Supplier Quality Improvement - Checklist
Supplier Quality Improvement - Checklist
Supplier Quality Improvement - Checklist
1. Quality history
How many lots were received with this part number? What % of lots were rejected with this part number? What types of defects were identified in receiving inspection note? Were previously committed corrective/preventive actions effective?
2. Delivery history
What % of lots were on time for this part number ? How many days early or late were the lots for this part number? Were previously committed recovery plans effective in improving delivery?
Are all drawings available, including component detail? Are all drawings complete (dimensions, tolerances, material finishes etc), signed, darted and released through document control? Does the drawing include the latest revision? Is the bill of material complete and accurate? Are the next-higher assembly drawing numbers listed and available? Are dimension/tolerances excessively tight for processing, and will special processing be required? normal
Are dimension/tolerance changes required to support tooling and process? Has an assembly tolerance stack-up or statistical tolerancing been conducted? Are there drawing notes, dimensions, tolerances, representing areas where the supplier does not currently have manufacturing experience? Does the artwork meet all parameters as called out in the manufacturing specification and fabrication drawing? Does the supplier have recommendations to improve the clarity of the drawings?
4. Product specifications
Are all specifications available (product, functional assemblies, electronic components)? Are specifications complete, signed, dated and released? Are specification changes required to support tooling and processes? Are there specifications that exceed the suppliers current technology? Are there specifications that appear unrealistic and costly to meet? Are the specifications and artwork compatible?
Product specifications...
Are there any questions or recommendations regarding the specifications? Does the supplier have any difficulty in meeting the specifications? Has engineering completed design verification testing? Has regulatory testing been completed and have regulatory approvals been obtained? Has reliability and environmental testing been completed? Are there recommendations for design changes that will improve product reliability?
5. Cost
Does the design meet target costs for manufacturing, capital and maintenance? Are there recommendations for design changes that will reduce cost?
6. Process
Is the design capable of being manufactured with the suppliers current process? Are there any special equipment required? Is the process capable of making the part as designed? Are the manufacturing methods documented? Does the supplier need assistance in developing the process? Are the material-handling procedures adequate to prevent damage to the part?
7. Inspection
Is the drawing clear and understandable? Are datum selection complete and logical? Are material, finish and form adequately called out? Are current inspection methods and gages capable of measuring the part as designed? Are the standard measuring tools calibrated? Are the calibration procedures documented?
Is special or unique equipment required at the supplier and inhouse correlated? Are inspection instructions available for each part number? Are they comprehensive? Are critical/major/minor dimensions called out on the drawing or in or in the inspection instructions? Has an inspection/test capability study been performed? Are the results acceptable? What are the current sampling plans?
Does the supplier need assistance in developing an inspection plan? Does the supplier have a quality management system? Is source inspection required - plant location? Source inspector trained?
9. Packaging requirements
Is shipping protection against moisture/humidity required? Is there a special finish on the product that requires special handling? Is thermal protection required? Are there special aging and shelf-life limitations? Is there a delicate nature to the product which requires special packaging to allow for handling in-house? Will the product require special packaging and shipping due to size, weight, mounting or cooling? Has testing of the packaging been completed (drop test, road test, other environmental)?
What is the projected annual volume? What is the projected daily volume? When is the product scheduled to start production? Is the suppliers process capable of manufacturing the required volume and meeting the delivery schedule?
This part number and quantity will represent what percent of the suppliers capacity?
Verbal instructions are unacceptable and changes must be backed up by the documentation, including approved marked drawings. Is this procedure being followed internally and with the supplier? Are change orders incorporated only after receipt documentation and in acceptable time by the supplier? of
Do drawings and purchase orders reflect the same part number and revision? Are the requirements for the first article specified in the purchase documents?
Procurement administration
Have the quality assurance policies and requirements been included in the purchase documents? Has the first article been received, inspected and approved? Is the supplier on the approved Manufacturers List? Does the suppliers part number match the approved in-house part number?
Are tooling charges made at the supplier only after receipt of purchase orders?
Are suppliers aware of and given the opportunity to submit deviation requests prior to shipment of the product?