Homework 6 Solutions
Homework 6 Solutions
Homework 6 Solutions
status to estimate a erage delay as a performance measure! "efer to the #$% manual for the detector drawing! &se a time'space diagram to illustrate how the method you propose would work! &se the same diagram to show weaknesses and assumptions that you ha e to make! (learly state how each detector will )e used to collect the data that you need! &sed &S 1* and 3rd Street +, approach! -inks 1....1/ and 5! 0nly link 1....1/ data are used! Start time1 2.!1 (sim sec) 3nd time1 135!1 (sim sec) ,egin red1 2.!1 (sim sec) ,egin green1 4*!* (sim sec) 3nd green1 135!1 (sim sec) 5easuring delay across )oth lanes, so arri als and departures can )e counted in )oth lanes at once! Stop )ar is at link coordinate 314!/ ft (this is the . ft reference point for detectors) 66detector location specified in terms of detector downstream edge66 Stop )ar %etectors are )etween '3 ft and 14 ft relati e to the stop )ar take departure count at farthest downstream stop )ar loop at . ft 5iddle detectors at 24 ft relati e to stop )ar &pstream detectors at 171 ft relati e to stop )ar (take arri al count at these detectors) (ount inter als1 1. seconds
Stop bar count location
# ! ' %) %( *%
Cummulative Arrival Count
$"" /" $#" !" '" %"" %%" %*" %$" %)"
For this delay measurement e8ample, # started counting at t 9 2. seconds! $here was already one ehicle )etween the two detectors! $his represents two weaknesses of this method for measuring delay! 0ne is that dri eways that introduce or remo e ehicles )etween the detectors will throw the delay measurement off! :nother is that when you start measuring you ha e to either assume that there are no ehicles )etween the detectors or you ha e to count the ehicles )etween them! # assumed no ehicles )etween the detectors! $he effect of this assumption is a delay measure that is )iased low! 3ach detector counts the cars that tra erse them and the count data are reported )ack to the controller which then sums the counts, cumulati ely, )y inter al!
Time Interval Cummulative Cummulative Cars between end time Arrival Count Departure Count detectors !" # " '" ! " %"" %% ( %%" %) %* %*" %( %( %$" *% %' Total Arrivals *% Total vehicle seconds (veh+sec Avera,e vehicle seconds (veh+sec avera,e dela- (sec Estimated travel Time # ! # * " * (# (# $# %" %" %!# !&!"'#*$!% #&$ Subtract freeflow travel time from the avera,e travel time to account for the fact that there is a considerable distance between the two detectors and that vehicles travelin,. without stoppin,. are not dela-ed& Distance Posted Between detectors Freeflow Travel time Speed (mph Center to Center (ft between detectors (sec $# %!% $&#
(*) For a *5 mph approach, show how you would use detector information and signal status to estimate wasted green time as a performance measure! "efer to the #$% manual for the detector drawing! (learly state how each detector will )e used to collect the data that you need! Show an e8ample calculation that includes each detection, signal status, and condition you need to know in order to arri e at your wasted green time estimate! ;asted green time is the portion of green time for an acti e phase that is not used to ser e ehicles! $herefore, this portion of green time is wasted! 0ne way to calculate the wasted green time is to di ide a green time into su)'inter als! $he length of su)'inter als is user'defined, e!g!, two seconds! : used su)'inter al is an inter al during which the stop')ar detector has )een occupied! 0n the other hand, a wasted su)'inter al is one during which the stop )ar detector is not occupied! $he sum of the length of all wasted su)'inter als is the duration of wasted green time for a green time! $he figure )elow shows a green time inter al and the time during which the stop )ar detector is occupied (patched pattern)! $he length of the green time is 11 seconds! $he su)'inter al is defined to )e 3 seconds! $herefore, this green time inter al can )e di ided into three inter als and one residue inter al of two seconds! $he first and second inter als are used! So the wasted green time is three seconds if the residue inter al is not counted!
$herefore, the percentage of wasted green time is the ratio )etween the duration of wasted green time and the total green time! For the a)o e e8ample, the percentage of wasted green time is 3 seconds di ided )y 11 seconds, i!e!, .!*2! 0n Figure 3.6!.5'.* -oop %etector Spacing <lan in #$% $raffic 5anual, stop )ar detectors are used for all approach speeds! $hese stop )ar detectors and green time information (the start and end of green time) can )e used to calculate wasted green time!
(3) "efer to the 5&$(% to answer the following =uestions1 a! ;hen should pedestrian signals )e used> Standard: <edestrian signal heads shall )e used in con?unction with ehicular traffic control signals under any of the following conditions1 :! #f a traffic control signal is ?ustified )y an engineering study and meets either ;arrant /, <edestrian @olume or ;arrant 5, School (rossing (see (hapter /()A ,! #f an e8clusi e signal phase is pro ided or made a aila)le for pedestrian mo ements in one or more directions, with all conflicting ehicular mo ements )eing stoppedA or (! :t an esta)lished school crossing at any signaliBed location! %! ;here engineering ?udgment determines that multiphase signal indications (as with split'phase timing) would tend to confuse or cause conflicts with pedestrians using a crosswalk guided only )y ehicular signal indications! Guidance: <edestrian signal heads should )e used under any of the following conditions1 :! #f it is necessary to assist pedestrians in making a reasona)ly safe crossing or if engineering ?udgment determines that pedestrian signal heads are ?ustified to minimiBe ehicle'pedestrian conflictsA ,! #f pedestrians are permitted to cross a portion of a street, such as to or from a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, during a particular inter al )ut are not permitted to cross the remainder of the street during any part of the same inter alA andCor (! #f no ehicular signal indications are isi)le to pedestrians, or if the ehicular signal indications that are isi)le to pedestrians starting or continuing a crossing pro ide insufficient guidance for them to decide when it is reasona)ly safe to cross, such as on one'way streets, at $'intersections, or at multiphase signal operations!
