G.R. Nos. 171947-48

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epublic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. Nos. 171 !7"!

# $eb%ua%& 1'( )*11

METROPO+,TAN MAN,+A -E.E+OPMENT AUT/OR,T0( -EPARTMENT O$ EN.,RONMENT AN- NATURA+ RESOURCES( -EPARTMENT O$ E-UCAT,ON( CU+TURE AN- SPORTS(1 -EPARTMENT O$ /EA+T/( -EPARTMENT O$ AGR,CU+TURE( -EPARTMENT O$ PUB+,C 1OR2S AN- /,G/1A0S( -EPARTMENT O$ BU-GET AN- MANAGEMENT( P/,+,PP,NE COAST GUAR-( P/,+,PP,NE NAT,ONA+ PO+,CE MAR,T,ME GROUP( an3 -EPARTMENT O$ T/E ,NTER,OR AN+OCA+ GO.ERNMENT( Petitione%s( 4s. CONCERNE- RES,-ENTS O$ MAN,+A BA0( %ep%esente3 an3 5oine3 b& -,.,NA .. ,+AS( SAB,N,ANO A+BARRAC,N( MANUE+ SANTOS( 6R.( -,NA/ -E+A PE7A( PAU+ -ENN,S 8U,NTERO( MA. .,CTOR,A ++ENOS( -ONNA CA+O9A( $AT,MA 8U,TA,N( .EN,CE SEGARRA( $R,T9,E TANG2,A( SARA/ 6OE++E +,NTAG( /ANN,BA+ AUGUSTUS BOB,S( $E+,MON SANT,AGUE+( an3 6A,ME AGUST,N R. OPOSA( Respon3ents. RESO+UT,ON .E+ASCO( 6R.( 6.: On -ece;be% 1#( )**#( this Cou%t %en3e%e3 a -ecision in G.R. Nos. 171 !7"!# o%3e%in< petitione%s to clean up( %ehabilitate an3 p%ese%4e Manila Ba& in thei% 3iffe%ent capacities. The fallo %ea3s: 1/ERE$ORE( the petition is -EN,E-. The Septe;be% )#( )**' -ecision of the CA in CA" G.R. C. No. 7=')# an3 SP No. 7! !! an3 the Septe;be% 1>( )**) -ecision of the RTC in Ci4il Case No. 1#'1" a%e A$$,RME- but ?ith MO-,$,CAT,ONS in 4ie? of subse@uent 3e4elop;ents o% supe%4enin< e4ents in the case. The fallo of the RTC -ecision shall no? %ea3: 1/ERE$ORE( 5u3<;ent is he%eb& %en3e%e3 o%3e%in< the abo4ena;e3 3efen3ant"<o4e%n;ent a<encies to clean up( %ehabilitate( an3 p%ese%4e Manila Ba&( an3 %esto%e an3 ;aintain its ?ate%s to SB le4el AClass B sea ?ate%s pe% 1ate% Classification Tables un3e% -ENR A3;inist%ati4e O%3e% No. >! B1 *CD to ;aEe the; fit fo% s?i;;in<( sEin"3i4in<( an3 othe% fo%;s of contact %ec%eation. ,n pa%ticula%: A1D Pu%suant to Sec. ! of EO 1 )( assi<nin< the -ENR as the p%i;a%& a<enc& %esponsible fo% the conse%4ation( ;ana<e;ent( 3e4elop;ent( an3 p%ope% use of the count%&Fs en4i%on;ent an3

natu%al %esou%ces( an3 Sec. 1 of RA )7'( 3esi<natin< the -ENR as the p%i;a%& <o4e%n;ent a<enc& %esponsible fo% its enfo%ce;ent an3 i;ple;entation( the -ENR is 3i%ecte3 to full& i;ple;ent its Ope%ational Plan fo% the Manila Ba& Coastal St%ate<& fo% the %ehabilitation( %esto%ation( an3 conse%4ation of the Manila Ba& at the ea%liest possible ti;e. ,t is o%3e%e3 to call %e<ula% coo%3ination ;eetin<s ?ith conce%ne3 <o4e%n;ent 3epa%t;ents an3 a<encies to ensu%e the successful i;ple;entation of the afo%esai3 plan of action in acco%3ance ?ith its in3icate3 co;pletion sche3ules. A)D Pu%suant to Title G,, A+ocal Go4e%n;entD of the A3;inist%ati4e Co3e of 1 #7 an3 Sec. )' of the +ocal Go4e%n;ent Co3e of 1 1( the -,+G( in eHe%cisin< the P%esi3entFs po?e% of <ene%al supe%4ision an3 its 3ut& to p%o;ul<ate <ui3elines in establishin< ?aste ;ana<e;ent p%o<%a;s un3e% Sec. !> of the Philippine En4i%on;ent Co3e AP- 11')D( shall 3i%ect all +GUs in Met%o Manila( RiIal( +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a( an3 Bataan to inspect all facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents( an3 p%i4ate ho;es alon< the banEs of the ;a5o% %i4e% s&ste;s in thei% %especti4e a%eas of 5u%is3iction( such as but not li;ite3 to the Pasi<"Ma%iEina"San 6uan Ri4e%s( the NCR APa%aJa@ue"9apote( +as PiJasD Ri4e%s( the Na4otas"Malabon"Tullahan" Tene5e%os Ri4e%s( the Me&caua&an"Ma%ilao"Oban3o ABulacanD Ri4e%s( the Talisa& ABataanD Ri4e%( the ,;us ACa4iteD Ri4e%( the +a<una -e Ba&( an3 othe% ;ino% %i4e%s an3 ?ate%?a&s that e4entuall& 3ischa%<e ?ate% into the Manila Ba&K an3 the lan3s abuttin< the ba&( to 3ete%;ine ?hethe% the& ha4e ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities o% h&<ienic septic tanEs as p%esc%ibe3 b& eHistin< la?s( o%3inances( an3 %ules an3 %e<ulations. ,f none be foun3( these +GUs shall be o%3e%e3 to %e@ui%e non"co;pl&in< establish;ents an3 ho;es to set up sai3 facilities o% septic tanEs ?ithin a %easonable ti;e to p%e4ent in3ust%ial ?astes( se?a<e ?ate%( an3 hu;an ?astes f%o; flo?in< into these %i4e%s( ?ate%?a&s( este%os( an3 the Manila Ba&( un3e% pain of closu%e o% i;position of fines an3 othe% sanctions. A>D As ;an3ate3 b& Sec. # of RA )7'( the M1SS is 3i%ecte3 to p%o4i3e( install( ope%ate( an3 ;aintain the necessa%& a3e@uate ?aste ?ate% t%eat;ent facilities in Met%o Manila( RiIal( an3 Ca4ite ?he%e nee3e3 at the ea%liest possible ti;e. A!D Pu%suant to RA )7'( the +1UA( th%ou<h the local ?ate% 3ist%icts an3 in coo%3ination ?ith the -ENR( is o%3e%e3 to p%o4i3e( install( ope%ate( an3 ;aintain se?e%a<e an3 sanitation facilities an3 the efficient an3 safe collection( t%eat;ent( an3 3isposal of se?a<e in the p%o4inces of +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a( an3 Bataan ?he%e nee3e3 at the ea%liest possible ti;e. A'D Pu%suant to Sec. =' of RA #''*( the -A( th%ou<h the B$AR( is o%3e%e3 to i;p%o4e an3 %esto%e the ;a%ine life of the Manila Ba&. ,t is also 3i%ecte3 to assist the +GUs in Met%o Manila( RiIal( Ca4ite( +a<una( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a( an3 Bataan in 3e4elopin<( usin< %eco<niIe3 ;etho3s( the fishe%ies an3 a@uatic %esou%ces in the Manila Ba&. A=D The PCG( pu%suant to Secs. ! an3 = of P- 7 ( an3 the PNP Ma%iti;e G%oup( in acco%3ance ?ith Sec. 1)! of RA #''*( in coo%3ination ?ith each othe%( shall app%ehen3 4iolato%s of P- 7 ( RA #''*( an3 othe% eHistin< la?s an3 %e<ulations 3esi<ne3 to p%e4ent ;a%ine pollution in the Manila Ba&.

A7D Pu%suant to Secs. ) an3 ="c of EO '1> an3 the ,nte%national Con4ention fo% the P%e4ention of Pollution f%o; Ships( the PPA is o%3e%e3 to i;;e3iatel& a3opt such ;easu%es to p%e4ent the 3ischa%<e an3 3u;pin< of soli3 an3 li@ui3 ?astes an3 othe% ship"<ene%ate3 ?astes into the Manila Ba& ?ate%s f%o; 4essels 3ocEe3 at po%ts an3 app%ehen3 the 4iolato%s. A#D The MM-A( as the lea3 a<enc& an3 i;ple;ento% of p%o<%a;s an3 p%o5ects fo% floo3 cont%ol p%o5ects an3 3%aina<e se%4ices in Met%o Manila( in coo%3ination ?ith the -P1/( -,+G( affecte3 +GUs( PNP Ma%iti;e G%oup( /ousin< an3 U%ban -e4elop;ent Coo%3inatin< Council A/U-CCD( an3 othe% a<encies( shall 3is;antle an3 %e;o4e all st%uctu%es( const%uctions( an3 othe% enc%oach;ents establishe3 o% built in 4iolation of RA 7)7 ( an3 othe% applicable la?s alon< the Pasi<"Ma%iEina"San 6uan Ri4e%s( the NCR APa%aJa@ue"9apote( +as PiJasD Ri4e%s( the Na4otas"Malabon"Tullahan"Tene5e%os Ri4e%s( an3 connectin< ?ate%?a&s an3 este%os in Met%o Manila. The -P1/( as the p%incipal i;ple;ento% of p%o<%a;s an3 p%o5ects fo% floo3 cont%ol se%4ices in the %est of the count%& ;o%e pa%ticula%l& in Bulacan( Bataan( Pa;pan<a( Ca4ite( an3 +a<una( in coo%3ination ?ith the -,+G( affecte3 +GUs( PNP Ma%iti;e G%oup( /U-CC( an3 othe% conce%ne3 <o4e%n;ent a<encies( shall %e;o4e an3 3e;olish all st%uctu%es( const%uctions( an3 othe% enc%oach;ents built in b%each of RA 7)7 an3 othe% applicable la?s alon< the Me&caua&an"Ma%ilao"Oban3o ABulacanD Ri4e%s( the Talisa& ABataanD Ri4e%( the ,;us ACa4iteD Ri4e%( the +a<una -e Ba&( an3 othe% %i4e%s( connectin< ?ate%?a&s( an3 este%os that 3ischa%<e ?aste?ate% into the Manila Ba&. ,n a33ition( the MM-A is o%3e%e3 to establish( ope%ate( an3 ;aintain a sanita%& lan3fill( as p%esc%ibe3 b& RA **>( ?ithin a pe%io3 of one A1D &ea% f%o; finalit& of this -ecision. On ;atte%s ?ithin its te%%ito%ial 5u%is3iction an3 in connection ?ith the 3ischa%<e of its 3uties on the ;aintenance of sanita%& lan3fills an3 liEe un3e%taEin<s( it is also o%3e%e3 to cause the app%ehension an3 filin< of the app%op%iate c%i;inal cases a<ainst 4iolato%s of the %especti4e penal p%o4isions of RA **>( Sec. )7 of RA )7' Athe Clean 1ate% ActD( an3 othe% eHistin< la?s on pollution. A D The -O/ shall( as 3i%ecte3 b& A%t. 7= of P- 1*=7 an3 Sec. # of RA )7'( ?ithin one A1D &ea% f%o; finalit& of this -ecision( 3ete%;ine if all license3 septic an3 slu3<e co;panies ha4e the p%ope% facilities fo% the t%eat;ent an3 3isposal of fecal slu3<e an3 se?a<e co;in< f%o; septic tanEs. The -O/ shall <i4e the co;panies( if foun3 to be non"co;pl&in<( a %easonable ti;e ?ithin ?hich to set up the necessa%& facilities un3e% pain of cancellation of its en4i%on;ental sanitation clea%ance. A1*D Pu%suant to Sec. '> of P- 11')( Sec. 11# of RA #''*( an3 Sec. '= of RA **>( the -epE3 shall inte<%ate lessons on pollution p%e4ention( ?aste ;ana<e;ent( en4i%on;ental p%otection( an3 liEe sub5ects in the school cu%%icula of all le4els to inculcate in the ;in3s an3 hea%ts of stu3ents an3( th%ou<h the;( thei% pa%ents an3 f%ien3s( the i;po%tance of thei% 3ut& to?a%3 achie4in< an3 ;aintainin< a balance3 an3 healthful ecos&ste; in the Manila Ba& an3 the enti%e Philippine a%chipela<o. A11D The -BM shall consi3e% inco%po%atin< an a3e@uate bu3<et in the Gene%al App%op%iations Act of )*1* an3 succee3in< &ea%s to co4e% the eHpenses %elatin< to the cleanup( %esto%ation( an3 p%ese%4ation of the ?ate% @ualit& of the Manila Ba&( in line ?ith the count%&Fs 3e4elop;ent

