Development and Deployment of Advanced Corrosion Monitoring Systems For High-Level Waste Tanks

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WM’02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ- pg.



Michael T. Terry
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545

Glenn L. Edgemon
HiLine Engineering and Fabrication
2105 Aviator Dr., Richland, WA 99352

John I. Mickalonis
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Savannah River Technology Center, Aiken, SC 29808

Ronald E. Mizia
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
P. O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415


This paper describes the results of a collaborative technology development program, sponsored by the Tanks Focus
Area, to use electrochemical noise (EN) for corrosion monitoring in underground storage tanks. These tanks, made
of carbon or stainless steels, contain high-level radioactive liquid waste (HLW) generated by weapons production or
radioactive liquid waste from nuclear fuel reprocessing activities at several Department of Energy (DOE) sites. The
term EN is used to describe low frequency fluctuations in current and voltage measurements associated with
corrosion. In their most basic form, EN-based corrosion monitoring systems measure and record these fluctuations
over time from electrodes immersed in the environment of interest – in this case, radioactive tank waste. The
resulting EN signals have characteristic patterns for different corrosion mechanisms.

In recent years, engineers and scientists from several DOE sites, in collaboration with several private companies,
have conducted laboratory studies and field applications to correlate the EN signals with corrosion mechanisms
active in the radioactive waste tanks. The participating DOE sites are Hanford, Savannah River, Oak Ridge
Reservation and the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. The commercial vendors have
included HiLine Engineering and Fabrication, Inc., EIC Laboratories, Inc., and AEA Technologies. Successful
deployment of the EN technology will yield improved information of waste tank corrosion conditions, better tank
management, and lower overall cost.



Underground storage tanks made of carbon or stainless steel, are used to contain radioactive liquid waste generated
from weapons production and nuclear fuel reprocessing activities at several Department of Energy (DOE) sites.
Corrosion and tank integrity are major issues concerning worker and environmental safety. Historically, corrosion
monitoring and control have been provided through waste chemistry sampling and analysis programs or by
monitoring of corrosion coupons placed in the tanks. In the first process, tank waste is sampled, analyzed and
compared to guidelines established from an extensive laboratory test program, which used simulated waste.
Therefore, tank wall corrosion is inferred from waste chemistry analysis. The corrosion coupon measurement
method requires evaluation of coupons that simulate the materials and stress state of the tank materials and
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fabrication. Both the sampling and coupon exposure methods are expensive and time-consuming, with neither
providing continuous real-time corrosion information.
In addition to coupon exposure, corrosion can be monitored through a variety of electrochemical techniques. A
small number of these techniques have been tried within the DOE complex to determine the corrosivity of nuclear
waste underground storage tanks (1). Coupon exposure programs, linear polarization resistance (LPR), and
electrical resistance techniques have all been tried with limited degrees of success. These techniques have proven
effective for monitoring uniform corrosion, but are not well suited for early detection of localized forms of corrosion
such as pitting and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Pitting and SCC have been identified as the primary modes of
corrosion for the majority of the materials (carbon and stainless steel) used in the radioactive waste tanks (2-3).

In recent years, a new corrosion monitoring system has shown promise in detecting localized corrosion and
measuring uniform corrosion rates in process industries (4-20). The system measures electrochemical noise (EN)
generated by corrosion. The term EN is used to describe low frequency fluctuations in measured current and voltage.
In their most basic form, EN-based corrosion monitoring systems track these fluctuations over time from three
electrodes immersed in the environment of interest. The three electrodes, which are made of the same material, are
called working, counter, and reference electrodes. Laboratory studies and field applications have shown that
different types of corrosion create different patterns of current and voltage fluctuations. By monitoring the EN
produced by corrosion on electrodes immersed in waste tanks, conditions for waste tank corrosion can be observed
in real-time.

