Positouch DBF Files 2

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The purpose of this document is to list the various DBF files that can be
produced by POSitouch. This document does not explain POSIDBFW.EXE only, rather,
includes several programs maintained by POSitouch for producing a variety of DBF

POSitouch maintains DBF files that include sales data, time and attendance
information, inventory information, as well as, a variety of other items.

At the beginning of this document, are the names of the programs that produce
various DBF files along with the names of the files these programs produce. The
remainder of the document is organized by executable, followed by the file(s) produced
by that executable. Each section explains how to produce the various DBF files from
each executable.

Users may wish to note that POSitouch also maintains a variety of XML files.
Documentation regarding the XML files can be found on the POSitouch ftp site.

DBF Files & Program Files

Deletion Codes 18
NAME????.DBF 26






Files Created by CHKTODBF 66







PDmmddyy.LOG Log File 95

POSiRPT.exe 96

Important Concepts

DBF File Paths

POSitouch utilities are run from within the \SC folder, and the output files are placed in the \DBF folder.
While it is possible to define the file path for .dbf files in POSitouch through the Backoffice Setup >
Payment >Sales J ournal >User DBFs, it is advisable to leave these fields blank. By default, most of the
POSitouch utilities listed here, will place the DBF files created, in the \DBF folder of the computer where
the program is executed. Additionally, where noted, the executables listed in this document will place the
DBF files in the \ALTDBF folder, when called with the /ALT parameter. Consider the \ALTDBF directory a
scratch directory for any third party program to use, as desired.

The \ALTDBF folder is available for third party programs to use as needed. Third party programs may
place any needed DBF files in this directory without affecting any of POSitouch's operations or reporting
capabilities. POSitouch also advises that third party programs, first clear the \ALTDBF folder before
building any DBF files on a daily basis. By deleting files in the \ALTDBF folder, then executing the desired
commands, third party programs can ensure that the data found in the \ALTDBF folder is the data

Finally, if users feel that populating the DBF path names in the Backoffice Setup area is needed, users
should ensure that the drive letter is not included in the path name. For example, if users wish to populate
a folder called "MyData", the correct path name would be \MyData. Users need not enter C:\MyData.

/ALT Parameter

The /ALT parameter is used to place files in the "alternate" directory. By default, applications write DBF
files to the \DBF folder. Using the /ALT parameter will write these file to the \ALTDBF folder. See the
previous section for a full explanation. See each executable listed in this document for those that support
the /ALT parameter.

Sample Commands Using the /ALT Parameter

Create POSIDBF's files in the alternate (\ALTDBF) directory for May 1, 2006 through May 30, 2006
POSI DBF / ALT 05/ 01/ 06 05/ 30/ 06

Create POSIDBF's files in the alternate directory for a time span of 10 days ago to 2 days ago

Create TAW's files in the alternate directory, including all employees, even those that may be inactive
TAWexpor t al l / ALT

Create TARW's files, including open punches (93), for a week (2) for 1 week prior to the system date (1),
and place the files in the alternate (/ALT) folder (\ALTDBF)
TARWR 93 2 1 / ALT


Killproc.exe is a program supplied with POSitouch that will "kill" a running process on the local computer.
It is advisable to add this program to a batch file that is being used to create DBF files. This will ensure
that any program that may have encountered an issue when run previously and is still loaded in memory,
will be closed prior to the next execution of the program. Killproc.exe creates Killproc.log, a log file of the
actions performed. This log file is overwritten each time the killproc.exe program is executed.

Syntax :
Ki l l pr oc [ exect uabl e_name]

Sample :
Ki l l pr oc posi dbf w. exe


Runwait.exe is a utiltiy supplied by POSitouch, that when called, ensures that a program completes
execution prior to moving on the next command in a batch file.

Syntax :
Runwai t [ execut abl e_name] [ execut abl e' s_par amet er s]

Sample :


Sample Batch File

Below is a sample batch file that creates files in the alternate folder (\ALTDBF), by using the /ALT
command where supported.

; Sampl e Bat ch Fi l e

; I f r unni ng t he bat ch on a machi ne t hat i s not t he POSDRI VER, but t he dat a
; r esi des on t he POSDRI VER ( mapped dr i ve l et t er L: ) , change t o t he L: dr i ve

; Cl ear t he \ al t dbf f ol der
cd\ al t dbf
del *. *

; St op any pr ocesses t hat may be r unni ng
cd\ sc
ki l l pr oc posi dbf w. exe
ki l l pr oc t aw. exe
ki l l pr oc chkt odbf
ki l l pr oc scr t odbf
ki l l pr oc i nw
ki l l pr oc i ncol l ct
ki l l pr oc i nvdbf w

; Execut e pr ogr ams t o bui l d dbf f i l es
RUNWAI T POSI DBF / ALT 10 1 create files from 10 days to 1 day ago
RUNWAI T CHKTODBF 05/ 01/ 06 / ALT create files for May 1, 2006
RUNWAI T REPORTSW. EXE 7 F 04/ 01/ 06 05/ 01/ 06 / ALT create files from start date to end date
RUNWAI T TAWexpor t al l / ALT create files in the alternate directory


POSIDBF.EXE Command Line Switches

/DAILY - Daily processing - Create files in \DBF\ for all checkfiles from the beginning
of this year to present.

/DAILY # - Daily processing - Create files in primary directory for all checkfiles for the
beginning of #years ago to present.

/DBF mm/dd/yy - Process data bases. Create files in the primary directory for checkfile for
specified date (mm/dd/yy) (Command is only valid for /DBF)

/ALT mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy - Alternate dir for dates - Create files in alternate directory for all checkfiles
from first date (mm/dd/yy) to last date (mm/dd/yy)

/ALT #1 #2 - Alternate dir for relative days create files in alternate directory for all files
from #1 days ago to #2 days ago (i.e. for 1 to 20 days ago the command is :
/ALT ... /F file file - With above to create only listed files, e.g. posidbf /alt 1 1 /f hrsales users
will create hrsales.dbf and users.dbf in alternate directory from yesterdays
checkfile. To create the Name*.* file(s), use names as the optional command
line parameter. For instance : posidbf /dbf 01/01/09 /f names users will create
the users.dbf file as well as all the name*.dbf files. Users cannot create
individual name*.dbf files.
/PURGE - Purge data bases
/REDO - Recompile selected data this really just erases the dbf files in the primary
/HELP - Display help
/SETUP - Set up for data base processing advance the year
/MENU - Menu
/LOC-<Output Directoy> - /LOC must be the last parameter at all times.
runs POSIDBFW and places the output DBF files into the specified directory.
If the directory contains spaces in the name, then the entire parameter should
be enclosed in quotes. For example, POSIDBFW /daily /LOC-C:\test
dbf folder\. Note that a hyphen is required between LOC and the
directory path. For path locations without a space in the directory name, the
following example would work : POSIDBFW /daily /loc-C:\newdbfs\
/RDC Creates files in the directory of C:\RDCDBF
/DBF /FIXED Creates a set of files of static, non-sales based, files in the /DBF directory. For
a complete list of files, see the following page.
/ALT /FIXED Creates a set of files of static, non-sales based, files in the alt directory.
for a complete list of files, see the following page.
/RDC /FIXED Same as above except works on the \RDCDBF directory
/CLEAR Optional, delete all files from the ALTDBF folder or /LOC or /RDCDBF
folders depending on the additional options used. Examples of usage :
POSI DBFW/ ALT / CLEAR (clears the alternate DBF path)
POSI DBFW/ RDC / CLEAR (clears the RDCDBF directory)
POSI DBFW/ DBF / CLEAR / LOC- di r ect or y (clears the specified
directory). Does not touch the \DBF directory.

Logging Capabilities - See Appendix A

POSIDBFW writes a log file of activites when run. The log file is named PDmmddyy.LOG, where mmddyy
is the month, day, year when the program was run.


Note that if the DBF directories under Setup >Payment >Sales J ournal >User DBFs are left
blank, the default Primary Directory will be \DBF and the Alternate Directory will be \ALTDBF.
When defining a directory other than the default, users should NOT enter a driver letter as part of
the path.

Fixed Files Created with the /FIXED Command
The following files are created when the FIXED option of POSIDBFW is called :


POSitouch dBASE Compatible File Output

This document describes the POSitouch dBASE compatible file output facility. The purpose of
this feature is to build a .dbf database at each site to make key data easily available to produce
standard and custom reports.

The key features of the .DBF facility are:

Multiple selectable files - each site need only produce the files it wants. For example if
Paidout detail records are not needed, the Paidout file need not be produced.
Purging timeframes for each file and some subsections of files. If you want Item Sales
data to be kept for 2 years you can specify this and if you want Hourly Sales data purged
after 2 months, you can specify this.
Store number in each record to facilitate merging multiple sites' data at a central site.
Purging and processing steps built into POSitouch nightly procedures.
Names and Item Names files created each night to give user POSitouch names for
fields such as Payment Types, Menu Items, Terminals, Shifts, Costcenters.
Ability to reprocess dates whose data may be damaged or has been adjusted.
Ability to process files for any time period including previous years.
All files put into a separate subdirectory: \DBF.
Ability to make a set of files on the fly into an alternate directory.

The setups are found in SETUP-PAYMENT-SALES J OURNAL-DBASE FILES. In this area the
flags to select which files to produce are set as well as the purging timeframes in days. If the purging
timeframe is 0, data is never purged. At present it is required that there be a \DBF subdirectory as this
is where the files will be stored. Once this setups have been done, fiscal year dates can be setup
under SETUP-DBASE FILES. In this area a menu of 4 choices is available:

Process Files - this function processes check files for a fiscal year from a list of 10 fiscal
years. The processing starts with the Processing Start Date for the year and continues for
365 days (for previous years) or until the last completed checkfile, usually yesterday's (for
the current year). If the file has already been processed, it is skipped. If it is missing, it is
skipped. This function is generally not needed as it is run automatically during nightly
processing. It would be used if a previous year needed processing or if a range of days
was being recompiled (see below).
Recompile Days - This function resets the "already processed" flag for a range of dates
and purges data from all .dbf files for those dates. The next time check files are processed
for the year(s) in question, these files will be reprocessed and added to the .dbf files.
Setup Years - This function allows entry of the Fiscal Year, Year Start Date and
Processing Start Date for each of 10 fiscal years. The Year Start Date is important as it
determines the week start day and must be selected correctly to determine this day. The
Processing Start Date determines the processing of check files for the nightly procedure.
There is a function available to create a new year which pushes the table down and opens
up entry number 1 which is the "current year". It should be noted that since data can be
retained indefinitely, reports can retrieve data for any dates without regard to the fiscal year
Process Single Day - This processes a single check file. This function should be seldom


The following are the file layouts for the .DBF files. Note the file NAMES.DBF which
contains names related to coded fields in other files.
Lists adjustments made to the check file via PSNEWW.EXE. All fields are not used in all
records, see following page.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 ADJ _TYPE N 2 Adj ustment type (1 8 see tabl e bel ow)
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 TI ME C 5 Mi l i tary Format, HHMMf ormat
4 LOG_DATE D 8 Date adj ustment was perf ormed
5 TO_ACCTNUM C 20 Account number adj usted to
6 TO_ACCTNAM C 30 Account name adj usted to
7 AMOUNT N 12 Amount of adj ustment
8 ACCT_NUM C 20 Account number adj usted f rom
9 ACCT_NAME C 30 Account name adj usted f rom
10 CASHI ER_I D N 4 Cashi er number
11 SERVER_I D N 4 Server number
12 TERM_NO N 4 Termi nal number to adj ust
13 SHI FT N 1 Shi f t bei ng adj usted
14 TAX_NO N 20
15 TAX_AMOUNT N 12 Tax amount of adj ustment
16 TI P_AMOUNT N 12 Adj usted ti p amount
17 CC_NUM N 4 Cost center number
18 CC_NAME C 30 Cost center name
19 Category N 4 Sal es Category Number
20 MENU_I TEM N 5 Menu I temNumber
21 QUANTI TY N 4 Menu I temQuanti ty

Adjustment Type Key
Valid values for the adjustment type are 1 8, inclusive.

Value Definition
1 Move Money
2 Tip Account Adjustment
3 Change or Issue
4 Paidouts Adjustment
5 Customer Count Adjustment
6 Misc. Deposit Adjustment
7 Additional Sales (positive dollar value)
8 Overrings (or Additional Sales with a negative dollar value)

Field Adjustment Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




















All of the cashout data, continued in Cashout2.dbf.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 SHI FT C 1 ' E' =Enti re Day, ' P' =Parti al Shi f t
4 SH_START C 5 Start of shi f t
5 SH_END C 5 End of shi f t
6 CO_TYPE C 1 Cashout type: 0- Enti re House, 1- Term, 2- Server
7 DESCR C 20 Name of cashout
8 CO_NUMBER N 3 Devi ce/ server number
9 DRAWER N 2 Cash drawer number
10 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost center number
11 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number CC###
12 US_SLSWTX N 12 2 Total sal es pl us tax - For Server Cashouts Onl y
13 US_CHECKS N 6 Number of checks - For Server Cashouts Onl y
14 US_SALES N 12 2 Total sal es - For Server Cashouts Onl y
15 US_TI PS N 12 2 Total Ti ps - For Server Cashouts Onl y
16 DEPOSI T_01 N 12 2 Payment type 1 deposi t amount
17 TI PS_01 N 12 2 ti ps
18 CHANGE_01 N 12 2 change i ssued
19 TRANS_01 N 6 number of transacti ons
. . .
. . .
. . .
92 DEPOSI T_20 N 12 2
93 TI PS_20 N 12 2
94 CHANGE_20 N 12 2
95 TRANS_20 N 6
96 DI SCOUNT01 N 12 2 Total di scounts gi ven
. . .
110 DI SCOUNT15 N 12 2
111 TI PS_SERVR N 12 2 Ti ps pai d to servers
112 PAI DOUTS N 12 2 Pai douts
113 TRAI NI NG N 12 2 Total trai ni ng sal es
114 MI SC_DEP N 12 2 Mi scel l aneous deposi t
115 ACT_DEP N 12 2 Actual deposi t
116 CC_TI P_SLS N 12 2 Credi t Catd Ti p Sal es
117 CC_TI P_TI P N 12 2 Credi t Catd Ti p Ti ps
118 TI P_CHECKS N 12 2 Ti p Checks
119 TP_CHK_SLS N 12 2 Ti p Check Sal se
120 TOT_TP_DSC N 12 2 Total ti p di scounts
121 SVR_NRT_DL N 12 2 Server NRT Del etes
122 SVR_NRTD_M N 12 2 Server NRT Del ete Mul ti pl i er
123 NUM_I TEMS N 12 2 Number of I tems
124 US_DECL_TP N 12 2 Server decl ared ti ps
125 TP_ADJ _THS N 12 2 Adj usted ti ps thi s week
126 TP_ADJ _LST N 12 2 Adj usted ti ps l ast week
127 I S_TI PPED L 1 Logi cal , i s user ti pped
128 SEQ_NUM N 6 Sequence number to rel ate to cashout2. dbf

I ndex : DATE
The proper formula for determining expected cash for a terminal, server or entire house is
as follows:


Expected Cash = DEPOSIT_01 - PAIDOUTS

Note that if Miscellaneous Deposits are entered via the Sales Journal
program, these must be added in (MISC_DEP).
Extension of Cashout.dbf.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of transacti on
3 SHI FT C 1 E =Enti re Day, P =Parti al Shi f t
4 SH_START C 5 Start of shi f t
5 SH_END C 5 End of shi f t
6 CO_TYPE C 1 Cashout type, 0- Enti re House, 1- Termi nal , 2- Server
7 DESCR C 20 Name of cashout
8 CO_NUMBER N 3 Devi ce or server number
9 DRAWER N 2 Cash drawer number
10 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost center number
11 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code CC###
12 SEQ_NUM N 6 Cashout number f or thi s date. Each day starts at 1.
13 CASHO_SEQ N 3 Sequence number of cashout f or thi s server/ termi nal / house
14 TRAI N_CHK N 6 Number of trai ni ng checks f or thi s cashout
15 TRAI N_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar amount of the trai ni ng checks
16 DEL_BEFORE N 6 Number of del etes bef ore sendi ng
17 DEL_BF_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar val ue of del etes bef ore sendi ng
18 DEL_AFTER N 6 Number of del etes af ter sendi ng
19 DEL_AF_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar val ue of del etes af ter sendi ng
20 OVERRI NGS N 6 Number of overri ngs
21 OVERRN_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar val ue of overri ngs
22 CANCELS N 6 Number of cancel s user qui t f romcheck
23 CANCEL_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar val ue of cancel s
24 NRT_CN_AMT N 12 2 Dol l ar val ue of cancel s af f ecti ng the NRT total
25 NONZ_CANCL N 6 Count of non- zero cancel s
26 NO_SALES N 6 Number of No sal es
27 ACT_DEP_01 N 12 2 Actual Deposi t f or Pay Type 01 - Cash
28 ACT_DEP_02 N 12 2 Actual Deposi t f or Pay Type 02
. . . Actual Deposi t f or Pay Types 3 - 19
46 ACT_DEP_20 N 12 2 Actual Deposi t f or Pay Type 20
47 BANKS_SKI MS N 12 2 Net Total of Banks and Ski ms, i ncl uded i n Pai douts Total
48 Sal e_amt01 N 12 2 Sal es amount f or Sal es Category 1
49 Sal e_cnt01 N 6 Count of i tems sol d f romSal es Categroty 1
. . . Fi el ds 48 &49 repeated f or al l Categori es 2 - 20
86 Sal e_amt21 N 12 2 Sal es amount f or Unassi gned Sal es
87 Sal e_cnt21 N 6 Count of i tems sol d f or Unassi gned Sal es

