attending a
certain event is
(a) Bias (b) Personal observation
(c) Records (d) Stored sources

3. The word ‘journalism' is derived from the word

(a) Latin (b) French
(c) Italian (d) English

4. What tense is the news report written in?

(a) Present tense; the story is happening right now
(b) Past tense; the story already happened
(c) Future tense; the story is going to happen
(d) None of the above

5. If a reporter is covering a specific area or subject it

is called
(a) Middle (b) Slug
(c) Beat (d) Imprint

6. The first few sentences of a news story is called

(a) Body (b) Lead
(c) Offset (d) Headline

Page 2 Code No. : 32116 E

7. The news ingredients of balance and fairness are
used to understand the concept of ——————
(a) Investigative
(b) Interpretative
(c) Impersonal
(d) Embedded

8. Embargo means
(a) The first time given for the publication of a
story before which it should not be released
(b) Audit Bureau of circulation, which certifies
the audited statistics on the circulation of
(c) To cut down a photograph or a plate in size
(d) None of these

9. Feature means:
(a) A remaining part of feature
(b) All the matter pertaining to a feature, which
is unprintable due to certain reasons
(c) It is an article of background information or
personal opinion usually by a named writer
appearing on the feature pages
(d) None of these

Page 3 Code No. : 32116 E

10. ____________ means the introduction to a story,
introductory paragraph
(a) Headline
(b) Front line
(c) Intro
(d) None of these

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Explain the qualities of a reporter


(b) Explain any three tools of a reporter

12. (a) What is a structure of news?


(b) Write a note on lead

13. (a) Explain the types of news sources.


(b) Write a note on news agencies.

Page 4 Code No. : 32116 E

14. (a) Define interview.

(b) Write a note on importance of interview

15. (a) Write a note on beat reporting.

(b) Explain the qualities of a crime reporter

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) What do you mean by news values? Explain in


(b) What are the major areas of specialized
reporting generally found in the newspaper?

17. (a) Write an essay on fundamentals of news


(b) Do online news portals follow basic structure
of news? Explain.

Page 5 Code No. : 32116 E

18. (a) Write a detailed note on international news

(b) Explain parliament reporting in detail.

19. (a) Elucidate the process of writing report after

an interview.

(b) Explain the do’s and don’ts while conducting
an interview.

20. (a) Describe the duties and functions of

parliamentary correspondent.

(b) Explain the procedure to report a crime


Page 6 Code No. : 32116 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32118 E Sub. Code : CMJM 31



Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Core


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Which one of the following is not a non-verbal

(a) sings (b) writing
(c) proxemics (d) kinesics

2. Which one of the following is a non-lexical

component of communication?
(a) para language (b) gesture
(c) writing (d) postures
3. The component(s) of Shannon and Weaver model
of communication is/are –––––––––
(a) source (b) transmitter
(c) signal (d) barrier

4. Among the following which theory has a

pre-censorship –––––––––
(a) authoritarian theory
(b) libertarian theory
(c) social responsibility theory
(d) soviet media theory

5. One of the component(s) of Aristotle model is

(a) ethos (b) pathos
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above

6. Which theory has stronger effect on shaping public

opinion than mass media outlets
(a) Two step flow theory
(b) Magic bullet theory
(c) Agenda setting theory
(d) Uses and gratification theory

Page 2 Code No. : 32118 E

7. Online or internet based journals are called as

(a) e-journals (b) online journals

(c) web journals (d) none of the above

8. Linkedin is a –––––––––

(a) social media networking site

(b) electronic media app

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

9. Television was invented by –––––––––

(a) Walter Bardeen (b) William Shockley

(c) Marshal McLuhan (d) John Logic Braid

10. Who proposed SMCR model

(a) David Berlo

(b) Albert Bandura

(c) Elizabeth Noell-Nuemann

(d) Marshal MC Luhan

Page 3 Code No. : 32118 E
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Discuss the importance and purpose of


(b) Explain non-verbal communication with

12. (a) Explain the communication process in detail.

(b) Write a short note on :
(i) Shannon and weaver model
(ii) Riley and Riley model.

