GIS Analysis of The Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line: Erin S. Ganzenmuller May 1, 2014 UWF GIS4043/L
GIS Analysis of The Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line: Erin S. Ganzenmuller May 1, 2014 UWF GIS4043/L
GIS Analysis of The Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line: Erin S. Ganzenmuller May 1, 2014 UWF GIS4043/L
Erin S. Ganzenmuller
May 1, 2014
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions FPL Service Area Project Background Study Area Line project cartographic model Objectives:
Homes within proximity of the transmission line Schools within proximity of the transmission line Imposition on communities, land owners or parcels, and
environmentally sensitive lands
Florida Power & Light Company provides an essential service. We take our obligation to serve residents, businesses, and governmental entities throughout the state very seriously. FPL is regulated by the Florida Public Service Commission and must construct basic electric facilities in order to distribute electricity from generating plants to our customers. Just like roads and water and sewer facilities, electrical lines and facilities are a necessary part of every communitys infrastructure. Much like our highway system, FPL's massive 71,500 -mile powerline grid is made up of large and small lines. If rolled out, these lines would wrap around the earths equator not once or twice but three times. Transmission lines are larger and operate somewhat like interstate highways and expressways. Distribution lines are smaller than transmission lines and function similar to streets and avenues that crisscross communities and neighborhoods. FPL does not oppose placing lines underground. However, it is important to note that there are both pros and cons to building lines overhead and underground. The reliability of overhead and underground lines is comparable. For example, both underground and overhead lines are subject to lightning damage. Although overhead lines may have more exposure than underground lines to wind damage or collisions, underground facilities are prone to flood damage, especially in coastal areas where exposure to salt water could cause an outage. The key difference between underground and overhead lines is that it typically takes more time with underground lines to diagnose the problem and make repairs. This difference in repair time is best characterized in days rather than hours.
This graphic shows the FPL service area Includes Manatee and Sarasota Counties
Background of Project
230-kilovolt transmission line Many paths considered using Geographic Information
Systems (GIS)
1,275 alternatives evaluated Community members contacted for input Comments considered by FPLs project team Route chosen provides ability to serve new customers in
growing areas of Manatee and Sarasota Counties east of I-75
Study Area
Manatee and Sarasota counties are in central Florida on the western side of the peninsula Manatee County Population: 322,833
Study Area
Parts of central Manatee and northern Sarasota County Transmission line runs approx. 24.5 miles
DOQQ imagery, conservation lands, county boundaries, major roads, NWI study area information, Manatee and Sarasota county parcels, preferred parcels , buffer zones of residences and schools near transmission line
Basemap to include aerial images, county boundaries, major roads, cities, parcels and buffer zones.
Base map to include land use covers, county boundaries, major roads, and environmentally sensitive lands.
Length of measure for transmission line Measure segments of transmission line, add up to find total length.
Use buffer tool to create a proximity of transmission line in regards to residential and school properties and public land use.
Map showing a proximity buffer of transmission line impacting residences. Map showing a proximity buffer of transmission line impacting schools.
Use intersect tool to find parcels and environmentally sensitive lands that fall within transmission line area.
Analyze if current location meets community needs and minimizes effects on the local area.
Map showing where transmission line is placed and what impact it may have on certain land use types and environmentally sensitive areas.
Objective 1 - Homes
Relatively few homes in close proximity
41 homes identified
30 homes within 400
Objective 2 - Schools
Generally avoids schools and school sites
No schools directly impacted by corridor
area Closest school within 1 mile Robert Willis Elementary School All other schools 2+ miles Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch
Witt Elementary School McNeal Elementary School R. Dan Nolan Middle School
Objective 2 Daycares
Generally avoids schools and school sites
No daycare sites directly impacted
3 Daycare facilities
Land Cover
Impacted Parcels
Study Area:
Manatee County Sarasota County Total:
132 30 162
Parcels 202 53 255
5.6% Uplands impacted 2.4% Wetlands impacted
Total Cost:
*Unit cost per mile shown is based on flat land/rural setting, engineering and construction costs only. Environmental, Permitting, and Right of way Acquisition costs are not included.
Ng, P. (2009, February 26). Cost Guide for Transmission Lines. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from
Ideal route after consideration of 1,275 alternatives Meets objectives
Relatively few homes in close proximity Generally avoids schools and school sites Avoids large areas of environmentally sensitive lands Line can be built along route for reasonable cost
Questions or Comments?
You may contact FPL regarding this project at or call us toll free at 1-800-693-3267
References p.pdf,_Florida,_Florida