HARMAN - Supplier Quality Manual - F1555499 - 6b
HARMAN - Supplier Quality Manual - F1555499 - 6b
HARMAN - Supplier Quality Manual - F1555499 - 6b
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Management Message 4
Publisher 5
1 Preface 6
1.1 Scope 6
1.2 Supplier Quality Engineering (SQE) and Assurance (SQA) Activities along the Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM) 6
1.3 Revision of this Supplier Quality Manual available on Internet Portal 7
1.4 General Requirement (Language) 7
2 Management Systems 7
2.1 Quality Management System 7
2.2 Environmental Management System 8
2.3 Protection against Electrostatic Discharge – ESD-Certification 8
2.4 Reach Compliance 9
2.5 Regulatory Compliance 9
2.6 Product Safety Officer (PSO) 9
2.6.1 Knowledge 9
2.6.2 Tasks 9
2.6.3 Competencies 10
3 Supplier Approval 10
4 Supplier Blocking 10
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6 Supplier Evaluation 23
10 Training 24
11 Change History 24
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Management Message
The Car industry with its entire value stream is increasingly facing challenging as well as exhilarating times.
Product life-cycles are getting shorter while time-to-market is expected to be minimized. Purchase demands
and capacity availability are becoming more volatile and deliveries are expected to satisfy demands with the
highest degree of flexibility and just-in-sequence. All the while and to achieve synergies, becoming global is a
must in our industry and adds to the equation more challenges and at every juncture of this value stream.
Those challenges are coupled with highest expectations for quality performance and cost competitiveness. This
combination of expectations and mandatory requirements could only be achieved by applying the most
effective and efficient processes that spans the entire product lifecycle management (PLM).
In this value stream it is not enough for us to have Best-In-Class processes. At HARMAN we fully realize that
for our organization to achieve its customer quality commitment, we must be able to rely on our supply base to
deliver defect free products.
Problems along the value stream should not be solved, they should be avoided as it is less efficient to fix
problems down-stream. Loss of time, loss of money, and most importantly loss of reputation and future
business is at risk when we are unable to proactively manage our delivered quality.
We firmly believe that our success in the automotive space is heavily contingent on our supplier’s ability to
meet and in most cases exceed quality expectations. Therefore, HARMAN and across all of its functions will
maintain and increased level of focus on Supplier delivered quality. HARMAN will employ proven tools that will
assist in achieving better performance and complement its quality objectives e.g. Advanced Product Quality
Planning (APQP), Run@Rate (R@R) and Safe Launch Plan (SLP). These activities are designed to drive for
better interface and communication between HARMAN and supplier management. We maintain that for our
relation to be fully effective Quality, Purchasing, Engineering and Logistic need to have greater level of
collaboration and interface on new programs as well as running products.
The cooperation between HARMAN and its suppliers could only be successful, if we both were to pull on the
same and right side of the rope. Your success is ours. Our success is yours.
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Manual: HARMAN International – Supplier Quality Manual Automotive
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1 Preface
The high expectations and standards placed by HARMAN International and its customers on the quality of the
products and delivery performance require high supplier capability. Fundamental to the common success for
supplier, customer and HARMAN is target-oriented partnership based cooperation between HARMAN and the
HARMAN expects not only a zero defect and zero ppm philosophy from suppliers, but also excellent
performance regarding delivery performance, cost competitiveness, technological support, best-in-class
problem solving process and cooperation /communication.
This Supplier Quality Manual (SQM) describes the expectations placed by HARMAN on its suppliers regarding
quality and delivery performance, as well as the formalities and processes which must be followed in
partnership with HARMAN. Quality and environment-relevant processes from concept phase to series
production or series delivery of supplied parts are detailed within.
Supplier shall establish document, implement and maintain a management system in accordance with
HARMAN requirements and applicable international quality, environmental and safety standards.
1.1 Scope
These requirements are valid for all suppliers of HARMAN who deliver production material that will directly
impact the quality of HARMAN final product. These guidelines are valid for HARMAN Connected Car and
HARMAN Car Audio and the respective HARMAN locations, worldwide.
NOTE: In this document, HARMAN International will be referred to simply as HARMAN.
