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Abstract. Venomous animals occur in numerous phyla and present a great diversity of taxa,
toxins, targets, clinical effects and outcomes. Venomous snakes are the most medically sig-
nificant group globally and may injure >1.25 million humans annually, with up to 100 000
deaths and many more cases with long-term disability. Scorpion sting is the next most impor-
tant cause of envenoming, but significant morbidity and even deaths occur following enven-
oming with a wide range of other venomous animals, including spiders, ticks, jellyfish,
marine snails, octopuses and fish. Clinical effects vary with species and venom type, includ-
ing local effects (pain, swelling, sweating, blistering, bleeding, necrosis), general effects
(headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, hypertension, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias and
arrest, convulsions, collapse, shock) and specific systemic effects (paralytic neurotoxicity,
neuroexcitatory neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, interference with coagulation, haemorrhagic
activity, renal toxicity, cardiac toxicity). First aid varies with organism and envenoming type,
but few effective first aid methods are recommended, while many inappropriate or frankly
dangerous methods are in widespread use. For snakebite, immobilisation of the bitten limb,
then the whole patient is the universal method, although pressure immobilisation bandaging
is recommended for bites by non-necrotic or haemorrhagic species. Hot water immersion is
the most universal method for painful marine stings. Medical treatment includes both gener-
al and specific measures, with antivenom being the principal tool in the latter category.
However, antivenom is available only for a limited range of species, not for all dangerous
species, is in short supply in some areas of highest need, and in many cases, is supported by
historical precedent rather than modern controlled trials.
For most venomous animals for much of the world, detailed statistics on the
number of humans bitten or stung, envenomed, or killed each year are unavail-
able. Published data are replete with conjecture, estimates, or guesstimates,
with variable validity. It is clear, however, that certain taxa of venomous ani-
mals cause significant morbidity and mortality amongst humans. Top of this
list are venomous snakes, with current estimates of >2.5 million cases and
around 100 000 deaths per year [1]. Subsequent analysis has indicated that
these estimates are likely on the high side, with low estimates nearer 1.2 mil-
lion cases and 20 000 deaths annually [2] (Tab. 1). These figures hide the huge
toll of morbidity after snakebite, which affects far more cases than fatal out-
comes, and often results in long-term suffering, and social and economic loss
[3]. That the snakebite toll is greatest in the rural tropics of the developing
world [4], where poverty, poor education and under-resourced health systems
combine to minimise effective care, is an ongoing tragedy of human existence,
made worse by the effects of natural disasters [5].
After snakebite, scorpion stings likely account for many medically significant
cases and incidence has been estimated as >1.2 million cases each year [6].
Mexico alone documents >200 000 cases requiring hospital care annually [6, 7].
In some regions scorpion stings are more frequent than snakebites; North Africa
is an example. Deaths are increasingly uncommon, perhaps as a result of
antivenom use plus higher standards of hospital care, but children remain at risk
Spiderbite is undoubtedly common [9], as are spiders [10], but most bites
are medically trivial and nearly all medically significant bites can be ascribed
to just a few groups of spiders: widow spiders (Latrodectus), recluse spiders
(Loxosceles), banana spiders (Phoneutria) and Australian funnel-web spiders
(Atrax, Hadronyche) [9, 11–13]. Deaths are rare.
Table 1. Summary of most recent published data on snakebite epidemiology globally [2]
Paralytic neurotoxins are a recurring theme amongst venomous animals, being
present in such diverse taxa as snakes, ticks, jellyfish, cone snails and octo-
236 J. White
Table 2. Major venomous animal groups commonly associated with neurotoxic paralysis [163]
puses (Tab. 2). They are well characterised in snakes, where their primary site
of action is the neuromuscular junction (Fig. 1), causing progressive flaccid
paralysis, although the precise mechanism of action varies between toxins,
often with multiple toxin types represented in a single venom [27–29]. The
mode of action can be of great clinical relevance, affecting response to antiven-
om therapy. A number of other taxa possess paralytic neurotoxins, also caus-
ing flaccid paralysis, but their site and mode of action differ, again with clini-
cal implications centred on duration of paralysis.
Amongst invertebrate venomous animals, neuroexcitatory toxins predominate,
especially amongst arthropods, but also amongst some marine animals,
notably a few jellyfish species [21, 30]. The structure and mode of action
varies amongst these toxins, but the prime clinical effect is generally similar,
with rapid, sometimes extreme excitation of portions of the nervous system,
most commonly autonomic stimulation resulting in a “catecholamine storm”
effect, which can be rapidly lethal [31].
Activated myotoxins induce myolysis and fall into two broad groups: the local-
ly acting type and the systemically acting type, with the latter, in particular, able
to cause potentially devastating and lethal effects as a result of secondary renal
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 237
Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the site of action of principal neuromuscular junction para-
lytic neurotoxins (original photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
failure, hyperkalaemia and cardiotoxicity [21, 28]. In most cases myotoxins are
modified phospholipase A2 (PLA2) toxins, sometimes closely related to presy-
naptic neurotoxins [27]. In some cases a single toxin, such as notexin from
Australian tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) venom, possesses both myotoxic and
presynaptic neurotoxic activity, residing in separate portions of the molecule
[27, 32]. Most venom myotoxins are found in snake venoms, although only in
a minority of species, but myotoxic activity does occasionally occur with
envenoming by other animals, including widow spider bites and mass hymenop-
teran stings [33–39].
238 J. White
Blood toxins
In addition to the secondary anticoagulant effects of some procoagulant tox-
ins, some snake venoms contain potent true anticoagulant toxins that work by
Table 3. Summary of common target points for venoms interfering with the human haemostatic sys-
tem [163]
Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of the human haemostatic pathways within blood vessels and
some common targets where venom toxins can interfere with this process (original photo/illustration
copyright © Julian White).
inhibiting the haemostatic process (Tabs 3 and 4) [40, 41]. This type of coag-
ulopathy is largely restricted to a minority of snake species and, in most cases,
causes less severe clinical problems than procoagulants [41, 56, 57].
240 J. White
Synergy between diverse toxins can often result in more devastating effects on
prey, or humans, and this is clearly the case with haemorrhagins, found in a
number of snake venoms, mostly based on a metalloproteinase toxin that
directly damages tissue, especially vascular tissue (Tabs 3 and 4) [40, 41,
58–61]. This direct damage promoting bleeding sites when combined with
procoagulants that defibrinate, so preventing thrombotic repair of bleeding
sites, which can lead to very severe clinical effects, especially locally around
the bite site.
Few primary nephrotoxins have been reported from venoms [62, 63], but sec-
ondary renal damage is very much a clinical problem with many snakebites,
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 241
and without renal supportive therapy, such as dialysis, can prove lethal
[64–72]. Secondary renal damage can occur through a variety of venom-medi-
ated mechanisms, including coagulopathy, myolysis and hypotension [27, 29].
