Respondent Joyce M. Ashley files a response to the petition seeking to have her powers as trustee suspended. She denies the allegations in the petition and provides the following key details:
1) She outlines the facts of the case, including details of the 2008 trust and 2013 trust that named her as successor trustee.
2) She asserts that the decedent was of sound mind and understood the provisions of the 2013 trust when he executed it.
3) She requests the court uphold the 2013 trust as representing the decedent's free will and denies the petitioners have standing to challenge the trust.
Respondent Joyce M. Ashley files a response to the petition seeking to have her powers as trustee suspended. She denies the allegations in the petition and provides the following key details:
1) She outlines the facts of the case, including details of the 2008 trust and 2013 trust that named her as successor trustee.
2) She asserts that the decedent was of sound mind and understood the provisions of the 2013 trust when he executed it.
3) She requests the court uphold the 2013 trust as representing the decedent's free will and denies the petitioners have standing to challenge the trust.
Respondent Joyce M. Ashley files a response to the petition seeking to have her powers as trustee suspended. She denies the allegations in the petition and provides the following key details:
1) She outlines the facts of the case, including details of the 2008 trust and 2013 trust that named her as successor trustee.
2) She asserts that the decedent was of sound mind and understood the provisions of the 2013 trust when he executed it.
3) She requests the court uphold the 2013 trust as representing the decedent's free will and denies the petitioners have standing to challenge the trust.
Respondent Joyce M. Ashley files a response to the petition seeking to have her powers as trustee suspended. She denies the allegations in the petition and provides the following key details:
1) She outlines the facts of the case, including details of the 2008 trust and 2013 trust that named her as successor trustee.
2) She asserts that the decedent was of sound mind and understood the provisions of the 2013 trust when he executed it.
3) She requests the court uphold the 2013 trust as representing the decedent's free will and denies the petitioners have standing to challenge the trust.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RUTH C. ROSE, Esq. SBN 145887 433 North Camden Dr!e, S"te #$$ Be!er%& H%%s, Ca%'orna, ($)1$ *hone +, -3)3. 458/31$7 0a1+, -888. #4(/17)$ 2ttorne& 'or Res3ondent 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e& SU*ER7OR COURT O0 THE ST2TE O0 C2870ORN72 0OR THE COUNT9 O0 8OS 2N:E8ES *ettoner see;s to ha!e ths 5o"rt s"s3end the 3o<ers o' Res3ondent as tr"stee, 3endn= an n!est=aton, >e5a"se the Res3ondent >rea5hed her 'd"5ar& d"t& to the tr"st >& ha!n= an m3ro3er 5on'%5t o' nterest 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$4, 'a%"re to 3reser!e tr"st 3ro3ert& 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$# and 'a%"re to 3ro!de n'ormaton to the >ene'5ares 3"rs"ant to *C se5ton 1#$#$. 0or ret"rn and ans<er to the 3etton '%ed 'or her remo!a% and 'or s"s3enson o' her 3o<ers, 3ersona% re3resentat!e o' the estate o' BERTR26 T298OR, SR. and EU82872 7n Re, RE?OC2B8E TRUST O0 BERTR26 T29OR, SR. 2ND EU82872 ?. T298OR. De5eased @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *2TR7C72 2. T298OR, BERTR26 T298OR, 4r and 62R:2RET AH7TE *ettoners, !s. 4O9CE 6. 