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Feasibility and concept phase Prototype phase 1 Pilot phase Validation phase Production phase
(FCP - K phase) (PTP1 - A/B phase) (PP - C phase) (VP - D phase) (PDP)
Supplier Score Card (data input, reporting, monitoring, tracking)
PCN & PPAP (change management)
SOP + 90 days
Feasibility analysis of suppliers
(product, process, capacity)
Supplier assessments (SSC / audits at new suppliers)
Supplier development for new suppliers
Supplier for materials/tools: pre selection / final selection
2 Management Systems
2.1 Quality Management System
All parties concerned must contribute towards achieving and implementing the objectives of the HARMAN
quality policy and quality principles and must promote continual improvement.
HARMAN requires all our suppliers to develop, implement, and improve a quality management system certified
to ISO 9001 in the actual valid revision, with the ultimate objective of becoming certified to IATF 16949.
Therefore, the following sequence should be applied to achieve this requirement:
a. certification to ISO 9001 through third-party audits; unless otherwise specified by HARMAN, suppliers
shall demonstrate conformity to ISO 9001 by maintaining a third-party certification issued by a
certification body bearing the accreditation mark of a recognized IAF MLA (International Accreditation
Forum Multilateral Recognition Arrangement) member and where the accreditation body's main scope
includes management system certification to ISO/IEC 17021;
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b. certification to ISO 9001 with compliance to other customer-defined QMS requirements (such as
Minimum Automotive Quality Management System Requirements for Sub-Tier Suppliers [MAOMSR] or
equivalent) through second-party audits;
d. certification to IATF 16949 through third-party audits (valid third-party certification of the supplier to
IATF 16949 by an |ATF-recognized certification body).
At the HARMAN Supplier Selection and Supplier Evaluation process the Quality Management System, which is
implemented at the supplier, might be taken into consideration.
Suppliers must inform HARMAN of changes of the status of their quality management system certification not
later than one month after this change.
HARMAN requires Suppliers of products with embedded software to implement and maintain a process for
software quality assurance for their products. A software development assessment methodology shall be
utilized to assess the software development process. The suppliers are requested to retain documented
information of a software development capability self-assessment.
Suppliers must also guarantee that sub-suppliers have provided for adequate quality-assurance measures and
will commit themselves to fulfilling their obligations per this Supplier Quality Manual. Suppliers to HARMAN are
solely responsible for all purchased sub components used in their products, even if the sub-supplier or
subcomponent was directed by HARMAN.
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2.6.1 Knowledge
Based on this, a suitable, supplier-specific training concept can be set up for the qualification of multiple
product safety representatives within the scope of a company-specific PSB network, provided that comparable
content is conveyed, comprehended, and documented accordingly.
2.6.2 Tasks
- Contributing to, developing, and setting priorities for eliminating or preventing product safety-relevant
defects in the product development phase (error prevention).
- Working independently, initiating and verifying product, process, and engineering-relevant decisions in
the course of product development and additional product enhancement (e.g. FMEA or risk
assessment procedures) provided that there is an impact relevant to safety.
- Preparing, maintaining, and enhancing “lessons learned” checklists for the qualified review of designs,
production, processes, or for the material properties under product-safety relevant aspects.
- Executing or initiating and assessing component or material analyses with the goal of detecting
indications of deviations relevant to product safety at an early stage.
- Independently executing or initiating regular inspections of processes, production, material, and
products of the current series for the confirmation of product safety for proper and predictable use or
misuse and the introduction as well as tracking of (immediate) measures in the case of relevant
- Assessing the probability and frequency of failure of the affected product in the event of failure.
- In the event of a complaint, the planned remedial measures, their implementation and long-term
effectiveness shall be verified. The effectiveness of the measures shall be reviewed, confirmed, and
documented in writing by the supplier PSO.
- In the event of a complaint or voluntary declaration, communication shall be directed via the person
responsible for component QA. The respective contact persons shall be determined in advance for
downstream clients in the supply chain (tier N).
- Reference Q-Alert
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- The PSO shall advise with respect to the quality and confidentiality of the information (clear information
regarding the error pattern, limitation, probability of failure, etc).
