Werewolf Gifts

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The document describes various Werewolf Gifts organized by rank that allow supernatural abilities like enhanced skills, elemental control, and weather manipulation.

Some Homid Gifts described include Dead-Eye which allows rerolling firearm rolls, Master of Fire which allows treating fire damage as bashing, and Persuasion which reduces social difficulty.

The Gift 'Divide' exacerbates divisions between individuals or groups and can increase Rage rolls against targets. It is taught by a Dog spirit.

Homid Gifts

Dead-Eye (Homid Rank 1)

Survival in the Savage West may depend on a single lucky bullet. With this Gift
a Garou makes her o!n luck. "ven the most difficult shots can be accomplished
!ith the assistance of this po!er. # Raven$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% &y spending one Willpo!er the player can reroll any one 'irearms
#rchery or other missile !eapon roll.
Taught by% Raven$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Master of Fire (Homid Rank 1)
)nce humans tamed fire to keep them !arm and to drive off the !ild beasts they
!ere on their !ay to civili*ation. Were!olves !ith this Gift invoke humanity+s
ancient pact !ith the spirits of fire. ,he spirits of flame agree to hold back their
hunger !hen the !ere!olf touches them. #n ancestor spirit or fire spirit grants
this Gift.
System% ,his Gift allo!s a !ere!olf to heal fire damage as if it !ere bashing.
,his re-uires the e.penditure of a Gnosis point/ the effects last a scene
Taught by% fire spirit ancestor spirit
Book% WW0e
Persuasion (Homid Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s a Homid to become more persuasive !hen dealing !ith others/
his statements and arguments are imbued !ith meaning or credibility. ,his Gift is
taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 2). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for the remainder of the scene.
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Homid Rank 1)
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 4). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for each success for the
remainder of the scene.
Smell of Man (Homid Rank 1)
(reatures of the !ild have learned !ell that man if often a bringer of death. With
this Gift the Garou greatly enhances the human scent around him causing
animals to feel uneasy and nervous. ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% #ll normal animals (not including supernatural creatures in animal form)
lose one die from their 5ice 6ools !hen !ithin 78 feet of the Garou and are
likely to flee. ,he Garou may use this Gift at !ill/ she simply states !hen she is
activating it or turning it off.
Diide (Homid Rank 7)
6erhaps more than any other species humans are e.cellent at making tiny
differences into massive gulfs. ,his can be seen in racism se.ism homophobia
and even in the -uickly distancing term used to describe some criminals%
monsters. Garou !ho are part human have picked up neatly on these sorts of
activities and even perhaps e.ceed humanity9s capacity for them. ,his Gift !hich
raises up hatred and suspicion is an e.ample of that. 3t is taught by a dog spirit.
System% &y spending one Gnosis point and rolling :anipulation 1 &ra!l
difficulty ; the Garou can e.acerbate divisions bet!een individuals or groups.
<ote that the Gift cannot actually create anger and divisions/ they must already
e.ist to be e.ploited. 3f used on the theoretical =perfect family= the Gift !ould
fail. #mong humans the Gift simply prevents any resolution of issues and
difficulties possibly breaking into violence. )ne success might cause targets to
raise voices at one another three !ould spell la!suits and five might bring them
to blo!s.
#mongst Garou and other shapeshifters !ith Rage ho!ever the Gift is even
more po!erful. "very sucess on the initial roll adds one success on all Rage rolls
the targets make through out the scene. With such manipulation it is doubtful that
any peace can be made and highly probable ne! troubles !ill emerge.
Taught by% 5og spirits
Book% 6G0e
"am Te#hnology (Homid Rank 7)
,he Garou can cause technological devices to cease functioning albeit
temporarily. ,his Gift is taught by a Gremlin a type of Wyld spirit that en>oys
breaking things.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Repair.
,echnological devices !ithin ?8 feet cease functioning for one turn per success
though the devices are unharmed. ,he difficulty of the roll is based on the
follo!ing chart%
5evice 5ifficulty
(omputer @
6hone 2
#utomobile 4
Anife 18
S$ee#h of the %orld (Homid Rank 7)
,hose !ho !ander can encounter a ne! human dialect in every valley. ,his Gift
allo!s the Garou to speak any human language he encounters although his
speech is slightly accented in any tongue but his o!n. Bnlike the Rank ,hree
Gift% ,ongues (a Warder Gift/ also Were!olf 6layers Guide pg. 0?) this Gift
does not convey literacy. ,he Gift is taught by an )!l$spirit.
System% ,he player rolls 3ntelligence 1 Cinguistics difficulty ;/ the effects last
for the entire scene.
Taught by% )!l$spirit
Book% Were!olf% ,he 5ark #ges
Staredo&n (Homid Rank 7)
&y staring into the eyes of a human or animal the Garou can cause the target to
flee in terror. ,his Gift can be used against Garou but the Garou !ill free*e in
place rather than flee. ,his Gift is taught by a Ram$spirit or a Snake$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation (difficulty 2). ,he victim flees
for one turn per success. Should the Garou score five or more successes the
victim flees for the duration of the scene. Garou targets !ill not flee but they
cannot attack !hile this Gift is in effect although they can defend themselves.
'nnatural (amouflage (Homid Rank 7)
,his odd Gift allo!s the Garou !ho employs it to merge in !ith the Homids
around him not appearing out of place or unusual in the circumstances in !hich
they find themselves. Ho!ever the Garou is not able to interact !ith any of the
people around them !ithout the illusion dropping.
,he Gift !ill even seem to clothe the Garou appropriately for the current
environment and subtly change that appearance if the Garou moves. So a Garou
!ho !as in a lift !ith a number of corporate drones !ould appear to be !earing a
similar sort of suit to their companions but if they then >oined a group of skaters
their apparently clothing !ould change to >eans and baggy tops.
,his Gift has been of great use in the past to Garou !ho find themselves !ith
insufficient amounts of dedicated clothing !hen forced to change form or step
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift. 'or the rest of the
scene the character is shrouded in an illusion of the appropriate appearance even
as far as hiding tattoos or scars. 3f the S, feels that they are in a situation !here a
surrounding Homid might interact !ith them the player can roll Wits 1
Subterfuge (difficulty as appropriate) to avoid the contact $ else the Gift drops
immediately revealing the Garou for !hat they are. ,his Gift only !orks on
characters in Homid form.
Taught by% Spirits of illusion or trickster spirits
Book% 5amien
Dis)uiet (Homid Rank 0)
,he Garou causes the sub>ect of this Gift to feel ine.plicably depressed and
!ithdra!n. ,he sub>ect !ill find it hard to use his anger (Rage) or concentrate
effectively on tasks. ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy against a difficulty e-ual to the
Willpo!er of the opponent. 3f successful that opponent !ill not be able to
recover Rage for the duration of the scene/ furthermore all difficulties for
e.tended actions (not combat) are increased by one.
*esha$e +b,e#t (Homid Rank 0)
,he Garou can instantly shape once$living material (but not undeadD) into a
variety of ob>ects $ thus trees may become shelter buck antlers become spears
animal hides become armor and flo!ers become perfumes. ,he item !ill in some
!ay resemble the ob>ect from !hich it !as created (the spear is made of antler
not !ood). ,his Gift is taught by a Weaver$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Repair against a variable difficulty (? to
turn a broken tree limb into a spear 4 to turn a plank into a floatable raft etc).
,he created ob>ect is not necessarily permanent/ it !ill last a length of time
according to the chart belo!. ".pending a Gnosis point allo!s a created !eapon
to inflict aggravated damage (this effect is not permanent unless a permanent
Gnosis point is spent).
Successes 5uration
)ne ? minutes
,!o 18 minutes
,hree )ne Scene
'our )ne Story
'ive 6ermanent
Tongues (Homid Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the user to read or !rite any human language encountered no
matter ho! ancient or obscure. Galliards often use this Gift !hen translating
ancient te.ts to revive old legends or compose ne! songs for :oots. ,his Gift is
taught by a Raven$spirit.
System% #fter spending one Willpo!er point the player rolls her 3ntelligence 1
Cinguistics. ,he obscurity and relative age of the language determines the
difficulty. # common modern language such as Spanish is difficulty @. #n ancient
and obscure tongue such as "truscan !ould be difficulty 18. ,he number of
successes determines the character+s fluency !ith the language.
Body Shift (Homid Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou !ho possesses it to e.tend their shapeshifting abilities
to a ne! plane. ,hey can alter their physical form to improve their strength or to
gain increased speed above and beyond the ability to change to (rinos by
borro!ing from one aspect of themselves to temporarily give to another.
System% ,he player !ho !ishes to use this Gift must spend a point of Rage and
roll Stamina 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s them to move a
point from one physical attribute to another $ from Stamina to Strength or from
5e.terity to Stamina.
(o#oon (Homid Rank @)
,he Garou causes a thick opa-ue epidermis to surround him. ,he Garou is
immune to fire starvation gas et al. ,his Gift is taught by an 3nsect$ or Weaver$
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. While in the cocoon attacks must
do an amount of damage e-ual to the Garou+s Stamina 1 Rituals to affect him at
all. ,he cocoon lasts for one scene. ".tra time may be gained by spending more
Gnosis points allo!ing Garou to stay protected for days. Ho! long a Garou can
ultimately spend in the cocoon is up to the Storyteller.
Gaia-s Embra#e (Homid Rank @ $ Pure Ones)
Ano!n only to the 6ure )nes this Gift allo!s the Garou to become one !ith the
land. 3f seriously !ounded the Garou may =cra!l into= the earth to seek Gaia+s
aid. )nce protected !ithin Her !omb the !ounded child is mended by the po!er
of the Goddess. #n "arth$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% #fter suffering aggravated !ounds the Garou must be buried alive or
dig his o!n !ay under the soil. ,his Gift sustains an interred Garou and heals his
aggravated !ounds at a rate of one per hour instead of one per day.
Taught by% "arth$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
S$irit %ard (Homid Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to protect himself from spirits by performing a -uick
!arding rite. ,he Garou by dra!ing an invisible pictogram into the air scares
and unnerves any nearby spirits (e.cept the pack totem). ,his sign travels !ith the
Garou !herever he goes for the duration of the Gift. ,his Gift is taught by an
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Rituals
(difficulty ;)/ spirits !ithin 188 feet of the Garou (again e.cept for the pack
totem) must subtract one from their 5ice 6ools for each success. ,his Gift lasts
for one scene.
Assimilation (Homid Rank ?)
,he Garou is able to blend smoothly into any culture not matter ho! strange or
alien the culture is. ,he Garou can slip in among &edouin nomads as if he !ere
one of them or shop in a (hinese market !ithout anyone noticing he does not
belong. ,his Gift !ill not hide racial differences but the behaviors and
mannerisms of a native can be mimicked. ,his also allo!s the Garou to speak and
understand the culture+s language although it !ill be forgotten !hen the Gift
!ears off. ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy. 3f successful he is able to
interact !ith members of another culture as if he !ere from that culture. ,he
difficulty depends on ho! alien the culture is/ the difficulty !ould be ? for
another Garou sept but it could be as high as E !hen trying to assimilate into a
&lack Spiral Hive. ,he Garou !ill not suffer Social roll penalties !hen
interacting !ith members of the culture although she !ill not receive any special
benefits. ,he Gift lasts for one scene plus one day per Willpo!er point spent
!hen activating it.
Part the !eil (Homid Rank ?)
,he Garou may immuni*e any human from the 5elirium for a scene. 3n this !ay
the human can interact !ith the Garou !ithout deleterious effects. Ho!ever the
human !ill forget much of !hat he kno!s if the 5elirium is induced in him at a
later date (he sees a (rinos etc). ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy
(difficulty 2).
'bermen#h (Homid Rank ?)
,he Garou is human plus. Human plus strength agility and health. Human plus
devoted assured spirituality and meaning. Human instinct plus !olf instinct and
lightning refle.es. He is as man but greater and more !hole. "very Garou
radiates this to some e.tent causing humans to fear and avoid them instinctively.
,his Gift !arps this perception turning the Garou from a figure to be avoided
into a figure to be admired or adored.
System% )nce learned this Gift is al!ays active. Human dealing !ith the
character !ill immediately pick her out as more desirable attractive smarter or
more charismatic compare to those around them regardless of their actual
capacity in such matters. ,he (urse still applies but rather than being
instinctively feared as a predator the !ere!olf is dreaded as an intimidating
figure of great presence. #lso the character may boost his Social #ttributes by
spending Rage or Gnosis each dot of either spent raises one Social #ttribute by
one point for a single scene.
Book% 6G0e
Metis Gifts
(reate Element (:etis Rank 1)
,he Garou can create a small amount of one of the four basic elements $ fire air
earth or !ater. 3n this !ay a Garou can replenish the air supply in an airtight
room make a rock to thro! at someone create a fire !ithout matches or !ood or
fill a bathtub !ithout any faucet or pipes. 6recious metals (especially silver)
cannot be created nor can lethal gases or acid. ,his Gift is taught by an elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 2). )ne
cubic foot of the desired element is created per success to a ma.imum !eight of
188lbs. ,he element is no! permanent until used up (breathed in the case of air or
burned up in the case of fire !ithout any fuel to keep it going).
Primal Anger (:etis Rank 1)
,he metis learns to focus the anger !ithin her heart and use it to increase her
Rage. ,he anger takes a physical toll on the !ere!olf and it is up to her to
unleash it on her enemies. ,he spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift. 'e!
members of other breeds have suffered enough shame and suffering to learn this
System% # character !ith this Gift may sacrifice a single health level once per
scene and gain t!o e.tra points of Rage in e.change (even if doing so takes her
above her permanent Rage rating). ,he health level is treated as aggravated.
Taught by% ancestor
Book% WW0e
Sense %yrm (:etis Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
Shed (:etis Rank 1)
,he Garou kno!s the trick of shedding and gro!ing fur at an alarming rate. ,his
gift makes the Garou especially hard to grapples successfully/ opponents find
themselves holding tufts of fur instead of their target. ,he Garou can also slide
through tight spaces using his shedding fur as natural lubrication. # Ci*ard$spirit
or Snake$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou may use his slick outer coating to avoid being grappled. With
a successful 5e.terity 1 6rimal Brge roll (difficulty ;)/ he can free himself from
any successful grappling attack. ,he fur also reduces by t!o the !ere!olf+s
difficulty !henever he s-uee*es through tight spaces or slips restraints such as
Burro& (:etis Rank 7)
,he Garou can burro! a tunnel into the earth. ,he tunnel is relatively permanent
and other can follo! the Garou through it although it is tight and only one person
at a time can go through. Ho!ever no being larger than the Garou can travel the
tunnel. ,he Garou must be in (rinos Hispo or Cupus form to use this Gift but the
tunnel !ill only be as large as the form he assumed !hile burro!ing it (only
Cupus$ or smaller$si*ed beings can travel a tunnel burro!ed by a Garou in Cupus
form). ,he tunnel is not structurally sound and !ill collapse over time. ,his Gift
is taught by a :ole$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls Strength 1 #thletics against a difficulty depending on
the substance to be e.cavated (@ for loose mud E for solid rock). )ne yard per
turn can be burro!ed for each success.
(urse of Hatred (:etis Rank 7)
,he Garou may verbali*e the hatred in her heart disheartening opponents !ith the
intensity of her emotion. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit of Hate.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 ".pression
(difficulty of the opponent+s Willpo!er). 3f the Garou succeeds her opponent
loses t!o Willpo!er points and t!o Rage points. ,his may only be used on an
opponent once per scene.
Groel (:etis Rank 7)
&y calling upon the behavior ingrained into Garou by the Citany the possessor of
this Gift can all but force an attacker to accept their surrender. ,his does not mean
the attacker !ill leave the Gift user alone. ,hey may continue to !atch you and
may verbally berate you but they !ill not harm your as long as you do not initiate
any attack. ,his Gift lasts for a scene and is taught by any (anine spirit.
System% &y spending an Gnosis point and rolling (harisma 1 6erformance
(difficulty 2 resisted by the other+s Rage) the character may effectively
surrender. 3n certain situations the use of this Gift may induce an Honor loss or
an increase in Social difficulties for a time.
Haunting Stare (:etis Rank 7)
,he Garou summons her hereditary instability and focuses it into her stare. Going
into the eyes of the metis leaves the victim choking !ith horror. #n #ncestor$
spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her !ill but the Gift
takes effect immediately. Bpon making eye contact the victim must successfully
roll her Willpo!er (difficulty 4) or be unable to act during her ne.t turn. ,he
difficulty to use Haunting Stare increases by one against Garou !ho are insane
(including Silver 'angs).
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
%riggle (:etis Rank 7)
:etis sometimes have to hide in all the !rong places at the !rong times. With
this Gift they can take best advantage of their surroundings to get a!ay and take
a breather. ,he spirit of a (ockroach teaches this gift.
System% Spend a Gnosis point and the Gift takes effect immediately. 'or the rest
of the scene no matter !hat her form the metis can s-uee*e into a space no less
than half the si*e of her body. Storytellers should make >udgments on space
Taught by% (ockroach
Book% Got(
A&aken Beast (:etis Rank 0)
,his is the old ability out of legends and folklore/ the po!er to change someone
else into a !ere!olf by biting him. 3f the Gift is successfully used on a victim
their &east a!akens and they begin to 'ren*y. ,he effect lasts for a single scene
although a human bit !ith this Gift may develop permanent derangements.
System% #fter a successful bite attack the metis+ player may spend a Gnosis point
and roll :anipulation 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty 2) against a resisted roll of the
target+s Willpo!er (difficulty ;) $ &+et+e may add their 6rimal Brge score to the
Willpo!er pool. 3f the attack is successful the victim begins to 'ren*y and !ill
come to believe they are a !ere!olf.
(hameleon (:etis Rank 0)
Cike the Gift+s reptilian namesake the Garou can blend !ith her natural
surroundings. Bnlike the li*ard ho!ever the Gift user shifts fluidly !ith
changing backgrounds thus allo!ing the Garou to move about and even attack. #
(hameleon$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. #nyone trying to
see the Garou even in open ground must make 6erception rolls (difficulty e-uals
the Garou+s Wits 1 Stealth). 'ailure indicates that the Garou remains undetected.
)nce the Garou attacks the difficulty drops by three. <ote that the Gift affects
only visual senses and it provides no camouflage for sound or scent.
Taught by% (hameleon$Spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Eyes of the (at (:etis Rank 0)
,he Garou may see clearly in pitch darkness. ,he Garou+s eyes !ill glo! a
lambent green !hile this po!er is in effect. ,his Gift is taught by a (at$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must state !hen this Gift is in effect but there is no roll or
cost e.penditure. ,he Garou suffers no difficulty or 5ice 6ool penalties from
Fro.en Form (:etis Rank 0)
Homids and lupus have no idea !hat its like to gro! up as a metis never
changing from (rinos form for years upon years. ,his Gift taught by any aerial
spirit lets a metis give others a taste of !hat spending e.tended time in (rinos is
really like.
System% Spend a Willpo!er point and roll Stamina 1 6rimal Brge difficulty 2.
'or each success the target must spend one full day in (rinos consecutively if
more than one success is rolled. ,his Gift !orks only on other Garou including
&lack Spiral 5ancers.
Taught by% #erial spirits.
Book% Got(
Mental S$ee#h (:etis Rank 0)
,he Garou may mentally communicate !ith another being over great distances.
,his does not allo! mind$reading but does allo! the Garou to use Social
#bilities such as 3ntimidation from a distance. ,he Garou must kno! the person
!ith !hom he is attempting to communicate (although he does not have to be
friends !ith that person). 3f he does not kno! the person he must have something
that belongs to that person such as a lock of his hair. ,his Gift is taught by a
&ird$spirit or any spirit affiliated !ith intellect.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4). ,he Garou may
transmit a ma.imum distance of 18 miles per success.
Shell (:etis Rank 0)
(onsider the state of the :etis cub. He is outcast from birth kno!s this from the
moment he can talk and is trapped !ithin a body that reacts po!erfully to his
slightest emotional t!inge. )nce you appreciate this state it becomes easy to
understand ho! this Gift !as first learned. Shell places an emotional and
instinctual barrier around the metis. # turtle spirit teaches this Gift.
System% While active the metis cannot use Rage nor achieve any successes on
Rage rolls nor !ill mind$altering Gifts or magic affect him. Ho!ever he can also
not attempt any rolls using "mpathy or 6rimal Brge and suffers a $1 dice penalty
on all initiative rolls.
Taught by% ,urtle
Book% 6G0e
S$lintered (la& (:etis Rank 0)
,his painful Gift causes the metis+ cla!s to splinter as they piece flesh. ,iny bits
of cla! imbed themselves deep in the victim+s body thus causing tremendous
irritation. Healing such a !ound !ithout first removing the splinters is both
painful and stupid. Bnfortunately the Gift+s user loses her cla!s until she spends a
round regenerating ne! ones. # ,ree$spirit teaches this Gift (especially one !ith
thorns or spiky seedpods). Glass Walkers or &one Gna!ers can learn this Gift
from spirits living in houses or other !ooden constructs.
System% #fter a successful attack that causes at least one Health Cevel of damage
the Garou may spend a Rage point to activate the Gift. #ny damage that the target
does not soak cannot be healed until he removes the bits of cla!. #s !ith all other
!ere!olf cla! attacks the !ounds are aggravated. ,he attacking Garou receives
one automatic non$aggravated !ound. ,he !ere!olf cannot soak this !ound but
can heal it as normal. Bntil the Garou heals the !ound he has no cla!s.
Badger-s Heart (:etis Rank @)
:etis often possess angry hearts and in their o!n !ay they have a keen
understanding of Rage no matter !hat their auspice. ,his Gift allo!s them to
affect the Rage of other !ere!olves causing their enemies to e.pend more of it
than necessary. # &adger spirit teaches this Gift.
System% Spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpo!er difficulty ;. ,hree successes
are necessary but if the roll is made the target e.pends t!ice as many Rage
points as he normally !ould. 'or e.ample if :erryk Winterchase successfully
uses this Gift on :ari (abrah !hile they+re in combat each time she spent one
Rage point she !ould actually use t!o !ithout gaining any benefit of the second
Rage point. ,his Gift lasts an entire day.
Taught by% &adger spirits
Book% Got(
Gift of the Por#u$ine (:etis Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou+s fur to become bristly and sharp like the -uills of a
porcupine. ,he Garou must be in (rinos Hispo or Cupus form. ,his Gift is of
course taught by a 6orcupine$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point to sharpen his fur. #nyone !hom the
Garou body slams grapples or immobili*es takes aggravated damage from the
Garou+s sharp fur (Strength 1 1). 'urthermore anyone !ho hits the Garou !ith
bare flesh and scores fe!er than five successes takes damage based on the
attacker's Strength although the Garou still takes normal damage. ,his Gift lasts
for one scene or until the Garou deactivates it.
%ither /imb (:etis Rank @)
,he Garou can cause a target+s limb to !ither making it useless. Which limb is
!ithered is the Garou+s choice but is must be an arm or leg. 3f the victim is a
creature !ith regenerative properties such as a Garou or vampire the limb !ill
regenerate !hole after one scene. ,his Gift is taught by a venomous animal spirit
or a spirit of 5isease.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpo!er (difficulty of the
victim+s Stamina 1 @).
Madness (:etis Rank ?)
,he Garou can induce madness in others. ,he madness !ill take a form decided
by the Storyteller but should be severe. ,his Gift is taught either by a Cune or by
a spirit of :adness or ,rickery.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 3ntimidation
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). ,he number of successes determines the
number of days that the insanity lasts.
Totem Gift (:etis Rank ?)
,he Garou is in touch !ith the totem of her tribe and can actually plead !ith the
totem gaining some of its po!er. ,he effects of this po!er are up to the
Storyteller but should be in keeping !ith the totem/ thus (himera (totem of the
Starga*ers) might grant the Garou increased insight or the ability to shapeshift
into anything desired !hile Rat (totem of the &one Gna!ers) might send s!arms
of rats to attack the Garou+s enemies and Grandfather ,hunder (totem of the
Shado! Cords) might smite the Garou+s enemies !ith a blast of thunder and
lightning. ,his gift is taught by the Garou+s tribal totem.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 Rituals
(difficulty E).
T&ist of Fate (:etis Rank ?)
Some Starga*er metis have used this Gift to deliver a fatal blo! to unsuspecting
enemies even kno!ing that the cost !ill be their o!n lives. #fter a Garou has
been dealt her o!n deathblo! if she invokes this Gift she may strike her enemy
once more ere she dies. 3t+s bitters!eet but often leads to an enemy falling dead
alongside the metis !arrior. ,his Gift is taught by a (obra spirit.
System% ,he player need only spend one Rage point to get that final shot/ no
!ound penalties apply. ,he attack doesn+t automatically land although the metis
may spend Willpo!er to add to the attack roll+s successes (even though she+s
spent Rage in the turn). ,he metis+ damage pool is increased by ten dice $ a metis+
parting shot channels a lifetime of Rage and is almost al!ays lethal.
Taught by% (obra spirits
Book% Got(
'mbral Body (:etis Rank ?)
,he metis body is strange. &orn in a form not intended by Gaia or nature
deformed and occasionally sho!ing signs of animals entirely unrelated to man or
!olf it is little !onder the breed has been outcast and hated. &ut some metis have
used this body to their advantage and it is perhaps this strangeness that allo!s
their body to !ithstand the pressures this Gift inflicts. With this Gift the metis
can partially reach into the Bmbra sending certain body parts into the Bmbra
!hile maintaining others in the physical !orld. 5oing so makes the metis difficult
to hit in combat to say the least. # 6attern spider teaches this Gift.
System% ,he metis rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and if the roll
succeeds spends 1 Gnosis. 'or the rest of the scene the metis receives one e.tra
automatic success on all 5odge rolls.
Taught by% 6attern spider
Book% 6G0e
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (:etis Rank ?)
System% ,he metis rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and if the roll
succeeds spends 1 Gnosis. 'or the rest of the scene the metis receives one
automatic success to avoid any blo! directed at themselves !hether !ith
!eapons cla!s or missiles. 3n addition if they choose to spend an action
avoiding a blo! they automatically succeed !ithout the need to roll.
/u$us Gifts
Find %ater (Cupus Rank 1)
,his gift allo!s a Garou to locate any body of !ater !ithin 78 miles. ,his Gift is
taught by a 'rog spirit
System% ,he Garou makes a 6erception 1 Survival roll against a difficulty of 2 to
use this Gift. )ne or t!o successes !ill indicate the genera direction of the !ater.
,hree or four success !ill indicate the distance and five successes !ill allo! the
Garou to determine if the !ater is contaminated in any !ay.
Heightened Senses (Cupus Rank 1)
,he Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid
or Glabro form her senses become as sharp as those of a !olf !hile in her !olf
forms her senses become preternaturally potent. ,his gift is taught by Wolf$
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point. ,he effects last for one scene. Homid
and Glabro forms% 6erception difficulties are reduced by t!o/ roll 6erception 1
6rimal$Brge (difficulty 2) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. (rinos
Hispo and Cupus forms% 6erception difficulties are reduced by three/ 11 to
6rimal$Brge 5ice 6ools.
/ea$ of the 0angaroo (Cupus Rank 1)
,his Gift !as originally developed by the lost &unyip tribe. &y invoking the Gift
Garou may leap incredible distance. 5espite its name this Gift is taught by Hare$
or (at$spirits (marsupial$spirits seem loath to aid the Garou these days...).
System% ,he Garou rolls Stamina 1 #thletics (difficulty ;). 3f successful she may
double her normal >umping distance. See the Gumping (hart pg717.
Prey Mind (Cupus Rank 1)
,he !olf is not al!ays the predator as lupus sorely reali*e. Humans+ capability
for destruction gro!s ever greater and more !olves die at their hands every day.
When the predator becomes prey it is this Gift that comes to the fore and assists
the Garou in evasion sho!ing them places to hide !ays to run and even chances
to attack back. # lamb or deer spirit teaches the Gift
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ; in the !ild E in urban
lands). Success guides the !olf in ho! to best evade her pursuers/ she gains three
dice to any pool made to escape outdistance or evade pursuit. ,he Gift+s effects
last for one turn per success so if the lupus hasn+t thro!n pursuit by then she+s on
her o!n.
Taught by% Camb and deer spirits
Book% 6G0e
Sense Prey (Cupus Rank 1)
Were!olves used this ancient Gift during hard !inters to feed their packs. ,he
Gift lets Garou locate enough prey to feed a pack. 3n the urban environment ,his
Gift guides the lupus to prey !ithin the city usually in parks se!ers animal
shelters and even *oos. ,he Gift !ill tell the !ere!olf the location of large
numbers of prey !ithin ?8 miles in the !ilds and !ithin the limits of a city and
its suburbs. Humans and !olves do no register as prey animals (as per the Citany)
but it is said that the Red ,alons kno! a variant of this Gift that acts other!ise. #
!olf spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou makes a roll using 6erception 1 6rimal$Brge against a
difficulty of ;. Success !ill lead the Garou to a suitable animal sufficient to feed a
pack of up to 17 !olves. ,he range e.tends up to ?8 miles.
Taught by% Wolf spirit
Book% WW0e
Sense %yld (Cupus Rank 1)
,he Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby
area. ,his Gift is taught by a Wyld$spirit
System% ,he player must roll 6erception 1 "nigmas. ,he difficulty is based on the
strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest !ould be difficulty ?).
A1is Mundi (Cupus Rank 7)
,he Garou !ith this Gift can center herself in relation to Gaia and al!ays kno!
!hich direction she is traveling in or facing no matter !here she may be in the
Gaia realms. 3n addition the !ere!olf carries her =territory= around !ith her in a
mystical sense. Wolves !ill detect this and concede her right to travel through
their territories and hunt there. )ther animals !ill also recogni*e this and not
attack the intruder.
System% ,o activate this Gift the player must e.pend a point of Gnosis. #nimals
!ill automatically sense the presence of the Garou and leave her be and even
other lupus must make a Willpo!er roll not to recogni*e this right.
Eye of the Eagle (Cupus Rank 7)
,his gift allo!s the user to see long distance over =t!o looks a!ay=. ,his gift
!ill not !ork !ell in the city as buildings tend to get in the !ay. 3t is eerily
enough taught by an "agle spirit.
System% Roll 6erception 1 #lertness against an 4 difficulty. ,he number of
successes is the number of miles a!ay one can see as normal.
S#ent of Sight (Cupus Rank 7)
,he Garou can use his sense of smell to compensate completely for his eyes/ thus
he could attack invisible creatures normally or roughly navigate in absolute
darkness. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 6rimal$Brge against a Storyteller$
determined difficulty (depends on ho! po!erful local smells are). ,he Storyteller
should not re-uire rolls every turn but only !hen something could cause the
Garou to lose his opponent+s scent (he ran through !ater they are fighting in a
smelly alley etc.)
Sense the 'nnatural (Cupus Rank 7)
,he Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its appro.imate
strength and type. supernatural presences can include% magic spirits the Wyrm
!raiths etc. ,his !ill detect vampires but only those !ith Humanity scores
belo! ;. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 2). ,he more successes
rolled the more information is gained. Ho!ever understanding the information
might re-uire an 3ntelligence 1 )ccult roll (Storyteller+s option).
%yld Fero#ity (Cupus Rank 7)
,he harsh untamed !ilderness fre-uently brings death to humans !ho venture
into it unprepared. With this Gift the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of
the !ild. # panic$stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. #n
#ncestor$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must
gro!l (even in human form) for the effect to !ork. #ll normal humans lose one
die from their 5ice 6ools !ithin 78 feet of the Garou. ,hose humans not used to
dealing !ith !ild animals must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty e-uals the
Garou+s Rage) or flee the area.
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
(atfeet (Cupus Rank 0)
,his Gift gives the Garou the agility of a cat making him immune to falls under
188 feet (he lands on his feet >ust right). He also has perfect balance even on the
most slippery surfaces and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body
slams and grappling are reduced by t!o. ,his Gift is taught by a (at$spirit.
System% ,he Garou does not need to e.pend points or roll for this ability/ it
becomes innate to those !ho learn the Gift.
Death %his$ers (Cupus Rank 0)
,he ancient Greeks associated the !olf !ith death. Hecate !ore three !olf heads
!hile (haron !ore !olf ears. Cupus !ith this Gift echoes that connection. &y
standing entirely still near a recently dead body the lupus can hear the final
!orlds of the deceased. ,hese !ords are often rambling and incoherent but can
provide clues and understanding of !hat happened at the moment of their death
or of their most prominent thoughts at the moment of their demise.
System% ,he lupus must stand ne.t to the corpse and stay entirely still trying to
hear the very soft !hispers. ,he player then rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (diff ;). ,o
successfully hear the death !hispers the lupus must obtain more successes than
the number of hours the body has been dead. :ore successes than re-uired
increase the clarity of the !hisper. ,his Gift may be attempt only once per dead
Taught by% Wolf
Book% 6G0e
Monkey Tail (Cupus Rank 0)
#lthough the lupus+ tail retains the appearance of a regular !olf+s tail it gains far
more agility and fle.ibility. #lthough incapable of fine manipulation the tail can
grasp ob>ects !rap around branches or allo! the Garou to hang upside do!n. ,he
tail can also attack from an une.pected direction. # :onkey$spirit must be
persuaded to teach a Garou this Gift
System% #fter learning this Gift the Garou+s tail automatically becomes
prehensile !henever she likes. 3n order to manipulate the tail successfully the
player must make a 5e.terity 1 #thletics roll (difficulty 2). ,he difficulty can
increase for very delicate operations. 3f the Garou+s strength e.ceeds her Stamina
she can use the tail to hang or s!ing. When attempting to lift ob>ects !ith her tail
the Garou+s strength rating is halved. 3f used as an attack the damage from the tail
is Strength$1.
2ame the S$irit (Cupus Rank 0)
,he Garou is able to detect the type of appro.imate ,rait levels (Rage 6o!er
etc) of a spirit. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Bktena totem.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls 6erception 1 )ccult
(difficulty 4).
Strength of Gaia (Cupus Rank 0)
,he Goddess blesses her child !ith enhanced strength to defeat her enemies. ,he
Garou must maintain her Cupus form but she retains the might of the (rinos.
System% ,he player must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift. Her base
strength increases by four rather than the normal one in her Cupus form. ,he
Gift !orks only in Cupus form and its effects cease if she shapeshifts. 3n any case
the Gift+s effects last one scene.
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Beast /ife (Cupus Rank @)
,he Garou may not only communicate !ith animals but can attract and command
them. 3f there are no animals of the sort desired in the vicinity none can be called.
,his Gift is taught by any #nimal$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen
(difficulty ;). )ne success causes animals !ithin a 18$mile radius to be affected.
"ach additional success adds 18 miles (t!o successes indicate a 78$mile radius).
,he effect lasts for one scene but the time may be e.tended by spending one
Gnosis point per e.tra scene.
Gna& (Cupus Rank @)
,he Garou may strengthen her >a!s to the point that given time she can che!
through >ust about anything. 3n addition her >a!s do more damage in combat.
,his Gift is taught by a Wolf$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls Stamina 1 @ against a
variable difficulty (0 for !ood 2 for steel cables E for a titanium door). ,he
length of time it takes to gna! through something is up to the Storyteller. When
employing this po!er in combat the Garou+s bite does an e.tra die of damage.
!enom (Cupus Rank @)
# common trick of desert$d!elling Garou this Gift allo!s the user to produce a
no.ious venom. ,he !ere!olf+s bile can incapacitate or even kill a victim. ,he
Garou is immune to her o!n poison but she can be incapacitated by another
Garou+s venom attack. # venomous snake spirit teaches this gift. :ost Garou
hesitate to make deals !ith snakes or serpents but sometimes necessity out!eighs
System% #fter making a successful bite attack the Garou must roll Stamina 1
6rimal Brge in a resisted roll against the target+s Stamina1@. 'or every additional
success the attacker gets the victim receives an additional nonsoakable
aggravated !ound along !ith !hatever damage the bite caused. "ach success also
reduces the target+s Stamina by one level until the victim loses consciousness.
#dditional poison bites can force the victim into a coma and eventually kill her.
Taught by% Snake spirits
Boon of the Animal Fathers (Cupus Rank ?)
&y entreaty to a specific to a specific #nimal 'ather the Garou can gain that
specific animal totem for a scene. 3f the Garou entreaties 'ather :oose the Garou
can gain :oose as his totem for that scene gaining all the benefits as if she !ere
allied to that totem. ,his does not give the special po!ers granted by the metis
gift ,otem Gift only the regular benefits of a totem alliance. ,he #nimal 'athers
are believed to be different more specific aspects of the animal totems. ,his gift
only !orks !ith totems that embody =real= animals/ Bnicorn or 6egasus cannot
be entreated !ith this gift.
System% ,he Garou must spend 7 Gnosis and make a successful (harisma 1
6rimal$Brge roll. ,his gift may only be used once per scene.
Elemental Gift (Cupus Rank ?)
,he Garou may call upon the primal force of Gaia Herself thereby commanding
the spirits of the elements. ,he Garou can cause the elements to rise up undulate
for!ard and even engulf foes. ,his Gift summons an elemental spirit not merely
the ra! matter of the elements. ,his Gift is taught by an elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 )ccult
(difficulty 4). 3f successful he may control a large volume of air earth !ater or
fire $ appro.imately 78+ by 78+ per success. ,he effect lasts for one scene.
Song of the Great Beast (Cupus Rank ?)
,he Garou must be in the deep !ilderness to employ this Gift. 3f so he can by
ho!ling at the sky call one of the Great &easts $ the ancient creatures that used to
!alk the "arth in ages past $ to his aid. ".amples of &easts are the Sas-uatch
(&igfoot) the Willa!au (giant o!l) the Heti the great megalodon sharks that
s!am the seas eons ago and other legendary creatures. Who kno!s $ there are
rumors of surviving dinosaurs in the deep (ongo... ,his Gift is taught by a
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 6rimal$Brge
(difficulty E). :ore successes improve the &east+s disposition.
*agabash Gifts
Blur of the Milky Eye (Ragabash Rank 1)
,he Garou+s form becomes a shimmering blur allo!ing him to pass unnoticed
among others. )nce the Garou has been seen ho!ever this Gift is negated until
the vie!er has again been distracted. ,his Gift is taught by a (hameleon$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Stealth (difficulty 4I2J). "ach success
increases by one the difficulties of all 6erception rolls made to detect him.
+$en Seal (Ragabash Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can open nearly any sort of closed or locked device. ,his
Gift is taught by a Raccoon$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating).
S#ent of *unning %ater (Ragabash Rank 1)
,he Garou can completely mask her scent making her virtually impossible to
track. ,his Gift is taught by a 'o.$spirit.
System% ,he difficulties of all rolls to track the Garou are increased by t!o. ,his
Gift becomes an innate ability to the Garou !ho learns it. She need not e.pend
any points or make any rolls.
Sense /imits (Ragabash Rank 1)
,he Garou can determine appro.imately the amount of Rage Gnosis or
Willpo!er !ithin an individual. ,his ability enables the Garou to >udge !hether
or not her target can resist an attempt to influence her actions or !hether she is
likely to dra! upon her supply of Gnosis or Rage. ,his Gift also allo!s a Garou
to gauge !hether or not other supernaturals are currently !eak$!illed or drained
of some other source of po!er. 'or e.ample a Garou may be able to tell that a
vampire has little po!er but may not reali*e that the Ceech+s blood supply is lo!.
,his Gift also enables a Garou to sense !hether an Bmbral spirit+s 6o!er is !eak
or near depletion.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). "ach success enables
the character to determine the general levels of Rage Gnosis and Willpo!er for
one targeted individual. #dditional successes allo! the character access to more
specific information about a single target or else gives her general information
about another target. ,he Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers
but should relay information in relative terms (=,he &lack Spiral 5ancer has used
most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpo!er and Gnosis left= =,he mage has
plenty of magical energy left inside her=).
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). :ore successes allo!
for a more accurate measure of the traits of the victim $ one may only allo! for a
general impression !hereas 0 successes could give the Garou a fairly accurate
idea of the balance !ithin that victim and ? might give a more absolute
impression. ,he Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers but
should relay information in relative terms (=,he &lack Spiral 5ancer has used
most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpo!er and Gnosis left= =,he mage has
plenty of magical energy left inside her=).
Sno& *unning (Ragabash Rank 1)
,he severe !inters in much of "urope can immobili*e a village or greatly impair
a !olf pack. ,his Gift allo!s a !ere!olf to circumvent the problems caused by
heavy sno!fall. ,he Garou using this Gift can run across sno! or ice as if it !ere
solid ground !ithout sinking in or leaving footprints. ,he Silver 'angs are said to
have a version of this Gift that lends them more supernatural grace !hile treading
on ice or sno! but leaves their tracks behind. ,he Gift is taught by an 3ce
System% ,he Garou need only spend a Gnosis point. ,he effects last for a day.
Taught by% 3ce elemental
Book% Were!olf% ,he 5ark #ges
S$eed of the Messenger (Ragabash Rank 1)
,his Gift increases the movement rate of the Garou so that he can travel long
distances in short periods of time. ,he character+s body seems to flo! like
-uicksilver enabling him to accomplish astounding feats of agility !hile under
the effects of this Gift. ,hus the Garou can travel rapidly across a tree limber
along a narro! !ooden beam !ithout slo!ing do!n or faltering.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and rolls 5e.terity 1 #thletics
(difficulty 4). )ne success allo!s the character to move at t!ice her normal
speed/ t!o successes give her three times normal speed !hile three successes
allo! the character to move four times as -uickly. :ore than three successes
cause the character to assume a blurry form that confers t!o e.tra dice to any
rolls involving 5e.terity !hile the character is in motion. ,he effect lasts for one
turn or one scene depending on the circumstance. ,his Gift affects movement
only and cannot allo! a character to stop to deliver blo!s in combat !ithout
ending the Gift+s duration. ,hus a character can use the Gift to get to a combat
more -uickly but once she engages in battle she loses the benefits conferred by
the Gift.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Trailbla.er (Ragabash Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can !end his !ay through thick underbrush as if
!alking on the open plains. ,he Ragabash also finds the fastest trails and shortest
routes from one location to another. When used in a to!n or city the Garou can
still find the shortcuts through alleys and dart through cro!ded streets !ith ease.
# (ro!$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must roll her 6erception 1 Survival or Carceny in cities
(difficulty ;). ,he number of successes e-uals the -uality of the ne! route and
decreases travel time. "very success reduces travel time appro.imately 18
percent up to a ma.imum of half the original travel time. ,he difficulty of any
rolls to track the user increase by t!o !hen this Gift is active.
Taught by% (ro!$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Alter S#ent (Ragabash Rank 7)
,he Garou can change his scent trail to evade a hunter or leave a false trail. ,he
Garou can reproduce any scent he has encountered from deer to diesel trucks. #
Skunk$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 6rimal Brge to reproduce any scent the Garou
has encountered (difficulty 2). ,he number of successes determines the accuracy
of the false scent. Garou !ith this Gift can reproduce the aroma of other Garou or
even inanimate ob>ects.
Blissful 3gnoran#e (Ragabash Rank 7)
,he Garou can become completely invisible to all sense spirits or monitoring
devices by remaining still. ,his Gift is taught by a (hameleon$ spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 Stealth (difficulty ;)/ each success subtracts
one success from the 6erception 1 #lertness rolls of those actively looking for the
character. 3f no one is so doing then one success indicates complete concealment.
+bs#ure the Truth (Ragabash Rank 7)
<ot many Garou can look a 6hilodo. in the eye and get a!ay !ith bald$faced lies.
,he Ragabash !ith this Gift has an edge over all his kin. She can calmly e.plain
that the sky is green or gleefully regale her comrades !ith the e.ploits of a lone
heroic Ragabash and have no fear of being called on her prank.
System% &y spending a Gnosis point the Ragabash gains an air of sincerity that is
nearly impossible to penetrate. )nce activated consider the Ragabash+s
Subterfuge to be double its normal rating.
Pea#e of the (ounselor (Ragabash Rank 7)
,his Gift enables a Garou to bring even the most heated discussion to a peaceful
conclusion. ,hough it does not preclude more hostilities from erupting at a later
time the Gift creates an atmosphere of temporary true among enemies or prevents
tribe leaders from coming to blo!s over volatile issues. 5uring the grace period
the Garou can attempt to resolve the circumstances underlying the state of enmity
$ such as encouraging the participants in a dispute to begin negotiations or
achieving a compromise
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er among the -uarreling individuals). )ne
success causes combatants to stop fighting (or prevents them from initiating
combat) for one turn. "ach e.tra success increases the length of time in !hich
peace prevails by an additional turn/ five successes e.tends the Gift to an entire
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Sense of the Prey (Ragabash Rank 7)
,he character if he kno!s anything about his prey can track it do!n as rapidly as
he can travel. ,his unerring sense of direction operates any!here and is used to
track spirits through the Bmbra as !ell as to find beings on "arth. ,his Gift is
taught by a Wolf$ or 5og$spirit.
System% <o roll is re-uired unless the target is actively hiding in !hich case a
6erception 1 "nigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target+s Wits 1
Stealth. 3f the target is a spirit the difficulty is the spirit+s Gnosis.
Shado& Pu$$etry (Ragabash Rank 7)
,his strange Gift is not commonly kno!n amongst the Garou. ,he Gift allo!s the
Garou !ho possesses it to effectively steal the shado! of another being and use it
to determine !hat they may be doing once they have left the Garou+s presence.
System% Stealing another+s shado! is not a subtle process. ,he Ragabash must
pounce on the shado! of the victim (roll 5e.terity 1 &ra!l diff 4) and if
successful spend a Gnosis point to +tear it off+. )nce the shado! is detached the
Ragabash must continue to hold it firmly else it !ill fly a!ay (lose 7 dice off all
Ho!ever until sundo!n of that evening the shado! of the victim (usually held
up against a !all) !ill continue to silhouette the victim+s actions perhaps giving
clues to their current activities. # victim may feel strange for the time during
!hich their shado! is held by the Garou and others may notice its loss
(6erception 1 #lertness difficulty ;) simply by being in the presence of the
Taught by% Shado! and cat spirits
Book% 5amien
Sti#ky Fingers (Ragabash Rank 7)
,his trick coats the fingers of a Garou !ith a silvery substance that adheres to
anything making it possible to climb slick vertical surfaces !ith ease. 3n addition
this Gift also assists a Garou in pilfering small items such as credit cars keys or
loose change.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis. ,he ability to cling to sheer
surfaces is automatic. 3n addition the character gains t!o e.tra dice to any
Street!ise or other roll the Storyteller deems appropriate/ he might get e.tra dice
on a pick pocketing attempt but not !hen trying to hot$!ire a car. ,he effect lasts
for one scene
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Taking the Forgotten (Ragabash Rank 7)
<ot only is the Ragabash an accomplished thief but those from !hom she steals
often never reali*e they have been robbed. 3f the character succeeds in stealing
something her victim !ill forget he ever possessed the stolen item. ,his Gift is
taught by a :ouse$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must score three successes on a Wits 1 Stealth roll (difficulty
of the victim+s 3ntelligence 1 Street!ise).
Deliberate Misinformation (Ragabash Rank 0)
,he Garou can slip confusing and contrary information into his target+s
conversation making their plans fall apart or other!ise causing them to suffer
from a gross breakdo!n in communications. )pponents in the immediate vicinity
of the Garou mishear each other or misinterpret instructions. ,he information
affected by this Gift must be communicated verbally $ either in person or through
the use of a direct communication device such as a telephone or other
transmission device.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 Cinguistics (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er or the highest Willpo!er in the target group). "ach success allo!s the
character to sub>ect one opponent to the effects of this Gift. #ll actions that result
from information communicated verbally receive a 17 difficulty/ simple orders
such as proceeding to a certain address or moving to the left or right flank in
battle automatically go a!ry. ,he Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Em$ty Hand (Ragabash Rank 0)
,he Garou+s hand may seem to grasp the air !hile in reality it may hold a pistol
or even a stick of dynamite. ,his Gift obscures one possession for the Garou
making it completely undetectable to others. # Raccoon$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player grasps the item and spends one Willpo!er point to make the
ob>ect undetectable. ,he ob>ect must be hand$held and should not be larger than
the Garou+s arm. 'or one scene the item remains undetectable to all senses
(including peeking from the Bmbra) e.cept touch even if the Garou drops it.
Bnfortunately even the Gift user can+t see the item so dropping it is bad.
Taught by% Raccoon$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Fly Feet (Ragabash Rank 0)
Cike an insect the Garou can no! cling to vertical surfaces. She can !alk along
!alls or hang from a ceiling. ,he adhesive grip of the Garou can even assist her
!hen catching falling ob>ects or sei*ing handholds !hen she is falling. # fly$
spirit naturally teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou can automatically activate this Gift !ith a 5e.terity 1
#thletics rolls. ,he difficulty depends on the surface. 'or instance !ood or stone
is difficulty ?/ glass or ice is difficulty E. :oving along the ceiling increases the
difficulty by 1. ,he Storyteller should halve all movement rates unless the player
rolls five or more successes.
Gremlins (Ragabash Rank 0)
,he Garou can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by touching it.
Bse of this Gift actually intimidates the spirit that inhabits the device and causes it
to function. 3f the Garou can sufficiently frighten the spirit it !ill flee the device
causing it to malfunction permanently. ,his Gift is taught by a Gremlin a type of
Wyld spirit that en>oys breaking things.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 3ntimidation/ the difficulty is determined
by the comple.ity of the item (see belo!). ,he more successes the Garou obtains
the more the device is damaged. 'ive successes permanently disable the device
(the spirit has fled). Good role$playing might certainly !arrant one to three
additional dice at the discretion of the Storyteller.
5evice 5ifficulty
(omputer @
6hone 2
#utomobile 4
Anife 18
/aughter (Ragabash Rank 0)
,hose !ho learn this Gift can cause others to reali*e the humor of any situation $
in fact the uproarious hilarity of any situation. ,his Gift is taught by ,ulu the
System% #fter spending a Gnosis point the player rolls (harisma 1 ".pression
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). 3f successful the target is struck by ho!
funny the situation is and breaks into peals of laughter. #ny attack made by the
target against the ,ulu (hild suffers a penalty of the number of successes rolled to
the dice pool (>ust looking at the (hild is enough to cause spontaneous belly
+$en Moon Bridge (Ragabash Rank 0)
,he Garou has the ability to open a :oon &ridge !ith or !ithout the permission
of the totem of that caern. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. See the Rite of the )pened &ridge
(pg. 1@1) for more information on opening :oon &ridges. ,he ma.imum distance
that can thereby be covered is 1888 miles.
Pall of Des$air (Ragabash Rank 0)
,his Gift inflicts a !ave of despair upon a targeted individual making the victim
incapable of action due to feelings of profound melancholy.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). # successful roll causes the victim to
e.perience a feeling similar to Harano (or in the case of humans clinical
depression). ,his state of mind forces the victim to roll her Willpo!er in order to
take any action !hile combat becomes almost impossible. ()ptionally the
Storyteller can enforce the limitations of Harano found in the Were!olf 6layers
guide pg 78;). ,he effects of this Gift last for one scene.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
*eynard-s /ie (Ragabash Rank 0)
,he Ragabash can tell the most blatant lies and have them accepted as truth at
least for a little !hile. "ven the most stern$faced priest or suspicious baron !ill
believe the Garou+s pleas of innocence no matter ho! guilty she may be. ,his
Gift is taught by a 'o.$spirit.
System% ,he player tells the lie and rolls Wits 1 Subterfuge (difficulty is the
target+s Wits 1 Subterfuge or the highest rating in a cro!d). ,!o successes
convince a single individual/ three are re-uired to dupe multiple listeners at once.
3n any event convinced listeners believe the lie for the duration of the scene.
Ho!ever the roll must al!ays be made after the lie has been told/ it+s easy to get
into trouble by trusting this Gift to protect you. # failed roll raises suspicion/ a
botch makes the listeners outright hostile.
Taught by% 'o.$spirit
Book% Were!olf% ,he 5ark #ges
*iddle (Ragabash Rank 0)
,aking their cue from numerous trickster legends some Ragabash love to confuse
their targets !ith unusual -ui**es and mysterious pu**les. ,hose !ith this Gift
add a little spiritual punch into the mi. slo!ly driving their targets mad !ith
riddles. # spirit servant of Sphin. teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must first create (or find) a riddle to be told. 3t must have a
solid ans!er that can be understood by most people. #fter telling it to the victim
the player spends one Gnosis. 'rom then on the victim !ill be driven to
distraction by the riddle and until he can solve it he suffers a 11 difficulty to all
rolls. 3n addition every morning the victim loses one Willpo!er. Should this
drain him entirely of Willpo!er he !ill go a little cra*y most commonly by
barricading himself in his room for a day and refusing to come out. #t the end of
the day ho!ever the riddle !ill no longer concern him.
Taught by% Spirit servant of Sphin.
Book% 6G0e
Shado& Tra#king (Ragabash Rank 0)
Shado! ,racking allo!s a Garou to grapple and pin the shado! of a victim
holding it in place. 3f the victim flees their shado! is stretched and lengthened
but remains pointing to!ards their current direction until sundo!n or until the
Garou lets go of the pinned shado!.
System% Stealing another+s shado! is not a subtle process. ,he Ragabash must
pounce on the shado! of the victim (roll 5e.terity 1 &ra!l diff 4) and if
successful spend a Gnosis point to pin it do!n. ,he Garou must remain holding
the shado! to the ground !ith at least one hand and cannot move about !hile the
Gift is enacted.
Taught by% Shado! and cat spirits
Book% 5amien
Silen#e (Ragabash Rank 0)
&y invoking this Gift the Ragabash can cause all sounds made !ithin their
presence to vanish into the Gauntlet thus silencing the area around them. <o
normal sounds may be made by anyone !ithin the effect including the user.
System% With the e.penditure of t!o Gnosis points and a roll of :anipulation 1
Stealth (difficulty ;) the Garou can completely silence an area. "ach success adds
another ? yards to the area of affect. #ny Gifts !hich re-uire the use of sound
(e.g.% (lap of ,hunder) re-uire the t!o Garou to make a resisted Gnosis roll
against difficulty 2. ,he !inner+s Gift takes precedence over the loser+s.
Fool-s /u#k (Ragabash Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to tamper !ith 'ate $ !hen things go catastrophically
!rong for the !ere!olf they can insist that there must have been some mistake.
System% &y spending one Gnosis point the character can choose to disregard one
botched roll per scene and roll again. ,his can only be done !hen the roll
concerned the Ragabash+s #uspice roll $ a roll for stealth trickery or such and not
combat tracking singing or spirit interaction.
Harmonious Slumber (Ragabash Rank @)
,his Gift enables the Garou to create a perfect environment for sleep even in the
most difficulty circumstances. Bnder the influence of this Gift the Garou receives
the e-uivalent of eight hours of restful sleep and a!akens refreshed and !ith his
spirits revived.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina 1 "nigmas
(difficulty ;). )ne success is necessary to affect the character. "ach additional
success allo!s him to include another individual in the effects of the Gift. #
failure means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch inflicts restless sleep on
the character !ith no benefits. When a character a!akens from a successful use
of this Gift he finds that his Gnosis is fully replenished. ,he nap can last for up to
eight hours although only t!o hours are necessary to reap full benefits.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Ragabash Rank @)
System% ,he player rolls Stamina 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s
the character to regain a point of Willpo!er and Gnosis !hile they sleep or to
include another individual in the effects of the Gift (a connection of some sort
physical or spiritual is necessary to include others in the Gift+s effects). # failure
means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch inflicts restless sleep on the
character and they lose a Willpo!er point. ,he nap can last for up to eight hours
although only t!o hours are necessary to reap full benefits.
/una-s Blessing (Ragabash Rank @)
When the moon is visible in the night sky silver refuse to cause the Garou
aggravated !ounds. 3ndeed if the moon !a.es full silver !eapons may !ell turn
on those !ho !ould !ield them against the character. ,his Gift is taught by a
System% 'or each strike against the Garou the !ielder of the !eapon must roll
three e.tra dice on the attack/ these dice are read only to check for botches. ,he
Garou can soak and regenerate silver as if it !ere normal damage but only !hen
the moon is visible. ,hus the Garou is still vulnerable during a ne! moon.
Mer#urial Messenger (Ragabash Rank @)
,his Gift enables a Garou !ho overhears a conversation or !ho is entrusted !ith
a message to remember !hat she has heard. #t a later time the Garou may repeat
back verbatim everything heard over a single scene as if she had total recall. ,he
Gift allo!s the Garou to reproduce voice intonations accents and speech patterns
or mannerisms !hich match those of the original speaker. 3n addition the Garou
can appro.imate the speaker+s actual voice.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 Cinguistics
(difficulty ;). "ach success increases the accuracy of the character+s delivery of
the remembered conversation or message. 3f necessary the Storyteller may repeat
the conversation for the benefit of the character+s audience. # failure means that
the character remembers only !hat the player remembers. # botch introduces a
series of discrepancies into the repetition.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
The (ra&ling Hand (Ragabash Rank @)
,his eerie and some!hat macabre Gift allo!s the Ragabash to detach their hand
allo!ing it to cra!l off and perform tasks. (ontrolling this disembodied hand
re-uires more concentration than usual $ it is an odd feeling to feel items 78 feet
a!ay at first.
System% ,he Garou must roll 5e.terity 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty E) to detach the
hand $ only one success is necessary. #t least one die must be allocated from any
5ice 6ool to the hand per turn. ,o perform find manual tasks the player must
make a 6erception 1 #thletics roll (difficulty ?) to ad>ust to the !eird situation.
,he character must retrieve their hand to reattach it (!ithin the scene) or
regenerate another (as if they had four aggravated Health Cevels of damage
!hich heal at the rate of one per !eek). ,he hand may travel up to Wits K 0 yards
a!ay from the !ere!olf.
