Merritt Morning Market 2574 - Apr 28

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Sands Alive

Non-toxic formula
All the fun
of sand
N nt!
without the mess

Outdoor writing products for

Outdoor writing people
greAT seleCTIon
noW In sToCk!

Office supplies

Blacks Pharmacy

priNtiNg & cOpyiNg


2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC

(250) 378-2155

Please recycle

monday edition april 28, 2014 #2574

News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
T (250)378-5717

2151 Quilchena Ave.


(250) 378-6655


Come in for a fresh rhubarb treat!

Top Soil

Open TO
The publiC
Mon., Wed & Fri
Saturday 9am-1pm
Airport Rd, next to Valley Helicopter
(250)378-9674 or (250)936-8363

F (250)378-2025

Annual cemetery
clean up

The City works crew will be commencing the annual cemetery clean up
from May 5-9. Any offerings or memorabilia that are placed on headstones will
be removed and placed at the Pine ridge
Cemetery shed. Memorabilia only will
remain at the Cemetery shed for 30 days
then the items will be disposed of
[reminder of the bylaw: Pursuant to
City of Merritt Cemetery Bylaw no.
2087, 2009 section l general:
1. no above ground memorabilia will
be permitted after the grave site has been
prepared for turf
2. Flowers may be placed on graves
but may be removed by the "Caretaker"
when their condition is considered by
him to be detrimental to the beauty of the
cemetery. Any non-conforming offerings, wreaths, flowers, fencing, curbs or
other devices may be removed by City
3. The City shall not be responsible
for the loss or theft of any offerings."]

2014 City budget

From concrete and gravel

to rebar and concrete forms.
We have what you will need.
So bring in your plans
for a free estimate.
Norgaard Ready Mix,
in business for over 50 Years.

1301 Nicola Ave.


SuMMeR STudenT PoSiTion

AT The bAiLLie houSe

May 6th to August 31st

32 hours per week
Wages: $13.00 per hour
Duties: Tourist Information, assisting with
fundraising events, site maintenance/
cleaning, organizing school tours, etc.
For more information or to apply call 378-0349
or email
Deadline is April 26th at 4 pm.

Corner of Voght & Mammette

(250) 378-0349

follow us online at

space for your ad

Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700

SuMMer STudenT
employment Opportunity
The Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame is looking for a Museum Coordinator for the summer season (Jun. 13-Aug. 30).
The primary role is to ensure a positive visitor experience
through promoting awareness of the exhibits and interaction with
related programming at the Hall of Fame. The ideal candidate will
be a self-motivated, people-person with excellent integrity and
communication skills. The minimum age is 18. This will be most
appealing to a student in a tourism or recreation / leisure services
program of study although that is not a job pre-requisite. The
successful applicant must be returning to school in the fall of
2014 to be eligible. The salary for this term position is $12.50 per
hr. at 30 hrs. per week during the term. The work-day is Tuesday
through Saturday from 10 4pm.
Submit a cover and resume to: Box 760, Merritt, BC V1K1B8.
Emails can be sent to: .
Closing date is May 9

The City of Merritts operating & capital budget for 2014 is $20 million
$13.5 million to operate all departments
& $6.5 million for capital expenses.
But between cost increases ($80,000
for labour; $200,000 for the rCMP;
$30,000 in electricity costs) and a loss of
tax revenue ($30,000 due to reduction in
assessed values & the loss of major industry, ie. Ardew), there is an increase of
$451,000 in uncontrollable costs.
The tax increase to cover that would
have been 7%, enough to spark a resident
revolt! But at the next meeting, City
Council will approve a 2% increase,
which will bring an additional $130,000
in revenue. And to keep this budget balance, all departments are working to reduce their costs by $200,000, and $500,000
will be taken out of reserve funds.
A quick look at the earliest budget
archived on the Citys website 2007
shows $8.2 in expenditures & $14 million
in revenues, for an annual surplus of $5.8
million. Those were the days
[Editor: Out of curiosity, Id like to know
what year the budget broke $1million!]



Would you like to learn Spanish?

learn basic spanish in just 10 weeks.
These lessons will start on Monday April 28,
6-7:30pm. These classes will give you the
basic tools for functioning in a spanishspeaking environment. FMI contact Manuel,
The Valley Visual Artists will be hosting their annual show and sale May 131st at the Courthouse Art gallery. The
reception will be held May 3rd @ 4-6pm,
light refreshments will be provided and
youll have a chance to meet the artists.
stop by and check out the wonderful
array of art on display and support local
artists in the community too! gallery is
open Thursdays from 4-8pm, Friday &
saturday noon-6pm. FMI 378-6515.