ob5ecti4e to attain econo;ic <%o?th in a ;anne% consistent ?ith the p%otection( p%ese%4ation( an3 %e4i4al of ou% ;a%ine ?ate%s. A1)D The hea3s of petitione%s"a<encies MM-A( -ENR( -epE3( -O/( -A( -P1/( -BM( PCG( PNP Ma%iti;e G%oup( -,+G( an3 also of M1SS( +1UA( an3 PPA( in line ?ith the p%inciple of Lcontinuin< ;an3a;us(L shall( f%o; finalit& of this -ecision( each sub;it to the Cou%t a @ua%te%l& p%o<%essi4e %epo%t of the acti4ities un3e%taEen in acco%3ance ?ith this -ecision. SO OR-ERE-. The <o4e%n;ent a<encies 3i3 not file an& ;otion fo% %econsi3e%ation an3 the -ecision beca;e final in 6anua%& )** . The case is no? in the eHecution phase of the final an3 eHecuto%& -ece;be% 1#( )**# -ecision. The Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee ?as c%eate3 to %ecei4e an3 e4aluate the @ua%te%l& p%o<%essi4e %epo%ts on the acti4ities un3e%taEen b& the a<encies in acco%3ance ?ith sai3 3ecision an3 to ;onito% the eHecution phase. ,n the absence of specific co;pletion pe%io3s( the Co;;ittee %eco;;en3e3 that ti;e f%a;es be set fo% the a<encies to pe%fo%; thei% assi<ne3 tasEs. This ;a& be 4ie?e3 as an enc%oach;ent o4e% the po?e%s an3 functions of the EHecuti4e B%anch hea3e3 b& the P%esi3ent of the Philippines. This 4ie? is ;isplace3. The issuance of subse@uent %esolutions b& the Cou%t is si;pl& an eHe%cise of 5u3icial po?e% un3e% A%t. .,,, of the Constitution( because the eHecution of the -ecision is but an inte<%al pa%t of the a35u3icati4e function of the Cou%t. None of the a<encies e4e% @uestione3 the po?e% of the Cou%t to i;ple;ent the -ece;be% 1#( )**# -ecision no% has an& of the; %aise3 the alle<e3 enc%oach;ent b& the Cou%t o4e% eHecuti4e functions. 1hile a33itional acti4ities a%e %e@ui%e3 of the a<encies liEe sub;ission of plans of action( 3ata o% status %epo%ts( these 3i%ecti4es a%e but pa%t an3 pa%cel of the eHecution sta<e of a final 3ecision un3e% Rule > of the Rules of Cou%t. Section !7 of Rule > %ea3s: Section !7. Effect of 5u3<;ents o% final o%3e%s.MMThe effect of a 5u3<;ent o% final o%3e% %en3e%e3 b& a cou%t of the Philippines( ha4in< 5u%is3iction to p%onounce the 5u3<;ent o% final o%3e%( ;a& be as follo?s: HHHH AcD ,n an& othe% liti<ation bet?een the sa;e pa%ties of thei% successo%s in inte%est( that onl& is 3ee;e3 to ha4e been a35u3<e3 in a fo%;e% 5u3<;ent o% final o%3e% ?hich appea%s upon its face to ha4e been so a35u3<e3( o% ?hich ?as actuall& an3 necessa%il& inclu3e3 the%ein o% necessa%& the%eto. AE;phasis supplie3.D

,t is clea% that the final 5u3<;ent inclu3es not onl& ?hat appea%s upon its face to ha4e been so a35u3<e3 but also those ;atte%s Lactuall& an3 necessa%il& inclu3e3 the%ein o% necessa%& the%eto.L Ce%tainl&( an& acti4it& that is nee3e3 to full& i;ple;ent a final 5u3<;ent is necessa%il& enco;passe3 b& sai3 5u3<;ent. Mo%eo4e%( the sub;ission of pe%io3ic %epo%ts is sanctione3 b& Secs. 7 an3 #( Rule # of the Rules of P%oce3u%e fo% En4i%on;ental cases: Sec. 7. 6u3<;ent.MM,f ?a%%ante3( the cou%t shall <%ant the p%i4ile<e of the ?%it of continuin< ;an3a;us %e@ui%in< %espon3ent to pe%fo%; an act o% se%ies of acts until the 5u3<;ent is full& satisfie3 an3 to <%ant such othe% %eliefs as ;a& be ?a%%ante3 %esultin< f%o; the ?%on<ful o% ille<al acts of the %espon3ent. The cou%t shall %e@ui%e the %espon3ent to sub;it pe%io3ic %epo%ts 3etailin< the p%o<%ess an3 eHecution of the 5u3<;ent( an3 the cou%t ;a&( b& itself o% th%ou<h a co;;issione% o% the app%op%iate <o4e%n;ent a<enc&( e4aluate an3 ;onito% co;pliance. The petitione% ;a& sub;it its co;;ents o% obse%4ations on the eHecution of the 5u3<;ent. Sec. #. Retu%n of the ?%it.MMThe pe%io3ic %epo%ts sub;itte3 b& the %espon3ent 3etailin< co;pliance ?ith the 5u3<;ent shall be containe3 in pa%tial %etu%ns of the ?%it. Upon full satisfaction of the 5u3<;ent( a final %etu%n of the ?%it shall be ;a3e to the cou%t b& the %espon3ent. ,f the cou%t fin3s that the 5u3<;ent has been full& i;ple;ente3( the satisfaction of 5u3<;ent shall be ente%e3 in the cou%t 3ocEet. AE;phasis supplie3.D 1ith the final an3 eHecuto%& 5u3<;ent in MM-A( the ?%it of continuin< ;an3a;us issue3 in MM-A ;eans that until petitione%"a<encies ha4e sho?n full co;pliance ?ith the Cou%tFs o%3e%s( the Cou%t eHe%cises continuin< 5u%is3iction o4e% the; until full eHecution of the 5u3<;ent. The%e bein< no enc%oach;ent o4e% eHecuti4e functions to speaE of( 1e shall no? p%ocee3 to the %eco;;en3ation of the Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee. Se4e%al p%oble;s ?e%e encounte%e3 b& the Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee.) An e4aluation of the @ua%te%l& p%o<%essi4e %epo%ts has sho?n that A1D the%e a%e 4olu;inous @ua%te%l& p%o<%essi4e %epo%ts that a%e bein< sub;itte3K A)D petitione%"a<encies 3o not ha4e a unifo%; ;anne% of %epo%tin< thei% cleanup( %ehabilitation an3 p%ese%4ation acti4itiesK A>D as &et no 3efinite 3ea3lines ha4e been set b& petitione% -ENR as to petitione%"a<enciesF ti;ef%a;e fo% thei% %especti4e 3utiesK A!D as of 6une )*1* the%e has been a chan<e in lea3e%ship in both the national an3 local le4elsK an3 A'D so;e a<encies ha4e encounte%e3 3ifficulties in co;pl&in< ?ith the Cou%tFs 3i%ecti4es. ,n o%3e% to i;ple;ent the afo%e"@uote3 -ecision( ce%tain 3i%ecti4es ha4e to be issue3 b& the Cou%t to a33%ess the sai3 conce%ns. Actin< on the %eco;;en3ation of the Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee( the Cou%t he%eb& %esol4es to OR-ER the follo?in<: A1D The -epa%t;ent of En4i%on;ent an3 Natu%al Resou%ces A-ENRD( as lea3 a<enc& in the Philippine Clean 1ate% Act of )**!( shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the up3ate3 Ope%ational Plan fo% the Manila Ba& Coastal St%ate<&.

The -ENR is o%3e%e3 to sub;it su;;a%iIe3 3ata on the o4e%all @ualit& of Manila Ba& ?ate%s fo% all fou% @ua%te%s of )*1* on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11. The -ENR is fu%the% o%3e%e3 to sub;it the na;es an3 a33%esses of pe%sons an3 co;panies in Met%o Manila( RiIal( +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 Bataan that <ene%ate toHic an3 haIa%3ous ?aste on o% befo%e Septe;be% >*( )*11. A)D On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -epa%t;ent of the ,nte%io% an3 +ocal Go4e%n;ent A-,+GD shall o%3e% the Ma&o%s of all cities in Met%o ManilaK the Go4e%no%s of RiIal( +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 BataanK an3 the Ma&o%s of all the cities an3 to?ns in sai3 p%o4inces to inspect all facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es alon< the banEs of the ;a5o% %i4e% s&ste;sMMsuch as but not li;ite3 to the Pasi<"Ma%iEina"San 6uan Ri4e%s( the National Capital Re<ion APa%ana@ue"9apote( +as PinasD Ri4e%s( the Na4otas"Malabon"Tullahan"Tene5e%os Ri4e%s( the Me&caua&an"Ma%ilao"Oban3o ABulacanD Ri4e%s( the Talisa& ABataanD Ri4e%( the ,;us ACa4iteD Ri4e%( an3 the +a<una -e Ba&MMan3 othe% ;ino% %i4e%s an3 ?ate%?a&s ?ithin thei% 5u%is3iction that e4entuall& 3ischa%<e ?ate% into the Manila Ba& an3 the lan3s abuttin< it( to 3ete%;ine if the& ha4e ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities an3No% h&<ienic septic tanEs( as p%esc%ibe3 b& eHistin< la?s( o%3inances( %ules an3 %e<ulations. Sai3 local <o4e%n;ent unit A+GUD officials a%e <i4en up to Septe;be% >*( )*11 to finish the inspection of sai3 establish;ents an3 houses. ,n case of non"co;pliance( the +GU officials shall taEe app%op%iate action to ensu%e co;pliance b& non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es ?ith sai3 la?( %ules an3 %e<ulations %e@ui%in< the const%uction o% install;ent of ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities o% h&<ienic septic tanEs. The afo%e;entione3 <o4e%no%s an3 ;a&o%s shall sub;it to the -,+G on o% befo%e -ece;be% >1( )*11 thei% %especti4e co;pliance %epo%ts ?hich ?ill contain the na;es an3 a33%esses o% offices of the o?ne%s of all the non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es( cop& fu%nishe3 the conce%ne3 en4i%on;ental a<enc&( be it the local -ENR office o% the +a<una +aEe -e4elop;ent Autho%it&. The -,+G is %e@ui%e3 to sub;it a fi4e"&ea% plan of action that ?ill contain ;easu%es inten3e3 to ensu%e co;pliance of all non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents( an3 p%i4ate ho;es. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -,+G an3 the ;a&o%s of all cities in Met%o Manila shall consi3e% p%o4i3in< lan3 fo% the ?aste?ate% facilities of the Met%opolitan 1ate%?o%Es an3 Se?e%a<e S&ste; AM1SSD o% its concessionai%es AMa&nila3 an3 Manila 1ate%( ,nc.D ?ithin thei% %especti4e 5u%is3ictions. A>D The M1SS shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the list of a%eas in Met%o Manila( RiIal an3 Ca4ite that 3o not ha4e the necessa%& ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities. 1ithin the sa;e pe%io3( the concessionai%es of the M1SS shall sub;it thei% plans an3 p%o5ects fo% the const%uction of ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities in all the afo%esai3 a%eas an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 facilities( ?hich shall not <o be&on3 )*>7.

On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the M1SS is fu%the% %e@ui%e3 to ha4e its t?o concessionai%es sub;it a %epo%t on the a;ount collecte3 as se?e%a<e fees in thei% %especti4e a%eas of ope%ation as of -ece;be% >1( )*1*. A!D The +ocal 1ate% Utilities A3;inist%ation is o%3e%e3 to sub;it on o% befo%e Septe;be% >*( )*11 its plan to p%o4i3e( install( ope%ate an3 ;aintain se?e%a<e an3 sanitation facilities in sai3 cities an3 to?ns an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 ?o%Es( ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 b& -ece;be% >1( )*)*. A'D The -epa%t;ent of A<%icultu%e A-AD( th%ou<h the Bu%eau of $ishe%ies an3 A@uatic Resou%ces( shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 a %epo%t on a%eas in Manila Ba& ?he%e ;a%ine life has to be %esto%e3 o% i;p%o4e3 an3 the assistance it has eHten3e3 to the +GUs in Met%o Manila( RiIal( Ca4ite( +a<una( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 Bataan in 3e4elopin< the fishe%ies an3 a@uatic %esou%ces in Manila Ba&. The %epo%t shall contain ;onito%in< 3ata on the ;a%ine life in sai3 a%eas. 1ithin the sa;e pe%io3( it shall sub;it its fi4e"&ea% plan to %esto%e an3 i;p%o4e the ;a%ine life in Manila Ba&( its futu%e acti4ities to assist the afo%e;entione3 +GUs fo% that pu%pose( an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 un3e%taEin<s. The -A shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e Septe;be% >*( )*11 the baseline 3ata as of Septe;be% >*( )*1* on the pollution loa3in< into the Manila Ba& s&ste; f%o; a<%icultu%al an3 li4estocE sou%ces. A=D The Philippine Po%ts Autho%it& APPAD shall inco%po%ate in its @ua%te%l& %epo%ts the list of 4iolato%s it has app%ehen3e3 an3 the status of thei% cases. The PPA is fu%the% o%3e%e3 to inclu3e in its %epo%t the na;es( ;aEe an3 capacit& of the ships that 3ocE in PPA po%ts. The PPA shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the ;easu%es it inten3s to un3e%taEe to i;ple;ent its co;pliance ?ith pa%a<%aph 7 of the 3ispositi4e po%tion of the MM-A -ecision an3 the co;pletion 3ates of such ;easu%es. The PPA shoul3 inclu3e in its %epo%t the acti4ities of its concessionai%e that collects an3 3isposes of the soli3 an3 li@ui3 ?astes an3 othe% ship"<ene%ate3 ?astes( ?hich shall state the na;es( ;aEe an3 capacit& of the ships se%4ice3 b& it since Au<ust )**> up to the p%esent 3ate( the 3ates the ships 3ocEe3 at PPA po%ts( the nu;be% of 3a&s the ship ?as at sea ?ith the co%%espon3in< nu;be% of passen<e%s an3 c%e? pe% t%ip( the 4olu;e of soli3( li@ui3 an3 othe% ?astes collecte3 f%o; sai3 ships( the t%eat;ent un3e%taEen an3 the 3isposal site fo% sai3 ?astes. A7D The Philippine National Police APNPD Ma%iti;e G%oup shall sub;it on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 its fi4e"&ea% plan of action on the ;easu%es an3 acti4ities it inten3s to un3e%taEe to app%ehen3 the 4iolato%s of Republic Act No. ARAD #''* o% the Philippine $ishe%ies Co3e of 1 # an3 othe% pe%tinent la?s( o%3inances an3 %e<ulations to p%e4ent ;a%ine pollution in Manila Ba& an3 to ensu%e the successful p%osecution of 4iolato%s. The Philippine Coast Gua%3 shall liEe?ise sub;it on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 its fi4e"&ea% plan of action on the ;easu%es an3 acti4ities the& inten3 to un3e%taEe to app%ehen3 the 4iolato%s of P%esi3ential -ec%ee No. 7 o% the Ma%ine Pollution -ec%ee of 1 7= an3 RA > o% the