2SH8E9, Res3ondent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case No., R7* 14$$173 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEY RESPONSE TO PETITION [Prob. Code 8500, 8502] 2 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?. T298OR de5eased, denes, and a%%e=es, I. STATEMENT O ACTS Ah%e *ettoners statement o' 'a5ts re'%e5ts 5ertan tr"e 'a5ts, those that the& assert as =ro"nd 'or ths 3etton s not a55"rate. Res3ondent 4o&5e 2sh%e& and *atr5a 2. Ta&%or, Bertram Ta&%or, 4R. and 6ar=aret Ahte are the ser!n= 5h%dren o' Bertram Ta&%or, Sr. and E"%a8a ?. Ta&%or. *ettoners <are named as three o' the 'o"r s"55essor 5o/tr"stees and >ene'5ares o' The Bertram Ta&%or, Sr. 2nd E"%a%a ?. Ta&%or Re!o5a>%e Tr"st, Dated 4an"ar& $8, 1((8 -herena'ter, BThe 1((8 Tr"stB. . 2 5o3& o' The 1((8 Tr"st s atta5hed as E1h>t 2. Res3ondent, 4O9CE 6. 2SH8E9, s a%so a 5h%d o' BERTR26 T298OR, SR. and EU82872 ?. T298OR and <as a%so named as the 'o"rth >ene'5ar& o' The 1((8 Tr"st. EU82872 ?. T298OR ded d"rn= 4"%& 3, )$13. On 2"="st )), )$13, a restatement o' The Tr"st -herena'ter, Bthe )$13 Tr"stB. <as s=ned >& BERTR26 T298OR, SR. 2 5o3& o' the )$13 Tr"st s atta5hed as E1h>t B. Con5"rrent <th the )$13 Tr"st, the de5edent e1e5"ted a 8ast A%% and Testament. 2 5o3& o' sad A%% s atta5hed as E1h>t C. 7n the %ast <%% and testament o' Bertram Ta&%or, Sr., the De5edent attest to >en= o' so"nd and ds3osn= mnd and memor& and not a5tn= "nder the 'ra"d, d"ress, mena5e or "nd"e n'%"en5e, n the C0rst C%a"se C o' the <%% De5edent e13ress%& re!o;ed an& and a%% other <%%s and de5de to <%%s e1e5"ted >& hm. BERTR26 T298OR, SR ded Se3tem>er )5, )$13. 2t the tme o' hs death, he <as a resdent o' the 5t& and 5o"nt& o' R!ersde, Ca%'orna. Ea5h o' the *ettoners <as hers at %a< and >ene'5ares o' the estate o' the de5eased, n the1((8 Tr"st. The terms o' the )$13 Tr"st nd5ate three 5han=es, -1. De5edentDs resden5e %o5ated at )$$ E. 2%essandro B%!d. +)8, R!ersde, C2. s to >e dstr>"ted so%e%& to Res3ondentE -). De5edentDs renta% 3ro3ert& %o5ated at )$3 E. 13# th 3 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Street, 8os 2n=e%es, C2 s to >e dstr>"ted to Res3ondentDs sonE and -3. Res3ondent s to ser!e a%one as the 'rst s"55essor tr"stee. Res3ondent 5ontend that :%o>a% Estate Ser!5es, 7n5. 3re3ared the )$13 Tr"st and the De5edent <as 3resent and that a%% 3ro!son o' the )$13 tr"st <as ds5"ssed <th de5edent >& the tr"st 3re3arer >e'ore De5edent s=ned the )$13 Tr"st. That De5edent "nderstood the 3ro!son o' the )$13 Tr"stE The De5edent dd not s"''er a stro;e 1$ &ears a=o as 5%amed >& *ettoner and dd not s"''er 'rom *ar;nson Dseased at the tme he e1e5"ted the )$13 A%% and the )$13 Tr"st. Res3ondent dstr>"ted to a%% >ene'5ares as to the 3ro!sons o' the )$13 tr"st 3er de5edentDs <shes *ettoners do not ha!e standn= to >rn= ths 3etton >e5a"se no 3ettoner <%% >ene't >& a F"d5a% determnaton that the )$13 tr"st s !a%d, there>& 5a"sn= de5edentDs assets to >e dstr>"ted 3"rs"ant to the terms o' thereo'. Res3ondent req"ests ths 5o"rt to ho%d !a%d the )$13 tr"st >e5a"se at the tme o' ts e1e5"ton, de5edent <as o' so"nd mnd and the )$13 tr"st <as e1e5"ted as a dre5t res"%t o' De5edentGs 'ree <%%. D"rn= the month o' O5to>er )$$7 De5edents 3"r5hased a 5ondomn"m n the 5t& o' R!ersde Ca%'orna. 2t that tme the& %!ed n a 4 >edroom ) >aths home that the& o<ned, and mo!ed to the ) >edroom ) >ath 5ondomn"ms. There <as 5onsdera>%e do<nsHn= o' 3ersona% >e%on=n=s. 2'ter the ho"sn= 5rash o' )$$8 the 5ondo <as "nder<ater. De5edents o<ed more mone& on the mort=a=e than the 5ondo <as <orth. 7n the &ear )$1$ har3 >e5ame a!a%a>%e to home o<ners <th mort=a=e "nder<ater. 7t <as not "nt% )$1) that De5edents 5o"%d q"a%'& 'or re'nan5n= <th the ho3e o' %o<ern= the nterest rate 'rom #.1 to 4.3( t <as then that De5edents had a ds5"sson a>o"t Res3ondent attann= 3o<er o' attorne& to he%3 na!