Animal Toxins
Animal Toxins
Animal Toxins
of Anaesthesia
Animal toxins
Dendrotoxin (mamba)
Scorpion toxins
Mast cell degranulating
peptide (honey bee)
Apamin (honey bee)
~ Bungarotoxin
ro Conotoxin ro
Funnel-web toxin
Rattlesnake venoms
j3 Bungarotoxin, notexin,
Crotoxin, taipoxin
Latrodectus (black widow
a. Bungarotoxin
Sea snake venom
a. Conotoxin
Other elapid venoms
Viper venom
Honey bee
Scorpion toxin
Box jellyfish (blue bottles)
Portuguese man of war
Latrodectus (spider)
Latrodectus (spider)
Scorpion toxin
Sting ray
Viper venom
l.oxosceles (spider)
Scorpion toxin
Honey bee
Figure 1
pholipase A2 neurotoxins (e.g. beta bungarotoxin)
have been shown tu block potassium channels while
a component from the venom of the rattlesnake
(Grotalus atrox) affects caJcium channels [33].
Haemorrhagic syrnptoms are a frequent accom
paniment of bites by vipers and of some venomous
colubrids [12,34]. Venom procoagulants actvate
prothrombin, and factors V and X. Sorne venom
components have a direct thrombin-like effect.
Rattlesnake venoms can cause defibrinogenation by
activating the endogenous fibrinolytic system.
Thrombocytopenia may occur and platelet function
may be affected. Spontaneous systemic bleeding is
caused by haemorrhagins which damage the vascular
endothelium. Massive intravascular haemolysis lead
ing to renal failure follows envenomation by Russell's
viper (India [4,53], Sri Lanka [40]), which inhabits
10 South Asian countries. In Pakistan, India, Sri
Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma and Thailand it ranks
among the most important causes of snake bite
rnortaliry. The venom procoagulants activate the
clotting system with such speed and efficiency that
McFarlane was "left feeling it was too clever to be
true " [86]. Renal failure is the most devastating
effect of Russell's viper bite in Burma and Sri Lanka.
Deposition of microthrombi in the kidney contri
butes to the acute tubular necrosis which is the
commonest cause of death [6,36]. When the patient's
blood has become defibrinated and incoagulable, the
acriviry of the haemorrhagins, which damage the
vascular endothelium, and platelet abnormalities
[30] may lead to spontaneous systemic haemorrhage.
The saw scaled or carpet viper (Echis species)
probably causes more bites and deaths than any
other venomous snake worldwide [16]. Demon
stration of non-coagulating blood is the single rnost
important diagnostic test. The simple whole blood
clotting test developed in Nigeria by Warrell and
coIleagues [personal communication, 1993] should
be repeated every 6 h after the first dose of antivenom
until clotting is re-established. The test should then
be repeated daily for 3 days to ensure coagulability.
This simple aIl or nothing whole blood clotting test
proved a reliable way of identifying patients with
systemic envenomation (those that required anti
venom) [71]. The clot quality test [66,69] is of little
use in clnical management at presento After a bite
from RusseIl's viper it was found to be insensitive to
detect evolving systemic envenoming. The Malayan
pit viper produces minimal or no haemorrhagic
symptoms in spite of the fact that the patient's blood
may be incoagulable for days. This "defibrino
genation syndrome" (hypofibrinogenaemia) without
thrombocytopenia or fibrinolysis was studied ex
tensively by Reid, Chao and Thean [70] and the use
of this purified venom fraction has been under
clnical investigation as an anticoagulant [8,
The smaIl scaled snake (inland taipan, Oxyuranus
microlepidotus) found in remete areas of Westem
Queensland lays good claim to being the most
venomous snake in the world, in view of its lethal
potency. The venom contains a presynaptic neuro
toxin and a prothrombin activator [56].
Scorpion venoms
Scorpion venom are known to enhance the ex
citability ofnerve and muscle cells [2]. Sorne venorns
appear to act preferentially on muscle cells [72] while
others have effects on neurones and neurotransmitter
release. Scorpion venorns have been shown to release
acetylcholine, noradrenaline and serotonin.
The alpha scorpion toxins delay inactivation of
sodium channels and thus prolong the action po
tential. The beta scorpion toxins affect activation in
addition to slowing inactivation of sodiuro channels.
The sodium channel opens at a membrane potential
level at which the channel would be normally closed
A component of scorpion venom was also found to
facilitate and then block neuromuscular transmission
in chick biventer cervicis preparations. It was shown
to induce spontaneous contractions, partIy by re
leasing acetylcholine frorn nerve endings and partly
by increasing the sodiuro permeability of muscle
membranes [76]. The first toxin that was shown to
block voltage-dependent potassium channels was
from the venom of a Mexican scorpion. Chloride
channels are important components of receptors for
inhibitory transmitters such as GABA and glycine
and a component of scorpion venom was found to
affect chloride channel activiry.
The effect of the venom in producing a contrae
ture, an initial increase in amplitude of electrically
induced muscle contractions
and spontaneous
twitching, has been attributed
to interference
with the stabilizing function of calciuro at the
muscle membrane [2]. Increased concentrations of
calciuro lessened the effects of the venom and lower
concentrations enhanced them. The venom has also
been shown to interact with receptors of the muscle
sarcoplasmic reticulum, Scorpion bites cause intense
local pain followed by sigo of autonomic nervous
system excitation
such as dilatation
of pupils,
hypersalivation, vomiting and diarrhoea. Generally,
cholinergic features are followed by adrenergic
features. Release of catecholamines produces hy
pertension, toxic myocarditis, arrhythrnias, heart
failure and pulmonary oedema. The latter is seen
following bites in India, North Africa and the Middle
East, Scorpions found in California and New Mexico
cause rnuscle fasciculations, spasms and respiratory
Pain requires local infiltration or ring blocks with
local anaesthetic. Antivenom is available. Aggressive
symptornatic treatment for cardiac and neurological
syrnptoms is a necessity. In patients who develop
severe adrenergic cardiovascular features, vaso
dilators (a blockers, calcium channel blockers or
ACE inhibitors) are useful. The role of cardiac
glycosides, ~ blockers and atropine is controversial.
Warrell [personal cornrnunication, 1993] advocates
antivenorn when available but this is also a subject of
vigorous debate. Serial echocardiography has been
recornrnended in the management of children after
scorpion envenomation as myocardial toxicity is a
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