EMyth Coaching is a relationship where you go for guidance, support, and challenge. EMyth has 21 core lessons, 3 in each Dynamic, along with 5 additional leadership and selfdevelopment lessons. These lessons form the foundation for your work on your business and on yourself.
EMyth Coaching is a relationship where you go for guidance, support, and challenge. EMyth has 21 core lessons, 3 in each Dynamic, along with 5 additional leadership and selfdevelopment lessons. These lessons form the foundation for your work on your business and on yourself.
EMyth Coaching is a relationship where you go for guidance, support, and challenge. EMyth has 21 core lessons, 3 in each Dynamic, along with 5 additional leadership and selfdevelopment lessons. These lessons form the foundation for your work on your business and on yourself.
EMyth Coaching is a relationship where you go for guidance, support, and challenge. EMyth has 21 core lessons, 3 in each Dynamic, along with 5 additional leadership and selfdevelopment lessons. These lessons form the foundation for your work on your business and on yourself.
The key takeaways are that the EMyth Business Development Path provides a proven system to develop a business holistically through 21 core lessons across 7 Dynamics with guidance from a coach.
The EMyth Business Development Path is a structured system to transform a business and its leader through coaching, 21 core lessons across 7 Dynamics (Leadership, Branding, Finance, Management, Delivery, Sales, Marketing), and 5 additional leadership lessons.
The 7 Dynamics that form the foundation of the EMyth Business Development Path are Leadership, Branding, Finance, Management, Delivery, Sales, and Marketing.
EMyth 2013
The EMyth Business Development Path 1
The EMyth Business Development Path EMyth 2013 The EMyth Business Development Path 2 Y oure on the road to transforming your business and yourself as a business leader. Heres what you can expect along the way. EMyth Coaching is a relationship. Its a place where you go for guidance, support, and challenge so you can gure out whats in the way of creating the business you want. But its not just about having a trusted guide, they also have to have the right map. This way, you will have an orchestrated way to get the result you came for. In this case, the result is a new footing for yourself as a business leader and a fully developed business that works holistically through the 7 Dynamics. We know that you need strategy, structure and sys- tems a diferent way of doing business in each Dynamic to get better results. Because we believe uncategorically in the connection between the parts and the whole; we seek to have you work through this business development path. And theres no reason to do it alone. But we also recognize that each of you as a person is diferent and every business is dif- ferent. You may need more or less work in a particular area. You may need to focus on a problem area sooner than the path provides. Well, your Coach is here to both guide you along this well constructed roadmap as well as customize it as necessary to meet your specic needs as you progress. Communicate with your Coach. Let your Coach know early on how you feel the process is working. We want you to feel guided along a proven busi- ness development path that has helped thousands of our clients achieve greater results, but also one that feels right for you. The Lesson Roadmap W e have 21 core lessons, 3 in each Dynamic, along with 5 additional leadership and self- development lessons, that form the founda- tion for your work on your business and on yourself as a leader. This foundation provides the path to put new per- spectives and new structures into place in each Dynamic. While we have more lessons in our library that your Coach may have you work on as you progress, these 21 plus 5 form the basis for you to re-imagine your business and develop it so that you can reach your vision. Just like an operating system for your computer, these lessons provide the basic operating system for your business. You and your Coach will decide together what else you may need beyond these core lessons. Your Coach may choose to give you a lesson in a particular Dynamic sooner if thats what they feel is best for you. The content at EMyth is here to support your journey. Your Coach is here to make certain youre always on track and guide you to make faster progress. Your commitment to doing this work will ensure your success. EMyth 2013 The EMyth Business Development Path 3 Path to Your Business Reimagined LEADERSHIP BRANDING FINANCE MANAGEMENT DELIVERY SALES MARKETING Values, Passion and Purpose Your Business, Reimagined Tracking Your Progress The Brand Commitment Finding Your Own Voice Creating Your Look and Feel Financial Intelligence You Can Use Building A Budget With Vision Creating A Cash Plan Your Organizational Roadmap Brand Based Recruiting Developing Great People Your Product, Reimagined Systematizing Excellence An Experience Worth Talking About Your Unique Sales Process Connecting With Your Customers Selling With Integrity Reaching The Right Customers Understanding Why They Buy Developing Your Channels START EMYTH YOUR BUSINESS REIMAGINED EMyth 2013 The EMyth Business Development Path 4 Y our journey starts in Leadership, and leadership begins with knowing yourself. As a leader you must know what inspires you; to understand your pas- sion and purpose, why you do what you do. Your Values, Passion and Purpose is intended to help you understand yourself, what you stand for as a leader and what drives you. Next, a leader needs a vision. Your Business Reimag- ined is designed to help you esh out what you already see inside you as your vision, and get it