=ate the %oan 3ro5ess. 2t the tme o' Res3ondent motherGs death a%% o' ther assets <ere 'roHen. Res3ondent 3arents had no %'e ns"ran5e. Res3ondentGs 3o<er o' attorne& d"tes 5eased. The se!en &ears that Res3ondent 3arents %!ed n the 5ondomn"m dd *ettoners req"est a ;e& to the resden5e at )$$ E. 2%essandro >%!d +)8 there <as ne!er an& req"est to 4 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 enter the home to ether n!entor& assets or o>tan 3ersona% 3ro3ert&. Res3ondent ne!er mo!ed o"t o' her home. She %!ed aro"nd the 5orner 'rom the De5edents as dd *ettoner 6ar=aret Ahte. Res3ondent >e=an to s3end more tme <th De5edents as the& a=ed. 7t had >een de5ded >e'ore Res3ondent motherGs death that she and Res3ondentGsI 'ather <o"%d not >e attendn= ther =randda"=hters <eddn=. Res3ondent mother ded on 4"%& 3 )$13 the <eddn= <as on the 5 o' 4"%&. There s a mort=a=e on the 5ondo and the entre 3ro5eeds 'rom the rent 'rom the ho"se <ere de3osted nto the de5edentGs >an; a55o"nt. 0rom O5to>er )$$7 the month%& 3a&ment on the 5ondo <as J14(7.15 and the Home O<nerGs 2sso5aton J)38 a month. 2'ter the re'nan5n= o' the 5ondo the month%& 3a&ment on the 5ondo <as 1)45.17 and the Home O<nerGs 2sso5aton <as )#1 a month. Res3ondent 3arents %e't 187,$$$.$$ n a tr"st amo"nt <h5h <ere d!ded eq"a%%& amon= the *ettoners. *ettoners ;ne< <hen the& s=ned ths 3etton on 11()$14 the& had re5e!ed a%% 3ro5eeds d"e 'rom o"r dadGs 3enson. 2s o' 4)$)$14, Res3ondent has 5ontn"ed to 3a& the mort=a=e on and the Home O<nerGs 2sso5aton month%& 'ees on >oth 3ro3ertes, and 5ar <h5h s 3ar;ed n s3a5e nsde the =ated 5om3%e1, the =ardener, and the <ater >%%. . II. DECEDENT HAD CAPACITY TO SI!N THE 20"# TR$ST Res3ondent den& 3ettonersG a%%e=aton that de5edent %a5;ed 5a3a5t& to s=n the )$13 Tr"st and a%%e=es, Res3ondent restate that the )$13 Tr"st remo!ed *ettoners as >ene'5ares as to the )$$ E. 2%essandro B%!d. +)8, R!ersde, Ca%'orna 3ro3ert& and the )$3 E. 13# th St., 8os 2n=%es, Ca%'orna 3ro3ert& on%&. That an& and a%% other 3ro!son o' the )$13 Tr"st that a%%o<s 'or dstr>"ton o' de5edentGs estate to the 3ettoner <as 3re'ormed. *ettonersG ar="ment thro"=ho"t the 3etton seems rest on 5ontentons that the )$13 tr"st s n!a%d. Ho<e!er, the& on%& asserted t<o a%%e=atons that address the !a%dt& o' the )$13 Tr"st. See *=s. 8 and ( o' 3etton. 5 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0rst, the 3etton a%%e=es that the De5edent %a5;ed 5a3a5t& to s=n the )$13 Tr"st, ho<e!er, the& ha!e not made ths a%%e=aton as to the )$13 A%%. *ettoners ar="es that <hen the )$13 Tr"st <as e1e5"ted, de5edent dd not ha!e s"''5ent menta% 5a3a5t& to 1. "nderstand the nat"re o' des5endantGs a5tons n e1e5"tn= the )$13 Tr"st, ). "nderstand and re5o%%e5t the nat"re and st"aton o' de5edentGs 3ro3ert&, or 3. remem>er and "nderstand de5edentGs re%atons to de5edentGs 'am%& mem>er. *ettoners ha!e n5orre5t%& assert three e!ents to s"33ort ther 3oston, 'rst, that de5edent, a33ro1mate%& 1$ &ears a=o s"''ered a stro;e, se5ond, that De5edent had *ar;nsonGs dsease, <h5h %e't hm "na>%e to dr!e hs 5ar and that de5edentGs memor& <as a%so e1treme%& <ea;, to the e1tent he dd not ;no< hs 'am%& >"t on%& mentoned one nd!d"a% he dd not remem>er. Res3ondent 5ontends that the De5edent has ne!er s"''ered a stro;e and that De5edent has ne!er >een da=noses <th *ar;nsonGs dsease. 