Fiber Optic TR 108959
Fiber Optic TR 108959
Fiber Optic TR 108959
Prepared by
J.A. Jones Power Delivery, Inc.
Post Office Box 187
Haslet, Texas 76052
Principal Investigators
M. Ostendorp
G. Gela
Prepared for
Electric Power Research Institute
3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304
EPRI Project Manager
A. Hirany
Power Delivery Group
Requests for copies of this report should be directed to the EPRI Distribution Center, 207 Coggins Drive, P.O. Box
23205, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, (510) 934-4212.
Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. POWERING
PROGRESS is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Copyright 1997 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Many electric utilities are installing high capacity fiber optic cables and wires on their
high voltage lines to satisfy their own internal communication needs and to gain
additional revenues by leasing excess capacity to telecommunication network
providers. This report presents a review and evaluation of the state-of-the-art in using
fiber optic technology in high voltage corridors.
Within the power utility industry, reliable internal communications are vital to ensure
protection and control of the power system. With the advent of digital fault protection
systems, integrated power system automation signal densities are increasing; and fiber
optics can offer a unique solution to the ever increasing demand for bandwidth because
of its remarkably high capacity for carrying data -- single pair of fibers can carry nearly
8000 simultaneous voice channels. The immunity of fiber optics to electromagnetic
interference is another advantage. However, integrating fiber optic cables into highvoltage corridors also poses some technical and safety-related challenges.
To identify and evaluate relevant technical information on using fiber optic cables in
high voltage corridors.
The project team conducted an exhaustive literature review on the integration of optic
technology into overhead power transmission lines. They summarized the state of
practice of fiber optic cables integration in high voltage corridors in the United States
power industry, including regulatory considerations, product descriptions, electrical
and mechanical factors, and issues related to installation, inspection, and maintenance.
In current practice, three different cable options are available to an electric utility that
elects to integrate communications into an existing power transmission system. Optical
fibers can be:
For each option, the report gives typical material and installation costs for aerial cable
or wire with either 24 or 48 optical fibers. The cost of the cable/wire itself and the labor
required in the installation make up the majority of the system development cost.
The relatively new practice of integrating fiber optic cables into high voltage corridors
poses some technical and safety-related challenges. For example, since ADSS and
WRAP type fiber optic cables are located in high electric fields, there is a the threat of
sheath damage and cable failure similar to the aging of non-ceramic insulators. Also,
the high working tensions necessary for adequate ground clearance exposes the lightweight OPGW and self-supporting ADSS fiber optic cables to wind-induced vibrations
that can damage the cable and attachment hardware. The report summarizes current
experience with these and related problems and identifies technological issues that
remain to be addressed. The report includes an exhaustive set of references to the
technical literature.
EPRI Perspective
Besides providing a comprehensive introduction to the state of practice of integrating
fiber cable technology into high voltage transmission corridors, this report can be used
by EPRI members to identify subject areas and technological issues that need to be
Interest Categories
Overhead construction, O&M
Overhead planning, analysis & design
Key Words
Fiber optic
All-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS)
Optical ground wire (OPGW)
Wrap type cables(WRAP)
Transmission line
However, the practice of integrating fiber optic cables into high-voltage corridors also
poses some technical and safety related challenges. Since ADSS and WRAP type fiber
optic cables are located in high electric fields there is the threat of sheath damage and
cable failure similar to the phenomena related to aging of non-ceramic insulators. Also,
the high working tensions necessary for adequate ground clearance and minimum
amounts of self-damping expose the light-weight OPGW and self supporting ADSS
fiber optic cables to wind-induced vibration, which can damage the cables and
Addressing these and other relevant issues, the Electric Power Research Institutes
(EPRI) advisory committee on fiber optics in utility corridors decided that it would be
beneficial to the member utilities to review and evaluate the current state-of-the-art.
Results of this investigation are summarized in this report.
4 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 4-1
Figure 1-1 Correlation of Mechanical Load, Service Life, and Relative Humidity Typical Optical Fiber (Reference 32) .................................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-2 Typical ADSS Cable Load-Elongation Diagram (Reference 32) ................ 1-9
Figure 2-1 Loose Tube Buffered Fiber FRP Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4) .. 2-6
Figure 2-2 Central Maxi Tube Loose Fiber Aramide Reinforced ADSS Cable
(Reference 4)........................................................................................................ 2-6
Figure 2-3 Loose/Buffered Tube Messenger Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4). 2-6
Figure 2-4 Grooved/Hollow Glass Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4) ................. 2-7
Figure 2-5 Loose/Buffered Tube Glass Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4) ......... 2-7
Figure 2-6 Stranded Plastic Tubes - Plastic Sheath OPGW (Reference 4) ................. 2-9
Figure 2-7 Straight Plastic Maxi Tube - Plastic Sheath OPGW (Reference 4) .......... 2-10
Figure 2-8 Straight Plastic Tube - Spiraling Hollow Channel OPGW (Reference 4) .. 2-10
Figure 2-9 Stranded Plastic Tubes - Aluminum Tube OPGW (Reference 4)............. 2-10
Figure 2-10 Slotted Aluminum Spacer - Non Metallic Buffer Tubes OPGW
(Reference 4)...................................................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-11 Grooved Aluminum Spacer - Aluminum Tube OPGW (Reference 4)..... 2-12
Figure 2-12 Thin Steel Tube OPGW (Reference 4)................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-13 WRAP Aerial Fiber Optic Cables (Reference 105) ................................. 2-13
Table 1-1 Referenced Technical Publications ............................................................. 1-4
Table 1-2 Thermal Expansion Coefficients (Reference 105) ....................................... 1-6
Table 1-3 Conductor Creep Rates ............................................................................. 1-11
Table 2-1 Typical System Cost .................................................................................. 2-18
Table 2-2 Product Description Summary Evaluation ................................................. 2-19
Table 2-3 Electrical Considerations Summary Evaluation ......................................... 2-28
Table 2-4 Mechanical Considerations Summary Evaluation ..................................... 2-34
Table 2-5 Installation Considerations Summary Evaluation ...................................... 2-41
Table 2-6 Inspection and Maintenance Considerations Summary Evaluation........... 2-45
Within the power utility industry, reliable internal communications are vital to ensure
protection and control of the power system. Such communications traditionally have
been provided by methods such as power line carrier and microwave radio systems but
are more recently being supplemented or replaced by fiber optics. However, with the
advent of digital fault protection systems, integrated power system automation signal
densities are increasing and fiber optic communications can offer a unique solution to
the ever increasing demand in the future. Consequently, many electric utilities are
installing high capacity fiber optic cables and wires on their high voltage lines to satisfy
their own internal communication needs and to gain additional revenues by providing
excess capacity to telecommunication network providers.
Overhead transmission power line corridors provide the telecommunications industry
with cost-effective alternative routes and at the same time benefit the electric utilities by
generating additional revenues using existing facilities. The inherent advantage of
fiber optic technology as a means of communication is that fiber optics provide fixed
link, point to point communications with a remarkably high capacity for carrying data.
For example, a single pair of fibers can carry nearly 8000 simultaneous voice channels.
The immunity of fiber optics to electromagnetic interference is another advantage for
its use in power delivery systems as long as care is taken to shield any terminal and
repeater stations. Typically, there are no radiation or frequency assignment difficulties
as commonly experienced with power line carrier, intra-bundle, and microwave
communication systems. Also, fiber optics increase the security of the transmission
systems since the technology virtually eliminates the unauthorized monitoring of vital
communications. Last, fiber optics do not require coupling devices or other specialized
connectors and can be easily and cost-effectively integrated into any digital network.
Fiber optics can be currently integrated into an overhead power transmission line in
four different ways. The optical fibers can be:
expose the light-weight OPGW and self supporting ADSS fiber optic cables to windinduced vibration, which can damage the cable and attachment hardware.
Addressing these and other relevant issues, the Electric Power Research Institutes
(EPRI) advisory committee on fiber optics in utility corridors decided that it would be
beneficial to the member utilities to review and evaluate the current state-of-the-art.
