AMSO User Manual
AMSO User Manual
AMSO User Manual
This version of AMSO will run onl with Orbiter 2!1!"#1$ buil% 1!!&!& to buil% 1!1!1&. An other Orbiter versions 'ON(T wor) *AMSO will abort+.
,,, ATTENTION ,,, -e.ause of AMSO mesh prote.tion s.heme$ AMSO ma not wor) properl *s.ramble% meshes+ with Orbiter server version /Orbiter0n1.e2e/. $t is the case, for e%am&le, with the sam&le gra&hic engine client' D(D")lient#dll# *n the other hand, this version of A+,* has been tested intensively with D(D-)lient#dll, version .)((, with good results#
/oreword0000000000000#0000000000000 !1 *ther Add-ons0000000000000000000#00000 !2 $nstallation0000000000000000000###00000### !" 3ninstalling0000000000000000000000000# !4 *rbiter o&timum setu& for A+,*000##0000000000000 !Anti-aliasing0000000000000000000000000 !Launch tower and 5ad-(-A00000#0000000000000### 6! A5*LL* and L+ vessels vulnerability feature00000000000# 6 3sage0000000000#00000000000000000# 6( "7" Action 8ey000000000000000000000000# 6( "9" Alternate Action 8ey0000000000000#000000### 61 "+" focus toggle 8ey0000000000###0000000000### 6: "N3+5AD ;NT;." 8ey00000000000000000000 62 ")T.L-7" 8ey00000000000000##0000000000 62 ")T.L-9" 8ey00000000000000##000000000## 62 ",H$/T-)T.L-$" 8ey0000000##0000000000000### 62 ")T.L-L" < ",H$/T-L" < ",H$/T-)T.L-L" 8eys0000000000# 6" ")T.L-N3+5AD':" < ",H$/T-)T.L-N3+5AD':" 8eys000000## 6" "TA=" 8eys000000000000000##000000000### 6" >irtual coc8&its00000000000000000000000### 64 5articularities of &re-A5*LL* 66 missions000000000000### 6Time acceleration management0##0000000000000000 ! Auto&ilots00000000000000000000000000 6 ),+ auto&ilot com&uter functions000000000##000000## 6 L+ auto&ilot com&uter functions0000000000000000### 5D$ o&eration ?+oon landing@ 00000000000000000## A=*.T < A=*.T-,TAA;0000000000000000000 1 A,);NT o&eration ?rendezvous@ 0000000000000000## 1 5re-landing au%iliary functions00000000000000000## 2 Abort lunar o&erations0000000000000000#0000### 2 5*,T-A=*.T, au%iliary functions00000000000###0000 2 /3LL ,TA)9 +AN*;3>;. au%iliary function0000000000# " ;..*. +;,,AA;,00000000000000000##0000 4 ,$+ bay instruments and activities00000000000#00000 +oon landing sites scenery000000000000000#0000 (6 Damages and failures000000000##000000000000 ( Lunar ;>A activities000000000000000000000## (1 Bor8ing on the +oon000000000000000000000# (: The four launch &hase abort modes0000000000000000 (-
Aerodynamic lift00000000000000000000000# .ecovery team000000000000000000000000 How to &ilot the ,ea9ing helico&ter00000000000000#0# 3sage of ground camera00000000000000000#000 Around cameras &resets00000000000000#000000# ,ound customization000000000000000000000### ,ound customization &er mission0000000000000000### Technical information000000000000000000000# ,&ecifications of ,aturn > 00000000000000#00000 ,&ecifications of A&ollo vessel00000000000000#000# ,&ecifications of A&ollo L+ vessel000000000000000### ,&ecifications of earth &ar8ing orbit insertion00000000000### 9N*BN 5.*=L;+,00000000000000000#000## ).;D$T,00000000000000000000000000 )*5C.$AHT?,@ 00000000000000000000000
1! 16 16 1 11 1: 1" :! : :( :1 :: :" :4 2!
Belcome to the latest version of A+,*D A+,* was the &recursor of all A&ollo mission simulations for *rbiter# A+,* gives you the o&&ortunity to understand and a&&ly all &rinci&les of s&ace navigation# $t is the &erfect &latform to learn all about roc8et technology and s&ace navigation, by using standard *rbiter instruments and custom add-ons li8e "$+/D", "LT+/D", "TransE", etc#, in the conte%t of an A&ollo mission# A+,* is not rigid at allF you can fly a whole A&ollo mission totally manually ?which is a real challengeD@# =ut you can also use a very accurate ;arth orbit inGection auto&ilot# The same for the A&ollo H L+ vessels, which are both eIui&&ed with a so&histicated auto&ilot com&uter, behaving Gust li8e in reality and was develo&ed by "LazyD"# Than8s to the amazing wor8 of Luis Tei%eira, A+,* loo8s really beautiful# All vessels are te%tured and sometimes itJs easy to believe youJre seeing real NA,A &hotogra&hyD =oth virtual coc8&its ?the command module and the L+@ contribute a lot to the immersion feeling# $t is also a real &leasure to e%&lore the +oon landing sites, with the beautiful realistic scenery Luis has created# Than8s to the new mouse interface for generic +/D, included in *rbiter since version !2!:!1, the absence of custom &anels is no longer a handica&, es&ecially for com&le% instruments li8e $+/D# $ focus my attention on reliability, sim&licity and &erformance# /or e%am&le, with A+,* you will see &erfectly smooth staging animations# Than8s to the way A+,* manages meshes, you will get a good frame rate, even with the large A&ollo vessel high resolution meshes# Than8s to the 8eyboard interface, you are not forced to be in the coc8&it for such a great event li8e the A&ollo (rd stage se&aration# 7ust go to the outside view, &ress the action 8ey and admire it DDD Cou may activate the new *rbiter "Damage H failure simulation" o&tion and get random failures of several 8inds, including the A&ollo 6( case# All the launch seIuences are dramatic and s&ectacular, including the A&ollo 6" night launch, with the light bathed tower and s&ot lights everywhere# All the moving elements of the tower are animated and you will see the tremendous e%haust flames of the first stage rushing out on the two sides of 5ad (-A until the roc8et clears the tower#
Cou will e%&erience a funny and Iuite realistic "moon-wal8" during ;>A activities, where you will have to de&loy instruments on the +oon surface, collect roc8s, use a drill to ta8e an underground sam&le, and even drive the lunar .over on later A&ollo missions# /rom A&ollo 6: forward, during the early stages of the return tri& to ;arth, you will &erform a s&ace ;>A to recover film cassettes# ;arlier, during the orbital &eriod, you will o&en the ,$+ bay to de&loy a sub-satellite and two magnetometer antennas# After the final s&lashdown you may &lay the role of the recovery team and fly a ,H( ,ea9ing helico&ter# /ly the helico&ter over the ca&sule, and then lift the three astronauts onboard to bring them safely to the dec8 of the 3,, Hornet carrier for the welcome bac8 ceremony# And finally, if youJre are unluc8y and die during a mission, a ris8 that cannot be e%cluded in such a dangerous activity, an Angel will bring your soul to the 5aradise of the heroes of ,&ace#
This version of A+,* is certified to wor8 with the following add-ons' - *.=$T;.,*3ND version (#: or over if bac8wards com&atible# This version of A+,* has many sound customizations# To benefit from them, you need to have this add-on installed# =ut this is not mandatory# A+,* is designed to wor8 also without it# /or more details read cha&ter, ",*3ND )3,T*+$KAT$*N,"# - $+/D version :#: or over if bac8ward com&atible# Than8s to a mutual collaboration, $+/D im&lements its own $5) ?$nter-5rocess )ommunications@ memory bloc8 to synchronize its A;T time and read data from vessels, which allows several automatic &resets in $+/D &rograms# Cou can now fly to the +oon, starting with a &recise TL$ burn and ma8e &recise +)) correction?s@ by using the LTarget $nterce&tM &rogram in Loffset modeM ?see $+/D documentation@# Than8s to the dis&lay of the angular offset with the &lanned landing site in the $+/D L+a&M &rogram, you will be able to aim for good alignment with landing site# /inally, the $+/D L=ase A&&roachM &rogram uses $5) data to &reset the s&lash down# Cou have numerous A+,* scenarios for A&ollo 66, 6( and 6", having Lready to burnM $+/D setu& e%am&les, which can hel& you to understand its functions better# $n this document, refer to the cha&ter, LT;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*NM for all the orbital &arameters which can be written into a scenario to hel& refine the navigation of A+,* internal &rograms, or e%ternal a&&lications, li8e $+/D via the $5)# - LunarTransfer+/D version 6#1 or over if bac8ward com&atible# $n the same way as with $+/D addon, LunarTransfer+/D will synchronize with A;T time# =ut this addon do not use any other $5) &arameters, as described in cha&ter LT;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*NM#
$f you install an u&grade &ac8age, &lease note that my u&grade &ac8ages always u&grades ANC versions since the last com&lete &ac8age version# 6@ $f youJre installing the full version, $ recommend fully uninstalling any &revious versions of A+,*# This will eliminate all obsolete unnecessary files# .efer to the &reviously installed versionJs documentation file, under the cha&ter "3N$N,TALLAT$*N" to do this correctly# @ 3nzi& this archive, with the o&tion "use folder names" *N, into your *rbiter root directory ?if you use Bindows unzi& wizard, donNt worry about this o&tion, it is selected by default@# DonNt worry, it will N*T conflict with ANC other add-ons you might have installed, or erase original *rbiter files# All the material will be &laced into "A+,*" &rivate directories, e%ce&t some +oon te%ture tiles used for the landing sites# .;+A.9,' =ecause the im&lementation structure of A+,* in *rbiter changed with the 6#6! version, ALL ,cenarios you may have created yourself before this version A.; $N)*+5AT$=L;# =ut you can ma8e them com&atible again with the following correction' re&lace all te%t occurrences "A+,*O" by "A+,*P"# This can be done very easily with any te%t editor ?ctrl-H@# /or scenarios made with version 6#66 and over, there are, in &rinci&le, no dangerous incom&atibilities# Cou shouldnNt normally e%&erience bad &roblems, li8e crash to des8to&# Bhat may occur, de&ending on the situation de&icted by the scenario, are some minor anomalies due to some missing &arameters# /or e%am&le, you wonNt hear further AT) sounds for scenarios saved during ?not before@ 5D$ lunar landing or L+ ascent stage +oon orbit inGection# ATT;NT$*N DDD ,ome instrumentsJ modules are N*T com&atible with A+,*# $f you have a &roblem, li8e the ,aturn > laying horizontally on the launch &ad, or you e%&erience numerous crash to des8to& events, 5L;A,; D;A)T$>AT; ALL TH; $N,T.3+;NTJ +*D3L;, BH$)H A.; N*T );.T$/$;D /*. A+,* ?see &revious cha&ter@# ATT;NT$*N DDD $f you have the ")am,ha8e" &lugin addon, donNt activate it# This functionality is included in A+,*#
To uninstall this add-on, Gust remove the following directories' *rbiterP)onfigPA+,* *rbiterP)onfigPvesselsPA+,* *rbiterP)onfigP;arthPbasePA+,* *rbiterP)onfigP+oonPbasePA+,* *rbiterPDocPA+,* *rbiterP+eshesPA+,* *rbiterP+odulesPA+,* *rbiterP,cenariosPA+,* *rbiterP,oundPA+,* *rbiterPTe%turesPA+,* And the following tile files in directory *rbiterPTe%turesP' +oonO!O;!!1(ON!! 4#dds +oonO!OB!! -ON!!6(#dds +oonO!OB!! -ON!!61#dds +oonO!OB!!"-ON!! !#dds +oonO!OB!!4!ON!! !#dds +oonO6O;!!6!ON!!"1#dds +oonO6O;!!11O,!! 2#dds +oonO OB!6!!O,!! 6#dds +oonO(OB! 2"O,!!(:#dds +oonO1O;!:((ON!!6:#dds
Damage H failure simulation' Activate this feature if you want to have A+,* damage H failure simulation# /or more details, see the cha&ter "DA+AA; AND /A$L3.;,"# Limited fuel' This o&tion +3,T be on#
Non-s&herical gravity sources' A+,* is not sensitive to this feature# ,o the setting of this o&tion is irrelevant# .adiation &ressure' Aravity-gradient torIue' A+,* is not sensitive to this feature# ,o the setting of this o&tion is irrelevant# ;arth orbit inGection auto&ilot traGectory &recision is affected if this o&tion is on# ,o it is better to turn it off# Note that if you set it on, the auto&ilot will still be able to build orbit but not in the most o&timum way# +3,T be on, otherwise you will miss the best of A+,* visual effects# All other visual effects are also strongly recommended, but not mandatory# $n the range 6: to (!#
5article stream'
$f li8e me, in full screen mode only, you are suffering of te%t dis&lay flic8ers with your AT$ .adeon gra&hic card ?te%tes li8e the white dis&lay line on the bottom, A+,* A;T dis&lay, A+,* online hel& dis&lay, etc0@, &lease activate the new *rbiter o&tion "Disable hardware &agefli&" on *rbiter ">ideo &age"#
/or all as&ects of *rbiter, $ highly recommend activating the anti-aliasing feature of your gra&hics card by using the adeIuate tool ?most modern gra&hics card driver setu& &rograms allow building a custom &arameterization setu& for a given e%ecutable@# )onsult the documentation of your gra&hics card driver for more details#
0# ;ND $f found, you must also delete ALL these sections# Cou donNt need to chec8 scenario files "far from ca&e )anaveral", because the launch tower and the custom &ad (-A self delete when the central engine of the first stage sto&s burning shortly before se&aration of this stage# ATT;NT$*NDDD /or my Launch scenarios to wor8 &ro&erly, you +3,T HA>; in the configuration file "canaveral#cfg" ?located in ")onfigP;arthP=asePA+,*@ my L5AD obGect or another L5AD obGect defined as the /$.,T L5AD obGect into the list#
