Types of Weave

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The document describes different types of wire weaving techniques including two-wire weave A and B, four-wire weave, and five-wire weave. It provides step-by-step instructions for performing each weave.

The document describes two types of two-wire weaves (A and B), a four-wire weave, and a five-wire weave.

To perform a two-wire weave A, you take two base wires and a weaving wire and coil the weaving wire twice around one base wire to start. Then you alternate between wrapping the weaving wire around both base wires and coiling it around one base wire to complete rotations of the weave.

Types of Weave: Introductory Instruction Part Two

Level: Intermediate
By Nicole Hanna
2-6 Pieces 16-18 Gauge Round Wire, 5-10 cm
1 Piece 26-28 Gauge Round Wire, 50 cm
Wire Cutters
Gauges are recommended due to malleability and manageability and may be substituted as skills
increase !ee" in mind, as base #ires increase or decrease in si$e, so s%ould #ea&ing #ires 'or
instance, a 22 gauge base #ire #ould #ar" under t%e "ressure o( a 26 gauge #ea&ing #ire, so 8-10
gauge di((erential bet#een bot% base and #ea&ing #ires is "re(erred
)ote* +utorial does not detail t%e design elements o( t%e image de"icted ,te"s s%o#case only ty"es o(
#ea&e and not #ays in #%ic% t%ey may be used or combined to (orm a (inis%ed "iece or "roduct
Two-Wire Weave A
)e-t to t%e one-#ire coil, t#o-#ire #ork is t%e base around #%ic% #ire-#ra""ing e&ol&es, and (rom
#%ic% #ire-#ea&ing, s"eci(ically, is born .t in&ol&es t#o base #ires, a single #ea&ing #ire, and
re/uires no tools at all besides #ire cutters, a little "ersistence and a lot o( imagination +%e #ea&es
de"icted are in no #ay all-inclusi&e, but are sim"ly a (oundation u"on #%ic% you can build your skills
. encourage you to e-"eriment #it% coil rotations (or t%e look t%at best suits your "ro0ects indi&idually,
and your style in general
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire around bot%
base #ires 1 and 2 t#ice
+%oug% de"icted t#ice, you may #ra"
your #ea&ing #ire as many or as (e#
times as you (ind aest%etically
"leasing, t%oug% ty"ically (i&e #ra"s
or more #ill begin to bundle your base
#ires, and you4ll lose t%e ability to
(urt%er manage t%e look o( your #ea&e
tep #
Coil your #ea&ing #ire (i&e times
around base #ire 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
'or a more geometric "attern, you may
#ra" and coil an e&en number o( times
'or a (uller look, #ra" bot% #ires more
times t%an you coil t%e single #ire
tep $
Com"lete se&eral more rotations,
beginning eac% #it% t%e t#o-#ire
#ra", as de"icted in ,te" 2, t%en (inis%
#it% t%e one-#ire coil
Two-Wire Weave B
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing a
26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base #ires
bet#een your (ingers #ill secure t%e
#ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, be%ind 2, t%en bet#een
2 and 1
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, t%en do#n be%ind bot% base
#ires 2 and 1
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een base #ires 1 and 2,
t%en do#n be%ind base #ire 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
t#o-#ire #ea&e
tep $
Com"lete multi"le rotations o( your
#ea&e, "inc%ing t%e ends toget%er
bet#een (inger ti"s or nails as you
#ork, usually e&ery (i&e rotations
+%is assures your #ea&e is tig%t
5o#e&er, kee" in mind, because t%is
#ea&e is tig%t, it is di((icult to
mani"ulate into small s%a"es, or
t%roug% small s"aces .t is
recommended to com"lete a (e#
rotations, s%a"e as necessary, t%en add
(urt%er rotations to (inis%
Two-Wire Weave %
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing a
26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base #ires
bet#een your (ingers #ill secure t%e
#ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en u"
be%ind base #ire 2
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 1 and t#o, t%en
u" be%ind base #ire 2
+%is creates a single coil around base
#ire 2
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 2 and 1, t%en
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
tep $
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ire 1
+%is creates a single coil around base
#ire 1
tep &
Wra" your base #ire u" o&er base #ire
1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en u" be%ind
base #ire 2
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 2 and 1, t%en u"
be%ind base #ire 2
+%is creates anot%er single coil around
base #ire 2
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
tep )
Continue re"eating t%e ste"s, creating
indi&idual coils, #it% a criss-cross
"attern bet#een t%e t#o base #ires
+%ese images de"ict t%e ste"s loosely
(or clarity, t%oug% is recommended you
"inc% t%e ends o( t%e #ea&es toget%er
as you #ork (or a tig%ter (inis%, and
a""ly some tension #%ile #ra""ing
tep *
+%is #ea&e re/uires you s%a"e your
base #ires as you #ork, and ad0ust
your "attern accordingly 6t%er#ise
ga"s #ill a""ear bet#een rotations o(
t%e #ea&e
+o "re&ent ga"s bet#een your #ires
#%en rounded or cur&ed, it may be
necessary to add an additional coil to
t%e outer cur&ed base #ire bet#een
