UM08001 JLink
UM08001 JLink
UM08001 JLink
J-Link / J-Trace
User Guide
Software Version V4.82
Manual Rev. 1
Document: UM08001
Date: March 10, 2014
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Specifications written in this document are believed to be accurate, but are not guar-
anteed to be entirely free of error. The information in this manual is subject to
change for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure
your manual is the latest edition. While the information herein is assumed to be
accurate, SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG (the manufacturer) assumes no
responsibility for any errors or omissions. The manufacturer makes and you receive
no warranties or conditions, express, implied, statutory or in any communication with
you. The manufacturer specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose.
Copyright notice
You may not extract portions of this manual or modify the PDF file in any way without
the prior written permission of the manufacturer. The software described in this doc-
ument is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance
with the terms of such a license.
2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG, Hilden / Germany
Names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec-
tive holders.
Contact address
SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
In den Weiden 11
D-40721 Hilden
Tel.+49 2103-2878-0
Fax.+49 2103-2878-28
This manual describes the J-Link and J-Trace device.
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
For further information on topics or routines not yet specified, please contact us.
Revision Date By Explanation
V4.82 Rev. 1 140228 EL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "Command line options"
Extended command line option -speed.
Chapter "J-Link software and documentation
* Section "J-Link STR91x Commander"
Added command line option parameter to
specify a customized scan-chain.
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Virtual COM Port (VCOM) added.
Chapter "Setup"
* Section "Getting started with J-Link and DS-5"
V4.82 Rev. 0 140218 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "GDB Server"
Command line option -notimout added.
V4.80f Rev. 0 140204 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "GDB Server"
Command line options and remote commands
V4.80 Rev. 1 131219
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "GDB Server"
Remote commands and command line options
description improved.
Several corrections.
V4.80 Rev. 0 131105 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "GDB Server"
SEGGER-specific GDB protocol extensions
V4.76 Rev. 3 130823 JL
Chapter "Flash Download"
* Replaced references to GDB Server manual.
Chapter "Working withc J-Link"
* Replaced references to GDB Server manual.
V4.76 Rev. 2 130821 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "GDB Server"
Remote commands added.
V4.76 Rev. 1 130819 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "SWO Viewer"
Sample code updated.
V4.76 Rev. 0 130809 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Sections reordered and updated.
Chapter "Setup"
* Section "Using JLinkARM.dll moved here.
V4.71b Rev. 0 130507 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "SWO Viewer"
Added new command line options.
V4.66 Rev. 0 130221 JL
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "Supported OS"
Added Linux and Mac OSX
V4.62b Rev. 0 130219 EL
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models"
Clock rise and fall times updated.
V4.62 Rev. 0 130129 JL
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models"
Sub-section "J-link ULTRA" updated.
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
V4.62 Rev. 0 130124 EL
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "9-pin JTAG/SWD connector"
Pinout description corrected.
V4.58 Rev. 1 121206 AG
Chapter "Intoduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
V4.58 Rev. 0 121126 JL
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link script files"
Sub-section "Executing J-Link script files"
V4.56b Rev. 0 121112 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "J-Link SWO Viewer"
Added sub-section "Configure SWO output
after device reset"
V4.56a Rev. 0 121106 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "J-Link Commander"
Renamed "Commander script files" to
"Commander files" and "script mode" to
"batch mode".
V4.56 Rev. 0 121022 AG
Renamed "J-Link TCP/IP Server" to "J-Link Remote
V4.54 Rev. 1 121009 JL
Chapter "Related Software"
* Section "TCP/IP Server", subsection "Tunneling
Mode" added.
V4.54 Rev. 0 120913 EL
Chapter "Flash Breakpoints"
* Section "Licensing" updated.
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "Freescale", subsection "Data flash
support" added.
V4.53c Rev. 0 120904 EL
Chapter "Licensing"
* Section "Device-based license" updated.
V4.51h Rev. 0 120717 EL
Chapter "Flash download"
* Section "J-Link commander" updated.
Chapter "Support and FAQs"
* Section "Frequently asked questions" updated.
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "J-Link Commander" updated.
V4.51e Rev. 1 120704 EL
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated and
corrected. Added reset type 8.
V4.51e Rev. 0 120704 AG
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "ST" updated and corrected.
V4.51b Rev. 0 120611 EL
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "SWO Viewer" added.
V4.51a Rev. 0 120606 EL
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "ST", subsection "ETM init"
for some STM32 devices added..
* Section "Texas Instruments" updated.
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "Pinout for SWD" updated.
V4.47a Rev. 0 120419 AG
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "Texas Instruments" updated.
V4.46 Rev. 0 120416 EL Chapter "Support" updated.
V4.42 Rev. 0 120214 EL
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link script files" updated.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
V4.36 Rev. 1 110927 EL
Chapter "Flash download" added.
Chapter "Flash breakpoints" added.
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "20-pin JTAG/SWD connector" updated.
Chapter "RDI" added.
Chapter "Setup" updated.
Chapter "Device specifics" updated.
V4.36 Rev. 0 110909 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link script files" updated.
V4.26 Rev. 1 110513 KN
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" corrected.
V4.26 Rev. 0 110427 KN Several corrections.
V4.24 Rev. 1 110228 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" corrected.
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "ST Microelectronics" updated.
V4.24 Rev. 0 110216 AG
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "Samsung" added.
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "9-pin JTAG/SWD connector" added.
V4.23d 110202 AG
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "J-Link software and documentation
package in detail" updated.
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "Built-in intelligence for
supported CPU-cores" added.
V4.21g 101130 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "Freescale" updated.
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints
* Section "Supported devices" updated
* Section "Setup for different debuggers
(CFI flash)" updated.
V4.21 101025 AG
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "Freescale" updated.
V4.20j 101019 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
V4.20b 100923 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
90 100818 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link script files" updated.
* Section "Command strings" upadted.
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "19-pin JTAG/SWD and Trace
connector" corrected.