)! :t what point in the pedestrian phase should each inter al (steady D;:-EF, flashing D%0+G$ ;:-EF, and steady D%0+G$ ;:-EF) appear> #nclude a description of when it should appear relati e to the non' conflicting ehicle phase! Standard1 ;hen pedestrian signal heads are used, a ;:-E#+H <3"S0+ (sym)oliBing ;:-E)
signal indication shall )e displayed only when pedestrians are permitted to lea e the cur) or shoulder! : pedestrian clearance time shall )egin immediately following the ;:-E#+H <3"S0+ (sym)oliBing ;:-E) signal indication! $he first portion of the pedestrian clearance time shall consist of a pedestrian change inter al during which a flashing &<":#S3% H:+% (sym)oliBing %0+$ ;:-E) signal indication shall )e displayed! $he remaining portions shall consist of the yellow change inter al and any red clearance inter al (prior to a conflicting green )eing displayed), during which a flashing or steady &<":#S3% H:+% (sym)oliBing %0+$ ;:-E) signal indication shall )e displayed! #f countdown pedestrian signals are used, a steady &<":#S3% H:+% (sym)oliBing %0+$ ;:-E) signal indication shall )e displayed during the yellow change inter al and any red clearance inter al (prior to a conflicting green )eing displayed) (see Section /3!.2)! :t intersections e=uipped with pedestrian signal heads, the pedestrian signal indications shall )e displayed e8cept when the ehicular traffic control signal is )eing operated in the flashing mode! :t those times, the pedestrian signal lenses shall not )e illuminated! Huidance1 38cept as noted in the 0ption, the walk inter al should )e at least 2 seconds in length so that pedestrians will ha e ade=uate opportunity to lea e the cur) or shoulder )efore the pedestrian clearance time )egins! 0ption1 #f pedestrian olumes and characteristics do not re=uire a 2'second walk inter al, walk inter als as short as / seconds may )e used! Support1 $he walk inter al itself need not e=ual or e8ceed the pedestrian clearance time calculated for the roadway width, )ecause many pedestrians will complete their crossing during the pedestrian clearance time! Huidance1 $he pedestrian clearance time should )e sufficient to allow a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk who left the cur) or shoulder during the ;:-E#+H <3"S0+ (sym)oliBing ;:-E) signal indication to tra el at a walking speed of 1!* m (/ ft) per second, to at least the far side of the tra eled way or to a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait! ;here pedestrians who walk slower than 1!* m (/ ft) per second, or pedestrians who use wheelchairs, routinely use the crosswalk, a walking speed of less than 1!* m (/ ft) per second should )e considered in determining the pedestrian clearance time! 0ption1 <assi e pedestrian detection e=uipment, which can detect pedestrians who need more time to complete their crossing and can e8tend the length of the pedestrian clearance time
for that particular cycle, may )e used in order to a oid using a lower walking speed to determine the pedestrian clearance time! Huidance1 ;here the pedestrian clearance time is sufficient only for crossing from the cur) or shoulder to a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, additional measures should )e considered, such as median'mounted pedestrian signals or additional signing! 0ption1 $he pedestrian clearance time may )e entirely contained within the ehicular green inter al, or may )e entirely contained within the ehicular green and yellow change inter als! 0n a street with a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, a pedestrian clearance time that allows the pedestrian to cross only from the cur) or shoulder to the median may )e pro ided! %uring the transition into preemption, the walk inter al and the pedestrian change inter al may )e shortened or omitted as descri)ed in Section /%!13!
c! ;here should you locate the pedestrian )utton> Standard1 <edestrian signal heads shall )e mounted with the )ottom of the signal housing including )rackets not less than *!1 m (2 ft) nor more than 3 m (1. ft) a)o e sidewalk le el, and shall )e positioned and ad?usted to pro ide ma8imum isi)ility at the )eginning of the controlled crosswalk! #f pedestrian signal heads are mounted on the same support as ehicular signal heads, there shall )e a physical separation )etween them! d! #n your own words, e8plain the guidelines for timing each pedestrian inter al! Hi e an e8ample calculation for the pedestrian phase crossing SH 7 at the intersection of Farm "d and SH 7! &se Hoogle 3arth to get the necessary measurements! ;:-E (steady)1 from / to 2 secondsIdepending on pedestrian olume %0+G$ ;:-E (flashing)1 at least e=ual to (tra eled way width or distance to median)C/ fps! (an e8tend into the yellow clearance inter al andCor red clearance inter al ! %0+G$ ;:-E (steady)1 remaining portion of the yellow clearance inter al and red clearance inter al during which the flashing'%0+G$ ;:-E is not acti e!
(/) $ime the J3--0; and :--'"3% inter als for the 3,$H and 3,-$ mo ements for the same intersection as used in pro)lem 3 (a)o e)! For the necessary distance measurements, refer to Hoogle 3arth! &se the posted speed as $ime the J3--0; and :--'"3% inter als for the 3,$H and 3,-$ mo ements for (1) the design ehicle speed! the same intersection as used in pro)lem 3 (a)o e)! For the necessary distance measurements, refer to through Hoogle 3arth! &se the posted speed as the design ehicle speed! For the mo ement!
3,$H ; := 2.ft := 35mph < := 72ft a := 1. ft s y := t + y = 3!6 s 3,-$ ; := 22ft y := t + y = *!7 s < := 1./ft - := *.ft r := < := *5mph
g := .!.
t := 1!.s
* a + * H g
r = 1!2 s
* a + * H g
r = *!7 s