Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis

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G. Amati, C. Carpineto, and G. Romano (Eds.): ECIR 2007, LNCS 4425, pp.


580, 2007.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis in the Presence of
Conjuncts Using Linguistic Analysis
Arun Meena and T.V. Prabhakar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
208016 Kanpur, UP, India
{arunm, tvp}
Abstract. In this paper we present an approach to extract sentiments associated
with a phrase or sentence. Sentiment analysis has been attempted mostly for
documents typically a review or a news item. Conjunctions have a substantial
impact on the overall sentiment of a sentence, so here we present how atomic
sentiments of individual phrases combine together in the presence of conjuncts
to decide the overall sentiment of a sentence. We used word dependencies and
dependency trees to analyze the sentence constructs and were able to get results
close to 80%. We have also analyzed the effect of WordNet on the accuracy of
the results over General Inquirer.
Keywords: Sentiment analysis, favorability analysis, text mining, information
extraction, semantic orientation, text classification.
1 Introduction
In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of web-content, especially on-line dis-
cussion groups, review sites and blogs. These are highly personal and typically ex-
press opinions. To organize this information, automatic text categorization and identi-
fication of sentiment polarity is very useful. Most work done in this field has been
focused on topic based categorization, which is sorting the documents according to
their subject content.
Sentiment classification is a special case of text categorization problem, where the
classification is done on the basis of attitude expressed by the authors. Sentiment
analysis requires a deep understanding of the document under analysis because the
concern here is how the sentiment is being communicated. Previous attempts in solv-
ing this problem, for example [2], [4] focused on the use of machine learning methods
(N-gram, etc.), ignoring the importance of language analysis which is being used to
communicate sentiments. Therefore, we need to find new methods to improve the
sentiment classification exploring the linguistic techniques.
Our work differs from earlier work in four main aspects: (1) our focus is not on
classifying each review as a whole but on classifying each sentence in a review. (2)
We give more consideration/importance to the language properties of the sentence
and in understanding the sentence constructs, for each sentence we recognize the
subjects of the feeling and the feature being described. (3) We concentrate on the
effects of conjunctions and sentence constructions which have not been researched for
574 A. Meena and T.V. Prabhakar
sentiment analysis. (4) Our method does not need a training set since it depends on
linguistic analysis.
2 Previous Work
The cornerstone on sentiment analysis is Pang and Lees 2002 paper [2]. The authors
of that paper compare Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine
approaches to classify sentiment of movie reviews. They explain the relatively poor
performance of the methods as a result of sentiment analysis requiring a deeper un-
derstanding of the document under analysis. Document level sentiment classification
assumes the whole document to have a single overall sentiment [1], [9], [11], [15].
In [14] the authors assigned sentiment to words, but they relied on quantitative in-
formation such as the frequencies of word associations or statistical predictions of
favorability. A number of researchers have also explored learning words and phrases
with prior positive or negative polarity (another term is semantic orientation) [1],
[10]. Although we use a similar technique we dont limit ourselves to any limited
word list, instead we use WordNet to find the semantic orientation of the words which
are not found in the General Inquirer word list.
An approach similar to ours is taken by Matsumoto, et al. in [3]. The authors of
that paper recognize that word order and syntactic relations between words are ex-
tremely important in the area of sentiment classification, and therefore it is imperative
that they are not discarded. They construct a dependency tree for each sentence and
then prune them to create subtree for classification.
Our work is most close to this work but still has a great deal of difference as we are
not training on the trees - we use POS-tagging and dependency trees to analyze the
sentence constructs. We analyze the effects of conjunctions in detail on the overall
semantic orientation of the sentence. Our analysis is not confined to adjectives and
verbs as we have also dealt with nouns, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions which
act as feeling words or affect the sentiment of the phrase.
3 Sentiment Analysis
The essential issue in sentiment analysis is to identify how sentiments are expressed
in texts and whether the expressions indicate positive (favorable) or negative (unfa-
vorable) opinions towards the subject. Thus, sentiment analysis involves identification
of sentiment expressions, polarity and strength of the expressions and their relation-
ship to the subject.
Often times, two words that are syntactically linked in a sentence are separated by
several words. In these cases, small N valued N-gram models would fail at extracting
a correlation between the two words, but we have used typed dependencies and de-
pendency tree to deal with Non-Local Dependency Problem.
Another problem is The Word Sense Disambiguation Problem, consider two sen-
tences I love this story, this is a love story, the first sentence is communicating posi-
tive sentiment, whereas the second sentence is an objective statement with neutral
sentiment. By looking at the typed dependencies of the words (love, story) in the first
Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis 575
sentence, one can identify that they have a direct object relation {dobj(love-2, story-4)}
which identifies it as a sentence with a sentiment, while in the second sentence
{nn(story-5, love-4)} love just acts as an noun modifier to the word story, stating that
the story is a love story identifying it as an objective sentence.
Role of Conjunctions: A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, or clauses,
and it may be used to indicate the relationship between the ideas expressed in a clause
and the ideas expressed in rest of the sentence. They play a vital role in deciding the
overall polarity of a sentence. They often change the sentiment into the opposite
orientation or add in the strength of the sentiment.
For example, The Pacifica is exceptionally quiet most of the time, but it suffers
some engine blare under hard acceleration. If we only consider the word exception-
ally, we will mistake the sentiment for positive. However, the word but in the sen-
tence changes its sentiment orientation, actually it is negative. The difficulty with
conjunctions is that they can occur almost anywhere in the structure of a sentence and
therefore demands a thorough analysis of the sentence construct as we need to find
the main clause in a sentence in order to decide the sentence level polarity.
4 Sentiment Classification (Evaluation)
Step1 does the POS-tagging, generates the dependency tree and gives the typed de-
pendencies of the words, for this the Stanford Lex-Parser [7] is used. We then
select the feeling words (a feeling word is anchored by some substantive meaning and
describes an authors attitude towards the subject). In Step 2 and 3, we determine the
presence of a conjunction and if present we identify all the individual phrases contain-
ing sentiments. Step 4 calculates the polarity of individual phrases using the default
polarity calculation method with the help of the general inquire word list [13] or
WordNet to get the semantic orientation of the words.