A particular syndrome, microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA), can
occur after envenoming by some snake species, and is characterised by
intravascular haemolysis, thrombocytopenia and renal failure, but the precise
causative mechanisms in envenoming remain to be elucidated [71, 73].
Local tissue injury following bites or stings is a common theme across many
taxa, including snakes, spiders, scorpions (but only a very few species), cen-
tipedes and some marine animals such as the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)
and some of its relatives, and some stingrays [3, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 29, 45,
74–79]. The mechanism of injury is incompletely understood in most cases,
although specific necrotoxins, such as sphingomyelinase D (from recluse spi-
ders, Loxosceles spp.), are known [80–84], and the role of myotoxic PLA2 in
snake venom indicates a prime role in local tissue injury [81], while hyalur-
onidases are implicated in other venoms [85]. In many cases it is likely that
local tissue necrosis is mediated by a complex interplay between several toxin
effects and natural defence mechanisms within the victim.
Other toxins
In addition to the specific toxins and effects listed above, most venoms have a
number of other, less well understood components, the clinical significance of
which is usually unknown. This group, which may include the bulk of all toxin
types, includes many low molecular weight toxins, including peptides. The lat-
ter are of increasing interest as potential templates for new pharmaceuticals,
but undoubtedly some have significant clinical actions. Also within this group
can be included a very diverse and important mix of toxins originating in cone
snails (Coniidae; Conus spp. and some related hunting marine snails). Broadly
classified as “conotoxins”, these highly potent toxins are diverse in pharmaco-
logical effects and are already proving a rich area for new drug development
First aid
Pre-hospital care can, quite literally, be the difference between life and death
in cases of envenoming, particularly for those species causing rapid severe
effects such as respiratory paralysis and cardiotoxicity. There are few research-
proven first aid methods for envenoming, yet many methods are used or rec-
ommended, most of which have either no benefit, or more commonly, cause
actual harm [87–106]. Appropriate envenoming first aid should follow three
principles; (1) do no harm, (2) immobilise venom to prevent it reaching target
sites, and (3) support vital functions (airway, breathing, circulation) [107]. The
last of these, supporting vital functions, if adopted universally, would likely
save life in many cases of envenoming. It is often overlooked, but the impor-
tance of ensuring airway patency, respiration and circulation cannot be
overemphasised. Avoiding causing harm is a vital principle, also generally
overlooked. Table 5 lists well-known first aid methods that cause actual harm
in envenoming and should not be used. Table 6 lists those few first aid meth-
ods shown to have value in envenoming.
Approach to management
As outlined earlier, two principles should guide care of the definitely or poten-
tially envenomed patient: (1) all cases should be initially managed as poten-
tially severe, and (2) expert advice should be sought at the earliest opportuni-
ty [107]. Locating expert advice will vary between countries, but in most
cases, a major poisons information centre may be a reasonable first choice.
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 243
Table 5. Harmful or ineffective first aid methods that should not be used; only some prominent meth-
ods are listed
Method Problems
Diagnosis of envenoming
Diagnosis is a crucial early step in managing envenoming [28, 107]. Two parts
of diagnosis can be discerned: (1) determining the cause of envenoming, from
which more specific treatment can follow, and (2) determining the extent of
244 J. White
Table 6. First aid methods considered effective or possibly effective and not harmful
Ideally, a toxinological history will answer some or all of the following ques-
tions: (1) is a bite/sting a likely diagnosis, (2) do the circumstances (including
a description of the assailant, if available) and geographic location of the
bite/sting indicate likely assailants, (3) does the patient have any symptoma-
tology suggestive of envenoming, local or systemic, and does the pattern of
symptoms indicate likely assailants, (4) are there any patient-related factors
that might influence diagnosis, severity of envenoming, or outcome, and (5) is
the patient in need of treatment urgently, or likely to need treatment later?
The key areas for questioning are shown in Table 7, but these are designed
to fit all common situations, while in the real world, the list of possible
assailants will likely be narrower and so the range of questions required will
be less. Often the key diagnostic features emerge early and allow a more
directed approach to confirm the likely assailant and therapeutic response
required. However, some caution is required, because any venomous animal
can, on occasion, cause an atypical presentation.
Examination is directed towards finding evidence that a bite/sting has
occurred, and if any local or systemic envenoming effects are present. Where
the history has not clearly identified a likely assailant, examination findings
may help to narrow diagnostic possibilities. Key areas for examination are
shown in Table 8. As for history, this list is designed to cover many common
possibilities and in the real world, a more directed examination is often possi-
ble. Again, caution is required, to ensure no key signs are missed because early
assumptions are made about the likely culprit.
Laboratory tests
Specific testing for evidence of envenoming is only applicable for some ani-
mals, mostly snakes, while no lab tests are routinely indicated for bites/stings
by many non-snake venomous animals. Key lab tests are shown in Table 9, and
as with history and examination, selection of which tests to request, if any, will
be determined by the circumstances in each case, particularly the possible
assailants to be considered.
Urgent care
The acutely and significantly envenomed patient presents an urgent case requir-
ing prompt, accurate assessment and directed treatment. The patient presenting
in extremis will require immediate life supportive care, then best-guess diagno-
sis of the likely culprit(s) and urgent specific treatment to cover these animals,
followed by more considered assessment and treatment, once the acute emer-
gency is controlled. In such a situation, it may still be possible to rapidly ascer-
tain key diagnostic features, such as presence of coagulopathy, paralysis, myo-
246 J. White
lysis, or neuroexcitation, which will guide the therapeutic response. The same
rapid assessment techniques can be utilised to effectively triage cases with less
life threatening features. Observation of the patient’s face can often show if they
are in significant pain (grimace), if they have any early developing paralytic
features (ptosis, loss of facial tone, partial ophthalmoplegia; Fig. 3), or neu-
roexcitatory features (increased sweating, lacrimation), or coagulopathy (bleed-
ing bite site, gums; Fig. 4), while a simple check of any i.v. insertion or sam-
pling sites will reveal evidence of coagulopathy (continued ooze, bleeding,
extending bruising), and a check of the bite/sting site will reveal if there is rap-
idly advancing swelling, or early tissue injury features (ecchymotic blistering,
marked dark skin colouration, especially if clear demarcating edges; Fig. 5), or
early neuroexcitation (increased local sweating, piloerection). If major neu-
roexcitatory envenoming is a likely diagnosis, chest auscultation (for signs of
pulmonary oedema) is required. Except where pulmonary oedema is a signifi-
cant risk, most envenomed patients will benefit from early i.v. fluid load.