13. (a) Explain the characteristics of new media.

(b) List out the explain the three types of

14. (a) Discuss the growth and future of electronic


(b) Explain Raymond Williams approach.

Page 4 Code No. : 32118 E

15. (a) Discuss the difference between active and
passive audience.

(b) Write a short note on web portals. Mention
few web portals.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)
Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate about authoritarian and libertarian

theory and discuss it importance .
(b) Discuss elaborately the functions and uses of

17. (a) Examine the role of social media in

(b) "Mass media influencies the behavior of an
individual" - Explain your opinion with
appropriate example.

18. (a) Mass media can help shape the culture of an

urban society. Give examples from your day
to-day life.
(b) Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages
of mass media.
Page 5 Code No. : 32118 E
19. (a) Elaborate the roles and functions of Mass

(b) Examine agenda setting theory and uses and
gratification theory.

20. (a) Explain in detail about Stuart Hall's reception

theory and discuss its importance in
understanding audience.

(b) Justify : interest as a medium for exchange of
information with appropriate examples.


Page 6 Code No. : 32118 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32119 E Sub. Code : CMJM 32



Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Core


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. ––––––––– is a television or radio program that

gives facts or information about a particular
subject devoted to non-fiction narrative.

(a) Feature (b) Play

(c) Documentary (d) Docudrama

2. The pattern of stressed and unstressed parts of
words is known as the ––––––––– that defines the
rhythm of a story.
(a) Meter (b) Scale
(c) Proportion (d) Emphasis

3. Some stories that wrap similar events into a single

story is called –––––––––
(a) Multiples story (b) Round
(c) Capital story (d) Follow-up story

4. ––––––––– is a detailed account of an upcoming

(a) Advance story (b) Future story
(c) Curtain raiser (d) Nutgraph

5. ––––––––– is the exact words spoken by someone

in his or her own recorded voice.
(a) Pod buster (b) Narration
(c) Adlib (d) Sound bit

6. ––––––––– is a short segment of a film or TV

program that comes before or after the main part
and provides an introduction, conclusion, or
context for the main story or subject.
(a) Pod buster (b) Narration
(c) Wraparound (d) Sound bite

Page 2 Code No. : 32119 E

7. ––––––––– is a word or phrase that connects one
idea to another which can occur within a
paragraph or between paragraphs.
(a) Transition (b) Narration
(c) Wraparound (d) Sound bit

8. A ––––––––– is something that makes us want to

know more about something such as a story, film,
or product in order to arouse customers' interest.
(a) Transitions (b) Teaser
(c) Wraparound (d) Sound bite

9. ––––––––– is a shortened form of a written word

or phrase.
(a) Brief (b) Adverb
(c) Abbreviation (d) Adjective

10. ––––––––– is a sort of short tv program with

unconventional content meant to entice viewers to
pay attention designed to look and feel like
whatever show we are watching.
(a) Pod buster (b) Promo
(c) Curtain raise (d) Teaser

Page 3 Code No. : 32119 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) What is meant by Rhythmic writing? Narrate

its merits and limitations.

(b) Describe the nuances of Conversational

12. (a) What are (i) narrative (ii) question leads?

Discuss their application.

(b) Write a short note on : Wraparounds and

13. (a) Distinguish teasers from promos. Give


(b) Illustrate the basics of writing different types
of headlines and highlight their functions.

14. (a) How credible are news on website? How do you

strengthen your articles while writing for
online media?

(b) What is a style book? Why do you need one?

Page 4 Code No. : 32119 E

15. (a) Delineate the method of writing introduction
to a radio interview program with an example.

(b) Write a short note on : Graphic voice over.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate the significance of grammar,

spelling, punctuation marks and usage of
abbreviations while writing news stories.

(b) Describe the nuances of writing radio features

17. (a) Summerise the structure of different types of

news programs such as news bulletins,
individual investigative stories and so on.

(b) Delineate the structure of a radio news story
and explain its different parts.

18. (a) How important are visuals in television news

stories? How are they compensated in radio
news programs? Elaborate.

