Sakkara Bead Pics and Tut
Sakkara Bead Pics and Tut
Sakkara Bead Pics and Tut
Delica size 11 in 2 colours
Main colour (A)
Second colour (B)
!"o B appro#i"atel! 1$%& "eter ' (% inches
)ake care o* tension+
,ound 1: String on -B$ Make a circle and go through all beads again$
,ound 2: .ea/e in - A$ 0) like regular pe!ote$ 1ach bead goes in bet2een (not o/er) each o* the -B beads in
*irst round$ Step up through 1
A bead$
,ound 3: 4ncrease round$ (5ro" no2 on it6s pe!ote stitch$) 2A bet2een each bead o* 2
round$ Step up through
A bead$
,ound 7: 81B bet2een the 2A o* round 3$ 1A on top o* A *ro" round 28 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7
"ore ti"es$ Step up through 1
B o* this round$
,ound -: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound (: 1A9 1B bet2een beads$ B on top o* B o* round 7$ 4n this round the Sakkara bead
changes *ro" *lat to threedi"ensional$ So it is /er! i"portant to keep the tension$ Step up$
,ound %: 1 A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound :: 4ncrease ro2$ 82 A on top o* B o* (
round$ 1A on top o* A o* pre/ious round$8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7
"ore ti"es$ Step up through *irst A bead$
,ound ;: 81B bet2een 2 increase beads o* pre/ious round$ 1A9 1A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up
through B bead$
,ound 1&: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 11: 81A9 1A9 1B8 repeat 7 "ore ti"es$
,ound 12: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 13: 4ncrease round$ 8A9 2A (on top o* B *ro" round 11)9 A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 17: 81A9 1B (bet2een 2 added A o* pre/ious round)9 1A9 1A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7
"ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 1-: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 1(: 81B9 1A9 1A9 1A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up through B$
,ound 1%: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 1:: Decrease round$ 81A9 1A9 1A9 thread through 2 corner beads (A be*ore B and A a*ter A) and pull
tight to close corner$8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 1;: 81A9 1A9 1B (in open corner *ro" pre/ious round)$8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 2&: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 21: 81A9 1B9 1A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 22: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 23: Decrease round$ )hread through ne#t A to close corner like in round 1:$ 81A9 1A and again thread
through 2 corner beads and pull tight$8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ At the end o* this round thread again
through *irst 2 A beads o* this round$ Step up$
,ound 27: 81A9 1B (in open corner *ro" pre/ious round)$8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7
"ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 2-: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 2(: 81B9 1A8 ,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 2%: 1A bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ Step up$
,ound 2:: Decrease round$ 81A9 then thread through both corner beads like in other decrease rounds be*ore$8
,epeat *ro" 8 to 8 7 "ore ti"es$ Step up$
,ound 2;: 1B bet2een beads o* pre/ious round$ )o stabilize go through all - beads o* round 2: t2ice$
<op!right =ulie ,>der9 ?er"an! 2&&:
)ranslated b! @arin Aa""el