The document outlines the constitution of the Eta Sigma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Towson University. It details the chapter's operations, officer responsibilities and elections, and membership education process. The constitution establishes the framework for how the chapter will function and the roles and duties of chapter leaders.
The document outlines the constitution of the Eta Sigma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Towson University. It details the chapter's operations, officer responsibilities and elections, and membership education process. The constitution establishes the framework for how the chapter will function and the roles and duties of chapter leaders.
The document outlines the constitution of the Eta Sigma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Towson University. It details the chapter's operations, officer responsibilities and elections, and membership education process. The constitution establishes the framework for how the chapter will function and the roles and duties of chapter leaders.
The document outlines the constitution of the Eta Sigma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Towson University. It details the chapter's operations, officer responsibilities and elections, and membership education process. The constitution establishes the framework for how the chapter will function and the roles and duties of chapter leaders.
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Tau Beta Sigma
Eta Sigma Constitution
Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 2
Be it known that Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Sorority for members of the college band, is an organization operating exclusively in the field of the college and university bands, for the following purposes: 1. To promote the existence and welfare of the collegiate bands and to create a respect and appreciation for band activities and achievements among the listening public everywhere. 2. To honor outstanding members of the band through privilege of membership, in the Sisterhood, extended in recognition of musical achievement, demonstrated leadership, and an enthusiastic approach to band activities. 3. To develop leadership through active participation with the band, and through it, to strengthen those traits of conduct, thought, and idealism which characterize the responsible membership of the band. 4. To encourage a close relationship between collegiate bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects. 5. To provide a meaningful and worthwhile social experience for all engaged in collegiate band work, and to cooperate with other musical organizations and societies in every manner consistent with our mutual purposes and those of the institution at which Chapters are located.
I. General 1. Chapter Name a. The name of the sorority shall be the Eta Sigma Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority at Towson University located in Towson, Maryland. 2. Rules of Order a. Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless specifically stated in this Constitution, shall govern procedures of the Chapter when assembled at meetings. 3. Constitution a. Constitution refers to the constitution of Eta Sigma, Chapter refers to the Eta Sigma Chapter, and Sorority refers to Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority. b. This Constitution is superseded by the National and Northeast District Constitutions of Tau Beta Sigma, respectively. c. This Constitution is to be reviewed in the fall semester of every academic year. Changes are to be made prior to the end of the spring semester of every academic year. d. In accordance with Title IX: All references to gender shall refer to individuals of both genders. 4. General a. The Eta Sigma Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma recognizes the Iota Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi as an equally affiliated organization with a similar purpose, function, and role in the university band setting.
Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 3
II. Chapter Operations 1. General a. The Executive board shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Service, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Alumni Secretary, and Parliamentarian. b. The Executive Board shall meet between scheduled Chapter meetings when called by the President. With simple majority of the officers, the Executive Board is permitted to call an emergency meeting of the Chapter. c. No person shall hold more than one executive office. d. In the event that no eligible sisters are able to run for the offices of Vice President of Service (VPS) and Vice President of Membership (VPM), a sister with one semester of active membership, prior to the first semester of service as an officer, may be nominated from the floor on the day of election. e. The Parliamentarian is a non-voting member of exec board. f. Officers of the Eta Sigma Chapter shall be elected by a simple majority of the eligible voting membership of the Chapter. g. The members shall not, when speaking as the representative of the Chapter, present their own views on Chapter issues, but rather present the views that reflect the majority opinion of the Chapter membership. h. President, VPM, VPS, Treasurer, and Secretary are required for Chapter Operations. The next offices that should be held are as follows: Alumni Secretary, Historian, Parliamentarian, Assistant Vice President of Membership (AVPM), Assistant Vice President of Service (AVPS), and Webmaster. 