Results of this investigation are summarized in this report.
The goal of this report is to provide a critical and impartial review of the current stateof-the-art in using fiber optic technology in high voltage corridors. This document can
be used by the EPRI target member advisors to identify subject areas and technological
issues that need to be addressed. The main goals of this investigation are:
Identify and evaluate relevant technical information on using fiber optic technology
in high voltage corridors (establish State-of-the-Art) .
Literature Review
A survey of existing information revealed that there are a large number of publications
(i.e., more than 100) dealing with OPGW and ADSS fiber optic aerial cables and related
technical matters, while there are only a few that deal exclusively with WRAP
installations. Most of the reference material that is relevant to the installation of fiber
optic cables in transmission corridors addresses cable construction, cable testing,
connection splicing, aeolian vibration, tracking, and dry band arcing. References are
presented in Section 4 of this report.
Table 1-1 shows a summary of the 123 references sorted with respect to different
aspects of fiber optic technology. The table differentiates between general, electrical,
mechanical, and operational categories. These categories are subdivided further to
distinguish between guidelines, regulatory codes, and manufacturer issues in the
general category; the ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP type fiber optic cables and wires in the
electrical and mechanical category; and installation, and inspection and maintenance
oriented information in the operational category. However, many of the references and
publications address multiple aspects of the technology and are listed in each
applicable category.
Table 1-1
Referenced Technical Publications
2, 3
4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
30, 31, 32, 33
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
42, 43
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33
44, 45, 46, 47
7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 31, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
63, 64, 68, 70, 80, 81
7, 20, 22, 23, 25, 49, 60, 61, 64, 73, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
95, 96, 97, 98, 99
18, 37, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115
& Maintenance
1.3.1 General
In the process of optimizing the construction, installation, and operation of ADSS,
OPGW, and WRAP fiber optic cables it is important to follow a continuous quality
improvement loop (7, 9, 18). The quality improvement loop typically addresses the
theoretical and practical requirements, general parameters of the cable design and the
selection of materials, the process control used in the production, the verification tests
to be performed in the laboratory prior to installation in the field, the monitoring of
field installations during the installation process, and evaluation of the long term
performance during the service life of the components.
A tensile force is present throughout the full service life of ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP
aerial cables. This tensile force causes the cable to elongate which needs to be
considered in each step of the cable selection, installation, and operation. The total
elongation of an aerial cable is typically divided into three different parts:
A constant elongation strongly influenced by the unit weight, span length, sag, and
mechanical characteristics of the aerial fiber optic cable or wire.
Creep of the strength members and/or strands of the aerial fiber optic cable or wire
caused by long term presence of tensile loads.
To restrict the cable or wire elongation to an acceptable level during the service life of
the component, a strength member system has to be used that exhibits a sufficiently
high modulus of elasticity in combination with a low unit mass and a small outside
diameter that is capable of housing a satisfactory number of optical fibers (2, 8).
Additionally, a good cable or wire design eliminates any axial strains to the optical
fibers for all loading conditions that the aerial cable or wire may experience. Most
aerial cables and wires in the past have typically been designed by the manufacturer to
optimize one or the other aspect resulting in somewhat standardized designs that are
currently offered for use in high voltage corridors.
ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP aerial cables and wires are exposed to much more extreme
temperature variations than any other non-aerial cable types, sometimes encountering
temperature variations of up to 100GC (212GF). However, due to the low thermal
expansion coefficients of cable and wire wrapping and filler material in combination
with relatively high moduli of elasticity, the cable expansion is typically dominated by
the characteristics of the strength member (i.e., steel, aluminum, or composite strands).
A completely different situation may exist for non-metallic cables during low
temperature storage on drums. Some composite strength members are not capable of
absorbing any axial compression forces. These composite strength members require
that the static coefficient of friction within a length of cable be larger than the force
arising from the differences in thermal potential. This will prevent the respective layers
from sliding relative to each other. Table 1-2 shows coefficients of thermal expansion
for materials commonly used in the construction of aerial fiber optic cables.
Coefficients of thermal expansion are shown for the fiber reinforced glass (FRP),
polyester, polyethylene (PE), aramide yarns, and high density polyethylene (HDPE).
Table 1-2
Thermal Expansion Coefficients (Reference 105)
cable element
of expansion
central strength
stranded tubes
strength members
The life of optical fibers is determined by the mechanical stress level in the fiber and
the amount of moisture (i.e., relative humidity) present at the surface of the fiber as
shown in Figure 1-1. Consequently, ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP aerial cables are
constructed to minimize the ingress of moisture and level of stress to reduce the rate of
deterioration of the optical fibers. Typically, stresses are controlled through the use of
stranded loose tubes that allow for a certain amount of free cable or wire elongation
without elongation of the optical fibers, while moisture ingress is controlled through
the presence of the inner and outer sheath (i.e., ADSS and WRAP) or by the tube (i.e.,
OPGW). Ideally, the bending radius for most optical fibers should never be less than
approximately 60 mm (2.5 inches) to prevent stresses that would otherwise damage
most optical fibers (i.e., bending radius of 85 mm (3.5 inches) for 1550 nm fiber). This
minimum bending radius corresponds to a maximum stress of 0.075 Mpa (11psi).
Cable and wire cores are typically standardized to include specific numbers of tubes
that each contain one or more optical fibers. Optical fibers used in past installations of
aerial cables and wires have been either single-mode or multi-mode. However,
completely custom made cables have been designed in the past by either the customer
or manufacturer in accordance with mechanical, electrical, and optical specifications
most suitable to a particular transmission line application.
Figure 1-1
Correlation of Mechanical Load, Service Life, and Relative Humidity - Typical Optical
Fiber (Note: 1Gpa = 145ksi, Reference 32)
It is important that the polyethylene enclosure (i.e., for ADSS and WRAP) or aluminum
enclosure (i.e., for OPGW) of aerial fiber optic cables be resistant against weathering,
UV radiation, acid rain, and the influence of electric fields. Additionally, the outer
enclosure should have:
Adequate carbon black content to protect against thermal oxidation of ADSS and
WRAP sheaths and corrosion resistance for OPGW tubes.
High thermal stress cracking resistance to protect ADSS and WRAP aerial cables
against thermal oxidation.
High resistance against corona and tracking to protect ADSS and WRAP sheaths
from the effects of high electric fields.
Tests are typically used to evaluate the electrical and mechanical performance of ADSS,
OPGW, and WRAP aerial cables. These tests evaluate the tensile performance and
ultimate strength of the cable or wire, the impact resistance of the construction, static
and cyclic bending strength of the cable or wire, thermal cycling performance,
resistance to water penetration, creep strain and rate, vibration self damping
characteristics, vibration damper performance, resistance to shotgun damage, and
lightning resistance. A more detailed description of the types of tests typically
performed on ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP type aerial fiber optic cables and wires can be
found in applicable Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards
and specifications (1, 2, 3), as discussed in Section 2 of this report.
Figure 1-2
Typical ADSS Cable Load-Elongation Diagram (Reference 32)
Discharge mechanisms resulting from long term exposure to high electrical stresses
contribute to the aging of the outer sheath on ADSS aerial cables. Generally, the two
contributing mechanisms are caused by:
Tracking or Dry-Banding (i.e., the process that produces localized deterioration and
conducting paths as a result of the action of electric discharges on or close to the
insulating surface)
Typically, the ADSS aerial cable is grounded at the suspension towers while it is
charged by capacitive coupling in the middle of the span. As a result of the capacitive
charge, the ADSS cable will have a potential that depends on the phase voltage and the
position of the cable relative to the phase conductors and ground wire(s). Since the
surface electrical resistivity of the ADSS aerial cable is very high, the outer insulation
layer of the ADSS is not an equipotential surface and the resulting axial voltage
gradients produce potential differences between the ADSS cable and the grounded
hardware on the support structures.