248 J. White
Table 9. Key laboratory investigations to consider in a case of definite or suspected envenoming. The
actual choice of tests will be determined partly by the type of organism and the clinical setting
Whole blood clotting time If substantially prolonged and/or Most snakebites, Brazilian
(WBCT) with weak clot, can indicate Lonomia caterpillars, Iranian
coagulopathy (NOTE: always Hemiscorpius and Nebo
use glass vessel, do control) scorpions, recluse spiders
20-minute WBCT (is blood Simple derivative of WBCT, As above
clotted at 20 minutes?) validated for some snakebites
Coagulation studies Definitive assessment of As above
• INR/prothrombin time coagulopathy; d-dimer may be
• aPPT/PTTK most sensitive early measure
• d-dimer/XDP/FDP of developing coagulopathy
• fibrinogen
Complete blood examination Important in assessing if there As above, plus other fauna
• platelets is haemolysis, MAHA, or that may cause haemolysis,
• haemoglobin (Hb) isolated thrombocytopenia. including severe jellyfish
• blood film for evidence of Early absolute lymphopenia stings, massive hymeno-
haemolysis can be another marker for pteran multiple stings
• white cell and absolute envenoming
lymphocyte count
• reticulocytes (if haemolysis)
Blood chemistry, especially Each parameter specific for Most snakebites, any major
• renal function particular envenoming/complica- systemic envenoming/
• creatine kinase tion, such as renal damage, collapse, envenoming where
(CK, for myolysis) myolysis, haemolysis, haemolysis suspected, such
• electrolytes (particularly K+) hyperkalaemia as mass hymenopteran stings
• bilirubin (if haemolysis)
• glucose (if scorpion sting)
• liver function tests
(LFTs; if haemolysis, myo-
lysis, or if pancreatitis is
suspected after scorpion sting)
Arterial blood gases Principally assessing oxygen- Any bite/sting where
ation, if respiratory compromise, respiratory failure/paralysis
such as in neurotoxic paralysis possible, including selected
snakebites, Australian funnel-
web spider, scorpion, para-
lysis tick, cone shell, blue
ringed octopus, Irukandji
jellyfish envenoming
Bite site wound swabs In Australian snakebites, for Australian snakes;
• venom detection (Australia) venom detection; any infected wound
• culture and sensitivity everywhere, if wound is infected
In general, the only specific treatment for envenoming is antivenom and this is
only available for some venomous animals.
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 249
Figure 3. Ptosis, often the first sign of developing neurotoxic envenoming (Notechis scutatus bite)
(original photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
Figure 4. Persistent blood oozing from bite area, often indicative of coagulopathy (Pseudechis spp.
bite) (original photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
250 J. White
Figure 5. Demarcating area of tissue injury, indicative of an area likely of developing necrosis
(Pseudechis australis bite) (original photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
The era of antivenom therapy for envenoming dates back to the work of
Calmette and others, in the final years of the 19th century [108]. Antivenom is
essentially antibody raised against whole venom(s) or venom fractions in a
domesticated animal (horse, sheep, goat, rabbit) and works by binding to tox-
ins, either at the active site (so rendering them inactive), or elsewhere (allow-
ing clearance) [109, 110]. It follows that a given antivenom contains neutralis-
ing antibody against only those venoms used in the immunising mix, so utili-
ty in treating envenoming by other species is dependent on sufficient antigenic
similarities between venoms [111, 112]. For some venoms, there is consider-
able similarity with venoms from other, usually related, species. This provides
cross-specific protection, therefore a particular antivenom may be effective in
treating envenoming by a number of different species. However, such cross-
specific protection is not a universal, or even particularly common, finding. As
a rule, then, antivenom used in treatment should be proven as specific for a
particular species, or group of species [110].
There are a variety of ways of producing antivenom, although all currently
in use start by hyperimmunising an animal [109, 110, 112]. Nearly all antiven-
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 251
oms are based on mammalian IgG antibody, most commonly equine (horse).
The IgG can be refined in a number of ways to eliminate contaminants from
plasma that can stimulate adverse reactions. IgG can be further fractionated to
yield fractions of IgG, each with distinct properties, advantages and disadvan-
tages. Whole IgG and Fab2 antivenoms have a prolonged half life, compared
to Fab antivenoms, so they maintain clinically useful blood levels over sever-
al days, important in neutralising late-released venom from a depot at the bite
site, but their larger size limits extravascular spread. Fab antivenoms have bet-
ter extravascular penetration, but at the cost of short half life, measured in
hours, usually necessitating repeat doses or continuous infusion [113–115].
Few Fab antivenoms are available, the principle ones being for North
American pit viper bite (CroFab®) and European adder bite (Viperatab®), but
early experience with these affinity-column-refined ovine (sheep) antivenoms
shows they are relatively safe and effective, but commonly require repeat dos-
ing to counter short half life [113–118]. In North America, an issue of recur-
rence of coagulopathy has raised questions about effectiveness, since this
recurrence is sometimes resistant to further antivenom doses. However, exam-
ination of case experience with the previous equine whole IgG antivenom
shows recurrence was also an issue and other factors may be at play [114].
Arguments have been mounted that whole IgG antivenoms are the most effec-
tive, but traditional manufacture has been associated with high levels of
adverse effects [119–122]. As a consequence, many producers have moved to
Fab2 antivenoms, which are as effective, but generally have been considered to
have a better adverse effect profile, a view now questioned [119–122].
However, development of caprylic acid treatment of whole IgG antivenoms is
claimed to produce a product with high efficacy and a good adverse effect pro-
file, with a further advantage of lower production cost [123–126]. This may
swing antivenom production back towards predominantly whole IgG product.
Horses are by far the predominant host animal for antivenom production
[109–112, 127–129]. They are relatively easy to manage, provide large plas-
ma volumes with regular venesection or plasma pheresis, are comparatively
safe as vectors of disease transmission, and production techniques are well
established [130, 131]. However, equine antivenoms, especially whole IgG,
have been associated with sometimes very high levels of adverse effects [132].
Because of this, a few producers have explored other animals, notably sheep
[113, 115–117, 133]. Ovine antivenoms are now produced by two major pro-
ducers and have proved safe but, because of an increased risk of disease trans-
mission, particularly viral and prion disease, sheep are only practical in the few
countries with certified safe flocks [131]. If new processing steps that can
guarantee removal of infectious agents are developed, this may make ovine
antivenoms more widespread, but the use of caprylic acid purification of whole
IgG equine antivenoms may render such ovine antivenom developments
unnecessary. Goats have also been used in the past and one producer current-
ly uses rabbits for a low output specialised antivenom [134]. Current research
is investigating camels, as these may be easier than horses in some regions,
252 J. White
such as Africa, and camelid IgG can be more readily fractionated into really
small molecular size antivenoms that may open up possibilities for combined
systemic and local use [135, 136]. This work is purely experimental and it is
at present not known if it will translate to commercial production. Another dif-
ferent approach using hens to produce egg-based IgY antivenoms has also
been explored, but a number of problems, including widespread major immu-
nity to such a product, with the potential for severe adverse reactions, appears
at this time to make commercial IgY antivenoms unlikely [137–140]. The
development of genetically engineered antivenom production, using recombi-
nant methods, is at an early stage of development, with no commercial prod-
ucts available as yet, although research is progressing, both into recombinant
production of immunising toxins, and complete recombinant production of
specific antivenom [141–144].
