Mental Merits and Flaws
Mental Merits and Flaws
Mental Merits and Flaws
Does your character have a special mental quirk? Is she forgetful or incredibly stubborn? The following
Merits and Flaws reflect special mental qualities or defects for your character.
Ahimsa: (4 pt Flaw) You have taken a vow not to kill any animal large enough to see (this does not include
germs, plants, tiny insects, etc). This includes the Vegan Flaw (which you may not take long with this one) as
well as deliberately inflicting lethal damage. You may fight (you will need to) but you must strive only to defeat
your foes, not slay them. Many Children of Gaea take this vow. If you kill accidentally, you will not lose the
freebie points generated from this Flaw, but if you deliberately take another being's life the Storyteller will
remove 3 points from your character anywhere that she sees fit.
MET: Accidental killing will not lose the extra points, but deliberate slaying or murder means that the loss of
three Traits from your character sheet (Storyteller's choice).
Amnesia: (2 pt Flaw) You have no memory of your past before your First Change (if Garou) or you are unable
to remember your past or anything about yourself or your family. Your life is a blank slate. You don't know if
you still have a family or if someone is out to get you, much less where you were born or anything about your
education (although you do remember what you've learned). However, your past may someday come back to
haunt you, revealing many surprising facts about your former life. (You can, if you wish, take up to five points
of other Flaws without specifying what they are. The Storyteller the details; over the course of the
chronicle, you and your character slowly discover them.)
Callous: (4 pt Flaw) You are unusually cold and heartless toward others (human, Garou, Kinfolk or otherwise),
even when they are in the worst of trouble. You will help, but only when you actually feel like it and if there is
some payment to you. You would even turn your back on your mother, unless there was some good reason not
to. You must spend one Willpower point to come to someone's aid. You may not take Caretaker as either your
Nature or Demeanor, nor may you possess the Empathy Ability. The bond between you and your pack is weak.
You may not take part in pack initiative, and all pack tactics are at +1 difficulty.
Calm Heart: (3 pt Merit) You are naturally calm and well composed, in the most trying of circumstances, and
you rarely fly off the handle. Raise the difficulty on all your frenzy rolls by 2, no matter how any incident is
Common Sense: (1 pt Merit) You have a significant amount of practical, everyday common sense (which is
often not so common among humans and Garou alike). If you're about to do something counter to common
sense, the Storyteller may alert you to what you are trying to do and how it might violate practicality. This Merit
is an ideal one for a novice player, for it allows you to receive advice from the Storyteller concerning what you
can and can't do and (even more importantly) what you should and shouldn't do.
Concentration: (1 pt Merit) You have learned how to center your thoughts and focus your attention to
eliminate distractions. Circumstances that might be detrimental to taking actions affect you less than they do
others. You are immune to circumstantial penalties that might otherwise affect your dice pools or difficulties; if
you pick a lock in a rainstorm, for instance, the quality of the lock would still affect the difficulty of the task,
but the distraction of the rainstorm would not.
Confused: (2 pt Flaw) You are often confused, and you perceive the world to be a very distorted and twisted
place. Sometimes, you are simply unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior all the
time to a small degree, but your confusion becomes especially strong whenever stimuli surround you (such as a
number of different people all talking at once or the pounding music of a nightclub.) You can spend Willpower
to override the effects of your confusion, but it works only temporarily.
Devil's Own: (5 pt Flaw) You believe that your powers as a werewolf have been given to you by Satan himself.
No matter what the other Garou tell you, you are still convinced that Satan gave you these 'gifts'. Also you are
more than willing to tell other people how you were 'given' the ability of shapeshifting. Needless to say, this
attitude does not endear you to your fellow werewolves, and it will draw the wrath of the Church down upon
you if you repeat your tale of woe to the wrong person. You receive a +2 difficulty to any Social rolls with other
Garou who know of you foolish beliefs. Additionally, you must roll Rage to check for frenzy every time you
change shape, except when assuming your natural form. Only homid characters may take this Flaw.