Printmaking workshop

novice Adult Printmaking Workshop at

the Courthouse Art gallery, May 10 10am2pm. Drop in Fee $10, supplies included.
Bring your lunch and come for creative fun.
FMI 378-6515 or

Farmers Market garage sale

nicola Valley Farmers Market is having garage sale on May 10, 9am-2pm, at
the parking lot beside the Baillie House.
spots are $10 (bring your own table). All
table money raised, will go into nVFMs
yearly bursary, awarded to a high school
student to farther their education. Please
call sue at 378-2031 to book your spot.

Mothers day Tea at Baillie House

rotary crab dinner

You become aware of potential

sources of income which boosts
your sense of self worth & the
value you attach to possessions.
A new purchase does wonders
for your feel-good factor.

Your day-to-day role in how

you relate to people & events
will change rapidly. Over the
next few weeks, it is best to
go along with the ow and let
it all happen.

You are suddenly aware of what

you are seeking in life. Once this
revelation becomes apparent
you start making adjustments to
your compass and the direction
you are setting yourself in life.

You are introduced to a new

social group, a source of a
whole new range of activities
and goals for yourself. Form
new ideals to strive towards will
be fullling for you.

May 21 June 20


June 21 July 22

Oct. 23 Nov 21

Aug 23 Sept 22

Sept 23 Oct 22

Your work prole gets raised as

you are revealed to have abilities that are in demand. Support will quickly ow your way
from the most unexpected of

A new phase in your exploration of new lifestyles, values

and choices for how you live
your life. Investigating new
areas of experience proves
enlightening & rewarding.

You are aware of the resources

you have available to you. Making use of the powers that exist
in the world enables you to
make the most of opportunities
coming your way.

There's a break with your regular dealings with partners,

employers and the world. You
explore new possibilities and it
all happens with great speed
and dramatic change.





There is a sudden change in

relationships as it all becomes
more intense, emotional and
personal, a new phase has
begun which proves to be exciting and involving.

New factors come into play

around home & family that
change some of your assumptions. You will need to adjust
quickly to new changed circumstances.

You nd that new arrivals on

the local scene prove to be unusual and fascinating. Some
new friends and contacts prove
to be fascinating and revealing
in equal measure.

Take another look at how you

relate to society and the workplace as you become suddenly
aware of what is in demand and
how you can fulll it with your
talents and abilities.

Dec 22 Jan 19

ICBC Claims
Commercial residential
Automotive Industrial
2663 granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)


dinneR buffeT

Each evening, 4:30pm-8pm

20% off our buffet
for seniors

Tro p i c o S p i c e
Re s t a u ra n t
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 nicola Ave.

Baillie House

Saturday, May 10, 2014

2 seatings: 11:30am & 1:30pm
Come and enjoy a high tea in
a lovely Victorian setting

2nd annual Crab Fest May 10, 6pm,

Civic Centre. Dinner, dance, games,
50/50 draws, auctions, and music. Proceeds to Merritt Movie Theatre & Food
Banks Childrens nutrition Program.
Tickets $50 each from Jacqueline 3782546, elizabeth 378-4288, or Brambles.


Nov 22 Dec 21


Reservations 378-0349
by May 8, 6pm



Merritts Auto Glass


The 5th annual Merritt Country run is

sunday, June 8. organizers are looking for
volunteers for the morning of the event.
Contact Mary rogers or 315-3234.

Country run volunteers needed



210 1 quilc h en a av e. (25 0) 378-0 331

Find us on facebook

Day Tea


July 23 Aug 22

Work Lunches & Catering Available

Reservations & Private Parties Welcome

May 10, 2 seatings: 11:30am &

1:30pm, reservations required by May 8,
6pm. Tickets still only $12.50 each. Come
and enjoy a high tea in a lovely Victorian
setting. FMI & to reserve call 378-0349.

T his Weeks Horoscope

April 20 May 20

Monday - Saturday 7am - 7pm

Closed on Sunday

VVA 20thAnnual Show & Sale

engineer In An upscale Hotel As an engineer in an upscale hotel, I was asked to repair

or replace the television in a guest room. When I arrived, the couple was watching a
picture one-third the size of the screen. I knew all our spare sets were in use, so I
figured what the heck: I struck the side of the TV with the heel of my hand. The picture returned to full size. "Look, honey," said the wife to her husband. "He went to
the same repair school as you."

