AMSO User Manual

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Apollo Mission Simulator for Orbiter

This add-on is dedicated to my good friend Dennis Hare, Alias "LazyD", who left us too soon in November !!"#

This version of AMSO will run onl with Orbiter 2!1!"#1$ buil% 1!!&!& to buil% 1!1!1&. An other Orbiter versions 'ON(T wor) *AMSO will abort+.

,,, ATTENTION ,,, -e.ause of AMSO mesh prote.tion s.heme$ AMSO ma not wor) properl *s.ramble% meshes+ with Orbiter server version /Orbiter0n1.e2e/. $t is the case, for e%am&le, with the sam&le gra&hic engine client' D(D")lient#dll# *n the other hand, this version of A+,* has been tested intensively with D(D-)lient#dll, version .)((, with good results#

/oreword0000000000000#0000000000000 !1 *ther Add-ons0000000000000000000#00000 !2 $nstallation0000000000000000000###00000### !" 3ninstalling0000000000000000000000000# !4 *rbiter o&timum setu& for A+,*000##0000000000000 !Anti-aliasing0000000000000000000000000 !Launch tower and 5ad-(-A00000#0000000000000### 6! A5*LL* and L+ vessels vulnerability feature00000000000# 6 3sage0000000000#00000000000000000# 6( "7" Action 8ey000000000000000000000000# 6( "9" Alternate Action 8ey0000000000000#000000### 61 "+" focus toggle 8ey0000000000###0000000000### 6: "N3+5AD ;NT;." 8ey00000000000000000000 62 ")T.L-7" 8ey00000000000000##0000000000 62 ")T.L-9" 8ey00000000000000##000000000## 62 ",H$/T-)T.L-$" 8ey0000000##0000000000000### 62 ")T.L-L" < ",H$/T-L" < ",H$/T-)T.L-L" 8eys0000000000# 6" ")T.L-N3+5AD':" < ",H$/T-)T.L-N3+5AD':" 8eys000000## 6" "TA=" 8eys000000000000000##000000000### 6" >irtual coc8&its00000000000000000000000### 64 5articularities of &re-A5*LL* 66 missions000000000000### 6Time acceleration management0##0000000000000000 ! Auto&ilots00000000000000000000000000 6 ),+ auto&ilot com&uter functions000000000##000000## 6 L+ auto&ilot com&uter functions0000000000000000### 5D$ o&eration ?+oon landing@ 00000000000000000## A=*.T < A=*.T-,TAA;0000000000000000000 1 A,);NT o&eration ?rendezvous@ 0000000000000000## 1 5re-landing au%iliary functions00000000000000000## 2 Abort lunar o&erations0000000000000000#0000### 2 5*,T-A=*.T, au%iliary functions00000000000###0000 2 /3LL ,TA)9 +AN*;3>;. au%iliary function0000000000# " ;..*. +;,,AA;,00000000000000000##0000 4 ,$+ bay instruments and activities00000000000#00000 +oon landing sites scenery000000000000000#0000 (6 Damages and failures000000000##000000000000 ( Lunar ;>A activities000000000000000000000## (1 Bor8ing on the +oon000000000000000000000# (: The four launch &hase abort modes0000000000000000 (-

Aerodynamic lift00000000000000000000000# .ecovery team000000000000000000000000 How to &ilot the ,ea9ing helico&ter00000000000000#0# 3sage of ground camera00000000000000000#000 Around cameras &resets00000000000000#000000# ,ound customization000000000000000000000### ,ound customization &er mission0000000000000000### Technical information000000000000000000000# ,&ecifications of ,aturn > 00000000000000#00000 ,&ecifications of A&ollo vessel00000000000000#000# ,&ecifications of A&ollo L+ vessel000000000000000### ,&ecifications of earth &ar8ing orbit insertion00000000000### 9N*BN 5.*=L;+,00000000000000000#000## ).;D$T,00000000000000000000000000 )*5C.$AHT?,@ 00000000000000000000000

1! 16 16 1 11 1: 1" :! : :( :1 :: :" :4 2!

Belcome to the latest version of A+,*D A+,* was the &recursor of all A&ollo mission simulations for *rbiter# A+,* gives you the o&&ortunity to understand and a&&ly all &rinci&les of s&ace navigation# $t is the &erfect &latform to learn all about roc8et technology and s&ace navigation, by using standard *rbiter instruments and custom add-ons li8e "$+/D", "LT+/D", "TransE", etc#, in the conte%t of an A&ollo mission# A+,* is not rigid at allF you can fly a whole A&ollo mission totally manually ?which is a real challengeD@# =ut you can also use a very accurate ;arth orbit inGection auto&ilot# The same for the A&ollo H L+ vessels, which are both eIui&&ed with a so&histicated auto&ilot com&uter, behaving Gust li8e in reality and was develo&ed by "LazyD"# Than8s to the amazing wor8 of Luis Tei%eira, A+,* loo8s really beautiful# All vessels are te%tured and sometimes itJs easy to believe youJre seeing real NA,A &hotogra&hyD =oth virtual coc8&its ?the command module and the L+@ contribute a lot to the immersion feeling# $t is also a real &leasure to e%&lore the +oon landing sites, with the beautiful realistic scenery Luis has created# Than8s to the new mouse interface for generic +/D, included in *rbiter since version !2!:!1, the absence of custom &anels is no longer a handica&, es&ecially for com&le% instruments li8e $+/D# $ focus my attention on reliability, sim&licity and &erformance# /or e%am&le, with A+,* you will see &erfectly smooth staging animations# Than8s to the way A+,* manages meshes, you will get a good frame rate, even with the large A&ollo vessel high resolution meshes# Than8s to the 8eyboard interface, you are not forced to be in the coc8&it for such a great event li8e the A&ollo (rd stage se&aration# 7ust go to the outside view, &ress the action 8ey and admire it DDD Cou may activate the new *rbiter "Damage H failure simulation" o&tion and get random failures of several 8inds, including the A&ollo 6( case# All the launch seIuences are dramatic and s&ectacular, including the A&ollo 6" night launch, with the light bathed tower and s&ot lights everywhere# All the moving elements of the tower are animated and you will see the tremendous e%haust flames of the first stage rushing out on the two sides of 5ad (-A until the roc8et clears the tower#

Cou will e%&erience a funny and Iuite realistic "moon-wal8" during ;>A activities, where you will have to de&loy instruments on the +oon surface, collect roc8s, use a drill to ta8e an underground sam&le, and even drive the lunar .over on later A&ollo missions# /rom A&ollo 6: forward, during the early stages of the return tri& to ;arth, you will &erform a s&ace ;>A to recover film cassettes# ;arlier, during the orbital &eriod, you will o&en the ,$+ bay to de&loy a sub-satellite and two magnetometer antennas# After the final s&lashdown you may &lay the role of the recovery team and fly a ,H( ,ea9ing helico&ter# /ly the helico&ter over the ca&sule, and then lift the three astronauts onboard to bring them safely to the dec8 of the 3,, Hornet carrier for the welcome bac8 ceremony# And finally, if youJre are unluc8y and die during a mission, a ris8 that cannot be e%cluded in such a dangerous activity, an Angel will bring your soul to the 5aradise of the heroes of ,&ace#

This version of A+,* is certified to wor8 with the following add-ons' - *.=$T;.,*3ND version (#: or over if bac8wards com&atible# This version of A+,* has many sound customizations# To benefit from them, you need to have this add-on installed# =ut this is not mandatory# A+,* is designed to wor8 also without it# /or more details read cha&ter, ",*3ND )3,T*+$KAT$*N,"# - $+/D version :#: or over if bac8ward com&atible# Than8s to a mutual collaboration, $+/D im&lements its own $5) ?$nter-5rocess )ommunications@ memory bloc8 to synchronize its A;T time and read data from vessels, which allows several automatic &resets in $+/D &rograms# Cou can now fly to the +oon, starting with a &recise TL$ burn and ma8e &recise +)) correction?s@ by using the LTarget $nterce&tM &rogram in Loffset modeM ?see $+/D documentation@# Than8s to the dis&lay of the angular offset with the &lanned landing site in the $+/D L+a&M &rogram, you will be able to aim for good alignment with landing site# /inally, the $+/D L=ase A&&roachM &rogram uses $5) data to &reset the s&lash down# Cou have numerous A+,* scenarios for A&ollo 66, 6( and 6", having Lready to burnM $+/D setu& e%am&les, which can hel& you to understand its functions better# $n this document, refer to the cha&ter, LT;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*NM for all the orbital &arameters which can be written into a scenario to hel& refine the navigation of A+,* internal &rograms, or e%ternal a&&lications, li8e $+/D via the $5)# - LunarTransfer+/D version 6#1 or over if bac8ward com&atible# $n the same way as with $+/D addon, LunarTransfer+/D will synchronize with A;T time# =ut this addon do not use any other $5) &arameters, as described in cha&ter LT;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*NM#

$f you install an u&grade &ac8age, &lease note that my u&grade &ac8ages always u&grades ANC versions since the last com&lete &ac8age version# 6@ $f youJre installing the full version, $ recommend fully uninstalling any &revious versions of A+,*# This will eliminate all obsolete unnecessary files# .efer to the &reviously installed versionJs documentation file, under the cha&ter "3N$N,TALLAT$*N" to do this correctly# @ 3nzi& this archive, with the o&tion "use folder names" *N, into your *rbiter root directory ?if you use Bindows unzi& wizard, donNt worry about this o&tion, it is selected by default@# DonNt worry, it will N*T conflict with ANC other add-ons you might have installed, or erase original *rbiter files# All the material will be &laced into "A+,*" &rivate directories, e%ce&t some +oon te%ture tiles used for the landing sites# .;+A.9,' =ecause the im&lementation structure of A+,* in *rbiter changed with the 6#6! version, ALL ,cenarios you may have created yourself before this version A.; $N)*+5AT$=L;# =ut you can ma8e them com&atible again with the following correction' re&lace all te%t occurrences "A+,*O" by "A+,*P"# This can be done very easily with any te%t editor ?ctrl-H@# /or scenarios made with version 6#66 and over, there are, in &rinci&le, no dangerous incom&atibilities# Cou shouldnNt normally e%&erience bad &roblems, li8e crash to des8to&# Bhat may occur, de&ending on the situation de&icted by the scenario, are some minor anomalies due to some missing &arameters# /or e%am&le, you wonNt hear further AT) sounds for scenarios saved during ?not before@ 5D$ lunar landing or L+ ascent stage +oon orbit inGection# ATT;NT$*N DDD ,ome instrumentsJ modules are N*T com&atible with A+,*# $f you have a &roblem, li8e the ,aturn > laying horizontally on the launch &ad, or you e%&erience numerous crash to des8to& events, 5L;A,; D;A)T$>AT; ALL TH; $N,T.3+;NTJ +*D3L;, BH$)H A.; N*T );.T$/$;D /*. A+,* ?see &revious cha&ter@# ATT;NT$*N DDD $f you have the ")am,ha8e" &lugin addon, donNt activate it# This functionality is included in A+,*#


To uninstall this add-on, Gust remove the following directories' *rbiterP)onfigPA+,* *rbiterP)onfigPvesselsPA+,* *rbiterP)onfigP;arthPbasePA+,* *rbiterP)onfigP+oonPbasePA+,* *rbiterPDocPA+,* *rbiterP+eshesPA+,* *rbiterP+odulesPA+,* *rbiterP,cenariosPA+,* *rbiterP,oundPA+,* *rbiterPTe%turesPA+,* And the following tile files in directory *rbiterPTe%turesP' +oonO!O;!!1(ON!! 4#dds +oonO!OB!! -ON!!6(#dds +oonO!OB!! -ON!!61#dds +oonO!OB!!"-ON!! !#dds +oonO!OB!!4!ON!! !#dds +oonO6O;!!6!ON!!"1#dds +oonO6O;!!11O,!! 2#dds +oonO OB!6!!O,!! 6#dds +oonO(OB! 2"O,!!(:#dds +oonO1O;!:((ON!!6:#dds


)om&le% flight model' This o&tion +3,T be on#

Damage H failure simulation' Activate this feature if you want to have A+,* damage H failure simulation# /or more details, see the cha&ter "DA+AA; AND /A$L3.;,"# Limited fuel' This o&tion +3,T be on#

Non-s&herical gravity sources' A+,* is not sensitive to this feature# ,o the setting of this o&tion is irrelevant# .adiation &ressure' Aravity-gradient torIue' A+,* is not sensitive to this feature# ,o the setting of this o&tion is irrelevant# ;arth orbit inGection auto&ilot traGectory &recision is affected if this o&tion is on# ,o it is better to turn it off# Note that if you set it on, the auto&ilot will still be able to build orbit but not in the most o&timum way# +3,T be on, otherwise you will miss the best of A+,* visual effects# All other visual effects are also strongly recommended, but not mandatory# $n the range 6: to (!#

5article stream'

Ambient light level' .;+A.9'

$f li8e me, in full screen mode only, you are suffering of te%t dis&lay flic8ers with your AT$ .adeon gra&hic card ?te%tes li8e the white dis&lay line on the bottom, A+,* A;T dis&lay, A+,* online hel& dis&lay, etc0@, &lease activate the new *rbiter o&tion "Disable hardware &agefli&" on *rbiter ">ideo &age"#

/or all as&ects of *rbiter, $ highly recommend activating the anti-aliasing feature of your gra&hics card by using the adeIuate tool ?most modern gra&hics card driver setu& &rograms allow building a custom &arameterization setu& for a given e%ecutable@# )onsult the documentation of your gra&hics card driver for more details#