Chapter "Setup"
* Section "J-Link configurator added."
89 100630 AG Several corrections.
88 100622 AG
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "SWO Analyzer" added.
87 100617 AG Several corrections.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
86 100504 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "Adapters" updated.
85 100428 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
84 100324 KN
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Several corrections
Chapter Flash download & flash breakpoints
* Section "Supported devices" updated
83 100223 KN
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
82 100215 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link script files" added.
81 100202 KN
Chapter "Device Specifics"
* Section "Luminary Micro" updated.
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
* Section "Supported devices" updated.
80 100104 KN
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints
* Section "Supported devices" updated
79 091201 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
Chapter "Licensing"
* Section "J-Link OEM versions" updated.
78 091023 AG
Chapter "Licensing"
* Section "J-Link OEM versions" updated.
77 090910 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
76 090828 KN
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section" Specifications" updated
* Section "Hardware versions" updated
* Section "Common features of the J-Link product
family" updated
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "5 Volt adapter" updated
75 090729 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link / J-Trace models" updated.
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Section "SWD interface" updated.
74 090722 KN
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "Supported IDEs" added
* Section "Supported CPU cores" updated
* Section "Model comparison chart" renamed to
"Model comparison"
* Section "J-Link bundle comparison chart"
73 090701 KN
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link and J-Trace models" added
* Sections "Model comparison chart" &
"J-Link bundle comparison chart"added
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace models" removed
Chapter "Hardware" renamed to
"Target interfaces & adapters"
* Section "JTAG Isolator" added
Chapter "Target interfaces and adapters"
* Section "Target board design" updated
Several corrections
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
72 090618 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "J-Link control panel" updated.
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
* Section "Supported devices" updated.
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "NXP" updated.
71 090616 AG
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "NXP" updated.
70 090605 AG
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "Common features of the J-Link
product family" updated.
69 090515 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
* Section "Indicators" updated.
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
* Section "Supported devices" updated.
68 090428 AG
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "J-Link STM32 Commander" added.
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
67 090402 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
66 090327 AG
Chapter "Background information"
* Section "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)"
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
* Section "Dedicated flash programming
utilities for J-Link" updated.
65 090320 AG Several changes in the manual structure.
64 090313 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Indicators" added.
63 090212 AG
Chapter "Hardware"
* Several corrections.
* Section "Hardware Versions" Version 8.0 added.
62 090211 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Section "Reset strategies" updated.
Chapter J-Link and J-Trace related software
* Section "J-Link STR91x Commander
(Command line tool)" updated.
Chapter "Device specifics"
* Section "ST Microelectronics" updated.
Chapter "Hardware" updated.
61 090120 TQ
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies"
60 090114 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link"
* Section "Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies"
59 090108 KN
Chapter Hardware
* Section "Target board design for JTAG"
* Section "Target board design for SWD" added.
58 090105 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link Pro"
* Section "Connecting J-Link Pro the first time"
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
57 081222 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link Pro"
* Section "Introduction" updated.
* Section "Configuring J-Link Pro
via web interface" updated.
Chapter "Introduction"
* Section "J-Link Pro overview" updated.
56 081219 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link Pro"
* Section "FAQs" added.
Chapter "Support and FAQs"
* Section "Frequently Asked Questions" updated.
55 081218 AG Chapter "Hardware" updated.
54 081217 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Section "Command strings" updated.
53 081216 AG Chapter "Working with J-Link Pro" updated.
52 081212 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link Pro" added.
Chapter "Licensing"
* Section "Original SEGGER products" updated.
51 081202 KN Several corrections.
50 081030 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
* Section "Supported devices" corrected.
49 081029 AG Several corrections.
48 080916 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
* Section "Connecting multiple J-Links /
J-Traces to your PC" updated.
47 080910 AG Chapter "Licensing" updated.
46 080904 AG
Chapter "Licensing" added.
Chapter "Hardware"
Section "J-Link OEM versions" moved to chapter
45 080902 AG
Chapter "Hardware"
Section "JTAG+Trace connector" JTAG+Trace
connector pinout corrected.
Section "J-Link OEM versions" updated.
44 080827 AG
Chapter "J-Link control panel" moved to chapter
"Working with J-Link".
Several corrections.
43 080826 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Section "Supported devices" updated.
42 080820 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Section "Supported devices" updated.
41 080811 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints",
section "Supported devices" updated.
40 080630 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Chapter "J-Link status window" renamed to "J-Link
control panel"
Various corrections.
39 080627 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Section "Licensing" updated.
Section "Using flash download and flash
breakpoints with different debuggers" updated.
Chapter "J-Link status window" added.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
38 080618 AG
Chapter "Support and FAQs"
Section "Frequently Asked Questions" updated
Chapter "Reset strategies"
Section "Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies"
37 080617 AG
Chapter "Reset strategies"
Section "Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies"
36 080530 AG
Chapter "Hardware"
Section "Differences between different versions"
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
Section "Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies"
35 080215 AG
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
Section "J-Link software and documentation
package in detail" updated.
34 080212 AG
Chapter "J-Link and J-Trace related software"
Section "J-Link TCP/IP Server (Remote J-Link /
J-Trace use)" updated.
Chapter "Working with J-Link and J-Trace"
Section "Command strings" updated.
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Section "Introduction" updated.
Section "Licensing" updated.
Section "Using flash download and flash
breakpoints with different debuggers" updated.
33 080207 AG
Chapter "Flash download and flash breakpoints"
Chapter "Device specifics:"
Section "ATMEL - AT91SAM7 - Recommended init
sequence" added.
32 0080129 SK
Chapter "Device specifics":
Section "NXP - LPC - Fast GPIO bug" list of
device enhanced.
31 0080103 SK
Chapter "Device specifics":
Section "NXP - LPC - Fast GPIO bug" updated.
30 071211 AG
Chapter "Device specifics":
Section "Analog Devices" updated.
Section "ATMEL" updated.
Section "Freescale" added.