3&on o&ening *rbiter, you will find a new scenario folder called "A+,*"# This folder itself contains other folders, where you will find all reIuired scenarios to &lay with A+,*# The scenarioJs comments give you clues on what to do at each stage# A+,*Js usage is sim&le# $t involves mainly only three 8eys' - /=/ )e , called "Action" 8ey# - />/ )e , called "Alternate Action" 8ey# - /M/ )e , called "/ocus Toggle" 8ey# =oth "Action" 8eys are used to trigger all events and to select a menu interface when available# The result sim&ly de&ends on the actual situation conte%t# $t is the same 8ind of interface &hiloso&hy you can see, for e%am&le, on most digital watches# """"""""""""""" /=/ A.tion )e ? The very first time you &ress the "7" action 8ey, the launch tower arms will retract ?assuming this feature is not disabled T see &revious section@# /rom this &oint forward, until your ,aturn > stac8 has Gettisoned the 6 st and nd stages, &ressing the L7M 8ey again will trigger the a&&ro&riate LabortM seIuence# Note that you will need to confirm this action by &ressing once more the L7M 8ey ?or the "9" 8ey, if you have abort choices@, while the message LA=*.T /L$AHTUM is dis&layed# Bhen the mission has &rogressed to the (rd stage, and A&ollo ),+, the L7M Action 8ey will se&arate the A&ollo vessel from the (rd stage ?however, main engines must be sto&&ed for this command to be acce&ted@# /or the undoc8ing o&eration, sim&ly use the standard ").TL-D" 8ey to undoc8# /or e%am&le, this means that when you have doc8ed with the L+ &ar8ed into the (rd stage, if you &ress ")T.L-D", you will sim&ly undoc8# Bhen you decide to e%tract the L;+ from the (rd stage you must use the L7M Action 8ey instead# Note that 4 minutes after L+ e%traction, the (rd stage will maneuver and &erform a main engine burn to modify its own orbit# $n early missions ?until A&ollo 6 @, this is a &rograde burn of the rest of the fuel which will &ut the (rd stage into a solar orbit# A&ollo 6( forward, the (rd stage will maneuver in order to im&act the +oon, as it was &erformed in the reality# Bhen you are in ),+ configuration and doc8ed with a com&lete L+, this 8ey will se&arate A&ollo service module ?if the L+ is activated@, or do a definitive undoc8ing from the L+ ?if the L+ is deactivated@# This command allow you to simulate A&ollo 6(Js dramatic flightD Bhen you are doc8ed with the L+ ascent module, this 8ey will e%ecute the definitive undoc8ing from L+ ascent stage ?no doc8ing mechanism@# This means that doc8ing
with L+ ascent stage is no longer &ossible# The L+ Ascent stage will then initiate some automatic maneuvers to de-orbit and crash onto the +oon# As long as you are doc8ed with the ),+ in the L+ vessel, this 8ey allows you to toggle L+ activation# AttentionD Cou +3,T activate the L+ before undoc8ingD Then, if you are not landed on the +oon, this 8ey will se&arate the descent stage# The ascent stage engine will also be fired ?abort manual landing@ only if you are not too close to the ),+ ?i#e#, less than : 8m@# Notice that in any case ?manual flight or with auto&ilot@ when the descent stage runs out of fuel, the ascent stage will immediately se&arate and fire its engine ?automatic A=*.T-,TAA;@# /inally, when you are bac8 with the ascent stage, and doc8ed to the ),+, this 8ey will allow you to definitively leave the L+ and close the tunnel hatch between the two vessels# Bhen the L+ auto&ilot is running 5D$ &rograms ?lunar landing@, you can use this 8ey to say to the auto&ilot to abort the landing# $t will toggle a little menu to select between the sim&le "A=*.T" ?L+ sim&ly sto&s landing and tries to regain orbit@ or "A=*.T,TAA;" ?L+ ascent se&arates and attem&ts to regain orbit@# 3se the "left" or "right" arrow 8ey to select the desired mode and use "u&" 8ey to e%ecute the command# Bhen you are landed on the +oon and the crew is bac8 in the L+, the first time you &ress the L7M Action 8ey it will activate the "lift off &re&aration" mode# $f you &ress this 8ey again, you will trigger an immediate lift off, B$TH*3T auto&ilot# /inally, when you are close to reentry in ;arth atmos&here, this 8ey will se&arate the service module# The service module will automatically initiate a maneuver to create a reentry &ath thatJs different than yours in order to move out of the vicinity of your command module# During ;>A activities, the L7M Action 8ey will allow almost all actions# /or e%am&le, ta8ing an obGect from the L+, de&ositing this obGect on the +oonJs surface, climbing onto the Lunar rover, etc## /or more details, &lease see the latter cha&ter entitled, "L3NA. ;>A A)T$>$T$;,"# """"""""""""""" />/ Alternate A.tion )e ? =efore the ,aturn > launch, at 6! seconds before liftoff, you can use the "9" 8ey to initiate the launch with accom&anying audio countdown ?if *rbiter,ound is installed@ and the auto&ilot activated ?see following@# $n orbit, the L9M Action 8ey will you to toggle the commands menu of both the A&ollo vessel ?),+@ and the L+# ?ATT;NT$*N' VtoggleJ means you must close the menu manually, e%ce&t in the case of having activated a &rogram@# Bhile in orbit, obviously the L+ must already have been activated in order for the menu to wor8#
*n the lunar surface, the L+Js commands menu cannot be activated before activating the "lift off &re&aration" mode# Bhen a menu is o&en you can use either the "left" or "right" arrow 8eys to select a menu item and the "u&" arrow 8ey to e%ecute the selected command# During the e%ecution of auto&ilot &rograms, this 8ey allows disengagement of the auto&ilot# Cou will have to confirm this action by &ressing the "u&" arrow 8ey# Notice that in most cases, you wonNt be able to re-engage an aborted &rogram, es&ecially if you attem&t it when the &rocess of the &rogram is already running for some time# ,o use this command with cautionD Notice also that if you are not in orbit around ;arth or the +oon, you wonJt be able to access the auto&ilot commands in the menu# ,orry to those of you who might have had the idea to try the L+ elsewhereDDD $n a more general way, you should never be able to access a menu which has no meaning in the actual conte%t you are currently in# Bhen landed on the +oon and before you enter into "lift off &re&aration" mode, this 8ey will allow you to start the ;>A activities# During ;>A, this 8ey will allow to use the drill tool, to de&loy the Lunar .over, or when both astronauts are on board of the Lunar .over, to disembar8 the astronaut W first# )ombined with ")T.L" 8ey, it will allow you to "cheat", by 8illing all remaining roc8 sam&les, so you donNt have to search for them in order to go to ne%t ;>A station# """"""""""""""" /M/ to11le )e ? As soon as you have both ),+ and L;+ vessels, you can use the "+" focus toggle 8ey to switch the *rbiter focus from one vessel to the other one# During ;>A activities, this 8ey will toggle focus between crewmembers ?if they are both outside the L+@, or between the astronaut and the L+ when only one astronaut is &erforming the ;>A# During entry into the atmos&here, and after the &arachute &rotection cone is Gettisoned, this 8ey will allow you to toggle the focus between the )+ and the 3,,-Hornet carrier# =ut this will be &ossible only if the carrier is waiting for you# $t wonNt be the case if you had to abort your flight# To set the focus on other vessels which have finished their duty, use the *rbiter set focus function# """"""""""""""" /N8M#A5 ENTER/ )e ? $n flying vessels, you can use the ";NT;." 8ey on the numeric 8ey&ad, to toggle the main &ower throttle between 6!!X and !X, at any time when flying# $n )+ vessel only, toggle *N<*// the A*A-64!-L*)9 auto&ilot, used for atmos&heric re-entry#
=efore ;arth lift off, this 8ey will start an immediate launch with the auto&ilot activated# Bhen the L+ is on the +oonJs surface ?if both astronauts are bac8 inside the L+@, this 8ey will initiate an immediate A=*.T L3NA. *5;.AT$*N, and immediately lift off with the auto&ilot ?see cha&ter "A3T*5$L*T" for more details@# /or Astronaut wal8ing or Lunar .over driving, this 8ey allows you to loc8<unloc8 the &resent steering command# ,ee also cha&ter LL3NA. ;>A A)T$>$T$;,M# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"=/ )e ? $n any vessel, this command allows you to toggle the L*nline Hel&M feature *N<*//# $t dis&lays, in any view, the actual effects of both main L7M and L9M command 8eys# This feature is dynamic, so the dis&lay will change automatically with the evolution of the vesselJs conte%t# """"""""""""""" /3TR7">/ )e ? $n both A&ollo and L+ vessels, this command allows you to "8ill" the AT) sounds synchronized on the A;T ?Around ;la&sed Time@# All AT) sounds synchronized to s&ecific events ?L+ 5D$ lunar landing, L+ ascent to +oon orbit@ are not affected# This deactivation is not saved on e%it, so you may need to redo it on reloading# $n Astronauts "vessels" during L;>A, this command allows you to cheat with roc8 sam&les collection# All remaining roc8s of the active ;>A station will be removed and the ne%t ;>A station will be activated# """"""""""""""" /S6I4T"3TR7"I/ )e ? This command allow you to toggle *N<*// the dis&lay of the white informationJs line on bottom left and the A;T ?Around ;la&sed Time@ on u&&er right of the screen# The A;T dis&lay starts at liftoff and will terminate counting u&on s&lashdown# This function is useful both in ta8ing &ictures or videos# 3se the L$M command to hide *rbiter information lines# Note that the menu dis&lay and malfunction alarms are not effected# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"7/ @ /S6I4T"7/ @ /S6I4T"3TR7"7/ )e s? $n both the L+ and A&ollo ),+<)+ vessels, the ")trl-L" 8ey combination allows you to toggle *N<*// the &osition<re-entry beacon light?s@# $n Lunar .over, ")trl-L" control the thermal mirrors covers of the forward batteries &ac8# /or all the Astronauts, these 8ey combinations allow you to control the helmet &rotective visors' - )trl-L control the main "gold" trans&arent visor# - ,hift-L control the lateral o&aIue visor ?if it e%ists@# - ,hift-)trl- L control the frontal o&aIue visor ?if it e%ists@#
These commands are not inde&endent, and a logic is im&lemented to recreate the reality# /or e%am&le, if you have all visors de&loyed and you sim&ly &ress ")trl-L", you will not only retract the gold visor, but ALL visors, because both lateral and frontal visors will be retracted by the gold visor as it would be in reality# """"""""""""""" /3TR7"N8M#A5?A/ @ /S6I4T"3TR7"N8M#A5?A/ )e s? These 8ey combinations allow you to activate a vesselJs relative 9$LL-L$N function in both the A&ollo and Lunar +odule vessels in order to facilitate doc8ing o&erations# This function is only available when the vessel is in L$N;A. translation mode and no &rograms are running# *bviously both vessels must also e%ist# The command is also reGected if any of the ( relative linear translation s&eeds between vessels are greater than : meters &er second# A message, in the left-down corner of the screen, dis&lays which function is active during the entire time the function o&erates# - )trl-Num5ad:' this command will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-LAT;.AL which will not affect the mutual vesselJs closing s&eed#
- ,hift-)trl-Num5ad:' This command will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-ALL function# /or convenience, these commands are also recognized for the Astronaut during ,&ace ;>A activities, but both commands will &roduce a 9$LL-L$N-ALL# """"""""""""""" /TA-/ )e s? This 8ey allows you to toggle the conte%tual "+ini &anel" in both the A&ollo and L+ vessels# The "+ini &anel" dis&lay on the u&&er-left corner of the screen ?in virtual coc8&its only@ dis&lays a collection of useful data# The information dis&layed will vary according to the conte%t of the state of the mission# And finally, if you li8e a very big challenge, with A+,* you can still &ut full throttle on your Goystic8 and see if you can manually &ut this "baby" into ;arthJs &ar8ing orbit, with the correct azimuth and enough fuel remaining to continue the missionDDD =e curious and have a loo8 on the "life" of all &arts after they have been Gettisoned# A+,* simulates ALL the &arts Llife,M until they hit the ground# /or this &ur&ose, use the /1 8ey and ",elect shi&" o&tion#
Cou use the standard /4 *rbiter 8ey command to access the virtual coc8&it# Cou can aim the camera in all directions with the mouse right button &ressed continuously# =oth