Docile: (1-3 pt Flaw) For better or for worse, you are docile in nature. Your distance from 'the wolf' is
noticeable to others. They may use the words 'domesticated' or 'dog'. Some Children of Gaea lupus who have
this Gift are actually somewhat doglike in appearance. For every point of Docile you take, your maximum Rage
is lowered by 2, and can never be bought above that level.
MET: You gain the Negative Trait Docile (which can be bid against you), and your maximum Rage is lowered
by two Traits for each level of the Flaw you take.
Eidetic Memory: (2 pt Merit) You possess a "photographic" memory, allowing you to recreate scenes,
conversations and other information you have seen or heard exactly as they happened in perfect detail. By
gaining at least one success on an Intelligence + Alertness roll. This enables you to remember and recall any
particular sight or sound (such as a conversation or a page from a book) accurately, even if you heard it or
glanced at it only once (although the difficulty of such a feat would be high). The Storyteller should assign the
difficulty according to your actual familiarity with what you are trying to remember. Five or more successes
give you total recall, enable you to recall an event perfectly: The Storyteller can supply you with the
information your character would remember.
Homid Ancestor: (2 pt Merit) The character must have at least one dot in the Ancestors Background to
purchase this Merit. Somewhere in the far-flung mists of the past, you have a human born relative. Maybe a
homid relative of yours bred with a wolf that was Kin to the Red Talons, perhaps a more recent relative was
actually born to another tribe. Either way, you have a slightly better grip on human thought than most lupus.
Reduce the difficulty of rolls involving logic and abstract thinking by one, and the difficulties of using
Ancestors to access Abilities such as Crafts, Melee, Etiquette, and Politics likewise drop by one (Firearms and
Computers are probably still off-limits). On the minus side, if word of your lineage gets out, you might lose
some temporary Honour depending on what kind of sept you live in.
Iron Will: (5 pt Merit) When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can divert you from your goals.
You have a tremendous ability to resist outside attempts to take over your mind. Wraiths and mages using
mental attacks against you gain +3 to their difficulties if you are aware of them and resisting. You may spend
one Willpower point to shake off the direct mental control of a vampire. Even if you are unaware of an attack,
anyone attempting to influence you magically must add +1 to her difficulty. Gifts that induce frenzy still have
the usual chance to succeed, for instance.
Lightning Calculator: (1 pt Merit) Your natural affinity for numbers and your talent for mental arithmetic
make you a natural for working with computers or betting at race tracks. All relevant rolls are made at -2
difficulty. Another possible use for this Merit, assuming you have numbers on which to base your conclusions,
is the ability to calculate the difficulty of certain tasks. In appropriate situations, you may ask the Storyteller for
the difficulty of some action you are about to perform.
Lost Homid: (2 pt Flaw) You can’t remember anything since your First Change. At times, you cant remember
back much farther than a year or two. Your first transformation was so intense, so vivid, that it completely
ripped away all memory of your former life. You no doubt wandered the streets for months before the Bond
Gnawer tribe found you and taught you who you really were…no other tribe would take you in. After all, most
Garou don’t share the tolerance Bone Gnawers and Children of Gaea have for mentally ill.
This Flaw is only available to Homid Garou. Living on the streets as thoroughly distanced you from the
human world. You lived like an animal, and so you have lost much of your understanding for how humans live.
As part of this, you have the same restrictions on Abilities as a lupus. You have fallen between the cracks of
society, and so begin play without identification, a human name, or any ties to human society. (you cant take
this flaw if also have the Flaw: Struggling.)
MET: Although Homid, you start with same restrictions on Ability Traits as a Lupus.
Naive: (1 pt Flaw) You are hopelessly naive about the nature of reality and see all through 'rose-coloured
glasses'. You may have been brought up in wealth and privilege, or be a survivor of abuse or trauma that you
have repressed. You are unwilling to suspect evil or foul play, which can be a serious problem. The difficulty
for any rolls to detect another person's ill intent, from the Sense Wyrm Gift to Empathy rolls, is raised by 2.