In late 1995, the DOE’s Tanks Focus Area (TFA) launched an effort to develop EN technology for use in a wide
variety of tanks and with disparate chemistries. The initial deployment of this promising technology used fixed-
height, mast-mounted, systems for use by Hanford’s corrosion control program in carbon steel tanks containing
highly caustic waste. At the Savannah River Site (SRS), the EN technology was combined with Raman spectroscopy
in an adjustable height probe. The Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) added EN capability to one of their stainless steel
tanks containing caustic waste with a system similar to those deployed at Hanford. Most recently, a program was
initiated at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) to ascertain the applicability of
EN-based systems to stainless steel tanks containing acidic waste solutions with high concentrations of chlorides and
fluorides. This paper presents, for each of the DOE sites, a description of the EN development and probe designs,
the current status of the corrosion monitoring systems at the sites, and the planned activities for future EN

EN Technology

Aqueous corrosion is an electrochemical process that leads to the degradation of metallic surfaces. The corrosion
process proceeds by the formation of anodic and cathodic areas on the metallic surface. At the anodes, the metal
corrodes by an oxidation reaction with the solution constituents, while at cathodic areas a reduction reaction occurs,
such as oxygen reduction. During general corrosion these cathodic and anodic areas are continuously changing.
The overall surface potential and the localized currents are, therefore, also changing or fluctuating. EN-based
corrosion monitoring systems track these fluctuations in current and voltage over time from electrodes immersed in
an environment of interest.

Three electrodes are needed to make the EN measurements. Two electrodes are coupled to monitor the current that
flows between them. The electrodes are typically made of identical material, so that the corrosion process and
resulting potentials will be similar. However, the small potential differences lead to a small current flow (µA-mA)
that continuously fluctuates. The third electrode acts as the reference (often referred to as pseudo-reference) for the
potential measurements of the coupled electrodes. This electrode is generally of identical material as the coupled
electrodes so that potential measurements (mV) are also small.

Different patterns of current and voltage indicate different forms of active corrosion. Uniform corrosion EN data are
characterized by small random fluctuations of current and potential as discussed above. For pitting corrosion the EN
depends on the aggressiveness of the measured system. Singular pitting events in a system of very low
aggressiveness produce well-defined singular transients in the current and potential EN data. As the number of
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active pits on an electrode increases (increasing solution aggressiveness), the resolution of these individual transients
becomes more difficult and the EN data can approach the appearance of active uniform corrosion. Pit initiation
events produce different EN data than pit growth events. Pit initiation transients rise quickly from a baseline EN
fluctuation level and tend to have sharp points with rapid exponential decays back to the prior level of current and
potential. Pit growth also produces a sharp movement in current and potential, but this movement is followed by a
stable period of time at the newly attained level and then an exponential decay back to some baseline level seen
prior to the pitting event.

During SCC, large, simultaneous, sharp movements in potential and current followed by exponential decay back to a
baseline level characterize crack propagation EN data. Film rupture and crack advance followed by anodic
dissolution, repassivation, and other catalyzed reactions produce the transients in the EN data – typically larger than
transients associated with incipient pitting. The direction of a transient depends on the reactions that take place on
the new crack surface. SCC transients decrease in size and frequency as stress is reduced.

Crevice corrosion is manifested in EN data as a series of cyclic, regularly spaced spikes in current and potential that
start and stop as the crevice becomes active and inactive. Different systems produce different shaped transients in
different directions based on the reactions occurring in the mouth of the crevice.

Many techniques exist for EN data analysis. Techniques range from traditional statistical analysis methods, visual
inspection of raw data files, conversion of time domain data to frequency domain, and numerous other variations of
these basic forms. In practice, no single analysis technique is likely to be perfect for every system. Currently,
manual inspection of raw EN data is the primary mode of data analysis used within the DOE complex.



In October 1995, initial proof-of-principle laboratory work produced the technical basis for using EN-based systems
to monitor corrosion in Hanford's nuclear waste tanks (21). Program development was a joint venture including the
TFA, various Hanford tanks operating contractors, and HiLine Engineering and Fabrication, Inc (HiLine). Waste
storage tanks at Hanford are constructed of carbon steel and the wastes inside them are highly caustic. During this
effort, a prototype system was constructed and deployed in double shell tank 241-AZ-101 in August 1996 (22).
After the successful demonstration of this prototype, a larger full-scale system with more features was designed and
installed into tank 241-AN-107 in September 1997 (23). In August of 1998 the second full-scale system, similar to
the 241-AN-107 system, was designed, fabricated and installed in tank 241-AN-102 (24). A third system was
installed in tank 241-AN-105 in January 2000 (25). In January 2001 a fourth system was installed in tank 241-AN-
104 (26). In August 2001 a fifth probe, similar in design to the fourth system, was installed in tank 241-AN-107 to
replace the original system installed in 1997.

Since the initial installation in 1996, each successive design evolved to correct previous problems. Additionally,
each successive system has made better use of tank riser space by incorporating other equipment and monitoring
techniques on the probe body to compliment the existing corrosion monitoring components.

By the time the tank 241-AN-104 system was installed in January 2001, many of the technical issues identified on
previous systems had been resolved or mitigated. A decision was made to upgrade the aboveground electronics of
several of the other systems. These upgrades were accomplished during the balance of fiscal year 2001.
Additionally, all data collecton computers were reconfigured and housed in a single location.

Tank 241-AZ-101 Prototype System Description

Several design goals were established for the initial system. They included a minimum two-year system service life;
remote data acquisition and system control capability; minimal liquid retention of in-tank equipment for optimum
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decontamination; minimal sensitivity to temperatures up to 100ºC, pH ranges from 7 to 14, radiation levels up to
1000 R/hr, and liquid phase flow rates up to 1.0 m/s.

The prototype corrosion probe was constructed from 3.8-cm diameter AISI 304L stainless steel (UNS 30403) pipe
for extended service in the waste tank environment. The probe was sized for a nominal 10.2-cm diameter tank riser
and was approximately 10 meters long. It included three electrode arrays; two arrays were positioned to monitor
vapor space corrosion, and the third array was below the waste surface. Each electrode was a C-ring (ASTM G-38)
electrode and constructed of archived ASTM A537-Class 1 tank steel. The working electrode located in the waste
was pre-cracked and strained for detection of SCC. The other two electrodes in the array were not strained or pre-
cracked. The vapor space arrays were not pre-cracked, because pitting was the primary corrosion mechanism of

A shielded data cable extended through the interior length of the sealed pipe. For each electrode, a wire was
separated from the shielding and attached to the electrode. A commercially available glass to metal seal was used to
penetrate the probe tree pipe wall while maintaining electrical isolation between the electrodes and the pipe wall. A
gasket suitable for radiation environments isolated the electrodes from the glass-to-metal seals. The shielded cable
terminated at the top to the probe tree assembly in a weather-tight box. An above ground cable ran from the top of
the probe to the corrosion monitoring instrumentation.

The corrosion monitoring instrumentation was a commercially available electrochemical measurement system with
an eight channel multiplexer. Galvanic corrosion operating software for this system was customized and optimized
for EN data collection. Data were collected sequentially on the electrode arrays using three channels of the
multiplexer. Potential and current measurements were recorded once per second on the active array. Data were
typically collected for 600 seconds per channel. Post-collection data analysis was performed using internally
developed statistical analysis software and a commercial spreadsheet. Data acquisition was terminated on the vapor
space channels after nine months, as the EN system electronics did not have the necessary level of potential noise
sensitivity to record meaningful information from these electrodes. All remaining components were removed from
the tank in fiscal year 2000 for evaluation.

Although a great deal of data were collected from the single channel immersed in the waste, the instrument
sensitivity was deemed to be too low and monitoring was discontinued in 1999. Electrochemical current noise data
collected from this tank were of high quality, but the corresponding voltage noise data was not acceptable.