Philippine Coast Gua%3 +a? of )** an3 othe% pe%tinent la?s an3 %e<ulations to p%e4ent ;a%ine pollution in Manila Ba& an3 to ensu%e the successful p%osecution of 4iolato%s. A#D The Met%opolitan Manila -e4elop;ent Autho%it& AMM-AD shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the na;es an3 a33%esses of the info%;al settle%s in Met%o Manila ?ho( as of -ece;be% >1( )*1*( o?n an3 occup& houses( st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 othe% enc%oach;ents establishe3 o% built alon< the Pasi<"Ma%iEina"San 6uan Ri4e%s( the NCR APa%aJa@ue"9apote( +as PiJasD Ri4e%s( the Na4otas"Malabon"Tullahan"Tene5e%os Ri4e%s( an3 connectin< ?ate%?a&s an3 este%os( in 4iolation of RA 7)7 an3 othe% applicable la?s. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the MM-A shall sub;it its plan fo% the %e;o4al of sai3 info%;al settle%s an3 the 3e;olition of the afo%esai3 houses( st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 enc%oach;ents( as ?ell as the co;pletion 3ates fo% sai3 acti4ities( ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 not late% than -ece;be% >1( )*1'. The MM-A is o%3e%e3 to sub;it a status %epo%t( ?ithin thi%t& A>*D 3a&s f%o; %eceipt of this Resolution( on the establish;ent of a sanita%& lan3fill facilit& fo% Met%o Manila in co;pliance ?ith the stan3a%3s un3e% RA **> o% the Ecolo<ical Soli3 1aste Mana<e;ent Act. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the MM-A shall sub;it a %epo%t of the location of open an3 cont%olle3 3u;ps in Met%o Manila ?hose ope%ations a%e ille<al afte% $eb%ua%& )1( )**=(> pu%suant to Secs. >= an3 >7 of RA **>( an3 its plan fo% the closu%e of these open an3 cont%olle3 3u;ps to be acco;plishe3 not late% than -ece;be% >1( )*1). Also( on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -ENR Sec%eta%&( as Chai%pe%son of the National Soli3 1aste Mana<e;ent Co;;ission ANS1MCD( shall sub;it a %epo%t on the location of all open an3 cont%olle3 3u;ps in RiIal( Ca4ite( +a<una( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 Bataan. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -ENR Sec%eta%&( in his capacit& as NS1MC Chai%pe%son( shall sub;it a %epo%t on ?hethe% o% not the follo?in< lan3fills st%ictl& co;pl& ?ith Secs. !1 an3 !) of RA **> on the establish;ent an3 ope%ation of sanita%& lan3fills( to ?it: National Capital Re<ion 1. Na4otas S+$ APhilEcoD( B%<&. TanIa ANe? SiteD( Na4otas Cit& ). Pa&atas Cont%olle3 -u;psite( Ba%an<a& Pa&atas( 8ueIon Cit& Re<ion ,,, >. Sitio Co%al( B%<&. Matictic( No%Ia<a%a&( Bulacan !. Sitio TiaEa3( B%<&. San Mateo( No%Ia<a%a&( Bulacan '. B%<&. Minu&an( San 6ose 3el Monte Cit&( Bulacan =. B%<&. Mapala3( Santa Rosa( Nue4a Eci5a 7. Sub"Ione 2alan<itan( Cla%E Capas( Ta%lac Special Econo;ic 9one

Re<ion ,."A #. 2ala&aan A+on<osD( +a<una . B%<&. Sto. Nino( San Pablo Cit&( +a<una 1*. B%<&. San Antonio APilota<e S+$D( San Pe3%o( +a<una 11. Mo%on<( RiIal 1). Sitio +uEutan( B%<&. San ,si3%o( Ro3%i<ueI AMontalbanD( RiIal A,S1,MSD 1>. B%<&. Pinton< BuEa?e( San Mateo( RiIal ASMS+$-CD On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the MM-A an3 the se4enteen A17D +GUs in Met%o Manila a%e o%3e%e3 to 5ointl& sub;it a %epo%t on the a4e%a<e a;ount of <a%ba<e collecte3 ;onthl& pe% 3ist%ict in all the cities in Met%o Manila f%o; 6anua%& )** up to -ece;be% >1( )*1* 4is"O"4is the a4e%a<e a;ount of <a%ba<e 3ispose3 ;onthl& in lan3fills an3 3u;psites. ,n its @ua%te%l& %epo%t fo% the last @ua%te% of )*1* an3 the%eafte%( MM-A shall %epo%t on the app%ehensions fo% 4iolations of the penal p%o4isions of RA **>( RA )7' an3 othe% la?s on pollution fo% the sai3 pe%io3. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -P1/ an3 the +GUs in RiIal( +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a( an3 Bataan shall sub;it the na;es an3 a33%esses of the info%;al settle%s in thei% %especti4e a%eas ?ho( as of Septe;be% >*( )*1*( o?n o% occup& houses( st%uctu%es( const%uctions( an3 othe% enc%oach;ents built alon< the Me&caua&an"Ma%ilao"Oban3o ABulacanD Ri4e%s( the Talisa& ABataanD Ri4e%( the ,;us ACa4iteD Ri4e%( the +a<una 3e Ba&( an3 othe% %i4e%s( connectin< ?ate%?a&s an3 este%os that 3ischa%<e ?aste?ate% into the Manila Ba&( in b%each of RA 7)7 an3 othe% applicable la?s. On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -P1/ an3 the afo%esai3 +GUs shall 5ointl& sub;it thei% plan fo% the %e;o4al of sai3 info%;al settle%s an3 the 3e;olition of the afo%esai3 st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 enc%oach;ents( as ?ell as the co;pletion 3ates fo% such acti4ities ?hich shall be i;ple;ente3 not late% than -ece;be% >1( )*1). A D The -epa%t;ent of /ealth A-O/D shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the na;es an3 a33%esses of the o?ne%s of septic an3 slu3<e co;panies inclu3in< those that 3o not ha4e the p%ope% facilities fo% the t%eat;ent an3 3isposal of fecal slu3<e an3 se?a<e co;in< f%o; septic tanEs. The -O/ shall i;ple;ent %ules an3 %e<ulations on En4i%on;ental Sanitation Clea%ances an3 shall %e@ui%e co;panies to p%ocu%e a license to ope%ate f%o; the -O/. The -O/ an3 -ENR"En4i%on;ental Mana<e;ent Bu%eau shall 3e4elop a toHic an3 haIa%3ous ?aste ;ana<e;ent s&ste; b& 6une >*( )*11 ?hich ?ill i;ple;ent se<%e<ation of hospitalNtoHicNhaIa%3ous ?astes an3 p%e4ent ;iHin< ?ith ;unicipal soli3 ?aste.

On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -O/ shall sub;it a plan of action to ensu%e that the sai3 co;panies ha4e p%ope% 3isposal facilities an3 the co;pletion 3ates of co;pliance.1a44phi1 A1*D The -epa%t;ent of E3ucation A-epE3D shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e Ma& >1( )*11 a %epo%t on the specific sub5ects on pollution p%e4ention( ?aste ;ana<e;ent( en4i%on;ental p%otection( en4i%on;ental la?s an3 the liEe that it has inte<%ate3 into the school cu%%icula in all le4els fo% the school &ea% )*11")*1). On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -epE3 shall also sub;it its plan of action to ensu%e co;pliance of all the schools un3e% its supe%4ision ?ith %espect to the inte<%ation of the afo%e;entione3 sub5ects in the school cu%%icula ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 b& 6une >*( )*1). A11D All the a<encies a%e %e@ui%e3 to sub;it thei% @ua%te%l& %epo%ts elect%onicall& usin< the fo%;s belo?. The a<encies ;a& a33 othe% Ee& pe%fo%;ance in3icato%s that the& ha4e i3entifie3. SO OR-ERE-. PRESB,TERO 6. .E+ASCO( 6R. Associate 6ustice 1E CONCUR: RENATO C. CORONA Chief 6ustice See 3issentin< opinion ANTON,O T. CARP,O Associate 6ustice , 5oin the 3issent of 6. Ca%pio CONC/,TA CARP,O MORA+ES Associate 6ustice ANTON,O E-UAR-O B. NAC/URA Associate 6ustice TERES,TA 6. +EONAR-O"-E CASTRO Associate 6ustice , 5oin the 3issent of 6. Ca%pio ARTURO -. BR,ON Associate 6ustice -,OS-A-O M. PERA+TA Associate 6ustice +UCAS P. BERSAM,N Associate 6ustice MAR,ANO C. -E+ CAST,++O Associate 6ustice ROBERTO A. ABAAssociate 6ustice MART,N S. .,++ARAMA( 6R. Associate 6ustice 6OSE PORTUGA+ PERE9 Associate 6ustice 6OSE CATRA+ MEN-O9A Associate 6ustice

See 3issentin< opinion MAR,A +OUR-ES P. A. SERENO Associate 6ustice C E RT , $ , CAT , O N Pu%suant to Section 1>( A%ticle .,,, of the Constitution( it is he%eb& ce%tifie3 that the conclusions in the abo4e Resolution ha3 been %eache3 in consultation befo%e the case ?as assi<ne3 to the ?%ite% of the opinion of the Cou%t. RENATO C. CORONA Chief 6ustice $ootnotes 1 No? the -epa%t;ent of E3ucation A-epE3D. ) On $eb%ua%& 1*( )** ( the Cou%t En Banc app%o4e3 a %esolution c%eatin< an A34iso%& Co;;ittee Lthat ?ill 4e%if& the %epo%ts of the <o4e%n;ent a<encies tasEe3 to clean up the Manila Ba&.L ,t is co;pose3 of t?o ;e;be%s of the Cou%t an3 th%ee technical eHpe%ts: /on. P%esbite%o 6. .elasco( 6%. Chai%pe%son an3 ponente of MM-A 4s. Conce%ne3 Resi3ents of Manila /on. 6ose Mi3as P. Ma%@ueI Cou%t A3;inist%ato% .ice"Chai%pe%son Me;be%sNTechnical EHpe%ts: -%. Gil S. 6acinto $o%;e% -i%ecto%( UP Ma%ine Science ,nstitute -%. Elisea G. GoIun Chai% of Ea%th -a& Net?o%E an3 $o%;e% -ENR Sec%eta%& -%. Antonio G.M. +a .iJa $o%;e% -ENR Un3e%sec%eta%& -ean of the Ateneo School of Go4e%n;ent > Ou% -ecision in Met%opolitan Manila -e4elop;ent Autho%it& 4. Conce%ne3 Resi3ents of Manila Ba&( G.R. Nos. 171 !7"!#( -ece;be% 1#( )**#( '7! SCRA ==1( = *( states: LRA **> tooE effect on $eb%ua%& 1'( )**1 an3 the a34e%te3 <%ace pe%io3 of fi4e A'D &ea%s Bin Sec. >7 of RA **>C ?hich en3e3 on $eb%ua%& )1( )**= has co;e an3 <one( but no sin<le sanita%& lan3fill

?hich st%ictl& co;plies ?ith the p%esc%ibe3 stan3a%3s un3e% RA **> has &et been set up.L AE;phasis supplie3.D The +a?phil P%o5ect " A%ellano +a? $oun3ation -,SSENT,NG OP,N,ON CARP,O( 6.: The Resolution contains the p%opose3 3i%ecti4es of the Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee to the conce%ne3 a<encies1 an3 local <o4e%n;ent units A+GUsD fo% the i;ple;entation of the 1# -ece;be% )**# -ecision of the Cou%t in this case. A;on< the 3i%ecti4es state3 in the Resolution is fo% the affecte3 a<encies to sub;it to the Cou%t thei% plans of action an3 status %epo%ts( thus: The -epa%t;ent of En4i%on;ent an3 Natu%al Resou%ces A-ENRD( as lea3 a<enc& in the Philippine Clean 1ate% Act of )**!( shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the up3ate3 Ope%ational Plan fo% the Manila Ba& Coastal St%ate<& AOPMBCSDK) The -,+G is %e@ui%e3 to sub;it a fi4e"&ea% plan of action that ?ill contain ;easu%es inten3e3 to ensu%e co;pliance of all non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents( an3 p%i4ate ho;esK> The M1SS shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the list of a%eas in Met%o Manila( RiIal an3 Ca4ite that 3o not ha4e the necessa%& ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities. 1ithin the sa;e pe%io3( the concessionai%es of the M1SS shall sub;it thei% plans an3 p%o5ects fo% the const%uction of ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities in all the afo%esai3 a%eas an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 facilities( ?hich shall not <o be&on3 )*)*K! The +ocal 1ate% Utilities A3;inist%ation A+1UAD shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the list of cities an3 to?ns in +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a( an3 Bataan that 3o not ha4e se?e%a<e an3 sanitation facilities. +1UA is fu%the% o%3e%e3 to sub;it on o% befo%e Septe;be% >*( )*11 its plan to p%o4i3e( install( ope%ate an3 ;aintain se?e%a<e an3 sanitation facilities in sai3 cities an3 to?ns an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 ?o%Es ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 b& -ece;be% >1( )*)*K' The -epa%t;ent of A<%icultu%e A-AD( th%ou<h the Bu%eau of $ishe%ies an3 A@uatic Resou%ces AB$ARD( shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 a %epo%t on a%eas in Manila Ba& ?he%e ;a%ine life has to be %esto%e3 o% i;p%o4e3 an3 the assistance it has eHten3e3 to the +GUs in Met%o Manila( RiIal( Ca4ite( +a<una( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 Bataan in 3e4elopin< the fishe%ies an3 a@uatic %esou%ces in Manila Ba&. The %epo%t shall contain ;onito%in< 3ata on the ;a%ine life in sai3 a%eas. 1ithin the sa;e pe%io3( it shall sub;it its fi4e"&ea% plan to %esto%e an3 i;p%o4e the ;a%ine life in Manila Ba&( its futu%e acti4ities to assist the afo%e;entione3 +GUs fo% that pu%pose( an3 the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% sai3 un3e%taEin<sK=