Sales for categories, with item numbers
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 I nv_Number N 9 I nventory Number of the i tem
3 CATEGORY N 2 Maj or Category
CHKHDR.DBF and CHKITEMS.DBF together contain information about individual checks
in the file. CHKHDR contains check header data, referring to general information about the check.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check Number
4 DI SC_NUM N 2 Di scount Number (Zero f or no di sc)
5 OVERRI NG L 1 I s thi s an Overri ng?
6 TABLE N 4 Tabl e Number
7 COST_CENTR N 5 Cost Center Number
8 USER_NUM N 3 User Number
9 TI ME N 4 Ti me of Check
10 SHI FT N 2 Shi f t Code
11 NUM_PARTY N 4 Number i n Party
12 AMOUNT N 9 2 Amount of Check
13 TAX_TOTAL N 9 2 Total Tax
14 DI SC_PRI NT N 9 2 Di scount Pri nted
15 DELI V_TI ME N 6 Del i very ti me i n seconds
16 SERV_TI ME N 6 Servi ce ti me i n seconds
17 SEQ_NUM N 6 Uni que transacti on sequence number
18 DI SC_MNGR N 6 Manager who appl i ed di scount f or di scount check
19 CO_SEQ_HSE N 3 Li nk to CASHO_SEQ- Cashout2. dbf Enti re House shi f t records
20 CO_SEQ_TRM N 3 Li nk to CASHO_SEQ- Cashout2. dbf Termi nal shi f t records
21 CO_SEQ_USR N 3 Li nk to CASHO_SEQ- Cashout2. dbf User shi f t records
Same as f i el d 8, USER_NUM
22 PAY_TERM N 3 Termi nal check pai d at l i nk to cashout. dbf
23 PAY_DRAWER N 2 Drawer check pai d to l i nk to cashout. dbf
24 PAY_CASHR N 6 Cashi er who pai d the check l i nk to cashout. dbf
25 US_SLSWTX N 9 2 Check total wi th tax pref erred check total f i gure
26 PAY_TI ME N 6 Ti me check was pai d i n HHMMSS f ormat(Hour Mi nute Seconds)
27 Co_seq_csh N 3 Li nk to CASHO_SEQ- Cashout2. dbf Cashi er shi f t records
Same as f i el d 24, PAY_CASHR
27 Stati on_no N 3 Stati on Number f or the check
28 OPEN_DOLLR* N 9 2 The amount of an open dol l ar di scount appl i ed (i n $)
29 OPEN_PRCNT* N 9 2 The percentage of an open percent di scount appl i ed
30 Tax_1 N 9 2 The amount of tax 1 on the check
31 Tax_2 N 9 2 The amount of tax 2 on the check
32 Tax_3 N 9 2 The amount of tax 3 on the check
33 Tax_4 N 9 2 The amount of tax 4 on the check
34 Sub_Chk_No N 3 The sub check number of separated checks when usi ng
123- 1, 123- 2method

* Menu i temdi scounts (i . e. Cel l Type 12 s) are reported i n CHKI TEMS. dbf . Fi el ds 28 and 29 of
CHKHDR. DBF do not report cel l type di scounts.


This contains information about individual check items.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check Number
4 SEQ_MAI N N 4 I temSequence Number
5 OPTI ON L 1 I s thi s an Opti on (TRUE) or mai n i tem(FALSE)
6 I TEM_NUM N 9 I temi nventory number
7 MAJ OR N 2 Maj or Category Code
8 MI NOR N 2 Mi nor Category Code
9 SALES_CAT N 2 Sal es Category Code
10 DI SC_NUM N 2 Di scount Number (Zero f or no di sc)
11 TAXCODE N 1 Tax Code
12 NUM_SOLD N 8 2 Quanti ty Sol d
13 DELETI ON N 1 Del eti on Code *
14 DEL_USER N 3 Del eti on User
15 OVERRI NG L 1 I s thi s an Overri ng?
16 COVER L 1 I t thi s a Cover I tem?
17 MENU_PRI CE N 9 2 Ful l Pri ce
18 SALES_AMT N 9 2 Real Pri ce (af ter di scount)
19 TABLE N 4 Tabl e Number
20 COST_CENTR N 5 Cost Center Number
21 USER_NUM N 3 User Number
22 TI ME N 4 Ti me of Check
23 SHI FT N 2 Shi f t Code
24 COVERS N 6 2 Number of covers - deci mal
25 PRI CELEVEL N 2 Pri ce l evel 1- 10
26 COMP L 1 Thi s i temi s a comp
27 SEQ_NUM N 6 Uni que transacti on sequence number
28 DI SC_MNGR N 6 The manager perf ormi ng the di scount
29 COMP_APPL L 1 Comp appl i ed to thi s check i tem(bool ean)
30 COUP_APPL L 1 Coupon appl i ed to thi s check i tem(bool ean)
31 SEND_TI ME N 4 When the opti on Record Send Ti mes i s on, thi s f i el d
Di spl ays the ti me the i temwas sent.
32 COMP_USER N 3 Person perf ormi ng the comp
33 CP_ZERO L 1 The i temwhose pri ce i s reduced to zero because of a
Coupon. I n cases where Buy One Get One f ree coupons are
used, the i temthat i s f ree wi l l have a Y (YES) f or
CP_ZERO. I n cases where mul ti pl e i tems are di scounted f or
A set pri ce, l i ke buy 2 f or $ 2. 00, the 2 i tems CP_ZERO
Fi el d i s set to Y and the coupon s val ue i s the $ 2. 00
34 Stati on_no N 3 Stati on number
35 Di sc_amt N 9 2 Di scount amount

Continues on next page

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage

36 Tax_i nc_1 N 9 2 Tax i ncl uded amount (Tax 1)
37 Tax_i nc_2 N 9 2 Tax i ncl uded amount (Tax 2)
38 Tax_i nc_3 N 9 2 Tax i ncl uded amount (Tax 3)
39 Tax_i nc_4 N 9 2 Tax i ncl uded amount (Tax 4)
40 Coupon L 1 Y or N f or i f THI S i temi s a Coupon
41 CELL_DI SC L 1 I s thi s i teman i temdi scount (i . e. cel l type 12) ?
42 DI SC_USER N 3 The user appl yi ng the di scount.
43 PAY_DI SC L 1 Y or N. Denotes that thi s check was pai d usi ng a
payment type marked as a di scount/ coupon. Thi s l i ne
i temref l ects the payment amount.
44 I TEM_DI SC N 2 The di scount number appl i ed, 1 - 15
45 Sub_Chk_No N 3 The sub check number of separated checks when usi ng
123- 1, 123- 2method

Deletion Codes

0 Item not deleted, not voided
1 10 Item deleted after adding to NRT, a delete after send
13 14 Item deleted before sending, a correction for an item not yet sent
15 Item deleted via delete last
16 Item deleted before sending (for example from View/ Edit)

This sets the fiscal year dates. It is used by PS determine the starting date for daily
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 FI SCL_YEAR N 2 Fi scal year.
2 YEAR_START D 8 Start of Fi scal year, coul d be i n previ ous year.
3 PROC_START D 8 Fi rst date to be processed, usual l y YEAR_START.
This controls the daily processing of the data files. Except for YEAR all fields flag whether
a particular date or week has been processed. The letter " U" means Unprocessed, " P" means
Processed, and " R" means Reprocess.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 YEAR N 2 Cal endar Year
2 LABOR1 C 122 Labor data, one character per day of the year
3 LABOR2 C 122 I t takes 3 consecuti ve f i el ds f or al l 365 (366)
4 LABOR3 C 122 days of the year.
5 SALES1 C 122 Sal es data, one character per day of the year
6 SALES2 C 122 I t takes 3 consecuti ve f i el ds f or al l 365 (366)
7 SALES3 C 122 days of the year.
8 WEEKLY C 53 Weekl y l abor f i gures. One character f or each of the 52
(53) weeks of the year.
This lists the deposits for all the terminals. There is one record per terminal, shift, and
cash drawer.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE N 8 Date of check f i l e
3 TERMI NAL N 2 Termi nal #- 0 means enti re house
4 DRAWER N 1 Drawer #- 1 or 2
5 SHI FT N 1 Shi f t 1- 5
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Deposi t amount

I ndex: DATE

Discount.dbf contains information about all discounts, sorted by cost center and then
discount code.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 CAT_CODE C 5 Sal es category number(3 di gi ts), wi th SC as a pref i x.
4 DI SC_CODE C 5 Di scount number (3 di gi ts), wi th DI as a pref i x.
5 AMOUNT N 9 Total Dol l ar val ue of Di scounts
6 QUANTI TY N 9 Total Number of Di scounts

This list all menu items in the inventory file.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 I NV_NUMBER N 9 I nventory number
3 DESCR C 25 I nventory descri pti on
4 MAJ OR N 2 Maj or category
5 MI NOR N 2 Mi nor category
6 CODE C 5 Maj or/ mi nor code MM###
7 REPORT_SEQ N 6 Report sequence number
8 PRI CE_1 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #1
9 PRI CE_2 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #2
10 PRI CE_3 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #3
11 FOOD_COST N 8 2 Food Cost
12 ALT_I NVNUM N 6 Al ternate i nventory number
13 POI NTS N 7 2 Country cl ub systempoi nts earnabl e
14 BAR_CODE C 15 Opti onal bar code number f or l aser scanner
15 PRI CE_4 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #4
16 PRI CE_5 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #5
18 PRI CE_6 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #6
19 PRI CE_7 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #7
20 PRI CE_8 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #8
21 PRI CE_9 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #9
22 PRI CE_10 N 8 2 Menu pri ce #10
23 START_DATE D 8 Start Date
24 END_DATE D 8 End Date
25 MASTER_I TEM N 9 Master menu i temnumber
26 EXT_DESCR C 10 Extended descri pti on
27 PREP_TI ME N 2 Prep Ti me
28 COVERS N 4 1 Covers

I ndex: DESCR, str(MAJ OR, 2, 0)+str(MI NOR, 2, 0)

This is daily sales totals by half hour and cost center.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center (0=Enti re house)
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost Center code CC###
5 HOUR N 2 Sal es peri od (1 to 48)
6 SALESCT_01 N 9 2 Sal es f or category #1
. . .
. . .
26 SALESCT_21 N 9 2 Sal es f or unknown category
27 TOT_SALES N 9 2 Total sal es
28 VOI D_SALES N 9 2 Total voi ds i n dol l ars
29 VOI D_COUNT N 9 2 Total number ov voi ds
30 DI NE_TI ME N 9 2 Total di ni ng ti me i n mi nutes
31 COVR_SALES N 9 2 Total cover sal es
32 COVR_COUNT N 4 Total cover counts
33 COVR_CHKS N 4 Total cover checks
34 CHECKS N 4 Total number of checks
35 PARTY N 4 Total number i n party
I ndex: DATE
This file contains item by item sales by shift. Cost center is not presently available.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center (0=Enti re house)
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost Center code CC###
5 SHI FT C 1 Shi f t number
6 I NV_NUM N 4 I nventory number
7 SALES N 9 2 Total sal es i n dol l ars
8 COUNTS N 9 2 Total quanti ty sol d
9 DELS N 9 2 Total quanti ty del eted (See notati on bel ow)

I ndex: DATE

Note : I n Backof f i ce Setup >Del eti on Reasons, each reason contai ns a f l ag Prepared. Thi s
f l ag al l ows POSi touch to determi ne those i tems that shoul d be removed f romi nventory f or
control purposes. Thi s f l ag wi l l cause a reducti on i n i nventory on hand. An exampl e of thi s
woul d be an i temprepared, ref used by a guest and then di scarded. There are two i nstances
where del eted i tems wi l l not be shown i n the DELS (del etes) f i el d, these are :
a. Del etes bef ore sendi ng
b. Del etes af ter sendi ng, when the Del eti on Reason used does not have the Prepared
f l ag set.

Additional item sales data that can be sorted by cost center.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of check f i l e
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center, 0=Enti re House
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number CC###
5 I NV_NUM N 9 I temi nventory number
6 SHI FT N 1 Shi f t Number
7 SALES N 12 2 sal es generated by thi s i tem
8 COUNTS N 12 2 Number of thi s i temsol d
9 DELS N 12 2 Number of thi s i temdel eted

This is the sales journal report with each individual line as a record.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center (0=Enti re house)
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number "CC###"
5 ACCT_POSI N 4 POSI Touch Account number
6 ACCT_NUM C 15 Account number
7 ACCT_NAME C 20 Account name
8 CREDI T N 9 2 Credi t amount
9 DEBI T N 9 2 Debi t amount

I ndex: DATE

The ACCT_POSI number is defined below :

Standard Account Numbers:

1 Sales Category 1 (Food)
2 Sales Category 2

10 Sales Category 10
Sales Category 11 20 are continued at account number 50.
11 [Unused]
20 Tax 1
21 Tax 2
22 Tax 3
23 Tax 4

30 Miscellaneous Deposit

31 Discount #1 (Manager)
32 Discount #2
33 Discount #3
34 Discount #4
35 Discount #5

41 Manager Paidout Category 1
42 Manager Paidout Category 2

50 Manager Paidout Category 10
51 Miscellaneous Manager Paidout

60 Tips To Servers

61 Training Total

62 Discrepancy

71 Discount #1 (As of Version 4.57)
72 Discount #2
73 Discount #3
74 Discount #4
75 Discount #5

76 Discount #6
77 Discount #7
78 Discount #8
79 Discount #9
80 Discount #10
81 Discount #11
82 Discount #12
83 Discount #13
84 Discount #14
85 Discount #15

111 Manager Paidout Category 1 (As of Version 4.59)
112 Manager Paidout Category 2
140 Manager Paidout Category 30
141 Miscellaneous Manager Paidout

101 Actual Deposit Total (Cash)
102 Payment Type 1 Refund Amount (always Credit)
103 Over/Short
104 Over
105 Short
150 Sales Category 11
151 Sales Category 12

159 Sales category 20
160 Unassigned Sales
201 Payment Type 2 Total
202 Payment Type 2 Refund Amount
203 Payment Type 2 Cash Change (Debit =Credit)
204 Payment Type 2 Tip Credit
301-304 Pay Type 3 - Same as for Payment type 2 (201-204)

2001-2004 Pay Type 20 - Same as for Payment type 2 (201-204)

Journal.dbf will report the number of cost centers populated in the setup screen
automatically, up to 9 cost centers. For additional cost centers over 9, set the number of cost
centers in : Setup > Payment > Sales Journal > Sales Journal Options > Cost Centers > Number
of Cost Centers.

This file contains miscellaneous information.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant Store number
2 NAME C 25 Store name
3 LASTSDDATE C 8 Last shutdown date
4 LASTSDTI ME C 5 Last shutdown ti me
5 BUS_SDTI ME C 8 Busi ness shutdown date
6 EURO_DATE L 1 I s date i n European f ormat (DD/ MM/ YY)?
A matrix of menu items sold. Sorted by Shift, then cost center, then by item. Only items with
non zero in quantity sold are recorded.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center
4 CC_CODE C 5 Al pha numeri c cost center code
5 I NV_NUM N 9 I nventory number of menu i tem
6 SHI FT N 1 Shi f t
7 SALES N 10 2 Total sal es of the i temi n dol l ars and cents
8 COUNTS N 10 2 Number sol d
9 DELS N 10 2 Number of del etes

This is a sales by major category DBF
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number "CC###"
4 SHI FT_CODE C 5 Shi f t code number "SH###"
5 MAJ OR_CODE C 5 Maj or category code number "MA###"
6 SALES N 9 2 Total sal es i n dol l ars

I ndex: DATE
This is a list of all of the various user assigned names.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE C 5 Source of the name, descri bed bel ow
3 NAME C 20 The user assi gned name
I ndex: CODE

CODE is made up of 2 upper case letters and 3 decimal sequence number (Except Breaks, which
contain 3 upper case letters and 2 numbers). Although some names are unassigned they are
included, but are left blank. The following is a list of the codes:
CC - Cost Centers
DI - Discounts
DS - Discount subtracts from sales

GR - Gratuities
LD - Labor Departments
MA - Major category names
MI - Minor category names
OD - Other devices
PC - Payment change types
PD - Payment deposit types
PO - Paidouts
PR - Printer Devices
PY - Payment types
SC - Sales Categories
SG - Service Charges
SH - Shifts
TD - Terminal Devices
BRK Break, BRK01 is Break #1, and BRK02 is Break #2
TAX01 TAX04 Tax 1 through Tax 4 Names
NAMES.DBF contains all of the codes for user-defined names. This information is also in
a series of tables that each contain an single type of name and a relation through a numeric value
for the related field. In general these tables represent a simpler way to get names for things in

NAMESCAT.DBF - Sales Categories
NAMEDEL.DBF - Deletion Codes
NAMECC.DBF - Cost Centers
NAMELADJ.DBF - T & A Adjustment Reasons
NAMEPAY.DBF - Payment Types
NAMEDSC.DBF - Discounts
NAMESCAT.DBF - Category Names as defined in Setup > Reports > Sales & Cat. Sls Trend
NAMETERM.DBF - Terminals
NAMEOTHR.DBF - Other devices
NAMELABR.DBF - Labor Departments
NAMEMAJ.DBF - Major Categories
NAMEMIN.DBF - Minor Categories
NAMEHCAT.DBF - Hourly Categories
NAMEHSFT.DBF - Hourly Shifts
NAMEPAID.DBF - Manager Paidouts

All of these files with the exception of NAMEMIN have the same structure:

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE N 2 Code Number
3 NAME C 20 The user assi gned name


# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
3 MAJ OR_NUM N 2 Maj or Category Number

2 CODE N 2 Code Number
3 NAME C 20 The user assi gned name


# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 0 Restaurant Chai n Store number
2 DEPT_NUM N 2 0 Department Number
3 CODE N 2 0 Code Number
4 NAME C 20 0 The user assi gned named
5 ALT_Code C 15 0 Al ternate J ob Code name (text)

This file contains the Termination Reasons as defined in Setup > Time & Attendance >
Backoffice Setup > Options > Termination Reasons.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE N 2 Termi nati on reason number, starts at 1.
3 NAME C 30 Name of termi nati on reason (text).