The resulting electric field strength at the tips of the pre-formed attachment hardware
is likely to produce corona (8, 9, 11) that may lead to failure of the ADSS aerial cable in
a relatively short time period (i.e., observed time to failure ranges from two months to
twelve months). This problem can be reduced significantly by the use of plastic
attachment hardware instead of the traditional metal pre-formed hardware, but cannot
be totally eliminated. Of course, the most effective way of avoiding excessive induced
voltages is to place the ADSS cable in locations with a low electric field or low space
potential. Typically, locations with field strengths not exceeding 15-25 kV/cm or a
space potential of 15-20 kV are suitable for the installation of ADSS aerial cables.
Plastic spiral vibration dampers (SVD) must be installed at least 3 meters (10 feet) or
more from the armor rod to prevent degradation of the components as a result of
tracking. Ideally, spiral vibration dampers should be placed in electric fields not
exceeding 2 kV/cm to minimize degradation of the components.
Also, whenever an ADSS aerial cable is polluted and wet, a low magnitude current is
likely to flow from the middle of the span to the suspension tower (8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16,
17). Wherever there are locations of higher current density caused by non-uniform
pollution or wetting, local evaporation may take place due to current heating and dry
bands are formed. The dry bands are stressed electrically to the point of breakdown
and localized arcing occurs across the dry bands. The arcing can degrade the ADSS
cable installation both, due to the energy involved in the arc and due to the chemical
action of the arc products. This process can be continuous in some weather conditions
and can cause the ADSS cable to fail in a relatively short time (i.e., observed time to
failure ranges from two months to ten months).
aerial wires are typically rated using the maximum I2t value. Also, it appears that the
fault current testing stipulated in IEEE Standard 1138 is not representative of the use of
OPGW aerial wires in the field. It can be argued that a full asymmetric fault lasting for
30 cycles is difficult to find at the average utility and almost impossible to produce
under laboratory conditions. Our experience shows that faults are mostly symmetrical
(i.e., if DC offset does occur it usually decays in 1 to 2 cycles). Consequently, as long as
the I2t rating is verified the shape of the simulated fault is unimportant.
Protection of the fibers against lightning strikes is provided by the outer layer of the
OPGW or the metal layer of the fiber optic cable, which should be at least 2 mm (5/64
inch) thick. The fiber itself can tolerate very high temperatures, but thermal
performance of plastic tubes, fiber coatings and aluminum or aluminum coated steel
wires needs to be carefully considered.
Table 1-3
Conductor Creep Rates
Typical Creep Rates of 795-kcmil Electrical Conductor
Tension @ 15% UTS
Regulatory Considerations
Standards are typically provided to assist both manufacturers and users of a specific
technology in providing a common understanding of production and performance
requirements. Standards applicable to the high-voltage transmission industry
discussed in the following sections are the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), the
standards and guides developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE), and the standards mandated by the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC). It should be understood that there are also a number of other standardizing
bodies involved in this particular technology that address subjects such as quality
control and communication protocols. In addition, individual utilities and states
develop their own regulations in certain areas of the industry. However, a discussion
of these related standards is beyond the scope of this document.
State of Practice
The IEEE Standard 1138-1994 IEEE Standard Construction of Composite Fiber Optic Ground
Wire (OPGW) for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines (2) addresses the construction of
OPGW aerial wires. The IEEE Draft P1222 Standard All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber
Optic Cable (ADSS) for Use on Overhead Utility Lines (not yet published) includes a
variety of tests to evaluate the performance of non-metallic aerial optical cable under
laboratory conditions. Standardized tests evaluate the transmission, mechanical, and
electrical performance of the cables and include among others, tracking resistance,
galloping, and aeolian vibration tests. Most of the tests included in the standard are
very much aligned with the standard tests typically performed on OPGW aerial wires,
which are significantly different in construction from ADSS and WRAP aerial cables.
While the current draft standard addresses minimum performance requirements, it
does not address analysis, design, or installation issues of using aerial fiber optical
cables and wires in high voltage corridors.
At the international level, the IEC and related bodies provide standards that address
optical fibers, aerial cables, connectors, couplers, switches, relays, and others. IEC
Technical Committee 86A (TC 86A) covers the development of recommendations for
optical fibers and cables while TC 86 B addresses fiber optic interconnecting devices
and passive components. At the same time, IEC publication 793 establishes a set of
uniform requirements for the geometrical, optical, transmission, mechanical, and
environmental properties of optical fibers that are used in telecommunication
IEC publication 794 covers the manufacturing and performance of fiber optic cables.
The first part contains measurement methods to determine mechanical and
environmental characteristics. The second part describes single fiber cables for indoor
use with applications such as transmission equipment, telephone equipment, data
processing equipment, and communication and transmission networks. Finally, the
third part of the publication regulates construction issues, acceptable dimensions, and
The IEC also has standards for related equipment such as attenuators, connectors,
switches, and splices. IEC publication 869 describes the optical, mechanical, and
environmental test and measurement methods used for the evaluation of optical
attenuators. IEC 874 describes requirements for optical detachable connectors. IEC 875
specifies minimum requirements for optical branching devices that typically do not
contain opto-electronic or other transducing elements. Last, IEC publication 876
describes minimum performance requirements and optical, mechanical, and
environmental test methods for fiber optic switches.
State of Practice
integration of aerial fiber optic cables or wires into high voltage corridors. Based on the
review, it appears that a significant amount of information and utility experience exists
in the literature. Unfortunately, the majority of the information is distributed through a
large amount of reference material that makes it extremely difficult and time
consuming for most utility engineers to use the information productively in todays
competitive business environment.
Product Description
Optical fibers provide the communications medium of aerial fiber optic cables and
wires. By its very nature, optical fibers are extremely fragile when drawn into a hairlike strand. In order to operate as a reliable high quality component, the fiber must be
free of impurities and protected from mechanical stresses.
An optical fiber is composed of a light guiding core surrounded by cladding. Both the
core and the cladding are typically made of high purity glass typically derived from
doped germanium or pure silica. The core and the cladding are then surrounded by
one or two protective coatings of Acrylate that improves the strength characteristics of
the optical fibers.
Two main types of optical fiber exist: a) single mode; b) multi mode. In a single mode
optical fiber, the fiber core is small enough that only one mode of light can travel
through the core at any one time. In a multi mode fiber, the fiber core is large enough
that multiple modes of light can travel through the core at different paths and lengths.
It should be noted that the attenuation of the signal in single mode is significantly
lower than in multi mode fibers. Consequently, in power utilities, where fiber optic
systems are usually point to point over large distances, single mode fibers are preferred
since they require substantially fewer repeater stations which reduces the cost of a
communication system significantly. Additionally, single mode fiber also has a higher
data transmission capacity than multi mode fiber.
When combined with a method of construction suitable to the high strength, high
voltage environment of utility corridors, aerial fiber optic cables and wires provide
superior performance and reliability in communication networks because:
Aerial fiber optic cables and any related equipment can be electrically insulated
from system components.
State of Practice
Fiber optic technology offers extremely high transmission capacity which can result
in data transfer of information at rates of up to 3 gigabytes per second (Gbps).
2.2.1 Manufacturers
There are a number of manufacturers (i.e., an attempt was made to identify suppliers of
major presence in the North American marketplace; no attempt has been made to
provide a complete list of all suppliers) that currently produce aerial fiber optic ADSS,
OPGW, and WRAP cables that can be used in high voltage corridors. These
manufacturers, listed in alphabetical order, are:
Alcoa-Fujikura, Ltd.
BICC Cables
Brugg Telecom
SIECOR Corporation
SIMPLEX Technologies
Alcoa-Fujikura, Ltd. is a total systems provider of passive fiber optic products to the
telecommunication, cable TV, electric utility, and data communication industries. The
company was founded in 1985 and constitutes a joint venture between Alcoa, Inc., and
Fujikura Limited. Alcoa-Fujikura, Ltd provides fiber optic cables, fusion splicers,
connectors, accessories, and engineering and support services.