The Philippine Po%ts Autho%it& APPAD shall inco%po%ate in its @ua%te%l& %epo%ts the list of 4iolato%s it has app%ehen3e3 an3 the status of thei% cases. The PPA is fu%the% o%3e%e3 to inclu3e in its %epo%t the na;es( ;aEe an3 capacit& of the ships that 3ocE in PPA po%ts. The PPA shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the ;easu%es it inten3s to un3e%taEe to i;ple;ent its co;pliance ?ith pa%a<%aph 7 of the 3ispositi4e po%tion of the MM-A -ecision an3 the co;pletion 3ates of such ;easu%esK7 The Philippine National Police APNPD M Ma%iti;e G%oup shall sub;it on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 its fi4e"&ea% plan of action on the ;easu%es an3 acti4ities the& inten3 to un3e%taEe to app%ehen3 the 4iolato%s of RA #''* o% the Philippine $ishe%ies Co3e of 1 # an3 othe% pe%tinent la?s( o%3inances an3 %e<ulations to p%e4ent ;a%ine pollution in Manila Ba& an3 to ensu%e the successful p%osecution of 4iolato%sK# The Philippine Coast Gua%3 APCGD shall liEe?ise sub;it on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 its fi4e"&ea% plan of action on the ;easu%es an3 acti4ities the& inten3 to un3e%taEe to app%ehen3 the 4iolato%s of P%esi3ential -ec%ee AP-D 7 o% the Ma%ine Pollution -ec%ee of 1 7= an3 RA > o% the Philippine Coast Gua%3 +a? of )** an3 othe% pe%tinent la?s an3 %e<ulations to p%e4ent ;a%ine pollution in Manila Ba& an3 to ensu%e the successful p%osecution of 4iolato%sK The Met%opolitan Manila -e4elop;ent Autho%it& AMM-AD shall sub;it to the Cou%t on o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11 the na;es an3 a33%esses of the info%;al settle%s in Met%o Manila ?ho o?n an3 occup& houses( st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 othe% enc%oach;ents establishe3 o% built in 4iolation of RA 7)7 an3 othe% applicable la?s alon< the Pasi<"Ma%iEina"San 6uan Ri4e%s( the NCR APa%aJa@ue"9apote( +as PiJasD Ri4e%s( the Na4otas"Malabon"Tullahan"Tene5e%os Ri4e%s( an3 connectin< ?ate%?a&s an3 este%os as of -ece;be% >1( )*1*. On o% befo%e the sa;e 3ate( the MM-A shall sub;it its plan fo% the %e;o4al of sai3 info%;al settle%s an3 the 3e;olition of the afo%esai3 houses( st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 enc%oach;ents( as ?ell as the co;pletion 3ates fo% sai3 acti4ities ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 not late% than -ece;be% >1( )*1'K1* BTChe -P1/ an3 the afo%esai3 +GUs shall 5ointl& sub;it its plan fo% the %e;o4al of sai3 info%;al settle%s an3 the 3e;olition of the afo%esai3 st%uctu%es( const%uctions an3 enc%oach;ents( as ?ell as the co;pletion 3ates fo% such acti4ities ?hich shall be i;ple;ente3 not late% than -ece;be% >1( )*1)K11 BTChe -O/ shall sub;it a plan of action to ensu%e that the sai3 co;panies ha4e p%ope% 3isposal facilities an3 the co;pletion 3ates of co;plianceK1) On o% befo%e 6une >*( )*11( the -epE3 shall also sub;it its plan of action to ensu%e co;pliance of all the schools un3e% its supe%4ision ?ith %espect to the inte<%ation of the afo%e;entione3 sub5ects in the school cu%%icula ?hich shall be full& i;ple;ente3 b& 6une >*( )*1)K1> AE;phasis supplie3D 1hat is the pu%pose of %e@ui%in< these a<encies to sub;it to the Cou%t thei% plans of action an3 status %epo%tsP A%e these plans to be app%o4e3 o% 3isapp%o4e3 b& the Cou%tP The Cou%t 3oes not

ha4e the co;petence o% e4en the 5u%is3iction to e4aluate these plans ?hich in4ol4es technical ;atte%s1! best left to the eHpe%tise of the conce%ne3 a<encies. The Resolution also %e@ui%es that the conce%ne3 a<encies shall Lsub;it Bto the Cou%tC thei% @ua%te%l& %epo%ts elect%onicall& H H H.L1' Thus( the 3i%ecti4e fo% the conce%ne3 a<encies to sub;it to the Cou%t thei% @ua%te%l& %epo%ts is a continuin< obli<ation ?hich eHten3s e4en be&on3 the &ea% )*11.1= The Cou%t is no? a%%o<atin< unto itself t?o constitutional po?e%s eHclusi4el& 4este3 in the P%esi3ent. $i%st( the Constitution p%o4i3es that LeHecuti4e po?e% shall be 4este3 in the P%esi3ent.L17 This ;eans that neithe% the 6u3icia%& no% the +e<islatu%e can eHe%cise eHecuti4e po?e% fo% eHecuti4e po?e% is the eHclusi4e 3o;ain of the P%esi3ent. Secon3( the Constitution p%o4i3es that the P%esi3ent shall Lha4e cont%ol of all the eHecuti4e 3epa%t;ents( bu%eaus( an3 offices.L1# Neithe% the 6u3icia%& no% the +e<islatu%e can eHe%cise cont%ol o% e4en supe%4ision o4e% eHecuti4e 3epa%t;ents( bu%eaus( an3 offices. Clea%l&( the Resolution constitutes an int%usion of the 6u3icia%& into the eHclusi4e 3o;ain of the EHecuti4e. ,n the <uise of i;ple;entin< the 1# -ece;be% )**# -ecision th%ou<h the Resolution( the Cou%t is in effect supe%4isin< an3 3i%ectin< the 3iffe%ent <o4e%n;ent a<encies an3 +GUs conce%ne3. ,n Noble5as 4. TeehanEee(1 it ?as hel3 that the Cou%t cannot be %e@ui%e3 to eHe%cise a3;inist%ati4e functions such as supe%4ision o4e% eHecuti4e officials. The issue in that case ?as ?hethe% the Co;;issione% of +an3 Re<ist%ation ;a& onl& be in4esti<ate3 b& the Sup%e;e Cou%t( in 4ie? of the confe%;ent upon hi; b& la? ARepublic Act No. 11'1D of the %anE an3 p%i4ile<es of a 6u3<e of the Cou%t of $i%st ,nstance. The Cou%t( ans?e%in< in the ne<ati4e( state3: To a3opt petitione%Qs theo%&( the%efo%e( ?oul3 ;ean placin< upon the Sup%e;e Cou%t the 3ut& of in4esti<atin< an3 3isciplinin< all these officials ?hose functions a%e plainl& eHecuti4e an3 the conse@uent cu%tail;ent b& ;e%e i;plication f%o; the +e<islati4e <%ant( of the P%esi3entQs po?e% to 3iscipline an3 %e;o4e a3;inist%ati4e officials ?ho a%e p%esi3ential appointees( an3 ?hich the Constitution eHp%essl& place un3e% the P%esi3entQs supe%4ision an3 cont%ol. HHH But the ;o%e fun3a;ental ob5ection to the stan3 of petitione% Noble5as is that( if the +e<islatu%e ha3 %eall& inten3e3 to inclu3e in the <ene%al <%ant of Lp%i4ile<esL o% L%anE an3 p%i4ile<es of 6u3<es of the Cou%t of $i%st ,nstanceL the %i<ht to be in4esti<ate3 b& the Sup%e;e Cou%t( an3 to be suspen3e3 o% %e;o4e3 onl& upon %eco;;en3ation of that Cou%t( then such <%ant of p%i4ile<e ?oul3 be unconstitutional( since it ?oul3 4iolate the fun3a;ental 3oct%ine of sepa%ation of po?e%s( b& cha%<in< this cou%t ?ith the a3;inist%ati4e function of supe%4iso%& cont%ol o4e% eHecuti4e officials( an3 si;ultaneousl& %e3ucin< p%o tanto the cont%ol of the Chief EHecuti4e o4e% such officials.)* ABol3facin< supplie3D +iEe?ise( in this case( the 3i%ecti4es in the Resolution a%e a3;inist%ati4e in natu%e an3 ci%cu;4ent the constitutional p%o4ision ?hich p%ohibits Sup%e;e Cou%t ;e;be%s f%o;

pe%fo%;in< @uasi"5u3icial o% a3;inist%ati4e functions. Section 1)( A%ticle .,,, of the 1 #7 Constitution p%o4i3es: SEC. 1). The ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t an3 of othe% cou%ts establishe3 b& la? shall not be 3esi<nate3 to an& a<enc& pe%fo%;in< @uasi"5u3icial o% a3;inist%ati4e functions. Thus( in the case of ,n Re: -esi<nation of 6u3<e ManIano as Me;be% of the ,locos No%te P%o4incial Co;;ittee on 6ustice()1 the Cou%t in4ali3ate3 the 3esi<nation of a 5u3<e as ;e;be% of the ,locos No%te P%o4incial Co;;ittee on 6ustice( ?hich ?as tasEe3 to %ecei4e co;plaints an3 to ;aEe %eco;;en3ations fo% the spee3& 3isposition of cases of 3etainees. The Cou%t hel3 that the co;;ittee pe%fo%;s a3;inist%ati4e functions)) ?hich a%e p%ohibite3 un3e% Section 1)( A%ticle .,,, of the Constitution. As ea%l& as the 1 >) case of Manila Elect%ic Co. 4. Pasa& T%anspo%tation Co.()> this Cou%t has al%ea3& e;phasiIe3 that the Sup%e;e Cou%t shoul3 onl& eHe%cise 5u3icial po?e% an3 shoul3 not assu;e an& 3ut& ?hich 3oes not pe%tain to the a3;iniste%in< of 5u3icial functions. ,n that case( a petition ?as file3 %e@uestin< the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( to fiH the te%;s an3 the co;pensation to be pai3 to Manila Elect%ic Co;pan& fo% the use of %i<ht of ?a&. The Cou%t hel3 that it ?oul3 be i;p%ope% an3 ille<al fo% the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( ?hose 3ecision of a ;a5o%it& shall be final( to act on the petition of Manila Elect%ic Co;pan&. The Cou%t eHplaine3: 1e %un counte% to this 3ile;;a. Eithe% the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( eHe%cise 5u3icial functions( o% as ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( eHe%cise a3;inist%ati4e o% @uasi 5u3icial functions. The fi%st case ?oul3 appea% not to fall ?ithin the 5u%is3iction <%ante3 the Sup%e;e Cou%t. E4en conce3in< that it 3oes( it ?oul3 p%esuppose the %i<ht to b%in< the ;atte% in 3ispute befo%e the cou%ts( fo% an& othe% const%uction ?oul3 ten3 to oust the cou%ts of 5u%is3iction an3 %en3e% the a?a%3 a nullit&. But if this be the p%ope% const%uction( ?e ?oul3 then ha4e the ano;al& of a 3ecision b& the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( taEen the%ef%o; to the cou%ts an3 e4entuall& co;in< befo%e the Sup%e;e Cou%t( ?he%e the Sup%e;e Cou%t ?oul3 %e4ie? the 3ecision of its ;e;be%s actin< as a%bit%ato%s. O% in the secon3 case( if the functions pe%fo%;e3 b& the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t( sittin< as a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( be consi3e%e3 as a3;inist%ati4e o% @uasi 5u3icial in natu%e( that ?oul3 %esult in the pe%fo%;ance of 3uties ?hich the ;e;be%s of the Sup%e;e Cou%t coul3 not la?full& taEe it upon the;sel4es to pe%fo%;. The p%esent petition also fu%nishes an apt illust%ation of anothe% ano;al&( fo% ?e fin3 the Sup%e;e Cou%t as a cou%t asEe3 to 3ete%;ine if the ;e;be%s of the cou%t ;a& be constitute3 a boa%3 of a%bit%ato%s( ?hich is not a cou%t at all. The Sup%e;e Cou%t of the Philippine ,slan3s %ep%esents one of the th%ee 3i4isions of po?e% in ou% <o4e%n;ent. ,t is 5u3icial po?e% an3 5u3icial po?e% onl& ?hich is eHe%cise3 b& the Sup%e;e Cou%t. 6ust as the Sup%e;e Cou%t( as the <ua%3ian of constitutional %i<hts( shoul3 not sanction usu%pations b& an& othe% 3epa%t;ent of the <o4e%n;ent( so shoul3 it as st%ictl& confine its o?n sphe%e of influence to the po?e%s eHp%essl& o% b& i;plication confe%%e3 on it b& the O%<anic Act. The Sup%e;e Cou%t an3 its ;e;be%s shoul3 not an3 cannot be %e@ui%e3 to eHe%cise an& po?e% o%