Perfect Recall: (2 pt Merit) You have a steel-trap memory and recall things seen and heard with perfect detail.
By gaining at east one success of an Intelligence + Alertness roll, you remember any sight or sound accurately,
even if you heard it or glanced at it only once (although the difficulty of such a feat would be high). Five
successes enable you to remember and event perfectly; the Storyteller relates to you exactly what was seen or
Phobia: (2 pt flaw) Many Bone Gnawers take to wandering the streets because they’re broke homeless, ore
even mentally ill. The Transition from human to being to supernatural creature isn’t always an easy one, and
some Garou face extreme circumstances along the way. The Trauma of the First Change can scar a soul for life,
leading to unreasonable and irrational fears of perfectly ordinary people, places and things.
A character with the Phobia Flaw has a strong aversion to a type of encounter or confrontation that’s likely to
occur in a story. When presented with this stimulus (crowds, birds, rats, enclosed places, heights), one success
overrides the phobia. If the character scores no successes, he’ll spend the rest of the scene trying to avoid or flee
the situation, confrontation, or revelation. On a botch, the character is paralyzed by fear for at least one round.
Spending a Will power point can override this reaction for at least one round, no doubt long enough for the rest
of the pack to come to the fearful victims aid.
As you’d expect, the Storyteller has the right to disallow any phobia that’s too trivial or too esoteric to ever
show up in a story. In fact, the Storyteller should feel free to work the phobia into sessions once in a while to
justify it. If the Flaw doesn’t inconvenience or challenge the character, the Flaw doesn’t inconvenience or
challenge the character; the Storyteller can veto it immediately and choose another Flaw for the character.
MET: When you’re forced into a corner against a specific trigger item, creature or condition, you freak out.
You simply can’t deal with the subject you fear. Make a Simple Test (win only). If you lose, you flee in
mindless terror as best you can (Take all of the actions to do so) And you cannot take action against the subject
of your fear…You’re too afraid to even risk lashing out at it. You can spend a Willpower Trait to overcome this
terror for a single turn.
Self-Confident: (5 pt Merit) When you spend a point of Willpower to gain an automatic success, your self-
confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without actually losing the Willpower point.
When you declare that you are using a point of Willpower for an extra success, you do not lose the Willpower
unless you fail the roll. You may use this Merit only when you need confidence in your abilities in order to
succeed; thus, only when the difficulty of a roll is 6 or higher can it come into play. You may spend Willpower
at other times; however, if the difficulty is 5 or less, this Merit won't help you.
Speech Impediment: (1 pt Flaw) It's unusual to hear human speech coming from the mouth of a beast; it must
be even more unusual to hear it spoken without lisps, dropped consonants or other maladjustments. Speaking
with a forked tongue, a mouthful of fangs or a beak is not conducive to easy understanding. A beast with this
Flaw suffers a two-die penalty on any roll that requires intricate spoken communication in a human (or similar)
Time Sense: (1 pt Merit) You have an innate sense of time, and are able to estimate the passage of time
accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device. You can accomplish this whether you are
concentrating or not. You can estimate the time of day to within a minute or two, and the passage of time with
the same accuracy.
Untamable: (5 pt Merit) You are a wild wolf who has never bent to the leash. You are immune to vampiric
Dominations (but not Presence) and certain Gifts will not work on you: Roll Over, Obedience and Mastery.
Vegan: (1 pt Flaw) You cannot eat any food that comes from an animal's body. You also must avoid using
animal products such as leather, fur or wool. If flesh so much as enters your mouth, the Storyteller may force
you to make a Willpower roll to avoid gagging. This makes you unwelcome at most social events (especially
among lupus) and you cannot hunt (except for spirits).
MET: Make a Willpower Challenge not to lose your lunch when you eat meat.
Weak-Willed: (2 pt Flaw) You are highly susceptible to domination and intimidation; you are, in fact, unable to
use your Willpower freely. You can roll or spend Willpower only when survival is at stake or when it is
appropriate to your auspice or Nature (see the Archetypes section).