(b) Delineate the structure of a television news
story and explain its different parts.
Page 5 Code No. : 32119 E
19. (a) Compare and contrast the style of writing
news stories for print medium with that of
broadcast medium.

(b) What are blogs and vlogs? Do bloggers have
any specific style of writing? Substantiate.

20. (a) What are copy reading symbols? Examine

their relevance in the digital era.

(b) Illustrate any one script writing format for
radio news stories.


Page 6 Code No. : 32119 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32120E Sub. Code : CAJM 11


First Semester
Journalism and Mass Communication – Allied
(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer :

1. The NANAP does not exchange news in

(a) Arabic (b) Hindi
(c) Spanish (d) English

2. When a book is made up of octavo, the total

number of pages?
(a) Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Motilal Ghosh
(c) Rajiv Gandhi
(d) Kasturi Ranga Lyengar
3. The audible range of human beings is form about

(a) 20Hz- 2000Hz (b) 20HZ- 200 Hz

(c) 0Hz- 20-Hz (d) None of these

4. The teacher is trying to improve students-skills.

(a) Writing (b) Listening

(c) Reading (d) Speaking

5. Which of the following is an attribute of writing?

(a) Writing allows time for reflection

(b) Writing requires a higher standard that of


(c) Writing errors are ignored

(d) Writing call for more work by the teacher

after the lesson

6. What does ‘free- writing approach’ to writing

(a) Understanding of the content and fluency
(b) Syntax and language use
(c) Understanding of form and accuracy
(d) Grammatical accuracy
Page 2 Code No. : : 32120E
7. The last stage of writing is
(a) Controlled writing (b) Guided writing
(c) Free writing (d) Advanced writing
8. Understanding layout is a purpose of which level
writing activity?
(a) Writing at text level
(b) Writing at sentence level
(c) Writing at word level
(d) Writing at paragraph level

9. Among the language skills, the most difficult is

(a) Listening (b) Speaking
(c) Reading (d) Writing

10. In which activity the language is the pupils own

language, no matter what their level is?
(a) Delayed copying (b) Straight copying
(c) Dictation (d) Free- writing
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) How to write with proper Spelling and


(b) What is the skill of good reading
comprehension? Explain.
Page 3 Code No. : : 32120E
12. (a) What is the structure of sentence and


(b) List out explain the different types of writing?

13. (a) What is editing and rewriting? Explain.


(b) What is creative writing? Explain.

14. (a) What is the structure and form of proper

writing? Explain.


(b) What are the basic skills for resume writing?


15. (a) What are the skills to develop for writing



(b) Explain the use of adjectives and adverbs.”

Page 4 Code No. : : 32120E
PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Elaborate the general rules of grammar in

Tamil and English.


(b) Elaborate tenses and its examples.

17. (a) What are the techniques of effective writing?



(b) What are the technical jargons of English

grammar? Elucidate.

18. (a) What are the types of sentence and its

structure? Elaborate.


(b) What are the common grammatical errors

used in essay Writing? Elaborate.

19. (a) What is Script? Explain the qualities and

skills of script writer in media. Elaborate.


(b) Explain the about the role of proof reader and

Sub-editor in a Newspaper. Elaborate.
Page 5 Code No. : : 32120E
20. (a) List and explain the difference between essay
Writing and report writing?

(b) Give some tips for note making and note
taking skills.


Page 6 Code No. : : 32120E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32121 E Sub. Code : CAJM 21



Second Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication — Allied


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. The term Computer is derived

(a) German (b) Latin
(c) French (d) Arabic

2. NTSC picture is made up of 525 interlaced lines

and is displayed at a rate of ——————
(a) 29.97 (b) 24
(c) 27 (d) 24
3. —————— application used for presentation.
(a) MS Office (b) MS PowerPoint