7A8N36 TO'ER AN5 #A5":;A

The Launch tower will first a&&ear in the &re-launch configuration# The first time you &ress "7", the tower will turn to launch configuration with animations of all moving &arts, li8e the crane, the crew gate, etc# During countdown and liftoff, all umbilical and tail service masts will retract in seIuence, li8e in reality# Cou will see flames coming out from both side of the towerF ice &lates, detached by vibrations, fall down while condensation a&&ears around the e%tremely cold fuel tan8s, no longer isolated by the ice# At night, you will have all s&ots lit# Lights switch on and off automatically at dus8 and dawn ?correct switching only in winter@# Bhen you load a launch scenario, you will be : minutes (! seconds before liftoff# The ,aturn > and the launch tower are in &re-launch configuration# Bhen you &ress the L7M Action 9ey, the configuration will turn to minus : minutes ?full retraction of white chamber arm@# This is why you would be advised to do this at the right time# Now you will see va&or esca&ing the roc8et during the tan8sJ &ressurization# $f soon after youJve &ressed the "7" Action 9ey, you start to hear the countdown comments of the s&ea8er, it means you have a sound &ac8 e%tension installed, which includes the &relaunch sound o&tion# $n this case, you have nothing more to do, Gust enGoy the liftoff# $f you Gust hear the wind and maybe some random AT) sounds, then when the va&ors have smoothly disa&&eared, you will be close to the final countdown seIuence and you must &ress the L9M Alternate Action 8ey &recisely at minus 6! seconds to start the final countdown# This whole scenery feature can be deactivated, for e%am&le, if you want to use A+,* with another tower and launch &ad# ,ee below for how to do this# How to wor8 the launch tower o&tion, technically s&ea8ing $f you loo8 carefully at the A&ollo shi& definition in the scenario files, you will note that the following &arameter line e%ists' LA3N)HT*B;. 6 $f you remove this line, or re&lace "6" by "!", A+,* will not include the launch tower and the custom &ad (-A# $t is as sim&le as thatD To remove it from e%isting scenarios, you will have to edit all A+,* launch scenarios and other scenarios you may have created yourself, where the ,aturn > still flies with the first stage# /irst remove or deactivate the "LA3N)HT*B;." &arameter of A&ollo vessel as in the e%am&le above# Then you must chec8 if the scenario also has the "shi&" LaunchTower defined# This will be something li8e' A,-:!2OLaunchTower'A+,*PLaunchTower

0# ;ND $f found, you must also delete ALL these sections# Cou donNt need to chec8 scenario files "far from ca&e )anaveral", because the launch tower and the custom &ad (-A self delete when the central engine of the first stage sto&s burning shortly before se&aration of this stage# ATT;NT$*NDDD /or my Launch scenarios to wor8 &ro&erly, you +3,T HA>; in the configuration file "canaveral#cfg" ?located in ")onfigP;arthP=asePA+,*@ my L5AD obGect or another L5AD obGect defined as the /$.,T L5AD obGect into the list#



These two inhabited vessels are vulnerable# $m&act with the ground, or entering into the ;arthJs atmos&here and creating too high of a dynamic &ressure will lead to immediate vessel destruction# Death of the &oor astronauts is simulated with a mystical eye candy - the "Angel to 5aradise"# As soon as the vesselJs destroyed, the focus will be set to a giant "Angel vessel" which will always be created somewhere on &lanet ;arth, &ointed toward the sun, and will "lift off" at a fantastic s&eed acceleration of 6! As# ,oon he will be surrounded by a beautiful &lasma halo# Cou can read on the screen ".;Q3$;,)AT $N 5A);" and you will hear the &iece of music "+arche funRbre" of /rederic )ho&in# Note that de&ending on the *rbiter,ound m&( &layer setting, you may hear one of your own music &ieces instead ?see cha&ter 9N*BN 5.*=L;+, for more details@# ;ven if you are in the coc8&it, the Angel will be with you, but for the full s&ectacle, switch to the outside view# The ra&id climb of the Angel straight u& over our &lanet can be really outstandingDDD Try this test' load the A&ollo 66 launch scenario and donNt change anything to the view settings# ,et full thrust with your Goystic8 for 1-: seconds and then cut the throttle to crash ,aturn ># During the AngelJs climb use "ctrlu&<down" 8eys or the mouse to ada&t the view angle# Near the end of the music, you should see a beautiful ;arth view, with ;uro&e on your right# The admissible dynamic &ressure for the thermal shield configuration is :! 85a ?about -6 ,: A@ and without is (: 85a# =e aware that for high altitude aborts, with or without the esca&e tower, if you cannot build an orbit with the ),+ main engine, it might be +ANDAT*.C to maneuver the )+ during the atmos&heric entry, to get ma%imum aerodynamic lift, in order to 8ee& dynamic &ressure within an admissible range and survive# ,ee cha&ters "TH; /*3. LA3N)H 5HA,; A=*.T +*D;," H "A;.*DCNA+$) L$/T" for more details# /or the )+ s&lashdown, the admissible im&act survival s&eed' horizontal s&eed in both a%es S-4 m<s and vertical s&eed -6 m<s# /or the L+ landing the admissible im&act survival s&eed' horizontal s&eed in both a%es S- m<s and vertical s&eed -1 m<s# This feature can be disabled# $n order to disable this feature, &lease read the cha&ter "T;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*N"#

3&on o&ening *rbiter, you will find a new scenario folder called "A+,*"# This folder itself contains other folders, where you will find all reIuired scenarios to &lay with A+,*# The scenarioJs comments give you clues on what to do at each stage# A+,*Js usage is sim&le# $t involves mainly only three 8eys' - /=/ )e , called "Action" 8ey# - />/ )e , called "Alternate Action" 8ey# - /M/ )e , called "/ocus Toggle" 8ey# =oth "Action" 8eys are used to trigger all events and to select a menu interface when available# The result sim&ly de&ends on the actual situation conte%t# $t is the same 8ind of interface &hiloso&hy you can see, for e%am&le, on most digital watches# """"""""""""""" /=/ A.tion )e ? The very first time you &ress the "7" action 8ey, the launch tower arms will retract ?assuming this feature is not disabled T see &revious section@# /rom this &oint forward, until your ,aturn > stac8 has Gettisoned the 6 st and nd stages, &ressing the L7M 8ey again will trigger the a&&ro&riate LabortM seIuence# Note that you will need to confirm this action by &ressing once more the L7M 8ey ?or the "9" 8ey, if you have abort choices@, while the message LA=*.T /L$AHTUM is dis&layed# Bhen the mission has &rogressed to the (rd stage, and A&ollo ),+, the L7M Action 8ey will se&arate the A&ollo vessel from the (rd stage ?however, main engines must be sto&&ed for this command to be acce&ted@# /or the undoc8ing o&eration, sim&ly use the standard ").TL-D" 8ey to undoc8# /or e%am&le, this means that when you have doc8ed with the L+ &ar8ed into the (rd stage, if you &ress ")T.L-D", you will sim&ly undoc8# Bhen you decide to e%tract the L;+ from the (rd stage you must use the L7M Action 8ey instead# Note that 4 minutes after L+ e%traction, the (rd stage will maneuver and &erform a main engine burn to modify its own orbit# $n early missions ?until A&ollo 6 @, this is a &rograde burn of the rest of the fuel which will &ut the (rd stage into a solar orbit# A&ollo 6( forward, the (rd stage will maneuver in order to im&act the +oon, as it was &erformed in the reality# Bhen you are in ),+ configuration and doc8ed with a com&lete L+, this 8ey will se&arate A&ollo service module ?if the L+ is activated@, or do a definitive undoc8ing from the L+ ?if the L+ is deactivated@# This command allow you to simulate A&ollo 6(Js dramatic flightD Bhen you are doc8ed with the L+ ascent module, this 8ey will e%ecute the definitive undoc8ing from L+ ascent stage ?no doc8ing mechanism@# This means that doc8ing

with L+ ascent stage is no longer &ossible# The L+ Ascent stage will then initiate some automatic maneuvers to de-orbit and crash onto the +oon# As long as you are doc8ed with the ),+ in the L+ vessel, this 8ey allows you to toggle L+ activation# AttentionD Cou +3,T activate the L+ before undoc8ingD Then, if you are not landed on the +oon, this 8ey will se&arate the descent stage# The ascent stage engine will also be fired ?abort manual landing@ only if you are not too close to the ),+ ?i#e#, less than : 8m@# Notice that in any case ?manual flight or with auto&ilot@ when the descent stage runs out of fuel, the ascent stage will immediately se&arate and fire its engine ?automatic A=*.T-,TAA;@# /inally, when you are bac8 with the ascent stage, and doc8ed to the ),+, this 8ey will allow you to definitively leave the L+ and close the tunnel hatch between the two vessels# Bhen the L+ auto&ilot is running 5D$ &rograms ?lunar landing@, you can use this 8ey to say to the auto&ilot to abort the landing# $t will toggle a little menu to select between the sim&le "A=*.T" ?L+ sim&ly sto&s landing and tries to regain orbit@ or "A=*.T,TAA;" ?L+ ascent se&arates and attem&ts to regain orbit@# 3se the "left" or "right" arrow 8ey to select the desired mode and use "u&" 8ey to e%ecute the command# Bhen you are landed on the +oon and the crew is bac8 in the L+, the first time you &ress the L7M Action 8ey it will activate the "lift off &re&aration" mode# $f you &ress this 8ey again, you will trigger an immediate lift off, B$TH*3T auto&ilot# /inally, when you are close to reentry in ;arth atmos&here, this 8ey will se&arate the service module# The service module will automatically initiate a maneuver to create a reentry &ath thatJs different than yours in order to move out of the vicinity of your command module# During ;>A activities, the L7M Action 8ey will allow almost all actions# /or e%am&le, ta8ing an obGect from the L+, de&ositing this obGect on the +oonJs surface, climbing onto the Lunar rover, etc## /or more details, &lease see the latter cha&ter entitled, "L3NA. ;>A A)T$>$T$;,"# """"""""""""""" />/ Alternate A.tion )e ? =efore the ,aturn > launch, at 6! seconds before liftoff, you can use the "9" 8ey to initiate the launch with accom&anying audio countdown ?if *rbiter,ound is installed@ and the auto&ilot activated ?see following@# $n orbit, the L9M Action 8ey will you to toggle the commands menu of both the A&ollo vessel ?),+@ and the L+# ?ATT;NT$*N' VtoggleJ means you must close the menu manually, e%ce&t in the case of having activated a &rogram@# Bhile in orbit, obviously the L+ must already have been activated in order for the menu to wor8#


*n the lunar surface, the L+Js commands menu cannot be activated before activating the "lift off &re&aration" mode# Bhen a menu is o&en you can use either the "left" or "right" arrow 8eys to select a menu item and the "u&" arrow 8ey to e%ecute the selected command# During the e%ecution of auto&ilot &rograms, this 8ey allows disengagement of the auto&ilot# Cou will have to confirm this action by &ressing the "u&" arrow 8ey# Notice that in most cases, you wonNt be able to re-engage an aborted &rogram, es&ecially if you attem&t it when the &rocess of the &rogram is already running for some time# ,o use this command with cautionD Notice also that if you are not in orbit around ;arth or the +oon, you wonJt be able to access the auto&ilot commands in the menu# ,orry to those of you who might have had the idea to try the L+ elsewhereDDD $n a more general way, you should never be able to access a menu which has no meaning in the actual conte%t you are currently in# Bhen landed on the +oon and before you enter into "lift off &re&aration" mode, this 8ey will allow you to start the ;>A activities# During ;>A, this 8ey will allow to use the drill tool, to de&loy the Lunar .over, or when both astronauts are on board of the Lunar .over, to disembar8 the astronaut W first# )ombined with ")T.L" 8ey, it will allow you to "cheat", by 8illing all remaining roc8 sam&les, so you donNt have to search for them in order to go to ne%t ;>A station# """"""""""""""" /M/ to11le )e ? As soon as you have both ),+ and L;+ vessels, you can use the "+" focus toggle 8ey to switch the *rbiter focus from one vessel to the other one# During ;>A activities, this 8ey will toggle focus between crewmembers ?if they are both outside the L+@, or between the astronaut and the L+ when only one astronaut is &erforming the ;>A# During entry into the atmos&here, and after the &arachute &rotection cone is Gettisoned, this 8ey will allow you to toggle the focus between the )+ and the 3,,-Hornet carrier# =ut this will be &ossible only if the carrier is waiting for you# $t wonNt be the case if you had to abort your flight# To set the focus on other vessels which have finished their duty, use the *rbiter set focus function# """"""""""""""" /N8M#A5 ENTER/ )e ? $n flying vessels, you can use the ";NT;." 8ey on the numeric 8ey&ad, to toggle the main &ower throttle between 6!!X and !X, at any time when flying# $n )+ vessel only, toggle *N<*// the A*A-64!-L*)9 auto&ilot, used for atmos&heric re-entry#

=efore ;arth lift off, this 8ey will start an immediate launch with the auto&ilot activated# Bhen the L+ is on the +oonJs surface ?if both astronauts are bac8 inside the L+@, this 8ey will initiate an immediate A=*.T L3NA. *5;.AT$*N, and immediately lift off with the auto&ilot ?see cha&ter "A3T*5$L*T" for more details@# /or Astronaut wal8ing or Lunar .over driving, this 8ey allows you to loc8<unloc8 the &resent steering command# ,ee also cha&ter LL3NA. ;>A A)T$>$T$;,M# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"=/ )e ? $n any vessel, this command allows you to toggle the L*nline Hel&M feature *N<*//# $t dis&lays, in any view, the actual effects of both main L7M and L9M command 8eys# This feature is dynamic, so the dis&lay will change automatically with the evolution of the vesselJs conte%t# """"""""""""""" /3TR7">/ )e ? $n both A&ollo and L+ vessels, this command allows you to "8ill" the AT) sounds synchronized on the A;T ?Around ;la&sed Time@# All AT) sounds synchronized to s&ecific events ?L+ 5D$ lunar landing, L+ ascent to +oon orbit@ are not affected# This deactivation is not saved on e%it, so you may need to redo it on reloading# $n Astronauts "vessels" during L;>A, this command allows you to cheat with roc8 sam&les collection# All remaining roc8s of the active ;>A station will be removed and the ne%t ;>A station will be activated# """"""""""""""" /S6I4T"3TR7"I/ )e ? This command allow you to toggle *N<*// the dis&lay of the white informationJs line on bottom left and the A;T ?Around ;la&sed Time@ on u&&er right of the screen# The A;T dis&lay starts at liftoff and will terminate counting u&on s&lashdown# This function is useful both in ta8ing &ictures or videos# 3se the L$M command to hide *rbiter information lines# Note that the menu dis&lay and malfunction alarms are not effected# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"7/ @ /S6I4T"7/ @ /S6I4T"3TR7"7/ )e s? $n both the L+ and A&ollo ),+<)+ vessels, the ")trl-L" 8ey combination allows you to toggle *N<*// the &osition<re-entry beacon light?s@# $n Lunar .over, ")trl-L" control the thermal mirrors covers of the forward batteries &ac8# /or all the Astronauts, these 8ey combinations allow you to control the helmet &rotective visors' - )trl-L control the main "gold" trans&arent visor# - ,hift-L control the lateral o&aIue visor ?if it e%ists@# - ,hift-)trl- L control the frontal o&aIue visor ?if it e%ists@#