7n Andersen v. Hunt , 1(# Ca%. 233. 4th 7)) -)$11. , the sett%or -BAa&neB. had esta>%shed a 'am%& tr"st <th hs 'rst <'e that named ther 5h%dren as so%e remander >ene'5ares. Aa&neDs <'e ded and Aa&ne de!e%o3ed a re%atonsh3 <th B*a"%ne.B Aa&ne then had a sero"s stro;e. Therea'ter Aa&ne amended hs tr"st 'o"r tmes, 5han=ed the >ene'5ar& des=natons 'or hs %'e ns"ran5e, and o3ened Font >an; a55o"nts <th *a"%ne. These a5tons res"%ted n 3ro!dn= *a"%ne <th a maFort& o' Aa&neDs estate "3on Aa&neDs death. Aa&neDs 5h%dren then so"=ht to n!a%date the do5"ments he had s=ned a'ter hs stro;e, on the =ro"nds that he %a5;ed the req"ste menta% 5a3a5t& <hen he e1e5"ted them. The a33e%%ate 5o"rt n Andersen dd not a33%& the 5ontra5t"a% 5a3a5t& standard o' Se5ton 81) to the tr"st amendments. The 5o"rt he%d that a sett%orGs 5a3a5t& to e1e5"te a tr"st nstr"ment sho"%d >e e!a%"ated "nder the -%o<er. testamentar& 5a3a5t& standard o' Se5ton #1$$.5 ' the re5ord esta>%shes that the tr"st nstr"ment <as sm%ar n ts 5ontent and 5om3%e1t& to a <%% or 5od5%. 7n ths 5ase, Aa&neDs tr"st amendments had mere%& 5han=ed the 3er5enta=es o' the >ene'5ares o' hs tr"st, >& de5reasn= hs 5h%drenDs share n 'a!or o' *a"%ne. Be5a"se o' 6 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the amendmentsD Bsm3%5t& and testamentar& nat"re,B the 5o"rt 'o"nd that the amendments <ere Bndstn="sha>%e 'rom a <%% or 5od5%.B 7n Andersen the 5o"rt noted the <e%% esta>%shed 3rn53%e that Co%d a=e or 'or=et'"%ness, e55entr5tes or menta% 'ee>%eness or 5on'"son at !aro"s tmes o' a 3art& ma;n= a <%% are not eno"=h n themse%!es to <arrant a ho%dn= that the testator %a5;ed testamentar& 5a3a5t&. Estate o' A&nn -1(##. )3( Ca%. 233.)d 3#(, 374, 5tn= Estate o' Sanderson -1(5(. 171 Ca%. 233.)d #51, ##$. III. RESPONDENT DID NOT $SE $ND$E INL$ENCE TO COERCE DECEDENT TO SI!N THE 20"# TR$ST Res3ondent den& 3ettonersG a%%e=aton that the )$13 Tr"st s the dre5t res"%t o' "nd"e n'%"en5e and a%%e=es Res3ondent nether trans5r>es the )$13 A%% nor the )$13 Tr"st. *ettoners ha!e not asserted 'a5ts s"''5ent to s"33ort the a%%e=aton o' "nd"e n'%"en5e. Co"rts are on the <ho%e re%"5tant to dst"r> the ds3oston o' a <%% a'ter the testator has ded. 2t %east three reasons ha!e >een ad!an5ed s"33ortn= the san5tt& o' <%%s. 0rst, the 5o"rts re5o=nHe that an nd!d"a% ma& ds3ose o' hs or her 3ro3ert& as he or she sees 't, ether "nF"st%& and "n'ar%& or <th F"st5e or <th 'arness. Se5ond, the 5entra% 'a5t"a% <tness and o'tentmes on%& <tness to the testatorDs ntent are not a!a%a>%e 'or tra% // he or she s dead. Thrd, F"res, ' =!en the o33ort"nt&, <o"%d rema;e man& <%%s a55ordn= to ther o<n sense o' a F"st dstr>"ton, <h5h ma& not re'%e5t the testatorDs a5t"a% <shes. S3e5'5a%%&, the 5o"rts are 5on5erned 3rmar%& <th the menta% state o' the testator at the 3re5se moment the <%% <as >en= s=ned. Und"e n'%"en5e m"st ha!e >een e1erted at that moment. The e''e5t o' the "nd"e n'%"en5e m"st ha!e >een to o!er3o<er the mnd and the <%% o' the testator at the tme the <%% <as made. The "nd"e n'%"en5e