Antivenom theory
Antivenom works by binding specifically to venom toxins and rendering them
inert and/or speeding clearance from the circulation [109, 112, 145]. To be
effective, antivenom must rapidly bind and inactivate/remove all circulating
venom from the circulation, and as far as possible, the rest of the body. This
requires primary intravascular distribution, which is why antivenom should, in
most cases, be given only i.v., not used locally or as an i.m. injection. There
are a few antivenoms for which i.m. injection is advocated or has shown
favourable results [134, 145–158] with some evidence that it is effective,
although this is controversial in light of recent studies [158–162]. However,
these are for organisms with more slowly developing and, in general, non-
lethal envenomings.
The prime requirement for antivenom is therefore i.v. administration of an
initial dose expected to fully neutralise all circulating venom. Except for Fab
antivenoms, most or all of the antivenom will remain in the circulation, yet for
many venoms, key components will exit the circulation to reach their extravas-
cular targets, such as the neuromuscular junction or skeletal muscle. Toxins
acting on the haemostatic system and haemorrhagins act within the intravas-
cular system, so are readily accessible to antivenom. Concentration gradients
between extravascular and intravascular venom levels are likely to draw
extravascular venom back into the circulation, for neutralisation, as intravas-
cular venom levels fall with neutralisation by antivenom. This mechanism
requires high levels of antivenom, compared to venom, explaining the clinical
requirement for adequate antivenom doses initially. Antivenom administered
i.m. will be slow to reach high intravascular concentrations [160, 162], so will
be far less efficacious, particularly for rapid, acute, severe envenoming, as
caused by many snake species. Similarly, locally injected antivenom is unlike-
ly to reach significant blood levels, so will be ineffective against circulating
and distributed venom. Therefore, even if low molecular weight antivenoms
are developed for local injection, there will still be a critical need for simulta-
neous i.v. administration.
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 253
Choosing an antivenom
The ideal antivenom will be safe and efficacious at neutralising target venoms.
In regions where polyvalent antivenoms predominate, covering all major med-
254 J. White
Table 10. Key clinical envenoming effects and their responsiveness to antivenom
Table 11. Indicators for antivenom. Note only some indicators will be theoretically applicable for any
particular species of venomous animal [191]
(Fig. 6), which can assist in determining the species involved and is a useful
confirmatory procedure, even if venom detection is available [134, 191].
While the discussion above has been directed to antivenoms against ven-
omous snakes, the principles apply to all antivenoms. However, for most other
venomous animals, if an antivenom exists, it is a specific/monovalent product,
because the range of species required to be covered in any region often does
not warrant a polyvalent antivenom. There are exceptions to this, such as poly-
valent anti-scorpion and/or anti-spider antivenoms, particularly in parts of
South America, North Africa and the Middle East [127–130]. Advising on spe-
cific choice methods for antivenoms in each region is beyond the scope of this
Administering antivenom
As discussed earlier, in most settings, acute and rapidly severe envenoming
mandates i.v. administration of antivenom to ensure rapid, therapeutically ade-
quate blood levels. For those few antivenoms where the producer recommends
an i.m. route, the clinician treating the patient should determine if this is advis-
able in the individual circumstances, if necessary in consultation with an
expert (e.g., through a poisons centre or a clinical toxinology service).
The method of i.v. administration will be dictated by several factors: (1) the
volume of the antivenom at the selected dose, (2) the size of the patient, (3)
pre-existing health problems for the patient, (4) the availability of i.v. adminis-
tration equipment, such as sterile i.v. giving sets, i.v. fluids, i.v. pumps etc.
High-volume antivenoms in small children may pose fluid overload issues,
exacerbated by the common practice of diluting antivenom in an i.v. carrier
solution, up to 1:10, such as normal saline or Hartman’s solution. In general,
where practical, such dilution and administration through a giving set is advan-
tageous, because it allows precise control of rate of infusion and may make
adjustments for adverse reactions easier. There are other methods which are
also validated, particularly direct slow i.v. injection of antivenom at the bed-
side, easiest if the total volume is not high [191]. This approach has several
advantages; it requires less equipment, so is generally easier and cheaper, par-
ticularly in less well resourced health systems, and it forces the doctor, who
must give the injection, to be present at the bedside throughout administration.
This makes it far more likely that any adverse reaction will be detected early
and the injection stopped and the reaction promptly treated. With diluted i.v.
infusions there is a risk that staff will start the infusion and then be occupied
with other duties or patients, potentially missing early signs of reactions and so
missing the opportunity to treat early, when treatment will likely be more effec-
tive. In a well-managed hospital setting such risks can be avoided and it is the
author’s practice, in most cases, to give antivenom by diluted i.v. infusion.
Selection of the dose of antivenom is beyond the scope of this chapter,
because it will vary between antivenoms, organisms causing envenoming, and
degree of envenoming. There is one important principle that is universal; dose
is not determined by patient size, therefore children receive the same dose as
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 257
Figure 6. Diagnostic algorithms for Australian snakebite; an example of what may be possible if
detailed profiling of envenoming by snake species is undertaken in a given geographic region (origi-
nal photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
258 J. White
Adverse reactions
All antivenoms are, by definition, foreign antigens when they are administered
and all have the potential for adverse reactions, both early and late [134, 163,
191, 192]. The more highly purified the antivenom, in general, the lower the
rate of reactions, but as noted earlier, whole IgG antivenoms purified with
caprylic acid, may enjoy comparatively low reaction rates, especially com-
pared with simple whole IgG antivenoms.
The causes of adverse reactions to antivenom are multiple, but contaminat-
ing components in the antivenom are of great importance and may include
pyrogens from bacterial or other contamination, other plasma components as
contaminants, such as albumin, Fc components of fractionated IgG, and ele-
ments of equine plasma that cause allergic responses [109, 119, 121, 136, 191,
192]. In addition, prior exposure to the antivenom or the host animal used in
immunising may stimulate an allergic response, even IgE production in rare
cases. Modern production methods should exclude contamination with live
bacteria or viruses, but prions are harder to exclude, hence the requirement,
particularly applicable to ovine antivenoms, that the host animal is from a
flock/herd certified free of prion disease [131, 132].