down on paper so you can communicate it to others. It guides you to ask the relevant questions that will give you just enough detail to build upon. Next, you learn to track your steps towards your vision. In Tracking Your Progress you nd an extremely efective way to measure both the tangible and intangible aspects of your business that will require focus to realize your vision. Once you understand your values and vision, and have a way to track your progress, Branding comes next. Here we explore Your Brand Commitment, which helps you identify the feeling you want your customers to have as well as your employees to best support your brand prom- ise. Next, comes Finding Your Own Voice, which guides you to identify and describe your unique diferentiation and how you communicate it to your target market. With Creating Your Look and Feel, you learn how to extend your voice throughout your company so your customers have a unied feel for your brand. Next comes Finance. While all the Dynamics are impor- tant, Finance is clearly key to running a business. Unless you have these basic components in place youll never feel in control. Through Financial Intelligence You Can Use you set up and understand your nancial reports and learn how and who should review them. You also ex- plore some of your attitudes about money as well as the diferent functions of a nancial team. Then, you take on Building a Budget With Vision and Creating a Cash Plan, both absolutely critical to ourish as a business. In Management, you create your Organizational Road- map through an Org Chart, which gives you a visually alive path to understand and plan the growth of your company through its people. You learn new ways to recruit and hire based on your culture and brand in Brand Based Recruiting. Through Developing Great People, youll discover the power of creating an ownership cul- ture & receive tools that will help you form its foundation. After setting the foundation in Leadership and through the strategic disciplines of Branding, Management and Fi- nance, we connect those strategies to the activity Dynam- ics: Delivery, Sales and Marketing, where your new strate- gies connect with your customers. We start with Delivery as you must consistently deliver a quality experience so that every customer is satised with your brand promise. In Your Product Reimagined you learn to innovate your product or service to ofer the best possible alternative to your customers. In Systematizing Excellence you create a quality control system that ensures that every customer receives the same feeling of excellence, every time. In An Experience Worth Talking About you will discover ways to exceed customer expectations which builds the rela- tionship & creates word-of-mouth referrals. After shoring up Delivery, we move into the Sales Dy- namic, where you explore how to create Your Unique Sales Process, your way of helping prospective custom- ers get involved with your brand. Through Connecting Your Customers youll learn new perspectives that solidify and further the relationship with your customers to bring them back again and again. Selling With Integrity sup- ports creating a sales roadmap and scripts so every sales- person has a similar path to rely on as they relate to your prospective customers. Now that you can deliver and sell in a new and depend- able way, youre ready to create more prospective cus- tomers through Marketing. Reaching The Right Custom- ers guides you in discovering the best segments or niches for you to focus on, and those that are better left alone. In the next lesson, Understanding Why They Buy, we explore what makes your customers tick, why they buy, and learn to better understand the kinds of messages that might move them and draw them in. In Developing Your Channels, you learn to choose the right places to target your marketing messages and create a structure and sys- tem to do it seamlessly and consistently. The Dynamic Road of the 21 Lessons EMyth 2013 The EMyth Business Development Path 5 The Five Essential Leadership Development Lessons I n addition to the core 21 lessons, your coach will introduce, at the appropriate time, ve additional les- sons that support your development as a leader and manager. Self Organization and Managing Your Time provide a comprehensive path to dramatically improve your self-management. The skills learned here, often have a dramatic efect on your ability to get things done and successfully develop your business. Solving Frustra- tions and Designing Systems provide a unique way to identify and understand the problems and frustrations you face in your business, analyze the cause, and develop system solutions to address the frustration. Finally, A Path To Self Awareness provides you and your Coach with a multi-faceted way to work on self-improvement and bet- ter understanding the obstacles that stand in your path of becoming a great leader. You and Your Coach T he roadmap above through the 7 Dynamics, 21 core and 5 Leadership development lessons pro- vides the foundational path that the majority of our clients take as it makes holistic sense. But you and your Coach may decide together that deviating from this path to focus on a particular area longer may prove important. You have the best of both: a proven path and system to develop your business as well as a Coach who cares and who has the roadmap to take you to your goal. Your coach knows the EMyth material and has experience guiding clients just like you along the path. Your Coach also recognizes that you and your business are unique; and is fully prepared to help you apply every aspect of the EMyth development process to your specic situation.
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