m"st ha!e >een s"5h that t n 'a5t 3rod"5ed the ds3oston o' the <%%, there>& e15%"s!e%& e13ressn= the ntent o' the one e1ertn= the n'%"en5e. 7t m"st a%so >e esta>%shed that the testator <o"%d not ha!e made s"5h a dstr>"ton o' assets >"t 'or the "nd"e n'%"en5e. 7 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *ettoners 3onts to t<o 'a5ts 'or ths asserton, ho<e!er none amo"nt to the "se o' "nd"e n'%"en5e. The 3etton a%%e=es that res3ondentGs 5onta5t <th the 5om3an& <h5h 3re3ared the 1((8 Tr"st to 3re3are the )$13 Tr"st amo"nted to "nd"e n'%"en5e n ha!n= de5edent s=n the )$13 Tr"st. The a5t o' "nd"e n'%"en5e s rare%& <tnessedE there'ore, the 5ommon st"aton s one <here "nd"e n'%"en5e s 3ro!en >& 5r5"mstanta% e!den5e. Co"rts req"re s">stanta% e!den5e to "3set a testatorDs <rtten <%%. ?aro"s %sts o' 'a5tors ha!e >een dra<n n n"mero"s 5ases. 2 5onsens"s o' 5ases <o"%d %st the 'o%%o<n= 'a5tors, -1. "nnat"ra% ds3oston, -). o33ort"nt& to e1ert the "nd"e n'%"en5e, -3. s"s5e3t>%t&, and -4. a5t!t& o' >ene'5ares n 3ro5"rn= the <%%. 0rst, unnatural disposition s ta;en to mean that Bstran=ers,B that s, "nre%ated 3artes, re5e!e the >ene'ts o' the <%% to the e15%"son o' >%ood re%atons, or that one 5h%d re5e!es the >"%; o' the >eq"est <h%e others o' eq"a%%& 5%ose re%aton re5e!e %tt%e or nothn=. Se5ond, opportunity means that re%atons e1sted >et<een the 5he' >ene'5ares and the de5edent that a''orded the >ene'5ares an o33ort"nt& to 5ontro% the testamentar& a5t. Thrd, susceptibility means that the de5edentDs menta% andKor 3h&s5a% 5ondton <as s"5h that t %e't hm or her s"s5e3t>%e to the "nd"e n'%"en5e and domnaton o' others. 0o"rth, activity means that the 5he' >ene'5ares <ere a5t!e n 3ro5"rn= the <%%, so%atn= the testator 'rom hs or her 'am%&, or 3re!entn= the testator 'rom o>tann= nde3endent %e=a% ad!5e. The 5om>naton o' these 'o"r 'a5tors 3resent at the same tme has >een 'o"nd s"''5ent. None o' these 'a5tors a%one s s"''5ent to s"33ort a 'ndn= o' "nd"e n'%"en5e. 0or e1am3%e, mere o33ort"nt& to n'%"en5e e!en <hen there s a mot!e s not s"''5ent 'or an n'eren5e that s"5h n'%"en5e <as n 'a5t e1erted. *ro!n= the testator <as 3art5"%ar%& s"s5e3t>%e s a%most a%<a&s ne5essar&. 7n 5ases <here "nd"e n'%"en5e has >een 'o"nd, the testator n!ara>%& has s"''ered 'rom a <ea;ened 3h&s5a% 5ondton or 3s&5ho%o=5a% !"%nera>%t&. Ths <ea;ness or !"%nera>%t& a33ears to >e the 'o"ndaton o' '"rther 3roo' that there <as m3ro3er 3ers"ason or a5t!t& that s">!erted the <%% o' the testator. 8 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 5ommon 3attern n 5ases <hen "nd"e n'%"en5e s 'o"nd s -a. a 3h&s5a%%& <ea; or 3s&5ho%o=5a%%& !"%nera>%e testator to=ether <th ->. a5t!e 3art53aton n the 3ro5"rn= o' a <%% >& the >ene'5ar& and -5. "nnat"ra% 3ro'ts >& the >ene'5ar&. I%. S$SPENSION O TR$STEE PO&ERS *ettoner see;s to ha!e ths 5o"rt s"s3end the 3o<ers o' Res3ondent as tr"stee, 3endn= an n!est=aton, >e5a"se the Res3ondent >rea5hed her 'd"5ar& d"t& to the tr"st >& ha!n= an m3ro3er 5on'%5t o' nterest 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$4, 'a%"re to 3reser!e tr"st 3ro3ert& 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$# and 'a%"re to 3ro!de n'ormaton to the >ene'5ares 3"rs"ant to *C se5ton 1#$#$. 