Unit 1: ME-801 (C) - Reliability & Maintenance
Unit 1: ME-801 (C) - Reliability & Maintenance
Unit 1: ME-801 (C) - Reliability & Maintenance
, Exponential, Normal, Log-normal, Gamma and Weibull distribution; failure rate, hazard rate, failure modes, MTTR, MTBF, MTTF Unit 2 System Reliability Models: System reliabilityn-component series systems, mcomponent parallel systems and combined system; standby systems; K-out-of-m systems; redundancy techniques in system design; event space, decomposition (Key Stone), cut and tie sets, Markov analysis, reliability and quality, unreliability, maintainability, availability Unit 3 Maintenance Concepts and Strategies: Introduction, maintenance functions and objectives, maintenance planning and scheduling, maintenance organization. General Introduction to Maintenance Types: Breakdown, emergency, corrective, predictive, and preventive; maintenance prevention; design-out maintenance, productive maintenance, shutdown maintenance and scheduled maintenance. Unit 4 Condition Based Maintenance: Principles of CBM, pillars of condition monitoring, CBM implementation and benefits; condition monitoring techniques- visual monitoring, vibration monitoring, wear debris monitoring, corrosion monitoring, performance monitoring Unit 5 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM):- Concept, methodology, benefits; Total Productive Maintenance: Evolution of TPM, TPM objectives, concept, pillars of TPM. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/ Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA): Overview, elements of FMECA, applications and benefits, risk evaluation, risk priority numbers, criticality analysis, process FMEA, qualitative and quantitative approach to FMECA; design FMEA and steps for carrying out design FMEA
ME-802 Machine Design Note: PSG Design data book and/ or Mahadevan and Reddys Mechanical design dat a book are to be provided/ permitted in exam hall (duly verified by authority) Unit I Design of Belt, Rope and Chain Drives: Methods of power transmission, selection and design of flat belt and pulley; Selection of V-belts and sheave design; Design of chain drives, roller chain and its selection; Rope drives, design of rope drives, hoist ropes. Unit II Spur and Helical Gears: Force analysis of gear tooth, modes of failure, beam strength, Lewis equation, form factor, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Gear materials; Surface strength and wear of teeth; strength against wear; Design of straight tooth spur and Helical Gears. Bevel Gears: Application of bevel, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Force analysis; Lewis equation for bevel gears; Strength against wear; Design of bevel gear. Unit III Design of I.C. Engine Components: General design considerations in I C engines; design of cylinder; design of piston and piston-rings; design of connecting rod; design of crankshaft. Unit IV Design of Miscellaneous Components: design of Flanged coupling; Rigid coupling, Design of Pressure vessels subjects to internal pressure, external pressure, design of penetration, design of flanges, cone cylinder junctions ,Materials, Fabrication. Unit V Optimization: Basic concept of optimization, classification of optimization, optimization techniques, engineering applications of optimization. Classical optimization techniques: unconstrained optimization single-variable optimization, multivariable optimization, solution by direct search method, solution by Lagrange-multipliers method.
ME-803 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Unit-I Introduction: Principles and methods of refrigeration, freezing; mixture cooling by gas reversible expansion, throttling, evaporation, Joule Thomson effect and reverse Carnot cycle; unit of refrigeration, coefficient of performance, vortex tube & thermoelectric refrigeration, adiabatic demagnetization; air refrigeration cycles- Joules cycle Boot-strap cycle, reduced ambient cycle and regenerative cooling cycles. Unit-II Vapour compression system: Vapor compression cycle, p-h and t-s diagrams, deviations from theoretical cycle, sub-cooling and super heating, effects of condenser and evaporator pressure on cop; multi-pressure system: removal of flash gas, multiple expansion & compression with flash inter cooling; low temperature refrigeration: production of low temperatures, cascade system, dry ice, production of dry ice, air liquefaction system,. Unit-III (a) Vapour absorption system: Theoretical and practical systems such as aquaammonia, electrolux & other systems; (b) Steam jet refrigeration: Principles and working, simple cycle of operation, description and working of simple system, (c) refrigerants: nomenclature & classification, desirable properties, common refrigeration, comparative study, leak detection methods, environment friendly refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures, brine and its properties Unit-IV Psychrometric: Calculation of psychrometric properties of air by table and charts; psychrometric processes: sensible heating and cooling, evaporative cooling, cooling and dehumidification, heating and humidification, mixing of air stream, sensible heat factor; principle of air conditioning, requirements of comfort air conditioning, ventilation standards, infiltrated air load, fresh air load human comfort, effective temperature & chart, heat production & regulation of human body, Unit-V Air conditioning loads: calculation of summer & winter air conditioning load, bypass factor of coil, calculation of supply air rate & its condition, room sensible heat factor, grand sensible heat factor, effective sensible heat factor, dehumidified air quantity. Problems on cooling load calculation. Air distribution and ventilation systems
ME-804 CAD/CAM/CIM Unit 1 Introduction: Information requirements of mfg organizations; business forecasting and aggregate production plan; MPS, MRP and shop floor/ Production Activity Control (PAC); Mfg as a system, productivity and wealth creation; production processes on volume-variety axes; importance of batch and job shop production; CIM definition and CIM wheel, evolution and benefits; CIM as a subset of Product Life Cycle (PLC) mgt; design for mfg (DFM) and concurrent engg; product design in conventional and CIM environment; terms like CAD, CAE, CAM, CAP, CAPP, CATD and CAQ. Unit 2 Graphics and standards: Raster scan, coordinate systems for model (M/ WCS) user and display; database for graphic modeling; PDM, PIM, EDM; define EDM, features of EDM; basic transformations of geometry- translation, scaling, rotation and mirror; introduction to modeling software; need for CAD data standardization; developments in drawing data exchange formats; GKS, PHIGS, CORE, IGES, DXF STEP DMIS AND VDI; ISO standard for exchange of Product Model data-STEP and major area application protocols. Unit 3 Geometric Modeling: Its use in analysis and mfg; 2D and 3D line, surface and volume models; linear extrusion and rotational sweep; Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG); basics of boundary presentation- spline, Bezier, b-spline, and NURBS; sculpture surfaces, classification, basics of coons, Bezier, b-spline and ruled surfaces; tweaking, constraint based parametric modeling; wire-frame modeling, definition of point, line and circle; polynomial curve fitting; introduction to rapid prototyping. Unit 4 Numeric control and part programming: Principles of NC machines, CNC, DNC; NC modes of point to point, -line and 2D, 3D contouring; NC part programming; ISO standard for coding, preparatory functions(G)- motion, dwell, unit, preset, cutter compensation, coordinate and plane selection groups; miscellaneous (M) codes; CLDATA and tool path simulation; ISO codes for turning tools and holders; ATC, modular work holding and pallets; time and power estimation in milling, drilling and turning; adaptive control, sequence control and PLC; simple part programming examples. Unit 5 Group Technology: Importance of batch and job shop production; merits of converting zigzag process layout flow to smooth flow in cellular layout, Production Flow Analysis (PFA) and clustering methods; concept of part families and coding; hierarchical, attribute and hybrid coding; OPITZ, MICLASS and DCLASS coding; FMS; material handling; robots, AGV and their programming; agile mfg; Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), variant/ retrieval and generative approach