This document summarizes an assessment of whether the cleaning product "Radiacwash" meets the criteria to be classified as a hazardous waste according to Minnesota regulations. The assessment found that the product is over 85% water and the remaining ingredients have low toxicity. Based on available toxicity data for the ingredients, it was determined that the product would not exceed the lethal thresholds defined in the regulations. Therefore, the conclusion is that "Radiacwash" does not qualify as a hazardous waste under Minnesota's rules.
This document summarizes an assessment of whether the cleaning product "Radiacwash" meets the criteria to be classified as a hazardous waste according to Minnesota regulations. The assessment found that the product is over 85% water and the remaining ingredients have low toxicity. Based on available toxicity data for the ingredients, it was determined that the product would not exceed the lethal thresholds defined in the regulations. Therefore, the conclusion is that "Radiacwash" does not qualify as a hazardous waste under Minnesota's rules.
This document summarizes an assessment of whether the cleaning product "Radiacwash" meets the criteria to be classified as a hazardous waste according to Minnesota regulations. The assessment found that the product is over 85% water and the remaining ingredients have low toxicity. Based on available toxicity data for the ingredients, it was determined that the product would not exceed the lethal thresholds defined in the regulations. Therefore, the conclusion is that "Radiacwash" does not qualify as a hazardous waste under Minnesota's rules.
This document summarizes an assessment of whether the cleaning product "Radiacwash" meets the criteria to be classified as a hazardous waste according to Minnesota regulations. The assessment found that the product is over 85% water and the remaining ingredients have low toxicity. Based on available toxicity data for the ingredients, it was determined that the product would not exceed the lethal thresholds defined in the regulations. Therefore, the conclusion is that "Radiacwash" does not qualify as a hazardous waste under Minnesota's rules.
Date: September 25, 2008 Supersedes: 9/28/2005 Section 1. Chemical Product and Company information Product Name: Radiacwash Trade Name: N/A Product Type: Cleaning Solution CASRN: N/A DOT-Shipping Name: Not Regulated by DOT DOT Hazard Class: N/A
Emergency Telephone Number (631)924-9000 Manufacturer/Distributor Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. 20 Ramsay Road Shirley, NY 11967 * See Section 16 for designations of abbreviations used Section 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients This product contains no hazardous ingredients as defined in the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CF.R 1910.1200)
Section 3. Hazards Identification/Emergency Overview Carcinogenic/Potentially Carcinogenic NTP IARC OSHA No No No This product is nontoxic and nonflammable. Flashpoint: >110 degrees C (230 degrees F) Oral Toxicity is low. Section4.FirstAid Measures SkinContact: Nonerequired EyeContact: Wash withcopious amounts ofcoldwater SkinContact: None required SkinContact: None requir ed Section5.FireFightingMeasures ExtinguishingMedia:Any media appropriateforsurroundingmaterials. SpecialFire-FightingProceduresorEquipment: None required Hazardous CombustionProducts: None known Unusual FirelExplosionHazardous: None known Section6.AccidentalReleaseMeasures Nonerequired Section7.HandlingandStorageInformation Thisproduct does notrequire anyspecial handling.Donotstore productbelow zero degreesC(32degrees F)orabove 38degrees C(l00degrees F) Section8.ExposureControlslPersonalProtection Noexposure controlsorspecial personal protectionisneededforthis product. Section9.Physical/ChemicalProperties Appearance: Bluish/transparentliquid FlashPoint: >110degrees C(233degrees F) BoilingPoint: 100degrees C(212degrees F) Freezing Point: 0.3degrees C(35degrees F) Odor: pungent Solubility (water): soluble (organics): insoluble Specific Gravity: 1.052grams/milliliter EvaporationRate (Water= 1.0): 1.2 Section10.StabilitylReactivity Thisproductisstable andnotreactive. Section 11.ToxicologicalInformation Thisproduct isnot toxicandposes nosignificanthealth hazards. Section 12.EcologicalInformation Thisproduct isnotexpectedtocauseanysignificantadverse health effects tothe environmentwhen itisused asintended andproperly disposedof. Section13.DisposalConsiderations Dispose inaccordancewith local,stateandfederal regulations. Section 14. Transportation Information This product is not regulated by DOT Section 15. Regulatory Information The ingredients in this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory. None of the ingredients in this product are Class 2 Ozone depleting agents or regulated by the CERCLA, RCRA, SARA, Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act. This product is not considered to be a hazardous waste under the state of Minnesota Regulations. Section 16. Other Information The manufacturer and distributor of this product and the preparer of this MSDS believe that the information contained herein is complete and accurate as oftoday's date. HOWEVER NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS CONCERNS THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. Since the conditions and methods of use of this product are beyond the control of the manufacturer/distributor and the MSDS preparer, these parties expressly disclaim any and all liabilities from results arising from any use or misuse of the product or information in this MSDS. Abbreviations used in this MSDS CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CFR: Code of Federal Regulations DOT: Department of Transportation IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer NFPA: National Fire Protection Association NPCAIHNIS: National Paint and Coatings Association's Hazardous Materials Information System NTP National Toxicology Program OSHA: Occupational safety and Health Administration RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SGS Assessment for " Radiacwash" for Compliance with the State of Minnesot a' s MN Rul e 7045 , SGS LSS Project NO.:OOI :020966/1 Background A current Mat er ial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product which contained a quantitative list of the ingredients in it and MSDSs for all the ingredients, except water, were submitted to the reviewer. It is assumed that these ingredients contain no contaminants at levels that would be toxic or irrit ating to a consumer who may be exposed to them . U)::) Life Science Services, Inc. has requested that this product be evaluated for compliance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency' s amended MN Rule 7045 Hazardous Wastes In 7045.031 Characteristics of Hazardous Waste Regulations. These regulations require that chemical soluti ons be classified in terms of potential lethality as defined in MN Rule 7045 (median oral lethal dose of <500 rug/kg, medi an dermal lethal dose of <I ,000 mg/kg and inhalation medi al lethal concentrations of <2, 000 mg/cubic meter of ai r for dust s/mi st s and 1,000 ppm for gases/vapors). Assessment Computerized sear ches of the National Library of Medicine's (NLM's) toxicological databases and other sources of information provided the available average median dose values for each of the ingredients in this product (oral, dermal and inhalation exposure s). Based on these data, the amount of water (>85%) and the low toxicity values for the remaining ingredien ts in thi s mixture, it may be concluded that thi s product will not exceed the median lethal thresholds established in the regulations cited above for classifying this product as potentially lethal. Conc lusion Based on all the avail able information provided to date, it is our opinion that thi s "Radicawash'' product does not meet the criteria est abl ished by the State of Minnesota as a hazardous waste (not lethal as defined in MN Rule 7045 ). .1L..,-., '-rU z.c-c:.- Jo n Breheny, M Micha el 1. Norvell , Ph.D., DABT* Date Manager Toxicol Toxicol ogist and Consultant to SOS Life SGS Life Science Services Science Services * Diplomat e, Ameri can Board of Toxicol ogy, Inc.