Section "Luminary Micro" added.
Section "NXP" updated.
Section "OKI" added.
Section "ST Microelectronics" updated.
Section "Texas Instruments" updated.
Chapter "Related software":
Section "J-Link STR91x Commander" updated
29 070912 SK
Chapter "Hardware", section "Target board design"
28 070912 SK
Chapter "Related software":
Section "J-LinkSTR91x Commander" added.
Chapter "Device specifics":
Section "ST Microelectronics" added.
Section "Texas Instruments" added.
Subsection "AT91SAM9" added.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
28 070912 AG
Chapter "Working with J-Link/J-Trace":
Section "Command strings" updated.
27 070827 TQ
Chapter "Working with J-Link/J-Trace":
Section "Command strings" updated.
26 070710 SK
Chapter "Introduction":
Section "Features of J-Link" updated.
Chapter "Background Information":
Section "Embedded Trace Macrocell" added.
Section "Embedded Trace Buffer" added.
25 070516 SK
Chapter "Working with J-Link/J-Trace":
Section "Reset strategies in detail"
- "Software, for Analog Devices ADuC7xxx
MCUs" updated
- "Software, for ATMEL AT91SAM7 MCUs"
Chapter "Device specifics"
Section "Analog Devices" added.
Section "ATMEL" added.
24 070323 SK
Chapter "Setup":
"Uninstalling the J-Link driver" updated.
"Supported ARM cores" updated.
23 070320 SK
Chapter "Hardware":
"Using the JTAG connector with SWD" updated.
22 070316 SK
Chapter "Hardware":
"Using the JTAG connector with SWD" added.
21 070312 SK
Chapter "Hardware":
"Differences between different versions"
20 070307 SK
Chapter "J-Link / J-Trace related software":
"J-Link GDB Server" licensing updated.
19 070226 SK
Chapter "J-Link / J-Trace related software" updated
and reorganized.
Chapter "Hardware"
"List of OEM products" updated
18 070221 SK
Chapter "Device specifics" added
Subchapter "Command strings" added
17 070131 SK
Chapter "Hardware":
"Version 5.3": Current limits added
"Version 5.4" added
Chapter "Setup":
"Installating the J-Link USB driver" removed.
"Installing the J-Link software and documentation
pack" added.
Subchapter "List of OEM products" updated.
"OS support" updated
16 061222 SK
Chapter "Preface": "Company description" added.
J-Link picture changed.
15 060914 OO
Subchapter 1.5.1: Added target supply voltage and
target supply current to specifications.
Subchapter 5.2.1: Pictures of ways to connect J-
14 060818 TQ
Subchapter 4.7 "Using DCC for memory reads"
13 060711 OO
Subchapter 5.2.2: Corrected JTAG+Trace connec-
tor pinout table.
12 060628 OO
Subchapter 4.1: Added ARM966E-S to List of sup-
ported ARM cores.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
11 060607 SK
Subchapter changed.
Subchapter added.
10 060526 SK
ARM9 download speed updated.
Subchapter 8.2.1: Screenshot "Start sequence"
Subchapter 8.2.2 "ID sequence" removed.
Chapter "Support" and "FAQ" merged.
Various improvements
9 060324 OO
Chapter "Literature and references" added.
Chapter "Hardware":
Added common information trace signals.
Added timing diagram for trace.
Chapter "Designing the target board for trace"
8 060117 OO
Chapter "Related Software": Added JLinkARM.dll.
Screenshots updated.
7 051208 OO Chapter Working with J-Link: Sketch added.
6 051118 OO
Chapter Working with J-Link: "Connecting multiple
J-Links to your PC" added.
Chapter Working with J-Link: "Multi core debug-
ging" added.
Chapter Background information: "J-Link firm-
ware" added.
5 051103 TQ Chapter Setup: "JTAG Speed" added.
4 051025 OO
Chapter Background information: "Flash program-
ming" added.
Chapter Setup: "Scan chain configuration" added.
Some smaller changes.
3 051021 TQ Performance values updated.
2 051011 TQ Chapter "Working with J-Link" added.
1 050818 TW Initial version.
Revision Date By Explanation
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
About this document
This document describes J-Link and J-Trace. It provides an overview over the major
features of J-Link and J-Trace, gives you some background information about JTAG,
ARM and Tracing in general and describes J-Link and J-Trace related software pack-
ages available from Segger. Finally, the chapter Support and FAQs on page 305 helps
to troubleshoot common problems.
For simplicity, we will refer to J-Link ARM as J-Link in this manual.
For simplicity, we will refer to J-link Pro as J-Link Pro in this manual.
Typographic conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:
Style Used for
Body Body text.
Text that you enter at the command-prompt or that appears on the
display (that is system functions, file- or pathnames).
Reference Reference to chapters, tables and figures or other documents.
GUIElement Buttons, dialog boxes, menu names, menu commands.
Table 1.1: Typographic conventions
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Graphics software and GUI
emWin is designed to provide an effi-
cient, processor- and display control-
ler-independent graphical user
interface (GUI) for any application that
operates with a graphical display.
Starterkits, eval- and trial-versions are
Real Time Operating System
embOS is an RTOS designed to offer
the benefits of a complete multitasking
system for hard real time applications
with minimal resources. The profiling
PC tool embOSView is included.
File system
emFile is an embedded file system with
FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 support.
emFile has been optimized for mini-
mum memory consumption in RAM and
ROM while maintaining high speed.
Various Device drivers, e.g. for NAND
and NOR flashes, SD/MMC and Com-
pactFlash cards, are available.
USB device stack
A USB stack designed to work on any
embedded system with a USB client
controller. Bulk communication and
most standard device classes are sup-
Flash programmer
Flash Programming tool primarily for microcon-
The de-facto standard debug probe
supporting multiple architectures and debug
Debug probe with trace capabilities
J-Link with Trace memory. supporting the ARM
ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell).