to pe%fo%; an& t%ust o% to assu;e an& 3ut& not pe%tainin< to o% connecte3 ?ith the a3;iniste%in< of 5u3icial functions.)! $u%the%;o%e( the Resolution o%3e%s so;e +GU officials to inspect the establish;ents an3 houses alon< ;a5o% %i4e% banEs an3 to LtaEe app%op%iate action to ensu%e co;pliance b& non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es ?ith sai3 la?( %ules an3 %e<ulations %e@ui%in< the const%uction o% install;ent of ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities o% h&<ienic septic tanEs.L)' The +GU officials a%e also 3i%ecte3 to Lsub;it to the -,+G on o% befo%e -ece;be% >1( )*11 thei% %especti4e co;pliance %epo%ts ?hich shall contain the na;es an3 a33%esses o% offices of the o?ne%s of all the non"co;pl&in< facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es.L)= $u%the%;o%e( the Resolution ;an3ates that on o% befo%e >* 6une )*11( the -,+G an3 the ;a&o%s of all cities in Met%o Manila shoul3 Lconsi3e% p%o4i3in< lan3 fo% the ?aste?ate% facilities of the Met%opolitan 1ate%?o%Es an3 Se?e%a<e S&ste; AM1SSD o% its concessionai%es AMa&nila3 an3 Manila 1ate% ,nc.D ?ithin thei% %especti4e 5u%is3ictions.L)7 The Cou%t is in effect o%3e%in< these +GU officials ho? to 3o thei% 5ob an3 e4en <i4es a 3ea3line fo% thei% co;pliance. A<ain( this is a usu%pation of the po?e% of the P%esi3ent to supe%4ise +GUs un3e% the Constitution an3 eHistin< la?s. Section !( A%ticle G of the 1 #7 Constitution p%o4i3es that: LThe P%esi3ent of the Philippines shall eHe%cise <ene%al supe%4ision o4e% local <o4e%n;ents H H H.L)# Un3e% the +ocal Go4e%n;ent Co3e of 1 1() the P%esi3ent eHe%cises <ene%al supe%4ision o4e% +GUs( thus: SECT,ON )'. National Supe%4ision o4e% +ocal Go4e%n;ent Units. AaD Consistent ?ith the basic polic& on local autono;&( the P%esi3ent shall eHe%cise <ene%al supe%4ision o4e% local <o4e%n;ent units to ensu%e that thei% acts a%e ?ithin the scope of thei% p%esc%ibe3 po?e%s an3 functions. The P%esi3ent shall eHe%cise supe%4iso%& autho%it& 3i%ectl& o4e% p%o4inces( hi<hl& u%baniIe3 cities an3 in3epen3ent co;ponent citiesK th%ou<h the p%o4ince ?ith %espect to co;ponent cities an3 ;unicipalitiesK an3 th%ou<h the cit& an3 ;unicipalit& ?ith %espect to ba%an<a&s. AE;phasis supplie3D The Resolution constitutes 5u3icial o4e%%each b& usu%pin< an3 pe%fo%;in< eHecuti4e functions. The Cou%t ;ust %ef%ain f%o; o4e%steppin< its boun3a%ies b& taEin< o4e% the functions of an e@ual b%anch of the <o4e%n;ent M the EHecuti4e. The Cou%t shoul3 abstain f%o; eHe%cisin< an& function ?hich is not st%ictl& 5u3icial in cha%acte% an3 is not clea%l& confe%%e3 on it b& the Constitution.>* ,n3ee3( as state3 b& 6ustice 6.B.+. Re&es in Noble5as 4. TeehanEee(>1 Lthe Sup%e;e Cou%t of the Philippines an3 its ;e;be%s shoul3 not an3 can not be %e@ui%e3 to eHe%cise an& po?e% o% to pe%fo%; an& t%ust o% to assu;e an& 3ut& not pe%tainin< to o% connecte3 ?ith the a3;inist%ation of 5u3icial functions.L>) The 3i%ecti4es in the Resolution constitute a 5u3icial enc%oach;ent of an eHecuti4e function ?hich clea%l& 4iolates the s&ste; of sepa%ation of po?e%s that inhe%es in ou% 3e;oc%atic %epublican <o4e%n;ent. The p%inciple of sepa%ation of po?e%s bet?een the EHecuti4e( +e<islati4e( an3 6u3icial b%anches of <o4e%n;ent is pa%t of the basic st%uctu%e of the Philippine Constitution. Thus( the 1 #7 Constitution p%o4i3es that: AaD the le<islati4e po?e% shall be 4este3

in the Con<%ess of the PhilippinesK>> AbD the eHecuti4e po?e% shall be 4este3 in the P%esi3ent of the PhilippinesK>! an3 AcD the 5u3icial po?e% shall be 4este3 in one Sup%e;e Cou%t an3 in such lo?e% cou%ts as ;a& be establishe3.>' Since the Sup%e;e Cou%t is onl& <%ante3 5u3icial po?e%( it shoul3 not atte;pt to assu;e o% be co;pelle3 to pe%fo%; non"5u3icial functions.>= 6u3icial po?e% is 3efine3 un3e% Section 1( A%ticle .,,, of the 1 #7 Constitution as that ?hich Linclu3es the 3ut& of the cou%ts of 5ustice to settle actual cont%o4e%sies in4ol4in< %i<hts ?hich a%e le<all& 3e;an3able an3 enfo%ceable( an3 to 3ete%;ine ?hethe% o% not the%e has been a <%a4e abuse of 3isc%etion a;ountin< to lacE o% eHcess of 5u%is3iction on the pa%t of an& b%anch o% inst%u;entalit& of the <o4e%n;ent.L The Resolution contains 3i%ecti4es ?hich a%e outsi3e the a;bit of the Cou%tQs 5u3icial functions. The p%inciple of sepa%ation of po?e%s is eHplaine3 b& the Cou%t in the lea3in< case of An<a%a 4. Electo%al Co;;ission:>7 The sepa%ation of po?e%s is a fun3a;ental p%inciple in ou% s&ste; of <o4e%n;ent. ,t obtains not th%ou<h eHp%ess p%o4ision but b& actual 3i4ision in ou% Constitution. Each 3epa%t;ent of the <o4e%n;ent has eHclusi4e co<niIance of ;atte%s ?ithin its 5u%is3iction( an3 is sup%e;e ?ithin its o?n sphe%e. But it 3oes not follo? f%o; the fact that the th%ee po?e%s a%e to be Eept sepa%ate an3 3istinct that the Constitution inten3e3 the; to be absolutel& un%est%aine3 an3 in3epen3ent of each othe%. The Constitution has p%o4i3e3 fo% an elabo%ate s&ste; of checEs an3 balances to secu%e coo%3ination in the ?o%Ein<s of the 4a%ious 3epa%t;ents of the <o4e%n;ent. H H H An3 the 5u3icia%& in tu%n( ?ith the Sup%e;e Cou%t as the final a%bite%( effecti4el& checEs the othe% 3epa%t;ent in its eHe%cise of its po?e% to 3ete%;ine the la?( an3 hence to 3ecla%e eHecuti4e an3 le<islati4e acts 4oi3 if 4iolati4e of the Constitution.># E4en the ponente is passionate about acco%3in< %espect to the s&ste; of sepa%ation of po?e%s bet?een the th%ee e@ual b%anches of the <o4e%n;ent. ,n his 3issentin< opinion in the )**# case of P%o4ince of No%th Cotabato 4. Go4e%n;ent of the Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel on Ancest%al -o;ain AGRPD(> 6ustice .elasco e;phaticall& state3: Sepa%ation of Po?e%s to be Gua%3e3 O4e% an3 abo4e the fo%e<oin< consi3e%ations( ho?e4e%( is the ;atte% of sepa%ation of po?e%s ?hich ?oul3 liEel& be 3istu%be3 shoul3 the Cou%t ;ean3e% into alien te%%ito%& of the eHecuti4e an3 3ictate ho? the final shape of the peace a<%ee;ent ?ith the M,+$ shoul3 looE liEe. The s&ste; of sepa%ation of po?e%s conte;plates the 3i4ision of the functions of <o4e%n;ent into its th%ee A>D b%anches: the le<islati4e ?hich is e;po?e%e3 to ;aEe la?sK the eHecuti4e ?hich is %e@ui%e3 to ca%%& out the la?K an3 the 5u3icia%& ?hich is cha%<e3 ?ith inte%p%etin< the la?. Conse@uent to actual 3elineation of po?e%( each b%anch of <o4e%n;ent is entitle3 to be left alone to 3ischa%<e its 3uties as it sees fit. Bein< one such b%anch( the 5u3icia%&( as 6ustice +au%el asse%te3 in Planas 4. Gil( L?ill neithe% 3i%ect no% %est%ain eHecuti4e Bo% le<islati4e actionC.L EHp%esse3 in anothe% pe%specti4e( the s&ste; of sepa%ate3 po?e%s is 3esi<ne3 to %est%ain one b%anch f%o; inapp%op%iate inte%fe%ence in the business( o% int%u3in< upon the cent%al p%e%o<ati4es( of anothe% b%anchK it is a blen3 of cou%tes& an3 caution( La self"eHecutin< safe<ua%3 a<ainst the enc%oach;ent o% a<<%an3iIe;ent of one b%anch at the eHpense of the othe%.L H H H

Un3e% ou% constitutional set up( the%e cannot be an& se%ious 3ispute that the ;aintenance of the peace( insu%in< 3o;estic t%an@uilit& an3 the supp%ession of 4iolence a%e the 3o;ain an3 %esponsibilit& of the eHecuti4e. No? then( if it be i;po%tant to %est%ict the <%eat 3epa%t;ents of <o4e%n;ent to the eHe%cise of thei% appointe3 po?e%s( it follo?s( as a lo<ical co%olla%&( e@uall& i;po%tant( that one b%anch shoul3 be left co;pletel& in3epen3ent of the othe%s( in3epen3ent not in the sense that the th%ee shall not coope%ate in the co;;on en3 of ca%%&in< into effect the pu%poses of the constitution( but in the sense that the acts of each shall ne4e% be cont%olle3 b& o% sub5ecte3 to the influence of eithe% of the b%anches.!* AE;phasis supplie3D ,n3ee3( a3he%ence to the p%inciple of sepa%ation of po?e%s ?hich is ensh%ine3 in ou% Constitution is essential to p%e4ent t&%ann& b& p%ohibitin< the concent%ation of the so4e%ei<n po?e%s of state in one bo3&.!1 Consi3e%in< that eHecuti4e po?e% is eHclusi4el& 4este3 in the P%esi3ent of the Philippines( the 6u3icia%& shoul3 neithe% un3e%;ine such eHe%cise of eHecuti4e po?e% b& the P%esi3ent no% a%%o<ate eHecuti4e po?e% unto itself. The 6u3icia%& ;ust confine itself to the eHe%cise of 5u3icial functions an3 not enc%oach upon the functions of the othe% b%anches of the <o4e%n;ent. ACCOR-,NG+0( , 4ote a<ainst the app%o4al of the Resolution. ANTON,O T. CARP,O Associate 6ustice $ootnotes 1 -epa%t;ent of En4i%on;ent an3 Natu%al Resou%ces A-ENRD( -epa%t;ent of ,nte%io% an3 +ocal Go4e%n;ent A-,+GD( D( Met%opolitan 1ate%?o%Es an3 Se?e%a<e S&ste; AM1SSD( +ocal 1ate% Utilities A3;inist%ation A+1UAD( -epa%t;ent of A<%icultu%e A-AD( Philippine Po%ts Autho%it& APPAD( Philippine National Police APNPD( Met%opolitan Manila -e4elop;ent Autho%it& AMM-AD( -epa%t;ent of /ealth A-O/D( -epa%t;ent of E3ucation A-epE3D( an3 -epa%t;ent of Bu3<et an3 Mana<e;ent A-BMD. ) Resolution( p. !. > Resolution( p. =. ! Resolution( p. =. ' Resolution( p. ="7. = Resolution( p. 7. 7 Resolution( p. 7. # Resolution( p. #.

Resolution( p. #. 1* Resolution( pp. #. 11 Resolution( p. 1*. 1) Resolution( p. 11. 1> Resolution( p. 11. 1! $o% instance( the Resolution o%3e%s the PPA to Linclu3e in its %epo%t the acti4ities of the concessionai%e that collects an3 3isposes of the soli3 an3 li@ui3 ?astes an3 othe% ship"<ene%ate3 ?astes( ?hich shall state the na;es( ;aEe an3 capacit& of the ships se%4ice3 b& it since Au<ust )**> up to the p%esent 3ate( the 3ates the ships 3ocEe3 at PPA po%ts( the nu;be% of 3a&s the ship ?as at sea ?ith the co%%espon3in< nu;be% of passen<e%s an3 c%e? pe% t%ip( the 4olu;e of soli3( li@ui3 an3 ship"<ene%ate3 ?astes collecte3 f%o; sai3 ships( the t%eat;ent un3e%taEen an3 the 3isposal site fo% sai3 ?astesKL Resolution( pp. 7"#. 1' Resolution( p.11. 1= $o% eHa;ple( the Resolution 3i%ects that LBiCn its @ua%te%l& %epo%t fo% the last @ua%te% of )*1* an3 the%eafte%( MM-A shall %epo%t on the app%ehensions fo% 4iolations of the penal p%o4isions of RA **>( RA )7' an3 othe% la?s on pollution fo% the sai3 pe%io3K Resolution( p. 1*. AE;phasis supplie3.D 17 Constitution( A%t. .,,( Sec. 1. 1# Constitution( A%t. .,,( Sec. 17. 1 1>1 Phil. >1 A1 =#D. )* ,3. at. >!" >'. )1 )!# Phil. !#7 A1 ##D. )) A3;inist%ati4e functions a%e Lthose ?hich in4ol4e the %e<ulation an3 cont%ol o4e% the con3uct an3 affai%s of in3i4i3uals fo% thei% o?n ?elfa%e an3 the p%o;ul<ation of %ules an3 %e<ulations to bette% ca%%& out the polic& of the le<islatu%e o% such as a%e 3e4ol4e3 upon the a3;inist%ati4e a<enc& b& the o%<anic la? of its eHistence.L ,3. at ! 1. )> '7 Phil =** A1 >)D. )! ,3. at =*!"=*'. )' Resolution( p. '.