March 21
- April 19

w here fri en ds mee t to eat

Jan 20 Feb 18

Feb 19 Mar 20
Help make this
project happen!

The markers created

for creative people

monday edition april 28, 2013 #2574

Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax (250)378-2025 Email


Office supplies

priNtiNg & cOpyiNg


Home renovations
Plumbing repairs
rental home clean-up
door & window
Pressure washing
Window cleaning
Lawn cutting

SuMMeR STudenT PoSiTion

AT The bAiLLie houSe

May 6th to August 31st

32 hours per week
Wages: $13.00 per hour
Duties: Tourist Information, assisting with
fundraising events, site maintenance/
cleaning, organizing school tours, etc.
For more information or to apply call 378-0349
or email
Deadline is April 26th at 4 pm.

Corner of Voght & Mammette

(250) 378-0349


WhAT iS hoSPiCe?
Caring people working in
cooperation with physicians and
other members of the health care
team to offer support for the terminally
ill and their families
c/o 3451 Voght Street, Merritt, BC V1K 1C6
Contact 250-280-4040

Canadian Cancer Society

Relay For Life
is now a much requested DAYTIME
EVENT! Join us from Noon to Midnight May
31 to make a real difference in the fight
against cancer. Register for $20
Registration Page:
FACEBOOK PAGE: Canadian Cancer Society Relay
For Life Merritt, BC


We fix, build,
imprOve and clean
Home, yard, renos, projects, planning,
sml jobs ok, inside/outside landscape,
fencing & more. Reas rates. Refs avail.
Odd Jobber stands for integrity
mike poirier 315-1039 or cell 315-5398

missing since Apr 3: all blk cat w/ wht

paws/chest/whskrs, spayed fem. from
2300 Clapperton, nr old bottle depot, vry
missed, $200 reward 315-3041, 378-5506
wtd: to contact the woman who does
motorcycle training in Merritt 378-4887
seniors-in-training Positions
now avail. for Seniors-In-Training, applicants must be 40 yrs+. Qual. incl: willingness to have fun & enjoy company of
othrs. Duties incl: playng w/ like-minded
people at your choice of activities (bridge,
rumoli, whist, pool, flr curlng, crpt
bowlng, yoga, bingo, pot lucks, bus tours
& more). Benefits: positive health & wellness, free 2014 membership, all applicants
accepted. Merritt Seniors Assoc 378-3763
wtd: info leading to arrest of indiv.
who stole sml frzr @ 2378 Smith St, LN,
Dec 17, owned by homeless sngl mother,
reward offered 315-5866 or CrimeStoppers
angies tea leaf reading. Accurate,
born gift, no questions asked, affordable/
cheapest rates in town 378-8326 anytime
business opportunity

established Curves franchise

for sale. This facility includes fitness, online weight loss program and personal
coaching. Very rewarding business opportunity. Contact Sandra at 378-2957
employment opportunity

retail Liquor Sampling Representative needed. May 2/3 & June 27/28 at the
Merritt Gov Liquor Store. Must have SIR
certificate. $18/hour. Email resumes
Care aid needed for male quad at
Nicola Bay RV. 8AM-1PM for morning
personal care duties, May thru Sept. 3
wknds/month (some xtra days) + 2 full
wks (July 21 - Aug 4). Must be reliable
& exper'd. $100/day. Serious inq.
wtd: reliable grass cutter, w/ ride-on
lwnmwr & weed eater, apply w/ refs 3151000 or fax (604)985-2508
ranCh hlp wtd: Looking to hire
student to start ASAP (Spring Break) and
for following Saturdays to help w/ brndng
calves & othr rnch wrk $12/hr. Fax resume 378-4956, email
hair dresser needed, flexible hrs,
inquire at Nicola Meadows 378-4254
general laborer req'd w/ plumbing
& carpenter exper., must be reliable/gd
wrk ethics, fax resume to (604)985-2508
artisan Baker for bread shift. Experience and/or training, and references,
REQD. Apply to, or in person at 2151 Quilchena.
help wtd: sheet metal installer req'd
immed. 378-5104
looking for f-time butcher,wage
based on exper. Pls snd resume to: or Empire Valley Premium Beef, PO Box 4281,
Williams Lake, BC V2G2V3.

