Khaperkheda Project Execution An Experience

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Khaperkheda TPS 2 X 210 MW extn.

3 & 4
Project approved vide M.B.R. No. 843 dated 8 th Sept 1997 and zero date of the project is 10th Sept 1997. Main p ant ordered on B!"#. $ota esti%ated project cost is 1370.31 crores. $ota pac&a'es ordered (1 Nos. order on B!"# for 13 pac&a'es) tota cost of Rs.977.93 crores inc *sive of P+. $he %ain pac&a'es are) Boi er , -*.i iaries) $*r/ine 0enerator , -*.i iaries) "SP) 12 P*%ps) $ransfor%ers) !$ S3itch'ears , B*s d*cts. $he project 3as sched* ed for co%p etion in 34 %onths for *nit 5 3 i.e. Ma6 4000 and 3( %onths for *nit 5 4 i.e. Nov.4000. #ease finance avai a/ e fro% 7817) SB7) N19. The Salient Features o $+,'&1. 4. Separate "asin( &SP. No co%%on d*ct at "SP in et :-P!; - o*t et 'oes to "SP - , B) -P!; B o*t et 'oes to "SP 1 , 9< +89 for 7.9.8ans "SP 7=S pane , P1 in %ain contro roo% S*perheater , Reheater spra6 contro va ves of 117 )9R-0 %a&e 9r*% 92#0 is of B=N$ #"+"# 0-?0" $@P" B17 10 ) 1"S-R" B=N"$$7 :7ta ia< %a&e , "2#7 is of @-R2-@ %a&e. 79 fans) P- fans and 1oa Mi s are on sprin' s*pported fo*ndation. !ot P- fans) each one for each Mi . this pro!e"t #$%&' pa"ka(e) are as ollo*s.

3. 4. >. (<

7< 8<

P,P,./ 1< 4< -PR9S co%prisin' 3 strea%s one each of !i'h )7nter%ediate) , #o3 capacit6. P;91 %ateria *sed for M.S. , !PBP ines.

T0-$,.& 1.2 /&.&-1T+1< 8i.ed pedesta , sprin' s*pported $0 dec& 4< 7P $*r/ine of sin' e f o3. 3< !P Stop va ve , 1ontro va ve %o*nted direct 6 on !P casin' 4< Both !P , 7P va ves are of 4>0 M2 size.

>< !6dra* ic %otor operated /arrin' 'ear at front /earin' pedesta . (< $*r/ovisor6 /6 Bent 6 Neveda. 7< No %onitorin' of !P , 7P differentia e.pansion. =n 6 #P$ differentia e.pansion is %onitored.

8< !eat rate is o3est for t*r/ine 1939 &ca A&3hr. 9< 0enerator 3ith so id stator 3indin' cond*ctor 3ith h6dro'en coo in'. 10< !6dro'en press*re is on 6 4 &'Ac%4. 11< 1ondenser 3ith stain ess stee t*/es. 14< =n 6 one 1R! NR+. 13< No eve s3itches for !ot 3e ) 9eaerator) #P !eaters , !P !eaters. 14< 9+R for e.citation.

1ll the e3ents and a"ti3ities are nearl4 "o5pleted as per s"hedule ?N7$ 5 3 7ontra"tual 9A98 1A99 10A99 ?N7$ 5 4 7ontra"tual 04A99 07A99 04A00

&6&.TS Boi er erection start 9r*% iftin' !6dra* ic test:draina/ e< 8* h6dro test 1ontro roo% c earance Boi er i'ht *p $. 0. erection start Bo. *p of $.0. Barrin' 'ear Ro in' AS6nchronisation $ria operation

1"tual 17A08A98 31A14A98 44A07A99 14A04A00 8A14A99 48A04A00 17A0>A99 44A04A00 4(A0>A00 31A0>A00 1>A14A00

1"tual 1>A14A98 31A03A98 43A10A99 4(A09A00 4(A07A00 10A10A00 47A01A00 40A10A00 31A14A00 07A01A01 4>A08.01

1A00 >A99 3A00 >A00 >A00 9A00

07A00 11A99 9A00 11A00 11A00 >A01

1o%parative state%ent /et3een *nit 5 3 and *nit 5 4 for the d*ration of activities is as fo o3s.

2uration 8et*een a"ti3ities in nu58er o da4s Boi er erection start to dr*% iftin' 9r*% iftin' to h6dra* ic test:9raina/ e< !$:9raina/ e< to Boi er #i'ht ?p !6dro test :8* < to /oi er i'ht *p

0nit 9 3 13( 40> 418 14

0nit 9 4 10( 40( 3>3 14

1ontro roo% c earance to /oi er i'ht *p $0 erection start to /arrin' 'ear =i f *shin' d*ration Stea% / o3in' d*ration Boi er i'ht *p to s6nchronisation S6nchronisation to coa firin' 1oa 8irin' to f* oad 8* oad to tria operation:Start< $ria operation co%p etion to P0 test

80 3>4 44 9 93 81 >1 44 103

74 3(9 1( 8 89 7( 144 4

So5e o the 5ain a"tors "ontri8uted in ti5el4 "o5pletion o pro!e"t are:

1< SeB*entia and ti%e 6 s*pp 6 of %ateria s fro% %an*fact*rin' *nits. 4< Metic* o*s and %icro eve p annin' fo o3ed /6 dai 6 interna revie3 %eetin' and constant fo o3 *p.

3< S*/ contractors capa/i it6 fro% %an po3er) $ , P) and reso*rces point of vie3

"rection contractors C

8or *nit 3) MAs. ?.B. "n''. #td. for Boi er and $0. 8or *nit 4) MAs. # , $ for Boi er and MAs. 7nd3e for $*r/ine. MAs. Be s contro for 1 , 7 pac&a'e of /oth the *nits. MAs. Mahati " ectrica s for " ectrica pac&a'e of /oth the *nits.

4< !i'h 6 e.perienced and s*fficient staff fro% B!"#. >< S*pport fro% other B!"# staff on to*r. (< 0ood infrastr*ct*re faci it6 avai a/i it6. 7< 1 ose interaction and revie3 %eetin's 3ith c*sto%er) %onth 6 revie3 /6 $.9. and dai 6 revie3 3ith seniors and constant fo o3 *p and s*pervision at 3or&in' eve .

8< $i%e 6 %ajor inp*ts fro% c*sto%er

,n so5e o the areas: dela4 has o""urred: 8e"ause o

ollo*in( 5ain reasons:

9e a6 in c earance fro% civi a'encies of MS"B viz.< $0 fo*ndations of /oth *nits) ii< 9eaerator f oor and PR9S f oor of /oth *nits. iii< M , N ro3 co *%ns for *nit 4. iv< 79; 4- fo*ndations v<Mi fo*ndations in *nit;4 vi< ?nit;4 P- fans fo*ndations 9e a6 in 12 p*%p erection , co%%issionin' %ain 6 d*e to fo*ndation %is%atch for so e p ate and desi'n deficiencies in contro pane s and i%it s3itches %o*ntin' f i%siness. MAs. Nav/harat ins* ation a'enc6 for ins* ation app ication 3as not ver6 %*ch reso*rcef* ) the s*pervision and p annin' 3as co%parative 6 poor and the oca inf *ence co* d not /e %ana'ed /6 the% proper 6. Moreover this a'enc6 3as doin' ins* ation app ication on ther%a /oi er for the first ti%e for B!"#. $he a/or stri&e of MAs # , $ at the sta'e of coa firin' of *nit 4 ca*sed de a6 of a %ost one %onth. - so the approach for %i s erection 3as hindered /eca*se of civi 3or&s for coa reject /e t /6 c*sto%er. $his cons*%ed %ore ti%e for %i erection. $he shorta'e of ins* ation %ateria and s*pp 6 de a6 has considera/ 6 de a6ed ast 3 %i s and 4 passes of "SP co%p etion.

7n addition to this) for ti%e c6c e red*ction t3o S7PDs 3ere ta&en *p for c6c e ti%e red*ction.

$0) oi f *shin' activit6 3as p anned /6 %a&in' a preparator6 3or&s s*ch that in /et3een ti%e 3asta'e 3as a %ost %ini%ised and activit6 3as contin*ed non stop.

Stea% / o3in' c6c e ti%e red*ction /6 s*ita/ e ine a6o*t 3ith additiona va ves. $his has red*ced ti%e for preparation /et3een sta'es. - so the circ*its co* d /e chan'ed as reB*ired for effective / o3in' and 'ettin' ear 6 res* ts.

16c e ti%e 3as red*ced in fo o3in' areas /6 advance p annin' and %a&in' te%porar6 A a ternative arran'e%ent.


?nit 5 3)Main contro roo% civi c earance for start of contro pane erection 3as 'iven on 08A14A99. $he tota pane erection) ca/ in' and char'in' for /oi er i'ht 3as co%p eted in on 6 ;0 da4s) 3hich nor%a 6 ta&es 4 %onths ti%e. $o achieve this) pane s 3ere shifted to $0 f oor in advance so that i%%ediate 6 pane erection can /e started. Para e 6 the ca/ e 'a er6 3as a so %ade read6 3ith ca/ e tra6s. So that ca/ in' 3or& to /e started i%%ediate 6 on p ace%ent of pane s.

Si%i ar 6 in *nit 5 4 a so the pane erection 3as co%p eted in <4 da4s fro% contro roo% c earance to /oi er i'ht *p %i estone. $o avoid pane shiftin' pro/ e% in rain6 season) a the pane s 3ere shifted /efore hand and c6c e ti%e red*ction 3as achieved.

4< "SP air in ea& test is one of the test to /e cond*cted on co%p etion of erection. $he #$ contro pane for the / o3er 3as not avai a/ e at that ti%e. $o c*t short the 3aitin' ti%e) the contro pane of acid c eanin' p*%ps 3as %odified to s*it the / o3er and test 3as co%p eted 3ith avai a/ e constr*ction s*pp 6 itse f.


Si%i ar 6 there 3as de a6 fro% c*sto%er) for "SP contro roo% and providin' #$ s*pp 6 for rappin' %otors tria s. $e%porar6 starters 3ere arran'ed and 3ith constr*ction s*pp 6 the rappin' s6ste% tria s 3ere co%p eted in *nit 3 , 4.

4< - so the c*sto%er #$ po3er s*pp 6 3as not avai a/ e for carr6in' o*t the */ oi ines f *shin' in Boi er , $*r/ine a*.i iaries. - the */ oi s6ste% in 8ans) -P!s) Mi s and B8Ps 3ere f *shed 3ith constr*ction po3er fro% *sin' #$ starters in *nit 3 , 4.

S1-S 1.2 71-S

-t Ehaper&heda the n*%/er of S-Rs and 1-Rs raised as on 41.1.04 are as fo o3s)

$ota S-Rs raised Mf' *nit $rich6 Ranipet !6dera/ad "9N Bhopa !ard3ar Ghansi P"M Pipin' center $ota ?nit;3 1(> (7 >4 34 3( 8( 48 10 (( >4( ?nit F4 4> 9 14 8 1( 44 41 3 47 18>

$ota 1-Rs raised Mf'. *nit $rich6 Ranipet !6dera/ad "9N Bhopa !ard3ar Ghansi P"M Pipin' center $ota ?nit;3 11 ( 1( 17 14 48 3 4 1 9( ?nit;4 10 9 8 7 8 1> 4 1 1 (1

The 5a!or pro8le5s a"ed durin( "o55issionin( "ausin( anxiet4 are listed as 8elo* 1= $%&' Supplied &>uip5ent

1< 8reB*ent fai *res of 91 G=P %otors. 4< #P$9" fi.ed t6pe %o*ntin' /rac&et arran'e%ent and ca i/ration diffic* t6. 3< Bearin' no. 3 vi/ration pro/e instr*%ent. ocation pro/ e% ca*sin' non 3or&in' of the

4< Barrin' 'ear) ja%%in' pro/ e%. >< 0 and Sea stea% s*pp 6 and ea& off va ve *nre ia/ e operation. (< 8.9. 8ans servo%otor oi ea&a'eDs and s*/seB*ent S1-P! cho&in'. 7< +89 co%%issionin' for 7.9. 8ans) freB*ent card fai *res. 8< 8ai *reAstic&in' of over speed device. 9< Mi. *pAnon c arit6 of a/so *te and re ative shaft vi/ration and /earin' vi/ration disp a6 in 2SP=S" d*e to inco%p ete %odification /6 Bent 6 Neveda.

10< 8ai *re of "SP interna s d*e to hi'h ash /*i t *p in hoppers. 11< 7ncreasin' trend of 'enerator /earin' vi/ration and hi'h vi/rations at /earin' *nit;3 14< -PR9S operation diffic* t6 d*e to capacit6 se ection pro/ e% at desi'n sta'e. 13< ?-$ fai *re. 14< 8reB*ent fai *res of M=$PR= re a6s and (.( E+ s3itch'ear pro/ e% reB*ired ot of corrections.

BC 1*sto%er S*pp ied S6ste%sC

1. -sh hand in' S6ste% :a< 9r6 s6ste% fro% "SP hoppers ) "cono%iser hoppers , -irheater hoppers to Si o :/< 2et S *rr6:9ense phase< thro*'h 0"!= P*%p : 8irst $i%e in 7ndia<

$-,&F 2&S7-,PT,+. +. S+M& +F T%& 1$+6& ',ST&2 P-+$'&MS



1< 1P-2S +P&-1T,+.1' P-+$'&M.


$he -PR9S s6ste% provided here has three strea%s as per capacit6 i.e;!i'h capacit6 !.1.<) 7nter%ediate 1apacit6 :7.1.< and #o3 1apacit6 :#.1.<) *n i&e nor%a 6 4 strea%s in ear ier projects. $he !1 is havin' one pne*%atic operated stea% side PR+ and spra6 side $1+) additiona 6 %otorised /6pass re%ote %an*a va ve is a so provided. $he !1 is envisa'ed for 18 $A!r to 8( $A!r.f o3. $he 71 is havin' one %otor operated re'* atin' va ve on stea% side PR+ and one on spra6 side $1+ havin' f o3 capacit6 of 8 $A!r. to 18 $A!r. $he #1 is havin' pne*%atic operated stea% side PR+ and spra6 side $1+ havin' capacit6 of 0.7 $A!r.

8* a*to operation is envisa'ed for %ini%*% f o3 to %a.i%*% f o3 and vice versa reB*ire%ent 3ith a*to chan'e over fro% one strea% to another strea%. $he %ain pro/ e% faced is the !1 havin' ver6 hi'h capacit6 than act*a reB*ire%ent) so it 3as not s*ita/ e for o3 f o3 condition at *nit partia oad operation. #1 havin' ver6 o3 capacit6 than nor%a 6 reB*ired to &eep the s6ste% in char'ed condition at *nit f* oad operation 3ith no s6ste% cons*%ption. 7t 3as fe t that 71 3i /e idea for s*ch cases) /*t the %otor operated re'* atin' va ve 3as not s*ita/ e for a*to operation.

-1$7=N $-E"N

2hen pro/ e% referred to P1 1hennai) it 3as infor%ed that the capacit6 se ection 3as /ased on c*sto%er inp*ts and approva . $he 71 PR9S 3as ater addition to faci itate on 6 for chan'e over fro% !1 to #1 and vice;versa. -fter ot of correspondence P1 1hennai a'reed to rep ace the 71 PR9S va ves act*ators fro% e ectrica to pne*%atic. $hese are recent 6 insta ed and perfor%ance is *nder o/servation.

2)F.2. F1. S&-6+M+T+- +,' '&1K1/&.


7n a the fo*r 8.9. fans oi ea&a'e deve oped fro% servo%otor ca*sin' serio*s operationa pro/ e% of S1-P! cho&in' and *neven f o3 thro*'h -P! and 3ide difference at -P! o*t et f *e 'as and air te%perat*res. $o attend 8.9. fan pro/ e% oad red*ction and S1-P! c eanin' 3as reB*irin' tota *nit sh*t do3n.

17T,+. T1K&. $he pro/ e% 3as reported to B!"# Ranipet and the oi sea s and si%%er rin's 3ere chan'ed 3ith /etter B*a it6. 7n one fan) /earin' rep ace%ent 3as a so 3as reB*ired. -s per infor%ation these fans 3ere fitted 3ith indi'eno*s sea s and si%%er rin's. $he perfor%ance 3as not satisfactor6 and hence chan'ed 3ith i%ported one. -nother i&e 6 reason is sea erosion d*e to ash entr6 fro% at%osphere. $his is d*rin' initia pro/ e% in ash hand in' s6ste%) 3hen the ash hoppers 3ere 'ro*nd *n oaded freB*ent 6 ca*sed the entire area d*st6. Ranipet s*''ested to provide sea air connection to avoid ash entr6 in to oi sea area.

3)1S% %1.2',./ S?ST&M @ &SP ,.T&-.1'S 21M1/&S

$he ash hand in' s6ste% s*pp ied /6 MAs. Mahindra -sh $ech is 3ith ne3 techno o'6 adopted first ti%e for 410 M2 *nit /6 MS"B. $he %ain 3or&in' princip e is as /e o3 1< $he dr6 ash fro% "SP hoppers is co ected /6 'ravit6 f o3) in vesse do3n /e o3. 8or this a vent ine is connected fro% vesse to "SP casin' for eB*a isin' the press*re. 4< $he ash co ected is transported fro% vesse to si o /6 transportation air thro*'h M.S. pipes. -sh fro% si o is transported to s *rr6 tan& thro*'h d*st conditioner and s *rr6 densit6 is %aintained to have dense phase ash. $he s *rr6 tan& is havin' stirrer for *nifor% ash 3ater'.


4< $he thic& s *rr6 is s*c&ed /6 reciprocatin' p*%p :0"!=< and p*%ped to ash /*nd ocated a/o*t ( E%s. $he %a.i%*% dischar'e press*re is 180 E'A1%4.

$he tota operation i.e. ash co ection in vesse ) transportation to si o) %eas*rin' and %aintainin' s *rr6 densit6 and transportin' the dense s *rr6 to ash pond is desi'ned for f* a*to operation.