2. Officer Responsibility a. All officers shall serve a term of one year, beginning at the time of election and ending at the next general election. b. Each officer, except the President, shall have one vote at all meetings of the Chapter. The President shall only vote when the vote is by secret ballot, or in the case of a tie. c. Each officer shall be responsible for updating and maintaining their section of the officer handbook as a living document. i. A change may be made to the officer handbook at any time. Any changes made to the officer handbook must be presented to the Executive Board. The amendment will be adopted if it receives a 75% favorable vote of the total voting Executive Board. If a proposed amendment receives a favorable vote less than 75% but still a majority, it shall be tabled until the next executive board meeting. If at the next meeting it receives at least a 67% favorable vote, it shall be declared adopted. If it does not receive at least 67%, it can no longer be tabled. d. Each officer shall be responsible for updating and maintaining officer materials and documents, as described in the officer handbook, throughout their term of office. These materials and documents should be handed down to the next officer at the officer instillation. e. Consequences of not fulfilling the duties of an office are as follows: Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 4
i. Any member can inform the President and Parliamentarian of any responsibility unfulfilled by any active officer in writing. 1. If either the President or Parliamentarian is involved in the officer warning, the next highest officer will fill in for the warning procedure (ex: If the Vice President of Membership requests a warning for the President, the Vice President of Service shall take the Presidents place). ii. Once a request for an officer warning has been received, the President and Parliamentarian will review the reasoning for the warning to determine its validity. If the reasoning for the warning request is not a violation of the officers responsibilities as stated by constitution, officer handbook, or a charge by the President or Sponsor, the request must be dismissed. 1. If the request is dismissed, the Parliamentarian and President must give an explanation to the member requesting the warning as to why the request was dismissed. 2. If the member requesting the warning submits the warning anonymously, they forfeit the right to an explanation if the warning request is dismissed. iii. When the written warning is given, both the President and Parliamentarian must meet with the officer and verbally explain the warning given. During this meeting, the Parliamentarian and President will review with the officer her duties as listed in the constitution and officer handbook. They will discuss a plan of action for the officer to ensure that all responsibilities are understood and are able to be completed. iv. First, the officer will receive a written warning from the President and Parliamentarian and they will inform the chapter of their malpractice. v. If the officer receives a second warning, they will be placed on a probationary period of 30 days. The officer will then address the chapter explaining the reasoning for this action. 1. If the probationary period has been completed successfully, and should that officer receive a sequential warning, they will automatically be placed on probation for another 30 days. vi. If the officer fails to complete the probationary period successfully, they will be removed from their office and will inform the chapter of this step. Refer to relief of office section for protocol regarding the election of a new officer. f. The responsibilities of the Chapter President shall be as follows: i. To oversee all Chapter and Joint activities. ii. To be the main link between the Sorority, the Chapter Sponsor, the local Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, Iota Delta, and the Band Staff, and to make every effort possible to be available, receptive, and informed about all possible areas of service to the University bands. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 5
iii. To sign all checks for the disbursement of Chapter monies. iv. To see that proper forms are filled out to transfer such powers of disbursement to their successor as required by Nationals. v. To obtain meeting room privileges and obtain the key from the music department for meetings and events. vi. To oversee the creation and disbursement of the Chapter calendar, which can be updated as needed. vii. To send National Headquarters the Chapter Personnel Report with National Dues by September 30, the Fall Activity Report by December 1, and the Chapter Summary Report by June 1 with the appropriate signatures. A copy of each must be sent to the Northeast District Council and one copy must be retained for Chapter records. g. The responsibilities of the Chapter Vice President of Membership shall be as follows: i. To, in the absence of the President, act as President. ii. To oversee the selection, training, and initiation of Membership Candidates. iii. To suggest edits to the Membership Education Plan (MEP) prior to the first meeting. It must be submitted to District as prescribed by the district VPM. It must also be presented to the Sisterhood by the first meeting each semester and accepted by a 2/3 vote. iv. To act as the chairperson of the Membership Education committee. v. To organize informational social/service rush events at the beginning of each semester, which will be open to all Towson University band members. vi. To be responsible for the preparation of rituals. vii. To be responsible for senior ceremonies. h. The responsibilities of the Chapter Vice President of Service shall be as follows: i. To be the chair of the Committee on Service. ii. To oversee all Chapter service activities. iii. To assist the Committee of Service in holding at least one service project per month. iv. To collaborate with Kappa Kappa Psi, Iota Deltas VPS. i. The responsibilities of the Chapter Secretary shall be as follows: i. To record minutes at Chapter meetings. ii. To provide Chapter members and Chapter Sponsor with copies of the minutes, no later than three days after the meeting. iii. To take and maintain a record of attendance at all meetings and take attendance from all mandatory events. 1. If Secretary cannot be there, then the President will take attendance from all mandatory events. iv. To maintain a permanent record of each member of the active Chapter including name and school/home contact information. v. To collect members Grade Point Average (GPA) and report to the sponsor. vi. To oversee academic plan for members on probation due to GPA issues. vii. To serve as the chair of the Correspondence Committee. j. The responsibilities of the Chapter Treasurer shall be as follows: Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 6