(c) MS Access (d) MS Excel

4. The process of erasing a disk is called —————

(a) Wiping

(b) Cleaning

(c) Formatting

(d) Defragmenting

5. The tracking range of a Phase Locked Loop (PLL)


(a) is same as its lock range

(b) is same as its capture range

(c) is half a lock range

(d) is half of capture Range

6. Which of the following section does not exist in a

slide layout ——————

(a) Titles (b) Lists

(c) Charts (d) Animations

Page 2 Code No. : 32121 E

7. ROM

(a) Read Only Memory

(b) Read only Module

(c) Read Observe Module

(d) None of the above

8. Using Animation Effects in PowerPoint, one can

make an object

(a) Appear (b) Disappear

(c) Move (d) All the above

9. Outlook is a product from ——————

(a) Google (b) Microsoft

(c) Yahoo (d) Oracle

10. Bitmap graphics use —————— to represent


(a) Pixels

(b) Geometric Shapes

(c) Graphical Symbols

(d) Animated Signs

Page 3 Code No. : 32121 E
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Write a short note on Seven Media.

(b) Explain in detail about Mail Merge.

12. (a) Discuss the difference between Dithering

and Rendering.

(b) Write a short note on WWW.

13. (a) Write a short note on ROM.

(b) Write a short note any three transition
effects in PowerPoint?

14. (a) Write a short note on Application Software.

(b) Write a short note on Uploading and

Page 4 Code No. : 32121 E

15. (a) Describe the role of colors in designing a
poster for an advertisement.


(b) Write a short note on :

(i) Corel Draw

(ii) PageMaker.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Write elaborately about the characteristics of



(b) Explain in detail about the types of


17. (a) Explain in detail about the History of



(b) Explain in detail about the types of Software.

Page 5 Code No. : 32121 E

18. (a) Discuss the importance of CorelDraw
application in Layout Designing for a

(b) Explain in detail about the important
features of MS PowerPoint.

19. (a) Explain in detail about how Internet helped

media to reach audience.

(b) Explain the steps in creating PowerPoint
slide using AutoContent Wizard.

20. (a) Define digital Journalism. Explain the

elements of Digital Journalism.

(b) Explain in detail about the guidelines for
creating an effective layout design.


Page 6 Code No. : 32121 E

(6 pages) Reg. No. : ..........................................

Code No. : 32122 E Sub. Code : CAJM 31



Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication – Allied


(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer:

1. _________ refers to all the characters of a given

typeface including upper and lowercase letters,
punctuation marks, numerical and special

(a) Family (b) Group

(c) Font (d) Sub-group

2. Lithography process was invented by __________.

(a) Tolbert

(b) Alois Senefelder

(c) Gregory

(d) Richard

3. CorelDraw is a __________ software

(a) Word processing

(b) Layout designing

(c) Technical drawing

(d) Vector drawing

4. Adjusting space between a pair of letters is called


(a) Kerning (b) Leading

(c) Line spacing (d) Word spacing

5. _________ is the process of correlating overlapping

colors on a single image.

(a) Registration (b) Color correction

(c) Color saturation (d) Color separation

Page 2 Code No. : 32122 E

6. __________ is the mixture of color with black,
which reduces lightness.
(a) Shade (b) Tint
(c) Value (d) Saturation

7. Image area lying below non-image area and ink

being absorbed from pits, is the principle behind
_________ printing.
(a) Relief (b) Lithography
(c) Gravure (d) Flexography

8. Expansion of PS plates ___________.

(a) pre-sensitized
(b) post-sensitized
(c) preserved and saved
(d) preserved and served

9. The container which is direct contact with the

product is known as _________ package.
(a) Priliminery (b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary (d) Retail

10. __________ is a kind of logo.

(a) Jargon (b) Slogan
(c) Signature (d) Mascot

Page 3 Code No. : 32122 E

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Compare the principles behind offset and

gravure printing processes.
(b) Illustrate the parts of foundry typeface with
a diagram.

12. (a) What do you understand by the term

halftone? Narrate the purpose of halftone
(b) Distinguish vector images from raster
images. Discuss their application.

13. (a) Summarize the basics of color theory.

(b) Write a short note on: Color Psychology.

14. (a) Assess the differences between sheet-fed and

web-fed presses. List their advantages.
(b) Delineate “direct to plate” printing process.
Narrate its merits.

