Norsharina BT Kamsani A133981

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Kajang has transformed itself from a small old town to a big modern town by designing and
developing new township such as Bandar Baru Bangi and Bandar Seri Putra as well as
extending its CBD (central business district) such as extension to Sungai Chua. However, its
center is inadequately transformed and most of its residences are working in Kuala Lumpur
and other external areas. Write your vision and plan for Kajang to transform its town
centre and to be a self-reliance town. You may use sketches to enhance your vision and

Urban Design is the process of shaping a citys physical form by taking a holistic approach
towards all the physical elements that make up a city. Urban Design works to promote the
quality of life in the public realm by focusing on: parks, open space, and other places that
people may gather; streets, sidewalks, and walkways; bridges and water bodies; historical
features; trees and landscaping; and lighting and signage. Urban Design takes these elements
and shapes them in ways that create urban environments that are functional, attractive,
comfortable, animated, stimulating, and safe. And, while Urban Design examines the
physical aspects of these spaces, its principal goal is to elevate the human experience of these
Some of the roadways are attractive, serve all modes of transportation, and contribute to the
character of the area. Other roadways, because of lack of integration of all modes of
transportation, confusing and excessive signage, and lack of streetscape, do not contribute to
good urban design in Kajang. The high visibility and high usage of these transportation ways
have created a need to develop the transportation framework as a coherent, attractive, and
unifying influence on Kajang.

Planning a neighborhood mixed use center for the following reasons:
it is near the center of the entire Kajang area, and people perceive the area as the
commercial core of Kajang,
it consists of dense retail commercial and service uses, office uses, light industrial
uses, institutional uses, and low and moderate density residential uses
Because of the diversity of uses, it can be a relatively self-sufficient area.
Anchored by a shopping center and dense office uses and is surrounded by low
density residential uses,
With the retail commercial, office, and residential uses, it can be a relatively self-
sufficient area. Developers should focus new development at these designated mixed
use centers and should create more pedestrian friendly connections in order to
improve their sustainability

1. Ease of movement

Retail shop fronts should be oriented to the street.
Ground floor uses and relationships to the public domain should create vibrant
streets, facilitate pedestrian movement between the sidewalk and the built
form, maximize user amenity and promote pedestrian way finding.
The convenience, safety and comfort with which people go to and pass
through buildings, places and spaces play a large part in determining how
successful a place will be. Streets are more than just traffic channels for
vehicles, and should offer a safe and attractive environment for all. Well-
designed streets encourage people to use them, and make going outside a safe
and pleasant experience.
Public transport should be designed as an integral part of the street layout.
Minimizing walking distances between major land uses and public transport
stops makes public transport easier to use and available to as many people as

2. Public open space

Public space should be designed with a purpose in mind. Space left over
after development, without a function, is a wasted resource and will detract
from a places sense of identity. It is likely to be abused and vandalized,
diminishing safety and security.
The layout and massing of development should take account of local
climatic conditions, including daylight and sunlight, wind, temperature
Public spaces should be protected from downdraughts from tall buildings,
as well as from lateral winds.
Street furniture such as benches and bus stops should be sited with the
safety of users in mind

3. Streets and spaces that are overlooked allow natural surveillance, feel safer and
generally are safer.

Buildings of all types which front on to streets, squares or parks, contribute to
overlooking by showing their public face.
Making separate footpaths or cycle tracks as direct as possible, and well
overlooked, will help avoid producing places where pedestrians and cyclists feel
There are advantages in play areas, other communal space and parked cars being
Living over shops encourages natural supervision and evening activity.
Lighting and planting can help or hinder surveillance and perceptions of safety.

4. Adaptability
The layout of the infrastructure servicing development (including water
supply, sewerage, drainage, gas, electricity, cable, telephone, roads, footpaths,
cycle ways and parks) should take account of foreseeable changes in demand
Well-designed public spaces allow for different uses, such as events, festivals
and markets
Well-designed housing is adaptable to the changing needs of its occupants.

5. Diversity
Creating a mix of uses can help to attract people to live, work and play in the
same area
A successful mix of uses is achieved where the uses help to create a balanced
community with a range of services, without increasing reliance on the car.

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