)= Resolution( p. =. )7 Resolution( p. =. )# E;phasis supplie3. ) Republic Act No. 71=*. >* Manila Elect%ic Co. 4. Pasa& T%anspo%tation Co.( sup%a note )>. >1 Sup%a note 1 . >) ,3. at >=( citin< Manila Elect%ic Co. 4. Pasa& T%anspo%tation Co.( '7 Phil. =**( =*' A1 >)D. >> Constitution( A%t. .,( Sec. 1. >! Constitution( A%t. .,,( Sec. 1. >' Constitution( A%t. .,,,( Sec. 1. >= 6. Be%nas( The 1 #7 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A Co;;enta%& #)# A1 =D. >7 => Phil. 1> A1 >=D. ># ,3. at 1'="1'7. > G.R. Nos. 1#>' 1( 1#>7')( 1#># >( 1#> '1 R 1#> =)( 1! Octobe% )**#( '=# SCRA !*). !* -issentin< Opinion( i3. at == "=7*. ACitations o;itte3D !1 S. Ca%lota( The Th%ee Most ,;po%tant $eatu%es of the Philippine +e<al S&ste; that Othe%s Shoul3 Un3e%stan3( in ,A+S Confe%ence +ea%nin< f%o; Each Othe%: En%ichin< the +a? School Cu%%iculu; in an ,nte%%elate3 1o%l3 177 S???.ialsnet.o%<N;eetin<Nen%ichin<Nca%lota.p3fT A4isite3 ' No4e;be% )*1*D. The +a?phil P%o5ect " A%ellano +a? $oun3ation -,SSENT,NG OP,N,ON SERENO( 6.: LThe 5u3icial ?histle nee3s to be blo?n fo% a pu%pose an3 ?ith caution. ,t nee3s to be %e;e;be%e3 that the Cou%t cannot %un the <o4e%n;ent. The Cou%t has the 3ut& of i;ple;entin<

constitutional safe<ua%3s that p%otect in3i4i3ual %i<hts but the& cannot push bacE the li;its of the Constitution to acco;;o3ate the challen<e3 4iolation.L1 These a%e the ?o%3s of 6ustice Anan3 of the Sup%e;e Cou%t of ,n3ia( f%o; ?hich cou%t the i3ea of a continuin< ;an3ato%& in5unction fo% en4i%on;ental cases ?as 3%a?n b& the Philippine Sup%e;e Cou%t. These ?o%3s eHp%ess ala%; that the ,n3ian 5u3icia%& has al%ea3& taEen on the %ole of %unnin< the <o4e%n;ent in en4i%on;ental cases. A si;ila% situation ?oul3 %esult in the Philippines ?e%e the ;a5o%it& Resolution to be a3opte3. -espite ha4in< the best of intentions to ensu%e co;pliance b& petitione%s ?ith thei% co%%espon3in< statuto%& ;an3ates in an u%<ent ;anne%( this Cou%t has unfo%tunatel& enc%oache3 upon p%e%o<ati4es solel& to be eHe%cise3 b& the P%esi3ent an3 b& Con<%ess. On 1# -ece;be% )**#( the Cou%t p%o;ul<ate3 its 3ecision in MM-A 4. Conce%ne3 Resi3ents of Manila Ba&( G.R. Nos. 171 !7"!#( 3en&in< the petition of the <o4e%n;ent a<encies( 3efen3ants in Ci4il Case No. 1#'1" . ,t hel3 that the Cou%t of Appeals( sub5ect to so;e ;o3ifications( ?as co%%ect in affi%;in< the 1> Septe;be% )**) -ecision of the Re<ional T%ial Cou%t in Ci4il Case No. 1#'1" . ,t o%3e%e3 Lthe abo4ena;e3 3efen3ant"<o4e%n;ent a<encies to clean up( %ehabilitate( an3 p%ese%4e Manila Ba&( an3 %esto%e an3 ;aintain its ?ate%s to SB le4el AClass B sea ?ate%s pe% 1ate% Classification Tables un3e% -ENR A3;inist%ati4e O%3e% No. >! B1 *CD to ;aEe the; fit fo% s?i;;in<( sEin"3i4in<( an3 othe% fo%;s of contact %ec%eation.L The Cou%t fu%the% issue3 each of the afo%e;entione3 a<encies specific o%3e%s to co;pl& ?ith thei% statuto%& ;an3ate.) Pu%suant to the 5u3<;ent abo4e( the Cou%t establishe3 its o?n Manila Ba& A34iso%& Co;;ittee. Upon the %eco;;en3ations of the sai3 Co;;ittee( the p%esent Resolution ?as issue3. ,t enco;passes se4e%al of the specific inst%uctions lai3 out b& the cou%t in the o%i<inal case( but also <oes fu%the% b& %e@ui%in< %epo%ts an3 up3ates f%o; the sai3 <o4e%n;ent a<encies( an3 settin< 3ea3lines fo% the sub;ission the%eof. , fin3 these 3i%ecti4es in the Ma5o%it& Resolution patentl& i%%econcilable ?ith basic constitutional 3oct%ines an3 ?ith the le<islati4e ;echanis;s al%ea3& in place( such as the A3;inist%ati4e Co3e an3 the +ocal Go4e%n;ent Co3e( ?hich eHplicitl& <%ant cont%ol an3 supe%4ision o4e% these a<encies to the P%esi3ent alone( an3 to no one else. $o% these %easons( , %espectfull& 3issent f%o; the Ma5o%it& Resolution. ,n issuin< these 3i%ecti4es( the Cou%t has enc%oache3 upon the eHclusi4e autho%it& of the EHecuti4e -epa%t;ent an3 4iolate3 the 3oct%ine of Sepa%ation of Po?e%s The Resolution assi<ne3 the -epa%t;ent of Natu%al Resou%ces as the p%i;a%& a<enc& fo% en4i%on;ent p%otection an3 %e@ui%e3 the i;ple;entation of its Ope%ational Plan fo% the Manila Ba& Coastal St%ate<&. ,t o%3e%e3 the -ENR to sub;it the up3ate3 ope%ational plan 3i%ectl& to the Cou%tK to su;;a%iIe 3ata on the @ualit& of Manila Ba& ?ate%sK an3 to Lsub;it the na;es an3 a33%esses of pe%sons an3 co;paniesUthat <ene%ate toHic o% haIa%3ous ?aste on o% befo%e Septe;be% >*( )*11.L The -epa%t;ent of the ,nte%io% an3 +ocal Go4e%n;ent is 3i%ecte3 to Lo%3e% the Ma&o%s of all cities in Met%o ManilaK the Go4e%no%s of RiIal( +a<una( Ca4ite( Bulacan( Pa;pan<a an3 BataanK

an3 the Ma&o%s of all the cities an3 to?ns in sai3 p%o4inces to inspect all facto%ies( co;;e%cial establish;ents an3 p%i4ate ho;es alon< the banEs of the ;a5o% %i4e% s&ste;sUL to 3ete%;ine if the& ha4e ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities( on o% befo%e >* 6une )*11. The +GUs a%e <i4en a 3ea3line of >* Septe;be% )*11 to finish the inspection. ,n coope%ation ?ith the -epa%t;ent of Public 1o%Es an3 /i<h?a&s A-P1/D( these local <o4e%n;ents a%e %e@ui%e3 to sub;it thei% plan fo% the %e;o4al of info%;al settle%s an3 enc%oach;ents ?hich a%e in 4iolation of Republic Act No. 7)7 . The sai3 3e;olition ;ust taEe place not late% than >1 -ece;be% )*1). The Met%opolitan 1ate%?o%Es an3 Se?e%a<e S&ste; AM1SSD is %e@ui%e3 to sub;it its plans fo% the const%uction of ?aste?ate% t%eat;ent facilities in a%eas ?he%e nee3e3( the co;pletion pe%io3 fo% ?hich shall not <o be&on3 the &ea% )*)*. On o% befo%e >* 6une )*11( the M1SS is fu%the% %e@ui%e3 to ha4e its t?o concessionai%es sub;it a %epo%t on the a;ount collecte3 as se?e%a<e fees. The +ocal 1ate% Utilities A3;inist%ation A+1UAD is o%3e%e3 to sub;it on o% befo%e >* Septe;be% )*11 its plan to install an3 ope%ate se?e%a<e an3 sanitation facilities in the to?ns an3 cities ?he%e nee3e3( ?hich ;ust be full& i;ple;ente3 b& >1 -ece;be% )*)*. The -epa%t;ent of A<%icultu%e an3 the Bu%eau of A@uatic $ishe%ies an3 Resou%ces a%e o%3e%e3 to sub;it on o% befo%e >* 6une )*11 a list of a%eas ?he%e ;a%ine life in Manila Ba& has i;p%o4e3( an3 the assistance eHten3e3 to 3iffe%ent +ocal Go4e%n;ent Units in this %e<a%3. The Philippine Po%ts Autho%it& APPAD is o%3e%e3 to %epo%t the na;es( ;aEe( an3 capacit& of each ship that ?oul3 3ocE in PPA po%tsK the 3a&s the& 3ocEe3 an3 the 3a&s the& ?e%e at seaK the acti4ities of the concessionai%e that ?oul3 collect soli3 an3 li@ui3 ship"<ene%ate3 ?aste( the 4olu;e( t%eat;ent an3 3isposal sites fo% such ?astesK an3 the 4iolato%s that PPA has app%ehen3e3. The -epa%t;ent of /ealth A-O/D is %e@ui%e3 to sub;it the na;es an3 a33%esses of septic an3 slu3<e co;panies that ha4e no t%eat;ent facilities. The sai3 a<enc& ;ust also %e@ui%e co;panies to p%ocu%e a Llicense to ope%ateL issue3 b& the -O/. The Met%opolitan Manila -e4elop;ent Autho%it& AMM-AD an3 the se4enteen A17D +GUs in Met%o Manila ;ust sub;it a %epo%t on the La;ount of <a%ba<e collecte3 pe% 3ist%ictU4is"O"4is the a4e%a<e a;ount of <a%ba<e 3ispose3 ;onthl& in lan3fills an3 3u;psites.L MM-A ;ust also sub;it a plan fo% the %e;o4al of info%;al settle%s an3 enc%oach;ents alon< NCR Ri4e%s ?hich 4iolate R.A. No. 7)7 . Clea%l&( the Cou%t has no autho%it& to issue these 3i%ecti4es. The& fall s@ua%el& un3e% the 3o;ain of the eHecuti4e b%anch of the state. The issuance of specific inst%uctions to subo%3inate a<encies in the i;ple;entation of polic& ;an3ates in all la?s( not 5ust those that p%otect the en4i%on;ent( is an eHe%cise of the po?e% of supe%4ision an3 cont%ol M the sole p%o4ince of the Office of the P%esi3ent. Both the 1 #7 Constitution an3 EHecuti4e O%3e% No. ) )( o% the A3;inist%ati4e Co3e of the Philippines( state: EHe%cise of EHecuti4e Po?e%. " The EHecuti4e po?e% shall be 4este3 in the P%esi3ent.> Po?e% of Cont%ol." The P%esi3ent shall ha4e cont%ol of all the eHecuti4e 3epa%t;ents( bu%eaus( an3 offices. /e shall ensu%e that the la?s be faithfull& eHecute3.!

,n AnaE Min3anao Pa%t&"list G%oup 4. EHecuti4e Sec%eta%&(' this Cou%t has al%ea3& asse%te3 that the enfo%ce;ent of all la?s is the sole 3o;ain of the EHecuti4e. The Cou%t p%onounce3 that the eHp%ess constitutional <%ant of autho%it& to the EHecuti4e is b%oa3 an3 enco;passin<( such that it 5ustifies %eo%<aniIation ;easu%es= initiate3 b& the P%esi3ent. The Cou%t sai3: 1hile Con<%ess is 4este3 ?ith the po?e% to enact la?s( the P%esi3ent eHecutes the la?s. The eHecuti4e po?e% is 4este3 in the P%esi3ent. ,t is <ene%all& 3efine3 as the po?e% to enfo%ce an3 a3;iniste% the la?s. ,t is the po?e% of ca%%&in< the la?s into p%actical ope%ation an3 enfo%cin< thei% 3ue obse%4ance. As hea3 of the EHecuti4e -epa%t;ent( the P%esi3ent is the Chief EHecuti4e. /e %ep%esents the <o4e%n;ent as a ?hole an3 sees to it that all la?s a%e enfo%ce3 b& the officials an3 e;plo&ees of his 3epa%t;ent. /e has cont%ol o4e% the eHecuti4e 3epa%t;ent( bu%eaus an3 offices. This ;eans that he has the autho%it& to assu;e 3i%ectl& the functions of the eHecuti4e 3epa%t;ent( bu%eau an3 office( o% inte%fe%e ?ith the 3isc%etion of its officials. Co%olla%& to the po?e% of cont%ol( the P%esi3ent also has the 3ut& of supe%4isin< an3 enfo%ce;ent of la?s fo% the ;aintenance of <ene%al peace an3 public o%3e%. Thus( he is <%ante3 a3;inist%ati4e po?e% o4e% bu%eaus an3 offices un3e% his cont%ol to enable hi; to 3ischa%<e his 3uties effecti4el&. To he%ein petitione% a<encies i;plea3e3 belo?( this Cou%t has <i4en 4e%& specific inst%uctions to %epo%t the p%o<%ess an3 status of thei% ope%ations 3i%ectl& to the latte%. The Cou%t also %e@ui%e3 the a<encies to app%ise it of an& nonco;pliance ?ith the stan3a%3s set fo%th b& 3iffe%ent la?s as to en4i%on;ent p%otection. This ;o4e is tanta;ount to ;aEin< these a<encies accountable to the Cou%t instea3 of the P%esi3ent. The 4e%& occupation st%ea;line3 especiall& fo% the technical an3 p%actical eHpe%tise of the EHecuti4e B%anch is bein< usu%pe3 ?ithout %e<a%3 fo% the 3elineations of po?e% in the Constitution. ,n fact( the issuance of the Resolution itself is in 3i%ect cont%a4ention of the P%esi3entFs eHclusi4e po?e% to issue a3;inist%ati4e o%3e%s( as sho?n thus: A3;inist%ati4e O%3e%s. " Acts of the P%esi3ent ?hich %elate to pa%ticula% aspect of <o4e%n;ental ope%ations in pu%suance of his 3uties as a3;inist%ati4e hea3 shall be p%o;ul<ate3 in a3;inist%ati4e o%3e%s.7 The Cou%tFs 3iscussion in Ople 4. To%%es# pe%tainin< to the eHtent an3 b%ea3th of a3;inist%ati4e po?e% besto?e3 upon the P%esi3ent is apt: A3;inist%ati4e po?e% is conce%ne3 ?ith the ?o%E of appl&in< policies an3 enfo%cin< o%3e%s as 3ete%;ine3 b& p%ope% <o4e%n;ental o%<ans. ,t enables the P%esi3ent to fiH a unifo%; stan3a%3 of a3;inist%ati4e efficienc& an3 checE the official con3uct of his a<ents. To this en3( he can issue a3;inist%ati4e o%3e%s( %ules an3 %e<ulations. UUU An a3;inist%ati4e o%3e% is an o%3inance issue3 b& the P%esi3ent ?hich %elates to specific aspects in the a3;inist%ati4e ope%ation of <o4e%n;ent. ,t ;ust be in ha%;on& ?ith the la? an3 shoul3 be fo% the sole pu%pose of i;ple;entin< the la? an3 ca%%&in< out the le<islati4e polic&.