This file contains the RACES as defined in Setup > Time & Attendance > Backoffice Setup >
Options > Race.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE N 2 Race code, starts at 1
3 NAME C 15 Race l abel (text).

This file contains the RACES as defined in Setup > Time & Attendance > Backoffice Setup >
Options > Race.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE N 2 Del eti on Number
3 NAME C 15 Name of del eti on.

Note : Names 14 &15 are : DELETE LAST and DELETE BEFORE SEND
i n al l si tes.

This file contains Non-Resettable Totals data.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of check f i l e
3 NRT_START N 13 2 Starti ng NRT number.
4 NRT_END N 13 2 Endi ng NRT number.
5 NRT_OPNTAB N 9 2 NRT open tabl es
6 NRT_DELI TM N 9 2 NRT del eted i tems +del eted tabl es
7 NRT_DSCSUB N 9 2 NRT di scounts that subtract
8 NRT_ADDSLS N 9 2 NRT addi ti onal sal es
9 NRT_OVRI NG N 9 2 Overri ngs f romthe POS, and the backof f i ce, al so
backof f i ce addi ti onal sal es are i ncl uded i n thi s number.
10 NRT_POSOVR N 12 2 NRT sal es f romthe pos onl y. Thi s number i s i ncl uded i n
the NRT_OVRI NGtotal .

Index: DATE
This is a list of the 30 potential paidout names and account number.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 CODE C 5 Pai dout Category (POxxx: xxx =001- 030)
3 NAME C 20 Pai dout Name
4 ACCT_NUM C 15 Pai dout Account Number
This lists all of the paidouts.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 5 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE S 8 Pai dout date
3 TI ME S 5 Pai dout ti me
4 CODE C 5 Pai dout Category (POxxx)
5 AMOUNT S 9 2 Pai dout amount
6 MEMO S 30 Pai dout memo
7 User_num N 3 User number
8 Term_num N 3 Termi nal number
9 Drawer_num N 2 Drawer number (Note drawers start at 0. 0 i s the f i rst
drawer, and 1, i s the second drawer.

I ndex: DATE

Club account transactions details.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store Number
2 DATE D 8 Date of transacti on
3 ACCOUNT C 20 Account Number
4 AMOUNT N 9 2 Amount of transacti on
5 PAY_CODE C 5 Payment type i n Code f ormat
6 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check number
7 COST_CENTR C 5 Cost Center
8 NUM_PARTY N 4 Number i n party
9 SALESCT_01 N 9 2 Sal es amount f or category 1
10 SALESCT_02 N 9 2 Sal es amount f or category 2

28 SALESCT_20 N 9 2 Sal es amount f or category 20
29 SALESCT_21 N 9 2 Sal es amount f or category 21
30 TAX_1 N 9 2 Tax 1 amount f or the check
31 TAX_2 N 9 2 Tax 2 amount f or the check
32 TAX_3 N 9 2 Tax 3 amount f or the check
33 TAX_4 N 9 2 Tax 4 amount f or the check
34 DI SC_CODE C 5 Di scount code f or any appl i ed di scount
35 DI SC_AMT N 9 2 Di scount amount f or the check
36 TI P N 9 2 Ti p (Gratui ty) amount
37 SPLI T_PAY L 1 Logi cal Payment was spl i t
38 CLUB_TI P N 9 2 Ti p Amount
39 MEMO C 50 Addi ti onal memo l i ne. Requi res the I nterf ace Type 21 to
be acti ve i n the payment type.
38 Acct_name C 30 Account name as def i ned i n curcl ub. dat
39 Sub_Chk_No N 3 The sub check number when usi ng check numbers 123- 1,
123- 2, ect.

Debit transactions details.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of transacti on
3 MEMNUM C 5 Member number
4 FAMNUM C 2 Fami l y number
5 ACCOUNT C 20 Account number
6 TRANS_AMT N 9 2 Transacti on amount
7 TRANS_TYPE C 1 Transacti on type - U- Debi t redeemed S- Sal e of debi t
8 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check number
9 BALANCE N 9 2 Bal ance on account
10 TI ME N 4 Ti me of transacti on
11 Sub_Chk_No N 3 The sub check number when usi ng check numbers 123- 1,
123- 2, ect.

This is daily sales totals for entire day.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center (0=Enti re house)
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost Center code CC###
5 SALESCT_01 N 12 2 Sal es f or category #1
. . .
. . .
. . .
25 SALESCT_21 N 12 2 Sal es f or unknown category
26 TOT_SALES N 12 2 Total sal es
27 VOI D_SALES N 12 2 Total voi ds i n dol l ars
28 VOI D_COUNT N 12 2 Total number ov voi ds
29 DI NE_TI ME N 12 2 Total di ni ng ti me i n mi nutes
30 COVR_SALES N 12 2 Total cover sal es
31 COVR_COUNT N 8 Total cover counts
32 COVR_CHKS N 6 Total cover checks
33 CHECKS N 6 Total number of checks
34 PARTY N 4 Total number i n party
35 TAX_COLL_1 N 12 2 Sal es Tax Col l ected #1
36 TAX_COLL_2 N 12 2 Sal es Tax Col l ected #2
37 TAX_COLL_3 N 12 2 Sal es Tax Col l ected #3
38 TAX_COLL_4 N 12 2 Sal es Tax Col l ected #4
39 TAX_OWED_1 N 12 2 Sal es Tax I ncl uded #1
40 TAX_OWED_2 N 12 2 Sal es Tax I ncl uded #2
41 TAX_OWED_3 N 12 2 Sal es Tax I ncl uded #3
42 TAX_OWED_4 N 12 2 Sal es Tax I ncl uded #4
43 TABLE_TURN N 6 Total Tabl e Turns excl udes f ast orders, or 0. 00 bal ance
Checks. Overri ngs deduct f romthe tabl e turn count.

I ndex: DATE
This lists the sales and tax data.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of check f i l e
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center, 0=Enti re House
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number CC###
5 SLS_TAXABL N 9 2 Sal es- - - Taxabl e
6 SLS_TAXI NC N 9 2 Sal es- - - Tax I ncl uded
7 SLS_TAXEMT N 9 2 Sal es- - - Tax Exempt
8 TAX_COLETD N 9 2 Tax Col l ected
9 TAX_OWED N 9 2 Tax owed

I ndex: DATE

This is daily sales totals by shift and cost center.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 COST_CENTR N 2 Cost Center (0=Enti re house)
4 CC_CODE C 5 Cost center code number "CC###"
5 SHI FT_CODE C 5 Shi f t code number "SH###"
6 SALESCT_01 N 9 2 Sal es f or category #1
. . .
. . .
. . .
26 SALESCT_21 N 9 2 Sal es f or unknown category
27 TOT_SALES N 9 2 Total sal es
28 VOI D_SALES N 9 2 Total voi ds i n dol l ars
29 VOI D_COUNT N 9 2 Total number ov voi ds
30 DI NE_TI ME N 9 2 Total di ni ng ti me i n mi nutes
31 COVR_SALES N 9 2 Total cover sal es
32 COVR_COUNT N 4 Total cover counts
33 COVR_CHKS N 4 Total cover checks
34 CHECKS N 4 Total number of checks
35 PARTY N 4 Total number i n party
36 TAX_COLL_1 N 12 2 Tax col l ected, Tax 1
37 TAX_COLL_2 N 12 2 Tax col l ected, Tax 2
38 TAX_COLL_3 N 12 2 Tax col l ected, Tax 3
39 TAX_COLL_4 N 12 2 Tax col l ected, Tax 4
40 TAX_OWED_1 N 12 2 Tax owed, Tax 1
41 TAX_OWED_2 N 12 2 Tax owed, Tax 2
42 TAX_OWED_3 N 12 2 Tax owed, Tax 3
43 TAX_OWED_4 N 12 2 Tax owed, Tax 4
44 Food_cost N 12 2 Food cost f or the shi f t i n dol l ars

I ndex: DATE
This lists system users (Not from Time and Attendance).
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 USER_NBR N 3 User Number
3 NAME_LAST C 15 Last Name
4 NAME_FI RST C 10 Fi rst Name
5 TYPE N 1 User Type
6 MAGCARD_I D N 4 Mag Card Number
7 TBL_ASSGN N 1 The tabl e assi gnment opti on f romEmpl oyees >POS I NFO
Val i d entri es : 1 Enti re House,
2 By Cost Center
3 By Stati on
8 CC_TABLE_1 N 5 The Cost Center or Stati on number. I f TBL_ASSI GN =1,
then thi s f i el d wi l l be zero.
9 CC_TABLE_2 N 5 The Cost Center or Stati on number. I f TBL_ASSI GN =1,
then thi s f i el d wi l l be zero.
10 CC_TABLE_3 N 5 The Cost Center or Stati on number. I f TBL_ASSI GN =1,
then thi s f i el d wi l l be zero.
11 CC_TABLE_4 N 5 The Cost Center or Stati on number. I f TBL_ASSI GN =1,

then thi s f i el d wi l l be zero.


Lists VDU bump times as well as length of time between SEND and BUMP.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date
3 DEVI CE N 3 Devi ce number where i temwas bumped f rom
4 SEND_TI ME C 8 Ti me i temwas sent to VDU
5 BUMP_TI ME C 8 Ti me order was bumped of f the VDU
6 TI ME_SEC N 5 Ti me i n seconds between SENDand BUMP
7 SEND_TERM N 3 Termi nal menu i temwas sent f rom
8 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check number, the check number of the order

- - - End POSI DBFW. EXE f i l es.



PMNEWW.EXE produces two DBF files when run with the correct command line parameters.
These two files are PMOUTPUT.DBF (product mix output) and SHOUTPUT.DBF (sales history
output). Currently PMNEWW does not purge existing PMOUTPUT or SHOUTPUT files. Users will
need to purge existing files, then run the command line parameters to produce new files. These
DBF files can also be produce from within the program by choosing the FILE output button.

Product mix for the period desired. Must be setup in backoffice.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date
3 CAT_NUMBER C 6 Category number
4 TI ME C 11 Ti me
5 I TEMS_SOLD N 10 2 Number of i tems sol d
6 I NGR_UNI TS N 10 2 I ngredi ent uni ts used
7 CAT_UNI TS N 10 2 Category uni ts
8 I T_SOLD_AV N 10 2 I temsol d average
9 I NGR_UN_AV N 10 2 I ngredi ent uni t average
10 CAT_UN_AV N 10 2 Category uni t average

To produce the PMOUTPUT.DBF file the following command line parameters must be used with

Command Line:

PMNEWW - Program Name
C - Command line mode
P - Product Mix Report, S - Sales History Report
R - Print Report , F - Create DBF File
0 - Number of Days Ago for Report
0 - Time Increment 0 - Period
1 - 1 Hour
2 - Half Hour
4 - Qtr of Hour
YYYYYYYYYYYY - Weeks Selection Y or N 1 - 12 (depends on backoffice setup)
YYYYNNNNNNNN - Day Parts Selection
0 - Category To Print (0 - All, or Num for Selected)

Sales History Report

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store Number
2 DATE D 8 Report Date
3 TI ME C 11 Ti me Peri od
4 CHECKS N 10 Number of Checks i n thi s Ti me
Peri od
5 SALES N 10 2 Total Sal es (same Peri od)
6 CHECKS_AVG N 10 1 Average Number of Checks (same
Peri od)
7 SALES_AVG N 10 2 Average Total Sal es (same Peri od)

Command Line to Run Product Mix Report:


PMNEWW - Program Name
C - Command line mode
S - Sales History Report
R - Print Report , F - Create DBF File
0 - Number of Days Ago for Report
0 - Time Increment 0 - Period
1 - 1 Hour
2 - Half Hour
4 - Qtr of Hour
YYYYYYYYYY - Weeks Selection Y or N 1 - 12 (depend of setup)
YYYYNNNNNNNN - Day Parts Selection
YYYYYYYYY - Cost Center Selection Y or N




TADBFW32 produces four files, Labor.dbf, Labor2.dbf, Sched.dbf and Sched2.dbf. Each is
explained in detail below.

TADBFW32 [/reset] or [/daily] or [/?] or [/DOIT]
/reset to reset tadbf and reprocess the files for the last 14 days.
/daily to process files days in the last two weeks that have not been processed
/DOIT will reset the flags in Daily.dbf and process daily files. This command
Combines the /Reset and /Daily commands, rebuilding all files for the last
14 days. Previous data is removed.
/ALT places files in the ALTDBF folder as defined in Setup > Payment > Sales
Journal > User Defined DBFs
/SCHED produces SCHED.DBF and SCHED2.DBF for 2 and 3 weeks in advance.
This is a compilation of daily labor information by half hour and department. Person
hours are such that if a single person works for one of the half hour periods, the value in
HOURS will be 0.5.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 PR_DATE D 8 Payrol l date f or thi s data
4 DEPT N 2 Labor department 1 - 20
5 HOUR N 2 Hal f hour peri od 1 - 48
6 DOLLARS N 8 2 Labor Dol l ars
7 HOURS N 6 2 Person Hours

I ndex: DATE
This is a compilation of daily labor information by 15 minutes and job/department. Person
hours are such that if a single person works for one of the quarter hour periods, the value in
HOURS will be 0.25.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Restaurant chai n Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 PR_DATE D 8 Payrol l date f or thi s data
4 DEPT N 2 Labor department 1 - 20
5 J OB N 3 J ob 1 - 100
6 HOUR N 2 Quarter hour peri od 1 - 96
7 DOLLARS N 8 2 Labor Dol l ars
8 HOURS N 6 2 Person Hours

I ndex: DATE

Schedule information aggregated by day and time period in hours and dollars.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store
2 DATE D 8 Date
3 PR_DATE D 8 Date entry
4 DEPT N 2 Deptartment
5 HOUR N 2 Hal f hour marker, by the hal f hour 1 - 48
6 DOLLARS N 8 2 Schedul ed dol l ars f or the peri od
7 HOURS N 6 2 Schedul ed hours f or the peri od

Schedule information aggregated by day and time period in hours and dollars.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store
2 DATE D 8 Date
3 PR_DATE D 8 Date entry
4 DEPT N 2 Department
5 J OB N 3 J ob
6 HOUR N 2 Quarter hour marker, 1 - 96
7 DOLLARS N 8 2 Dol l ars
8 HOURS N 6 2 Hours

- - - - End TADBFW32 Secti on



The following files can be produced by running the command TAW EXPORT in the \SC folder of
the POS Driver. The following files are placed in the \sc folder of the POS Driver.

When using the TAW EXPORT command, only those employees who are active will be added to
the EMPFILE.DBF file. To include ALL employees, including inactive employees, use the TAW
Command Options :
TAW EXPORT - Creates files listed below for active employees
TAW EXPORTALL - Creates files listed below for all (including inactive) employees
TAW [export/ exportall ] [/ALT] [/DBF] - The /ALT and /DBF commands place the output files into
the /DBF folder or the /ALT folder as defined in Setup > Payment > Sales Journal > User DBF
TAW [export/ exportall] [PATH] - where PATH may be a user defined path, for example, C:\Temp.
Users should use extreme caution with this parameter and NEVER export to C:\SC or L:\SC,
as Schedule.DBF and Schedule.CDX will be overwritten.