%hel$ Body (Ragabash Rank @)
With this Gift a Garou may deliver a devastating curse upon a foe+s body causing
it to !eaken or palsy. :any consider the use of this po!er on a foe to be a
declaration of unending !ar. ,his Gift is taught by a 6ain$ spirit or a spirit of
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis/ this roll is resisted
by the target+s Gnosis roll. ,he Garou+s difficulty is the opponent+s Willpo!er
!hile her victim+s difficulty is the Ragabash+s Gnosis. "ach success scored by the
Ragabash allo!s him to remove one point from any of the victim+s 6hysical
#ttributes. ,he effect is permanent although the victim may restore these
#ttributes via e.perience. ,his Gift may be used only once per scene against a
given opponent.
Blank (Ragabash Rank ?)
=(onsider it a bio$electrical blackout.= ,hat+s ho! 6at )+Reidy described this Gift
and it remains the best description there is for it. 'or a short period everyone in
the room simply goes blank. ,hey still stand upright (unless they !ere laying
do!n to begin !ith but eyes close senses go dead and nobody moves.
:ean!hile the Ragabash can move about !ithout being seen or can take actions
they other!ise couldn+t. #ny actual attempt to harm someone !ill break the
communal trance so slitting their throat !hile they remain unconscious !on+t
!ork. &ut you could certainly pick someone up put him in the trunk of a car and
take him else!here. # spirit of electricity or an electric eel spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends three Rage and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 4). "ach
success =blanks= every person in a room for one turn. Supernatural creatures
(including vampires mages and imbued hunters) can make a resisted Willpo!er
roll (again difficulty 4) against the Ragabash+s Gnosis roll. "very e.tra success
the Ragabash gains over his target blanks the victim for one turn.
Taught by% "lectricity or electric eel spirits
Book% 6G0e
Burden of 0no&ledge (Ragabash Rank ?)
,he Garou floods an individual !ith the kno!ledge of all her o!n limitations
making the victim a!are of every fla! or failing and reminding her of all the
!rongs she has committed or caused. ,he !eight of this enlightenment can either
change an individual for the better or drive her into suicidal despair or murderous
fren*y. 'e! individuals survive the effect of this Gift unscathed. ,his Gift can
sometimes bring an errant Garou back from the edge of corruption or cause an
enemy of the Garou to be =born again=.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). Success causes the victim to e.perience
every negative aspect of her personality and past including secret vices
shortcomings failures and other similar faults. ,he Storyteller should decide !hat
ultimate effect the Gift produces in the victim $ either a desire to reform her !ays
and correct her failings an impulse to kill her out of shame and despair or some
course of action in bet!een the t!o e.tremes. )nce the victim has e.perienced
the total effect of the Gift the intense a!areness begins to fade $ but residual
memories may plague the victim for a long time after!ard.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Madthought (Ragabash Rank ?)
,his trick literally makes the !ere!olf+s foes too clever for their o!n good. ,he
Garou can cause her enemies+ thought processes to speed up so radically that they
literally think too rapidly to put any one plan into motion. ,he victim of the Gift
can only stand still as his thoughts run a!ay !ith him rushing madly from one
brilliant plan to another or considering all the multiple alternatives for their =ne.t=
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls Wits 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). ,he number of successes determines ho!
many turns the victim stands =lost in though=. When the victim recovers from the
Gift he is most likely highly disoriented and may need to regain focus and
other!ise discover !hat+s been happening !hile he =!as out=. # failure simply
means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch gives the victim not only rapid
thought but the ability to translate those thoughts into immediate action $ usually
to the detriment of the character.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Steal S$irit (Ragabash Rank ?)
,he Ragabash can steal an opponent+s strength of spirit or her Rage. With her ill$
gotten gains she can pummel her drained opponent.
System% ,he player rolls her Wits 1 Carceny (difficulty e-uals the target+s
Willpo!er). ,he number of successes indicates the number of temporary Rage or
Willpo!er points (not both) that the victim loses. ,he player receives that number
of points to the appropriate statistic up to her permanent ma.imum. 3f she receives
Rage in e.cess of her permanent rating she must make an immediate fren*y roll.
Book% Wild West (ompanion
The Thousand Forms (Ragabash Rank ?)
:ost trickster archetypes are shapeshifters and the Ragabash is no different. ,he
Garou !ith this Gift may change herself into any animal bet!een the si*es of a
small bird and a bison. ,he Garou gains all the natural abilities of that animal
(flight poison bite etc) She may not take the form of Wyrm$beasts (not that they
!ould !ant toD) but she may take the form of mythical beasts !ith some e.tra
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 #nimal Aen.
,he difficulty varies rising higher the farther removed from the Garou+s natural
form the desired animal is. 'or e.ample an ape or panther (mammals of roughly
similar mass) might be difficulty ? !hile an alligator (a reptile of larger mass)
might be difficulty ; and a frog might be difficulty E. :imicking mythical
animals is al!ays difficulty 18.
Book% WW0e
Thieing Talons of the Mag$ie (Ragabash Rank ?)
,he Garou can steal the po!ers of others and use them herself. ,hese po!ers can
be Garou Gifts spirit (harms vampiric 5isciplines mage Spheres etc. ,his Gift
is taught by of course a :agpie$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must gain three successes on a Wits 1 Stealth roll (difficulty
of the target+s Willpo!er). 3f successful the Garou can use the specified po!er for
each successive turn she is !illing to spend a Gnosis point.
!iolation (Ragabash Rank ?)
,hose fe! Garou privy to the secret of Fiolation !ell kno! the hate and revulsion
of others. ,his po!er re-uires the Garou to make physical contact !ith the target
but once that has happened/ the victim is -uickly over!helmed by feelings of
defilement. ,o learn this Gift the Garou must confront a malevolent spirit (not
necessarily a &ane) in spirit combat/ if he !ins he may !rest the kno!ledge of
the Gift from it.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal$Brge (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). 'or the ne.t turn and for a number of turns e-ual to the number of
successes the victim cannot spend Rage or Willpo!er. #dditionally the
difficulties of all Willpo!er rolls are increased by t!o !hile the difficulties of
Rage rolls are decreased by t!o (the victim may not be able to direct his anger
but he definitely feels it).
Theurge Gifts
Find the Portent (,heurge Rank 1)
With this Gift a Garou can call for and receive some omen or portent !hich can
help her determine her ne.t course of action. ,he Garou must meditate for a fe!
minutes in order to place herself in a receptive state so that she can recogni*e the
sign that comes to her.
System% <o roll is necessary but the player must spend a point of Gnosis. ,he
Storyteller then produces some sort of omen or portent to serve as a hint for the
character about !hat lies in the future. (=# black bird carrying something in its
beak flies north=/ =Hou feel a sense of dread about entering this part of the
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
/ambent Sight (,heurge Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou the ability to see under circumstances !here sight
!ould normally be impossible such as in conditions of total darkness (inside a
deep cave for e.ample) or if the Garou is blindfolded. ,his Gift provides
illumination for the Garou e-uivalent to that of a full :oon.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis/ no roll is necessary. ,he effects of
this Gift last for one scene. ,his Gift cannot grant sight to one !ho is naturally
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
Mother-s Tou#h (,heurge Rank 1)
,he Garou is able to heal the !ounds of others aggravated or other!ise simply
by laying hands over the afflicted area. ,he Garou may not heal herself !ith the
Gift. ,his Gift is taught by a Bnicorn$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the !ounded individual+s Rage or 2 for non$Garou). "ach success
heals one Health Cevel. "ven battle scars may be cured in this manner but this
must be done in the same scene the scar !as obtained and re-uires the
e.penditure of a Gnosis point. ,here is no limit to ho! many times this may be
used on a person but each use re-uires a Gnosis point.
Sense %yld (,heurge Rank 1)
,he Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby
area. ,his Gift is taught by a Wyld$spirit
System% ,he player must roll 6erception 1 "nigmas. ,he difficulty is based on the
strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest !ould be difficulty ?).
Sense %yrm (,heurge Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
S$irit S$ee#h (,heurge Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to communicate !ith encountered spirits. ,he Garou is
thus able to address them !hether they !ish to be addressed or not. )f course
nothing (usually) prevents the spirit from leaving. ,his Gift can be taught by any
System% )nce learned this Gift allo!s the Garou to understand the
communication of spirits intuitively. Some spirits such as &anes may not al!ays
be understood.
'n#loak the Hidden (,heurge Rank 1)
&y concentrating on a person ob>ect or area the Garou can determine !hether or
not her target is hiding anything. ,he Garou can spot disguises concealed
!eapons and !ires/ determine if a room contains trapdoors hidden cameras
microphones and !ire taps/ or if someone lurks in a hidden passage. ,he Gift
does not ho!ever allo! the Garou to seek beneath the disguise determine the
nature of a concealed !eapon or tell !hat lies !ithin a hidden !all safe $ this trick
reveals only that a deception is present. ,he Garou must concentrate on the target
in order to invoke this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 3nvestigation (difficulty 4). ".tra successes
might reveal more facts about the sub>ect if multiple secrets e.ist to be sought
out. ,he Storyteller should inform the player of her characters+ kno!ledge in
general terms (=That man has some sort of disguise=/ =The floor contains a
hollow beneath the floorboards=).
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
(ommand S$irit (,heurge Rank 7)
,he character can manipulate encountered spirits giving simple commands and
e.pecting their compliance. While she cannot summon spirits by name !ith this
Gift she can interact !ith those she meets. ,his Gift is taught by any 3ncarna
System% ,he Garou must spend a Willpo!er point and roll (harisma 1
Ceadership (difficulty of the spirit+s Gnosis). "ach successive command re-uires
the e.penditure of another Willpo!er point. <ote that the Garou cannot command
spirits to leave areas to !hich they have been bound/ that re-uires the ".orcism
Gift (see belo!).
Hidden De$ths (,heurge Rank 7)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to uncover some hidden piece of information or to
decipher some cryptic passage of te.t. ,he Gift can also enable a Garou to figure
out !ho the real po!er behind the scenes is in a given situation
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas
(difficulty 4). "ach success allo!s the character to learn one hidden or concealed
fact about the person place or thing targeted by the Gift. 'or e.ample one line of
prophecy may be e.plained for each success. ,he Storyteller should decide the
overall effects of this Gift so that players do not attempt to avoid pursuing other
avenues of investigation.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Moon$ool of Sokhta (,heurge Rank 7)
,his Gift enables a Garou to transform clear standing !ater into a pool !hich
offers visions of possible futures. Wilderness ponds small mountain tarns pools
of clear rain!ater or even basins filled !ith !ater can serve as a conduit for the
images. ,he scenes that appear !ithin the pool depict !hat might happen unless
something occurs to change the course of events. ,he Garou must concentrate on
the event (or series of events) to get a sense of the outcome. ,he pool may reflect
either literal or symbolic images.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty
; for near future events difficulty 4 for more distinct occurrences). "ach success
causes one vision of the future to appear in the pool. ,he Storyteller should
determine the clarity and accuracy of the visions. <o successes indicate a failure
of the Gift !hile a botch produces false visions or an e.tremely chaotic >umble of
meaningless images.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
2ame the S$irit (,heurge Rank 7)
,he Garou is able to detect the type of appro.imate ,rait levels (Rage 6o!er
etc) of a spirit. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Bktena totem.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls 6erception 1 )ccult
(difficulty 4).
Shado& of the Ebon %his$erer (,heurge Rank 7)
,his Gift makes the Garou as insubstantial as a shado! and as hard to see. ,he
physical form of the Garou fades to a murky dark shape that can slither and flo!
almost any!here. #lthough others can use certain Gifts to spot the =shado!=
!ere!olf anyone !ishing to do so must first have a reason to suspect the
presence of the Gift+s user. ,his Gift does not function in bright daylight or in
places !here no shado!s e.ists $ such as a brightly lit room (or a room in total
darkness for that matter).
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls #ppearance 1 )ccult
(difficulty as assigned by the Storyteller depending on the surroundings). "ach
success allo!s the character to assume the shado!$form for one scene (or one
combat round)/ even one success can give the character the advantage of surprise
in a battle.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Sight from Beyond (,heurge Rank 7)
When danger stalks the Garou or momentous events are in the offing visions
being striking the Garou !ithout !arning. Her dreams are haunted by images of
the (ainite elder stalking her/ she begins seeing symbols of the Wyrm !herever
she looks/ the sky itself opens to sho! her images of the glorious battle to come.
,his Gift is taught by a (ro!$spirit.
System% 3nterpreting these signs is best handled through role$playing but the
Storyteller can re-uire the Garou to roll Wits 1 )ccult (difficulty ;) if appropriate.
S$irit Blo& (,heurge Rank 7)
# Garou using this Gift is able to +deflect+ an incoming physical blo! such that it
affects them spiritually rather than physically. ,he attack still hits but instead of
taking physical damage the Garou loses some spiritual energy. ,his Gift is only
useable against physical attacks (such as cla!s or bullet !ounds) but it also
!orks against aggravated attacks.
System% ,his Gift is activated by spending a point of Willpo!er after an attack
has been successful but before the damage has been resolved. 3nstead of taking
!ound levels the Garou loses as many temporary gnosis (after soak) as they
!ould have lost !ound levels. 3f they have less temporary gnosis than damage
the remainder is taken as !ound levels.
Taught by% #ny animal spirit that leaves part of its body behind (like 5rop$tail
Book% 5amien
S$irit Skin (,heurge Rank 7)
Generally spirits are fairly friendly to Garou at least ones that aren+t
automatically hostile to anything. ,hat doesn+t mean ho!ever that they treat a
Garou e.actly the same as they treat other spirits and that+s !here this Gift comes
in handy. &y activating it !ithin the Bmbra the ,heurge disguises herself as a
spirit (usually a !olf spirit) to all concerned. She still physically looks e.actly like
her lupus form/ she simply gives the impression of a spirit rather than Garou.
Some ,heurge have also used the Gift to thro! off pursuit by hiding in a pack of
!olf spirits. # chameleon spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis and rolls #ppearance 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 2 if imitating a !olf spirit difficulty 4 for anything else). "ach success
keeps the disguise in place for one hour. While sometimes imitating a spirit other
than a !olf is useful it should be noted that the character !ill still someho! be
recogni*able as themselves to those looking for them. "ven though they !ill
clearly not look like their Cupus form something about them !ill still give the
game a!ay. ,his Gift is obviously of little use outside the Bmbra.
Taught by% (hameleon spirit
Book% 6G0e
Tinker-s Tou#h (,heurge Rank 7)
,he ,heurge can mend a broken ob>ect !ith a touch as long as the item contains
metal. ,his Gift is especially useful for emergency !agon repairs or for fi.ing
guns during a siege.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. She must place
together and continuously touch any separated portions of the item to be mended
for one turn. 5uring !hich time slipped nails slither solidly back into place bent
rifle barrels straighten shattered blades re$form and so forth. 3tems blasted to bits
(such as an e.ploded artillery shell) are beyond the scope of ,inker+s ,ouch. #
:etal$spirit teaches this Gift.
Taught by% :etal$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
'mbral Tether (,heurge Rank 7)
#lthough most ,heurges !ould never admit it even they can become lost in the
spirit !orld from time to time. ,his Gift allo!s the !ere!olf to spin a spiritual
line resembling spider silk behind her as she e.plores the Bmbra. )nly the
Garou using the Gift can see the trail thus increasing the ,heurge+s reputation as
master of the spirit !orld. # spider spirit teaches this gift.
System% ,he player does not need to roll to create the trail but must spend one
Gnosis point for every hour of Bmbral travel to maintain it. #t da!n the player
must spend an additional Gnosis point to maintain the trail in the physical !orld.
#lthough only the !ere!olf using this Gift can see her trail some Gaffling pests
occasionally sever or alter the tail !ithout kno!ing it.
Alternatie !ersions
From: WW3e (,heurge Rank 1)
#s above but rank 1.
E1or#ism (,heurge Rank 0)
,his is the Gift of e>ecting spirits from places or ob>ects !hether they are there
voluntarily or are bound there. ,his Gift is taught by any 3ncarna avatar.
System% 3f a spirit does not !ish to leave the character must make a :anipulation
1 3ntimidation roll (difficulty of the spirit+s Willpo!er). 3f the spirit has been
bound to its lodging place (or into a fetish) then the ".orcist must make a Wits 1
Subterfuge roll (difficulty 4) and gain more successes than the binder did !hen
tying the spirit to its location.
Hidden Heart (,heurge Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to take a dangerous piece of kno!ledge she possesses
and lock it a!ay in her mind so that it becomes inaccessible !ithout a key. ,he
concealed information cannot be taken from her through mental po!ers or
coercion/ she can neither access the information nor remember that she has
something hidden a!ay in her mind. Bntil someone speaks the trigger !ord
performs the appropriate gesture or enacts the conditions set forth in the activation
of the Gift the Garou remains blissfully una!are of the information she has
hidden from everyone $ including herself.
System% &efore using this Gift the Garou must set the conditions !hich !ill
cause the information to become available to her. ,his information should be
given a trusted ally $ after all the Garou herself !on+t even remember that she has
a key !ord much less a secret. #fter describing the trigger the player spends a
point of Gnosis and rolls the character+s Willpo!er (difficulty 4). )nly one
success is necessary for the Gift to take effect. ,he effect of the Gift lasts until the
hidden information is triggered.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Moonrier (,heurge Rank 0)
&y using this Gift the Garou may s!iftly travel across the surface of a body of
!ater !hich reflects the moonlight. She can follo! a river or cross a lake so long
as she follo!s the =trail= of the moon+s light. 3f the light becomes obscured at any
point (such as !hen a cloud passes across the moon) the effects of the Gift end
and the Garou may have to s!im or !ade to shore.
System% ,he players rolls 5e.terity 1 )ccult. )nly one success is needed for the
character to gain the ability to travel the =moonriver=. ,he Garou travels across
the !ater !ith supernatural speed typically three times her normal movement
rate. <o successes on the roll indicates that the moon is either not visible or does
not shine over a body of !ater in the character+s vicinity. # botch allo!s the
character to get mid!ay through her >ourney before the moon+s light fails thus
stranding the character in mid$stream.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
Parting the !elet (urtain (,heurge Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to transport non$Garou into the Bmbra. 3f the non$Garou
!ants to resist she must make a resisted Willpo!er roll against the bearer of the
Gift. ,his Gift can be used for physical transport through a reflective surface or
in combination !ith other Gifts for spirit travel. While in the Bmbra the non$
Garou are connected to the Gift user by silver threads. ,he others brought !ith
the ,heurge leave !hen she does or at the !him of the ,heurge.
System% ,he player must make their normal Gnosis roll and spend a Willpo!er
point for each non$Garou or non$Ainfolk that they !ish to bring !ith them. ,he
,heurge can send others home before herself by spending a Willpo!er point.
Pro$heti# !ision (,heurge Rank 0)
,his Gift enables the Garou to receive a vision of the future based on the study of
the night sky. ,he vision usually reveals itself in astrological terms (=u!"at's
influence suggests an attitude of acce#tance towards the e$ents of the ne%t se$eral
days= or =The inter$ention of Shantar indicates that changes may occur ra#idly in
the near future=). ,his Gift is taught by a Star spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty
;). ,he number of successes indicates ho! precise a vision appears to the
character. # single success provides vague information !hile three of more
successes allo!s the revelation of specific details. Storytellers should couch their
visions in symbols appropriate to the 3ncarna and matter at hand/ the seer should
have to interpret the vision rather than be spoon$fed.
Taught by% Star spirit
Book% RatH
Pulse of the 3nisible (,heurge Rank 0)
Spirits fill the !orld around the Garou and none kno!s this better than the
,heurge. ,hose Garou !ith 6ulse of the 3nvisible remain constantly a!are of all
that spirits do around them and can interact !ith them at !ill. While most of !hat
occurs is barely !orth !atching the Garou !ill be a!are of any dramatic
changes. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit.
System% 3f the Garou+s Gnosis 5ice 6ool e-uals or e.ceeds the Gauntlet he can
automatically see into the Bmbra. )ther!ise he must roll to pierce the Gauntlet
using 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty of the Gauntlet). )nly one success is
re-uired. ,he effect lasts for an entire scene or until the character enters an area
!ith a height Gauntlet.
4uiet Mind (,heurge Rank 0)
,his gift allo!s the user to shield their mental presence. ,o entities !hich rely on
a mental +sight+ to perceive others around them the Garou is fundamentally
invisible. ,he gift user is not any more resistant to mental attacks once an
opponent is a!are that the Garou is present (for e.ample the :indspeak gift
relies on line of sight and the Garou using Luiet :ind !ould not gain any
benefits from their gift !hen opposing :indspeak) but it is impossible to locate a
remote !ere!olf by mental means alone. ,he gift can also shield a Garou from
certain types of scrying at the S,+s discretion. #ttempts to magically or
mystically find the Garou from a distance can be resisted by the gift o!ner.
"ffects such as Luesting Stone !hich rely on a direct contact !ith spirits and the
focus of the Rite are not affected but gifts such as the Bktena gift Scrying may
System% &y spending a Gnosis point the character becomes effectively mentally
invisible for a scene. Ho!ever to resist scrying effects the player must roll Wits
and Subterfuge against difficulty 4. "ach successes cancels a success from the roll
of the scryed. # roll may also be called for if the mental sight of someone
searching for the user of the gift is particularly po!erful or perceptive.
Taught by% Raven
Book% 5amien
S$irit Path (,heurge Rank 0)
,he Bmbra can often confuse the senses of even the most perceptive tracker. ,he
,heurge !ho possesses this Gift can track a particular spirit any!here in the spirit
!orld. #s long as the Garou kno!s the spirit+s name she can find that spirit no
matter !hich Bmbral realm it takes refuge in. # cockroach$spirit can teach this
System% #s long as the Garou kno!s the true name of the spirit she can use this
Gift. She must spend a Gnosis point to be able to find the spirit. # successful
6erception 1 "nigmas roll (difficulty 4) reveals the location of the errant Bmbral
deni*en. Some Realms and certain (harms can make this Gift more difficulty to
use. ,he Gift% <ame the Spirit can be used in con>unction !ith Spirit 6ath.
'mbral (amouflage (,heurge Rank 0)
#lthough perfectly visible in the physical !orld this Gift renders the Garou
undetectable by spirits. 3n con>unction !ith other Gifts Bmbral (amouflage can
make the user vanish from all perception. Garou !ho use this Gift in the Bmbra
might as !ell be someplace else entirely. # Wind$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and for the remainder of the scene
she is completely invisible to spiritual senses. She may move about as normal but
cannot make any attack actions !ithout disrupting the Gift. 3n the Bmbra the
Garou becomes completely undetectable.
Taught by% Wind$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
'mbral Tra#king (,heurge Rank 0)
Bsually only the Garou !ho creates an Bmbral tether can see it. 3f a ,heurge has
this Gift that is no longer true. ,his Gift is taught by a fly spirit.
System% &y spending one point of Gnosis the Garou can see all active Bmbral
tethers around her. She does not kno! to !hom the tethers belong but can tell in
!hat direction it e.tends to the Garou. 3f the Garou attempts to break the tether
the tether+s creator kno!s immediately and may make a resisted Strength 1 )ccult
roll at difficulty 2 against the Garou. 3f the attacker gains more successes the
tether is destroyed.
Taught by% 'ly spirits
Book% 6G0e
'nrael (,heurge Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to put together seemingly random bits of information
to form a tentative analysis of a situation and formulate a course of action. ,his is
particularly useful in situations !here gathering concrete information is difficult
or in e.tremely comple. situations.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "nigmas
(difficulty ;). )nly on success is necessary to make sense out of even the most
confusing situation but each additional success further clarifies matters. (,he
player may ask the Storyteller to e.plain to her !hat is actually going on in a
given scene and use that information as character kno!ledge).
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Blank Slate (,heurge Rank @)
,he Garou can completely remove a single piece of information from her o!n
mind or from that of another. ,his Gift becomes useful in situations !here an
individual has come across some dangerous kno!ledge that might lead to her
death for possessing it. ,he Garou may not only remove the information $ such as
the identity of the Garou mole !ithin a hostile group or the location of a safe
house for ecoterrorists $ but she may also smooth over the edges of the victim+s
memory so that he does not reali*e anything is missing. ,he Garou may also use
this Gift to alter her o!n memories in situations !here she feels that this is
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). # single success allo!s the character to
e.cise the desired piece of information. #dditional successes enable the character
to make secondary ad>ustments to the target+s memory to hide the fact that
something is missing.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Gras$ the Beyond (,heurge Rank @)
,he Garou may take things to and from the Bmbra !ithout having to 5edicate
them to herself (see Rite of ,alisman 5edication pg. 1@@). ,his includes humans
and animals both !illing and un!illing. Garou often use this po!er to take loyal
Ainfolk !ith them on Bmbral -uests or to heal in>ured Ainfolk $ both body and
soul $ in mystic Glens.
System% ,he Garou must grasp the ob>ect or person he !ishes to take to the spirit
!orld. He must then spend a number of Willpo!er points% one for small items
t!o for larger items (s!ords etc) and three for huge items (including people). He
makes the usual Gnosis roll to pierce the Gauntlet and step side!ays/ if
successful both he and the desired ob>ect or person pass into the Bmbra. #n
un!illing target may resist !ith a Willpo!er roll/ each success subtracts one from
the Garou+s successes. # Garou attempting to abduct an un!illing victim must
achieve at least three successes on his Gnosis roll. #ny person taken to the
Bmbra unless she has the ability to step side!ays must rely on the Garou to
escape or else find an area !ith a very thin Gauntlet such as a caern. ,he
Gauntlet rating must be 0 or lo!er for a victim to e.it of his o!n accord. 3f he
does e.it he may not reenter the Bmbra no matter !hat the Gauntlet rating.
Moon#at (,heurge Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to assume form of a small !hite cat (one of Sokhta+s
favored animals). ,his ability can prove useful for getting into small places (or
escaping from such) and remaining hidden. ,he Garou has the senses of a cat for
the duration of the Gift including good night sight the ability to absorb
information through her !hiskers and e.treme fle.ibility of movement $ ho!ever
she also retains the po!er of a full$fledged Garou and is much more dangerous
than she looks. #nyone studying the cat closely can tell that it is not a normal
feline because the cat+s eyes al!ays reflect the current phase of the moon
regardless of the surrounding light sources.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 5e.terity 1 #nimal Aen
(difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the character to remain in cat form for one
scene although she can end the gift at any time before the duration runs out.
While in cat form the Garou retains her Cupus$form #ttributes may soak silver
as if it !ere ordinary damage (although silver damage is still aggravated) and can
inflict aggravated damage !ith cla! and bite attacks as usual. <o successes
means that the Gift fails !hile a botch results in a transformation into a
misshapen creature some!here bet!een a cat and a !olf. ,he character may
choose to end the Gift immediately if this happens.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
+bs#ure the S$irit %orld (,heurge Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the elder to confuse the minds of young Garou making it
impossible for them to step side!ays. ,he victims of this Gift are blind to the
spirit !orld and all of its deni*ens. Luite often used as a punishment the Gift has
obvious tactical advantages !hen fighting other Garou. # (oyote$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point for every Garou she !ishes to affect.
,he Gauntlet increases by five for those targets. ,he effect lasts for one story. ,he
Gift can affect up to five Garou at any one time.
Taught by% (oyote$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
S$irit Drain (,heurge Rank @)
,he Garou may drain po!er from a spirit to feed his o!n resolve. ,his Gift is
taught by a spirit servant of the Bktena totem.
System% 3f the Garou succeeds in a resisted Gnosis vs. Gnosis roll !hile
combating a spirit the spirit loses one 6o!er point per success for the rest of the
scene. 'or every t!o points drained the Garou gains a temporary Willpo!er
point but loses any e.ceeding her ma.imum at the end of the scene.
'ltimate Argument of /ogi# (,heurge Rank @)
,hose !ho speak !ith the Garou leave convinced of some fact might other!ise
have disbelieved. 3f successful the Garou can cause the target to believe
implicitly in one aspect of e.istence (true or false) $ from the =fact= that the sun
revolves around the "arth to the =truism= that the !olf+s inherent nature is that of
the pa!n. ,his Gift is taught by a (oyote$spirit.
System% ,he Garou needs three successes on a :anipulation 1 6erformance roll
(difficulty of the target+s Wits 1 "nigmas).
%his$er in the Dark (,heurge Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to determine a fact detrimental to an individual. ,he
Garou may then use that piece of kno!ledge against the target of the Gift either
by holding it over the victim+s head or making the information public.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4). "ach success
enables her to grasp one piece of heretofore$unkno!n information about the target
of the Gift. ,hus a character can learn that an individual o!es millions of dollars
in gambling debts hides a murder in his past or funds a company that
systematically pollutes the rivers in a particular state. 'ailure means that the
character learns nothing !hile a botch provides the character !ith erroneous
information leading to the character+s possible embarrassment or dishonor.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Bring Forth the Future (,heurge Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to call upon ,ambiyah to change one facet of the
individual+s future. ,he change must be specific such as preventing the sub>ect of
the Gift from encountering a kno!n situation that !ill result in her certain death.
While this Gift does not guarantee that a foreseen future !ill be altered it does
allo! the Garou to attempt to avert disaster or improve an individual+s lot.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1
"nigmas (difficulty 4). )nly one success is necessary to effect a change in a
future event. ,he player should e.plain to the Storyteller !hich element of the
future even she !ishes to alter. ('or e.ample =3 !ant my packmate to survive the
coming battle against the fomori horde.=). 3f possible the Storyteller should
arrange events so that the change takes place e.actly as stated. ,he Gift only
affects events that !ill occur !ithin the 7@ hours immediately follo!ing the
activation of the Gift/ furthermore characters cannot ensure the death or
destruction of their foes !ith this po!er. )nly pleas for preservation meet !ith
the Feiled :other+s approval
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Di$lomati# 3mmunity (,heurge Rank ?)
,his Gift enables the Garou to !alk about in the middle of a hostile group !ithout
provoking the outbreak of hostilities. ,he Garou can enter a caern belonging to a
rival or !alk openly into the middle of a group of &lack Spiral 5ancers in order to
retrieve something or deliver a message. ,he Garou surrounds herself !ith an
aura of =neutrality= that negates her enemies+ or rivals+ animosity long enough to
accomplish her task and leave !ithout incident. ,he Gift only lasts for one scene
after !hich all bets are off.
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls :anipulation 1
Subterfuge (difficulty 4). # successful roll allo!s the character to interact !ith a
group of potential enemies for the purpose of delivering a messsage retrieving an
item or delivering an ultimatum.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Ebon Binding (,heurge Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to take her kno!ledge of someone+s fault practice or
secret vice and bind a fitting punishment to that person. :ost often a target
suffers crippling pains !hen he thinks of indulging in the forbidden action. ,he
Garou may use this Gift to prevent rapists child molesters murderers or traitors
from repeat offenses (assuming the Garou allo!s these individuals to live in the
first place).
System% ,he player must sacrifice a point of permanent Gnosis and roll her
Willpo!er (difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). )nly one success is necessary to
make the binding permanent.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Feral /obotomy (,heurge Rank ?)
With but a thought the Garou can devolve an opponent+s mind to that of an
animal effectively destroying his intelligence. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit
servant of the Griffin totem.
System% ,he Garou spends Gnosis (see belo!) and rolls Wits 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er 1 0 (ma.imum 18)). 3f successful the Garou
can permanently destroy a target+s 3ntelligence #ttribute. ,!o Gnosis points must
be spent for each point of 3ntelligence destroyed and the Garou cannot destroy
more points than he rolls successes. #dditionally the target begins acting more
animalistic !ith each point removed.
Moon Dream (,heurge Rank ?)
,he Garou petitions Sokhta to grant her a prophetic dream before she falls asleep
beneath the light of the moon. She then enters a state of lucid dreaming in !hich
she e.plores some potential future. ,he Garou may interact !ith the creatures and
situations she encounters in the dream and thus learn the possible effects of
certain actions upon the sub>ect of the dream. ,he Garou may replay the dream
several times in order to test various actions and their conse-uences until she
a!akens from the dream eight hours late. )nce the Garou has entered her :oon
5ream she may not be a!akened until the full eight hours has passed.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas. ,he
number of successes indicates the degree of control the character has over her part
in the dream. ,he Storyteller may either take the player aside to run the dream
privately or else create a scene that involves the entire troupe (particularly if the
sub>ect of the dream also involves the character+s park mates). ,he dream should
give a reasonably accurate picture of the ne.t t!o or three scenes so that the
character may e.periment !ith !ays of handling the future or perhaps changing
it. <o successes means that the character receives no dream !hile a botch gives
the character an eight$hour long nightmare !hich she cannot remember but !hich
results in a $1 penalty to all rolls involving #lertness.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
S$irit !essel (,heurge Rank ?)
)ne of the best kept secrets of the ,heurge elders is the ability to channel a spirit.
'or a short time Garou and spirit become one creature !ith the abilities of both.
Bsually the Garou remains in control adding the spirit+s (harms to her repertoire
$ but sometimes things go a!ry. "lementals especially fire elementals
understand the !orkings of this Gift but metal elementals can also teach it. &anes
can also teach this Gift $ but at a dangerous cost.
System% ,he player rolls her character+s Gnosis and spends a Gnosis point to
activate the Gift. ,he Rite of Summoning chart determines the difficulty of this
Gift. "very success allo!s the Garou to use one of the spirit+s (harms for up to
one scene. # botch on the roll indicates that the Garou has lost control of the
combined being or perhaps that a &ane !as channeled instead of the e.pected
The Malleable S$irit (,heurge Rank ?)
,he Garou can change a spirit+s form or purpose. ,his Gift is taught by a
System% ,he Garou must best the spirit in a resisted Gnosis vs. Gnosis roll. ,he
difficulty is based on !hat the Garou tries to accomplish (see belo!) !hile the
spirit+s difficulty is the Garou+s Gnosis.
(hange 5ifficulty
(haracteristics (Willpo!er Rage Gnosis/ one point changed per
5isposition ('riendly <eutral Hostile) 4
,ype (<aturae "lemental &ane etc.) 18
Philodo1 Gifts
Aura of /eadershi$ (6hilodo. Rank 1)
Similar to the Cevel ,!o Silver 'ang Gift% #!e this Gift surrounds the Garou
!ith an aura of authority that enables her to assume the mantle of leadership for a
brief period of time. )thers react to the Garou as if she !as their pack leader $
including the pack leader. )f course there may be repercussions after the effects
of the Gift have passed.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the highest
Willpo!er in the target ground). 3f successful the difficulties of all Social rolls
against the target group are reduced by one. )ne success enables the character to
affect a single target. #dditional successes increase the number of individuals
!ho fall under the effects of the Gift. ,he effects last for one scene.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
Aura of the "ust (6hilodo. Rank 1)
When the Gift user commits a >ust act everyone around him kno!s it merely by
ga*ing at him. ,he #ura of the Gust proclaims to one and all that this Garou is in
the right. Where circumstances or perceptions might cloud the >udgment of
!itnesses the Gift clears all doubts. #lternatively those !ho kno! the 6hilodo.
can see his guilt !hen the Gift does not activate. # 'alcon$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he user spends one Willpo!er point to activate this Gift. When the
Garou commits a >ust and fair act all !ho !itness it kno! intuitively that it is so.
While this Gift does not guarantee respect anyone !ho sees the aura cannot doubt
the 6hilodo.+s merit.
Taught by% 'alcon$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Ma-at-s Feather (6hilodo. Rank 1)
#ccording to "gyptian legend if the heart of one of the dead !as heavier than
:a+at+s feather she !ould feed it to the beast #mmit destroying their soul
entirely. 3f it !as lighter then the dead person !as admitted to the afterlife. ,his
Gift !as first the province of Silent Strider 6hilodo. (and is still most common
amongst that tribe) but has spread throughout all of Garou society. 3t allo!s the
6hilodo. to sense the !eight of a fallen Garou+s soul and determine if he died as
one of Gaia or had fallen to the Wyrm. 3t is used to determine !hat rituals !ill be
undertaken for the deceased and is taught by a bird or lion spirit.
System% 3f the Garou died in the service of Gaia the Gift !orks automatically
revealing this to be so. 3f ho!ever the Garou had betrayed the :other then a roll
of the 6hilodo.+s 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty of the deceased+s former Gnosis)
is needed to correctly determine their guilt. # simple success is sufficient and the
Storyteller is encouraged to roll secretly for each use of this Gift to keep the
players guessing.
Taught by% &ird or lion spirits
Book% 6G0e
*esist Pain (6hilodo. Rank 1)
,hrough force of !ill the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his !ounds and
continue acting normally. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% ,he Garou by spending one Willpo!er pint may ignore all !ound
penalties for the duration of the scene.
S#ent of the True Form (6hilodo. Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to determine !hat a sub>ect really is. ,his information
is conveyed as an olfactory sensation $ it is actually a scent of the target+s true
nature. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou can automatically tell !hen someone is a !ere!olf can detect
vampires and faeries on a 6erception 1 6rimal$Brge roll (difficulty 4). "ven
mages can be detected (difficulty E).
Threads of the Ta$estry (6hilodo. Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to determine the basic elements of a situation that
seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. ,he Garou can discern !hich
individual in a group really holds po!er or !hether someone is acting under
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the
character to uncover one basic behind$the$scenes fact usually the leader of a
group or the emotional conte.t of an other!ise poker$faced contact.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Truth of Gaia (6hilodo. Rank 1)
6hilodo. as >udges of the Citany have the ability to sense !hether others have
spoken truth or falsehood. ,his Gift is taught by a 'alcon$ Gaffling.
System% ,he Garou rolls 3ntelligence 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the sub>ect+s
:anipulation 1 Subterfuge). ,his Gift reveals only !hether the target speaks the
truth or lies.
(all to Duty (6hilodo. Rank 7)
,he Garou can summon spirits if she kno!s their names and may give them one
command. )nly one command may be given/ after it is carried out the spirits !ill
depart. Spirit names can be discovered either through personal ac-uaintance or the
Gift% <ame the Spirit (Cupus and ,heurge). ,his Gift is taught by an 3ncarna
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership (difficulty of the spirit+s
Willpo!er). 3f the Garou spends a Gnosis point she can summon all spirits !ithin
one mile to protect or assist her even if she does not kno! their names.
Fi1it (6hilodo. Rank 7)
,he Garou can figure out !hat+s !rong !ith a device and make on$the$spot
repairs !hich allo! the item to run or function for a short time.
System% ,he player rolls 3ntelligence 1 Repair (difficulty ;). )ne success allo!s
the character to repair the targeted item so that it functions for one turn. ,!o
successes enable it to !ork for one scene !hile three or more successes indicates
that the item has been permanently repaired barring e.cessive use or subse-uent
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
0ing of the Beasts (6hilodo. Rank 7)
Specific animals generally ones !ith !hich the Garou regularly associates
follo! his commands !illingly and unconditionally. ,hey understand him and
!ant to help. ,he Gift is taught by a Cion$ or 'alcon$spirit.
System% ,he target must be !ithin 188 feet and the Garou rolls (harisma 1
#nimal Aen against a difficulty based on his relationship !ith the animal (see
belo!). ,his po!er only !orks on one animal at a time and it does not attract
animals to the Garou+s vicinity (see the Cevel 'our Cupus Gift% &east Cife).
Relationship 5ifficulty
# sibling 0
'eed and care for 2
Stranger 4
Hostile 18
Pro#lamation of A#tion (6hilodo. Rank 7)
,his Gift enables the Garou to force an end to discussion and take the course of
action the character thinks is best. ,he !ere!olf can literally command others to
act as he bids although only if they had been previously dithering over a course
of action
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership to
put a damper on discussions that have gone on too long. (&'nough talk( et's do
it&). "ach success allo!s the character to affect a single target. # character
desiring to resist the effects of the Gift must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty of
the Gift user+s Willpo!er 1 1 up to a ma.imum of 18). ,his Gift lasts for one
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
Strength of Pur$ose (6hilodo. Rank 7)
Some Garou feel so strongly about their place in the pack the tribe and the !orld
that they can dra! on this resolve in times of need. ,he Garou can pull ne!
resolve from his deepest reserves. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf$spirit.
System% )nce per scene !hen the character feels she needs Willpo!er she can
roll Stamina 1 Rituals (difficulty ;). 'or every t!o successes she recovers one
point of Willpo!er up to her ma.imum.
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (6hilodo. Rank 7)
System% )nce per day !hen the character feels she needs Willpo!er she can roll
Stamina 1 Rituals (difficulty ;). 'or every t!o successes she recovers one point
of Willpo!er up to her ma.imum.
Bonds that Tie 's (6hilodo. Rank 0)
,he 6hilodo. is mediator and >udge but is also investigator. ,he Gift assists a
6hilodo. !ith such matters by revealing any emotions and opinions that e.ist
bet!een t!o people. :any Garou detest this Gift since it is indiscriminate
revealing any emotion that may e.ist. 3t is taught by an #nt spirit.
System% ,he player spends one Rage as the 6hilodo. taps deep into his o!n
!ellspring of emotion connecting those emotions to those of his target. #fter this
the 6hilodo. !hispers the name of a person !ith !hom the target has a
relationship and the 6hilodo. !ill immediately feel every emotion to!ard that
person that the target has. ,hese emotions aren+t real (at least to the 6hilodo.) but
they certainly feel it and it is !ise to avoid the person to !hom those emotions
are directed for as long as the effect lasts (one scene). # Garou or other
supernatural that does not !ish to cooperate !ith the Gift may roll their
Willpo!er (difficulty of the 6hilodo.+s rage) !ith a success preventing use of this
Taught by% #nt spirits
Book% 6G0e
(urse the Betrayer (6hilodo. Rank 0)
#nyone !ho cheats the 6hilodo. pays for his dishonesty. #fter entering a pact
!ith the Garou bad luck follo!s anyone !ho violates the agreement (including
the user).
System% ,he Garou must enter a pact !ith someone. ,o seal the bargain and
make the Gift active the participants must shake hands share a smoke or make a
toast to seal the arrangement. Should either individual break the bargain double
every 1 he rolls for the rest of the story !hen calculating botches. #n Honor$spirit
teaches this Gift.
Taught by% Honor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Sense Balan#e (6hilodo. Rank 0)
#s the arbitrators of the Garou <ation the 6hilodo. have developed an
attunement !ith the precarious forces that balance the !orld and the individual
alike. ,his Gift allo!s the user to detect an overabundance of any of the prime
forces of the universe !hether Wyrm Wyld or Weaver. 3t can point out a &ane
manifestation at an industrial plant or mental instability in a packmate. # (at$
spirit teaches a friendly Garou this Gift in e.change for a !arm fire and a promise
not to chase her kin.
System% ,he Gift re-uires the e.penditure of one Gnosis point. With a successful
6erception 1 "nigmas roll (difficulty 4) the Garou can feel the balance (or lack
thereof) !ithin an area person or inanimate ob>ect. Wyrm manifestation feels
dense and oily Weaver presence feels cold and unyielding and Wyld energies feel
!arm and trembling. Such manifestations are more subtle than the ones detectable
through such Gifts as Sense Wyrm. ,he 6hilodo. must focus and be at peace for
this Gift to !ork properly. 5istractions such as combat or e.haustion disrupt any
benefits of the Gift $ the Garou can only find her o!n imbalance in such
Tangling the Skein (6hilodo. Rank 0)
,his Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her enemies by mi.ing up
their perceptions so that they cannot decide !ho to follo! or !hat to do ne.t. ,he
effect resembles that of the Gift% :itanu+s 5eliberate :isinformation e.cept it
distorts !hat others discern through sight or memory rather than through !hat
they hear. Fictims may mistake one person for another and follo! the !rong
leader or they may go to the !rong meeting place in the mistaken impression they
are proceeding to the correct spot.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "nigmas
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). "ach success allo!s the character to alter
one visual or remembered perception for her victim. She can cause a &lack Spiral
5ancer to confuse the !eakest member of his pack for the pack leader or make a
rival sho! up at the !rong caern for an important meeting.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
'ndis$uted *uler (6hilodo. Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to take over the leadership of a small gathering of
humans (!hether a paramilitary group of to!n council) or a group of spirits for a
period of up to 2 months. 5uring this time the targeted group accepts the Garou
as their leader rendering her the honor respect and obedience due her position.
,he group demonstrates a high degree of loyalty obeying the Garou+s instructions
in a manner appropriate to her position (as orders if they are paramilitary or as
legally binding decisions if the position is akin to that of a to!n mayor for
instance). 3f the Garou uses this Gift in the Bmbra the targeted group of spirits
!ill follo! the Garou+s commands as if she !ere a greater spirit such as an
3ncarna. ,his Gift lasts any!here from a !eek to si. months.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er in the target group). ,he Gift lasts for a
period of time as follo!s.
Su##ess Duration
)ne )ne !eek
,!o )ne month
,hree ,!o months
'our 'our months
'ive Si. months
,his Gift is only successful against mortals and spirits of no greater than Gaggling
status although =borderline= supernaturals such as ghouls and Ain are susceptible.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
%eak Arm (6hilodo. Rank 0)
6hilodo. are more attuned to others than are most Garou. #ccordingly they can
use this perceptiveness against their foes. :erely !atching an opponent+s fighting
style lets the Garou determine its strengths and !eaknesses. ,his Gift is taught by
a Snake$ or Wind$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 &ra!l (difficulty 4). # number of bonus
dice e-ual to her successes may be divided bet!een (or among) her attack and
damage rolls. ,his Gift can be only be used against a given foe once per scene
and the benefits are lost at the end of the scene. ,he Garou must concentrate for a
full turn to use this Gift.
%isdom of the An#ient %ays (6hilodo. Rank 0)
#ll Garou have an innate connection to their ancestors a form of racial
unconscious accessible through intense meditation. ,he Garou by tapping into
these deep memories can remember ancient facts and lore. ,his Gift is taught by
a Garou #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must meditate for a short time concentrating on the past. ,he
Garou then rolls Gnosis (difficulty E $1 for each point of 6ast Cife the Garou
Enthronement (6hilodo. Rank @)
,he Garou can create small or simple ob>ects out of thin air $ including mist
clouds or !ind. &y shaping the air around him !ith his hands the Garou may
form a solid block of matter to serve as a chair create a bo!l or cup for holding
li-uid or construct some other useful item. #lternatively the Garou can form
small stone$si*ed balls of air to use as hurled !eapons against his enemies. ,he
items last until the Garou disperses them.
System% ,he player simply rolls 5e.terity 1 Repair (difficulty ;). ,he character
may form one small item of solidified air for each success or use t!o or more
successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne$like seat). =#ir$stones= used as
!eapons do the character+s Strength 1 1 normal damage and dissipate upon
contact !ith their target (or any other solid substance). 3n addition the victim
must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 4) to remain on her feet !hen the =air$stone=
discharges its mass. 3f she fails the Stamina roll the victim is stunned for the
remainder of the round and can take no action.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
Po&er of the %ays (6hilodo. Rank @)
,his Gift enables a 6hilodo. to dra! energy to replenish themselves from the
ephemera of the Bmbra. )nly one attempt may be made per hour $ the nearby
ephemera takes some time to regenerate.
System% &y rolling the attribute !hich they !ish to recharge (Rage Gnosis or
Willpo!er) against a difficulty of 4 the 6hilodo. may regain one point per
*oll +er (6hilodo. Rank @)
,he Garou has such a commanding presence that those encountered readily
submit to her. Should she succeed in a test of !ills she dominates her foe
causing humans to fall to their knees !olves to roll on their backs etc. ,his Gift
is taught by a Cion$ or Wolf$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must score at least three successes more than the opponent on
a resisted Willpo!er contest.
S#ent of Beyond (6hilodo. Rank @)
,he Garou can bring all his senses to bear on one spot (even an Bmbral site) !ith
!hich he is familiar no matter ho! far a!ay that spot is. ,he Garou sense the site
from a point of vie! as if he !ere standing in the middle of the area being
scanned. ,his Gift is taught by a &ird$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 4). 3f the spot is in the
Bmbra the difficulty is 4 or the Gauntlet rating (!hichever is higher).
Shantar-s /oom (6hilodo. Rank @)
,he use of this Gift allo!s the Garou to craft some item from the energy provided
by either Gnosis Rage or Willpo!er. ,he item may not involve multiple parts or
have an overly comple. make$up. 'or e.ample a Garou cannot make a gun using
this Gift but she can craft a dagger or hunting knife.
System% ,he Garou spends either a Gnosis Rage or Willpo!er point and rolls
5e.terity 1 Repair (difficulty 4 for simple items E for more sophisticated ones).
)ne success produces the item desired !hile additional successes refine its
-uality and durability. ,he Storyteller may re-uire additional successes to make
an item from an inappropriate trait $ such as making a child+s blanket from a Rage
point. ,he item lasts a day per success.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Take the True Form (6hilodo. Rank @)
,he 6hilodo. !ith this po!er can force a Garou into her breed form. ,his Gift is
especially useful to abate a fren*y prevent damage from silver or take a
combative advantage. # !olf$spirit teaches a !orthy 6hilodo. the !orkings of
this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls his :anipulation 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ;). 3f
successful the target automatically shifts to her breed form. ,he number of
successes e-uals the number of turns the target must remain in her natural form.
Dro&n (6hilodo. Rank ?)
,his Gift causes the lungs of an opponent to fill !ith li-uid. ,he victim must
receive immediate medical or magical assistance or die !ithin a fe! minutes. ,he
target of the Gift can attempt to help herself but can do nothing else e.cept try to
e.pel the fluid. ,his Gift can either function as a !ay to capture an opponent
render an enemy helpless or inflict punishment on an individual.
System% ,he player spends a point of Rage and rolls her Willpo!er (difficulty of
the victim+s Willpo!er). )nly one success is necessary to activate this Gift. ,he
victim must receive help immediately or else die from dro!ning. ,he victim may
attempt to help herself by trying to cough up or other!ise e.pel the fluid but she
can take no other actions (including movement a!ay from her surroundings)
!hile she is making the attempt.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Geas (6hilodo. Rank ?)
# Geas causes others to do a Garou+s bidding though the Geas$layer cannot make
the targets act contrary to their basic instincts. ,hus she could send a group on a
-uest but could not make its members attack and try to kill each other $ unless
they !ere psychotics or !ere!olves. ,his Gift is taught by an 3ncarna avatar.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Ceadership
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). 3n the case of a group the difficulty is the
highest Willpo!er among its members.
Grand "esture (6hilodo. Rank ?)
&y besto!ing appropriate gifts on an individual or a group the Garou increases
her esteem and reputation in the eyes of the recipients of her largesse. ,he targets
of this Gift tend to listen favorably to suggestions made by the Gift+s user and to
support her arguments or come to her aid in a battle of !ords or !eapons. ,his
Gift lasts for an entire scene. When the effects of the Gift come to an end the
individuals affected may still continue to regard the Garou !ith some residual
respect depending on their e.periences !hile the Gift !as active.
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the highest
Willpo!er in the target group). "ach success allo!s her to affect one individual.
While the Gift is in effect all Gifts or Social rolls involving persuasion are
automatically successful against the affected individuals.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
%all of Granite (6hilodo. Rank ?)
6hilodo. have a stronger relationship !ith the elementals of the earth than do
other Garou for >ust as the earth upholds those upon it the 6hilodo. uphold their
people+s !ays. While in contact !ith earth or rock the 6hilodo. can invoke a !all
to protect himself. ,his !all !ill move !ith the Garou defending him from all
angles. ,his Gift is taught by earth elementals.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. ,he !all+s dimensions are three
yards height t!o yards long and one yard thick/ it can soak damage as thought it
had 18 dice and 18 Health Cevels must inflicted to penetrate it at any point. ,he
!all lasts for one scene or until released into the earth by the Garou.
Galliard Gifts
Beast S$ee#h (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Garou may speak to animals from pigeons in the park to beavers at their dam
or fish in the sea. ,his does not change their basic reactions $ a hungry tiger is still
hungry and may !ell attack. ,his Gift is taught by a <ature$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen (difficulty 2). ,his roll must be
made for each type of animal and for each encounter.
(all of the %yld (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Garou can summon others by ho!ling/ Garou far beyond the range of hearing
!ill sense the (all and may come to aid. ,his Gift can enhance the effect of any
of the normal Garou ho!ls (see Ho!ls pg0;). ,his ho!l can also be sounded to
summon specific Garou for a moot. 'inally (all of the Wyld is often used at the
beginning of revels and other events to invigorate the Garou. ,his Gift is taught
by a Wolf$ spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls Stamina 1 "mpathy (difficulty 2). ,he number of
successes determines ho! far a!ay the (all can be heard and ho! stirring it is to
those !ho hear it. ,he actual effects are determined by the Storyteller but they
should be linked to the type of ho!l made and the intent of the Garou. Some
e.amples are% every t!o successes gives those at a revel e.tra dice to their 6ools/
Wyrm agents are distracted by the call and their difficulties are temporarily
raised/ all Garou in the area do not hesitate to respond to the Garou+s (all to
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Galliard Rank 1)
System% ,he Garou must also spend a point of Gnosis.
Dream#haser (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Galliard can tap into the unconscious of a sleeping person and follo! the
course of his dreams. #lthough she cannot participate she recalls all of the dream
and can vie! it ob>ectively. # 5ream$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and must remain !ithin =arm+s
reach= of the target (i.e. !alls partitions furniture or other #hysical obstacles
may come bet!een user and target but no more distance than the length of the
user+s arm) for one night+s sleep. 3f the sleeper dreams the Garou can e.perience
the chaotic events as they unfold. What information she gleans from the vision is
up to the Storyteller.
Taught by% 5ream$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Earth Sense (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Garou can feel the =aura= of an area and determine if it is healthy or blighted.
'or a brief instant the user of the Gift becomes so attuned to the land immediately
around her that she can sense the pain of Wyrm$taint the sickness of pollution or
the robust energy of an unspoiled piece of !ilderness. 3n some instances the
source of an area+s pain $ or the reason for its health $ may reveal itself to the
Garou through the use of this Gift.
System% ,he players spends a point of Gnosis. While no roll is necessary the
character must concentrate on the target area for several minutes of game time
before receiving any information about its condition. ,he amount of information
that is revealed is left to the Storyteller and can vary from vague feelings (=The
land doesn't feel well) as if it has been #oisoned(=) to e.tremely specific facts
(=There is an underground s#ring which channels *nosis into to#soil) making the
land #roducti$e and fertile(=).
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Find the (hild %ithin (Galliard Rank 1)
With this Gift a Garou can play upon an individual+s instinctive response to
parental authority or affection and convince that person to follo! a command
(=5on+t leave !ithout me=) or respond favorably to a suggestions (=Cet me take
you some!here safe=) that they might other!ise rebuff. ,he target of the Gift
cannot already be engaged in battle !ith the Gift+s user or !ith another opponent.
,he Garou can ho!ever use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a
situation that might turn dangerous.
System% ,he player makes a resisted (harisma 1 "mpathy roll vs. the target+s
Willpo!er. )ne success allo!s the character to make as simple suggestion to the
victim/ the suggestion must be one that a young child !ould find reasonable.
#dditional successes either e.tend the duration of the effect or else enables the
character to convince her victim to do something he might not be other!ise
inclined to do $ such as coercing a Get #hroun to back do!n from a fight he
!ould certainly lose. 'ailure means that the suggestion has no effect !hile a
botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this
Gift for 7@ hours.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Memory (ir#le (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Galliards are the Garou+s historians charged !ith committing the legends and
tales of their people to memory perfect memory. <ot all of them are particularly
good at it. ,hankfully this Gift gives those Galliards a chance to make up for
their !eakness by planting Bmbral =reminders= on their person. ,his Gift is
taught by an elephant spirit.
System% ,his Gift is performed in t!o parts. When hearing !ords the Galliard
!ants to remember perfectly he spends one point of Gnosis. #s this happens the
Storyteller should !rite do!n e.actly !hat he+s committing to Bmbral memory.
Cater !hen he !ishes to retrieve the memory he may spend one point of
Willpo!er and ask the Storyteller to read it back verbatim. ,he use of this Gift
leaves tiny clear spheres matted !ithin the Garou+s fur that can be seen !ithin the
Bmbra the so$called =memory circles=.
Should the Garou !ish to remove a memory circle they may do so simply by
pulling it out of their fur !hile in the Bmbra. #lso it is possible that a combat
!ithin the Bmbra might break some of the circles (at the Storyteller+s option).
Taught by% "lephant spirits
Book% 6G0e
Minds$eak (Galliard Rank 1)
,hrough the creation of !aking dreams the Garou can place any chosen
characters into silent communion. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point per sentient being chosen and if
the being is un!illing makes a :anipulation 1 ".pression roll (difficulty of the
victim+s Willpo!er). #ll those included in the dream may interact normally
through the :indspeak though they can inflict no damage through it. ,heir real
bodies can still act though all 5ice 6ools are reduced by t!o. ,he :indspeak
ends !hen all the participants !ant it to or on the turn the Galliard fails the roll
against an un!illing member. ,he beings affected must be !ithin line of sight.
Primal Song (Galliard Rank 1)
,he Galliard ingratiates himself !ith strangers by seeming to kno! all of their
songs and dances. Having heard only a fe! hummed bars or having glimpsed at
>ust a movement or t!o the Garou can sing along or lead the dance. Skilled
musicians can create ne! songs appropriate to the style of the culture in -uestion.
# Songbird$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% #fter learning this Gift it starts automatically !henever the Galliard
hears a song or sees a dance. He !ill kno! every !ord note or step as if he+d
created the piece himself. Whether or not he can entertain people still depends on
the regular rules for 6erformance.