The principle early reactions, in order of frequency and severity, are an ery-
thematous rash, by itself of little consequence, rigors indicative of a pyrogenic
reaction, and least common, a significant systemic allergic reaction, often
characterised as “anaphylaxis”, although true IgE involvement occurs only in
the minority of cases, with complement activation by the antivenom being a
more common aetiology. The principle delayed reaction is serum sickness and
this is partly dependent on the volume of antivenom administered; the higher
the volume, the greater the risk.
For early reactions, other than simple rash, the first response should be to
stop the antivenom infusion. If there is a major systemic allergic reaction, clas-
sic treatment for anaphylaxis is warranted, including adrenaline (epinephrine),
i.v. fluids, resuscitation, as indicated. Detailed discussion of the management
of anaphylaxis is beyond the scope of this chapter and readers are referred to
current published reviews on this topic [193]. Once the reaction is controlled,
antivenom infusion can be cautiously restarted, sometimes requiring titration of
rate against blood pressure response and i.v. diluted adrenaline infusion [134].
The development of an anaphylactic reaction to antivenom is not a justification
for abandoning antivenom therapy in that patient. If antivenom has been com-
menced on sound clinical grounds, because of major or life threatening enven-
oming, those grounds remain valid. Nevertheless, it is prudent to re-evaluate
the extent/severity of envenoming before committing to restarting antivenom.
For late reactions, notably serum sickness, the patient will often have been
discharged prior to onset, so it is essential that all patients receiving antivenom,
whatever the type, amount, or route, be informed of the possibility of serum
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 259
Other antidotes
Antivenoms are only available to cover some of the more dangerous venomous
animals. Even where antivenom is available, there may be other treatments that
can be effective as ancillary care, although not as a replacement for antivenom.
For neurotoxic paralysis caused by purely post-synaptic neurotoxins, anti-
cholinesterases are theoretically attractive and have shown efficacy for enven-
oming by some species. By reducing the rate of acetylcholine destruction with-
in the neuromuscular junction (Fig. 1), it is sometimes possible to overwhelm
the effect of the toxin in blocking the muscle end-plate acetylcholine receptor,
thus reducing the extent of paralytic features. In selected cases this may be
enough to wean the patient off the need for ventilatory respiratory support, but
frequent re-dosing is usually required. This ancillary treatment has been suc-
cessful in treating paralysis following bites by Philippines cobras (Naja philip-
pinensis), death adders (Acanthophis spp.) and sea snakes (New Caledonia;
species not certain) and is likely applicable to a wider range of snakes
[196–199]. However, recent research indicates at least some death adders also
have pre-synaptic neurotoxins in their venom, which may explain cases refrac-
tory to both antivenom and anticholinesterase treatment.
For scorpion stings causing neuroexcitatory envenoming, some clinicians
report that prazosin is highly effective [200–206]. Experimental studies also
indicate prazosin may be effective in countering Irukandji jellyfish (Carukia
barnesi) envenoming, in cases with significant cardiac involvement [207, 208].
In both these settings there is a form of “catecholamine storm”. However, the
cardiovascular collapse caused by severe box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)
envenoming is not responsive to prazosin [209, 210].
260 J. White
General treatment
it is advisable to wait until the area of necrosis has stabilised. For deep pene-
trating wounds, such as with some stingray injuries, after debriding damaged
and necrotic tissue, it is important to allow wounds to heal by secondary inten-
tion [230].
Venomous snakes
night, with a painless bite and later development of progressive severe paraly-
sis, often associated with abdominal pain and, at least for some species,
myotoxicity as well. Most, but not all, species show some degree of body
banding. Antivenom is available for some krait species.
Coral snakes (Micrurus, etc.): Coral snakes are of most medical signifi-
cance in the Americas, especially in South and Central America, where they
can cause severe paralysis and/or myolysis, with minimal local effects. There
are a few species found in the southern USA, but throughout their range they
are an infrequent, although sometimes fatal cause of bites. Several specific
coral snake antivenoms are available in South and Central America.
Mambas (Dendroaspis): The African mambas (Fig. 7) have a ferocious rep-
utation, but available data indicates they likely cause relatively few bites,
although some species have a high lethality potential. The venom causes com-
plex neurotoxicity, leading to both muscle fasciculation and paralysis, but gen-
erally few local effects. At least one African polyvalent antivenom covers
Australian and New Guinea elapids (Pseudonaja, Pseudechis, Notechis,
Tropidechis, Austrelaps, Hoplocephalus, Acanthophis, Oxyuranus, Micro-
pechis): Australian and New Guinea elapid snakes have developed rather sep-
arately from elapids elsewhere and present a distinct set of clinical problems.
Local effects of bites vary, depending on species, from trivial to moderate
swelling, but it is systemic effects that dominate, again varying between spe-
cies, but including pre- and post-synaptic paralysis, severe myotoxicity, coagu-
Figure 7. Black mamba, Dendroaspis polylepis (original photo/illustration copyright © Julian White).
264 J. White
Figure 8. An eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, with mouth open and fangs moved to
erect position, but with fang sheath not yet retracted (original photo/illustration copyright © Julian
ahead of elapids. There are two subfamilies of viperid snakes, Viperinae and
This subfamily contains classic vipers, found throughout much of the “old
world” and responsible for a substantial portion of the human snakebite toll,
particularly groups like the carpet vipers (genus Echis), Russell’s vipers (genus
Daboia) and African adders (genus Bitis).
Classic vipers and adders (Vipera, Macrovipera, etc.): These small vipers
(or “adders”) have a wide distribution from Europe right across northern Asia
and south into North Africa and the Middle East. While they can cause severe,
even fatal envenoming, in most cases envenoming is less severe and mostly
local, with swelling, pain, bruising, and uncommonly necrosis. Systemic
effects can include shock, coagulopathy and renal damage, with occasional
mild neurotoxic features, such as ptosis, although at least one species (Vipera
ammodytes) can cause more severe paralysis. Several antivenoms are avail-
266 J. White
Puff adders (Bitis): These African vipers range from small species to large
snakes such as the Gaboon viper, Bitis gabonica and the notorious puff adder,
Bitis arietans, an important cause of sub-Saharan snakebite. These snakes
cause severe local envenoming, including swelling, pain, bruising, blistering
and necrosis, plus systemic effects including shock, coagulopathy and haem-
orrhage. Several antivenoms covering the puff adder are available, but not
specifically for other species, although cross-reactivity is likely among some
of these.