Displays employee data from the employees file. EMPFILE.DBF lists Active employees
only, by default. To list ACTIVE EMPLOYEES and the TEMPLATES in Time & Attendance, turn
on the flag in Setup > Time & Attendance > Options > Show Templates in New Scheduler
When using the TAW EXPORT command, only those employees who are active will be
added to the EMPFILE.DBF file. To include ALL employees, including inactive employees, use

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 EMP_NUMBER N 8 Empl oyee s Number
2 LAST_NAME C 20 Empl oyee s Last Name
3 FI RST_NAME C 15 Empl oyee s Fi rst Name
4 BASE_PAY N 8 2 Empl oyee s Sal ary Fi el d
5 WAGE_TYPE C 1 Wage Type, H =Hourl y, S =Sal ary, N =Sal ary, not on
6 PAY_PERI OD C 1 Pay peri od. W=Weekl y, B =Bi weekl y,
S =Semi Monthl y (every 15 days), M=Monthl y,
O=Al ways pay base sal ary
8 EMP_TYPE C 1 R =Regul ar, S =Sel ect Al ternate J ob, M=Manager
9 EMP_STATUS C 1 F =Acti ve, I =I nacti ve
10 ADDRESS_1 C 30 Address #1
11 ADDRESS_2 C 30 Address #2
12 ADDRESS_3 C 30 Address #3
13 PHONE C 10 Phone Number
14 SOC_SEC C 11 Soci al Securi ty Number
15 CARD_NUM N 8 Magneti c Card Number
16 POS_CARD C 9 Magneti c Card Number are these ever di f f erent?
18 ALT_NUM C 9 Al ternate Empl oyee Number
19 POOL_CODE N 2 Ti p Pool Code Number, see Setup >Payment >Ti ps >Ti p
Pool %
20 DATE_HI RED D 8 Date hi red
21 DATE_LEFT D 8 Date empl oyee l ef t empl oyment
22 CI TY C 20 Ci ty
23 STATE C 2 State
24 ZI P C 5 Zi p Code
25 DATE_BI RTH D 8 Date of Bi rth
26 MI DDLE_I NT C 1 Mi ddl e I ni ti al
27 SEX C 1 Sex
28 MARI TAL_ST C 1 Mari tal Status
29 RACE N 2 Race
30 TERM_REASN N 2 Termi nati on Reason
31 EXEMPTI ON N 2 Number of exempti ons cl ai med
32 Zi p_Si x C 6 Popul ated i f the si x di gi t zi p code opti on i s on
33 Rank N 2 Empl oyee Rank (user def i ned entry)
34 Prof i l e N 2 Prof i l e (f romSetup >T &A >Prof i l es &Breaks)
29 Templ ate L 1 Templ ate ? Yes (Y) or No (N)
29 Last_Rai se D 8 Date of l ast rai se
30 Phone_al t C 10 Al ternate phone number

Displays employees job data.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 EMP_NUMBER N 4 Empl oyee Number
2 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob Code Number see J OBLI ST. DBF f or codes
3 PRI ME_J OB L 1 Pr i mar y J ob, Logi cal
4 RATE N 10 3 Rat e of pay
5 Act i ve_j ob L 1 J ob i s act i ve ? Y = Yes, N = No
6 Rat e_updat N 10 3 Amount of t he pay updat e
7 Dat e_updat D 8 Dat e, f or mat mm/ dd/ yy

List the various jobs setup in Setup > Time & Attendance > BOH > Deprtments & Jobs.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob Code Number
2 J OB_NAME C 20 J ob Name as Setup i n Ti me &Attendance
3 DEPT_CODE N 4 Department Code (opti onal )
4 J OB_DESC C 50 J ob Descri pti on, Name
5 ALT_CODE C 15 Al ternate J ob Code
6 NO_OUT_TM L 1 No Out Ti me Di spl ayed on Pri nted Schedul e, Logi cal

Lists the sales predictions for a period of time, by date.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 WEEK_DESC C 10 Week Descri ptor, 3 Opti ons Are: Thi s Week, Last Week,
Next Week
2 WEEK_END D 8 Week Endi ng Date (MM/ DD/ YYYY)
3 PRED_DATE D 8 Predi cti on Date, Si ngl e Day (MM/ DD/ YYYY)
4 PRED_SALE N 14 2 Sal es Amount Predi cti on f or the PRED_DATE

This file relates to overtime rates and can be found in Setup > Time & Attendance > Backoffice
> Payroll & Overtime > Overtime Rules.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 OVR_TYPE N 2 A number rangi ng f rom1 - 4
1 Max Hours/ Day - Dai l y overti me rate - May have up to
two #1 records. Fi rst set of Hours &Rate
represented by f i rst record.
Second set, represented by second #1 record **
2 Max Hours/ Week (weekl y overti me rates)
3 Max Hours/ 7
. Day May have up to two records. **
Overti me rul e appl yi ng to a seventh work day.
4 Max Hours/ 6
. Day May have up to two records. **
Overti me rul e appl yi ng to a si xth work day.
2 OVR_HOURS N 3 #of hours to work bef ore overti me begi ns
3 OVR_RATE N 4 2 Overti me rate

** Second set of Dai l y Overti me Rates, Max Hours/ 6
Day and Max Hours/ 7
. Day appear onl y
when usi ng the opti on i n Backof f i ce Setup >Ti me &Attendance >T &A Backof f i ce Setup >
Opti ons >Use Addi ti onal Overti me Pay Rates (Cal i f orni a)

Sampl e Fi l e
Ovr _t ype Ovr _hour s Ovr _r at e
1 8 1. 50
1 12 2. 00
2 40 1. 50
3 0 1. 50
3 8 2. 00
4 0 1. 50
4 8 2. 00

Various fields used for the Labor Scheduler.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE_NUM C 4 Store number, popul ated f romthe f i l e \ DBF\ LAYOUT. DBF
2 STORE_NAME C 25 Store name
3 SCH_VERSN N 4 Schedul er versi on i n TAW, not the Advanced Labor
Schedul er
4 LAST_WEEK D 8 Start Date f or Last Week
5 CURR_WEEK D 8 Start Date f or Current Week
6 NEXT_WEEK D 8 Start Date f or Next Week
7 START_DAY D 8 Start Date f or thi s week s schedul e
8 NUM_SHI FTS N 1 Number of shi f ts as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &Attendance
>Backof f i ce Setup >Work Shi f ts
9 STARTSHFT1 C 7 Start ti me f or shi f t 1
10 STARTSHFT2 C 7 Start ti me f or shi f t 2
11 STARTSHFT3 C 7 Start ti me f or shi f t 3
12 STARTSHFT4 C 7 Start ti me f or shi f t 4
13 STARTSHFT5 C 7 Start ti me f or shi f t 5
14 REGWEEKSTR C 24 Stri ng f or Regul ar Week text (Regul ar)

Schedule shifts.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 SHI FT_CODE N 4 Shi f t code number, range i s 101 - 250
2 SHI FT_NAME C 20 Customname f or the shi f t
3 SHI FT_ABBR C 5 Abbrevi ati on f or SHI FT_CODE, currentl y unused
4 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob Code number
5 BEG_TI ME N 4 Start ti me f or the shi f t
6 END_TI ME N 4 End ti me f or the shi f t

Schedule shifts.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 EMP_NUMBER N 4 Empl oyee number
2 DEPT_CODE N 4 Department number f or empl oyee. I f the empl oyee has
mul ti pl e departments (as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &
Attendance >Backof f i ce Setup >Department and J obs),
then the empl oyee i s l i sted more than once, wi th each
department l i sted once.

Schedule shifts.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DEPT_CODE N 4 Department Number, as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &
Attendance >Backof f i ce Setup >Department &J obs
2 DEPT_NAME C 20 Name of the deaprtment
3 DEPT_DESC C 50 Currentl y, unused
4 LOCAT_CODE N 4 Currentl y, unused

Shows the budget numbers from Setup > Time & Attendance > Backoffice Time &
Attendance > Departments & Jobs > Budget
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage

1 Week_desc C 10 Descri pti on, Thi s, Last, Next Week
2 Week_end D 8 Week end date f or DATE (f ormat mm/ dd/ yy)
3 Date D 8 Date data i s f or (f ormat mm/ dd/ yy)
4 Shi f t N 1 Shi f t as def i ned by Work Shi f ts
5 Dept_num N 2 Department number as def i ned by T &A setup
6 Dept_desc C 20 Department descri pti on as def i ned by T &A setup
7 Norm_sal e N 14 2 Normal sal es as def i ned by backof f i ce T &A setup
8 Proj _sal e N 14 2 Proj ected sal es as def i ned by backof f i ce T &A setup
9 Norm_budg N 14 2 Normal budget def i ned i n the backof f i ce T &A setup
10 Proj _budg N 14 2 Proj ected budget i s cal cul ated by :
Proj ected Sal es / Normal sal es =Y
Normal budget x Y =proj ected budget.

- - - - End TAWEXPORT Secti on



The following three files contain all the payroll information for a period and can be used to retrieve
information regarding payroll information. The three files are PAYRPUNC.dbf, PAYRJOBD.dbf and
PAYRHEAD.dbf. Payrhead.dbf contains a summary of an employees payroll information and
summarizes payrjobd.dbf. Payrjob.dbf in turns is a summary of payrpunc.dbf which contains
records of each punch for an employee. The diagram below shows the flow of information and
each file is explained in more detail on the next page.

Srvr sales
Adju mgr
Adju mgr
Adju mgr
PAYRPUNC.dbf one record per
Srvr sales
Employee As Punches for Job 1 Employee As Punches for Job 2
PAYRJOBD.dbf sums employee
payroll info by Job
PAYRHEAD.dbf one record per
employee, sums all hours and
wages, not all fields shown here.
Adju mgr
Job 1
Job 2


The PAYRPUNC.DBF file contains data for each employees punch in/out. Each punch is recorded,
along with the department, job and rate for that punch in/out. Additionally, these records reflect
any adjustments performed on those punches. Each record in this file is a punch in/ punch out.
This is similar to looking at the detail of an employees time card.

The PAYRJOBD.DBF in turn, sums up the hours and lists each employees payroll summary by
job. Each record in the file is one job held by that employee. For instance, if an employee has two
jobs, each job will be a different record, summing up the hours worked for that job. This file is
similar to viewing payroll information By Employee, then by Department and Job.

Finally, PAYRHEAD.DBF combines all hours and jobs an employee worked and reports the total
hours worked for an employee, along with their payroll information (social security number,
alternate number, ect) - in one record per employee. This is similar to viewing payroll as :
Summary by Employee.

In short, PAYRPUNC is summed up in PAYRJOBD, which in turn is summed up in

TARW can be called with a parameters of 52 (exclude open punches) or 93 (include open
punches) to produce the following DBF files. The commands are:
TARW R 52 N2 [N3] [N4] [/APPEND] [/ALT] (Exclude Open Punches)
TARW R 93 N2 [N3] [N4] [/APPEND] [/ALT] (Include Open Punches, requires TARW.EXE
dated 10/21/05 or later)
N2 - :
1 - r epor t f or a day:
2 - r epor t f or a week:
3 - r epor t f or t wo weeks:
4 - r epor t f or an ar bi t r ar y per i od:

I f N2 = 1:
N3 - how many days ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 2 or 3:
N3 - how many weeks ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 4:
N3 - st ar t dat e
N4 - end dat e.

For mat f or N3 and N4: year , mont h, day ( Asi an f or mat ) .
For exampl e: 950901 - Sept ember 1, 1995

Not i ce: 1. Per i od cannot be mor e t han 31 days;
2. N3 must be ear l i er t han or equal t o N4;
3. bot h dat es must be ear l i er t han or equal t o t he syst emdat e.

/ APPEND Adds t he newl y pr oduced f i l e t o t he exi st i ng DBF f i l e. The
Absence of t he / APPEND command, causes TARWt o cr eat e a new
Fi l e, and del et es t he exi st i ng f i l e bef or e cr eat i ng a new DBF f i l e.

/ ALT Pl aces t he out put f i l es i nt o \ ALTDBF, or i f Backof f i ce Set up >
Payment > User DBFs i s popul at ed, wr i t es t o t he speci f i ed di r ect or y

Contains all hours and jobs an employee worked and reports the total hours worked for an
employee, along with their payroll information (social security number, alternate number, ect) - in
one record per employee.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE_START D 8 Start date f or report
3 DATE_END D 8 End date f or report
4 EMPL_NUM N 8 Empl oyee number
5 EMPL_ALT C 9 Al ternate empl oyee number
6 EMPL_NAME C 35 Empl oyee name
7 EMPL_SSEC C 11 Empl oyee soci al securi ty number
8 WAGE_TYPE C 1 Wage type (Hourl y, sal ary)
9 HRS_REG N 8 4 Regul ar hours worked
10 HRS_OVRDAY N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the Dai l y Overti me rul e*
11 HRS_OVRWK N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the weekl y overti me rul e*
12 HRS_HOLI DA N 8 4 Hol i day pay hours
13 HRS_DI FF N 8 4 Shi f t di f f erenti al hours
14 HRS_ADJ UST N 8 4 Hours adj usted
15 TOTAL_PAY N 9 2 Total pay
16 TI PS_DECL N 9 2 Decl ared ti ps
17 TI PS_ADJ U N 9 2 Adj usted ti ps
18 TI PS_CHRG N 9 2 Charged ti ps
19 TI PS_POOL N 9 2 Ti p pool amount
20 SRVR_SALES N 9 2 Server sal es
21 HRS_OVRD2 N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the 2
Dai l y Overti me rul e*
22 HRS_OVRWK2 N 8 4 Not currentl y used
23 HRS_OVRSV N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the 7
Day Overti me rul e*
24 HRS_OVRSV2 N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the 2
Day Overti me rul e*
25 HRS_OVR6D N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the 6
Day Overti me rul e*
26 HRS_OVR6D2 N 8 4 #of hours worked based on the 2
Day Overti me rul e*
27 TPOOL_CNTR N 9 2 Ti p pool contri buti on
28 TPOOL_DSTR N 9 2 Ti p pool di stri buti on
29 TPOOL_ADJ S N 9 2 Ti p pool adj ustment
30 HRS_SPRD N 8 4 The number of hours pai d at mi ni mumwage f or spread

Continues on next page.


WAGE_TYPE H-Hourly, S-Salary, N Salary, not on report.
TIPS_DECL - Total declared tips for period for all jobs.

* Regular hours worked versus Overtime hours worked are defined in the Setup > Time &
Attendance > Backoffice > Overtime & Vacations option. By default, users define the number of
hours to work per day/week before the remaining hours worked for the day/week are considered
overtime hours. For example, 40 hours per week is usually considered a normal week, with any
additional worked hours considered overtime. In some states, any hours worked above 8 per day
are considered overtime. Additionally, there are some states that have multiple requirements for
overtime. By setting the flag Use Additional Overtime Pay Rates (California) in Setup > Time &
Attendance > Backoffice > Options, users can define second overtime rates for daily hours, 6

and 7
day overtime rules also. In the above example, any hours worked in a day over 8, is time
and a half, while anything over 12 hours is double time. Also, any hours worked on day 6 is paid at
time and a half, and any hours over 8 on day 6 are double time.

Contains payment amounts by job/ department.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 Empl oyee number
3 J OB C 16 J ob code (number), as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &
Attendance >Backof f i ce Setup >Dept &J obs. See
J OBLI ST. DBF f or l i nks to the j ob numbers and j ob names.
4 DEPT N 4 J ob s department
5 PAY_TYPE N 2 Type of pay
6 HOURS N 8 4 Number of hours worked f or department
7 RATE N 7 3 Rate of pay
8 PAY N 7 2 Pay amount
9 TI PS_DECL N 9 2 Decl ared ti ps
10 SRVR_SALES N 9 2 Server sal es total
11 DATE_START D 8 Start date f or report
12 DATE_END D 8 End date f or report
13 BASE_RATE N 7 3 Base rate, may di f f er f romRATE, when empl oyee
Enters i nto overti me hours. Rate woul d be the overti me
Rate, whi l e BASE RATE woul d be the non- overti me rate.
14 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob code number
15 ALT_CODE C 15 Al ternate Code, text, as def i ned i n Setup >
Ti me &Attendance >Departments &J obs

PAY_TYPE - POSitouch categorizes pay into categories such as Regular, Overtime-Day and
POSitouch computes overtime based on cumulative hours per day or week.
For example if an employee hits 40 hours in the middle of Thursday's work period
then they are paid regular pay until the minute they hit 40 and week-overtime thereafter
regardless of whether they work a variety of jobs.
Pay type 8 is used for additional daily overtime e.g. double pay after 12 hours.
Pay types 10, 11 are similar to Overtime-Day but only for 7 day weeks.

Field Values: 1 - Regular & Salaried
2 - Overtime-Day
3 - Overtime-Week
4 - Miscellaneous Pay
5 - Shift Differential
6 - Holiday Pay
7 - Previous Period Adjustment
8 - Overtime-Day 2
9 - Overtime-Week 2 (not used)
10 - Overtime-7
Day of week
11 - Overtime-7
Day of week 2
14 Spread payment for working a spread of hours

Contains payment amounts by job/ department.