2.6.3 Competencies
The PSO should report directly to management, the plant manager or the quality assurance manager. The PSO
should be able to initiate the blocking of components or materials of the current series in the event of safety and
image-relevant complaints, etc. (also if these threaten series application for reasons of safety), including
resource control with regard to bench tests, validation, analyses, etc.
3 Supplier Approval
HARMAN has a defined procedure for evaluating, qualifying and selecting new suppliers.
A supplier may be the manufacturer of the product to be delivered or a distributor of products as appointed by
the manufacturer. The target is to use a supplier only after it has been established that they can fulfil HARMAN
requirements. Depending on the product for which the supplier is to be sourced, specific documentation may be
required from the supplier and other activities may be introduced.
Appropriate registration documents are forwarded to the supplier by Purchasing. The supplier must complete
this registration package and return them to SQE (SQE.global@harman.com). Following receipt of the
documents, SQE will check for accuracy and completeness and review. SQE will evaluate the supplier's quality
management system and certifications along with any quality related requirements. SQE and Procurement will
make a determination of whether the supplier meets Harman’s minimum requirements. If minimum
requirements are met, SQE will determine whether an audit is required. If Harman’s minimum requirements are
not met, the supplier approval request will be rejected within HARMAN.
A potential supplier may be requested to perform a self-assessment according to HARMAN´s audit procedure
or applicable industry standards (e.g. VDA 6.3). The supplier provides a report of the observations and findings
during the self-assessment to HARMAN. In case of a subsequent HARMAN audit supplier´s self-assessment
report will be used as a baseline document.
SQE determines whether an HARMAN audit is necessary after considering the component technology,
component risk, component complexity, vendor quality registration status, etc. If an audit is found necessary,
SQE will conduct this audit using the appropriate audit forms. Purchasing may accompany SQE on this audit if
HARMAN reserves right to delegate the execution of a HARMAN audit to a third party chosen by HARMAN.
The supplier should provide reasonable access for supplier facilities during the audit. A corrective action plan
must be generated for the findings at the self-assessment as well as for the findings at the HARMAN-audit.
If the supplier does not pass the audit, then the supplier approval request is rejected or follow up is made by
SQE with the supplier, so that the supplier would be able to pass the re-audit.
After positive results from an overall evaluation (registration documents, audit result, etc.) a sample order (one
component/project) may be placed with the supplier.
SQE and PRC will re-evaluate the vendor responses and performance at project execution. If this order result
is positive and finally approved via PPAP, the supplier approval will be considered complete. For further
business, HARMAN Supplier-Management-Team will select the supplier according to the supplier selection
process. HARMAN will inform the supplier of the result of the approval process. In case the approval is denied,
the supplier may be granted a defined timeframe to implement improvements and to reapply for approval. A
supplier approval given by HARMAN does not imply an obligation for HARMAN to place any orders at the
respective supplier.
4 Supplier Blocking
HARMAN has a defined procedure for blocking a supplier. All departments at HARMAN can initiate the
process for blocking a supplier. Reasons for applying for blockage could be, e.g.:
- Insufficient quality performance,
- Insufficient supply performance,
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Page 12 APQP
On-time approval of Production Part Approval Process documents (PPAP) must be guaranteed through the use
of an APQP process. All relevant activities must be scheduled, executed and verified. The project plan must
include proper risk mitigation activities and back-up plans. In case of schedule delays or development issues, a
suitable recovery plan must be crafted and executed leading to project success.
Project scope, division of responsibilities, technical requirements and project schedule should be determined as
early as possible. For component being classified by HARMAN as critical, the Project progress will be tracked
against the agreed upon schedule using the HARMAN APQP workbook. These project audits may be done
either during a meeting or, if applicable, through a review of respective documents. Run@Rate
Typically a Run @ Rate will be performed together with the MPA. The HARMAN Run@Rate tool (F2151243 –
Run@Rate Workbook for HARMAN Suppliers) will be used for this. The purpose of this activity is to verify that
the supplier’s actual manufacturing process, while operating under mass production operating conditions, is:
a) Capable of producing quality components per HARMAN requirements,
b) Capable of meeting or exceeding the contracted capacity on a sustained basis.