Russell’s vipers (Daboia): Russell’s vipers, Daboia russelii and D. siamen-
sis, are the most important members of this genus and are found from Sri
Lanka, through the Indian subcontinent, to Southeast Asia, Indonesia and
Taiwan. Throughout their range they cause a significant number of often
severe or fatal bites, characterised by both severe local effect, including blis-
tering and necrosis, and severe systemic effects, including coagulopathy,
haemorrhage, shock and renal failure. Some populations, particularly in
Myanmar and parts of India, can also cause anterior pituitary infarction, result-
ing in Sheehan’s syndrome. Other populations, notably those in Sri Lanka, can
cause myolysis and paralysis. This diversity of venom actions and clinical
effects, even intra-species, means that antivenom choice is crucial; the antiven-
om, to be effective, must be against the particular population of snakes caus-
ing the bite. Using specific anti-Daboia antivenom from one region, to treat
bites by the same species from a different region, can result in treatment fail-
ure and death.
Carpet vipers (Echis): Carpet or saw-scaled vipers, genus Echis, are com-
mon, relatively small vipers, with a range extending from west Africa to India,
covering a number of species that collectively likely cause more snakebite
fatalities than any other genus of snakes. Their bites cause severe local effects,
including blistering, haemorrhage and necrosis, plus severe systemic coagulo-
pathy and haemorrhage. Venom variability between species means that anti-
venom must be sourced from the correct region and species; Indian anti-Echis
antivenom will not be effective in Africa and vice versa.
Other vipers (Eristocophis, Cerastes, Causus, Pseudocerastes, Atheris,
Montatheris, Proatheris, Adenorhinos, Azemiops): A variety of lesser viperids
exist, some of which are not known to cause significant envenoming in
humans, while others, such as the horned vipers, Cerastes spp., can cause
severe, even life-threatening envenoming characterised by coagulopathy and
haemorrhage. Antivenoms covering these species are mostly unavailable,
although a few antivenoms cover some taxa.
The other viper subfamily, Crotalinae, contains all the “pit vipers”, those
vipers with two heat sensing pits on the anterior head, allowing detection of
prey by infra-red. Pit vipers occur in both the Old World and New World, alt-
hough they predominate in the latter, throughout the Americas, where they are
the dominant cause of snakebites to humans.
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 267
including local tissue injury/necrosis in the bitten limb and systemic coagu-
lopathy and shock. Some species commonly cause local infection with abscess
formation. Renal failure, including permanent injury (bilateral renal cortical
necrosis) is described. Two species in the Caribbean, Bothrops lanceolatus and
B. caribbeus, cause thrombotic problems, as discussed earlier in this chapter.
A variety of antivenoms are available in South and Central America to cover
some of the major species of Bothrops, but it is important to select an antiven-
om with coverage for the species involved in a bite. Many of the lesser
Bothrops species, although capable of causing envenoming, seem rarely to do
so and are not specifically covered by any antivenom. The same applies to the
variety of smaller pit vipers, such as the eyelash viper, Bothriechis schlegeli.
Some polyvalent antivenoms, particularly from Central America, may provide
some cross neutralisation for some of these species.
Bushmasters (Lachesis): The bushmasters are formidable snakes, of large
size, but throughout most of their range, bites are infrequent. Moderate to
severe local effects occur, including bruising, but necrosis is uncommon, while
systemic effects include shock, coagulopathy and haemorrhage. Several
antivenoms covering these snakes are available.
Copperheads, mokasins and cantils (Agkistrodon): In parts of North
America, bites by some Agkistrodon spp. are common and, while not general-
ly as severe as rattlesnake envenoming, can still cause potentially lethal
effects, particularly in children. Moderate to severe local effects are common,
including tissue injury, but major systemic effects are less common. They are
covered by the North American polyvalent antivenom.
Mamushi, etc. (Gloydius, Deinagkistrodon): The snakes currently assigned
to genus Gloydius, restricted to Asia, were formerly in genus Agkistrodon, and
some species are important as a cause of snakebite, particularly the mamushis
of Japan (Gloydius blomhoffii blomhoffii) and China (G.b. brevicaudus). The
Japanese subspecies can cause both severe local effects, including blistering,
and systemic effects, including shock, coagulopathy, haemorrhage, renal dam-
age and mild neurotoxicity. The Chinese subspecies causes similarly severe
systemic effects and possibly myolysis as well, but less severe local effects.
Bites by other members of this genus are less well understood. Antivenoms
against the mamushis are available in China and Japan. The hundred pace
snake, Deinagkistrodon acutus, also found in parts of Asia, can cause severe or
lethal envenoming, characterised by severe local effects, including blistering
and necrosis, and systemic effects such as shock, coagulopathy and haemor-
rhage. Specific antivenom is available in China and Taiwan.
Malayan pit viper (Calloselasma): In Southeast Asia the Malayan pit viper
is a most important cause of severe and lethal bites. It causes major local
effects, including blistering and necrosis, and systemic effects including
shock, coagulopathy and haemorrhage. Several antivenoms covering this spe-
cies are available.
Green pit viper (Trimeresurus, Protobothrops, Crypteletrops, Viridovipera,
Popeia, Garthius, Parias, Peltopelor): These Asian pit vipers, mostly previ-
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 269
ously contained within the single genus Trimeresurus, have recently been
split into eight distinct genera [235–237]. They encompass a diverse range of
mostly arboreal snakes, some of which are important causes of snakebite
within their specific distribution. Clinical effects vary between species, from
trivial local and no systemic effects, to extensive local swelling and bruising,
with systemic coagulopathy and haemorrhage, to severe local effects includ-
ing necrosis, plus shock, with or without coagulopathy. This latter group
includes the habu, Protobothrops flavoviridis and Protobothrops mucrosqua-
matus. Antivenoms are available for some of the more medically significant
Hump nose vipers (Hypnale): Hump nosed vipers from India and Sri Lanka
are now recognised as a cause of significant bites, causing both local effects,
including blistering, but not necrosis, and systemic effects including shock,
coagulopathy, haemorrhage, renal damage and MAHA, although most bites
may be less severe. No antivenom is available at present.
Other crotalines (Atropoides, Cerrophidion, Ermia, Ophryacus, Ovophis,
Porthidium, Tropidolaemus): A number of other New World and Asian pit
vipers in several genera can cause bites but are mostly considered of compar-
atively minor medical importance. None are covered by specific antivenoms.