Taught by% Songbird$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
(all of the %yrm (Galliard Rank 7)
,his dangerous Gift actually attracts creatures of the Wyrm. ,his Gift is usually
used to create an ambush or to flush prey from hiding. ,his Gift is taught by any
spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou makes a resisted roll of :anipulation 1 6erformance vs. the
Wyrm creature+s Willpo!er (both rolls are difficulty ;). 3f the Wyrm creature
loses the contest it must come to the caller.
(oyote Ho&l (Galliard Rank 7)
,hroughout the long lonely night the Galliard ho!ls !ithout rest. ,his Gift alters
the sound of her ho!l to resemble that of a coyote. ,he (oyote Ho!l disturbs the
sleep of all those !ho hear it making them edgy the ne.t day. # (oyote$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% <o roll is re-uired but the Galliard must stay a!ake all night ho!ling.
#ll !ho hear the ho!l lose one die from all :ental rolls for the entire ne.t day.
,he Gift refreshes the Galliard in the morning but does nothing for her packmates.
Taught by% (oyote$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Distra#tions (Galliard Rank 7)
,he Garou can make annoying yips yelps and ho!ls to divert the attentions of his
target. ,his Gift is taught by a (oyote$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 6erformance (difficulty of the victim+s
Willpo!er). "ach success subtracts one from the target+s 5ice 6ool ne.t turn.
Dreams$eak (Galliard Rank 7)
,he Garou enters another+s dream and can thereby affect the course of that dream.
,he Garou does not have to be any!here near the target but must kno! or have
seen the dreamer. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4). 3f the dreamer a!akens
!hile the Garou is still !ithin the dream the Garou is thro!n out of the dream
!orld and loses a Gnosis point.
Herb (all (Galliard Rank 7)
,hrough singing or chanting a Garou can find helpful or medicinal plants roots
or bark even in poor areas such as deserts. Such plants might be healing herbs
substances used in rites or tubers and other plants that provide needed sustenance.
,he song causes the plants to resonate from the music so that the Garou can locate
them by follo!ing the sounds.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 6erformance.
# single success enables the character to locate the desired herbs or plants !ithin
a mile of her location. #dditional successes increase the range by one mile per
success. 'ailure means that the character cannot hear any plants !hile a botch
leads the character to harmful herbs or plants.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Mantle of the /and (Galliard Rank 7)
,he Garou dra!s forth a mist or fog from !ater in the atmosphere. ,his misty
mantle provides cover in !hich a Garou may hide herself or someone under her
protection. ,he Gift may be used !hile the Garou is in motion in order to confuse
pursuers by enveloping them in an obscuring fog. ,he mantle can also surround a
Garou and her pack in order to allo! them to attack from concealment or ambush.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis. ,he fog is dense and heavy
obscuring the vision of anyone !ithin even muffling sound. #nyone save the
Garou and her pack are at 10 difficulty on all 6erception rolls !hile the mist
ensures. ,his Gift lasts one scene.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Mimi# (Galliard Rank 7)
,he Garou can alter her voice such that she can imitate any sound or voice she has
heard including sirens gunshots musical instruments or even specific -uotations.
,he Gift does not allo! the creation of ne! sounds but ne! combinations can
have interesting effects. :agpie and parrot spirits kno! this Gift but learning it
from them can be an embarrassing and frustrating process.
System% )nce the Garou learns this Gift she can reproduce anything she hears.
When simulating another person+s voice (or animal speech) she can only iterate
!hat she has heard and cannot improvise ne! speech. (lever Garou create ne!
combinations to form ne! sentences but they often sound choppy. ,he player
must roll (harisma 1 6erformance (difficulty 2) if the intended audience suspects
a ruse or kno!s the original voice very !ell (a relative long$time friend or
packmate for instance).
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Galliard Rank 7)
,he Garou can alter her voice such that she can imitate any sound or voice she has
heard including sirens gunshots musical instruments or even specific -uotations.
:agpie and parrot spirits kno! this Gift but learning it from them can be an
embarrassing and frustrating process.
System% )nce the Garou learns this Gift she can use her voice to produce any type
of sound that she has heard before. ,o simulate another person+s voice or a type
of animal she must of previously heard at least a fe! sentences or minutes of that
sound. ,he player must roll (harisma 1 6erformance (difficulty 2 possibly higher
if the speech is complicated or they have not heard the original speaker for long).
3f the intended audience suspects a ruse or kno!s the original voice very !ell (a
relative long$time friend or packmate for instance) they may make a contested
6erception 1 #lertness (difficulty 2) roll to try and spot the slight difference in the
Eye of the (obra (Galliard Rank 0)
With but a look the Garou can attract anyone to his side. ,his Gift is taught by a
System% ,he Garou rolls #ppearance 1 "nigmas (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). ,he Garou needs three successes to bring the target to his side/ fe!er
at least start the victim moving in the right direction.
+aksong (Galliard Rank 0)
&y using this Gift a Garou can communicate !ith inanimate ob>ects made of
!ood or some other organic substance (i.e.% something that !as once alive). ,he
ob>ects do not actually speak but the Garou can sense their thoughts as images or
sensations. 'or e.ample a !ooden can might communicate that someone had
used it for !ilderness travel by filling the Garou+s mind !ith sounds of a crashing
!aterfall the musty odor of bear spoor and the image of cro!ded undergro!th
and to!ering pines. # straight$backed !ooden chair might allo! the Garou to
=see= the person !ho last occupied it and get a sense of the emotional state of that
individual. With practice a Garou can hold an entire !ordless conversation !ith
anything from a sturdy help rope or a mat made of !oven reeds to a charred scrap
of paper (made from !ood pulp).
System% ,he user of the Gift must concentrate on !hat sort of information she
!ishes to obtain from the ob>ect as if she !ere asking a -uestion. ,he sensations
and images constitute the =ans!er=. ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls
6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the character to
formulate one -uestion and direct it to one item. #dditional successes allo! the
character to ask more -uestions (on a one$for$one basis) or else ask the same
-uestion of different ob>ects. <o successes indicate a simple failure of the Gift
!hile a botch provides the Garou !ith false or garbled information.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
S#ent of Distin#tion (Galliard Rank 0)
&y invoking this Gift the Galliard can gain a sense of the nature of her
surroundings (influenced by the Wyrm Weaver or Wyld) and some of the history
of the area. 3t involves a general sniffing of the area follo!ed by a short
meditative trance. 'or instance using this Gift at a caern !ould let the Garou
kno! !hen the caern !as founded the name of the caern totem changes in
leadership and other important pieces of history about the site.
System% ,he player must spend a Gnosis point and roll 3ntelligence 1 Survival
(for !yldness) or 3ntelligence 1 Street!ise (for !eaver$areas). ,he difficulty is
determined by the Storyteller. Scent of 5istinction can be used over large or small
areas but information is more generali*ed for larger areas.
Sing the S$irits (Galliard Rank 0)
,he earliest incantations to spirits !ere sung and although the ,heurges may be
the chosen auspice to deal !ith them the Galliards still kno! some songs !ith
po!er in them. Such songs are many but al!ays have a similar construction.
,hey begin by calling out the spirit+s name and ordering it to stay a!ay and
finish !ith a threat issued against it if it doesn+t. When done right the spirit !ill
be unable to approach the Galliard or anyone she touches. ,he Gift is taught by a
bird or fish spirit.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis and rolls Strength 1 6erformance
(difficulty ;). ,he spirit named must remain one meter per success a!ay from the
Galliard and anyone she is touching. ,he Galliard doesn+t need to kno! the e.act
name of the spirit but must be able to name it appropriately (telling !hat sort of
spirit such as (at or <e.us (ra!ler is sufficient). ,he spirit may attempt to break
through this !ard by rolling their Rage difficulty 4/ they must obtain more
successes than the Galliard did on their 6erformance roll. ,his Gift lasts one
Taught by% &ird or fish spirits
Book% 6G0e
Song of *age (Galliard Rank 0)
,his Gift unleashes the &east in others forcing Garou to transform into (rinos
form sending vampires into fren*y and turning humans into berserkers. ,his Gift
is taught by a Wolverine$ or Wolf$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Ceadership (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). "ach success drives the victim into a violent rage for one turn.
!eil of the Mother (Galliard Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of
time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. 6rimarily useful in Homid
form the Feil of the :other alters the physical features of the face causes the
user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 2 inches and changes the body si*e to
reflect a gain or loss of up to 08 pounds. ,his Gift does not alter the se. or age of
the Garou though it can change skin hair or eye color and hair te.ture or length.
,he Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual usually someone
she is trying to hide or dra! attention from.
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls #ppearance 1 Subterfuge
(5ifficulty ;). ,he number of successes indicate the degree to !hich the character
can alter her appearance or that of another individual. )ne success allo!s only
minor details in height !eight facial features skin tone and other similar
-ualities. ,hree successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her
physical form even to the e.tent of appearing to be a specific person. (,he Garou
must of course be familiar !ith the appearance of anyone !hose form she
assumes). ,he effect of this Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Bridge %alker (Galliard Rank @)
,he Galliard has the ability to create minor :oon &ridges through !hich she
alone can travel. ,he Garou travels bet!een the ends of this :oon &ridge in one
percent of the time it !ould take to travel that distance normally allo!ing her to
disappear from in front of a foe and reappear instantly behind it. <ote that these
:oon &ridges are not protected by Cunes and occasionally attract the interest of
spirit creatures/ these beings have been kno!n to follo! the Garou into the
physical !orld. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point to create the &ridge. ,he :oon
&ridge lasts for only one passage unless the Garou spends a permanent Gnosis
point during its creation in !hich case it lasts until the ne.t full moon. ,he
ma.imum distance that can be traversed by the &ridge is the Garou+s Gnosis in
/ore of the /and (Galliard Rank @)
&y eating smoking or other!ise taking in a portion of the land the Garou can
sense things that happened in the immediate vicinity in the past. 'or instance a
Garou can mi. dandelions from a meado! into a salad !hich she eats/ as a result
she reali*es that a group of hunters passed through the meado! three months ago.
&y che!ing on the bark from a tree the Garou can learn that a surveyor for a
corporation measured the land around the tree as part of a planned site for a ne!
factory or that someone buried a body beneath the tree.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy
(difficulty ;). )ne success gives the character a piece of past information (=#
group of men passed through here several !eeks ago=). #dditional successes
either embellish the first piece of information (=,he men !ore security uniforms=)
or else provide ne! information about other events (=# battle took place here last
year=). ,he information provided !ill be as pertinent as possible/ the character
actually learns the most important (to Garou standards) thing or things that
happened !ithin the area most often information that the Garou can act on.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Motherly Guardian (Galliard Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to =tag= an individual so that she can keep track of her
target+s health and !elfare. ,he Garou gains a general sense of the individual+s
location at all times and can sense !hen the target is in trouble and needs
assistance. ,he Gift lets the Garou kno! !hat kind of aid the target needs. ,he
Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. ,he effects of
the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er) to set the =tag= on the designated individual.
Whenever she concentrates on that person she receives information about the
target+s general state of health and present circumstances. When the character
attempts to concentrate on the targeted individual she performs all other actions
at a 11 difficulty due to her preoccupation !ith her charge.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Shado&s by the Fire /ight (Galliard Rank @)
,he Garou creates interactive stories in !hich others take part !illingly or not.
Bsually this po!er is used at a moot !hen telling old stories allo!ing those !ho
take part in the story to enact the tales. Ho!ever this Gift can also be used on the
un!illing forcing them to participate in a story of the Garou+s choosing. ,his Gift
is taught by an #ncestor$ spirit.
System% When using this Gift on the un!illing the Garou must spend a Gnosis
point and score three successes on a :anipulation 1 6erformance roll (difficulty
of the target+s Willpo!er). 3f successful the NplayerN may tell a story and force
the victim to perform e.actly as the story+s character does. ,his effect lasts one
turn per Gnosis point spent.
Song of the Siren (Galliard Rank @)
,he sound of the Garou+s voice can entrance anyone !ho hears it. ,ypically the
Garou sings or ho!ls !hile using this Gift although some modern Glass Walkers
have taken to poetry recital. ,his Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight
but can rarely stop a heated combat already in process. # songbird$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 6erformance versus the target+s Willpo!er
and spends one Gnosis point. "nchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a
number of turns e-ual to the number of successes rolled. ,he audience can spend
Willo!er to overcome the enchanting effects/ to act freely a listener must spend
one point for each of the Galliard+s successes.
(all for !engean#e (Galliard Rank ?)
When a person+s crimes against Gaia have been too great a Galliard may use this
Gift to stir her brethren against him. #s the Galliard ho!ls the name of her enemy
to the heavens her cry resounds through the land. #ny !ere!olves !ho hear the
cry kno! that a great offender has >ust been named and must be punished. ,his
Gift is taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he player rolls Stamina 1 6erformance difficulty ;. ,he ho!l echoes
for a t!enty$mile radius per success. #ny Garou !ho hear the ho!l are not
obligated to attack the victim named but if they decide to >oin the crusade their
Willpo!er is effectively increased by three for the duration of their hunt (to a
ma.imum of 18). 3n addition if the target can hear the ho!l from his current
location his Willpo!er is effectively reduced by t!o points for the ne.t !eek $
giving the Garou ample encouragement to hunt him do!n -uickly. ,he Galliard
cannot invoke another (all of Fengeance until the target of the first has been
>ustly punished in the eyes of Gaia/ the Storyteller decides !hat constitutes >ust
punishment and !ill let the player kno! via messenger spirits !hen the deed is
Taught by% #n #ncestor$spirit
Book% Were!olf% ,he 5ark #ges
Earth Heal (Galliard Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to help a piece of land recover from blight Wyrm$
taint poisoning or some other type of environmental disturbance. ,he Garou
gives part of her essence to the damaged land and thus begins a process of
rene!al that spreads to encompass such details as purifying tainted soil causing
the gro!th of ne! plant life or purging signs of the Wyrm+s corruption from the
designated spot.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1
)ccult (difficulty ; for naturally caused damage/ difficulty 4 for Wyrm$taint).
"ach success contributes to the overall recovery of the designated piece of land/
the area can be as large as a fe! miles but must constitute a single terrain feature
(a lake forest or mountain for instance). )ne success makes minimal but
significant improvements in the target area !hile five successes results in the
area+s return (over time) to a state of unspoiled health and fertility. #lthough this
is a potent Gift it doesn+t prevent the healed land from being polluted once more.
"ven so offering up one+s Gnosis to heal a portion of Gaia if often cause for
significant re!ards of Honor.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Fabri# of the Mind (Galliard Rank ?)
Garou !ith this Gift can bring their imaginations to life creating a 5ream &eing
from the fabric of their thoughts. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou makes and e.tended roll of 3ntelligence 1 6erformance
(difficulty 4). She can create any form of life she can imagine assigning it one
point of ,raits for each success gained on the roll. ,he Garou can take as long as
she !ants to form the creature accumulating successes from turn to turn but once
she stops the 5ream &eing takes form and re-uires the Garou to spend Gnosis to
keep it manifested. ,he cost is one point per scene if the 5ream &eing remains
relatively inactive (such as cleaning the Garou+s home or sitting as a gargoyle on
the roof) or one point per turn if the &eing engages in combat. &otched rolls
manifest an uncontrolled (and often hostile) 5ream &eing/ these cost no Gnosis
but !ill stay as long as they desire.
Head Games (Galliard Rank ?)
)ther !ere!olves al!ays accuse Galliards of being manipulative and playing
!ith their emotions but those Garou !ith the Gift of Head Games do it like
nobody else. ,he Galliard can change and control the emotions of those to !hom
she speaks. She could cause someone to fall in love !ith her (this !on+t last and
the victim+s love may turn into >ustified resentment) or cause another to befriend
her (again this !on+t last but a genuine friendship could still develop). ,his Gift
is taught by a (oyote$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). Success allo!s the Garou to steer the emotions of any one individual.
,he more successes the more -uickly the emotions manifest and the more
strongly they are felt. ,he Storyteller should give the Galliard e.tra dice for role$
playing this Gift especially !ell.
Ahroun Gifts
Battlesense (#hroun Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense the best direction from !hich to make an attack taking into
account the terrain of the battlefield the numbers and placement of the enemy and
the available forces at the Garou+s command or allied !ith her.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and becomes a!are of the tactical
forces involved in an impending battle. ,he Storyteller informs the player of the
numbers and placement of opposing forces. ,he player can then use this
information to her character+s advantage.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
3ns$iration (#hroun Rank 1)
)ther !ere!olves look to the #hroun for leadership in combat. ,he Gift of
3nspiration is one reason. ,he Garou !ith this Gift lends ne! resolve and
righteous anger to his brethren. ,his Gift is taught by a Cion or Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point. (omrades automatically receive one
success on any Willpo!er rolls made during the scene. <ot that this Gift does not
affect its possessor.
*a.or (la&s (#hroun Rank 1)
,he Garou may hone his cla!s to ra*or sharpness. ,his Gift is taught by a (at or
Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point and takes a turn to scratch his talons
over a hard surface such as a stone. (la! attacks then do an additional die of
damage for the remainder of the scene.
*ouse to Anger (#hroun Rank 1)
,his Gift enables the Garou to say or do something that causes her target to
refresh her inner Rage. ,his might involve shaming an individual slapping her in
the face or telling her something to arouse her anger. ,he Garou can also summon
!ithin herself a memory or an emotion that assists her in replenishing her o!n
capacity for righteous anger.
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4) and spends a
Gnosis point. # successful roll enables the character to speak or act in such a !ay
that her target gains a point of Rage. "ach additional success allo!s the character
to affect another individual including herself.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
S$ur (la&s (#hroun Rank 1)
Some Garou take the bee as a role model for their cause. ,he bee is so devoted to
her -ueen that she attacks her enemies !ith no care to the inevitable fact that she
!ill die in the attack. 'or those Garou !ho feel similarly bee spirits may teach
them ho! to turn their cla!s into stingers that stick in their opponents. Such
poison as they e.crete !on+t kill their opponents but neither !ill it kill the
!ere!olf in -uestion.
System% ,he player spends one Rage. ,he ne.t successful cla! attack the
character makes !ill bury her cla!s into the victim !here they stay stuck after
they rip from the #hroun+s fingertips. Bntil the victim takes the time to pull them
out (!hich takes a full turn) they !ill suffer a 17 difficulty on all actions.
Ho!ever the Garou+s cla!s take a full turn to regenerate and can+t be used in that
Taught by% &ee spirits
Book% 6G0e
Steadfast (#hroun Rank 1)
<o matter the task the #hroun does not tire. ,his Gift allo!s the Garou to !ork
run or fight far beyond her normal limits. # Horse$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Rage point. 'or the remainder of the scene her
Stamina doubles any time she has to roll it. ,his Gift does not affect soak rolls.
Taught by% Horse$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
The Falling Tou#h (#hroun Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to send her foe spra!ling !ith >ust a touch. ,he Gift is
taught by any aerial spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 :edicine (difficulty of the opponent+s
Stamina 1 #thletics). "ven one success sends the opponent to the ground.
Foetra#ker (#hroun Rank 7)
&y using this Gift the Garou can follo! her -uarry !ithout risking losing the
trail. ,he scent of the target becomes so po!erful to the Garou that she can follo!
it even under conditions that might other!ise obscure the trail. "ven if the victim
crosses !ater lays do!n a false trail or attempts to mask his scent !ith some
other odor the Garou unerringly follo!s her prey. Ho!ever the Gift+s effects
become fainter !ith time and distance.
System% ,he players spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 6rimal Brge.
"ach success allo!s the character to track her target unerringly for one scene up
to a ma.imum of five scenes after !hich the effects of the Gift end and the trail
becomes too faint to follo!.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Gift of the Salamander (#hroun Rank 7)
,he #hroun !ith this Gift can become virtually impervious to flame. She can
!alk through a bla*ing building hold her hand in a torch flame or even plunge
her arm into a cauldron of boiling oil !ithout ill effect. ,his Gift is taught by a
fire elemental most often a Salamander.
System% ,he player spends one Rage to activate the Gift/ the effects last for one
scene. While under the Gift+s protection the #hroun receives four e.tra dice for
the purposes of soaking any form of heat or fire damage !hether supernatural or
not. She also becomes immune to the effects of smoke inhalation although she
still needs o.ygen to survive.
Taught by% 'ire elemental most often a Salamander
Book% Were!olf% ,he 5ark #ges
Sense Siler (#hroun Rank 7)
#hroun are the Garou least concerned by humans but even the greatest can be
brought lo! by silver !eapons. ,hus the #hroun have learned to sense !hen
they need to be more cautious. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ;). 3f successful
she can detect the presence of silver. ,hree successes allo! her to pinpoint the
silver+s location.
Shards of 3#y *age (#hroun Rank 7)
,he Garou invoking this Gift calls on the cold po!er of her Rage converting her
anger into physical ice. ,his ice cuts as deep as any knife and can be hurled at her
enemies in place of a normal attack.
System% ,he players spends a point of Rage and rolls Wits 1 6rimal Brge
(difficulty 4). ,he number of successes e-uals the number of shards that form
from the crystalli*ed Rage up to a limit of five shards. ,he player makes a
separate attack roll for each shard and may direct them at more than one
opponent. "ach shard does three dice of aggravated damage/ the range is five yard
for every dot of the Garou+s strength.
,he player may spend only one point of Rage each time the Gift is used/ this
prohibits spending Rage to gain e.tra actions in the same turn as invoking the
shards. #lthough a character may use the Gift more than once in a scene each
successive use after the first adds 11 to the difficulty roll to activate the gift.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
S$irit of the Fray (#hroun Rank 7)
,he Garou may opt to attack first in any given turn no matter !hat his initiative
roll may be. ,his Gift is taught by a (at spirit.
System% ,he Garou using this Gift acts either on his initiative segment as he
rolled it or at one success higher than any of his opponents !hichever is higher.
,here is no mandatory point cost or roll for this Gift but Gnosis may be spent to
ensure e.tra speed. 3f more than one Garou combatant has this Gift the one !ho
spends the most Gnosis goes first.
Strength of the Pa#k (#hroun Rank 7)
,he #hroun the heart of the pack+s strength can share any or all of her physical
might !ith her pack members. Gust as if she handed her packmate a loaded gun
the #hroun grants her more po!er to do the !ork of the pack. # &ear$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends a Rage point to make the Gift active. She may then
temporarily reduce her strength by any amount to a minimum of 1 and lend that
strength to her packmates !ith >ust a touch. ,he Garou decides ho! much
strength goes to each pack member chosen. ,he effects last for one scene.
Taught by% &ear$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
True Fear (#hroun Rank 7)
,he #hroun can display the true e.tent of her po!er scaring one chosen foe into
-uiescence for a number of turns. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit associated !ith
System% ,he Garou rolls Strength 1 3ntimidation (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). "ach success she achieves co!s the enemy for one turn/ the victim
cannot attack. He may defend himself and other!ise act normally although given
the chance he !ill probably flee.
(ombat Healing (#hroun Rank 0)
,he #hroun are famous for their ability to fight $ it+s their purpose in life. ,his
Gift allo!s a Garou to heal !ounds during combat !ithout hesitation or even a
moment+s pause. Wolverine spirits teach this Gift although they usually have to
be bested in combat first.
System% ,he player spends t!o Rage points to activate this Gift. ,he Garou may
no! heal t!o !ounds per round !ithout having to pause or roll. 3n addition
aggravated !ounds may be healed at a cost of one Rage point per additional
Book% 5amien
Heart of Fury (#hroun Rank 0)
,he Garou can steel himself against anger suppressing his rage and containing a
mental dam against the e.plosive fren*ies of his race. ,his anger !ill eventually
catch up !ith him so he must vent it before it breaks free in fren*y. ,his Gift is
taught by a Cion or Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls Willpo!er (difficulty of his o!n permanent Rage).
"very t!o successes add one to the Garou+s fren*y difficulties for the scene
making it harder to fren*y. #fter that scene ho!ever past slights and in>uries are
remembered refilling the Garou+s heart and soul/ he must spend one Willpo!er
point or immediately make a fren*y check at regular difficulty.
2erigal-s #all to arms (#hroun Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to summon to her side any creatures of spirits allied to
<erigal or appropriate to the 3ce Warrior. ,hese beings !hether <erigal+s spirit
!arriors or predatory animals fight alongside the Garou for the duration of an
entire battle.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
difficulty 4. )ne success summons one of t!o creatures/ additional successes
increase the number of creatures or spirits that ans!er the summons. ,hus t!o
successes bring up to five respondents three successes summon up to ten
creatures four successes results in up to 1? beings !hile five successes brings
everything !ithin a five$mile radius of the character. ,hose creatures summoned
serve as an army under the character+s command for an entire scene. )f course if
there are no !ild predators or War$spirits of <erigal !ithin range the Gift fails.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
Saagery of the Taloned Hunter (#hroun Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to gain t!ice the advantage of his Rage thus increasing
the ferocity and fre-uency of attacks or else allo!ing him to accomplish more
under stress than he normally !ould.
System% ,he player spends a Rage point !hich he may then convert into the
e-uivalent of t!o points of Rage for the character. ,his enables a character to take
t!o e.tra actions in a combat at the cost of a Rage point. #nother use of the Gift
allo!s the character to recover from a stunned state and take an e.tra action in the
same turn.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Shake the Earth (#hroun Rank 0)
,he force of the #hroun+s Rage splits the ground before him and knocks his foes
off their feet. "ven a minor tremor can cause great damage to houses mineshafts
and people. #n "arth elemental teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Rage point to cause a three$foot$!ide stretch of
ground e.tending 18 feet in front of the user to split into a chasm that is 18 feet
deep. #nyone over that spot must make a 5e.terity roll (difficulty ;) or fall into
the hole. 'or every Rage point beyond the first the Garou can make similar holes
or deepen the first one.
Taught by% "arth elemental
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Shatter Bone (#hroun Rank 0)
Fictims !ith t!isted arms or crushed legs are much easier prey. ,he #hroun !ith
this Gift can destroy bone !ith a single punch regardless of the damage inflicted
by the blo!. # Hyena$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% &efore striking an opponent the #hroun must spend a Willpo!er point
and a Rage point. ,he Garou must target a specific limb !hich increases the
difficulty of the attack by 7. #lso he must spend the Willpo!er and Rage even if
the blo! does not connect or he scores fe!er than three successes. ,he successful
use of this Gift crushes !hatever bone structure lies beneath the targeted flesh and
causes a number of Health Cevels of damage e-ual to the number of successes in
the attack roll $0. &roken arms and legs subse-uently handicap an opponent in any
combat. # fractured skull renders the victim unconscious. # broken spine causes
paralysis. ,his damage is unsoakable but does not cause aggravated !ounds.
,arget 5ifficulty Special "ffect
Skull 10 Stamina roll (difficulty 4) to remain conscious.
#rm 17
5e.terity roll to hold items/ target cannot use broken limb to
Ceg 11
5e.terity roll to remain standing/ target cannot run or attack
!ith broken limb
Rib 17 Stamina roll (difficulty 2) to avoid puncturing a lung.
Spine 1@
:ust attack target from rear/ target remains paraly*ed until this
!ound heals.
Siler (la&s (#hroun Rank 0)
,he Garou can turn her cla!s into silver making her a terror against other Garou
on the battle field. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou rolls Gnosis (difficulty ;). #ll cla! !ounds inflict aggravated
damage !hich cannot be soaked by Garou. While the Garou manifests the cla!s
she suffers searing agony. "ach turn she gains an automatic Rage point/
furthermore all noncombat difficulties are increased by one because of the
distraction. When her Rage points e.ceed her Willpo!er she must check for
(hallenge of Single (ombat (#hroun Rank @)
&y invoking the name of the 3ce Warrior and issuing a direct challenge to an
enemy the Garou can force her opponent to fight one$on$one according to the
tacitly rules of fair play. ,he opponent can launch no surprise attacks employ
dirty tricks or accept e.tra help from comrades or pack mates. Ho!ever the
Garou using this Gift accepts the same restrictions $ neither combatant can break
off from the fight until one participant either concedes victory to the other or dies.
System% #fter the character has issued the challenge the player spends a point of
Rage and rolls :anipulation 1 Ceadership (difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). #
single success forces the target to forego any unfair tactics and meet the Garou in
single combat as described above. <o successes means the Gift fails !hile a botch
inspires the target to launch an immediate attack $ usually !ith the help of the
opponent+s friends.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
(len#hed Gri$ (#hroun Rank @)
,he Garou+s >a! can become a grip of steel clamping do!n on a foe and not
releasing it until the Garou chooses. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
System% #fter making a successful bite attack the Garou by spending a point of
Rage makes her grip unbreakable. While foes can make a typical resisted
Strength roll to break the grip the Garou gains an automatic success per point of
Strength and can roll half her Willpo!er pool (rounding do!n) to add more
Hunter-s Horn (#hroun Rank @)
,his Gift enables the Garou to create a sound so horrible and mind$chilling that it
sends enemies into utter panic and causes them to flee an area !ithout regard for
direction or destination. "nemies so affected cannot attempt to evade pursuit or
disguise their passage. ,his makes hunting them do!n and dispatching them a
fairly simple task.
System% ,he player spends a point of Rage and rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal$Brge
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er in the group). "ach success affects one victim
!ith uncontrollable panic causing them to run blindly from an area. Garou
affected by this Gift enter a state of fo. fren*y !hile others simply become
mindless panicked creatures of prey. ,he effect lasts for an entire scene during
!hich time the character (and any allies) may hunt do!n and slay the victims if
they so desire.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Stoking Fury-s Furna#e (#hroun Rank @)
,he Garou is especially connected to his inner anger. He does not have more
control than others but is simply more familiar !ith using his Rage. ,his Gift is
taught by a !olverine spirit.
System% ,he Garou regains one Rage point if he takes a Health Cevel of damage
that turn and does not have to check for fren*y. 3n addition the Garou can spend
one Rage point per turn !ithout losing that point. Ho!ever if more than one
point is spent that turn the point is lost normally.
Heart of the 3#e %arrior (#hroun Rank ?)
Bsually used only in the most dire circumstance this Gift renders the Garou
impervious to damage long enough to deliver a final blo! to her opponent. ,he
e.ertion causes the Garou to collapse mortally !ounded. Bnless healed
immediately the Garou dies having given her all in battle.
System% <o roll is necessary to invoke the Gift but the player must spend a point
of Rage. ,he character may not dodge !hen invoking this Gift but no damage
levied against the Garou !ill impair her in any !ay until her attack lands $
lightning strikes !on+t blo! her back and blades can+t sever her limbs.
,he character makes her ne.t attack at 1@ to her attack dice pool. ,he player may
reroll any 1s rolled on this attack $ they simply to not count. 3n addition any
damage rolls gain four e.tra dice. #fter delivering her attack the character falls to
3ncapacitated. Bnless someho! mystically healed by another using :other+s
,ouch or a similar Gift or fetish (regeneration isn+t an option) !ithin the same
turn the character dies at the end of the turn.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
0iss of Helios (#hroun Rank ?)
,he Garou becomes immune to the damaging effects of fire though artificial
forms can still harm him. #dditionally the Garou is able to ignite small parts of
his body and keep them burning for e.tended periods. :ost commonly the Garou
!ill light his mane during rituals but he can also light cla!s fangs arms or
!hatever. ,hese flames are appro.imately as intense as those of a torch. ,his Gift
is taught by a fire elemental or a child of Helios.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. #rtificial fire (napalm gas fires
etc) does half damage. ,he effect lasts for an entire scene.
Pa#k Mind (#hroun Rank ?)
,his Gift forces a group of foes to behave like a single$minded pack. #ll
individuals must perform the same task at the same time regardless of its
appropriateness to a given situation. 'or e.ample if one individual fights all the
others fight/ if one person attempts to sneak up behind an opponent all the others
make this attempt as !ell. ,his Gift lasts for one combat scene.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 4). #
single success allo!s the character to inflict 6ack :ind on a group of up to four
individuals. #dditional successes allo! the character to increase the number of
people affected in increments of t!o/ five successes therefore enables the
character to affect t!elve individuals. 'or the duration of this Gift all the affected
victims mimic the actions of their leader $ or more typically the first person in a
group to act each turn. 3f one decides to speak all of them attempt to do so/ if one
thro!s a left hook all of them choose this form of combat ignoring any !eapons
they may have.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Shared Strength (#hroun Rank ?)
<o matter ho! strong you are you can+t be every!here. Sooner or later if you
live long enough every #hroun !ill e.perience the heartbreak of seeing a
packmate die in combat and kno!ing that they simply couldn+t be there to help.
"lders have seen this more than any so it is not unusual that they !ould learn a
Gift like this. ,his Gift allo!s an #hroun to donate his capacities to one of his
packmates for a single turn imbuing them !ith their strength speed and skill.
Ho!ever they pay a high price for this help losing their o!n strength for the
same amount of time. ,his Gift is taught by a !olf spirit.
System% ,he player spends t!o Gnosis and states a period of time for the Gift to
remain active. ,his could be =the ne.t turn= =an hour= =the rest of the scene= or
even =until the day 3 die=. 3f the #hroun dies the Gift ceases to !ork
immediately so =until the 'inal &attle= !on+t !ork unless you survive to see it.
'or that amount of time one Garou of the #hroun+s choice and !ithin their line of
sight immediately is treated as possessing the #hroun+s 6hysical #ttributes
&ra!l 5odge and :elee abilities (if the target has higher abilities they retain
their o!n high scores). Ho!ever the #hroun is treated as having a mere one dot
in all 6hysical attributes in all forms as long as the Gift is active and no dots in
&ra!l :elee and 5odge. ,he target and #hroun cannot spend e.perience points
to raise any of the shared ,raits until the Gift ends.
Taught by% Wolf spirit
Book% 6G0e
Strength of %ill (#hroun Rank ?)
Garou !ould follo! an #hroun !ith Strength of Will to the gates of Hell itself if
that !ere !hat it took. Were!olves !ith this Gift inspire their comrades !ith
their o!n force of !ill. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Wolf.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
(difficulty ;). "ach success imbues a point of Willpo!er upon all the Garou+s
allies !ithin 188 feet/ this e.tra Willpo!er lasts for the rest of the scene. ,hese
points are used like any other. ,hey can raise the ally+s Willpo!er above its
ma.imum or even above 18. ,his Gift may be used only once per scene.
Bla#k Furies Gifts
Arion-s Burden (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
,he &lack 'uries had many tribes!omen among the ancient Scythians !ho !ere
reno!n for their use of cavalry. 5uring their battles !ith other Garou tribes the
'uries often surprised their enemies by sho!ing that they too could employ
cavalry thanks to this Gift. :ost animals shy a!ay from creatures of high Rage
and even the Glabro form tended to make a !ere!olf heavier than the horse could
handle. &ut this Gift perfectly calms the mount+s mind and makes the &lack 'ury
as light as a child to it. 3t is taught by an avatar of 6egasus.
System% ,he &lack 'ury rolls (harisma 1 #thletics (difficulty 2). # simple
success is all that is needed to keep this Gift active for the rest of the scene. While
this Gift !orks to calm any animal normally friendly to the &lack 'ury it is most
commonly employed on horses. Riding in (rinos form even !ith this Gift is a
tricky business re-uiring a 5e.terity 1 #thletics (difficulty ;) roll.
Taught by% 6egasus
Book% 6G0e
Breath of the %yld (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
#s the 'uries see it the problem !ith most humans (and some Garou) is that they
have forgotten that the energy of (reation is nourishing refreshing and ever
present. With this Gift the &lack 'ury may instill a feeling of vitality and life in a
living being. # spirit servant of 6egasus teaches this Gift.
System% ,he 'ury must touch her target+s skin and this Gift must be used
outdoors in a natural setting (a city park is sufficient for the Gift to function). ,he
player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 2 for humans ? for Garou). Success grants a rush of
energy and clarity of thought. 3n game terms this Gift grants one e.tra die on all
:ental rolls for the ne.t scene. 3ts also adds one to the difficulty of any Rage rolls
the target makes in that time.
Taught by% Spirit servant of 6egasus
Book% WW0e
Find the (hild %ithin (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
With this Gift a Garou can play upon an individual+s instinctive response to
parental authority or affection and convince that person to follo! a command
(=5on+t leave !ithout me=) or respond favorably to a suggestions (=Cet me take
you some!here safe=) that they might other!ise rebuff. ,he target of the Gift
cannot already be engaged in battle !ith the Gift+s user or !ith another opponent.
,he Garou can ho!ever use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a
situation that might turn dangerous.
System% ,he player makes a resisted (harisma 1 "mpathy roll vs. the target+s
Willpo!er. )ne success allo!s the character to make as simple suggestion to the
victim/ the suggestion must be one that a young child !ould find reasonable.
#dditional successes either e.tend the duration of the effect or else enables the
character to convince her victim to do something he might not be other!ise
inclined to do $ such as coercing a Get #hroun to back do!n from a fight he
!ould certainly lose. 'ailure means that the suggestion has no effect !hile a
botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this
Gift for 7@ hours.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Heightened Senses (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
,he Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid
or Glabro form her senses become as sharp as those of a !olf !hile in her !olf
forms her senses become preternaturally potent. ,his gift is taught by Wolf$
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point. ,he effects last for one scene. Homid
and Glabro forms% 6erception difficulties are reduced by t!o/ roll 6erception 1
6rimal$Brge (difficulty 2) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. (rinos
Hispo and Cupus forms% 6erception difficulties are reduced by three/ 11 to
6rimal$Brge 5ice 6ools.
Man-s Skin (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
,here are simply some places !here !omen are not allo!ed in the 5ark :edieval
!orld. ,his Gift allo!s a &lack 'ury to circumvent those rules/ a !omen might
not be allo!ed to server as a soldier but a man may do so easily. ,he 'ury using
this Gift effectively changes gender in the eyes of onlookers/ her features and
build become decidedly more masculine and her garb adapts to that of a man
(although of the same social class $ a peasant+s frock !on+t become a baron+s
doublet). Her hair eye and skin color remain the same. ,he end result is a man
!ho sho!s a slight family resemblance to the 'ury but is a much more effective
deceit than a haircut and change of clothes.
,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor spirit often one !ho needed to dress like a man
to accomplish her o!n ends.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge difficulty ;. ,he illusion lasts
for a scene or until the 'ury shifts form. ,he change even !ithstands cursory
tactile contact although heavy or violent contact !ill reveal the truth. :an+s Skin
is entirely illusory in nature $ as a =male= the 'ury cannot impregnate another
!oman nor should she lose her child if pregnant.
Taught by% #ncestor spirit
Book% WW%t5#
Moonshado& (&lack 'ury Rank 1 $ +oon!Daughters)
&y calling on their kinship !ith Cuna the 5aughter may use a moonlight to
smooth the !ay bet!een !orlds. ,he 'ury may substitute moonlight for a mirror
making themselves one !ith the light itself. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% <o roll is necessary to activate the Gift $ the 'ury may step side!ays as
if they stared into their reflection. 3n addition the difficulty due to the Gauntlet is
lo!ered by one.
Mother-s Tou#h (&lack 'ury Rank 1 $ Order of the +erciful +other)
,he Garou is able to heal the !ounds of others aggravated or other!ise simply
by laying hands over the afflicted area. ,he Garou may not heal herself !ith the
Gift. ,his Gift is taught by a Bnicorn$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the !ounded individual+s Rage or 2 for non$Garou). "ach success
heals one Health Cevel. "ven battle scars may be cured in this manner but this
must be done in the same scene the scar !as obtained and re-uires the
e.penditure of a Gnosis point. ,here is no limit to ho! many times this may be
used on a person but each use re-uires a Gnosis point.
+&l S$ee#h (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
&lack 'uries may invoke the kinship bet!een their tribe and the o!ls of #thena.
,he 'ury may speak clearly !ith any o!l that she meets. ,he o!ls !ill often be
easily persuaded to do small favors such as acting as messengers or spying out
enemies. ,his Gift is common among the ,emple$Aeepers of #rtemis and the
Sisterhood. :any of their Ainfolk also share this Gift and ne! sisters often
receive it as an initiation Gift. 3t is unsurprisingly taught by an o!l spirit.
System% ,he 'ury must make an (harisma 1 #nimal Aen roll (difficulty ?). 3f the
rolls is successful the o!l recogni*es the kinship and behaves accordingly. "ach
success is one +favor+ that the o!l !ill do before moving on !ith their o!n
Sense %yld (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
,he Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby
area. ,his Gift is taught by a Wyld$spirit
System% ,he player must roll 6erception 1 "nigmas. ,he difficulty is based on the
strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest !ould be difficulty ?).
Sense %yrm (&lack 'ury Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
(urse of Aeolus (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
,he Garou summons an eerie chilling fog to shroud the landscape unnerving her
enemies. ,he Garou can see through the fog but others !ill have trouble
navigating the mists. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of #eolus a totem
System% ,he Garou rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty (@ near the sea ?
near open !ater 2 normally E in a desert). ,he Garou+s vision is unhindered by
the mist but all others halve their 6erception rolls. #dditionally the mist is
creepy and unnerving to enemies/ $1 to all Willpo!er rolls.
Mantle of the /and (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
,he Garou dra!s forth a mist or fog from !ater in the atmosphere. ,his misty
mantle provides cover in !hich a Garou may hide herself or someone under her
protection. ,he Gift may be used !hile the Garou is in motion in order to confuse
pursuers by enveloping them in an obscuring fog. ,he mantle can also surround a
Garou and her pack in order to allo! them to attack from concealment or ambush.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis. ,he fog is dense and heavy
obscuring the vision of anyone !ithin even muffling sound. #nyone save the
Garou and her pack are at 10 difficulty on all 6erception rolls !hile the mist
ensures. ,his Gift lasts one scene.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Sense of the Prey (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
,he character if he kno!s anything about his prey can track it do!n as rapidly as
he can travel. ,his unerring sense of direction operates any!here and is used to
track spirits through the Bmbra as !ell as to find beings on "arth. ,his Gift is
taught by a Wolf$ or 5og$spirit.
System% <o roll is re-uired unless the target is actively hiding in !hich case a
6erception 1 "nigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target+s Wits 1
Stealth. 3f the target is a spirit the difficulty is the spirit+s Gnosis.
Tou#h of the Muse (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
With the Gift the &lack 'ury invokes the spirits of art and artifice calling the
favor of the :uses to herself for a time. She can call upon any of the nine muses
to help her in any endeavor that falls !ithin their spheres $ singing dancing
history seduction or oration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of the
System% # Gnosis roll (difficulty 4) reduces the difficulty of all Social rolls by
one per success for any activity that !ould fall under the something of the muses.
Trail of Pain (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
'irst developed by the #ma*ons of 5iana camp this Gift allo!s the user to sense
persons in agony. ,he #ma*ons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering
abuse. )ther &lack 'uries use this Gift to track the abusers after !ounding them.
,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of 6egasus.
System% ,he Garou must focus and spend a Gnosis pint. #t least one turn is
re-uired for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. #
6erception 1 "mpathy roll discerns a single sufferer among many. ,he 'ury can
sense any living being in tremendous pain physical or emotional !ithin ?8 yards.
,he user senses only the general direction and urgency but that+s typically enough
for an angry &lack 'ury.
%hore-s !engean#e (&lack 'ury Rank 7)
,his Gift affects the most sensitive areas of the human or animal anatomy. &y
causing either minor irritation or !racking pain Whore+s Fengeance can distract
or even incapacitate a victim. ,he target of this Gift need never have visited a
house of ill$repute nor does the Gift user need to practice the profession. # spirit
of Cust teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls her 3ntelligence 1 :edicine (difficulty e-uals the target+s
Willpo!er). 3f the roll succeeds the target breaks out in a painful rash in his or
her sensitive region. "ach success subtracts one die from the target+s 5ice 6ool for
the remainder of the scene. ,his Gift affects only living animals (including
humans) and has no effect on spirits or the undead.
Taught by% spirit of Cust
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Ba##hantes- *age (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
When deep in the !ilds the &lack 'uries can use this Gift to inflict e.tra damage.
"ven the toughest Get have !alked a!ay !ith a battle scar due to the effects of
this potent Gift $ and some haven+t !alked a!ay at all. ,his Gift is taught by a
Wyld spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends t!o Gnosis points to activate the Gift. 5uring combat
she may spend Rage points to deal e.tra damage after a !ounding hit/ every point
spent causes one additional unsoakable Health Cevel of damage.
(ou$ De Gra#e (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
,he Garou studies her foe seeking the best place to land a blo! then sets herself
up to deliver a devastating attack the follo!ing turn. ,his Gift is taught by an )!l
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls 6erception 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the target+s Stamina 1 5odge). 3f successful the Garou doubles the
damage dice on her ne.t blo! assuming it hits.
Flames of Hestia (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
&y invoking this Gift the 'ury can produce !hite flames around her hands. ,hese
flames purify !hatever they touch/ cleansing tainted food or !ater. ,hey !ill also
help cure any damage caused by things of the Wyrm and !hen used in hand to
hand combat the Gift inflicts great harm upon the creatures of the Wyrm. ,his
Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% &y spending a Gnosis point and then rolling Gnosis against a difficulty
of 4 the 'ury can produce these flames. "ach success reduces damage done by
radiation poison or disease by one Health Cevel. ,he flames do one Health Cevel
per success in aggravated damage to &anes fomori and &lack Spiral 5ancers if
the 'ury scores a successful hit !hile the Gift is invoked.
Taught by% Servant of Hestia
Messenger-s Fortitude (&lack 'ury Rank 0 $ Freebooters)
,he Garou may run at full speed for three days !ithout rest food or !ater. #fter
the duration e.pires the Garou must sleep for a Week. ,his Gift is taught by a
(amel or Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and may do nothing save run/ for an
additional Gnosis point he may imbue the effects of this Gift upon another being.
Song of the Siren (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
,he sound of the Garou+s voice can entrance anyone !ho hears it. ,ypically the
Garou sings or ho!ls !hile using this Gift although some modern Glass Walkers
have taken to poetry recital. ,his Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight
but can rarely stop a heated combat already in process. # songbird$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 6erformance versus the target+s Willpo!er
and spends one Gnosis point. "nchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a
number of turns e-ual to the number of successes rolled. ,he audience can spend
Willo!er to overcome the enchanting effects/ to act freely a listener must spend
one point for each of the Galliard+s successes.
!eil of the Mother (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of
time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. 6rimarily useful in Homid
form the Feil of the :other alters the physical features of the face causes the
user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 2 inches and changes the body si*e to
reflect a gain or loss of up to 08 pounds. ,his Gift does not alter the se. or age of
the Garou though it can change skin hair or eye color and hair te.ture or length.
,he Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual usually someone
she is trying to hide or dra! attention from.
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls #ppearance 1 Subterfuge
(5ifficulty ;). ,he number of successes indicate the degree to !hich the character
can alter her appearance or that of another individual. )ne success allo!s only
minor details in height !eight facial features skin tone and other similar
-ualities. ,hree successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her
physical form even to the e.tent of appearing to be a specific person. (,he Garou
must of course be familiar !ith the appearance of anyone !hose form she
assumes). ,he effect of this Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
!is#eral Agony (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
,he Garou turns her cla!s into barbed talons dripping !ith black venom. ,he
pain caused by these cla!s is e.cruciating. ,he Gift is taught by a pain spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point !ith each attack. ,he cla!s inflict no
e.tra damage but any penalty to actions caused by the cla!s+ !ounds is doubled
for the duration of the scene (i.e.% a foe at Wounded !ould have a $@ penalty to
actions). "ven if the foe is in fren*y or other!ise resistant to pain he suffers
normal !ound penalties.
%ings of Pegasus (&lack 'ury Rank 0)
&y invoking their kinship !ith 6egasus the &lack 'ury can sprout ma>estic
!ings !hite and feathery like that of the ,ribe ,otem. ,he 'ury can use these
!ings in lupus or Hispo forms and may fly along at a considerable speed even
carrying others if her strength permits.
System% ,he !ings appear !henever the Garou invokes them. ,he player must
roll Stamina 1 #thletics (difficulty ; to launch 2 to fly along and variable
depending on other maneuvers). ,he 'ury+s speed is appro.imate ?8 mph (4?
Anger of the Goddess (&lack 'ury Rank @)
With the force of Gaia Herself the &lack 'ury elder strikes do!n even the most
po!erful enemies. 'e! can !ithstand the righteous anger of Gaia unleashed. ,he
po!er can take many forms% a lightning bolt from the heavens an avalanche or
even a tornado. ,he !rath of the Goddess blindly ravages the innocent and guilty
alike. #n avatar of Gaia Herself is the only spirit that teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends three Rage points to summon Gaia+s !rath. ,he
Storyteller determines !hat freak natural events follo! but the full force of the
Goddess strikes the target (multiple lightning bolts a tornado touching do!n at
his feet etc.). Bnfortunately the Gift affects everyone around the target as !ell
as the po!er of nature is indifferent to innocence.
Taught by% #n avatar of Gaia
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Body %ra#k (&lack 'ury Rank @)
,he Garou can cause a target to suffer immense pain. ,his Gift is taught by a pain
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls 5e.terity 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the opponent+s Stamina 1 @). "ach successes causes the victim to
lose one die from all 5ice pools as agoni*ing pain s!eeps over his body.
(alm Before the Storm (&lack 'ury Rank @)
,he &lack 'uries are at heart a tribe of contradiction they both represent the
harmony and beauty of the Wyld but also the spectacular savagery and brutality
of the same. Sometimes they even bring the t!o forces together such as !ith this
Gift. 3t lays a sense of peace and -uiet over an area not an uncomfortable silence
but a serene sense of security. 3t is naturally used to prepare an ambush. ,he
moment this peace breaks these spirits of calm depart -uickly and are replace
!ith spirits of anger storm and pain. 'e! sub>ected to this Gift survive the assault
that follo!s. ,his Gift is taught by a cat spirit.
System% ,he &lack 'ury spends one Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 6rimal Brge
difficulty ;. # simple success pro>ects a sense of utter safety on a group of no
more than ten people. 3f they e.pect an ambush they may roll 6erception 1
"mpathy (difficulty 4) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion !ithin their
o!n group. 3f they obtain more successes than the &lack 'ury on her 6rimal Brge
roll they can sense the impending assault and run. )ther!ise the Gift !orks and
the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of their rolls for
every success the &lack 'ury initially rolled.
Taught by% (at spirits
Book% 6G0e
Motherly Guardian (&lack 'ury Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to =tag= an individual so that she can keep track of her
target+s health and !elfare. ,he Garou gains a general sense of the individual+s
location at all times and can sense !hen the target is in trouble and needs
assistance. ,he Gift lets the Garou kno! !hat kind of aid the target needs. ,he
Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. ,he effects of
the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er) to set the =tag= on the designated individual.
Whenever she concentrates on that person she receives information about the
target+s general state of health and present circumstances. When the character
attempts to concentrate on the targeted individual she performs all other actions
at a 11 difficulty due to her preoccupation !ith her charge.
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
%as$ Talons (&lack 'ury Rank @)
,he Garou may actually hurl her cla!s through the air at a foe. ,he Garou is
incapable of using this Gift or making a cla! attack the ne.t turn for her cla!s
must actually regenerate. ,his Gift is taught by a Wasp spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 &ra!l. 5amage is normal for the Garou+s
Strength !hile the difficulty is determined by range as though the Garou !as
using a firearm. ,he medium range is 78 yards/ the Garou receives no modifier at
this range. ,!ice this range (@8 yards) is the farthest the cla!s can be hurled. ,he
difficulty at long range is increased by one. )n the other hand attacks made at
targets !ithin a yard of the Garou are considered =point$blank= (difficulty @).
Arro& of Artemis (&lack 'ury Rank ?)
,o honor Cuna in her aspect as #rtemis the huntress of the moon the &lack
'uries strive to master the art of archery. ,his Gift is the ultimate e.pression of
their skill. &y invoking the huntress+ name and freeing her mind of distractions a
'ury can invest a single arro! !ith the light of Cuna $ and celestial killing po!er.
Firtually no force of Gaia can make her miss and !hen the arro! strikes it does
so !ith the force of a thunderbolt. ,his Gift is taught only by po!erful Cunes in
direct service to Cuna$the$Huntress.
System% ,he &lack 'ury spends a point of Gnosis as she dra!s back the arro!
and sights on her target/ this takes a full action. While she is looking do!n the
shaft of the dra!n arro! (!hich glo!s !ith a faint silver light once =charged=)
she can see through any illusion or darkness that might impair her sight/ this
includes vampiric 5isciplines Gifts and magick.
When she fires the arro! the ne.t turn the archer rolls 5e.terity 1 #rchery to hit
as usual. Ho!ever this Gift gives her 0 bonus successes on the roll and reduces
the difficulty of the shot by 7 $ only the most incredible botches or superhuman
evasion can make the shot miss. ,he arro! inflicts ten dice of aggravated damage/
those slain by the missile are immolated in a -uick$burning silver fire that does
not spread further than the corpse and leaves only bones behind.
Ho!ever this Gift must only be used in time of !ar $ else #rtemis becomes very
displeased. 3f the 'ury releases the arro! !ithout a genuine living (or undead)
target or rela.es the bo! and doesn+t fire at all the spent Gnosis point is
permanently lost. 'uries only invoke this Gift !hen they known they have a target
that must be slain/ using the illusion$dispelling abilities to =scan for invisible
enemies= is highly disrespectful and counts as abuse of the Gift.
Taught by% 6o!erful Cunes in direct service to Cuna$the$Huntress
Book% WW%t5#
Bring Forth the Future (&lack 'ury Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to call upon ,ambiyah to change one facet of the
individual+s future. ,he change must be specific such as preventing the sub>ect of
the Gift from encountering a kno!n situation that !ill result in her certain death.
While this Gift does not guarantee that a foreseen future !ill be altered it does
allo! the Garou to attempt to avert disaster or improve an individual+s lot.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1
"nigmas (difficulty 4). )nly one success is necessary to effect a change in a
future event. ,he player should e.plain to the Storyteller !hich element of the
future even she !ishes to alter. ('or e.ample =3 !ant my packmate to survive the
coming battle against the fomori horde.=). 3f possible the Storyteller should
arrange events so that the change takes place e.actly as stated. ,he Gift only
affects events that !ill occur !ithin the 7@ hours immediately follo!ing the
activation of the Gift/ furthermore characters cannot ensure the death or
destruction of their foes !ith this po!er. )nly pleas for preservation meet !ith
the Feiled :other+s approval
Taught by% ,ambiyah
Book% RatH
Gorgon-s Ga.e (&lack 'ury Rank ?)
,his hideous po!er of legend can turn living flesh into stone !ith but a ga*e.
Fictims !ho make eye contact !ith the user of this Gift find themselves changed
into statues !here they stand. ,his Gift is a closely guarded secret not to be
shared !ith the other ,ribes. Rumors persist that the elder &lack 'uries can make
the effect permanent. 5ifficulty to find and even more dangerous to approach the
legendary &asilisk spirit can teach this Gift.
System% #fter making eye contact the player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (5ifficulty
of the target+s !illpo!er) to determine the number of rounds the victim remains
stone. ,he player can double this time !ith a Willpo!er point.
The Thousand Forms (&lack 'ury Rank ?)
,he Garou !ith this Gift may change herself into any animal bet!een the si*es of
a small bird and a bison. ,he Garou gains all the natural abilities of that animal
(flight poison bite etc) She may not take the form of Wyrm$beasts (not that they
!ould !ant toD) but she may take the form of mythical beasts !ith some e.tra
effort $ most &lack 'uries take the form of 6egasus in that case.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 #nimal Aen.
,he difficulty varies rising higher the farther removed from the Garou+s natural
form the desired animal is. 'or e.ample an ape or panther (mammals of roughly
similar mass) might be difficulty ? !hile an alligator (a reptile of larger mass)
might be difficulty ; and a frog might be difficulty E. :imicking mythical
animals is al!ays difficulty 18.
Book% WW0e
%yld %ar$ (&lack 'ury Rank ?)
,he Garou calls out to the Wyld the primal force of chaos itself. Success
summons one of the great Wyld spirits or a number of lesser ones to the Realm.
,hey (or it) !ill probably help the Garou but nothing is certain about these
creatures of chaos/ this is a desperate tactic at best. ,his Gift is taught by a
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and then one Rage point. She then
rolls Wits 1 "nigmas against a difficulty of the area+s Gauntlet. Success summons
a variable number of Wyld spirits.
Bone Gna&ers Gifts
(ardboard Mansion (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
# &one Gna!er !ith this Gift can create a perfectly functional shelter for herself.
,he Garou can fashion any ordinary cardboard bo. into a !aterproof noise$
resistant and insulated home. 5espite conditions outside the bo. the mansion
remains dry !arm and -uiet. # Home or Hearth$spirit can teach this Gift.
System% ,he &one Gna!er needs only a bo. of suitable si*e. # large enough bo.
can sleep more than one $ as long as everybody is friendly. ,he Gna!er spends a
Gnosis point and cra!ls in for an evening+s nap.
(ooking (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
,he &one Gna!er must have a small pot and ladle for this Gift. ,he Garou may
take any small easily destroyed item he can find $ bark beer cans plastic !rap
!hatever $ and stir it into the pot turning it into a foul$tasting but edible mush.
,his Gift is taught by a Raccoon or Rat spirit
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 Survival. ,he difficulty depends on the ob>ects
used $ 2 for inedible but other!ise harmless material up to 18 for cyanide and the
Find the Pri.e (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
,he Garou employing this Gift closes her eyes and things about finding a thing of
great value either a specific item or a general class of things. 3f the Gift is
invoked correctly the Garou may receive an impression of or a clue leading
to!ards the item they are looking for. ,he clue is decided by the Storyteller and
must be !orked into the story% =,urning the corner you see an ad for the Hound
5og cafe...perhaps the "lvis plate could be thereO= <ote that >ust because an item
has been located does not mean it can be easily gotten. ,his Gift is taught by an
"nigma spirit or by any (ity spirit associated !ith finding items.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas
(difficulty set by the Storyteller). "ach success on the roll gives one clue
concerning the !hereabouts of this item.