The Run@Rate could be either executed by HARMAN SQE or by the supplier itself according to the HARMAN
procedure with the help of the respective HARMAN templates.
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catalogue parts, only a level 4 PPAP needs to be submitted to HARMAN. The specific requirements for
this level 4 PPAP will be given either by a commodity specific template “PPAP requirement” or
individually by the assigned HARMAN SQE. At least the PSW must be submitted to HARMAN.
3. Critical Components – Critical components will be defined by HARMAN. Those components which are
rated as critical will require APQP reporting. During the APQP process, the HARMAN SQE, along with
the supplier, will determine PPAP requirements.
HARMAN defines commodity specific PPAP requirements. The procurement will forward those requirements
to the supplier along with the purchase order if applicable. These templates should be used by the supplier,
procurement and finally SQE as a list to check PPAP contents and completeness.
Sample delivery dates will be communicated to the supplier via the purchase order (P.O.). Upon the delivery
date of the PPAP order, the supplier must forward all documents for PPAP and samples to HARMAN. For this,
templates according to PPAP (AIAG) must be used. All requirements for dimensions and product specifics,
which are given by the product specification, must be verified and documented. It is expected, that PPAP
samples meet all specification at the time of PPAP delivery specified in the P.O. Design and process iterations
for development purposes must be scheduled into the program schedule such that they occur prior to the PPAP
delivery date. Should product or process changes (including corrections for dimensional deviations) be
executed after the PPAP delivery, all requirements for dimensions and product specifics must be verified again.
Variations for this must be agreed together with the assigned HARMAN SQE.
If the qualification is not complete and approved prior to the target date or is repeatedly done in an insufficient
manner, HARMAN has the right to appoint an external agency for the completion of the qualification. This is
specifically cited with regard to the physical measurement of the parts. In this case, the supplier will bear the
costs incurred for these services. Approval
HARMAN Supplier Quality Engineering is solely responsible for the disposition of PPAP submissions. Three
PPAP statuses are possible:
Interim Approved => In cases where the parts meet requirements but there may be additional data
required or minor issues with the PPAP submission, e.g. lack of process capabilities, marginal GR&R,
the Supplier Quality Engineer may approve the PPAP but require the supplier to provide containment
actions with 100% inspection/test plan and corrective action related to the observed issue to grant full
PPAP approval. HARMAN SQE permits shipment of material for production requirements on a limited
time or piece quantity, the supplier shall regard as a temporary approval until the information is
received and approved by the HARMAN Supplier Quality Engineer. Any additional or improved
documentation must be submitted with a revised PSW to HARMAN SQE.
Rejected => Delivery of mass production parts is not allowed. A new PPAP submission is required. If
nevertheless parts are required, the supplier shall submit Deviation Approval Request to HARMAN.
(See section in 5.4.9)
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The supplier and the responsible buyer at HARMAN will receive a copy of the signed PSW page from the
Supplier Quality Engineer.
As noted previously, PPAPs will not be approved with data showing that parts do not meet all specifications
and requirements. If engineering or other issues exist that need to be negotiated, approved, or modified, then a
PPAP will not be approved until these issues are resolved and all documentation supports the configuration of
the parts as submitted for PPAP.
For components, which are classified by HARMAN as critical component, the work instruction “Safe Launch
Plan” (SLP) (PSP06-W-008 – Safe Launch Plan for HARMAN Suppliers) will be applied. This work instruction
describes the selection of SLP activities, the monitoring and reporting of the quality levels as well as the
procedure to stop these SLP activities.
Supplier shall notify any event of quality set back to HARMAN plant SQA.
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Supplier shall align their complaint handling, failure analysis and problem solving process to established
industry standards, HARMAN’s customer specific requirements defined in section 5.4.4 of this manual and
applicable OEM customer requirements.
In particular, these include
• IATF 16949, “Quality management system requirements for automotive production and relevant service
part organizations”
• VDA volume “Field failure analysis”
• VDA volume 4, chapter “8D Method”
Problem solving methodology shall be team-oriented, based on factual knowledge and utilize appropriate
statistical methods for analysis of data.