Page 4 Code No. : 32122 E

15. (a) Illustrate the three types of packaging.
(b) Explain GSM and narrate the significance of
different kinds of papers with different GSM
in printing.

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) How important are typography and spacing

in designing? List the essentials with
reference to readability and legibility.
(b) Briefly outline the classification of typefaces
and give examples.

17. (a) Describe the preparation required during the

pre-press stage of printing process. Delineate
the activities to be carried out.
(b) Examine the role of softwares in the
contemporary printing industry.

Page 5 Code No. : 32122 E

18. (a) Draw a color wheel and explain the related
(b) What is color correction in printing parlance?
How was/is it carried out?
(i) Manually
(ii) Using softwares.

19. (a) Delineate the plate making process in offset

printing process.
(b) Demonstrate the various stages of
Flexography printing process in detail.

20. (a) Elaborate the principles of packaging design.

Give examples.
(b) Illustrate the different types of logos with


Page 6 Code No. : 32122 E

(6 pages)
Reg. No. : ........................................

Code No. : 32123 E Sub. Code : CSJM 31



Third Semester

Journalism and Mass Communication –– Skill Based



(For those who joined in July 2021 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Which of the following page design remains the

same always?

(a) Front page (b) Editorial page

(c) Sports page (d) Lifestyle page

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a
front page?

(a) Should get the reader's attention

(b) Should include as much information in as few

words as possible

(c) Can include advertisements, headlines and


(d) Writers are allowed to present their opinion


3. Which of the following is repulsive for the sports

page design?

(a) Smaller photos cluttered together

(b) Cropping photos to exciting shapes

(c) Grid concept

(d) Photos enlarged to emphatic sizes

4. When a special story about the chief minister is

going to be published, which type of photo should
be most appropriate?

(a) Skew (b) Vignette

(c) Cut-out (d) Center spread

Page 2 Code No. : 32123 E

5. Extra pages that meant to carry advertisements
and placed before front page is called
(a) Shirt page (b) Jacket page
(c) Slide page (d) Sheer page

6. In which of these newspaper formats, the page

size is 22.5 inches?
(a) Narrowsheet (b) Broadsheet
(c) Tabloid (d) Berliner

7. Which of these doesn't belong to properties of

artistic design?
(a) Balance (b) Contrast
(c) Proportion (d) Opacity

8. Which of the following is not a page makeup style?

(a) horizontal page makeup
(b) vertical page makeup
(c) angular page makeup
(d) modular makeup

9. Which of these is not pagination software?

(a) Audacity (b) Adobe InDesign
(c) Adobe photoshop (d) QuarkXpress

Page 3 Code No. : 32123 E

10. Which of the following is a 'do not' in a good
(a) Keep fonts and font sizes consistent
(b) Make navigation easy
(c) Use white space
(d) Use different fonts

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

Each answer should not exceed 250 words.

11. (a) Describe the process of pagination.

(b) What is meant by white space?

12. (a) What is dummy preparation?

(b) Distinguish between horizontal and vertical
page makeup.

13. (a) Explain modular page make up.

(b) What are the measures to be followed in a
Sunday magazine page makeup?

Page 4 Code No. : 32123 E

14. (a) What is a wrap around in a newspaper?

(b) In which type of news stories photo cutouts
are more useful?

15. (a) Write salient features of adobe InDesign


(b) Explain why QuarkXpress is suitable for page

PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Each answer should not exceed 600 words.

16. (a) Summarize the basic principles of artistic


(b) In today's newspaper the editor/sub editor
plays the role of layout artist. Justify.

17. (a) Explain the four basic principles of page


(b) Enumerate the do's and don'ts of preparing a
good layout.

Page 5 Code No. : 32123 E

18. (a) Discuss the styles in contemporary page

(b) Explain the types of front page makeup.

19. (a) Describe the process of including cartoons and

caricatures to a page design.

(b) Evaluate how the use of infographics helps
the online newspapers to attract more

20. (a) Give a brief description of any four pagination


(b) If you want to design a magazine, list out
which softwares will be useful for you.


Page 6 Code No. : 32123 E

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