J-Link / J-Trace Related Software
Add-on software to be used with SEGGERs indus-
try standard JTAG emulator, this includes flash
programming software and flash breakpoints.
SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG develops
and distributes software development tools and ANSI C
software components (middleware) for embedded sys-
tems in several industries such as telecom, medical
technology, consumer electronics, automotive industry
and industrial automation.
SEGGERs intention is to cut software development
time for embedded applications by offering compact flexible and easy to use middleware,
allowing developers to concentrate on their application.
Our most popular products are emWin, a universal graphic software package for embed-
ded applications, and embOS, a small yet efficient real-time kernel. emWin, written
entirely in ANSI C, can easily be used on any CPU and most any display. It is comple-
mented by the available PC tools: Bitmap Converter, Font Converter, Simulator and
Viewer. embOS supports most 8/16/32-bit CPUs. Its small memory footprint makes it
suitable for single-chip applications.
Apart from its main focus on software tools, SEGGER develops and produces programming
tools for flash microcontrollers, as well as J-Link, a JTAG emulator to assist in develop-
ment, debugging and production, which has rapidly become the industry standard debug
probe for microcontrollers / microprocessors.
Corporate Office:
United States Office:
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................21
1.1 Requirements.......................................................................................... 22
1.2 Supported OS ......................................................................................... 23
1.3 J-Link / J-Trace models ............................................................................ 24
1.3.1 Model comparison.................................................................................... 25
1.3.2 J-Link .................................................................................................... 26
1.3.3 J-Link ULTRA+ ........................................................................................ 29
1.3.4 J-Link PRO.............................................................................................. 30
1.3.5 J-Link Lite ARM ....................................................................................... 31
1.3.6 J-Link Lite Cortex-M................................................................................. 32
1.3.7 J-Trace ARM ........................................................................................... 33
1.3.8 J-Trace for Cortex-M................................................................................ 36
1.3.9 Flasher ARM............................................................................................ 38
1.3.10 J-Link ColdFire ........................................................................................ 39
1.4 Common features of the J-Link product family ............................................. 40
1.5 Supported CPU cores ............................................................................... 41
1.6 Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores ............................................... 42
1.6.1 Intelligence in the J-Link firmware ............................................................. 42
1.6.2 Intelligence on the PC-side (DLL)............................................................... 42
1.6.3 Firmware intelligence per model ................................................................ 44
1.7 Supported IDEs....................................................................................... 46
2 Licensing........................................................................................................................47
2.1 ................................................................. Components requiring a license48
2.2 License types .......................................................................................... 49
2.2.1 Built-in license ........................................................................................ 49
2.2.2 Key-based license.................................................................................... 49
2.3 Legal use of SEGGER J-Link software.......................................................... 50
2.3.1 Use of the software with 3rd party tools...................................................... 50
2.4 Original SEGGER products......................................................................... 51
2.4.1 J-Link .................................................................................................... 51
2.4.2 J-Link PLUS ............................................................................................ 51
2.4.3 J-link ULTRA+......................................................................................... 52
2.4.4 J-Link PRO.............................................................................................. 52
2.4.5 J-Trace................................................................................................... 53
2.4.6 J-Trace for Cortex-M................................................................................ 53
2.4.7 Flasher ARM......................................................................................... 54
2.4.8 Flasher ARM is a programming tool for microcontrollers with on-chip or external
Flash memory and ARM core. Flasher ARM is designed for programming flash targets with the
J-Flash software or stand-alone. In addition to that Flasher ARM has all of the J-Link function-
ality. Flasher ARM connects via USB or via RS232 interface to a PC, running Microsoft Windows
2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or Windows Vista. Flasher ARM has a built-in 20-pin JTAG
connector, which is compatible with the standard 20-pin connector defined by ARM.
Comes with built-in licenses for flash download and J-Flash.54
2.4.9 Flasher RX.............................................................................................. 54
2.4.10 Flasher PPC ............................................................................................ 55
2.5 J-Link OEM versions................................................................................. 56
2.5.1 Analog Devices: mIDASLink ...................................................................... 56
2.5.2 Atmel: SAM-ICE ...................................................................................... 56
Table of Contents
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
2.5.3 Digi: JTAG Link ....................................................................................... 57
2.5.4 IAR: J-Link / J-Link KS............................................................................. 57
2.5.5 IAR: J-Link Lite....................................................................................... 57
2.5.6 IAR: J-Trace........................................................................................... 58
2.5.7 NXP: J-Link Lite LPC Edition...................................................................... 58
2.5.8 SEGGER: J-Link Lite ARM ......................................................................... 58
2.6 J-Link OBs.............................................................................................. 59
2.7 Illegal Clones.......................................................................................... 60
3 J-Link software and documentation package.................................................................61
3.1 Software overview................................................................................... 62
3.2 J-Link Commander (Command line tool)..................................................... 63
3.2.1 Command line options ............................................................................. 63
3.2.2 Using command files................................................................................ 64
3.3 J-Link GDB Server ................................................................................... 66
3.3.1 J-Link GDB Server CL .............................................................................. 66
3.3.2 Debugging with J-Link GDB Server ............................................................ 67
3.3.3 Supported remote (monitor) commands..................................................... 71
3.3.4 SEGGER-specific GDB protocol extensions .................................................. 83
3.3.5 Command line options ............................................................................. 86
3.4 J-Link Remote Server .............................................................................. 96
3.4.1 List of available commands....................................................................... 96
3.4.2 Tunneling mode ...................................................................................... 97
3.5 J-Mem Memory Viewer............................................................................100
3.6 J-Flash..................................................................................................101
3.7 J-Link SWO Viewer .................................................................................102
3.7.1 Usage...................................................................................................103
3.7.2 List of available command line options ......................................................103
3.7.3 Configure SWO output after device reset ...................................................105
3.7.4 Target example code for terminal output ...................................................105
3.8 SWO Analyzer........................................................................................108
3.9 JTAGLoad (Command line tool) ................................................................109
3.10 J-Link RDI (Remote Debug Interface)........................................................110
3.10.1 Flash download and flash breakpoints .......................................................110
3.11 Processor specific tools ...........................................................................111
3.11.1 J-Link STR91x Commander (Command line tool) ........................................111
3.11.2 J-Link STM32 Unlock (Command line tool) .................................................112
3.12 J-Link Software Developer Kit (SDK).........................................................114
4 Setup............................................................................................................................115
4.1 Installing the J-Link software and documentation pack ................................116
4.1.1 Setup procedure ....................................................................................116
4.2 Setting up the USB interface....................................................................119
4.2.1 Verifying correct driver installation ...........................................................119
