Types of Weave
Types of Weave
Types of Weave
Level: Intermediate
By Nicole Hanna
2-6 Pieces 16-18 Gauge Round Wire, 5-10 cm
1 Piece 26-28 Gauge Round Wire, 50 cm
Wire Cutters
Gauges are recommended due to malleability and manageability and may be substituted as skills
increase !ee" in mind, as base #ires increase or decrease in si$e, so s%ould #ea&ing #ires 'or
instance, a 22 gauge base #ire #ould #ar" under t%e "ressure o( a 26 gauge #ea&ing #ire, so 8-10
gauge di((erential bet#een bot% base and #ea&ing #ires is "re(erred
)ote* +utorial does not detail t%e design elements o( t%e image de"icted ,te"s s%o#case only ty"es o(
#ea&e and not #ays in #%ic% t%ey may be used or combined to (orm a (inis%ed "iece or "roduct
Two-Wire Weave A
)e-t to t%e one-#ire coil, t#o-#ire #ork is t%e base around #%ic% #ire-#ra""ing e&ol&es, and (rom
#%ic% #ire-#ea&ing, s"eci(ically, is born .t in&ol&es t#o base #ires, a single #ea&ing #ire, and
re/uires no tools at all besides #ire cutters, a little "ersistence and a lot o( imagination +%e #ea&es
de"icted are in no #ay all-inclusi&e, but are sim"ly a (oundation u"on #%ic% you can build your skills
. encourage you to e-"eriment #it% coil rotations (or t%e look t%at best suits your "ro0ects indi&idually,
and your style in general
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire around bot%
base #ires 1 and 2 t#ice
+%oug% de"icted t#ice, you may #ra"
your #ea&ing #ire as many or as (e#
times as you (ind aest%etically
"leasing, t%oug% ty"ically (i&e #ra"s
or more #ill begin to bundle your base
#ires, and you4ll lose t%e ability to
(urt%er manage t%e look o( your #ea&e
tep #
Coil your #ea&ing #ire (i&e times
around base #ire 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
'or a more geometric "attern, you may
#ra" and coil an e&en number o( times
'or a (uller look, #ra" bot% #ires more
times t%an you coil t%e single #ire
tep $
Com"lete se&eral more rotations,
beginning eac% #it% t%e t#o-#ire
#ra", as de"icted in ,te" 2, t%en (inis%
#it% t%e one-#ire coil
Two-Wire Weave B
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing a
26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base #ires
bet#een your (ingers #ill secure t%e
#ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, be%ind 2, t%en bet#een
2 and 1
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, t%en do#n be%ind bot% base
#ires 2 and 1
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een base #ires 1 and 2,
t%en do#n be%ind base #ire 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
t#o-#ire #ea&e
tep $
Com"lete multi"le rotations o( your
#ea&e, "inc%ing t%e ends toget%er
bet#een (inger ti"s or nails as you
#ork, usually e&ery (i&e rotations
+%is assures your #ea&e is tig%t
5o#e&er, kee" in mind, because t%is
#ea&e is tig%t, it is di((icult to
mani"ulate into small s%a"es, or
t%roug% small s"aces .t is
recommended to com"lete a (e#
rotations, s%a"e as necessary, t%en add
(urt%er rotations to (inis%
Two-Wire Weave %
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing a
26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Pinc%ing t%e tail and t#o base #ires
bet#een your (ingers #ill secure t%e
#ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en u"
be%ind base #ire 2
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 1 and t#o, t%en
u" be%ind base #ire 2
+%is creates a single coil around base
#ire 2
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 2 and 1, t%en
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
tep $
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ire 1
+%is creates a single coil around base
#ire 1
tep &
Wra" your base #ire u" o&er base #ire
1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en u" be%ind
base #ire 2
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 2 and 1, t%en u"
be%ind base #ire 2
+%is creates anot%er single coil around
base #ire 2
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 2, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
tep )
Continue re"eating t%e ste"s, creating
indi&idual coils, #it% a criss-cross
"attern bet#een t%e t#o base #ires
+%ese images de"ict t%e ste"s loosely
(or clarity, t%oug% is recommended you
"inc% t%e ends o( t%e #ea&es toget%er
as you #ork (or a tig%ter (inis%, and
a""ly some tension #%ile #ra""ing
tep *
+%is #ea&e re/uires you s%a"e your
base #ires as you #ork, and ad0ust
your "attern accordingly 6t%er#ise
ga"s #ill a""ear bet#een rotations o(
t%e #ea&e
+o "re&ent ga"s bet#een your #ires
#%en rounded or cur&ed, it may be
necessary to add an additional coil to
t%e outer cur&ed base #ire bet#een
eac% criss-cross 2)ote t%e arro#s3
T+ree-Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er t#o 16-18 gauge round #ires
+%ese #ill be your base #ires 1sing
a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire 2called
#ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small 1cm tail,
and coil t#ice around base #ire 1
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
do#n be%ind 2 and 1 8gain #ra"
your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base #ires
1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, do#n
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een 1 and 2
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2 and 7, be%ind 2 and 7, bet#een
1 and 2 8gain #ra" your #ea&ing
#ire u" o&er base #ires 2 and 7, t%en
be%ind all t%ree base #ires
+%is com"letes a single rotation o(
t%is t%ree-#ire #ea&e
tep #
Com"lete se&eral rotations o( t%e
#ea&e 2bet#een 9-:3 and "inc% t%e
ends o( t%e #ea&e toget%er bet#een
(ingers or nails to create a consistently
tig%t look
,our- Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er (our 16-18 gauge round #ires
2called base #ires3 Pinc% t%em
bet#een your t%umb and (ore(inger
,e"arate t%e #ires into t#o grou"s o(
t#o, s"reading t%em out#ards slig%tly
t%e (urt%er (rom your (ingers t%ey get
tep "
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and (our base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
u" be%ind 7 and 9
tep $
Pull your #ea&ing #ire bet#een base
#ires 7 and 9, t%en #ra" it do#n and
o&er 7, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en u"
be%ind base #ires 7 and 9
tep &
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 9, bet#een 7 and 9, t%en
back u" be%ind 9
;ou s%ould no# %a&e a single coil
around bot% base #ires 7 and 9
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ires 9 and 7, bet#een 7 and 2,
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een 2 and 1
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ires1 and 2
tep )
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 1, bet#een 1 and 2, t%en back
do#n be%ind base #ire 1
;ou s%ould no# %a&e an indi&idual
coil around bot% base #ires 1 and 2
tep *
Re"eat t%e "re&ious ste"s by
#ra""ing your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er
base #ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7,
u" be%ind 7, t%en bet#een base #ires
7 and 9
tep !-
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 7, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en
back u" be%ind base #ires 7 and 9
tep !!
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ire 9, bet#een 7 and 9, t%en
back u" be%ind 9
;ou s%ould again %a&e indi&idual coils
around bot% base #ires 7 and 9
tep !"
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire do#n o&er
base #ires 9 and 7, bet#een 7 and 2,
and continue as dictated by t%e
"re&ious ste"s
+%e "attern s%ould (ollo# t%e basic
"rinci"le* t#o indi&idual coils, t%en
single long #ra", t#o indi&idual coils,
t%en single long #ra" Re"eat
tep !#
+%oug% t%ese images de"ict t%e #ires
#ra""ed loosely (or t%e "ur"ose o(
clarity, you #ill #ant to "ractice t%is
#ea&e until you can ac%ie&e a nice
tig%t #ra" #it%out "ulling so %ard you
"ull toget%er your t#o grou"s o( base
Remember to "inc% t%e ends o( t%e
#ea&es toget%er #it% (ingers or nails
to kee" t%e look tig%t
+%is #ea&e is "articularly good (or ring s%anks because it o((ers a great degree o( stability and strengt%,
but #it% a look o( delicacy to com"liment +o com"lete a s%ank, you can start #it% t%e (our base #ires
close toget%er, t%en #ork #ider (or an asymmetrical look, or #ea&e %al( t%e ring (rom center out, (li"
t%e #ork o&er, t%en #ork t%e ot%er %al( (rom center out (or t%e symmetrical &ersion ;ou #ill need to
lea&e a longer tail at t%e beginning o( your #ork (or t%e symmetrical look to "re&ent t%e necessity (or
adding #ire as you #ork
+%is #ea&e also #orks #ell (or decorati&e bails, es"ecially around stone donuts
,ive-Wire Weave
tep !
Gat%er (i&e "ieces o( 16-18 gauge
#ire 2called base #ires3 'an slig%tly
(or easy #ea&ing and "inc% ends
bet#een (ingers #it% a (irm gri"
1sing a 26 or 28 gauge round #ire
2called #ea&ing #ire3, lea&e a small
1cm tail, and coil t#ice around base
#ire 1 Pinc%ing t%e tail and (i&e base
#ires bet#een your (ingers #ill secure
t%e #ea&e in "lace #%ile you #ork
tep "
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 1 and 2, bet#een 2 and 7, do#n
be%ind 2, t%en bet#een base #ires 2
and 1
tep #
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 2 and 7, bet#een 7 and 9, do#n
be%ind 7, t%en bet#een base #ires 7
and 2
tep $
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 7 and 9, bet#een 9 and 5, do#n
be%ind 9, t%en bet#een base #ires 9
and 7
tep &
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ires 9 and 5, do#n be%ind 5 and 9,
t%en bet#een base #ires 9 and 7
tep '
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 9, bet#een 9 and 5, do#n be%ind
9 and 7, t%en bet#een base #ires 7
and 2
tep (
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 7, bet#een 7 and 9, do#n be%ind
7 and 2, t%en bet#een base #ires 2
and 1
tep )
Wra" your #ea&ing #ire u" o&er base
#ire 2, bet#een 2 and 7, t%en do#n
be%ind base #ires 2 and 1
+%is com"letes one rotation o( t%e
(i&e-#ire #ea&e
tep *
Com"lete 7-5 rotations, t%en "inc% t%e
ends o( t%e #ea&es toget%er #it%
(inger ti"s or nails to kee" your #ea&e
Continue to add rotations and "inc% as
you #ork
+%is #ea&e is not &ery malleable, so
consider s%a"ing as you #ork ,lig%t
cur&es only are manageable "ost-