9*rin' initia co%%issionin' period d*e to vario*s reasons the ash evac*ation fro% hopper 3as not effective and hoppers 3ere 'ettin' f* res* tin' in fie d trippin' on ash eve hi'h protection. Man6 ti%es the ash co ection 3as %*ch a/ove co ectin' rappin' s6ste%. $his has ca*sed serio*s pro/ e% of "SP interna s da%a'e viz.) i< Shoc& /ar /endin'.

ii< 1o ectin' e ectrode /endin' iii< 1o ectin' e ectrodes co%in' o*t of s*spension hoo&. iv< "%ittin' e ectrodes snappin'. v< 1o ectin' rappin' %otor trippin' on over oad.

$his 3as a ro*tine fai *re o/served 3henever the fie d 3as chec&ed for attendin' to da%a'es after 'ro*nd *n oadin' of ash. 7n *nit 3 HB;1D fie d e.tensive da%a'e 3as noticed. $he e%ittin' e ectrode %idd e and /otto% tier fra%e 'ot /ent. $he co ectin' e ectrode s*spension fra%e /ent. - %ost 30 to 40 I co ectin' , e%ittin' e ectrodes) shoc& /ars da%a'ed) e%ittin' rappin' ins* ator) def ectors in hoppers 3ere da%a'ed and reB*ired rep ace%ent. MS"B apprehended the desi'n deficienc6 in "SP interna co%ponents and as&ed to st*d6 the sa%e. B!"# stated that 3ith hi'her efficienc6 , hi'her size "SPDs the desi'n incorporated and s*pp ied for %ore than 100 "SPDs had si%i ar pro/ e%s) 3hen e.cessive ash /*i t *p a/ove hi'h eve pro/e are a o3ed.

17T,+. T1K&.

i< ii<

-sh hand in' s6ste%

i%proved and hi'h eve /*i t *p to /e avoided.

7n case ash evac*ation is not done thro*'h s6ste%) it sho* d /e 'ro*nd *n oaded. $he fie d to /e s3itched off) /*t rappin' s6ste% in service) 3here hopper is not 'ettin' evac*ated. 8 *idisin' pads provided for assistin' eas6 ash f o3 to vesse .




$o avoid /ac& f o3 fro% vesse to hopper) the passin' inta&e va ves to /e attended i%%ediate 6. 9ependin' on condition adj*stin' the fie d oadin' /6 chan'in' char'e ratio) c*rrent i%it and rappin' freB*enc6.


- these 3ere te%porar6 %eas*res and ots of %odifications 3ere carried o*t in ash hand in' s6ste% and no3 since -*'*st 4001 considera/ e i%prove%ent is o/served and "SP interna s da%a'es a so red*cedAe i%inated. 8or B!"#) the e.tra 3or& to3ards rectification to the order of >0 to (0 a&hs:inc *din' s*pp 6 of %ateria < 3as invo ved. $he contin*o*s operation and %aintenance of ash hand in' s6ste% and itDs effect on "SP interna s is *nder o/servation.

4)P.1 F1.A 3&: $&1-,./ F1,'0-&


=n t3o occasions tota 3 nos. /earin' fai ed in ;3" associated 3ith /earin' fai *re) r*//in' in i%pe er sea ) shaft sea and shaft near protective t*/e 3as o/served. - the possi/ e reasons of /earin' da%a'es 3ere chec&ed and confir%ed for their correctness viz. */ oi f o3) coo in' 3ater f o3) /earin' c earances) sea c earances) jo*rna dia%eter) centerin') a i'n%ent) ooseness etc. 7t 3as o/served that the in hot condition the casin' is not e.pandin' as desired d*rin' desi'n sta'e. $he '*ide and e.pansion provisions provided can not contro the casin' %ove%ent.

17T,+. T1K&. =n referrin' the pro/ e% to Ranipet) and d*rin' visit of Ranipet en'ineer a so the reason for casin' shiftin' co* d not /e ascertained. $he si%i ar *npredicta/ e casin' shift 3as o/served in a other fans a so to vario*s e.tents. 8ina 6 it 3as decided to oc& the casin' after ens*rin' the centerin' in co d condition. $he e.pansion provision 3as re%oved and additiona oc&in' 3as provided to avoid the casin' shift. $his %odification 3as carried o*t for a the 14 fans. -fter this no da%a'e happened on acco*nt of casin' shift.

B.$M7- T&ST +F $+,'&-

BM1R test is one of the %ain /oi er capa/i it6 tests to /e proven as part of /oi er P0 test. $he %ain constraint faced is cons*%ption of e.tra stea% a/ove /oi er M1R capacit6 and d*ration of test. $he vario*s possi/i ities are as fo o3s) 1< $he t*r/ine can /e oaded %ore *p to its %a.i%*% capacit6 to cons*%e %ore stea% f o3 :%eas*red /6 first sta'e press*re +s stea% f o3 c*rve< fro% /oi er. $he d*ration of s*ch oadin' 3.r.t. t*r/ine i%itations are not c ear 6 specified. 4< $he e.cess stea% to /e diverted /6 cons*%in' for other p*rpose thro*'h -PR9S. -t f* oad operation) -PR9S stea% cons*%ption /6 sa%e *nit is not possi/ e for pro on'ed d*ration.: on 6 the S1-P! can /e char'ed to cons*%e %ore stea% <.cons*%ption of e.cess stea% thro*'h -PR9S to other *nits a so poses restriction d*e to a/ove reasons. 3< +entin' of stea% fro% -PR9S to at%osphere thro*'h spare tappin's. $he %ain pro/ e% faced is noise po *tion. - s*ita/ e ine 3ith si encer and proper ro*tin' of this ine is to /e provided at desi'n sta'e it se f. 4< Para e operation of !P /6 pass for divertin' e.cess stea% fro% %ain stea% ine in to re;heater s6ste%. -t t*r/ine f* oad condition the para e operation phi osoph6 and safet6 of t*r/ine is not ver6 %*ch c ear and a so the condenser capa/i it6 for this condition is not c ear 6 %entioned.

$he %ain para%eter to /e %eas*red for BM1R test is stea% f o3 fro% /oi er. $he nor%a %eas*re%ent faci it6 and its a*thenticit6 /eco%e a B*estion %ar&. $hen 3e resort to other indirect %ethod i&e feed 3ater f o3 %eas*re%ent) 3hich is not convincin' to c*sto%er. $o overco%e this pro/ e% /ein' faced in a %ost ever6 *ti it6 /oi er fo o3in' sha /e tho*'ht of) 1< Meas*re%ent of stea% f o3 fro% /oi er /6 so%e other %ethod. e.'. the 9P across s*per heater +s f o3: as provided at $ro%/a6 *nit 5 (< 4< Provision of additiona ine fro% -PR9S 3ith si encer for stea% ventin'. 3< Possi/i it6 of *se of start *p vent and its f o3 %eas*re%ent at f* oad para%eter.

4< #oadin' of t*r/ine to %a.i%*% possi/ e oad and its ti%e d*ration &eepin' in vie3 of safet6 and specia preca*tions to /e ta&en for %ain t*r/ine) 'enerator) transfor%er) condenser etc. >< Para e operation of !P /6pass s6ste% at t*r/ine f* oad.



1< 0#-N9 S$"-M S?PP#@ -N9 #"-E =88 +-#+"S =P"R-$7=N.

PR=B#"M $he operation of ' and stea% s*pp 6 and ea& off va ves 3ith h6dra* ic act*ators are not satisfactor6. !ard3ar nor%a 6 i%ports the h6dra* ic act*ators fro% 0er%an6. -t Ehaper&heda !ard3ar has s*pp ied MAs. 76appan %a&e :indi'eno*s< h6dra* ic act*ators. $o attend to the vario*s pro/ e%s in these act*ators and %a&e re ia/ e operation of these va ves) n*%/er of actions 3ere ta&en as fo o3s. 17T,+. T1K&. i< ii< $he feed /ac& in&a'es 3ere 'ettin' dist*r/ed freB*ent 6 and it 3as %odified. $he fi ters 3ere 'ettin' cho&ed ver6 freB*ent 6. $he oi 3as rep aced and fi ters 3ere c eaned re'* ar 6. Sti oi conta%ination 3as o/served. 7t 3as s*spected that the oi tan& of a *%in*% castin' is ca*sin' oi conta%ination and hence these tan&s 3ere acid c eaned. B*t fina 6 it 3as decided to rep ace the a *%in*% tan& 3ith stain ess stee tan&. - so the %otor s*pp ied 3as of 0.4> E2 capacit6 and 3as j*st s*fficient. !ence the %otors 3ere rep aced 3ith 0.37 E2 capacit6. Re ief va ves 3ere passin' and it 3as rep aced. -fter a this e.ercise sti the a*to operation of these va ves 3ere not satisfactor6 and hence the over ap openin' /et3een t3o va ves i.e. s*pp 6 , ea& off 3as tried to increase. - so the i%p* se sensin' ine 3as %odified to avoid an6 de a6 in sensin'. "ven after this action it 3as o/served that the tan& is 'ettin' heated *p and in hot condition appro.i%ate 6 a/ove (0 de'. 1) the va ve operation 3as erratic. !ence te%porari 6 tan& coo in' arran'e%ent 3as done 3ith co%pressed air and fina 6 a separate oi coo er arran'e%ent 3as s*pp ied /6 vendor. Sti the operation is not satisfactor6) and 3ith so %an6 *ncertainties and freB*ent %aintenance reB*ire%ent) c*sto%er is de%andin' to rep ace the h6dra* ic act*ator 3ith pne*%atic. $he sa%e pro/ e% 3as faced in Ehaper&heda *nit 5 1 , 4 a so and c*sto%er has %odified the va ve /6 providin' pne*%atic act*ator. 2e have reB*ested MS"B to carr6 on the 3or& and de/it the cost to B!"#.



v< vi<



2) 0.,T 9 4 : $1--,./ /&1-


=n one occasion 3hen *nit tripped t*r/ine ca%e to /arrin' 'ear and after a/o*t > !rs. a ar% appeared /arrin' 'ear so enoid ener'ised a on' 3ith sea oi !4 differentia press*re o3) and /arrin' speed started red*cin' and t*r/ine ca%e to stand sti . =n investi'ation it 3as o/served that as per o'ic 3hen t*r/ine speed ess than 1> rp% and

sea oi !4 dist*r/ed the /arrin' 'ear so enoid 3i ener'ise to c ose the oi s*pp 6 to /arrin' 'ear %otor. "ven tho*'h act*a speed 3as %ore) so%e 3or& 3as /ein' done in $0 pane and the card 3as re%oved hence speed ess than 1> rp% 3as sensed and so enoid 'ot ener'ised. -fter nor%a isin' and de;ener'isin' the so enoid it 3as o/served that t*r/ine did not co%e on /arrin' speed. 8o o3in' chec&s 3ere carried o*t. 17T,+. T1K&. 1< Rotor freeness chec&ed /6 hand /arrin'. 4< 9ia 'a*'es 3ere p*t and %a&in' G=P p*%p off and on chec&ed the rotor ift. S i'ht difference 3as noticed in Br'. 1 , 4; ift va *e and it 3as adj*sted. Rotor freeness chec&ed and fo*nd to /e f*rther ver6 free. Sti MA1 co* d not /e p*t on /arrin' 'ear hence /oi er 3as /o.ed *p. 3< =n coo in' do3n of %achine the /arrin' 'ear %otor 3as re%oved for servicin'. 7t 3as o/served that one of the casin' /o ts 3as sheared off and 3as to*chin' the o*ter rin' of over r*n c *tch. $he sheared /o t 3as re%oved and ne3 /o t 3as fi.ed. -'ain /arrin' 3as tried /*t MA1 did not ca%e on /arrin'. $he h6dro %otor re%oved and dis%ant ed for servicin'. Nothin' a/nor%a 3as noticed) hence a parts 3ere si%p 6 c eaned and asse%/ ed /ac&. 2hen rotor /eca%e co der the /arrin' 'ear %otor 3as re%oved. 7t 3as o/served that one of the casin'' /o ts 'ot /ro&en and fa en inside. $his 3as r*//in' 3ith the o*ter rin' of the overr*n c *tch and ca*sin' restrain for rotation of the %otor. $he sa%e 3as re%oved and a ne3 /o t 3as fi.ed. $ria 3as ta&en /*t sti not %*ch i%prove%ent 3as noticed. Barrin' 'ear 3as possi/ e on 6 3ith hand /arrin' assistance a on' 3ith the h6dro%otor. $here 3as no repeata/i it6. 9o*/tin' so%e pro/ e% inside the h6dro%eter) the sa%e 3as dis%ant ed . parts and 'ears inside 3ere c ean and have no da%a'e. So it 3as asse%/ ed and fi.ed into position. 8or chec&in' the oi f o3 to h6dro %otor the so enoid do3n strea% connection 3as re%oved and /6 %a&in' so enoid on off the oi f o3 3as chec&ed. 7t 3as o/served that oi f o3 s*fficient is not co%in' instantaneo*s 6 and 3as increasin' s o3 6. Ma&in' te%porar6 arran'e%ent for press*re 'a*'e' chec&ed oi press*re and it 3as o/served that the oi press*re is /*i din' *p ver6 s o3 6 after openin' of the so enoid va ve. S*spectin' so%e pro/ e% in so enoid va ve the so enoid 3as re%oved and spoo piece 3as fi.ed. $he s*fficient oi f o3 and press*re 3as o/served. Barrin' 'ear 3as tried in this condition and /arrin' speed 3as pic&in' *p fro% t*r/ine stand sti condition.. So the so enoid va ve / oc& 3as dis%ant ed for inspection. 7t 3as o/served that the drain oi port fro% a/ove the piston of the pi ot va ve 3as / oc&ed 3ith a p *'. B6 st*d6in' the oi f o3 path in the so enoid va ve / oc& and it 3as confir%ed that for proper f*nctionin' of the so enoid va ve the p *' sho* d not /e there. So the sa%e 3as re%oved and the / oc& 3as fitted /ac& after thro*'h c eanin'. $here 3as instantaneo*s oi 3ith f* press*re as soon as the so enoid va e 3as de;ener'ized. $ria and repeata/i it6 of /arrin' 3as a so fo*nd o.&. Similar inspection was carried out in unit # 3 and the blocking plug was removed from solenoid. The feedback is given to BHE Hardwar.



1< "#"1$R71-#

PR=B#"M 1< 9.1. G=P M=$=R 8-7#?R"

So far the 9.1. G=P %otor has fai ed five ti%es. $he re%edia action ta&en is as /e o3) S. No 1 9ate , *nit 49A04A00) ?nit F 3 8ai *re detai s Motor ja%%ed. Rotor end 3indin' /* 'ed o*t.

t6pe of fai *res its ana 6sis and

-ction ta&en Motor rep aced fro% *nit 5 4) , /efore startin' the tri%%er resistance 3as adj*sted to have fie d c*rrent 40I hi'her than rated at co d condition. Motor rep aced 3ith ear ier fai ed repaired %otor. - so the end 3indin' 3as stren'thened d*rin' repair. $ri%%er resistance set fro% ori'ina 1>0 oh%s to >0 oh%s , tria ta&en. Spare %otor arran'ed fro% MAs.10#. $he tri% resistance tota 6 re%oved as per 10#. $he %otor 3as %odified for rotor 3indin' stren'thenin'. $he 3$R ti%er %a f*nctioned ca*sin' 1st , 4nd step series resistance /6passin' and 'ivin' direct start. $he ti%er 3as rep aced. Motor fro% 1handrap*r :>>E2<) arran'ed and /6 te%porar6 adj*st%ents of resistance the %otor 3as p*t in service. Reason co* d not /e esta/ ished) %ost i&e 6 the 7R va *e %a6 /e o3 at the ti%e of startin'. $he space heater condition and /r*sh area c eanin' is in do*/t. Motor rep aced 3ith ear ier fai ed repaired %otor

0>A09A00) ?nit;3

Motor ja%%ed. Rotor end 3indin' /* 'ed o*t.

0(A09A00) ?nit ; 3

10A07A01) ?nit;4

Motor rotor 3indin' da%a'ed d*e to one s ot; 3indin' strip co%in' o*t. S*spected poor 3or&%anship. Motor /*rnt d*e to over c*rrent.


30A14A01) ?nit;3

Rotor 3indin' fo*nd /*rnt.

- %eetin' 3as he d at !ard3ar /et3een 10#) $?S!-1= and B!"# on 4(A9A00 3herein the fai *res 3ere disc*ssed and 10# proposed to red*ce the fie d resistance to >0 oh%s fro% 1>0 oh%s. - so the6 proposed to stren'then the ar%at*re overhan' 3indin' /6 e.tra n*%/er of t*rns of resi' ass tape and additiona ' ass /raidin' provision. -ccordin' 6 the %otors sent for repair 3ere %odified.

-fter 3rd fai *re 10# reco%%ended to /6pass the tri% resistance tota 6. - so the vario*s %odifications carried o*t /6 10# d*rin' %otor repair are as fo o3s)

1< -r%at*re Bandin' F 2e are ens*rin' adeB*ate n*%/er of t*rns and tension 3hi e overhan' /endin'. 8*rther 3e are c*rin' the /endin' at 140 de'rees /efore i%pre'nation 4< 2e are doin' vac**% press*re i%pre'nation for stator as 3e as ar%at*re. 3< So derin' of ar%at*re 3indin' to co%%*tator is done on an a*to%atic dip so derin' %Ac. 4< 2e have chan'ed over to per%anent 6 'reased sea ed /a /earin'. >< 2e have introd*ced additiona s*r'e testin' of ar%at*re /efore asse%/ 6 (< $ho*'h the specification ca s for c ass H8D ins* ation) 3e have provided c ass H!D 3indin' 3ires and strips 3ith te%perat*re c ass 410 de'ree 1 7< -n additiona coat of "po.6 'e coat is app ied on 3indin' overhan's.

2)/&.&-1T+- T-1.SF+-M&- 7++',./ 1--1./&M&.T


7n *nit 3 transfor%er hi'h te%perat*re pro/ e% 3as enco*ntered after so%e da6Ds operation. $he first do*/t raised 3as ins*fficient coo in' 3ater f o3 d*e to fo* in' in coo er. !eav6 / oc&in' 3as noticed d*e to conta%inationA dirt6 coo in' 3ater.