The BICC Cables group is an international business conglomerate providing products
and services for infrastructure development in power, communications, building, and
transport. In the past, BICC has produced cables for energy, telecommunications,
electronic, and high-performance aerospace and defense applications.
The Brugg Telecom group of companies have manufactured cables since 1896, situated
in the Swiss town of Brugg just west of Zurich, Switzerland. Brugg Telecom has
manufactured fiber optic cables since the early eighties at various locations including
Switzerland, United States of America, Australia, and Israel.
FOCAS Inc, originally founded as a division of Raychem Corporation, is currently a
division of the Cookson Group, a multi-national materials company headquartered in
England and the United States of America. FOCAS offers a wide variety of ADSS,
OPGW, and WRAP aerial cables designed for use in high voltage corridors.
State of Practice
State of Practice
Figure 2-1
Loose Tube Buffered Fiber FRP Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4)
Figure 2-2
Central Maxi Tube Loose Fiber Aramide Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4)
Figure 2-3
Loose/Buffered Tube Messenger Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4)
State of Practice
There are a number of different construction methods used to produce ADSS aerial
cables. Figure 2-1 shows an ADSS cable consisting of loose tube buffered fibers
stranded around a glass fiber reinforced plastic core surrounded by the inner sheath.
Stranded glass or Aramide fibers are applied beneath the outer sheath. Figure 2-2
shows an ADSS cable consisting of a central maxi tube accommodating up to about 24
loosely housed optical fibers. Typically, fibers are inserted into the maxi tube in the
manufacturing process with an overlength to avoid excessive fiber stresses.
Figure 2-4
Grooved/Hollow Glass Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4)
Figure 2-3 shows an ADSS cable with a loose or tightly buffered optical bundle
supporting by a stranded glass or Aramide messenger wire. Typically, the optical unit
is connected to the messenger wire at intervals with molded sheath stays.
Figure 2-5
Loose/Buffered Tube Glass Reinforced ADSS Cable (Reference 4)
Figure 2-4 shows an ADSS aerial cable made of a grooved or hollow glass fiber
reinforcing rod surrounded by an outer sheath. The optical fibers are typically
embedded in an optical fiber ribbon that rests in the groove of the reinforcing rod.
State of Practice
Figure 2-5 shows an ADSS aerial cable that consists of multiple glass or Aramide
strength members and loose tube buffered fiber cables stranded together inside the
outer sheath. Typically, this design process shows to be very flexible which makes it
most suitable for applications that require a small turning radius.
State of Practice
The metallic wires have to give the OPGW aerial cable enough conductivity to carry
fault currents, and the strength to withstand mechanical stresses. Therefore, aluminum,
aluminum alloy, galvanized steel, aluminum clad steel wires or a combination of any of
them are typically used. Two armoring layers can be used to prevent the effects of
residual torsion from the laying of the strands, while if a single layer is used it is
recommended to use an anti-rotation device during installation. At the same time, the
use of two layers of stranding results in a smaller temperature change in the ground
wire as a result of a fault current or lightning strike.
The OPGW aerial wire shown in Figure 2-6 takes advantage of plastic tube construction
in which the optical fibers are placed loosely with overlength. This particular cable
design is relatively sensitive to temperature changes and has a relatively low crush
resistance. However, in most cases it is possible to reverse any deformations incurred
on the aerial wire. The maximum number of optical fibers for this construction is
typically limited to 12 fibers.
Figure 2-6
Stranded Plastic Tubes - Plastic Sheath OPGW (Reference 4)
The OPGW in Figure 2-7 demonstrates a typical maxi tube design in which the fibers
are housed loosely with overlength. This design typically requires a very sticky
compound to avoid fiber and compound movement that can make the compound
unworkable in low temperature conditions. Crush resistance is usually relatively low
but deformations are reversible once they occur. Fiber counts of up to 48 fibers are
possible and splicing is usually achieved quickly.
Figure 2-8 shows a later evolution of an OPGW construction incorporating a straight
plastic tube. The hollow channel is shaped in a spiral inside the tube to emulate
stranding. Optical fibers are usually loosely housed and the oval channel is filled with
State of Practice
Figure 2-7
Straight Plastic Maxi Tube - Plastic Sheath OPGW (Reference 4)
Figure 2-8
Straight Plastic Tube - Spiraling Hollow Channel OPGW (Reference 4)
Figure 2-9
Stranded Plastic Tubes - Aluminum Tube OPGW (Reference 4)
State of Practice
a compound. As a result of the small channel, a filling compound can be used that
exhibits a good temperature range eliminating the problems associated with the design
shown in Figure 2-7 (i.e., sticky compound). Controlled optical fiber overlength (i.e.,
the length of fibers in excess of the strength member length) of up to 48 fibers is
obtained by the biasing of the fiber and the stranding. The crush resistance of this
particular design is usually high and deformations are reversible in most cases.
The OPGW design shown in Figure 2-9 is characteristic of the original OPGW design
that combines the use of stranded plastic tubes and a central aluminum tube. The
stranded plastic tubes containing the optical fibers are loosely housed inside an
aluminum tube but can also be stranded around a central element. Tubes are usually
filled with a compound and fiber overlength is controlled through biasing and
stranding. Typically, crush resistance is relatively high but deformations are
irreversible and collapse of the tube is possible if minimum bending radius of wire is
not carefully maintained. Fiber counts of up to 36 fibers are typical but the splicing
process is relatively slow.
The OPGW aerial wire design shown in Figure 2-10 utilizes a central helically grooved
core of aluminum surrounding compound filled plastic buffer tubes that contain the
primary coated optical fibers. Typically, the optical fibers are not strained since they
move radialy whenever the conductor changes length. This type of design has a very
high crush resistance and is relatively easy to splice. This design allows for very high
fiber counts with diameters comparable to traditional ground wires.
The OPGW in Figure 2-11 has a grooved or slotted aluminum spacer in which optical
fibers are packed inside compound filled grooves. Typically, the fibers are packed
relatively tight (i.e., little or no overlength). However, with low fiber counts it is also
possible to pack the fibers loosely. Crush resistance is usually very high but
deformations can not be reversed once they occur. Fiber counts of up to 48 fibers are
possible, but the aluminum tube and spacer can get very hot during a fault which may
require special fiber coatings.
The OPGW aerial wire in Figure 2-12 utilizes loosely packed optical fibers inside thin,
small diameter compound filled steel tube(s). Typically, the steel tubes are welded and
the optical fibers are inserted with overlength. The crush resistance of these OPGW
wires is relatively good, but any deformations are irreversible. Splicing of the cable is
efficient and the use of the aluminum strands prevents significant temperature changes
as a result of a fault.
State of Practice
Figure 2-10
Slotted Aluminum Spacer - Non Metallic Buffer Tubes OPGW (Reference 4)
Figure 2-11
Grooved Aluminum Spacer - Aluminum Tube OPGW (Reference 4)
Figure 2-12
Thin Steel Tube OPGW (Reference 4)
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Figure 2-13
WRAP Aerial Fiber Optic Cables (Reference 105)
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Wind tunnel tests (1, 7, 44, 51, 68) have shown that there are no aerodynamic
instabilities such as un-iced galloping associated with the addition of WRAP aerial
cables on conductors and ground wires. To the contrary, it was determined that the
helical wrapping tends to reduce the level of aeolian vibration and the incidence of iced
galloping if compared to the performance of standard ground wires. Generally, an
attempt is made to limit the diameter of the WRAP aerial cable to 1/3 of the diameter of
the support wire. Experience has shown (45, 103) that this will not result in any
appreciable differences (i.e, less than 20 %) in the magnitude of the ice and wind loads
calculated for most spans.
Salt Fog/Erosion Test (The objective of the test is to determine the resistance of
ADSS and WRAP aerial cables and associated hardware to the effects of erosion and
tracking. Typically, components are subjected to the maximum mechanical and
electrical stresses expected to be encountered during the life cycle of the component.
The test is particularly important where ADSS or WRAP aerial cables are to be
installed on power lines with voltages greater than 138-kV.)