These commands are not inde&endent, and a logic is im&lemented to recreate the reality# /or e%am&le, if you have all visors de&loyed and you sim&ly &ress ")trl-L", you will not only retract the gold visor, but ALL visors, because both lateral and frontal visors will be retracted by the gold visor as it would be in reality# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"N8M#A5?A/ @ /S6I4T"3TR7"N8M#A5?A/ )e s? These 8ey combinations allow you to activate a vesselJs relative 9$LL-L$N function in both the A&ollo and Lunar +odule vessels in order to facilitate doc8ing o&erations# This function is only available when the vessel is in L$N;A. translation mode and no &rograms are running# *bviously both vessels must also e%ist# The command is also reGected if any of the ( relative linear translation s&eeds between vessels are greater than : meters &er second# A message, in the left-down corner of the screen, dis&lays which function is active during the entire time the function o&erates# - )trl-Num5ad:' this command will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-LAT;.AL which will not affect the mutual vesselJs closing s&eed#

- ,hift-)trl-Num5ad:' This command will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-ALL function# /or convenience, these commands are also recognized for the Astronaut during ,&ace ;>A activities, but both commands will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-ALL# """"""""""""""" /TA-/ )e s? This 8ey allows you to toggle the conte%tual "+ini &anel" in both the A&ollo and L+ vessels# The "+ini &anel" dis&lay on the u&&er-left corner of the screen ?in virtual coc8&its only@ dis&lays a collection of useful data# The information dis&layed will vary according to the conte%t of the state of the mission# And finally, if you li8e a very big challenge, with A+,* you can still &ut full throttle on your Goystic8 and see if you can manually &ut this "baby" into ;arthJs &ar8ing orbit, with the correct azimuth and enough fuel remaining to continue the missionDDD =e curious and have a loo8 on the "life" of all &arts after they have been Gettisoned# A+,* simulates ALL the &arts Llife,M until they hit the ground# /or this &ur&ose, use the /1 8ey and ",elect shi&" o&tion#

Cou use the standard /4 *rbiter 8ey command to access the virtual coc8&it# Cou can aim the camera in all directions with the mouse right button &ressed continuously# =oth

coc8&its have different camera &ositions, and you can obtain them with the standard *rbiter L)trl S Alt S arrow 8eysM commands# The Larrow downM command resets to the default &osition, while other arrows select an the other &ositions# $n the ),+ virtual coc8&it, you use the Larrow u&M &osition for visual doc8ing# $+5*.TANTDDD $f with *rbiter !!2, it was &ossible to attem&t a visual doc8ing from the d coc8&it too, it is N*T ANC+*.; 5*,,$=L; with *rbiter !6!, because the (d coc8&it camera &osition $, N*T 5.;,;.>;D when switching from (d to d coc8&its# The ( other commands &ut the camera on all ( astronautsJ seat &ositions# $n the L+ virtual coc8&it, the default camera &osition ?Larrow downM@ is set for the a&&roach and LTA.A;T )HANA;M feature# As soon as you are loc8ed in this mode, you will see a blin8ing green dot in the center of the screen which indicates &recisely the actual landing &osition# The blin8ing dot is N*T ANC+*.; available in the d coc8&it, because of the change of camera behaviors in *rbiter !6!, as described before# The Larrow u&M command lets you watch through the L+ doc8ing window# The two other commands &ut the camera on both astronautsJ &ositions# .;+A.9' *rbiter !6! now 5.;,;.>; >$.T3AL )*)95$T 5*,$T$*N AND *.$;NTAT$*N# Therefore, when you Iuit the virtual coc8&it and then bring it u& again, you will recover your view e%actly as you left it# =3T ATT;NT$*N DDD This behavior is not wor8ing when you switch the focus from one vessel to another one# $n this case, virtual coc8&it camera will be reset to default &osition and orientation#



Cou can find in the scenario directory "All missions lift off", which is an accurate launch scenario for A&ollo 4, -, and 6! missions# Apollo B This was the first mission to fly to the +oon# This mission didnNt carry a L+# $t was re&laced by a "mass com&ensation structure"# This is simulated in A+,*# *bviously, you wonNt be able to doc8 with this structure# The (rd stage, at 4 minutes after se&aration, will maneuver and &erform a main engine burn# .;+A.9' Cou can fly the A&ollo " mission with the same configuration# To do so, you Gust need to create the launch scenario# Apollo ; This mission tested the L+ in ;arth orbit# A s&ace ;>A was also &erformed# $n A+,*, the ),+ commands menu will allow you to start a s&ace ;>A, as soon as you have e%tracted the L+ from the (rd stage# The )ommands menu will never dis&lay the auto&ilot commands in this mission# To understand the details regarding s&ace ;>A, &lease read the cha&ter, L,$+ =AC $N,T.3+;NT, AND A)T$>$T$;,#M The difference here between the scenario and the s&ace ;>A described in this cha&ter is obviously that you wonNt have any film cassettes to retrieve# Cou can Gust enGoy the s&ectacle of the ;arth under you# At the (rd stage, 4 minutes after L+ e%traction, will maneuver and &erform a main engine burn# Cou are not su&&osed to go to the +oon in this mission# $n case you do it anyway, A+,* will configure itself for the TranIuility landing base, but your L+ commands menu wonNt allow any 5D$ commands and you wonNt be able to &erform a lunar ;>A in the case of your landing in manual configuration# Apollo 1! A&ollo 6! was the general re&etition of the historical following mission, A&ollo 66# ,o it is very similar to it# The (rd stage, 4 minutes after L+ e%traction, will maneuver and &erform a main engine burn# A+,* will be configured for the TranIuility landing base, but your L+ command menu wonNt allow any 5D$ commands and you wonNt be able to &erform a lunar surface ;>A in the event that you land in manual#



The auto&ilot for both L+ and ),+ vessels manage time acceleration# $t will not allow time acceleration, which is not suitable in the &resent &hase# $t will also automatically reset the time acceleration to 6% before the .), attitude maneuvers and traGectory burns# Note that after this automatic reset to normal time, you may accelerate again if you wish, even during attitude maneuvers and traGectory control burns# AT) sound engines also reset automatically time acceleration to 6%, seconds before the ne%t AT) sound will be &layed# $f you re-accelerate the time while an AT) sound is &laying, the &lay of this sound will be immediately aborted and the AT) engine will load the ne%t sound to &lay# *f course, if this ne%t sound is to be &layed in less than seconds, the time acceleration will be again reset to 6%# $f the feature "Damage and /ailure" is activated into the &arameters section of the *rbiter "Launch&ad" and such an event occur, time acceleration will be immediately reset to 6%# This let you the time to react to the event# =e aware that you can have another vessel than the one you are actually controlling, who may limit the time acceleration for a certain &eriod of time# $t is the case, for e%am&le, when the (rd stage e%ecute its burn after the se&aration from A&ollo vessel, or when this same (rd stage try to interce&t the +oon# This can also ha&&en if both vessels you control ?A&ollo and L+@ run an auto&ilot &rogram in the same time#

The auto&ilot for ;arth orbit insertion will bring you to a &erfect circular orbit at the nominal altitude of 6!6#1 nm ?64"#" 8m@, for missions u& to A&ollo 61 and -!#! nm ?622," 8m@ since A&ollo 6:# A small white label - "A5 " - will a&&ear on the leftbottom corner of the screen, when the auto&ilot is active# Bhen this auto&ilots is engaged, any manual control commands, throttle change, engagement of any navigation modes li8e 9$LL.*T, 5.*A.AD;, etc0, will immediately disable the auto&ilot# $t may also self-disable if it detects an anomaly in the traGectory# The auto&ilot, when it has been disabled, cannot be reactivated# This auto&ilot su&&ort 6!% accelerated time, but it is not recommended# .;+A.9,' ATT;NT$*NDDD $n *rbiter, a vesselJs attitude stability is sensitive to the frame rate you get# This is why, during flight &hase under L+ or ),+ auto&ilot control, that the time acceleration control feature will N*T ALL*B time acceleration over 6!%, $/ C*3. /.A+; .AT; $, =;L*B 1! /5,# Also be very careful when the vessel does attitude maneuvers or traGectory correction burns to not reaccelerate the time more than 6!%# $tJs better to wait until the maneuver has ended to try accelerating time if the higher ratio is allowed by this feature# ATT;NT$*NDDD $n the case of both L+ and ),+ vessels running an auto&ilot &rogram, you must N*T /*.A;T that you have two vessels managing the uniIue simulation time acceleration# ,o donNt be sur&rised if suddenly the acceleration is reset to 6% or you cannot increase more than 6!%# The other vessel is res&onsible for thisD Also be very cautious with the 6!!% rate ?see &revious remar8@# Note that ANC of the L+ or ),+ auto&ilot &rograms can be disengaged AT ANC T$+; with the "9" Action 8ey ?the &rogram is immediately sto&&ed, and all thrusters cut@# Cou will have to confirm the disengagement with the "3&" arrow 8ey# Note that this action will be irreversible in many cases# ,o use it with caution#

3SM autopilot .omputer fun.tions

These ( &rograms are fictitious, but will really sim&lify your mission# They allow you to do orbital maneuvers which would otherwise be Iuite difficult to accom&lish with standard *rbiter instruments# Cou can also use the L)hec8 orbitYbase alignmentM Iuery function, which will tell you the actual cross range with the landing site allowing you to decide if it is necessary to &erform an orbitYbase alignment#

#1C "D 5OI insertion? This &rogram allows you to insert the full stac8 or even the ),+ alone ?which does not really ma8e sense, but you can do it if you want to@ on D*$ elli&tical orbit for lunar landing# 5lease note that this &rogram D*;, N*T align the orbit &lane with the landing site# #1B "D OrbitDbase plane ali1nment? This &rogram allows you to align the orbit &lane of the full stac8 or the ),+ alone in order to ma8e the orbit &lane &ass Gust over the landing site# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned, this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s, one at each of the orbit nodes# ,o youJll get corrections &er orbit# ATT;NT$*NDDD $n the case of the orbit being totally wrong for the landing site, it may create a situation totally out of the vesselJs ca&acities, in &articular for fuel reIuirements# #1; "D #ar)in1 orbit .ir.ulariEation? This &rogram allows you to circularize orbit of the full stac8 or the ),+ alone for the o&timal +oon &ar8ing orbit altitude of 66! 8m for the rendezvous o&eration# This o&eration may reIuire two distinct burns#

7M autopilot .omputer fun.tions

An im&ortant &reliminary remar8 is to mention that A,);NT of any 8ind ?normal ascent or any A=*.T ascent@ and .;ND;K>*3, o&erations rely *N A 5A,,$>; ),+ target# 5assive means that the ),+ should avoid any L$N;A. movements with attitude thrusters and obviously D* N*T modify its orbit with the main engine thruster, while the L+ is doing ascent and rendezvous maneuvers# .otation is allowed and will be useful late in the .;ND;K>*3, stage, when you &oint your ),+ noise in the direction of the incoming L+# $f the ),+ brea8s this rule while the L+ is flying an A,);NT of any 8ind, the L+ auto&ilot will finish creating a safe orbit and then sto&# $f the ),+ brea8s this rule while the L+ is flying a .;ND;K>*3,, the L+ auto&ilot will immediately abort the .;ND;K>*3, o&eration# """"""""""""""" #5I operation *Moon lan%in1+? Bith the commands menu ?L9M Action 8ey@, you can chec8 for the validity of the 5D$ o&eration# The function ")hec8 5D$ conditions" will tell you if you are go for 5D$# $f you are not VgoJ, this function will tell you what is incorrect so you can use another &rogram to ma8e the necessary corrections# The function "Time to 5D$," if you are go for 5D$, will tell you the time remaining before the end of o&timal time to engage 5D$# /inally the 5D$ is activated with the ";ngage 5D$" function# 3se the left<right arrow 8eys to select the desired function and the "u&" arrow 8ey to activate it#

This o&eration involves the following &rograms which very accurately simulate a real 5D$# #&: "D bra)in1 phase? This is the start &oint of the 5D$# Normally you should be already oriented more or less retrograde and loo8ing down at the +oonJs surface# After about ( minutes of bra8ing, the &rogram will automatically yaw the L+ so that the windows loo8 u&ward into s&ace# #&F "D Approa.h phase? During this &hase, the L+ will first &itch down toward the +oon and then enter into the ")HANA; TA.A;T" mode# $n virtual coc8&it only, the view camera will loc8 on the &lanned landing site coordinates# A small green blin8ing dot can be seen in the center of the screen, which indicates the actual landing location# Bhen you are in this mode, you can use the 1 arrows 8eys to choose another landing location# The blin8ing dot will immediately reflect the new &osition and stay loc8ed on it# This ")HANA; TA.A;T" feature is real, but in reality the &ilot used the graduations on the L+ window to read the &osition of the landing site# Cou can change the landing location rather late in this &hase# =ut at a certain &oint you will not see the indicator ")HANA; TA.A;T" anymore, which means you no longer can change the landing target, other than to switch to the manual landing &rogram ?see the following 522 section@# #&A "D lan%in1 phase? Bhen this &rogram starts, the camera is automatically reset to the usual visual references# Cou also regain the control of the camera with the mouse, so have a loo8 around if you wish# During this &hase, the L+ will finish aligning over the landing site and cautiously close the ground distance# At 6#"! meters altitude, the hovering engine will be cut off automatically and you will be landed on the +oon# #&& "D Manual lan%in1? At any time during e%ecution of 521 or 52:, you can &ress either "$nsert" or "Delete" to ta8e the control of the L+# The camera will be immediately reset to the usual visual references# Cou also regain control of the camera with the mouse so you loo8 around if you wish # The main tas8 of 522 is to ma8e the vertical s&eed inde&endent of the L+ attitude and 8ee& it to the assigned value you can control with "$nsert" ?incr S6 ft<s@, "Delete" ?decr -6 ft<s@ or ";nd" to set to zero# Cou control both lateral and longitudinal s&eeds, with &itch and ban8 commands ?Goystic8 recommended@# ;%ce&t if you a&&ly your command while &ressing the ")trl" 8ey, when you cease to a&&ly the command, the auto&ilot will automatically 8ill all the rotations# Cou can read on the screen "/wd>'" for the forward s&eed and "Lat>'" for the lateral s&eed# A negative value means youJre moving bac8ward, and laterally to the "&ort" side ?left@# The actual vertical s&eed H altitude is also dis&layed# Naturally, the automatic hovering engine is cut at about 6 meter altitude# )oncerning the vertical a%is, you Gust have to control the auto&ilot vertical s&eed setu& and N;>;. use direct engine thrust control commands# This is the &rogram Neil Armstrong used to land the ;agle#