Supplier shall utilize their complaint handling, failure analysis and problem solving process in processing of
quality complaints, logistics complaints and audit findings.
All written communication between Harman and supplier and all documents shall be in English language
HARMAN is using same raw materials and semi-finished products across our worldwide operations. This may
include the transfer of materials from site to site.
To simplify complaint handling processes HARMAN reserves to issue complaints to our suppliers from any site
where HARMAN is processing related parts or products independently from which site received the original
supplier shipment.
This also includes HARMAN contracted manufacturing partners.
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If the failure cannot be confirmed during stages III thru V the complaint part can be identified as “OK based on
part analysis”.
HARMAN reserves to re-test parts deemed “OK based on part analysis” in the application environment to verify
supplier´s Failure confirmation.
HARMAN reserves to request a joint analysis at HARMAN to expedite failure confirmation by supplier.
Supplier shall ensure that such joint analysis can be supported within 5 working days after HARMAN´s request.
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include review of related FMEAs, standard operating procedures, design rules and similar documents as well
as the consideration in the lessons learned process.
Supplier shall identify which parts or part families supplied to HARMAN are considered herein.
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Please refer to HARMAN Controlled Shipping Process procedure for further details including requirements,
expectations, exit criteria etc.
Content and frequency of reporting will be agreed between HARMAN SQA/SQE and supplier.
In addition where supplier performance is deemed to require improvement, HARMAN may place the supplier on
a Supplier Quality Improvement Plan (SQIP) in accordance with HARMAN procedure.
SQIP will be introduced by Plant SQA/Regional SQA in the case of historically poor performing suppliers, and
those that have negative impact on multiple Harman plants based on quality metrics (major disruptions, high
PPM, high DMN), etc.
HARMAN Plant SQA/Regional SQA will summarize Quality metrics/ Expectation and Exit Criteria/Notification
letter and communicate to selected supplier. Upon the agreement with supplier, HARMAN and supplier will
publish step-down chart which defines quality target within given time frame. If supplier could not exit SQIP within
time frame, HARMAN Internal supplier escalation will be set to determine to hold any new businesses.
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• Conducts deep dives into FMEAs and Control Plans as necessary. These deep dives would require
appropriate process, product, and material experts from the supplier.
5.4.8 Audits
HARMAN employs several audit tools to ensure suppliers meet appropriate quality levels. These tools are used
at various stages throughout the supplier development process, for re-qualification, for mass production
approval as well as in case of any problems during mass production. Audits may be conducted by external
auditors or by HARMAN employees.
The supplier will make available appropriate management personnel as well as technical personnel for each
phase of the above audits. Supplier shall perform self-assessment at least 1 week before HARMAN audit and
supplier’s self-assessment will be baseline documents for HARMAN onsite audit. Complete access must be
granted to all phases of the manufacturing process, to include clean rooms, laboratories, storage areas, etc.
The audit team will be limited in sensitive areas; however, the supplier must accommodate at least two auditors
in all areas. Appropriate protective equipment/clothing will be provided to HARMAN personnel for access to
these areas. (Where special protective gear or clothing is required, it will be the supplier’s responsibility to
insure that this is available in sizes appropriate to the inspection team members.)
Suppliers can best prepare for these audits by conducting an internal review/audit using the HARMAN
evaluation/assessment documents. These documents are available through the Supplier Quality Engineering
In general HARMAN expects an action plan to address each non-conformance of the audits within two weeks,
to include completion dates agreed upon by HARMAN personnel.
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3) Traceability:
a) Traceability shall be established with appropriate labelling/identification to ensure that products
subjected to repair/rework can later be identified to aid in potential future problem solving. In addition,
traceability of components used shall be maintained at the same or higher level as that used for
4) Inspection and Testing:
a) Suppliers must submit a “Control Plan” for repair/rework process” that identifies relevant monitoring,
inspection, and testing steps after rework, in order to ensure conformance to all applicable
Deviation approval is considered as a temporary change request, therefore the supplier shall inform HARMAN
procurement. After HARMAN has determined the change / non-conformity is acceptable, written approval will
be granted. This approval process may be lengthy as it may require notification or approval from HARMAN’s
5.4.11 Traceability Introduction
All suppliers to HARMAN shall have an effective lot definition and traceability procedure. Delivered product
must be traceable back to Supplier process, operation equipment, quality and process inspection/test data and
the raw material. The definition of lot shall be set up based on supplier’s risk assessment which influencing the
process and sub-component/material. Suppliers shall ensure that their lot traceability system maintains its
integrity throughout all influencing process and entire extended supply chain, including not only raw material,
but also purchased components/products.