Note : When including open punches, the TIME_OUT field is populated with the time the
file was produce, enabling wage calculations on open punches.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 empl oyee number
3 J OB C 16 J ob code (number), as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &
Attendance >Backof f i ce Setup >Dept &J obs. See
J OBLI ST. DBF f or l i nks to the j ob numbers and j ob names.
4 DEPT N 4 Punch department
5 DATE D 8 Punch date
6 TI ME_I N C 6 Punch i n ti me
7 TI ME_OUT C 6 Punch out ti me
8 PUNCH_TYPE N 4 Type of punch See tabl e bel ow
9 ADJ U_REASN N 2 Adj usted punch reason
10 ADJ U_MGR N 5 Manager responsi bl e f or adj ustment
11 J OB_WAS_CH L 1 Logi cal , was j ob changed?
12 SCH_OVERR L 1 Schedul e Overri dden ?
13 I N_EARLY L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee i n earl y ?
14 I N_LATE L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee i n l ate ?
15 OUT_EARLY L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee out earl y ?
16 OUT_LATE L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee out l ate ?
17 OUT_OF_SCH L 1 Logi cal , Of f schedul e ?
18 MGR_PNC_I N L 1 Logi cal , Manager punched i n Empl oyee ?
19 MGR_PNC_OU L 1 Logi cal , Manager punched Empl oyee out ?
20 BACKOF_ADJ L 1 Logi cal , Backof f i ce adj ustment ?
21 DATE_START D 8 Start date f or peri od
22 DATE_END D 8 Endi ng date f or peri od
23 ON_CLOCK L 1 I s empl oyee sti l l punched i n ?
24 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob code number
25 ALT_CODE C 15 Al ternate Code, text, as def i ned i n Setup >
Ti me &Attendance >Departments &J obs
26 Break_num N 2 I ndi cates the break number (1 or 2) as def i ned
i n Setup >T &A >T &A Front of the house >Prof i l es &
Breaks >Break 1 and Break 2.

Punch Type (next page)

1 - Regular punch - from clock
2 - Deleted Punch - from clock, deleted later
3 - Adjustment - created through adjustment process.
In punch is always adjustment but Out
punch may have come from time clock.
4 Previous Period Adjustment - Adds to pay for this period,
but does not figure into overtime calculations.
5 Shift differential pay adjustments for working same position on a different shift
6 Holidays
7 Previous Adjustments - Adds to pay for this period but does
not figure in overtime calculations.
8 Breaks, includes Break1* and Break2* as well as adjustments
14 This punch is for working a spread and is paid a different rate.

* As defined in Setup > Time & Attendance > Front of the House > Breaks and Profiles

Contains scheduled times, actual hours worked and breaks for employees.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 Empl oyee number
3 EMPL_NAME C 35 Empl oyee name
4 J OB_NUM N 4 J ob number as def i ned i n the backof f i ce, up to 100, or
shi f t code, i f number i s greater than 101 - 250
5 J OB_NAME C 19 J ob name as def i ned i n the backof f i ce, up to 100, or
shi f t code, i f number i s greater than 101 - 250
6 DEPT_NUM N 4 Department number
7 DEPT_NAME C 19 Department name
8 REC_TYPE N 1 Record type. Val i d val ues are :
1 =Hours worked
2 =Schedul ed Hours
3 =Break ti mes
9 REC_DESCR C 3 Record descri pti on. Val i d val ues are :
HRS =Hours worked
SCH =Schedul ed Hours
BRK =Break ti mes
10 DATE D 8 Date
11 TI ME_I N C 6 I n HH: MMf ormat wi th a=amand p=pm
12 TI ME_OUT C 6 I n HH: MMf ormat wi th a=amand p=pm
13 HOURS N 4 I n hhmmf ormat. For exampl e 430 i s 4 hours, 30 mi nutes.
14 Break_num N 2 I ndi cates the break number (1 or 2) as def i ned
i n Setup >T &A >T &A Front of the house >Prof i l es &
Breaks >Break 1 and Break 2. (Val i d val ues are 0, 1, 2)
15 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob Code (aka number) as def i ned i n the backof f i ce, up
to 100 j obs. Si mi l ar to f i el d 4, does not i ncl ude
shi f t code numbers.
16 J OB_C_NAME C 19 J ob Code Name (aka name) as def i ned i n the backof f i ce,
up to 100 j obs, does not i ncl ude shi f t codes.

How to produce

TARW R 95 N2 [N3] [N4] [/APPEND] [/ALT]
N2 - :
1 - f i l e f or a day:
2 - f i l e f or a week:
3 - f i l e f or t wo weeks:
4 - f i l e f or an ar bi t r ar y per i od:

I f N2 = 1:
N3 - how many days ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 2 or 3:
N3 - how many weeks ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 4:
N3 - st ar t dat e
N4 - end dat e.

For mat f or N3 and N4: year , mont h, day ( Asi an f or mat ) .
For exampl e: 950901 - Sept ember 1, 1995

Not i ce: 1. Per i od cannot be mor e t han 31 days;
2. N3 must be ear l i er t han or equal t o N4;

3. bot h dat es must be ear l i er t han or equal t o t he syst emdat e.

/ APPEND Adds t he newl y pr oduced f i l e t o t he exi st i ng DBF f i l e. The
Absence of t he / APPEND command, causes TARWt o cr eat e a new
Fi l e, and del et es t he exi st i ng f i l e bef or e cr eat i ng a new DBF f i l e.

/ ALT Pl aces t he out put f i l es i nt o \ ALTDBF, or i f Backof f i ce Set up >
Payment > User DBFs i s popul at ed, wr i t es t o t he speci f i ed di r ect or y

Contains a summary of employees schedules by individual.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 Empl oyee number
3 LAST_NAME C 35 Empl oyee l ast name
4 FI RST_NAME N 4 Empl oyee f i rst name
5 HRS_REG C 19 Regul ar hours schedul ed
6 HRS_OVR N 4 Overti me hours schedul ed
7 HRS_TOT C 19 Total hours schedul ed
8 PAY_REG N 1 Regul ar pay total
9 PAY_OVR C 3 Overti me pay total
10 PAY_TOT D 8 Total regul ar and overti me pay.
11 DATE_START C 6 Peri od start date
12 DATE_END C 6 Peri od end date

How to produce

TARW R 96 N2 [N3] [N4] [/APPEND] [/ALT]
N2 - :
1 - r epor t f or a day:
2 - r epor t f or a week:
3 - r epor t f or t wo weeks:
4 - r epor t f or an ar bi t r ar y per i od:

I f N2 = 1:
N3 - how many days ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 2 or 3:
N3 - how many weeks ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 4:
N3 - st ar t dat e
N4 - end dat e.

For mat f or N3 and N4: year , mont h, day ( Asi an f or mat ) .
For exampl e: 950901 - Sept ember 1, 1995

Not i ce: 1. Per i od cannot be mor e t han 31 days;
2. N3 must be ear l i er t han or equal t o N4;
3. bot h dat es must be ear l i er t han or equal t o t he syst emdat e.

/ APPEND Adds t he newl y pr oduced f i l e t o t he exi st i ng DBF f i l e. The
Absence of t he / APPEND command, causes TARWt o cr eat e a new
Fi l e, and del et es t he exi st i ng f i l e bef or e cr eat i ng a new DBF f i l e.

/ ALT Pl aces t he out put f i l es i nt o \ ALTDBF, or i f Backof f i ce Set up >
Payment > User DBFs i s popul at ed, wr i t es t o t he speci f i ed di r ect or y

Contains a summary of employees schedules by individual.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 Empl oyee number
3 J OB_NUM C 35 Empl oyee s j ob number
4 J OB_CODE N 4 Empl oyee s j ob code
5 SHI FT_CODE C 19 Shi f t code
6 DEPT_CODE N 4 Department
7 DATE C 19 Date of schedul ed shi f t
8 TI ME_I N N 1 Schedul ed ti me i n
9 TI ME_OUT C 3 Schedul ed ti me out
10 HOURS D 8 Hours schedul ed
11 PAY C 6 Total pay
12 DATE_START C 6 Week schedul e start date
13 DATE_END C 19 Week schedul e end date
14 HOURS_REG N 1 Total regul ar hours
15 PAY_REG C 3 Total regul ar pay
16 HOURS_OVR D 8 Overti me hours
17 PAY_OVR C 6 Overti me pay

How to produce

TARW R 96 N2 [N3] [N4] [/APPEND] [/ALT]
N2 - :
1 - r epor t f or a day:
2 - r epor t f or a week:
3 - r epor t f or t wo weeks:
4 - r epor t f or an ar bi t r ar y per i od:

I f N2 = 1:
N3 - how many days ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 2 or 3:
N3 - how many weeks ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 4:
N3 - st ar t dat e
N4 - end dat e.

For mat f or N3 and N4: year , mont h, day ( Asi an f or mat ) .
For exampl e: 950901 - Sept ember 1, 1995

Not i ce: 1. Per i od cannot be mor e t han 31 days;
2. N3 must be ear l i er t han or equal t o N4;
3. bot h dat es must be ear l i er t han or equal t o t he syst emdat e.

/ APPEND Adds t he newl y pr oduced f i l e t o t he exi st i ng DBF f i l e. The
Absence of t he / APPEND command, causes TARWt o cr eat e a new
Fi l e, and del et es t he exi st i ng f i l e bef or e cr eat i ng a new DBF f i l e.

/ ALT Pl aces t he out put f i l es i nt o \ ALTDBF, or i f Backof f i ce Set up >
Payment > User DBFs i s popul at ed, wr i t es t o t he speci f i ed di r ect or y


Contains punch information similar to the Payroll Report, showing all punches

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store
2 EMPL_NUM N 8 empl oyee number
3 J OB C 16 J ob code (number), as def i ned i n Setup >Ti me &
Attendance >Backof f i ce Setup >Dept &J obs. See
J OBLI ST. DBF f or l i nks to the j ob numbers and j ob names.
4 DEPT N 4 Punch department
5 DATE D 8 Punch date
6 TI ME_I N C 6 Punch i n ti me
7 TI ME_OUT C 6 Punch out ti me
8 PUNCH_TYPE N 4 Type of punch See tabl e bel ow
9 ADJ U_REASN N 2 Adj usted punch reason
10 ADJ U_MGR N 5 Manager responsi bl e f or adj ustment
11 J OB_WAS_CH L 1 Logi cal , was j ob changed?
12 SCH_OVERR L 1 Schedul e Overri dden ?
13 I N_EARLY L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee i n earl y ?
14 I N_LATE L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee i n l ate ?
15 OUT_EARLY L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee out earl y ?
16 OUT_LATE L 1 Logi cal , Empl oyee out l ate ?
17 OUT_OF_SCH L 1 Logi cal , Of f schedul e ?
18 MGR_PNC_I N L 1 Logi cal , Manager punched i n Empl oyee ?
19 MGR_PNC_OU L 1 Logi cal , Manager punched Empl oyee out ?
20 BACKOF_ADJ L 1 Logi cal , Backof f i ce adj ustment ?
21 DATE_START D 8 Start date f or peri od
22 DATE_END D 8 Endi ng date f or peri od
23 ON_CLOCK L 1 I s empl oyee sti l l punched i n ?
24 J OB_CODE N 4 J ob code number
25 ALT_CODE C 15 Al ternate Code, text, as def i ned i n Setup >
Ti me &Attendance >Departments &J obs
26 HOURS N 5 2 Hours worked
27 Break_num N 2 I ndi cates the break number (1 or 2) as def i ned
i n Setup >T &A >T &A Front of the house >Prof i l es &
Breaks >Break 1 and Break 2.

Punch Type (next page)

Time_rpt.dbf Punch Types
1 - Regular punch - from clock
2 - Deleted Punch - from clock, deleted later
3 Rejected Punch
4 - Adjustment - created through adjustment process.
In punch is always adjustment but Out
punch may have come from time clock.
7 Break

How to produce

TARW R 57 N2 [N3] [N4] [/ALT]
N2 - :
1 - f i l e f or a day:
2 - f i l e f or a week:
3 - f i l e f or t wo weeks:
4 - f i l e f or an ar bi t r ar y per i od:

I f N2 = 1:
N3 - how many days ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 2 or 3:
N3 - how many weeks ago f r omt he syst emdat e.

I f N2 = 4:
N3 - st ar t dat e
N4 - end dat e.

For mat f or N3 and N4: year , mont h, day ( Asi an f or mat ) .
For exampl e: 950901 - Sept ember 1, 1995

Not i ce: 1. Per i od cannot be mor e t han 31 days;
2. N3 must be ear l i er t han or equal t o N4;
3. bot h dat es must be ear l i er t han or equal t o t he syst emdat e.

/ ALT Pl aces t he out put f i l es i nt o \ ALTDBF, or i f Backof f i ce Set up >
Payment > User DBFs i s popul at ed, wr i t es t o t he speci f i ed di r ect or y


The HRSLSAVG program creates DBF files containing sales based on hour, customer counts,
sales, productivity units or transaction counts. HRSLSAVG builds a 7 day rolling average for the
files listed below, based on 10 weeks of data. Files are located in the \Forecast directory off the
root of the POSdriver.
Contains sales information, broken down by day of the week, by hour, into 15 minute
intervals. 15 minute intervals are noted on the 00, 15, 30 and 45 minute marks.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of the sal es (MM/ DD/ YY)
3 DAY_OF_WK N 1 Numeri c representati on of the day of the week. Sunday =1
4 HOUR N 2 Hour of the day. Zero (0) i s mi dni ght.
5 MI NUTS N 2 Sal es noted on the 15 mi nute mark. Val ues =00/ 15/ 30/ 45
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Dol l ar val ue f or 15 mi nutes.

Other hourly sales DBF files are available. These files contain hourly sales for each cost center,
and are created by default when HRSLSAVG is run. The naming format for these files resemble
HRSLSxx.DBF, where XX is the cost center number. Examples include the following for cost
centers 1 and 2 :


Contains number of transactions, broken down by day of the week, by hour, into 15 minute
intervals. 15 minute intervals are noted on the 00, 15, 30 and 45 minute marks.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of the sal es (MM/ DD/ YY)
3 DAY_OF_WK N 1 Numeri c representati on of the day of the week. Sunday =1
4 HOUR N 2 Hour of the day. Zero (0) i s mi dni ght.
5 MI NUTS N 2 Noted on the 15 mi nute mark. Val ues =00/ 15/ 30/ 45
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Uni t val ue f or 15 mi nutes.

Other hourly transaction DBF files are available. These files contain the number of transactions
for each cost center, and are created by default when HRSLSAVG is run. The naming format for
these files resemble HRTRNxx.DBF, where XX is the cost center number. Examples include the
following for cost centers 1 and 2 :


Contains customer counts, broken down by day of the week, by hour, into 15 minute
intervals. 15 minute intervals are noted on the 00, 15, 30 and 45 minute marks. Denoted from
Number in party when a new table is opened.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of the sal es (MM/ DD/ YY)
3 DAY_OF_WK N 1 Numeri c representati on of the day of the week. Sunday =1
4 HOUR N 2 Hour of the day. Zero (0) i s mi dni ght.
5 MI NUTS N 2 Counts noted on the 15 mi nute mark. Val ues =00/ 15/ 30/ 45
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Customer counts f or 15 mi nute peri od.

Other hourly customer count DBF files are available. These files contain average customer counts
for each cost center, and are created by default when HRSLSAVG is run. The naming format for
these files resemble HRCSTxx.DBF, where XX is the cost center number. Examples include the
following for cost centers 1 and 2 :


Contains number of covers, broken down by day of the week, by hour, into 15 minute
intervals. 15 minute intervals are noted on the 00, 15, 30 and 45 minute marks. Denoted from
Count as cover in the Backoffice > Menu Editor > Prep Printouts > Prep Sequence Names >
Count As Cover.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of the sal es (MM/ DD/ YY)
3 DAY_OF_WK N 1 Numeri c representati on of the day of the week. Sunday =1
4 HOUR N 2 Hour of the day. Zero (0) i s mi dni ght.
5 MI NUTS N 2 Counts noted on the 15 mi nute mark. Val ues =00/ 15/ 30/ 45
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Cover counts f or 15 mi nute peri od.

Other cover count DBF files are available. These files contain the number of covers for each cost
center, and are created by default when HRSLSAVG is run. The naming format for these files
resemble HRCOVxx.DBF, where XX is the cost center number. Examples include the following for
cost centers 1 and 2 :


This file reflects the number of productivity units required during a given period.
POSitouch allows users to set a Productivity number within a menu item. This number reflects a
number of labor units required to produce an item. For instance, items that are prepared quickly
would have a lower productivity number, while harder to prepare items would have a higher
number. Examples of this would be a soda menu item with a productivity unit of 1 , while an
entre would have a higher productivity number of 5 .
By using the productivity feature, users can schedule based on the average number of
productivity unit (or labor units) required throughout the day.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE C 4 Store number
2 DATE D 8 Date of the sal es (MM/ DD/ YY)
3 DAY_OF_WK N 1 Numeri c representati on of the day of the week. Sunday =1
4 HOUR N 2 Hour of the day. Zero (0) i s mi dni ght.
5 MI NUTS N 2 Counts noted on the 15 mi nute mark. Val ues =00/ 15/ 30/ 45
6 AMOUNT N 9 2 Producti vi ty uni ts f or a 15 mi nute peri od.

Other productivity DBF files are available. These files contain the number of productivity units for
each cost center, and are created by default when HRSLSAVG is run. The naming format for these
files resemble HRPRDxx.DBF, where XX is the cost center number. Examples include the
following for cost centers 1 and 2 :


Note : To produce the file HRPVDAVG.DBF, users must setup the option in Backoffice Setup >
Restaurant Misc. Data > System 2 > Labor Schedule Productivity Measure in Price XX. Where XX
is a number from 1 to 10. Users then go to the menu items and enter a productivity number in one
of the 10 price fields referred to in the above setting. If XX above, is set to Price Level 4, then the
PRICE 4 field for any menu item will be used as the productivity unit field.