2ose of the Hungry Hound (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
&y invoking this Gift the Garou can hunt do!n the closest source of discarded
relatively disease$free food. ,his Gift !ill not detect the hot dogs !ithin a
vendor+s cart (unless that vendor !ould gladly give a !iener to a hungry mutt)
but it !ould detect the bag of chee*$fries that accidentally dropped out of a
passing car !indo!. ,his is a &one Gna!er version of the Cupus Gift% Sense 6rey
and is taught by 5og Raven and 6ossum spirits.
System% ,he Gna!er !ho !ishes to use this Gift must spend a Willpo!er point
and make a 6erception 1 6rimal$Brge roll (difficulty ;). ,he number of successes
determines ho! much food is found.
Play Possum (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
With animal cunning the Gna!er can force her body into a state near death. 'ar
from a serene peaceful trance !herein the Garou imitates death the Gift creates a
facade closer to a dro!ned bloated rat. ,he Garou+s body stinks of rot maggots
cra!l on her and flies gather as if to feast. )nly a scrupulous investigation reveals
the truth $ but most folks !on+t !ant to get that close. :ost Silver 'angs argue to
ban this Gift at moots and social gatherings. # 5ecay$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must spend a Gnosis point and remain perfectly still to
activate the Gift. )n activation the Garou resembles a rotting corpse to all senses.
When the Gift activates anyone attempting to detect life in the Garou must roll
6erception 1 :edicine (difficulty e-uals the user+s :anipulation 1 Subterfuge)
and physically e.amine the =carcass=.
Taught by% 5ecay$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
*esist To1in (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
:any &one Gna!ers learn a preternatural resistance to poisons and to.ins of all
kinds doubtless due to their diet of refuse and #merican beer. # trash spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou rolls Stamina 1 Survival (difficulty 2). Success nullifies the
effects of most conventional poisons and adds three dice to the Garou+s Stamina
for purposes of resisting Wyrm$enhanced poisons. ,he effect lasts for the scene.
Taught by% ,rash spirit
Book% WW0e
S#ent of S&eet Honey (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
,he Garou attracts minor #ir$spirits to the chosen target causing them to e.ude a
!onderfully s!eet aroma and become slightly sticky to touch. <aturally all
manner of vermin !ill shortly make their appearance and the target !ill s!iftly
become coated !ith and surrounded by s!arms of gnats flies bees etc. ,he
s!arm !ill cause impaired vision for the target annoying stings and bites
maddening bu**ing noises total inability to function socially and other
inconveniences. ,he e.act game affect of the s!arm is up to the Storyteller. ,his
Gift is taught by certain 6lant spirits but 3nsect spirits can also teach it.
System% ,he Garou can spend one Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 2). ,he smell lasts for one hour per success and !ill not !ash off in
this time.
S$eed of the Messenger (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
,his Gift increases the movement rate of the Garou so that he can travel long
distances in short periods of time. ,he character+s body seems to flo! like
-uicksilver enabling him to accomplish astounding feats of agility !hile under
the effects of this Gift. ,hus the Garou can travel rapidly across a tree limber
along a narro! !ooden beam !ithout slo!ing do!n or faltering.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and rolls 5e.terity 1 #thletics
(difficulty 4). )ne success allo!s the character to move at t!ice her normal
speed/ t!o successes gives her three times normal speed !hile three successes
allo!s the character to move four times as -uickly. :ore than three successes
cause the character to assume a blurry form that confers t!o e.tra dice to any
rolls involving 5e.terity !hile the character is in motion. ,he effect lasts for one
turn or one scene depending on the circumstance. ,his Gift affects movement
only and cannot allo! a character to stop to deliver blo!s in combat !ithout
ending the Gift+s duration. ,hus a character can use the Gift to get to a combat
more -uickly but once she engages in battle she loses the benefits conferred by
the Gift.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Tagalong (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
(ommonly used by &one Gna!ers residing in a sept controlled by other tribes
this Gift ingratiates the &one Gna!er to a pack+s or caern+s totem for a short time.
While the Gift is in effect the Gna!er is treated as a member of a pack !ith
regards to using the totem+s blessings and any pack tactics the pack kno!s. 3f used
on a caern totem the totem looks favorably upon the &one Gna!er. ,he Gna!er
may then perform the Rite of the )pened (aern if he kno!s it !ithout fear of
retribution. # lost$dog spirit a servant of Rat teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Gna!er must kno! the name of the ,otem in -uestion. He must also
prostrate himself before the caern+s centre of the pack+s leader and !iggle for!ard
on his stomach like a begging dog. ,he player rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge. ,he
difficulty varies based on the totem+s opinion of the &one Gna!er !hich is left to
the Storyteller+s discretion. Success indicates that the character gains the
previously mentioned benefits for one day and that the totem !ill not look
favorably on a Garou !ho mistreats the &one Gna!er !ithout cause. ,his Gift
usually !on+t cause any bad feelings from the sept or pack in -uestion as long as
the &one Gna!er minds his manners. Ho!ever using it too often certainly !ill.
Taught by% # lost$dog spirit a servant of Rat
Book% WW0e
Trail of the /arder (&one Gna!er Rank 1)
3t+s said that the (hildren of 'amine !ere the first to learn this Gift and teach it to
their fello!s. ,his Gift allo!s the &one Gna!er to scent out the best source of
sur#lus food $ that is food currently in the possession of someone !ho has more
than he re-uires. Said food is almost al!ays guarded or locked a!ay $ not that this
bothers the (hildren of 'amine. ,he Gna!ers also use this Gift for more creative
effects from time to time/ the reno!ned elder Simon (lubfoot found his !ay out
of the t!isted dungeons of (ount Aimos by follo!ing his nose to the kitchen.
# s-uirrel spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ;) and spends a
Willpo!er point. ,he number of successes determines ho! far a!ay the Gna!er
can sense the food and ho! accurately he can gauge the amount of surplus.
Taught by% S-uirrel spirit
Book% WW%t5#
Beneath 2oti#e (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
While others seek fame the &one Gna!ers+ best bet is anonymity. ,his Gift
allo!s the Gna!er to blend in !ith the features of a to!n or village by becoming
too familiar to be noticed. #lthough no physical changes take place normal
people cannot remember details concerning the Garou. ,he Gift !orks in either
Homid or Cupus form and causes people !ho encounter the user to remember a
nondescript drifter or a mangy dog. # 5og$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er point to remain =anonymous= for the
rest of the scene. <o one !ho sees the Gna!er during that time can remember
details concerning his appearance.
Taught by% 5og$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Blissful 3gnoran#e (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
,he Garou can become completely invisible to all sense spirits or monitoring
devices by remaining still. ,his Gift is taught by a (hameleon$ spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 Stealth (difficulty ;)/ each success subtracts
one success from the 6erception 1 #lertness rolls of those actively looking for the
character. 3f no one is so doing then one success indicates complete concealment.
Drunkard-s /u#k (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
3n a drunken stupor the Gna!er !alks a!ay from fatal accidents and ha*ardous
situations !ith the assistance of this Gift. Where a sober Garou !ould hesitate and
take a mortal !ound the Gna!er stumbles into the clear despite impaired
refle.es. # Spirits$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Gift activates automatically !hen the &one Gna!er consumes
enough alcohol to render him drunk. 3n this state he loses three dice to all of his
actions (more if he continues drinking) but he benefits from an ama*ing lucky
streak. ,he player can reroll any failed rolls involving defensive actions including
5odge and Stamina soak rolls. ,he Storyteller may also allo! the character to
avoid ha*ards that he could not normally detect such as falling debris or surprise
attacks. When the effects of the alcohol !ear off the Gift deactivates. ,he Gift
does nothing for hangovers.
Taught by% Spirits$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
+dious Aroma (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
,he use of musk has long been a defense in the !ild. With this Gift the Garou
can greatly amplify her o!n natural body odor creating a debilitating stench. ,his
Gift is taught by a Stinkbug spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. 'or the duration of the scene all
beings !ithin 78 feet of the Garou (provided they have olfactory organs) subtract
t!o from all 5ice 6ools as they choke and retch. Ho!ever the Garou subtracts
t!o from all his Social 5ice pools and may be ostraci*ed for the duration (not a
big !orry for most &one Gna!ers).
Plague !isage (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
#nyone in his right mind fears a leper. ,his Gift allo!s the &one Gna!er to dra!
an illusion of terrible disease on his features repelling even the most stout$hearted
onlookers. 3t+s a useful trick in many situations. 3t can earn charity from !ell$
meaning monks terrify locals and even serve as a !ay of blending in $ after all
people are afraid of you !hether they think you+re a leper or be!itched but as
least disease is more acceptable than !itchcraft.
,his Gift is taught by a Rat or 5isease spirit.
System% ,he &one Gna!er rolls :anipulation 1 :edicine/ the effects last for a
scene. ,he imaginary disease may appear to be anything the Gna!er is familiar
!ith such as leprosy or po. or even something entirely invented. :ortals
vie!ing the illusion must make Willpo!er checks at difficulty 4 or shrink a!ay in
revulsion/ a botch might even send them screaming out into the streets screaming
about pestilence. Supernaturals that are immune to disease have less to fear $ they
must still make Willpo!er tests but the difficulty falls to 2
Taught by% Rat or disease spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Sti#ky Fingers (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
,his trick coats the fingers of a Garou !ith a silvery substance that adheres to
anything making it possible to climb slick vertical surfaces !ith ease. 3n addition
this Gift also assists a Garou in pilfering small items such as credit cars keys or
loose change.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis. ,he ability to cling to sheer
surfaces is automatic. 3n addition the character gains t!o e.tra dice to any
Street!ise or other roll the Storyteller deems appropriate/ he might get e.tra dice
on a pick pocketing attempt but not !hen trying to hot$!ire a car. ,he effect lasts
for one scene
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Trash Magnet (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
)rdinary street garbage becomes the &one Gna!er+s ally as it s!irls about his
opponent or engulfs his rival. #ll the trash nearby assails the target of this Gift
making life difficulty. )lder &one Gna!ers can completely immobili*e a smart$
mouth upstart Garou in heaps of trash and piles of garbage. ,rash spirits teach
this Gift although Rat$spirits teach a version that animates se!er flotsam.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 Street!ise (difficulty ;) to determine the
amount of trash involved. With one success a minor distraction of ne!spapers
and plastic bags causes a small increase in difficulties. With ? successes the
target is buried in garbage and must dig his !ay to freedom. ,his Gift affects
to.ic !aste as !ell. <ote that this Gift does not create trash but instead dra!s
upon the garbage in an area. #n attempt to use this Gift in a sterile environment
!ould fail.
%ard of the *oad (&one Gna!er Rank 7)
,his allo!s a Garou to leap from a -uickly moving vehicle and remain
undamaged. ,he Gift is taught by a spirit of the road.
System% &y spending one Willpo!er point and scoring at least one success on a
Stamina 1 Survival roll (difficulty 2) the Garou takes no damage from the fall. 3f
he fails ho!ever he takes full damage/ if he botches he takes double damage (he
fell on his ankle etc.). ,he Garou can also leap from tall buildings in this manner
but it re-uires one success per story to negate damage.
Beg (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
&y playing upon the compassion of others &one Gna!ers can generate an
ama*ing amount of pity. &y e.aggerating her miserable state a clever &one
Gna!er can gain favor !ith people !ho have too much any!ay. &y groveling or
telling her particular sob story she might get a handout a favor or at least a good
meal. # pigeon spirit teaches this Gift !hich is one reason only &one Gna!ers
ever learn it.
System% ,he players must spend one Gnosis point and roll :anipulation and
6erformance. 3f the role$playing is particularly moving the player can forgo the
roll at the Storyteller+s discretion. ,he difficulty depends on the target/ a
charitable (hild of Gaia might be a @ !hereas an overbearing Get of 'enris might
be a E. ,he number of successes determines the amount of pity generated and the
generosity of the favor.
(all the *ust (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
&y !histling softly through his teeth the &one Gna!er can summon a sudden and
destructive rust onto metal in his vicinity. Spearheads crumble s!ords corrode
and mail falls apart at the !ere!olf+s command. Some Gna!ers use this trick to
protect their kin from armed men in a humane fashion but others prefer to inflict
little poetic >ustices $ such as attending the latest bear$baiting and corroding the
chain holding the bear in -uestion.
,his Gift is taught by a Water spirit.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 (rafts. "ach
success allo!s the Gna!er to corrode one ferrous metal ob>ect into fragile
uselessness although detailed !orks such as a chain hauberk count as t!o
ob>ects. ,he Garou need not be touching the ob>ect at the time but he must be
able to see it and be !ithin conversational earshot.
Taught by% Water spirit
Book% WW%t5#
Deliberate Misinformation (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
,he Garou can slip confusing and contrary information into his target+s
conversation making their plans fall apart or other!ise causing them to suffer
from a gross breakdo!n in communications. )pponents in the immediate vicinity
of the Garou mishear each other or misinterpret instructions. ,he information
affected by this Gift must be communicated verbally $ either in person or through
the use of a direct communication device such as a telephone or other
transmission device.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 Cinguistics (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er or the highest Willpo!er in the target group). "ach success allo!s the
character to sub>ect one opponent to the effects of this Gift. #ll actions that result
from information communicated verbally receive a 17 difficulty/ simple orders
such as proceeding to a certain address or moving to the left or right flank in
battle automatically go a!ry. ,he Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Friend in 2eed (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
3t takes a lot for a pack to accept a &one Gna!er as an e-ual but once they do
the Gna!er+s loyalty is unshakeable. ,his Gift allo!s a &one Gna!er to risk all
even his o!n life to aid a packmate or tribemate. # dog spirit teaches this Gift.
System% When a packmate or fello! &one Gna!er is on danger the character
may =lend= him !hat he needs be it a Gift the &one Gna!er kno!s his Rage his
Willpo!er or even his o!n life (in the form of health levels). ,he &one Gna!er
cannot lend a Gift of higher rank than the recipient could kno! neither can he
lend #bilities or #ttributes. ,he player must spend one Willpo!er point and roll
Willpo!er (difficulty ;) and must succeed for the transfer to take place. 3f the roll
botches the &one Gna!er loses the traits in -uestion but the recipient does not
gain them. ,his Gift lasts until the end of the scene unless the recipient
decides to terminate it early. 3f the recipient dies before the ,raits are returned the
&one Gna!er loses them permanently.
Taught by% 5og
Book% WW0e
Gift of the Skunk (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
With this Gift the Garou can s!ell his musk glands allo!ing him to spray musk
like a skunk. ,his Gift is of course taught by a Skunk$spirit.
System% )n any turn the Garou may spray his musk at any target. 5e.terity 1
6rimal Brge (difficulty ;/ modified by range) is re-uired to hit. # target hit by the
musk doubles over retching and must spend a Willpo!er point to do anything all
for the remainder of the scene. "ven then ho!ever he subtracts one from his
5ice 6ool for each success the Garou scored of his roll. ,he effect lasts for the
duration of the scene or until the target rigorously bathes.
Gift of the Termite (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
,he Gna!er can cause !ood and paper to rot !ith astonishing speed. 'urniture
falls apart documents disintegrate and even buildings collapse. )bviously one of
the best instructors is a termite spirit.
System% #fter spending a Gnosis point the character rolls 3ntelligence 1 Repair
(difficulty ;). ,he number of successes determines the amount of !ood or paper
destroyed% )ne success can rot a ream of paper three can deteriorate a !all and
five successes can collapse the roof of a small building. Strategic use of this
po!er can dramatic results even for those of lesser skill.
*esha$e +b,e#t (&one Gna!er Rank 0)
,he Garou can instantly shape once$living material (but not undeadD) into a
variety of ob>ects $ thus trees may become shelter buck antlers become spears
animal hides become armor and flo!ers become perfumes. ,he item !ill in some
!ay resemble the ob>ect from !hich it !as created (the spear is made of antler
not !ood). ,his Gift is taught by a Weaver$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Repair against a variable difficulty (? to
turn a broken tree limb into a spear 4 to turn a plank into a floatable raft etc).
,he created ob>ect is not necessarily permanent/ it !ill last a length of time
according to the chart belo!. ".pending a Gnosis point allo!s a created !eapon
to inflict aggravated damage (this effect is not permanent unless a permanent
Gnosis point is spent).
Successes 5uration
)ne ? minutes
,!o 18 minutes
,hree )ne Scene
'our )ne Story
'ive 6ermanent
Attunement (&one Gna!er Rank @)
&y standing in a particular area the character can commune !ith the spirits of the
area thus getting an overvie! or !hat e.ists or has happened in the area $ rough
population secret tunnels places of note and so on. ,his Gift is taught by a Rat
spirit to &one Gna!ers and a (ockroach spirit to the Glass Walkers.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 Street!ise
(difficulty 2). ,he amount of information gathered depend on the number of
successes/ on a botch the spirits lie. ,his Gift may only be used in urban areas as
the Gna!ers have become desensiti*ed to the !ilderness.
(li#h5 (urse (&one Gna!er Rank @)
'rom ,oger 'bert's ittle "igger +o$ie *lossary) &-lich. #hobia( (ondition
affecting people raised on movies. Symptoms occur !hen real life situations echo
movie clichPs and the sufferers must take action to avoid !hat !ould be the
inevitable denouement in a movie.=
What is a humorous anecdote in the hands of humans becomes a deadly !eapon
in the cla!s of a &one Gna!er. :ost often employed !ith an appropriately
dramatic curse (although this isn+t necessary) the target of this Gift becomes
certain to suffer an unfavorable fate in a clichP$related !ay. #nyone reaching for
something high in a cupboard !ill inevitably have the entire contents fall on top
of him. Riding a bicycle on a sunny day invites being hit by a truck. While it is
possible to avoid the effects of this curse doing so re-uires virtually
shutting yourself from the !orld and not in a dark room either. 3t is taught by a
dog spirit or by a spirit from a television realm.
System% ,he player spends one point of Gnosis and names the victim !ho must
be !ithin hearing distance and line of sight. 'or t!enty$four hours the victim
risks disaster. )nce that disaster occurs ho!ever the curse is ended.
Taught by% 5og and ,F spirits
Book% 6G0e
3nfest (&one Gna!er Rank @)
,he Gna!er may call up a horde of vermin (rats insects slugs birds snakes etc)
to invade an area (no greater than a large building) of his choice. ,he creatures
!ill act according to their nature and !ill not mindlessly attack humans/ indeed
many of them may try to flee. ,his Gift is taught by a Rat spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 #nimal
Aen (difficulty ;). ,he si*e of the horde is determined by the number of
successes/ one success !ill cause a notable problem and several calls to the
e.terminator !hile five !ill create a scene from a horror film as the building is
s!armed in creatures.
Mer#urial Messenger (&one Gna!er Rank @)
,his Gift enables a Garou !ho overhears a conversation or !ho is entrusted !ith
a message to remember !hat she has heard. #t a later time the Garou may repeat
back verbatim everything heard over a single scene as if she had total recall. ,he
Gift allo!s the Garou to reproduce voice intonations accents and speech patterns
or mannerisms !hich match those of the original speaker. 3n addition the Garou
can appro.imate the speaker+s actual voice.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 Cinguistics
(difficulty ;). "ach success increases the accuracy of the character+s delivery of
the remembered conversation or message. 3f necessary the Storyteller may repeat
the conversation for the benefit of the character+s audience. # failure means that
the character remembers only !hat the player remembers. # botch introduces a
series of discrepancies into the repetition.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
Madthought (&one Gna!er Rank ?)
,his trick literally makes the !ere!olf+s foes too clever for their o!n good. ,he
Garou can cause her enemies+ thought processes to speed up so radically that they
literally think too rapidly to put any one plan into motion. ,he victim of the Gift
can only stand still as his thoughts run a!ay !ith him rushing madly from one
brilliant plan to another or considering all the multiple alternatives for their =ne.t=
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls Wits 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). ,he number of successes determines ho!
many turns the victim stands =lost in though=. When the victim recovers from the
Gift he is most likely highly disoriented and may need to regain focus and
other!ise discover !hat+s been happening !hile he =!as out=. # failure simply
means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch gives the victim not only rapid
thought but the ability to translate those thoughts into immediate action $ usually
to the detriment of the character.
Taught by% :itanu
Book% RatH
*iot (&one Gna!er Rank ?)
,he Garou summons a horde of malevolent spirits to provoke the hatreds and
fears of the do!n and out $ the homeless the gangs the urban animals such as
alley cats and stray dogs etc. ,his Gift is taught by a Rat spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point to summon the spirits and then a
point of Rage to incite the passions of all concerned. He then rolls Wits 1
Subterfuge (difficulty 4). 3f successful these spirits direct their material hosts
against a target of the Garou+s choosing though the disparate elements of the riot
!ill by no means !ork together (they may not even be a!are that others are
trying to accomplish the same thing). ,he number of successes determines the
e.tent of the riot $ one success incites a building three a neighborhood or suburb
and five the entire city.
Surior (&one Gna!er Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou temporary immunity to many environmental effects
such as pressure or temperature variations. She is also immune to disease poison
and even radiation as !ell as any corrupting effects from the touch of Wyrm
entities. She does not need to eat drink or rest and she gains three e.tra points of
Stamina even if this takes the attribute over 18. She also ignores !ound penalties.
3n addition !henever she is about to die or defeated she automatically regains
one Willpo!er point. ,he Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 Survival
(difficulty ;)/ the effects last for one day per success.
(hildren of Gaia
Ee-s Blessing ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
(hildbirth is a risky thing in these dangerous times and the (hildren cannot stand
to see unnecessary suffering. ,his Gift allo!s the Garou to improve a mother+s
chances of surviving a birth as !ell as keeping the ne!born free of disease for a
short time.
,his Gift is taught by a (o! spirit
System% ,he (hild of Gaia need only lay her hands on the soon to be mother+s
abdomen and spend a Gnosis point/ this can be done even during labor. 'or the
ne.t !eek the mother and child are treated as having an e.tra dot of Stamina
each for the purposes of surviving childbirth and resisting illness or the like. 3f
the mother is pregnant !ith multiple children the Garou must spend one Gnosis
point per child to protect them all/ ho!ever in the process of invoking this Gift
the (hild !ill automatically learn ho! many children are to be born and can
ad>ust his Gnosis e.penditure accordingly. ,he Gift can be used on !olves
(although its less necessary)/ the Gnosis point spent !ill protect the entire litter
for three days.
Taught by% (o! spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Find the Heart-s Flame ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can identify sources of energy or po!er even !hen they
are hidden or unfamiliar. ,he Garou must concentrate to detect the pulsations of
po!er that emanate from even a dormant energy source. ,his becomes useful
!hen travelling in some of the more alien reaches of the Bmbra !here familiar
ob>ects take on strange appearances. ,his Gift also enables the Garou to identify
machinery such as generators or solar batteries regardless of their appearance or
attempts to conceal them. Spirits that serve as energy or po!er foci also register
to the Garou+s senses !hen this Gift is in effect.
System% ,he player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 #lertness
(difficulty ;). # single success identifies po!er sources that lie !ithin ?8 feet of
the Garou. #dditional successes allo! the character to e.tend her range to locate
distant sources. ,his Gift lasts for once scene.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Mer#y ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
(hildren of Gaia see kno! use for lethal force !hen they are not fighting minions
of the Wyrm but even they succumb to fren*y. ,his Gift used chiefly by
(hildren of Gaia !ith high Rage or in duels allo!s the Garou to use her natural
!eaponry and Rage !ithout fear of killing her opponent. # dove$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point. 'or the rest of the scene all damage
that the Garou inflicts !ith her o!n body (cla!s and teeth but not !eapons of
any kind) is considered bashing. # creature =killed= by such damage merely falls
unconscious and he may heal the !ounds at the normal rate for bashing damage.
Taught by% # dove spirit
Book% WW0e
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
(hildren of Gaia see kno! use for lethal force !hen they are not fighting minions
of the Wyrm but even they succumb to fren*y. ,his Gift used chiefly by
(hildren of Gaia !ith high Rage or in duels allo!s the Garou to use her natural
!eaponry and Rage !ithout fear of killing her opponent. # dove$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point. 'or the rest of the scene all damage
that the Garou inflicts !ith her o!n body (cla!s and teeth but not !eapons of
any kind) is +virtual+ $ the creature does not actually suffer any !ounds but suffers
the same effects as if they had. # creature =killed= by such damage merely falls
Mother-s Tou#h ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
,he Garou is able to heal the !ounds of others aggravated or other!ise simply
by laying hands over the afflicted area. ,he Garou may not heal herself !ith the
Gift. ,his Gift is taught by a Bnicorn$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the !ounded individual+s Rage or 2 for non$Garou). "ach success
heals one Health Cevel. "ven battle scars may be cured in this manner but this
must be done in the same scene the scar !as obtained and re-uires the
e.penditure of a Gnosis point. ,here is no limit to ho! many times this may be
used on a person but each use re-uires a Gnosis point.
*esist Pain ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
,hrough force of !ill the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his !ounds and
continue acting normally. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% ,he Garou by spending one Willpo!er pint may ignore all !ound
penalties for the duration of the scene.
Sense /imits ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
,he Garou can determine appro.imately the amount of Rage Gnosis or
Willpo!er !ithin an individual. ,his ability enables the Garou to >udge !hether
or not her target can resist an attempt to influence her actions or !hether she is
likely to dra! upon her supply of Gnosis or Rage. ,his Gift also allo!s a Garou
to gauge !hether or not other supernaturals are currently !eak$!illed or drained
of some other source of po!er. 'or e.ample a Garou may be able to tell that a
vampire has little po!er but may not reali*e that the Ceech+s blood supply is lo!.
,his Gift also enables a Garou to sense !hether an Bmbral spirit+s 6o!er is !eak
or near depletion.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). "ach success enables
the character to determine the general levels of Rage Gnosis and Willpo!er for
one targeted individual. #dditional successes allo! the character access to more
specific information about a single target or else gives her general information
about another target. ,he Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers
but should relay information in relative terms (=,he &lack Spiral 5ancer has used
most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpo!er and Gnosis left= =,he mage has
plenty of magical energy left inside her=).
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien ((hild of Gaia Rank 1)
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). :ore successes allo!
for a more accurate measure of the traits of the victim $ one may only allo! for a
general impression !hereas 0 successes could give the Garou a fairly accurate
idea of the balance !ithin that victim and ? might give a more absolute
impression. ,he Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers but
should relay information in relative terms (=,he &lack Spiral 5ancer has used
most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpo!er and Gnosis left= =,he mage has
plenty of magical energy left inside her=).
(alm ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,he Garou can -uell the anger in others. ,his Gift is taught by a Bnicorn spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). "ach success removes one of the target+s
Rage points although lost Rage can be regained normally.
Flame of the %ind *ider ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,his Gift makes the Garou harder to damage by engulfing her in a ghostly blue$
!hite flame. 3n addition to serving as a form of amour the flame also offers
protection from cold including the intense cold of the far reaches of the #etherial
Realm and the free*ing damage inflicted by certain creatures of the Wyrm.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina 1 )ccult
(difficulty ;). "ach success lo!ers the difficulty for soaking damage from cold by
one. 3n addition the Garou gains t!o dice to add to all soak rolls/ these dice can
even be used to soak silver. ,he effects last for one scene.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Grandmother-s Tou#h ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,his Gift is similar to :other+s ,ouch but the Garou can use it to heal herself as
!ell as others. ,his Gift is taught by a Bnicorn spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the !ounded individual+s Rage or 2 for non$Garou). "ach success
heals one Health Cevel. "ven battle scars may be cured in this manner but this
must be done in the same scene the scar !as obtained and re-uires the
e.penditure of a Gnosis point. ,here is no limit to ho! many times this may be
used on a person but each use re-uires a Gnosis point.
/una-s Amour ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,he Garou calls upon the blessing of Cuna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at
her. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for one turn spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Stamina 1 Survival (difficulty 2). "ach success allo!s the Garou to add one to her
Stamina for the purpose of soaking damage (including silver). ,he effect lasts for
one scene.
Pea#e of the (ounselor ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,his Gift enables a Garou to bring even the most heated discussion to a peaceful
conclusion. ,hough it does not preclude more hostilities from erupting at a later
time the Gift creates an atmosphere of temporary true among enemies or prevents
tribe leaders from coming to blo!s over volatile issues. 5uring the grace period
the Garou can attempt to resolve the circumstances underlying the state of enmity
$ such as encouraging the participants in a dispute to begin negotiations or
achieving a compromise
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er among the -uarreling individuals). )ne
success causes combatants to stop fighting (or prevents them from initiating
combat) for one turn. "ach e.tra success increases the length of time in !hich
peace prevails by an additional turn/ five successes e.tends the Gift to an entire
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
S$ellbinding +ration ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
Similar to 6ersuasion this Gift allo!s a (hild of Gaia to be persuasive !hen
dealing !ith others. ,he Garou+s statements !ill take on an air of e.tra meaning
and credibility. ,hose hearing him are likely to agree !ith him. ,his Gift is taught
by a Bnicorn spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership against a difficulty of 2. 3f
successful the difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one per success for
anyone !ho hears him speak for the remainder of the scene. 3f the Garou is
actively trying to e.hort his audience to anything other than combat (in any form)
the difficulties of Social rolls are reduced by t!o and then by one per success. ,he
Garou must orate for at least five successes.
Stinging Blo&s ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
,he (hildren hate to admit it but sometimes you can+t negotiate your !ay to a
position of peace. )ccasionally you have to have faith in your o!n righteousness
and enforce you !ill upon those !ho are genuinely acting like children. &ut it
you+re going to do it at least you can make your claim as strongly as possible and
prevent unnecessary damage. ,his Gift is taught by a !asp spirit.
System% ,he (hild of Gaia spends one Rage. 'or the rest of the scene her attacks
are so painful that anyone struck by her immediately ignores any other foes he
may be facing and attack the (hild (Willpo!er roll difficulty E to resist). Bsually
this Gift is employed to break apart t!o foes !ho other!ise couldn+t be. 3ts a
risky gambit but sometimes effective.
Taught by% Wasp
Book% 6G0e
!oi#e of *eason ((hild of Gaia Rank 7)
#ll too often emotions obscure rational thought and turn normal people both
human and Garou into a bloodthirsty mob. ,he (hildren of Gaia use this Gift to
break through the emotional cloud and bring reason back to such a cro!d. )nce
her !ords reach her listeners+ ears the Gift forces them to pay attention. 3t -uells
emotional distractions and imparts a moment of clarity on the audience. While the
Gift does not disperse the members of a mob it does give them a chance to
rethink their actions. # Reason$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he audience must hear the (hild of Gaia for this Gift to !ork. 3f she is
unable to speak or cannot be heard over the roar of the cro!d the Gift has no
effect. ,he player must also spend one Willpo!er point. 'or every success on a
(harisma 1 "mpathy roll t!o people come to their senses and shake off the mob
mentality. 3f the Gift can affect the ma>ority of the group the mob disperses.
Taught by% Reason$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
(hant of Mor$heus ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,he user of this Gift can induce a long restful slumber in the target. #lthough the
Gift !ill not stop a fren*ied !ere!olf it can !ard off a fren*y before one take
place. ,he Gift disinclines any hostile activity after the peaceful rest. #lso the
!aking victim is able to think much more clearly. #n )possum spirit teaches this
Gift to individuals !ith patience and a lot of time.
System% ,he number of successes on a (harisma 1 "nigmas roll (difficulty e-ual
to the opponent+s Willpo!er) determines the number of hours that the target
sleeps. )ne Gnosis point activates this po!er. 'or one hour after !aking the
target must spend a Willpo!er point to take any hostile action against the user of
this Gift. #ny attacks directed at the sleeper a!aken her immediately and end the
effects of the Gift.
Da..le ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,he Garou can over!helm a target !ith the beauty and glory of Gaia. ,his Gift is
taught by a Bnicorn spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). So long as the target is not attacked it !ill stand mutely in a!e for
the remainder of the scene. ,his Gift may only be attempted once per target per
Good Faith ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
With this Gift the Garou can cause all those in his presence to become filled !ith
a sense of higher purpose. ,hey all feel the !ork they must do is more important
than their differences. #ll other distractions are gone and they feel inspired to
take reasonable positions rather than infle.ible positions or e.aggerated stands
intended to be bargained a!ay. ,hose !ho resist and continue to bargain in bad
faith become loudly and uncontrollably flatulent each time they state their
position. ,his Gift is taught by avatars of the <e! World ,rinity totem.
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 ".pression against a difficulty of 2. #nyone !ho
actively !ants to resist finding common ground or negotiating in good faith must
make a resisted Willpo!er roll (difficulty 2) against the Garou+s number of
successes. 3f he fails to resist his opposition !ill be betrayed by his sudden
flatulence and he !ill likely be shunned and vie!ed as absurdly infle.ible by
those !ho bargain in good faith.
Guilt Tri$ ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
&y unearthing buried guilt and remorse the (hild of Gaia can force another to
perform an action against her o!n !ill. "ven if little relation e.ists bet!een the
guilty conscience and the task at hand the Gift can be effective. &etter results
occur !hen there is a direct link ho!ever. ,he Gift !orks best !hen the target
!ants to perform the action but pride or fear prevents her from doing so. :any
urban spirits that have !itnesses the cruelty of humanity to!ard itself kno! this
Gift and teach it to the Garou.
System% ,he player must role$play the plea/ other!ise the Gift automatically fails.
".cellent role$playing can even negate the need for a roll (or even the need for the
Gift). )ther!ise the player must roll :anipulation 1 "mpathy versus the target+s
Willpo!er. )ne success barely gets a &one Gna!er to lift his pinkie !hereas five
successes can force a proud Silver 'ang to beg for forgiveness. ,he target can
spend Willpo!er points to resist this Gift.
Pall of Des$air ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,his Gift inflicts a !ave of despair upon a targeted individual making the victim
incapable of action due to feelings of profound melancholy.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). # successful roll causes the victim to
e.perience a feeling similar to Harano (or in the case of humans clinical
depression). ,his state of mind forces the victim to roll her Willpo!er in order to
take any action !hile combat becomes almost impossible. ()ptionally the
Storyteller can enforce the limitations of Harano found in the Were!olf 6layers
guide pg 78;). ,he effects of this Gift last for one scene.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Parting the !elet (urtain ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to transport non$Garou into the Bmbra. 3f the non$Garou
!ants to resist she must make a resisted Willpo!er roll against the bearer of the
Gift. ,his Gift can be used for physical transport through a reflective surface or
in combination !ith other Gifts for spirit travel. While in the Bmbra the non$
Garou are connected to the Gift user by silver threads. ,he others brought !ith
the ,heurge leave !hen she does or at the !him of the ,heurge.
System% ,he player must make their normal Gnosis roll and spend a Willpo!er
point for each non$Garou or non$Ainfolk that they !ish to bring !ith them. ,he
,heurge can send others home before herself by spending a Willpo!er point.
*ide the Solar %inds ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to ride the solar !inds that s!eep through the
#etherial Realm !ithout !orrying about being thro!n off course by storms. Bse
of this Gift also increases the Garou+s movement rate lessening travel time
bet!een locations !ithin the #etherial Realm.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 #lertness (difficulty
;)/ the need to remain =in touch= !ith the ever$changing currents of these spirit
!inds re-uires concentration and attunement rather than physical agility. # single
success allo!s the character to ride the !inds successfully to her destination (or
until she decides to end her >ourney). #dditional successes either allo! the Garou
to carry others !ith her (on a one$for$one basis) or reduce the travel time by half
per success. ,hus !ith one additional success a >ourney of one month !ould
only take t!o !eeks !hile t!o additional successes reduces the >ourney to a
!eek. # character may use some of her e.tra successes to allo! others to travel
!ith her and the remaining ones to speed up travel time.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
S$irit Friend ((hild of Gaia Rank 0)
,he (hildren !alk among spirits and interact !ith them more easily than most
for their aura e.udes friendship. ,his Gift is taught by Bnicorn spirits.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 ".pression (difficulty ;). "ach success adds
one die to all the Garou+s 5ice 6ools for interacting !ith any spirits in the vicinity
(e.cept those of the Wyrm).
Angel-s Semblan#e ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,he (hildren of Gaia don+t believe in terrifying humans unnecessarily. ,his Gift
allo!s a (hild to act in (rinos form !ithout invoking the terror of the 5elirium/
but instead of seeing a !ere!olf onlookers see an angelic figure of e.ceeding
grace and holiness. Witnesses may remember a (hild+s battle !ith a Wyrm beast
as an angel+s struggle !ith a demon or a !arning to leave the !oods as the
gracious guidance of a guardian angel. )nlookers need not be (hristian to be
affected/ 3slamic !itnesses might remember on of :ohammed+s fiery messengers
!hile <orse pagans might think the Garou !as one of the Falkyries.
,his Gift is taught by a spirit of Hope.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point to invoke #ngel+s Semblance for a
scene. ,he effects are automatic against humans/ use the 5elirium chart (ignoring
the (hild of Gaia tribal fla!) to determine ho! strongly a !itness is affected.
Responses of fear should be replaced !ith rapture/ even =catatonic fear= should be
seen as =complete bliss=.
Taught by% Hope
Book% WW%t5#
Beast /ife ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,he Garou may not only communicate !ith animals but can attract and command
them. 3f there are no animals of the sort desired in the vicinity none can be called.
,his Gift is taught by any #nimal$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen
(difficulty ;). )ne success causes animals !ithin a 18$mile radius to be affected.
"ach additional success add 18 miles (t!o successes indicate a 78$mile radius).
,he effect lasts for one scene but the time may be e.tended by spending one
Gnosis point per e.tra scene.
Hand of the Sun ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,he Garou+s hand bla*es !ith a terrible heat and gives off a !hite$hot light
similar to a branding iron. ,he Garou may touch an individual and mark them
indelibly (and painfully) !ith a brand of shame. #ny Garou !ho encounters the
victim in the future immediately recogni*e the mark as a sign of that person+s
treachery dishonor or other grave crime. Fampires ignite !hen touched by the
Hand of the Sun.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Rage and then a point of Gnosis. <o roll is
necessary for the Gift to take effect but the character must make a standard attack
roll in order to mark her victim. # victim touched by the Hand of the Sun takes
t!o health levels of unsoakable aggravated damage and receives a permanent
circular scar. ,he scar cannot be removed by any means short of amputating the
part of the body !hich contains the scar. ,he fire lasts for one scene although the
Garou may e.tinguish it beforehand if she so chooses.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Harmonious Slumber ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,his Gift enables the Garou to create a perfect environment for sleep even in the
most difficulty circumstances. Bnder the influence of this Gift the Garou receives
the e-uivalent of eight hours of restful sleep and a!akens refreshed and !ith his
spirits revived.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina 1 "nigmas
(difficulty ;). )ne success is necessary to affect the character. "ach additional
success allo!s him to include another individual in the effects of the Gift. #
failure means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch inflicts restless sleep on
the character !ith no benefits. When a character a!akens from a successful use
of this Gift he finds that his Gnosis is fully replenished. ,he nap can last for up to
eight hours although only t!o hours are necessary to reap full benefits.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
System% ,he player rolls Stamina 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s
the character to regain a point of Willpo!er and Gnosis !hile they sleep or to
include another individual in the effects of the Gift (a connection of some sort
physical or spiritual is necessary to include others in the Gift+s effects). # failure
means that the Gift does not !ork !hile a botch inflicts restless sleep on the
character and they lose a Willpo!er point. ,he nap can last for up to eight hours
although only t!o hours are necessary to reap full benefits.
Serenity ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,he Garou can -uell other+s Rage even bringing Garou out of fren*ies. ,his Gift
is taught by Bnicorn spirits.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 ".pression
(difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). ,he target is incapable of using Rage at all
for one turn per success. He may not spend Rage points but neither may he
Strike the Air ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
,he Garou becomes the ultimate e.ample of passive resistance. She becomes
unable to attack an opponent but she is also unable to be hit allo!ing her
opponent to e.haust himself in the attempt. # mongoose spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er point and rolls Wits 1 5odge
(difficulty of the opponent+s Willpo!er). 'or the duration of the scene the
opponent cannot strike the Garou no matter ho! many successes he achieves on
the roll. ,his Gift is cancelled immediately if the !ere!olf attacks his opponent
or if anyone else attacks on the Garou+s behalf. ,his Gift !ill !ork on multiple
opponents but the player must activate the Gift for each opponent.
Taught by% :ongoose
Book% WW0e
'ni#orn-s Gra#e ((hild of Gaia Rank @)
# Garou !ith this Gift never loses her poise and rarely loses her temper. "ven in
the nastiest arguments or the bloodiest combats (hildren of Gaia can maintain
their cool !ith this blessing. #n avatar of Bnicorn teaches her follo!ers this Gift.
System% &y spending one Gnosis point the Garou represses her Rage for an entire
scene. <o matter ho! many Rage points the Garou has humans and animals are
unable to detect her supernatural essence. ,he Garou also cannot fren*y and can
spend Rage points only up to a ma.imum of her "mpathy.
Taught by% Bnicorn
Burden of 0no&ledge ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
,he Garou floods an individual !ith the kno!ledge of all her o!n limitations
making the victim a!are of every fla! or failing and reminding her of all the
!rongs she has committed or caused. ,he !eight of this enlightenment can either
change an individual for the better or drive her into suicidal despair or murderous
fren*y. 'e! individuals survive the effect of this Gift unscathed. ,his Gift can
sometimes bring an errant Garou back from the edge of corruption or cause an
enemy of the Garou to be =born again=.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). Success causes the victim to e.perience
every negative aspect of her personality and past including secret vices
shortcomings failures and other similar faults. ,he Storyteller should decide !hat
ultimate effect the Gift produces in the victim $ either a desire to reform her !ays
and correct her failings an impulse to kill herself out of shame and despair or
some course of action in bet!een the t!o e.tremes. )nce the victim has
e.perienced the total effect of the Gift the intense a!areness begins to fade $ but
residual memories may plague the victim for a long time after!ard.
Taught by% Cu$&at
Book% RatH
(leansing Flame ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
,he Garou can pinpoint an area (or an individual) and set the target abla*e !ith an
intense and purifying flame that rages for 28 seconds and then dies out
completely. ,he fire can burn out all Wyrm$taint or human$made pollution from
an area or cleanse an individual (provided the victim survives) of Wyrm taint. ,he
first does not spread beyond the target area of person and can not be -uenched by
normal means. 'or instance if the Garou targets a house occupied by a 6ente.
official the fire bla*es through the house destroying any vestige of the Wyrm+s
corruption and leaving untouched anything not tainted by the Wyrm.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Rage and rolls her Willpo!er.
,he difficulty is 4 to affect and area/ the area cannot be larger than a large house.
,o target an individual the difficulty of the Willpo!er roll e-uals the victim+s
Willpo!er. Civing or undead creatures set on fire must roll their Stamina
(difficulty E) or die from the shock. ,he flame destroys fomori utterly/ &lack
Spiral 5ancers !ho survive the Stamina roll must make Gnosis rolls difficulty E
or lose their Wyrm$taint and its accompanying 5erangement. Such purified Garou
are stripped of all Rank and Gifts/ they may !ell fall again to corruption but they
are given a second chance.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Fool-s Medi#ine ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
&igotry may be commonplace in the West but that doesn+t mean Gaia+s (hildren
have to like it. ,ribe members use this Gift to teach a harsh lesson to people
blinded by hatred. 3t lets the user make general alterations to a person+s skin tone
and facial features. ,he person remains recogni*able in many respects but
suddenly has a cocoa comple.ion say instead of a ruddy one or =)riental eyes=
instead of =round eyes=. Coved ones can usually discern the target+s identity
ho!ever !hich is an aspect of the Gift that troubles many bigots more than the
alteration itself. &asically the target changes to resemble a member of the ethnic
group he despises most.
System% ,he user spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift and rolls 6erception 1
"mpathy (difficulty ;). ,he number of successes e-uals the duration in days of
the Gift. ,he user must touch the target for 'ool+s :edicine to take effect !hich
it does the ne.t time the target sleeps.
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Halo of the Sun ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
,he Garou becomes surrounded by a sphere of bla*ing sunlight. (ertain Wyrm
creatures $ deni*ens of the dark $ may flee before the brightly shining Garou. ,his
Gift is taught by a spirit allied to Helios the Sun (elestine.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point/ the effect lasts for one scene. ,he
damage of any hand$to$hand attack made by the Garou is increased by t!o/
alternative the Garou can cause aggravated damage !hen in Homid or Glabro
form. #nyone directly facing the Garou adds three to all attack difficulties
because of the glare and any vampires !ithin 78 yards suffer damage as if
e.posed to true sunlight.
The /iing %ood ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
,he Garou may call the po!ers of the forest to arise and aid her/ nearby trees !ill
begin to move and attempt to protect the Garou. ,he trees !ill restrain block and
even fight foes. ,his Gift is taught by a Glade (hild.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 Survival
(difficulty 4). ,he Garou animates on tree for each success rolled.
Trust of Gaia ((hild of Gaia Rank ?)
With this Gift the Garou instantly earns the trust of all !ho meet him or hear him
even over a telephone or television. ,hey feel instinctively that he is a good and
!orthy person. ,his feeling !ells up from such a deep level that it cannot be
changed by even the most invasive mind control. 6eople affected by this Gift can
still be mind$controlled to attack the Garou but hate doing so. ,hose !ho are
Wyrm$corrupted feel intense dislike instead of trust. ,his trust is strong but it
does not supersede the person+s common sense. 3f the (hild of Gaia is firing a
machine gun into the cro!d the people !ill still scatter rather than trust that he+ll
miss them. Ho!ever they !ill all be convinced that he had a very good reason for
firing. ,he (hildren of Gaia !arn that this Gift has a great potential for abuse and
punish those !ho use it for petty gain. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Bnicorn.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy against a difficulty of 2. ,he
difficulty against Garou or humans corrupted by the Wyrm is 4. Wyrm beasts are
immune. 3f successful everyone !ho sees hears or e.periences the Garou in any
!ay must make a resistance roll (Willpo!er against 2) or feel a high degree of
trust for the Garou. ,hey !ill confide in him as they !ould a trusted friend. ,he
effect !ill last for one scene or as long as the person remains in contact !ith the
Garou. Ho!ever even once the Gift+s effect has !orn off the person !ill feel
good !ill to!ard the Garou.
Fianna Gifts
Earth Sense ('ianna Rank 1)
,he Garou can feel the =aura= of an area and determine if it is healthy or blighted.
'or a brief instant the user of the Gift becomes so attuned to the land immediately
around her that she can sense the pain of Wyrm$taint the sickness of pollution or
the robust energy of an unspoiled piece of !ilderness. 3n some instances the
source of an area+s pain $ or the reason for its health $ may reveal itself to the
Garou through the use of this Gift.
System% ,he players spends a point of Gnosis. While no roll is necessary the
character must concentrate on the target area for several minutes of game time
before receiving any information about its condition. ,he amount of information
that is revealed is left to the Storyteller and can vary from vague feelings (=The
land doesn't feel well) as if it has been #oisoned(=) to e.tremely specific facts
(=There is an underground s#ring which channels *nosis into to#soil) making the
land #roducti$e and fertile(=).
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Faerie /ight ('ianna Rank 1)
With this Gift a 'ianna can create a !isp of ghostly light usually !hite green or
faint blue in color. She can direct the glo! to move but the light isn+t strong
enough to illuminate more than three feet around the Garou. Some 'ianna like to
use this Gift to make their eyes flash green or blue. Ragabash love to create tricks
!ith 'aerie Cight. ,his Gift is taught by marsh spirits and faeries.
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 "nigmas against a difficulty of 2. ,he light
appears any!here the 'ianna chooses as long as it is !ithin line of sight. 3t may
float slo!ly at about 18 yards per turn. ,he Gift lasts for one turn per success
unless a Gnosis point is spent in !hich case the 'aerie Cight remains in effect for
an entire scene.
Persuasion ('ianna Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s a Homid to become more persuasive !hen dealing !ith others/
his statements and arguments are imbued !ith meaning or credibility. ,his Gift is
taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 2). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for the remainder of the scene.
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien ('ianna Rank 1)
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 4). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for each success for the
remainder of the scene.
Primal Song ('ianna Rank 1)
,he 'ianna ingratiates himself !ith strangers by seeming to kno! all of their
songs and dances. Having heard only a fe! hummed bars or having glimpsed at
>ust a movement or t!o the Garou can sing along or lead the dance. Skilled
musicians can create ne! songs appropriate to the style of the culture in -uestion.
# Songbird$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% #fter learning this Gift it starts automatically !henever the 'ianna hears
a song or sees a dance. He !ill kno! every !ord note or step as if he+d created
the piece himself. Whether or not he can entertain people still depends on the
regular rules for 6erformance.
Taught by% Songbird$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
*esist To1in ('ianna Rank 1)
,he 'ianna have long engaged themselves in the concoction of a variety of
recreational li-uids many of them distilled from deadly substances. ,hey very
-uickly learned ho! to adapt $ in the interests of continued partying of course.
With this Gift the Garou takes no damage from poisons or diseases of any sort
and can heal many Wyrm to.ins. ,his Gift is taught by a ,oad spirit or 6lant
System% ,he Garou rolls Stamina 1 Survival (difficulty 2)/ only one success is
Sense Fae ('ianna Rank 1)
#s the 'ianna have acclimated themselves to their ne! surroundings they have
also created relations !ith the fae of the <e! World. ,his Gift allo!s the 'ianna
to detect fae beings. # 5ream$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% <o roll is re-uired but the 'ianna must concentrate for one round
during !hich he may take no other action. ,he player must roll 6erception 1
"nigmas (difficulty ;). ,he Garou can detect fae nature at a distance of five
meters per success. ,his Gift does not guarantee a friendly reaction from any fae
creatures that it reveals.
Taught by% 5ream$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Bre& ('ianna Rank 7)
,he 'ianna are reno!ned for their ability to drink li-uor. 6art of this legend stems
from their ability to make it. With &re! the Garou can mystically transform a
pitcher of any li-uid into an alcoholic substance. ,his Gift can surreptitiously
inebriate unsuspecting targets. # Grain$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% #fter spending a Gnosis point the player rolls Wits 1 :edicine
(difficulty ;). ,he number of successes determines the -uality and potency of the
concoction. )ne success can create cheap domestic beer lo!$budget !ine or
mediocre te-uila !hile five successes can create a high -uality imported beer
fine vintage champagne or a top$shelf li-uor. # botch creates a bre! that induces
massive hangovers ($1 penalty for the entire ne.t day).
(erid&en-s Blood ('ianna Rank 7)
&lood has a po!er !ithin it. With this Gift a 'ianna can tap the life$force !ithin
her o!n blood to restore a fallen ally. Ho!ever by doing so she must suffer the
!ounds she heals. ,his Gift is taught by spirits allied to Stag.
System% ,he Garou can heal an in>ured target by spilling her o!n blood (a small
cut !ill do) and rolling Stamina 1 :edicine against a difficulty of 4. )ne !ound
level is healed per success. Ho!ever the Gift$user suffers a number of !ounds
e-ual to the amount healed $ she cannot soak this damage. ,he 'ianna can heal
aggravated !ounds by spending a Gnosis point although she !ill only take non$
aggravated !ounds in e.change.
Drunkard-s /u#k ('ianna Rank 7)
3n a drunken stupor the 'ianna !alks a!ay from fatal accidents and ha*ardous
situations !ith the assistance of this Gift. Where a sober Garou !ould hesitate and
take a mortal !ound the 'ianna stumbles into the clear despite impaired refle.es.
# Spirits$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Gift activates automatically !hen the 'ianna consumes enough
alcohol to render him drunk. 3n this state he loses three dice to all of his actions
(more if he continues drinking) but he benefits from an ama*ing lucky streak.
,he player can reroll any failed rolls involving defensive actions including 5odge
and Stamina soak rolls. ,he Storyteller may also allo! the character to avoid
ha*ards that he could not normally detect such as falling debris or surprise
attacks. When the effects of the alcohol !ear off the Gift deactivates. ,he Gift
does nothing for hangovers.
Taught by% Spirits$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Glib Tongue ('ianna Rank 7)
,he Garou is mystically able to make !hatever she says be !hat the target !ants
to hear. Whatever the Garou says even gibberish !ill be heartily agreed !ith
although the Garou !on+t have a clue !hat the target thinks she is saying. ,his
Gift is taught by a ,rickster spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 ".pression
(difficulty of the victim+s Wits 1 #lertness). ,he effects last for one turn per
Herb (all ('ianna Rank 7)
,hrough singing or chanting a Garou can find helpful or medicinal plants roots
or bark even in poor areas such as deserts. Such plants might be healing herbs
substances used in rites or tubers and other plants that provide needed sustenance.
,he song causes the plants to resonate from the music so that the Garou can locate
them by follo!ing the sounds.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 6erformance.
# single success enables the character to locate the desired herbs or plants !ithin
a mile of her location. #dditional successes increase the range by one mile per
success. 'ailure means that the character cannot hear any plants !hile a botch
leads the character to harmful herbs or plants.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Ho&l of the Banshee ('ianna Rank 7)
,he Garou may emit a fearful ho!l that unnerves all in the vicinity. ,his Gift is
taught by a &anshee a !oeful spirit of the dead.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. #ll !ho hear the ho!l friends or
foes must make Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4 for foes 2 for friends) or run in
terror for one turn per success.
Alternatie !ersions
From: WW:tD/ ('ianna Rank 7)
,he !ere!olf may thro! back his head and unleash a long ululating ho!l like
the !ail of hundred ghostly mourners. ,he ho!l can strike fear even into the heart
of the undead and peasants !ho hear it even from afar cross themselves $ for
surely such a noise is 5eath himself !alking the valleys. ,his Gift is taught by a
&anshee (or &ean Sidhe) a 5eath spirit !hose task is to mourn and foretell.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation
(difficulty 2). #nyone !ho hears the ho!l friend or foe must make a Willpo!er
roll (difficulty 4 if the Garou+s foe 2 if a friend) or flee in terror for one turn for
every success on the !ere!olf+s (harisma 1 3ntimidation roll.
Ho&l of the 'nseen ('ianna Rank 7)
,he 'ianna have strong ties to the Bmbra. # member of the tribe !ith this Gift
may ho!l in the Bmbra or in the Realm and have her kenning echo on the other
side of the Gauntlet. ,his Gift is taught by the spirits of animals that make loud
noises but remain unseen such as crickets and frogs.
System% ,he Garou must spend a Gnosis point to activate this Gift. He may speak
or ho!l for a full turn and his voice !ill be heard on both sides of the Gauntlet.
,he Storyteller is free to determine ho! much the Garou can say in one turn.
(onsider timing the player as he speaks for five seconds (if he speaks too fast and
you can+t understand !hat he says then neither can anyone listening).
/u#k of the 3rish ('ianna Rank 7)
,his Gift gives the 'ianna a supernatural streak of luck. :undane effects include
finding four leaf clovers bills lying on the side!alk plump sleeping rabbits
!aiting to be caught for supper and minor fortunate coincidences. ,his Gift is
taught by a faerie spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. She may then reroll any failed or
botched roll. ,his Gift is usable only once per scene. )ther minimal although
beneficial effects may occur at the Storyteller+s !him.
Sense Se#rets ('ianna Rank 7)
(enturies of association !ith the fae people have taught the 'ianna the nature of
secrets. ,hings deliberately hidden !hether obscured by brush or dropped do!n
a mineshaft make their presence kno!n to the 'ianna. ,he Gift gives no
indication as to the nature of a secret only to its e.istence. # S-uirrel$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 4). "very success
improves the 'ianna+s sensitivity. )ne success detects cursory or slipshod
concealment such as tumble!eeds pulled across a cave+s mouth/ five successes
detect the presence of the most painstaking obscuring including hidden
passage!ays and the like.
Taught by% S-uirrel$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
St Here-s Folly ('ianna Rank 7)
#ccording to an old folktale St Herve once preached to a !olf that had eaten the
o. he used to plough !ith and the !olf !as so ashamed that he agreed to plough
in the o.+s place. 3f the 'ianna didn+t murder St. Herve for this they !anted to.
&ut they also learned a lesion from it and mischief$minded 'ianna no! use this
carnivales-ue Gift to create similar though more pleasing results. 3t convinces a
leader of any sort that his status is incorrect and rather that he should serve those
!hom he rules. 3t can convince a to!n mayor to clean the shoes of a homeless
person or an alpha to bo! to the !ill of his omega. ,he Gift is taught
unfortunately by an o. spirit.
System% ,he 'ianna must have a chance to lecture the ruler on !hy he is incorrect
in his position. ,he player spends one point of Willpo!er and rolls :anipulation
1 ".pression difficulty 4. # simple success convinces him to engage in
ridiculous acts of subservience to gross lessers. "ach success after the first
continues this effect for one day. Garou and other supernaturals may resist this
Gift by spending one point of Willpo!er although if the 'ianna continues her
lecture and spends another point of Willpo!er the victim must continue to resist.
"ffectively it becomes a bidding !ar bet!een the victim and the 'ianna/ !hoever
has the most Willpo!er !ins.
Taught by% ). spirits
Book% 6G0e
%arrior-s Draught ('ianna Rank 7)
&y stirring a bit of his o!n blood into a >ack of !ine beer ale or mead the
'ianna transforms the drink into a potent eli.ir. )nce -uaffed this potion drives
the drinker into a berserk rage lending him even more strength than usual during
his fury. ,he 'ianna often use this Gift !hen alone and making a desperate stand
but many Ragabash also use the draught to !reak havoc in the household of an
enemy by serving it to their foe+s loyal retainer.