eac% criss-cross 2)ote t%e arro#s3
T+ree-Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing
a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
do#n be%ind 2 and 1 8gain #ra"
your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base #ires
1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, do#n
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een 1 and 2
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2 and 7, be%ind 2 and 7, bet#een
1 and 2 8gain #ra" your #ea&ing
#ire u" o&er base #ires 2 and 7, t%en
be%ind all t%ree base #ires
+%is com"letes a single rotation o(
t%is t%ree-#ire #ea&e
tep #
Com"lete se&eral rotations o( t%e
#ea&e 2bet#een 9-:3 and "inc% t%e
ends o( t%e #ea&e toget%er bet#een
(ingers or nails to create a consistently
tig%t look
,our- Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er (our 16-18 gauge round #ires
2called base #ires3 Pinc% t%em
bet#een your t%umb and (ore(inger
,e"arate t%e #ires into t#o grou"s o(
t#o, s"reading t%em out#ards slig%tly
t%e (urt%er (rom your (ingers t%ey get
tep "
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and (our base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
u" be%ind 7 and 9
tep $
Pull your #ea&ing #ire bet#een base
#ires 7 and 9, t%en #ra" it do#n and
o&er 7, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en u"
be%ind base #ires 7 and 9
tep &
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 9, bet#een 7 and 9, t%en
back u" be%ind 9
;ou s%ould no# %a&e a single coil
around bot% base #ires 7 and 9
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ires 9 and 7, bet#een 7 and 2,
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een 2 and 1
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ires1 and 2
tep )
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en back
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
;ou s%ould no# %a&e an indi&idual
coil around bot% base #ires 1 and 2
tep *
Re"eat t%e "re&ious ste"s by
#ra""ing your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er
base #ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7,
u" be%ind 7, t%en bet#een base #ires
7 and 9
tep !-
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 7, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
back u" be%ind base #ires 7 and 9
tep !!
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 9, bet#een 7 and 9, t%en
back u" be%ind 9
;ou s%ould again %a&e indi&idual coils
around bot% base #ires 7 and 9
tep !"
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ires 9 and 7, bet#een 7 and 2,
and continue as dictated by t%e
"re&ious ste"s
+%e "attern s%ould (ollo# t%e basic
"rinci"le* t#o indi&idual coils, t%en
single long #ra", t#o indi&idual coils,
t%en single long #ra" Re"eat
tep !#
+%oug% t%ese images de"ict t%e #ires
#ra""ed loosely (or t%e "ur"ose o(
clarity, you #ill #ant to "ractice t%is
#ea&e until you can ac%ie&e a nice
tig%t #ra" #it%out "ulling so %ard you
"ull toget%er your t#o grou"s o( base
Remember to "inc% t%e ends o( t%e
#ea&es toget%er #it% (ingers or nails
to kee" t%e look tig%t
+%is #ea&e is "articularly good (or ring s%anks because it o((ers a great degree o( stability and strengt%,
but #it% a look o( delicacy to com"liment +o com"lete a s%ank, you can start #it% t%e (our base #ires
close toget%er, t%en #ork #ider (or an asymmetrical look, or #ea&e %al( t%e ring (rom center out, (li"
t%e #ork o&er, t%en #ork t%e ot%er %al( (rom center out (or t%e symmetrical &ersion ;ou #ill need to
lea&e a longer tail at t%e beginning o( your #ork (or t%e symmetrical look to "re&ent t%e necessity (or
adding #ire as you #ork
+%is #ea&e also #orks #ell (or decorati&e bails, es"ecially around stone donuts
,ive-Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er (i&e "ieces o( 16-18 gauge
#ire 2called base #ires3 'an slig%tly
(or easy #ea&ing and "inc% ends
bet#een (ingers #it% a (irm gri"
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and (i&e base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, do#n
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een base #ires 2
and 1
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 2 and 7, bet#een 7 and 9, do#n
be%ind 7, t%en bet#een base #ires 7
and 2
tep $
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 7 and 9, bet#een 9 and 5, do#n
be%ind 9, t%en bet#een base #ires 9
and 7
tep &
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 9 and 5, do#n be%ind 5 and 9,
t%en bet#een base #ires 9 and 7
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 9, bet#een 9 and 5, do#n be%ind
9 and 7, t%en bet#een base #ires 7
and 2
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 7, bet#een 7 and 9, do#n be%ind
7 and 2, t%en bet#een base #ires 2
and 1
tep )
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ires 2 and 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
(i&e-#ire #ea&e
tep *
Com"lete 7-5 rotations, t%en "inc% t%e
ends o( t%e #ea&es toget%er #it%
(inger ti"s or nails to kee" your #ea&e
Continue to add rotations and "inc% as
you #ork
+%is #ea&e is not &ery malleable, so
consider s%a"ing as you #ork ,lig%t
cur&es only are manageable "ost-

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