HOW TO PRODUCE (all files)

The program HRSLSAVG.exe builds a rolling 7-day forecast of sales; cover counts, customer
counts and item sales for the entire house and each individual cost center by 15 minute
increments. This program runs as part of nightly processing, and defaults to averaging data for a
10-week period. If 10 weeks is not considered reasonable you can alter this default setting by
changing the setting in the Backoffice Setup > Payment > Sales Journal > Standard DBFs >
HRSLSAVG weeks to track.
Additionally, if using batch files for processing, adding a command line parameter allows users to
run HRSLSAVG with a custom set number of weeks to process.
For example, running Hrslsavg to get a 4-week average would look like this:

Hrslsavg 4

Hrslsavg has a default setting to include any negative items or over-rings in the averages. You
have the ability to change this through an ini file if you want your forecasting data to ignore
negative items.

Create an HRSLSAVG.INI file, in the \SC folder :
[ Sal es]
Excl udeNegat i veI t ems=YES
Excl udeOver r i ngs=YES

Hrslsavg can also output an optional directory by including the number of weeks to process,
followed by the directory name as a command line parameter. For example, to output 5 weeks of
data, and have the data written to the \ALTDBF folder :


Users may produce files for a particular week by calling HRSLSAVG with the last date of the
payroll week. For instance, if a payroll week begins on Thursday, June 12, 2008, and ends on
Wednesday, June 18, 2008, to produce the files for this period in the C:\ALTDBF folder, the
command is :


Users may wish to average several weeks of data or average a period of weeks in a file. For
instance, if one of the recent weeks had greater than normal or less than normal sales, that week
can be left out of the average. To average several weeks of data into a 7 day period list the week
ending dates, separated by commas. For example,

HRSLSAVG 06/18/08, 06/25/08, 07/09/08 \ALTDBF

Will average 3 weeks of data into a 7 day period, skipping the week ending 7/2/08.


CHKTODBF makes it easy to create and maintain custom reports and DSRs from Positouch data,
by producing an relational database of DBF tables. The tables can be read using FoxPro, Access,
Delphi, Excel, and many other database manager and spreadsheet programs.
The user can specify a date or range of dates for checkfiles to process. Each checkfile is read
and the information contained in it is added to the database.


Usage: CHKTODBF [Period] [Offset] [Offset2] [/nocat] [/CLEAR] [/ALT] [/LOC-<location>]
- OR -
CHKTODBF [mm/dd/yy] [/nocat] [/CLEAR] [/ALT]

Period specifies the unit of time used to decide which checkfiles to read.

Parameter Meaning Action
1 day Process a single days checkfile
2 week Process checkfiles for an entire week
3 month Process checkfiles for an entire month
4 arbitrary number of days Process checkfiles for a specified range of

Note: Due to the size of the database produced, we do not recommend processing an
entire month except under special circumstances.

Offset specifies the number of days/weeks/months previous to today for the report, or of
start of arbitrary period. 0 (zero) will process records for the current day, week or
month, 1 for the previous day, week or month, etc.

Offset2 is used only for Arbitrary Periods. It defines the # days previous to today for end
of arbitrary period

mm/dd/yy - Use this date format to process the checkfile for the date specified.

/nocat tells CHKTODBF not to create the category sales file (CATSALES.DBF). By default,
CHKTODBF creates Catsales every time it runs. Catsales does not use information
from checkfiles. It only needs to be updated when items are added to inventory or
the sales category setup is changed. You can use the nocat switch to speed up
processing when Catsales does not need to be updated.

/CLEAR tells CHKTODBF to clear out the target directory before creating files. This
prevents appending the files to the existing DBF files in that location.

/ALT tells CHKTODBF to create dbf files in the alternative directory set up in Setup-
Payment-Sales Journal-Users DBF Files. Enter a path in DBF primary path and
DBF alternate path. If there is no entry in DBF primary path, it defaults to \DBF,
a blank \ALT path, defaults writing files to the \ALTDBF folder.

/LOC- runs CHKTODBF and places the output DBF files into the specified directory. If the
directory contains spaces in the name, then the entire parameter should be
enclosed in quotes. For example, CHKTODBF 2 2 /LOC-C:\test dbf

folder\. For directories without spaces in the name, quotes are not required. For
example, CHKTODBF 2 2 /loc-c:\testdbf\. Note that a hyphen is required
between LOC and the directory path.


Note that if the DBF directories under Setup >Payment >Sales J ournal >User DBFs are left
blank, the default Primary Directory will be \DBF and the Alternate Directory will be \ALTDBF.
When defining a directory other than the default, users should NOT enter a driver letter as part of
the path.

Logging Capabilities - See Appendix A

CHKTODBF writes a log file of activites when run. The log file is named PDmmddyy.LOG, where
mmddyy is the month, day, year when the program was run.

If CHKTODBF is called without parameters, it defaults to the shutdown date (the date of
the most recently completed checkfile).


CHKTODBF 1 3 Creates DBF files from a checkfile dated 3 days ago.
CHKTODBF 2 1 Creates DBF files from all checkfiles from last week.
CHKTODBF 4 9 3 Creates DBF files from all checkfiles between nine
days ago and three days ago.
CHKTODBF 4 1 0 Creates DBF files from checkfiles from yesterday
and today.
CHKTODBF Creates DBF files from the most recently
completed checkfile, also creates catsales.dbf.

CHKTODBF /nocat Creates DBF files from the most recently completed
checkfile, but doesnt create catsales.dbf.

Users who create DSRs utilizing CHKTODBF can integrate the program into their batch
files in the following ways:

From nightly.bat to update the CHKTODBF database every night.
From Dsr.bat - so that the DSR can call CHKTODBF on an as needed basis.


Transact.dbf is at the top of the CHKTODBF database. It contains a record for every transaction
recorded in the checkfile. Transactions can be checks, payments, manager transactions, or
cashouts (zero records), so each record in Transact will have a corresponding record in Check,
Payment, Mgr_Tran, or Zerorec.

A Check record is produced for each check in the checkfile. Each Check record will have one or
more Mainitem records and zero or more Taxes records. Taxes records are created for each tax
type applied to a check, so one Check record could have multiple Taxes records.

Option records will be created for each option associated with a main item. An option record (in
options.dbf) can be linked to its parent main item (in mainitem.dbf) by matching the DATE,
TRANS_NO, CHECK_NO and SEQ_MAIN fields from the two tables.

Each Payment record has at least one payitem record. If more than one pay type is used (e.g. part
of the check is paid with credit card and part with cash) there will be multiple Payitem records for
the Payment record. Paymemo records are only created if there is a memo attached to a
particular payment. A Payitem record can not have more than one Paymemo records.

Zerorec contains a record for each end-of-shift cashout.

Mgr_Tran contains manager transaction records. If the manager transaction is a paidout or
overring, there will be a corresponding record in Payitem and Paymemo.
Catsales is a cross-reference between inventory numbers and category numbers. Each option
should match one Catsales record.

This is the structure of the CHKTODBF database:

Each box represents a table. The name of the tabl e is at the top of the box.; the remaining items
are the field names.

Files Created by CHKTODBF

Contains a record for each check.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 START_TI ME N 4 Start ti me
5 PRI NT_TI ME N 4 Pri nt ti me
6 TABLE_NO N 4 Tabl e number
7 COSTCENTER N 3 Cost center
8 STATI ON_NO N 3 Stati on number
9 SERVER_NO N 4 Server number
10 SERVER_CHK N 4 Server check number
11 NO_I N_PRTY N 4 Number i n party
12 AMOUNT N 10 2 Dol l ar amount of check
13 TAX_TOTAL N 10 2 Tax Total
14 DI SC_PRI NT N 10 2 Pri nted di scount total
15 DI SC_TYPE N 2 Di scount type
16 DI SC_ODLR N 10 2 Open dol l ar di scount, dol l ar amount
17 DI SC_OPCT N 10 2 Open percent di scount, di scount percent
18 DI SC_SUBTR L 1 Logi cal , di scount subtracts f romsal es
19 OVERRI NG L 1 Logi cal , Overri ng check? True or f al se
20 DI SC_MNGR N 6 Manager who appl i ed di scount
21 SHI FT N 2 Shi f t when the check was cl osed, as def i ned i n : Setup >
Reports &Batches >Setup Shi f ts. Note shi f t numbers
Start at zero.
22 ADJ USTMENT L 1 I s thi s an adj ustment check?
23 REFUND L 1 I s thi s a ref und check?
24 DUMMY L 1 I s thi s a dummy check?
25 AUTO_GRAT L 1 I s auto gratui ty appl i ed?
26 SUB_CHK_NO N 3 Sub check number of separate checks
27 GRATUI TY N 10 2 Gratui ty amount
28 DELI V_TI ME N 6 Del i very ti me
29 SERV_TI ME N 6 Servi ce ti me

Contains a record for each check.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 PROC_DATE D 8 Process date i f run f or parti cul ar date(s)

Contains a record for each check item defined as a main item.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 SEQ_MAI N N 4 Sequence number
5 I NV_NUMBER N 5 I nventory number
6 DI SC_NBR N 2 Di scount number
7 TAX1FLAG L 1 Logi cal , tax 1 appl i es
8 TAX2FLAG L 1 Logi cal , tax 2 appl i es
9 TAX3FLAG L 1 Logi cal , tax 3 appl i es
10 TAX4FLAG L 1 Logi cal , tax 4 appl i es
11 TAXCODE N 2 Tax code
12 MULTI PLI ER N 10 2 Quanti ty of i tems sol d
13 DELETI ON N 2 0 i f not del eted, 1- 10 del eti on reasons
14 DELETI ON_U N 3 User who del eted i tem
15 COVER L 1 Number of covers
16 FULLPRI CE N 10 2 Ful l pri ce amount
17 REALPRI CE N 10 2 Pri ce net of di scount, voi d, tax i ncl uded
18 DI SC_AMT N 10 2 I temdi scount amount
19 TAX_I NC_1 N 10 2 I f tax i ncl uded, amount
20 TAX_I NC_2 N 10 2 I f tax i ncl uded, amount
21 TAX_I NC_3 N 10 2 I f tax i ncl uded, amount
22 TAX_I NC_4 N 10 2 I f tax i ncl uded, amount
23 COMP L 1 Thi s i temi s a comp
24 COMP_APPL L 1 Thi s i temhad a comp appl i ed to i t
25 COUP_APPL L 1 Thi s i temhad a coupon appl i ed to i t
26 SEND_TI ME N 4 Ti me sent to prep
27 COMP_USER N 3 User who appl i ed Comp
28 COVERS N 6 2 Number of covers f or thi s i tem
29 PRI CELEVEL N 2 Pri ce l evel
30 COUPON L 1 I s thi s a coupon?
31 CP_ZERO L 1 Was the pri ce reduced to zero by the POS?
32 CELL_DI SC L 1 I temdi scount? (i e Cel l type 12?)
33 DI SC_USER N 3 The user appl yi ng the di scount
34 PAY_DI SC L 1 Was a payment di scount appl i ed?
35 I TEM_DI SC N 2 Di scount number appl i ed.
36 CHK_DI SC N 2 Number of the di scount appl i ed to the enti re check

Manager transactions.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 TYPE N 5 Type (See Bel owAppendi x A Tabl e)
4 MGR_TRN_NO N 5 Manager transacti on number
5 USER N 3 User number doi ng the acti on
6 TABLE_NO N 6 Tabl e number
7 CHECK N 7 Check number
8 AMOUNT_1 N 10 2 See Appendi x A f or f i el d def i ni ti ons
9 AMOUNT_2 N 10 2 See Appendi x A f or f i el d def i ni ti ons
10 MI SC_1 N 8 See Bel ow, Appendi x A Tabl e
11 MI SC_2 N 8 See Bel ow, Appendi x A Tabl e
12 CODE_1 N 8 See Bel ow, Appendi x A Tabl e
13 CODE_2 N 8 See Bel ow, Appendi x A Tabl e
14 TI ME N 4

Contains a record for each option in the check.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 3 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 SEQ_MAI N N 4 Sequence number
5 I NV_NUMBER N 5 I nventory number
6 MULTI PLI ER N 10 2 Mul ti pl i er number

Contains a record for each option in the check.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 3 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 SEQ_MAI N N 4 Sequence number
5 TYPE N 2 Type of di scount/ comp. 1 =Di scount 1- 15; 2 =Cel l
type 12 di scount; 3 =Coupon; 4 =Comp
6 Di sc_Num N 2 Di scount number 1- 15 f or al l Types
7 Amount N 9 2 Amount of the di scount.
8 I nv_number N 5 Menu i temnumber of the di scount/ coupon bei ng appl i ed.
9 Menu_i tem N 5 Menu i temnumber that has di scount/ coupon bei ng appl i ed
to i t.

Contains a list of check files not found for processing

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 PROC_DATE D 8 Date
2 FI LE_NAME C 15 Name of f i l e not processed

Contains a record for each payment line.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 PAY_I TM_NO N 2 Payment sequence number wi th mul ti pl e pay types
4 Pay_type N 2 Payment type number (See bel ow)
5 MGR_TRN_NO N 5 Manager transacti on number (i f appl i cabl e)
6 AMOUNT N 10 2 Check amount
7 TI P N 10 2 Ti p amount
8 CASH_PDOUT N 10 2 Cash pai d out, i . e. change
9 I SSUE N 10 2 Gi f t cert i ssue amount

PAY_TYPE field: Type of Payment r ecor d:
0 Cash
1 - 19 User Def i nabl e - See Set up- Payment - For ms of Payment
20 Non- Payment - Checks not set up f or payment at any st at i on - r ar e,
usual l y an er r or i n set up
21 Manager Di scount - 100%- bef or e ver si on 4. 57
22 - 25 User Def i nabl e Di scount s bef or e ver si on 4. 57
26 Manager Pai dout - Thi s r ecor d wi l l occur wi t hout r ecor ds
1- 5. Pai dout t ype i s f i r st byt e of memo ( see r ecor d t ype
7 bel ow) .
27 Tr ai ni ng Amount - Thi s r ecor d wi l l occur wi t hout r ecor ds 1- 5.
28 43 User Def i nabl e Di scount s - As of Ver si on 4. 57

Contains a record for each memo field used in payments

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 PAY_I TM_NO N 2 Shows whi ch pay i temthe memo bel ongs to
4 PAY_TYPE N 2 Payment type
5 MGR_TRN_NO N 5 Manager transacti on number
6 MEMO_TYPE C 8 Memo type (see bel ow)
7 MEMO C 120 Memo text
8 Cardhol der C 40 Card hol der name, i f provi ded on card

Memo Types
CREDCARD Cr edi t Car d
MGRPAI D Manager Pai dout
CLUBCHRG Cl ub Char ge
CLUBREF Cl ub Ref er ence ( no char ge made t o cl ub account )
ROOMCHG Room Char ge
GI FTCERT Gi f t Cer t i f i cat e
OTHER None of t he above

Lists adjustments made to the check file via PSNEWW.EXE. All fields are not used in all
records, see following page.
# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 ADJ _TYPE N 2 Adj ustment type (1 8 see tabl e bel ow)
2 DATE D 8 Date of thi s transacti on
3 TI ME C 5 Mi l i tary Format, HHMMf ormat
4 LOG_DATE D 8 Date adj ustment was perf ormed
5 TO_ACCTNUM C 20 Account number adj usted to
6 TO_ACCTNAM C 30 Account name adj usted to
7 AMOUNT N 12 Amount of adj ustment
8 ACCT_NUM C 20 Account number adj usted f rom
9 ACCT_NAME C 30 Account name adj usted f rom
10 CASHI ER_I D N 4 Cashi er number
11 SERVER_I D N 4 Server number
12 TERM_NO N 4 Termi nal number to adj ust
13 SHI FT N 1 Shi f t bei ng adj usted
14 TAX_NO N 20
15 TAX_AMOUNT N 12 Tax amount of adj ustment
16 TI P_AMOUNT N 12 Adj usted ti p amount
17 CC_NUM N 4 Cost center number
18 CC_NAME C 30 Cost center name
19 Category N 4 Sal es Category Number
20 MENU_I TEM N 5 Menu I temNumber
21 QUANTI TY N 4 Menu I temQuanti ty

Adjustment Type Key
Valid values for the adjustment type are 1 8, inclusive.