Fig. 1. Steps in the process of sentiment classification using our system

Create Dependency Tree
Determine if conjunction
analysis is required
(Phrases with sentiments)
(Overall sentiment of the sentence)
Apply conjunction rules
(depends on step 2)
Identify phrases containing
Calculate polarities of
individual phrases.
(Use DPC/ML)
Polarities of
individual words
(Use GI/Wordnet)
STEP 4.1
576 A. Meena and T.V. Prabhakar
If a conjunction is found, Step 5 applies a rule (which we created with a very com-
prehensive list of conjunctions) to the sentence depending upon the type of conjuncts.
The rules help in deciding the main clause of the sentence, i.e. the phrase that will
decide the overall polarity of the sentence. If no conjunction is found, then the default
method for finding the polarity of sentiment expression is used. Finally, in Step 6 the
total polarity of the sentence is decided.
4.1 Conjunction Analysis
Full syntactic parsing plays an important role to extract sentiments correctly, because
the local structures obtained by a shallow parser are not always reliable [8]. We start
by passing the current sentence to the lex-parser, the output of the lex-parser is the
dependency tree with POS tagging and the typed dependencies of the words.
Example: Following example explains the process of sentiment classification with the
help of dependency tree and the typed dependencies of the words in a sentence. The
tagset used is the penn-tagset, where JJ=adjective, NN=noun, VP=verb phrase etc.
Example 1. Supergirl is definitely a terrific DVD package, but a very lousy movie
(NP (NNP Supergirl))
(VP (VBZ is)
(ADVP (RB definitely))
(NP (DT a) (JJ terrific)
(NNP DVD) (NN package))
(, ,)
(CC but)
(NP (DT a) (RB very) (JJ lousy)
(NN movie))))
(. .)))
nsubj(package-7, Supergirl-1)
cop(package-7, is-2)
advmod(package-7, definitely-3)
det(package-7, a-4)
amod(package-7, terrific-5)
nn(package-7, DVD-6)
det(movie-13, a-10)
advmod(movie-13, very-11)
amod(movie-13, lousy-12)
conj_but(package-7, movie-13)
In this example, if we just analyze the whole sentence with the default polarity cal-
culator the result will be {+1 (terrific, package); -1 (lousy, movie)}. (The word lousy
is not present in the GI word list, so the semantic orientation of this word will be
searched using the WordNet as described in the section 4.3). Therefore the total polar-
ity of the sentence is {+1 -1 = 0} neutral, but from the sentence it is clear that the
author didnt like the movie so the orientation should be negative.
Now, as we have incorporated the effects of conjunction in the sentiment analysis,
the analysis will be somewhat different. The individual polarities of both the phrases
will be as above, but the two phrases are connected by a conjunction but joining (ter-
rific package, lousy movie), which are (NP, NP). Comparing the tags and the con-
juncts with the rules from the rule file, its clear that the second phrase is the main
Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis 577
clause and therefore it will be used to decide the overall polarity of the sentence
which is negative (-1).
4.2 Conjunction Rules
We have compiled rules to analyze the effects of more than 80 conjunctions (includ-
ing all types of conjunctions) with 10 rules on average for each conjunction. A sample
rule is given below:
Table 1. Rules for usage and effects of the conjunction but
<conjunction id="but" class="CC" subClass="ADVERSATIVE">
<rule LC="NN" RC="NN" result="!RC" />
<rule LC="JJ" RC="JJ" result="RC" />
<rule LC="S" RC="S" result="RC" />
The rule is for the conjunction but, it also shows the class and subclass of the con-
junction. Each rule tag describes a rule for different conjuncts, according to the first
rule if the left clause and right clause of the conjunction are NN; for example every-
one/NN but/CC John/NN is/VBZ present/JJ, the polarity for the right NN will be op-
posite of the polarity of the left NN. Therefore, as the sentence is positive towards
everyone so it is negative toward John, this is what the rule describes. Similarly we
can conclude for other rules.
4.3 Default Polarity Calculation (DPC)
We start the polarity classification by identifying the Positive and Negative words
using the General Inquirer (GI) [13]. While determining the orientation of a word, if a
word is not found in the GI list, we search that word in the WordNet dictionary and
all the synonyms are searched for semantic orientation in the GI word list (as syno-
nyms generally have same semantic orientation) which helps us in determining the
polarity of the word. While calculating polarity of a word we have also considered
effects of negations (good is positive, while not good is negative) [12]. Further effects
of words like very, little, rather etc. which intensifies or decreases the polarity of a
word have been analyzed.
One problem with the method of counting positive and negative terms is that we
may need to remove the suffix of a given term in order to see if it exists in our list of
terms. To do this we are using the stemming algorithm of Stanford Lex-Parser [7].
4.4 Overall Sentiment Determination
Once we get the individual polarities of the phrases, we decide the polarity of the
sentence as described earlier. The product review analysis is also possible with this
Sentiment Analyzer; you can even provide specific subject or subjects to find the
578 A. Meena and T.V. Prabhakar
Example 2. An example explaining how conjunctions change the whole sentiment of the
The notchy gear box was a worry and needed some time getting used to, but today with a
three month old Aveo I can safely say it was no problem.
Finding Polarity:
notchy: -1 {gear box}
worry: -1 {gear box}
Conjunction Found [and]: Current Polarity = -2
Conjunction Found [but]: Current Polarity= 0
problem: -1 (preceding no found) : +1 {gear box, worry}
Total Polarity: [-1 and 0 but +1]
and(-1, 0) = -1
but(-1, +1) = +1
Final Polarity: +1
Once each sentence in a given text is evaluated, combining sentence level ratings
to a global score is still a tough problem.
Summarization of the results depends on the query type, i.e you may want to have
all the phrases containing the sentiments or you may need the polarity of the entire
sentence then the polarities of individual phrases will be combined together using
conjunction analysis to find the overall sentiment of the sentence.
5 Experimental Results
Our experiments use car reviews as the dataset, compiled from different car review
sites like,, etc. The dataset
contains more than 10,000 pre-labeled sentences, 5000 positive and 5000 negative.
We will first look at the results of the machine learning algorithms. There were
more than 60% (40,000/64,000) sentences in the movies review dataset with one or
more than one conjunction and as expected the results were very poor (less than
40%). It is clear from the results that the algorithm trained on the documents cant be
used for the sentence level analysis; further the machine learning cant be efficiently
used for sentences with conjunction(s).
Table 2. Results of learning algorithm (Nave Bayes) in presence of one or more conjunctions
Tested on sentences with Trained with No Conjuncts Trained with Conjuncts
No Conjunction
70% 73%