The i;ple;entation of the polic& lai3 out b& the le<islatu%e M in the Philippine Clean 1ate% Act of )**!( the ToHic an3 /aIa%3ous 1aste Act o% Republic Act = = ( the En4i%on;ent Co3e( an3 othe% la?s <ea%e3 to?a%3s en4i%on;ent p%otection M is un3e% the co;petence of the P%esi3ent. Achie4e3 the%eb& is a unifo%; stan3a%3 of a3;inist%ati4e efficienc&. An3 since it is th%ou<h a3;inist%ati4e o%3e%s p%o;ul<ate3 b& the P%esi3ent that specific ope%ational aspects fo% these policies a%e lai3 out( the Resolution of this Cou%t o4e%laps ?ith the P%esi3entFs a3;inist%ati4e po?e%. No ;atte% ho? u%<ent an3 lau3ato%& the cause of en4i%on;ent p%otection has beco;e( it cannot but &iel3 to the hi<he% ;an3ate of sepa%ation of po?e%s an3 the ;echanis;s lai3 out b& the people th%ou<h the Constitution. One of the 3i%ecti4es is that ?hich %e@ui%es local <o4e%n;ents to con3uct inspection of ho;es an3 establish;ents alon< the %i4e%banEs( an3 to sub;it a plan fo% the %e;o4al of ce%tain info%;al settle%s. Not content ?ith a%%o<atin< unto itself the po?e%s of Lcont%olL an3 Lsupe%4isionL <%ante3 b& the A3;inist%ati4e Co3e to the P%esi3ent o4e% sai3 petitione% a3;inist%ati4e a<encies( the Cou%t is also 4iolatin< the latte%Fs <ene%al supe%4iso%& autho%it& o4e% local <o4e%n;ents: Sec. 1#. Gene%al Supe%4ision O4e% +ocal Go4e%n;ents. " The P%esi3ent shall eHe%cise <ene%al supe%4ision o4e% local <o4e%n;ents. Sec. )'. National Supe%4ision o4e% +ocal Go4e%n;ent Units.MMAaD Consistent ?ith the basic polic& on local autono;&( the P%esi3ent shall eHe%cise <ene%al supe%4ision o4e% local <o4e%n;ent units to ensu%e that thei% acts a%e ?ithin the scope of thei% p%esc%ibe3 po?e%s an3 functions.1* The po?e%s eHp%essl& 4este3 in an& b%anch of the Go4e%n;ent shall not be eHe%cise3 b&( no% 3ele<ate3 to( an& othe% b%anch of the Go4e%n;ent( eHcept to the eHtent autho%iIe3 b& the Constitution.11 As has often been %epeate3 b& this Cou%t( the 3oct%ine of sepa%ation of po?e%s is the 4e%& ?ellsp%in< f%o; ?hich the Cou%t 3%a?s its le<iti;ac&. $o%;e% Chief 6ustice Re&nato S. Puno has t%ace3 its o%i<in an3 %ationale as inhe%in< in the %epublican s&ste; of <o4e%n;ent: The p%inciple of sepa%ation of po?e%s p%e4ents the concent%ation of le<islati4e( eHecuti4e( an3 5u3icial po?e%s to a sin<le b%anch of <o4e%n;ent b& 3eftl& allocatin< thei% eHe%cise to the th%ee b%anches of <o4e%n;ent... ,n his fa;e3 t%eatise( The Spi%it of the +a?s( Montes@uieu autho%itati4el& anal&Ie3 the natu%e of eHecuti4e( le<islati4e an3 5u3icial po?e%s an3 ?ith a fo%;i3able fo%esi<ht counselle3 that an& co;bination of these po?e%s ?oul3 c%eate a s&ste; ?ith an inhe%ent ten3enc& to?a%3s t&%annical actionsU A<ain( the%e is no libe%t&( if the 5u3icia%& po?e% be not sepa%ate3 f%o; the le<islati4e an3 the eHecuti4e. 1e%e it 5oine3 ?ith the le<islati4e( the life an3 libe%t& of the sub5ect ?oul3 be eHpose3 to a%bit%a%& cont%olK fo% the 5u3<e ?oul3 be then the le<islato%. 1e%e it 5oine3 to the eHecuti4e po?e%( the 5u3<e ;i<ht beha4e ?ith 4iolence an3 opp%ession.

The%e ?oul3 be an en3 of e4e%&thin<( ?e%e the sa;e ;an o% the sa;e bo3&( ?hethe% of the nobles o% of the people( to eHe%cise those th%ee po?e%s( that of enactin< la?s( that of eHecutin< the public %esolutions( an3 that of t%&in< the causes of in3i4i3uals. 1) No% is the%e ;e%it in the contention that these 3i%ecti4es ?ill spee3 up the %ehabilitation of Manila Ba& bette% than if sai3 %ehabilitation ?e%e left to the app%op%iate a<encies. EHpe3ienc& is ne4e% a %eason to aban3on le<iti;ac&. LThe Sepa%ation of Po?e%s often i;pai%s efficienc&( in te%;s of 3ispatch an3 the i;;e3iate functionin< of <o4e%n;ent. ,t is the lon<"te%; sta&in< po?e% of <o4e%n;ent that is enhance3 b& the ;utual acco;;o3ation %e@ui%e3 b& the sepa%ation of po?e%s.L1> Man3a;us 3oes not lie to co;pel a 3isc%etiona%& act. ,n G.R. Nos. 171 !7"!#( the Cou%t eHplicitl& a3;itte3 that LB?Chile the i;ple;entation of the MM-AFs ;an3ate3 tasEs ;a& entail a 3ecision";aEin< p%ocess( the enfo%ce;ent of the la? o% the 4e%& act of 3oin< ?hat the la? eHacts to be 3one is ;iniste%ial in natu%e an3 ;a& be co;pelle3 b& ;an3a;us.L1! ,n 3en&in< the appeal of petitione%s an3 affi%;in< the -ecision of the RTC( the Cou%t of Appeals st%esse3 that the t%ial cou%tFs -ecision 3i3 not %e@ui%e petitione%s to 3o tasEs outsi3e of thei% usual basic functions un3e% eHistin< la?s.1' ,n its %e4ise3 Resolution( the Cou%t is no? settin< 3ea3lines fo% the i;ple;entation of polic& fo%;ulations ?hich %e@ui%e 3ecision";aEin< b& the a<encies. ,t has confuse3 an o%3e% en5oinin< a 3ut&( ?ith an o%3e% outlinin< specific technical %ules on ho? to pe%fo%; such a 3ut&. Assu;in< ?ithout conce3in< that ;an3a;us ?e%e a4ailin< un3e% Rule ='( the Cou%t can onl& %e@ui%e a pa%ticula% action( but it cannot p%o4i3e fo% the ;eans to acco;plish such action. ,t is at this point ?he%e the 3e;a%cation of the <ene%al act of Lcleanin< up the Manila Ba&L has beco;e blu%%e3( so ;uch so that the Cou%t no? en<a<es in the slippe%& slope of o4e%seein< technical 3etails. ,n Sps. Aba<a 4. Sps. Panes1= the Cou%t sai3: $%o; the fo%e<oin< Rule( the%e a%e t?o situations ?hen a ?%it of ;an3a;us ;a& issue: A1D ?hen an& t%ibunal( co%po%ation( boa%3( office% o% pe%son unla?full& ne<lects the pe%fo%;ance of an act ?hich the la? specificall& en5oins as a 3ut& %esultin< f%o; an office( t%ust( o% stationK o% A)D ?hen an& t%ibunal( co%po%ation( boa%3( office% o% pe%son unla?full& eHclu3es anothe% f%o; the use an3 en5o&;ent of a %i<ht o% office to ?hich the othe% is entitle3. The L3ut&L ;entione3 in the fi%st situation is a ;iniste%ial 3ut&( not a 3isc%etiona%& 3ut&( %e@ui%in< the eHe%cise of 5u3<;entU,n sho%t( fo% ;an3a;us to lie( the 3ut& sou<ht to be co;pelle3 to be pe%fo%;e3 ;ust be a ;iniste%ial 3ut&( not a 3isc%etiona%& 3ut&( an3 the petitione% ;ust sho? that he has a ?ell"3efine3( clea% an3 ce%tain %i<ht. -isc%etion( on the othe% han3( is a facult& confe%%e3 upon a cou%t o% official b& ?hich he ;a& 3eci3e the @uestion eithe% ?a& an3 still be %i<ht.17 The 3ut& bein< en5oine3 in ;an3a;us ;ust be one acco%3in< to the te%;s 3efine3 in the la? itself. Thus( the %eco<niIe3 %ule is that( in the pe%fo%;ance of an official 3ut& o% act in4ol4in< 3isc%etion( the co%%espon3in< official can onl& be 3i%ecte3 b& ;an3a;us to act( but not to act one

?a& o% the othe%. This is the en3 of an& pa%ticipation b& the Cou%t( if it is autho%iIe3 to pa%ticipate at all. ,n settin< a 3ea3line fo% the acco;plish;ent of these 3i%ecti4es( not onl& has the Cou%t p%o4i3e3 the ;eans of acco;plishin< the tasE %e@ui%e3( it has actuall& <one be&on3 the stan3a%3s set b& the la?. The%e is nothin< in the En4i%on;ent Co3e( the A3;inist%ati4e Co3e( o% the Constitution ?hich <%ants this autho%it& to the 5u3icia%&. ,t is al%ea3& settle3 that( L,f the la? i;poses a 3ut& upon a public office% an3 <i4es hi; the %i<ht to 3eci3e ?hen an3 ho? the 3ut& shall be pe%fo%;e3( such 3ut& is not ;iniste%ial.L1# ,n Al4a%eI 4. P,COP Resou%ces(1 the Cou%t %ule3 that( As an eHt%ao%3ina%& ?%it( the %e;e3& of ;an3a;us lies onl& to co;pel an office% to pe%fo%; a ;iniste%ial 3ut&( not a 3isc%etiona%& oneK ;an3a;us ?ill not issue to cont%ol the eHe%cise of 3isc%etion of a public office% ?he%e the la? i;poses upon hi; the 3ut& to eHe%cise his 5u3<;ent in %efe%ence to an& ;anne% in ?hich he is %e@ui%e3 to act( because it is his 5u3<;ent that is to be eHe%cise3 an3 not that of the cou%t. The Constitution 3oes not autho%iIe the cou%ts to L;onito%L the eHecution of thei% 3ecisions. ,t is an oft"%epeate3 %ule that the Cou%t has no po?e% to issue a34iso%& opinions( ;uch less L3i%ecti4esL %e@ui%in< p%o<%ess %epo%ts f%o; the pa%ties %espectin< the eHecution of its 3ecisions. The %e@ui%e;ents of Lactual case o% cont%o4e%s&L an3 L5usticiabilit&L ha4e lon< been establishe3 in o%3e% to li;it the eHe%cise of 5u3icial %e4ie?. 1hile its 3e3ication to the i;ple;entation of the fallo in G.R. 171 !7"!# is a3;i%able( the Cou%tFs po?e% cannot spill o4e% to actual enc%oach;ent upon both the Lcont%olL an3 police po?e%s of the State un3e% the <uise of a Lcontinuin< ;an3a;us.L ,n G.R. 171 !7"!#( the Cou%t sai3: LUn3e% ?hat othe% 5u3icial 3iscipline 3esc%ibes as Vcontinuin< ;an3a;us(F the Cou%t ;a&( un3e% eHt%ao%3ina%& ci%cu;stances( issue 3i%ecti4es ?ith the en3 in 4ie? of ensu%in< that its 3ecision ?oul3 not be set to nau<ht b& a3;inist%ati4e inaction o% in3iffe%ence.L Nee3less to sa&( the Lcontinuin< ;an3a;usL in this case %uns counte% to p%inciples of Lactual case o% cont%o4e%s&L an3 othe% %e@uisites fo% 5u3icial %e4ie?. ,n fact( the Sup%e;e Cou%t is in 3an<e% of actin< as a Lsupe%"a3;inist%ato%L)* M the scena%io p%esentl& unfol3in< in ,n3ia ?he%e the suppose3 %e;e3& o%i<inate3. The%e the %e;e3& ?as fi%st use3 in .ineet Na%ain an3 Othe%s 4. Union of ,n3ia()1 a public inte%est case fo% co%%uption file3 a<ainst hi<h"le4el officials. Since then( the %e;e3& has been applie3 to en4i%on;ental cases as an o4e%si<ht an3 cont%ol po?e% b& ?hich the Sup%e;e Cou%t of ,n3ia has c%eate3 co;;ittees Ai.e. the En4i%on;ent Pollution Autho%it& an3 the Cent%al E;po?e%e3 Co;;ittee in fo%est casesD an3 allo?e3 these co;;ittees to act as the policin< a<encies.)) But the ;ost si<nificant 5u3icial inte%4ention in this %e<a%3 ?as the se%ies of o%3e%s p%o;ul<ate3 b& the Cou%t in T.N. Go3a4a%;an 4. Union of ,n3ia.)> Althou<h the 1%it Petition file3 b& Go3a4a%;an ?as an atte;pt to seeE 3i%ections f%o; the Cou%t %e<a%3in< cu%bin< the ille<al fellin< of t%ees( the Sup%e;e Cou%t ?ent fu%the% to ;aEe