coc8&its have different camera &ositions, and you can obtain them with the standard *rbiter L)trl S Alt S arrow 8eysM commands# The Larrow downM command resets to the default &osition, while other arrows select an the other &ositions# $n the ),+ virtual coc8&it, you use the Larrow u&M &osition for visual doc8ing# $+5*.TANTDDD $f with *rbiter !!2, it was &ossible to attem&t a visual doc8ing from the d coc8&it too, it is N*T ANC+*.; 5*,,$=L; with *rbiter !6!, because the (d coc8&it camera &osition $, N*T 5.;,;.>;D when switching from (d to d coc8&its# The ( other commands &ut the camera on all ( astronautsJ seat &ositions# $n the L+ virtual coc8&it, the default camera &osition ?Larrow downM@ is set for the a&&roach and LTA.A;T )HANA;M feature# As soon as you are loc8ed in this mode, you will see a blin8ing green dot in the center of the screen which indicates &recisely the actual landing &osition# The blin8ing dot is N*T ANC+*.; available in the d coc8&it, because of the change of camera behaviors in *rbiter !6!, as described before# The Larrow u&M command lets you watch through the L+ doc8ing window# The two other commands &ut the camera on both astronautsJ &ositions# .;+A.9' *rbiter !6! now 5.;,;.>; >$.T3AL )*)95$T 5*,$T$*N AND *.$;NTAT$*N# Therefore, when you Iuit the virtual coc8&it and then bring it u& again, you will recover your view e%actly as you left it# =3T ATT;NT$*N DDD This behavior is not wor8ing when you switch the focus from one vessel to another one# $n this case, virtual coc8&it camera will be reset to default &osition and orientation#
The auto&ilot for ;arth orbit insertion will bring you to a &erfect circular orbit at the nominal altitude of 6!6#1 nm ?64"#" 8m@, for missions u& to A&ollo 61 and -!#! nm ?622," 8m@ since A&ollo 6:# A small white label - "A5 " - will a&&ear on the leftbottom corner of the screen, when the auto&ilot is active# Bhen this auto&ilots is engaged, any manual control commands, throttle change, engagement of any navigation modes li8e 9$LL.*T, 5.*A.AD;, etc0, will immediately disable the auto&ilot# $t may also self-disable if it detects an anomaly in the traGectory# The auto&ilot, when it has been disabled, cannot be reactivated# This auto&ilot su&&ort 6!% accelerated time, but it is not recommended# .;+A.9,' ATT;NT$*NDDD $n *rbiter, a vesselJs attitude stability is sensitive to the frame rate you get# This is why, during flight &hase under L+ or ),+ auto&ilot control, that the time acceleration control feature will N*T ALL*B time acceleration over 6!%, $/ C*3. /.A+; .AT; $, =;L*B 1! /5,# Also be very careful when the vessel does attitude maneuvers or traGectory correction burns to not reaccelerate the time more than 6!%# $tJs better to wait until the maneuver has ended to try accelerating time if the higher ratio is allowed by this feature# ATT;NT$*NDDD $n the case of both L+ and ),+ vessels running an auto&ilot &rogram, you must N*T /*.A;T that you have two vessels managing the uniIue simulation time acceleration# ,o donNt be sur&rised if suddenly the acceleration is reset to 6% or you cannot increase more than 6!%# The other vessel is res&onsible for thisD Also be very cautious with the 6!!% rate ?see &revious remar8@# Note that ANC of the L+ or ),+ auto&ilot &rograms can be disengaged AT ANC T$+; with the "9" Action 8ey ?the &rogram is immediately sto&&ed, and all thrusters cut@# Cou will have to confirm the disengagement with the "3&" arrow 8ey# Note that this action will be irreversible in many cases# ,o use it with caution#
#1C "D 5OI insertion? This &rogram allows you to insert the full stac8 or even the ),+ alone ?which does not really ma8e sense, but you can do it if you want to@ on D*$ elli&tical orbit for lunar landing# 5lease note that this &rogram D*;, N*T align the orbit &lane with the landing site# #1B "D OrbitDbase plane ali1nment? This &rogram allows you to align the orbit &lane of the full stac8 or the ),+ alone in order to ma8e the orbit &lane &ass Gust over the landing site# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned, this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s, one at each of the orbit nodes# ,o youJll get corrections &er orbit# ATT;NT$*NDDD $n the case of the orbit being totally wrong for the landing site, it may create a situation totally out of the vesselJs ca&acities, in &articular for fuel reIuirements# #1; "D #ar)in1 orbit .ir.ulariEation? This &rogram allows you to circularize orbit of the full stac8 or the ),+ alone for the o&timal +oon &ar8ing orbit altitude of 66! 8m for the rendezvous o&eration# This o&eration may reIuire two distinct burns#
This o&eration involves the following &rograms which very accurately simulate a real 5D$# #&: "D bra)in1 phase? This is the start &oint of the 5D$# Normally you should be already oriented more or less retrograde and loo8ing down at the +oonJs surface# After about ( minutes of bra8ing, the &rogram will automatically yaw the L+ so that the windows loo8 u&ward into s&ace# #&F "D Approa.h phase? During this &hase, the L+ will first &itch down toward the +oon and then enter into the ")HANA; TA.A;T" mode# $n virtual coc8&it only, the view camera will loc8 on the &lanned landing site coordinates# A small green blin8ing dot can be seen in the center of the screen, which indicates the actual landing location# Bhen you are in this mode, you can use the 1 arrows 8eys to choose another landing location# The blin8ing dot will immediately reflect the new &osition and stay loc8ed on it# This ")HANA; TA.A;T" feature is real, but in reality the &ilot used the graduations on the L+ window to read the &osition of the landing site# Cou can change the landing location rather late in this &hase# =ut at a certain &oint you will not see the indicator ")HANA; TA.A;T" anymore, which means you no longer can change the landing target, other than to switch to the manual landing &rogram ?see the following 522 section@# #&A "D lan%in1 phase? Bhen this &rogram starts, the camera is automatically reset to the usual visual references# Cou also regain the control of the camera with the mouse, so have a loo8 around if you wish# During this &hase, the L+ will finish aligning over the landing site and cautiously close the ground distance# At 6#"! meters altitude, the hovering engine will be cut off automatically and you will be landed on the +oon# #&& "D Manual lan%in1? At any time during e%ecution of 521 or 52:, you can &ress either "$nsert" or "Delete" to ta8e the control of the L+# The camera will be immediately reset to the usual visual references# Cou also regain control of the camera with the mouse so you loo8 around if you wish # The main tas8 of 522 is to ma8e the vertical s&eed inde&endent of the L+ attitude and 8ee& it to the assigned value you can control with "$nsert" ?incr S6 ft<s@, "Delete" ?decr -6 ft<s@ or ";nd" to set to zero# Cou control both lateral and longitudinal s&eeds, with &itch and ban8 commands ?Goystic8 recommended@# ;%ce&t if you a&&ly your command while &ressing the ")trl" 8ey, when you cease to a&&ly the command, the auto&ilot will automatically 8ill all the rotations# Cou can read on the screen "/wd>'" for the forward s&eed and "Lat>'" for the lateral s&eed# A negative value means youJre moving bac8ward, and laterally to the "&ort" side ?left@# The actual vertical s&eed H altitude is also dis&layed# Naturally, the automatic hovering engine is cut at about 6 meter altitude# )oncerning the vertical a%is, you Gust have to control the auto&ilot vertical s&eed setu& and N;>;. use direct engine thrust control commands# This is the &rogram Neil Armstrong used to land the ;agle#
""""""""""""""" A-ORT @ A-ORT"STA9E? During all the 5D$ flight o&erations ?when under control of the auto&ilot@, you can &ress the "7" Action 8ey to obtain a menu where using the left<right arrow 8ey you may choose between' #C! "D A-ORTS? This &rogram will immediately sto& the landing attem&t and use the remaining descent stage fuel to try to rebuild an orbit suitable for a future emergency rendezvous with the ),+# $n an early A=*.T, the L+ will &robably be able to rebuild an orbit without e%hausting all the descent stage fuel# $n this case, when the orbit is built but before starting the "rendezvous" seIuence of &rograms, the descent stage will be automatically Gettisoned# $n the case of e%hausting the fuel su&&ly before the end of the orbit inGection, 5"6 will be immediately e%ecuted# #C1 "D A-ORT"STA9E? This &rogram will immediately Gettison the descent stage, and then with the ascent stage try to do the same as 5"!# Notice that at any time during the 5D$ o&eration if you run out of fuel with the descent stage, this &rogram will be immediately e%ecuted# =oth 5"! and 5"6 after having rebuilt an orbit will normally lin8 automatically to the a&&ro&riate "rendezvous" seIuence of &rograms ?see following@# =ut if the rendezvous is not &ossible the &rogram will sto&# $f this ha&&ens, it means that you should correct some of the orbit &arameters of the L+ or the ),+ in order to be able to engage the "rendezvous" o&eration ?,ee following' 5*,T-A=*.T, au%iliary functions@# """"""""""""""" AS3ENT operation *ren%eEvous+? Bith the commands menu, you should first chec8 for the validity of the A,);NT o&eration# The function, ")hec8 A,);NT conditions", will tell you if you are go for A,);NT# $n case not, this function will tell you what is incorrect so you can switch to the ),+ and use the a&&ro&riate &rogram to correct the &roblem# The function "Time to A,);NT" ?if you are go for A,);NT@, will tell you the time remaining before the end of o&timal time to engage A,);NT# /inally, engage the A,);NT with the ";ngage A,);NT" function# 3se left<right arrow 8eys to select the desired function and the "u&" arrow 8ey to activate it for all A,);NT o&erations# #12 "D orbit insertion pro1ram? This &rogram will do the lift off countdown# ,oon before launch, you will hear the historical A&ollo 66 chec8 list s&o8en by Neil Armstrong# /inally, you will hear Neil saying the last - seconds of the countdown and the ascent stage will lift off#
#:G H #FG "D ren%eEvous pro1rams? After the ascent stage reaches an orbit of a&&ro%imately ! 8m, two different seIuences of &rograms may run, de&ending on whether youJre flying an A&ollo mission &revious to Number 61# The seIuences for A&ollo 66 H 6 ?or an imaginary successful 6(@ will reach the ),+ during the second orbit of the ascent stage# The seIuence for A&ollo 61 and later missions flew direct rendezvous during the first ascent stage orbits# The early flights seIuences involve &rograms 5( , 5((, 5(1, 5(: and 51! The later "direct" seIuences involve 5(( 5(1, 5(: and 516# There is not much to say about these &rograms, or to do while they run, e%ce&t that you may decide to abort the seIuence at any time with "9" Action 8ey# The 5( , 5((, 5(1, 5(: are all target-trac8ing &rograms# Cour L+ always aims right at your target, the ),+# $f it has beacon lights *N, you should see the ),+ from Iuite a distance# The 51! and 516 are &rograms that &erform all traGectory corrections burns# #:& "D fi.titious approa.h@station@pre"%o.)in1 pro1ram? This &rogram didnNt e%ist in the reality of the A&ollo &rogram# The crew e%ecuted these tas8s manually# ,o, if you want to res&ect reality, Gust use "9" 8ey to abort 5(2 when it is activated# The &re-doc8ing &rogram handles the final a&&roach of the rendezvous, then bra8es toward the ),+, and finally turns the ascent stage so the doc8ing &ort is aligned with the center of gravity of the ),+# $t is nice to let this &rogram run, if you want to have the "show"# Cou can switch from the L+ to the ),+ with the "+" 8ey in order to a&&reciate the closing of both vessels# $f it is night, you should see the beacon lights, if you switched them *N with L)trl-LM# The first time you switch to ),+, you will &robably need to align the ),+ with attitude rotations in order to &oint your windows in the direction of incoming ascent stage# 3se the doc8ing H3D to hel& you in this tas8# ,oon after reaching the "station", the L+ will rotate and align its a%is with the ),+# $t will 8ee& control of the a%is for about min, so you have enough time to align the ),+ manually# Bhen you are aligned, Gust wait until the end of 5(2, or abort it with the "9" Action 8ey and do the doc8ing manually with the ),+# """"""""""""""" #re"lan%in1 au2iliar fun.tions? These ( &rograms are fictitious, but will really sim&lify your mission# They allow you to do orbital maneuver which would otherwise be Iuite difficult to accom&lish with standard *rbiter instruments# #1C "D 5OI insertion?