1 Conjunction 51% 58%
More than 1 Conjunctions 40% 55%

Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis 579
Our system gave a poor result with the movie dataset i.e. just 39%, as the reviews
were labeled at document level. There were many sentences with overall negative
polarity in the positive reviews and vice-versa.
For the evaluations, we check whether the polarity of the sentiment is appropriately
assigned to the given subject in each input in terms of the sentiment expression in the
output, and calculated the precision and recall.
Table 3. Accuracy of the various classification algorithms considered in this paper
Machine Learning DPC Conjunction Analysis
GI GI with
GI GI with
Sentences with
No Conjuncts
72% 54% 66%
Sentences with
56% 39% 51% 62% 78%
6 Conclusions and Future Work
From Table 3, we can observe that use of WordNet substantially enhances the accu-
racy of the sentiment analysis. We can also see that conjunction analysis improves the
sentiment classification by more than 25% and it is clear from the results that Ma-
chine learning algorithm is superior to DPC. Performing base level sentiment analysis
using a learning algorithm and employing conjunct analysis for combing these phrase
level sentiments to sentence level sentiments appears will result in better accuracy.
Our current system requires manual development of sentiment lexicons, and we
need to modify and add sentiment terms for new domains, so automated generation of
the sentiment lexicons in order to reduce human intervention in dictionary maintenance
will also be our priority. This will improve precision and recall for new domains.
We believe that our major challenge is in the conjunction rules; we need to find a
way of dealing with situations for which there is no rule specified. In addition we can
implement named identity tagging for domain specific information and it should help
remove objective sentences to a greater extent.
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