State of Practice
Attenuation IEC 793-1 (Addresses the loss per km in dBs for carrying wavelengths,
temperatures, etc.. Particularly, the attenuation performance of the first and second
window is critical to the overall performance.)
Temperature Cycling Test IEC 793-1-D1 (Identifies the performance of optical fiber
at varying temperatures.)
Other Parameters (Further specifications are usually defined that address the Cutoff Wave Length IEC 793-1-C7, Mode Field Diameter IEC 793-1-C9, Fiber Dispersion
IEC 793-1-C5, Numerical Aperture IEC 793-1-C6, and Macrobending Sensitivity IEC
Typically, the optical fiber proof test which establishes the durability of the fiber is
used as an accepted reference by manufacturers. This test is usually carried out strictly
in accordance with IEC 793-1-B1. Specifications for other parameters usually
considered include:
IEC 793-1-B3
IEC 793-1-B4
Visual Examination
IEC 793-1-B5
Core Concentricity
IEC 793-1-A3
IEC 793-1-B6
Generally, ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP aerial fiber optic cables and wires to be used in
the electric utility industry are tested at least three different times during the
manufacturing process. First, each cable and wire design should be thoroughly tested
prior to full-scale production to verify the design of the component. Second,
production run samples should be continuously sampled at random and tested to
evaluate the performance of the manufactured product. Last, tests should be
performed on site just prior and after the installation to evaluate the performance of
the components as well as of the communication system.
State of Practice
The qualification tests typically carried out are dependent on the environmental
conditions that are expected to be encountered during the service life of the product.
Additionally, the anticipated method of installation will also define the magnitude of
the mechanical stresses acting on the cable that have to be verified during the
qualification test period. Most of the qualification tests that are usually required in the
characterization of a cable or wire are described in detail in IEC 794 or in the applicable
IEEE standard for OPGW aerial cables. The IEC 794 qualification tests are:
Aeolian Vibration Test (The objective of the aeolian vibration test is to assess the
fatigue performance of the cable and the optical characteristics of the optical fibers
when subjected to aeolian vibrations.)
Cold Temperature Flexure Test (As well as cyclic bending and flexibility tests
carried out in accordance with IEC 794-1-E6, are usually conducted to ascertain the
flexing of cables or wires at low temperatures, typically at a temperature equal to
the minimum expected working temperature of the fiber element.)
Corrosion Salt Fog Test (The objective of the corrosion test is to assess the
mechanical degradation of the metal components in an accelerated life simulation
using a salt fog environment.)
Creep Test (The objective of the creep test is to evaluate the long term sag-tension
behavior of the aerial cable under controlled conditions. The creep test should be
performed for a minimum of 1000 hours at 50 % of the maximum working load.
Usually, elongation and time are monitored and recorded.)
Crush Resistance (The objective of this test is to evaluate the crush resistance of an
ADSS, OPGW, or WRAP aerial cable. Usually, tests are carried out in accordance
with IEC 794-1-E3.)
Cut-Through Test (This is a specific test for polymer coated cables. The objective of
this test is to examine and evaluate the ability to withstand damage caused by
pressure from sharp abrasive edges.)
Impact Test (Test make-up varies for different cable and wire types. The standard
impact test should be performed in accordance with IEC 794-1-E4.)
State of Practice
Temperature Cycling Test (This test is used to assess the suitability of cables or
wires to operate at various temperatures. Usually, attenuation measurements are
taken at various stages during the test procedure. The test should be performed in
accordance with IEC 794-1-F1.)
Torsion Test (The objective of the test is to assess the cable or wires torsional
characteristics including the susceptibility to twist under tensile loading. The test
should be performed in accordance with IEC 794-1-E7.)
Water Blocking Test (This test is designed to examine the effects of water
penetration in the presence of sheath damage on the aerial cable or wire. The test
should be performed in accordance with IEC 794-1-F5.)
Routine testing is usually carried out by the manufacturer at various stages throughout
the production of the optical cable. The information obtained from routine testing can
be used by the manufacturer and the customer to inspect the ongoing quality and
reliability of the product to be used in the high voltage corridor. Also, these tests
prevent the manufacturing of fiber optic cable with marginal properties.
Normally, the customer accepts the cables or wires in the field with an attached factory
test report. However, most customers require additional attenuation checks on the
fibers that are normally carried out with an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
(OTDR) to verify the performance of the optical cable just prior to installation. Once
the installation has been completed, another attenuation check is performed on each
fiber to verify the functionality of the installed system.
State of Practice
Table 2-1
Typical System Cost
Fiber Count
(24 Fibers)
Total Cost
Fiber Count
(48 Fibers)
Type of Cable/Wire
Total Cost
Type of Cable/Wire
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State of Practice
Electrical Considerations
2.3.1 Placement
The location of an ADSS cable must be selected to permit adequate clearances from the
phase and ground conductors and to minimize the electric field on the sheath (1, 32, 79,
103). Additionally, placement of ADSS aerial cables is determined by other factors that
include clearances to ground, the electric field strength or the space potential to which
the cable will be exposed, and the strength of the structural attachment point.
The strength of the electric field or the value of the space potential at the location of the
ADSS cable is a deciding factor in applications at voltages greater than 230-kV (8, 14,
85). Although, ADSS cables have been installed successfully in many cases at voltages
up to 150-kV, several early designs installed at higher voltages (i.e., 230-kV and above)
suffered significant damage close to the grounded supports. It has been argued (7, 8,
15, 23, 29, 33) that capacitively induced voltages drive currents along the cable sheath
causing dry band arcing and eventual thermally induced damage to the cable sheath.
Other damage mechanisms include degradation of the ADSS cable by corona activities
at the tips of armor rods and other hardware, and corona on water droplets under wet
Placement of OPGW aerial cables is typically determined by their alternate function as
ground or shield wire. The OPGW is placed in the normal location of the ground
wires, since it is intended to serve two different functions. WRAP aerial cables are also
normally wrapped around the regular ground wire. Hence, WRAP aerial cables are
subjected to the same environment as OPGW aerial cables. The two functions served
by OPGW and WRAP cables are:
State of Practice
optical cables and wires. At a minimum, a 2-D space potential calculation should be
used to identify the most suitable placement location for standard and angle
suspension structures. At the same time, it should be realized that a more rigorous 3-D
analysis may allow the placement of ADSS cables in potentials up to 40 kV (i.e.,
calculated in a 2-D analysis) by considering the shielding effect of the transmission
The problems observed in the field resulted in limited research work both in Europe
and the United States. Using a 3-D field calculation program, Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) determined the electrical field distribution around the towers
and at the ends of the armor rod assemblies. The model included the tower,
conductors and fiber optic cable armor rods. The field calculation verified that corona
is likely to occur at the tips of the armor rods whenever the ends of the armor rods do
not all terminate at the same location along the length of the cable. BPA and other
utilities have observed corona caused deterioration on fiber optic cables installed on
345-kV or 500-kV transmission lines. In one instance, corona discharges severed the
cable after only a few months of operation.
BPA sponsored a project at Arizona State University (ASU) in 1995-1996 to perform
experimental studies and identify the severity of the corona caused fiber optic cable
deterioration. The field conditions of a high voltage line were replicated in the high
voltage laboratory and nine cable assemblies were tested for more than 4000 hours.
The results of the experiment showed that corona discharge can produce a dangerous
deterioration of fiber optic cables. The appearance of deterioration in the laboratory is
similar to the deterioration observed in the field. The amount of deterioration depends
on the field strength and the duration of exposure. The amount of deterioration
roughly correlates with the intensity of the partial discharges, measured in Coulombs.
The test results suggest that the corona punctures the cable jacket after seven to ten
years, assuming linear degradation.