Value Definition
1 Move Money
2 Tip Account Adjustment
3 Change or Issue
4 Paidouts Adjustment
5 Customer Count Adjustment
6 Misc. Deposit Adjustment
7 Additional Sales (positive dollar value)
8 Overrings (or Additional Sales with a negative dollar value)

Note : Chkdbfw32.exe may be called with the /LOC-[output directory] command to place the files
into a user defined path. For instance :

Chkdbw32 11/11/10 /LOC-C:\MyFiles

Field Adjustment Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





















Contains a record for each payment header.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 SERVER_CHK N 4 Server check number
5 STATI ON_NO N 3 Stati on number
6 SERVER_NO N 3 Server number
7 CASHI ER N 3 Cashi er
8 TERM_NO N 2 Termi nal number
9 DRAWER_NO N 2 Drawer number
10 TI ME_PAI D N 4 Ti me check pai d

Reports taxes on each check. Reports only taxes setup with an amount greater than 0 in
Setup > Taxes > Tax Rates 1 - 4.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 CHECK_NO N 5 Check number
4 TAXCODE N 2 Val ues are 1 and 2. 2 i f tax i ncl uded, otherwi se 1.
5 TAX_NO N 1 Tax rate 1 - 4. Starts as 0. Possi bl e val ues : 0, 1, 2, 3
6 TOTAL_TAX C 10 2 Total tax
7 PRI NT_TAX C 10 2 Tax pri nted on check
8 SUBT_TAX N 10 2 Tax Subtotal
This contains a record for each transaction recorded in the checkfile. Transactions may
be checks, payments, or cashouts.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date of transacti on
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number

Contains the cashout zero records from the checkfile.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 DATE D 8 Date
2 TRANS_NO N 5 Transacti on number
3 TI ME N 5 Ti me of cashout
4 CASHI ER N 3 Cashi er
5 TERM_NO N 2 Termi nal number
6 CASHOUT_TYP C 1 Cashout Type

Appendix A Types of Manager Transactions Chktodbf.exe
(Fields 1, 2 and 5 not shown)

3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Description Type Table Check Amt 1 Amt 2 Misc 1 Misc 2 Code 1 Code 2 Time
Pai dout 1 PO Amt Pai dout
Ti me Per f or med
Di sc - V/ E
2 Tabl e Check Di sc # Ti me Per f or med
Tabl e Del et e 3 Tabl e Check NR
Tot al
Tot al
Ser ver Ter mi nal See
Bel ow
Cent er
Ti me Per f or med
Mgr I t em
Del et e
5 Tabl e Check Reason # Ti me Per f or med
Out of St ock 7 Ti me Per f or med
User / Tbl
9 New
Tabl e
Ol d
ser ver
Ol d
ser ver
Ol d
Hi ghest
Ol d Check
Ti me Per f or med
Tr ansf er Tbl 10 New
Tabl e
Ol d
Ser ver
Ol d
t abl e
ser ver
Ol d Chk # Ti me Per f or med
Shut down 11 See
Bel ow
Ti me Per f or med
Di sc -
Scr een
12 Tabl e Check Di sc # Ti me Per f or med
No Sal e 13 Ter mi nal
Dr awer #
( 1 or 2)
Ti me Per f or med
Gr at ui t y/ Sev
. Chg
14 Tabl e Check Gr at ui t y
Svc Chg # Ti me Per f or med
Over r i ng 15 Tabl e Check Check
Ser ver Over r i ng
Bel ow
Ti me Per f or med
Combi ne
Chks, on
t ake payment
16 Tabl e Check Check
Ser ver Second
Chk #
combi n
Ser ver
. check
combi ned
Ti me Per f or med
Separ at e
17 Tabl e Or i gi
- nal
of t he
f i r st
separ a
t e
Ser ver
who owns
t he
or i gi nal
spl i t
i nt o
Ti me Per f or med
Mag Car d
Assi gnment
vi a f r ont of
t he House
18 Ol d
car d
car d
Ser ver
t hat
car d
i s now
assi gn
- ed t o
Ti me Per f or med
Manager Onl y
I t emOr der ed
19 Tabl e Check
Ti me Per f or med
Mgr appr oved
manual CC
ent r y
20 Tabl e Check Amount
aut hor i
Ti me Per f or med

Shutdown codes:

1 : Nor mal , ei t her by manager or end of day.
2 : Type CTRL- D f r omt he consol e.
3 : I nt er nal er r or when at t empt i ng t o r e- open t he check f i l e ( r ar e)
4 : Li mi t r eached when addi ng a new cl ub member , syst emr est ar t ed.
5 : Syst emr est ar t t o end " Ti me Cl ock Onl y" mode.
6 : Type CTRL- C f r omt he consol e ( r ar e) .
7 : End of day aut omat i c shut down.
8 : User cl i cked t he X on t he SPCWI N st at us scr een

Table deletion codes:

0 : Manager del et e - or - dur i ng end- of - day shut down.
1 : Manager aut hor i zed Qui t whi l e Payi ng a Check.
2 : Manager aut hor i zed Ret ur n whi l e Payi ng a Check.
3 : A Fast Or der Check i s pur ged dur i ng shut down or st ar t up.
4 : Touch " QUI T" at t he Menu wi t h a Regul ar Check
5 : Check del et ed f r omt he Vi ew- Edi t Scr een.
6 : Del et e a Wai t er Mat e check
7 : Act i vat e Scr een Saver and del et e an empt y Fact Or der check.
8 : Touch " QUI T" at t he Menu wi t h a Fast Or der Check
9 : Fast Or der Check del et ed vi a Cancel f r omt he Vi ew- Edi t Scr een.
10 : Touch " QUI T" at t he Cl ub Account Scr een a Fast Or der Check
11 : Act i vat e Scr een Saver and del et e an empt y Regul ar check.
12 : Speci al Regul ar Check del et e dur i ng Pl ace Or der
13 : Pur ge sel ect ed Fast Or der Checks
14 : Suspended VDU Check wi t h no i t ems
17 : Speci al Fast Or der Check del et e dur i ng Pl ace Or der
27 : Speci al Fast Or der Check del et e dur i ng Pl ace Or der St ar t Tab

Overring Codes (Type 15, field Code_1):

1 : Gener al Over r i ng
2 : Ref und, I t ems Pr epar ed
3 : Over r i ng Tr ansact i on
4 : Reopen Cl osed Check



Misc. Reportsw Files (Reportsw.exe)

Reportsw produces two DBF files when the following command is used.
REPORTSW7 F [ St ar t Dat e] [ End Dat e]
EXAMPLE: REPORTSW7 F 03/ 01/ 03 03/ 12/ 03

The two files are SERVPROD.DBF and SERVCAT.DBF.

Server productivity by cost center.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 USER_I D N 5 User I D(empl oyee number)
2 START_DATE D 8 Start date
3 End_date D 8
4 LAST_NAME C 15 Empl oyee l ast name
5 FI RST_NAME C 10 empl oyee f i rst name
6 SALES N 8 Sal es f or empl oyee
7 CHECKS N 5 Number of checks
8 CUSTOMERS N 5 Number of customers f or empl oyee
9 COVERS N 5 Number of covers f or empl oyee
10 C1SALES N 8 Category one sal es
11 C1NUMSOLD N 5 Category one number of i tems sol d
. . .
39 C20SALES N 8 Category 20 sal es
40 C20NUMSOLD N 5 Category 20 number sol d

Server productivity by cost center.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 CAT_NUM N 2 Category number
2 CAT_NAME C 10 Category name

-- End Reportsw Section


Files created by INW are related to inventory item counts and inventory types.

Lists all dates when inventory was entered for.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store number
2 TYPE_NUM N 4 I nventory type number, see I NVTYPE. DBF
3 DATE D 8 Date i nventory was counted
4 TI ME C 4 24 Hour f ormat. I f i nventory was entered f or the Start of
a day, then the DATE i s the previ ous day, and the ti me i s
24: 00
5 MEMO C 50 Memo f i el d (currentl y not used)
6 USER NAME C 25 Empl oyee name (currentl y not used)

Lists each item's inventory count for each period.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 Store C 4 Store number
2 Type_num N 4 I nventory type number, see I NVTYPE. DBF
3 Date D 8 Date i nventory was entered f or
4 TI ME C 4 24 Hour f ormat. I f i nventory was entered f or the Start of
a day, then the DATE i s the previ ous day, and the ti me i s
24: 00
5 I tem_num N 6 I nventory i temnumber
6 I nvnt_qnt N 16 4 Quanti ty on hand, i n I nventory Uni ts
7 Purch_qnt N 16 4 Quanti ty on hand, i n Purchase Uni ts
8 Reci p_qnt N 16 4 Quanti ty on hand, i n Reci pe Uni ts (not i mpl emented)
9 Al ter_qnt N 16 4 Quanti ty on hand, i n Al ternate Uni ts (not i mpl emented)
10 Purch_mul t N 12 4 Purchase uni t mul ti pl i er
11 Reci pe_mul t N 12 4 Reci pe uni t mul ti pl i er
12 Al ter_mul t N 12 4 Al ternate uni t mul ti pl i er (not i mpl emented)
13 Page N 3 Page where l ocated on i nventory worksheets

Lists the inventory types setup at a site (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly inventory types).

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 Store C 4 Store number
2 Type_num N 4 I nventory type number, starts at 1
3 Type_descr C 25 Decri pti on of i nventory type
4 Posi ti on N 4 Posi ti on i n the l i st of I nventory Types, starts at 1

Lists the inventory types setup at a site (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly inventory types).

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 Store C 4 Store number
2 Type_num N 4 I nventory type number, see I NVTYPE. DBF
3 Page_num N 4 Page number l i nked to thi s Type_num. I f mul ti pl e
pages are l i nked to one i nventory type, the i nventory
type wi l l be l i sted more than once. Each entry of the
i nventory type wi l l have one page l i sted.


Files created by Invdbfw.exe are related to inventory items and data. The
following command line parameters may be used:
I nvdbf w [ cat egor y] [ i ngr ed] [ menui t em] [ r eci pe] [ weeki nv] [ / ALT]

INVDBFW Command Line Parameter
/ALT parameter - Writes dbf files to the ALTDBF folder as set in Setup >Payment >
Sales J ournal >User DBFs

Ingredient categories and their account numbers.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store number
2 CATEGORY N 2 Category Number
3 DESC C 23 Category descri pti on
4 GROUP N 2 Category group
5 ASSET_ACCT C 16 Asset account number
6 EXP_ACCT C 16 Expense account number

Ingredient file data, from INDATA.DBF

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store number
2 NUMBER N 9 I nventory number
3 DESC C 25 I nventory i temdescri pti on
4 CATEGORY N 2 Sal es category
5 I NV_UNI T C 4 I nvnetory uni t of measure
6 ACCT_NUM C 16 Account number
7 RECI PE_I NV N 9 Reci pe i nventory number
8 START_I NV N 8 4 Starti ng i nventory
9 MI N_STOCK N 8 4 mi ni mumstock quanti ty
10 MI N_ORDER N 8 4 Mi ni mumorder amount
11 RECI PE_UNI T C 4 Reci pe uni t si ze
12 RECI PE_MULT N 11 4 Reci pe mul ti pl i er (reci pe uni t/ i nv uni t)
13 PURCH_UNI T C 4 Purchase uni t l abel
14 PURCH_MULT N 11 4 Purchase mul ti pl i er
15 ALT_R_UNI T C 4 Al ternate reci pe number
16 ALT_R_MULT N 11 4 Al ternate reci pe mul ti pl i er
17 LOCK_PRI CE L 1 Logi cal , l ock pri ce f or i mport/ export
18 PURC_PRI CE N 11 4 Purchase Uni t Pri ce
19 I NV_PRI CE N 11 4 I nventory Uni t Pri ce
17 RECP_PRI CE n 11 4 Reci pe Uni t Pri ce

Menu items as seen in indata.dbf.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store
2 NUMBER N 9 I nventory number
3 DESC C 25 I temname
4 MAJ OR N 2 Maj or category
5 MI NOR N 2 Mi nor category
6 PRI CE1 N 8 2
7 PRI CE2 N 8 2
8 PRI CE3 N 8 2
9 COST N 7 2 Cost val ue
10 COST_FLAG L 1 I s f ood cost f romreci pe ? (Y/ N)
11 RPT_SEQ N 4 Report sequence #
12 TAX_FLAG1 L 1 I s tax 1 appl i ed?
13 TAX_FLAG2 L 1 I s tax 2 appl i ed?
14 TAX_FLAG3 L 1 I s tax 3 appl i ed?
15 TAX_FLAG4 L 1 I s tax 4 appl i ed?
16 RECI P_MULT N 9 4 Reci pe mul ti pl i er
17 DI SC1 L 1 Di scount one (1) appl i cabl e?
. . .
31 DI SC15 L 1 Di scount 15 appl i cabl e?
32 ALT_I NVNUM N 9 Al ternate i nventory number
33 POI NTS N 4 I tem s number of poi nts
34 BARCODE C 14 Bar code i nf ormati on
35 PRI CE4 N 8 2 Pri ce l evel 4
. . .
41 PRI CE10 N 8 2 Pri ce l evel 10
42 EXT_DESC C 10 Extended descri pti on
43 START_DATE D 8 Date i temi s to appear on screens
44 END_DATE D 8 Date i temshoul d be removed f romscreens
45 MASTR_I TEM N 9 When usi ng master i tems, thi s i s the i tem s master i tem
46 PREP_MI NS N 3 Number of mi nutes def i ned f or Prep Mi ns f i el d
47 COVERS N 5 1 Number of covers as def i ned i n the menu i tem

List the amount of an ingredient in a menu items recipe.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store
2 I TEM_NUM N 9 Menu i temnumber
3 I NGRED_NUM N 9 I ngredi ent number
4 QUANTI TY N 8 3 Quanti ty of i ngrei ent i n the menu i tem

Contains weekly inventory by period.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store number
2 NUMBER N 4 I nventory number
3 START D 8 Peri od start date
4 END D 8 Peri od End Date
5 UNI T_COST N 10 4 Uni t cost f or i nventory i tem
6 QTY_ADDED N 10 4 Quanti ty added f or peri od
7 QTY_USED N 10 4 Quanti ty used (vi a sal es or l oss)
8 BEGI N_I NV N 10 4 Begi nni ng i nventory val ue (i n dol l ars)
9 END_I NV N 10 4 Endi ng i nventory val ue (i n dol l ars)

* For Arbitrary Inventory users, see INRPTW.EXE

Diagram INVDBFW file relationships

---- End Invdbfw Section


Files created by scrtodbf.exe. These DBF files pertain to menu screen data,
of a hierarchial database of screen data from Defined Menus, down to option
groups/ coupon groups on each menu item.

Lists the Define Menus screen data in DBF format.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 menu_num N 6 Menu number
2 menu_ti tl e C 23 Menu ti tl e
3 cont_menu N 6 Conti nues on menu
4 tax_code N 6 Tax code f or menu
5 j mp_scr_1 L 1 J ump to. . screen
6 sf _ord_cc L 1 Super f ast order, True or f al se
7 f _ord_cc N 6 Fast order cost center
8 msc_tbl _cc N 6 Mi sc tabl e cost center
9 al t_menu N 6 Al ternate menu
10 tax1_appl L 1 Tax 1 appl i es
11 tax2_appl L 1 Tax 2 appl i es
12 tax3_appl L 1 Tax 3 appl i es
13 tax4_appl L 1 Tax 4 appl i es
14 f f _ord_t N 6 Fast f ood order type
15 col ors N 6 Col ors used


Cost center tax codes. Lists menu number and the various tax codes associated with the
cost centers, if used.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 menu_num N 6 Menu number
2 cc_1_tc N 6 Cost center 1 tax code, i f used
3 cc_2_tc N 6 . .
4 cc_3_tc N 6 . .
5 cc_4_tc N 6 . .
6 cc_5_tc N 6 . .
7 cc_6_tc N 6 . .
8 cc_7_tc N 6 . .
9 cc_8_tc N 6 . .
10 cc_9_tc N 6 . .

Listing of menu screens, as found in a defined menu (Menuw > Define Menus)

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 menu_num N 6 Menu number i s Menuw>Def i ne Menus
2 seq_no N 6 Screen s sequence number i n the def i ned menu (1 30)
3 screen N 6 Screen number assi gned to the Def i ned Menu

Listing of order screens, by number.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 scr_num N 6 Screen number
2 ti tl e C 23 Screen ti tl e
3 day_of _wk N 6 Day of week i f a dai l y speci al screen
4 no_col s N 6 Number of col umns on the menu screen

Displays the data for each cell on an order screen.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 screen_num N 6 Screen number
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number
3 cel l _type N 6 Cel l type
4 prep_cat N 6 Prep category
5 pri ce_1 N 6 Pri ce l evel 1
6 pri ce_2 N 6 Pri ce l evel 2
7 pri ce_3 N 6 Pri ce l evel 3
8 maj _cat N 6 Maj or category
9 mi n_cat N 6 Mi nor category
10 i nv_num N 6 I nventory number
11 cel l _si ze N 6 Cel l si ze
12 cel l _col or N 6 Cel l col or
13 cel l _name C 16 Cel l name
14 prep_seq N 6 Prep sequence number
15 tax_1 L 1 Tax 1 to be used
16 tax_2 L 1 Tax 2 to be used
17 tax_3 L 1 Tax 3 to be used
18 tax_4 L 1 tax 4 to be used
19 day N 6 For dai l y speci al s. 0 =non- dai l y speci al screen, wi th
1 7, bei ng used to denote dai l y speci al s f or
dai l y speci al screens and the day of the week.