4.2.2 Uninstalling the J-Link USB driver.............................................................120
4.3 Setting up the IP interface.......................................................................122
4.3.1 Configuring J-Link using J-Link Configurator...............................................122
4.3.2 Configuring J-Link using the webinterface..................................................122
4.4 FAQs ....................................................................................................124
4.5 J-Link Configurator .................................................................................125
4.5.1 Configure J-Links using the J-Link Configurator ..........................................125
4.6 J-Link USB identification..........................................................................127
4.6.1 Connecting to different J-Links connected to the same host PC via USB .........127
4.7 Using the J-Link DLL...............................................................................129
4.7.1 What is the JLink DLL? ............................................................................129
4.7.2 Updating the DLL in third-party programs..................................................129
4.7.3 Determining the version of JLink DLL ........................................................130
4.7.4 Determining which DLL is used by a program.............................................130
4.8 Getting started with J-Link and ARM DS-5 .................................................131
4.8.1 Replacing the RDDI DLL manually.............................................................131
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
4.8.2 Using J-Link in DS-5 Development Studio ................................................. 131
5 Working with J-Link and J-Trace..................................................................................133
5.1 Connecting the target system.................................................................. 134
5.1.1 Power-on sequence................................................................................ 134
5.1.2 Verifying target device connection ........................................................... 134
5.1.3 Problems .............................................................................................. 134
5.2 Indicators............................................................................................. 135
5.2.1 Main indicator ....................................................................................... 135
5.2.2 Input indicator ...................................................................................... 137
5.2.3 Output indicator .................................................................................... 137
5.3 JTAG interface....................................................................................... 138
5.3.1 Multiple devices in the scan chain ............................................................ 138
5.3.2 Sample configuration dialog boxes ........................................................... 138
5.3.3 Determining values for scan chain configuration......................................... 141
5.3.4 JTAG Speed .......................................................................................... 142
5.4 SWD interface....................................................................................... 143
5.4.1 SWD speed........................................................................................... 143
5.4.2 SWO.................................................................................................... 143
5.5 Multi-core debugging ............................................................................. 145
5.5.1 How multi-core debugging works ............................................................. 145
5.5.2 Using multi-core debugging in detail ........................................................ 146
5.5.3 Things you should be aware of ................................................................ 147
5.6 Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC ...................................... 149
5.6.1 How does it work? ................................................................................. 149
5.7 J-Link control panel................................................................................ 151
5.7.1 Tabs .................................................................................................... 151
5.8 Reset strategies .................................................................................... 157
5.8.1 Strategies for ARM 7/9 devices................................................................ 157
5.8.2 Strategies for Cortex-M devices ............................................................... 159
5.9 Using DCC for memory access................................................................. 162
5.9.1 What is required? .................................................................................. 162
5.9.2 Target DCC handler ............................................................................... 162
5.9.3 Target DCC abort handler ....................................................................... 162
5.10 J-Link script files ................................................................................... 163
5.10.1 Actions that can be customized ............................................................... 163
5.10.2 Script file API functions .......................................................................... 163
5.10.3 Global DLL variables .............................................................................. 167
5.10.4 Global DLL constants.............................................................................. 170
5.10.5 Script file language................................................................................ 171
5.10.6 Script file writing example ...................................................................... 172
5.10.7 Executing J-Link script files ..................................................................... 172
5.11 Command strings .................................................................................. 174
5.11.1 List of available commands ..................................................................... 174
5.11.2 Using command strings .......................................................................... 179
5.12 Switching off CPU clock during debug ....................................................... 181
5.13 Cache handling...................................................................................... 182
5.13.1 Cache coherency ................................................................................... 182
5.13.2 Cache clean area ................................................................................... 182
5.13.3 Cache handling of ARM7 cores................................................................. 182
5.13.4 Cache handling of ARM9 cores................................................................. 182
5.14 Virtual COM Port (VCOM) ........................................................................ 183
5.14.1 Configuring Virtual COM Port ................................................................... 183
6 Flash download............................................................................................................185
6.1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 186
6.2 Licensing.............................................................................................. 187
6.3 Supported devices ................................................................................. 188
6.4 Setup for various debuggers (internal flash).............................................. 189
6.4.1 IAR Embedded Workbench...................................................................... 189
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
6.4.2 Keil MDK...............................................................................................189
6.4.3 J-Link GDB Server ..................................................................................191
6.4.4 J-Link Commander .................................................................................192
6.4.5 J-Link RDI .............................................................................................193
6.5 Setup for various debuggers (CFI flash) ....................................................194
6.5.1 IAR Embedded Workbench / Keil MDK.......................................................194
6.5.2 J-Link GDB Server ..................................................................................195
6.5.3 J-Link commander..................................................................................195
6.6 Using the DLL flash loaders in custom applications......................................197
7 Flash breakpoints.........................................................................................................199
7.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................200
7.2 Licensing...............................................................................................201
7.2.1 Free for evaluation and non-commercial use ..............................................201
7.3 Supported devices..................................................................................202
7.4 Setup & compatibility with various debuggers ............................................203
7.4.1 Setup ...................................................................................................203
7.4.2 Compatibility with various debuggers........................................................203
7.5 FAQ......................................................................................................204
8 RDI...............................................................................................................................205
8.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................206
8.1.1 Features ...............................................................................................206
8.2 Licensing...............................................................................................207
8.3 Setup for various debuggers ....................................................................208
8.3.1 IAR Embedded Workbench IDE ................................................................208
8.3.2 ARM AXD (ARM Developer Suite, ADS)......................................................211
8.3.3 ARM RVDS (RealView developer suite) ......................................................213
8.3.4 GHS MULTI ...........................................................................................218
8.3.5 KEIL MDK (Vision IDE) ..........................................................................221
8.4 Configuration.........................................................................................224
8.4.1 Configuration file JLinkRDI.ini ..................................................................224