0or ret"rn and ans<er to 3etton '%ed 'or her s"s3enson o' 3o<ers and to the 5taton ss"ed thereon, 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&, 3ersona% re3resentat!e o' the estate o' BERTR26 T928OR SR. 2ND EU82872 !. T298OR, de5eased, denes and a%%e=es, Res3ondent denes that she has >rea5hed her 'd"5ar& d"t& to the tr"st >& ha!n= an m3ro3er 5on'%5t o' nterest 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$4, 'a%"re to 3reser!e tr"st 3ro3ert& 3"rs"ant to *C Se5ton 1#$$# and 'a%"re to 3ro!de n'ormaton to the >ene'5ares 3"rs"ant to *C se5ton 1#$#$. Res3ondent s3e5'5a%%& denes that she has dea%t <th the tr"est 3ro3ert& 'or her o<n 3ro't or 'or an& other 3"r3ose "n5onne5ted <th the nether tr"st, nor ha!e she ta;en n an& transa5ton n <h5h the tr"stee has an nterest ad!erse to an& o' the *ettoners. Res3ondent 5ontends as to the re!o5a>%e tr"st she o<ed no d"t& to the >ene'5ares d"rn= the sett%erGs %'etmeE Res3ondentGs %a5; o' d"t& to >ene'5ares d"rn= the sett%erGs %'etme dd not retroa5t!e%& 5han=e a'ter the sett%erGs death. The %a< 3ro!des that <hen an nd!d"a% 5reates a tr"st don= hs or her %'etme, he or she reser!es the r=ht to re!o;e the tr"st, or 5reate an amendment to t, or re!se a tr"st >& restatement. The sett%er "nder so"nd mnd re!sed or amended the 1((8 tr"st >& the Restated )$13 Tr"st. *ettoner has not 3ro!ded ths 5o"rt or res3ondent <th e!den5e that the state o' mnd o' the sett%er <as m3ared that <o"%d s"33ort s"s3enson o' her tr"steeGs 3o<ers. 9 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ths <o"%d >e 5onsstent <th the 3rn53%es 3ro!ded 'or >& Ca%'. *ro>. Code Se5ton 158$$. Ca%'. *ro>. Code Se5ton 158$$ 3ro!des, CE15e3t to the e1tent that the tr"st nstr"ment other<se 3ro!desL, d"rn= the %'etme that a tr"st s re!o5a>%e and the 3erson ho%dn= the 3o<er to re!o;e the tr"st s 5om3etent, C-a. The 3erson ho%dn= the 3o<er to re!o;e and not the >ene'5ar&, has the r=hts a''orded >ene'5ares "nder ths d!son, C->. The d"tes o' the tr"stee are o<ed to the 3erson ho%dn= the 3o<er to re!o;e. The1((8 re!o5a>%e Tr"st 3ro!des n se5ton 1.$# 'or the sett%erGs a"thort& to 5reate a restatement o' hs re!o5a>%e tr"st th"s, the )$13 Tr"st s a !a%d nstr"ment. Ahat *ettoners ha!e 'a%ed to 3%a5e n ther 3etton s the 'a5t that >oth, BERTR26 T298OR SR. and EU82872 ?. T298OR, on 4"%& 5, )$1), s=ned a :enera% *o<er o' 2ttorne& that do5"ment names Res3ondent as the attorne&/n/'a5t. See E1. D. The 3o<er o' attorne& =rants the attorne&/n/'a5t the a"thort& to a5t as the 3rn53a%Ds a=ent <th res3e5t to a%% matters, n5%"dn= the Ba"thort& 'or estate transa5tons and Ba%% other matters E"%a%a ?. Ta&%or ded d"rn= 4"%& 3, )$13. Res3ondent a%%e=es that therea'ter at the dre5ton o' Bertram Ta&%or Sr., she <as to ad n ha!n= !aro"s do5"ments 3re3ared 'or Bertram Ta&%or Sr.E ths n5%"ded the 2''da!t o' Death o' Tr"stee o' E"%a%a ?. Ta&%orE the 2''da!t o' Death o' 4ont TennantE the 8ast A%% and Testament o' BERTR26 T298OR SRE and the )$13 Tr"st. The :enera% *o<er o' 2ttorne& =a!e Res3ondent "n%mted 3o<er and a"thort& to a5t on >eha%' and 'or BERTR26 T298OR SR, and res3ondentGs a5ts dd not >rea5h an& 'd"5a%%& d"tes o<ed to the 1((8 Tr"st or the )$13 Tr"st. Here, *ettonersG see;s to renstate themse%!es as >ene'5ares to the 1((8 Tr"st >& ha!n= the )$13 Tr"st he%d !od. 2s stated a>o!e res3ondent had no d"t& to *ettoners as to the rea% 3ro3ert& *ettoner req"est n the 3etton 'or s"s3enson o' res3ondentGs tr"stee 3o<ers sho"%d >e dened. *ettoners ha!e not demonstrated that the )$13 Tr"st s not !a%d. 10 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 %. POTENTIAL OR LOSS OR INJ$RY TO TR$ST PROPERTY Res3ondent