This &rogram allows you to insert the full stac8, or the L+ alone, on a D*$ elli&tical orbit for lunar landing# 5lease note that this &rogram D*;, N*T align the orbit &lane ?see 564 below@# #1B "D OrbitDbase plane ali1nment? This &rogram allows you to align the orbital &lane of the full stac8, or the L+ alone, to ma8e the orbit &lane &ass directly over the landing site# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned, this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s at each of the orbit nodes# There will be corrections &er orbit during alignment# ATT;NT$*NDDD =e warned of the &ossibility that the orbit may be totally wrong for the landing site, in which the mission may move outside of the vessel ca&acities, &articularly for fuel reIuirements# #1; "D #ar)in1 orbit .ir.ulariEation? This &rogram allows you to circularize the orbit of the full stac8, or the L+ alone, to the o&timal +oon &ar8ing orbit altitude of 66! 8m for the rendezvous o&eration# This o&eration may reIuire two distinct burns# """"""""""""""" A-ORT 78NAR O#ERATIONS? During your stay on the +oon, you may elect at any time to use the numeric 8ey&ad ";NT;." 8ey to initiate an immediate A=*.T +$,,$*N lift off# The only &rereIuisite condition is obviously that both astronauts need to be on boardD $n this emergency &rocedure, the ),+Js &osition relative to the +oon base is ignored and the auto&ilot will engage the "A=*.T-,TAA;" &rogram 5"6# 5lease refer to &revious sections describing aborts during 5D$ o&erations to learn what will ha&&en in this case# """"""""""""""" #OST"A-ORTS au2iliar fun.tions? This menu is accessible only when the L+ is o&erating in the ascent stage# Cou may need to use this menu in the event that an A=*.T command wasnNt able to &erform a direct rendezvous seIuence of &rograms# $n this case, the abort &rogram will sto& when the orbit is built# These functions are also &otentially life saving if you have disengaged the auto&ilot during any A=*.T, or even during a normal A,);NT<.;ND;K>*3,# $t allows you to &erform the following functions' #1& "D en1a1e orbitDorbit ali1nment? This &rogram allows aligning the L+Js orbital &lane with the ),+Js orbit# Cou must have already built an orbit to be able to engage this &rogram# $f both &lanes are highly misaligned this &rogram will &roceed in several ste&s, at each node with the ),+Js orbit# There are corrections &er orbit# #:F "D En1a1e REN5EIVO8S? Bhen both the L+Js and the ),+Js orbital &lanes are aligned you can engage this &rogram# $t will build a seIuence of &rograms which will allow synchronizing the &hase of both vessels and &erform the rendezvous#
""""""""""""""" 4877 STA3> MANOE8VER au2iliar fun.tion? #1: "D 7M main en1ine %elta"V burn? The &ur&ose of this &rogram is to allow delta-> stabilized thrusts with the L+, without having to worry about the thrust a%is translation# This &rogram is only available if you had the "5.;,,3.; N3LL $N ).C*-TAN9 W " malfunction event# Bhen you &ress on the "9" 8ey, you will be &rom&ted to set a desired delta-> in meters &er second for the burn# Cou can s&ecify a negative delta-> to obtain a burn in the o&&osite direction# $ncrement<decrement the delta-> value with the "left<right" arrow 8eys# Bith the "Down" arrow 8ey, you can toggle the incremental value between !#: or 6! m<s# The "3&" arrow 8ey engages the burn &rogram# $n *rbiter it is difficult to &erform orbital maneuvers with a hovering vessel li8e the L+# This is because your main engine is not thrusting in the same *rbiter a%is as conventional vessels# /or e%am&le, this means that you cannot directly use the instrumentsJ indications to &erform a &rograde thrust# Cou will have to first orient the vessel &rograde and then rotate -! degrees to &ut your hovering engine on the &rograde a%is# $f you consider this in conGunction with the fact that thrusting the full stac8 in this way is incredibly unstable, you begin to a&&reciate the hel& of this 56( &rogram# This is how to use this &rogram# /irst orient the L+ vessel as you would a standard vessel# This orientation will be the reference for the subseIuent burn# 9ee& in mind that the burn will occur 64! seconds after you have engaged the &rogram# As soon as engaged, the &rogram will &erform a &recise a%is translation to orient the hovering engine in the right direction, and will do the burn reIuired to obtain the given delta-> while 8ee&ing L+Js orientation stable# The &rogram may not run and return with the "Not enough fuel" error, in the event of insufficient fuel left to obtain the desired delta># At any time during the burn you may &ress the "9" Action 8ey to disengage the &rogram# """"""""""""""" ERRORS MESSA9ES? This is the summary of the errors which can be &roduced by a running &rogram# +ost of them will &robably occur as soon as you attem&t to run a &rogram in an inadeIuate situation# =ut it is also &ossible that a seIuence of a &rogram will terminate due to one or more of these abnormal situations# - 3nnecessary action - Not enough fuel - Target orbit off &lane - >essel too far off &lane - *ut of fuel - >essel not in orbit
- Target not in orbit - ),+ has bro8en rendezvous Cou can find very interesting technical information about the L+ H the ),+ auto&ilots in the document written by the author "LazyD" included with the documentation#
The dis&lay line shows the actual translation mode ?.*T or L$N@, and the ;>A duration# ;ventually a warning message a&&ears when o%ygen runs low or critical# /inally, information about the film cassettes you must retrieve is also dis&layed# The data tells the distance from the left hand of the astronaut to the cassette handle# The astronautJs left hand must be less than : cm from the cassette for the astronaut to grab it automatically# A feedbac8 sound is &layed when this occurs and the dis&lay line reads "$N HAND" instead of the distance remaining# Bhen the astronaut has a cassette in hand, he must return to the hatch to &ut the cassette inside the ),+# 7ust &utting the left hand with the cassette a bit inside the hatch o&ening does this# The cassette will be automatically stored in the ),+# A feedbac8 sound is &layed when this occurs and the information about this cassette disa&&ears from the dis&lay line# To terminate the ;>A, you must maneuver the astronaut inside the ),+ through the hatch# Bhen heJs inside, 5.;)$,;LC on the middle seat, the hatch will close automatically# Cou may enter inside the ),+ with a cassette in hand# During the ;>A you may switch focus between your astronaut and the ),+ by using the "+" 8ey# The alternate action 8ey "9" allows you to &erform a "9$LL-L$N;A."# This function will 8ill any linear translation s&eed relative to the ),+ vessel even if the astronaut has rotational movement# Cour ;>A o%ygen autonomy is 2! minutes# $f you do not terminate the ;>A before the o%ygen is e%hausted, you will die# $n this case, you cannot do anything more with your astronaut than to use the "+" 8ey to return the focus to the ),+# The hatch will close automatically if the astronaut dies# After 1:min, "BA.N$NA" will be dis&layed in the dis&lay line and "DANA;." :min before the end of o%ygen autonomy# Cou may maneuver your astronaut from the outside view or coc8&it view# The "coc8&it" camera has been tuned to avoid gra&hic cli&&ing at a reasonable distance and corres&ond to astronaut eyes view#
"5*B;. =3, 4#! >olt ", on the mini-&anel of the virtual coc8&it# This tension will start to decrease (! minutes before the ),+ dies# ATT;NT$*NDDD Cou need an o&erational vessel until the main &arachute e%traction, so you must carefully &lan your reentry# Cou may try to use the ),+ main engine, but here there is a high &robability ?:X chance@ that you will blow u&# $t is therefore better to use the L+ for all traGectory corrections, as it was actually done# /or this &ur&ose, you will have the assistance of the auto&ilot# ,ee the "A3T*5$L*T," cha&ter, &articularly the section "/3LL ,TA)9 +AN*;3>;. au%iliary function" and read all about the 56( fictitious &rogram# ,imilarly, donNt miss the A&ollo 6( tutorial and the associated set of scenarios which Iuite accurately simulate this dramatic flight# Bhen the malfunction occurs, you will see the malfunction message on the screen and hear a warning siren# $n this state, most of the interface functions are tem&orary disabled until you ac8nowledge the warning by &ressing either the "7" or "9" 8eys# This will sto& the siren, erase the message, and again restore full vessel control# $f the malfunction is not mastered and leads to vessel destruction, you will see the Angel, as described in a &revious cha&terD =ut if you have disabled inhabited vessels vulnerability, you will survive ?see cha&ter T;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*N@# A technical word about this feature' All malfunctions rely on s&ecific situations to occur# /or e%am&le, the engine *N, auto&ilot *N, lift off countdown, etc### De&ending on the s&ecific situation, the engine will build a different &robability, based u&on a general &robability factor, set by default to !#!: X of chance# $n other words, the &robability for a s&ecific event, is lowered or increased, according to the characteristics of this event# /or e%am&le, for a malfunction which can occur during long &eriod of time, the &robability factor is lowered# =ut for an engine failure, the factor will be increased, as the malfunction can only occur, while the engine is running# *f course, the ty&e of malfunction is also considered# /atal malfunctions have a lower &robability to occur than recoverable malfunctions# Cou can modify the general factor, by adding a custom &arameter in scenarios ?see cha&ter T;)HN$)AL $N/*.+AT$*N for more details@# To build the final &robability, the engine use a techniIue of double drawing of lots# Drawing of lots are &erformed each second, so that the engine is inde&endent of com&uter &erformances# Cou have "magic 8eys" to increase ?/6 @ or decrease ?/66@ the &robability by a 6!% factor# Bhen you hit the 8ey, the actual factor is Gust shortly dis&layed on the bottom line# To change it, you must re-hit the 8ey during the dis&lay time# This will allow you to &ractice your ability to react well to malfunctions# This modification is not memorized, so if you save Gust after having modified, when you will reload the saved scenario, you will be again with the initial &robability#