8.4.2 Using different configurations ..................................................................224
8.4.3 Using mutliple J-Links simulatenously .......................................................224
8.4.4 Configuration dialog ...............................................................................224
8.5 Semihosting ..........................................................................................233
8.5.1 Overview ..............................................................................................233
8.5.2 The SWI interface ..................................................................................233
8.5.3 Implementation of semihosting in J-Link RDI .............................................234
8.5.4 Semihosting with AXD.............................................................................234
8.5.5 Unexpected / unhandled SWIs .................................................................235
9 Device specifics ...........................................................................................................237
9.1 Analog Devices ......................................................................................238
9.1.1 ADuC7xxx.............................................................................................238
9.2 ATMEL ..................................................................................................240
9.2.1 AT91SAM7 ............................................................................................241
9.2.2 AT91SAM9 ............................................................................................243
9.3 DSPGroup .............................................................................................244
9.4 Ember ..................................................................................................245
9.5 Energy Micro .........................................................................................246
9.6 Freescale ..............................................................................................247
9.6.1 Kinetis family.........................................................................................247
9.7 Fujitsu..................................................................................................250
9.8 Itron ....................................................................................................251
9.9 Infineon................................................................................................252
9.10 Luminary Micro ......................................................................................253
9.10.1 Unlocking LM3Sxxx devices .....................................................................254
9.11 NXP......................................................................................................255
9.11.1 LPC ARM7-based devices.........................................................................256
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
9.11.2 Reset (Cortex-M3 based devices)............................................................. 257
9.11.3 LPC288x flash programming.................................................................... 257
9.11.4 LPC43xx:.............................................................................................. 257
9.12 OKI ..................................................................................................... 258
9.13 Renesas ............................................................................................... 259
9.14 Samsung.............................................................................................. 260
9.14.1 S3FN60D.............................................................................................. 260
9.15 ST Microelectronics ................................................................................ 261
9.15.1 STR91x ................................................................................................ 262
9.15.2 STM32F10xxx ....................................................................................... 262
9.15.3 STM32F2xxx ......................................................................................... 264
9.15.4 STM32F4xxx ......................................................................................... 265
9.16 Texas Instruments................................................................................. 266
9.16.1 AM335x................................................................................................ 266
9.16.2 AM35xx / AM37xx.................................................................................. 267
9.16.3 OMAP4430............................................................................................ 267
9.16.4 OMAP-L138........................................................................................... 267
9.16.5 TMS470M ............................................................................................. 267
9.16.6 OMAP3530............................................................................................ 268
9.16.7 OMAP3550............................................................................................ 268
9.17 Toshiba ................................................................................................ 269
10 Target interfaces and adapters..................................................................................271
10.1 20-pin JTAG/SWD connector ................................................................... 272
10.1.1 Pinout for JTAG ..................................................................................... 272
10.1.2 Pinout for SWD...................................................................................... 275
10.2 38-pin Mictor JTAG and Trace connector ................................................... 277
10.2.1 Connecting the target board.................................................................... 277
10.2.2 Pinout .................................................................................................. 278
10.2.3 Assignment of trace information pins between ETM architecture versions ...... 280
10.2.4 Trace signals......................................................................................... 280
10.3 19-pin JTAG/SWD and Trace connector..................................................... 282
10.3.1 Target power supply .............................................................................. 283
10.4 9-pin JTAG/SWD connector ..................................................................... 284
10.5 Adapters .............................................................................................. 285
11 Background information.............................................................................................287
11.1 JTAG.................................................................................................... 288
11.1.1 Test access port (TAP)............................................................................ 288
11.1.2 Data registers ....................................................................................... 288
11.1.3 Instruction register ................................................................................ 288
11.1.4 The TAP controller ................................................................................. 289
11.2 Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)............................................................. 291
11.2.1 Trigger condition ................................................................................... 291
11.2.2 Code tracing and data tracing.................................................................. 291
11.2.3 J-Trace integration example - IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM................ 291
11.3 Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) ................................................................. 295
11.4 Flash programming................................................................................ 296
11.4.1 How does flash programming via J-Link / J-Trace work?.............................. 296
11.4.2 Data download to RAM ........................................................................... 296
11.4.3 Data download via DCC .......................................................................... 296
11.4.4 Available options for flash programming ................................................... 296
11.5 J-Link / J-Trace firmware ........................................................................ 298
11.5.1 Firmware update ................................................................................... 298
11.5.2 Invalidating the firmware........................................................................ 298
12 Designing the target board for trace ..........................................................................301
12.1 Overview of high-speed board design ....................................................... 302
12.1.1 Avoiding stubs ...................................................................................... 302
12.1.2 Minimizing Signal Skew (Balancing PCB Track Lengths)............................... 302
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
12.1.3 Minimizing Crosstalk...............................................................................302
12.1.4 Using impedance matching and termination...............................................302
12.2 Terminating the trace signal ....................................................................303
12.2.1 Rules for series terminators.....................................................................303
12.3 Signal requirements ...............................................................................304
13 Support and FAQs .....................................................................................................305
13.1 Measuring download speed......................................................................306
13.1.1 Test environment ...................................................................................306
13.2 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................307
13.2.1 General procedure..................................................................................307
13.2.2 Typical problem scenarios .......................................................................307
13.3 Contacting support .................................................................................309
13.4 Frequently Asked Questions.....................................................................310
14 Glossary.....................................................................................................................311
15 Literature and references...........................................................................................317
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Chapter 1
This chapter gives a short overview about J-Link and J-Trace.