den& 3et t onersG a% % e=at on t hat she s remo!n= tr"st assets 'rom the de5edentDs resden5e and ether se%%n= or other<se ds3osn= o' the 3ersona% 3ro3ert& <tho"t ether ta;n= n!entor& or 3reser!n= the sa%e 3ro5eeds 'or the tr"st >ene'5ares. Res3ondent den& 3et t oner s G a% % e =at on t hat s he s 5o%%e5tn= the rent that s 3a&a>%e >& the o55"3ant o' the tr"stDs renta% 3ro3ert& %o5ated at )$3 E. 13#th Street, 8os 2n=e%es, C2 and not de3ostn= the '"nds nto the tr"st >an ; a55o"nt. The 3ro3ert& has >een a renta% 3ro3ert& sn5e )$$7 and the month%& rent s a33ro1mate%& J1,)$$.There s no mort=a=e on the 3ro3ert&, so the entre rent 3ro5eeds <ere de3osted nto the de5edentDs >an; a55o"nt, "nt% hs death. Res3ondent reterate that she o<es no d"t& to 3ettoners as to the rea% 3ro3ert& 3er the )$13 Tr"st. %I. 'REACH O D$TY O LOYALTY *ettoners a%%e=e that Res3ondent has >rea5hed her d"t& o' %o&a%t&. The 3etton o''ers !er& %tt%e n the <a& o' s"''5ent 'a5ts that 5o"%d s"33ort ths 5%am. One o' the =ro"nd o''ered to s"33ort ths 5%am, s Res3ondentGs a%%e=ed arran=ement C'or the 1((8 Tr"st to >e restated mmedate%& a'ter the death o' the 'rst sett%er and nstr"5tn= the dra'ter o' the Tr"st to remo!e *ettonersG 'rom nhertn= the rea% 3ro3ert& o' the Tr"st. -7d. 3=. 11 o' *et... Se5ond%&, *ettoners seems to a%%e=e that Res3ondent >rea5hed d"t& o' %o&a%t& <hen she dd not 'o%%o< the terms o' the 1((8 Tr"st and that Res3ondent "t%Hed "nd"e n'%"en5e to 5oer5e the de5edent to 5han=e the 1((8 Tr"st. *ettoner ha!e 5ted Estate of Gump -1((1. 1 Ca%.233.4th 58), #$1, ) Ca%.R3tr.)d )#(, n s"33ort o' ther ar="ment, ho<e!er, that 5ase d''ers 'rom the ss"es 3resented n the nstant matter. 7n :"m3, s"3ra, Ae%%s 0or=o o<ed the >ene'5ares a d"t& to admnstrate renta% 3ro3ert& and to mantan 3ro3ert& a55o"ntn=. :"m3 s a%so dstn="sha>%e n that the man 11 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ss"es n!o%!e dea%t <th attorne&Gs 'ees and 'ees asso5ated <th the tr"stee admnstraton o' the renta% 3ro3ert&. Here n the nstant 5ase, Res3ondent o<es no d"t& to the 3ettoners as to the rea% 3ro3ert& "nder the )$13 Tr"st. Res3ondent ar="es that d"t& o' %o&a%t& req"res the *ettoner to sho< that the Res3ondent o55"3ed a 3oston o' tr"st or 'd"5ar& re%atonsh3 and that the Res3ondent >rea5hed that d"t& to >ene't 3ersona%%&. C7n 5onstr"n= tr"st nstr"ments, as n the 5onstr"5ton and nter3retaton o' a%% do5"ments, the d"t& o' the 5o"rt s to 'rst as5ertan and then, ' 3oss>%e, =!e e''e5t to the ntent o' the ma;er.M -Estate of Gump -1(4$. 1# Ca%.)d 535, 548, 1$7 *.)d 17E see Ephraim v. Metropolitan Trust Co. of Cal. -1(4#. )8 Ca%.)d 8)4, 834, 17) *.)d 5$1 NCthe 3rmar& r"%e n 5onstr"5ton o' tr"sts s that the 5o"rt m"st, ' 3oss>%e, as5ertan and e''e5t"ate the ntenton o' the tr"stor or sett%erMOE Crook v. Contreras -)$$). (5 Ca%.233.4th 11(4, 1)$5, 11# Ca%.R3tr.)d 31(NsameO.. CThe nter3retaton o' a <rtten nstr"ment, e!en tho"=h t n!o%!es <hat m=ht 3ro3er%& >e 5a%%ed q"estons o' 'a5t N5tatonO, s essenta%%& a F"d5a% '"n5ton to >e e1er5sed a55ordn= to the =enera%%& a55e3ted 5anons o' nter3retaton so that the 3"r3oses o' the nstr"ment ma& >e =!en e''e5t. NCtatons.O E1trns5 e!den5e s admss>%e to nter3ret the nstr"ment, >"t not to =!e t a meann= to <h5h t s not reasona>%& s"s5e3t>%e N5tatonsO, and t s the nstr"ment tse%' that m"st >e =!en e''e5t. NCtatons.O 7t s there'ore so%e%& a F"d5a% '"n5ton to nter3ret a <rtten nstr"ment "n%ess the nter3retaton