The document contains revision questions on various topics related to immunology and microbiology. It includes questions about primary and secondary lymphoid organs, the innate immune system, adaptive immune responses, immune memory, complement system regulation, immune tolerance, mucosal immune defenses, antigen processing and presentation, tetanus immunization responses, self-tolerance, differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs, culturing psychrophilic and thermophilic bacteria, methods of saving cultures, exotoxins vs endotoxins, a case of probable streptococcal infection, Chlamydia trachomatis screening, endoscopy decontamination standardization, MRSA prevalence and reduction measures, short notes on various
The document contains revision questions on various topics related to immunology and microbiology. It includes questions about primary and secondary lymphoid organs, the innate immune system, adaptive immune responses, immune memory, complement system regulation, immune tolerance, mucosal immune defenses, antigen processing and presentation, tetanus immunization responses, self-tolerance, differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs, culturing psychrophilic and thermophilic bacteria, methods of saving cultures, exotoxins vs endotoxins, a case of probable streptococcal infection, Chlamydia trachomatis screening, endoscopy decontamination standardization, MRSA prevalence and reduction measures, short notes on various
The document contains revision questions on various topics related to immunology and microbiology. It includes questions about primary and secondary lymphoid organs, the innate immune system, adaptive immune responses, immune memory, complement system regulation, immune tolerance, mucosal immune defenses, antigen processing and presentation, tetanus immunization responses, self-tolerance, differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs, culturing psychrophilic and thermophilic bacteria, methods of saving cultures, exotoxins vs endotoxins, a case of probable streptococcal infection, Chlamydia trachomatis screening, endoscopy decontamination standardization, MRSA prevalence and reduction measures, short notes on various
The document contains revision questions on various topics related to immunology and microbiology. It includes questions about primary and secondary lymphoid organs, the innate immune system, adaptive immune responses, immune memory, complement system regulation, immune tolerance, mucosal immune defenses, antigen processing and presentation, tetanus immunization responses, self-tolerance, differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs, culturing psychrophilic and thermophilic bacteria, methods of saving cultures, exotoxins vs endotoxins, a case of probable streptococcal infection, Chlamydia trachomatis screening, endoscopy decontamination standardization, MRSA prevalence and reduction measures, short notes on various
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Revision Questions- Sem 3
1. The lymphoid system is comprised of primary and secondary lymphoid organs.
Briefly describe the processes which occur in: (i) Primary Lymphoid Organs ( mar!s) (ii) "econdary Lymphoid Organs ( mar!s) #. Pro$ide a brief summary of the role of the innate immune system in defense against in$ading pathogens (1% mar!s) &. List the !ey characteristics of an ac'uired (adapti$e) immune response (1% mar!s) (. Briefly outline the immunological processes in$ol$ed in the establishment of immune memory (1% mar!s) . List the roles of complement in immune defense (1% mar!s) ). The uncontrolled acti$ation of complement is deleterious. *ow is complement acti$ity regulated normally (1% mar!s) +. ,hy is immune tolerance important for sur$i$al of the indi$idual- (1% mar!s) .. ,hat is the difference between central and peripheral T/lymphocyte tolerance- (1% mar!s) 0. List the ma1or components of immune defense at mucosal sites (1% mar!s) 1%. 2escribe the mechanisms for antigen processing and presentation $ia 3*4 class 5 and class 55 molecules to T lymphocytes. *ow do these different pathways lead to appropriate defences against different types of microorganisms- (1 mar!s) 11. Outline the immune response obser$ed following primary and booster immuni6ation 1 month later with tetanus to7oid. 5nclude in your answer a comment on what you consider to be a protecti$e immune response against tetanus. (1 mar!s) 1#. 5n the normal healthy person8 how is tolerance against self antigens and cross reacting antigens maintained- (# mar!s) 1&. Briefly e7plain the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs in regards to energy conser$ation and carbon source. (( points) 1(. 9 $ery demanding (and forgetful) research professor as!ed you the culture the bacterial organisms he is wor!ing on. *e did not lea$e any media behind for the organisms before he left for the meeting of mad scientists. But he did lea$e behind a description of their :trophs;. Organism 9 < psychrophilic8 barophile8 aerotolerant8 fastidious8 al!laphile. Organism B < thermophilic8 acidophilic8 obligate anaerobe8 non/fastidious. 2escribe the type of media and conditions you will grow these organisms with. (( points) 1. List the three ma1or ways of maintaining (sa$ing) cultures. (& points) 1). 4ompare between e7oto7in and endoto7in (1% mar!s) 1+. 49"= "T>2? 9 )/year old child is complaining of superficial spreading crusty lesions on his face. 9 culture of his s!in lesions on blood agar showed numerous colonies surrounded by a 6one of beta haemolysis. 9 gram stained film from the colonies showed @ram positi$e cocci arranged in bunches. 9 A ,hat is your probable diagnosis- B A ,hat is the causati$e organism- 4 A 3ention the laboratory tests re'uired to confirm the diagnosis. 1.. 2escribe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of se7ually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infection. 2escribe the factors that should be considered in establishing a screening programme for this infection8 and the diagnostic options a$ailable. 10. ?our district general hospital has se$eral endoscopy units on site with different procedures for decontamination. ?ou ha$e therefore been as!ed to re$iew and standardise endoscopy decontamination ser$ices. @i$e recommendations based on best practice guidelines. #%. ,hat are the main factors determining the pre$alence of 3ethicillin Besistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in secondary and tertiary hospitals today- ,hat measures would you recommend at the national le$el in order to reduce its pre$alence- #1. ,rite short notes for the following: o Pathogenicity mechanisms in E. coli o Listeria monocytogenes o "trategies to pre$ent group B "treptococcal infection in Ceonates o Salmonella typing o ". pyogenes pathogenesis o Neisseria meningitides $accines o Pneumococcal con1ugate $accines ##. List the similarities and differences between passi$e diffusion and facilitated diffusion. #&. =7plain the structure and symmetry of bacterial cytoplasmic membranes as suggested by the Dluid 3osaic 3odel. List the biochemicals that are present in or attached to the cytoplasmic membranes of microorganisms. #(. 2iagram and name four mechanisms bacteria use to transport materials across the cytoplasmic membrane. Cote when energy and additional compounds are necessary for any of these mechanisms to operate. #. @i$e two other names for bacterial capsule and list fi$e functions proposed for it. #). @i$e four lines of e$idence that support the =ndosymbiotic Theory of the origin of eu!aryotic cells. #+. 4arl ,oese suggested a phylogenetic classification scheme in 10.% that contained how many domains- Came these domains and e7plain how the relationships in his uni$ersal phylogenetic tree were determined. #.. (9) 2iagram a @ram/positi$e and @ram/negati$e bacterial cell wall. (B) 2emonstrate the differences in the chemical structure of these two types of bacterial cell walls. (4) ,here and when does penicillin affect bacterial cells- (2) =7plain how autolysins affect the cell walls of @ram/negati$e bacteria and mycoplasmas. #0. ,rite short notes for the following: o ,rite the contributions of Pasteur and Bei1erin!. o =7plain briefly the structure and functions of bacterial cell wall. o Briefly e7plain the concept of containment facility. o ,rite a commonly used method for isolation of pure culture of bacterium. o 2istinguish between bacteria and mycoplasmas.