""""""""""""""" A-ORT @ A-ORT"STA9E? During all the 5D$ flight o&erations ?when under control of the auto&ilot@, you can &ress the "7" Action 8ey to obtain a menu where using the left<right arrow 8ey you may choose between' #C! "D A-ORTS? This &rogram will immediately sto& the landing attem&t and use the remaining descent stage fuel to try to rebuild an orbit suitable for a future emergency rendezvous with the ),+# $n an early A=*.T, the L+ will &robably be able to rebuild an orbit without e%hausting all the descent stage fuel# $n this case, when the orbit is built but before starting the "rendezvous" seIuence of &rograms, the descent stage will be automatically Gettisoned# $n the case of e%hausting the fuel su&&ly before the end of the orbit inGection, 5"6 will be immediately e%ecuted# #C1 "D A-ORT"STA9E? This &rogram will immediately Gettison the descent stage, and then with the ascent stage try to do the same as 5"!# Notice that at any time during the 5D$ o&eration if you run out of fuel with the descent stage, this &rogram will be immediately e%ecuted# =oth 5"! and 5"6 after having rebuilt an orbit will normally lin8 automatically to the a&&ro&riate "rendezvous" seIuence of &rograms ?see following@# =ut if the rendezvous is not &ossible the &rogram will sto&# $f this ha&&ens, it means that you should correct some of the orbit &arameters of the L+ or the ),+ in order to be able to engage the "rendezvous" o&eration ?,ee following' 5*,T-A=*.T, au%iliary functions@# """"""""""""""" AS3ENT operation *ren%eEvous+? Bith the commands menu, you should first chec8 for the validity of the A,);NT o&eration# The function, ")hec8 A,);NT conditions", will tell you if you are go for A,);NT# $n case not, this function will tell you what is incorrect so you can switch to the ),+ and use the a&&ro&riate &rogram to correct the &roblem# The function "Time to A,);NT" ?if you are go for A,);NT@, will tell you the time remaining before the end of o&timal time to engage A,);NT# /inally, engage the A,);NT with the ";ngage A,);NT" function# 3se left<right arrow 8eys to select the desired function and the "u&" arrow 8ey to activate it for all A,);NT o&erations# #12 "D orbit insertion pro1ram? This &rogram will do the lift off countdown# ,oon before launch, you will hear the historical A&ollo 66 chec8 list s&o8en by Neil Armstrong# /inally, you will hear Neil saying the last - seconds of the countdown and the ascent stage will lift off#

#:G H #FG "D ren%eEvous pro1rams? After the ascent stage reaches an orbit of a&&ro%imately ! 8m, two different seIuences of &rograms may run, de&ending on whether youJre flying an A&ollo mission &revious to Number 61# The seIuences for A&ollo 66 H 6 ?or an imaginary successful 6(@ will reach the ),+ during the second orbit of the ascent stage# The seIuence for A&ollo 61 and later missions flew direct rendezvous during the first ascent stage orbits# The early flights seIuences involve &rograms 5( , 5((, 5(1, 5(: and 51! The later "direct" seIuences involve 5(( 5(1, 5(: and 516# There is not much to say about these &rograms, or to do while they run, e%ce&t that you may decide to abort the seIuence at any time with "9" Action 8ey# The 5( , 5((, 5(1, 5(: are all target-trac8ing &rograms# Cour L+ always aims right at your target, the ),+# $f it has beacon lights *N, you should see the ),+ from Iuite a distance# The 51! and 516 are &rograms that &erform all traGectory corrections burns# #:& "D fi.titious approa.h@station@pre"%o.)in1 pro1ram? This &rogram didnNt e%ist in the reality of the A&ollo &rogram# The crew e%ecuted these tas8s manually# ,o, if you want to res&ect reality, Gust use "9" 8ey to abort 5(2 when it is activated# The &re-doc8ing &rogram handles the final a&&roach of the rendezvous, then bra8es toward the ),+, and finally turns the ascent stage so the doc8ing &ort is aligned with the center of gravity of the ),+# $t is nice to let this &rogram run, if you want to have the "show"# Cou can switch from the L+ to the ),+ with the "+" 8ey in order to a&&reciate the closing of both vessels# $f it is night, you should see the beacon lights, if you switched them *N with L)trl-LM# The first time you switch to ),+, you will &robably need to align the ),+ with attitude rotations in order to &oint your windows in the direction of incoming ascent stage# 3se the doc8ing H3D to hel& you in this tas8# ,oon after reaching the "station", the L+ will rotate and align its a%is with the ),+# $t will 8ee& control of the a%is for about min, so you have enough time to align the ),+ manually# Bhen you are aligned, Gust wait until the end of 5(2, or abort it with the "9" Action 8ey and do the doc8ing manually with the ),+# """"""""""""""" #re"lan%in1 au2iliar fun.tions? These ( &rograms are fictitious, but will really sim&lify your mission# They allow you to do orbital maneuver which would otherwise be Iuite difficult to accom&lish with standard *rbiter instruments# #1C "D 5OI insertion?

This &rogram allows you to insert the full stac8, or the L+ alone, on a D*$ elli&tical orbit for lunar landing# 5lease note that this &rogram D*;, N*T align the orbit &lane ?see 564 below@# #1B "D OrbitDbase plane ali1nment? This &rogram allows you to align the orbital &lane of the full stac8, or the L+ alone, to ma8e the orbit &lane &ass directly over the landing site# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned, this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s at each of the orbit nodes# There will be corrections &er orbit during alignment# ATT;NT$*NDDD =e warned of the &ossibility that the orbit may be totally wrong for the landing site, in which the mission may move outside of the vessel ca&acities, &articularly for fuel reIuirements# #1; "D #ar)in1 orbit .ir.ulariEation? This &rogram allows you to circularize the orbit of the full stac8, or the L+ alone, to the o&timal +oon &ar8ing orbit altitude of 66! 8m for the rendezvous o&eration# This o&eration may reIuire two distinct burns# """"""""""""""" A-ORT 78NAR O#ERATIONS? During your stay on the +oon, you may elect at any time to use the numeric 8ey&ad ";NT;." 8ey to initiate an immediate A=*.T +$,,$*N lift off# The only &rereIuisite condition is obviously that both astronauts need to be on boardD $n this emergency &rocedure, the ),+Js &osition relative to the +oon base is ignored and the auto&ilot will engage the "A=*.T-,TAA;" &rogram 5"6# 5lease refer to &revious sections describing aborts during 5D$ o&erations to learn what will ha&&en in this case# """"""""""""""" #OST"A-ORTS au2iliar fun.tions? This menu is accessible only when the L+ is o&erating in the ascent stage# Cou may need to use this menu in the event that an A=*.T command wasnNt able to &erform a direct rendezvous seIuence of &rograms# $n this case, the abort &rogram will sto& when the orbit is built# These functions are also &otentially life saving if you have disengaged the auto&ilot during any A=*.T, or even during a normal A,);NT<.;ND;K>*3,# $t allows you to &erform the following functions' #1& "D en1a1e orbitDorbit ali1nment? This &rogram allows aligning the L+Js orbital &lane with the ),+Js orbit# Cou must have already built an orbit to be able to engage this &rogram# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s, at each node with the ),+Js orbit# There are corrections &er orbit# #:F "D En1a1e REN5EIVO8S? Bhen both the L+Js and the ),+Js orbital &lanes are aligned you can engage this &rogram# $t will build a seIuence of &rograms which will allow synchronizing the &hase of both vessels and &erform the rendezvous#

""""""""""""""" 4877 STA3> MANOE8VER au2iliar fun.tion? #1: "D 7M main en1ine %elta"V burn? The &ur&ose of this &rogram is to allow delta-> stabilized thrusts with the L+, without having to worry about the thrust a%is translation# This &rogram is only available if you had the "5.;,,3.; N3LL $N ).C*-TAN9 W " malfunction event# Bhen you &ress on the "9" 8ey, you will be &rom&ted to set a desired delta-> in meters &er second for the burn# Cou can s&ecify a negative delta-> to obtain a burn in the o&&osite direction# $ncrement<decrement the delta-> value with the "left<right" arrow 8eys# Bith the "Down" arrow 8ey, you can toggle the incremental value between !#: or 6! m<s# The "3&" arrow 8ey engages the burn &rogram# $n *rbiter it is difficult to &erform orbital maneuvers with a hovering vessel li8e the L+# This is because your main engine is not thrusting in the same *rbiter a%is as conventional vessels# /or e%am&le, this means that you cannot directly use the instrumentsJ indications to &erform a &rograde thrust# Cou will have to first orient the vessel &rograde and then rotate -! degrees to &ut your hovering engine on the &rograde a%is# $f you consider this in conGunction with the fact that thrusting the full stac8 in this way is incredibly unstable, you begin to a&&reciate the hel& of this 56( &rogram# This is how to use this &rogram# /irst orient the L+ vessel as you would a standard vessel# This orientation will be the reference for the subseIuent burn# 9ee& in mind that the burn will occur 64! seconds after you have engaged the &rogram# As soon as engaged, the &rogram will &erform a &recise a%is translation to orient the hovering engine in the right direction, and will do the burn reIuired to obtain the given delta-> while 8ee&ing L+Js orientation stable# The &rogram may not run and return with the "Not enough fuel" error, in the event of insufficient fuel left to obtain the desired delta># At any time during the burn you may &ress the "9" Action 8ey to disengage the &rogram# """"""""""""""" ERRORS MESSA9ES? This is the summary of the errors which can be &roduced by a running &rogram# +ost of them will &robably occur as soon as you attem&t to run a &rogram in an inadeIuate situation# =ut it is also &ossible that a seIuence of a &rogram will terminate due to one or more of these abnormal situations# - 3nnecessary action - Not enough fuel - Target orbit off &lane - >essel too far off &lane - *ut of fuel - >essel not in orbit

- Target not in orbit - ),+ has bro8en rendezvous Cou can find very interesting technical information about the L+ H the ),+ auto&ilots in the document written by the author "LazyD" included with the documentation#


,ince the A&ollo 6: mission, A+,* simulates the ,$+ bay com&artment of the ),+# /eatures of this simulation are' - 7ettison of the ,$+ bay &anel - The de&loyment of a sub-satellite - The de&loyment or the stowing of magnetometer antennas - ,&ace ;>A to retrieve film cassettes The commands to activate these features can be found in the commands menu# These commands are managed dynamically# This mean commands are only seen when they can be used# /or e%am&le, before you have Gettisoned the ,$+ bay &anel, you wonNt have any of the other mentioned commands# Note that this management wasnNt done in a too restrictive of a way# /or e%am&le, you will be able to start a s&ace ;>A as soon as the ,$+ bay is o&en and not only after you &erformed the T;$, as it was in reality# .efer to the "3,AA;" cha&ter, to understand how to wor8 the commands menu with the arrow 8eys# =ettison of the SIM ba panel This will sim&ly detach the ,$+ bay &anel from the side of the ,+# The &anel is slowly &ro&elled away from the vessel, revealing the ,$+ bay with all its instruments re&resented in (d# The %eplo of a sub"satellite This launches the sub-satellite which is stored inside the ,$+ bay# The satellite drifts away while its ( antennas automatically de&loy# The 5eplo or stow of ma1netometer antennas These magnetometers were de&loyed during the time the L+ was gone for its stay on the +oon and the ),+ remained in orbit# During these &rocedures, the two cameras seen in the ,$+ bay were also ta8ing &ictures of the +oonJs surface# Spa.e EVA to retrieve film .assettes As soon as the s&ace ;>A is activated, the astronaut is seen either going out of the hatch or you will see from the ;>A astronautJs &ers&ective, de&ending if you were in outside view or coc8&it view# Cou will hear the dialog, which occurred during this time, on the A&ollo 6" flight# *bviously, it is not &ossible to simulate in *rbiterJs environment an astronaut moving to the camera location, retained by his umbilical and by holding the numerous handles installed on the vessel for this &ur&ose# Cour astronaut has no umbilical, but instead an invisible ++3, which allows you to control him with both *rbiterJs linear and rotational attitude controls# 3se the standard *rbiter commands to move the astronaut#

The dis&lay line shows the actual translation mode ?.*T or L$N@, and the ;>A duration# ;ventually a warning message a&&ears when o%ygen runs low or critical# /inally, information about the film cassettes you must retrieve is also dis&layed# The data tells the distance from the left hand of the astronaut to the cassette handle# The astronautJs left hand must be less than : cm from the cassette for the astronaut to grab it automatically# A feedbac8 sound is &layed when this occurs and the dis&lay line reads "$N HAND" instead of the distance remaining# Bhen the astronaut has a cassette in hand, he must return to the hatch to &ut the cassette inside the ),+# 7ust &utting the left hand with the cassette a bit inside the hatch o&ening does this# The cassette will be automatically stored in the ),+# A feedbac8 sound is &layed when this occurs and the information about this cassette disa&&ears from the dis&lay line# To terminate the ;>A, you must maneuver the astronaut inside the ),+ through the hatch# Bhen heJs inside, 5.;)$,;LC on the middle seat, the hatch will close automatically# Cou may enter inside the ),+ with a cassette in hand# During the ;>A you may switch focus between your astronaut and the ),+ by using the "+" 8ey# The alternate action 8ey "9" allows you to &erform a "9$LL-L$N;A."# This function will 8ill any linear translation s&eed relative to the ),+ vessel even if the astronaut has rotational movement# Cour ;>A o%ygen autonomy is 2! minutes# $f you do not terminate the ;>A before the o%ygen is e%hausted, you will die# $n this case, you cannot do anything more with your astronaut than to use the "+" 8ey to return the focus to the ),+# The hatch will close automatically if the astronaut dies# After 1:min, "BA.N$NA" will be dis&layed in the dis&lay line and "DANA;." :min before the end of o%ygen autonomy# Cou may maneuver your astronaut from the outside view or coc8&it view# The "coc8&it" camera has been tuned to avoid gra&hic cli&&ing at a reasonable distance and corres&ond to astronaut eyes view#