will do lt housework 525-0033

gardening season! Bring your
tools in to get sharpened. Also knives, scissors, saw blades, processor chains, chainsaw chains, router bits, drill bits & many
other types. Harvey 936-9857, drop off @
Vision Quest 2001 Quilchena Ave.
have rug cleaning machine, will
clean rugs 378-3469
our daily Bread Cleaning Services
avail. in Merritt for residential cleaning.
Linda (778)257-9149
handiman service 20 yrs exper.
economy rates, senior rate 315-3038
air brakes course Ap. 10-11 $160
will do light housekeeping. Katie
Core program to obtain BC hunting license 378-4904
dump runs, yrd cln-ups, hlf-tn trck,
reas. rates Jim 378-7756
on-Call delivery serv. w/ scooter, also
bottle recycling. Mike 378-8386, 378-8385
2x8 cedar dckng, fnc pnls, starting at $50
Complete Home Improvement Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No job
too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200
drywall, textured ceiling, painting.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066
granny's House Quilting & Retreat has
fabric and sewing notions. 378-3734
for sale - appliances

kenmore 30" elect. Range, gd cond.

evrythng wrks, ovn nds cleaning - not slf
cleaning. $50 378-7573
eleCt stove, 4-plate + ovn cleaner, gd
wrkng cnd $100 378-0886
stove, exc cond, elect., Kenmore, wht.
$75 525-0575
washer & dryer, Maytag 378-8383
sml apt-sz freezer, lk nw nvr plugged
$125obo. 5000btu a/c hardly used $50
Bob 315-4751
ge eleCt. stove with slf-cln 4 brnrs &
oven, gd wrkng cond. $150 378-0886.
st stl upright freezer, 11.3cf energystar $350 378-1647
free: Whirlpool built-in dishwasher,
wht 315-0221
8 qt. pressure canner 378-4097
maytag wshr & dryer, exc cnd $400
lrg pump coffee/thermos $15. Bill
apt-sz freezer, 3 yrs old, lk nw/nvr
plugged in $125obo. Bob 315-4751
lg frnt load wsher/dryer, awesome
machine! 2-1/2 yrs old, mnt cond., 2-1/2
yrs warr. left. $1100. 378-6522
upright Frigidaire frzr, brnd nw/nvr
used 11cf $300 firm 378-4343
8 qt pressure canner $40. 2 - 23'' deep
freezers $100. or will trade for smaller
size. Verna 378-4097
st stl Frigidaire 5-cycle b-i dshwshr,
wrkng cnd $50obo 378-2823
for sale - automotive

95 f150 4x4, 6-cyl, gd runnr, gd shape, xtras

$2500 378-4401
95 f150, 6-cyl, 4x4 $2850. Ken 378-4401

Valley Collision
quALITy Paint & Body repairs
Windshield rock Chips Body Blends
CALL 250-378-1620