-1$7=N $-E"N

$he coo ers 3ere c eaned thoro*'h 6) even then ens*rin' s*fficient f o3 3as in do*/t. =ne vita point e%er'ed o*t in this iss*e 3as) the coo er do3nstrea% pipe ine a6o*t and its sizin'. B!"# Bhopa has envisa'ed free f o3 after coo er /*t not 'iven an6 reco%%endations for ine a6 o*t or size. 8or *pstrea% and do3n strea% pipe ine) the end connection size provision is for 100;%% dia pipe connection for individ*a coo er 3ith co%%on in et and o*t et pipe connection of sa%e size. $his 3as in c*sto%er scope and accordin' 6 c*sto%er a so has provided on 6 100;%% dia. pipe for *pstrea% and do3n strea% %atchin' to end connection provided a on' 3ith coo er. B*t d*e to in et

press*re desi'n restrictions and oca 6 decided pipe ine a6o*t) the f o3 3as not s*fficient. $o increase the f o3) the do3n strea% pipe size 3as chan'ed to 1>0;%% size and a6o*t 3as %odified 3ith %ini%*% /ends) to have s*fficient f o3 3itho*t hi'her resistance. B!"# Bhopa sha s*''est the pipe sizin' and a6o*t a so to avoid s*ch pro/ e%s. 2) 7+.T-+' 1.2 ,.ST-0M&.T1T,+. 1) 'PT2& 71',$-1T,+. PR=B#"M;1 8or this t*r/ine the !P , 7P t*r/ine differentia e.pansion %eas*re%ent provision is not envisa'ed. =n 6 #P t*r/ine differentia e.pansion %eas*re%ent provision is there and hence is %ost i%portant. 1< $he #P$9" %eas*re%ent 3or&s on the princip e of d*a ra%p differentia pic&;*p %eas*re%ent. $he ran'e of the instr*%ent is ;10%% to J34%%. 7t 3as o/served d*rin' ca i/ration that the act*a disp ace%ent of pic&*p and distance sho3n in the %onitor is not %atchin'.

-1$7=N $-E"N =n investi'ation it 3as fo*nd that the e.tension ead of the pro/e that connects the pro/e to the pro.i%eter 3as 3ron' 6 *sed. $he co o*r and size of the e.tension ca/ e for the vi/ration pic&*ps) &e6 phasor and that of #P$9" pic&*p are sa%e a tho*'h each had a different part n*%/er. B*t it had 'ot %i.ed *p and the e.tension ca/ e of &e6 phasor pic&*p and #P9" pic&*p had 'ot interchan'ed. B6 rectif6in' the %ista&e) the readin' /eca%e reasona/ 6 acc*rate. "dn Ban' oreABent 6 Nevada has /een reB*ested C


To use di erent "olour and@or

or di erent appli"ation extension "a8le


To a3oid use o extension "a8le alto(ether.


$he #P$9" readin' had an error of 3 to 4%% in the ran'e of 40 to 30%% e.pansions. -N-#@S7SA-1$7=N $-E"N $his is d*e to three possi/ e pro/ e%s o*t of 3hich t3o have /een reso ved and one re%ains *nreso ved. i< $he /rac&et that ho ds the pic&*ps need /e s anted in s*ch a 3a6 that it sho* d /e perfect 6 para e to the shaft s*rface for settin' the 'ap reB*ired

for ca i/ration. 7t 3as fo*nd that the face of the pic&*ps is not para e to that of the shaft s*rface and there is a 'ap of near 6 4.>%% /et3een the top and /otto% of the pic&*p. 7t 3as fo*nd o*t that the s ant in the /rac&et sho* d /e 10de'rees /*t the act*a s ant provided 3as five de'rees. $he /rac&et 3as chan'ed.


$he /rac&et s*pp ied 3as of fi.ed t6pe and for ca i/ration shiftin' of the /rac&et a'ain and a'ain 3as reB*ired to cover the entire ran'e of 44%%. $his introd*ces an error in the ca i/ration of the pic&*p as each ti%e the /rac&et is shifted and no proper' can /e ens*red) this eads to an error in %aintainin' para e it6. For sol3in( the a8o3e: site su((ested a slidin( t4pe arran(e5ent su"h that the 8ra"ket "an 8e slided in a (uide and parallelit4 5aintained o3er entire ran(e durin( "ali8ration. S*ch a s idin' arran'e%ent 3as done in S#PP a Man'ro site and 3as convenient to *se. So the /rac&et 3as a'ain %odified to s idin' t6pe and has /een *sed for ?nit 54 #P9". $he *se of proper e.tension ca/ e) correct /rac&et s ant and s idin' arran'e%ent for ca i/ration has sti not so ved the pro/ e% of acc*rac6 entire 6 and there is an error of 4 to 3%% in the operatin' ran'e of the instr*%ent. $his in o*r opinion is %ain 6 d*e to the t6pe of %onitor se ected for the p*rpose. -s per the present confi'*ration and the %onitor se ected) /oth the pro/es) pro/e - and pro/es are active in the entire ran'e of %eas*re%ent. -s a res* t in the operatin' ran'e of the instr*%ent one pro/e is fara3a6 fro% the shaft s*rface and so the o*tp*t fro% that pro/e is inacc*rate. $his inacc*rac6 is contri/*tin' to the fina readin' of the %onitor. This pro8le5 "an 8e resol3ed 84 usin( a "o5pli5entar4 t4pe o 5onitor 3here one pic&*p contri/*tes on 6 for ha f the instr*%ent 3here the air 'aps is ess and acc*rac6 of the readin' is %ore. -s the shaft e.pands) the air 'ap in the active pro/e side 3i increase and 3i decrease in the passive pro/e side. =nce the air 'ap in the passive pro/e site co%es to the reB*ired inear zone) it 3i ta&e over the active pro/e and 3i /e active for f*rther e.pansion ran'e. $his t6pe of %onitor is in *se at S#PP Man'ro . -nother pro/ e% re ated 3ith #P9" is the a ar% is set at 30%%) 3here as the ran'e of the instr*%ent is 34%%. Since the ne'ative e.pansion of the shaft is ver6 rare the ran'e of instr*%ent can /e %odified.


2) 6i8ration M&1S0-&M&.T S?ST&M=A

$3o pro/ e%s 3ere faced in vi/ration %eas*re%ent s6ste%. =ne has /een so ved and one re%ains *nreso ved as a toda6. PR=B#"M 1) Sha t 3i8ration 5easure5ent pro8le5 in 8earin(A3.

-fter co%p etion of ca i/ration of a the vi/ration pic&*ps) a the vi/ration si'na s 3ere hea th6 in contro s. B*t after p*ttin' the %achine on /arrin' 'ear) /earin' No.;3) /earin' and shaft vi/ration readin's 3ere /eco%in' inva id. 8or ca i/ration) in t*r/ine stand sti condition) the pro/e is set 3ith a 'ap of 4.>%% /et3een the shaft s*rface and pro/e face and vo ta'e of 10v is adj*sted correspondin' to this 'ap). $his 3as done for /earin' No. 3 a so) as it 3as done for /earin' 1 to 4. B*t it 3as o/served that as soon as the rotor 3as p*t on /arrin' 'ear) /oth the channe s for shaft vi/ration %eas*re%ent /eca%e fa* t6 and 3henever the rotor /eca%e stand sti ) the channe s /eca%e hea th6. $his 3as rea 6 %6sterio*s and e.tre%e 6 diffic* t to ana 6ze /eca*se chec&in' is possi/ e on rotor stand sti condition and in rotor stand sti position the fa* t 3as disappearin'. -fter doin' a ro*tine chec&s i&e chan'in' the ca/ e) chan'in' the %onitor) chan'in' the pic&*p etc.) the pro/ e% co* d not /e reso ved and it re%ained as it is.

-1$7=N $-E"N

-s a the possi/i it6 of findin' a defect in the %eas*re%ent s6ste% 3as e.ha*sted) it 3as decided to chec& for an6 pro/ e% in the shaft s*rface and the pro/ e% 3as ri'ht thereK =n inspection of the shaft s*rface /6 a torch i'ht 3ith the pic&*ps re%oved and hand /arrin') it *as ound that there *ere our 8i( holes on sha t "ir"u5 eren"e at e>uidistant !ust a"in( the pro8e. 2henever the pro/es 3ere facin' these ho es) the vo ta'e eve 3as j*%pin' and creatin' a fa* t. $hese ho es are provided for individ*a shaft rotation faci it6. $he %atter 3as ta&en *p 3ith B!"# !ard3ar and to reso ve this pro/ e% there 3as no other so *tion than to shift the pro/e ocation. $he pic&*p 3as re ocated /6 shiftin' to3ard 'enerator /6 a/o*t >0; %%) s*ch that the pro/e did not face the ho e on the shaft. B6 shiftin' the pro/e ocation the pro/ e% 'ot reso ved. #ater on it 3as earnt that in Ea6a%&* a% stea% t*r/ine) si%i ar pro/ e% 3as faced /*t the feed /ac& 3as not avai a/ e 3ith *s.

WS P+S& indi"ation o 8earin(@sha t 3i8ration

PR=B#"M 2hi e co%parin' the vi/ration readin' of contro roo% and oca readin's ta&en 3ith porta/ e vi/ro%eter) it 3as o/served that there 3as 3ide difference in t3o /earin's and shaft vi/rations. $he reason co* d not /e fo*nd o*t and it 3as eft as it is. S*/seB*ent 6 a detai ed st*d6 3as done , fo o3in' facts 3as s*rfaced o*t as fo o3s.

-N-#@S7SA-1$7=N $-E"N

8or shaft vi/ration of shaft 1 to 4 the pic&*ps are %o*nted on to the respective /earin' vi/ration pic&*ps. $he pic&*p o*t p*t indicates /earin' vi/ration and re ative shaft vi/ration. 8or 'ettin' a/so *te shaft vi/ration) the t3o va *es are added /6 vector addition %ethod. B!"# has as&ed for %odification in Bent 6 Neveda pane ) for indicatin' as 3e as 'eneratin' si'na s for indication in t3o possi/ e co%/inations in pane %onitor as 3e as 2SP=S" indication. $he co%/inations 3ere /earin' vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration or a/so *te shaft vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration. -ccordin' 6 Bent 6 Neveda has %odified the pane /*t ha f3a6 i.e. first co%/ination of /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration 3as indicated on pane %onitor on 6. 2hereas the o*tp*t si'na to 2SP=S" 3as not %odified and the provided j*%per se ection 3as 'ivin' co%/ination of a/so *te shaft vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration on 6. $he %atter 3as referred to "9N) since for nor%a %onitorin' the /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration %eas*re%ents are reB*ired for operator %onitorin'. MAs Bent 6 Nevada 3ere reB*ested to %odif6 the s6ste%) so that the co%/ination of /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration is avai a/ e for indication in the %onitor as 3e as indication in 2S P=S". -ccordin' 6 MAs. Bent 6 Neveda has done the %odification and the conf*sion 3as avoided. B*t *nfort*nate 6) MAs Bent 6 Nevada has done the ha f %odification. $he6 have %odified the indication in the %onitor :3hich is rare 6 *sed /6 the operator< and eft the si'na for 2S P=S" is *n%odified and 3e have %issed this point. $o co%po*nd the conf*sion f*rther) the j*%per se ection for 2S P=S" indication 3as se ected in s*ch a 3a6 that the o*tp*t si'na 3as for a/so *te shaft J re ative shaft. B*t since "dn Ban' ore has no &no3 ed'e a/o*t this ha f %odification) the6 have a one the en'ineerin' and interna 3irin' of the pane for indication /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration so the fina pict*re is the %onitor indication 3as /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 7n the 2S P=S" 3hat 3ere sho3in' as /earin' vi/ration 3as act*a 6 a/so *te shaft vi/ration red*ced to a sca e of 100%icrons) that is one fo*rth of a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 2hat 3e 3ere sho3in' as a/so *te shaft vi/ration 3as act*a 6 re ative shaft vi/ration. -s soon as the pro/ e% co%e to o*r notice) the j*%per settin' 3as chan'ed so that no3 the %onitor indication is /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 7n 2S P=S" the indication is /earin' vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration. MAs Benth 6 Nevada had sent their representative on 30th -*'*st 4001 to site to carr6 o*t the necessar6 %odifications and the %odifications have /een carried o*t in ?nit 53 and 54. $he necessar6 chan'es in the doc*%entation have a so /een carried o*t. No3) the indication in the Monitor as 3e as 2=P=S" is Bearin' +i/ration J re ative shaft +i/ration. S,T& 2&6,1T,+. -&P+-T

9*rin' co%%issionin' it 3as fo*nd necessar6 to chan'e so%e of the o'icAprovisions for i%provin' operation faci it6 and avoid *nnecessar6 trippin' of a*.i iaries. -s per the directives) for an6 chan'e fro% desi'nerDs reco%%endations) conc*rrence is to /e so*'ht fro% respective *nits en'ineerin' /efore carr6in' o*t an6 chan'e. -s per ne3 s6ste% to overco%e the pro/ e% and to avoid de a6 in activit6) S9R:Site 9eviation Report< is to %ade and c earance to /e o/tained fro% 1onstr*ction Mana'er and sa%e to /e reported to !.=. -fter3ards it has to /e re'* arised thro*'h 1-RAS-R etc. -n6 deviation concerned 3ith safet6 of eB*ip%ent) then it is necessar6 to o/tain *nits c earance /efore i%p e%entation. =n 6 one S9R 3as of this nat*re 3as raised and so far no disposition has /een received fro% *nit.

So%e of S9RDs are descri/ed here as /e o3)

1)2etails o 2e3iationC PR9S nor%a operatin' te%p. is 440 de'. 1) , te%p. ver6 hi'h to c ose stea% pr. 1ontro va ve is 470 de'. 1. =n %an6 occasions it is o/served that te%p. is e.ceedin' %ore than 470 de'.1 and PR9S is 'ettin' iso ated. $his is eadin' to *nit trippin' ver6 freB*ent 6. $he te%p. contro oop is havin' on 6 P7 contro , ori'ina contro circ*it is not 3or&a/ e at a ) /eca*se of f* feed for3ard of press*re contro va ve and there in j*%p 3hi e p*ttin' in a*to.

1"tion ProposedC $o avoid freB*ent trippin' it is proposed to increase the ver6 hi'h set point to 300 de'. 1 - so for fine t*nin' , to i%prove te%p a*to contro oop) present a*to contro oop havin' on 6 P7 contro ) it 3i /e chan'ed to P79 contro . $he contro oop is %odified to cater s6ste% reB*ire%ent , /etter contro . $he feed for3ard of P1+ to $1+ has /een provided 3hich an adj*sta/ e factor for t*nin'. -ccordin' 6 s*ita/ e %odification has /een %ade to avoid jer&s 3hi e p*ttin' P1+ fro% %an*a to a*to and vice;versa

2)2etails o 2e3iation= 8or startin' additiona p*%p one condition is stea% f o3 sha /e L>0 I as per "9N o'ic 3hereas as per P"M instead of stea% f o3 it is 'iven as feed 3ater f o3 L >0 I

1"tion Proposed= 7$ is decided to chan'e "9N o'ic fro% stea% f o3 to feed f o3 as per P"M o'ic) /eca*se B8P oadin' is decided /6 feed f o3 rather than stea% f o3.

3)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per "9N o'ic for stand /6 p*%p trac&in' of scoop is not 'iven 3hereas as per !@9. Man*a for stand /6 p*%p the scoop sha trac& as per r*nnin' p*%p. P"M sche%e a so does not ca for trac&in') /*t for stand /6 p*%p a*to chec& /ac& is reB*ired as per P"M.

1"tion Proposed= $rac&in' of the scoop of stand /6 B8P is ver6 *sef* for %aintainin' dr*% eve in case of ta&eover /6 stand /6 p*%p. $he avera'e of t3o r*nnin' p*%ps 3i /e tac&ed /6 the stand /6 p*%p. - so after starin' stand /6 p*%p the scoop 3i /e a*to%atica 6 p*t on a*to.

4)2etails o 2e3iation= 8or 1S$ eve !iA #o3 a ar%s no 3indo3 is provided on /ac& *p pane a*dio vis*a a ar%. 1*sto%er 3ants a ar% to /e provided for operatorDs convenience.

1"tion Proposed= $he necessar6 %odifications are carried o*t for providin' the a*diovis*a a ar% on /ac& *p pane .

B)2etails o 2e3iation= 7n B8P start seB*ence o'ic )=N co%%and for %ain B8P %otor , its coo in' 3ater va ve 'oes si%* taneo*s 6 ,on 6 after 'ettin' 12 va ve open feed/ac& f*rther co%%and 'oes for dischar'e /6pass va ve , then %ain dischar'e va ve. Since 12 va ve ta&es B*ite so%e ti%e to open) B8P oadin' 'ets de a6ed and %a6 ca*se dr*% eve contro pro/ e%. !ence instead of 3aitin' for 'ettin' 12 va ve open status) not "losed status is preferred to avoid de a6 in p*%p oadin'

1"tion ProposedC 7nstead of the 12 va ve open stat*s not "losed stat*s 3i /e *sed to proceed f*rther co%%ands for B8P oadin'.

C)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per "9N o'ic for 1"P startin' hot 3e eve adeB*ate per%issive is ta&en as J100%% fro% eve trans%itter eve si'na . 2hereas as per B!"# !@9. =,M %an*a the per%issive for 1"P startin' is %entioned as hot 3e eve not o3 3hich is set at ; 340 %%. $he nor%a operatin' eve is set at zero and in a*to it %aintain a/o*t M >0 to 100 %%. 7n case of the r*nnin' p*%ps trips as per "9N o'ic the sa%e p*%p or stand /6 p*%p can not /e started *n ess eve is raised to J 100 %%. 7f 3e 3ait ti eve raised to J 100 %% the *nit %a6 trip

1"tion ProposedC 7t is proposed to chan'e the "9N o'ic and introd*ce eve adeB*ate per%issive as eve not ess than ;340 %% as per B!"# !6dera/ad reco%%endation. $he eve ver6 o3 trip set point is at ;1300 %% hence it is safe to r*n the p*%p 3ith eve %ore than ;340 %%. Necessar6 chan'es in o'ic %odification are carried o*t.

<)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per B!"# $rich6 reco%%endation s*per heater spra6 can not /e 'iven ti tota stea% f o3 is L40I and /*rner ti t can not /e operated ti tota stea% f o3 is L4>I. 7t is o/served that after s6nchronisation of the *nit and startin' of coa firin' the s*per heater and re;heater o*t et te%ps. are e.ceedin' >40 01. $his happens especia 6 at o3 oad *pto 40M2. Beca*se of a/ove o'ic te%p. can not /e contro ed since spra6 can not /e 'iven and ti t can not /e operated.