;ach landing site location now has realistic scenery# This allows the simulation of most of the real Lunar activities the astronauts &erformed during all the A&ollo missions, including multi&le ;>A and multi&le ;>A stations, each with roc8 sam&les to be collected, or the drilling lunar soil to get underground sam&les# 5lease refer to the document ";>A#doc" for your +oon Gourney# During a&&roach, you will see a beautiful rendering of the +oon terrain when closing to the ground# A full automatic landing will &ut you right on the historical theoretical &rogrammed landing &oint# Cou can have confidence in the very high &recision of the "LazyD" auto&ilot# =ut attentionDDD ,ome of these locations are hazardousD Cou will almost inevitably have to use the ")HANA; TA.A;T" feature to choose a safe location according to the +oon terrain you see# This feature is covered e%tensively in the "521 -Y A&&roach &hase" section of the cha&ter "A3T*5$L*T,"# .;+A.9' As you should 8now, this actual version of *rbiter does not include collision detection, nor su&&ort (d landsca&e# The design of these sceneries tries to hide the flatness of *rbiterJs ground, with some relief relative to this ground# $t is done in a way that it is never necessary to be in such areas in order to accom&lish the mission# =ut if you go there, it is unfortunately obvious that you will be either levitating over or sin8ing into the scenery# $f you &erform a fictitious A&ollo 6( successful mission, you will get the same scenery and ;>A mission duty as for A&ollo 61# The fictitious A&ollo 64 will use the landing site "+arius Hills" and A&ollo 6- or later uses the ")o&ernicus" crater site# These two sceneries use a generic scenery with no ;>A defined#



$f you activate the *rbiter launch &ad o&tion "damage H failure simulation" in the "&arameters" section, A+,* may randomly generate the following malfunctions' 3AR-8RANT 7EA> " 5AN9ER O4 EG#7OSION This may ha&&en when ,aturn > is on the launch &ad or the L+ in liftoff &re&aration mode# /or this failure, the only survival solution is an immediate abort# Ten seconds after this alarm, if you havenJt reacted, you will be with the Angel# 6I96 VI-RATIONS " #OTENTIA7 STR83T8RA7 5AMA9E This may ha&&en during any burn of any main engine?s@ on both vessels# $mmediate abort or main engine cut is the survival solution# A8TO#I7OT MA748N3TION " 5IS3ONNE3TE5 This can ha&&en during any usage of any auto&ilots in both vessels# ,o, the a&&ro&riate reaction will de&end on the situation you are in, when this malfunction occurs# This malfunction may also HALT the com&uter# $n this case, you can try to reset the com&uter during the first 6! minutes by &ressing "9" 8ey, but over this delay you will have to wait :! more minutes, for Houston to found a solution# 2!J T6R8ST #O'ER 7OST This may ha&&en during any burn of any main engine?s@ in both the A&ollo and the L+ vessels# Here again the a&&ro&riate reaction will de&end on the situation you find yourself in when this malfunction occurs# Cou may abort, or try to continue with the ho&e the &ower loss will not affect the flight &ath too much# Note that if this malfunction ha&&ens during the ,aturn > ascent, the central engine cut off of both stages 6 H will not occur# De&ending on when this malfunction occurs, thereJs a greater &ossibility later on of a ,aturn > auto&ilot failure, because it can no longer insure a good traGectory# S#S EN9INE MA748N3TION This may ha&&en the first time you will use your ),+ ,5, engine, &robably for the first middle course correction# =ut if you get a first successful burn, the &robability you get a later malfunction is almost null# This will force you to fly the free return traGectory and use only your .), system to get a correct entry interface# #RESS8RE N877 IN 3R<O"TAN> K2 This failure simulates the A&ollo 6( &roblem# As with A&ollo 6(, the failure will occur right on time ?:2 hours into the mission@# =ut this &roblem may also occur &urely randomly with A&ollo 66 H 6 ?but not after 6!! hours into the mission@# Here you will hear a loud e%&losion and get the alarm# Then the ),+ will remain o&erational for 6 hour (! minutes more Then it will die ?you wonNt be able to do anything anymore@# =ut these -! min of time runs only when you are inside this vessel ?focus on ),+@# ,o you will be forced to go inside the L+ to &reserve this &recious time of remaining autonomy for the reentry# Bhen you are inside the ),+, you will see the indication

"5*B;. =3, 4#! >olt ", on the mini-&anel of the virtual coc8&it# This tension will start to decrease (! minutes before the ),+ dies# ATT;NT$*NDDD Cou need an o&erational vessel until the main &arachute e%traction, so you must carefully &lan your reentry# Cou may try to use the ),+ main engine, but here there is a high &robability ?:X chance@ that you will blow u&# $t is therefore better to use the L+ for all traGectory corrections, as it was actually done# /or this &ur&ose, you will have the assistance of the auto&ilot# ,ee the "A3T*5$L*T," cha&ter, &articularly the section "/3LL ,TA)9 +AN*;3>;. au%iliary function" and read all about the 56( fictitious &rogram# ,imilarly, donNt miss the A&ollo 6( tutorial and the associated set of scenarios which Iuite accurately simulate this dramatic flight# Bhen the malfunction occurs, you will see the malfunction message on the screen and hear a warning siren# $n this state, most of the interface functions are tem&orary disabled until you ac8nowledge the warning by &ressing either the "7" or "9" 8eys# This will sto& the siren, erase the message, and again restore full vessel control# $f the malfunction is not mastered and leads to vessel destruction, you will see the Angel, as described in a &revious cha&terD =ut if you have disabled inhabited vessels vulnerability, you will survive ?see cha&ter T;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*N@# A technical word about this feature' All malfunctions rely on s&ecific situations to occur# /or e%am&le, the engine *N, auto&ilot *N, lift off countdown, etc### De&ending on the s&ecific situation, the engine will build a different &robability, based u&on a general &robability factor, set by default to !#!: X of chance# $n other words, the &robability for a s&ecific event, is lowered or increased, according to the characteristics of this event# /or e%am&le, for a malfunction which can occur during long &eriod of time, the &robability factor is lowered# =ut for an engine failure, the factor will be increased, as the malfunction can only occur, while the engine is running# *f course, the ty&e of malfunction is also considered# /atal malfunctions have a lower &robability to occur than recoverable malfunctions# Cou can modify the general factor, by adding a custom &arameter in scenarios ?see cha&ter T;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*N for more details@# To build the final &robability, the engine use a techniIue of double drawing of lots# Drawing of lots are &erformed each second, so that the engine is inde&endent of com&uter &erformances# Cou have "magic 8eys" to increase ?/6 @ or decrease ?/66@ the &robability by a 6!% factor# Bhen you hit the 8ey, the actual factor is Gust shortly dis&layed on the bottom line# To change it, you must re-hit the 8ey during the dis&lay time# This will allow you to &ractice your ability to react well to malfunctions# This modification is not memorized, so if you save Gust after having modified, when you will reload the saved scenario, you will be again with the initial &robability#



Bhen you first land on the +oon, &ress the "9" 8ey to start the ;>A activities# Cour astronaut a&&ears near the foot of the L+ leg with the attached ladder# The focus has been automatically moved to this crew member W6# =efore &roceeding further, $ recommend changing the camera mode to "ground mode"# 3se the shortcut ")T.L-/6"# =y using the 8ey "+" you can now toggle the focus between the L+ and the astronaut in ;>A# $f you &ress again the 8ey "9", when the focus is on the L+, the second astronaut will start his ;>A# /rom this stage the "+" focus toggle 8ey will switch views between both astronauts# How to ma8e both astronauts wal8' This is sim&le# Cou use the numeric 8ey&ad in the following way' - To wal8 forward, use the 8ey "4"# - To wal8 bac8ward, use the 8ey " "# The astronaut will "+oon wal8" as long as you 8ee& the 8ey &ressed# $f you need to turn while wal8ing &ress ,$+3LTAN;*3,LC the following 8eys' Bhen wal8ing forward' - To turn left, use the 8ey """# - To turn right, use the 8ey "-"# Bhen wal8ing bac8ward' - To turn left, use the 8ey "6"# - To turn right, use the 8ey "("# Here again, as long as you &ress both 8eys at once, the astronaut will turn while wal8ing# ,o to review, you use two grou&s of 8eys "6, ,(" and "",4,-" to wal8 and turn in any direction# /or e%am&le, while &ressing 8eys """ and "4", your astronaut will wal8 forward while simultaneously turning to the left# The translation of movement accelerates with the time when you 8ee& the 8ey &ressed# $n other words, your astronaut will wal8 faster ?about a (!X increase@# Notice that this also de&ends on his fatigue ?see following@# Bhen he starts to become really e%hausted, he wonJt be able to accelerate# To the contrary, he will only be able to ta8e smaller ste&s even though he must &ause between each ste&, and this will occur more and more until he is fully e%hausted# At this &oint, heJll almost no longer be able to move# Cou will have to wait until he recovers his breath and tonus#


To turn in &lace, use the N3+5AD 8eys "1" H "2"# Here again, 8ee& the 8ey &ressed until the astronaut loo8s in the desired direction# Note that you may also use 8eys """ H "-" or "6" H "(" instead# Cou have more commands on the numeric 8ey&ad to let the astronaut &erform funny acrobatics# The "#" ?dot@ 8ey &erforms a forward salto and the "!" 8ey &erforms a bac8 salto# *bviously, this has never actually been &erformed on the +oon, but it is coolDDD $t is &ossible to L*)9 any wal8ing command combination with the numeric &ad L;NT;.M 8ey# To do this, &ress this 8ey BH$L; AL,* 5.;,,$NA TH; BAL9$NA 9;C?,@# The message line in the bottom left of the screen will dis&lay LL*)9M# Now the wal8ing order is loc8ed, so you can release the wal8ing 8ey?s@# This allows you to now switch the focus on the other Astronaut and do the same ?3se the L+M toggle focus 8ey@# $n this case, both Astronauts will continue to wal8, without you ever needing to 8ee& the wal8ing 8ey?s@ &ressed# To unloc8 again, you sim&ly &ress the numeric &ad L;NT;.M 8ey# This is useful, for e%am&le, to let one or both astronauts continue wal8ing somewhere while you e%amine the surrounding with the camera# This can also be very useful if you create a video# Notice that if you change the focus with the L+M 8ey, while also 8ee&ing the wal8ing 8ey?s@ &ressed 3NT$L TH; /*)3, HA, )HANA;D, the Astronaut without the focus will also continue to wal8# /atigue is also modeled# Bal8ing and Gum&ing ?even more@ will increase the tiredness of the astronaut# As said before, tiredness will reduce wal8ing &erformance and &ast a certain &oint, the Gum&s wonJt be &ossible anymore ?he will Gust do a small vertical Gum&@# Twenty minutes of continuous wal8ing will totally e%haust the astronaut# To recover, the astronaut must sto& wal8ing and Gum&ing# Cou will 8now when the astronaut starts to be really tired, because the breathing sound in the "coc8&it" view will become more ra&id and loud# /inally, notice that the Astronaut will recover !X faster, when he sits aboard the Lunar .over# 'or)in1 on the Moon Actions that can be &erformed rely on radius distances around the L+# $f you are between : and 2 meters from L+, &ressing action 8ey "7" will terminate your ;>A# This distance corres&onds to a &osition Gust beside a L+ leg# $f you are between (#: and 1#4 meters from L+, you can get tool items from the L+ by &ressing action 8ey "7"# This distance corres&onds to a &osition Gust beside the L+ sides, where the materials com&artments are located ?between the L+ legs@# Bith A&ollo 6: and subseIuent missions, the "9" 8ey will start the authentic de&loyment and eIui&ment of the Lunar .over# Tools come in the following order' 6- The Antenna ?A&ollo 6 to 61@ - The 3, flag (- The solar wind e%&eriment

1- The magnetometer :- The 3> telesco&e 2- The station "- The ,;5 4- The drill Bhen you carry an item, you have to go almost 4 meters away from the L+ to be able to lay the item on the ground by &ressing the "7" 8ey# Bhen you are not carrying an item and if you are close to any items already installed ?6#: meter or less@, you can &ic8 this item u& again with the "7" 8ey and move it elsewhere# The solar wind e%&eriment is the only item you can carry in your hand, when you return into L+# $n fact, you should not forget to ta8e it bac8 with you, when you terminate your last ;>A tri&, otherwise the ,wiss university who imagined this e%&eriment will be very disa&&ointed DDD Cou can also use the drill to collect underground sam&les# To do this, sim&ly stand close toward the drill and &ress "9" alternate action 8ey# Cou will see a message saying you are drilling# Bhen the message disa&&ears, &ress "9" again to store the sam&le# $f you want to ta8e another sam&le, you must dis&lace the drill# Drilling o&eration ta8es two minutes and during this time, you canNt do anything else# *n the lower-left corner of the screen, your can read your ;>A references# /irst is a direction indicator built with "Z" and "Y" characters which indicate the direction of the actual ;>A station# Then, you see the ;>A W you are in and the current ;>A station indicated with the "Y" character, followed by the station W# Then, comes the distance to this station# The same indications are used in the Lunar .over vehicle, with the e%ce&tion that the location indicated by the L.> may differ from the location indicated in the astronaut dis&lay line# /or the Lunar .over, this location is the center of the ;>A station# /or the Astronaut the location is the center of the area where 2 roc8 sam&les have been randomly generated# Cour tas8 is to find these roc8s and collect them# Cou sim&ly &ress the "7" action 8ey when you are a distance of 6#: meter or less from the stone# $f you donNt want to gather these roc8s anymore, you can use the cheat command ")T.L-9" at any time to destroy all the remaining roc8?s@ in the &resent station# /or each ;>A you are in, there are several stations to visit# ,ince A&ollo 6:, they can be very far and will reIuire you travel with the L.> vehicle# As soon as you will have collected all the roc8s, if the ;>A has a further station to visit, then a new set of roc8 sam&les will be generated at this ne%t station and so on, until you visited the last station &rogrammed for this ;>A# After you have collected all the roc8 sam&les in this last station, no more sam&les will be generated, and all reference locations sim&ly become the L+ landing location, so you can return to the L+ with no &roblem#