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related events that occur during series production. It is expected that the supplier will provide an appropriate
expert for the required position. The resident engineer shall be equipped, at the supplier’s expense, with tools
necessary to carry out his duties.
While on HARMAN properties, the supplier resident engineer is expected to be aware of and follow all
HARMAN codes of conduct and ethics as well as all laws applicable to the location. Failure to do so will result
in the discharge of the resident engineer at which time the supplier will be expected to provide a suitable
For electronic components, the supplier should include changes in technical documentation such as datasheet,
errata sheet, or applications note as well as firmware changes.
Where appropriate, the supplier may be asked to provide samples for HARMAN qualification. HARMAN
Qualification requirements and PPAP requirements will be aligned with the HARMAN Supplier Quality
engineering, with input from Design Engineering, Program Management, Test Qualification or the
Purchasing/Procurement organizations as required.
Page 23 Additional PCN requirements for Active, passive components, including LEDs
To meet our OEM directions, the supplier shall always add the ZVEI/DQM ID and the Type of Change
(description), when providing a new PCN to HARMAN. Supplier shall always list all changes, not only the major
change triggering the PCN and re-send the shrinked DQM Matrix.xls accordingly.
6 Supplier Evaluation
HARMAN will make frequent supplier evaluations. The target of the supplier evaluations is to identify and report
good and bad supplier performances and also to make opportunities for improvements visible and transparent.
The results of these evaluations will be reported internally at HARMAN and also to the supplier. At HARMAN
these results will be taken into account in the sourcing process and awarding of new business. At the supplier it
is expected that measures will be defined that lead to continuous improvements of these evaluation results.
All parts being delivered to HARMAN shall be subjected to a regular and planned requalification. Therefore a
layout inspection (complete measurement of all product dimensions shown on the design records), a functional
verification to applicable requirements and verification of reliability features and parameters shall be performed
as specified in the control plans.
Their manufacturing processes shall be subjected to a regular and planned requalification as well.
Scope and frequency shall be planned by the supplier and be specified in the Control Plan. Complexity and
criticality shall be taken into consideration. It shall be agreed with the assigned SQE at HARMAN. Higher
frequencies may be implemented in case of target deviations (e.g. exceeding ppm action limits) with impact on
the end customer.
A formation of part families for requalification planning and execution is permissible.
Requalification planning shall be done during APQP already. Plan shall be provided within PPAP documents.
The results of the requalification shall be documented. The results shall be submitted on demand to the
responsible SQE at HARMAN.
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In addition to this requalification, additional or specific periodic validation may be required by HARMAN,
HARMAN customers or for regulatory compliance purposes. In these cases, supplier shall comply with these
requirements, as appropriate. HARMAN and HARMAN customer´s requirements will be provided to the
suppliers specifically. Requirements that are related to regulatory compliance issues need to be determined by
the suppliers themselves.
10 Training
Should quality assurance problems arise with fulfilling the requirement from this SQM or other Quality-
standards, HARMAN may support the supplier with regard to training or by referring him to possible training
courses. HARMAN may also initiate training sessions for the supplier if he is unable to fulfil the requirements
from this SQM.
11 Change History
Edition Released Modification Documentation
1st December 1998 1st revision
2nd 2003 No change history available
3rd January 2011 No change history available
4th June 2016 Download at: http://www.harman.com/supply-chain
2.6 Product Safety Officer (PSO) - NEW
4 Supplier Blocking - NEW Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) -
Toyota SOC – Requirements – DELETED
5.4 Quality Assurance in the Phase of Mass Production –
5.4.4 Complaint Handling, Failure Analysis and Problem
Solving - MODIFIED
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