Jjwdesign Google Maps: Sugarcrm Module Frequently Asked Questions
Jjwdesign Google Maps: Sugarcrm Module Frequently Asked Questions
Jjwdesign Google Maps: Sugarcrm Module Frequently Asked Questions
SugarCRM Module
Frequently Asked Questions
Developed for use with SugarCRM.
This project is in no way affiliated with SugarCRM.
Written By: eff Walters
!ersion ".#
Created: $e%ruary &'
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)ast Modified: $e%ruary &'
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W D e s i g n . c o *
+$$, C-: +R)./D+ 0 $) 1&2"# 3S.
www. j j wdesi gn. co* 0 j j wdesi gn4g*ai l . co*
W Design 5oogle Maps "
QUEST!"# Will t$is JJWDesign Google Maps pa%kage &ork %orre%tly on SugarCRM 'ro(Ent
)'ro*essional(Enterprise+ Editions,
A"SWER: -es( a huge effort has %een *ade since v".67 to support C-( 8R+ 9 -/T editions of
SugarCRM. /ot all past versions of this project have passed the Module )oader restrictions for
8R+:-/T. .s of v".6 this pac;age does install properly. ,f you have pro%le*s installing on 8R+:-/T(
please feel free to contact *e.
QUEST!"# s t$is pa%kage really *ree, see %o.petitors solutions %$arging
/011(user(.ont$2 3o& %an t$is pa%kage 4e *ree,
A"SWER: -es( it is free to use. , do not charge anything for this pac;age. ,nstead( , rely on
donations and the enthusias* of people to ;eep *e involved. 5oogle does li*it the use of 5oogle
Maps to &<## =ueries per day. ,f your co*pany re=uires *ore usage( then you will need to purchase
a license fro* 5oogle.
QUEST!"# Does t$is pa%kage no& in%lude t$e 5'ro*essional6 .odules as des%ri4ed 4y
7101 do%u.entation,
A"SWER: -es( this pac;age now includes all professional features and functionality. There is no
longer a professional version. Because of the ti*e re=uired and licensing cost involved( , have
decided to release this pac;age as free open source >5/3 .$$-R+ 5-/-R.) 83B),C ),C-/S-?.
QUEST!"# W$at are t$e 'ro*essional .odules and &$at do t$ey do *or .e,
A"SWER: The professional *odules included are descri%ed %elow.
Address Ca%$e Module: This *odule provides help with the i*porting and e@porting of geocode
data. .ddresses inAneed of geocoding can easily %e e@ported. 5eocoding can then %e done with your
favorite online:offline application. )ater after geocoding( the address cache infor*ation can %e
i*ported or updated. .ddress Cache infor*ation is used during the B5eocoding .ddressesB process
and proceeds the 5oogle 5eocoding re=uest.
Custo. Markers Module: This *odule provides an easy way to define custo* *ar;ers with *any
different icons to choose fro*. ,tCs a great way to define your favorite *eeting places( restaurants(
airports( trip highlights or other locations. Custo* *ar;ers can %e added >related? to your *aps
created %y the *aps *oduleD e@cluding Euic; Radius Search *aps which are not saved. Tools are
provided to either hand position the *ar;ers or address geocoding can %e done to deter*ine
Custo. Areas )'olygons+ Module: This *odule provides an easy way to define custo* areas
using polygon shapes. These areas can represent the various Sales .reas for your co*pany. Custo*
polygon areas can %e added >related? to *ultiple *aps. .n advanced *apping tool is provided to
define the polygon geocoded points.
W Design 5oogle Maps &
QUEST!"# Can add one o* .y .aps to .y $o.e page as a das$let, see t$e Maps
Das$let8 4ut it only gi9es .e a list o* .y sa9ed .aps2
.nswer: Fes( itCs as easy as copying an ifra*e 3R) into an e@isting We%site dashlet. FouCll notice that
so*e *aps when displayed will have an ifra*e 3R) shown at the %otto* of the page. .ll saved *aps
and all =uic; radius search *aps will have an ifra*e 3R) shown. Copy this lin;. 5o to your ho*e
page. Clic; on G.dd DashletsH. Clic; on the We% ta%. 8aste the ifra*e 3R) into the We%site field.