22 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.1 Requirements
Host System
To use J-Link or J-Trace you need a host system running Windows 2000 or later. For a
list of all operating systems which are supported by J-Link, please refer to Supported
OS on page 23.
Target System
A target system with a supported CPU is required.
You should make sure that the emulator you are looking at supports your target CPU.
For more information about which J-Link features are supported by each emulator,
please refer to Model comparison on page 25.
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.2 Supported OS
J-Link/J-Trace can be used on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP x64
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Vista x64
Windows 7
Windows 7 x64
Windows 8
Windows 8 x64
Mac OSX 10.5 and higher
24 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.3 J-Link / J-Trace models
J-Link / J-Trace is available in different variations, each designed for different pur-
poses / target devices. Currently, the following models of J-Link / J-Trace are avail-
J-Link PRO
J-Trace ARM
J-Trace for Cortex-M
In the following, the different J-Link / J-Trace models are described and the changes
between the different hardware versions of each model are listed. To determine the
hardware version of your J-Link / J-Trace, the first step should be to look at the label
at the bottom side of the unit. J-Links / J-Traces have the hardware version printed
on the back label.
If this is not the case with your J-Link / J-Trace, start JLink.exe. As part of the initial
message, the hardware version is displayed.
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.3.1 Model comparison
The following tables show the features which are included in each J-Link / J-Trace
Hardware features
Software features
Software features are features implemented in the software primarily on the host.
Software features can either come with the J-Link or be added later using a license
string from Segger.
Most IDEs come with its own flashloaders, so in most cases this feature is not
essential for debugging your applications in flash. The J-Link flash download
(FlashDL) feature is mainly used in debug environments where the debugger does
not come with an own flashloader (for example, the GNU Debugger). For more infor-
mation about how flash download via FlashDL works, please refer to Flash download
on page 185.
In order to use the flash breakpoints with J-Link no additional license for flash
download is required. The flash breakpoint feature allows setting an unlimited num-
ber of breakpoints even if the application program is not located in RAM, but in flash
memory. Without this feature, the number of breakpoints which can be set in flash is
limited to the number of hardware breakpoints (typically two for ARM 7/9, up to six
for Cortex-M) For more information about flash breakpoints, please refer to Flash
breakpoints on page 199.
for Cortex-M
USB yes yes yes yes yes yes
Ethernet no no no yes no no
Supported cores
Renesas RX
No tracing:
ARM 7/9
JTAG yes yes yes yes yes yes
SWD yes yes yes yes yes no
SWO yes yes yes yes yes no
ETM Trace no no no no yes yes
J-Flash yes(opt) yes yes yes yes yes
Flash breakpoints
yes(opt) yes yes yes yes yes
Flash download
yes yes yes yes yes yes
GDB Server yes yes yes yes yes yes
RDI yes(opt) yes yes yes yes yes
26 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.3.2 J-Link
J-Link is a JTAG emulator designed for ARM cores. It connects
via USB to a PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or later. For a
complete list of all operating systems which are supported,
please refer to Supported OS on page 23. J-Link has a built-in
20-pin JTAG connector, which is compatible with the standard
20-pin connector defined by ARM. Additional features
Direct download into flash memory of most popular micro-
controllers supported
Full-speed USB 2.0 interface
Serial Wire Debug supported
Serial Wire Viewer supported
Download speed up to 1 MBytes/second*
Debug interface (JTAG/SWD/...) speed up to 15 MHz
RDI interface available, which allows using J-Link with RDI
compliant software
*The actual speed depends on various factors, such as JTAG/
SWD, clock speed, host CPU core etc. Specifications
The following table gives an overview about the specifications (general, mechanical,
electrical) for J-Link.
Supported OS
For a complete list of all operating sys-
tems which are supported, please refer
to Supported OS on page 23.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) EN 55022, EN 55024
Operating temperature +5C ... +60C
Storage temperature -20C ... +65 C
Relative humidity (non-condensing) Max. 90% rH
Size (without cables) 100mm x 53mm x 27mm
Weight (without cables) 70g
Available interfaces
USB interface USB 2.0, full speed
Target interface
JTAG 20-pin
(14-pin adapter available)
JTAG/SWD Interface, Electrical
Power supply
USB powered
Max. 50mA + Target Supply current.
Target interface voltage (V
) 1.2V ... 5V
Target supply voltage 4.5V ... 5V (if powered with 5V on USB)
Target supply current Max. 300mA
Reset Type
Open drain. Can be pulled low or
Reset low level output voltage (V
) V
<= 10% of V
For the whole target voltage range (1.2V <= V
<= 5V)
LOW level input voltage (V
) V
<= 40% of V
Table 1.1: J-Link specifications
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
27 Hardware versions
Versions 1-4 (Obsolete)
Version 5.0 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 4.0 with the following exception:
Uses a 32-bit RISC CPU.
Maximum download speed (using DCC) is over 700 Kbytes/second.
JTAG speed: Maximum JTAG frequency is 12 MHz; possible JTAG speeds are:
48 MHz / n, where n is 4, 5, ..., resulting in speeds of:
12.000 MHz (n = 4)
9.600 MHz (n = 5)
8.000 MHz (n = 6)
6.857 MHz (n = 7)
6.000 MHz (n = 8)
5.333 MHz (n = 9)
4.800 MHz (n = 10)
Supports adaptive clocking.
Version 5.2 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 5.0 with the following exception:
Target interface: RESET is open drain
Version 5.3 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 5.2 with the following exception:
5V target supply current limited
5V target supply (pin 19) of Kick-Start versions of J-Link is current monitored
and limited. J-Link automatically switches off 5V supply in case of over-current to
protect both J-Link and host computer. Peak current (<= 10 ms) limit is 1A,
operating current limit is 300mA.