To turn in &lace, use the N3+5AD 8eys "1" H "2"# Here again, 8ee& the 8ey &ressed until the astronaut loo8s in the desired direction# Note that you may also use 8eys """ H "-" or "6" H "(" instead# Cou have more commands on the numeric 8ey&ad to let the astronaut &erform funny acrobatics# The "#" ?dot@ 8ey &erforms a forward salto and the "!" 8ey &erforms a bac8 salto# *bviously, this has never actually been &erformed on the +oon, but it is coolDDD $t is &ossible to L*)9 any wal8ing command combination with the numeric &ad L;NT;.M 8ey# To do this, &ress this 8ey BH$L; AL,* 5.;,,$NA TH; BAL9$NA 9;C?,@# The message line in the bottom left of the screen will dis&lay LL*)9M# Now the wal8ing order is loc8ed, so you can release the wal8ing 8ey?s@# This allows you to now switch the focus on the other Astronaut and do the same ?3se the L+M toggle focus 8ey@# $n this case, both Astronauts will continue to wal8, without you ever needing to 8ee& the wal8ing 8ey?s@ &ressed# To unloc8 again, you sim&ly &ress the numeric &ad L;NT;.M 8ey# This is useful, for e%am&le, to let one or both astronauts continue wal8ing somewhere while you e%amine the surrounding with the camera# This can also be very useful if you create a video# Notice that if you change the focus with the L+M 8ey, while also 8ee&ing the wal8ing 8ey?s@ &ressed 3NT$L TH; /*)3, HA, )HANA;D, the Astronaut without the focus will also continue to wal8# /atigue is also modeled# Bal8ing and Gum&ing ?even more@ will increase the tiredness of the astronaut# As said before, tiredness will reduce wal8ing &erformance and &ast a certain &oint, the Gum&s wonJt be &ossible anymore ?he will Gust do a small vertical Gum&@# Twenty minutes of continuous wal8ing will totally e%haust the astronaut# To recover, the astronaut must sto& wal8ing and Gum&ing# Cou will 8now when the astronaut starts to be really tired, because the breathing sound in the "coc8&it" view will become more ra&id and loud# /inally, notice that the Astronaut will recover !X faster, when he sits aboard the Lunar .over# 'or)in1 on the Moon Actions that can be &erformed rely on radius distances around the L+# $f you are between : and 2 meters from L+, &ressing action 8ey "7" will terminate your ;>A# This distance corres&onds to a &osition Gust beside a L+ leg# $f you are between (#: and 1#4 meters from L+, you can get tool items from the L+ by &ressing action 8ey "7"# This distance corres&onds to a &osition Gust beside the L+ sides, where the materials com&artments are located ?between the L+ legs@# Bith A&ollo 6: and subseIuent missions, the "9" 8ey will start the authentic de&loyment and eIui&ment of the Lunar .over# Tools come in the following order' 6- The Antenna ?A&ollo 6 to 61@ - The 3, flag (- The solar wind e%&eriment
1- The magnetometer :- The 3> telesco&e 2- The station "- The ,;5 4- The drill Bhen you carry an item, you have to go almost 4 meters away from the L+ to be able to lay the item on the ground by &ressing the "7" 8ey# Bhen you are not carrying an item and if you are close to any items already installed ?6#: meter or less@, you can &ic8 this item u& again with the "7" 8ey and move it elsewhere# The solar wind e%&eriment is the only item you can carry in your hand, when you return into L+# $n fact, you should not forget to ta8e it bac8 with you, when you terminate your last ;>A tri&, otherwise the ,wiss university who imagined this e%&eriment will be very disa&&ointed DDD Cou can also use the drill to collect underground sam&les# To do this, sim&ly stand close toward the drill and &ress "9" alternate action 8ey# Cou will see a message saying you are drilling# Bhen the message disa&&ears, &ress "9" again to store the sam&le# $f you want to ta8e another sam&le, you must dis&lace the drill# Drilling o&eration ta8es two minutes and during this time, you canNt do anything else# *n the lower-left corner of the screen, your can read your ;>A references# /irst is a direction indicator built with "Z" and "Y" characters which indicate the direction of the actual ;>A station# Then, you see the ;>A W you are in and the current ;>A station indicated with the "Y" character, followed by the station W# Then, comes the distance to this station# The same indications are used in the Lunar .over vehicle, with the e%ce&tion that the location indicated by the L.> may differ from the location indicated in the astronaut dis&lay line# /or the Lunar .over, this location is the center of the ;>A station# /or the Astronaut the location is the center of the area where 2 roc8 sam&les have been randomly generated# Cour tas8 is to find these roc8s and collect them# Cou sim&ly &ress the "7" action 8ey when you are a distance of 6#: meter or less from the stone# $f you donNt want to gather these roc8s anymore, you can use the cheat command ")T.L-9" at any time to destroy all the remaining roc8?s@ in the &resent station# /or each ;>A you are in, there are several stations to visit# ,ince A&ollo 6:, they can be very far and will reIuire you travel with the L.> vehicle# As soon as you will have collected all the roc8s, if the ;>A has a further station to visit, then a new set of roc8 sam&les will be generated at this ne%t station and so on, until you visited the last station &rogrammed for this ;>A# After you have collected all the roc8 sam&les in this last station, no more sam&les will be generated, and all reference locations sim&ly become the L+ landing location, so you can return to the L+ with no &roblem#
/inally, when you terminate your ;>A ?both astronauts bac8 in the L+@, if you have collected all the roc8 sam&les, the ne%t ;>A will be selected# =ut if you havenJt collected all the sam&les, you will remain in this unachieved ;>A until the last roc8 sam&le is collected# Cou can do more ;>As than &rogrammed# The ;>A counter will increment, but you wonJt have any roc8 sam&les to collect and all the reference locations will always be the L+ location# .;+A.9,' The following tric8 may hel& you to locate roc8 sam&les, if you have difficulties finding them# 5ress /1, then &ress ",elect shi&" and in the list, select a roc8 and &ress *9# This sets the camera focus on this roc8# Now by moving the camera, you can evaluate the &osition of the roc8, relative to the astronaut, or any other obGects# To continue your mission, you will have to select the astronaut "vessel" again in the same way# A fairer tric8 is to &lace one Astronaut e%actly on the reference location ?Dist[!@ and to travel with the ground e%ternal camera around him, at different distance# Bhen you detect a roc8, then you use the second astronaut to go there and grab the roc8# The last information dis&layed in the dis&lay line is the time s&ends since ;>A started for the Astronaut# ATT;NT$*N DDD Cou may die, if you e%ceed your o%ygen autonomy DDD Here are the o%ygen autonomies you get for each mission and ;>A ?based on NA,A +ission 5ress tool8it@' A&ollo 66' A&ollo 6 ' A&ollo 61' A&ollo 6:' ;>A6 62!mn ? h1!mn@ ;>A6 !:mn ?(h :mn@ ;>A !:mn ?(h :mn@ ;>A6 ::mn ?1h6:mn@ ;>A ::mn ?1h6:mn@ ;>A6 1 !mn ?"h@ ;>A 1 !mn ?"h@ ;>A( (2!mn ?2h@ ALL ;>ANs 1 !mn ?"h@
The fictitious A&ollo 64-6- missions ?or later@, use the same model as A&ollo 6"# $f you &erform a successful fictitious A&ollo 6( mission, you will get the same data as for A&ollo 61# Cou must add a reserve of 6! minutes to these times, to find your total o%ygen autonomy# Bhen your o%ygen autonomy reaches (!mn left, the message "BA.N$NA" will be added to the dis&lay line# Bhen you start to use the last 6! minutes of reserve, the
message will turn to "DANA;."# $f you are not inside the L+ before the o%ygen is totally e%hausted, you will die and fall face toward the +oon ground# /or the A&ollo 6 mission, you have a s&ecial tas8 to do' Cou must find the &robe ,urveyor $$$, get close to it and &ress the "7" action 8ey to retrieve the &robe camera# To climb into the Lunar .over, get close to one of its sides and &ress the action 8ey "7"# =oth astronauts may climb into the .over while carrying the drill tool# $n this case, when one disembar8s, he will have the drill with him# Cou drive the .over in the same way as the astronaut, including the loc8<unloc8# *f course, you cannot turn in &lace and the "!" 8ey is a bra8e# Cou can ma8e shar& turns at low s&eeds if you &ress the turning 8ey while giving multi&le short 8eystro8es with the forward or the bac8ward 8ey# To disembar8, Gust &ress "7" again# Cou may use the 8ey "9" instead, if you want crewmember W to disembar8 first# Cou will need to manage the Lunar .over thermal mirrors covers of the forward batteries &ac8 with ")trl-L" 8ey, when you sto&# These covers &rotect the mirrors from the dust, while driving or when the batteries &ac8 tem&erature is low enough# Driving the .over will increase this tem&erature# After about 2 to " minutes of continuous full s&eed driving, you may even get the message "*>;.H;AT" in the dis&lay line and the ma%imum s&eed will be reduced# This is why, when you sto& at a station, you must o&en these covers before to disembar8, to get o&timal heat dissi&ation# )overs will close automatically when you restart your drive or when the batteries &ac8 tem&erature is again low enough# $f you forget to o&en these covers when you sto&, batteries &ac8 tem&erature will lower only very slowly during your stay# Bith o&ened covers, heat dissi&ation should not e%ceed ! minutes# 3ntil both astronauts come bac8 ?or die@, the L+ is totally disabled, so you cannot leave the +oon without them# Cou can try by going to the L+ with *rbiter standard manual shi& selection commands, or with "+" 8ey, but only if 6 astronaut is in ;>A# To 8now all about your duties during any ;>A of all A&ollo missions, &lease refer to the document ";>A#doc" where you will find nice landing site ma&s and all the necessary instructions to succeed in your missions during your +oon visits#
+ode ( -
+ode 1 H A&ogee 9ic8 - =egins after the &oint the ),+ main engine could be used to insert it into an ;arth &ar8ing orbit# This is from about TS-' # The main engine burn into orbit would be made two minutes after se&aration from the (rd stage and the mission would continue as an ;arth orbit alternate# +ode 1 is &referred over +ode (# A variation of +ode 1 is the a&ogee 8ic8 in which the ),+ main engine would be ignited at first a&ogee to raise &erigee for a safe orbit#