i. To control the receipts and disbursements of all monies of the Chapter. ii. To create a Chapter budget. This budget shall be presented to the Sisterhood at the second set of meetings each semester and be accepted by a simple majority vote. iii. To sign all checks for all disbursements of Chapter monies and to see that proper forms are filled out for their successor. iv. To keep records of all chapter finances. v. To retain a copy of every financial transaction. vi. To be the chair of the Committee on Finance and to be in charge of all Chapter Fundraising activities. k. The responsibilities of the Chapter Historian shall be as follows: i. To be in charge of updating and maintaining the Center for the Arts bulletin board. ii. To maintain the Chapter scrapbook. iii. To keep the record of the history organized, clean and up to date. iv. To maintain the family tree. v. To maintain the digital drop-box of historical information organize and up to date as well as maintain additional backups for stored information. l. The responsibilities of the Chapter Alumni Secretary shall be as follows: i. To be responsible for all communication with alumni and to maintain an up to date alumni roster. ii. To hold an alumni picnic every spring semester the same day as Third Degree. 3. Officer Eligibility a. Officers must be an active member in good standing of the sisterhood. b. Candidates for the office of President, VPM, and VPS shall have been Active members of the Chapter for at least two full consecutive semesters, prior to their first semester of service as an officer. i. In the event that no eligible sisters are able to run for the office of Vice President of Service, a sister with one semester of active membership prior to the first semester of service as an officer may be nominated from the floor on the day of election for the office of Vice President of Service. c. Candidates for the office of Secretary, Treasurer, Alumni Secretary, or Historian shall have been Active members of the Chapter for at least one semester prior to their first semester of service as an officer. i. In the event that no eligible sisters are able to run for the offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Alumni Secretary, or Historian shall have been a sister with less than one semester of active membership prior to the first semester of service as an officer may be nominated from the floor on the day of election for the offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Alumni Secretary, or Historian. d. Candidates must be Active for the entire semester in which they are nominated. 4. Nomination and Elections a. The process for nominating and electing new officers shall be as follows: i. Regular elections shall begin with nominations at the second to last meeting during the spring semester; all offices will have elections. ii. At the last meeting of the semester, candidates will give a five-minute speech followed by a three-minute question and answer session from the floor. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 7
iii. Voting will occur after all the candidates for each office has had the floor for eight minutes. iv. Installation of officers will take place at the last meeting of the spring semester. v. If an officer leaves their position at a time other than the end of their term of office, nomination will be opened at that time and the election process will go into effect. 5. Relief of Officers a. Any active member may submit a letter to the Sisterhood requesting a voluntary resignation of any active officer. The member shall state the reasons for the aforementioned action. This letter shall be anonymous. b. A three-fourths (3/4) vote by secret ballot of the Chapter shall be necessary for the relief of an officer. In the event a three-fourths (3/4) vote is not reached, the officer shall retain their position. c. Should a member resign or be relieved of their office, nominations shall be opened that meeting to fill the vacant office. d. The following meeting, elections and officer installation shall take place. e. A member who has been elected to an office, but does not enroll in a band during the course of their term of office, is ineligible to continue as an officer of the Chapter. A request for a waiver may be written and submitted to be approved by the Chapter Sponsor as well as the simple majority vote by the Chapter members. 6. Chairs a. Those sisters who wish to chair the Committees on Sisterhood, Music, Parliamentarian, Webmaster, or a special committee shall provide a letter to the President stating this wish each semester the position is desired. The letter will be given to the President on a date established by her. b. Committee chairs shall state a rough agenda when announcing their meeting time. c. The Chair of the Committees on Sisterhood, Jursidiction, and Music will be a Sister who has been an Active member. They will also present reports at Chapter meeting. d. The responsibilities of the Assistant Vice President of Membership, who shall be appointed by the President and Vice President of Membership, shall be as follows: i. To serve on the Committee on Membership Education. ii. To fulfill the duties of the VPM in the event that the VPM steps down from office, until a new VPM is instated. iii. To assist the VPM in any membership related duties as she sees fit. e. The responsibilities of the Assistant Vice President of Service, who shall be appointed by the President and Vice President of Service, shall be as follows: i. To serve on the Committee on Service. ii. To fulfill the duties of the VPS in the event that the VPS steps down from office, until a new VPS is instated. iii. To assist the VPS in any service related duties as she sees fit. f. The responsibilities of Chapter Sisterhood Chair, shall be as followed: i. Plan a holiday party every Fall semester. ii. Plan Sisterhood events every semester. g. The responsibilities of Chapter Music Chair, shall be as followed: i. Plan a Music Day every Spring semester. ii. Maintain and conduct all musical activities within the sorority. h. The responsibilities of Chapter Webmaster, shall be as followed: Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 8
i. Maintain Chapter social media outlets. ii. Maintain and update Chapter website frequently. i. The responsibilities of Chapter Parliamentarian, shall be as followed: i. To maintain the Chapter Constitution. ii. To have a working knowledge of Chapter, District, and National Constitutions. iii. To ensure chapter meetings follow Roberts Rules Newly Revised. iv. To serve as official time keeper of the chapter. v. To answer questions pertaining to Parliamentary Procedure. vi. To chair the Committee on Jurisdiction. vii. To maintain accurate records of all changes to the Chapter Constitution. 7. Committees a. The standing committees of this Chapter shall be: i. Committee on Membership Education ii. Committee on Service iii. Committee on Finance iv. Committee on Correspondence v. Committee on History vi. Committee on Alumni affairs vii. Committee on Sisterhood viii. Committee on Music ix. Committee on Jurisdiction x. Committee on Relay for Life b. If there is no chair for any previously stated committee, then there is no committee. c. Special committees shall be formed as the need for them arises. The President shall appoint committee chairs to all special committees. d. The members of all committees shall be approved by the Chapter President. e. Members of standing committees shall serve for one full semester. Members of special committees shall serve until relieved by the President. f. Those sisters who wish to chair the Committees on Sisterhood, Music, Parliamentarian, or a special committee shall provide a letter to the President stating this wish each semester the position is desired. The letter will be given to the President on a date established by her. g. Committee chairs shall state a rough agenda when announcing their meeting time. h. The Chair of the Committees on Sisterhood, Music, Jurisdiction, and Relay will be a Sister who has been an Active member. They will also present reports at Chapter meeting. i. The responsibilities of the Committee on Membership Education shall be as follows: i. To evaluate the effectiveness of completed membership activities and materials. ii. To assist the Vice President of Membership in any membership related duties as she sees fit. j. The responsibilities of the Committee on Service shall be as follows: i. To plan all service projects and activities. ii. To present suggestions of service functions to the Chapter. iii. To work closely with the Directors of Bands and the Band Staff. iv. To assist the Vice President of Service in any service affairs as she sees fit. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 9
k. The responsibilities of the Committee on Finance shall be as follows: i. To plan and oversee the execution of all fundraising events. ii. To assist the Treasurer with any financial business the Treasurer sees fit. l. The responsibilities of the Committee on Correspondence shall be as follows: i. To collect and edit articles for the Chapter newsletter and to distribute the newsletter to all Chapters and officers of the Northeast District, Chapter Alumni, Chapter Life members, and Honorary members. ii. To submit articles to the Podium and Northeast Notes. iii. To keep a file of all correspondence. iv. To maintain contact with the District Officers, the District Counselor, and other Chapters concerning dates and places of major Chapter events. v. To assist the Secretary in any correspondence affairs as she sees fit. m. The responsibilities of the Committee on Alumni affairs shall be as follows: i. To plan and hold all alumni events. ii. To maintain the historical archives. iii. To assist the Alumni secretary in alumni affairs as she sees fit. iv. To inform the alumni of Chapter meetings and events. n. The responsibilities of the Committee on History shall be as follows: i. To plan and hold all history events. ii. To maintain the historical archives. iii. To assist the Historian in history affairs as she or he sees fit. o. The responsibilities of the Committee on Social/Sisterhood shall be as follows: i. To plan and organize all official social events. These activities should be geared towards the educational and bonding experiences that occur during the membership education program. ii. To be responsible for steps, chants, and all other items pertaining to sisterhood. iii. To assist the chair of the committee on Social/Sisterhood in any social and sisterhood affairs as she sees fit. p. The responsibilities of the Committee on Music shall be as follows: i. To hold a music day each year to further members knowledge of music and music theory. ii. To teach the Sororitys songs to the membership. iii. To assist the chair of the Committee on Music in any music affairs as she sees fit. q. The responsibilities of the Committee on Jurisdiction shall be as follows: i. To review and vote upon all proposed amendments to the constitution. ii. To review and maintain the chapter constitution as a living document. iii. To create and maintain Eta Sigmas Roberts Rule of order as a living document. iv. To assist the Parliamentarian in any jurisdiction affairs as she sees fit.
8. Meetings a. A regular meeting of the Chapter shall be held weekly during the regular academic year except for when school is not in session. b. Meetings may be held more frequently as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. c. Meetings shall be determined by the president at the start of the semester. d. Twenty-four (24) hours notice shall be given prior to the date of all emergency meetings. If twenty-four (24) hour notice is not possible, then attendance at the emergency meeting shall not be considered mandatory. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 10
e. A quorum shall consist of one more than one-half of the active membership, including at least three Chapter officers. f. Executive Board meetings shall be held once a month during the academic year. g. Meetings shall use the following agenda: i. Opening ii. Officer and Committee Reports iii. Old Business iv. New Business v. Good of the Order vi. Closing h. Discussion of items already addressed during announced committee meetings shall be limited to fifteen minutes. i. All Active members shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings, all special meetings, and all meetings of committees on which the member is serving. j. Joint meetings shall be held with the Iota Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi on the second Sunday of each month. 9. Amendments a. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be presented to the Parliamentarian and committee at any time. The committee will discuss and vote on the amendment in their next scheduled committee meeting. In the case that there is no Parliamentarian, the amendments may be presented to the President and it will be discussed and voted on in Exec Board. i. If the amendment passes the committee vote, the amendment will be introduced for discussion during new business of the next scheduled chapter meeting. The amendment will be adopted if it receives a 75% favorable vote of the total active membership. ii. If the amendment does not pass committee vote, the Parliamentarian will inform the chapter during new business that an amendment was presented and why it was failed by the committee. iii. If a proposed amendment receives a favorable vote less than 75% but still a majority, it shall be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Chapter. If at the next meeting it receives at least a 67% favorable vote, it shall be declared adopted. If it does not receive at least 67%, it can no longer be tabled. 10. Delegates and Proxies a. The Chapter shall officially be represented at National Conventions and District Conventions by a delegate, an alternate delegate, and a second alternate delegate or a Proxy. b. In the absence of a Delegate and an Alternate Delegate to a National Convention or District Convention, each chapter may designate the Alternate Delegate of another chapter in attendance at the Convention to serve as Proxy. A written Proxy must be submitted to and approved by the Convention President no later than one week prior to the opening session of the Convention. The chapter issuing the proxy and the chapter designated as the proxy holder must be active and in good standing with the National Headquarters. All proxies not meeting the above requirements are void. All seats of chapters in good standing with the National Headquarters that are vacant shall be filled alphabetically with proxies from the chapters present. c. The active members of a chapter shall elect its delegates at a regularly called meeting of the chapter. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 11
d. Each chapter delegate shall be an active member of the Sorority in good standing at the time of election. Each Delegate shall possess more than ordinary business ability and shall be capable of representing the chapter under all conditions at the Convention to which delegated. Each delegate shall have the best interests of the Sorority at heart and shall be willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed. e. Each chapter delegate shall make the necessary arrangements to be in attendance at each session of the Convention to which delegated and shall be prepared to take an active part in the business of the Convention and to execute such duties as may be imposed by the Convention. f. Chapter delegates shall serve without compensation. Expenses of chapter delegates, when authorized by the chapter, shall be paid by the chapter upon presentation of a written statement approved by the Chapter. g. Elections for Chapter Delegates shall proceed as follows: i. Nominate candidates. ii. Vote for three (3) of the nominated candidates. iii. Hold a second election for the three (3) receiving the highest number of votes to determine an ordered list of primary delegate, first alternate, and second alternate.
III. Membership 1. Membership a. Membership may not be denied based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or physical disability. 2. Terms of Membership a. All active and prospective members must be a Towson University Undergraduate who is enrolled in a band activity once a school year as defined by the TU academic calendar. b. Prospective members must have a GPA of 2.5 upon entering candidacy and active members must maintain a GPA of no lower than a 2.5 in order to remain in active status. c. A student needs to take at least six (6) Towson University credit hours per semester to be considered an active Sister. i. If the Sister goes below six (6) credits, they need to come before the Executive Board within two weeks. ii. It is under the discretion of the Executive Board for additional requirements needed from them. d. All members must have paid their membership dues for the current academic year by the second meeting of the fall semester to retain active status. If dues are not paid by this second meeting the sister will become inactive. e. New initiates of the chapter must pay their dues in full by the date of initiation to retain active status. f. If a member is unable to participate in a band ensemble, she may be allowed to continue to be an active member, provided that the Chapter members vote on and approve the action, the Chapter Sponsor, and National President must approve all such exceptions. g. It is mandatory that all previous semester grade reports be turned in two (2) weeks after the commencement of the semester to the Secretary. Upon receipt, if a sisters cumulative GPA has fallen below 2.50, that sister is immediately placed Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 12
on probation, for reasons of bettering said persons GPA, explained their rights and shall remain anonymous to the sisterhood. i. Once placed on probation, she shall be reported to Nationals as being on probationary status. ii. If after two full semesters on probation, that sister in questions GPA is still below 2.5, that sister shall be suspended. h. Any sister who does not turn in grades will have voting privileges revoked until grades are submitted. i. The Sponsor and Secretary will review all submitted grade reports by said deadline. 3. Membership Candidacy a. Any prospective member must complete the requirements of the membership education program, presented to the prospective member at the start of the membership education process, in order to gain privilege of membership in Tau Beta Sigma. b. All interested members of the band who are in their second semester or later at Towson University must submit a cumulative Towson University GPA of 2.50 or higher in order to receive a bid. c. The training of all membership candidates shall take place based on the MEP approved by the chapter and led by the VPM. d. The Vice President of Membership must submit membership training materials to the sisterhood by the first meeting of the semester for approval of two-thirds (2/3) vote. e. All membership-training activities must terminate by seven (7) days prior to commencement of final exams. f. All membership candidates will be voted on according to the MEP. Another vote may be conducted at the discretion of the sisterhood at any time during the membership-training period. g. All procedures and activities involving membership training shall comply with guidelines stated in the Eta Sigma Membership Education Program. 4. Membership Statuses a. The pursuit of Membership will be open to all Towson University students enrolled in a band, who possess unusually good character and demonstrate leadership potential. b. Chapter Membership shall consist of the following statuses: Active, Conditional, Inactive, Honorary, Alumni, Life, and Associate. c. An Active Member shall: i. Be a registered Undergraduate student at Towson University. ii. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. iii. Participate in at least one band per academic year, which includes: 1. Being active with the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, or Pep Band. 2. Meeting the requirements as set by the professor in the syllabus, if not enrolled in that class. 3. Meet the attendance requirements. iv. Pay all dues by the given deadline. v. Submit to the Chapter Sponsor for written special excuse from the GPA or band requirements for one semester if either requirement cannot be fulfilled. vi. If a member fails to meet requirements of the active status, the consequences are as follows: Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 13
1. Any member can inform the President and Parliamentarian of any responsibility unfulfilled by any active sister in writing. a. If either the President or Parliamentarian is involved in the active member warning, the next highest officer will fill in for the warning procedure (ex: If the Vice President of Membership requests a warning for the President, the Vice President of Service shall take the Presidents place). 2. Once a request for an active member warning has been received, the President and Parliamentarian will review the reasoning for the warning to determine its validity. If the reasoning for the warning request is not a violation of the active member responsibilities as stated by constitution, active member handbook, or a charge by the President or Sponsor, the request must be dismissed. a. If the request is dismissed, the Parliamentarian and President must give an explanation to the member requesting the warning as to why the request was dismissed. b. If the member requesting the warning submits the warning anonymously, they forfeit the right to an explanation if the warning request is dismissed. 3. When the written warning is given, both the President and Parliamentarian must meet with the active member and verbally explain the warning given. During this meeting the President and Parliamentarian will review with the active member her duties as listed in the constitution and active member handbook. They will discuss a plan of action for the active member to ensure that all responsibilities are understood and are able to be completed. 4. If the member receives a second warning, they will be placed on a probationary period of 30 days. The member will then address the chapter explaining the reasoning for this action. a. If after the probationary period has been completed successfully, that member receives a sequential warning they will automatically be placed on probation for another 30 days. 5. If the member fails to complete the probationary period successfully, they will be placed on suspension. d. Conditional Status: i. Conditional status in the sorority may be maintained for up to one (1) academic year by a formerly active member in good standing. Conditional status may be requested by an Active member, in writing, from the chapter, when conflicts arise because of work or class schedules and thus prevent the student from fulfilling the requirements of active membership. The request shall be approved by the Sponsor and Director of Bands. Chapters may add requirements to Conditional membership Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 14
upon a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the chapter to add an addendum to the Chapter constitution and upon the approval of the Sponsor and Director of Bands. Chapters who elect to add additional requirements must notify their District Counselor within thirty (30) days. Conditional status may not be imposed upon Actives to meet obligations. ii. May be requested by an Active Member, in a letter to the Chapter stating the specific reasons, when that member cannot, without undue hardship, continue to meet the requirements for Active Status. iii. Must be approved by a majority vote of the Chapter, along with approval of the Chapter Sponsor. iv. Shall not be maintained for more than one year, unless an extension is requested in writing, following the same procedure. e. A Conditional Member shall: i. At the discretion of the sisterhood, be entitled to attend Chapter meetings, participate in Ritual, participate in Chapter fundraisers and service projects, and attend Chapter social functions. ii. Neither holds office, propose candidates for membership, vote on any matters, nor act in the capacity of a Big Sister. iii. Have paid National Member dues for the current academic year. f. An Inactive Member shall: i. Not have the privileges of an Active Member. ii. Be someone who has not paid their National dues. g. An Honorary Member shall: i. Be recognized as outstanding in their field of endeavor or have performed outstanding service to the Towson University Bands, the Chapter, or Tau Beta Sigma. ii. Need not be enrolled or affiliated with Towson University. iii. Have their initiation fees paid to the National Chapter prior to installation by the Chapter Treasury. iv. Have at least an Undergraduate degree. h. An Alumni Member shall: i. Be one who has completed their education or has terminated affiliation with Towson University. ii. Be entitled to reactivate with the Chapter as long as they can meet the requirements. iii. Have the privileges of an Active Member except voting, introducing business and acting in the capacity of a Big Sister. iv. Be entitled to become a member of the Northeast District Alumni Association [NEDAA], and/or the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association [TBSAA]. i. A Life Member shall: i. Be any Alumni Member or Undergraduate senior, within a year of graduation, who pays a Life Membership Contribution to be set by the National Chapter and submits an application to the National Office. ii. Be entitled to all Life Membership privileges as set by the National Council. iii. Be entitled to become a member of the Northeast District Alumni Association, and or the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association [TBSAA]. j. If the status of a member or disciplinary action against a member is in question, a special meeting of the Executive Board shall be called by the President. If necessary, a special meeting of the entire Chapter may be called. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 15
k. Probation: i. A member who becomes delinquent in any obligation(s) to the chapter or who displays conduct in violation of National, District, or Chapter policies shall be placed on probation. The chapter Executive Board shall consult with the Chapter Sponsor before placing a member on probation. A member shall be placed on probation by a majority vote of the chapters Executive Board. A member of the Executive Board shall inform the member of the probationary status and prescribe the terms and conditions (as prescribed by the Executive Board) necessary to remove the probationary status. The Chapter Sponsor and District Counselor shall be notified within ten (10) days of any disciplinary action. A member on probation shall not have a vote. Other restrictions on active member privileges may be set by the chapter a terms of probation. ii. A member on Probation must follow the terms of the Probation as determined by the Chapter and presented to them in writing, which shall include: 1. The reasons for Probation. 2. A specified time period in which to make restitution. 3. The obligations needed to be fulfilled during that time period. iii. A member on Probation, unless overruled by specific terms of their probation, may: 1. Attend Ritual as a spectator. 2. Serve on a committee. iv. A member on Probation, unless overruled by specific terms of their probation, may not: 1. Participate in Ritual. 2. Hold an office or chair a committee. 3. Vote on Constitutional Amendments, matters of membership, or their own status. 4. Act in the capacity as a Big Sister. v. Failure to meet the obligations of Probation will result in either extension of Probation or the initiation of Suspension proceedings. vi. A member returns to their previous membership status upon completion of their terms of Probation as determined by the Sponsor and exec board. l. Suspension: i. A member on probation who does not successfully make restitution or any member who violates any policies or procedures of the National, District or local Chapter may be placed on suspension. Prior to a vote to suspend a member, the Chapter Sponsor, District Counselor, and said member shall be informed in writing of the reasons for the disciplinary action. A vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the chapters total eligible voting membership shall be required to place or lift a suspension. A suspended member shall have no active membership privileges. Once a member has been suspended, the member shall be notified in writing of the obligations to be fulfilled and a specified time period to fulfill them. The District Counselor and the National Headquarters must be notified within ten (10) days of the placement and lifting of any suspension. ii. Upon due cause, a member may be Suspended with a favorable vote of 75% of the total active membership and with the approval of the Chapter Sponsor. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 16
iii. Prior to a vote to suspend a member, the Chapter Sponsor, District Counselor, and said member shall be informed in writing of the reasons for the disciplinary action. iv. Suspended members shall not participate in any Sorority business, projects, rituals, or activities. v. A member on Suspension must follow the terms of the Suspension as determined by the Chapter and presented to them in writing, which shall include: 1. The reasons for Suspension. 2. A specified time period in which to make restitution. 3. The obligations needed to be fulfilled during that time period. vi. Failure to meet the obligations of Suspension will result in either extension of Suspension or the initiation of Expulsion proceedings as stated in the National Constitution. vii. A member returns to their previous membership status upon completion of their terms of Suspension as determined by the Chapter and the Sponsor. 5. Relief of Membership a. The Chapter Sponsor must be made aware of the situation prior to any other actions. b. There must be a meeting between the Chapter Sponsor, President, and sister at least one week before any further actions may occur. c. At least one (1) week prior to the expulsion hearing, the member, Chapter Sponsor, District Counselor, and National Headquarters shall be notified of the reason for the disciplinary action. d. Relief of membership shall be initiated by a petition stating the reason(s) for relieving a member of their privileges. This petition must be signed by three- fourths (3/4) of the full and active membership. The petition must be presented to the Chapter sponsor with a written explanation as to why relief of membership is necessary. e. Before the petition is presented to the Chapter, the member must be notified in private, by the President and the Parliamentarian of the intended action against her/him. f. The petition shall be read to all members of the Chapter. The member shall then have the right to appear before the sorority to hear the charges, present her/his defense, and answer any questions that the Chapter may have. g. The members shall then discuss the matter in the absence of the member in question. At the end of the discussion, the President shall call a vote by secret ballot. h. A member may request a review of her/his case by submitting a letter to the Chapter Sponsor, and President stating the reason(s) her/his membership should be restored. The request will then be discussed in the regular meeting. The member will be allowed to restate her/his point(s) and defend her/his petition for restored membership. Her/his membership can be restored by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the active sisterhood. i. Written notification will be sent to the Director of Bands, District Counselor, and National Headquarters within 7 days of expulsion proceedings. 6. Big Sister Eligibility a. A member must be active the semester immediately preceding taking a little sister. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 17
b. The member must be in good standing with the sisterhood, including cumulative GPA, service, dues, and attendance. c. A VPM may not take a little while in office. In order to be eligible to take a little, she must step down from office. i. If a VPM wishes to take a little, she must inform the chapter of this no later than the end of rush week. Informing the chapter of her desire to take a little does not require her to step down from office; it merely informs the chapter of this possibility. ii. The VPM has until the deadline of bid responses to step down from office. 1. The AVPM will perform the duties of the VPM during the ritual of the 1 st degree. The President and AVPM shall run MC meetings and attend to MC affairs until a new VPM is instated. 2. On the day of the ritual of the 1 st degree, nominations for a new VPM will take place, and elections and officer installation will be held at the following meeting. 7. Attendance a. Attendance at Sorority meetings, functions, and projects is very important to the maintenance and promotion of the Sorority and its ideals and purposes. Therefore any active sister who is absent from a meeting, a mandatory function, or a mandatory service project will be required to submit a note prior to the mandatory event or up to Two meeting post absence explaining the reason for her absence. b. The sisterhood reserves the right to bring any sisters membership status up before the sisterhood at any time for any attendance related reason. c. Any sister having three (3) unexcused absences from mandatory functions per year shall have her membership brought before the sisterhood to be voted upon. All circumstances shall be taken into account and a final vote shall be taken at the discretion of the sisterhood. d. Missing a mandatory event for a class session, religious service or holiday, funeral service, wedding service, or Band function will count as an excused absence after submitting a note. i. A Band Function shall be defined as any TU band ensemble, any professional band ensemble, and DCI/DCA. e. All other absences will be considered unexcused i. In special circumstances, another sister may motion to accept the absence as excused. The absence will be considered excused with a 75% vote by the active chapter. f. Three (3) excused absences shall equal one (1) unexcused absence. g. Every semester, sisters will have one mandatory meeting or event that they can miss without consequence for academic reasons. h. If a sister will need to use more than three (3) academic excuses in one semester, that sister shall request conditional status to focus on academics. i. Lateness and Early Departure shall be defined as missing up to one quarter of the committee or chapter meeting time. i. Missing more than one quarter of a meeting shall be considered an absence. ii. Three (3) unexcused late arrivals or early departures are allowed, after that they will be counted as absences. iii. Repercussions for unexcused lateness or early departures shall be the same as unexcused absences. Towson Chapter Constitution Last Revised May 5, 2014 Page 18
iv. Terms for acceptable excuses for late arrivals or early departures are the same as excused absences. j. All mandatory functions shall be deemed so by the chairperson of the committee they represent. k. Sisters must be notified of mandatory functions at least two (2) weeks in advance. l. Prior to the first meeting of the sorority, the President, Vice President of Membership, and Service must meet and prepare a calendar of events pertaining to degree dates, mandatory service functions, meeting time and day. IV. Finance 1. Dues a. All Active and Conditional members shall pay National Dues as prescribed by the Tau Beta Sigma National Constitution. b. Active members shall also pay Chapter Dues determined by the Chapter. c. Refer to Terms of Membership for further details on dues payments. d. If any member has financial obligation to the chapter, it must be settled by the last meeting of the semester or their voting privileges shall be revoked. 2. Expenses a. The Chapter shall create an operating budget at the beginning of each academic year. b. A rough draft of the budget must be researched and written by the Treasurer by the second meeting of the academic year, assisted by the Committee on Finance. c. The budget will be voted on by the second meeting of the academic year. d. All Chapter members shall be reimbursed for approved sorority related expenses: i. Receipts shall be submitted to the Treasurer along with a written reimbursement request, within 14 days of purchase. ii. The request will be presented to the Chapter for approval by a simple majority vote.