Clic; .dd. ,t will then add the *ap ifra*e into your ho*e page as a dashlet. FouCll pro%a%ly want to
then edit the Dashlet na*e and give it a height of a%out '##.
QUEST!"# get *requent %alls *ro. potential %usto.ers and need to qui%kly *ind t$e
%losest ser9i%e pro9ider )aka 5%onta%t6+ to t$e.2 3o& %an sear%$ *or %onta%ts t$at are
%losest to a gi9en :ip %ode or area %ode,
./SW-R: The Maps *odule co*es with a GEuic; Radius MapH for*. This for* allows you to =uic;ly
enter in a one line address to do a =uic; search display of a *odule type( such as Contacts or
.ccounts. ,t even has a default radius that is predefined. ust enter in a city( state and:or Iipcode into
the for* and clic; enter. The 5oogle Maps geocoding does an a*aIing jo% of guessing the location.
.ddresses such as G1&2"#H or G+rlando( $)H see* to wor; to get a general location pointer.
Question# Quite *requently8 &ould like to superi.pose a gi9en ;!pportunity; onto .y
;Conta%ts; .ap2 3o& %an display all Conta%ts8 &it$ one e<tra %usto. .arker
./SW-R: There are two ways to acco*plish this tas;.
The first is to create a new *ap using the Maps *odule. This *ap should %e centered around your
+pportunity of interest. The *odule type to display would %e set to GContactsH. This re=uires you to
create a new *ap for each and every opportunity. 3nfortunately( this *ethod is slow in co*parison
to the second.
The second way ta;es advantage of the Euic; Search functionality and the ifra*e field type. This
*ay %e %eyond the scope of this docu*ent( %ut ,Cll try to e@plain. 5o to the Euic; Radius Search and
type in your typical search for contacts. .fter the *ap is displayed( notice the ifra*e 3R) at the
%otto* of the page. Copy it.
/e@t( go into the Studio and generate an ifra*e field for your +pportunities *odule. ,nstead of the
address( such as C1&2"#C( use the custo* field CjjwgL*apsLaddressLcC. This field is the custo*
address string used in the geocoding process. The 3R) should loo; so*ething li;e the following.
W Design 5oogle Maps 1
$inally( add the new ifra*e field into your Detail !iew for your +pportunities. Fou should now have a
*ap of near%y contacts on each one of your +pportuniesC Detail !iew pages.
QUEST!"# Can s$o& one o* your .aps in a i*ra.e on t$e Display 9ie& o* a Conta%t,
Fes( this can %e done using the ifra*e field type provided %y SugarCRM. .ny of the saved Maps or
Euic; Radius *aps will provide the ifra*e 3R) at the %otto* of the *ap display page. This 3R) can
%e adjusted using the custo* field CjjwgL*apsLaddressLcH( which is availa%le in all supported
*odules: accounts( contacts( leads( opportunities( projects and cases. The %ase ifra*e 3R) should
loo; so*ething li;e:
See the SugarCRM 5oogle Maps tutorials and videos on how to add a 5oogle Map as an ifra*e field
type. ,tCs very si*ilar. ust use the 3R) a%ove. Change the displayL*odule( distance and unitLtype to
your li;ing.
QUEST!"# see '3' Error .essages a4out Unde*ined nde<es2 W$at %an do to *i< t$is
./SW-R: Depending on your ServerCs 8O8 settings >usually found in php.ini?( you *ay %e displaying
/otice and Warning *essages. ,t is highly suggested to turn off all 8O8 error *essages >/otices and
Warnings? while using any SugarCRM pac;ages. Fou can do this %y editing your php.ini file for your
server and changing the error level to only show errors. Fou should also turn off all displaying of
errors for production usage. -dit in your php.ini:
errorLreporting K -L-RR+R
displayLerrors K +ff
Than; you for your support(
eff Walters
W Design
W Design 5oogle Maps 6