1"tion Proposed= $o avoid te%p. e.ceedin' L>40 01) it is proposed to o3er the stea% f o3 i%it inter oc& to L>I. $his is necessar6 /eca*se other %eas*res to contro the te%p.) i&e increasin' feed 3ater te%p. or red*cin' e.cess air B*antit6 is not possi/ e d*rin' co d start *p and o3 oad condition

9"$-7# 9"S1R7P$7=N =8 +-R7=?S PR=B#"MS 8-1"9 -N9 8"2 S?00"S$7=NS S?-R" -S 8=##=2S)

1) $+,'&-

1.2-0M '&6&' M&1S0-&M&.T 1.2 ,.2,71T,+.

PR=B#"M 8-1"9

2ru5 le3el displa4 at "ontrol roo5 is the 5ost "riti"al re>uire5ent or 8oiler li(ht up. First 8oiler li(ht up or all utilit4 8oilers is or alkali 8oil out. 2urin( alkali 8oil out it is prohi8ited to "har(e le3el trans5itters: h4drastep and e3en re(ular 2W'/. &arlier pro!e"ts a te5porar4 (au(e (lass *as 8ein( pro3ided or initial li(ht up. .o* a da4s no su"h (au(e (lass is (i3en. %en"e *e ha3e to "har(e the re(ular 2W'/. -t Ehaper&heda *nit 5 3 , 4) for the first ti%e 3e have seen B=N$ #"+"# 0-?0" $@P" B17 10 ) 1"S-R" B=N"$$7 :7ta ia<%a&e 92#0. $he %ain differencesApro/ e%s o/served in this 3ere as fo o3s) 1<?n i&e ear ier @ar3a6 %a&e 92#0 this 'a*'e ' ass d*e to orientation of 'iven pipin' asse%/ ed a on' 3ith this 'a*'e ' ass) has to /e erected in strai'ht ine :3ith o*t 'ivin' 90 de'ree e /o3< fro% the st*/s provided for this on dr*%. 4< 8or the ref ector /* /s provided :asse%/ ed a on' 3ith 'a*'e ' ass<) the i'htin' s*pp 6 is 'iven thro*'h a transfor%er of 440A40 vo ts) ori'ina 6 s*pp ied a on' 3ith this pac&a'e. -ccordin' 6 the s*pp 6 3as 'iven fro% 440vo t so*rce. 7t 3as o/served that no. of /* /s 3ere 'ettin' f*sed 3ithin short d*ration. =n inspection it 3as fo*nd that the /* /s s*pp ied are of 14 vo ts ratin'. $he s*pp 6 3as then 'iven fro% 110vo t so*rce so that 10vo t is app ied to these /* /s thro*'h the sa%e transfor%er. 2ith this the pro/ e% of /* /s f*sin' 3as reso ved. 3< 9*rin' initia operation to verif6 the eve ) the ine , 'a*'e f *shin' is reB*ired freB*ent 6. 9*rin' f *shin' no 3ater 3as co%in' fro% 3aterside tappin' in spite of 3ater eve 3e a/ove this tappin' :as confir%ed fro% spare open tappin'<. B*t after char'in' and 3aitin' for so%e ti%e the 'a*'e ' ass 3as sho3in' so%e eve . $his 3as eadin' to conf*sion and hence contin*in' the /oi er i'ht *p 3as ris&6. $o f*rther ana 6ze) the d*%%6 p *' of 'a*'e ' ass 3aterside / oc& 3as re%oved and one stee /a 3as fo*nd inside. =n chec&in' the = , M %an*a ) no detai s a/o*t constr*ction detai s and the p*rpose of providin' this /a 3as c ear. -fter re%ova of this /a the f *shin' co* d /e done and eve co* d /e ascertained i%%ediate 6 3hi e char'in' the 'a*'e.


1< 2hi e s*pp 6in' the ne3 t6pe of prod*ct the detai doc*%ents %*st /e s*pp ied direct 6 to co%%issionin' en'ineer. -t east 3hen ever ne3 prod*ct is introd*ced so%e infor%ation %*st /e 'iven in advance to site en'ineer) so that so%e st*d6 and %ore care can /e ta&en 3hi e erection and co%%issionin' or %ore detai s can /e as&ed for fro% *nits. 1< $he h6drastep and at east one eve trans%itter %*st /e a o3ed to /e char'ed even for first i'ht *p for a &a i /oi o*t. - 3ritten per%ission %*st /e 'iven for this) /eca*se as per %an*a *se of this accessor6 is prohi/ited d*rin' a &a i /oi o*t. Beca*se of this c*sto%er a so o/jects for the sa%e. B*t dr*% eve %onitorin' /ein' ver6 vita for %ain /oi er safet6 point of vie3 this has to done even /6 sacrificin' so%e accessories.:if da%a'e happens to this instr*%ents< 4< -dditiona trans%itter and "2#7 spares sha /e s*pp ied for this p*rpose) since oca operator and oca 'a*'e ' ass can not /e re ied. 2.&W', F+- 2-0M '&6&' M&1S0-&M&.T " ectronic 3ater eve indicator) pop* ar 6 &no3n as !6drastep /ein' *sed 3ide 6 in a %ost a po3er stations 3as i%ported , s*pp ied /6 S=#-R$R=N) @-R2-@ =R B!"#+7S7=N. $he vario*s other instr*%ent *sed are #eve $rans%itters) 9irect 2ater #eve 0a*'e) Re%ote 2ater #eve 7ndicator. 7n operation a these are co%pared 3ith each other. "specia 6 the eve trans%itter and h6drastep indications) 3hich are avai a/ e in %ain contro roo% are co%pared /6 operator. -n6 difference noticed /et3een these) eads to controvers6 /eca*se it is visi/ e to operator and %ost 6 *sed in co%/ination for trippin' circ*it. $he %ain pro/ e% faced is eve trans%itter and "2#7 indications e.act 6 %atches in co d condition /*t 3ith increase in /oi er press*re the difference increases to the e.tent of 100 to 1>0 %%3c or even %ore. $he B*eries on "2#7 s*pp ied ear ier and the vario*s chan'es in desi'n and insta ation are not e.p ained c ear 6 either /6 s*pp ier or desi'ner. $he vario*s differences noticed are as *nder.

1< -t Eor/a N$P1 >00 M2 *nit the press*re vesse and iso atin' va ves 3ere i%ported. -s per insta ation dra3in' an offset 3as 'iven 3.r.t. N2#) statin' that it is for te%perat*re co%pensation in hotAnor%a operatin' condition.

4< -t 1handrap*r >00 M2 *nit > , () the sa%e thin' 3as s*pp ied /*t offset 3as not as&ed for insta ation. $he iso atin' va ves *sed 3ere B!"# %a&e hi'h press*re va ves. 2hen difference 3as noticed the so *tion s*''ested 3as) the va ves sha /e %o*nted in ste% horizonta position to red*ce the resistanceApress*re drop as co%pared to va ve %o*nted in ste% vertica position. $he e.act effect is *n&no3n.

3< -t 9ahan* the press*re vesse desi'n 3as chan'ed and s ee&Athin 3a vesse 3as s*pp ied statin' that it 3i red*ce the s*/ coo in' effect and in t*rn no te%perat*re co%pensation is reB*ired. B*t in practice the eve difference 3as so hi'h that at operatin' press*re it 3as not indicatin' an6 3ater eve . 2here as in co d condition the trans%itter and "2#7 eve s 3ere e.act 6 %atchin'. =n f*rther investi'ation it 3as fo*nd that the insertion t*/e en'th of 3ater side tappin' 3as %ore and the do3n co%er s*ction effect 3as ca*sin' the 3ho e pro/ e%. "ven no3 the

desi'nAreB*ired insertion en'th is not &no3n. "ven after red*cin' the insertion en'th the eve s did not %atch and pro/ e% 3as eft as it is.

4< -t 0andhina'er for the B!"# %a&e B!"#+7S7=N "2#7 the sa%e pro/ e% repeated and sa%e so *tion 3as app ied /*t pro/ e% co* d not /e reso ved f* 6. Sa%e is the case for 2an&a/ori.

>< -t Ehaper&heda *nit 5 3 , 4) the difference /et3een eft and ri'ht side "2#7 is %ain iss*e disc*ssed and e.act so *tion is not 6et &no3n. - so in a ear ier %entioned projects for %o*ntin' the vesse ) *se of /end 3as necessit6 for %atchin' 3ith N2#. 2here as at Ehaper&heda the vesse hei'ht is s*ch that /end can not /e *sed. $he ear ier theor6 of stea% side /end sha s ope to3ard vesse and 3ater side /end sha s ope to3ard dr*% is not app ica/ e. Reason *n&no3n.

- so refer the dra3in's enc osed) 9r*% dished end instr*%ent tappin' detai s and @ar3a6 dr'. No. 114184;43A0. $he dr*% tappin' points sho3n for "2#7 as per the dr'. : 3.97.487.90974 A 01 < is pair no.4 3ith a distance of 1183 %%. - so the vesse s*pp ied is of the size 1183 %% and hence no s ope can /e %aintained as per the @ar3a6 dra3in'.

(< -t Si&&a the difference /et3een eft and ri'ht side eve 3as reported and pro/a/ e reason investi'ated 3as one of the /end *sed in do3n co%er 3as of hi'her thic&ness. 8*rther report not &no3n.

2ith a the a/ove the pro/ e% is e.istin' in a %ost a the *nits and the so *tion has to /e evo ved on technica Adesi'n /ase. So%e of the B*estions are to /e ans3ered.

1< 7nc *sion of "2#7 for dr*% eve protection re ia/ e or not. 4< 2hat is the /asis of a ocation of tappin' points for different instr*%ents. 3< !o3 %*ch a%o*nt of circ* ation of stea% condensate /ac& to dr*% ta&es p ace at different operatin' press*re. 4< !o3 %*ch is the s*ction effect of do3n co%er or an6 near /6 tappin' :"B9< to ca*se eve difference. $he e.act desi'n so *tion for red*cin' the sa%e. >< 1an the eve trans%itter readin' 3hich has the provision of on ine te%perat*re co%pensation and *sed for eve contro ) is to /e treated as %aster for co%parison. =ther instr*%ents i&e 92#0 and R2#7 can not /e co%pared. 3.7$2 T1.K

Nor%a 6 the 1B9 ine is ter%inated to 1B9 tan& and the tan& vent stea% is re*sed) /6 connectin' /ac& to de; aerator for recover6 of 9M 3ater. -t Ehaper&heda the stea% is not recovered and eft open to at%osphere. ?nder s*ch condition the 1B9 tan& itse f co* d have /een avoided and 1B9 ine co* d have /een ter%inated in 7B9 tan&. =n inB*ir6 it 3as infor%ed that) this is as per c*sto%er reB*ire%ent. Reason not &no3n. B.0.,T F'1S% T1.K

$he *nit f ash tan& is nor%a 6 *sed for 3ar%in' *p of %ain ines /efore the drains are diverted to condenser. Main 6 the MS ine drain and !P;/6pass *pstrea% drains are connected to this tan& and vent is ed open to at%osphere) since these are hi'h te%perat*re drains) a B*enchin' ine is a %*st to red*ce the tan& te%perat*re and condense the stea% to so%e e.tent. -t Ehaper&heda the B*enchin' ine 3as not provided. $his res* ted in hi'h tan& te%perat*re and a so heav6 noise at e.ha*st of this tan&. - tap off 3as ta&en fro% near /6 -12 ine and B*enchin' 3as provided. $his has he ped in red*cin' the tan& te%perat*re and noise a so.

C.M+T+-,S&2 6&.T 61'6&S ,. MS: 7-% 1.2 %-% ',.&S

$he vents on these ines are reB*ired to /e operated on 6 d*rin' h6dra* ic test of these ines. 9*rin' nor%a operation and char'in' of this ines the drains are reB*ired to /e opened and vents are not *sed as nor%a practice. Providin' of %otor operated vent va ves is not the necessit6 and %oreover these vent ine va ves are to /e ocated to an accessi/ e ocation. B*t in sche%atic dra3in' it is sho3n j*st on the ine itse f and are erected as per dra3in'. - 3a6s these ines are reB*ired to /e e.tended so that the va ves are in accessi/ e ocation. 7t is opined that on 6 %an*a operated va ves at appropriate ocation are %ore than s*fficient. $his 3i red*ce act*ators) e ectrica %od* es and connected contro eB*ip%entDs.

<.2-0M '&6&' 7+.T-+'

Nor%a 6 it is o/served that a/o*t 90I trippin' of *nit are on acco*nt of dr*% eve protection. "specia 6 d*rin' co d start *p) it is ver6 diffic* t to contro the eve either in %an*a or a*to %ode. $his is %ain 6 /eca*se a contin*o*sAs*fficient contro a/ e f o3 of feed 3ater and stea% can not /e esta/ ished. $he contro o'ic and the va ves provided for this is not adeB*ate and this /eco%es a de/ate ever6 ti%e. 8o o3in' are fe3 s*''estions to /e oo&ed into. 1< $he o3 oad contro va ve):nor%a 6 of 30I capacit6 <sha /e of hi'her c ass so that passin' is %ini%*% and it sho* d have fine f o3 contro .

4< Since the differentia press*re across this va ve varies dependin' on *p strea% and do3n strea% press*re conditions) it is fe t that the iso ation va ve a so sho* d /e contro va ve for contro in' the 9P. 3< $he "B9 va ve nor%a 6 inter oc&ed 3ith dr*% eve are not effective for fast drainin' at esser /oi er press*re) instead the 7B9 va ves sha /e inter oc&ed 3ith dr*% eve *p to /oi er press*re of a/o*t 40 &'Ac%D4. 4< $he f o3 %eas*re%ent device *sed in -PR9S and !P /6pass ine sha /e se ected for acc*rate s%a f o3 %eas*re%ent a so.

;.$M7- T&ST +F $+,'&-

BM1R test is one of the %ain /oi er capa/i it6 test to /e proven as part of /oi er P0 test. $he %ain constraint faced is cons*%ption of e.tra stea% a/ove /oi er M1R capacit6 and d*ration of test. $he vario*s possi/i ities are as fo o3s) >< $he t*r/ine can /e oaded %ore *p to its %a.i%*% capacit6 to cons*%e %ore stea% f o3 :%eas*red /6 first sta'e press*re +s stea% f o3 c*rve< fro% /oi er. $he d*ration of s*ch oadin' 3.r.t. t*r/ine i%itations are not c ear 6 specified. (< $he e.cess stea% to /e diverted /6 cons*%in' for other p*rpose thro*'h -PR9S. -t f* oad operation) -PR9S stea% cons*%ption /6 sa%e *nit is not possi/ e for pro on'ed d*ration.: on 6 the S1-P! can /e char'ed to cons*%e %ore stea% <.cons*%ption of e.cess stea% thro*'h -PR9S to other *nits a so poses restriction d*e to a/ove reasons. 7< +entin' of stea% fro% -PR9S to at%osphere thro*'h spare tappin's. $he %ain pro/ e% faced is noise po *tion. - s*ita/ e ine 3ith si encer and proper ro*tin' of this ine is to /e provided at desi'n sta'e it se f. 8< Para e operation of !P /6 pass for divertin' e.cess stea% fro% %ain stea% ine in to re;heater s6ste%. -t t*r/ine f* oad condition the para e operation phi osoph6 and safet6 of t*r/ine is not ver6 %*ch c ear and a so the condenser capa/i it6 for this condition is not c ear 6 %entioned.

$he %ain para%eter to /e %eas*red for BM1R test is stea% f o3 fro% /oi er. $he nor%a %eas*re%ent faci it6 and its a*thenticit6 /eco%e a B*estion %ar&. $hen 3e resort to other indirect %ethod i&e feed 3ater f o3 %eas*re%ent) 3hich is not convincin' to c*sto%er. $o overco%e this pro/ e% /ein' faced in a %ost ever6 *ti it6 /oi er fo o3in' sha /e tho*'ht of) (< Meas*re%ent of stea% f o3 fro% /oi er /6 so%e other %ethod. e.'. the 9P across s*per heater +s f o3: as provided at $ro%/a6 *nit 5 (< 7< Provision of additiona ine fro% -PR9S 3ith si encer for stea% ventin'. 8< Possi/i it6 of *se of start *p vent and its f o3 %eas*re%ent at f* oad para%eter.

9< #oadin' of t*r/ine to %a.i%*% possi/ e oad and its ti%e d*ration &eepin' in vie3 of safet6 and specia preca*tions to /e ta&en for %ain t*r/ine) 'enerator) transfor%er) condenser etc. 10< Para e operation of !P /6pass s6ste% at t*r/ine f* oad.

D.2-1,. 61'6&S 1.2 7+.T-+' 61'6&S P1SS,./ P-+$'&M

Passin' of /oi er drain va ves %ain 6 "B9) 7B9) MS ine drains) 1R! , !R! ine drains and $*r/ine drain M-# va ves is a perennia pro/ e% in a %ost a the p ants. - these va ves are of >0 %% and /e o3 size. $he one of the so *tion s*''ested is torB*e c osin' of these va ves. "ven after this after no. of operations passin' pro/ e% starts at one ti%e or other. $his pro/ e% /eco%es a''ravated especia 6 at hi'h;press*re operation. 7t %a6 /e /eca*se of ver6 hi'h differentia press*re s*/jected for these va ves. $hese va ves sha /e of specia desi'n i&e @ t6pe to have %ore press*re drop 3ithin va ve. -t Ehaper&heda 5 3 , 4 the 117 9R-0 va ves are as&ed /6 c*sto%er and provided for S! , R! spra6 and B8P %ini%*% re;circ* ation app ication. Si%i ar pro/ e% is faced for soot / o3er press*re contro va ve ver6 freB*ent 6. Se ection of these specia d*t6 hi'h;press*re differentia app ication va ves is to /e tho*'ht of. - so torB*e;c osin' reco%%endations sha /e f*rther st*died and i%p e%ented in detai . $he vario*s i%prove%entsApoints s*''ested for positive i%p e%entation of torB*e c osin' of va ves 3i /e as *nder) 1< Separate ist of va ves 3ith $a' nos. sha /e %entioned in each P79 Hs 3ith torB*e va *es specific to individ*a projects. 4< $he f* oad c*rrent and $=# settin's to /e provided.

3< $he contro circ*its of different %a&e act*ators and their hoo& *p 3ith contro s6ste% sha /e c ear 6 'iven in separate dra3in' specific to project) instead of 'enera dra3in'. $his is a %*st to have c ear inter; *nit co ordination accordin' 6.

10.61'6& ,2&.T,F,71T,+. .1M& P'1T&S

8or /oi er side va ves na%ep ates are s*pp ied 3ith /rac&et to /e 3e ded for identification of vario*s va ves. $hese na%ep ates can not %o*nted direct 6 on va ves and reB*ire to /e 3e ded to ine near to va ve. Nor%a 6 this is done after f* erection of vario*s s6ste%s and /6 that ti%e ins* ation of these ines a so 'ets co%p eted. 2e din' of these na%ep ates /eco%es diffic* t and a so not 'ives aesthetic oo&. 7t is nor%a 6 o/served that on 6 so%e p ates are *sed for na%esa&e and %ost of eft o*t p ates 'oes to scrap. 8ina 6 c*sto%er as&s paintin' of ta' n*%/ers 3ith description on individ*a va ves. $he sa%e practice is adopted for the va ves s*pp ied on t*r/ine side. 2e s*''est

stoppin' s*pp 6in' these na%ep ates and as&in' for paintin' of it =R s*pp 6 s%a size na%ep ates 3hich can /e riveted direct 6 on to va ve itse f.

11.F0&' +,' F,-,./ S?ST&M

$he f*e oi p*%p ho*se for *nit 3 , 4 is ocated near the e.istin' p*%p ho*se. $he s*ction is ta&en fro% the avai a/ e stora'e tan&. $he a*.i iar6 stea% for !8= heaters is tapped off fro% the ear ier stea% ine avai a/ e in *nit 1 , 4. i<;Man6 ti%es it 3as o/served that) the stea% ine fro% -PR9S of 1 , 4 to p*%p ho*se 3as reB*ired to /e iso ated for attendin' to 3or&s in *nit 1 , 4 p*%p ho*se) d*rin' this period stea% to *nit 3 , 4 a so 3as 'ettin' c*t off. MS"B = , M 3ants a separate ine to /e aid for *nit 3 , 4 fro% -PR9S station of *nit 3 , 4. $he %atter 3as referred to P1 1hennai and theoretica 6 there 3as no need for separate ine and 3ith the e.istin' s6ste% itse f stea% can /e s*pp ied fro% an6 one r*nnin' *nit to f*e oi p*%p ho*se. B*t since d*e to so%e reasons the iso ation of the ine to p*%p ho*se is reB*ired) the necessit6 of separate ine 3as fe t. $he %atter re%ains pendin' and = , M has referred the sa%e to P , P M*%/ai. ii< $he 4 Nos.#9= p*%ps s*pp ied on one s&id 3ith co%%on dischar'e header 3ith separate ine 'oin' to *nit 3 , 4. 7t 3as o/served that one p*%p can cater the reB*ire%ent of %a.i%*% ( '*ns 3ith nor%a operatin' press*re a'ainst the desi'ned one e evation i.e. 4 '*ns) 3hich is theoretica 6 correct. B*t 3ith present s*pp ied 4 p*%ps if /oth the *nits are to /e i'hted *p si%* taneo*s 6 3ith #9=) /oth the p*%ps are reB*ired to r*n and no stand/6 p*%p is avai a/ e. MS"B has co%pared the s6ste% 3ith *nit 1 , 4 and de%anded one %ore p*%p to /e insta ed ) 3hich 3as a'reed /6 B!"# $rich6.

iii< $he oi '*n freB*ent cho&in' 3as o/served after *nit sta/i isation 3hen oi s*pport is not reB*ired ver6 freB*ent 6. 7t is s*spected that reB*ired oi te%perat*re is not %aintained 3ith oi in re;circ* ation. $he entire !8= ine is havin' e ectrica heat tracin' fro% p*%p ho*se to corner station. 7n corner station the heat tracin' is provided *p to !8= nozz e va ve on 6. -fter this point a/o*t 4 %eters ine and f e.i/ e hose en'th is there) 3hich does not have an6 heat tracin'. 7t is s*spected that the portion ahead of nozz e va ve re%ains co d) 3hich affects the oi f o3 eadin' to '*n not provin'. 7t 3as s*''ested /6 $rich6 to provide heat tracin' for the re%ainin' portion) /*t since scaven'e stea% connection is i%%ediate 6 after oi nozz e va ve) it 3i da%a'e the e ectrica heat tracer hence it 3as not provided. 8or this portion stea% tracin' can /e provided. -t present 3e have s*''ested to the operator to do scaven'in' /efore ta&in' oi '*n in service for 3ar%in' *p the ine. $here can /e one %ore reason of '*n cho&in' that the oi strainer after p*%p dischar'e is ocated in p*%p ho*se and after that a ine en'th of a/o*t >00 %eters is there *p to firin' f oor. S*ch a en'th6 ine 3i ca*se oi conta%ination and ead to '*n tip cho&in'. Statin' this o'ic at 0andhina'ar *nits >) the strainers 3ere ocated at firin' f oor 3hich

can e i%inate the conta%ination d*e to en'th6 ine /et3een p*%p ho*se and firin' f oor. 7t sha /e provided in f*t*re projects.

iv< $he vario*s set points for inter oc& and protections 'iven in dra3in' 3ere not s*ita/ e for the s6ste% provided at Ehaper&heda. -fter correspondence and c arifications 3ith $rich6 the sa%e 3ere corrected. $he reason for this %ista&e 3as in so%e ear ier projects the oi firin' press*re 3as contro ed at firin' f oor 3ith f o3 contro va ve after !=$+) /*t in recent projects the firin' press*re contro is done /6 p*%p dischar'e press*re contro va ve itse f. $he set points in these t3o s6ste%s are different.

v< $he oi f o3 %eters are provided in !8= s*pp 6 and ret*rn ines are not 3or&in' satisfactor6. $he first pro/ e% is fai *re of %echanica co%ponent %ain 6 the 'ear; oc&in' pin and 'ears itse f. $he reason ana 6sed /6 s*pp ier is e.cessive f o3 than desi'n thro*'h this f o3 %eter. $he pro/a/ e %a operation d*e to ine a6o*t 3as e i%inated /6 re%ovin' the /6 pass ine interconnection to f o3 %eter. 7n spite of this the fai *res 3ere o/served d*e to hi'her f o3 3ith the orifice size :9 %%< s*''ested /6 $rich6. $o restrict the oi f o3 the orifice 3as chan'ed to (;%% size. B*t 3ith this) press*re contro h*ntin' 3as o/served 3hich is ca*sin' f o3 f *ct*ation e.ceedin' the desi'n f o3. $he ret*rn f o3 %eter capacit6 se ected is j*st %ar'ina i.e. 10 I of s*pp 6 f o3) 3hich is not s*fficient at vario*s operatin' conditions. 7f %echanica fai *re is on 6 d*e to e.cessive f o3 then hi'her capacit6 f o3 %eter sha /e provided to avoid da%a'e.

$he oi f o3 %eters are reB*ired to &no3 the oi cons*%ption for 3hich s*pp 6 f o3 %eter is s*fficient. $he ret*rn oi f o3 %eas*re%ent is not reB*ired for an6 contro A%eas*re%ent and hence it 3as de eted in so%e projects. -t &haper&heda the o'ic of ret*rn trip va ve re%ainin' a 3a6s open and a so ret*rn oi f o3 %eter 'iven) 3hich ca s for acc*rate 3or&in' of /oth s*pp 6 and ret*rn f o3 %eters a the ti%e irrespective of oi firin' in service or not. Since the s*pp 6 f o3 %eter is of 30 $A!r ran'e and ret*rn f o3 %eter is of 3 $A!r ran'e) %atchin' of these %eters is not possi/ e. $his 'ives 3ron' f o3 cons*%ption 3hen oi '*ns are not in service. $he %eas*re%ent of ret*rn oi f o3 is of not %*ch *se and hence for 9ahan* project the ret*rn f o3 %eter is not provided and a so in %an6 other project the ret*rn oi trip va ve 'ets c osed the %o%ent oi '*n is ta&en in service. =i f o3 co%p*tation starts 3ith s*pp 6 oi f o3 %eter on 6 3hen oi '*n is in service. B6 this provision of ret*rn oi f o3 %eter is de eted and a other pro/ e%s re ated to ret*rn oi f o3 %eter and co%p*tation error is e i%inated.

vi< 8or !"- i'niters p*r'e air connection is envisa'ed fro% p ant service air. -n orifice :3 %% < is provided near each i'niter to contro the air cons*%ption. B*t 3ith service air press*re of 7 E'A1%4 the airf o3 is B*iet hi'h and it 'ives noise and so%e ti%es 'ives pro/ e% for oi '*n provin'. 7n a the sites it 3as reB*ired to provide an iso ation va ve to re'* ate the air f o3 to red*ce air cons*%ption and re ated pro/ e%. So far the va ves are %ana'ed 3ith other s*rp *s va ves avai a/ e at site. =n raisin' the 1-R for s*pp 6 of

va ves $rich6 did not a'ree) /*t these va ves are reB*ired to /e provided to overco%e the a/ove;%entioned pro/ e%.

vii< 7nsta ations of /*rner ti t po3er c6 inders as received 3ith the accessories %o*nted are not s*ita/ e d*e to space restraint. $he accessories are reB*ired to /e re ocated as per the space to avoid fa* in'. $his happens in ever6 site and in spite of repeated corresponds no corrective action is ta&en /6 $rich6 3hi e orderin' these c6 inders. $his ca*ses *nnecessar6 ti%e oss and e.tra e.pendit*re at site.

12.1,- 1.2 F'0& /1S S?ST&M 207T,./

F.2. F1. S&-6+M+T+- S&1' F1,'0-& 1.2 $&1-,./ 21M1/&

-t Ehaper&heda in a the fo*r 8.9. fans oi ea&a'e fro% servo%otor happened and *nit forced o*ta'e 3as reB*ired to attend the sa%e. $he s*/seB*entA secondar6 effect 3as S1-P! cho&in'. $he reason 3as fai *re of oi sea s and si%%er rin's. Most i&e 6 it 3as d*e to poor B*a it6 of indi'eno*s sea s asse%/ ed at shop. S*/seB*ent 6 Ranipet has rep aced this 3ith i%ported /etter B*a it6 sea s. =ne %ore reason pointed o*t 3as erosion of sea s d*e to ash erosion. 2ith d*st6 at%osphere in ther%a p ant especia 6 in /oi er area) %ain 6 d*e to initia pro/ e%s in ash hand in' s6ste%) ash entr6 can not /e avoided. Ranipet s*''ested providin' sea air arran'e%ent aro*nd shaft on s*ction side.

Su((estion 1ho&in' of S1-P! d*e to oi ea&a'e fro% 89 fan is e.perienced at Ehaper&heda in a the fo*r S1-P!S. $his has ca*sed severe operation pro/ e% and *nit sh*t do3n 3as reB*ired for attendin' to S1-P!. 7n so%e of the projects the S1-P! is insta ed in the /6pass d*ct. S1-P! is *sed on 6 d*rin' co d start*p and for nor%a operation S1-P! is not reB*ired. 2here ever S1-P! /6pass is not provided and in case the S1-P! 'ets cho&ed d*e to the reasons %entioned a/ove) it poses a /i' pro/ e% d*rin' nor%a operation and invaria/ 6 *nit sh*t do3n of %ini%*% 3;4 da6s is reB*ired for S1-P! c eanin' a one. $his has happened for Ehaper&heda in /oth the *nits. - so it is reB*ired to attend to 89 fan pro/ e% i%%ediate 6 to avoid this in f*rther r*nnin'. -ttendin' to each 89 fan reB*ires necessar6 spares and fan sh*t do3n of %ini%*% one 3ee&. 7f /6pass d*ct provision is avai a/ e nor%a operation 3ith S1-P! cho&ed condition does not pose i%%ediate pro/ e% and *nit r*nnin' for so%e da6s /6 c ose 3atch on 89 fan pro/ e% is possi/ e. $his he ps , 'ives eno*'h ti%e for arran'in' spares and p an for sh*t do3n to attend the 89 fan pro/ e%.

13. P.1 F1. $&1-,./ F1,'0-& 1.2 S%1FT 21M1/&

=n 9.10.00) in *nit 3 P.-.8an 3" the fan tripped on /earin' te%perat*re hi'h protection. =n inspection of /earin' it 3as fo*nd that the 9" side /earin' /a//it %eta ca%e o*t in f a&es. No other a/nor%a ities o/served. #*/ oi B*a it6 :no conta%ination<) oi f o3Apress*re) coo in' 3ater f o3 etc. 3as nor%a . - /earin' c earances 3ere chec&ed , fo*nd in order. $he /earin' iner 3as chan'ed fro% *nit 4. -'ain on 1.11.00) P.-. 8an 3" tripped on /earin' te%perat*re hi'h protection and this ti%e /oth the /earin's i.e. 9" , N9" fo*nd da%a'ed. So%e r*//in' %ar&s 3ere noticed on shaft near protection t*/e area a so the c earances at shaft sea 3ere not *nifor%. - so s i'ht r*//in' 3as noticed in i%pe er sea rin'. $his indicates casin' dist*r/anceAt3istin'. -s per the dra3in' the casin' is not fi.ed a on' the /oi er and provisions are %ade for free e.pansions as per instr*ctions of B!"# Raipet other chec&s i&e jo*rna dia%eters) r*n o*t) a i'n%ent etc 3ere chec&ed and fo*nd =E. $he jo*rna area 3as havin' ot of pittin' %ar&s. !ence it 3as decided to chan'e the shaft. 7n a other fans a so it 3as o/served that the fan casin' is not %ovin' *nifor% 6 and hence 'ettin' shifted. $he a%o*nt of shiftin'At3istin' varies fro% fan to fan. $his feed /ac& 3as 'iven to Ranipet. $he Ranipet en'ineer visited site and st*died the sa%e. "ven tho*'h e.pansion provisions are 'iven as per desi'n) the casin'Ad*ct e.pansion in hot condition does not happen as predicted) hence it 3as joint 6 decided to oc& the casin' after centerin'. 2ith this the r*//in' and f*rther pro/ e%s co* d /e avoided. -fter this P.-. fan 3 " /ehavior 3as nor%a . Si%i ar %odification 3as carried o*t in a the 14 fans.

7t 3as o/served that) 4 shafts of P.-. fan , 1 shaft of 7.9. fan pitted heavi 6 in jo*rna area and dec ared not fit for insta ation. Sa%e 3ere sent to Ranipet for rectification. $he %ost i&e 6 ca*se for s*ch da%a'e is on' stora'e 3itho*t proper preservation. "ven the shafts are provided 3ith preservative coatin' fro% factor6) as per Ranipet the shafts %*st /e stored in c osed shed and the coatin' provided at factor6 can ast for 3 to ( %onths on 6 and needs re'* ar chec& and f*rther preservation. Site pointed o*t that the pac&in' proced*re of shaft sho* d /e i%proved i&e %otor shafts fro% Bhopa . $he jo*rna and co*p in' area sha /e pac&ed /6 3ooden strips tied fir% 6.

14. S++T $'+W&- P-6

$he soot / o3er press*re contro va ve : MAs. M7# %a&e < perfor%ance 3as not satisfactor6 and vario*s pro/ e%s i&e) ' and ea&a'e) va ve inoperative) heav6 passin') set press*re not %aintainin' etc. 3ere faced ri'ht fro% co%%issionin'. $he va ve 3as attended no. of ti%es /*t pro/ e% co* d not /e reso ved. Si%i ar pro/ e%s 3ere faced in ear ier projects viz. 0andhina'ar and 2an&a/ori. =n referrin' the pro/ e% to $rich6 3ith previo*s feed /ac&) no3 the act*ator has /een chan'ed to hi'her size to have %ore c osin' thr*st and is *nder o/servation.

1B. %.P. $?P1SS 61'6& ST&M & 7+0P',./ 21M1/&

7n *nit F4) /oth the ! P B6pass va ves ste% , co*p in' threads 'ot partia 6 da%a'ed 3hen va ve operated on fast openin' %ode. $hese va ves 3ere in service for %ore than ( %onths 3ith nor%a operatin' %ode. -fter fai *re since no spares avai a/ e) the sa%e ste% , co*p in' threads 3ere c eaned and re co*p ed. Si%i ar pro/ e% happened at Ba&aresh3ar site a so. $rich6 has ana 6sed the fai *res and confir%ed there is no desi'nA%an*fact*rin' pro/ e%. Most pro/a/ e reason can /e the co*p in' 'ot oosened in operation or not f* 6 ti'htened initia 6. No3 the sa%e ste% , co*p in' is in operation) ho3ever c*sto%er has de%anded the rep ace%ent. $he rep ace%ent %ateria is received and /ein' handed over to c*sto%er.

1(< M7## #?B =7# 87#$"RS 8R"N?"N$ 1!=E7N0 C

PR=B#"M C $he /o3 Mi s s*pp ied /6 B!"# !6dera/ad are havin' 'ear /o. to store appro.. 4000 iters of */ oi 3ith t3o set of coo ers and one heater. $he /o3 %i 3as preserved 3ith oi as per the proced*re 'iven /6 B!"# !6dera/ad d*rin' the period /et3een s*pp 6 to site and start of co%%issionin'. $he #=P s&id 3as erected and the pipin' 3as co%p eted 3ith the Mi . =i ines f *shin' 3ere co%p eted and oi is chan'ed for r*nnin' the %i . 9*rin' the %i operation on oad) the #=P fi ters 3ere cho&in' freB*ent 6 and in so%e %i s) the fi ters 'ot da%a'ed ca*sin' %i o*ta'es. $he fi ters s*pp ied as co%%issionin' spares 3ere cons*%ed in *nit 3 itse f.

-1$7=N $-E"N C =n p*%p s*ction side sett in' tan& is provided to trap the coa po3der. $he partition p ate provided in this tan& 3as fi.ed to the top cover p ate. 7t 3as fe t that the partition p ate sho* d have /een 3e ded at the /otto% of the tan&) so that the coa d*st can /e trapped. - so it 3as o/served that i%%ediate 6 after %i r*nnin' the fi ter freB*enc6 cho&in' is ver6 hi'h. Since a the pipe ines are acid c eaned) the on 6 possi/i it6 of oi conta%ination 3as fro% 'ear /o. itse f. "ven tho*'h the 'ear/o. is s*pposed to /e c eaned at 3or&s d*rin' asse%/ 6) satisfactor6 c eanin' 3as not done. !ence it 3as decided to do the tria r*n of %i 3ith f *shin' oi for a/o*t 30 %ins. prior to 8 hrs. tria r*n 3ith fresh oi .

$)T0-$,.& 1.2 10X,',1-,&S.

1< 0#-N9 S$"-M S?PP#@ -N9 #"-E =88 +-#+"S =P"R-$7=N.

PR=B#"M $he operation of ' and stea% s*pp 6 and ea& off va ves 3ith h6dra* ic act*ators are not satisfactor6. !ard3ar nor%a 6 i%ports the h6dra* ic act*ators fro% 0er%an6. -t

Ehaper&heda !ard3ar has s*pp ied MAs. 76appan %a&e :indi'eno*s< h6dra* ic act*ators. $o attend to the vario*s pro/ e%s in these act*ators and %a&e re ia/ e operation of these va ves) n*%/er of actions 3ere ta&en as fo o3s. 17T,+. T1K&. i.< .< $he feed /ac& in&a'es 3ere 'ettin' dist*r/ed freB*ent 6 and it 3as %odified. $he fi ters 3ere 'ettin' cho&ed ver6 freB*ent 6. $he oi 3as rep aced and fi ters 3ere c eaned re'* ar 6. Sti oi conta%ination 3as o/served. 7t 3as s*spected that the oi tan& of a *%in*% castin' is ca*sin' oi conta%ination and hence these tan&s 3ere acid c eaned. B*t fina 6 it 3as decided to rep ace the a *%in*% tan& 3ith stain ess stee tan&. - so the %otor s*pp ied 3as of 0.4> E2 capacit6 and 3as j*st s*fficient. !ence the %otors 3ere rep aced 3ith 0.37 E2 capacit6. Re ief va ves 3ere passin' and it 3as rep aced. -fter a this e.ercise sti the a*to operation of these va ves 3ere not satisfactor6 and hence the over ap openin' /et3een t3o va ves i.e. s*pp 6 , ea& off 3as tried to increase. - so the i%p* se sensin' ine 3as %odified to avoid an6 de a6 in sensin'. "ven after this action it 3as o/served that the tan& is 'ettin' heated *p and in hot condition appro.i%ate 6 a/ove (0 de'. 1) the va ve operation 3as erratic. !ence te%porari 6 tan& coo in' arran'e%ent 3as done 3ith co%pressed air and fina 6 a separate oi coo er arran'e%ent 3as s*pp ied /6 vendor. Sti the operation is not satisfactor6) and 3ith so %an6 *ncertainties and freB*ent %aintenance reB*ire%ent) c*sto%er is de%andin' to rep ace the h6dra* ic act*ator 3ith pne*%atic. $he sa%e pro/ e% 3as faced in Ehaper&heda *nit 5 1 , 4 a so and c*sto%er has %odified the va ve /6 providin' pne*%atic act*ator. 2e have reB*ested MS"B to carr6 on the 3or& and de/it the cost to B!"#.



.iii< .iv<



2) 0.,T 9 4 : $1--,./ /&1-


=n one occasion 3hen *nit tripped t*r/ine ca%e to /arrin' 'ear and after a/o*t > !rs. a ar% appeared /arrin' 'ear so enoid ener'ised a on' 3ith sea oi !4 differentia press*re o3) and /arrin' speed started red*cin' and t*r/ine ca%e to stand sti . =n investi'ation it 3as o/served that as per o'ic 3hen t*r/ine speed ess than 1> rp% and sea oi !4 dist*r/ed the /arrin' 'ear so enoid 3i ener'ise to c ose the oi s*pp 6 to /arrin' 'ear %otor. "ven tho*'h act*a speed 3as %ore) so%e 3or& 3as /ein' done

in $0 pane and the card 3as re%oved hence speed ess than 1> rp% 3as sensed and so enoid 'ot ener'ised. -fter nor%a isin' and de;ener'isin' the so enoid it 3as o/served that t*r/ine did not co%e on /arrin' speed. 8o o3in' chec&s 3ere carried o*t. 17T,+. T1K&. >< Rotor freeness chec&ed /6 hand /arrin'. (< 9ia 'a*'es 3ere p*t and %a&in' G=P p*%p off and on chec&ed the rotor ift. S i'ht difference 3as noticed in Br'. 1 , 4; ift va *e and it 3as adj*sted. Rotor freeness chec&ed and fo*nd to /e f*rther ver6 free. Sti MA1 co* d not /e p*t on /arrin' 'ear hence /oi er 3as /o.ed *p. 7< =n coo in' do3n of %achine the /arrin' 'ear %otor 3as re%oved for servicin'. 7t 3as o/served that one of the casin' /o ts 3as sheared off and 3as to*chin' the o*ter rin' of over r*n c *tch. $he sheared /o t 3as re%oved and ne3 /o t 3as fi.ed. -'ain /arrin' 3as tried /*t MA1 did not ca%e on /arrin'. $he h6dro %otor re%oved and dis%ant ed for servicin'. Nothin' a/nor%a 3as noticed) hence a parts 3ere si%p 6 c eaned and asse%/ ed /ac&. 2hen rotor /eca%e co der the /arrin' 'ear %otor 3as re%oved. 7t 3as o/served that one of the casin'' /o ts 'ot /ro&en and fa en inside. $his 3as r*//in' 3ith the o*ter rin' of the overr*n c *tch and ca*sin' restrain for rotation of the %otor. $he sa%e 3as re%oved and a ne3 /o t 3as fi.ed. $ria 3as ta&en /*t sti not %*ch i%prove%ent 3as noticed. Barrin' 'ear 3as possi/ e on 6 3ith hand /arrin' assistance a on' 3ith the h6dro%otor. $here 3as no repeata/i it6. 9o*/tin' so%e pro/ e% inside the h6dro%eter) the sa%e 3as dis%ant ed . parts and 'ears inside 3ere c ean and have no da%a'e. So it 3as asse%/ ed and fi.ed into position.




>< 8or chec&in' the oi f o3 to h6dro %otor the so enoid do3n strea% connection 3as re%oved and /6 %a&in' so enoid on off the oi f o3 3as chec&ed. 7t 3as o/served that oi f o3 s*fficient is not co%in' instantaneo*s 6 and 3as increasin' s o3 6. Ma&in' te%porar6 arran'e%ent for press*re 'a*'e' chec&ed oi press*re and it 3as o/served that the oi press*re is /*i din' *p ver6 s o3 6 after openin' of the so enoid va ve. S*spectin' so%e pro/ e% in so enoid va ve the so enoid 3as re%oved and spoo piece 3as fi.ed. $he s*fficient oi f o3 and press*re 3as o/served. Barrin' 'ear 3as tried in this condition and /arrin' speed 3as pic&in' *p fro% t*r/ine stand sti condition.. (< So the so enoid va ve / oc& 3as dis%ant ed for inspection. 7t 3as o/served that the drain oi port fro% a/ove the piston of the pi ot va ve 3as / oc&ed 3ith a p *'. B6 st*d6in' the oi f o3 path in the so enoid va ve / oc& and it 3as confir%ed that for proper f*nctionin' of the so enoid va ve the p *' sho* d not /e there. So the sa%e 3as re%oved and the / oc& 3as fitted /ac& after thro*'h c eanin'. $here 3as instantaneo*s oi 3ith f* press*re as soon as the so enoid va e 3as de;ener'ized. $ria and repeata/i it6 of /arrin' 3as a so fo*nd o.&. !" Similar inspection was carried out in unit # 3 and the blocking plug was removed from solenoid. The feedback is given to BHE Hardwar.

3) 7W Pu5ps and itEs dis"har(e 8utter l4 3al3e.

i<$he 12 P*%ps) provided at Ehaper&heda *nit 5 3 , 4 does not have provision of reverse rotation oc&in' ratchet %echanis% as per p*%p desi'n. - so there is no NR+ provision at p*%p dischar'e. 2hen ever p*%p trips the p*%p reverse rotation ta&es p ace d*e to /ac& f o3 ti dischar'e /*tterf 6 va ve 'ets f* 6 c osed. $his reB*ires positive c osin' of dischar'e va ve on p*%p trippin'. 7f /6 an6 reason the dischar'e va ve fai s to c ose there is a dan'er of p*%p contin*e to r*n in reverse direction ti operator does not ta&e necessar6 action. Provision of reverse rotation oc&in' arran'e%ent or NR+ sha /e incorporated in desi'n for a the p*%ps to avoid an6 e%er'enc6 conditions.

ii< 8or h6dra* ic operated dischar'e /*tterf 6 va ve the i%it s3itch %o*ntin' and its act*atin' evers provided are of ver6 poor B*a it6 and f i%s6. -n6 %a operation of the i%it s3itch ca*ses va ve operation and h6dra* ic p*%p onAoff o'ica pro/ e% and 12 p*%p seB*entia start *p pro/ e%. $he s3itches %*st /e of heav6;d*t6 t6pe and the act*atin' evers sha /e st*rd6 and reB*ires eas6 adj*st%ent faci it6 :prefera/ 6 1-M arran'e%ent A non;contact t6pe s3itches to /e deve oped<. 7n one of the p*%p d*rin' initia co%%issionin' of the dischar'e va ve) the h6dra* ic po3er c6 inder 'ot da%a'ed and the /*tterf 6 va ve 'ot over trave ed. $he e.act reason co* d not /e ascertained /*t %ost i&e 6 ca*se %a6 /e %a f*nctionin' of i%it s3itch and 3ea& co%ponent fai ed. 7t is s*''ested that the /*tterf 6 va ve sha /e provided 3ith stopper arran'e%ent to avoid over trave .

iii< $he h6dra* ic s6ste% provided is fro% MAs. @*&en 1o%pan6 and B!"# Bhopa has not for3arded an6 of the dra3in' or %an*a for the sa%e *nti 3e as&ed for the sa%e. 7n a/sence of the doc*%ent ot of ti%e 3as 3asted in st*d6in' and co%%issionin' the s6ste% 3ith 'enera e.perience. - so the o'ic 'iven and incorporated in contro pane for the /*tterf 6 va ve operation 3as not correct as reB*ired for the p*%p start *p seB*ence. Providin' additiona ti%ers and contactors reB*ired s*ita/ e %odification) 3hich has cons*%ed ti%e and %one6. $his sho* d have /een chec&ed at factor6 itse f to avoid the sa%e.

iv< $he te%perat*re scanner s*pp ied /6 MAs. Procon in the contro pane ) 3as not re ia/ e and ca*sed n*%/er of sp*rio*s p*%p trippin'. - %odified version is no3 provided /6 MAs. Procon /*t d*e to initia e.perience c*sto%er has decided to /6pass so%e of the trip protection and instead on 6 a ar% provisions are &ept in service.


8or each p*%p) one n*%/er p*%p contro pane and one n*%/er va ve contro pane is provided. $he va ve operation o'ic and reB*ired co%%ands and stat*s are d*p icated in p*%p contro pane . 2ith s i'ht additions in p*%p contro pane the va ve contro pane de etion 3as possi/ e. $his 3o* d have saved space and %one6. B!"# Bhopa sha e.p ore the possi/i it6.


&'&7T-,71' P17K1/&.

1. S.P. $0S 207T P-&SS0-,S1T,+. S?ST&M

B!"# Ghansi has provided the MAs. "#"M"1! %a&e /*s d*ct press*rization s6ste% havin' MAs. "#07 %a&e oi coo ed co%pressor. $his s6ste% reB*ires c ose 3atch and ro*tine freB*ent %aintenance *n i&e *nit 1 , 4. =nce in *nit 3 a fire incidence occ*rred in this s6ste% d*e to oi carr6 over fro% the co%pressor and *nit hand trippin' 3as done to avoid f*rther fire spreadin'. 9*e to this c*sto%er is stron' 6 de%andin' rep ace%ent of oi coo ed co%pressor 3ith air;coo ed co%pressor. B!"# Ghansi has e.pressed their ina/i it6 to provide the sa%e. 1*sto%er s*''ested re%ovin' the co%pressor and *sin' the p ant instr*%ent air as per *nit 1 , 4 sche%e. Sti Ghansi has not conve6ed their fina decision and this iss*e reB*ires co%%ercia sett e%ent on 6.

2./&.&-1T+- T-1.SF+-M&- 7++',./ 1--1./&M&.T

7n *nit 3 transfor%er hi'h te%perat*re pro/ e% 3as enco*ntered after so%e da6Ds operation. $he first do*/t raised 3as ins*fficient coo in' 3ater f o3 d*e to fo* in' in coo er. !eav6 / oc&in' 3as noticed d*e to conta%inationA dirt6 coo in' 3ater and sa%e 3as c eaned thoro*'h 6. =ne vita point e%er'ed o*t in this iss*e 3as the coo er do3nstrea% pipe ine a6o*t and its sizin'. B!"# Bhopa has envisa'ed free f o3 after coo er /*t not 'iven an6 reco%%endations for ine a6 o*t or size. $he *pstrea% and do3n strea% pipe ine size provision is for 100 %% dia pipe connection for individ*a coo er 3ith co%%on in et and o*t et pipe connection. -ccordin' 6 c*sto%er a so has provided on 6 100;%% dia. pipe for *pstrea% and do3n strea% connection. B*t d*e to in et press*re desi'n restrictions and oca 6 decided pipe ine a6o*t and %atchin' pipe ine size /6 c*sto%er the f o3 3as not s*fficient. $o over co%e the pro/ e% the do3n strea% ine a6o*t and pipe size 3as chan'ed to 1>0;%% size to have s*fficient f o3 3itho*t hi'her resistance. B!"# Bhopa sha s*''est the pipe sizin' and a6o*t a so to avoid s*ch pro/ e%s.

3.&XT-1.&+0S ,T&MS F+0.2 ,.S,2& T%& T-1.SF+-M&-S

-t Ehaper&heda in /oth the 'enerator transfor%er and station transfor%ers 3hi e 'enera inspection fe3 e.traneo*s ite%s i&e n*t /o ts) 'as c*t p ate pieces) 3ashers etc. 3ere fo*nd fro% inside the transfor%er. $his has created an an.iet6Aapprehension and adverse i%pression a/o*t N*a it6 1ontro at B!"# 2or&s d*rin' testin' and prior to dispatch. 7t 3as e%/arrassin' to e.p ain c*sto%er as to ho3 s*ch serio*s apses:sa/ota'es< can occ*r at 2or&s. $he freB*ent fai *res of B!"# transfor%ers a read6 occ*rred at MS"B 1handrap*r) c*sto%er 3as critica on B!"# prod*ct and its B*a it6.

4.P++- F01',T? +F 7+PP&- F'&X,$'&SC

Si%i ar B*a it6 apses 3ere faced for the copper f e.i/ e in&s s*pp ied /6 B!"# Ghansi. $he in&s received 3ere tota 6 corroded and /eca%e *n*sa/ e. 1*sto%er 3as ver6 sore on s*ch iss*es and 3as even threatenin' to report s*ch %atters even to B+N7.

B. %. T. M+T+-S F1,'0-&S.

7n one of the 12 p*%p %otor) the %otor tripped on differentia protection d*rin' initia %otor co%%issionin' tria s. =n inspection it 3as fo*nd that) one of the ead has r*//ed and 'ot shorted 3ith casin'. $he reason 3as the oose eads are not tied *p proper 6 ca*sin' r*//in' 3ith rotor. $he Bhopa s*pervisor pointed o*t that s*ch feed /ac&s are 'iven to shop f oor /*t no corrective actions are ta&en. -nother fact pointed o*t 3as) the vertica %otors are dispatchedAtransported in horizonta condition a'ainst the instr*ctions fro% factor6. 7n another 12 %otor 3hi e insta ation it 3as notice that the %o*ntin' f an'e /o t ho es 3ere not %atchin' 3ith the pedesta f an'e ho es. $o rectif6 the sa%e it 3as reB*ired to send the %otor /ac& to Bhopa factor6.

=ne of the B8P %otor tripped 3hi e in operation after fe3 da6s) on 3indin' te%perat*re protection. S*/seB*ent 6 it 3as o/served that a the 3indin' te%perat*re R$9Ds 3ere sho3in' open. =n dis%ant in' it 3as fo*nd that the R$9 ca/ es /*nched to'ether 3as not tied proper 6 and ca*sed r*//in' 3ith rotatin' fan and 'ot da%a'ed. $he sa%e 3as rectified oca 6. $he ti%e and a%o*nt spent for s*ch s%a %ista&e costs heavi 6.

7.9. 8an 3 -) +89 %otor a so fai ed d*e to poor B*a it6 3or& of e.citation ca/ e dressin' and end 3indin' ins* ation finish.

7.9.8an 4 B) %otor /earin' fo*nd da%a'ed d*rin' initia co%%issionin' it se f. $he %ost i&e 6 reason is no proper preservation at site and apse in periodica rotation of rotor d*rin' on' stora'e period.

C. 2.7. G+P M+T+- F1,'0-&

$he 9.1. G=P %otor fai ed > ti%es and detai s are as fo o3s

8ai *re No 1

Motor S .No 9-SM4017

#ocation ?53

9ate 49A4A0 0

Re%ar&s A -ction ta&en 9*rin' first co%%issionin' circ*tor6 chec&ed and direction tria ta&en , sa%e 3as corrected. -fter correction %otor started and %otor 'ot over speeded and ja%%ed 3ith in short ti%e. =n dis%ant in' and inspection it 3as o/served that rotor end 3indin' /* 'ed o*t and rotor ja%%ed. Motor fro% *nit 4 3as canni/a ized and tested in presence of MAs. 10# , $*shaco rep. $he sh*nt fie d c*rrent 3as set /6 adj*stin' tri%%er resistance. 2henever Motor start 3as 'iven) it 3as dra3in' hi'h c*rrent and fai in' to ta&e f* start. =n chec&in' the /*s /ar in&s in 919B fo*nd %e ted. "ven tho*'h %otor 3as free /6 hand rotation) after dis%ant in' the rotor end 3indin' fo*nd /* 'ed and da%a'ed. $he %otor 3as rep aced 3ith the ear ier repaired %otor :9-SM4017< fro% MAs. S.0. "n''. Na'p*r) a*thorized repair center of 10#. $he %otor de co*p ed tria ta&en in presence of MAs. S.0."n''. rep. -fter 4> %in*tes r*n) %otor a'ain tripped. =n inspection) the rotor 3indin' fro% one of the s ot ca%e o*t and r*//ed 3ith stator. Spare %otor 3as arran'ed fro% MAs. 10# on 9A9A00.









10A7A0 1

$he %otor f* 6 repaired at 10#) 3ith stren'thened end 3indin' /indin' 3as in service since 47A14A00 as per

reB*ire%ent. =n 9A7A01 d*rin' startin' the %otor fai ed to ta&e f* start. =n inspection it 3as fo*nd that the /ac& *p f*se of 31> - has / o3n off. =n f*rther investi'ation it 3as fo*nd that the %otor 7R 3as zero and rotor ins* ation fai ed d*e to over heatin'. $he reason is first and second step of series ar%at*re resistances 'ot /6passed and as per contro circ*it thro*'h 3 $R ti%er direct start co%%and 3ent) ca*sin' hi'h c*rrent f o3 and over heatin'. Since no spare %otor avai a/ e the %otor fro% 1handrap*r :>> E2< havin' sa%e di%ensions for %o*ntin' 3as arran'ed /6 MS"B. -fter reB*ired chec&in' and adj*st%ent of resistance the %otor and p*%p 3as p*t in to service.




30A14A0 1

7%%ediate 6 on startin' the %otor the /ac& *p f*ses / o3n off. =n chec&in' the 7R va *e of ar%at*re 3as fo*nd zero. =n openin' the rotor 3indin' fo*nd /*rnt. $he strips fro% inter po e 3indin' ca%e o*t and r*//ed. $he repaired %otor fro% 10# avai a/ e 3as rep aced and after chec&in' and i%provin' the 7R) %otor 3as p*t in to service.

1.1'?S,S @ 17T,+. T1K&.

1< 9*rin' initia co%%issionin' after ens*rin' the circ*it f*nction) direction tria 3as ta&en and sa%e 3as corrected. S*/seB*ent 6 p*%p 3as started and speed %eas*re%ent 3as a/o*t to /e ta&en) /*t /efore that the %otor oversped and tripped. P*%p , %otor 3as fo*nd ja%. Motor 3as de co*p ed and p*%p 3as fo*nd to /e s i'ht 6 hard to rotate. MAs. 10# , $*shaco rep. 3ere ca ed for inspection and p*%p 3as serviced. 8ro% the nat*re of fai *re i.e. rotor 3indin' 'ettin' /* 'in' o*t MAs. 10# 3as of the opinion that over speedin' has ca*sed s*ch da%a'e. $o avoid the sa%e he adj*sted the tri%%er resistance s*ch that at a%/ient te%perat*re the fie d c*rrent is 40 I hi'her than rated :as per na%e p ate < i.e. 1.9 -%ps. So that in hot condition the fie d c*rrent 3i /e red*ced /*t sti the speed 3i not increase %ore than 3000 rp%. $he ori'ina fie d resistance 3as 1>0 oh%s and it 3as red*ced to >0 oh%s. $he speed at co d start 3as 4800 rp% , increased to 30>0 rp% after 4 !rs. r*nnin'.

Based on the o/servation of %otor over speedin') MAs. 10# adj*sted the tri%%er resistance and reco%%ended that) the tri%%er resistance sha /e adj*sted s*ch that the fie d c*rrent is set 40 I hi'her than the rated as per na%e p ate. -ccordin' 6 the resistance 3as adj*sted and tria of ne3 %otor ta&en.

4< -t the ti%e of second fai *re it 3as o/served that) 3henever the 91 p*%p start co%%and 3as 'iven as per reB*ire%ent) the %otor 3as trippin' on over oad. $he p*%p and %otor 3as free /6 hand operation. =n inspection at 919B) the ne'ative /*s /ar in& 3as fo*nd %e ted. Sa%e 3as rectified) in the %ean ti%e %otor 3as opened for inspection and i&e ear ier instance the rotor end 3indin' /* 'in' 3as noticed. $he oca a'enc6 MAs. S.0. "n''. representative 3as ca ed for inspection and since the fai ed %otor 3as *n*sa/ e the ear ier repaired %otor 3as insta ed and tested in his presence. 9*rin' %otor tria ) after a/o*t 4> %in*ets r*n) a'ain %otor tripped.

- %eetin' 3as he d at !ard3ar /et3een 10#) $?S!-1= and B!"# on 4(A9A00 3herein the fai *res 3ere disc*ssed and 10# proposed to red*ce the fie d resistance to >0 oh%s fro% 1>0 oh%s. - so the6 proposed to stren'then the ar%at*re overhan' 3indin' /6 e.tra n*%/er of t*rns of resi' ass tape and additiona ' ass /raidin' provision. -ccordin' 6 the %otors sent for repair 3ere %odified.

3< $he third ti%e fai *re 3ithin 4> %in*tes of no oad :de co*p ed< tria 3as occ*rred in spite of the end 3indin' stren'thenin'. B*t this ti%e) one of the rotor 3indin' ca%e o*t fro% the s ot and reason %a6 /e poor 3or&%anship of repair. Sa%e 3as ta&en *p 3ith MAs. 10#. $he spare %otor arran'ed fro% MAs 10# 3as started in presence of MAs. 10# rep. and he 3as apprehendin' for no oad tria . MS"B insisted for sa%e and as&ed the reasons in 3ritin' for not a o3in' the no oad tria . MAs. 10# initia 6 to d that the %otor received on 9th is tested in factor6 j*st /efore despatch and hence deco*p ed tria is not reB*ired. 8ina 6 on insistance of c*sto%er %otor deco*p ed tria 3as ta&en for one ho*r. Before that the tri%%in' resistance 3as &ept /6passed since it is not reB*ired as per MAs. 10#. S*/seB*ent 6 on oad tria for ( !rs. 3as ta&en vario*s readin' 3ere ta&en.


87"#9 -MPS.


8R-M" $"MP.









Since the te%p. 3as sta/i ised) tria 3as conc *ded and re eased for nor%a operation.

-s per 10#) d*rin' no oad %otor tria speed %a6 rise to 31>0 or hi'her even at sta/i ised te%p. condition and r*nnin' the %otor for on'er ti%e %a6 da%a'e the %otor.

- tea% of MS"B and B!"# hi'her officers visited MAs. 10# -ha%adna'ar 3or&s and st*died the %odification 3or&s and 3itnessed the tria r*n and a so insisted for over speed test and co ected a the data sheets. MAs. 10# infor%ed the vario*s i%prove%ents carried o*t vide etter ref. No. M3 d'AMS"B;EE dated 49A07.01 are as fo o3s

8< -r%at*re Bandin' F 2e are ens*rin' adeB*ate n*%/er of t*rns and tension 3hi e overhan' /endin'. 8*rther 3e are c*rin' the /endin' at 140 de'rees /efore i%pre'nation 9< 2e are doin' vac**% press*re i%pre'nation for stator as 3e as ar%at*re. 10< So derin' of ar%at*re 3indin' to co%%*tator is done on an a*to%atic dip so derin' %Ac. 11< 2e have chan'ed over to per%anent 6 'reased sea ed /a /earin'. 14< 2e have introd*ced additiona s*r'e testin' of ar%at*re /efore asse%/ 6 13< $ho*'h the specification ca s for c ass H8D ins* ation) 3e have provided c ass H!D 3indin' 3ires and strips 3ith te%perat*re c ass 410 de'ree 1 14< -n additiona coat of "po.6 'e coat is app ied on 3indin' overhan's.

4< $he fai *re in *nit 4 is of different nat*re than ear ier. Motor fai ed to ta&e f* start and the step 1 , 4 resistance in series 3ith ar%at*re circ*it 'ot /6passed and %otor started thro*'h 3 $R direct start co%%and. $his has ca*sed hi'her c*rrent for on'er ti%e eadin' to overheatin' and /*rnin' of rotor 3indin'. $he 3$R ti%er :4 second ti%e de a6 ti%er< %a f*nctioned) and pic&ed *p instantaneo*s 6 instead of 4 seconds de a6. $he fa* t6 ti%er 3as rep aced and %otor arran'ed fro% 1handrap*r :>> E2< 3as insta ed and tria s ta&en 3ith necessar6 chec&s and resistance adj*st%ents.

-s per data sheet the %otor is not desi'ned for direct start and on 6 contro ed startin' thro*'h resistance is envisa'ed. - so n*%/er of starts sha /e 4 to 3 fro% co d condition. $his aspect reB*ires f*rther tota revie3 of contro pane startin' circ*it and %atchin' %otor specification fro% B!"# !ard3ar in cons* tation 3ith $?S!-1= and 10# as per the orderin' specification.

>< $he recent fai *re in *nit 3 a so indicates over heatin' and /*rnin' of rotor 3indin'.

"ven tho*'h e.act reason co* d not /e fo*nd o*t) it is fe t that the 91 p*%p reB*ire%ent arises ver6 rare 6 and chec&in' of hea thiness of stand sti %otor for on' period e.'. 7R va *e stat*s) space heater onAoff stat*s) c ean iness of car/on /r*sh area etc. are not 3arranted and hence periodica chec&s are not done.

$he fai ed %otor is a read6 sent to 10# -ha%adna'ar) detai report sha /e s*/%itted /6 10#. - so to ens*re 100 I avai a/i it6 of s*ch vita 91 a*.i iar6 as reB*ired for e%er'enc6 operation) 10# sha 'ive their reco%%endations on periodica %aintenance aspects and proced*re for ho3 to ens*re the sa%e.

2) 7+.T-+' 1.2 ,.ST-0M&.T1T,+.

1) 'PT2& 71',$-1T,+.


8or this t*r/ine the !P , 7P t*r/ine differentia e.pansion %eas*re%ent provision is not envisa'ed. =n 6 #P t*r/ine differentia e.pansion %eas*re%ent provision is there and hence is %ost i%portant.


$he #P$9" %eas*re%ent 3or&s on the princip e of d*a ra%p differentia pic&;*p %eas*re%ent. $he ran'e of the instr*%ent is ;10%% to J34%%. 7t 3as o/served d*rin' ca i/ration that the act*a disp ace%ent of pic&*p and distance sho3n in the %onitor is not %atchin'.

-1$7=N $-E"N

=n investi'ation it 3as fo*nd that the e.tension ead of the pro/e that connects the pro/e to the pro.i%eter 3as 3ron' 6 *sed. $he co o*r and size of the e.tension ca/ e for the vi/ration pic&*ps) &e6 phasor and that of #P$9" pic&*p are sa%e a tho*'h each had a different part n*%/er. B*t it had 'ot %i.ed *p and the e.tension ca/ e of &e6 phasor pic&*p and #P9" pic&*p had 'ot interchan'ed. B6 rectif6in' the %ista&e) the readin' /eca%e reasona/ 6 acc*rate. "dn Ban' oreABent 6 Nevada has /een reB*ested C


To use di erent "olour and@or

or di erent appli"ation extension "a8le


To a3oid use o extension "a8le alto(ether.


$he #P$9" readin' had an error of 3 to 4%% in the ran'e of 40 to 30%% e.pansions. -N-#@S7SA-1$7=N $-E"N $his is d*e to three possi/ e pro/ e%s o*t of 3hich t3o have /een reso ved and one re%ains *nreso ved. v< $he /rac&et that ho ds the pic&*ps need /e s anted in s*ch a 3a6 that it sho* d /e perfect 6 para e to the shaft s*rface for settin' the 'ap reB*ired for ca i/ration. 7t 3as fo*nd that the face of the pic&*ps is not para e to that of the shaft s*rface and there is a 'ap of near 6 4.>%% /et3een the top and /otto% of the pic&*p. 7t 3as fo*nd o*t that the s ant in the /rac&et sho* d /e 10de'rees /*t the act*a s ant provided 3as five de'rees. $he /rac&et 3as chan'ed.


$he /rac&et s*pp ied 3as of fi.ed t6pe and for ca i/ration shiftin' of the /rac&et a'ain and a'ain 3as reB*ired to cover the entire ran'e of 44%%. $his introd*ces an error in the ca i/ration of the pic&*p as each ti%e the /rac&et is shifted and no proper' can /e ens*red) this eads to an error in %aintainin' para e it6. For sol3in( the a8o3e: site su((ested a slidin( t4pe arran(e5ent su"h that the 8ra"ket "an 8e slided in a (uide and parallelit4 5aintained o3er entire ran(e durin( "ali8ration. S*ch a s idin' arran'e%ent 3as done in S#PP a Man'ro site and 3as convenient to *se. So the /rac&et 3as a'ain %odified to s idin' t6pe and has /een *sed for ?nit 54 #P9". $he *se of proper e.tension ca/ e) correct /rac&et s ant and s idin' arran'e%ent for ca i/ration has sti not so ved the pro/ e% of acc*rac6 entire 6 and there is an error of 4 to 3%% in the operatin' ran'e of the instr*%ent. $his in o*r opinion is %ain 6 d*e to the t6pe of %onitor se ected for the p*rpose. -s per the present confi'*ration and the %onitor se ected) /oth


the pro/es) pro/e - and pro/es are active in the entire ran'e of %eas*re%ent. -s a res* t in the operatin' ran'e of the instr*%ent one pro/e is fara3a6 fro% the shaft s*rface and so the o*tp*t fro% that pro/e is inacc*rate. $his inacc*rac6 is contri/*tin' to the fina readin' of the %onitor. This pro8le5 "an 8e resol3ed 84 usin( a "o5pli5entar4 t4pe o 5onitor 3here one pic&*p contri/*tes on 6 for ha f the instr*%ent 3here the air 'aps is ess and acc*rac6 of the readin' is %ore. -s the shaft e.pands) the air 'ap in the active pro/e side 3i increase and 3i decrease in the passive pro/e side. =nce the air 'ap in the passive pro/e site co%es to the reB*ired inear zone) it 3i ta&e over the active pro/e and 3i /e active for f*rther e.pansion ran'e. $his t6pe of %onitor is in *se at S#PP Man'ro . -nother pro/ e% re ated 3ith #P9" is the a ar% is set at 30%%) 3here as the ran'e of the instr*%ent is 34%%. Since the ne'ative e.pansion of the shaft is ver6 rare the ran'e of instr*%ent can /e %odified.

2) 6i8ration M&1S0-&M&.T S?ST&M=A

$3o pro/ e%s 3ere faced in vi/ration %eas*re%ent s6ste%. =ne has /een so ved and one re%ains *nreso ved as a toda6. PR=B#"M 1) Sha t 3i8ration 5easure5ent pro8le5 in 8earin(A3. -fter co%p etion of ca i/ration of a the vi/ration pic&*ps) a the vi/ration si'na s 3ere hea th6 in contro s. B*t after p*ttin' the %achine on /arrin' 'ear) /earin' No.;3) /earin' and shaft vi/ration readin's 3ere /eco%in' inva id. 8or ca i/ration) in t*r/ine stand sti condition) the pro/e is set 3ith a 'ap of 4.>%% /et3een the shaft s*rface and pro/e face and vo ta'e of 10v is adj*sted correspondin' to this 'ap). $his 3as done for /earin' No. 3 a so) as it 3as done for /earin' 1 to 4. B*t it 3as o/served that as soon as the rotor 3as p*t on /arrin' 'ear) /oth the channe s for shaft vi/ration %eas*re%ent /eca%e fa* t6 and 3henever the rotor /eca%e stand sti ) the channe s /eca%e hea th6. $his 3as rea 6 %6sterio*s and e.tre%e 6 diffic* t to ana 6ze /eca*se chec&in' is possi/ e on rotor stand sti condition and in rotor stand sti position the fa* t 3as disappearin'. -fter doin' a ro*tine chec&s i&e chan'in' the ca/ e) chan'in' the %onitor) chan'in' the pic&*p etc.) the pro/ e% co* d not /e reso ved and it re%ained as it is.

-1$7=N $-E"N

-s a the possi/i it6 of findin' a defect in the %eas*re%ent s6ste% 3as e.ha*sted) it 3as decided to chec& for an6 pro/ e% in the shaft s*rface and the pro/ e% 3as ri'ht thereK =n inspection of the shaft s*rface /6 a torch i'ht 3ith the pic&*ps re%oved and hand /arrin') it *as ound that there *ere our 8i( holes on sha t "ir"u5 eren"e at e>uidistant !ust a"in( the pro8e. 2henever the pro/es 3ere facin' these ho es) the vo ta'e eve 3as j*%pin' and creatin' a fa* t. $hese ho es are provided for individ*a shaft rotation faci it6. $he %atter 3as ta&en *p 3ith B!"# !ard3ar and to reso ve this pro/ e% there 3as no other so *tion than to shift the pro/e ocation. $he pic&*p 3as re ocated /6 shiftin' to3ard 'enerator /6 a/o*t >0; %%) s*ch that the pro/e did not face the ho e on the shaft. B6 shiftin' the pro/e ocation the pro/ e% 'ot reso ved. #ater on it 3as earnt that in Ea6a%&* a% stea% t*r/ine) si%i ar pro/ e% 3as faced /*t the feed /ac& 3as not avai a/ e 3ith *s.

WS P+S& indi"ation o 8earin(@sha t 3i8ration

PR=B#"M 2hi e co%parin' the vi/ration readin' of contro roo% and oca readin's ta&en 3ith porta/ e vi/ro%eter) it 3as o/served that there 3as 3ide difference in t3o /earin's and shaft vi/rations. $he reason co* d not /e fo*nd o*t and it 3as eft as it is. S*/seB*ent 6 a detai ed st*d6 3as done , fo o3in' facts 3as s*rfaced o*t as fo o3s.

-N-#@S7SA-1$7=N $-E"N

8or shaft vi/ration of shaft 1 to 4 the pic&*ps are %o*nted on to the respective /earin' vi/ration pic&*ps. $he pic&*p o*t p*t indicates /earin' vi/ration and re ative shaft vi/ration. 8or 'ettin' a/so *te shaft vi/ration) the t3o va *es are added /6 vector addition %ethod. B!"# has as&ed for %odification in Bent 6 Neveda pane ) for indicatin' as 3e as 'eneratin' si'na s for indication in t3o possi/ e co%/inations in pane %onitor as 3e as 2SP=S" indication. $he co%/inations 3ere /earin' vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration or a/so *te shaft vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration. -ccordin' 6 Bent 6 Neveda has %odified the pane /*t ha f3a6 i.e. first co%/ination of /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration 3as indicated on pane %onitor on 6. 2hereas the o*tp*t si'na to 2SP=S" 3as not %odified and the provided j*%per se ection 3as 'ivin' co%/ination of a/so *te shaft vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration on 6. $he %atter 3as referred to "9N) since for nor%a %onitorin' the /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration %eas*re%ents are reB*ired for operator %onitorin'. MAs Bent 6 Nevada 3ere reB*ested to %odif6 the s6ste%) so that the co%/ination of /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration is avai a/ e for indication in the %onitor as 3e as indication in 2S P=S". -ccordin' 6 MAs. Bent 6 Neveda has done the %odification and the conf*sion 3as avoided.

B*t *nfort*nate 6) MAs Bent 6 Nevada has done the ha f %odification. $he6 have %odified the indication in the %onitor :3hich is rare 6 *sed /6 the operator< and eft the si'na for 2S P=S" is *n%odified and 3e have %issed this point. $o co%po*nd the conf*sion f*rther) the j*%per se ection for 2S P=S" indication 3as se ected in s*ch a 3a6 that the o*tp*t si'na 3as for a/so *te shaft J re ative shaft. B*t since "dn Ban' ore has no &no3 ed'e a/o*t this ha f %odification) the6 have a one the en'ineerin' and interna 3irin' of the pane for indication /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration so the fina pict*re is the %onitor indication 3as /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 7n the 2S P=S" 3hat 3ere sho3in' as /earin' vi/ration 3as act*a 6 a/so *te shaft vi/ration red*ced to a sca e of 100%icrons) that is one fo*rth of a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 2hat 3e 3ere sho3in' as a/so *te shaft vi/ration 3as act*a 6 re ative shaft vi/ration. -s soon as the pro/ e% co%e to o*r notice) the j*%per settin' 3as chan'ed so that no3 the %onitor indication is /earin' vi/ration J a/so *te shaft vi/ration. 7n 2S P=S" the indication is /earin' vi/ration J re ative shaft vi/ration. MAs Benth 6 Nevada had sent their representative on 30th -*'*st 4001 to site to carr6 o*t the necessar6 %odifications and the %odifications have /een carried o*t in ?nit 53 and 54. $he necessar6 chan'es in the doc*%entation have a so /een carried o*t. No3) the indication in the Monitor as 3e as 2=P=S" is Bearin' +i/ration J re ative shaft +i/ration. Modi i"ations done in %P$P S4ste5 at Khaperkheda 0nit 93 and 4 ,.T-+207T,+. !PBP :!i'h;Press*re B6 Pass< s6ste% co%es into service d*rin' p ant start;*ps) t*r/ineA'enerator trip;o*ts and ho*se oad operation 3hen the *nit is disconnected fro% 0rid. 7t is *sed to %aintain %ain stea% press*re and do3nstrea% 1R! te%perat*re at reB*ired set va *es d*rin' stea% d*%pin' and *nit trip;o*t conditions. $he sche%e at Ehaper&heda envisa'es t3o %ain BP va ves for press*re contro and associated t3o spra6 va ves BP" for te%perat*re contro .

P-+$'&MS F17&2 1.2 -&M&2,1' 17T,+.S T1K&.= Pro8le5 1= 2ri tin( o %P$P 6al3es in auto durin( 8oiler onAload "ondition 2es"ription o pro8le5C 9*rin' *nit operatin' at si'nificant oad 3ith !PBP s6ste% in a*to 3here the press*re set point is &ept hi'her than act*a press*re) contro s6ste% o*tp*ts zero de%and. B*t it has /een o/served that the BP va ves so%eti%es ift /6 the%se ves %a6 /e /eca*se of decrease in oi press*re in act*ator d*e to e.cessive ea& off fro% individ*a servo va ve. !o3ever 3hen in %an*a ) this pheno%enon has not /een o/served. $his is /eca*se) in %an*a %ode) / oc&in' e e%ent is de;ener'ized and does not a o3 oi to drain ca*sin' va ve openin' and a so there is a priorit6 c osin' co%%and 3hen va ve is open not %ore than 4I.

-e5edial a"tion takenC $o overco%e a/ove pro/ e%) the contro sche%e has /een %odified as /e o3C


"ven contro is in a*to) priorit6 c ose co%%and 3i persist as on' as contro de%and does not e.ceed 4I. $his 3i &eep the va ve in c osed position. 2hen contro sche%e is in a*to) the / oc&in' 3i re%ain de;ener'ized as on' as contro de%and does not e.ceed 4I. -s de%and d*rin' nor%a condition re%ains 0I) the / oc&in' e e%ent 3i he p in &eepin' va ve in c osed position.


Pro/ e% 4C S*stainin' /oi er d*rin' fast openin' of BP1 and BP4

8ast openin' of BP1 and BP4 occ*rs *nder certain conditions viz. t*r/ine trip ) 'enerator /rea&er open) oad sheddin' re a6 operation d*rin' s*dden oad thro3 off) ho*se oad operation etc. ?nder s*ch conditions) 'enera 6 /oi er a so trips d*e to s6ste% dist*r/ances. 7f /oi er is saved in s*ch drastic conditions and the set is /ro*'ht to operation in %ini%a ti%e) 7t 3i res* t in increased po3er avai a/i it6. 7n case of ho*se oad operation) it %eans savin' the tota set itse f. 7n present scenario) the c*sto%er insists *pon it and it /eco%es a pendin' point in B!"# acco*nt.

1onstant fast openin' p* se d*rin' fast openin' of BP1 and BP4

2es"ription= $he fast openin' ti%e is 'enera 6 set at 3 seconds %echanica 6. provision is %ade in the contro s6ste% 3herein a p* se of the reB*isite 3idth can /e 'iven to fast open the !P B6pass va ve *pto certain percenta'e and contin*in' thereafter in the nor%a %ode. 8or e.a%p e) if the p* se 3idth is set at 4 seconds) then for a va ve adj*sted for f* openin' at 3 seconds) the fast openin' 3i /e i%ited to ((I.

$he a/ove sche%e s*ffers fro% the dra3/ac& that this adj*sted p* se 3idth is a constant va *e and hence the a%o*nt of fast openin' is the sa%e *nder a conditions. "vident 6) one does not 3ant the !P B6pass va ves to fast open /6 the sa%e a%o*nt 3hen the 'enerator oad had /een 100I and a so 3hen the 'enerator oad had /een sa6) 30I. 7n the atter case the openin' 3o* d /e too %*ch and %ain stea% press*re co* d drop drastica 6. Su((ested s"he5e= Please re er atta"hed Fi(. 1.

7n the s*''ested sche%e) the 'enerator oad is %e%orised 3ith a dead ti%e a' e e%ent so that at the o*tp*t of the a' e e%ent the e.act trend of the oad is contin*o*s 6 avai a/ e) /*t 3ith a 3 seconds de a6. $his data 3i /e *ti ised to derive a percenta'e va *e thro*'h a f*nction 'enerator :represented /6 a / oc& f:.<<) 3hich 3i /e *ti ised to %odif6 the p* se 3idth for fast openin'. 8or e.a%p e) 3hen the oad is at (0I) the o*tp*t of the f*nction 'enerator co* d /e sa6) 70I and so the p* se 3idth 3i /e 70I of 3 seconds) that is 4.1 seconds. $h*s the p* se 3idth can /e ver6 fine 6 adj*sted for the 3ho e ran'e and this 3i prevent overA*nder operation of the va ve.

- so this %odification 3i prevent fast openin' at o3 oads. -t o3 oads) 3hen the tota stea% f o3 is B*ite ess) the nor%a contro circ*it 3o* d /e s*fficient to cater to the a%o*nt of stea% to /e diverted via !P B6pass and fast openin' 3o* d not /e necessar6.

8eed for3ard for Spra6 va ves i.e. BP"

2es"riptionC Spra6 contro va ves operate to %aintain do3nstrea% te%perat*re at set va ves. ?nder no conditions) do3nstrea% te%perat*re sho* d not e.ceed 370 de'ree centi'rade. 7f the te%perat*re e.ceeds this va *e) BP1 and BP4 va ves c ose and /oi er trips on reheat protection. 7n case of fast openin') te%perat*re shoots *p /eca*se of ar'e openin's of BP1 and BP4 and nor%a contro circ*itr6 is not t*ned for s*ch transient conditions.

Su((ested s"he5e= 2hen BP va ves open f* 6 d*e to fast openin') it is necessar6 to adj*st the feed for3ards to the BP" so that these open s*fficient 6 /efore there is an6 rise in te%perat*re $his feed for3ard can /e a f*nction of BP va ve position and %ain stea% press*re as s*''ested in fi'. 4.

Press*re set point /iasin'

2es"ription= !P /6pass press*re setpoint is derived fro% t*r/ine set press*re in coordinated %aster contro and /iased /6 a fi.ed va ve a/ove the press*re set point for t*r/ine. 7t ta&es so%e seconds for press*re rise to occ*r and ena/ in' the BP1 and BP4 va ve to open.

Su((ested s"he5e= 9*rin' fast openin' conditions) this /ias co* d /e re%oved so that !P B6pass can ta&e faster action.

!PBP fast openin' on press*re deviation

2es"ription= 7f the %ain stea% press*re e.ceeds the press*re set point /6 certain a%o*nt :i.e. >I< the !PBP s6ste% 'oes into a*to and at the sa%e it 'enerates a fast openin' p* se. $his fast openin' p* se creates s6ste% dist*r/ance and so%eti%es eads to *nit trippin' a so. ?nder s*ch conditions nor%a contro oops are s*fficient to ta&e care of the sit*ation.

Su((ested S"he5e= 7nitiation of fast openin' p* se on press*re deviation has /een re%oved. ?nder press*re deviation e.ceedin' the va *e) the s6ste% 3i 'o into a*to and sa%e 3i /e ann*nciated *sin' vis*a ann*nciation.

8ast openin' and a*to operation of va ves d*rin' fast openin'

2es"ription= -s fast openin' p* se is initiated) t3o independent operations occ*r independent 6. $he !PBP va ves 'o for f* openin' and it p*ts the press*re contro in a*to %ode. Seein' the difference /et3een set point and act*a press*re) the contro circ*it o*tp*ts de%and) 3hich rises s o3 6. -fter ceas*re of openin' p* se) the va ves act as per contro o*tp*t) 3hich is ver6) ess and va ves c ose. $his res* ts in osci ations and s6ste% does not sta/i ise ear 6. $his 'enera 6 eads to *nit trippin'.

Su((ested S"he5e= ?nder nor%a conditions) 3henever the s6ste% is 3or&in' in %an*a %ode the o*tp*t de%and trac&s the va ve position) the %o%ent it is p*t into a*to) it starts contro in' fro% the that va ve position itse f th*s ens*rin' s%ooth chan'eover fro% %an*a to a*to. $he contro circ*it has /een %odified s*ch that after the ceas*re of fast openin' p* se) the s6ste% 'oes into a*to and ta&es contro fro% its ast he d openin'.

7f the s6ste% is a read6 in a*to) the %odified sche%e p*ts the s6ste% into %an*a for a ver6 s%a d*ration and after ceas*re of fast openin' p* se) s6ste% 'oes into a*to %ode.

S,T& 2&6,1T,+. -&P+-T

9*rin' co%%issionin' it 3as fo*nd necessar6 to chan'e so%e of the o'icAprovisions for i%provin' operation faci it6 and avoid *nnecessar6 trippin' of a*.i iaries. -s per the directives) for an6 chan'e fro% desi'nerDs reco%%endations) conc*rrence is to /e so*'ht fro% respective *nits en'ineerin' /efore carr6in' o*t an6 chan'e. -s per ne3 s6ste% to overco%e the pro/ e% and to avoid de a6 in activit6) S9R:Site 9eviation Report< is to %ade and c earance to /e o/tained fro% 1onstr*ction Mana'er and sa%e to /e reported to !.=. -fter3ards it has to /e re'* arised thro*'h 1-RAS-R etc. -n6 deviation concerned 3ith safet6 of eB*ip%ent) then it is necessar6 to o/tain *nits c earance /efore i%p e%entation. =n 6 one S9R 3as of this nat*re 3as raised and so far no disposition has /een received fro% *nit.

So%e of S9RDs are descri/ed here as /e o3)

1)2etails o 2e3iationC PR9S nor%a operatin' te%p. is 440 de'. 1) , te%p. ver6 hi'h to c ose stea% pr. 1ontro va ve is 470 de'. 1. =n %an6 occasions it is o/served that te%p. is e.ceedin' %ore than 470 de'.1 and PR9S is 'ettin' iso ated. $his is eadin' to *nit trippin' ver6 freB*ent 6. $he te%p. contro oop is havin' on 6 P7 contro , ori'ina contro circ*it is not 3or&a/ e at a ) /eca*se of f* feed for3ard of press*re contro va ve and there in j*%p 3hi e p*ttin' in a*to.

1"tion ProposedC $o avoid freB*ent trippin' it is proposed to increase the ver6 hi'h set point to 300 de'. 1 - so for fine t*nin' , to i%prove te%p a*to contro oop) present a*to contro oop havin' on 6 P7 contro ) it 3i /e chan'ed to P79 contro . $he contro oop is %odified to cater s6ste% reB*ire%ent , /etter contro . $he feed for3ard of P1+ to $1+ has /een provided 3hich an adj*sta/ e factor for t*nin'. -ccordin' 6 s*ita/ e %odification has /een %ade to avoid jer&s 3hi e p*ttin' P1+ fro% %an*a to a*to and vice;versa

2)2etails o 2e3iation= 8or startin' additiona p*%p one condition is stea% f o3 sha /e L>0 I as per "9N o'ic 3hereas as per P"M instead of stea% f o3 it is 'iven as feed 3ater f o3 L >0 I

1"tion Proposed= 7$ is decided to chan'e "9N o'ic fro% stea% f o3 to feed f o3 as per P"M o'ic) /eca*se B8P oadin' is decided /6 feed f o3 rather than stea% f o3.

3)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per "9N o'ic for stand /6 p*%p trac&in' of scoop is not 'iven 3hereas as per !@9. Man*a for stand /6 p*%p the scoop sha trac& as per r*nnin' p*%p. P"M sche%e a so does not ca for trac&in') /*t for stand /6 p*%p a*to chec& /ac& is reB*ired as per P"M.

1"tion Proposed= $rac&in' of the scoop of stand /6 B8P is ver6 *sef* for %aintainin' dr*% eve in case of ta&eover /6 stand /6 p*%p. $he avera'e of t3o r*nnin' p*%ps 3i /e tac&ed /6 the stand /6 p*%p. - so after starin' stand /6 p*%p the scoop 3i /e a*to%atica 6 p*t on a*to.

4)2etails o 2e3iation= 8or 1S$ eve !iA #o3 a ar%s no 3indo3 is provided on /ac& *p pane a*dio vis*a a ar%. 1*sto%er 3ants a ar% to /e provided for operatorDs convenience.

1"tion Proposed= $he necessar6 %odifications are carried o*t for providin' the a*diovis*a a ar% on /ac& *p pane .

B)2etails o 2e3iation= 7n B8P start seB*ence o'ic )=N co%%and for %ain B8P %otor , its coo in' 3ater va ve 'oes si%* taneo*s 6 ,on 6 after 'ettin' 12 va ve open feed/ac& f*rther co%%and 'oes for dischar'e /6pass va ve , then %ain dischar'e va ve. Since 12 va ve ta&es B*ite so%e ti%e to open) B8P oadin' 'ets de a6ed and %a6 ca*se dr*% eve contro pro/ e%. !ence instead of 3aitin' for 'ettin' 12 va ve open status) not "losed status is preferred to avoid de a6 in p*%p oadin'

1"tion ProposedC 7nstead of the 12 va ve open stat*s not "losed stat*s 3i /e *sed to proceed f*rther co%%ands for B8P oadin'.

C)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per "9N o'ic for 1"P startin' hot 3e eve adeB*ate per%issive is ta&en as J100%% fro% eve trans%itter eve si'na . 2hereas as per B!"# !@9. =,M %an*a the per%issive for 1"P startin' is %entioned as hot 3e eve not o3 3hich is set at ; 340 %%. $he nor%a operatin' eve is set at zero and in a*to it %aintain a/o*t M >0 to 100 %%. 7n case of the r*nnin' p*%ps trips as per "9N o'ic the sa%e p*%p or stand /6 p*%p can not /e started *n ess eve is raised to J 100 %%. 7f 3e 3ait ti eve raised to J 100 %% the *nit %a6 trip

1"tion ProposedC 7t is proposed to chan'e the "9N o'ic and introd*ce eve adeB*ate per%issive as eve not ess than ;340 %% as per B!"# !6dera/ad reco%%endation. $he eve ver6 o3 trip set point is at ;1300 %% hence it is safe to r*n the p*%p 3ith eve %ore than ;340 %%. Necessar6 chan'es in o'ic %odification are carried o*t.

<)2etails o 2e3iation= -s per B!"# $rich6 reco%%endation s*per heater spra6 can not /e 'iven ti tota stea% f o3 is L40I and /*rner ti t can not /e operated ti tota stea% f o3 is L4>I. 7t is o/served that after s6nchronisation of the *nit and startin' of coa firin' the s*per heater and re;heater o*t et te%ps. are e.ceedin' >40 01. $his happens especia 6 at o3 oad *pto 40M2. Beca*se of a/ove o'ic te%p. can not /e contro ed since spra6 can not /e 'iven and ti t can not /e operated.

1"tion Proposed= $o avoid te%p. e.ceedin' L>40 01) it is proposed to o3er the stea% f o3 i%it inter oc& to L>I. $his is necessar6 /eca*se other %eas*res to contro the te%p.) i&e increasin' feed 3ater te%p. or red*cin' e.cess air B*antit6 is not possi/ e d*rin' co d start *p and o3 oad condition

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