polic& 3ete%;inations in an atte;pt to i;p%o4e the count%&Fs fo%ests. The Cou%t O%3e% suspen3in< fellin< of t%ees that 3i3 not a3he%e to state <o4e%n;ent ?o%Ein< plans %esulte3 in effecti4el& f%eeIin< the count%&Fs ti;be% in3ust%&. The Sup%e;e Cou%t co;pletel& banne3 t%ee fellin< in ce%tain no%th"easte%n states to an& pa%t of the count%&. The cou%tFs %ole ?as e4en ;o%e p%onounce3 in its late% 3i%ections. 1hile ;aintainin< the ban on fellin< of t%ees in the se4en no%theast states( the cou%t 3i%ecte3 the state <o4e%n;ents to <athe%( p%ocess( sell( an3 othe%?ise ;ana<e the al%ea3& felle3 ti;be% in the ;anne% its specifie3 the Sup%e;e Cou%t beca;e the supe%4iso% of all fo%est issues( %an<in< f%o; cont%ollin<( p%icin< an3 t%anspo%t of ti;be% to ;ana<e;ent of fo%est %e4enue( as ?ell as i;ple;entation of its o%3e%s.)! Thus( ?hile it ?as o%i<inall& inten3e3 to asse%t public %i<hts in the face of <o4e%n;ent inaction an3 ne<lect( the %e;e3& is no? facin< se%ious c%iticis; as it has spi%ale3 out of cont%ol.)' ,n fact( e4en 6ustice 6. S. .e%;a( ?ho penne3 the ;a5o%it& opinion in .ineet Na%ain in ?hich Vcontinuin< ;an3a;usF fi%st ;a3e its appea%ance( subse@uentl& p%onounce3 that L5u3icial acti4is; shoul3 be neithe% 5u3icial a3 hocis; no% 5u3icial t&%ann&.L)= 6ustice B.N. S%iE%ishna obse%4e3 that 5u3<es no? see; to ?ant to en<a<e the;sel4es ?ith boun3less enthusias; in co;pleH socio"econo;ic issues %aisin< ;&%ia3s of facts an3 i3eolo<ical issues that cannot be ;ana<e3 b& L5u3iciall& ;ana<eable stan3a%3s.L)7 E4en $o%;e% Chief 6ustice A. S. Anan3( a Eno?n 3efen3e% of 5u3icial acti4is;( has ?a%ne3 a<ainst the ten3enc& to?a%3s L5u3icial a34entu%is;(L %eite%atin< the p%inciple that Lthe %ole of the 5u3<e is that of a %efe%ee. , can blo? ;& 5u3icial ?histle ?hen the ball <oes out of pla&K but ?hen the <a;e %esta%ts , ;ust neithe% taEe pa%t in it no% tell the pla&e%s ho? to pla&.L)# Unless ou% o?n Sup%e;e Cou%t lea%ns to cu%b its eHcesses an3 appl& to this case the stan3a%3s fo% 5u3icial %e4ie? it has 3e4elope3 o4e% the &ea%s an3 applie3 to co"e@ual b%anches( the scena%io in ,n3ia coul3 4e%& ?ell pla& out in the Philippines. The Cou%t ;ust t%& to ;aintain a health& balance bet?een the 3epa%t;ents( p%ecisel& as the Constitution ;an3ates( b& 3elineatin< its L3eft st%oEes an3 bol3 lines(L) e4e% so conscious of the %e@ui%e;ents of actual case an3 cont%o4e%s&. 1hile( a3;itte3l&( the%e a%e ce%tain fla?s in the ope%ation an3 i;ple;entation of the la?s( the 5u3icia%& cannot taEe the initiati4e to co;pensate fo% such pe%cei4e3 inaction. The Cou%t state3 in Tolentino 4. Sec%eta%& of $inance:>* -is%e<a%3 of the essential li;its i;pose3 b& the case an3 cont%o4e%s& %e@ui%e;ent can in the lon< %un onl& %esult in un3e%;inin< ou% autho%it& as a cou%t of la?. $o%( as 5u3<es( ?hat ?e a%e calle3 upon to %en3e% is 5u3<;ent acco%3in< to la?( not acco%3in< to ?hat ;a& appea% to be the opinion of the 3a&U /ence( Lo4e% nothin< but cases an3 cont%o4e%sies can cou%ts eHe%cise 5u%is3iction( an3 it is to ;aEe the eHe%cise of that 5u%is3iction effecti4e that the& a%e allo?e3 to pass upon constitutional @uestions.L>1 A3;i%able thou<h the senti;ents of the Cou%t ;a& be( it ;ust act ?ithin 5u%is3ictional li;its. These li;its a%e foun3e3 upon the t%a3itional %e@ui%e;ent of a cause of action: Lthe act o% o;ission b& ?hich a pa%t& 4iolates a %i<ht of anothe%.L>) ,n constitutional cases( fo% e4e%& ?%it o% %e;e3&( the%e ;ust be a clea% p%onounce;ent of the co%%espon3in< %i<ht ?hich has been inf%in<e3. Onl& then can the%e su%face that Lclea% conc%eteness p%o4i3e3 ?hen a @uestion e;e%<es p%ecisel& f%a;e3 an3 necessa%& fo% 3ecision f%o; a clash of a34e%sa%&

a%<u;ent eHplo%in< e4e%& aspect of a ;ultifacete3 situation e;b%acin< conflictin< an3 3e;an3in< inte%ests.L>> Unfo%tunatel&( the Cou%t fails to 3istin<uish bet?een a p%onounce;ent on 4iolation of %i<hts on one han3( an3 non"pe%fo%;ance of 3uties 4is"O"4is ope%ational inst%uctions( on the othe%. Mo%eo4e%( it also 3abbles in an inte%p%etation of constitutional %i<hts in a ;anne% that is 3an<e%ousl& p%e"e;pti4e of le<all& a4ailable %e;e3ies. The Lcontinuin< ;an3a;usL palpabl& o4e%laps ?ith the po?e% of con<%essional o4e%si<ht. A%ticle =( Section )) of the 1 #7 Constitution states: The hea3s of 3epa%t;ent ;a& upon thei% o?n initiati4e( ?ith the consent of the P%esi3ent( o% upon the %e@uest of eithe% /ouse( o% as the %ules of each /ouse shall p%o4i3e( appea% befo%e an3 be hea%3 b& such /ouse on an& ;atte% pe%tainin< to thei% 3epa%t;ents. 1%itten @uestions shall be sub;itte3 to the P%esi3ent of the Senate o% the SpeaEe% of the /ouse of Rep%esentati4es at least th%ee 3a&s befo%e thei% sche3ule3 appea%ance. ,nte%pellations shall not be li;ite3 to ?%itten @uestions( but ;a& co4e% ;atte%s %elate3 the%eto. 1hen the secu%it& of the state o% the public inte%est so %e@ui%es an3 the P%esi3ent so states in ?%itin<( the appea%ance shall be con3ucte3 in eHecuti4e session. This p%o4ision pe%tains to the po?e% to con3uct a @uestion hou%( the ob5ecti4e of ?hich is to obtain info%;ation in pu%suit of Con<%essF o4e%si<ht function. Macalintal 4. Co;elec>! 3iscusse3 the scope of con<%essional o4e%si<ht in full. O4e%si<ht %efe%s to the po?e% of the le<islati4e 3epa%t;ent to checE( ;onito% an3 ensu%e that the la?s it has enacte3 a%e enfo%ce3: The po?e% of Con<%ess 3oes not en3 ?ith the finishe3 tasE of le<islation. Conco;itant ?ith its p%incipal po?e% to le<islate is the auHilia%& po?e% to ensu%e that the la?s it enacts a%e faithfull& eHecute3. As ?ell st%esse3 b& one schola%( the le<islatu%e LfiHes the ;ain lines of substanti4e polic& an3 is entitle3 to see that a3;inist%ati4e polic& is in ha%;on& ?ith itK it establishes the 4olu;e an3 pu%pose of public eHpen3itu%es an3 ensu%es thei% le<alit& an3 p%op%iet&K it ;ust be satisfie3 that inte%nal a3;inist%ati4e cont%ols a%e ope%atin< to secu%e econo;& an3 efficienc&K an3 it info%;s itself of the con3itions of a3;inist%ation of %e;e3ial ;easu%e. UUU Clea%l&( o4e%si<ht conce%ns post"enact;ent ;easu%es un3e%taEen b& Con<%ess: AaD to ;onito% bu%eauc%atic co;pliance ?ith p%o<%a; ob5ecti4es( AbD to 3ete%;ine ?hethe% a<encies a%e p%ope%l& a3;iniste%e3( AcD to eli;inate eHecuti4e ?aste an3 3ishonest&( A3D to p%e4ent eHecuti4e usu%pation of le<islati4e autho%it&( an3 A3D to assess eHecuti4e confo%;it& ?ith the con<%essional pe%ception of public inte%est. UUU Con<%ess( thus( uses its o4e%si<ht po?e% to ;aEe su%e that the a3;inist%ati4e a<encies pe%fo%; thei% functions ?ithin the autho%it& 3ele<ate3 to the;.

Macalintal 4. Co;elec fu%the% 3iscusses that le<islati4e supe%4ision un3e% the o4e%si<ht po?e% connotes a continuin< an3 info%;e3 a?a%eness on the pa%t of Con<%ess %e<a%3in< eHecuti4e ope%ations in a <i4en a3;inist%ati4e a%ea. Because the po?e% to le<islate inclu3es the po?e% to ensu%e that the la?s a%e enfo%ce3( this ;onito%in< po?e% has been <%ante3 b& the Constitution to the le<islatu%e. ,n cases of eHecuti4e non"i;ple;entation of statutes( the cou%ts cannot 5ustif& the use of Lcontinuin< ;an3a;us(L as it ?oul3 b& its 4e%& 3efinition o4e%lap ?ith the ;onito%in< po?e% un3e% con<%essional o4e%si<ht. The Resolution 3oes not onl& enc%oach upon the <ene%al supe%4iso%& function of the EHecuti4e( it also 3i;inishe3 an3 a%%o<ate3 unto itself the po?e% of con<%essional o4e%si<ht. Conclusion This Cou%t cannot nobl& 3efen3 the en4i%on;ental %i<hts of <ene%ations of $ilipinos ensh%ine3 in the Constitution ?hile in the sa;e b%eath e%o3in< the foun3ations of that 4e%& inst%u;ent f%o; ?hich it 3%a?s its po?e%. 1hile the %e;e3& of Lcontinuin< ;an3a;usL has e4ol4e3 out of a Thi%3 1o%l3 5u%is3iction si;ila% to ou%s( ?e cannot o4e%step the boun3a%ies lai3 3o?n b& the %ule of la?. Othe%?ise( this Cou%t ?oul3 %ush %ecElessl& be&on3 the 3eli;itations p%ecisel& put in place to safe<ua%3 eHcesses of po?e%. The t%ibunal( consi3e%e3 b& ;an& citiIens as the last <ua%3ian of fun3a;ental %i<hts( ?oul3 then %ese;ble nothin< ;o%e than an i3ol ?ith feet of cla&: st%on< in appea%ance( but ?eaE in foun3ation. UThe Cou%t beco;es a conscience b& actin< to %e;in3 us of li;itation on po?e%( e4en 5u3icial po?e%( an3 the inte%%elation of <oo3 pu%poses ?ith <oo3 ;eans. Mo%alit& is not an en3 3issociate3 f%o; ;eans. The%e is a ;o%alit& of ;o%alit&( ?hich %espects the li;itation of office an3 the fallibilit& of the hu;an ;in3Uself"li;itation is the fi%st ;a%E of the ;aste%. That( too is pa%t of the %ole of the conscience.>' The ;a5o%it& Resolution ?oul3( at the sa;e ti;e( cast the li<ht of sc%utin& ;o%e ha%shl& on 5u3icial action in ?hich the Cou%tFs ti;el& eHe%cise of its po?e%s is calle3 fo% M as in the cases of p%isone%s lan<uishin< in 5ail ?hose cases a?ait spee3& %esolution b& this Cou%t. The%e ?oul3 then be nothin< to stop the eHecuti4e an3 the le<islati4e 3epa%t;ents f%o; consi3e%in< as fai% <a;e the 5u3icia%&Fs o?n accountabilit& in its clea%l& 3elineate3 3epa%t;ent. MAR,A +OUR-ES P. A. SERENO Associate 6ustice

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