,his Gift is taught by a &oar$spirit
System% ,he 'ianna spends a point of Gnosis as he mi.es the draft. ,he eli.ir
remains potent for a day (the 'ianna may increase the duration by one day for
every e.tra Gnosis point he e.pends during mi.ing). )nce drunk the draught
drives the drinker into a berserk fren*y $ but for the duration of the fren*y she
gains an additional dot in Strength and Stamina.
Taught by% &oar spirits
Book% WW%t5#
(airbre-s Tongue ('ianna Rank 0 $ Songkee#er)
,his Gift !as used by the ancient songmaster Galliard (airbre to sho! his people
the corruption of &reas the &eautiful. &y speaking our harshly against or satiri*e
someone !ho is Wyrm$tainted the possessor of this Gift !ill cause the Wyrm$
taint to appear as splotches on his target+s face lo!ering the target+s #ppearance.
,his Gift is taught by faeries and 'ianna ancestor spirits.
System% ,he Garou using this Gift must spend a Gnosis point then roll
:anipulation 1 6erformance against a difficulty of the opponent+s Willpo!er. 3f
the roll succeeds and the target is Wyrm$tainted then she loses a point of
#ppearance for every success as incriminating blotches spread across her face and
body. ,hese marks last for a scene. 3f the roll fails or the target is not Wyrm
corrupted nothing happens.
Faerie Gate ('ianna Rank 0)
,he 'ianna are kno!n for their interactions !ith the 'ae and this Gift is one of
the more beneficial outcomes of that interaction. ,he Garou !ho possesses this
Gift may enter the Bmbra from the Realm by passing three times around a feature
of the landscape (a tree a large rock a pond etc). ,he 'ianna slo!ly fades from
vie! and appears in the 6enumbra.
System% <o roll is re-uired for this Gift $ the Garou simply has to spend the time
to travel around the feature three times (usually about 1? $ 78 seconds). ,he
Garou cannot spend Rage for e.tra action !hile using this Gift. Whether a feature
is significant enough for the Garou to use it to make the Gate is up to the S,. ,he
'ianna may bring others !ith them into the spirit realms by this Gift.
Taught by% 'aerie
Book% 5amien
Faerie 0in ('ianna Rank 0)
,he Garou can call one of more faeries to aid her. ,he faeries are not under the
Garou+s control though they are favorably disposed to the Garou (e.cept on a
botch $ Gaia help the Garou !ho botches this one)/ !hat they do is entirely up to
the Storyteller
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 )ccult
(difficulty 4). "ach e.tra Gnosis point spent over the base amount increases the
faerie+s ra! po!er !hile e.tra successes increase the faerie+s numbers.
/ey /ines ('ianna Rank 0)
&y manipulating ley lines $ part of an energy !eb that crisscrosses the planet $ the
'ianna can disorient !orld$be trackers or hunters. ,he victims of this Gift find
themselves follo!ing false trails making !rong turns or !alking in circles. ,he
user+s trail simply disappears. ,he secrets of this Gift can be learned from an
System% #fter spending a Gnosis point the player rolls Wits 1 )ccult (difficulty
;). #ny attempt to track the Garou must follo! a successful 6erception 1 )ccult
roll (difficulty 4). ,his roll must e.ceed the Gift user+s successes to be successful.
/leu-s S$ear ('ianna Rank 0)
,he name of this Gift derives from a tale of the Welsh !herein Cleu Skillful
Hand !as nearly murdered by his rival Goron!y and sought retribution. Goron!y
asks if gold or land !ill satisfy the debt but Cleu claims that Goron!y must stand
!here he stood and Cleu !ill thro! a spear at him >ust as he had thro!n his spear
at Cleu $ nothing else. Goron!y finally agrees to his fate but asks if he can hold a
stone bet!een himself and the spear (for it !as a !oman !ho compelled him to
attack Cleu). Cleu agrees $ but it does Goron!y no good for Cleu hurls the spear
straight through the stone and right through his foe.
So it is !ith this Gift. ,he 'ianna may invest a spear !ith supernatural piercing
po!er striking !ith more strength and accuracy than one might e.pect from a
mighty (rinos. Some say that a 'ianna full of spirit could even stand at a castle+s
gates and put a spear clean through the !all crenellation and the man standing
behind it.
,his Gift is taught by an ancestor spirit.
System% ,he 'ianna concentrates !ith spear in hand for a full turn makes a
Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4) and spends a variable number of Gnosis points. "ach
Gnosis spent grants the 'ianna t!o additional dice for the spear+s thro!/ these
dice may be split bet!een the 5e.terity 1 #thletics roll to his target to the
damage roll (normally Strength 1 7) or even spent to increase the spear+s
effective range (by t!enty yards per dice assigned).
,he Gift functions only on a spear+s thro!/ it cannot be used to augment a blo!
made in melee or any other missile attack. Ho!ever the spear need not be metal$
tipped/ this Gift proves very effective at placing a si.$foot !ooden stake through
a vampire+s black heart.
Taught by% #ncestor spirits
Book% WW%t5#
+aksong ('ianna Rank 0)
&y using this Gift a Garou can communicate !ith inanimate ob>ects made of
!ood or some other organic substance (i.e.% something that !as once alive). ,he
ob>ects do not actually speak but the Garou can sense their thoughts as images or
sensations. 'or e.ample a !ooden can might communicate that someone had
used it for !ilderness travel by filling the Garou+s mind !ith sounds of a crashing
!aterfall the musty odor of bear spoor and the image of cro!ded undergro!th
and to!ering pines. # straight$backed !ooden chair might allo! the Garou to
=see= the person !ho last occupied it and get a sense of the emotional state of that
individual. With practice a Garou can hold an entire !ordless conversation !ith
anything from a sturdy help rope or a mat made of !oven reeds to a charred scrap
of paper (made from !ood pulp).
System% ,he user of the Gift must concentrate on !hat sort of information she
!ishes to obtain from the ob>ect as if she !ere asking a -uestion. ,he sensations
and images constitute the =ans!er=. ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls
6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the character to
formulate one -uestion and direct it to one item. #dditional successes allo! the
character to ask more -uestions (on a one$for$one basis) or else ask the same
-uestion of different ob>ects. <o successes indicate a simple failure of the Gift
!hile a botch provides the Garou !ith false or garbled information.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
*esha$e +b,e#t ('ianna Rank 0)
,he Garou can instantly shape once$living material (but not undeadD) into a
variety of ob>ects $ thus trees may become shelter buck antlers become spears
animal hides become armor and flo!ers become perfumes. ,he item !ill in some
!ay resemble the ob>ect from !hich it !as created (the spear is made of antler
not !ood). ,his Gift is taught by a Weaver$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Repair against a variable difficulty (? to
turn a broken tree limb into a spear 4 to turn a plank into a floatable raft etc).
,he created ob>ect is not necessarily permanent/ it !ill last a length of time
according to the chart belo!. ".pending a Gnosis point allo!s a created !eapon
to inflict aggravated damage (this effect is not permanent unless a permanent
Gnosis point is spent).
Successes 5uration
)ne ? minutes
,!o 18 minutes
,hree )ne Scene
'our )ne Story
'ive 6ermanent
Sense the 'nnatural ('ianna Rank 0 $ Tuatha de Fionn)
,he ,uatha de 'ionn have long delved into magic and have gained the ability to
sense its presence. ,he Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its
appro.imate strength and type. supernatural presences can include% magic spirits
the Wyrm !raiths etc. ,his !ill detect vampires but only those !ith Humanity
scores belo! ;. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 2). ,he more successes
rolled the more information is gained. Ho!ever understanding the information
might re-uire an 3ntelligence 1 )ccult roll (Storyteller+s option).
%oadling ('ianna Rank 0)
,he ancient (elts !ould paint their skin !ith !oad $ the components of !hich
caused a fren*y$like state $ before marching off to battle. ,he 'ianna carry on this
tradition and take it even further. #fter painting the !oad on their bodies they can
bring the paintings to life to harry an opponent. # stag$spirit can teach this Gift.
System% "ach painting can create one !oadling that costs one Gnosis point to
animate. ,he 'ianna can release only one !oadling per turn. "ach time the player
creates a !oadling she should roll 5e.terity 1 )ccult (difficulty 2). "ach success
subtracts one die from her opponent+s pool as the !oadling dances and prances
around the target. ,he !oadlings vanish (and must be repainted) after the Gift
Airite#h-s Daughters ('ianna Rank @)
#iritech a creature of the )ther!orld in (eltic lore had three daughters !ho took
on the shape of !ere!olves. 3n the end they !ere slain. ,his Gift allo!s the
'ianna to play the part of #iritech by forcing the visage of a (rinos !ere!olf
onto (at most) three humans. 3t doesn+t make them stronger or give them the
instincts that Garou have but they make fine decoys !hen being hunted by the
Cike #iritech+s 5aughters these !ere!olves e.ist to be murdered. ,he Gift is
taught by an ancestor spirit.
System% ,he player spends one point of Rage for each human he !ants to turn
into a !ere!olf up to a ma.imum of three before rolling Stamina 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 4). "ach success !ill turn all humans affected by the Gift into
!ere!olves for one hour. ,hey do not receive any of the benefits of the (rinos
form do not cause 5elirium and are not protected by the Feil/ the change is
largely cosmetic. ,hey may ho!ever receive a bonus to 3ntimidation rolls. ,his
Gift does not !ork on anyone by moral humans including Ainfolk ghouls and
Taught by% #ncestor spirits
Book% 6G0e
Balor-s Ga.e ('ianna Rank @)
)ne of the Garou+s eyes begins to glo! a baleful red. 3ts stare is horrifying
causing !racking pain in any being !ho meets its glare and !hose resolve falters.
,his Gift is taught by a 6ain spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis and one Rage point. He then rolls
6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). ,hereafter for the remainder of the scene any
foe at !hom he so much as glances must e-ual or e.ceed the Garou+s successes on
a Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4) or double over in agony. Such a foe is treated as
(rippled ($? to actions) for the scene even though the foe takes no actual !ounds/
foes !ho are already (rippled are effectively 3ncapacitated. 3f a foe successfully
resists she is immune for the duration.
Faerie Blood ('ianna Rank @)
,he Garou can temporarily transform his blood to that of the 'ae. While this Gift
has been invoked the 'ianna is effectively one of the 'ae $ they are immune to
silver (although cold iron is as dangerous) any magic becomes much easier and
trods open up to the 'ianna as if they !ere Ain. <earby (hangelings may notice
this alteration and the Garou may also notice them. )n the do!nside those
creatures !ho prey on blood such as vampires may also notice (and be interested
in) this change. ,his Gift is taught by 'ae closely associated !ith the 'ianna.
System% &y spending a Gnosis point the 'ianna undergoes this change. #n Gnosis
roll !hile the Gift is in effect is at a $1 difficulty and any Gift re-uiring Gnosis to
activate it needs one less point. Silver is not inherently dangerous to the 'ianna
but cold iron has many of the same effects. ,he Gift lasts for one scene.
/ore of the /and ('ianna Rank @)
&y eating smoking or other!ise taking in a portion of the land the Garou can
sense things that happened in the immediate vicinity in the past. 'or instance a
Garou can mi. dandelions from a meado! into a salad !hich she eats/ as a result
she reali*es that a group of hunters passed through the meado! three months ago.
&y che!ing on the bark from a tree the Garou can learn that a surveyor for a
corporation measured the land around the tree as part of a planned site for a ne!
factory or that someone buried a body beneath the tree.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy
(difficulty ;). )ne success gives the character a piece of past information (=#
group of men passed through here several !eeks ago=). #dditional successes
either embellish the first piece of information (=,he men !ore security uniforms=)
or else provide ne! information about other events (=# battle took place here last
year=). ,he information provided !ill be as pertinent as possible/ the character
actually learns the most important (to Garou standards) thing or things that
happened !ithin the area most often information that the Garou can act on.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Phantasm ('ianna Rank @)
,his Gift creates a static illusion !ith full visual auditory and even tactile and
olfactory components. ,his Gift is taught by ,rickster or 3llusion spirits or even
by faeries.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point for each 18$foot area to be covered
by the illusion and rolls 3ntelligence 1 ".pression (difficulty 2). #ll in the vicinity
must match or e.ceed the number of successes !ith a 6erception 1 #lertness roll
(difficulty 2) or believe that the illusion is real.
Song of the Dire ('ianna Rank @)
,he 'ianna sings a battle song to empo!er her comrades as she enters a fray.
5riven by their packmate the embattled Garou double their efforts to defeat the
foe. ,he &lack Spiral 5ancers have learned to turn tail and flee upon hearing the
lyrics of this dread Gift.
System% ,he player spends t!o Gnosis points and rolls :anipulation 1
6erformance (difficulty 4). "ach success adds one die to each of her packmates+
5ice 6ools/ the number of successes cannot e.ceed the 'ianna+s 6erformance
rating. ,he Garou must keep singing throughout the contest/ to do so she must
remain in Hispo form spend t!o Gnosis points and allocate at least t!o dice for
singing each round.
Troll-s Bridge ('ianna Rank @)
,he Garou can set up a temporary fortress built from the !ill of the Garou
invoking the Gift. 5espite the name it does not have to be near a bridge although
a relatively enclosed area such as in a gully or a thick grove of trees does help.
,he fortress must be created around the Garou and they cannot leave its confines.
"nemies must direct all of their strength in order to break the barriers created and
must each !ork individually.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls Wits 1 Repair
(difficulty 2). ,he number of successes 1 the Willpo!er of the Garou is the
5efensive 'actor of the lair/ the amount of Strength an intruder must possess in
order to break through the magical barrier as per the 'eat of Strength maneuver.
Strengths may not be added up to defeat the barrier $ each enemy must be alone.
"ach intruder that does break the !all lo!ers the 5efensive 'actor by one. ,he
effect lasts as many hours as successes.
%ar$ S$asm ('ianna Rank @)
:any tales of (uchulain state he !ould glo! in combat radiating a great heat. #t
the end of a battle !omen !ould dump !ater over his body to cool him do!n.
,his Gift causes the user to radiate a tremendous heat igniting nearby flammable
items and melting metal. ,he aura only !orks !hile the 'ianna is in a berserk
fren*y. #t the end of the fren*y the 'ianna cools off. ,his Gift is taught by
'ianna ancestor spirits.
System% ,he Garou spends one point of Rage to activate this Gift after !hich she
!ill automatically go into a &erserk 'ren*y. #ll flammable material she touches
bursts into flame. Her hand to hand attacks do t!o aggravated !ounds of damage
in addition to regular attack damage.
(all of Hunt ('ianna Rank ?)
,his Gift may only be used once per month and there must be an over!helming
evil in the area. ,he Garou may call the Wild Hunt of (eltic mythology do!n
from the sky to harry and slay the evil. ,his Gift is taught by the Huntsman
System% ,he Garou must chant and concentrate for a full hour. #fter!ard he
spends on Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). ,he Huntsman
and a single hound are al!ays summoned/ another hound !ill come for each e.tra
Gnosis or Rage point e.pended. 3f the roll to summon is botched if the threat is
not deemed appropriate for the summons or if the Garou fails to >oin in the Hunt
the Wild Hunt turns on the summoner.
Earth Heal ('ianna Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to help a piece of land recover from blight Wyrm$
taint poisoning or some other type of environmental disturbance. ,he Garou
gives part of her essence to the damaged land and thus begins a process of
rene!al that spreads to encompass such details as purifying tainted soil causing
the gro!th of ne! plant life or purging signs of the Wyrm+s corruption from the
designated spot.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1
)ccult (difficulty ; for naturally caused damage/ difficulty 4 for Wyrm$taint).
"ach success contributes to the overall recovery of the designated piece of land/
the area can be as large as a fe! miles but must constitute a single terrain feature
(a lake forest or mountain for instance). )ne success makes minimal but
significant improvements in the target area !hile five successes results in the
area+s return (over time) to a state of unspoiled health and fertility. #lthough this
is a potent Gift it doesn+t prevent the healed land from being polluted once more.
"ven so offering up one+s Gnosis to heal a portion of Gaia if often cause for
significant re!ards of Honor.
Taught by% "shtarra
Book% RatH
Gift of the S$riggan ('ianna Rank ?)
,he Garou may gro! up to thee times her normal si*e or shrink to the si*e of a
small puppy. ,his Gift is taught by faerie or a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 6rimal$Brge
(difficulty 4). ,he effects last one hour per success. When larger the Garou gains
10 Strength and one e.tra Health Cevel for each 188Q increase in si*e/ !hen
smaller the Garou retains her normal Strength and abilities but may sneak around
unnoticed or pass as a =cute little doggie= among humans.
Slee$ of the Hero ('ianna Rank 2)
,his po!erful Gift has been invoked many times in 'ianna history. When a great
hero (Rank ? or higher) dies in battle the 'ianna take the body and dedicate it to
the land. ,his Gift forms a bond bet!een the 'ianna and the land and the spirit of
the hero. ,he champion+s life returns but he remains in a deep sleep not to
a!aken until the #pocalypse. ,he target must be place some!here in the earth
such as a cave or !ithin a burial mound. 5uring this sleep the hero is unaffected
by the elements and does not need to breathe. ,his Gift is taught by 'ianna
ancestor spirits.
System% ,he Garou spends t!o points of Gnosis and rolls 3ntelligences 1 Rituals
against a difficulty of E. 3f she succeeds the life comes back into the hero and he
falls into deep sleep usually after having a chance to say a fe! last !ords. 3f the
!ielder of this Gift receives five or more successes then the hero may a!aken
and return to the caern at any time of great crisis at the Storyteller+s option.
Glass %alkers 6%arders7 Gifts
Agro (ulture (Glass Walker Rank 1 $ -ity Farmer)
,he Garou can cause plants to take root and gro! in places !here it is usually
impossible for plants to gro!. ,his Gift does not make plants gro! supernaturally
fast/ it simply gives them a chance for life !here none e.isted before. ,he plants
must still be tended to and !atered. Ho!ever the plants can use artificial
substances such as concrete and plastic for soil. ,hey dig their roots in and gro!.
6lants can even be coa.ed to gro! out of !alls as long as they are nurtured
during the process. ,his Gift is taught by plant spirits.
System% ,he Garou must plant seeds in the area to be fertili*ed. 3f this is a
concrete !all he must place the seeds in cracks !ithin the surface. He then rolls
(harisma 1 Science (or Herbology) against a difficulty dependent on the to.icity
of the area. #n abandoned lot might by ? a typical city building bathed in the
smog of passing cars might be 2 or ; !hile an oil spill site might be E.
(ontrol Sim$le Ma#hine (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,he Garou may speak to the primal urban spirits in the simplest mechanical
devices (no electronics et al) causing them to operate or shut do!n as he sees fit.
Cevers flip pulleys roll scre!s unscre! doors unbolt etc ,his Gift is taught by
any technological spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends a Willpo!er point and rolls :anipulation 1 Repair
(difficulty ;). ,he Glass Walker+s control lasts for the duration of the scene.
Diagnosti#s (Glass Walker Rank 1)
#t a glance the Glass Walker can tell !hat is !rong !ith a machine. He can then
enlist the aid of the machine+s spirit in repairing the faulty device. #ny
technological spirit can teach this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 (rafts to determine the problem. She then
spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device
to aid her in fi.ing it. (:ost spirits are happy to do so $ they don+t !ant to be
>unkD) ,he time to fi. the device is halved and the player may subtract any
successes on the 6erception 1 (rafts roll from the successes necessary to fi. the
Taught by% # technological spirit
Book% WW0e
Persuasion (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s a Homid to become more persuasive !hen dealing !ith others/
his statements and arguments are imbued !ith meaning or credibility. ,his Gift is
taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 2). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for the remainder of the scene.
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s a Homid to become more persuasive !hen dealing !ith others/
his statements and arguments are imbued !ith meaning or credibility. ,his Gift is
taught by an #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 4). 3f successful the
difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for each success for the
remainder of the scene.
*o$e Tri#ks (Glass Walker Rank 1 $ 0ron ,iders)
,he Garou can perform simple tricks !ith any length of rope she is touching.
'rom a simple string to a noose any rope obeys her every !ish like a !ell$trained
snake. # Spider$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er point and must come in contact !ith
the rope she !ishes to control. 'or the remainder of the scene or until she loses
contact the rope !rithes and dances at her command. ,he Gift affects only one
rope at a time and every ne! contact re-uires another Willpo!er point.
Taught by% Spider$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Sense %eaer (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,he Garou may sense Weaver spirits or energies in the nearby area. ,his Gift is
taught by 3nformational Geomids.
System% ,his Gift is invoked on a successful roll of 6erception 1 Science. ,he
difficulty is determines by the Storyteller.
Smith-s Blessing (Glass Walker Rank 1 $ Warders)
,he tools of man have great value in a !orld that resists shaping and fe! people
can afford to lose even one. ,his Gift allo!s the Warder to make a broken !orn
rotted or dulled tool like ne! once more $ !ood becomes hale notches vanish
cracks mend. #lthough the item doesn+t precisely become new $ anyone can tell at
a glance that it+s obviously been used before $ it is once again in good shape as
though lovingly maintained since its creation.
,his Gift is taught by a Hearth or 'orge spirit.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 (rafts
difficulty 2. ,he more successes the better the condition of the item/ a good roll
can even make a fla!ed creation superior to !hen it left the forge.
Taught by% Hearth or 'orge spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Threads of the Ta$estry (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to determine the basic elements of a situation that
seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. ,he Garou can discern !hich
individual in a group really holds po!er or !hether someone is acting under
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the
character to uncover one basic behind$the$scenes fact usually the leader of a
group or the emotional conte.t of an other!ise poker$faced contact.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Tri#k Shot (Glass Walker Rank 1)
,his Gift once an ac-uired taste has undergone a recent surge in popularity. 3t
allo!s the Garou to e.ecute brilliant feats of sharpshooting such as shooting a
!eapon from an opponent+s hand or firing do!n the barrel of an enemy+s gun. ,he
Garou cannot use this Gift to harm an opponent directly ho!ever and he can use
,rick Shot only !ith rifles pistols or revolvers. #ir$spirits teach this Gift.
System% ,he player adds the character+s permanent Glory rating to his dice pool
!hen performing a really outlandish shooting trick. #gain this Gift does not
allo! direct damage to targets (=3+ll shoot him bet!een the eyesD=) but it can be
used to in>ure opponents indirectly (=3+ll shoot the rope that+s holding the
chandelier over his headD=). ,he effects are permanent.
Taught by% #ir spirits
Book% WW0e
(ybersenses (Glass Walker Rank 7)
,he Garou through studying his o!n senses and the tools of science may alter
his sensory perceptions to those of a machine. ,hus he can change his hearing to
detect radar change his eyes to detect BF emissions or radiation etc. ,his Gift is
taught by any technological spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point per sense affected. ,hereafter he
substitutes a 6erception 1 Science roll for any 6erception rolls involving the ne!
sense(s). ,he effect lasts for a scene.
Fi1it (Glass Walker Rank 7)
,he Garou can figure out !hat+s !rong !ith a device and make on$the$spot
repairs !hich allo! the item to run or function for a short time.
System% ,he player rolls 3ntelligence 1 Repair (difficulty ;). )ne success allo!s
the character to repair the targeted item so that it functions for one turn. ,!o
successes enable it to !ork for one scene !hile three or more successes indicates
that the item has been permanently repaired barring e.cessive use or subse-uent
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Garafena-s (ro&n (Glass Walker Rank 7)
Garafena !as a mythical serpent in Russian folklore that sat upon a golden cro!n
and !as called upon to give blessing to his follo!ers. # recent Gift that has only
been kno!n since 1EE4 Garafena no! offers his blessings to any Garou !ho
!ears his mark. ,his Gift is taught by a snake spirit.
System% ,he Glass Walker must don a cro!n of some description a hate or even
a scarab of fabric !rapped around their head !ill do. ,he player then spends one
Gnosis. 'or the rest of the scene any guns fired by the Glass Walker !ill never
run out of ammunition.
Taught by% Snake spirit
Book% 6G0e
Gift of Salt (Glass Walker Rank 7 $ Warders)
,his unassuming and yet highly useful Gift allo!s a Warder to preserve food at
the peak of its freshness that he might en>oy its bounty year$round. ,he Warders
use this Gift often not only to assure that they have a supply of food that !on+t
offend their acute senses but also to help maintain the health of their Ain. ,he
only dra!back is that all food preserved in this manner takes on a slightly salty
taste (as if dusted !ith tears) $ but most folk consider this aftertaste even on fruit
much preferable to the usual flavors of mould and rot.
,his Gift is taught by a Salt$spirit
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point for each 78 pounds of food to be
preserved and rolls 3ntelligence 1 Herbalist (difficulty 2). ,he food remains fresh
and insect$free for one month per success.
Taught by% Salt spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Heat Metal (Glass Walker Rank 7)
Glass Walkers $ !ho understand the !orkings of science and spirits alike $ can
mystically e.cite the molecules !ithin metal. :etal heated in such a !ay can be
forged molded or used to sear flesh. # red$hot cro!bar can be a very effective
!eapon and heating the e.terior of a gasoline tanker can have e.plosive results.
Glass Walkers learn this gift from fire metal or earth elementals.
System% ,he Glass Walker must spend one Gnosis point and successfully roll
3ntelligence 1 Repair. ,he difficulty varies from base metals (such as copper or
lead) at difficulty 2 to comple. alloys (such as steel or titanium alloy) at difficulty
;. ,he number of successes e-uals the number of rounds the metal stays heated.
,ouching heated metal causes one aggravated unsoakable Health Cevel of
damage per round.
Mask the Predator (Glass Walker Rank 7 $ Warders)
"ven the gentlest Warder unsettles horses dogs and other domestic animals !ith
his presence. ,his Gift allo!s a Warder to temporarily hide his presence. ,his
Gift allo!s a Warder to temporarily hide his inner Rage allo!ing him to ride
horses or !ork !ith dogs as if he !ere an ordinary man.
,his Gift is taught by the spirit of any domesticated animal $ a face that has
earned the Warders much derision among other tribes.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen. Success means that animals
treat the Warder as if he !as an ordinary human for the duration of the scene.
Ho!ever this po!er is ineffective against !olves/ the Warders have had little
luck in !inning the confidence of their !ild relatives.
Taught by% 5omesticated animal spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Pennies From Heaen (Glass Walker Rank 7)
,he Garou can convince money spirits to improve the value of his money by
changing the denominations of the coinage or currency. ,his Gift is taught by
money spirits.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 6olitics. ,he
difficulty depends on the final desired denomination. 3t doesn+t matter !hat the
money already is although fe! Garou !ill change dollars into pennies at a loss.
,he amount of money changed depends on the number of successes. (Storytellers
of non$B.S. chronicles should ad>ust the follo!ing chart to the closest e-uivalent
foreign currency.)
5enomination changed to% 5ifficulty
6enny 0
<ickel @
5ime ?
Luarter 2
5ollar bill ;
'ive dollar bill 4
,!enty dollar bill E
#ny other currency 18
Successes #mount (in coins or bills)
1 ?
7 18
0 78
@ ?8
? 188
Glass Walker financial managers fro!n on the blatant use of this Gift since it
tends to attract the attention of other supernaturals !ho are concerned !ith money
(such as the mage Syndicate). 3f too much of this mutant money hits the market
too -uickly there !ill surely be supernatural retribution from other parties.
Phone Diing (Glass Walker Rank 7)
&y invoking this Gift and calling upon his ability to step bet!een !orlds a Glass
Walker !ith this Gift can travel along the phone lines that span the globe. ,he
number must first be dialed and physically ans!ered $ ans!ering machines
voicemail and modems prevent this Gift from !orking.
System% &y spending a Willpo!er point and then making a Gnosis roll (difficulty
of the local Gauntlet) the Garou can travel from their current location to !herever
their call is ans!ered. ,he time taken is the same as the time to travel through the
Gauntlet but even if the receiver is replaced in that time the Gift is still
successful. # botch on the Gnosis roll sends the Garou catapulting into the
Po&er Surge (Glass Walker Rank 7)
&y speaking !ith the spirits of electricity the Garou may cause a blackout over a
!ide$spread area. ,his Gift is taught by an electricity elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 Science (difficulty
;). ,he area blacked or bro!ned out depends on the number of successes rolled.
)ne success is a single circuit t!o for an entire house or storey and so on.
*eload (Glass Walker Rank 7 $ 0ron ,iders)
With this Gift the Garou does not need to take time to reload her firearm/ the Gift
reloads the !eapon automatically !ith shells or shot she carries on her person. #
:etal$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou need spend only one Willpo!er point and have the
appropriate type of ammunition on hand. 'or the rest of the scene her gun
remains loaded until she runs out of reserves. Shots fired beyond her normal
ma.imum vanish from her gunbelt or satchel.
Taught by% :etal$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Steel Fur (Glass Walker Rank 7)
Garou !ith this Gift can temporarily convert their fur into steel. ,his Gift is
taught by metal or earth elementals.
System% the Garou must spend one Willpo!er point and roll Stamina 1 Science
(difficulty ;). "ach success adds one to the Garou+s soak dice pool. ,he effect
lasts for one scene or until the Garou decides to convert the metal back into fur.
While this Gift is active the Garou suffers a 11 difficulty to all Social rolls
(e.cept among Glass Walkers) and 5e.terity rolls.
(onsum$tion of Ma#hine Essen#e (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou !ho possesses it to consume the essence of some form
of Weaver technology and thus gain a measure of its po!er and abilities. ,he
Garou must literally consume the item $ thus only ob>ects !hich can fit !ithin
even the generous mouth of a (rinos form are able to be affected by this Gift.
,his Gift only affects crafted and created items $ a sharpened stick or a fire !ould
not be proper components.
)nce absorbed the Garou is able to continue to use the item in a spiritual form $
an absorbed key can be used to unlock its matching door a pen can still be used to
!rite $ but the Garou need only touch the item to be affected. ,o the outside
observer the Garou using absorbed ob>ects does not have the ob>ect in hand $ they
are someho! !riting !ith a finger or pointing at someone and yelling &ang. ,he
ob>ects behave as they !ould in life $ s!allo!ed binoculars !ould only have the
same magnification as they did before being used in the Gift bullets fired from an
absorbed gun !ould have the same forensic fingerprint as if the Garou had used it
in hand etc. )nce ob>ects have been affected by the Gift they also !ork !ithin
the Bmbra as they !ould in the Realm.
System% #ny ob>ect to be consumed must first be invested !ith some spiritual
essence via the ,alisman 5edication ritual. ,he Garou must take the ob>ect into
the Bmbra !here they eat the ob>ect !hile activating the Gift. ,o activate the
Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 6rimal Brge at a difficulty
depending on the comple.ity of the item $ an item !ith a simple function like a
knife or key !ould be difficulty ? !hereas a 65# might be difficulty E. #s
stated the Garou must be able to consume the item $ they do not literally need to
che! and s!allo! it but they must be able to close their mouth around it $
successfully activating the Gift means that the ob>ect is absorbed !hile an
unsuccessful attempt !ill leave the Garou coughing and gagging at the ob>ect no!
lodged in the mouth or !indpipe.
)nce the ob>ect is successfully absorbed the Garou must spend a !illpo!er point
to use it. 3f a roll !ould normally be re-uired to successfully use the item that roll
still applies (5e.terity 1 'irearms for instance) at its normal difficulty.
#lthough the ob>ect is absorbed it still counts to!ards the ma.imum number of
ob>ects that a Garou can dedicate !ith the ,alisman 5edication ritual. ,he Garou
can e.punge an absorbed ob>ect only !ithin the Bmbra and it is e.pelled in a
spirit form only $ the material form is destroyed as part of the Gift.
Taught by% &o!er birds and Weaver spiders
Book% 5amien
(ontrol (om$le1 Ma#hines (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,he Garou may bargain !ith the strange spirit life of the electronic !orld thereby
controlling cars calculators computers video games et al. ,he Gift is taught by a
<et$Spider (the kno!ledge is sometimes stolen from the spirit much as a cracker
copies protected files).
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls :anipulation 1 an
appropriate skill ((omputer Science "lectronics) against a difficulty ascertained
by the Storyteller (usually 4). ,his control lasts for the duration of the scene.
Data Flo& (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,he Glass Walkers originally developed this Gift as a =remote control= for ne!
electronic devices. #s the computer gained importance this Gift gained a !hole
ne! utility. Glass Walkers no! use this ability to take control of the data
resources that are so important to the !orld+s economy and to the !orld in
general. &y focusing her attention on a single computer a Glass Walker can take
control of that machine from across the room. She can order it to erase its
memory alter security clearances transmit false data or simply print a document.
#n electrical spirit or the even more comple. computer spirits can teach this Gift.
System% # successful Wits 1 (omputer roll (difficulty ;) plus the e.penditure of
one Gnosis point establishes contact !ith the computer. as long as the Garou
keeps her target in line of sight she can maintain contact !ith the machine. While
this Gift allo!s remote access the Garou must still make all the appropriate rolls
to manipulate the computer.
Elemental Faor (Glass Walker Rank 0)
&y ca>oling a nearby urban elemental the Garou can get the elemental to perform
one =favor= for her. ,his can include the manipulation or even destruction of the
elemental+s housing $ thus a metal vault door might unlock itself a glass sheet
might e.plode at the Garou+s enemies cables might coil around the Garou+s
opponents etc. ,his Gift is taught by any urban elemental.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge against a difficulty of the
elemental+s Gnosis.
3nent (Glass Walker Rank 0)
&y invoking this Gift the Glass Walker can use pseudo$science to create minor
gadgets and devices to get him out of a fi.. ,he closer the theory is to the la!s of
Science the more likely the Gift can fool reality for the fe! necessary moments.
System% ,he player must roll 3ntelligence 1 Repair (difficulty 4 modified by
Storyteller !him). # Gnosis point must be spent to alter the material so that it !ill
!ork as the Garou intends.
/ightning *age (Glass Walker Rank 0 $ 0ron ,iders)
,he 3ron Rider can channel her Rage into an electrical charge. With this Gift she
can shock opponents !hom she is able to touch or !ho are in contact !ith a
conductive material (e.g. metal or !ater). # Cightning$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% 'or every Rage point the player spends she can inflict three soakable
aggravated !ounds on as many Garou (or fe!er).
Taught by% Cightning$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Tangling the Skein (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,his Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her enemies by mi.ing up
their perceptions so that they cannot decide !ho to follo! or !hat to do ne.t. ,he
effect resembles that of the Gift% :itanu+s 5eliberate :isinformation e.cept it
distorts !hat others discern through sight or memory rather than through !hat
they hear. Fictims may mistake one person for another and follo! the !rong
leader or they may go to the !rong meeting place in the mistaken impression they
are proceeding to the correct spot.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "nigmas
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). "ach success allo!s the character to alter
one visual or remembered perception for her victim. She can cause a &lack Spiral
5ancer to confuse the !eakest member of his pack for the pack leader or make a
rival sho! up at the !rong caern for an important meeting.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Tongues (Glass Walker Rank 0 $ Warders)
,his Gift allo!s the user to read or !rite any human language encountered no
matter ho! ancient or obscure. Galliards often use this Gift !hen translating
ancient te.ts to revive old legends or compose ne! songs for :oots. ,his Gift is
taught by a Raven$spirit.
System% #fter spending one Willpo!er point the player rolls her 3ntelligence 1
Cinguistics. ,he obscurity and relative age of the language determines the
difficulty. # common modern language such as Spanish is difficulty @. #n ancient
and obscure tongue such as "truscan !ould be difficulty 4 (the difficulty
increases in later years as more time has passed since the death of the most
ancient tongues). ,he number of successes determines the character+s fluency !ith
the language.
Taught by% Raven
Book% WW%t5#
%age Slae (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Glass Walker using it to bind another being to an agreed
contract. ,he Garou +pays+ something of value to the other participant in the
contract and the contracted is bound to fulfill the agreed deal or suffer the
conse-uences. Ho!ever if the contract also contains re-uirements for the Glass
Walker in the deal they too are bound by this Gift. 3t is not necessary for the
target to agree to the deal $ they merely need to kno! of the re-uirements and
accept the payment.
System% When the contract is sealed by payment (either money or other
valuables) the Garou spends a Gnosis point. 'rom then on both participants are
bound to the terms of their agreement. 3f either break the deal then they !ill
suffer an ongoing curse $ other deals may sour !eaver technology can fails for
them and so on. ,he e.act details are up the G: or may be delineated in the
contract itself. :ultiple people may be bound to the Glass Walker by the same
contract but each ne! participant must be paid and gnosis must be spent to
activate the Gift.
Taught by% Weaver spirits
Book% 5amien
%ea$onmaster (Glass Walker Rank 0 $ Warders)
)ver the past fe! centuries humans have developed a be!ildering array of
!eapons. ,he Warders have great respect for this talent for !ar and have learned
this Gift to take advantage of that talent. # Warder !ith this Gift can utili*e any
man$made !eapon as if he !ere fully trained in it from childhood/ this Gift is
particular popular among lupus.
,his Gift is taught by a War spirit
System% <o roll is necessary/ the granted e.pertise is automatic. When using any
!eapon no matter ho! unfamiliar the Warder+s attach dice pool is s-uall to the
total of his 5e.terity 1 :elee (or #rchery as appropriate) or his Gnosis pool
!hichever is higher. 3n addition no matter ho! many modifiers may apply the
difficulty of his attack roll cannot e.ceed 4.
,his Gift is not effective !hen dealing !ith firearms a fact that contributes to its
eventual obsolete status.
Taught by% War spirit
Book% WW%t5#
%eb %alker (Glass Walker Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Glass Walker to move along the 6attern Web through the
Bmbra. 6ossessing this Gift prevents a Garou from being trapped in the Gauntlet $
!hile they cannot leave the Gauntlet for an hour they can move !ithin its
System% ,o move onto the pattern !eb re-uires the e.penditure of a point of
Gnosis. )nce there Weaver spirits !ill ignore the Glass Walker on a roll of
(harisma 1 Science against a difficulty of ;. ,o avoid the chance of being trapped
!ithin the Gauntlet the Garou must spend a point of Gnosis before rolling to step
Attunement (Glass Walker Rank @)
&y standing in a particular area the character can commune !ith the spirits of the
area thus getting an overvie! or !hat e.ists or has happened in the area $ rough
population secret tunnels places of note and so on. ,his Gift is taught by a Rat
spirit to &one Gna!ers and a (ockroach spirit to the Glass Walkers.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 Street!ise
(difficulty 2). ,he amount of information gathered depend on the number of
successes/ on a botch the spirits lie. ,his Gift may only be used in urban areas as
the Gna!ers have become desensiti*ed to the !ilderness.
(amera Eye (Glass Walker Rank @)
,he Garou can =film= events simply by looking at them. ,hey !ill be recorded
onto the retina of the !ere!olf !ho uses this Gift and can be later transferred
onto video tape or still film. While the images thus captured can be as artful as
any photographic shot they cannot be altered until they are later transferred to a
physical medium.
System% #ny sight that the Garou !itnesses can be captured !ith the e.penditure
of a Gnosis point and a roll of 6erception 1 #lertness (or 6erformance for artistic
shots) at a difficulty ?. ,o transfer the images to a vie!able medium the Garou
must stare at the ob>ect and spend a Willpo!er point. ,his Gift lasts for a scene.
(orner Shot (Glass Walker Rank @ $ Wise *uys)
,his Gift makes any Glass Walker goodfella a feared opponent. #ny single bullet
fired !ill =home in= on its target regardless of any cover or changes in direction
is needs to take. )nly single shots !ill !ork $ auto fire in not possible.
System% ,he Garou player must spend a point of Gnosis and then roll 5e.terity 1
'irearms at the normal difficulty. #s long as the named target is !ithin the range
of the gun and !ithin E8 degrees either side of the !ay the Garou is pointing they
!ill be hit !ith the bullet as if it !as fired in a straight line.
Do$$leganger (Glass Walker Rank @)
,he Garou may take the e.act likeness of a particular human or !olf or even
another Garou. ,his is taught by a (hameleon spirit or a spirit of 3llusion.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 6erformance
(difficulty 4). ,he effect lasts for one day per success.
Phone Trael (Glass Walker Rank @)
:uch like the level 7 Gift of 6hone 5iving 6hone ,ravel lets the Garou step
through the phone lines surfing the phone net!orks until he arrives at his
destination. Bnlike the original Gift ho!ever the phone need not be ans!ered for
the Garou to appear.
System% ,he Garou simply steps side!ays as per normal but chooses to travel
do!n the phone line. <o Willpo!er point is spent and if the Gnosis roll is
botched the Gift simply fails. Ho!ever because the phone receiver at the far end
does not need to be lifted (although the Garou needs to kno! the number) there is
a chance that the Garou can be trapped at the far end of the line. 3f the other end
of the phone line is a modem ans!ering machine or voice mail the Garou must
make a Wits 1 #thletics roll (difficulty ;) to dodge ending up in the !rong place.
3f they fail $ !ell listening to the voicemail or ans!ering machine message !ill
surprise its o!ner. 3f the other end of the line is a modem then the Garou is
catapulted into the (omputer Realm.
Shantar-s /oom (Glass Walker Rank @)
,he use of this Gift allo!s the Garou to craft some item from the energy provided
by either Gnosis Rage or Willpo!er. ,he item may not involve multiple parts or
have an overly comple. make$up. 'or e.ample a Garou cannot make a gun using
this Gift but she can craft a dagger or hunting knife.
System% ,he Garou spends either a Gnosis Rage or Willpo!er point and rolls
5e.terity 1 Repair (difficulty 4 for simple items E for more sophisticated ones).
)ne success produces the item desired !hile additional successes refine its
-uality and durability. ,he Storyteller may re-uire additional successes to make
an item from an inappropriate trait $ such as making a child+s blanket from a Rage
point. ,he item lasts a day per success.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Te#h S$eak (Glass Walker Rank @)
&y mentally interfacing !ith the :achine the Garou can send communications
through any technological device. &y concentrating her !ill upon the
individual(s) !hom she !ishes to communicate !ith communication devices !ill
pro>ect the information at the intended individuals% telephones shout stereos blare
and printers print out the message. 3f no communication device is present other
devices can be activated% alarms !ill go off lights flash or plumbing turns on.
,his Gift is taught by 6attern Spiders.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Science. ,he
difficulty depends on the distance to the target% the ne.t room is @ the same
building is ? one block a!ay is 2 one mile a!ay is ; one time$*one a!ay (from
"astern to (entral Standard ,ime) is 4 any!here in the !orld (as long as there is
a technological device present at the location) is E. ,he clarity of the message
depends on the number of successes. )ne success may only communicate one
!ord such as =run= !hile five successes may allo! a reading of the Gettysburg
Tra#tor Beam (Glass Walker Rank @)
,he Garou can transport non$dedicated ob>ects !ith her to the Bmbra !hen she
steps side!ays. She may not take living creatures only ob>ects. ,his Gift is taught
by Weaver spirits.
System% ,he Garou spends on Willpo!er point for each ob>ect brought over to
the Bmbra. 3t must be something she can carry and it must !eigh no more than
her o!n body !eight. Ho!ever t!o or more Garou !ith this Gift can team up
and carry larger items into the Spirit World. 5espite its name the user of this Gift
does not emit a beam.
!irtual 'mbra (Glass Walker Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s a Glass Walker to be instantly transported into the (omputer
Web from any section of the 6attern Web or !hen stepping side!ays near a
kno!n computer terminal in the real !orld.
System% &y spending a Gnosis point and rolling 3ntelligence 1 (omputers
(difficulty 4) the Garou may travel instantly to the (omputer Web. ,he Glass
Walker can transport other beings !ith him at a cost of one Willpo!er point per
(alm the Flo#k (Glass Walker Rank ?)
With this po!er the Garou may !alk among humans !ithout accidentally
evoking the (urse or the 5elirium. ,his allo!s her to live among humans and
maintain a family. ,he effects ho!ever do not last for long. ,his Gift is taught
by a Homid #ncestor spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 Subterfuge (difficulty ;). ,he number of
successes indicates the number of hours that the effect lasts.
(haos Me#hani#s (Glass Walker Rank ?)
Were!olves pulse !ith the Wyld+s energies of course but all creatures !ith form
and nature have something of the Weaver in them or so the Glass Walkers argue.
Bpon learning this Gift the Glass Walker reconciles the t!o halves of his being
and he can summon primal energy and mystic form at the same time.
System% # Garou !ith this Gift may use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn
!ithout penalty. 5oing so allo!s the Garou to use Rage actions to activate
fetishes and use Gifts re-uiring Gnosis (providing that the Gift does not re-uire a
full turn to activate). What+s more important is that it allo!s the Garou to take
Rage actions
in the same turn that he steps side!ays provided that the player rolls enough
successes to get to or from the Bmbra instantly. ,his Gift+s effects are permanent.
Book% WW0e
(ommand the Bla.e (Glass Walker Rank ? $ Warders)
Gust as a !ood actually needs the occasional forest fire to cleanse a!ay the dead
underbrush cities too are said to re-uire the occasional bla*e to s!eep a!ay the
filth and allo! ne! life to gro!. Ho!ever the cities of the 5ark :edieval !orld
are often tarred thatched firetraps. ,his Gift allo!s a Warder to direct the
inevitable fire urging it to!ards areas that can suffer the burning and guiding it
a!ay from valuable territory (such as libraries or the homes of Ain). <eedless to
say it can prove -uite useful !hen hunting vampires as !ell.
,his Gift is taught by a fire elemental of great strength.
System% ,he player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpo!er difficulty ;.
,he Warders area of control originates around her person/ the more successes the
farther her area of control stretches.
Su##esses *adius of (ontrol
)ne #rm+s reach
,!o ,he entire room
,hree # medium$si*ed building such as an inn
'our # city block or small keep
'ive ,hree city blocks a castle
Si.1 #n entire city
,he Warder+s consciousness e.tends !herever the fire is !ithin her area of
control/ ho!ever it must be a single great bla*e in origin (no bidding torches and
lamps across the city to leap from their sources and run !ild). She must remain
still !ith eyes closed and concentrate to maintain control/ if attacked or other!ise
distracted the control is lost (but can be regained by invoking the Gift again). ,he
fire cannot travel under!ater or across bare stone but can other!ise leap and
t!ist in unnatural fashion $ the flames can e.tend up to fifteen feet a!ay from
their fuel. <eedless to say a vampire confronted !ith !rithing tendrils of flame
that seem to intelligently seek him out !ill probably fly into immediate
Rotschreck $ it !ould certainly seem as though God Himself !ere reaching out to
strike the damned creature do!n.
Taught by% 'ire elementals
Book% WW%t5#
Dro&n (Glass Walker Rank ?)
,his Gift causes the lungs of an opponent to fill !ith li-uid. ,he victim must
receive immediate medical or magical assistance or die !ithin a fe! minutes. ,he
target of the Gift can attempt to help herself but can do nothing else e.cept try to
e.pel the fluid. ,his Gift can either function as a !ay to capture an opponent
render an enemy helpless or inflict punishment on an individual.
System% ,he player spends a point of Rage and rolls her Willpo!er (difficulty of
the victim+s Willpo!er). )nly one success is necessary to activate this Gift. ,he
victim must receive help immediately or else die from dro!ning. ,he victim may
attempt to help herself by trying to cough up or other!ise e.pel the fluid but she
can take no other actions (including movement a!ay from her surroundings)
!hile she is making the attempt.
Taught by% Shantar
Book% RatH
Family Debt (Glass Walker Rank ? $ -entral 1ouse)
)nly dons of the (entral House may learn this Gift for they are the caretakers of
the tribal debt and favors pool ,he Garou can call upon the past lives of other
Garou to return a favor o!ed to the Glass Walker tribe even if the debt !as made
centuries ago. Bsing this Gift !ill cause another Garou !ith the 6ast Cife
&ackground to become possessed by the ancestor !hom the Glass Walker
summons. ,he living Garou must be of the same tribe as the ancestor !ho is
called (a Glass Walker cannot make a &one Gna!er summon a Silver 'ang
ancestor). ,his Gift is taught by any long$lived spirit such as a turtle or an
elephant and the Glass Walkers often have such spirits !itness any business
transactions they make !ith other Garou.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls Gnosis against a
difficulty of 18 minus the target+s 6ast Cife &ackground rating. 3f there is no
Garou !ith 6ast Cife present this Gift !ill not !ork/ it re-uires a Garou !ith
deep connections to her ancestors to act as a conduit. 3f successful the desired
ancestor is summoned and possesses the target. ,his ancestor !ill then perform a
duty to make up for a favor the Glass Walkers did for him in his lifetime. ,he
(entral House keeps vast records of every debt o!ed the tribe. 3t usually re-uires
a committee vote to summon one of their debtors and thus use up the favor o!ed.
Ho!ever 5ons !ho learn this Gift are considered to have the po!er to use it
!henever desired although 5ons !ho abuse it may !ind up being voted off the
board so to speak. ,he player should be allo!ed to create the original debt
condition and the debtor. =Grom Wyrmfoe of the Silver 'angs o!es the Glass
Walkers big because they helped him root out vampires in :osco! in the late
1288s. Well my character feels it+s about time he repaid the favor by helping
,hey !ill usually try to get revenge at some later date $ to do so immediately is to
insult the ancestor.
Summon 2et-S$ider (Glass Walker Rank ?)
,he Garou can summon a <et$Spider $ one of the Weaver spirits that d!ell !ithin
the Realm of electronic reality. Within reasons the <et$Spider gives its
summoner absolute control over computers. ,he Garou can also send the Spider
into someone else+s system to disrupt it $ the effects of this are left up to the
Storyteller but should be destructive. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 (omputers
(difficulty 4). 3f successful the <et$Spider appears and !ill heed the Garou. ,he
Spider allo!s the Garou to halve all difficulty rolls involving computers.
Te#hnotheo#rati# A$o#aly$ti#a (Glass Walker Rank ?)
,hey say the Glass Walkers !orship their technology. ,hat+s foolishness.
Worshipping mere tools confuses the master !ith the servant. Worshipping
monsters no! that has some more flair. ,his Gift allo!s the Glass Walker to
turn all machines in the room into possessed monsters/ mobile phones suddenly
beginning ringing at their loudest volume and hurl themselves at the person
nearest to them televisions deliberately e.plode and electrical !ires !hip
around tripping and strangling !homever they can see. ,his Gift is taught by a
6attern Spider.
System% ,he player spends three Rage and rolls (harisma 1 Science difficulty 4.
#ssuming at least one success every electric device in the room the Glass Walker
is in !ill begin to shake. ,!o turns after that the entire room is filled !ith
monstrous electrical appliances and everyone in the room suffers a number of
unsoakable aggravated !ounds e-ual to the number of successes rolled. Since this
includes the Glass Walker it behooves him to leave the room in the time he has.
Taught by% 6attern spider
Book% 6G0e
Get of Fenris 6Fenrir7 Gifts
Battlesense (Get of 'enris Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense the best direction from !hich to make an attack taking into
account the terrain of the battlefield the numbers and placement of the enemy and
the available forces at the Garou+s command or allied !ith her.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and becomes a!are of the tactical
forces involved in an impending battle. ,he Storyteller informs the player of the
numbers and placement of opposing forces. ,he player can then use this
information to her character+s advantage.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
*a.or (la&s (Get of 'enris Rank 1)
,he Garou may hone his cla!s to ra*or sharpness. ,his Gift is taught by a (at or
Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point and takes a turn to scratch his talons
over a hard surface such as a stone. (la! attacks then do an additional die of
damage for the remainder of the scene.
*esist Pain (Get of 'enris Rank 1)
,hrough force of !ill the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his !ounds and
continue acting normally. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% ,he Garou by spending one Willpo!er pint may ignore all !ound
penalties for the duration of the scene.
Sigurd-s Stride (Get of 'enris Rank 1)
When )din imprisoned &runhilde in a ring of fire it !as Sigurd !ho dared the
fires and rescued her. Cike Sigurd Get of 'enris !ith this Gift need not fear
flame. ,he Gift is taught by a fire spirit.
System% ,he 'enrir spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina 1 6rimal Brge
(difficulty @). "ach success provides an automatic level of soak against fire
damage for the rest of the scene.
Taught by% 'ire spirits
Book% 6G0e
!isage of Fenris (Get of 'enris Rank 1)
,he Get appears larger and more fearsome commanding respect from peers and
co!ing his foes. # !olf$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation. )nly one success is necessary
to affect non$Garou and Garou of e-ual or lo!er rank. ,o affect Garou of higher
rank the player must score a number of successes e-ual to t!ice the difference in
Rank bet!een the Garou and the target. #llies and peers affected by this Gift see
the Get as impressive and noble ($1 to all Social rolls). 'oes pause for a moment
to summon the resolve necessary to fight such a monster (losing one from their
initiative ratings). ,his Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% # !olf spirit
Book% WW0e
Halt the (o&ard-s Flight (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
,he Garou may slo! his fleeing foes preventing them from escaping his !rath.
,his Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one turn concentrating and rolls (harisma 1
3ntimidation (difficulty of the foe+s Willpo!er)/ if successful the Garou may
halve the speed of the individual for a scene.
Po&er Surge (Get of 'enris Rank 7 $ The *lorious Fist of Wotan)
&y speaking !ith the spirits of electricity the Garou may cause a blackout over a
!ide$spread area. ,his Gift is taught by an electricity elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 Science (difficulty
;). ,he area blacked or bro!ned out depends on the number of successes rolled.
)ne success is a single circuit t!o for an entire house or storey and so on.
Sense Guilt 6Hand of Tyr7 (Get of 'enris Rank 7 $ 1and of Tyr)
,he Hand of ,yr camp speciali*es in the use and misuse of this Gift. &y staring
into the eyes of another the Garou can sense !hether the target harbors guilt for
some past offense. ,he most e.perienced Get can even get a feeling for !hat sort
of crime transpired. Bnfortunately some Get have been kno!n to take advantage
of this Gift by =sensing= guilt !here none e.ists or by blackmailing Garou after a
successful reading. # cro!$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% # successful 6erception and "mpathy roll (difficulty 4) reveals hidden
guilty feelings. )ne success detects any sense of regret !hereas five successes
reveals specific facts concerning the dirty issue.
Shards of 3#y *age (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
,he Garou invoking this Gift calls on the cold po!er of her Rage converting her
anger into physical ice. ,his ice cuts as deep as any knife and can be hurled at her
enemies in place of a normal attack.
System% ,he players spends a point of Rage and rolls Wits 1 6rimal Brge
(difficulty 4). ,he number of successes e-uals the number of shards that form
from the crystalli*ed Rage up to a limit of five shards. ,he player makes a
separate attack roll for each shard and may direct them at more than one
opponent. "ach shard does three dice of aggravated damage/ the range is five yard
for every dot of the Garou+s strength.
,he player may spend only one point of Rage each time the Gift is used/ this
prohibits spending Rage to gain e.tra actions in the same turn as invoking the
shards. #lthough a character may use the Gift more than once in a scene each
successive use after the first adds 11 to the difficulty roll to activate the gift.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
Snarl of the Predator (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
,he Garou lets out a primal snarl sending shivers up opponents+ spines and
co!ing them into submission. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation (5ifficulty of the opponents
Wits 10). "ach success subtracts one from the number of dice the opponent can
use ne.t turn (the victim is co!ed and over!helmed). ,his Gift takes a full turn to
Troll Skin (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
With this Gift a Garou can make her skin gro! tough and thick covered !ith
!arty knots of hard armored flesh. ,his Gift is taught by an "arth "lemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 6rimal$Brge
(difficulty ;). 'or each success the Garou receives one e.tra die on her soak roll.
,his Gift does not protect against fire or silver and lasts for one scene. Ho!ever
!hen imbued !ith ,roll Skin the Garou is 11 difficulty on Social rolls due to the
ugly skin and its accompanying smell.
%earing the Bear Shirt (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
When a Garou !ith this gift fren*ies he !ill al!ays enter a berserk fren*y never
a fo. fren*y. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% <o roll is re-uired/ once this Gift is learned the effects are automatic. 3n
addition the Garou can make a Willpo!er roll to resist any Gifts 5isciplines
#rcanos or other po!ers that incite fear even if a resistance roll is normally not
Alberi#h-s (la&s (Get of 'enris Rank 0)
#lberich !as a d!arven king !ho had his castle belo! the ground carved out of
the rock itself. Get of 'enris !ith this Gift could !ell have been amongst the
builders of that palace for their cla!s can slice directly through stone steel or any
other inanimate material as if it !ere butter. 3t is taught by a mole spirit or earth
System% ,he player spends one point of Rage. 3f the 'enrir+s ne.t attack is
performed !ith natural !eaponry and strikes an inanimate ob>ect it automatically
does an e.tra ten levels of damage.
Taught by% :ole or earth elementals
Book% 6G0e
(hill of Early Frost (Get of 'enris Rank 0 $ 2mir's Sweat)
,he Garou invokes the spirits of !inter in a great ritual summoning biting !inds
that !histle and shriek through the area. ,he chill is as much mystical as it is
physical sent from the domain of great Wendigo himself.
System% ,he Garou chants for an hour and spends one Gnosis point. She then
rolls 3ntelligence 1 )ccult against a difficulty depending on the temperature (@ if
it is already !inter 2 on a 78( spring day E in the midst of a summer heat !ave).
Success drops the temperature in a five$mile radius to belo! free*ing (or even
further if it !as already !inter). #nyone !ithout a natural fur coating subtract t!o
from all 5ice 6ools and may suffer damage from the bitter cold. ,he effect lasts
for one hour per success.
(ou$ De Gra#e (Get of 'enris Rank 0 $ Fangs of *arm)
,he Garou studies her foe seeking the best place to land a blo! then sets herself
up to deliver a devastating attack the follo!ing turn. ,his Gift is taught by an )!l
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls 6erception 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the target+s Stamina 1 5odge). 3f successful the Garou doubles the
damage dice on her ne.t blo! assuming it hits.