Venomous lizards
Until recently, only two species of lizards, Heloderma suspectum and H. hor-
ridum, family Helodermatidae, were considered venomous. These large
lizards, from arid areas of Mexico and southwestern USA, have venom glands
in the lower jaw, which connect to the base of sharp grooved teeth. The venom
is likely used in prey acquisition, but bites to humans can result in excruciat-
ing local pain and mechanical injury, and in some cases, major systemic
effects, including hypotension and shock, but not paralysis, myolysis, or coag-
ulopathy. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive, as no antivenom is avail-
Recent controversial research has indicated that several other groups of
lizards, notably the varanids/goannas (family Varanidae) and the dragons
(family Agamidae) have genes for venom production and may produce oral
secretions containing toxins [234]. Some researchers consider that for at least
large varanids, such as the massive Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis),
these toxic oral secretions are effectively venom and are used in prey acquisi-
tion. Further research is needed to confirm the validity of this work.
Most of the nearly 2000 described species of scorpions are of no medical sig-
nificance, their stings causing either no effects in humans, or minor or short-
270 J. White
lived local pain, rarely with any systemic effects, and the latter are of a minor
and self-limiting nature. However, several hundred species, nearly all within
family Buthidae, can cause envenoming, varying from mild to severe, even
lethal, depending on species and the size of the victim.
where severe scorpion stings are very common, indicates that the widespread
use of antivenom has been associated with a dramatic fall in mortality.
These spiders, often described as “primitive”, are generally large spiders of
robust build, with comparatively long fangs. Most cause minor local effects
only on biting humans, but one group, the Australian funnel-web spiders and
related mouse spiders are lethal to humans. Some others cause dermal and
ophthalmic irritation through shedding abdominal hairs.
Australian funnel-web spiders: These spiders, of genera Atrax (Fig. 11) and
Hadronyche, found only in Australia, are the World’s most dangerous spiders.
While “dry” or trivial bites are common, they can cause rapidly lethal enven-
oming, even in healthy adults, with death in less than 30 minutes in some cases
in the pre-antivenom era. Envenoming is a rapid, fulminant neuroexcitatory
type, with catecholamine storm effects, similar to major scorpion envenoming.
It responds rapidly to antivenom, even given late, and since antivenom was
introduced, fatalities are now essentially unknown. This specific antivenom
actually is effective for all funnel-web species. The related mouse spiders,
genus Missulena, have a similar venom, also responsive to funnel-web spider
antivenom, but clinically significant envenoming is very rare, so antivenom is
generally not required for bites by these spiders.
Other mygalomorphs: A number of other large mygalomorph spiders can
cause at least local effects such as intense pain, sometimes with non-specific
systemic effects, usually mild and of limited duration, but for the majority of
species there is no evidence, despite their large size and long fangs, that they
are of any medical significance.
272 J. White
Figure 11. The Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (original photo/illustration copyright ©
Julian White).
The bulk of all described spider species are araneomorphs. These diverse spi-
ders span a wide array of families, body size and shape and prey capture meth-
ods, the latter ranging from classic web capture, to hunting and stalking. Most
are of no medical significance, but a few groups can cause problem bites.
Widow spiders (Latrodectus): Widow spider bite is probably the most com-
mon medically important form of spider bite globally. Widow spiders, mostly
of the genus Latrodectus, are distributed across most continents, are often
common and adapt well to human habitation, so opportunities for bites can be
many. In Australia more patients are treated with antivenom for widow spider
(red back spider) bite than all other types of envenoming combined (including
snakebite). Although widow spiders are reported to have caused fatalities,
available evidence suggests this is most likely a result of secondary problems,
not direct primary venom toxicity, but there is no doubt that significant widow
spider envenoming, latrodectism, is an unpleasant problem for affected
patients. The venom causes neuroexcitatory envenoming, but usually without
the severe and life threatening systemic effects seen with scorpion and funnel-
web spider envenoming. Instead, envenoming is characterised by local, then
regional or generalised pain, often with associated sweating, sometimes nau-
sea and hypertension, lasting up to several days. A number of antivenoms are
available and evidence suggests any anti-latrodectus antivenom will be effec-
tive against bites by all widow spider species. Recent research has questioned
the effectiveness of antivenom for latrodectism, but further research will be
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 273
required to resolve this issue, as there is a large body of published case expe-
rience (but not randomised control trials) suggesting antivenom is the only
effective treatment.
Banana spiders (Phoneutria): Banana spiders are restricted to South and
Central America, but cause most problems in Brazil, where they are, by far, the
most common cause of major spider bite. Effects are similar to widow spiders
and most distressing for patients, but with low lethality potential. An antiven-
om is available in Brazil, but most patients are managed conservatively, includ-
ing analgesia, without antivenom.
Recluse spiders (Loxosceles): Recluse spiders (Fig. 12) are global in distri-
bution, but a more restricted group cause medical problems, which are quite
distinctive. An effective bite, although rarely felt at the time, will cause either
just local effects, principally necrosis of skin (cutaneous loxoscelism), plus
some self limiting systemic effects, or these local effects plus a potentially
lethal systemic illness (viscerocutaneous loxoscelism), characterised by
haemolysis, coagulopathy, renal failure and shock. An antivenom is available
in Brazil, although its effectiveness, given the usual very late presentation, is
doubtful. Most cases elsewhere, such as in the USA, are managed conserva-
tively. Early debridement of necrotic areas is generally inadvisable as it can
extend the necrotic area. Loxoscelism is sometimes characterised as “necrotic
Figure 12. North American recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa (original photo/illustration copyright ©
Julian White).
274 J. White
There are many tick and mite species, all parasites of various hosts, sometimes
mammals, but also birds, reptiles, even spiders and insects. Very few produce
saliva with toxin (venom) effects in humans. Indeed, medically, ticks are far
more important as vectors of disease transmission.
Centipedes have paired fangs and venom glands adjacent to the head, in the
maxillipedes; the apparent “venomous” spines at the tail region are not ven-
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 275
omous. Bites from large species can cause local mechanical trauma and
intense pain from the venom, but systemic effects are not generally seen and
local effects usually settle quickly. However, secondary infection is a risk. No
antivenom is available or required.
Lepidopterans (caterpillars)
Most caterpillars, moths and butterflies are of no medical significance, but the
caterpillars of some species have locally irritant hairs and in some cases, notably
276 J. White
Lonomia spp. in Brazil, can cause major, even lethal envenoming, on skin con-
tact with these hairs. Lonomia caterpillars cause potentially fatal coagulopathy,
with potent procoagulants in their venom; there is a specific antivenom in
Brazil. Contact with the hairs of some other caterpillars, across several conti-
nents and many species, either through touching the caterpillar, or through shed
hairs in the air, can cause not just local skin irritation, but in the eyes, corneal
irritation, and if inhaled, bronchial irritation, and potentially severe allergic reac-
tions are also possible. The term lepidopterism is used to cover these diverse
clinical effects. In some species, the hairs may be present on the outside of
pupae and adverse effects from contact with these is known as erucism.