/inally, when you terminate your ;>A ?both astronauts bac8 in the L+@, if you have collected all the roc8 sam&les, the ne%t ;>A will be selected# =ut if you havenJt collected all the sam&les, you will remain in this unachieved ;>A until the last roc8 sam&le is collected# Cou can do more ;>As than &rogrammed# The ;>A counter will increment, but you wonJt have any roc8 sam&les to collect and all the reference locations will always be the L+ location# .;+A.9,' The following tric8 may hel& you to locate roc8 sam&les, if you have difficulties finding them# 5ress /1, then &ress ",elect shi&" and in the list, select a roc8 and &ress *9# This sets the camera focus on this roc8# Now by moving the camera, you can evaluate the &osition of the roc8, relative to the astronaut, or any other obGects# To continue your mission, you will have to select the astronaut "vessel" again in the same way# A fairer tric8 is to &lace one Astronaut e%actly on the reference location ?Dist[!@ and to travel with the ground e%ternal camera around him, at different distance# Bhen you detect a roc8, then you use the second astronaut to go there and grab the roc8# The last information dis&layed in the dis&lay line is the time s&ends since ;>A started for the Astronaut# ATT;NT$*N DDD Cou may die, if you e%ceed your o%ygen autonomy DDD Here are the o%ygen autonomies you get for each mission and ;>A ?based on NA,A +ission 5ress tool8it@' A&ollo 66' A&ollo 6 ' A&ollo 61' A&ollo 6:' ;>A6 62!mn ? h1!mn@ ;>A6 !:mn ?(h :mn@ ;>A !:mn ?(h :mn@ ;>A6 ::mn ?1h6:mn@ ;>A ::mn ?1h6:mn@ ;>A6 1 !mn ?"h@ ;>A 1 !mn ?"h@ ;>A( (2!mn ?2h@ ALL ;>ANs 1 !mn ?"h@

A&ollo 62 and 6"'

The fictitious A&ollo 64-6- missions ?or later@, use the same model as A&ollo 6"# $f you &erform a successful fictitious A&ollo 6( mission, you will get the same data as for A&ollo 61# Cou must add a reserve of 6! minutes to these times, to find your total o%ygen autonomy# Bhen your o%ygen autonomy reaches (!mn left, the message "BA.N$NA" will be added to the dis&lay line# Bhen you start to use the last 6! minutes of reserve, the


message will turn to "DANA;."# $f you are not inside the L+ before the o%ygen is totally e%hausted, you will die and fall face toward the +oon ground# /or the A&ollo 6 mission, you have a s&ecial tas8 to do' Cou must find the &robe ,urveyor $$$, get close to it and &ress the "7" action 8ey to retrieve the &robe camera# To climb into the Lunar .over, get close to one of its sides and &ress the action 8ey "7"# =oth astronauts may climb into the .over while carrying the drill tool# $n this case, when one disembar8s, he will have the drill with him# Cou drive the .over in the same way as the astronaut, including the loc8<unloc8# *f course, you cannot turn in &lace and the "!" 8ey is a bra8e# Cou can ma8e shar& turns at low s&eeds if you &ress the turning 8ey while giving multi&le short 8eystro8es with the forward or the bac8ward 8ey# To disembar8, Gust &ress "7" again# Cou may use the 8ey "9" instead, if you want crewmember W to disembar8 first# Cou will need to manage the Lunar .over thermal mirrors covers of the forward batteries &ac8 with ")trl-L" 8ey, when you sto&# These covers &rotect the mirrors from the dust, while driving or when the batteries &ac8 tem&erature is low enough# Driving the .over will increase this tem&erature# After about 2 to " minutes of continuous full s&eed driving, you may even get the message "*>;.H;AT" in the dis&lay line and the ma%imum s&eed will be reduced# This is why, when you sto& at a station, you must o&en these covers before to disembar8, to get o&timal heat dissi&ation# )overs will close automatically when you restart your drive or when the batteries &ac8 tem&erature is again low enough# $f you forget to o&en these covers when you sto&, batteries &ac8 tem&erature will lower only very slowly during your stay# Bith o&ened covers, heat dissi&ation should not e%ceed ! minutes# 3ntil both astronauts come bac8 ?or die@, the L+ is totally disabled, so you cannot leave the +oon without them# Cou can try by going to the L+ with *rbiter standard manual shi& selection commands, or with "+" 8ey, but only if 6 astronaut is in ;>A# To 8now all about your duties during any ;>A of all A&ollo missions, &lease refer to the document ";>A#doc" where you will find nice landing site ma&s and all the necessary instructions to succeed in your missions during your +oon visits#



+ode 6 Launch esca&e system ?L;,@ tower &ro&els command module away from launch vehicle# This mode is in effect from about T-1: minutes when L;, is armed until L;, tower Gettison# The command module landing &oint can range from the Launch )om&le% (-A area to 1!! nm downrange# This mode is divided in ( sub-modes# +ode 6A, used for aborts from ! to (!!! m, where the esca&e tower fire a strong and very Iuic8 down &itch im&ulse and de&loy the canard wings# The +ode 6=, from (!!! m to (!#: 8m, where only the canard wings were de&loyed and finally, Ty&e 6), over (!#: 8m, with no &itch im&ulse and no canard wings de&loyment at all# $n this last mode, crew had to Gettison manually the esca&e tower and to turn the )+ bottom forward ?blunt-end forward or =;/ attitude@, also manually, with the )+ .), system# =oth &revious mode are fully automatic, but notice that for Ty&e 6=, if you reach an altitude over (!N!!! meters, you may decide to switch to manual, by eGecting the esca&e tower# =egins when L;, tower is Gettisoned and runs until the ),+ main engine can be used to insert it into a safe ;arth orbit ?TS-' @ or until landing &oints a&&roach the African coast# +ode reIuires manual se&aration, entry orientation and full-lift entry with landing between (:! and ( !! nm downrange# =egins when full-lift landing &oint reached ( !! nm ?(:2! sm, :-(6 8m@ and e%tends through ;arth orbital insertion# The ),+ would se&arate from the launch vehicle, and if necessary, a ),+ main engine retrograde burn would be made, and the command module would be flown half-lift to entry and land#


+ode ( -

+ode 1 H A&ogee 9ic8 - =egins after the &oint the ),+ main engine could be used to insert it into an ;arth &ar8ing orbit# This is from about TS-' # The main engine burn into orbit would be made two minutes after se&aration from the (rd stage and the mission would continue as an ;arth orbit alternate# +ode 1 is &referred over +ode (# A variation of +ode 1 is the a&ogee 8ic8 in which the ),+ main engine would be ignited at first a&ogee to raise &erigee for a safe orbit#


Cou can a&&ly aerodynamic lift when you enter into atmos&here# ATT;NT$*N, L$/T A55LC *NLC *N TH; 5$T)H AE$,# This lift allows you to control your entry &ath within a certain limit# Note that vertical lift, also allow reducing dynamic &ressure, which is +ANDAT*.C to survive in most of direct abort reentry# 5ractically, this means you must orient the vessel retrograde and anti-level ?you must see the ;arth over your head, this is the real historical orientation used@# Cou can read the A*A on the *rbiter "surface" instrument or on the mini-&anel in >irtual coc8&it# Bith this attitude, you can a&&ly ma%imum &ositive lift with an A*A of 614 degrees and a ma%imum negative lift with an A*A of -614 degrees# $f you also ban8 left or right, you can a&&ly laterally a &art of the lift, to also modify your traGectory to the left or to the right# AttentionD A*A ?and Caw a%is too@ lower than 6 !<-6 ! degrees may sim&ly 8ill you, because you will lose the thermal shield &rotectionDDD To a&&ly lift, it is recommended to use the Goystic8# This device should allow you more easily, to maintain a &recise A*A, while the increasing aerodynamic effect on the ca&sule will counter-act more and more your .), actions# 9$LL.*T is automatically a&&lied when you return the command to neutral# Cou can avoid this auto-9$LL.*T feature, by sim&ly &ressing the ")trl" 8ey, while you a&&ly .), commands# Notice that 9$LL.*T may sometimes stay loc8ed, es&ecially when aerodynamic effect on the ca&sule become stronger# =ut this &roblem might be, in fact, hel&ful, as it may loc8 your selected A*A# Cou can defeat the loc8 at any times, by sim&ly &ressing the 9$LL.*T button# /or a normal entry, it is recommended to stay in the neutral 64! degrees retrograde attitude# Cou can toggle *N<*//, an "A*A-64!-L*)9" auto&ilot, with the numeric 8ey&ad ".eturn" 8ey# This auto&ilot will only loc8 the &itch a%is# Cou can even overa&&ly manual .), commands# *nly standard *rbiter auto&ilot functions li8e .;T.*A.AT;, L;>;L, etc0, will automatically disable "A*A-64!-L*)9" auto&ilot# Now, if you need to modify your traGectory, be careful to not a&&ly too much lift too soon, or you may re-bounce off the atmos&here# The best &arameter you should monitor carefully, to avoid this case, is the vertical acceleration >A)), you can read on the *rbiter ",urface" instrument or on the A+,* mini-&anel# $f you read an im&ortant &ositive vertical acceleration, a&&ly immediately N;AAT$>; lift# $f you 8ee& vertical acceleration close to zero, it mean you fly level, li8e air&lane DDD As already mentioned, for launch abort mode H ( ?see &revious cha&ter@, C*3 +3,T A55LC L$/T# ;ven /3LL-L$/T ?614 degrees@ at the beginning is reIuired to 8ee& the dynamic &ressure within the admissible range# .emember, over :! 85a, you will be dead D


$f you are into a normal entry ?$ mean N*T an entry consecutive to a flight abort@, the carrier 3,,-Hornet will be there, waiting for you# As soon as the &arachute &rotection cone is Gettisoned, you will be able to toggle the focus between the )+ and the carrier with the "+" 8ey# $f you are fast enough, you might see all the &arachutes seIuence from there D $f you &ress "7" action 8ey, you will de&loy the ,H(-,ea9ing helico&ter# Now, if you &ress "+" 8ey you will toggle focus between the carrier and the helico&ter# 6ow to pilot the Sea>in1 heli.opter Bith the "D" 8ey, you can o&en the door# Bhen airborne, the "A" 8ey will retract or de&loy the landing gear# To start the engines, &ress the "7" action 8ey# Cour engines and rotors will &rogressively s&ool u&# Bhen the o&timal s&eed is reached and you are therefore ready to ta8e off, a dis&lay line will a&&ear which indicates the horizontal s&eed in 8nots, the lateral s&eed in ft<s, the vertical s&eed in ft<s, the altitude in feet, the distance and bearing to current target and finally, the landing gear status# A negative value for the horizontal s&eed means youJre moving bac8ward# A negative value for lateral s&eed means youJre moving to "5ort" side ?left@# Cour landing altitude is " #4 feetJs# .emember it, this will be your landing altitude when you come bac8, but it will be also your stationary altitude over the A&ollo vessel# $n fact when you fly in translation, you must always remain over this altitude# Bhen this line a&&ears, you are ready to start flying# To control the collective &itch, use, li8e with the L+, the "$nsert" 8ey to increment your vertical s&eed by 6 ft<s and the "Delete" 8ey to decrease the same value# Cou can use the ";nd" 8ey to reset vertical s&eed to zero ?fly level@# Cou fly the helico&ter with the Goystic8# Cou &itch u& and down to control your horizontal s&eed, ban8 left<right to control lateral s&eed and yaw to turn the helico&ter around the main rotor a%is# During translation, you can &erform turns by ban8ing and yawing of the a&&ro&riate value# As already said, you use "$nsert", "Delete" and ";nd" 8eys, to control your vertical s&eed# D*NNT 3,; standard *rbiter hovering commands# $ recommend switching off the nd +/D and to set the H3D in surface mode# 3se "Distance" and "=earing" of the dis&lay line, to fly in the direction of your current target ?first, A&ollo vessel and later, when recu&eration is done, the )arrier@# Bhen you are Gust over the A&ollo vessel, "land" Gust over it# This simulates the hovering station over the ca&sule# *&en the door with "D" 8ey and use multi&le "9"

8ey stro8e to simulate the recovery of the ( astronauts# Notice that you may o&en the door before to land# This will engage the *rbiter "Level" flying mode which should hel& to fine &ilot the final a&&roach# Cou can either descent the bas8et before to land, as soon as you see "$N .ANA;" on the dis&lay line# This may be hel&ful to "land" the helico&ter at the &recise right &lace# To leave your station over the ca&sule, Gust &ress "$nsert" 8ey to climb# DonNt forget to close the door with "D" 8ey, before to leave# .eturn to the carrier and a&&roach it from the bac8# Aim for a landing in the central &art of the carrier dec8# DonNt forget to de&loy your landing gear with the "A" 8ey and when landed, &ress the "7" 8ey to sto& your engines# Bhen the main rotor is totally sto&&ed, o&en the door with "D" 8ey and &ress "9" 8ey for the final "welcome bac8" ceremony# .;+A.9' $n reality, for the first missions, astronauts wore gas mas8s and had to immediately enter into a Iuarantine chamber, as soon as the helico&ter landed# =ut $ thought it was more fun to simulate later missions, where this &recaution was abandoned, because scientists were sure at that time that astronauts couldnNt be contaminated by their Gourney on the +oon# $n the e%ternal view, if you zoom a lot with usual *rbiter "5age Down" 8ey, you can &ut the camera inside the helico&ter# Cou will see that "9ev((" has modeled the entire interior# Note' The helico&ter "vessel" is $N>3LN;.A=L;# 8sa1e of 1roun% .amera The best way to enGoy the recovery seIuence is to use the *rbiter ground observer camera# Bhen you are hovering over the A&ollo )+ module and ready to start the recovery, set the view at a distance you can see both the )+ and the helico&ter while loo8ing horizontally# Now &ress /1 and select ")amera"# ,elect "ground" &age, deselect "target loc8" o&tion and &ress "current"# Now you can control the camera with arrow 8eys, with or without ")T.L" 8ey and both "5age 3&" and "5age Down" 8eys# Bhen you are ready to fly bac8 to the carrier, try to start your flight from this view, as itJs really s&ectacularD Cou may even reactivate the "target loc8" if you want the camera to automatically follow the helico&ter#

Loo8 at the scenario "A&ollo 66, ste& ( " to see an e%am&le of this camera setting and &ractice astronauts recovery#



Cou will find several camera settings for both )a&e )anaveral and all the +oon bases# The cameras "5ad (-A tower E" are a bit tric8y to use &ro&erly# Here is what you should do' - Load the scenario "A&ollo 66 ste& 6"# - 5ress /1 and select ")ameraYgroundY5ad (-A tower E"# - )hec8 that "Target loc8" is selected# - 5ress "A&&ly" button# - Deselect "Target loc8"# - Now, use "arrow 8eys" ?or mouse@ to tune the camera angle of view to your taste# Cou are now ready to see the lift off Gust li8e some NA,A automatic cameras filmed it# /ans of A&ollo certainly still remember these stunning imagesDDD The "Aod eyes" cameras for all the landing sites are very useful to watch the last minutes of the L+ landing# To set them, you should sim&ly' - 5ress /1 and select ")ameraYgroundYLanding-site-name"# - 5ress "A&&ly" button# /or the "Tribute to LazyD" scenario, you also have "+emorial station WE" camera &resets, which will &lace the camera o&timally over each of the stations of the +onument#