760 GL
very low00
$ 3999

ColleCtors Plate, 81 Dodge Mirada,

v-8, 318, auto, p/w, p/s, nw rad & heater
core/brks/rotors/etc.,1200 km on reblt mtr,
n/rust, n/dents, trade for sml pck-up
$3900obo drive by 2202 Garcia St 378-5004
89 toyota trck, 274k 5-spd $725obo
nds some tlc 378-3021
set of 4 16" 8-blt alum. whls w/ st. stl
ctrs & nuts $250obo. 8' fbrgls canopy off
93 F250, exc cnd $250obo 378-7357
96 f150 Ford 4.9lt, rns well trans. slips
$850obo 315-8401
set 15" mags w/ summr tires $250 fits
Sunfire, Cavalier, 378-2370
91 linColn Town Car, cln, 2 sets tires
on rims $3500. 64 t-bird nds tlc, have
nw prts (250)295-6425 9am-5pm
05 honda Accord v6, full leather, reg.maintained, hi km $2500 378-7531
04 dodge Durango sub, loaded, lots
xtras, lw mil. Joe 378-7041
00 dodge Caravan 221k, p/w, p/l, AC,
6-cyl, gd summer tires, rem. strt, cd
player, 7-pass. $2250. Wntr tires on rims
for van $250 378-2763
99 CadillaC STS exc cond 162k,
3200obo. 89 toyota, rns $700 Bob 315-4751
82 ford Fairmont, lw mil. $700obo
used tires: 4- 225-65-16 Goodyear
Nordics. 3-4mm. $120, 2-285-75-16 E 56mm. $100.other sizes $10 UP. 315-4893
4 dodge rims, fit 88-90, bst offr 315-9317
lt tires: 1-LT 215/85/R16 on dually 8hole rim nw $100. 1-LT 215/85/R16 gd, no
rim $30. 4-LT 235/85/R16 gd, no rims $100.
1-LT 225/75/R16 gd, no rim $25 378-7363
reduCed, 08 Nissan Versa $7000 incl 4
gd wntr tires on whls, exc. cond. 378-2777
whls & tires,16" 8-hole, offrs 378-2874
87 toyota forerunner, for prts only,
exc tires/mtr $250obo 378-3496
4 summr tires on rims Michelin 195/65R15
from Jetta, 5-hole, gd tread $400 378-9545
92 mazda Mx3 291k + match. parts
car, brnd nw wntr tires, lots xtras, grt
commuter car $2000 firm for both, wellmaint'd. Call/text 315-8642, 315 3760
worth a look/won't last!
fbrgls tonneau cover, fits shrtbx 98 or
oldr full-sz GMC/Chev $300 936-8424
99 merC. Sable exc cnd, nw tires/brks,
well-maint'd, lw km 378-4392
Canopy fits 8' truck box 378-4097
02 trailblazer LTZ, loaded, nw
wntr tires A-1 cnd 315-2249
00 sngl Cab Dodge Dakota 4x4
$3000 936-9057
00 toyota Sienna van, sunroof, leathr,
rns well, 270k, $4000 378-2831
66 ford F100 $2500 378-2370
86 fiero $2500, stndrd, 4-cyl. 378-1337
brnd nw trck tires, set of 4, Gdyr Wrangler SR-A M&S LT265/70 R18 Load
Range E, pd $1500+, sell $795 378-5347
grease gun hvy duty air, 50' curly
hose, 2 fittings $175. 3-22 in.brake lines
$20 ea. 6 yellow Dietz cab lights. Delta
mid-lid crossover toolbox $175.
Trck roll bar w/ rear wndw guard +2
Grote lights $275. Brake Buddy slack
adjuster $30. Bill (250)572-4331
4 summer tires mounted on rims
185/60/R-14, 4-stud, lk nw/used 4 mos.
wrth $550, sell $250 firm 378-4581
02 sunfire, 1 owner, lw km, 2 sets
tires (wntr/summr) $4500 378-5841
00 dogde Dakota 4x4 $3000 936-9057
set of 4 Saxon King 235-85R16 10ply trck tires, studded, 90% tread
$350obo. 16" 8-blt alum whls w/ st. stl
centres & nuts $250obo. 8' fbrgls canopy
frm 93 F250 exc cnd $400obo 378-7357
93 toyota w/ lift-kit, v6, loaded, lw
km $6000obo 378-3527
94 Chev Blazer 4x4, lots rcnt wrk,
280k $4800obo 378-2147
93 toyota w/ lift-kit, v6, loaded, lw
km $6000obo 378-3527
86 samurai jeep w/ 1931 Morgan frnt
end 4wd, 1.3l eng., nds some tlc $4500
Julia (250)574-3032
livestock/pets & access.

purebred Germ. sheph. fem., 2 yrs

ol, vry gentle $300obo 378-2221
13'6" sharon Camarillo barrel racing
saddle $1400obo 315-2249
2 male cockatiels to gd home together
$120obo 378-0324, 280-0700
dog house, 3'x2' $40obo. Dog cage,
3'x2' $40obo. 2 dog beds $20ea., all gd
cond 378-9545
lrg sz 26h Petmate portable dog kennel $40, lk nw. Lrg plstc dog hse $20
13'lx8'4"h 2-horse trlr, incl 6' tck area,
dual axle, 120lbs ea. tire, pd $1650, sell
$1500obo Clarence 315-4842, 378-1819
boerboel (South African mastiff)
avail. for re-homing, spayed fem., 11 mos
old, loves women/chldrn/othr dogs, lived
w/ cat. Show guardian instincts w/ male
visitors at her home, best suited for rural
property $500 (250)314-9655 Kamloops
gentle Leader dog head collar, nw
$15. Bill (250)572-4331
gentle Leader Head Collar, black Lrg
never used $15 (250)572-3329
for sale - miscellaneous

plum trees $10ea. 1502 Orme St, 378-4471

Counter & flr greeting card rcks,
$45- $90. 378-2703
joe roCket mtrcycle leathers, sz 44
$40 378-1843
lrg hse plants, grt for offices/lrg
homes, ser. inq only 378-8383
free: Alum. dbl-slider wndw approx.
3'x5', gd shape, grt for cabin/shd 378-2727
earthway cedar $65. Bth chair
$900, batt-op, lowers/raises into bth tub
dahlia tuber 'Hale Bop' variety, orchid-flowering, light blend col., yellow/
orange $4 378-1336
2 Coff tbl, oak ent ctre, 2 tv stnds, dbl
bd, sew. machine 378-8383
$50 OR free: upright apartment piano
2 earth Machine composters, as sold
by City of Merritt, exc end $20ea. Apricot trees $5 ea. 5 14" tires, 5 or 4.5"
$75/all 378-2009
eleCt. scooter, brnd nw batt. $700obo.
2 walkers $20obo 378-3749, 315-3455