The discussions during a recent EPRI workshop (December 12, 1996, Arizona State
University) indicated that the failure of ADSS fiber optic cables in high electric field
environments is an industry-wide problem. Houston Light and Power, Consolidated
Edison in New York and other utilities in England and Germany observed problems
similar to those of BPA. The analysis of failures and of the results of the BPA/ASU and
manufacturer performed tests revealed that long term exposure to high electric fields
initially causes cable jacket surface discoloration, followed by surface erosion, then the
puncture of the jacket, and ultimately the severing of the cable. Two physical
phenomena are thought to cause the cable failures:
Corona discharge at the tips of assembly rods that are not all terminated at the same
location on the cable (i.e., one rod sticks out further than others); and,
State of Practice
Dry band arcing on the surface of the cable under polluted conditions
2.3.3 Corona
The outer plastic sheath of an ADSS aerial cable is subject to erosion by discharges
when placed in the electric field of the phase conductors of the overhead power line
(12, 17, 18). While the influence is negligible at lower voltage levels, problems have
been observed on lines with higher voltage ratings. Typically, the surface of the ADSS
cable sheath changes in appearance and structure near the dead end and armor grip
suspension points. These changes indicated a degradation of the ADSS sheath surface.
Typically, the damage of the sheath, normally black with high density polyethylene,
arises within a few weeks to months. Consequently, the sheath material of ADSS aerial
cables must be resistant to electrical discharges.
State of Practice
Laboratory tests (9) showed significant changes in the mechanical properties of some
ADSS jacket materials after 2000 hours of exposure. It appears that jacket materials
with efficient combinations of Alumina Tryhydride, UV stabilizer, and cross-link
density have a sufficient resistance to tracking in space potentials of up to 25 kV.
Several methods of preventing or diminishing corona activities on ADSS aerial cables
exist (19, 27). One method consists of placing metallic electrodes on the ADSS cable in
the high electric stress regions. The electrodes provide a path for discharges away from
the cable surface, which protects the cable. However, the applicability of this
mitigation method for ADSS aerial cables has not yet been put to practice and should
be evaluated in a realistic environment for an extended time period. A second method
consists of the placement of large doughnut-shaped devices, usually cylindrical in
shape, on the cable to provide shielding from the high electric fields and to prevent
discharges that can damage the cable.
Apart from the traditional issues related to corona on normal ground wires, there are
no additional considerations related to corona for OPGW. The optical fibers in the
OPGW are shielded from electric field and corona activities, and the fibers are
inherently immune to electric disturbances from corona activities on the OPGW.
Similarly, the WRAP cable also does not present any corona related problems beyond
the traditional considerations of minimizing corona on ground wires and attachment
2.3.4 Insulation
The sheaths of ADSS cables installed freely suspended on power lines are subjected to
electrical activity. The surface leakage currents are modest, but they may be driven by
substantial capacitively coupled voltages. In misty conditions, or during drying after
rainfall, large potential differences can appear across small lengths of dry cable,
causing local arcing. ADSS aerial cables adjacent to grounded fittings are particularly
vulnerable. Of course, surface leakage currents and the voltages available for dry band
arcing are a function of the system voltage, the line geometry, and the location of the
ADSS cable.
The ADSS cable is normally installed ten to twenty feet below the phase wires. It
parallels the phase wires and is subject to induced voltages. For this reason, the
construction of the ADSS should not include metallic components such as steel strands
for mechanical strength. At the structures, the ADSS is supporting by armor rods. The
armor rods surround the cable, distributing the mechanical loads more evenly.
Although the armor rod assemblies are grounded, they are subjected to a high electric
field (8, 14). Particularly high field concentrations have been observed at the tips of the
individual rods of the assembly. This high field may initiate corona discharge, which
can endanger the fiber optic cable. In the field utilities observed corona caused
deterioration on fiber optic cables installed on 345-kV or 500-kV transmission lines.
State of Practice
Additional insulation on the ADSS does not solve this problem. In order to avoid
degradation due to corona, the ADSS should be placed in locations with low electric
field as previously discussed in Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.
Since the ADSS is normally installed below the phase wires, it is not typically subject to
lightning strikes. Also, since the ADSS normally does not contain metallic parts, there
are no issues related to ground loops or GPR. However, the insulation of the ADSS
may become sufficiently contaminated to conduct axial current that may pose a hazard
to personnel. Outer insulation of the ADSS should be selected to avoid this problem if
possible, and maintenance personnel should be trained to recognize the possible
hazards and to treat the contaminated ADSS as a conducting cable if necessary or as
required by local safety regulations.
The OPGW can be electrically bonded to the grounded structure or it's grounding
system, or it can be electrically insulated from ground. Insulated ground wires were
used traditionally as part of Power Line Carrier (PLC) communications systems, or as a
means of reducing system losses by eliminating induced ground wire currents. The
PLC communications option becomes obsolete since the OPGW can be used for utility
communications, but some old systems may still use PLC systems to avoid retrofit
costs. In either case, however, the OPGW does not present new or unusual insulation
problems as far as the OPGW itself is concerned.
The fiber optic cable is not specifically insulated from the metal strands of the OPGW.
The optical performance of the fiber optic cable is not affected by small radial or axial
potential differences on the cable. Protection against lightning strikes is provided by
the outer layer strands of the OPGW or the outer layer of the fiber optic cable, which
should be at least 2 mm (5/64 inch) thick. Issues of insulation from local grounds to
avoid ground loops in the communications electronics, and from Ground Potential Rise
(GPR) effects are covered in separate sections of this report.
Similar to OPGW, the WRAP fiber optic cable can be electrically bonded to the
grounded structure or it's grounding system, or it can be electrically insulated from
ground. The WRAP cable can be insulated from structures and grounding systems in
order to serve as part of PLC communications systems, or as a means of reducing
system losses by eliminating induced ground wire currents. The PLC communications
option becomes obsolete since the wrap-type itself can be used for utility
communications, but some old systems may still use PLC systems to avoid retrofit
costs. In either case, however, the WRAP aerial cable does not present new or unusual
insulation problems as far as the cable itself is concerned.
State of Practice
2.3.6 Grounding
Since the ADSS used in high voltage environments does not contain metallic parts,
there is no question of grounding the cable. However, it must be recognized that the
ADSS aerial cable is mechanically attached to grounded parts at each structure. These
grounded parts include the structure members, clamps and armor rods. Also, since the
ADSS is placed in the electric field of the energized phase conductors, significant
induced voltages may be developed on the cable. This is important from the viewpoint
of ADSS cable aging and safety of personnel working in the cable while the line
remains energized.
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Mechanical Considerations
2.4.1 Placement
The location of an ADSS or OPGW aerial cable, based on mechanical considerations,
must be selected to permit adequate clearances from the other phase and ground
conductors to avoid any mid-span clashing of the aerial optical cables with the phase
conductors and/or ground wires. The initial planning process requires that a decision
is made regarding the fixing point of the cable on each tower of the system. The actual
support point should be chosen after an evaluation of the following issues:
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State of Practice
installations. The higher vibration amplitudes are commonly attributed to lower unit
mass (i.e., aluminum construction) and lower self-damping (i.e., solid or hollow tube
core construction) of the ADSS cable.
Aeolian vibration fatigue tests (23, 51, 73, 95) on a limited number of OPGW fiber optic
wires have been performed for up to 108 cycles at frequencies of 36 Hz with bending
strains of +/- 150 micro-strain. OPGW fiber optic wire tensions in these limited tests
were held constant at 20 % of the conductors ultimate strength. Results showed no
breakage of optical fibers or significant signal attenuation during any of the tests.
Dissection of the conductor revealed no wire breaks and only minimal wear on the
wires and on the alloy tube in the area of the suspension clamp. However, of ten armor
rod strands, four had fractured at the suspension clamp. Although this reduces the
subsequent protection that the armor rods extend to the composite conductor it is
commonly concluded that 10 cycles are representative of a reasonable life for such a
component. For example, if the component vibrates at 2 Hz, the expected life of the
component equals approximately 1.6 years.
The self damping characteristics of the OPGW wires are adequate to keep the microstrain below +/- 150 at higher frequencies (i.e., more than 90 Hz). However, additional
damping may be required at the lower frequencies. For excessive aeolian vibration,
dampers attached to each span typically provide sufficient damping to minimize the
risk of fatigue failures. While the normal Stockbridge damper has been adopted for
OPGW aerial cables and optical phase conductors, a rigid plastic helical configuration
is used for ADSS cables. For ADSS cables it is important that the damper is fitted
tightly to the cable to prevent it from working loose and sliding along the cable.
Currently there is little known about the vibration tendencies of ADSS, OPGW, and
WRAP type fiber optic cables and only limited field studies have been performed to
evaluate the aeolian vibration performance of these cables. Based on limited data (23,
51, 73, 95), it appears that similar to traditional conductors and ground wires the
vibration severity increases as the tension increases. However, at present, endurance
limits for ADSS, OPGW, and WRAP cables have not been identified. Therefore, it is
not clear at which point fatigue and failure will occur. It is estimated that steel or
aluminum cables exposed to vibration levels would experience fatigue failures within
10 years which is of course substantially less than the typically expected service life of
25 years.
2.4.6 Galloping
Sag-tension analyses are typically used to calculate and plot the galloping ellipses for
ADSS and OPGW aerial cables. A plot of the galloping ellipses displays the clearances
required to avoid flashover during galloping. Galloping ellipses of ADSS cables differ
significantly from ellipses predicted for comparable phase conductors and ground
wires (50, 53, 62). It is estimated that the galloping ellipses of ADSS aerial cable are
State of Practice
significantly smaller than for traditional ground wire and phase conductors.
Consequently, it is recommended to further study the phenomena and define the
dynamic behavior of ADSS fiber optic aerial cables more accurately.
The galloping ellipse design method, traditionally used for phase conductors and
shield wires, is based upon observed behavior of actual galloping events on
transmission lines over many years. However, manufacturers of ADSS cable claim that
the propensity of ADSS aerial cable to galloping is significantly lower than for
traditional phase conductors and ground wires. Nevertheless, lacking any more
detailed information, the galloping behavior of ADSS cables is commonly assumed to
be comparable to traditional wires (i.e., conservative assumption).
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State of Practice
armor grip suspensions. Also, the dampers used on ADSS cables are almost exclusively
spiral vibration dampers.
For OPGW conductors with two or more layers of strands, whether installing by
tension stringing or slack pulling methods no additional precautions are required
beyond those normally associated with good practice in the handling and erection of
conductors for high voltage lines. For OPGW with a single layer of strands there is a
tendency to unwind during tension stringing, with a consequent increase in length that
reduces the value of the designed strain margin. Therefore, procedures must be
adopted to restrain this tendency by utilizing an anti-rotational device at the leading
end of the conductor. This in turn will require the use of open-sided running blocks.
Additionally, the arrangement for terminating the conductor at tension towers must
restrain the conductors tendency to untwist.
In optical fiber transmission lines, one of the most important considerations is how
splicing operations can be simplified and how the time for such splicing can be
shortened to reduce installation cost. A number of aerial fiber optic connectors have
been designed in the recent past and evaluated in limited field installations. Based on
the evaluation it appears that significant cost savings can be achieved.
WRAP fiber optic cables are typically easy to install even in relatively difficult terrain
and eliminate the need for guard structures to avoid obstructions such as power lines,
railways, and roads. At the same time, the universal applicability of the WRAP
installation process easily facilitates shield wires and conductors of varying size which
reduces procurement and inventory cost. However, the WRAP type cable must have
the right combination of strength and flexibility to be installed at the correct tension.
Also, the added projected area can reduce the allowable wind span by up to 20 percent.
Furthermore, good tracking and heat resistance are an important consideration to
ensure that a WRAP cable can resist temperatures in excess of 100GC (212GC ) caused by
a lightning strike or fault current in the conductor.
The installation of WRAP type cables is usually done by a cable wrapping machine that
spins a cable reel as it travels along the conductor or shield wire. It is important that
the cable wrapping machine is fitted with a counter-balance system that keeps the
machine in balance along the span as the optical cable is dispensed. Additionally, it is
critical that the cable tension control system of the wrapping machine is capable of
maintaining the correct tension even on steep inclines and declines.
Typically 40 km (25 miles) or greater repeater spacing is achievable with single-mode
fiber, which is less expensive than multi-mode fiber, operating at 1300 nm. The
repeater spacing can be readily extended if the single-mode fibers are operated at 1550
nm, for which the attenuation of the installed fiber typically does not exceed 0.3 dB/km
(0.48 dB/mile). The maximum repeater spacing for multi-mode fiber ranges from 7.5
State of Practice
km (4.7 miles) to 25 km (15.5 miles) for wavebands ranging from 850 to 1300 nm
respectively at a nominal rate of 34 Mbit/s.
2.5.1 Equipment
Fiber optic aerial cable and wire are normally supplied on either wooden or metal
reels. The type and construction of the reel stand determine the methods and tools
required for handling. Reels must be supporting by either an axle or from above with
the help of a spreader bar. The stand has to have a tensioner to supply the required
back tension to the aerial cable. The stand should be selected to accommodate the cable
reel dimensions and gross weight. Some standard reels are not designed to withstand
the forces developed by braking during high tension stringing operations.
Consequently, direct tension stringing from the reel at aerial cable installation stringing
tensions should not be attempted unless the stand and reel has been designed
appropriately. However, the cable may be pulled directly from the reel stand if slack
stringing methods are used that allow only minimal tension to be applied.
Both, bullwheel and reel type pulling machines can be used to install fiber optic cable.
However, the pulling and braking system should be operated smoothly to prevent any
sudden jerking or bouncing of the cable during the installation. Pullers and tensioners
should be equipped with tension indicating and limiting devices to prevent any
overstress in the aerial cable. Reels are typically stored in the same manner and
environment considered appropriate for conductor and ground wire reels.
Equipment used in the installation such as sheaves should be dimensioned in such a
manner that the diameter of the sheave is not less than 0.3 m (12 inches) at mid-span
suspension points and 0.5 m (20 inches) at angles in excess of 25 degrees. The
minimum radius and depth of the sheave groove is recommended to be 75 percent
larger and 25 percent deeper than the diameter of the cable, respectively.
State of Practice
At all times during the pull, the operator of the tensioner should monitor the tension
measured in the cable to assure that the maximum pulling tension is not exceeded.
Generally, the pulling tension of the cable should never exceed 50 percent of the
maximum initial sagging tension.
State of Practice
circuit outages and the effects of roads, railways, low voltage lines and other
obstructions are minimized.
Experience with stringing ground and phase wires indicates that significant induced
currents (as high as 500 A) can occur when stringing is performed near other energized
lines (23, 103, 111). Hence, stringing of OPGW and WRAP cables live (i.e., when the
line is energized) needs to recognize this hazard and suitable precautions need to be
taken. The precautions normally include the use of running grounds, i.e., roller
assemblies that allow the cable being strung to pass through well-grounded rollers
under sufficient tension to maintain good continuous contact. The running ground
assemblies are grounded to structure steel and/or driven ground rods. Depending on
the section length of the cable being strung, the running grounds may need to be placed
in several locations, i.e., at the bullwheel and on several towers along the line.
The use of running grounds on the OPGW is the same as for regular ground wires.
However, the WRAP cable presents the problem of continuity of contact to the ground
wire. Since the optical cable is wrapped around the ground wire, a traditional set of
rollers cannot provide continuous reliable contact, because the rollers must jump
over the non-conductive fiber optic cable. Modified roller assemblies, which allow the
contact rollers to rotate around the periphery of the WRAP cable, can be utilized. This
problem, however, pertains only to the stringing of WRAP cable.
When retrofitting an existing cable by wrapping the fiber optic cable on the existing
(i.e., already strung) ground wire, the problem of induced current is not an issue. The
fiber optic installation is performed by an automated device that is installed on the
ground wire and rides along it in a spiral fashion to wrap the fiber optic cable stored
on-board the device. In this case, caution needs to be exercised by workers when
installing and removing the device on the ground wire, but this procedure does not
require additional safety related considerations beyond those already known and
needed during traditional live work.