Defines additional cell data.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 screen_num N 6 Screen number where cel l resi des
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number
3 quanti ty N 6 Quanti ty opti on
4 sp_taxes L 1 Speci al taxes appl y ?
5 comp L 1 Comp/ Di scount ?
6 pre_opt L 1 Pre- opti on ?
7 ex_chk L 1 Excl ude f romcheck ?
8 coupon L 1 Coupon ?
9 ex_coup L 1 Excl ude f romcoupon val ue ?
10 modi f y L 1 Modi f y ?
11 hh_data L 1 Hand hel d data ?
12 mai n_i tem L 1 Mai n I tem?
13 manager L 1 Manager I temOnl y ?
14 reorder L 1 I s thi s a reorder i tem?
15 el i m_grat L 1 El i mi nate gratui ty on thi s i tem?
16 el i m_svc L 1 El i mi nate servi ce charge on thi s i tem?
17 cant_cp_to L 1 Cannot copy to ?
18 excl usi ve L 1 Excl usi ve ?
19 rpt_f m_qty L 1 Repeat f romquanti ty ?
20 day N 6 For dai l y speci al s. 0 =non- dai l y speci al screen, wi th
1 7, bei ng used to denote dai l y speci al s f or
dai l y speci al screens and the day of the week.

Defines an option group of a particular item. Each option group for an item is listed.
Individual options (Rare, Med. Rare, ect) are *not* listed, see OPTGRMEM.DBF.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 scrn_num N 6 Screen number
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number
3 gp_seq_num N 6 Opti on group sequence number (1, 2, 3, ect)
4 grp_type C 23 Opti on group type (i . e. Must sel ect, may sel ect, ect)
5 gp_scr_num N 6 Screen number the opti on group i s usi ng
6 day N 6 For dai l y speci al s. 0 =non- dai l y speci al screen, wi th
1 7, bei ng used to denote dai l y speci al s f or
dai l y speci al screens and the day of the week.

Defines the location of the cell option in the option group. (i.e. the first option, second
option, third option) within a given option group.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 scrn_num N 6 Screen number
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number of mai n i tem
3 gp_seq_num N 6 Opti on group sequence number, real ted to OPTGRP. DBF
4 opt_seq N 6 Sequence number of the cel l that i s an opti on. Ref ers to
Opt_cel l f i el d.
5 opt_cel l N 6 Cel l number f or opti on
6 day N 6 For dai l y speci al s. 0 =non- dai l y speci al screen, wi th
1 7, bei ng used to denote dai l y speci al s f or
dai l y speci al screens and the day of the week.

Defines actual Coupon Groups associated with a cell. Individual coupon requirements are
*not* listed, see CPGRMEM.DBF for coupon group members.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 scrn_num N 6 Screen number
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number
3 gp_seq_num N 6 Coupon Group sequence number
4 grp_type N 6 Coupon Group type (Numbers 8 &above)
5 gp_scr_num N 6 I f used, the sreen number the Coupon group ref ers to. I f
The coupon group i s based on Maj or/ Mi nor
Categori es, then the gp_scr_numi s zero (0).
6 day N 6 For dai l y speci al s. 0 =non- dai l y speci al screen, wi th
1 7, bei ng used to denote dai l y speci al s f or
dai l y speci al screens and the day of the week.

Defines the Coupon Group Members.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 scrn_num N 6 Screen number
2 cel l _num N 6 Cel l number
3 gp_seq_num N 6 Group sequence number
4 coup_seq N 6 Coupon sequence
5 i s_maj _mi n L 1 I s maj or/ mi nor category? (Y/ N)
6 maj _cat N 6 Maj or category (i f i s_maj _mi n =Y)
7 mi n_cat N 6 Mi nor category (i f i s_maj _mi n =Y)
8 coup_cel l N 6 Coupon cel l , def i nes the cel l number i f the coupon i s
Based on cel l . I s_maj _mi n *must* be N.
---- End Scrtodbf Section


Files created by incollct.exe include INVDAILY.DBF and INVTHEOR.DBF.
Logging Capabilities - See Appendix A

INCOLLCT writes a log file of activites when run. The log file is named PDmmddyy.LOG, where mmddyy
is the month, day, year when the program was run.
Lists average daily inventory usage, by item, by day of the week (Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday). Maximum number of weeks for the average is 10. DBF file can exclude the highest
and lowest usage week from the average.

Usage :

I NCOLLCT WEEKDAYS [ Pat h] [ #_of _Weeks] [ Excl ude_Low] [ Excl ude_Hi gh]
[ Br eak Pr oduct i on]

Pat h Opt i onal . Typi cal l y / DBF or / ALT. I f / DBF i s used,
The f i l es ar e added t o t he \ DBF f ol der , el se i f t he
/ ALT opt i on i s used, t hen f i l es ar e cr eat ed i n t he
al t er nat e DBF f ol der as def i ned i n t he backof f i ce
set up.
# of Weeks Opt i onal . A val ue f r om1 t o 10. 10 i s t he def aul t .
Excl ude Low Opt i onal . Excl ude t he l owest week of sal es f r omt he
aver age. *
Excl ude Hi gh Opt i onal . Excl ude t he hi ghest week of sal es f r omt he
comput ed aver age. *
Br eak Pr oduct i on Opt i onal ( Y/ N) i f set t o Y, t hen pr oduct i on
Bat ches wi l l be br oken down i nt o t hei r i ndi vi dual
i ngr edi ent usage. I f Br eak Pr oduct i on = Y, t hen al l
pr evi ous opt i ons must be set t o Y or N.

* Not e :
I NCOLLCT, by def aul t , wi l l not i ncl ude t he l ow/ hi gh weeks i n t he
10 week aver age ( Excl ude Low/ Hi gh = YES) .
I f t he number of weeks t o use i s l ess t han 10, t hen al l weeks,
i ncl udi ng t he l ow/ hi gh weeks ar e i ncl uded, unl ess speci f i ed
ot her wi se by t he user . ( Excl ude Low/ Hi gh = NO)
I f usi ng t he Excl ude Low / Excl ude Hi gh par amet er s, t hen al l
opt i onal par amet er s must be suppl i ed.

I NVDAI LY. DBF f i l e f ormat:

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 Store N 4 Store number
2 I nv_number N 6 I nventory i temnumber
3 Uni t_Measure C 4 Uni t of measure l abel
4 Sun_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Sunday
5 Mon_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Monday
6 Tue_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Tuesday
7 Wed_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Wednesday
8 Thu_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Tursday
9 Fri _Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Fri day
10 Sat_Usage N 9 2 Average usage f or Saturday

Lists theoretical use of inventory items based on a particular time frame. The Unit_Usage
field reflects usage based on guest checks.


PATH The di r ect or y wher e t he f i l e shoul d be saved t o.
Typi cal l y / DBF or / ALT
START_DATE The st ar t dat e of t he per i od desi r ed
For mat - mm/ dd/ yy
END_DATE The end dat e of t he per i od desi r ed
For mat - mm/ dd/ yy

* Al l f i el ds ar e r equi r ed.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 Store N 4 Store number
2 Start_Date D 8 Starti ng date of desi red peri od
3 End_Date D 8 Endi ng date of desi red peri od
4 I nv_Number N 6 I nventory number
5 Uni t_Meas C 4 Uni t of measure l abel
6 Uni t_Usage N 9 2 Usage f or the peri od


When using Arbitrary Inventory, users can produce weekinv.dbf via the INRPTW.EXE command.

Contains weekly inventory by period.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 STORE N 4 Store number
2 NUMBER N 4 I nventory number
3 START D 8 Peri od start date
4 END D 8 Peri od End Date
5 UNI T_COST N 10 4 Uni t cost f or i nventory i tem
6 QTY_ADDED N 10 4 Quanti ty added f or peri od
7 QTY_USED N 10 4 Quanti ty used (vi a sal es or l oss)
8 BEGI N_I NV N 10 4 Begi nni ng i nventory val ue (i n dol l ars)
9 END_I NV N 10 4 Endi ng i nventory val ue (i n dol l ars)

To Produce :

I NRPTW95 10 0 (create data for last 10 days)
I NRPTW95 02/ 01/ 08 02/ 20/ 08 - (create data for 02/01/08 - 02/20/08)

Contains Food Usage Information. The dbf file will be created in the \SC folder. An optional
parameter of /ALT will place the dbf file in the alternate DBF folder as set in the backoffice.
Another optional command, /APPEND will append DBF files when creating files for multiple
periods. Without the /APPEND command, a new FOODUSG.DBF will be created on each run.
The commands /ALT and /APPEND may be used together or independently.

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 St or e C 4 St or e Number
2 Number N 8 I ngr edi ent Number
3 Descr C 25 I t emDescr i pt i on
4 Cat eg_num N 3 Cat egor y Number
5 Dat e_st ar t D 8 I nvent or y per i od st ar t dat e
6 Dat e_end D 8 I nvent or y per i od end dat e
7 I nv_uni t C 4 I nvent or y uni t of measur e
8 I nv_cost N 9 2 Cost per i nvent or y uni t
9 St ar t _i nv N 16 4 I nvent or y count at st ar t
10 Qt y_added N 16 4 Quant i t y added
11 Qt y_used N 16 4 Quant i t y used f r omguest checks
12 End_i nv N 16 4 I nvent or y at end of per i od
13 Usg_act l N 10 2 Act ual usage i n dol l ar s
14 Usg_t heor N 10 2 Theor et i cal usage i n dol l ar s
15 Pur ch_uni t C 4 Pur chase uni t
16 Pur ch_cost N 9 2 Pur chase uni t cost
17 Pur ch_mul t N 16 4 Pur chase mul t i pl i er
18 Ti me_st ar t N 4 St ar t t i me f or i nvent or y per i od
19 Ti me_end N 4 End t i me f or i nvent or y per i od

To Produce (Standard, Non-arbitrary inventory ) :

I NRPTW84 6 a b c d
I NRPTW84 6 a b c d [ / ALT] [ / APPEND]

Where :
a. Start period (valid options are 1 8)
b. End period ( valid options are 1 8)
c. Dont Count Zero Items ? (valid options are Y or N)
d. Break production batches back to main ingredients ? (valid options are
i. Y or N).

(Continues on next page)

For Arbitrary Period Usage only :

The command line detail is:

I NRPTW84 a b c d e f g

Where :
a. Report type (6 All items or 7- Critical Items only)
b. Inventory Type as setup in Inventory > Setup > Inventory Types. Also can be found in
c. Start Date (MM/DD/YY) or offset in days from todays date
d. End Date (MM/DD/YY) or offset in days from todays date
e. Dont print zero count items ? Valid values are Y or N. To include all items, even those with
zero counts, users should enter a N .
f. Break production items into individual ingredients ? (Currently not implemented. All users
should enter a N for this value.) A value is required.
g. Sort order (only valid for report type 7, Critical Items). Omit for report type 6.
a. 0 Not Sorted
b. 1 By Amount Variance
c. 2 By Percent Variance
d. 3 By Unit Variance

PDmmddyy.LOG Log File

POSIDBFW, INCOLLCT, CHKTODBF executables write to a log file when executed. The log
file, named PDmmddyy.LOG (where mmddyy = month, day, year), located in the \SC folder where
the executables are run. The log maintains a list of when the program ran, when the command
completed and if another program prevented the execution of the program.

A sample log file is listed below.

I NCOLLCT. EXE st ar t ed 04/ 26/ 06 12: 20: 54: 74
I NCOLLCT f i ni shed. 04/ 26/ 06 12: 20: 57: 22
C: \ sc\ I ncol l ct . exe weekdays 04/ 26/ 06 12: 21: 35: 50
I NCOLLCT f i ni shed. 04/ 26/ 06 12: 21: 37: 00
C: \ sc\ POSI DBF. EXE / r eset 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 23: 39
POSI DBF. EXE i ni t i al i zed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 23: 42
POSI DBF. EXE f i ni shed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 23: 42
C: \ sc\ POSI DBF. EXE / dai l y 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 54: 67
POSI DBF. EXE i ni t i al i zed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 54: 70
POSI DBF. EXE st ar t i ng dbf _dai l y 04/ 26/ 06 13: 01: 54: 70
POSI DBF. EXE cr eat ed J OURNAL. DBF f or 04/ 01/ 06 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 07: 63
POSI DBF. EXE cr eat ed J OURNAL. DBF f or 04/ 02/ 06 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 07: 65
POSI DBF. EXE cr eat ed J OURNAL. DBF f or 04/ 03/ 06 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 07: 67
POSI DBF. EXE cr eat ed J OURNAL. DBF f or 04/ 04/ 06 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 07: 69
POSI DBF. EXE endi ng dbf _dai l y 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 08: 11
POSI DBF. EXE f i ni shed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 02: 08: 18
POSI DBF. EXE i ni t i al i zed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 10: 39: 45
C: \ sc\ POSI DBF. EXE / al t 20 04/ 26/ 06 13: 10: 59: 33
POSI DBF. EXE i ni t i al i zed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 10: 59: 36
POSI DBF. EXE f i ni shed 04/ 26/ 06 13: 10: 59: 36
C: \ sc\ CHKTODBF. EXE 3 1 04/ 26/ 06 13: 14: 57: 72
CHKTODBF. EXE opened DBF f i l es 04/ 26/ 06 13: 14: 59: 49
CHKTODBF. EXE pr ocessed DBF f i l es 04/ 26/ 06 13: 14: 59: 66
CHKTODBF f i ni shed. 04/ 26/ 06 13: 15: 01: 45

Appendix B

POSirpt can produce a DBF file with the same numbers as shown on the Discount/Coupon Report.
The DBF file is produced from a command line. Refer to the following pages for detailed

# Name Type Wi dth Dec Usage
1 St or e C 4 St or e Number
2 DI SC_NUM N 2 Di scount number 1 15, or 0 f or Ot her
Di sc 1 - 15 as def i ned i n t he backof f i ce
Set up > Di scount s. Ot her i s used f or
Di scount s/ coupons t hat ar e not one of t he
Def i ned di scount s i n t he backof f i ce set up.
Menu i t ems wi t h t he COUPON or COMP f l ags set ,
And not t i ed t o a Di scount 1 15 wi l l r epor t
0 i n t hi s f i el d.
3 CAT_DESC C 50 Di scount name. Ot her Di scount s f or Ot her
When t he di scount i s one of t he 1- 15 di scount s
Found i n t he backof f i ce set up, t hi s f i el d wi l l
Cont ai n Di scount xx: Di scount Name wher e XX
I s t he di scount number 1 15, and t he di scount
Name as def i ned i n backof f i ce set up. Menu i t ems
Wi t h t he COUPON or COMP f l ags set t o TRUE but
Ar e not l i nked t o a di scount 1 15 wi l l r epor t
As Ot her Di scount s
4 DI SC_DESC C 50 ( a) Di scount name when t he di scount i s one of
The 15 di scount s i n backof f i ce set up.
( b) I f t hi s i s a menu i t emwi t h t he COUPON or
COMP f l ag set t o TRUE, and t he menu i t emi s
l i nked t o a di scount 1- 15, t hen t hi s f i el d wi l l
be a concat enat i on of t he Di scount 1 15 name
and t he cel l i t emname.
( c) El se, i f t hi s i s a menu i t emwi t h t he
COUPON or COMP f l ags set , but not t i ed t o a
Di scount 1 15, t hen t hi s f i el d i s j ust t he
I t em s cel l name.
5 I TEM_NUM N 9 I t emnumber t i ed t o t he DI SC_DESC f i el d
6 CHECK_NUM N 5 Check number
7 DATE D Check dat e
8 TI ME N Check t i me
9 COST_CENTR N 5 Cost cent er
10 SHI FT N 2 Shi f t number
11 EMP_NUM N 3 Empl oyee number
12 I TEM_QTY N 8 2 Number of i t ems di scount ed
13 GROSS_AMT N 9 2 Tot al amount bef or e di scount
14 REDUCE_AMT N 9 2 Di scount amount
15 NET_AMT N 9 2 Net amount af t er di scount
16 ACCOUNT C 50 Gener al l edger account number







Command line options to generate the file are given as follows:

Posi r pt . exe / R Di scCoupDbf [ dat e opt i ons] [ out put l ocat i on opt i ons]

[date options] can be any of the following (default is today if not specified):
/ D <dat e> pr ocess f or a si ngl e dat e as mm/ dd/ yy.
/ D <dat e1> <dat e2> pr ocess f or a dat e r ange as mm/ dd/ yy
mm/ dd/ yy.
/ D <days> pr ocess f or t he si ngl e day <days> days ago.
/ D <days1> <days2> pr ocess f or t he dat e r ange f r om<days1>
t o <days2> days ago.

[output location options] can be any of the following (default is current directory if not specified):
/ DBF gener at e out put t o t he DBF f ol der speci f i ed i n
scr eens. sys.
/ ALT gener at e out put t o t he ALTDBF f ol der speci f i ed i n
scr eens. sys.
/ CURDI R gener at e out put t o t he cur r ent di r ect or y.
/ APPDI R gener at e out put t o t he di r ect or y wher e posi r pt . exe
r esi des.


Posi r pt . exe / R Di scCoupDbf
generates disccoup.dbf to the current directory for todays data

Posi r pt . exe / R Di scCoupDbf / D 12/ 21/ 10 / DBF
generates disccoup.dbf to the Positouch DBF folder for data from 12/21/10

Posi r pt . exe / R Di scCoupDbf / D 12/ 21/ 10 12/ 27/ 10 / ALTDBF
generates disccoup.dbf to the Positouch ALTDBF folder for data for the week from
12/21/10 to 12/27/10

Posi r pt . exe / R Di scCoupDbf / D 3 5 / CURDI R
generates disccoup.dbf to the current directory from 3 days ago to 5 days ago.

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