free compost & compost banns 1562

Douglas St., bck alley 280-0649
3-whl medical scooter, nw batt. w/
chrgr $600obo 378-5923
brwn elect. lift chair, exc cnd, hrdly
used $500. Transfer whlchair, blue, ltweight alum., 3 mos. old $100 280-7005
piano $1800 firm. Elect. whlchair
$1600. Grndfathr clock $250. hutch/
buffet $300 378-3488
2-whl elect. scootr, used 2 mos., nds
nw batt. $700obo. hip waders $65obo
fortress scootr, hrdly used. 5-gal.
cream cans. Collect. furniture 378-5360
handmade Native jewellery, wlkng
staffs, and rattles 936-9032
franklin collectors ed. croquet set in
wd bx w/ carry bag, brnd nw $50. 11 dozen
green glass cider bottles $40. 378-3569
mobility scooter w/ nw tires/batt.
$800obo. Ant. floor safe w/ combination
$600obo. 2 cream separators $100 &
$150. Sour kraut cutter $60. Tbl top
churn $100 378-3496
deadmau5 helmet $180obo. Custom
made to look just like the DJ! Lights up!
Tiffany 378-9291



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for sale - furniture

CouCh & matching chair, French

Provincial style, powder blue, beaut.
cond. $100 firm. Ken 378-6065
CouCh, chair, hide-a-bd 315-0071
reClining sectional, microfiber,
exc/lk nw cond. $400obo 378-7038
retro look lvngrm suite: match. sofa,
loveseat & chair, cream w/ dusty rose floral patt., exc cond, incl 4 match. cushions $300 378-4824
sngl bd w/ hdbrd & dresser. Couch & 2
match. chairs. 2 dsks, 1 free, 1 $20 525-0023
downsizng, many gd things to sell:
solid oak oval dining tbl, nw matt. full sz,
nw futon, 2 drssrs & I night 2-drawer,
lamps. etc. (250)270-2658.
handiCapped in/out of tub bath seat
$50 REDUCED to $30. 378-3569
sml oval tble w/ 4 chairs $50, in Kamloops (250)374-8933
dark blue sofa and chair, n/s, n/p $85

The Front Loader Standard Kit includes:

Front tee post, 2 heavy duty rails, headache
rack, standard electric loader.
$2000obo. 42 - 254 Highway 8, Merritt, BC
V1K 1M7. NEVER USED (250) 378-5144

for sale - electronics/software

vry rare 1954 Electrohome 20" tv

$100obo 315-3038
mobile Wi-Fi 4G $100 $80 378-3569
rCa 28 TV 1 yr-old $150. Nwwebcam
$15. Bill (250)572-4331
hp printer, copier, scanner, $35. Brother
fax machine$20 378-8787
for sale - recreational