HIGH level input voltage (V
) V
>= 60% of V
For 1.8V <= V
<= 3.6V
LOW level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
<= 10% of V
HIGH level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
>= 90% of V
For 3.6 <= V
<= 5V
LOW level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
<= 20% of V
HIGH level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
>= 80% of V
JTAG/SWD Interface, Timing
SWO sampling frequency Max. 7.5 MHz
Data input rise time (T
) T
<= 20ns
Data input fall time (T
) T
<= 20ns
Data output rise time (T
) T
<= 10ns
Data output fall time (T
) T
<= 10ns
Clock rise time (T
) T
<= 3ns
Clock fall time (T
) T
<= 3ns
Table 1.1: J-Link specifications
28 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Version 5.4 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 5.3 with the following exception:
Supports 5V target interfaces.
Version 6.0 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 5.4 with the following exception:
Outputs can be tristated (Effectively disabling the JTAG interface)
Supports SWD interface.
SWD speed: Software implementation. 4 MHz maximum SWD speed.
J-Link supports SWV (Speed limited to 500 kHz)
Version 7.0 (Obsolete)
Identical to version 6.0 with the following exception:
Uses an additional pin to the UART unit of the target hardware for SWV support
(Speed limited to 6 MHz).
Version 8.0
Identical to version 7.0 with the following exception:
SWD support for non-3.3V targets.
Version 9.1
Identical to version 8.0 with the following exception:
New design based on STM32F205.
Version 9.2
Identical to version 9.1 with the following exception:
Pin 1 is used for VTREF only. Buffers are powered through USB.
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.3.3 J-Link ULTRA+
J-Link ULTRA+ is a JTAG/SWD emulator designed for ARM/Cor-
tex and other supported CPUs. It is fully compatible to the
standard J-Link and works with the same PC software. Based on
the highly optimized and proven J-Link, it offers even higher
speed as well as target power measurement capabilities due to
the faster CPU, built-in FPGA and High speed USB interface. It
connects via USB to a PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or
later. For a complete list of all operating systems which are sup-
ported, please refer to Supported OS on page 19.. J-link ULTRA
has a built-in 20-pin JTAG/SWD connector. Additional features
Fully compatible to the standard J-Link
Very high performance for all supported CPU cores
Hi-Speed USB 2.0 interface
Download speed up to 3 MByte/second*
Debug interface (JTAG/SWD/...) speed up to 15 MHz
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) supported
Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) supported
SWO sampling frequencies up to 100 MHz
Serial Wire Output (SWO) supported
Target power can be supplied
Target power consumption can be measured with high accuracy.
*The actual speed depends on various factors, such as JTAG/SWD, clock speed, host
CPU core etc. Specifications
The following table gives an overview about the specifications (general, mechanical,
electrical) for J-link ULTRA. All values are valid for J-link ULTRA hardware version 1.
Note: Some specifications, especially speed, are likely to be improved in the
future with newer versions of the J-Link software (freely available).
Supported OS
For a complete list of all operating sys-
tems which are supported, please refer
to Supported OS on page 23.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) EN 55022, EN 55024
Operating temperature +5C ... +60C
Storage temperature -20C ... +65 C
Relative humidity (non-condensing) Max. 90% rH
Size (without cables) 100mm x 53mm x 27mm
Weight (without cables) 73g
Available interfaces
USB interface USB 2.0, Hi-Speed
Target interface 20-pin J-Link debug interface connector
JTAG/SWD Interface, Electrical
Target interface voltage (V
) 1.8V ... 5V
Target supply voltage 4.5V ... 5V
Target supply current Max. 300mA
Table 1.2: J-link ULTRA specifications
30 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
1.3.4 J-Link PRO
J-Link PRO is a JTAG emulator designed for ARM cores. It is
fully compatible to J-Link and connects via Ethernet/USB to a
PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or later, Linux or Mac OS X.
For a complete list of all operating systems which are sup-
ported, please refer to Supported OS on page 19. J-Link Pro
comes with licenses for all J-Link related SEGGER software
products which allows using J-Link PRO "out-of-the-box". Additional features
Fully compatible to J-Link
More memory for future firmware extensions (ARM11, X-
Scale, Cortex R4 and Cortex A8)
Additional LEDs for power and RESET indication
Comes with web interface for easy TCP/IP configuration
(built-in web server)
Serial Wire Debug supported
Serial Wire Viewer supported
Download speed up to 3 MByte/second
Comes with built-in licenses for: Unlimited number of breakpoints in flash
(FlashBP), J-Link GDBServer, J-Link RDI and J-Flash (production programming
Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) support
Reset Type
Open drain. Can be pulled low or
Reset low level output voltage (V
) V
<= 10% of V
For the whole target voltage range (1.8V <= V
<= 5V)
LOW level input voltage (V
) V
<= 40% of V
HIGH level input voltage (V
) V
>= 60% of V
For 1.8V <= V
<= 3.6V
LOW level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
<= 10% of V
HIGH level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
>= 90% of V
For 3.6 <= V
<= 5V
LOW level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
<= 20% of V
HIGH level output voltage (V
) with a
load of 10 kOhm
>= 80% of V
JTAG/SWD Interface, Timing
SWO sampling frequency Max. 100 MHz
Data input rise time (T
) T
<= 20ns
Data input fall time (T
) T
<= 20ns
Data output rise time (T
) T
<= 10ns
Data output fall time (T
) T
<= 10ns
Clock rise time (T
) T
<= 3ns
Clock fall time (T
) T
<= 3ns
Analog power measurement interface
Sampling frequency 50 kHz
Resolution 1 mA
Table 1.2: J-link ULTRA specifications
J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 2004-2013 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Galvanic isolation from host via Ethernet Hardware versions
Version 1.1
Compatible to J-Link.
Provides an additional Ethernet interface which allows to communicate with J-
Link via TCP/IP.
Version 4
Identical to version 1.1 with the following exception:
New design based on STM32F407, Cyclone IV and 74LVCXT45 Level shifters/buff-
Version 4.3
Identical to version 4 with the following exception: