XYZ Company has developed a quality management system manual to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The manual establishes the company's quality policy, defines the scope and structure of the quality system, and describes management requirements and technical requirements to ensure quality testing and calibration services. It aims to better satisfy customers and improve management of the company in compliance with international standards.
XYZ Company has developed a quality management system manual to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The manual establishes the company's quality policy, defines the scope and structure of the quality system, and describes management requirements and technical requirements to ensure quality testing and calibration services. It aims to better satisfy customers and improve management of the company in compliance with international standards.
XYZ Company has developed a quality management system manual to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The manual establishes the company's quality policy, defines the scope and structure of the quality system, and describes management requirements and technical requirements to ensure quality testing and calibration services. It aims to better satisfy customers and improve management of the company in compliance with international standards.
XYZ Company has developed a quality management system manual to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The manual establishes the company's quality policy, defines the scope and structure of the quality system, and describes management requirements and technical requirements to ensure quality testing and calibration services. It aims to better satisfy customers and improve management of the company in compliance with international standards.
4.5 Su-contractin$ of !ests and )ali-rations................................................................14 4.6 Purc.asin$ Ser*ices and Supplies...........................................................................15 4.7 Ser*ice to t.e )lient..................................................................................................16 4.& )omplaints................................................................................................................17 4./ )ontrol of 0onconformin$ !estin$ and1or )ali-ration 2or3....................................17 4.10 )orrecti*e 4ction.......................................................................................................1& 4.11 Pre*enti*e 4ction......................................................................................................1/ 4.12 )ontrol of Records....................................................................................................1/ 4.1 Internal 4udits...........................................................................................................1/ 4.14 #ana$ement Re*ie+s...............................................................................................1/ XYZ COMPANY ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! XX/XX/XX "A#E % O$ 12 5.0 !ec.nical Re%uirements......................................................................................................20 5.1 !ec.nical Re%uirements 5 6eneral..........................................................................20 5.2 Personnel..................................................................................................................20 5. 4ccommodations and 7n*ironmental )onditions.....................................................21 5.4 !est and )ali-ration #et.ods and #et.od 8alidation.............................................2 5.5 7%uipment.................................................................................................................26 5.6 #easurement !racea-ility.........................................................................................2/ 5.7 Samplin$....................................................................................................................41 5.& 9andlin$ and !ransportation of !est and1or )ali-ration Items................................51 5./ 4ssurin$ t.e Quality of !est and )ali-ration Results...............................................6 5.10 Reportin$ t.e Results...............................................................................................67 XYZ COMPANY ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! XX/XX/XX "A#E & O$ 12 INTRODUCTION :;< )ompany reco$ni(es its responsi-ility as pro*ider of %uality ser*ices. !o end, :;< )ompany .as de*eloped and documented a %uality mana$ement system to -etter satisfy t.e needs of its customers and to impro*e mana$ement of t.e company. !.e %uality system complies +it. t.e international standard IS'1I7) 17025, 1/// and IS' /001=2000. !.is manual .as -een prepared to define t.e %uality system, esta-lis. responsi-ilities of t.e personnel affected -y t.e system, and to pro*ide $eneral procedures for all acti*ities comprisin$ t.e %uality system. In addition, manual is utili(ed for t.e purpose of informin$ our customers of t.e %uality system, and specific controls are implemented to assure ser*ice %uality. !.is manual +ill -e re*ised as necessary to reflect t.e %uality system currently in use. It is issued on a controlled copy -asis to all internal functions affected -y t.e %uality system and on an uncontrolled copy -asis to customers and suppliers> alt.ou$., it can -e issued to customers on a controlled copy -asis upon customer re%uest. ?????????????????????????????????? @0ameA, President 520 Mana1e)ent Re6&i"e)ents 521 O"1ani7ation an' Mana1e)ent XYZ COMPANY ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! XX/XX/XX "A#E 5 O$ 12 4.1.1 :;< )ompany .olds le$al responsi-ility for its operation and is or$ani(ed to operate in accordance +it. t.e re%uirements of IS'1I7) 17025, carryin$ out +or3 in its permanent facilities or on location, at customer sites. 4.1.2 :;< )ompany is not part of an or$ani(ation performin$ acti*ities testin$ and1or cali-ration> t.erefore, t.ere is no potential conflict of interest amon$st its personnel. !.e or$ani(ation of :;< )ompany is illustrated -elo+ in Bi$ure 1. 522 Q&a#it+ S+ste) 52221 Do,&)entation o/ t(e S+ste) !.e Quality #anual is t.e principal document defines t.e %uality system at :;< )ompany. Quality System Procedures are documented to esta-lis. and maintain continuity of eac. acti*ity or function affectin$ %uality. Quality procedures +ill -e readily a*aila-le to personnel for reference and implementation. !.e %uality document structure contains Quality #anual, Quality Procedures, 2or3 Instructions, and Quality Records. 528 Q&a#it+ !o#i,+ 4..1 :;< )ompany Quality Policy= :;< )ompany +ill pro*ide our employees +it. ade%uate procedures to satisfy standards accepta-le to most industrial entities. 2e +ill stri*e to impro*e t.e %uality of our ser*ices at reduced cost and to constantly satisfy t.e eCpectations of our customers and rele*ant a$encies. !.e Senior #ana$ement and Staff of :;< )ompany also underta3e to ensure all acti*ities are conducted in strict accordance +it. company documented procedures and comply +it. t.e re%uirements of t.e IS'1I7) 17025 Standard. Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E 7 O$ 12
525 Revie: o/ Re6&ests. Ten'e"s. an' Cont"a,ts 4.4.1 )ontract1order re*ie+ is an inte$ral part of t.e %uality system at :;< )ompany. 4ll contracts1orders are re*ie+ed and accepted only if t.e re%uirements are clear and understood, and t.e company .as t.e capa-ility and capacity to assure full customer eCpectations. 4.4.2 Records of re*ie+s, includin$ any si$nificant$es, are maintained. 4.4. )ommunications are maintained +it. t.e client from re%uest1%uote t.rou$. commencement of +or3. !.is includes informin$ t.e client of any de*iation from t.e contract. 4.4.4 !.e process for contract re*ie+ is defined in t.e )ontract Re*ie+ Procedure. 52; Cont"o# o/ Non,on/o")in1 Testin1 an'/o" Ca#i0"ation <o"= 4./.1 :;< )ompany .as esta-lis.ed and maintains a policy and procedures are implemented +.en any aspect of its testin$ and1or cali-ration +or3, or t.e results of +or3, do not conform to its o+n procedures or t.e a$reed re%uirements of t.e client. 4./.2 !.e policy and procedures s.all ensure nonconformin$ +or3 or pro-lems do not conform to re%uirements are identified and mana$ed, to pre*ent unintended use or deli*ery. !.is procedure ensures nonDconformin$ +or3 or pro-lems are corrected, +.ere applica-le, and su-Eect to *erification after correction to demonstrate conformity. 2.ere re%uired -y t.e contract, t.e proposed rectification of nonDconformin$ +or3 or pro-lems is reported for concession to t.e customer, t.e end user, re$ulatory -ody, or applica-le aut.ority. 4./. Identification of nonconformin$ +or3 or pro-lems +it. t.e %uality system or +it. testin$ and1or cali-ration acti*ities can occur at *arious points t.e %uality system, and tec.nical operations suc. as customer complaints, %uality control, instrument cali-ration, c.ec3in$ of consuma-le materials, staff o-ser*ations or super*ision, test report and cali-ration certificate c.ec3in$, mana$ement re*ie+s, and internal or eCternal audits. 4./.4 2.ere t.e e*aluation indicates t.e nonconformin$ +or3 could recur or t.ere is dou-t a-out t.e compliance of :;< )ompany operations +it. its o+n policies and procedures, t.e correcti*e actions procedure s.all -e follo+ed to identify t.e root cause@sA of t.e pro-lem and to eliminate Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E ' O$ 12
@t.eseA cause@sA. 4./.5 !.e process for nonconformin$ testin$ and1or cali-ration +or3 is defined in t.e )ontrol of 0onconformin$ !estin$ or )ali-ration 2or3 Procedure. 520 Te,(ni,a# Re6&i"e)ents 521 Te,(ni,a# Re6&i"e)ents > ?ene"a# 5.1.1 :;< )ompany reco$ni(es many factors determine t.e correctness and relia-ility of t.e tests and1or cali-ration performed -y a la-oratory. !.ese factors include contri-utions from= .uman factors @5.2A, accommodation and en*ironmental conditions @5.A, test and cali-ration met.ods and met.od Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E ( O$ 12
*alidation @5.4A, e%uipment @5.5A, measurement tracea-ility @5.6A, and .andlin$ of test and cali-ration items @5.&A. 5.1.2 !.e eCtent to +.ic. t.e factors contri-ute to t.e total uncertainty of measurement differs considera-ly -et+een @types ofA tests and -et+een @types ofA cali-rations. :;< )ompany ta3es into account t.ese factors in de*elopin$ test and cali-ration met.ods and procedures, in t.e trainin$ and %ualification of personnel, and in t.e selection and cali-ration of t.e e%uipment it uses. 522 !e"sonne# 5.2.1 :;< )ompanyFs mana$ement ensures t.e competency of all +.o operate specific e%uipment, +.o perform tests and1or cali-rations, e*aluate results and si$n test reports and cali-ration certificates. 2.en usin$ staff is under$oin$ trainin$, ade%uate and appropriate super*ision is pro*ided. Personnel performin$ specific tas3s are %ualified on t.e -asis of appropriate education, trainin$, eCperience, and1or demonstrated s3ills, as re%uired. 52525 @a#i'ation o/ )et(o's 4ll standard and nonDstandard test met.ods and procedures are *alidated to ensure suc. met.ods and procedures are fit for t.eir intended use and are rele*ant to t.e re%uirements of IS'1I7) 17025 )lause 5.4.5 as +ell as t.e client. !.e results of suc. *alidation are recorded to$ +it. t.e procedure utili(ed and any rele*ant information. !.e record states t.e met.od or procedure is fit for t.e intended use. Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E 10 O$ 12
5252A Un,e"taint+ o/ Res&#ts !.e uncertainty of cali-ration results are calculated and documented in accordance +it. t.e re%uirements of IS'1I7) 17025 )lause 5.4.6. "ocumented procedures detail t.e met.ods used for estimatin$ uncertainty of measurement and include all uncertainty components, +.ic. are of importance in t.e $i*en situation. 5.4.6. !.e data rele*ant to a particular test is presented on t.e test certificate or test report. 5210 Re*o"tin1 t(e Res&#ts )rossDreferences= IS' 17025=1/// Section 5.10 IS' /001=2000 Section 7.1, 7.4., 7.5.1, 7.5.4, &.2.4 5.10.1 !.e results of eac. test, cali-ration, or series of tests or cali-rations carried out -y t.e la-oratory are reported accurately, clearly, unam-i$uously, and o-Eecti*ely, and in accordance +it. any specific instructions in t.e test or cali-ration met.ods. !.e results are normally reported in a test report or a cali-ration certificate and include all t.e information re%uested -y t.e client and necessary for t.e interpretation of t.e test or cali-ration results, and all information re%uired -y t.e met.od used. In t.e case of test or cali-rations Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E 11 O$ 12
performed for internal clients, or in t.e case of a +ritten a$reement +it. t.e client, t.e results may -e reported in a simplified +ay and may not re%uire t.e formali(ed cali-ration certificate, -ut all data @data +ould -e on an actual cali-ration certificate if one +ere to -e $eneratedA is readily a*aila-le and 3ept permanently on file 5.10.2 !est reports and cali-ration certificates Gnless eCceptional reasons for not doin$ so eCist, eac. test report or cali-ration certificate includes all t.e follo+in$ information as a minimum= aA a title @e.$. H!est ReportH or H)ali-ration )ertificateHA> -A name and address of la-oratory and location +.ere t.e tests and1or cali-rations +ere carried out if different from t.e address of t.e la-oratory> cA uni%ue identification of t.e test report or cali-ration certificate @suc. as serial num-erA and on eac. pa$e an identification in order to ensure t.e pa$e is reco$ni(ed as a part of t.e test report or cali-ration certificate and a clear identification of t.e end of t.e test report or cali-ration certificate> dA name and address of t.e client placin$ t.e order> eA identification of t.e met.od used> fA description of, t.e condition of, and unam-i$uous identification of t.e item@sA tested or cali-rated> $A date of receipt of test or cali-ration item@sA and date@sA of performance of t.e test or cali-ration +.ere rele*ant to t.e *alidity and application of t.e results> .A reference to samplin$ procedures used -y t.e la-oratory or -odies +.ere t.ese are rele*ant to t.e *alidity or application of t.e results iA test or cali-ration results +it. units of measurement> EA t.e name@sA, function@sA and si$nature@sA or e%ui*alent identification of person@sA aut.ori(in$ t.e test report or cali-ration certificate> 3A +.ere rele*ant, a statement to t.e effect t.e results relate only to t.e items tested or cali-rated> lA a statement specifyin$ t.e test report or cali-ration certificate s.all not -e reproduced, eCcept in full, +it.out +ritten appro*al of t.e la-oratory> mA pa$e num-er and total num-er of pa$es. Y9 Co)*an+ ISO/IEC 17025 QUALITY MANUAL REV. 1 ATE! X/X/01 "A#E 12 O$ 12
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