Coleopterans (beetles)
A variety of beetles can produce toxic secretions, which can cause injury to
humans, most commonly skin irritation, staining, blistering or necrosis. Of
particular note are beetles of the family Meloidae, the “blister beetles”, some-
times known as “Spanish fly”. These beetles produce the potent toxin can-
tharadin, exuded from limb joints (they have no specific venom gland), and
direct contact with human skin can cause classic blistering and skin necrosis.
Similarly Staphylinidae beetles can cause local effects by squirting toxins,
notably pederin, under high pressure from anal glands. These are defensive
actions by the beetles, not primary prey acquisition. Management of such local
lesions is symptomatic and supportive. No antivenom is available.
Other insects
While a variety of other insect species, across diverse families, possess suck-
ing mouthparts and can attack humans, often as a food source, they are not pri-
marily venomous, though their saliva may contain substances that might be
considered toxic. They will not be further discussed here.
Venomous mammals
Venomous birds
Until 1990, birds were not considered as toxin producers, but the discovery of
toxin-producing birds in Papua New Guinea, the pitohuis and infritas, which
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 277
principally contain batrachotoxins in their feathers and skin, has changed this
view. However, in these birds, the toxin is used only in defence, when in con-
tact with the bird. There is also uncertainty about the origin of the toxin (is it
made by the bird or concentrated after uptake from the environment). For the
present, then, these birds should be considered poisonous rather than veno-
Venomous amphibians
As with the birds, mentioned above, those frogs possessing toxic secretions are
generally considered poisonous, not venomous. Interestingly, some venomous
frogs, such as larger Bufo toads, can squirt toxic secretions from posterior
parotid glands in the head-neck region, as a defensive measure. This can
almost be considered venomous, not just poisonous. Toxic secretions in
amphibians, including species of frogs (and toads) and newts, can be highly
potent, such as the batrachotoxins, pumiliotoxins, samandarines and bufotox-
ins, many being low molecular weight alkaloids affecting nerve transmission
or cardiac function. Many are lethal to humans, even at a low dose, but humans
rarely come in contact with these toxins. Most recent reported human deaths
from amphibian toxins follow ingestion of herbal medicines or extracts used
for recreational drugs containing toad toxins such as bufotoxin and bufogenin.
Some of the highly toxic poison arrow frogs from the New World are very
colourful and popular in captivity, but generally loose their toxicity after a
period of captive care, supporting the environmental origin of the toxins.
Venomous fish
There are numerous fish with venomous spines, in a diverse array of families,
in all cases using the venom and spines predominantly for defence, not prey
acquisition. Venom glands envelop spines, which are often grooved, and when
contact is made with a potential target, as the spine enters the tissue, the gland
may be compressed and venom forced subcutaneously into the target. This is
particularly effective in fish such as the stonefish (Synaceia trachynis), the
most venomous of all fish, when a human steps on the dorsal spines. Here, as
with other venomous spined fish, the venom causes local pain, which may be
excruciating and crippling. Similar, but lesser pain can occur with other spe-
cies, when stepped on or picked up in the hand. The location of spines varies
with species and includes dorsal, ventral, lateral, tail fins and behind the head.
Some species, such as lionfish (Pterois spp.) can have many spines providing
a defensive screen around the fish. Only a few of these fish venoms have been
studied, notably the most toxic to humans, the stonefish, which has a potent
neurotoxin, although this does not cause paralytic features in envenomed
278 J. White
There are no substantial data on rates of venomous fish stings, but it is like-
ly that minor stings are very common, while severe stings are uncommon to
rare. For most of these fish stings, symptomatic care is the only treatment, with
hot water immersion widely recommended as both first aid and hospital treat-
ment to abate pain. A specific antivenom is available for stonefish stings and
may be useful for severe effects by some closely related species, although this
is unproven.
Cnidarians: jellyfish
Figure 13. The Australian box jellyfish, Chironex fleckeri (original photo courtesy of Jamie Seymour).
Venomous animals: clinical toxinology 279
ies, because of its large size and great tentacle length. As with other jellyfish,
venom is produced in and injected by individual stinging cells, nematocysts
(cnidocils), found in vast numbers on the surface of tentacles (Fig. 14). A major
box jellyfish sting can inoculate venom from millions of nematocysts instant-
ly. As the tentacle contacts the skin, a trigger on the surface of each nematocyst
initiates extrusion at high speed of the everted stinging tube, through the skin,
ejecting venom along the extrusion track. A sting is invariably painful, often
with distinctive ladder track marks and the pain can be excruciating.
Sometimes local necrosis and scarring can occur along tentacle contact tracks.
Box jellyfish venom includes toxins that are cardiotoxic and in a major sting,
within a few minutes even an adult human can suffer cardiac arrhythmia and
arrest, so death can occur within 5 minutes of being stung, probably the most
rapid and dramatic lethal envenoming of any venomous animal. This has result-
ed in great fear of box jellyfish stings, but in reality, such a dire outcome is only
likely if the area of tentacle contact is large, usually from a large specimen.
Nets around swimming beaches exclude such large specimens and the majori-
ty of human box jellyfish stings are comparatively minor. Close relatives of the
box jellyfish exist in waters north of Australia and there are reports of fatal jel-
lyfish stings around Southeast Asia, Indonesia and the Philippines. An antiven-
om is available for Australian box jellyfish stings, but there is recent evidence
that while it neutralises the venom effectively, it cannot be given soon enough
Figure 14. Photomicrograph of a jellyfish tentacle showing embedded unfired nematocysts (original
photo courtesy of Jamie Seymour).
280 J. White
Venomous molluscs
Snails are slow moving, so it is perhaps surprising that more predatory species
are not venomous, at least as far as currently known.
1 Chippaux JP (1998) Snake-bites: Appraisal of the global situation. Bull WHO 76: 515–524
2 Kasturiratne A, Wickremasinghe AR, de Silva N, Gunawardena NK, Pathmeswaran A, Premaratna
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7 Celis A, Gaxiola-Robles R, Sevilla-Godínez E, Orozco Valerio Mde J, Armas J (2007) Trends in
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8 Goyffon M, Billiald P (2007) Envenomations VI. Scorpionism in Africa. Med Trop 67: 439–446
9 White J (1995) Clinical toxicology of spiderbite. In: J Meier, J White (eds): Handbook of Clinical
Toxicology of Animal Venoms and Poisons, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 259–329
282 J. White
59 Andrews RK, Berndt MC (2000) Snake venom modulators of platelet adhesion receptors and their
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60 Kamiguti AS (2005) Platelets as targets of snake venom metalloproteinases. Toxicon 45:
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62 Mandal S, Bhattacharyya D (2007) Ability of a small, basic protein isolated from Russell’s viper
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63 De Castro I, Burdmann EA, Seguro AC, Yu L (2004) Bothrops venom induces direct renal tubu-
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