90 bigfoot camper 88, fits import

sz truck & can be used on full size 8' bx
$5000. 378-4097
08 Class A Fleetwood TERRA Lx 32K, 1
ownr; lk nw; lw mil.; ext'd warr., loaded.
$68,900. info/pics
81 Chev 4x4 350 4-spd w/ camper,
cmpr spec. GVW 8600 Vanguard 10'
camper $4000/both (250)350-0011
80 seCurity class A 28' motorhome, GM
chassis 454, genset, roof air, evrythng wrks,
440 Morgan Ave., LN $3500obo 378-1650
94 dodge hi-step cmpr van $6900obo
Paul 378-2337
93 8' bigfoot cmpr fits 8' bx or
shrtbx, 4-brnr stove, nw 3-way f, furn,
bthrm $7000 378-6925
16 fbrgls Frontiersman sq. bck canoe
$600obo. 378-5843
10 jayCo trvl trlr, 32 w/ 2 slide-outs,
ext. warr., p/awn., p/jck, many access.
$29,900 378-9149
disney princess girls' bike, steel y
frame, 14" tires, for 3-6 yrs, sngl spd, frnt
hnd brk, rear coaster brk, handlebar bell,
crossbar bag, current model sold at Cdn
15 dia. trampoline w/net $125 936-8424
boy's bike, youth sz Super Cycle, frnt
end susp., lk nw 378-4718
8-prsn dome tent $100, 17'x9'x6' h, 4
drs, w/ fly, used 1x.378-3635
bike rack with hitch $25 378-3569
mens golf clubs, Excalibur irons: 3 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 & pitching wedge, gun driver, Daiwa 4wd, Dunlop putter, bag incl., golf balls/tees.
Ladies golf clubs, Waterford driver, putter and
irons: 3, 5, 7, 9, odd clubs: sand wedge; 7
wood; 4 iron, bag incl., balls/tees. Ladies golf
shoes, Eagle Trac, lk nw, ladies sz 7 378-5210
5th-whl slider hitch & frnt end stabilizer 378-4619
12' sea kayak , 1-prsn $100. Corbin mtrcycle seat, nw 23long $150 378-6567
red Camperet fits Ford 8' box F150
$150 378-4097
270 remington scope & reloading
mach w/ dies & misc items, 7 boxes reloaded amo $1200 378-2209
free membership, Timber Lodge
RV Resort. just pay $100US trnsfr fee,
opt. $79US to activate RPI Resorts or
trnsfr Coast to Coast Resorts membership. Perfect for a "Home Park". Ann.
maint. fee only $99US. Must give away
due to health. 315-0133
98 25 sportsman trvl trlr by Kit, slps
4-6, 2 batt., 2 prop. tnks, gas/elect. hot
water tnk, Dometic 2-dr fridge, microwave,
tv, rcvr & sway bars. $5,500obo 2475 Clapperton Ave., 315-0133, 936-8387
for sale - tools/equipment

prop. trnsfr hose 9' w/ quick couple connectors tnk to tnk, can be used on vehicles,
hard to find item. $80 firm 378-6464
1/4hp submers. wtr pump, 1200 gal/hr
$70 used 2 hrs, grdn hose outlet 378-6354
masterCraft air-pwrd nailer, 16
ga. 1-2.5" $60. 936-9032
48" howard rototiller for 3-pt htch,
gd wrkng cnd $1500 378-4315
new rototiller, Powermate 43cc eng., 8"
tines, cultivator, $250. Earthwise 8.5amp
elect. tiller/cultivator, for cln air choice,
used only 1x.$250 378-5004.
troy-bilt junior tiller, model #
15006, 4HP Standard, Tecumseh eng., lk
nw $550. Electric cement mxr, 1hp
motor $325. No calls Friday evening or
Saturday 315-3045
air angle polisher. CP 869P $50.
Kerosene heater Mastercraft, 12,900
BTU $50. 315-4893
Help make this
project happen!
Carrying rack to haul sml motorcycle, fits car/pckup. Tandem axle
trlr 196"x76"x60"h sides $2000,
hvy duty. Joe 378-2676
util trlr $500 (250) 256-8564
2hp twin tank air compressor, 4gall., gd cnd $75. Mastercraft wrkstation bnch $20. Fldng Creeper
Crawler, nw $20. 3-in-1 collecting
hedge trimmer $25. Stanley
Bostich nailer, 80 coils, 2" nails, 250
nails per coil $75. 378-2458
Cement mixer, elect. mtr, nw
drum $200obo Gary 280-1179
lk nw Honda gen $600, n/g orifice
kit szs 19-80 $75. Dig. multi-meter
$10. Delonghi oil-filled port. elect.
heatr $20 378-3569
wanted/wanted to buy

any type climbing, flowering

plants, strawberry plants 378-2778
rototiller, wrkng or not &/or
vert. end 315-1447
old-style round or square galv.
wsh tub, gd cnd 378-2778
12' alum boat, 378-7787
Controller for xbox & hk-up
cord 315-7863
qu sz bd, not soiled, gd cond.,
matt. only, can't afford to pay, sngl
mother 315-5866
alternator for 97 Ford Ranger
4x4, 4L V6 Nancy 280-1179
any type old wd tbls, old lumber
lot/smlaC. for dblwide mod. home,
pwr & wtr to site, reas. (604)867-9406
1 or 2 gd used wheelchairs, free /
cheap, gd shape, for use by elderly.
Jerry 378-7115
oldtop-load wshrs, will pck-up 378-4904
used 8-trcks, still playable. Used mtl
cage wire/chickenwire 378-2221
lrg cage for cat/dog 378-8326
sml stor. shed 6'x8', prfr wd to store
scooter 378-0413
for sale house/property

14x70 mbl home on corner lot w/

workshop, ser. inq. only 378-2136
handyman special, manuf'd
home, set up on lot, nds some TLC
only $8900. 315-1000
lot, 66x136 $73,000 378-3488
3-bdrm hse, 2bths, loft 378-4619
house for sale by owner. 3bdrm, 2-bth 378-4139
3-bdrm 2-bath House, Low. Nic.
$199,000, just finished setup on nw
lot, many upgrades, nw roof/hot wtr
tnk, 5 yr old furn., all nw flrng, nw
toilets, all appl.incl. , nw dw/w/d/ f,
upgraded to 200 amp elect. panel,
nw septic syst. compl. Len 315-8124
CommerC. property for sale or
trade, for commerc. prop. on outskirts of town, must have quanset/
barn 378-8326
dbl buildng lot, cul-de-sac, quiet area
Collettville, grasslnd setting 280-1017

for rent

modern 1600 sf top flr of hse, 2

bdrms + den, 2 leg dcks, rv prong, 15
min. from merritt $900 378-3485
for rent: Lower Nicola Community
Hall, reas. rates for your event 378-4717
lrg bachelor apt, end of May, Low.
Nic. pet-friendly, lrg yrd w/ big patio.
$420 incl. all util. & furnishings,
n/drugs n/parties. grt for stdnt ,on bus
line, 1/2 block to store (250)270-2658
bsmt ste nr schl, n/p 378-4387
3-bdrm recently reno'd apt, Low.
Nic. $950 util incl. 5-bdrm 2 full
bths $1200 in Merritt. 936-9057
3-bdrm, bright 2-lvl twnhse on quiet
cul de sac, wlk dwntwn, 1.5 bths, sml fncd
frnt & bck yrds, low maint., lndry hk-ups,
st prkng, pets neg. w/ dep., $950 incl. gas,
tenant pays hydro Jun 1 (250)682-0844.
logan Lake, Furn'd 1-bdrm Apt, includes Ht /Lt. Logan Lk 5 furnished
rooms in 2-storey furn'd house, incl.
f/s/dshwshr/w/d, incl hydro/ht/sat tv, n/p,
refs & sec. dep. req'd. $550 378-5004
3-bdrm hse, n/s, n/p $800 + util.,
dam. dep 378-1337
lrg uptwn 2-bdrm unit f/s/w/d,
wrkng tenants w/ refs, adult oriented
n/p, quiet tenants 378-8383
2-bdrm grnd lvl util incl, prkng,
May 1 n/p 378-2047
2-bdrm ste, immed., grnd lvl, quiet
lvl, n/s, n/p, refs req'd 378-2875
2-bdrm nice mbl on own fncd lot/
priv.yrd w/ dck, sml pet ok; w/d; f/s;
stor. shd, quiet ElDorado MHP, prefer senior, refs req'd, immed. $750 +
utils. 378-7363, 378-6110
2-bdrm bsmt $1000, immed. 378-4477
2-bdrm dplx $650, clean & cozy
3-brdm upstairs & 2-bdrm bsmt ste,
legal house w/ suite, F/S/W/D, priv.
entr., sep. electrical/shared ht, concrete
patios & lrge yrd.Mature prsns w/ refs
invited, n/druggies, n/vicious or neglected dogs
3-bdrm dplx, 1.5 bths. Brnd nw cabinets in kitch., nw flrng in lvngrm. schl
across street, lrg prkng in bck, n/s inside, n/p, dam. dep. for $850 378-8273
rent option to buy: own your own
manuf'd home 2 bdrm + 1 bth, on lrg lots
in mbl home prk fully set up, w/ dwnpayment 315-1000, 1 800-361-8111
2-bdrm bsmt $1000 315-4477
1-bdrm, w/ priv bthrm $375 or 2-bdrm &
lvngrm $500. for sngl elderly prsn,
whlchair access., immed. Cindy 378-4473
mbl home, $375 (250)319-7776
roommate wtd: shared house, own
furn'd bdrm/comp. rm/bthrm, shared lndry
downstairs, upstairsshared kitch./lvngrm,
outside dck , beaut. yrd, intrnt/util. incl.
for mature person, n/s ,n/d, n/p, $500 +
safety dep. 280-2264, 378-6020
2-bdrm grnd lvl ste, nr schl/store,
util incl. 378-6659
2-bdrmst, Bann, n/s, n/p May 1 315-5470

03 Pontia
c Su
4-cyl., au nfire
nice low k ,
sale price s
$4995 00
2776 Voght St., Merritt, BC Tel: 250-378-5966

50 under $4900
over 100 in stock

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