Here is the list of all e%isting sound customizations, relative to default *rbiter,ound sounds ambiance# This is what you get on every mission, with the A+,* installation, without sound &ac8 e%tensions# Bith sound &ac8 e%tensions, you may hear more AT) dialogs for more flight &hases# The AT) sounds &layed could also be those of the real mission you are flying# /or more details, refer to the cha&ter ",*3ND )3,T*+$KAT$*N 5;. +$,,$*N"# - A&ollo ),+ cabin sound ?L+ use *rbiter,ound default one@# - 6! first minutes of A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs from lift off# - Abort with esca&e tower# - ;sca&e tower Gettison# - 3llage roc8ets sound# - ,tages se&aration noise# - 5arachute shield se&aration noise# - L+ legs de&loyment# - +aster alarm sound# - Hatch closure# - AT) dialog during start of s&ace ;>A ?from A&ollo 6"@# - A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs for 5D$ ?+oon landing@# - Historical first ste& &hrase said by Neil Armstrong# - Astronauts breath during ;>A# - Drilling noise when you use the drill# - A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs for +oon lift off# - Drogue chute mortar noise when fired# - Drogue chute se&aration S main &arachutes mortar noises# - Two sounds when main &arachute inflate# - Two sound loo&s ?wind H &arachutes@ during descent# - ,&lashdown sound# - *cean rumble loo& sound# - Helico&ter rotors H turbine sound# - Helico&ter landing gears# - Helico&ter door# - Helico&ter winch# AT) dialogs for the ,aturn > flight, for the L+ descent &lus landing and the L+ ascent into +oon orbit are fully accurate# Cou will hear the dialog at the time ?or altitude@ it occurred in reality# All sounds are from the A&ollo 66 mission# =efore L+ descent, you will hear the "Ao for 5D$" from Houston flight control# /or the +oon lift off, you will hear Houston "ta8e off" authorization when you enter in A,);NT &re&aration &hase# Two minutes before lift off, you will hear Neil Armstrong &erforming the end of the chec8list, and then the authentic countdown# Technically s&ea8ing, these AT) dialogs wor8 the following way'

AT) sounds &erformed during flight &hases rely on the auto&ilots of ,aturn > and the L+ to be &layed# $n other words, you wonNt hear these dialogs if you are in manual flight or if you abort the guidance &rogram, because in this case it is obviously Iuite difficult to guess what you are going to do ne%t# During all these custom AT) &hases, the default *rbiter,ound random AT) feature is disabled, e%ce&t if the delay to &lay the ne%t custom AT) is over 6: minutes# $f you abort the flight or disable the auto&ilot, the custom AT) &hase is immediately disabled and default random AT) is restored# $n both ),+ H L+ vessels, this is the default *rbiter,ound settings, set by A+,*' 5LAC)*3NTD*BNBH;NTA9;*//, no ?custom in both vessels@# 5LACBH;NATT$T3D;+*D;)HANA;, no# 5LACA5B,, no# 5LAC+A$NTH.3,T, yes# 5LACH*>;.TH.3,T, yes# 5LACATT$T3D;TH.3,T, yes# 5LACD*)9$NA,*3ND, yes# 5LAC.ADA.=$5, in ),+ disabled during ,aturn > flight# $n L+ disabled when landed# 5LACB$NDA$.,5;;D, yes# 5LACD*)9LAND)L;A.AN);, no# 5LACLAND$NAANDA.*3ND,*3ND, no ?custom s&lashdown@# 5LAC)A=$NA$.)*ND$T$*N$NA, yes ?custom for ),+ vessel@# 5LAC)A=$N.AND*+A+=$AN);, yes# 5LACB$NDA+=$AN);BH;NLAND;D, yes# D$,5LACT$+;., no#



A+,* allows customization of all A+,* AT) sounds which are relative to a &articular mission# =y default, all included sounds are those of the A&ollo 66 mission and are located into the root A+,* sound directory ",oundPA+,*"# =ut A+,* will also loo8 to see if inside this root directory, a sub-directory named li8e the current mission e%ists# /or e%am&le, for A&ollo 6 , the directory must be named "A,-:!""# $f this directory e%ists, then A+,* assumes that ALL the customizable sound files are to be &layed from this directory# $f the o&tional sound directory for the mission is not found, then A+,* will use the default A&ollo 66 sounds mentioned before# Notice that even for A&ollo 66, a custom directory can be made# Cou have two categories of customizable sounds' /i%ed events AT) sounds' These files are &layed when a &recise event occurs or when the user does a s&ecific action# These sounds are' A&ollo vessel'$nboard)ut#wav cutoff#wav ignition#wav .ing,e&#wav Tower,e&#wav ,e&aration#wav &re-countdown#wav ?must start e%actly : minutes before liftoff and have a duration of not more than 1mn :!sec@ countdown#wav ?must start e%actly 6! seconds before liftoff@# L+ vessel' L+-landing-go#wav ?feedbac8 sound@ L+-ta8eoff-go#wav ?feedbac8 sound@ L+-ta8eoff-chec8list#wav L+-ta8eoff-countdown#wav ?must start e%actly 6! sec before liftoff@ ,e&aration#wav

Any missing Fixed events ATC sounds will mean no &lay during the simulation and *rbiter,ound will enlist the file in its log file# )ustom events AT) sounds' These are sounds which will be &layed by several A+,* "AT) engines" able to ste& into a list of an undetermined number of AT) sound files, reading from the file name itself, the time ?or altitude@ information to 8now when to &lay the AT) file# A&ollo vessel' Apollo-HHHMMSS.wav where HHH'++',, is the A;T time at which the AT) must &lay#


L+ vessel'

LM-HHHMMSS.wav where HHH'++',, is the A;T time at which the AT) must &lay# LM-landing-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since 5D$ burn started# LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav where $E is the ran8 order of AT) &lay and AAAA the altitude at which the AT) must be &layed# AAAA[!!!! will corres&ond automatically to the &recise instant where the landing &robe touches the ground# LM-landed-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since the L+ touched the ground# LM-ascent-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since the liftoff burn started#

All Custom events ATC sounds found will be &layed according to the rules defined &reviously# Cou can have as many Custom events ATC sounds you want in the limit im&osed by their s&ecifications# /or e%am&le, for LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav, the $E digits ran8ing inde% means a ma%imum of 6!! files# The multi&le "AT) engines" architecture for the L+ allows you to &recisely synchronize AT) on landing and ascent events, no matter at which A;T these events occur# 3sage of altitude for the final &art of the landing also gives more &recise results and even allows you to 8ee& AT) when flying the L+ with the 522 manual landing &rogram# LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav "AT) engine" will sto& after landing ?AAAA[!!!!@ and force LM-landing-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" to sto&, if not already sto&&ed# This will also occur immediately if the 5D$ seIuence of &rogramNs is aborted# Notice that even if it is &ossible to &lay AT) with both "AT) engines" during all the 5D$ H landing &hase, this is not recommended at all# 3se the ;;T engine until you reach about (!!! ft ?-61#1 m@, and then use the ALT engine# LM-landed-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" starts running on L+ touchdown, but only if the 5D$ seIuence of &rograms was active until landing# Then it will sto& only when the last AT) is &layed, or if the L+ enters in ta8e off &re&aration &hase, or in case of emergency immediate ta8e off# LM-ascent-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" is sto&&ed in the same time of 56 +oon orbit insertion &rogram ?normal end or abort@#

/or Apollo-HHHMMSS.wav, during the ascent into ;arth orbit, if the auto&ilot is disabled for any reasons ?abort flight, auto&ilot malfunction or user ta8e manual control@, the &laying of these AT) will be immediately aborted and will remain muted until A;T !!!'66'1! ?end of a normal ;arth orbit insertion@# After that time, this "AT) engine" will be reactivated automatically only if the A&ollo vessel is in a &lausible situation ?this is altitude over 64:8m and in (rd stage configuration@# LM-HHHMMSS.wav "AT) engine" will never abort &laying AT)# $t runs as soon as the L+ is activated and until the L+ ascent stage is definitively undoc8ed from the A&ollo vessel# Notice that L+ landing and ascent "AT) engines" have the &riority over this "AT) engine"# Any AT) which would occur during the activity &eriod of these other "AT) engines" will be s8i&&ed# .;+A.9,' $t is better to avoid the two sounds mentioned as a "feedbac8 sound" to be missing, because they are a feedbac8 to an A+,* action# Bithout them it will wor8, but the user may wonder if the action he does was really &erformed# DonNt forget also the timing constraints for all countdown sounds# The best way to build an A&ollo &re-countdown<countdown &air of files is to ta8e a sound file starting &recisely at minus : minutes and ending after the liftoff, before the first A&ollo AT)# Then you cut &recisely this file in two, at minus 6! seconds time# Attention D "AT) engines" D* N*T stac8 AT) files# ,o it is your res&onsibility to insure that consecutive AT) do not overla&, otherwise the overla&&ed AT) will be s8i&&ed# /inally, for those who are going to build such a sound &ac8, thin8 about the size of the whole sound &ac8age DDD Avoid using high sam&le rates in stereo or very long sam&les# +ost of the time, a sam&le rate of 669 in 4 bits mono is enough with these 8inds of sounds# $n most AT) conversations, you have time where nobody is s&ea8ing# ,&lit your AT) in several files on these silences, when they e%ceed -( seconds#


Cou can disable inhabited vessels vulnerability feature by adding, at the end of the scenario &arameters list for these vessels, the &arameter "$N>3LN;.A=L; 6"# $f you add this &arameter, the vessel?s@ will remain invulnerable during all the rest of the mission, even if you e%it and restart the simulation# Bhen this &arameter is s&ecified in the A&ollo vessel, it will be automatically transmitted to the L+ vessel# The contrary is not true, so you can set the L+ to invulnerable, while 8ee&ing the A&ollo vessel vulnerable# $n the same way, the &arameter "5.*=A=$L$TC" allow you to change the default &robability of !#!: X, for the damage H failure engine, for both A&ollo H L+ vessels, in the valid range from !#!!6 to 6#!! X# This &arameter is s&ecified in A&ollo vessel *NLC and is automatically &assed to L+ vessel, as soon as it e%ist# This should allow you to tune events &robability to your taste# Cou can also disable the L+ landing dust effect with the "N*D3,T 6" &arameter s&ecified in either A&ollo or L+ vessel# $f s&ecified into A&ollo vessel, it will be automatically transmitted to L+ vessel as soon as the vessel e%ist# The A+,* ,aturn > auto&ilot su&&orts a launch azimuth correction# A correction angle, in degrees-decimal, can be s&ecified in the launch scenario file, with &arameter "AK$+3T)*."# This azimuth correction is a&&lied to the natural launch azimuth, which is the ground heading minus 64! degrees ?A&ollo fly on the bac8 during ascent@# Auto&ilot e%ecutes this correction by rotating ,aturn > in the very beginning of the flight# /or e%am&le "AK$+3T)*. -64" will aim a launch azimuth of " degrees# According to NA,A s&ecifications, "AK$+3T)*." is limited in the range - ! to S ! degrees, which corres&ond to an azimuth range of "! to 66! degrees# >alues out of range are trimmed automatically to a&&ro&riate limit# Cou can also s&ecify several other &arameters which allow internal auto&ilot &rograms to refine their navigation# These &arameters are also &assed e%ternally, via the $5) feature# ,o e%ternal a&&lications, li8e an e%ternal instrument L&lug inM, can use them too# +7DL*$' +7D time of the L*$ ?Lunar *rbit +oon@# $f this &arameter is s&ecified the A+,* ,aturn > auto&ilot, it will steer the yaw a%is in order to interce&t the +oon &lane at the time of L*$ during the ascent to ;arth &ar8ing orbit# The result is an ;arth &ar8ing orbit very &recise for the subseIuent TL$ burn# $+/D: uses this &arameter to &reset the arrival time of the &rogram L$nterce&t TargetM# +7DLDA' +7D time of the +oon landing# This &arameter is not used yet in A+,*# $+/D: uses it with the landing base location to com&ute the angular offset with landing base, dis&layed into the L+a&M &rogram# +7D5;)<ALT5;)' +7D time and altitude in 8m of the &ericynthion ?NA,A term for lunar &erigee@ of the free return TL$ orbit# These &arameters are not used yet#

+7D,5L<,5LL*N<,5LLAT' +7D time and coordinates in degrees decimal of the final mission s&lashdown# These &arameters are not used yet in A+,*# $+/D: uses them to &reset L=ase A&&roachM &rogram# None of these &arameters have any validity chec8# ,o it is the res&onsibility of the user to s&ecify correct data# Bith incorrect or im&ossible data, the behavior of internal or e%ternal a&&lications using them will be totally un&redictable# =ecause $ wasnNt actually able to figure out how to im&lement doc8ing with the $D, mode, doc8ing is actually restricted to *rbiter visual doc8ing mode only# A very great effort has been made to ma8e A+,* fully trans&arent with save and restore states# This is something that is sometimes >;.C )*+5L;E T* D*, but normally you should be able to save a flight - AT ANC T$+; - and when you will restore the saved scenario, you should recover ;EA)TLC the state you had when you saved# Cou can even save during any auto&ilot &hases# Throttle level will be restored ignoring the Goystic8 setting at the loading time, so you get the real throttle setting you had when you saved# ATT;NT$*NDDD To wor8 &ro&erly, this feature reIuires, of course, a good Goystic8, which has &erfectly stable data, when you do not move the command# De&ending on the Goystic8, it might be necessary to set the throttle command to minimum or ma%imum to get stable data#