Safety equipment for use in stringing operations is addressed in IEC Publication 1328
TR2 Ed.1 (1995) Live working - Installation of transmission line conductors and earthwires Stringing equipment and accessory items, and document 78/186/CD Live working Installation of distribution line conductors - Stringing equipment and accessory items and in
IEEE Standard 524-1992 IEEE Guide for the Installation of Overhead Transmission Line
Installation of ADSS presents its own set of safety considerations. Since the ADSS is not
conductive, the issue of induced current is eliminated. Two other issues arise,
State of Practice
These two issues require totally dissimilar skills and training, but they are brought
together during installation of ADSS on energized lines. At this time, the workers are
typically trained in one or the other, but not both. Often, in fact, the optical work is the
specialty of communications workers while live installation skills are available in the
operations and maintenance groups.
To resolve this dichotomy of requirements, utilities may wish to invest in training
special crews to perform both functions, or to control very strictly the activities and
access of the two groups. For example, one utility utilized maintenance crews skilled in
live working to install the cables on structures under live conditions, and at the same
time restrict the communications workers from approaching the structures. After the
structure work is completed, the communications workers take over and perform the
required connections to the cables on the ground. No guidelines or standards, other
than those developed within individual organizations based on common sense, have
been formulated to date regarding the live installation of ADSS.
State of Practice
State of Practice
Fiber optic system supervision is typically dealt with on two different levels. A
lowering of the transmission quality in the fiber optic communication constitutes a
minor problem, while the loss of transmission capability requires immediate remedial
action by the operator of the system. Transmission characteristics of the optical fiber
and terminal equipment that are usually monitored are:
Multiplexer Characteristics
The electrical safety issues during inspection and maintenance relate also to the fact
that the operations often bring together two previously unrelated technologies and skill
As mentioned in connection with installation of the OPGW, WRAP and ADSS cables,
communications workers are typically not trained in live working procedures, and live
working crews are not skilled in handling delicate fiber optic cables, equipment and
components. No guidelines or standards, other than those developed within
individual organizations based on common sense, have been formulated to date
regarding the live inspection and maintenance of fiber optic installations.
State of Practice
gaseous and solid pollution. Typically, assuming the cable is initially satisfactory,
long-term outdoor exposure may result in one or more of the following adverse effects:
a) changes in the molecular weight of the polymer and modifications of the polymer by
oxidation; b) leaching of plasticizers resulting in embrittlement and possible cracking of
the sheath; and c) leaching and modification of the additives and/or filler materials.
The contributing factors to the degradation are: a) weather (i.e., sun, rain, climate); b)
pollution (i.e., sand, dust, salt, industrial); c) thermal (i.e., temperature changes); and d)
mechanical (i.e., wind, snow, ice).
State of Practice
that can assist the electric utility to identify any potential electrical or mechanical
problems of ADSS, OPGW, or WRAP aerial cables and wires prior to failure.
State of Practice
State of Practice
Primarily, there are three different cable options available to an electric utility that
elects to integrate communications into their existing power transmission system. The
currently available cables and wires that can be used in high voltage corridors are:
Typical material and installation cost are shown in Table 2-1 for aerial cable or wire
with either 24 or 48 optical fibers. The cost of the cable/wire itself and the labor
required in the installation make up the majority of the system development cost.
There has been considerable experience gained with successful OPGW applications in
power transmission corridors at most system voltages. For the most part, with the
exception of aeolian vibration problems, the installation and operation of OPGW aerial
wires has been satisfactory. The application of WRAP cable, although less common
than OPGW, has also been relatively successful. The challenges that have not been
fully resolved yet on WRAP cable include maintaining tension during stringing, control
of contact between the WRAP cable and grounded parts to eliminate induced currents,
and proper application of ground wire clamps to avoid damage to the optical cable
during live work. However, recent applications of ADSS aerial fiber optic cables have
shown that there are a number of technical challenges that remain to be solved to
achieve an acceptable service life.
Inspection and damage assessment tools need to be identified to evaluate the integrity
of aerial cables and wires. These inspection and assessment tools are required by
electric utilities to locate developing problem areas prior to catastrophic failure.
According to some estimates, service interruption of a fully loaded fiber optic cable or
wire can cause the affected carrier losses of up to $1000 per minute. Regular inspection
and reliable damage detection procedures and tools could be used in preventive
maintenance programs that could significantly reduce repair cost and increase the
reliability of the communication system.
Currently, there are no IEEE standards or guidelines that assist the utility engineer in
the planning, installation, operation, and maintenance of fiber optic communication
systems in high voltage corridors. Existing standards and draft standards currently in
existence or under development solely address electrical and mechanical performance
of aerial cables that are mostly suited for quality control in the manufacturing process.
ADSS aerial cables exhibit significantly different creep behavior than traditional phase
or ground conductors. ADSS cables frequently subjected to icing may creep
substantially more than traditional wires that are likely to reduce the service life of the
communication system. Thus, it is recommended to investigate the stress-strain, creep,
and sag-tension characteristics of commonly used ADSS aerial cables to define the long
term performance and expected service life under various field conditions. The results
of such an investigation would allow utility engineers to more accurately define system
capital cost and inspection and maintenance requirements.
Further research is required to more accurately define the aging mechanism and service
life of ADSS aerial cable in the presence of electric fields and ultra-violet (UV)
radiation. It appears that the presence of UV radiation in combination with various
pollutants can significantly accelerate the aging process of ADSS aerial cable resulting
in a significantly shortened service life. Our estimates, at this time, indicate that the
service life of ADSS aerial cables under adverse conditions may be as short as 7 to 10
years rather than the anticipated service life of 20 to 30 years.
It has been determined that the severity of aeolian vibration is proportional to the
tension in the cable. It appears that the level of vibration increases as the tension of
ADSS cable increases. Consequently, for most applications, it is necessary to employ
dampers on ADSS cables for virtually any length of span. Currently, there are a
number of areas that have not yet been clearly defined. These areas are:
Damper Performance
Effects of Hardware
Currently, there are indications that the galloping behavior of ADSS aerial cables may
be significantly different from the galloping behavior of traditional conductors. The
prediction of galloping amplitude, galloping ellipse, and dynamic loads for traditional
conductors is currently based on a very limited number of observations made on
transmission lines in the 1960s. Limited tests indicate that the galloping ellipses of
ADSS aerial cables may be significantly smaller than predicted which would allow the
utility engineer to more accurately define placement locations within the right-of-way.
More data are required to accurately predict:
Galloping Amplitude
Galloping Motion
The severity of aeolian vibrations on OPGW aerial wires is proportional to the tension
in the wire. Limited tests show that the self-damping and fatigue endurance limits of
OPGW aerial wires are noticeably different from comparable values for traditional
conductors. Consequently, for most applications, it is necessary to employ dampers on
OPGW cables for virtually any length of span. Similar to ADSS fiber optic cables, there
are a number of areas that have not yet been clearly defined. These areas are:
Damper Performance
Effects of Hardware
WRAP aerial cables are most frequently attached to the ground wire. The main
problems with this type of cable currently encountered are related to the tension
maintained during the installation process. Based on field experience, it is critical to
maintain the correct tension at all times during the installation. However, currently
there are no clear guidelines addressing the magnitude of the tension and or the
consequences if the tension can not be maintained correctly. More field experiences
should be identified to better define the long term performance of this technology.
Similar to ADSS aerial cables, there are indications that the galloping behavior of
WRAP aerial cables may be significantly different from the galloping behavior of
traditional conductors. Limited tests indicate that the galloping characteristics of
WRAP aerial cables may be significantly different from predicted behavior. More
research should be performed to accurately define:
Galloping Amplitude
Galloping Motion
High temperature conductor operation can result in excessive WRAP tensions when the
aerial cable is installed on the phase conductor. Indications are that this may cause
premature failure of the optical fibers resulting in a complete loss of communications.
Further studies are necessary to identify acceptable combinations of initial wrapping
tensions and temperature changes that do not adversely affect the integrity of the
optical fibers.
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