t"rns "3on the 5red>%t& o' e1trns5 e!den5e.... 2n a33e%%ate 5o"rt s not >o"nd >& a 5onstr"5ton o' the 5ontra5t >ased so%e%& "3on the terms o' the <rtten nstr"ment <tho"t the ad o' e!den5e N5tatonsO, <here there s no 5on'%5t n the e!den5e N5tatonsO, or a determnaton has >een made "3on n5om3etent e!den5e N5tatonO. NCtatons.OM -Parsons v. Bristol evelopment Co. -1(#5. #) Ca%.)d 8#1, 8#5P8##, 44 Ca%.R3tr. 7#7, 4$) *.)d 83(.. Res3ondent ar="e that *ettoners >& these a%%e=aton see;s to remo!e the de5edentGs a"thort& to re!o;e the 1((8 Tr"st. None o' the *ettonersG a%%e=atons s"33ort ths 3etton 'or s"s3enson and or remo!a% o' Res3ondent as tr"stee. %II. 'REACH O D$TY 'Y $SIN! TR$ST PROPERTY OR HER O&N 'ENEIT 12 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *ettonersG a%%e=atons as to ths 5%am are "n'o"nded and not s"33orted >& s"''5ent 'a5ts. *ettoners 5ontend that Res3ondent has >rea5hed her 'd"5ar& d"t& as tr"stee to the tr"st n !o%aton o' *C se5tons 1#$$4. Res3ondent reterate that she o<es no d"t& to 3ettoners as to the rea% 3ro3ert& 3er the )$13 Tr"st. *ettoner has 5ontested the )$13 Tr"st, >"t has 'a%ed to address the )$13 A%%. 6oreo!er, ths ss"e rests on the q"eston o' <hether the )$13 Tr"st s he%d !a%d or n!a%d. AHERE0ORE, Res3ondent req"est, 1. The 5o"rt denes the 3etton. ). That 5o"rt den& s"s3endn= the 3o<ers o' Res3ondent 3. That the 5o"rt 'nds that Res3ondent sho"%d not >e remo!ed as Tr"stee >e5a"se o' 3ro!son o' the )$13 as t re%ate to dstr>"ton o' the estate ha!e >een 5arred o"t as to a%% >ene'5ares 3er the De5edent <shes. 4. That *ettoner >ear the 5ost o' attorne& 'ees and 5o"rt 5osts n5"rred >& ths a5ton. Dated ths )3 rd da& o' 23r% )$14 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&/Res3ondent DECALRATION 'Y JOYCE M. ASHLEY 13 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7, 4O9CE 6. 2SH8E9, here>& de5%are as 'o%%o<, 1. That 7 am the Res3ondent n the a>o!e/entt%e a5ton. ). That :%o>a% dd the )$13 Tr"st <here De5edent <as 3resentE 3. hat a%% 3ro!son o' the )$13 tr"st <as ds5"ssed <th de5edent >& the tr"st 3re3arerE 4. That De5edent "nderstood the 3ro!son o' the )$13 Tr"stE 5. That the De5edent dd not s"''er a stro;e 1$ &ears a=o as 5%amed >& *ettonerE #. That De5edent dd not S"''er 'rom *ar;nson DseasedE 7. That 7 ha!e dstr>"ted to a%% >ene'5ares as to the 3ro!sons o' the )$13 tr"st 3er de5edentDs <shesE 8. The amendment to the 1((8 tr"st <as d"e to the 'a5t that the R!ersde 3ro3ert& <as not a 3art o' the 1((8 tr"st. 7, 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&, de5%are "nder 3ena%t& o' 3erF"r& that the 'ore=on= s tr"e and 5orre5t, so e1e5"ted on ths @@@@@@@ da& o' 23r% )$14, n the 5t& o' R!ersde, Ca%'orna. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&/Res3ondent ?ER707C2T7ON 14 RESPONDENT JOYCE M. ASHLEYS RESPONSE TO PETITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7, 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&, am the Res3ondent n the a>o!e/entt%ed a5ton. 7 ha!e read the 'ore=on= Res3onse and ;no< the 5ontents thereo'. The same s tr"e o' m& o<n ;no<%ed=e, e15e3t as to those matters <h5h are theren a%%e=ed on n'ormaton and >e%e', and as to those matters, 7 >e%e!e t to >e tr"e. 7 de5%are "nder 3ena%t& o' 3erF"r& that the 'ore=on= s tr"e and 5orre5t and that ths de5%araton <as e1e5"ted at R!ersde, Ca%'orna. Dated, @@@@@@@@@@@@@ ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4o&5e 6. 2sh%e&/Res3ondent