Cou can a&&ly aerodynamic lift when you enter into atmos&here# ATT;NT$*N, L$/T A55LC *NLC *N TH; 5$T)H AE$,# This lift allows you to control your entry &ath within a certain limit# Note that vertical lift, also allow reducing dynamic &ressure, which is +ANDAT*.C to survive in most of direct abort reentry# 5ractically, this means you must orient the vessel retrograde and anti-level ?you must see the ;arth over your head, this is the real historical orientation used@# Cou can read the A*A on the *rbiter "surface" instrument or on the mini-&anel in >irtual coc8&it# Bith this attitude, you can a&&ly ma%imum &ositive lift with an A*A of 614 degrees and a ma%imum negative lift with an A*A of -614 degrees# $f you also ban8 left or right, you can a&&ly laterally a &art of the lift, to also modify your traGectory to the left or to the right# AttentionD A*A ?and Caw a%is too@ lower than 6 !<-6 ! degrees may sim&ly 8ill you, because you will lose the thermal shield &rotectionDDD To a&&ly lift, it is recommended to use the Goystic8# This device should allow you more easily, to maintain a &recise A*A, while the increasing aerodynamic effect on the ca&sule will counter-act more and more your .), actions# 9$LL.*T is automatically a&&lied when you return the command to neutral# Cou can avoid this auto-9$LL.*T feature, by sim&ly &ressing the ")trl" 8ey, while you a&&ly .), commands# Notice that 9$LL.*T may sometimes stay loc8ed, es&ecially when aerodynamic effect on the ca&sule become stronger# =ut this &roblem might be, in fact, hel&ful, as it may loc8 your selected A*A# Cou can defeat the loc8 at any times, by sim&ly &ressing the 9$LL.*T button# /or a normal entry, it is recommended to stay in the neutral 64! degrees retrograde attitude# Cou can toggle *N<*//, an "A*A-64!-L*)9" auto&ilot, with the numeric 8ey&ad ".eturn" 8ey# This auto&ilot will only loc8 the &itch a%is# Cou can even overa&&ly manual .), commands# *nly standard *rbiter auto&ilot functions li8e .;T.*A.AT;, L;>;L, etc0, will automatically disable "A*A-64!-L*)9" auto&ilot# Now, if you need to modify your traGectory, be careful to not a&&ly too much lift too soon, or you may re-bounce off the atmos&here# The best &arameter you should monitor carefully, to avoid this case, is the vertical acceleration >A)), you can read on the *rbiter ",urface" instrument or on the A+,* mini-&anel# $f you read an im&ortant &ositive vertical acceleration, a&&ly immediately N;AAT$>; lift# $f you 8ee& vertical acceleration close to zero, it mean you fly level, li8e air&lane DDD As already mentioned, for launch abort mode H ( ?see &revious cha&ter@, C*3 +3,T A55LC L$/T# ;ven /3LL-L$/T ?614 degrees@ at the beginning is reIuired to 8ee& the dynamic &ressure within the admissible range# .emember, over :! 85a, you will be dead D
$f you are into a normal entry ?$ mean N*T an entry consecutive to a flight abort@, the carrier 3,,-Hornet will be there, waiting for you# As soon as the &arachute &rotection cone is Gettisoned, you will be able to toggle the focus between the )+ and the carrier with the "+" 8ey# $f you are fast enough, you might see all the &arachutes seIuence from there D $f you &ress "7" action 8ey, you will de&loy the ,H(-,ea9ing helico&ter# Now, if you &ress "+" 8ey you will toggle focus between the carrier and the helico&ter# 6ow to pilot the Sea>in1 heli.opter Bith the "D" 8ey, you can o&en the door# Bhen airborne, the "A" 8ey will retract or de&loy the landing gear# To start the engines, &ress the "7" action 8ey# Cour engines and rotors will &rogressively s&ool u&# Bhen the o&timal s&eed is reached and you are therefore ready to ta8e off, a dis&lay line will a&&ear which indicates the horizontal s&eed in 8nots, the lateral s&eed in ft<s, the vertical s&eed in ft<s, the altitude in feet, the distance and bearing to current target and finally, the landing gear status# A negative value for the horizontal s&eed means youJre moving bac8ward# A negative value for lateral s&eed means youJre moving to "5ort" side ?left@# Cour landing altitude is " #4 feetJs# .emember it, this will be your landing altitude when you come bac8, but it will be also your stationary altitude over the A&ollo vessel# $n fact when you fly in translation, you must always remain over this altitude# Bhen this line a&&ears, you are ready to start flying# To control the collective &itch, use, li8e with the L+, the "$nsert" 8ey to increment your vertical s&eed by 6 ft<s and the "Delete" 8ey to decrease the same value# Cou can use the ";nd" 8ey to reset vertical s&eed to zero ?fly level@# Cou fly the helico&ter with the Goystic8# Cou &itch u& and down to control your horizontal s&eed, ban8 left<right to control lateral s&eed and yaw to turn the helico&ter around the main rotor a%is# During translation, you can &erform turns by ban8ing and yawing of the a&&ro&riate value# As already said, you use "$nsert", "Delete" and ";nd" 8eys, to control your vertical s&eed# D*NNT 3,; standard *rbiter hovering commands# $ recommend switching off the nd +/D and to set the H3D in surface mode# 3se "Distance" and "=earing" of the dis&lay line, to fly in the direction of your current target ?first, A&ollo vessel and later, when recu&eration is done, the )arrier@# Bhen you are Gust over the A&ollo vessel, "land" Gust over it# This simulates the hovering station over the ca&sule# *&en the door with "D" 8ey and use multi&le "9"
8ey stro8e to simulate the recovery of the ( astronauts# Notice that you may o&en the door before to land# This will engage the *rbiter "Level" flying mode which should hel& to fine &ilot the final a&&roach# Cou can either descent the bas8et before to land, as soon as you see "$N .ANA;" on the dis&lay line# This may be hel&ful to "land" the helico&ter at the &recise right &lace# To leave your station over the ca&sule, Gust &ress "$nsert" 8ey to climb# DonNt forget to close the door with "D" 8ey, before to leave# .eturn to the carrier and a&&roach it from the bac8# Aim for a landing in the central &art of the carrier dec8# DonNt forget to de&loy your landing gear with the "A" 8ey and when landed, &ress the "7" 8ey to sto& your engines# Bhen the main rotor is totally sto&&ed, o&en the door with "D" 8ey and &ress "9" 8ey for the final "welcome bac8" ceremony# .;+A.9' $n reality, for the first missions, astronauts wore gas mas8s and had to immediately enter into a Iuarantine chamber, as soon as the helico&ter landed# =ut $ thought it was more fun to simulate later missions, where this &recaution was abandoned, because scientists were sure at that time that astronauts couldnNt be contaminated by their Gourney on the +oon# $n the e%ternal view, if you zoom a lot with usual *rbiter "5age Down" 8ey, you can &ut the camera inside the helico&ter# Cou will see that "9ev((" has modeled the entire interior# Note' The helico&ter "vessel" is $N>3LN;.A=L;# 8sa1e of 1roun% .amera The best way to enGoy the recovery seIuence is to use the *rbiter ground observer camera# Bhen you are hovering over the A&ollo )+ module and ready to start the recovery, set the view at a distance you can see both the )+ and the helico&ter while loo8ing horizontally# Now &ress /1 and select ")amera"# ,elect "ground" &age, deselect "target loc8" o&tion and &ress "current"# Now you can control the camera with arrow 8eys, with or without ")T.L" 8ey and both "5age 3&" and "5age Down" 8eys# Bhen you are ready to fly bac8 to the carrier, try to start your flight from this view, as itJs really s&ectacularD Cou may even reactivate the "target loc8" if you want the camera to automatically follow the helico&ter#
Loo8 at the scenario "A&ollo 66, ste& ( " to see an e%am&le of this camera setting and &ractice astronauts recovery#
Here is the list of all e%isting sound customizations, relative to default *rbiter,ound sounds ambiance# This is what you get on every mission, with the A+,* installation, without sound &ac8 e%tensions# Bith sound &ac8 e%tensions, you may hear more AT) dialogs for more flight &hases# The AT) sounds &layed could also be those of the real mission you are flying# /or more details, refer to the cha&ter ",*3ND )3,T*+$KAT$*N 5;. +$,,$*N"# - A&ollo ),+ cabin sound ?L+ use *rbiter,ound default one@# - 6! first minutes of A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs from lift off# - Abort with esca&e tower# - ;sca&e tower Gettison# - 3llage roc8ets sound# - ,tages se&aration noise# - 5arachute shield se&aration noise# - L+ legs de&loyment# - +aster alarm sound# - Hatch closure# - AT) dialog during start of s&ace ;>A ?from A&ollo 6"@# - A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs for 5D$ ?+oon landing@# - Historical first ste& &hrase said by Neil Armstrong# - Astronauts breath during ;>A# - Drilling noise when you use the drill# - A&ollo 66 true AT) dialogs for +oon lift off# - Drogue chute mortar noise when fired# - Drogue chute se&aration S main &arachutes mortar noises# - Two sounds when main &arachute inflate# - Two sound loo&s ?wind H &arachutes@ during descent# - ,&lashdown sound# - *cean rumble loo& sound# - Helico&ter rotors H turbine sound# - Helico&ter landing gears# - Helico&ter door# - Helico&ter winch# AT) dialogs for the ,aturn > flight, for the L+ descent &lus landing and the L+ ascent into +oon orbit are fully accurate# Cou will hear the dialog at the time ?or altitude@ it occurred in reality# All sounds are from the A&ollo 66 mission# =efore L+ descent, you will hear the "Ao for 5D$" from Houston flight control# /or the +oon lift off, you will hear Houston "ta8e off" authorization when you enter in A,);NT &re&aration &hase# Two minutes before lift off, you will hear Neil Armstrong &erforming the end of the chec8list, and then the authentic countdown# Technically s&ea8ing, these AT) dialogs wor8 the following way'
AT) sounds &erformed during flight &hases rely on the auto&ilots of ,aturn > and the L+ to be &layed# $n other words, you wonNt hear these dialogs if you are in manual flight or if you abort the guidance &rogram, because in this case it is obviously Iuite difficult to guess what you are going to do ne%t# During all these custom AT) &hases, the default *rbiter,ound random AT) feature is disabled, e%ce&t if the delay to &lay the ne%t custom AT) is over 6: minutes# $f you abort the flight or disable the auto&ilot, the custom AT) &hase is immediately disabled and default random AT) is restored# $n both ),+ H L+ vessels, this is the default *rbiter,ound settings, set by A+,*' 5LAC)*3NTD*BNBH;NTA9;*//, no ?custom in both vessels@# 5LACBH;NATT$T3D;+*D;)HANA;, no# 5LACA5B,, no# 5LAC+A$NTH.3,T, yes# 5LACH*>;.TH.3,T, yes# 5LACATT$T3D;TH.3,T, yes# 5LACD*)9$NA,*3ND, yes# 5LAC.ADA.=$5, in ),+ disabled during ,aturn > flight# $n L+ disabled when landed# 5LACB$NDA$.,5;;D, yes# 5LACD*)9LAND)L;A.AN);, no# 5LACLAND$NAANDA.*3ND,*3ND, no ?custom s&lashdown@# 5LAC)A=$NA$.)*ND$T$*N$NA, yes ?custom for ),+ vessel@# 5LAC)A=$N.AND*+A+=$AN);, yes# 5LACB$NDA+=$AN);BH;NLAND;D, yes# D$,5LACT$+;., no#
Any missing Fixed events ATC sounds will mean no &lay during the simulation and *rbiter,ound will enlist the file in its log file# )ustom events AT) sounds' These are sounds which will be &layed by several A+,* "AT) engines" able to ste& into a list of an undetermined number of AT) sound files, reading from the file name itself, the time ?or altitude@ information to 8now when to &lay the AT) file# A&ollo vessel' Apollo-HHHMMSS.wav where HHH'++',, is the A;T time at which the AT) must &lay#
L+ vessel'
LM-HHHMMSS.wav where HHH'++',, is the A;T time at which the AT) must &lay# LM-landing-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since 5D$ burn started# LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav where $E is the ran8 order of AT) &lay and AAAA the altitude at which the AT) must be &layed# AAAA[!!!! will corres&ond automatically to the &recise instant where the landing &robe touches the ground# LM-landed-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since the L+ touched the ground# LM-ascent-EET-MMSS.wav where ++',, is the ela&sed time delay to &lay the AT), since the liftoff burn started#
All Custom events ATC sounds found will be &layed according to the rules defined &reviously# Cou can have as many Custom events ATC sounds you want in the limit im&osed by their s&ecifications# /or e%am&le, for LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav, the $E digits ran8ing inde% means a ma%imum of 6!! files# The multi&le "AT) engines" architecture for the L+ allows you to &recisely synchronize AT) on landing and ascent events, no matter at which A;T these events occur# 3sage of altitude for the final &art of the landing also gives more &recise results and even allows you to 8ee& AT) when flying the L+ with the 522 manual landing &rogram# LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav "AT) engine" will sto& after landing ?AAAA[!!!!@ and force LM-landing-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" to sto&, if not already sto&&ed# This will also occur immediately if the 5D$ seIuence of &rogramNs is aborted# Notice that even if it is &ossible to &lay AT) with both "AT) engines" during all the 5D$ H landing &hase, this is not recommended at all# 3se the ;;T engine until you reach about (!!! ft ?-61#1 m@, and then use the ALT engine# LM-landed-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" starts running on L+ touchdown, but only if the 5D$ seIuence of &rograms was active until landing# Then it will sto& only when the last AT) is &layed, or if the L+ enters in ta8e off &re&aration &hase, or in case of emergency immediate ta8e off# LM-ascent-EET-MMSS.wav "AT) engine" is sto&&ed in the same time of 56 +oon orbit insertion &rogram ?normal end or abort@#
/or Apollo-HHHMMSS.wav, during the ascent into ;arth orbit, if the auto&ilot is disabled for any reasons ?abort flight, auto&ilot malfunction or user ta8e manual control@, the &laying of these AT) will be immediately aborted and will remain muted until A;T !!!'66'1! ?end of a normal ;arth orbit insertion@# After that time, this "AT) engine" will be reactivated automatically only if the A&ollo vessel is in a &lausible situation ?this is altitude over 64:8m and in (rd stage configuration@# LM-HHHMMSS.wav "AT) engine" will never abort &laying AT)# $t runs as soon as the L+ is activated and until the L+ ascent stage is definitively undoc8ed from the A&ollo vessel# Notice that L+ landing and ascent "AT) engines" have the &riority over this "AT) engine"# Any AT) which would occur during the activity &eriod of these other "AT) engines" will be s8i&&ed# .;+A.9,' $t is better to avoid the two sounds mentioned as a "feedbac8 sound" to be missing, because they are a feedbac8 to an A+,* action# Bithout them it will wor8, but the user may wonder if the action he does was really &erformed# DonNt forget also the timing constraints for all countdown sounds# The best way to build an A&ollo &re-countdown<countdown &air of files is to ta8e a sound file starting &recisely at minus : minutes and ending after the liftoff, before the first A&ollo AT)# Then you cut &recisely this file in two, at minus 6! seconds time# Attention D "AT) engines" D* N*T stac8 AT) files# ,o it is your res&onsibility to insure that consecutive AT) do not overla&, otherwise the overla&&ed AT) will be s8i&&ed# /inally, for those who are going to build such a sound &ac8, thin8 about the size of the whole sound &ac8age DDD Avoid using high sam&le rates in stereo or very long sam&les# +ost of the time, a sam&le rate of 669 in 4 bits mono is enough with these 8inds of sounds# $n most AT) conversations, you have time where nobody is s&ea8ing# ,&lit your AT) in several files on these silences, when they e%ceed -( seconds#
Cou can disable inhabited vessels vulnerability feature by adding, at the end of the scenario &arameters list for these vessels, the &arameter "$N>3LN;.A=L; 6"# $f you add this &arameter, the vessel?s@ will remain invulnerable during all the rest of the mission, even if you e%it and restart the simulation# Bhen this &arameter is s&ecified in the A&ollo vessel, it will be automatically transmitted to the L+ vessel# The contrary is not true, so you can set the L+ to invulnerable, while 8ee&ing the A&ollo vessel vulnerable# $n the same way, the &arameter "5.*=A=$L$TC" allow you to change the default &robability of !#!: X, for the damage H failure engine, for both A&ollo H L+ vessels, in the valid range from !#!!6 to 6#!! X# This &arameter is s&ecified in A&ollo vessel *NLC and is automatically &assed to L+ vessel, as soon as it e%ist# This should allow you to tune events &robability to your taste# Cou can also disable the L+ landing dust effect with the "N*D3,T 6" &arameter s&ecified in either A&ollo or L+ vessel# $f s&ecified into A&ollo vessel, it will be automatically transmitted to L+ vessel as soon as the vessel e%ist# The A+,* ,aturn > auto&ilot su&&orts a launch azimuth correction# A correction angle, in degrees-decimal, can be s&ecified in the launch scenario file, with &arameter "AK$+3T)*."# This azimuth correction is a&&lied to the natural launch azimuth, which is the ground heading minus 64! degrees ?A&ollo fly on the bac8 during ascent@# Auto&ilot e%ecutes this correction by rotating ,aturn > in the very beginning of the flight# /or e%am&le "AK$+3T)*. -64" will aim a launch azimuth of " degrees# According to NA,A s&ecifications, "AK$+3T)*." is limited in the range - ! to S ! degrees, which corres&ond to an azimuth range of "! to 66! degrees# >alues out of range are trimmed automatically to a&&ro&riate limit# Cou can also s&ecify several other &arameters which allow internal auto&ilot &rograms to refine their navigation# These &arameters are also &assed e%ternally, via the $5) feature# ,o e%ternal a&&lications, li8e an e%ternal instrument L&lug inM, can use them too# +7DL*$' +7D time of the L*$ ?Lunar *rbit +oon@# $f this &arameter is s&ecified the A+,* ,aturn > auto&ilot, it will steer the yaw a%is in order to interce&t the +oon &lane at the time of L*$ during the ascent to ;arth &ar8ing orbit# The result is an ;arth &ar8ing orbit very &recise for the subseIuent TL$ burn# $+/D: uses this &arameter to &reset the arrival time of the &rogram L$nterce&t TargetM# +7DLDA' +7D time of the +oon landing# This &arameter is not used yet in A+,*# $+/D: uses it with the landing base location to com&ute the angular offset with landing base, dis&layed into the L+a&M &rogram# +7D5;)<ALT5;)' +7D time and altitude in 8m of the &ericynthion ?NA,A term for lunar &erigee@ of the free return TL$ orbit# These &arameters are not used yet#
+7D,5L<,5LL*N<,5LLAT' +7D time and coordinates in degrees decimal of the final mission s&lashdown# These &arameters are not used yet in A+,*# $+/D: uses them to &reset L=ase A&&roachM &rogram# None of these &arameters have any validity chec8# ,o it is the res&onsibility of the user to s&ecify correct data# Bith incorrect or im&ossible data, the behavior of internal or e%ternal a&&lications using them will be totally un&redictable# =ecause $ wasnNt actually able to figure out how to im&lement doc8ing with the $D, mode, doc8ing is actually restricted to *rbiter visual doc8ing mode only# A very great effort has been made to ma8e A+,* fully trans&arent with save and restore states# This is something that is sometimes >;.C )*+5L;E T* D*, but normally you should be able to save a flight - AT ANC T$+; - and when you will restore the saved scenario, you should recover ;EA)TLC the state you had when you saved# Cou can even save during any auto&ilot &hases# Throttle level will be restored ignoring the Goystic8 setting at the loading time, so you get the real throttle setting you had when you saved# ATT;NT$*NDDD To wor8 &ro&erly, this feature reIuires, of course, a good Goystic8, which has &erfectly stable data, when you do not move the command# De&ending on the Goystic8, it might be necessary to set the throttle command to minimum or ma%imum to get stable data#
A+,* su&&orts missions "A,-:!(" ?A&ollo 4@ to "A,-:6 " ?A&ollo 6"@# A+,* also allows flying two fictitious missionsF the "A,-:6(" will use the +oon landing base "+arius Hills" and "A,-:61" uses the ")o&ernicus" base# $n fact, A+,* is able to fly any "A,-EEE" missions# +issions under "A,-:!(" will sim&ly be configured li8e "A,-:!(" and over "A,-:61", li8e "A,-:61"# "A,----" is reserved ?used for the Tribute to LazyD@# $f you want to create a fictitious mission launch scenario for a s&ecific landing base or flight configuration which is inside A+,* mission range, you must sim&ly use the same mission designation and set the launch date and time as you wish# Any scenario you might create yourself +3,T use a valid designation# This is "A,", followed by a minus sign, then a three digits number# /or e%am&le "A,-!!!" is a valid designation, "A,-!6" not# This will be the name of the main A&ollo vessel# All other vessels names will be &refi%ed with this name, followed by an underscore character and then, the vessel name itself, li8e for e%am&le "A+-:6 OL+Ovessel"# The third stage, when you e%tract the L+, assumes you are flying a correct TL$ &ath and you e%tracted the L+ at the scheduled time ?about 1 hours 6! minutes after lift off@# ;ight minutes after e%traction, the (rd stage will turn retrograde and Gust slow down a bit# The (rd stage should normally enter in the s&here of the +oonJs influence and if it is the case, it will chec8 if the &ath collides with +oon# $f not, it will &erform
another retrograde thrust to obtain this collision &ath# During all these maneuvers, time acceleration will be limited to 6!%# $f these maneuvers fail for any reason, li8e not enough fuel, or a bad TL$ &ath, or L+ e%traction at very inaccurate time, the ( rd stage will be &robably lost in the s&ace# This maneuver is done only since A&ollo 6(# /or earlier missions, the (rd stage will sim&ly orient &rograde, and burn all the remaining fuel and get a solar orbit# A+,* is built from the following real data found on' htt&'<<www#astronauti%#com<lvs<saturnv#htm Spe.ifi.ations of Saturn V L;* 5ayload' 664,!!! 8g to' 64: 8m *rbit at' 4#! degrees# 5ayload' 1",!!! 8g# to a' Translunar traGectory Liftoff Thrust' (,11!,(6! 8gf# Total +ass' (,!(4,:!! 8g )ore Diameter' 6!#6 m# Total Length' 6! #! m# Develo&ment )ost \' ",1(-#2! million# in 6-22 average dollars Launch 5rice \' 1(6#!! million# in 6-2" &rice dollars ,tage 6 module' Aross +ass' , 42, 6" 8g# ;m&ty +ass' 6(:, 64 8g# Thrust ?vac@' (,-12,2 1 8gf# $s&' (!1 sec# =urn time' 626 sec# $s&?sl@' 2: sec# ,tage module' Aross +ass' 1-!,""4 8g# ;m&ty +ass' (-,!14 8g# Thrust ?vac@' : 2,"21 8gf# $s&' 1 6 sec# =urn time' (-! sec# $s&?sl@' !! sec# ,tage ( module' Aross +ass' 66-,-!! 8g# ;m&ty +ass' 6(,(!! 8g# Thrust ?vac@' 6!:, !! 8gf# $s&' 1 6 sec# =urn time' 1": sec# $s&?sl@' !! sec#
Spe.ifi.ations of Apollo vessel Total Length' 66#! m# +a%imum Diameter' (#- m# Total Habitable >olume' 2#6" m(# Total +ass' (!,( - 8g# Total 5ro&ellants' 64,144 8g# Total .), $m&ulse' (41,42!#!! 8gf-sec# 5rimary ;ngine Thrust' -,-"- 8gf# +ain ;ngine 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +ain ;ngine $s&' (61 sec# Total s&acecraft delta v' ,4!1 m<s# ;lectric system' 2#(! total average 8B# ;lectric ,ystem' 2-!#!! total 8Bh# ;lectrical ,ystem' /uel )ells# )ommand +odule' Length' (#: m# =asic Diameter' (#- m# +a% Diameter' (#- m# Habitable >olume' 2#6" m(# *verall +ass' :,4!2 8g# ,tructure +ass' 6,:2" 8g# Heat ,hield +ass' 414 8g# .eaction )ontrol ,ystem' 1!! 8g# .ecovery ;Iui&ment' 1: 8g# Navigation ;Iui&ment' :!: 8g# Telemetry ;Iui&ment' !! 8g# ;lectrical ;Iui&ment' "!! 8g# )ommunications ,ystems' 6!! 8g# )rew ,eats and 5rovisions' ::! 8g# )rew mass' 62 8g# +iscellaneous )ontingency' !! 8g# ;nvironmental )ontrol ,ystem' !! 8g# 5ro&ellants' ": 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 6 % 1 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# .), Total $m&ulse' 2,6"4#!! 8gf-sec# L<D Hy&ersonic' !#(# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' n<a# ;lectric ,ystem' !#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 6,!!!#! Ah# ,ervice +odule'
Length' "#2 m# =asic Diameter' (#- m# +a% Diameter' (#- m# *verall +ass' 1,: ( 8g# ,tructure +ass' 6,-6! 8g# ;lectrical ;Iui&ment' 6, !! 8g# +aneuvering ,ystem' (,!!! 8g# 5ro&ellants' 6416( 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 62 % 1: 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# .), Total $m&ulse' (:4,24 #6 8gf-sec# +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' -,-"- 8gf# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (61 sec# +aneuver system delta v' ,4!1 m<s# ;lectric system' 2#(! average 8B# ;lectric ,ystem' 2"!#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' /uel )ells# Spe.ifi.ations of Apollo 7M vessel Total Length' 2#1 m# +a%imum Diameter' 1#( m# Total Habitable >olume' 2#2: m(# Total +ass' 61,2-2 8g# Total 5ro&ellants' 6!,: ( 8g# 5rimary ;ngine Thrust' 1,1-6 8gf# +ain ;ngine 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +ain ;ngine $s&' (66 sec# Total s&acecraft delta v' 1,"!! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' :!#!! total 8Bh# ;lectrical ,ystem' =atteries# Ascent ,tage +odule' Length' (#: m# =asic Diameter' 1#( m# +a% Diameter' 1#( m# Habitable >olume' 2#2: m(# *verall +ass' 1,:1" 8g# )rew mass' 611 8g# 5ro&ellants' (:4 8g .), )oarse No % Thrust' 62 E 1: 8gf# .), 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# .), $s&' -! sec# +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' 6,:44 8gf#
+aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (66 sec# +aneuver system delta v' , ! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' 6"#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 4!!#! Ah# Descent ,tage +odule' Length' #4 m# =asic Diameter' 1# m# +a% Diameter' -#1 m# *verall +ass' 6!,61- 8g# 5ro&ellants' 462: 8g +aneuver ,ystem Thrust' 1,1-6 8gf# +aneuver ,ystem 5ro&ellants' N *1<3D+H# +aneuver ,ystem $s&' (66 sec# +aneuver system delta v' ,1"! m<s# ;lectric ,ystem' ((#! 8Bh# ;lectric system ty&e' =atteries# =attery' 6,2!!#! Ah# Spe.ifi.ations of earth par)in1 orbit insertion A+,* tries to fully res&ect the following ;arth orbit insertion &arameters ta8en from several NA,A documents' *rbit altitude' *rbit ty&e' 1st sta1e? *verall burn time' :th engine burn time' 1st sta1e separation? altitude' retro-burst of 6st stage' 3llage ring burn time' nd stage burn start after se&aration' 3llage ring se&aration' ;sca&e tower se&aration' 2n% sta1e? *verall burn time' :th engine burn time' 2n% sta1e separation? altitude' retro-burst of st stage' 64"#" 8m ?6!6#1 nm@ circular 626 seconds 6(2 seconds 2"# !#": second 1 seconds 6#2 second 4 seconds after nd stage burn start :#" seconds after ullage ring se&aration (-! seconds -2 seconds 64"#" 6#:! second
3llage roc8et burn time' 1 seconds (nd stage burn start after se&aration' (#6 seconds :r% sta1e first burn to 1et orbit? *verall burn time' 61: seconds
- 3nfortunately, *rbiter,ound does not allow controlling its internal m&( &layer# $n the "Angel to 5aradise" seIuence, the "Tribute to LazyD" ceremony and finally, the "welcome bac8" ceremony, they are m&( &ieces of music &layed# ,o, if you are using *rbiter,ound m&( &layer, while &laying with A+,*, you may hear two &ieces of music in the same time# A+,* version &revious to 6# 6, im&lemented an half solution to this &roblem# =ut this has been removed for technical reasons# - The L+ auto&ilot "rendezvous" &rogram' the closer you are to the ),+, the more difficult it is to achieve a successful rendezvous# ,o avoid a re-launch rendezvous, if you are close to the ),+# - Bhen *rbiter is minimized' when you return to it, you may find a very strange situation# /or e%am&le, if you minimize during an a&&roach, you wonNt &robably find your L+ landed as e%&ected ?Not re-tested with *rbiter !6!@# - Bhen you toggle from one shi& to the other, unfortunately some &arameters of some *rbiter instruments are not restored bac8# $t is only the case if both vessels are set to the same value ?for e%am&le, the same landing base@# - *rbiter "ground friction" &arameter unfortunately seems to wildly de&end on the frame rate# Therefore, behaviors which rely on this &arameter may be very different, de&ending on the frame rate you get# This concern mostly Astronauts "+oon Bal8" and lunar rover behaviors# Normally, if you donNt disable *rbiter vertical synch video &arameter, you shouldnNt have any &roblems, because the frame rate will be limited to your screen refresh freIuency# - Laboratory obGects, when released by the astronauts, sometimes miss their "Lunar landing"# This seems to ha&&en if you Gust &erformed a salto Gum& &reviously# - Bhile wal8ing, Astronauts may sometimes start to slide on the ground# +ost of the time, he will sto& soon after, but in the case he donNt, change the focus with the "+" 8ey# This action should normally sto& the sliding# - DonNt even touch the mouse wheel inside any >irtual )oc8&it, before to have changed almost once, the default camera direction ?mouse move while 8ee&ing mouse right button &ressed@, or you will have an immediate )TD DDD This is an *rbiter bug $ was unable to overturn# $n fact, sim&ly never use mouse wheel in >) as it sim&ly do nothing, e%ce&t crashing to des8to& DDD
- $ would li8e to than8s first and from the de&th of my heart, "LazyD", and Luis Tei%eira to have offered to me, their marvelous wor8# /or "LazyD" the im&lementation in A+,* of his great auto&ilot code for the L+ and the ),+# /or Luis, all the stunting (d wor8 he made to enhance many A+,* meshes, creates the incredible launch tower, the 5ad-(-A and all the (d landing sites, both virtual coc8&its, etc### $t was great and very efficient collaborations# Luis is now an essential member of the A+,* develo&ment team, li8e was also LLazyDM# .est in &eace my dear LLazyDM DDD - +any than8s to Thomas .uth for his so beautiful ,aturn > stac8 meshes, which $ have used to rebuild all A+,* meshes involving ,aturn > roc8et# - +any than8s to Aeoffrey de 9ergariou to have remar8ed and corrected the decoration te%ture error ?blac8 stri&es@, of the ,aturn > nd and (rd inter-stage section# $ncredible D Nobody remar8ed that before !66, including me DDD - +any than8s to .odion Herrera, for the astronauts and the Lunar .over meshes, same to 7ohn Araves for the Lab items# Bithout their nice wor8, ;>A activities im&lementation wouldnNt have been &ossible# - +any than8s to +a% Arueter, a ,wiss com&atriot and very talented (d artist, for his authorization to use his beautiful Astronaut mesh# This allowed Luis to s&are a lot of time for the rewor8 of all Astronauts in A+,*# - +any than8s to 7ean-)hristo&he Lemay for his beautiful remi% of the music "La +arche /unRbre" of /rederic )ho&in, which fit e%actly to the mystical Angel seIuence# 5lease consult the $nternet site of this musician' htt&'<<m&(#dee&sound#net<inde%#&h&, for more informationJs and in &articular, about usage license and co&yrights# - +any than8s to 9ev .olling alias "9ev((" for the nice meshes H te%tures of the "3,, Hornet" carrier and the helico&ter ",H( ,ea9ing", who made &ossible the creation of the astronauts recovery seIuence# Than8s also to him, for the launch tower mesh and the 5ad (-a mesh, same to =rian 7ones, for the s&ot light te%ture# This material was the starting &oint for the realization of the new Launch scenery# - +any than8s to "7im" from +oon&ort, which allowed me to use his nice ,urveyor $$$ mesh, to build the static mesh of this &robe, used into the 5rocellarum landing site# - +any than8s to "=igDA," for his su&&ort and various &recious hel&, li8e beta testing, see8ing some reIuired material on $nternet, doing some e%haust te%tures#
- +any than8s to +atteo >irdis, for his great intuition of a fine bloodhound, in the hunting of the last bugs and )TDNs remaining# A very &recious talent he devoted to A+,* during very long hours of tests D - +any than8s to 7armo Ni88anen for the &recious LunarTransfert+/D and $nter&lanetary+/D# These instruments gives to *rbiter simulator a new dimension, by allowing maneuvers into s&ace, which where im&ossible to do before# - +any than8s to Daniel 5olli, for the fabulous "*rbiter,ound" add-on, which made &ossible almost any sound customizations you may imagine# - +any than8s to A%el Danz, for the beautiful ;arth atmos&heric enhancement# - +any than8s to ,ean 9il&atric8 for this documentation revision# - And finally, many than8s to Dr ,chweiger who made all this &ossible#
TH$, 5A)9AA; $, /.;;BA.; AND N* +*N;C ,H*3LD ;>;. =; +AD; B$TH $TDDD B.$TT;N 5;.+$,,$*N */ TH; A3TH*.?,@ $, N;;D;D T* )*5C TH$, 5A)9AA; *. 5A.T?,@ */ $T, *N ;>;.C /*.+ */ +;D$A, L$9; )D-.*+, D>D, D$,9;TT;, ==,, $NT;.N;T ,$T;,, ;T)0, $N TH; )A,; 3,;., +3,T 5AC T* A));,, $T *. T* A;T $T# N*=*DC HA, TH; .$AHT, B$TH*3T 5.$*. A3TH*.?,@ B.$TT;N 5;.+$,,$*N, T* 3,; ANC 5A.T, */ TH$, 5.*D3)T$*N, $N *.$A$NAL ,TAT;, *. +*D$/$;D B$TH ANC ,*/TBA.;,, $NT* ANC *TH;. A55L$)AT$*N, $NT;ND;D T* =; 53=L$,H;D, ;>;N $/ TH$, 53=L$)AT$*N B$LL =; A /.;;BA.;# TH$, .;,T.$)T$*N $N)L3D;, TH; )A,; */ 3,$NA +;,H;, AND<*. T;ET3.;, /.*+ B$TH$N A+,* $N,TALLAT$*N# 5L;A,;, .;/;. T* ).;D$T )HA5T;. /*. A3TH*., */ 5A.T, BH$)H D* N*T =;L*NA ;E)L3,$>;LC T* A+,*# Alain )a&t A),oft 5roductions aca&t]acsoft#ch htt&'<<www#acsoft#ch<amso<amso#html