Heimdall-s Blade (Get of 'enris Rank 0)
,his Gift turns ordinary items into spiritual manifestations of the Garou+s Rage.
With this Gift even a barstool becomes a deadly !eapon. #n #ncestor$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Rage point and grasps her improvised !eapon.
Bntil the scene ends or until the Get drops it the item has the same statistics as a
cavalry saber (difficulty 2 damage Strength 1@).
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
/oki-s Tou#h (Get of 'enris Rank 0 $ *et of Fenris ,agabash 3,otagar4)
,his Gift is rare among the Get of 'enris but the Rotagar often find it necessary
to cool the rages of their comrades. With >ust a touch the Garou may cause a
target to go into uncontrollable fits of laughter or simply to have a better sense of
humor. ,his Gift is taught by any ,rickster spirit (most often Ratatosk the
System% ,he Garou must touch an opponent and roll :anipulation 1 "mpathy
(difficulty e-ual to the Rage plus the Rank of the target/ ma.imum difficulty of
18). ,he fits of laughter !ill last for one round per success during !hich time
target may not take any offensive action although he may defend himself if
Mark the Enemy (Get of 'enris Rank 0 $ Swords of 1eimdall)
# speciali*ed po!er developed by the S!ords of Heimdall this Gift marks the
target !ith a mystical brand that only this Gift+s users can see. ,he S!ords use
this brand to label their enemies so that all other S!ords can see the threat. #n
avatar of 'enris himself teaches his children to identify their enemies thus.
System% &y laying her hand on the target and successfully rolling :anipulation 1
)ccult (difficulty 4) the Get can mark her enemy. )ther S!ords !ho kno! the
Gift can see the mark !ith a successful 6erception 1 )ccult roll (difficulty 4).
#ny Garou !ho kno!s the Gift can remove the effect.
Might of Thor (Get of 'enris Rank 0)
,he Garou can immensely increase his strength !reaking terrible havoc on
opponents. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point. He then rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 4).
,he Garou may double his Strength for one turn per success after !hich he !ill
be as !eak as a kitten (6hysical #ttributes 1 half Willpo!er) until he rests for an
2erigal-s #all to arms (Get of 'enris Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to summon to her side any creatures of spirits allied to
<erigal or appropriate to the 3ce Warrior. ,hese beings !hether <erigal+s spirit
!arriors or predatory animals fight alongside the Garou for the duration of an
entire battle.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
difficulty 4. )ne success summons one of t!o creatures/ additional successes
increase the number of creatures or spirits that ans!er the summons. ,hus t!o
successes bring up to five respondents three successes summon up to ten
creatures four successes results in up to 1? beings !hile five successes brings
everything !ithin a five$mile radius of the character. ,hose creatures summoned
serve as an army under the character+s command for an entire scene. )f course if
there are no !ild predators or War$spirits of <erigal !ithin range the Gift fails.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
!enom Blood (Get of 'enris Rank 0)
,he Garou may change her blood to a black viscous bile capable of harming
anyone !ho comes into contact !ith it. ,his Gift is taught by any poisonous spirit
(Snake Spider etc).
System% ,he Garou spends on Rage point and rolls Stamina 1 :edicine
(difficulty ;). #nything that contacts the Garou+s blood takes one die of
aggravated damage per success. ,his effect lasts for the duration of the scene.
Berserker-s Song (Get of 'enris Rank @)
,he Get can sing himself into a controlled 'ren*y. He can ignore !ounds shift to
(rinos immediately and he is immune to many mental Gifts of (harms. 3n this
state unlike normal fren*y the Get can pull out of the fren*y at any time. #n
angry Wolverine$spirit or bear$spirit teaches this Gift to the Get.
System% ,he Garou spends t!o Rage points and begins singing his particular song
of Rage (many young Get prefer =death metal=). ,he number of successes on a
Stamina 1 ".pression (or 6erformance) roll (difficulty 2) e-uals the number of
rounds the fren*y lasts. She can drop the fren*y earlier by spending a Willpo!er
Alternatie !ersions
From: P*3e (Get of 'enris Rank 7)
,his fearsome battle song is in a language that has yet to be recogni*ed $ it+s
certainly not <ordic any Germanic language nor Garou. Het it is potent for it
both channels and increases Rage in the !arrior !ho sings it. Some younger
'enrir have begun e.perimenting !ith the tune and discovered that the lyrics can
be sung in any method $ so long as they maintain the lyrics they can sing it in
more modern styles (!hich outrages some "lder Get). #n ancestor spirit teaches
this Gift but cannot e.plain its origins.
System% #fter spending t!o Rage points the player rolls Stamina 1 ".pression or
6erformance !hichever is higher against difficulty 2. 'or a number of rounds
e-ual to the successes gained the Get automatically fren*ies shifting immediately
to (rinos and gaining immunity to mind influencing po!ers. Ho!ever he can
pull out of 'ren*y immediately and may use simple !eapons like s!ords or
bludgeons. 3f the Garou is stopped from singing someho! the effect
automatically ends.
(hallenge of Single (ombat (Get of 'enris Rank @)
&y invoking the name of the 3ce Warrior and issuing a direct challenge to an
enemy the Garou can force her opponent to fight one$on$one according to the
tacitly rules of fair play. ,he opponent can launch no surprise attacks employ
dirty tricks or accept e.tra help from comrades or pack mates. Ho!ever the
Garou using this Gift accepts the same restrictions $ neither combatant can break
off from the fight until one participant either concedes victory to the other or dies.
System% #fter the character has issued the challenge the player spends a point of
Rage and rolls :anipulation 1 Ceadership (difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). #
single success forces the target to forego any unfair tactics and meet the Garou in
single combat as described above. <o successes means the Gift fails !hile a botch
inspires the target to launch an immediate attack $ usually !ith the help of the
opponent+s friends.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
(urse of the Berserker (Get of 'enris Rank @)
#lthough the tribe is kno!n for its ferocity this Gift allo!s a Get to thro! off her
fren*y and retain control. ,his Gift comes !ith a price ho!ever as the Garou
must choose another to suffer. ,hat victim then endures the Get+s fren*y instead.
# Wolverine$spirit or an #ncestor$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls her Willpo!er in a resisted action versus her target+s
Willpo!er !hen a fren*y is imminent (difficulty for each e-uals the opponent+s
Willpo!er). ,he loser of the resisted action enters a fren*y and the victor remains
in control of his !its.
Taught by% Wolverine$spirit or #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Hero-s Stand (Get of 'enris Rank @)
,he Garou plants herself on a patch of ground and channels the very force of Gaia
through her body essentially becoming one !ith the earth. She may not retreat or
even move from her chosen =turf= (and no force on "arth can make her) but she
gains many po!ers thereby. )nly !hen all foes are defeated may she retreat or
leave. ,his Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System% ,he Garou rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 4). "ach success grants her one
e.tra die to all her 5ice 6ools. #dditionally she may not be surprised and all
attacks against her are considered frontal. #ny supernatural attempts to make her
leave must obtain t!ice as many successes as the Garou did on the Willpo!er
3ron-(an-t-Bite (Get of 'enris Rank @)
&y carving the =iron$can+t$bite= rune into her flesh the 'enrir can make herself
invincible against the iron and steel !eapons of her foes. Spears bounce off her
hide and s!ords snap rather than cut into her.
,his Gift is taught by a War spirit.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and a Rage point/ the rune$carving
inflicts no actual damage. 'or the duration of the scene the 'enrir takes no
damage from attacks inflicted by ferrous metals although !ood stone silver
cla!s or teeth and other non$ferrous attack forms can !ound her as normal.
Taught by% War spirits
Book% WW%t5#
"ourney Home (Get of 'enris Rank @)
<o matter !hat the distance or !hat the circumstances the Get can travel home
as easily as he can reach into the Bmbra.
System% ,he player spends all of his Gnosis (minimum of three points) and steps
into the Bmbra. When he steps out of the Bmbra he emerges at the place he
considers home.
Book% Wild West (ompanion
S#ream of Gaia (Get of 'enris Rank @)
,he Garou may leap into the midst of his foes and issue a terrible ho!l from the
depths of his being a scream of pain from Gaia Herself for all the ravages she has
suffered. 'oes are knocked off their feet and in>ured. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Rage (difficulty 2).
"veryone in a radius of 18 feet per success is blasted back knocked to the ground
and suffers one die of damage per success as an earsplitting shock!ave engulfs
the area.
Enduran#e of Heimdall (Get of 'enris Rank ?)
,his po!erful Gift grants the Garou great endurance and hardiness for a time.
,his Gift is taught by a &oar$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 2). 3f
successful the Garou+s Stamina rating is doubled for the duration of the scene.
,his !ill aid Stamina and Soak rolls.
Fenris- Bite (Get of 'enris Rank ?)
,he Garou+s teeth become terribly sharp and >a! success increases to an
incredible degree allo!ing the Garou to mangle limbs !ith a single bite or even
chomp them clean off. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of 'enris.
System% ,he Garou spends one Rage point and rolls Strength 1 :edicine
(difficulty of his opponent+s Stamina 1 0). ,he Garou+s ne.t bite if it hits !ill
crush and mangle one of the opponent+s limbs inflicting one automatic Health
Cevel of damage in addition to the normal bite damage. ,he target+s limb is
rendered useless for the scene (or much longer in the case of humans and other
creatures !ithout regenerative po!ers). 3f five or more successes are scored on
the Strength 1 :edicine roll the limb completely severed.
Heart of the 3#e %arrior (Get of 'enris Rank ?)
Bsually used only in the most dire circumstance this Gift renders the Garou
impervious to damage long enough to deliver a final blo! to her opponent. ,he
e.ertion causes the Garou to collapse mortally !ounded. Bnless healed
immediately the Garou dies having given her all in battle.
System% <o roll is necessary to invoke the Gift but the player must spend a point
of Rage. ,he character may not dodge !hen invoking this Gift but no damage
levied against the Garou !ill impair her in any !ay until her attack lands $
lightning strikes !on+t blo! her back and blades can+t sever her limbs.
,he character makes her ne.t attack at 1@ to her attack dice pool. ,he player may
reroll any 1s rolled on this attack $ they simply to not count. 3n addition any
damage rolls gain four e.tra dice. #fter delivering her attack the character falls to
3ncapacitated. Bnless someho! mystically healed by another using :other+s
,ouch or a similar Gift or fetish (regeneration isn+t an option) !ithin the same
turn the character dies at the end of the turn.
Taught by% <erigal
Book% RatH
Horde of !alhalla (Get of 'enris Rank ?)
,he Garou must be in good standing !ith his totem (have displayed e.emplary
courage) and may only use this Gift in the most dire circumstances as he is
asking aid from 'enris himself. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of 'enris.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen (difficulty 2). 3f successful a
number of spirit !olves from Falhalla emerge from the Bmbra to do battle !ith
the Garou+s foes $ one !olf for every point of Gnosis or Rage spent by the Garou.
,hese !olves are identical to those of the Wild Hunt. ,he !olves !ill return to
Falhalla at the end of the scene.
Strength of the Einher,ar (Get of 'enris Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s a Get to call upon his greatest ancestors the heroes of Falhalla
the "inher>ar for assistance. 3t is only used in dire situations !hen the lives of
more than one Garou are endangered. (alling on the strength of the "inher>ar
allo!s a Get to increase his #ttributes substantially for a limited time. ,he
"inher>ar come to the aid of a Get only in times of great peril and punish any Get
!ho attempts to call on them !ithout need. ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor$
System% )nly Get !ith at least one dot in the 6ast Cife &ackground may learn this
Gift. ,he Get spends on Rage point and rolls (harisma 1 Rituals (difficulty 18)/
she may subtract one from the difficulty for every dot she has in 6ast Cife. 5uring
the casting of this Gift she must carve the specific runes of her ancestors into her
flesh. 'or each success she may add one dot to any #ttribute or distribute the
dots to different #ttributes. 3f the Storyteller believes this Gift has been used
inappropriately the "inher>ar !ill still give assistance but then turn on their
descendant permanently removing a number of #ttribute dots e-ual to those they
granted. ,hey !ill sho! no mercy.
(all Great Fenris (Get of 'enris Rank 2)
,he Get may summon a spirit avatar of 'enris Wolf. ,he avatar !ill assist in
combat slaying all !ho are not Get of 'enris or under their protection. ,here is
al!ays a sacrifice demanded in return traditionally the right hand of the
summoner. )nce 'enris has claimed the hand it does not regenerate. 3f there is
not a good reason for calling the avatar or the summoner !ill be devoured !hole.
,his Gift is taught by a !olf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 )ccult
(difficulty 2). ,he summoner permanently loses one Health Cevel as his right
hand is bitten off by 'enris in return for daring to summon him. See the sidebar
for the 'enris avatar+s ,raits. ,he Spirit #vatar of 'enris Wolf ,he avatar of Great
'enris appears as an enormous !olf 18 feet tall at the shoulder. His eyes burn
!ith rage and his >a!s drip !ith the blood of countless enemies. His fur is bro!n
!ith red and black markings. ,he avatar of 'enris can run at up to 188 miles per
hour and never seems to tire. Willpo!er 18 Rage 18 Gnosis 4 6o!er ;?
(harms% #irt Sense :ateriali*e (6o!er cost @8/ Strength 18 5e.terity ;
Stamina 18 &ra!l ? 5odge 0 (la!s% Str 1 0 'angs% Str 1 @ Health 1?)
Reform ,racking.
*ed Talons Gifts
Babble (Red ,alon Rank 1)
,he Garou invoking this Gift can cause another to lose the ability to read !rite or
speak any language. ,hat person !ill only be able to grunt like an animal. ,he
effect lasts for one scene and is taught by a parrot spirit.
System% ,he Garou must spend a Gnosis point and roll :anipulation 1 6rimal
Brge difficulty ; resisted by an 3ntelligence 1 Cinguistics roll difficulty ;.
Beast S$ee#h (Red ,alon Rank 1)
,he Garou may speak to animals from pigeons in the park to beavers at their dam
or fish in the sea. ,his does not change their basic reactions $ a hungry tiger is still
hungry and may !ell attack. ,his Gift is taught by a <ature$spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 #nimal Aen (difficulty 2). ,his roll must be
made for each type of animal and for each encounter.
Prey-s (ry (Red ,alon Rank 1)
:edieval legends aplenty tell of terrible beasts that mimic human voices or the
cries of game animals to lure travelers into their gaping ma!s. ,he Ret ,alons
have learned this trick for themselves. :any a traveler has died at ,alon >a!s
after follo!ing !hat they believed to be a fair young girl+s cry of distress...
,his Gift is learned from a Raven :ockingbird or :anticore$spirit (the last is a
member of Griffin+s spirit brood).
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 ".pression. ,he difficulty depends on the animal
noise imitated/ a rabbit+s death$scream or !ild bison+s call is difficulty ? !hereas
a human plea for help might be difficulty ; or even E if the ,alon !ants =a voice
that sounds like one of their priests= or a similarly complicated mimicry. 3f
successful any mortal or animal believes that the cry is that of the Red ,alon+s
intended creature even to the point of recogni*ing =a noble+s inflection= or
believing a female voice that of =a maiden pure of virtue=. ,he Red ,alon need
not kno! that much about the creature mimicked $ even if the ,alon has never
heard a soldier cry for help he can emit a cry that humans !ould instantly take
for the call of a man$at$arms.
Taught by% Raven :ockingbird or :anticore$spirit
Book% WW%t5#
*ouse to Anger (Red ,alon Rank 1)
,his Gift enables the Garou to say or do something that causes her target to
refresh her inner Rage. ,his might involve shaming an individual slapping her in
the face or telling her something to arouse her anger. ,he Garou can also summon
!ithin herself a memory or an emotion that assists her in replenishing her o!n
capacity for righteous anger.
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4) and spends a
Gnosis point. # successful roll enables the character to speak or act in such a !ay
that her target gains a point of Rage. "ach additional success allo!s the character
to affect another individual including herself.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
S#ent of *unning %ater (Red ,alon Rank 1)
,he Garou can completely mask her scent making herself virtually impossible to
track. ,his Gift is taught by a 'o.$spirit.
System% ,he difficulties of all rolls to track the Garou are increased by t!o. ,his
Gift becomes an innate ability to the Garou !ho learns it. She need not e.pend
any points or make any rolls.
%ater Sense (Red ,alon Rank 1)
,he most precious resource in the unsettled !ilderness may be drinking !ater but
it can be hard to find. With this Gift the Red ,alon never goes thirsty. Red ,alons
also use this Gift to lose pursuers by crossing rivers or to locate prey near
!atering holes. # Water$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 Survival (difficulty 2). ,he character can
detect !ater from a distance of 188 meters for every success.
Taught by% Water$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
%olf at the Door (Red ,alon Rank 1)
Some humans can+t >ust be splattered all over the nearest tree. Some of them have
to be taught a lesson and left alive for !hatever reason. Ho!ever the Red ,alons
kno! ho! to make the message stick. ,his Gift induces a terrible dread of and
respect for the forest and it makes a human target afraid to tamper !ith it in any
!ay. #ny predator spirit can teach this Gift.
System% ,he Garou must make eye contact !ith the target but he can be in any
form !hen he does so. ,he player then rolls (harisma 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty
of the target+s Willpo!er). ,he effects last for one day per success. 5uring this
time the human must roll Willpo!er to leave his home and he may not go near
anything resembling a forest !ithout spending a Willpo!er point. 3f the human
does leave his home he is shaky and fearful until he returns and his player loses
t!o dice from all :ental and Social dice pools. ,his Gift functions on Ainfolk
mages ghouls and other supernatural Homids but the difficulty increases by t!o
to a ma.imum of 18.
Taught by% 6redator spirits
Book% WW0e
Aura of Fero#ity (Red ,alon Rank 7)
,he harsh untamed !ilderness fre-uently brings death to humans !ho venture
into it unprepared. With this Gift the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of
the !ild. # panic$stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. #n
#ncestor$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must
gro!l (even in human form) for the effect to !ork. #ll normal humans lose one
die from their 5ice 6ools !ithin 78 feet of the Garou. ,hose humans not used to
dealing !ith !ild animals must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty e-uals the
Garou+s Rage) or flee the area.
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Beastmind (Red ,alon Rank 7)
,he Garou can reduce the mental faculties of a target to those of an animal for a
short time. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Griffin
System% ,he Garou rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). ,he effect lasts for one turn per success.
(ull the Herd (Red ,alon Rank 7)
# Red ,alon using this Gift measures the vitality of her prey to plan her attack
strategy effectively. 5uring the 3mpergium Red ,alons used this Gift to pick the
!eakest of the humans and destroy them. )ccasionally the Red ,alons killed the
strongest of the humans to remove them from the breeding pool. ,oday the Gift
continues to help Red ,alons hunt and kill their prey. #n #vatar of !olf teaches
his children ho! to detect the easiest prey.
System% ,he Red ,alon need only succeed on a 6erception 1 6rimal Brge roll
(difficulty ;) to determine the general health and fitness of an individual. ,his
Gift also !orks on animals and Garou as !ell as humans. )ne success detects any
in>uries !hereas five successes !ould reveal the creature+s entire physiology.
Foetra#ker (Red ,alon Rank 7)
&y using this Gift the Garou can follo! her -uarry !ithout risking losing the
trail. ,he scent of the target becomes so po!erful to the Garou that she can follo!
it even under conditions that might other!ise obscure the trail. "ven if the victim
crosses !ater lays do!n a false trail or attempts to mask his scent !ith some
other odor the Garou unerringly follo!s her prey. Ho!ever the Gift+s effects
become fainter !ith time and distance.
System% ,he players spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 6rimal Brge.
"ach success allo!s the character to track her target unerringly for one scene up
to a ma.imum of five scenes after !hich the effects of the Gift end and the trail
becomes too faint to follo!.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Primal 3nstin#t (Red ,alon Rank 7)
,he Red ,alon can strip a!ay the layers of humanity that cover up man+s basic
instinct. # human assaulted !ith this Gift finds himself behaving like a beast.
:omentarily losing all civility the human strips naked runs through the streets
gro!ls at threats and makes numerous uninvited overtures to!ard members of
the opposite se.. #ll thoughts of business meetings color television and &:W+s
vanish in favor of the basic drives of survival. Red ,alons use !hatever means
necessary to force #pe$spirits to teach them this Gift.
System% ,he Red ,alon must spend a Gnosis point and roll :anipulation 1
#nimal Aen (difficulty e-ual to the target+s Willpo!er). ,he number of successes
indicates the e.tent to !hich the human target loses his humanity. )ne success
causes a certain absent$mindedness and preoccupation !ith food and se.. 'ive
successes on the other hand probably cause the raving target to be locked up and
Taught by% #pe spirits
Book% 6G0e
Sense of the Prey (Red ,alon Rank 7)
,he character if he kno!s anything about his prey can track it do!n as rapidly as
he can travel. ,his unerring sense of direction operates any!here and is used to
track spirits through the Bmbra as !ell as to find beings on "arth. ,his Gift is
taught by a Wolf$ or 5og$spirit.
System% <o roll is re-uired unless the target is actively hiding in !hich case a
6erception 1 "nigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target+s Wits 1
Stealth. 3f the target is a spirit the difficulty is the spirit+s Gnosis.
Snuff Flames (Red ,alon Rank 7)
,he Red ,alons are mistrustful of humanity9s control of fire. ,his Gift allo!s
them to take one of the hated humans+ most pri*ed tools a!ay from them dousing
almost any fire !ithin their line of sight.
,his Gift is taught by a Water spirit.
System% ,he player rolls Willpo!er difficulty 2 (or 4 !hen trying to affect oil
fires). ,he ,alon may e.tinguish all fire !ithin a radius of t!o yards per success.
,he fuel may be relit but it+s difficulty to do so $ a torch becomes as tricky to
light as if it !ere damp e.tinguished oil fires gutter fitfully and refuse to catch
fully light and so on.
Taught by% Water spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Elemental Faor (Red ,alon Rank 0)
&y ca>oling a nearby elemental the Garou can get the elemental to perform one
=favor= for her. ,his can include the manipulation or even destruction of the
elemental+s material reflection $ thus a rock might roll onto enemies fire may
e.plode !ater may flo! at the Garou+s !him or !inds may knock foes to their
feet. ,his Gift is taught by any elemental.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge against a difficulty of the
elemental+s Gnosis.
Herding the 3nfant A$e (Red ,alon Rank 0)
6erhaps the most unpopular Gift in the entire tribe this Gift is hidden by Whelp+s
(ompromise although a fe! Warders of the Cand use it in more... e.perimental
!ays. 3t turns a human child of no older than ten years old into a creature of the
!ild unable to set foot in a city. Some suggest this Gift is responsible for myths
such as Romulus and Remus or the tale of :o!gli. Whelp+s (ompromise camp
members use this to sho! that humans themselves can e.ist in harmony !ith
Gaia it is the (ity that is evil and needs to be destroyed.
System% ,his Gift can only be used on a human child of no more than ten years.
,he player spends three Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 6rimal Brge. ,he difficulty
is the child+s age/ any child less than a year old automatically is barred from
setting foot in a city for the rest of their life. 'or children aged one and up the
number of successes rolled becomes the number of decades that pass before they
can re$enter a city. 3f they do so before then they suffer incapacitating cramps
refuse to eat and stay immobile until removed from the city.
Since this Gift only !orks on those too small to fend for themselves fe! !ho use
it simply abandon their charges. #fter all a dead human child in the !ild isn+t the
e.ample the Whelp+s (ompromise !ants to make.
Taught by% Wolf or #pe spirit
Book% 6G0e
Saagery of the Taloned Hunter (Red ,alon Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to gain t!ice the advantage of his Rage thus increasing
the ferocity and fre-uency of attacks or else allo!ing him to accomplish more
under stress than he normally !ould.
System% ,he player spends a Rage point !hich he may then convert into the
e-uivalent of t!o points of Rage for the character. ,his enables a character to take
t!o e.tra actions in a combat at the cost of a Rage point. #nother use of the Gift
allo!s the character to recover from a stunned state and take an e.tra action in the
same turn.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
Sna$ Man-s (hains (Red ,alon Rank 0)
,he Red ,alons look on humanity+s domestication and subse-uent abuse of
animals as nothing less than a sin against Gaia. With this Gift the Red ,alon can
undo that offense if only for as long as a night. ,he ,alon releases a ho!l that
drives domesticated animals completely feral $ horses thro! their rides and bolt as
far as they can o.en thro! themselves against fences in a fren*y dogs turn on
their masters at the first sign of !eakness. <eedless to say this Gift+s use often
drives surviving humans on a -uest for the !itch among their numbers that surely
must be responsible.
,his Gift is taught by any #nimal$spirit although the spirits of !olves and !ild
o.en are particular generous !ith its secret.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal$Brge.
Success makes any animals !ithin earshot uneasy and difficult to manage but the
actual amount of animals driven feral depends on the number of successes rolled.
Su##esses Area of Effe#t
)ne # single barn kennel stable or me!s
,!o # farmstead
,hree # small keep
'our # village or large keep
'ive # to!n
Si.1 # city or valley
,he ,alon cannot influence the actions taken by the ne!ly feral animals/ most
!ill try to flee human territory although some might attack their masters in a fit
of panic or hunger. ,he effect lasts until the sun rises or sets !hichever comes
Taught by% #nimal spirits
Book% WW%t5#
Tra#kless %aste (Red ,alon Rank 0)
,he Garou employing this Gift must have at least a rough familiarity !ith the
terrain in a given area (have spent at least a !eek in the vicinity). ,he Garou may
completely disrupt others+ perceptions of that terrain+s landmarks etc. Humans
and the like !ill automatically become lost (compasses !on+t !ork and maps !ill
become misleading). "ven Garou may become lost. ,his Gift is taught by any
!ilderness$oriented spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 6rimal Brge
(difficulty 2). "ach success enables a t!o$mile radius to be affected. )ther Garou
must roll 6erception 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty 2) and e-ual or e.ceed the Gift
user9s roll. ,he effect lasts four hours.
Aalan#he (Red ,alon Rank @)
,he Garou must be in a mountainous or other!ise tectonically unstable area. ,he
Gift causes an avalanche mudslide etc to engulf his foes. ,his Gift is taught by
an earth elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Survival
(difficulty determined by the Storyteller depending on the instability of the
terrain). ,he more successes the more po!erful the effect. )n a botch the Garou
is caught in the avalanche.
Form of Akhlut (Red ,alon Rank @)
3nuit myth tells of #khlut a killer !hale that turned into a !olf to !alk on land.
,he legends are almost right of course. ,his Gift allo!s a Red ,alon to take on
an a-uatic form such as a fish dolphin or !hale. 3t is believed by some that this
Gift is ho! the Red ,alons spread from their original lands to other continents.
,he Gift is taught by the spirit of an appropriate pelagic animal although the Red
,alons respect the orca most of all.
System% ,!o Gnosis points are re-uired to activate this Gift and then the player
rolls Stamina 1 6rimal Brge difficulty 4. "ach success allo!s the Red ,alon to
become a more po!erful a-uatic deni*en. )ne success might allo! the Red ,alon
to become a goldfish three a dolphin and five the genuine killer !hale of legend.
Taught by% Whale or dolphin spirits
Book% 6G0e
Gorge (Red ,alon Rank @)
<atural !olves !ill eat as much as possible !hen food is available for they never
kno! !hen their ne.t meal !ill arrive. With this Gift a Red ,alon can do much
the same thing !ith Rage Gnosis or Willpo!er storing such energy against the
day she !ill need it. # !olf$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% Bpon learning this Gift the player chooses !hich ,rait (Rage Gnosis or
Willpo!er) her character can store. ,hereafter the character can hold three more
points in the appropriate ,rait than her permanent rating. ,hese e.tra points must
be regained as usual and they do not add e.tra dice to rolls involving these ,raits.
Taught by% Wolf
Book% WW0e
Hunter-s Horn (Red ,alon Rank @)
,his Gift enables the Garou to create a sound so horrible and mind$chilling that it
sends enemies into utter panic and causes them to flee an area !ithout regard for
direction or destination. "nemies so affected cannot attempt to evade pursuit or
disguise their passage. ,his makes hunting them do!n and dispatching them a
fairly simple task.
System% ,he player spends a point of Rage and rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal$Brge
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er in the group). "ach success affects one victim
!ith uncontrollable panic causing them to run blindly from an area. Garou
affected by this Gift enter a state of fo. fren*y !hile others simply become
mindless panicked creatures of prey. ,he effect lasts for an entire scene during
!hich time the character (and any allies) may hunt do!n and slay the victims if
they so desire.
Taught by% Rorg
Book% RatH
4ui#ksand (Red ,alon Rank @)
,he Garou can turn the local ground into a sticky mass that can catch foes and
prevent them from moving easily. ,his Gift is taught by "arth elementals.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal Brge
(difficulty ;). "ach success turns a 18$foot area of ground into a vicious sticky
substance. #nyone in the area save the Garou can only move at half !alking
speed and no combat maneuvers re-uiring movement may be e.ecuted.
#dditionally the difficulties for all attacks involving actions more comple. than
basic grappling are increased by one.
*e#y#le (Red ,alon Rank @)
Red ,alons !ho possess this po!erful Gift can destroy any man$made substance.
6lastics alloys and other material not found in nature disintegrate !ith >ust a
touch. Ca!n chairs dissolve into oily puddles and steel melts into iron and carbon.
# cockroach spirit !hich has !itnesses the humans+ secret creation rites kno!s
the Gifts that can dissolve nearly anything.
System% ,he Garou must touch the material for the Gift to !ork. )nly materials
!hich science has manufactured are viable targets. 'or instance a !ooden chair
!ould be unaffected (although the glue holding it together !ould not be) !hereas
a plastic chair !ould melt to the ground. ,he Garou must roll her Rage against a
difficulty determined by the item+s comple.ity. ,he difficulty ranges from iron
(difficulty 2) and ordinary plastics (difficulty ;) to rare and comple. metal allo!s
(difficulty E). "very success reduces five pounds of the target material to its base
(urse of Dionysis (Red ,alon Rank ?)
,he Garou may transform any human or Garou into a normal !olf. Garou !ill
stay in this form for the duration of the scene/ against humans this effect is
permanent. ,his Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and then rolls Gnosis against a
difficulty of the opponent+s Willpo!er.
Gaia-s !engean#e (Red ,alon Rank ?)
,he Garou can cause the very features of the land to animate and attack intruders%
branches !ill lash out rocks !ill roll and smash vines !ill trip !ater !ill such
victims under. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Gaia herself.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and then one Rage point. He then
rolls (harisma 1 "nigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). ,he game effects are
up to the Storyteller.
2atural *ene&al (Red ,alon Rank ?)
"ven as the Bnited States carries out :anifest 5estiny the Red ,alons seek to
preserve the uncon-uered !ilderness. Bnder the effects of this Gift nature
recovers from ravages created by humanity. Candslides refill the deep mining
shafts that pierce the earth !ildlife infests building and technology fails. #
Seedling$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must spend three Gnosis points and ho!l (or sing) to the
!ilderness spirits. ,hese spirits encourage rampant plant gro!th that can even
overcome man$made roads mineshafts and buildings. #lso no technology can
function !ithin 08 feet of the Garou. ,he e.act effects of the Gift are up to the
Storyteller but nature does its best to rene! itself despite humanity+s efforts.
Taught by% Seedling$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Pa#k Mind (Red ,alon Rank ?)
,his Gift forces a group of foes to behave like a single$minded pack. #ll
individuals must perform the same task at the same time regardless of its
appropriateness to a given situation. 'or e.ample if one individual fights all the
others fight/ if one person attempts to sneak up behind an opponent all the others
make this attempt as !ell. ,his Gift lasts for one combat scene.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 4). #
single success allo!s the character to inflict 6ack :ind on a group of up to four
individuals. #dditional successes allo! the character to increase the number of
people affected in increments of t!o/ five successes therefore enables the
character to affect t!elve individuals. 'or the duration of this Gift all the affected
victims mimic the actions of their leader $ or more typically the first person in a
group to act each turn. 3f one decides to speak all of them attempt to do so/ if one
thro!s a left hook all of them choose this form of combat ignoring any !eapons
they may have.
Taught by% Rorg
Shado& /ords Gifts
Aura of (onfiden#e (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
,he Garou radiates an aura of strength and command preventing any attempts to
read the Garou+s aura or detect his !eaknesses/ he reveals no fla!s !hatsoever.
,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty ;). ,his must be
rolled for each ne! encountered of situation the Garou finds himself in.
Aura of 2obility (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
"ven at her !orst this Garou looks her best. 5espite her character or lack
thereof the Shado! Cord seems to be above contempt or slander. # (obra$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Gift do!nplays the offensiveness of the Shado! Cord+s deeds or her
connection to them in !itnesses+ minds. ,he player needs only to spend one
Gnosis point to avoid any loss of Honor.
Taught by% (obra$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Fatal Fla& (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
,he Garou can discern a target+s !eaknesses allo!ing him an advantage in
combat. ,his Gift is taught by a Storm cro!.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for one turn and rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the target+s Wits 1 Subterfuge). Success allo!s the Garou to do an
e.tra die of damage against the target. ".tra successes allo! him to discern
additional vulnerabilities/ five successes grant the Garou kno!ledge of all the
target+s fla!s.
Find the Portent (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
With this Gift a Garou can call for and receive some omen or portent !hich can
help her determine her ne.t course of action. ,he Garou must meditate for a fe!
minutes in order to place herself in a receptive state so that she can recogni*e the
sign that comes to her.
System% <o roll is necessary but the player must spend a point of Gnosis. ,he
Storyteller then produces some sort of omen or portent to serve as a hint for the
character about !hat lies in the future. (=# black bird carrying something in its
beak flies north= =Hou feel a sense of dread about entering this part of the
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Per#e$tie Serant (Shado! Cord Rank 1 $ -hildren of -row)
(hildren of (ro! are consummate eavesdroppers and combined !ith the
perceptiveness one gains by serving (ro! this Gift can be e.tremely useful. 3t is
taught by a (ro!$spirit.
System% &y spending one point of Gnosis a (hild of (ro! can reduce the
difficulty of overhearing a conversation or !itnessing a secretive activity by 7.
Purify S#ent (Shado! Cord Rank 1 $ "ringers of ight)
3f another supernatural creature attempts to determine the breed tribe or auspice
of a &ringer of Cight the target may use this Gift to retain her secrets. # <ight$
spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Shado! Cord spends one point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1
6rimal$Brge. ,he difficulty of discovering the information is increased by 1 for
each success (up to a ma.imum modifier of 10).
*ains of Mer#y (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
,hough this Gift surprises many non$Shado! Cord Garou it is only because they
forget the Shado! Cords follo! a god affiliated !ith rain and they come from a
harsh land. "ven the 5ar!inist Shado! Cords kno!n that their Ain need to be
fed and the rain summoned !ith this Gift made sure those favored by the Cords
never !ent hungry. # Storm cro! teaches this Gift
System% ,he Shado! Cord spends one point of Gnosis. &y the end of the day
rain pours do!n in an area around the Shado! Cord. ,he si*e of this area depends
on the Shado! Cord+s rank/ it affects a radius of 1? minutes !alk for each Rank
the Cord has achieved so an #thro can affect a region one hour+s !alk in radius
from his location. ,his Gift cannot summon harsh storms but does produce a
heavy do!npour.
Taught by% Storm cro!s
Book% 6G0e
Sei.ing the Edge (Shado! Cord Rank 1)
,o the Shado! Cords there is no possible !ay for a contest to be even. 3f neither
competitor !ins they both lose. ,his Gift allo!s the Garou to s!ing the balance
ever so slightly in her favor. # spirit servant of Grandfather ,hunder teaches this
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point. 'or the remainder of the scene
!henever the Shado! Cord is involved in a direct confrontation !ith another
being (specifically if the player must make an opposed roll) any ties go to the
Shado! Cord. 'or e.ample a Shado! Cord and her Get of 'enris rival are
!restling. &oth players must roll to see if the Get of 'enris can break the hold that
the Shado! Cord has caught him in. 3f the players roll the same number of
successes the Shado! Cord !ins and the Get remains pinned. ,his Gift last for
one scene.
Taught by% # servant of Grandfather ,hunder
Book% WW0e
(la$ of Thunder (Shado! Cord Rank 7)
,he Garou may clap her hands together sending forth a shock!ave that can stun
all before her. ,his Gift is taught by a Storm cro!.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. #ll those !ithin 18 feet friend and
foe alike must score at least one success on a Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4) or be
stunned an unable to act for one turn/ on a botch they are stunned for the duration
of the scene. ,he Garou must be in Homid Glabro or (rinos form to employ this
(old !oi#e of *eason (Shado! Cord Rank 7)
# cunning Shado! Cord can talk his !ay out of >ust about anything. 3f a Cord is
attacked by another Garou the Shado! Cord may invent a clever remark that !ill
detain his attacker for at least one round. ,his gift is taught by a (ro!$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 4). ,he attacker is detained one round for each success as long as he in
turn is not attacked. 3f the target is assaulted the effect of the oratory !ears off
and the victim may resume his attack. # botch !ith this Gift !ill cause the
attacker to go into 'ren*y.
Disfigurement (Shado! Cord Rank 7)
,he Shado! Cord can place a nasty boil or dishonorable scar on the target. She
can disfigure her rival in embarrassing !ays that rob him of prestige in the
presence of other Garou. #lthough the lesion isn+t physically handicapping it
certainly limits the victim+s social grace. # &aboon or ,oad spirit teaches this
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal Brge (difficulty ;) and spends a
Willpo!er point. ,he disfigurement subtracts t!o dice from all the target+s Social
rolls. ,he scar or blemish heals at the end of one scene.
Hidden De$ths (Shado! Cord Rank 7)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to uncover some hidden piece of information or to
decipher some cryptic passage of te.t. ,he Gift can also enable a Garou to figure
out !ho the real po!er behind the scenes is in a given situation
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas
(difficulty 4). "ach success allo!s the character to learn one hidden or concealed
fact about the person place or thing targeted by the Gift. 'or e.ample one line of
prophecy may be e.plained for each success. ,he Storyteller should decide the
overall effects of this Gift so that players do not attempt to avoid pursuing other
avenues of investigation.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
/una-s Amour (Shado! Cord Rank 7)
,he Garou calls upon the blessing of Cuna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at
her. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for one turn spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Stamina 1 Survival (difficulty 2). "ach success allo!s the Garou to add one to her
Stamina for the purpose of soaking damage (including silver). ,he effect lasts for
one scene.
Pure 3dentity (Shado! Cord Rank 7 $ "ringers of ight)
# &ringer of Cight can alter his appearance to suggest he belongs to another race.
3f he remains in Homid form he can appear as pallid as a vampire or as
glamorous as an Bnseelie changeling. 3f he desires to keep his =scent= as a Garou
he can affect cosmetic changes and appear as a &lack Spiral. ,his Gift is taught
by a (hameleon$spirit.
System% ,he Cord spends three Gnosis but need make no roll. ,he duration is
one day. (lose e.amination re-uires a Subterfuge roll to maintain the deception.
(urse of (orru$tion (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
,he Shado! Cords never a tribe to play fair designed this Gift to discredit their
rivals. Fictims of this curse find themselves doubted by even their staunchest
allies. 5espite a target+s most noble e.ertions no one believes anything he has to
say until the curse fades. # >ackal spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Shado! Cord rolls her Gnosis against a difficulty of the target+s
Gnosis. ,he number of successes indicates the number of turns the victim suffers
from the curse. Bntil it fades everything the victim says sounds dishonest. ,he
Shado! Cord must spend a Willpo!er point to activate this Gift.
Dark Aerie (Shado! Cord Rank 0 $ -hildren of -row)
,he Garou may hover and float in the air. ,his Gift is taught by (ro!. ,he
servant of (ro! is enveloped by shado! as he escapes.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. He may move at 78 mph and the
duration is one hour. :aneuvering re-uires a roll of 5e.terity 1 Stealth (difficulty
;) and the difficulties of all comple. actions such as combat are increased by
Dire#t the Storm (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
Having a packmate !ho is prone to fren*y isn+t safe for anyone. With this Gift
the Shado! Cord can direct the primal instincts of a fren*ied Garou $ friend or foe
$ causing him to attack targets of the Cord+s choice. # storm cro! teaches this
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpo!er (difficulty of
the target+s Rage). Success indicates that the Shado! Cord controls the target+s
fren*y and can set him on anyone she chooses. Bsing this Gift on a Garou in the
,hrall of the Wyrm is possible but doing so re-uires the player to roll Rage
(difficulty ;) to check for fren*y for her o!n character.
Taught by% Storm cro!
Book% WW0e
3#y (hill of Des$air (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
,he Garou can assume a frightening aspect seeming to gro! larger more
looming shado!y and terrible. Fie!ers !ill hesitate and stall in fear. ,his Gift is
taught by a Storm cro!
System% ,he Garou concentrates for a turn spends a Gnosis point and rolls
:anipulation 1 3ntimidation (difficulty ;). 3f successful enemies vie!ing this
sight must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4) scoring a number of successes
e-ual to the Garou/ failure means that the victims must spend Willpo!er to attack
take action against or even verbally oppose the Garou. ,he victims are not
controlled by her merely to co! to struggle or oppose her. ,his effect lasts for the
rest of the scene.
3nterrogator (Shado! Cord Rank 0 $ ords of the Summit)
,his Gift !as originally discovered by a cult of Shado! Cords kno!n as the
Gudges of 5oom. # Garou may use this Gift to terrify his victim into a confession.
,his Gift is taught by a 'ear$spirit.
System% ,he interrogator rolls :anipulation 1 Subterfuge or 3nterrogation/ the
defendant resists !ith a opposed Willpo!er roll. 3f the Garou succeeds the
defendant !ill be paraly*ed !ith fear for one round and confess the greatest crime
that he has committed during the last cycle of the moon. ,his is long enough for a
one sentence confession but may only by used once per moon cycle. Gudges of
5oom may learn this as a Cevel )ne Gift.
Paralysing Stare (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
,he Garou can direct a terrifying ga*e at a target causing her to free*e in
paralytic fear. ,his Gift is taught by a Storm cro!.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for a turn spends one Gnosis point and rolls
(harisma 1 3ntimidation (difficulty of the target+s Willpo!er). "ach success
gained on this roll free*es the opponent in place for one turn.
*aen-s (urse (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
#s the name implies this Gift lays Raven+s (urse $ the curse of death by arro!s $
on the Shado! Cord+s enemy. While the curse is in effect arro!s bolts hurled
spears and other pro>ectile !eapons are invisibly attracted to the target. #lthough
this Gift can be used in battle situations most Cords prefer to secretly use it on
their foes >ust before a ma>or battle ensuring an =unfortunate accident=.
,his Gift is taught by a Raven spirit
System% ,he Shado! Cord must caress the intended target !ith his fingertips. #t
that time the player spends one Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 #rchery. ,he
number of successes determines the duration of the curse+s effect.
Su##esses Duration
)ne )ne Hour
,!o )ne day
,hree )ne month
'our )ne year
'ive1 Bntil someho! broken
,he difficulty to strike the target !ith any sort of missile !eapon (e.cept bullets
!hich e.plains the eventual !ane of this Gift+s popularity) drops by t!o/ archers
and other range based combatants in battle situations are also (as determined by
the Storyteller) more likely to fire at the marked target than at other targets around
him. ,he curse can be broken by certain methods at the Storyteller+s discretion/ a
Rite of (leansing for instance is usually effective.
Taught by% Raven spirits
Book% WW%t5#
*aen-s %ings (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
,he Garou !ith this Gift may send a portion of her spirit out of her body in the
form of a raven. ,he raven can see and hear but it cannot affect the physical
!orld. 3t is invulnerable to attacks ho!ever. ,his Gift is taught by a Raven$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 )ccult (difficulty 2). ,he
raven may be sent five miles a!ay for every success on the roll. 3f it goes past this
range the Gift is canceled. While this Gift is in use the Garou must concentrate
to use the raven+s sense and may take no other actions in the same turn in !hich
he is communing !ith the raven.
Summon Storm #ro& (Shado! Cord Rank 0 $ 5udges of Doom)
,he Gudges learnt this blessing from Grandfather ,hunder himself. ,he Storm
cro!s some of Grandfather ,hunder+s servants come to the aid of those Garou
!ho activate this Gift. #cting as spies the Storm cro!s follo! anybody the Gudge
chooses and report back all they learn. Rumors speak of net!orks of Storm cro!s
that pass information back and forth like a regular telephone line.
System% ,o call a +cro! the Gudge must roll (harisma 1 3ntimidation (difficulty
4) and spend a Gnosis point. He may give the cro! a single command such as
='ollo! the Red ,alon and report his activities= or =Aeep an eye on the ,heurge
elder=. ,he Storm cro! is invisible to everyone e.cept individuals in the Bmbra.
,he target must roll her 6erception (difficulty 4) or employ a Gift to see a Storm
cro! in the Bmbra.
'nrael (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to put together seemingly random bits of information
to form a tentative analysis of a situation and formulate a course of action. ,his is
particularly useful in situations !here gathering concrete information is difficult
or in e.tremely comple. situations.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "nigmas
(difficulty ;). )nly on success is necessary to make sense out of even the most
confusing situation but each additional success further clarifies matters. (,he
player may ask the Storyteller to e.plain to her !hat is actually going on in a
given scene and use that information as character kno!ledge).
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
'n&itting Pa&n (Shado! Cord Rank 0)
)ver time the Shado! Cord can convince a target that the Gift user holds the
other+s best interests at heart. #t first the ne!$found friend performs small favors/
much later the pa!n might even die for the Shado! Cord. # Rat$spirit teaches
this Gift.
System% ,he Gift affects >ust one pa!n at a time. )ver the period of a !eek the
Shado! Cord must pretend to be the person+s friend (the friendship can be real as
!ell). 5uring that time he must spend one Gnosis per day to seal the
arrangement. #fter the first !eek the pa!n sides !ith the Shado! Cord in
arguments helps !ith the Garou+s chores and rolls his cigarettes. ,he effect fades
in one !eek unless the Shado! Cord spends additional Gnosis. 3f the Gift affects
the same person for over a year the small favors and general friendliness turn
obsessive and dangerous.
Taught by% Rat$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Blank Slate (Shado! Cord Rank @)
,he Garou can completely remove a single piece of information from her o!n
mind or from that of another. ,his Gift becomes useful in situations !here an
individual has come across some dangerous kno!ledge that might lead to her
death for possessing it. ,he Garou may not only remove the information $ such as
the identity of the Garou mole !ithin a hostile group or the location of a safe
house for ecoterrorists $ but she may also smooth over the edges of the victim+s
memory so that he does not reali*e anything is missing. ,he Garou may also use
this Gift to alter her o!n memories in situations !here she feels that this is
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). # single success allo!s the character to
e.cise the desired piece of information. #dditional successes enable the character
to make secondary ad>ustments to the target+s memory to hide the fact that
something is missing.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Dolorous Stroke (Shado! Cord Rank @)
,he Shado! Cord may deliver a blo! so merciless and terrible that it strikes fear
into the hearts of those around her. #nyone !itnessing the 5olorous Stroke
becomes faint of heart and finds it difficulty to oppose the Shado! Cord capable
of such a strike.
,his Gift is taught by a 5eath spirit.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and then rolls to hit/ she may take no
other action this turn. 3f she misses the Gift is ineffectual. &ut if she hits she
gains t!o bonus dice to her damage pool. 3f she does at least three levels of
damage (after soak) to her target any onlookers are dismayed by the brutal
e.pertise of the Shado! Cord+s attack and suffer a one$die penalty to any rolls
made against the Shado! Cord for the remainder of the scene.
Taught by% 5eath spirit
Book% WW%t5#
+$en %ounds (Shado! Cord Rank @)
,he Garou may cause the ne.t !ound he inflicts on a target to bleed profusely.
,his Gift is taught by a 6ain spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the target+s Stamina 1 0). 3f the roll succeeds the target !ill bleed
losing one Health Cevel per turn for a duration of one turn per success. ,his is not
aggravated damage.
Seeds of Doubt (Shado! Cord Rank @)
&y careful deliberation the Shado! Cord may convince a listener of one false
System% ,he Shado! Cord spends one point of Gnosis and makes an opposed
(harisma 1 Subterfuge (difficulty 4) roll against the listener+s Wits 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 4). 3f the Shado! Cord succeeds the listener !ill believe the lie as
long as it is not actively harmful to him (i.e. =Hou can !alk on air= or ='ire is
easily digestible.=) 3f the listener succeeds he !ill reali*e that he is being tricked.
3f the caster botches the listener !ill fren*y.
Sten#h of the Peasant (Shado! Cord Rank @)
# Garou can make others appear to be inept contemptible and base. )thers !ill
be more inclined to believe the Shado! Cord+s proclamations concerning the
enemies they thus curse. ,his effect lasts one scene. While those affected suffer
no Reno!n loss they !ill find it hard to speak at moots and !ill be considered
last for honorable missions (!hich the Shado! Cord can maneuver to be assigned
to his pack instead). ,he effect lasts one scene.
System% &y spending one Gnosis point and rolling :anipulation 1 Subterfuge
against a difficulty of ; the Garou can affect one person per success. ,hose
affected subtract four from their Social dice pools. 3n addition the Shado! Cord
gains 7 dice to any ".pression rolls !hen making disparaging remarks about
these =lo!ly fools=.
Strength of the Dominator (Shado! Cord Rank @)
,he Garou by force of command dra!s from another+s anger to feed his o!n.
,his Gift is taught by a Storm cro!.
System% ,he Garou rolls Wits 1 3ntimidation (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). 'or a number of turns e-ual to the successes scored by the Garou the
victim !ill lose one Rage point per turn !hile the Garou !ill gain that Rage
point. ,his may be attempted only once per target per scene.
'bi)uitous Presen#e (Shado! Cord Rank @)
6aranoia is a !onderful !eapon. 3t keeps enemies from resting from thinking
properly and done right from ever attacking you. #nd if you can+t be
every!here at once at least you can appear to be. ,he Shado! Cord can curse an
enemy !ith paranoia giving the victim an unflinching suspicion that the Garou is
!atching her even !hen that belief !ould other!ise be entirely illogical. Shado!
or night$spirits teach this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation
difficulty of the victim+s 3ntelligence K 7. Success indicates that the curse takes
effect reducing all dice pools of the victim by one for each t!o successes rolled.
,he effects last for one day and night.
Taught by% Shado! or night$spirits
Book% 6G0e
Di$lomati# 3mmunity (Shado! Cord Rank ?)
,his Gift enables the Garou to !alk about in the middle of a hostile group !ithout
provoking the outbreak of hostilities. ,he Garou can enter a caern belonging to a
rival or !alk openly into the middle of a group of &lack Spiral 5ancers in order to
retrieve something or deliver a message. ,he Garou surrounds herself !ith an
aura of =neutrality= that negates her enemies+ or rivals+ animosity long enough to
accomplish her task and leave !ithout incident. ,he Gift only lasts for one scene
after !hich all bets are off.
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls :anipulation 1
Subterfuge (difficulty 4). # successful roll allo!s the character to interact !ith a
group of potential enemies for the purpose of delivering a messsage retrieving an
item or delivering an ultimatum.
Taught by% Ruatma
Book% RatH
Mask Taint (Shado! Cord Rank ? $ ords of the Summit)
# Garou !ith this Gift may completely hide his Wyrm$taint from all senses
including Gifts that detect such taint. ,his Gift is taught by a 6uppeteer &ane.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls #ppearance 1 Subterfuge
(difficulty 4). ,he effect lasts for one scene. "very time this Gift is used the
Garou must roll one die. 3f the number is e-ual to or less than her (orruption
,rait she adds one to her (orruption gaining more Wyrm taint. ,his Gift cannot
be used by Garou !ith (orruption 18.
+bedian#e (Shado! Cord Rank ?)
,he Garou becomes the ultimate alpha leader commanding others to do as she
!ishes. ,his Gift is taught by a Storm cro!.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
(difficulty 4). #ll in the vicinity must make Willpo!er rolls (difficulty 4). 'ailure
to match or e.ceed the Garou+s successes means that the listeners must obey the
commands of the Garou. ,he degree of obedience varies according to the number
of successes/ one success means that the listeners can be persuaded to do
something they don+t mind doing/ three successes means they+ll pretty much do
!hatever the Garou tells them as long as they aren+t directly opposed to it/ five
successes means the listeners !ill undertake virtually suicidal actions.
Purity of Blood (Shado! Cord Rank ? $ "ringers of ight)
,he disciple has become so resistant to the Wyrm that she may overcome the
&lood &ond of vampires. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Grandfather ,hunder
System% ,he Shado! Cord must e.pend t!o points of Gnosis spend 18 minutes
in meditation and make a successful 3ntelligence 1 :editation roll. Bntil the
Garou uses 6urity of &lood he !ill be a!are that he is &ound but may
nonetheless spend a Willpo!er point to break his conditioning and use the Gift.
#lso note that this allo!s an infiltrator of the Sabbat to shatter the effect of the
Shado& Pa#k (Shado! Cord Rank ?)
,he Garou may summon a shado!y duplicate of himself or even multiple
shado! to spend beside him in battle. ,hese shado!s eerily resemble the Garou
and have the same po!ers. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit of <ight or a (himerling
System% ,he Garou must spend a variable number of Gnosis points and succeed
in a Gnosis roll (difficulty 4). 'or each Gnosis point spent the Garou summons an
e.act duplicate of himself to fight by his side. ,hese Garou have identical
#ttributes and #bilities but not fetishes/ they may not use Gnosis or Willpo!er
and each has only as many Health Cevels as the number of successes rolled. ,he
shado!$Garou last for one scene.
Taught by% <ight or (himerling
Silent Striders Gifts
Heaen-s Guidan#e (Silent Strider Rank 1)
# Silent Strider must be able to make his !ay through unfamiliar territory !ithout
benefit of chart of compass. While under a night sky even clouded the Strider
!ith this Gift can never be truly lost. #lthough this Gift cannot tell a Strider
e.actly !here he is at all times (the constantly shifting borders of province and
country alike are hard to foresee) the Strider !ill al!ays have a perfect sense of
direction as !ell as ho! many leagues he has traveled that day.
Farious Star$spirits and other spirits of the #etherial Realm teach this Gift.
System% <o roll is necessary/ the Strider+s sense of direction and distance is
absolute !hile he is under a night sky.
Taught by% Star$spirits and other spirits of the #etherial Realm
Book% WW%t5#
Ma-at-s Feather (Silent Strider Rank 1)
#ccording to "gyptian legend if the heart of one of the dead !as heavier than
:a+at+s feather she !ould feed it to the beast #mmit destroying their soul
entirely. 3f it !as lighter then the dead person !as admitted to the afterlife. ,his
Gift !as first the province of Silent Strider 6hilodo. (and is still most common
amongst that tribe) but has spread throughout all of Garou society. 3t allo!s the
6hilodo. to sense the !eight of a fallen Garou+s soul and determine if he died as
one of Gaia or had fallen to the Wyrm. 3t is used to determine !hat rituals !ill be
undertaken for the deceased and is taught by a bird or lion spirit.
System% 3f the Garou died in the service of Gaia the Gift !orks automatically
revealing this to be so. 3f ho!ever the Garou had betrayed the :other then a roll
of the 6hilodo.+s 6erception 1 )ccult (difficulty of the deceased+s former Gnosis)
is needed to correctly determine their guilt. # simple success is sufficient and the
Storyteller is encouraged to roll secretly for each use of this Gift to keep the
players guessing.
Taught by% &ird or lion spirits
Book% 6G0e
Sense of the Transformation (Silent Strider Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can identify states of transformation or significant
changes !ithin creatures or ob>ects. ,his Gift allo!s the Garou to ascertain
!hether or not someone is dying of a disease or if a female is pregnant (even in
e.tremely early stages). 3n the same fashion the Garou can choose to determine if
an ob>ect is about to break or cease functioning. ,he Garou need only concentrate
on her target to activate this Gift.
System% <o roll is necessary but the player must spend a point of Gnosis to
activate the Gift for one scene. 5uring that time the character can determine the
general state of health (or illness) of the individuals or creatures in her vicinity.
She can also tell if inanimate ob>ects are on the verge of breaking do!n or
other!ise ceasing to function.
Taught by% :eros
Book% RatH
Sense %yrm (Silent Strider Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
Silen#e (Silent Strider Rank 1)
,he Garou can muffle any sound she makes the better to creep up on an enemy or
escape unnoticed. #n o!l$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 5e.terity 1 Stealth. "ach success adds one to others+
difficulty to hear the Garou for one scene.
Taught by% )!l
Book% WW0e
S$eed of Thought (Silent Strider Rank 1)
,he Garou can double her land speed. ,his Gift is taught by a Roadrunner or
(heetah spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. ,he effect lasts for one scene.
Trailbla.er (Silent Strider Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can !end his !ay through thick underbrush as if
!alking on the open plains. ,he Strider also finds the fastest trails and shortest
routes from one location to another. When used in a to!n or city the Garou can
still find the shortcuts through alleys and dart through cro!ded streets !ith ease.
# (ro!$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must roll her 6erception 1 Survival or Carceny in cities
(difficulty ;). ,he number of successes e-uals the -uality of the ne! route and
decreases travel time. "very success reduces travel time appro.imately 18
percent up to a ma.imum of half the original travel time. ,he difficulty of any
rolls to track the user increase by t!o !hen this Gift is active.
Taught by% (ro!$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
A1is Mundi (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,he Garou !ith this Gift can center herself in relation to Gaia and al!ays kno!
!hich direction she is traveling in or facing no matter !here she may be in the
Gaia realms. 3n addition the !ere!olf carries her =territory= around !ith her in a
mystical sense. Wolves !ill detect this and concede her right to travel through
their territories and hunt there. )ther animals !ill also recogni*e this and not
attack the intruder.
System% ,o activate this Gift the player must e.pend a point of Gnosis. #nimals
!ill automatically sense the presence of the Garou and leave her be and even
other lupus must make a Willpo!er roll not to recogni*e this right.
Blissful 3gnoran#e (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,he Garou can become completely invisible to all sense spirits or monitoring
devices by remaining still. ,his Gift is taught by a (hameleon$ spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 Stealth (difficulty ;)/ each success subtracts
one success from the 6erception 1 #lertness rolls of those actively looking for the
character. 3f no one is so doing then one success indicates complete concealment.
Messenger-s Fortitude (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,he Garou may run at full speed for three days !ithout rest food or !ater. #fter
the duration e.pires the Garou must sleep for a Week. ,his Gift is taught by a
(amel or Wolf spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and may do nothing save run/ for an
additional Gnosis point he may imbue the effects of this Gift upon another being.
Shorten the *oad (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,his Gift enables the Garou to cut normal travel time by a third even in the
Bmbra. ,his feat may take shape in a number of !ays $ either through a series of
fortunate coincidences or else through clearly supernatural means.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 Survival
(difficulty ;). # successful roll shortens a >ourney by a third so that a three$day
trip takes only t!o days !hile a t!o !eek long trek through unspoiled !ilderness
only takes 18 days.
Taught by% :eros
Book% RatH
Smoke Signals (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,he Strider can communicate over a great distance !ith visual signals. Whether
!ith puffs of smoke by day or flickering lights at night the Garou sends his
message into the sky for other Garou to read. # 'ire$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Silent Strider can create her message !ithout a fire or other tool. He
simply !ills the message to e.ist and plumes of smoke (or flickering lights at
night) rise into the sky. #ny Garou !ho see these signals instinctively kno! !hat
he means >ust as if they had heard a ho!l. ,he player spends one Willpo!er
point to activate this Gift.
Taught by% 'ire$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Summon Talisman (Silent Strider Rank 7)
,he Strider can summon to herself any dedicated handheld ob>ect (see the Rite of
,alisman 5edication). ,he item disappears from !herever it currently rests even
from somebody else+s grasp and appears in the Garou+s grip. Striders use this Gift
to bring special items to them once they have finished a >ourney or to recover
items lost along the !ay. # packrat$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Garou need only spend one Gnosis point and concentrate on the
item. ,he Garou can only call half of his dedicated items $ he must choose !hich
ones upon learning this Gift.
Tread Sebek-s Ba#k (Silent Strider Rank 7)
# Silent Strider may call on the rover to support her steps. &y activating this Gift
a Strider may !alk or run across !ater or other li-uids. Ho!ever her feet are not
protected $ running across a pit of Wyrm$to.in is still a ha*ardous enterprise.
Some Striders are rumored to have crossed seas by use of this Gift. 3t is taught by
a (rocodile or &asilisk spirit.
System% ,he Strider spends a Gnosis point and rolls 5e.terity 1 Survival
(difficulty ;). "ach sucess allo!s her to travel across !ater as if it !ere open
ground for an hour.
Ada$tion (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,he Garou may e.ist in any environment regardless of pressure temperature or
atmospheric composition. ,he Garou also takes no damage from poison or
disease though concentrated flame or radiation still affects the Garou normally.
,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 Survival
(difficulty ;). ,he effects last for one hour per success and may be e.tended by
spending Gnosis. ,his Gift may be applied to others as !ell as the Garou !ho
possesses it.
Death Tra#k (Silent Strider Rank 0)
Sometimes someone+s >ourney ends too soon such as a man dying before he can
tell the Silent Strider important information. Silent Striders !ith this Gift do not
let the end of someone else+s >ourney be the end of theirs. #s long as the Silent
Strider can find the body they can then follo! the trails of the spirit until they
find the ghost. # servant of )!l teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Silent Strider stands over the body of the dead. ,hen the player
spends one point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 )ccult difficulty ;. )ne
success is needed to smell the direction of the ghost from the body. "very day the
search continues another 6erception 1 )ccult roll must be made !ith one
additional success re-uired for each day spent searching. ,he Storyteller
determines ho! far a!ay the ghost is.
Taught by% Servants of )!l
Book% 6G0e
Alternatie !ersions
From: Damien (Silent Strider Rank 0)
System% #dditional% only the ghosts of those !ho had a task left undone on their
mind at the time of death may be found !ith this Gift. Bnless the task in -uestion
concerned the Silent Strider using the Gift the difficulty is 4.
Eyes of Ma-at (Silent Strider Rank 0)
When a Strider invokes the po!er of ma'at itself she may discern levels of truth
invisible to even the canniest investigators. With this Gift she may perceive
innocence and truth should they reside in the breast of those she encounters. ,his
Gift is taught by an 3bis or &aboon spirit.
System% ,his Gift acts much as the 6hilodo. Gift% ,ruth of Gaia. Ho!ever the
Garou may make 6erception 1 "mpathy rolls to determine the nature of any truths
or lies the target may speak. (=6lease no 3 never set foot inside her houseD= =,hat
is true but you forced the door open so that your companions could enter. ,he
guilt is plain and !ritten on your heart.=
Gibberish (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,his Gift destroys the ability to communicate. ,he Silent Strider causes one target
to lose her kno!ledge of speech !riting and any other form of communication.
Should the victim try to speak no one can understand her. Should she try to read a
telegram the message appears to be garbled nonsense.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er point and rolls :anipulation 1
"nigmas (difficulty e-uals the target+s Willpo!er). "ach success removes the
victim+s ability to communicate for five minutes. ,he victim can resist !ith
Willpo!er but each point allo!s her to read or speak only one sentence.
Book% Wild West (ompanion
/ong *unning (Silent Strider Rank 0)
Whether the Garou is on foot or in a vehicle this Gift allo!s him to reduce the
travel time on a lengthy >ourney. Striders use this Gift only !hen the need is dire/
usually they prefer to see the sights and take their time. # Horse$spirit can teach
this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 5e.terity 1 #thletics (or 5rive) at a difficulty e-ual to
the local Gauntlet and spends a Gnosis point. 'or every success the travel time
diminishes by ? percent. # botch increases travel time by 7?Q or indicates that
travel has stopped altogether (due to a flat tire t!isted ankle etc).
Message Glan#e (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,he Strider can formulate a message of !ords or symbols that can be delivered
!ith a single glance to the recipient+s mind and easily remembered by the
System% ,he player rolls 3ntelligence 1 Cinguistics difficulty ; to formulate the
message. ,he number of successes determines the length of the message $ ?
symbols or !ords per success. )ne Gnosis must be e.pended to deliver the
message and the target must be in sight. ,he target receives a $1 to all difficulties
interpreting and remembering the message.
The Great /ea$ (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,he Garou can >ump incredible distances in one bound. ,his Gift is taught by a
Gackrabbit spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls Strength 1 #thletics
(difficulty 2). "ach success enables the Garou to leap 188 feet.
Tongues (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the user to read or !rite any human language encountered no
matter ho! ancient or obscure. Galliards often use this Gift !hen translating
ancient te.ts to revive old legends or compose ne! songs for :oots. ,his Gift is
taught by a Raven$spirit.
System% #fter spending one Willpo!er point the player rolls her 3ntelligence 1
Cinguistics. ,he obscurity and relative age of the language determines the
difficulty. # common modern language such as Spanish is difficulty @. #n ancient
and obscure tongue such as "truscan !ould be difficulty 18. ,he number of
successes determines the character+s fluency !ith the language.
%yld S$irits (Silent Strider Rank 0)
,he Garou can call upon :eros+ erratic nature and inflict one or more of her
opponents !ith a bout of erratic behavior thus making it more difficult for the
victims to coordinate attacks or act sensibly in any given situation.
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls :anipulation 1
"mpathy (difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). "ach success allo!s the character
to affect one individual. #ffected targets fail to carry out any sustained course of
action attacking one minute and retreating the ne.t or else stopping to make a
speech. 3f the Gift is used in a non$combat situation the victims change their
actions radically from one moment the ne.t. ,his Gift lasts for one scene.
Taught by% :eros
Book% RatH
Attunement (Silent Strider Rank @)
,his Gift is similar to the &one Gna!er Gift but may be used only in the
!ilderness. &y standing in a particular area the character can commune !ith the
spirits of the area thus getting an overvie! of !hat e.ists or !hat has happening
in the area $ rough population secret trails places of note and so on. ,his Gift is
taught by an )!l spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 Survival
(difficulty 2). ,he amount of information gained depends on the number of
successes. )n a botch the spirits lie.
Dam the Heartflood (Silent Strider Rank @)
<o tribe loathes the blight of vampires more than the Silent Striders. &y using this
Gift a Strider may block the flo! of blood in a vampire+s heart preventing him
from using any supernatural po!ers tied to the blood. ,his Gift is taught by (obra
spirits !ho resent being vie!ed as a symbol of Set.
System% ,his Gift can only be used on a supernatural creature !ith a &lood 6ool
!ho gains po!er from that blood (vampires ghouls even #nasasi). ,he Garou
spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 :edicine (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). "ach success prevents the target from spending any &lood 6oints for
!hatever purpose for a full turn. # Garou may only use this Gift once per scene
against a given target but multiple Garou may use this Gift on a target once each.
Strider packs armed !ith this Gift are amongst the fiercest Ceech$slayers kno!n
to the Garou
Guiding Hand of D,eheuty (Silent Strider Rank @)
<one could stay the !ords of 5>eheuty the messenger of the Gods. ,hose !ho
have this Gift do not even have to accompany the message but can send it on its
!ay and be assured that it !ill reach its destination. ,he spirit of any migrating
animal teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends t!o points of Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 )ccult
difficulty 4 !hile the Strider loudly states the message+s destination. ,he message
must be !ritten on something physical (paper tablet bone shard). # simple
success imbues the message !ith a Gaffling that !ill ensure it arrives at the stated
destination. ,he method of delivery is a matter of coincidence/ the message is
picked up by someone curious ends up on a truck heading that direction floats on
the !ind etc. ,he number of additional successes determines ho! long this takes
regardless of distance.
2umber of Su##esses /ength of Transit
1 # year
7 Si. months
0 )ne season
@ )ne !eek
? )ne day
While the message is in transit the Silent Strider cannot regain the t!o points of
Gnosis invested in it. <or can they revoke the message. #s a result this Gift tends
to be used only !hen all other avenues have been tried and failed or if the
Strider+s death is certain. ,he Strider+s death !ill not disrupt this Gift.
Taught by% :igrating animal spirits
Book% 6G0@
Slee$-s Traels (Silent Strider Rank @)
,hrough this Gift a Garou+s spirit may >ourney to another location !hile his body
sleeps. )nce he has arrived at his destination the Garou may either e.amine his
surroundings impart a message to someone he sees or retrieve a small (hand$
held) item such as a ring a set of keys or a piece of paper. Whether the Garou
actually causes an ob>ect to assume spirit$form long enough for her to transport it
from the place she has visited to the location of his sleeping body or if the Gift
causes the retrieved item to relocate from one place to another is unclear. ,he
Garou must have at least four hours of uninterrupted sleep before he is able to
begin the sleep >ourney. )nce the >ourney has ended and the Garou+s spirit has
reunited itself !ith her body she must a!aken naturally. #ny disturbance in the
sleep pattern negates the effectiveness of the Gift though it does not other!ise
physically threaten the Garou+s life.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 )ccult (5ifficulty
4). )ne success enables the character to travel to the desired spot in his dreams
and look around. He may overhear conversations but may not participate in them.
#dditional successes increase his ability to interact !ith !hat lies at his >ourney+s
end. ,hree successes allo!s him to converse !ith individuals he meets (!ho if he
so chooses see him as if he is really present) !hile five successes are necessary
for the character to transport a physical ob>ect to his sleeping form.
Taught by% :eros
Book% RatH
S$eed Beyond Thought (Silent Strider Rank @)
,he Garou may run at 18 times normal speed. ,he Garou may do nothing save
concentrate on running. ,he effects last for eight hours after !hich the Garou
!ill be famished and must eat immediately or risk fren*y or !orse... ,his Gift is
taught by a (heetah or #ir spirit
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 #thletics
(difficulty ;) $ one success is sufficient.
Tou#h of Death (Silent Strider Rank @)
,he Silent Striders learned this Gift from the !raiths !ho pro!l the Bnder!orld.
With it a Garou can cause the victim to see the moment of her death. #lthough
the victim does not remember !hat she sees the e.perience disables her !ith
System% ,he Garou must touch his target for this Gift to !ork. She must spend
t!o Gnosis points and roll :anipulation 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). ,he number of
successes determines the number of dice removed from the victim+s 6hysical
,raits (Storyteller discretion as to !hich ones). ,hese =!ounds= can be healed
like aggravated damage. ,ypically the victim+s fur is streaked !hite by the
incident. Fampires and other undead are unharmed by this Gift $ they simply
remember !hat has already happened to them.
Essential Transformation (Silent Strider Rank ?)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to convert part of her essence into Gnosis for use in
situations !hich re-uire the e.penditure of large amounts of spiritual po!er. ,he
Garou can either use the Gnosis gained by this Gift to create or replenish fetishes
enact Gifts that re-uire Gnosis or for any other purpose that re-uires her to spend
Gnosis. Ho!ever its residual effects are cumulative. "ach use of this Gift imbues
the Garou+s physical and mental abilities !ith more and more =spirit substance=
until eventually she becomes a spirit creature lacking in material substance. When
his happens the Garou can no longer maintain her earthly e.istence and must
either relocate to the Bmbra as a permanent resident (not unlike the members of
the Sept of the Stars) or else =die= and allo! her spirit to return to Gaia.
System% ,he player rolls Willpo!er (difficulty E). )nly one success is necessary
for the character to convert one dot in a chosen #ttribute into 18 points of
temporary Gnosis. Bntil the character uses all 18 of these points she has one less
dot in the chosen #ttribute. When the converted Gnosis is depleted the #ttribute
returns to its normal level. Ho!ever the Storyteller (and the character) should
keep track of the number of times this Gift is used. When the character has used
this Gift a number of times e-ual to her total number of dots in 6hysical. :ental
and Social #ttributes her body loses its material substance and the character
becomes a spirit. ,he character+s fate once this occurs is left to the Storyteller+s
discretion although in most cases this means that the player must retire the
character from active play.
Taught by% :eros
Book% RatH
Gate of the Moon (Silent Strider Rank ?)
,his po!er only !orks at night and there must be at least a sliver of a moon in
the sky. ,he Garou can open a special type of :oon &ridge allo!ing
instantaneous travel to her destination. ,his Gift is taught by Cunes.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point for every 188 miles she !ishes to
travel and she rolls 3ntelligence 1 #lertness (difficulty depends on the distance of
the >ourney and the accuracy !ith !hich she kno!s her destination $ up to 18 for
a far >ourney to an unkno!n place). Success allo!s the Garou to travel to that
place instantly. She !ill be disoriented for a turn unless she scored at least three
successes. # botch means that the character is hurled through space in a random
direction arriving far from her destination (or even high in the air). ,he Garou
may take others !ith her by spending one Gnosis point per person.
3no#ation of the Pharaoh (Silent Strider Rank ?)
,his a!e$inspiring Gift is only available to the greatest Strider heroes. ,he Strider
must be in Homid form spend a Gnosis and a Willpo!er point and must enact a
18$minute chant to the greatest of ancient "gyptian spirits. )nce this is done the
Garou e.pands and gro!s becoming a giant similar to the depictions of pharaohs
on mastabas and sarcophagi. ,his Gift is taught by Sphin.
System% ,he Garou gro!s to a height of nearly 4 feet but other!ise remains in
Homid form. ,he Garou gains the 6hysical #ttributes of a (rinos but loses no
Social #ttributes/ indeed the Garou+s (harisma and :anipulation are treated as 2
!hen making Ceadership or 3ntimidation rolls. # Garou is 6haraoh form does not
inflict aggravated damage but adds one to all &ra!l and :elee damage inflicted
against Wyrm$foes (or adds t!o !hen facing follo!ers of Set). ,he Garou
regenerates as a (rinos but gains no vulnerability to silver and cannot fren*y.
"ssentially the 6haraoic form combines the best of Homid and (rinos. ,he effect
lasts for one scene.
Portents (Silent Strider Rank ? $ 1arbingers)
,his Gift !hich the Harbingers are said to share !ith the (ora. allo!s them to
see one future event !ith clarity. ,hough the future is mutable the Garou !ill see
the most likely event.
System% ,he Garou must spend t!o Gnosis points and roll 3ntelligence 1
"nigmas (difficulty 4) !hile spending some time in a meditative trance.
*ea#h the 'mbra (Silent Strider Rank ?)
,he Garou may pierce the Gauntlet and instantly travel to the Bmbra at !ill
!ithout the need for a reflective surface. ,his Gift is taught by an )!l spirit.
System% ,he Garou simply !ills herself to step side!ays. She does not have to
make the usual Gnosis roll and can never get =caught=.
Siler Fangs Gifts
Aura of /eadershi$ (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
Similar to the Cevel ,!o Silver 'ang Gift% #!e this Gift surrounds the Garou
!ith an aura of authority that enables her to assume the mantle of leadership for a
brief period of time. )thers react to the Garou as if she !as their pack leader $
including the pack leader. )f course there may be repercussions after the effects
of the Gift have passed.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the highest
Willpo!er in the target ground). 3f successful the difficulties of all Social rolls
against the target group are reduced by one. )ne success enables the character to
affect a single target. #dditional successes increase the number of individuals
!ho fall under the effects of the Gift. ,he effects last for one scene.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
Eye of the Fal#on (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to see long distances !ith the acuity of a falcon. 3t is
taught by any of 'alcon+s brood.
System% #ll visual 6erception #lertness and long$range !eapon rolls are at $1
difficulty. ,his Gift costs one Gnosis point per scene to use.
Fal#on-s Gras$ (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
# leader must keep a tight grip on his po!er and this Gift allo!s the Garou to do
so literally. ,he Garou+s hands or >a!s tighten in a mighty death$grip making it
nearly impossible to escape. # falcon spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends a point of Rage. 'or the remainder of the scene the
Garou+s grip !ith either hands or >a!s (or both at the cost of t!o Rage) is much
stronger. 3n game terms the Garou+s Strength is considered three points higher for
purposes of grappling or maneuvers such as the >a! lock. ,he Garou may not use
this e.tra Strength to inflict damage.
Taught by% 'alcon
Book% WW0e
Full Moon (leansing (Silver 'ang Rank 1 $ +oon odge) /hroun)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to shake off Harano by overpo!ering it !ith Rage.
(,he Gift does not dispel 5erangements.) :any Silver 'ang #hroun learn this
Gift regardless of lodge. &lood$!arrior spirits teach this Gift. ,o learn it the
Garou must kill the spirit in ritual combat and then burn it in an Bmbral fire and
smearing herself !ith the ashes.
System% ,he player must spends one point of Rage and make a Rage roll
(difficulty ;) for the character to activate this Gift. ,he Gift+s effects last for one
3#e Dan#e (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
,he !ere!olf can move on ice and sno! !ith supernatural grace and speed.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point to activate this Gift for one day. ,his is
a Gift of balance/ 6hilodo. are especially adept at this art. #ll 5e.terity rolls are
$1 difficulty !hile on ice or sno! ($7 for 6hilodo.) and a Garou can run at
normal speeds through even the deepest sno! and on the slickest ice. # 6hilodo.
running on ice can double his normal speed. #n 3ce "lemental teaches this Gift.
/ambent Flame (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
,he Garou can cause a silvery light to ignite around her body. ,his Gift is taught
by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou must spend one Willpo!er point. ,he effect lasts for the
duration of the scene. ,he light illuminates in a 188$foot radius and the ensuing
glare adds one to the difficulties of all hand$to$hand attacks on the Garou/ the
difficulties of all missile attacks ho!ever are reduced by one.
Sense %yrm (Silver 'ang Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
A&e (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,he Garou simply by her bearing and strength proves to others her mastery and
right to rule other tribes. ,his Gift is taught by a 'alcon spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls #ppearance 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the target+s
Willpo!er). 3f successful the difficulties for all Social rolls made by the Garou
against that target are reduced by one and the target+s difficulty to hit the Garou
in combat is increased by one.
Em$athy (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,o be a leader among !olves is largely a matter of physical dominance but a
human leader must understand his charges and follo! their !ill to a degree. With
this Gift a Silver 'ang can understand those around him and live up to their
e.pectations. # falcon spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "mpathy
(difficulty ;). Success indicates that the Garou kno!s that the ma>ority !ould like
to see be it attack mediation harsh punishment or clemency. ,he more successes
the player rolls the better the Garou understands the people+s desires even if the
people !ould rather keep those desires secret. <ote that this Gift by no means
reveals the !isest or most rational decisions >ust the most popular one.
Taught by% 'alcon
Book% WW0e
Fool-s Siler (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,he Silver 'ang can trick a victim into thinking an ordinary item is made of
silver. Whereas greedy humans flock to the illusion Garou are usually !ary and
back a!ay from it. # Cune teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Silver 'ang concentrates for one turn to make the Gift active. ,he
selected item gleams !ith a silvery sheen. Garou !ho hold the item feel the sting
of normal silver for about 18 seconds after !hich the illusory =pain= vanishes.
Taught by% Cune
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Gibbous Moon Song (Silver 'ang Rank 7 $ +oon odge) *alliard)
When used by 'angs of other auspices this Gift makes the Garou more adept at
social situations. 3t makes Galliards lo-uacious and silver$tongued in the e.treme.
Galliard moon$dancers !ho use this Gift dra! upon the moon+s mysteries to cast
complementary light on their every action. ,he Galliard naturally dra!s people+s
attention. # =social Gaffling= of the Great Green (heese Spirit (a traditional &one
Gna!er ally) teaches this Gift. ,his fact is scandalous to most Silver 'angs.
System% ,o learn this Gift the Garou must best the spirit in a !ord contest (Wits
1 "nigmas difficulty 4). ,he player spends a point of Gnosis for the Garou to use
this Gift. #ll Social Skills are $1 difficulty for the duration of the scene. Galliards
that use this Gift are $0 difficulty on all Social rolls.
/una-s Amour (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,he Garou calls upon the blessing of Cuna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at
her. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for one turn spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Stamina 1 Survival (difficulty 2). "ach success allo!s the Garou to add one to her
Stamina for the purpose of soaking damage (including silver). ,he effect lasts for
one scene.
Pro#lamation of A#tion (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,his Gift enables the Garou to force an end to discussion and take the course of
action the character thinks is best. ,he !ere!olf can literally command others to
act as he bids although only if they had been previously dithering over a course
of action
System% ,he player spends a Willpo!er point and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership to
put a damper on discussions that have gone on too long. (&'nough talk( et's do
it&). "ach success allo!s the character to affect a single target. # character
desiring to resist the effects of the Gift must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty of
the Gift user+s Willpo!er 1 1 up to a ma.imum of 18). ,his Gift lasts for one
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
*eason (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,he Silver 'ang !ho uses this Gift may temporarily free himself from Harano and
5erangements. ,his Gift may also be used to partially defend against all sanity$
endangering attacks. ".amples of such attacks include the Galliard Gift% Head
games and :alkavian 5ementation 5iscipline and invasive uses of :ind magick.
# 'irebird$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpo!er (difficulty ;).
,he Garou overcomes all mental dysfunctions for a number of scenes e-ual to the
number of successes rolled. #ll psychic attacks against the Garou+s sanity are
reduced by one die. 3f the player botches the roll the character+s dementia
becomes painfully intense for a day.
Tru#e of Helios (Silver 'ang Rank 7 $ Sun odge)
Helios is among other things a spirit of reason and diplomacy. Garou !ho follo!
him are often skilled diplomats. ,his Gift helps ensure that the other side at least
listens to the Garou+s !ords. Helios is also an honorable (elestine/ the Silver
'ang may not use this Gift as a ruse to gain momentary advantages (gain time to
set an ambush for e.ample). # Garou may learn this Gift from one of the
(hildren of Aarnak or from a 'irebird$spirit.
System% ,he player must roll (harisma 1 "ti-uette (difficulty ;). 3f successful
the Silver 'ang negotiates under a spiritually enforced flag of truce. #ll those
!hom he negotiates !ith must make Willpo!er rolls (difficulty E t!o successes
needed) to attack the Garou. ,he truce lasts one hour for each success rolled. 3f
the Silver 'ang breaks the !ords of the truce the effects of the Gift end and !ill
never !ork on the same target again. #dditionally the Silver 'ang loses three
points of temporary Honor. ,his Gift costs a Gnosis point to use.
%ord of Honor (Silver 'ang Rank 7)
,o a Silver 'ang honor is everything. ,his Gift imbues a Garou+s !ords !ith his
honorable bearing. #s long as the Silver 'ang speaks the truth others believe him.
#n "agle spirit teaches the Silver 'angs ho! to speak clear and true.
System% &y spending a Gnosis point the Silver 'ang can make every !ord he
says bear the ring of truth. #nyone !ho listens hears that the Gift user speaks
true. Cisteners are not necessarily inclined to obey the 'ang or follo! his
suggestions but the facts are clear. ,he Silver 'ang must speak the truth or the
Gift automatically backfires.
(laim of Authority (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,here are times !hen a Silver 'ang cannot be present at important moots or
meetings and must send another Garou in her place. ,o make sure that any
advantages to be gained aren+t neglected a Silver 'ang !ith this Gift can grant her
messenger some of her o!n natural authority. 3t is taught by an ancestor spirit.
System% ,he Silver 'ang spends on one point of Gnosis and one point of
Willpo!er before selecting a Garou as her representative. 'or a !eek thereafter
the representative is considered to possess the same level of 6ure &reed as the
Silver 'ang so long as she notes the name of the Silver 'ang she speaks for. ,his
Gift may not be used on an un!illing target.
Taught by% #ncestor spirit
Book% 6G0e
Dominan#e Blo& (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
Smart Garou kno! to pay the Silver 'angs their due. Stupid ones openly
challenge them and force the Silver 'angs to assert their dominance. ,his Gift
allo!s a Silver 'ang to easily knock do!n !ould$be rebels by connecting
physical dominance !ith rightful leadership. When this Gift is !orking might
does make right. Cupus Silver 'angs are fond of this Gift !hich resembles !olf
understandings of alpha standing. # !olf$spirit teaches this Gift
System% ,he player spends one point of Rage and rolls (harisma 1 &ra!l
difficulty ;. 3f the rolls succeeds then every blo! the Silver 'ang strikes against a
specific target grants the Silver 'ang an additional die in all Social rolls against
that target allo!ing him to bro!beat or intimidate the target more easily. ,he
blo! need not be full force to grant the bonus !hich lasts for one day.
Taught by% Wolf spirits
Book% 6G0e
Half-Moon Mnemoni#s (Silver 'ang Rank 0 $ +oon odge) Philodo%)
Cuna+s 6hilodo. aspect is the teacher of !ays and the keeper of memories. ,he
Garou !ho learns this Gift may recall any moment !ith crystal clarity free*ing it
forever in her mind. ,he Garou may then study the moment at her leisure coming
at it from almost any angle. Silver 'ang 6hilodo. are forever replaying captured
memories and thus seem especially distant to others. # Sea$spirit teaches this
Gift/ the Garou hears indistinct !ater$spirit voices throughout her training.
3deally the Silver 'ang stares into !ater !hen using this Gift to recall a memory.
System% ,he player must spend one point of Gnosis for the character to
=photograph= a moment and must make a Wits 1 #lertness roll difficulty 2. 3f
the Garou attempts to access the memory later the player must make an
3ntelligence 1 )ccult roll (difficulty ;/ ? !hen the 'ang is looking into !ater). #
botch means the image disappears forever leaving an actual hole in the Garou+s
memory. # 'ang may have on more memories =on file= than her permanent
Gnosis score but may =dump= un!anted images at !ill.
Honor Pa#t (Silver 'ang Rank 0 $ Sun odge)
,he Honor 6act is another Gift of diplomacy. #ll participants must enter into the
pact !illingly. ,hose !ho participate e.change blood (most often by cutting their
palms open) and s!ear oaths to 'alcon. Spiritual bonds connect participants and
they may not !ork against each other+s interests in any !ay. (,he Storyteller has
final say in !hat constitutes the edict.) 6ackmates bound by this oath are highly
resistant to the tendrils of the 5efiler Wyrm. ,he (hildren of Aarnak teach this
System% ,hree temporary Gnosis points must be spent by each participant !hile
four must be spent by the user of the Gift. ,he players must also make a (harisma
1 Rituals roll (difficulty ;). 6revious rivalries or differences bet!een pactmakers
are greatly lessened reducing the difficulties of all Social rolls among themselves
by $7. #ll attempts by agents of the 5efiler Wyrm to corrupt those under an
Honor 6act are at 17 difficulty. Garou !ho invoke this Gift but !ho fre-uently
s-uabble or fight destroy the Gift+s effects over time. ,he effects of the Gift last
forever or until a participant breaks faith. ,he person !ho does so suffers five
Health Cevels of aggravated damage (as he is rent by the spirit$talons of 'alcon)
and is marked as an oath$breaker (as the Stone of Scorn rite).
Prin#ely Bearing (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to temporarily raise her Rank. 5uring this time she is
considered to be of that Rank and thus can issue challenges and rulings
appropriate to that Rank. ,his Gift is not used in the presence of other Silver
'angs but traditionally only used !hen interacting !ith the lesser tribes.
System% ,he Garou must roll (harisma 1 Ceadership at a difficulty of E and
spend a Willpo!er point. )ne rank is gained for 1 success 7 ranks if three
successes are rolled and so on. ,he ma.imum rank that can be gained is limited
by their leadership score. # botch reveals the Silver 'ang+s perfidy.
Siler Bullets (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,he Gift allo!s the Silver 'ang to change the composition of his ammo. #s he
fires each shot the bullet changes to deadly silver. Cunes and #ncestor$spirits
teach this Gift.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point as he fires his gun. ,he bullet changes
to silver and causes regular damage to a normal but it inflicts terrifying !ounds
on Garou. ,he bullet remains silver after it strikes (!hether !hat it hits is its
target or not). ,he altered bullets do not reduce the Silver 'ang+s Gnosis unless he
recovers them.
Taught by% Cune or #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Siler (la&s (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,he Garou can turn her cla!s into silver making her a terror against other Garou
on the battle field. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou rolls Gnosis (difficulty ;). #ll cla! !ounds inflict aggravated
damage !hich cannot be soaked by Garou. While the Garou manifests the cla!s
she suffers searing agony. "ach turn she gains an automatic Rage point/
furthermore all noncombat difficulties are increased by one because of the
distraction. When her Rage points e.ceed her Willpo!er she must check for
Talons of Fal#on (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,his deadly Gift turns the Garou+s cla!s into impaling !eapons allo!ing her to
cut muscle bone and sine! as if it !ere paper. (ombined !ith the Gift% Ra*or
(la!s this is a truly devastating attack. # falcon of the Great 'lock teaches this
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and makes the usual 5e.terity 1
&ra!l roll to attack. ,he Garou makes a screeching sound like that of a bird of
prey as she strikes. ,he attack does Strength 1 0 damage and all healing po!ers
(such as :other+s ,ouch) are at 11 difficulty to treat the !ound.
'ndis$uted *uler (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to take over the leadership of a small gathering of
humans (!hether a paramilitary group of to!n council) or a group of spirits for a
period of up to 2 months. 5uring this time the targeted group accepts the Garou
as their leader rendering her the honor respect and obedience due her position.
,he group demonstrates a high degree of loyalty obeying the Garou+s instructions
in a manner appropriate to her position (as orders if they are paramilitary or as
legally binding decisions if the position is akin to that of a to!n mayor for
instance). 3f the Garou uses this Gift in the Bmbra the targeted group of spirits
!ill follo! the Garou+s commands as if she !ere a greater spirit such as an
3ncarna. ,his Gift lasts any!here from a !eek to si. months.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership
(difficulty of the highest Willpo!er in the target group). ,he Gift lasts for a
period of time as follo!s.
Su##ess Duration
)ne )ne !eek
,!o )ne month
,hree ,!o months
'our 'our months
'ive Si. months
,his Gift is only successful against mortals and spirits of no greater than Gaggling
status although =borderline= supernaturals such as ghouls and Ain are susceptible.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
%rath of Gaia (Silver 'ang Rank 0)
,he Garou is revealed by his foes as that !hich Gaia intended him to be% Her
(hosen Warrior. Wyrm beasts !ill flee in fear unless they can master their
instinctual terror of Gaia+s 5efender. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Gaia
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls (harisma 1 3ntimidation
(difficulty 2). #ll agents or minions of the Wyrm (including Aindred !ith
Humanity scores less than ;) in the vicinity must make Willpo!er rolls (difficulty
;). 3f a Wyrm creature does not match or e.ceed the Garou+s successes it !ill flee
in terror for the duration of the scene.
(ommand the Heart of *age (Silver 'ang Rank @)
,he Silver 'ang can reach into the heart of another Garou and stifle her
opponent+s Rage. "ven a fren*ied Garou must obey the 'ang+s command. #n
avatar of 'alcon teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er point and selects a target. ,he 'ang
and the victim make resisted Willpo!er rolls. 3f the Silver 'ang !ins she can
dictate !hen and ho! much Rage the victim spends. ,his Gift !orks on fren*ied
Garou as !ell.
Taught by% avatar of 'alcon
Book% Wild West (ompanion
(res#ent Moon Fata (Silver 'ang Rank @ $ +oon odge) Theurge)
Garou !ith this Gift can e.amine the tapestry of fate itself carefully discerning
individual threads to learn something of an ob>ect+s past or destiny.
System% ,o learn this Gift a Garou must best a potent spider or firefly Gaggling of
:oira (a moon 3ncarna). ,he challenge is usually a contest of arcane game$craft
(Wits 1 )ccult or "nigmas/ difficulty E/ ; for ,heurges). 3f the roll is botched the
Gaggling becomes offended and leaves stealing three temporary Gnosis in the
process. ,he player must make a 6erception 1 "nigmas roll (difficulty ?) and
spend a point of Gnosis to activate this Gift. ,he Garou sees one =thread= per
success. ,he Storyteller should be inventive though some!hat cryptic in relating
visions of fate. ,he Garou may see the fate of a given person place or thing. (#
Garou !ith four successes could apply one thread to four separate targets or all
four threads to one target). ,he Garou may see into the past or future (character+s
choice)/ to see into both t!o threads must be applied to the same target. # thread
gro!s indistinct the further it stretches into the past or future. Ho! far the Garou
sees depends on ho! many successes are applied in either direction. )ne success
allo!s him to see several hours into the past or a fe! minutes into the future. 'ive
successes applied in a single direction may allo! the Garou to see several days
into the future or hundreds or years into the past.
Enthronement (Silver 'ang Rank @)
,he Garou can create small or simple ob>ects out of thin air $ including mist
clouds or !ind. &y shaping the air around him !ith his hands the Garou may
form a solid block of matter to serve as a chair create a bo!l or cup for holding
li-uid or construct some other useful item. #lternatively the Garou can form
small stone$si*ed balls of air to use as hurled !eapons against his enemies. ,he
items last until the Garou disperses them.
System% ,he player simply rolls 5e.terity 1 Repair (difficulty ;). ,he character
may form one small item of solidified air for each success or use t!o or more
successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne$like seat). =#ir$stones= used as
!eapons do the character+s Strength 1 1 normal damage and dissipate upon
contact !ith their target (or any other solid substance). 3n addition the victim
must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 4) to remain on her feet !hen the =air$stone=
discharges its mass. 3f she fails the Stamina roll the victim is stunned for the
remainder of the round and can take no action.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
3gnore Death Blo& (Silver 'ang Rank @)
,ales say that the first Silver 'ang died and !as reborn/ since that time the 'angs
have passed do!n this Gift. # 'ang !ith this Gift can choose to ignore !hat
!ould be a killing blo!. ,his Gift is taught by a Cion spirit.
System% )nce per scene the 'ang can spend a Willpo!er point and ignore all
damage from a single attack. ,he damage simply does not occur/ no special
handicaps take effect either.
Alternatie !ersions
From: P*3e (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
,he 'angs claim they rule by divine right and after seeing this Gift in action fe!
Garou disagree. ,he Silver 'ang simple ignores a blo! that !ould other!ise kill
him. Seeing a blade s!ung !ith perfect accuracy to!ard someone+s neck and
!atching it fail to sever the head is something fe! Garou !ill forget $ especially
if they !ere s!inging the s!ord. # lion$spirit or avatar of 'alcon teaches this
System% )nce per scene the 'ang can spend a Willpo!er point and ignore all
damage from a single attack.
Mastery (Silver 'ang Rank @)
,he Garou can command other Garou (including Wyrm$tainted Garou such as
&lack Spiral 5ancers) to do her bidding. ,his Gift is taught by a 'alcon spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls (harisma 1 Ceadership (difficulty of the target+s Wits 1
0). ,he Garou can cause the target to obey any non$suicidal command for one
turn per success. ,his Gift !orks only against Garou.
Mindblo#k (Silver 'ang Rank @)
,he Garou possesses a po!erful psychic shield increasing the difficulty of all
attempts to affect or attack her mentally. ,his Gift is taught by a 'alcon spirit.
System% #ll attempts to affect or attack the Garou mentally are made against a
difficulty of 18. ,his includes vampiric 5omination and 6resence.
Diine *egalia (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
,he Silver 'ang girds himself in shimmering mystical armor and a terrible light
plays about his countenance. His very appearance causes even the boldest
!arriors to flee but brings hope to the hearts of his packmates.
,his Gift is taught by an avatar of 'alcon.
System% ,he player spends one Rage and one Gnosis to invoke the armor/ the
effects last for a scene. While the Gift is in effect the 'ang gains three e.tra soak
dice !hich can be used to soak even silver. #nyone meeting the Silver 'ang+s
eyes (for e.ample if attempting to 5ominate the 'ang) must make Willpo!er
rolls difficulty E or immediately flee in panic as if entering a fo. fren*y. 'or as
long as his packmates are !ithin line of sight of the 'ang they gain one e.tra die
on all their dice pools and t!o bonus successes on all Willpo!er tests.
5ivine Regalia cannot be invoked if the Garou is already !earing armor of any
sort !hether mundane mail or a Gift such as Cuna+s #rmor.
Taught by% 'alcon
Book% WWt5#
Grand "esture (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
&y besto!ing appropriate gifts on an individual or a group the Garou increases
her esteem and reputation in the eyes of the recipients of her largesse. ,he targets
of this Gift tend to listen favorably to suggestions made by the Gift+s user and to
support her arguments or come to her aid in a battle of !ords or !eapons. ,his
Gift lasts for an entire scene. When the effects of the Gift come to an end the
individuals affected may still continue to regard the Garou !ith some residual
respect depending on their e.periences !hile the Gift !as active.
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 "mpathy (difficulty of the highest
Willpo!er in the target group). "ach success allo!s her to affect one individual.
While the Gift is in effect all Gifts or Social rolls involving persuasion are
automatically successful against the affected individuals.
Taught by% Marok
Book% RatH
/una-s Aenger (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
,he Garou can transform her entire body into purest silver. She becomes a nigh$
unstoppable !arrior. ,his Gift is taught by a Cune.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for a turn and spends one Gnosis point. ,his Gift
confers immunity to silver and all of the Garou+s attacks gain benefits e-uivalent
to those conferred by the Silver (la!s Gift (level three #hroun). 3n addition the
Garou gains t!o e.tra Stamina levels and an e.tra )k Health Cevel. ,he effect
lasts for one scene.
2e& Moon /egerdemain (Silver 'ang Rank ? $ +oon odge) ,agabash)
,his no$moon Gift represents Cuna+s deepest mysteries. Garou !ho invoke this
Gift attract and command do*ens of invisible minor trickster spirits (strangelings
chimera and Wyldlings). ,he creatures dance maddeningly around the Garou in
the 6enumbra protecting her from harm but causing consternation among those
in the area. ,he spirits play tricks on everyone around them saving their most
dangerous pranks for the Garou+s enemies. Ho!ever the nature of this Gift only
allo!s the spirits to be summoned at night.
System% #n avatar of Cuna herself teaches this Gift and learning it puts a Garou
in Cuna+s service forever. )nly Garou !ho perform a great service in Gaia+s name
may learn this Gift. 3t costs a permanent point of Gnosis to learn and the spirits it
attracts stay !ith the Garou until she dies. #lthough the spirits generally like
=their Garou= they do not al!ays listen to her orders and may even play minor
pranks on her. ('urthermore those !ho fail to keep their spirits in line may suffer
penalties to Social rolls.) Aeeping one+s spirits under control should be role$
played but should not interfere too much !ith the game. ,he spirits are semi
dormant most of the time playing only the occasional halfhearted prank. ,hey
become genuinely active during a <e! :oon or !hen the Garou !ishes it. ,o
a!aken the spirits re-uires a Gnosis roll (difficulty 2) and the player must spend
one Gnosis point. ,he spirits a!aken for one night per success. ,he Garou may
also put them back to sleep until needed again !ith the e.penditure of another
Gnosis point and !ith another roll (t!o successes are needed). When activated
mischievous spirits beset all the Garou+s enemies in a 7?$foot radius pinching and
tripping them. #ll rolls made by the Garou+s enemies are at a 17 difficulty and
their 5ice 6ools are reduced by t!o. ,he spirits can also steal one item from one
enemy in a given battle as long as that enemy is in the Bmbra. ,he nature of the
item is completely random (Storyteller+s discretion) but usually of little !orth.
,he creatures may or may not sho! their treasures to their Garou depending on
ho! they regard her. Some po!erful creatures (Gagglings or 3ncarna) may
temporarily disperse a Garou+s spirits by spending Gnosis. )ther!ise the spirits
fade a!ay completely during the day.
Pa&s of the 2e&born (ub (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
,he Garou prevents a target from using any special or supernatural abilities. She
is as a ne!born cub !ith only mundane po!ers at her disposal. ,his Gift is
taught by 'alcon$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the
victim+s Stamina 1 0). "ach success removes all special abilities of the opponent
(aggravated damage cla!s Gifts vampiric &lood 6ool mage Spheres
regenerative po!ers special attacks) for one turn.
The Se#ret of Gaia (Silver 'ang Rank ?)
When the Great White Wolf died to save Gaia he learned her secrets. ,he nature
of the actual =Secret of Gaia= is obscure but fe! -uestion that the Silver 'angs
have a deep and ancient connection !ith the "arth :other. ,his Gift is a po!erful
aspect of this relationship. ,he Garou !ho uses this Gift becomes completely
a!are of her immediate vicinity in vivid detail. ,he 'ang is a!are of the area+s
topography !ildlife and the local spirit population. ,he Silver 'ang also becomes
a!are of Gaia+s condition in the area but in a very general sense $ Gaia is pained
feels trapped !hatever. #n avatar of Gaia teaches this Gift but only to the
!orthy. Silver 'angs of any auspice may learn it but it is most common among
,heurges and those of House Wise Heart.
System% ,he Secret of Gaia is a more po!erful version of the ,heurge Gifts%
Spirit Speech and 6ulse of the 3nvisible. ,he player rolls Gnosis (difficulty ;) and
spends one point of Gnosis to activate this Gift. ,he Garou becomes
preternaturally a!are of a one$mile radius for each success almost becoming part
of it. ,he Garou can automatically see into the 6enumbra and all 6erception rolls
are at $0 difficulty. 'urthermore all local non$Wyrm spirits are !ell$disposed
to!ard the character granting 17 on all Social rolls involving them. 'inally one
e.tra die is added to all 5ice 6ools (save those involving combat) !hile the Garou
is in the higher state besto!ed by this Gift. ,he Gift+s effects last one hour for
each point of permanent Gnosis the Garou possesses. 3f the player botches the
roll the character becomes acutely a!are of Gaia+s agonies and succumbs to the
most severe pangs of Harano for an entire scene.
*ene& the (y#le (Silver 'ang Rank 2)
)ne of the most potent po!ers available to the Garou this Gift allo!s the
correction of a grievous !rong to the natural cycle of Gaia. ,he undead !hose
very e.istence is an affront to the natural order of things !ither and crumble to
dust !hen struck by the po!er of this Gift. Whether the undead is a shambling
month$old animated corpse or an ancient vampire the 'ang can destroy it !ith
but a glance. )nly an avatar of Helios or Gaia Herself can teach this Gift.
System% ,he Garou and the victim enter a resisted contest of Gnosis versus
Willpo!er (both difficulty 4). ,he Garou must then spend three Gnosis to activate
the !rath of Gaia. 3f the Garou !ins the contest the vampire (or other undead) is
reduced to its natural state% "lder vampires turn to dust !hereas freshly e.humed
corpses simply lose their animation. ,his Gift forces mummies into a dead season
of sleep but does not destroy them.
Starga.ers Gifts
Balan#e (Starga*er Rank 1)
,he Garou is able to !alk across any ledge rope etc no matter ho! thin or
slippery. ,his Gift is taught by Wind spirits.
System% <o point e.penditure or roll is re-uired. 5ifficulties for climbing are
reduced by 0.
Dream#haser (Starga*er Rank 1)
,he Starga*er can tap into the unconscious of a sleeping person and follo! the
course of his dreams. #lthough she cannot participate she recalls all of the dream
and can vie! it ob>ectively. # 5ream$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Gnosis point and must remain !ithin =arm+s
reach= of the target (i.e. !alls partitions furniture or other #hysical obstacles
may come bet!een user and target but no more distance than the length of the
user+s arm) for one night+s sleep. 3f the sleeper dreams the Garou can e.perience
the chaotic events as they unfold. What information she gleans from the vision is
up to the Storyteller.
Taught by% 5ream$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Fearless (Starga*er Rank 1)
Whatever odds she may face the Starga*er maintains an aura of complete
serenity. Whether hanging from a rock face 088 feet in the air or staring into the
very ma! of the #byss the Garou !ith this Gift kno!s no fear. # spirit of 'ear
teaches this Gift.
System% &y spending a Willpo!er point the player automatically passes any fear$
related tests for the entire scene. ,his Gift also negates the po!er of other Gifts
that cause fear such as (ry of the killer or Ho!l of the &anshee.
Taught by% spirit of 'ear
Book% Wild West (ompanion
/ambent Sight (Starga*er Rank 1)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou the ability to see under circumstances !here sight
!ould normally be impossible such as in conditions of total darkness (inside a
deep cave for e.ample) or if the Garou is blindfolded. ,his Gift provides
illumination for the Garou e-uivalent to that of a full :oon.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis/ no roll is necessary. ,he effects of
this Gift last for one scene. ,his Gift cannot grant sight to one !ho is naturally
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
Muladhara (Starga*er Rank 1 $ 6undalini)
,he base chakra is a!akened and the energy stirs. ,he character can call upon this
energy to help himself root or centre for meditation or summon energy to stave
off fatigue. ,his also includes the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra governing the
se. organs.
System% ,he player must declare !hich effect he is trying to achieve before he
rolls. He then rolls Stamina 1 Rituals and spends one Gnosis point. "ach sucess
lo!ers the difficulty of any roll involving meditation by one/ or !hen resisting
fren*y each success raises the difficulty of the roll by one $ although the character
must perform no other action that turn or the ne.t. 3n all cases Stamina roll
difficulties related to fatigue are lo!ered by one for the rest of the scene.
Sense %yrm (Starga*er Rank 1)
,he Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. ,his Gift
involves a mystical sense not a visual or olfactory image although Garou using
this Gift are likely to say =,his place stinks of the Wyrm.= ,his po!er re-uires
active concentration. ,his Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 )ccult. ,he difficulty for this Gift is based
on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm+s influence (sensing a single
fomori in a room !ould have a difficulty of 2). Fampires can be sensed using this
Gift but only those !ith Humanity scores lo!er than ;.
Disguise the True Form (Starga*er Rank 7)
,he Starga*er can avoid revealing her true nature to other Gift users or
supernaturals. "ven in (rinos form the Garou registers as a normal human. #n
avatar of the (himera teaches this Gift.
System% #ny po!ers used to detect the Starga*er+s true nature fail. ,he Starga*er
appears to be a perfectly normal human despite her current form.
Taught by% avatar of the (himera
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Harrying %ind (Starga*er Rank 7 $ 6ailindorani )
,his Gift summons a Wind spirit to harass and be!ilder an opponent during
System% ,he player rolls :anipulation 1 Ceadership. 'or one turn per success the
Aailindorani+s opponent has the difficulty of all his actions increased by 1. ,he
effects of Harrying Wind are not cumulative/ using the Gift multiple times on the
same opponent provides no e.tra advantage.
3nner /ight (Starga*er Rank 7)
,he Starga*er can step side!ays into the Bmbra using only his o!n inner light/ he
has no need of a reflection of a bright light to guide him. ,his Gift is taught by an
"piphling of ,ruth.
System% ,he player must still roll Gnosis as usual and the Starga*er can still be
=caught=. He may lead packmates into the Bmbra as per usual
3nner Strength (Starga*er Rank 7)
,he Garou after brief meditation convert her inner anger into iron resolve. ,his
Gift is taught by #ncestor spirits of the Starga*ers.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for five minutes and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas
(difficulty 4). "ach success converts one point of Rage into Willpo!er.
Mani$ura (Starga*er Rank 7 $ 6undalini)
,he solar ple.us chakra stirs allo!ing the character access to po!erful energy
and strength !hich can greatly aid Aailindo maneuvers.
System% ,he player rolls Stamina 1 Rituals. "ach success adds one to the
character+s Strength for the purpose of resisting grapples or initiating holds but
not for lifting ob>ects or causing damage. ,his lasts for one scene.
Moon$ool of Sokhta (Starga*er Rank 7)
,his Gift enables a Garou to transform clear standing !ater into a pool !hich
offers visions of possible futures. Wilderness ponds small mountain tarns pools
of clear rain!ater or even basins filled !ith !ater can serve as a conduit for the
images. ,he scenes that appear !ithin the pool depict !hat might happen unless
something occurs to change the course of events. ,he Garou must concentrate on
the event (or series of events) to get a sense of the outcome. ,he pool may reflect
either literal or symbolic images.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty
; for near future events difficulty 4 for more distinct occurrences). "ach success
causes one vision of the future to appear in the pool. ,he Storyteller should
determine the clarity and accuracy of the visions. <o successes indicate a failure
of the Gift !hile a botch produces false visions or an e.tremely chaotic >umble of
meaningless images.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
*eason (Starga*er Rank 7)
Bsing gestures to her chakras as Caical did the Starga*er can resist !orldly
mental and spiritual temptations including corruption. ,his Gift is taught by an
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 Rituals and spends one Gnosis point. "ach
success raises others+ difficulties to ensorcelled or supernaturally coerce the
character bye one. 'or instance a vampire trying to 5ominate the Garou !ould
find it harder to succeed. #gainst non$supernatural coercion this Gift
automatically succeeds. ,his mundane con artists and temptresses have no po!er
over the Starga*er.
Surfa#e Attunement (Starga*er Rank 7)
,he Garou may attune herself to the surrounding environment thereby gaining
the ability to !alk at normal speed across such surfaces as mud !ater sno! and
-uicksand !ithout falling through or leaving tracks. ,his Gift is taught by the
spirits of small animals (rabbits sparro!s mice) animals usually overlooked by
the other Garou but honored by the Starga*ers.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for a turn and rolls 5e.terity 1 #thletics
(difficulty 2).
Anahata (Starga*er Rank 0 $ 6undalini)
,he heart center stirs opening the Garou up to normally unseen perceptions
concerning others. She can sense !hat they are feeling and kno! the best !ay to
make them listen to her (although they cannot be coerced into acting against their
System% ,he players rolls (harisma 1 "mpathy and spends one Gnosis point. 'or
the rest of the scene the Starga*er can sense the surface emotions (anger
frustration >oy etc) or those !ho directly interact !ith her. #fter three or more
turns of interacting !ith that person the player may make a 6erception 1
"mpathy roll/ each success lo!ers difficulties on any rolls to s!ay that person
and he !ill be especially receptive to !isdom or advice from the Starga*er. ,he
Starga*er can also attempt to avert any angry action against herself in such !ays.
(larity (Starga*er Rank 0)
,he Garou is able to see through fog pitch darkness and even recogni*e illusions
or invisibility. ,he Gift is taught by a Wind spirit.
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty ;). 3f the Starga*er
attempts to see through someone else+s illusion the number of successes must
match or beat that !hich !ere achieved !hen establishing the illusion.
(onundrum (Starga*er Rank 0)
# Starga*er !ith this Gift can introduce an unsolvable problem into a victim+s
mind. 5epending on the effectiveness the target could be completely
immobili*ed by her ne! fascinating train of thought. ,he effect varies !ith every
individual but it usually derives from the target+s personality% # computer
hacking Glass Walker might try to discover the last digit of pi !hile a &one
Gna!er might try to reason !hy indeed did the chicken cross the road. #n avatar
of the (himera teaches this Gift but the Garou must first solve her instructor+s
System% ,he Starga*er rolls her :anipulation 1 Subterfuge (difficulty of the
opponents Wits 1 "nigmas). ,he number of successes indicates the comple.ity of
the problem and the e.tent to !hich the target is distracted. "ach success also
subtracts one die from the target+s 5ice 6ools for an e-ual number of rounds. "ach
Willpo!er point the target spends reduces the effectiveness of this Gift by 1.
(onundrum (Starga*er Rank 0)
,he character can cut through any falsity illusion or bullshit !ith a fe! choice
!ords. ,he !ords cannot be profane and must come in the form of a short haiku
poem or koan. ,his Gift is taught by a (ro! spirit or a (himerling.
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 ".pression and spends one Gnosis point. #ny
illusion designed to fool others is revealed as such $ even &astet 5en$Realms can
be discovered !ith this Gift. 3n addition anyone trying to lie at that moment is
revealed as a liar $ his !ords instead speak his true intent.
Gathering Storm (Starga*er Rank 0 $ 6ailindorani)
,his Gift summons a group of Wind spirits that engulf one opponent in a cyclone
buffeting her !ith debris and hurling her aside.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 6rimal Brge.
,he opponent is thro!n t!o yards for each success scored and also loses one
Health Cevel per success. ,he opponent may soak this damage normally.
Mer#iful Blo& (Starga*er Rank 0)
,he Garou can subdue a for in combat !ithout harming him. ,his Gift is taught
by a :ongoose spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point attuning himself to the body of his
foe. 3f his ne.t blo! (hand or !eapon) strikes and does damage before a soak is
rolled the Garou may then roll 6erception 1 :edicine (difficulty of the opponents
Wits 1 5odge). )ne or t!o successes on this roll cause the opponent to keep over
helpless for the ne.t turn/ three or more paraly*e the foe for the entire scene.
Moonrier (Starga*er Rank 0)
&y using this Gift the Garou may s!iftly travel across the surface of a body of
!ater !hich reflects the moonlight. She can follo! a river or cross a lake so long
as she follo!s the =trail= of the moon+s light. 3f the light becomes obscured at any
point (such as !hen a cloud passes across the moon) the effects of the Gift end
and the Garou may have to s!im or !ade to shore.
System% ,he players rolls 5e.terity 1 )ccult. )nly one success is needed for the
character to gain the ability to travel the =moonriver=. ,he Garou travels across
the !ater !ith supernatural speed typically three times her normal movement
rate. <o successes on the roll indicates that the moon is either not visible or does
not shine over a body of !ater in the character+s vicinity. # botch allo!s the
character to get mid!ay through her >ourney before the moon+s light fails thus
stranding the character in mid$stream.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
%alk the %eb (Starga*er Rank 0)
,he Starga*er can !alk through Weaver Realms !ithout attracting attention.
6attern spiders !ill ignore her and go about their business. ,he Garou must chant
a mantra through sub$vocali*ation. Ho!ever if the Starga*er takes direct action
against any Weaver minions the effect of the Gift is canceled and the spiders !ill
come. ,his Gift is taught by various "nigmatics.
System% <o e.penditure is necessary ho!ever !hile the Starga*er is chanting the
mantra they are at a $7 dice penalty to all actions reflecting the concentration
needed to maintain the effect.
%his$ering %ind (Starga*er Rank 0 $ 6ailindorani )
,his Gift allo!s the Aailindo practitioner to kno! !hat his opponent+s ne.t
combat maneuver !ill be. ,he spirits of the !ind !hisper the opponent+s attack
plan to the Garou.
System% ,he player must roll 6erception 1 Aailindo difficulty e-ual to his
opponent+s combat skill (&ra!l :elee Aailindo etc) 1 @ and spends a Gnosis
point. ,he Aailindorani receives a $1 to his difficulty to attack his opponent ne.t
action (in addition to any other modifiers). ,he Gift user also automatically gains
as many successes to his initiative roll as her gained on his roll.
Aoid Fate (Starga*er Rank @)
With this Gift the Starga*er can dodge the !heels of fate for the moment.
,hrough a preternatural connection bet!een herself and the universe she avoids
certain disaster. # cat spirit teaches this Gift to Garou.
System% )nce per scene the player can spend a Gnosis point to reroll any failed
3maginable Mantra (Starga*er Rank @)
,he Starga*er can chant a mantra to banish &anality from the area and a!aken
Glamour. 5uring the chanting he must imagine the area is being inherently
magical seeing the rocks stones and buildings as living things $ he must pretend
to dream !hile a!ake. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 Rituals and spends one Gnosis point. 3f
successful any &anality is banished for one scene. 3n addition any fae are
revealed in their true forms.
Moon#at (Starga*er Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to assume form of a small !hite cat (one of Sokhta+s
favored animals). ,his ability can prove useful for getting into small places (or
escaping from such) and remaining hidden. ,he Garou has the senses of a cat for
the duration of the Gift including good night sight the ability to absorb
information through her !hiskers and e.treme fle.ibility of movement $ ho!ever
she also retains the po!er of a full$fledged Garou and is much more dangerous
than she looks. #nyone studying the cat closely can tell that it is not a normal
feline because the cat+s eyes al!ays reflect the current phase of the moon
regardless of the surrounding light sources.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls 5e.terity 1 #nimal Aen
(difficulty ;). "ach success allo!s the character to remain in cat form for one
scene although she can end the gift at any time before the duration runs out.
While in cat form the Garou retains her Cupus$form #ttributes may soak silver
as if it !ere ordinary damage (although silver damage is still aggravated) and can
inflict aggravated damage !ith cla! and bite attacks as usual. <o successes
means that the Gift fails !hile a botch results in a transformation into a
misshapen creature some!here bet!een a cat and a !olf. ,he character may
choose to end the Gift immediately if this happens.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
Preternatural A&areness (Starga*er Rank @)
,he Garou attunes all her senses to her surroundings thereby becoming
preternaturally a!are of her opponent+s doings and allo!ing her to anticipate them
some!hat. ,his Gift is taught by a Wind spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 5odge
(difficulty ;). #ll opponent+s 5ice 6ools to hit the Garou are reduced by a number
of dice e-ual to the number of successes. ,his applies even if the Garou cannot
see the attack coming. ,he effect lasts for one scene.
'ltimate Argument of /ogi# (Starga*er Rank @)
,hose !ho speak !ith the Garou leave convinced of some fact might other!ise
have disbelieved. 3f successful the Garou can cause the target to believe
implicitly in one aspect of e.istence (true or false) $ from the =fact= that the sun
revolves around the "arth to the =truism= that the !olf+s inherent nature is that of
the pa!n. ,his Gift is taught by a (oyote$spirit.
System% ,he Garou needs three successes on a :anipulation 1 6erformance roll
(difficulty of the target+s Wits 1 "nigmas).
!isuddha (Starga*er Rank @ $ 6undalini)
,he throat chakra stirs allo!ing the character immense control over his voice and
breath. He can halt others !ith a bello! or command them to heed his !ords.
System% ,he players rolls :anipulation 1 ".pression and spends one Gnosis
point. 'or the ne.t scene anything the Starga*er says has a commanding -uality
to it. "ach success on the roll lo!ers the difficulty on any roll to command others
and he may even ask them to act in !ays contrary to their nature (although not
acts !hich !ill directly harm them). 3n addition he may issue a resounding 6i!ai
at anytime a bello! meant to scare opponents and give the Starga*er the initiative
in combat. Roll Stamina 1 ".pression/ each success lo!ers an opponent+s
initiative and attack 5ice 6ools by one die for three turns. ,he ki!ai does not
re-uire a separate action/ characters do not have to split their 5ice 6ools to issue
one in the same turn in !hich they attack. # Ai$ai may be effective against a
single opponent only once per scene.
Astral Mind (Starga*er Rank ? $ World Tree)
,he Garou !ith this Gift can pro>ect his consciousness from his body and into the
higher Realms of the Bmbra. 'rom there his mind can enter realms denied
physical beings. Since Garou are physical in the Bmbra they cannot usually enter
these realms. <e! abilities and po!ers can sometimes be discovered in these
realms and many Starga*ers go on so>ourns for uni-ue kno!ledge and
understanding. ,he Storyteller is encouraged to create ne! abilities that can be
gained on such travels. ,hese realms are realms of thought and many odd enigma
spirits !ait there to test trespassers !ith a riddle contest a mathematical problem
or a philosophical dilemma. While the Garou+s mind travels the Bmbra his body
sits in the physical !orld in the state it !as left and the Garou !ill appear to be in
a coma. 'inding one+s !ay back to one+s body is not al!ays easy.
System% ,he player must make an 3ntelligence 1 )ccult roll at difficulty E and
spend t!o Gnosis points. Success means the mind is released to roam !here it
!ill. ,he number of successes determines ho! far the Garou can go. )ne success
and he can traverse the <ear Bmbra !ith three successes he can leave such
everyday realms and travel deep into the (onceptual Bmbra. ,o return to their
body the Gift user must success in a Willpo!er roll at a difficulty of ?.
Atma (Starga*er Rank ? $ 6undalini)
,he cro!n chakra stirs and the third eye opens. ,he Starga*er gains immense
!isdom and occult perception.
System% Rolls Wits 1 "nigmas and spend one Gnosis point. "ach success lo!ers
the difficulty of any "nigmas roll by one and adds one to the character+s "nigmas
skill. ,his effect lasts for one scene 3n addition for the follo!ing scene the
character sees spirits interacting !ith the !orld and kno!s if Gifts or other
supernatural po!ers (5isciplines Spheres (antrips etc) are active in his sight.
(ir#ular Atta#k (Starga*er Rank ?)
,he Garou can battle multiple opponents not only avoiding their attacks but
actually channeling them into other foes (or causing a foe to strike himself if the
Garou is fighting only one foe). ,his Gift is taught by a Wind spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point and rolls Wits 1 5odge
(difficulty of the highest Wits 1 0 amongst the opponents faced). ,he Garou must
be in melee combat or must be attacked in a firefight by t!o or more foes. "ach
success enables the Garou to avoid and redirect one attack. ".ample% if the Garou
had a Wits of @ a 5odge of @ and !as fighting 2 foes each !ith a Wits of 7 the
Garou !ould roll 4 dice against a difficulty of ?. 3f he rolled four successes he
!ould avoid four attackers !ho !ould all roll to hit each other or another of the
Garou+s foes. ,!o of the foes !ould strike normally but could still be dodged by
the Garou.
(ognitie Dissonan#e (Starga*er Rank ?)
,he Starga*er uses controlled cognitive dissonance to temporarily confuse
6arado. and banish it. With riddles and conundrums posed to the thin air the
Starga*er thus confuses the Weaver !ho halts her spinning as she tries to solve
the riddle. ,his Gift is taught by (himera herself.
System% ,he player rolls Wits 1 "nigmas and spends one Gnosis point. 3f
successful a particular manifestation of 6arado. is cancelled. 3n addition the
Gauntlet of the area drops for the rest of the scene by one point for each success
gained. ,his is an immensely po!erful Gift !hen put to use for a mage/ ho!ever
Starga*ers usually let mages learn from their o!n mistakes intervening only if
the 6arado. threatens someone other than the un!ise !ill!orker.
Dire#ting the Soul (Starga*er Rank ?)
Starga*ers !ith this Gift can redirect the effects of their Rage and Gnosis. &y
attaining this higher control over their inner selves the influence the !orld around
them in their favor. ,his Gift is taught by an "nigmatic spirit.
System% #fter learning this Gift the Starga*er can spend her Rage or Gnosis
instead of Willpo!er to receive one automatic success on a roll.
Moon Dream (Starga*er Rank ?)
,he Garou petitions Sokhta to grant her a prophetic dream before she falls asleep
beneath the light of the moon. She then enters a state of lucid dreaming in !hich
she e.plores some potential future. ,he Garou may interact !ith the creatures and
situations she encounters in the dream and thus learn the possible effects of
certain actions upon the sub>ect of the dream. ,he Garou may replay the dream
several times in order to test various actions and their conse-uences until she
a!akens from the dream eight hours late. )nce the Garou has entered her :oon
5ream she may not be a!akened until the full eight hours has passed.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas. ,he
number of successes indicates the degree of control the character has over her part
in the dream. ,he Storyteller may either take the player aside to run the dream
privately or else create a scene that involves the entire troupe (particularly if the
sub>ect of the dream also involves the character+s park mates). ,he dream should
give a reasonably accurate picture of the ne.t t!o or three scenes so that the
character may e.periment !ith !ays of handling the future or perhaps changing
it. <o successes means that the character receives no dream !hile a botch gives
the character an eight$hour long nightmare !hich she cannot remember but !hich
results in a $1 penalty to all rolls involving #lertness.
Taught by% Sokhta
Book% RatH
%isdom of the Seer (Starga*er Rank ?)
&y ga*ing into the night sky for an hour the Starga*er can ask a -uestion and
have it ans!ered. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 3ntelligence 1 "nigmas
(difficulty ;). 3f successful the Garou can ans!er any one -uestion (i.e.% ask the
Storyteller). ,he clarity of the information and it is rare to gain a complete and
straightfor!ard ans!er.
'ktena Gifts
Fast Tra#k (Bktenna Rank 1 $ Scouts)
,his Gift strengthens the Garou+s stamina and allo!s her to travel much more
-uickly than !ould be normally possible. Bsing the Gift allo!s the Garou to
determine the path of least resistance so she can move from one place to another
!ith great speed and less interference. While not a replacement for a :oon
&ridge 'ast ,rack lets the Garou continue traveling long past the time she !ould
normally become e.hausted. She can effectively make a forced march that covers
three times the distance she !ould normally cover in the same amount of time and
arrive no more tired than usual. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear spirit.
System% ,he player must roll Stamina 1 #thletics (difficulty ;) and spend a point
of Gnosis. # single success allo!s the Garou to make a forced -uick$march by
trotting at a ground$covering pace that does not e.haust her. ,his Gift is not
meant to make the Garou a speed$demon and cannot be used to escape pursuit or
pursue fleeing foes by running faster. 3t can be used for those purposes if it is a
matter of outlasting pursuers or pursued.
Sense Magi# (Bktenna Rank 1)
,he Garou is able to sense Garou rituals and Gifts the ,haumaturgy of the
,remere the Spheres of the mages fetishes and other magical phenomena. ,his
Gift senses the presence of magic and its general strength/ it reveals only basic
information about the magic itself. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of
System% ,he Garou rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas. ,he difficulty is based on the
strength and subtlety of the magic. ,he radius is 18 foot for each success.
Sense Se#rets (Bktenna Rank 1)
(3 can+t be bothered changing the te.t for Bktena).
(enturies of association !ith the fae people have taught the 'ianna the nature of
secrets. ,hings deliberately hidden !hether obscured by brush or dropped do!n
a mineshaft make their presence kno!n to the 'ianna. ,he Gift gives no
indication as to the nature of a secret only to its e.istence. # S-uirrel$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 4). "very success
improves the 'ianna+s sensitivity. )ne success detects cursory or slipshod
concealment such as tumble!eeds pulled across a cave+s mouth/ five successes
detect the presence of the most painstaking obscuring including hidden
passage!ays and the like.
Taught by% S-uirrel$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Shroud (Bktenna Rank 1)
,he Garou can create a patch of inky black darkness. ,his Gift is taught by a
spirit of <ight.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty
from 0 to E depending on the current conditions. 'or each success a 18+ by 18+
area !ithin the Garou+s sight is covered in pitch$black darkness.
'n#loak the Hidden (Bktenna Rank 1)
&y concentrating on a person ob>ect or area the Garou can determine !hether or
not her target is hiding anything. ,he Garou can spot disguises concealed
!eapons and !ires/ determine if a room contains trapdoors hidden cameras
microphones and !ire taps/ or if someone lurks in a hidden passage. ,he Gift
does not ho!ever allo! the Garou to seek beneath the disguise determine the
nature of a concealed !eapon or tell !hat lies !ithin a hidden !all safe $ this trick
reveals only that a deception is present. ,he Garou must concentrate on the target
in order to invoke this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 3nvestigation (difficulty 4). ".tra successes
might reveal more facts about the sub>ect if multiple secrets e.ist to be sought
out. ,he Storyteller should inform the player of her characters+ kno!ledge in
general terms (=That man has some sort of disguise=/ =The floor contains a
hollow beneath the floorboards=).
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Breath of the Dragon (Bktenna Rank 7)
&y invoking this Gift a Garou can dra! in the life$giving essence of Gaia in the
surrounding area and concentrate it !ithin their body for a fe! moments. While
they hold their breath the !ere!olf is capable of feats of stamina and !ill beyond
even a Garou+s normal abilities. #t the end of this time the escaping lungful of
breath steams and curls as if it !ere a frosty morning.
System% ,he character spends an action filling their lungs !ith air concentrating
on dra!ing in strength from their surrounds. ,he player rolls Stamina (as
determined by their current form) against a difficulty of 4 $ for each success rolled
the character is treated as having an e.tra t!o dice in any Stamina and Willpo!er
rolls for a turn.
When the Gift+s effect ends the user is at $1 to all Stamina rolls for t!o full turns $
they have burned up some of their reserves faster than they should and
conse-uently are briefly !eakened. ,he Gift can be reinvoked after one turn and
the negative effects are banished !hile the ne! invocation is in effect but at the
end of the second use of the Gift the user is at $7 to all Stamina rolls for @ turns $
each invocation doubles the negative repercussions of the Gift+s use. 3f the
character is reduced to 8 stamina dice pool they may at the S,+s discretion pass
Taught by% 5ragon spirits
Book% 5amien
(oils of the Ser$ent (Bktenna Rank 7)
,he Garou may summon serpentine ropes of darkness mist or fog to grasp
enemies and render them immobile. "ach coil is four feet long and has the
Strength 5e.terity and &ra!l ratings as the Garou !ho summons it. # Snake$
spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player rolls 5e.terity 1 )ccult (difficulty ;). "ach success beings
forth one coil from the prevailing element (darkness shado! mist fog dust).
,he Garou must direct the coils+ attacks if she !ishes to target multiple
opponents/ other!ise the coils focus on the person or creature closest to their
manifestation. ,he coils may only grasp to immobili*e/ they aren+t capable of
greater manipulation.
Fetish Fet#h (Bktenna Rank 7)
,he Bktena need not carry her fetishes !ith her at all. She may dra! them from a
hidden cache !henever she needs them no matter the distance. # 6ackrat$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he first part of the Gift involves creating the secret hiding spot for the
fetishes. ,he player spends one Gnosis and buries or covers her items. )nce this
ritual is complete she needs to spend a Gnosis point to summon any or all of her
fetishes. ,he fetish appears in her hand as if from thin air. Gust one hiding spot can
e.ist at any one time but the Bktena can create a ne! spot at any time.
Taught by% 6ackrat$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Medi#ine Dreams (Bktenna Rank 7)
When the humans began hunting animals the animals retaliated by sending
disease amongst the humans to kill them. )nce they sa! that their diseases killed
good people as !ell as bad they relented and herb$spirits came to medicine men
in dreams to tell them ho! to heal the sick. Wise Bktena still kno! that medicine
comes from these spirits in dreams and this Gift allo!s them to call forth the
herbs for !isdom. 3t is taught by the spirit of an aloe plant.
System% ,his Gift is used !hen an Bktena is attempting to heal someone
seriously ill. &efore the Bktena goes to sleep the player spends one point of
Gnosis and rolls (harisma 1 )ccult difficulty 4. 3f the roll is successful then the
Bktena !ill a!aken !ith ne! insights in ho! to heal the sick person. "ach
success on the )ccult roll adds one dice to any :edicine rolls for that day. Should
this grant the Bktena more than ten dice on his :edicine dice pool he may even
attempt to cure incurable illnesses such as terminal cancer or H3FR#35S. ,o do
so si. or more successes are needed on appropriate :edicine rolls.
Taught by% #loe plant
Book% 6G0e
2atural (amouflage (Bktenna Rank 7)
&y crouching do!n and remaining still in a natural environment (!oods desert
s!amp) the Garou may appear as part of the landscape. Bnless someone is
actively searching for the Garou she !ill be dismissed as a hummock tree stump
or some other natural feature. ,his Gift is taught by a taught by a (hameleon
System% ,he Garou merely needs to hunker do!n and think of blending in.
Bnlike the Ragabash Gift% &lissful 3gnorance the Garou does not actually become
invisible but becomes like an unnoticeable feature of the landscape. Someone
searching for the Garou must roll 6erception 1 #lertness (difficulty E) to see
through the camouflage. ,he Garou may spend a Gnosis point to negate being
seen in this fashion. 3f mostly unobserved (i.e.% the searcher may be scanning the
area but has his back to the Garou only occasionally turning her direction) the
Garou may remain camouflaged !hile moving slo!ly to!ard or a!ay from the
searcher stopping !henever the searcher looks her !ay. "ven slo! movement
!hile the searcher is looking in the Garou+s direction !ill break the illusion
Shado& of the Ebon %his$erer (Bktenna Rank 7)
,his Gift makes the Garou as insubstantial as a shado! and as hard to see. ,he
physical form of the Garou fades to a murky dark shape that can slither and flo!
almost any!here. #lthough others can use certain Gifts to spot the =shado!=
!ere!olf anyone !ishing to do so must first have a reason to suspect the
presence of the Gift+s user. ,his Gift does not function in bright daylight or in
places !here no shado!s e.ists $ such as a brightly lit room (or a room in total
darkness for that matter).
System% ,he player spends a point of Willpo!er and rolls #ppearance 1 )ccult
(difficulty as assigned by the Storyteller depending on the surroundings). "ach
success allo!s the character to assume the shado!$form for one scene (or one
combat round)/ even one success can give the character the advantage of surprise
in a battle.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
S$irit of the Bird (Bktenna Rank 7)
,he Garou may hover and float in the air. ,his Gift is taught by any &ird$spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point. He may move at 78 mph and the
duration is one hour. :aneuvering re-uires a roll of 5e.terity 1 )ccult and the
difficulties of all comple. actions such as combat are increased by t!o.
S$irit of the Fish (Bktenna Rank 7)
,he Garou may breathe under!ater and s!im as fast as he can run in Hispo form.
,his Gift is taught by any 'ish spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina 1 #nimal Aen
(difficulty 2). ,he effect lasts for one hour per success.
'ktena-s Free.ing Stare (Bktenna Rank 7)
Cike a snake mesmeri*ing its prey the Bktena can paraly*e a foe merely by
staring into its eyes. ,his Gift is taught by an avatar of Bktena.
System% ,he Garou must meet the eyes of !hoever she !ishes to paraly*e then
her player rolls :anipulation 1 3ntimidation (difficulty of the opponent+s
Willpo!er). ,he paralysis lasts one scene or until the foe is physically or
magically attacked.
'mbral (om$ass (Bktenna Rank 7 $ Sky Dancer -am#)
,his Gift helps the Garou cross the Gauntlet and traverse the Bmbra more easily.
)nce in the Bmbra the Gift helps the Garou orient herself so she has less chance
of becoming lost or confused as to !here she is. 'urther it seems to urge the
Garou to!ard a direction she needs to travel. ,hus if something terrible is
happening in the Bmbra use of this Gift !ill point the Garou right to!ard it. ,his
could be a good thing or very inconvenient and potentially deadly depending on
the Garou+s point of vie! and her ability to talk or fight her !ay out of difficult
situations. ,his Gift is taught by a &ird spirit.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 Survival (difficulty ;). # single success
allo!s the Garou to lo!er the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet by one and to
find her !ay through the Bmbra !ith little difficulty. 3f she then needs guidance
!hile in the Bmbra she may roll her Gnosis (difficulty 2) to find her !ay. Should
the Garou using Bmbral (ompass botch her roll to cross through the Gauntlet she
is allo!ed to make a single Gnosis roll (difficulty 4) to escape the effects of the
botch. 'ailure on this roll means the botch takes effect as normal !hile a botched
means the caught Garou is difficult for others to find and free.
An#estral *e#all (Bktenna Rank 0 $ 'arth *uide -am#)
&y accustoming themselves to a particular area or tribal group the "arth Guides
can =recall= pertinent information about tribal practices or traditions that may
have been lost over time. ,his might uncover hidden lore of the tribe or simply
reveal everyday information not generally kno!n by outsiders. ,he Gift is taught
by an Bktena #ncestor spirit. ,he Garou using this Gift need not have 6ast Cife.
System% ,he Garou must have spent at least 7@ hours in the presence of those
!hose tribal memories she is trying to access. ,he player then rolls 6erception 1
"nigmas (difficulty ;). ,he number of successes determines the strength and
obscurity of the information available. 3f the Garou can access hidden or forgotten
lore the player must spend a point of Gnosis to learn it.
Banish Totem (Bktenna Rank 0)
&y speaking !ords of forbiddance the Bktena can bar pack or personal totems
from giving their children aid. 5oing so also disrupts the spiritual rapport bet!een
packmates making it difficulty for them to e.ecute pack tactics or !ork in
concert. #n ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he Bktena must concentrate for a full turn and he must kno! !hich
totem his victim+s follo!. ,he player spends a Gnosis point and a Willpo!er point
and he rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the pack+s combined ,otem scores (ma. 18).
3f successful the pack members lose all ,raits associated !ith their totem and
they cannot use pack tactics or act in concert for the remainder of the scene. 3f the
Bktena is rendered unconscious or killed the Gift is cancelled.
Taught by% #ncestor spirits
Book% WW0e
(all Flame S$irit (Bktenna Rank 0)
,he Garou may summon a spirit of fire to perform one task for her. She must
have a fire source for this Gift even if it is only a cigarette lighter. ,he fire spirit
!ill ignite flammable ob>ects or hurl itself at her foe blasting it in a great
e.plosion as it departs the material !orld. ,his Gift is taught by a fire elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 )ccult
(difficulty 4). # spirit+s e.plosion inflicts t!o dice of aggravated damage plus
another dice for each success rolled. # botch on the summoning roll calls a hostile
Hidden Heart (Bktenna Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to take a dangerous piece of kno!ledge she possesses
and lock it a!ay in her mind so that it becomes inaccessible !ithout a key. ,he
concealed information cannot be taken from her through mental po!ers or
coercion/ she can neither access the information nor remember that she has
something hidden a!ay in her mind. Bntil someone speaks the trigger !ord
performs the appropriate gesture or enacts the conditions set forth in the activation
of the Gift the Garou remains blissfully una!are of the information she has
hidden from everyone $ including herself.
System% &efore using this Gift the Garou must set the conditions !hich !ill
cause the information to become available to her. ,his information should be
given a trusted ally $ after all the Garou herself !on+t even remember that she has
a key !ord much less a secret. #fter describing the trigger the player spends a
point of Gnosis and rolls the character+s Willpo!er (difficulty 4). )nly one
success is necessary for the Gift to take effect. ,he effect of the Gift lasts until the
hidden information is triggered.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
3nisibility (Bktenna Rank 0)
,his Gift makes the Garou invisible to sight and difficult to hear or smell. When
employing this Gift the Garou must concentrate on its use at all times/ the Garou
may not move any faster than half speed nor may he do anything that !ould
distract her. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Bktena.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for a turn and spends a Gnosis point. He then
rolls his 3ntelligence 1 )ccult against a difficulty set by the Storyteller (based on
conditions). ,he number of successes must be recorded/ anyone !ho attempts to
see through the invisibility must roll more successes on a 6erception 1 #lertness
roll than the Garou rolled !hen invoking this Gift.
S#rying (Bktenna Rank 0)
&y starting into a mirror or other reflective surface the Bktena can !itness distant
events or spy on rivals. She can follo! a comrade+s progress into a dangerous
ambush or sneak a peak into a ,remere chantry house. )ther supernaturals
especially ones !ith similar abilities may have defenses against this Gift !hich
is taught by a 'ly$spirit.
System% #fter spending one Gnosis point the player must roll 6erception 1
)ccult (difficulty ;). ,he difficulty increases to 18 if the Garou does not possess
an item o!ned by the target or something taken from the chosen area. ,he Bktena
can see everything as if she !as the proverbial fly on the !all.
Taught by% 'ly$spirit.
Se#rets (Bktenna Rank 0)
Bktena are said to possess more hidden kno!ledge than any other tribe. ,his Gift
may be one reason it is so. With Secrets an Bktena can have one specific
-uestions ans!ered by touching somebody !ho kno!s the ans!er. ,he ans!er to
any -uestion $ such as =Where is the vampire9s lairO= $ leaps into the Garou+s
mind if in fact the target kno!s the ans!er in the first place. # 5ream$spirit can
teach this Gift after being caught.
System% #fter formulating a mental -uestion the Garou must touch the target.
She must also roll 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 4) and spend one Gnosis
point. ,he deeper the secret the more successes are re-uired. Cearning a target+s
favorite color re-uires only one success !hereas uncovering his secret lair might
be four or more. 3f the target is a!are of the mental intrusion she may resist !ith
a Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4).
Sing Do&n the *ain (Bktenna Rank 0)
&y intoning a ritual chant the Garou can call do!n rain for the purpose of
cleansing or !atering the ground or adversely to cause flooding or mudslides.
,his Gift is taught by a 'rog spirit.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 )ccult (difficulty
;). ,he number of successes indicates the amount of rainfall summoned. )ne
success calls do!n a light dri**le/ three successes results in a full rain sho!er. 'or
or more successes causes a torrential rain to fall. ,he effect lasts for one scene
although the Garou may e.tend the duration by continuing to spend Gnosis.
5epending on the affected terrain and the Garou+s intent this Gift can cleanse a
piece of ground ravaged by acid rain return moisture to a parched field or cause
rivers to overflo! their banks.
Strength of the Guardian (Bktenna Rank 0 $ "ane Tender)
,his Gift provides &ane ,enders !ith e.tra po!er !hen attempting to bind or
destroy a &ane (or other troublesome spirit) or keep it locked !ithin its bindings.
,his is usually used against a &ane that the Garou is responsible for overseeing.
)ccasionally another &ane ,ender !ill be overcome and the Garou must use this
to regain control over the loosed &ane. "ven more rare are those instances !hen a
Garou is asked to locate and bind a particular &ane. ,his Gift is never used simply
to overcome a &ane met by chance $ it is too costly. ,he Gift is taught by a Wolf$
System% ,he player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 2). "ach success allo!s her to boost a
chosen #ttribute by one point $ even if goes beyond normal ma.imum. When
used the Garou decides !hether she !ishes to increase her Strength Stamina
(harisma :anipulation andRor Willpo!er to aid her in the battle. ,hus a Garou
!ho gets five successes might raise her Willpo!er by 7 her (harisma by 1 and
her Strength by 7. ,he cost of this over$e.ertion is a commensurate e.haustion.
When the Gift comes to an end the Garou loses an e-ual number of points from
the #ttributes and Willpo!er raised as she gained. ,his loss remains for 7@ hours.
Raising one+s #ttributes beyond their normal doubling is very dangerous for if
they then fall belo! *ero the Garou dies unless immediately healed !ith :other+s
%yrm %his$ers (Bktenna Rank 0)
(onsidered too dangerous by the other tribes this Gift gives the Bktena insight
into the thoughts of Wyrm creatures. ,he Bktena can read even the most vile
thoughts of &anes if the Garou can hold her stomach. # 5ream$spirit teaches this
System% ,he player rolls her 6erception 1 "nigmas (difficulty 4). With one
success she can detect nearby sentient Wyrm creatures. 'or every additional
success she telepathically reads one complete thought from the creature+s mind. 3f
she receives five or more successes she must make a fren*y roll. Regular use of
this gift can cause 5erangements or even Wyrm$taint.
Taught by% 5ream$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Bare the Heart (Bktenna Rank @ $ 'arth *uide -am#)
,his Gift is only taught to those !ho >oin the "arth Guide camp and utili*es the
Bktena+s noted penchant for delving into the deepest secrets. ,he "arth Guides
use this Gift to e.amine &ane ,enders for signs of Wyrm$taint. Bsing the clear
sight granted to him by this Gift the Bktena can look beyond out!ard
manifestations internal manipulations and even magical disguises that might
mask Wyrm$taint corruption or evil intent and pierce straight to the heart of the
truth. ,hus the Garou might note that an other!ise normal$looking person is
really a fomori or a &lack Spiral 5ancer by use of this Gift. Garou using the Gift
could also determine that someone is disguised (via cosmetic means or magical
change) but only if that person has evil intent (i.e.% intends to commit some evil $
as defined by the Garou+s concept of evil $ !hile so disguised. ,hus if a bank
robbery !as in the offing the Garou might not see through the mask unless he
cares about that bank but he !ould unmask someone intending to clear$cut a
virgin forest). ,his Gift is taught by an 3ncarna avatar.
System% ,he Garou using this Gift must spend at least one turn intently observing
the person he !ishes to e.amine. While doing so he attunes himself to the
person+s innermost core the truth of the heart and spend t!o points of Gnosis.
,he player then rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy (difficulty 2). "ven one success
uncovers a falsehood if one e.ists and the nature of the mask (cosmetic magical
etc). ,!o successes pinpoint ho! deeply the taint runs and the e.act nature of the
hidden heart (i.e.% the target is Wyrm$corrupted a &ane a vampire etc) !hile
three successes allo!s the Garou to discover such a creature+s immediate intent
(i.e.% !hat its plans are for the rest of the scene).
(all Elemental (Bktenna Rank @)
,he Garou is able to call one of the four classical elementals (air earth !ater
fire) of his choice to him. ,his Gift is taught by an elemental spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the
area+s Gauntlet) to summon the elemental. He must then roll :anipulation 1
)ccult (difficulty ;) to cause the elemental to look favorably upon him. #t the
end of the scene the elemental !ill return from !hence it came.
(all Forth the %yld (Bktenna Rank @ $ Wyld -hildren)
Bsing this Gift a Garou can summon the Wyld in its ra! essence to disrupt
manifestations of the Weaver. ,his energy must be concentrated to interfere !ith
the !orking of machinery or technological items to be effective. Bnlike the
Homid Gift% Gam ,echnology (all 'orth the Wyld permanently disrupts the
devices it affects. &arring costly repairs and replacements of fi**led parts the
item !ill never !ork properly again. <ot that items cease to function/ they >ust
!ork in an odd and unforeseen manner. Rather than merely creating a glitch this
Gift actually disrupts Weaver energy by overpo!ering it !ith the chaos of the
Wyld. 5evices may function in reverse of normal (clocks run back!ard cars only
drive in reverse computers print out information upside do!n) or may function in
some totally random fashion (guns e.plode !hen used/ missiles reprogram
themselves to hit a random target after initiating their o!n countdo!n and firing
se-uence/ cars only function under!ater). (reative anarchy should reign.
)bviously this Gift can be highly dangerous $ Wyld (hildren use it !ith glee and
teach it to any one !ho asks !ho is not too tainted !ith Weaver or Wyrm energy.
System% ,he player must roll :anipulation 1 Repair (difficulty 2) and spend a
Gnosis point to use the Gift. )ne success is sufficient to discombobulate most
small technological targets. Storytellers may re-uire more successes or higher
difficulties to affect larger or more comple. targets.
(urse of (orru$tion (Bktenna Rank @ $ "ane Tender)
,his Gift allo!s a &ane ,ender to take part of the taint from the &ane he is
tending and infuse the one cursed !ith it. ,his takes the form of some physical
loss or mental instability that makes functioning much more difficult/ it may
!hither limbs inflict the target !ith a permanent nausea make her bones brittle
and likely to shatter or cause paralysis. 3t can also cause unstable personality
-uirks (foolish risk$taking being insulting to those of greater rank refusing to
obey orders or cooperate !ith one+s pack complete unreasoning co!ardice) or
reduce the target to idiocy. "ffects last for one full lunar cycle from the time the
curse is inflicted. ,his Gift is taught by an 3ncarna avatar.
System% ,he Garou must choose to afflict her target either mentally or physically.
She then spends t!o points of Gnosis and rolls :anipulation 1 3ntimidation
(versus a difficulty e-ual to her target+s Gnosis). )ne success inflicts a minor
effect or one that only functions sporadically !hile more successes cause more
serious afflictions or ones that constantly affect the target throughout the length of
the curse. Storytellers should be creative but fair !hen assigning curses.
Hand of the Earth /ords (Bktenna Rank @)
,he Garou can telekinetically move substances !eighing up to ?88lbs. ,his Gift
is taught by an earth elemental and an air elemental.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 5e.terity 1 )ccult
(difficulty 2). ,he effect lasts one turn per success.
Point the Bone (Bktenna Rank @)
,he Garou can inflict ranged damage simply by pointing a bone at an opponent.
#fter gathering the bone from a corpse herself the Bktena can change it into a
devastating !eapon. # vulture spirit can teach this Gift in e.change for a fe!
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 #thletics (difficulty ;) and spends one
Gnosis point. ,he number of successes e-uals the number of aggravated Health
Cevels the attack causes to the target (this damage can be soaked as normal). ,he
bone shatters after one use but any properly harvested bone !ill suffice.
Alternatie !ersions
From: P*3e (Bktenna Rank @)
System% ,his Gift may also be used to inflict a delayed damage upon the victim.
&y spending an additional Gnosis point the damage may suddenly occur a
number of days after the attack e-ual to the successes rolled. ,his is most
common !hen the Gift is used to e.ecute an offender. :any victims certain of
their o!n death are reduced to simply !alking aimlessly in this time.
Side&ays Atta#k (Bktenna Rank @)
,he Bktena ever delving into spirit matters have learned the secrets of attacking
&anes in the spirit !orld !ithout ever leaving the physical realm. ,he Bktena+s
arms seem to blur and vanish as she strikes into the Bmbra. ,his Gift is taught by
a spirit servant of Bktena.
System% ,he !ere!olf must first use the Gift% Bmbral Sight or some other
method to locate their opponent. She may then spend a Gnosis point to attack
anything she sees in the 6enumbra including spirits that are not materiali*ed. She
rolls her normal attack maneuver (5e.terity 1 &ra!l). ,he attack difficulty is t!o
S$irit-s Horse (Bktenna Rank @)
,his Gift allo! a Garou to make her body a temporary vessel for an ancestral or
legendary spirit for a finite length of time determined during the activation of the
Gift. 3t differs from the manifestations of 6ast Cife in that the host does not
merely gain the #ttributes #bilities and memories of the inhabiting spirit $ she
actually =becomes= the spirit for the Gift+s duration. ,he Bktena usually combine
this Gift !ith the Rite of 3nvitation to the #ncestors (See belo!) and rarely
practice it outside of moots or council gatherings. 3ts intention is primarily to give
honor to an ancestor by allo!ing her the ability to e.perience fleshy pleasures and
meet her tribal descendants. ,his Gift is taught by an #ncestor spirit.
System% ,he player rolls (harisma 1 )ccult (difficulty 4) and spends a point of
Gnosis !hile the Garou calls on a spirit to =ride= her body. ,he Storyteller may
chose to lo!er the difficulty for those Garou !ho come from cultures !hose
spiritual beliefs incorporate the idea of being =ridden= by spirits. )ne or t!o
successes summons an #ncestor$spirit for a brief so>ourn (a scene). ,hree or four
successes allo!s the #ncestor spirit to remain for a longer time (several scenes).
'ive successes allo!s such a complete rapport bet!een spirit and host that the
spirit remains until politely asked to return to the Bmbra. <o successes indicates
that no ancestor head the summons or the called spirit refuses the invitation. #
botch means that either the spirit refuses to leave its host voluntarily or else that
an angry or hostile ancestor (perhaps from one of the Wyrmcomer tribesD) enters
the host and must be placated before she !ill depart. <ote that a Garou need not
possess the 6ast Cife &ackground to use this Gift. ,he Garou !ho uses this Gift
must make a Willpo!er roll (difficulty ;) in order to remain a!are of her
surroundings !hile her body hosts the ancestor. # failure in the roll indicates that
the host+s consciousness has become dormant. ,he Storyteller may allo! a player
to attempt a second Willpo!er roll (difficulty 4) to rea!aken the character+s
a!areness if the first roll fails. )ther characters may converse !ith the ancestor
thus benefiting form her advice and counsel. )nce the spirit departs the host
Garou makes a final Willpo!er roll (difficulty ;) to remember !hat happened
!hile her body served as the Spirit+s Horse.
Strange *ain (Bktenna Rank @)
,he Garou can evoke a rain of something truly strange and unnatural/ frogs
cockroaches slugs etc. ,his can be e.tremely unnerving to enemies or even
allies. ,his acts like the &one Gna!er Gift% 3nfest in every !ay.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls :anipulation 1 #nimal
Aen (difficulty ;). ,he si*e of the horde is determined by the number of
successes/ one success !ill cause a certain amount of bafflement from those
affected !hile five !ill attract tabloid reporter and crackpots from miles around
for years to come.
%his$er in the Dark (Bktenna Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to determine a fact detrimental to an individual. ,he
Garou may then use that piece of kno!ledge against the target of the Gift either
by holding it over the victim+s head or making the information public.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 "mpathy (difficulty 4). "ach success
enables her to grasp one piece of heretofore$unkno!n information about the target
of the Gift. ,hus a character can learn that an individual o!es millions of dollars
in gambling debts hides a murder in his past or funds a company that
systematically pollutes the rivers in a particular state. 'ailure means that the
character learns nothing !hile a botch provides the character !ith erroneous
information leading to the character+s possible embarrassment or dishonor.
Taught by% Hakahe
Book% RatH
Fabri# of the Mind (Bktenna Rank ?)
Garou !ith this Gift can bring their imaginations to life creating a 5ream &eing
from the fabric of their thoughts. ,his Gift is taught by a (himerling.
System% ,he Garou makes and e.tended roll of 3ntelligence 1 6erformance
(difficulty 4). She can create any form of life she can imagine assigning it one
point of ,raits for each success gained on the roll. ,he Garou can take as long as
she !ants to form the creature accumulating successes from turn to turn but once
she stops the 5ream &eing takes form and re-uires the Garou to spend Gnosis to
keep it manifested. ,he cost is one point per scene if the 5ream &eing remains
relatively inactive (such as cleaning the Garou+s home or sitting as a gargoyle on
the roof) or one point per turn if the &eing engages in combat. &otched rolls
manifest an uncontrolled (and often hostile) 5ream &eing/ these cost no Gnosis
but !ill stay as long as they desire.
Fetish Doll (Bktenna Rank ?)
,he Garou may harm a victim from afar by mutilating a doll he constructs in the
victim+s image. He must have a part or article from the being against !hom he
plans to employ this Gift. He must then construct a manne-uin in the shape of the
victim. ,his Gift is taught by a strange Bmbral spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends a !eek and rolls 6erception 1 Repair (difficulty 4) to
construct the doll. ,o harm the victim the Garou rolls 3ntelligence 1 :edicine
(difficulty of the victim+s Willpo!er). "ach success inflicts one die of aggravated
damage up to a ma.imum of 18 $ beyond 18 the doll is so mutilated that no
further damage is possible. "ach failure on the roll subtracts one from the 18
possible dice and a botch destroys the doll !ithout harming the victim.
%endigo Gifts
(all the Bree.e (Wendigo Rank 1)
,he Garou may summon a strong (78 mph) chill bree*e and direct it at !him.
,he bree*e !ill disperse clouds of vapors or insects and !ill chill anyone not
prepared for the cold. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.
System% ,he Garou may call this bree*e merely by !histling. #nyone relying at
all on hearing !ill have one fe!er die of any 6erception roll related to that sense.
(amouflage (Wendigo Rank 1)
When in the !ilderness the Garou is e.tremely hard to see for she can blend into
the !oods. ,his Gift is taught by a 5eer spirit.
System% ,he difficulties of all rolls to spot the Garou are increased by three
provided the Garou is in the !ilderness.
Dead Sti#k (Wendigo Rank 1)
3n these last days the falling of any Garou is tragic and the pain of losing a
packmate digs deep. &ut it remains better to kno! for certain than !onder and
futilely hope he might return. ,his Gift allo!s the Wendigo to kno! if a
packmate is indeed dead and if so !here the remains lie. ,he Wendigo stabs a
stick into the ground and !aits till morning. 3f the packmate is alive the stick !ill
stand perfectly upright. 3f not the stick !ill heavily lean in the direction of his
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 )ccult difficulty ;. # simple success is all
that is needed for a correct divination. # failure !ill lead to the stick being blo!n
out of the ground !hile a botch al!ays declares the packmate dead and never
points in the right direction.
Book% 6G0e
Find the Heart-s Flame (Wendigo Rank 1)
With this Gift the Garou can identify sources of energy or po!er even !hen they
are hidden or unfamiliar. ,he Garou must concentrate to detect the pulsations of
po!er that emanate from even a dormant energy source. ,his becomes useful
!hen travelling in some of the more alien reaches of the Bmbra !here familiar
ob>ects take on strange appearances. ,his Gift also enables the Garou to identify
machinery such as generators or solar batteries regardless of their appearance or
attempts to conceal them. Spirits that serve as energy or po!er foci also register
to the Garou+s senses !hen this Gift is in effect.
System% ,he player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls 6erception 1 #lertness
(difficulty ;). # single success identifies po!er sources that lie !ithin ?8 feet of
the Garou. #dditional successes allo! the character to e.tend her range to locate
distant sources. ,his Gift lasts for once scene.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
*esist Pain (Wendigo Rank 1)
,hrough force of !ill the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his !ounds and
continue acting normally. ,his Gift is taught by a &ear$spirit.
System% ,he Garou by spending one Willpo!er point may ignore all !ound
penalties for
the duration of the scene.
Book% WW0e
Truth of the Hunted (Wendigo Rank 1)
,his Gift enables the Wendigo to follo! his prey+s passage regardless of the user+s
tracking skills. ,he Gift reveals course speed si*e and even the health of the
target. #ll of the clues an accomplished tracker notices become blatantly obvious
to the user of this Gift !hich is taught by a Wolf$spirit.
System% ,he player rolls 6erception 1 Survival (difficulty ;). He needs only one
success to follo! the target precisely. :ultiple successes eliminate false trails and
provide more detail $ height !eight state of mind (panicked calm etc.) general
health (healthy tired !ounded) etc.
Taught by% Wolf$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
(utting %inds (Wendigo Rank 7)
,he Garou may summon a painfully bitter blast of !ind !hich he may direct at
foes. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servitor of Wendigo.
System% ,he Garou spends one Willpo!er point. ,o direct the !ind in combat
the Garou rolls 5e.terity 1 )ccult (difficulty 2). #nyone hit by the !ind loses
t!o dice from all actions taken that turn and has one fe!er die on actions the ne.t
turn. ,he !ind might also knock foes off ledges into pits etc. ,he !ind lasts for
a scene. ,he range is calculated according to the modifiers for firearms. ,he
medium range is 78 years. ,argets !ithin a yard of the Garou are considered
point$blank (difficulty @).
Flame of the %ind *ider (Wendigo Rank 7)
,his Gift makes the Garou harder to damage by engulfing her in a ghostly blue$
!hite flame. 3n addition to serving as a form of armor the flame also offers
protection from cold including the intense cold of the far reaches of the #etherial
Realm and the free*ing damage inflicted by certain creatures of the Wyrm.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina 1 )ccult
(difficulty ;). "ach success lo!ers the difficulty for soaking damage from cold by
one. 3n addition the Garou gains t!o dice to add to all soak rolls/ these dice can
even be used to soak silver. ,he effects last for one scene.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Fog (Wendigo Rank 7 $ War#ath)
#s the &lack 'ury Gift% (urse of #eolus. ,he Warpath camp ac-uired a Gift
similar to the &lack 'uries+ to cover their ecoterrorist activities. ,hey learn this
Gift from the Rain$spirits.
System% ,he Garou rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty (@ near the sea ?
near open !ater 2 normally E in a desert). ,he Garou+s vision is unhindered by
the mist but all others halve their 6erception rolls. #dditionally the mist is
creepy and unnerving to enemies/ $1 to all Willpo!er rolls.
Ghost Dan#e (Wendigo Rank 7)
6reying on the fears of the "uropean settlers the Wendigo use this Gift to seed
doubt and guilt amongst the invaders. # vision of the !alking dead clouds the
>udgment of the targets causing them to panic and flee. #n #ncestor$spirit
teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point to make the Gift active. He rolls Wits 1
)ccult (difficulty ;). ,he number of successes indicates the number of people
affected. 6eople caught in the Gift+s spell see =spirits of the dead= rise from their
graves and advance. :ost humans flee from the illusion. Garou and other
supernaturals may try to interact !ith or even fight the visions.
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Ghost Pa#k (Wendigo Rank 7)
,his Gift allo!s the Wendigo to call upon the aid of their ancient relatives. :uch
like the 6ast Cife &ackground the Ghost 6ack can aid the Garou !hen she is in
trouble or needs advice. ,he Ghost 6ack !hispers secrets to the Wendigo and
often follo!s her around even after the Gift e.pires. # &uffalo spirit teaches this
System% ,he player must spend one Gnosis and roll (harisma 1 )ccult
(difficulty ;). ,he number of successes e-uals the number of ancestor spirits that
come to the user+s aid. #lthough the ghosts cannot affect the physical !orld $ they
are simply memories and not actual !raiths $they can provide information and
skills as per the 6ast Cife &ackground.
Taught by% &uffalo
Alternatie !ersions
From: P*3e (Wendigo Rank 7)
System% #nd one Rage.
Salmon S&im (Wendigo Rank 7)
,he character may move upon a river lake or any other body of !ater as he does
on land. ,his Gift is taught by a Salmon spirit
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and may !alk andRor run upon !ater
for a number of turns e-ual to the successes scored on a 5e.terity 1 #thletics roll
(difficulty ;). 3n addition he may perform a >ump similar to that provided by the
Cupus Gift% Ceap of the Aangaroo as long as he starts and ends on !ater.
S$eak &ith the %ind-S$irits (Wendigo Rank 7)
,he Garou can understand and speak !ith Wind$spirits. 3n addition he may ask
one -uestion of the aerial spirits that ride the !inds of the !orld (their attention
span is too short for anything more). ,he -uestion must have something to do
!ith the nearby area (they -uickly forget !hat they see). ,his Gift is of course
taught by any aerial spirit.
System% ,he Garou does not need to spend points or roll to understand or speak
!ith !ind$spirits. ,o ask a -uestion ho!ever the Garou must spend one Gnosis
point and roll :anipulation 1 ".pression (difficulty ;). ,he number of successes
indicates the accuracy of the information/ on a botch the spirits lie.
Bloody Feast (Wendigo Rank 0)
Great Wendigo as a hungry cannibalistic spirit can teach his favored children the
ability to gain added strength from an enemy+s flesh and blood. #n avatar of Great
Wendigo teaches this Gift.
System% ,o activate this Gift the Garou must first bite his opponent and be able
to taste blood $ meaning he must inflict at least one health level of damage and
his victim must be something that bleeds. 3f his opponent has to.ic blood or none
at all this Gift !ill not !ork. ,he player then rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the
opponent+s Stamina 10 (ma. 18). ,he Wendigo gains one e.tra dot in Strength for
every t!o health levels inflicted by the bite (ma.imum of 1?). ,he e.tra Strength
bonus lasts for one turn per success on the Gnosis roll. Ho!ever flesh and blood
can be addictive $ the Wendigo+s player must make an immediate fren*y roll the
turn after activating the Gift.
Taught by% Wendigo
Book% WW0e
(hill of Early Frost (Wendigo Rank 0)
,he Garou invokes the spirits of !inter in a great ritual summoning biting !inds
that !histle and shriek through the area. ,he chill is as much mystical as it is
physical sent from the domain of great Wendigo himself.
System% ,he Garou chants for an hour and spends one Gnosis point. She then
rolls 3ntelligence 1 )ccult against a difficulty depending on the temperature (@ if
it is already !inter 2 on a 78( spring day E in the midst of a summer heat !ave).
Success drops the temperature in a five$mile radius to belo! free*ing (or even
further if it !as already !inter). #nyone !ithout a natural fur coating subtracts
t!o from all 5ice 6ools and may suffer damage from the bitter cold. ,he effect
lasts for one hour per success.
Haunting Stare (Wendigo Rank 0)
('or Wendigo the emotional impact is more guilt than horror.)
,he Garou summons her hereditary instability and focuses it into her stare. Going
into the eyes of the metis leaves the victim choking !ith horror. #n #ncestor$
spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her !ill but the Gift
takes effect immediately. Bpon making eye contact the victim must successfully
roll her Willpo!er (difficulty 4) or be unable to act during her ne.t turn. ,he
difficulty to use Haunting Stare increases by one against Garou !ho are insane
(including Silver 'angs).
Taught by% #ncestor$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
*ide the Solar %inds (Wendigo Rank 0)
,his Gift allo!s the Garou to ride the solar !inds that s!eep through the
#etherial Realm !ithout !orrying about being thro!n off course by storms. Bse
of this Gift also increases the Garou+s movement rate lessening travel time
bet!een locations !ithin the #etherial Realm.
System% ,he player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits 1 #lertness (difficulty
;)/ the need to remain =in touch= !ith the ever$changing currents of these spirit
!inds re-uires concentration and attunement rather than physical agility. # single
success allo!s the character to ride the !inds successfully to her destination (or
until she decides to end her >ourney). #dditional successes either allo! the Garou
to carry others !ith her (on a one$for$one basis) or reduce the travel time by half
per success. ,hus !ith one additional success a >ourney of one month !ould
only take t!o !eeks !hile t!o additional successes reduce the >ourney to a
!eek. # character may use some of her e.tra successes to allo! others to travel
!ith her and the remaining ones to speed up travel time.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Sky *unning (Wendigo Rank 0)
,he Garou gains the ability to run at 48kph through the skies. ,he Garou must
continually remain in motion of he falls. ,he Garou leaves a track of fire in the
sky as he runs. ,his Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.
System% ,he Garou concentrates for one turn and spends one Willpo!er point.
,he Gift lasts for four hours and may be replenished by further Willpo!er
%isdom of the An#ient %ays (Wendigo Rank 0)
#ll Garou have an innate connection to their ancestors a form of racial
unconscious accessible through intense meditation. ,he Garou by tapping into
these deep memories can remember ancient facts and lore. ,his Gift is taught by
a Garou #ncestor$spirit.
System% ,he Garou must meditate for a short time concentrating on the past. ,he
Garou then rolls Gnosis (difficulty E $1 for each point of 6ast Cife the Garou
Taught by% #ncestor spirit
Book% WW0e
Attunement (Wendigo Rank @)
,his Gift is similar to the &one Gna!er Gift but may be used only in the
!ilderness. &y standing in a particular area the character can commune !ith the
spirits of the area thus getting an overvie! of !hat e.ists or !hat has happening
in the area $ rough population secret trails and places of note and so on. ,his Gift
is taught by an )!l spirit.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 Survival
(difficulty 2). ,he amount of information gained depends on the number of
successes. )n a botch the spirits lie.
Taught by% o!l
(all the (annibal S$irit (Wendigo Rank @)
,he Garou must chant and dance for a full hour under the night sky to invoke this
Gift. 3f the summons is successful a Wendigo avatar !ill ans!er the summons.
,he avatar !ill track do!n a victim of the Garou+s choosing (the Garou must have
an article or part of the victim) to eat his heart. Great Wendigo sends an avatar to
his most !orth (hildren to teach them this Gift.
System% ,he Garou spends a Gnosis point and one Rage point. She then rolls
(harisma 1 )ccult (difficulty 4). 3f the roll botches or the Wendigo avatar is
th!arted in its mission it !ill return to kill the summoner.
(ounting (ou$ (Wendigo Rank @)
,he Garou invoking this Gift can steal Reno!n from another Garou by touching
them but doing no actual damage. ,he Garou is in effect demonstrating that he
could have severely damaged his opponent and only did not because he chose so.
System% &efore a combat the player must spend a Gnosis point to activate this
Gift. ,hen on!ard they can declare that they are trying to count coup against
their opponent $ they make an attack roll !ith a 17 difficulty penalty (it is harder
to kno! !hen to pull the blo!). 3f the attack succeeds they effectively pull one
point of temporary Glory from their opponent for themselves.
Great Bison (Wendigo Rank @)
'or centuries the bison provided the 6ure )nes and their Ainfolk !ith all they
needed. With the incursion of the "uropeans both Garou and human the bison
population d!indles and the open plains vanish. With this Gift the Wendigo
summons a ghostly stampede of spirit bison to trample his enemies. # &ison$
spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends one Willpo!er one Gnosis and one Rage point to
summon the stampede. ,he stampede ?8 yards !ide and 188 yards long tramples
everything in its path and causes 18 dice of damage. ,he bison are spirits and pass
through man$made obstacles such as buildings to crush anyone inside. ,he
targets can find safety out of the bison+s path to either side of the stampede or by
climbing trees and the like.
Taught by% &ison$spirit
Book% Wild West (ompanion
Hand of the Sun (Wendigo Rank @)
,he Garou+s hand bla*es !ith a terrible heat and gives off a !hite$hot light
similar to a branding iron. ,he Garou may touch an individual and mark them
indelibly (and painfully) !ith a brand of shame. #ny Garou !ho encounters the
victim in the future immediately recogni*e the mark as a sign of that person+s
treachery dishonor or other grave crime. Fampires ignite !hen touched by the
Hand of the Sun.
System% ,he Garou spends a point of Rage and then a point of Gnosis. <o roll is
necessary for the Gift to take effect but the character must make a standard attack
roll in order to mark her victim. # victim touched by the Hand of the Sun takes
t!o health levels of unsoakable aggravated damage and receives a permanent
circular scar. ,he scar cannot be removed by any means short of amputating the
part of the body !hich contains the scar. ,he fire lasts for one scene although the
Garou may e.tinguish it beforehand if she so chooses.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Harano (Wendigo Rank @)
,he Wendigo can inflict a state of Harano on a single victim. ,he target feels the
tragic history of all the !orld+s oppressed peoples including the Garou
themselves. Rumors that this po!er !ould not affect <ative #mericans have been
dispelled by a Shado! Cord !ho s!indled the Gift out of a naive Wendigo $ !ho
found himself the victim of a Gift he+d >ust taught. ,he Shado! Cord has not been
heard from in recent days. # !ind$spirit teaches this Gift.
System% 'or one scene the Garou can inflict an artificial Harano !ith a
:anipulation 1 ".pression roll (difficulty 4). 'ive or more successes can result in
permanent mental in>ury. 5uring the duration the victim is too depressed to
perform any actions !ithout a successful Willpo!er rolls (difficulty 2).
Alternatie !ersions
From: P*3' (Wendigo Rank @)
System% ,he player spends one point of Rage and rolls :anipulation 1 ".pression
(difficulty 4). :ore than five successes inflict permanent Harano upon the victim/
other!ise the suffering lasts for the rest of the scene. (See rules for Harano).
Hero-s Stand (Wendigo Rank @)
,he Garou plants herself on a patch of ground and channels the very force of Gaia
through her body essentially becoming one !ith the earth. She may not retreat or
even move from her chosen =turf= (and no force on "arth can make her) but she
gains many po!ers thereby. )nly !hen all foes are defeated may she retreat or
leave. ,his Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
System% ,he Garou rolls Willpo!er (difficulty 4). "ach success grants her one
e.tra die to all her 5ice 6ools. #dditionally she may not be surprised and all
attacks against her are considered frontal. #ny supernatural attempts to make her
leave must obtain t!ice as many successes as the Garou did on the Willpo!er
%siti$la,u-s Bo& (Wendigo Rank @)
,his Gift allo!s a Garou to shoot an arro! that can !rap around corners and hit
targets out of sight. #n #ncestor spirit teaches this Gift.
System% ,he player spends a Gnosis point and rolls 6erception 1 #rchery
(difficulty E). ,he range of the !eapon does not change. ,he Wendigo must kno!
roughly !here her opponent is although she need not kno! precisely/ =a fe! feet
do!n that alley over there= can suffice for e.ample.
(leansing Flame (Wendigo Rank ?)
,he Garou can pinpoint an area (or an individual) and set the target abla*e !ith an
intense and purifying flame that rages for 28 seconds and then dies out
completely. ,he fire can burn out all Wyrm$taint or human$made pollution from
an area or cleanse an individual (provided the victim survives) of Wyrm taint. ,he
first does not spread beyond the target area of person and can not be -uenched by
normal means. 'or instance if the Garou targets a house occupied by a 6ente.
official the fire bla*es through the house destroying any vestige of the Wyrm+s
corruption and leaving untouched anything not tainted by the Wyrm.
System% ,he player sacrifices a permanent point of Rage and rolls her Willpo!er.
,he difficulty is 4 to affect and area/ the area cannot be larger than a large house.
,o target an individual the difficulty of the Willpo!er roll e-uals the victim+s
Willpo!er. Civing or undead creatures set on fire must roll their Stamina
(difficulty E) or die from the shock. ,he flame destroys fomori utterly/ &lack
Spiral 5ancers !ho survive the Stamina roll must make Gnosis rolls difficulty E
or lose their Wyrm$taint and its accompanying 5erangement. Such purified Garou
are stripped of all Rank and Gifts/ they may !ell fall again to corruption but they
are given a second chance.
Taught by% Aatanka$Sonnak
Book% RatH
Heart of 3#e (Wendigo Rank ?)
,he Garou must kno! the name of the being to be affected by this po!er and
must !hisper it to the vengeful !inds. Subse-uently the victim+s heart or other
internal organs begin to turn to ice gripped by the curse of Wendigo. ,his Gift is
taught by a spirit servant of Wendigo.
System% ,he Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls Wits 1 "nigmas (difficulty
of the target+s Stamina 1 @)/ each success causes one automatic Health Cevel of
damage accumulating at one per turn until the number of Health Cevels lost
e-uals the number of successes. ,his damage is aggravated and may not be
soaked. Fampires affected by this po!er have their blood coagulate losing five
&lood 6oints per success/ if this reduces them to *ero and they enter torpor.
3noke the S$irits of Storm (Wendigo Rank ?)
,he Garou may summon >ust about any !eather effects he desires/ a bli**ard a
monsoon a tornado a thunderstorm a pea$soup fog !hatever. ,his Gift is taught
by a spirit servant of Wendigo.
System% ,he Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpo!er against a
difficulty determined by the Storyteller (depending on the current climate and the
change desired). ,he effects cover a 18$mile area per success rolled/ if a thunder$
storm is called each additional Gnosis point spent allo!s the Garou to call do!n
a lightning bolt or tornado on his enemies (5e.terity 1 )ccult difficulty 2 to hit/
18 dice normal damage).

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