A+,* su&&orts missions "A,-:!(" ?A&ollo 4@ to "A,-:6 " ?A&ollo 6"@# A+,* also allows flying two fictitious missionsF the "A,-:6(" will use the +oon landing base "+arius Hills" and "A,-:61" uses the ")o&ernicus" base# $n fact, A+,* is able to fly any "A,-EEE" missions# +issions under "A,-:!(" will sim&ly be configured li8e "A,-:!(" and over "A,-:61", li8e "A,-:61"# "A,----" is reserved ?used for the Tribute to LazyD@# $f you want to create a fictitious mission launch scenario for a s&ecific landing base or flight configuration which is inside A+,* mission range, you must sim&ly use the same mission designation and set the launch date and time as you wish# Any scenario you might create yourself +3,T use a valid designation# This is "A,", followed by a minus sign, then a three digits number# /or e%am&le "A,-!!!" is a valid designation, "A,-!6" not# This will be the name of the main A&ollo vessel# All other vessels names will be &refi%ed with this name, followed by an underscore character and then, the vessel name itself, li8e for e%am&le "A+-:6 OL+Ovessel"# The third stage, when you e%tract the L+, assumes you are flying a correct TL$ &ath and you e%tracted the L+ at the scheduled time ?about 1 hours 6! minutes after lift off@# ;ight minutes after e%traction, the (rd stage will turn retrograde and Gust slow down a bit# The (rd stage should normally enter in the s&here of the +oonJs influence and if it is the case, it will chec8 if the &ath collides with +oon# $f not, it will &erform

another retrograde thrust to obtain this collision &ath# During all these maneuvers, time acceleration will be limited to 6!%# $f these maneuvers fail for any reason, li8e not enough fuel, or a bad TL$ &ath, or L+ e%traction at very inaccurate time, the ( rd stage will be &robably lost in the s&ace# This maneuver is done only since A&ollo 6(# /or earlier missions, the (rd stage will sim&ly orient &rograde, and burn all the remaining fuel and get a solar orbit# A+,* is built from the following real data found on' htt&'<<www#astronauti%#com<lvs<saturnv#htm Spe.ifi.ations of Saturn V L;* 5ayload' 664,!!! 8g to' 64: 8m *rbit at' 4#! degrees# 5ayload' 1",!!! 8g# to a' Translunar traGectory Liftoff Thrust' (,11!,(6! 8gf# Total +ass' (,!(4,:!! 8g )ore Diameter' 6!#6 m# Total Length' 6! #! m# Develo&ment )ost \' ",1(-#2! million# in 6-22 average dollars Launch 5rice \' 1(6#!! million# in 6-2" &rice dollars ,tage 6 module' Aross +ass' , 42, 6" 8g# ;m&ty +ass' 6(:, 64 8g# Thrust ?vac@' (,-12,2 1 8gf# $s&' (!1 sec# =urn time' 626 sec# $s&?sl@' 2: sec# ,tage module' Aross +ass' 1-!,""4 8g# ;m&ty +ass' (-,!14 8g# Thrust ?vac@' : 2,"21 8gf# $s&' 1 6 sec# =urn time' (-! sec# $s&?sl@' !! sec# ,tage ( module' Aross +ass' 66-,-!! 8g# ;m&ty +ass' 6(,(!! 8g# Thrust ?vac@' 6!:, !! 8gf# $s&' 1 6 sec# =urn time' 1": sec# $s&?sl@' !! sec#

Spe.ifi.ations of Apollo vessel Total Length' 66#! m# +a%imum Diameter' (#- m# Total Habitable >olume' 2#6" m(# Total +ass' (!,( - 8g# Total 5ro&ellants' 64,144 8g# Total .), $m&ulse' (41,42!#!! 8gf-sec# 5rimary ;ngine Thrust' -,-"- 8gf# +ain ;ngine 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +ain ;ngine $s&' (61 sec# Total s&acecraft delta v' ,4!1 m<s# ;lectric system' 2#(! total average 8B# ;lectric ,ystem' 2-!#!! total 8Bh# ;lectrical ,ystem' /uel )ells# )ommand +odule' Length' (#: m# =asic Diameter' (#- m# +a% Diameter' (#- m# Habitable >olume' 2#6" m(# *verall +ass' :,4!2 8g# ,tructure +ass' 6,:2" 8g# Heat ,hield +ass' 414 8g# .eaction )ontrol ,ystem' 1!! 8g# .ecovery ;Iui&ment' 1: 8g# Navigation ;Iui&ment' :!: 8g# Telemetry ;Iui&ment' !! 8g# ;lectrical ;Iui&ment' "!! 8g# )ommunications ,ystems' 6!! 8g# )rew ,eats and 5rovisions' ::! 8g# )rew mass' 62 8g# +iscellaneous )ontingency' !! 8g# ;nvironmental )ontrol ,ystem' !! 8g# 5ro&ellants' ": 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 6 % 1 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# .), Total $m&ulse' 2,6"4#!! 8gf-sec# L<D Hy&ersonic' !#(# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' n<a# ;lectric ,ystem' !#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 6,!!!#! Ah# ,ervice +odule'

Length' "#2 m# =asic Diameter' (#- m# +a% Diameter' (#- m# *verall +ass' 1,: ( 8g# ,tructure +ass' 6,-6! 8g# ;lectrical ;Iui&ment' 6, !! 8g# +aneuvering ,ystem' (,!!! 8g# 5ro&ellants' 6416( 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 62 % 1: 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# .), Total $m&ulse' (:4,24 #6 8gf-sec# +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' -,-"- 8gf# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (61 sec# +aneuver system delta v' ,4!1 m<s# ;lectric system' 2#(! average 8B# ;lectric ,ystem' 2"!#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' /uel )ells# Spe.ifi.ations of Apollo 7M vessel Total Length' 2#1 m# +a%imum Diameter' 1#( m# Total Habitable >olume' 2#2: m(# Total +ass' 61,2-2 8g# Total 5ro&ellants' 6!,: ( 8g# 5rimary ;ngine Thrust' 1,1-6 8gf# +ain ;ngine 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +ain ;ngine $s&' (66 sec# Total s&acecraft delta v' 1,"!! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' :!#!! total 8Bh# ;lectrical ,ystem' =atteries# Ascent ,tage +odule' Length' (#: m# =asic Diameter' 1#( m# +a% Diameter' 1#( m# Habitable >olume' 2#2: m(# *verall +ass' 1,:1" 8g# )rew mass' 611 8g# 5ro&ellants' (:4 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 62 E 1: 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' 6,:44 8gf#

+aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (66 sec# +aneuver system delta v' , ! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' 6"#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 4!!#! Ah# Descent ,tage +odule' Length' #4 m# =asic Diameter' 1# m# +a% Diameter' -#1 m# *verall +ass' 6!,61- 8g# 5ro&ellants' 462: 8g +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' 1,1-6 8gf# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (66 sec# +aneuver system delta v' ,1"! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' ((#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 6,2!!#! Ah# Spe.ifi.ations of earth par)in1 orbit insertion A+,* tries to fully res&ect the following ;arth orbit insertion &arameters ta8en from several NA,A documents' *rbit altitude' *rbit ty&e' 1st sta1e? *verall burn time' :th engine burn time' 1st sta1e separation? altitude' retro-burst of 6st stage' 3llage ring burn time' nd stage burn start after se&aration' 3llage ring se&aration' ;sca&e tower se&aration' 2n% sta1e? *verall burn time' :th engine burn time' 2n% sta1e separation? altitude' retro-burst of st stage' 64"#" 8m ?6!6#1 nm@ circular 626 seconds 6(2 seconds 2"# !#": second 1 seconds 6#2 second 4 seconds after nd stage burn start :#" seconds after ullage ring se&aration (-! seconds -2 seconds 64"#" 6#:! second

3llage roc8et burn time' 1 seconds (nd stage burn start after se&aration' (#6 seconds :r% sta1e first burn to 1et orbit? *verall burn time' 61: seconds


- 3nfortunately, *rbiter,ound does not allow controlling its internal m&( &layer# $n the "Angel to 5aradise" seIuence, the "Tribute to LazyD" ceremony and finally, the "welcome bac8" ceremony, they are m&( &ieces of music &layed# ,o, if you are using *rbiter,ound m&( &layer, while &laying with A+,*, you may hear two &ieces of music in the same time# A+,* version &revious to 6# 6, im&lemented an half solution to this &roblem# =ut this has been removed for technical reasons# - The L+ auto&ilot "rendezvous" &rogram' the closer you are to the ),+, the more difficult it is to achieve a successful rendezvous# ,o avoid a re-launch rendezvous, if you are close to the ),+# - Bhen *rbiter is minimized' when you return to it, you may find a very strange situation# /or e%am&le, if you minimize during an a&&roach, you wonNt &robably find your L+ landed as e%&ected ?Not re-tested with *rbiter !6!@# - Bhen you toggle from one shi& to the other, unfortunately some &arameters of some *rbiter instruments are not restored bac8# $t is only the case if both vessels are set to the same value ?for e%am&le, the same landing base@# - *rbiter "ground friction" &arameter unfortunately seems to wildly de&end on the frame rate# Therefore, behaviors which rely on this &arameter may be very different, de&ending on the frame rate you get# This concern mostly Astronauts "+oon Bal8" and lunar rover behaviors# Normally, if you donNt disable *rbiter vertical synch video &arameter, you shouldnNt have any &roblems, because the frame rate will be limited to your screen refresh freIuency# - Laboratory obGects, when released by the astronauts, sometimes miss their "Lunar landing"# This seems to ha&&en if you Gust &erformed a salto Gum& &reviously# - Bhile wal8ing, Astronauts may sometimes start to slide on the ground# +ost of the time, he will sto& soon after, but in the case he donNt, change the focus with the "+" 8ey# This action should normally sto& the sliding# - DonNt even touch the mouse wheel inside any >irtual )oc8&it, before to have changed almost once, the default camera direction ?mouse move while 8ee&ing mouse right button &ressed@, or you will have an immediate )TD DDD This is an *rbiter bug $ was unable to overturn# $n fact, sim&ly never use mouse wheel in >) as it sim&ly do nothing, e%ce&t crashing to des8to& DDD


- $ would li8e to than8s first and from the de&th of my heart, "LazyD", and Luis Tei%eira to have offered to me, their marvelous wor8# /or "LazyD" the im&lementation in A+,* of his great auto&ilot code for the L+ and the ),+# /or Luis, all the stunting (d wor8 he made to enhance many A+,* meshes, creates the incredible launch tower, the 5ad-(-A and all the (d landing sites, both virtual coc8&its, etc### $t was great and very efficient collaborations# Luis is now an essential member of the A+,* develo&ment team, li8e was also LLazyDM# .est in &eace my dear LLazyDM DDD - +any than8s to Thomas .uth for his so beautiful ,aturn > stac8 meshes, which $ have used to rebuild all A+,* meshes involving ,aturn > roc8et# - +any than8s to Aeoffrey de 9ergariou to have remar8ed and corrected the decoration te%ture error ?blac8 stri&es@, of the ,aturn > nd and (rd inter-stage section# $ncredible D Nobody remar8ed that before !66, including me DDD - +any than8s to .odion Herrera, for the astronauts and the Lunar .over meshes, same to 7ohn Araves for the Lab items# Bithout their nice wor8, ;>A activities im&lementation wouldnNt have been &ossible# - +any than8s to +a% Arueter, a ,wiss com&atriot and very talented (d artist, for his authorization to use his beautiful Astronaut mesh# This allowed Luis to s&are a lot of time for the rewor8 of all Astronauts in A+,*# - +any than8s to 7ean-)hristo&he Lemay for his beautiful remi% of the music "La +arche /unRbre" of /rederic )ho&in, which fit e%actly to the mystical Angel seIuence# 5lease consult the $nternet site of this musician' htt&'<<m&(#dee&sound#net<inde%#&h&, for more informationJs and in &articular, about usage license and co&yrights# - +any than8s to 9ev .olling alias "9ev((" for the nice meshes H te%tures of the "3,, Hornet" carrier and the helico&ter ",H( ,ea9ing", who made &ossible the creation of the astronauts recovery seIuence# Than8s also to him, for the launch tower mesh and the 5ad (-a mesh, same to =rian 7ones, for the s&ot light te%ture# This material was the starting &oint for the realization of the new Launch scenery# - +any than8s to "7im" from +oon&ort, which allowed me to use his nice ,urveyor $$$ mesh, to build the static mesh of this &robe, used into the 5rocellarum landing site# - +any than8s to "=igDA," for his su&&ort and various &recious hel&, li8e beta testing, see8ing some reIuired material on $nternet, doing some e%haust te%tures#


- +any than8s to +atteo >irdis, for his great intuition of a fine bloodhound, in the hunting of the last bugs and )TDNs remaining# A very &recious talent he devoted to A+,* during very long hours of tests D - +any than8s to 7armo Ni88anen for the &recious LunarTransfert+/D and $nter&lanetary+/D# These instruments gives to *rbiter simulator a new dimension, by allowing maneuvers into s&ace, which where im&ossible to do before# - +any than8s to Daniel 5olli, for the fabulous "*rbiter,ound" add-on, which made &ossible almost any sound customizations you may imagine# - +any than8s to A%el Danz, for the beautiful ;arth atmos&heric enhancement# - +any than8s to ,ean 9il&atric8 for this documentation revision# - And finally, many than8s to Dr ,chweiger who made all this &ossible#


TH$, 5A)9AA; $, /.;;BA.; AND N* +*N;C ,H*3LD ;>;. =; +AD; B$TH $TDDD B.$TT;N 5;.+$,,$*N */ TH; A3TH*.?,@ $, N;;D;D T* )*5C TH$, 5A)9AA; *. 5A.T?,@ */ $T, *N ;>;.C /*.+ */ +;D$A, L$9; )D-.*+, D>D, D$,9;TT;, ==,, $NT;.N;T ,$T;,, ;T)0, $N TH; )A,; 3,;., +3,T 5AC T* A));,, $T *. T* A;T $T# N*=*DC HA, TH; .$AHT, B$TH*3T 5.$*. A3TH*.?,@ B.$TT;N 5;.+$,,$*N, T* 3,; ANC 5A.T, */ TH$, 5.*D3)T$*N, $N *.$A$NAL ,TAT;, *. +*D$/$;D B$TH ANC ,*/TBA.;,, $NT* ANC *TH;. A55L$)AT$*N, $NT;ND;D T* =; 53=L$,H;D, ;>;N $/ TH$, 53=L$)AT$*N B$LL =; A /.;;BA.;# TH$, .;,T.$)T$*N $N)L3D;, TH; )A,; */ 3,$NA +;,H;, AND<*. T;ET3.;, /.*+ B$TH$N A+,* $N,TALLAT$*N# 5L;A,;, .;/;. T* ).;D$T )HA5T;. /*. A3TH*., */ 5A.T, BH$)H D* N*T =;L*NA ;E)L3,$>;LC T* A+,*# Alain )a&t A),oft 5roductions aca&t]acsoft#ch htt&'<<www#acsoft#ch<amso<amso#html

A), < 6 November !66


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