Tank 241-AN-107 System Description

Two requirements were changed from the AZ-101 prototype design for the original tank 241-AN-107 corrosion
monitoring system. The required years of service were extended to five years instead of two, and the remote data
acquisition and system control were through the local area network.

The AN-107 probe was constructed of two materials,

2.5-cm diameter schedule XXS AISI 304L pipe and 9.5- Working Weight Loss Coupons
cm diameter AISI 304L pipe. The 9.5-cm pipe was
filled with a low density concrete to serve as a shield
plug for the riser. The probe was approximately 16 m in
length. Along this length were four two-channel
electrode arrays. The arrays were placed for monitoring
in both the vapor space and waste. Of the total eight
arrays four had C-rings (ASTM G-38) and the other four
had bullet-shaped pin type electrodes (archived ASTM
A537 carbon steel). To assist in monitoring SCC, one Counter Pseudo-Ref
electrode of each C-ring array was pre-cracked and
strained prior to immersion in the waste. The
arrangement of the electrodes is shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1. Waste Tank 241-AN-107 electrode array.
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A 25-conductor full-shielded data cable extends through the length of the interior of the sealed pipe. The
connections were the same as described above for the tank 241-AZ-101 probe. The aboveground cabling utilizes a
grounded shield to protect the signal from external electrical interference and shunt-diode type intrinsic safety
barriers to meet site safety requirements for waste intrusive instrumentation. All intrinsic safety barriers, drain
wires, and the overall cable shielding are grounded to the tank riser at one location. The corrosion monitoring
instrumentation was originally a DENIS eight-channel corrosion monitoring system manufactured by Capcis March
Limited (CML). DENIS is a registered trademark of Capcis March Ltd., Manchester, UK.

Lack of funding restricted the data analysis to only that necessary to validate system performance. In 1998, data
from the 241-AN-107 system were finally analyzed. The data quality was low due to external electrostatic noise
picked up along the long data cable that leads from the in-tank probe to the data collection hardware housed outside
the tank farm. In fiscal year 2001, the probe, all aboveground hardware, software, cabinetry, and cabling was
removed and the system was reconfigured and reinstalled to match the Tank 241-AN-104 system described below.

Tank 241-AN-102 System Description

The features of the Tank 241-AN-102 corrosion monitoring system were similar to those for the Tank 241-AN-107
system, except for several significant changes. Improvements were made to the probe body, the data acquisition
software, and the signal processing instrumentation. The electrical feed-throughs to which the electrodes were
connected were angled to withstand probe flexure. Previously, a feed-through was perpendicular to the probe body,
which also made fabrication difficult. The probe was equipped with eight thermocouples and a waste high-level
detector. The probe body was grounded to shield against unwanted interference in the data.

New software and instrumentation were installed which, like the Tank 241-AN-107 system, simultaneously
monitored eight channels of EN electrodes. The new system was automated and could be configured by the user.
The operating software was also compatible with site standard desktop computers. The system was now housed in a
climate controlled building outside the tank farm. The remaining features were similar to previous probes including
a collection rate of one measurement per second, periodic performance of linear polar resistance scans, use of
intrinsic safety barriers for all conductors and eight electrodes array (four bullet type and four C-ring). Further
improvements were made to the data acquisition and transmission hardware after the initial installation.

Tank 241-AN-102 data revealed problems similar to those experienced with the 241-AN-107 system. Although the
new system software greatly accelerated the data analysis process, external noise and interference in the data
rendered the 241-AN-102 data questionable for use. These problems were associated with the data cable that
utilized bundles of unshielded twisted pair conductors. When replaced with shielded twisted pairs, the problems
associated with noise were eliminated.

The upgraded system matches the Tank 241-AN-105 system described below.

Tank 241-AN-105 System Description

The Tank 241-AN-105 corrosion monitoring system is a multi-function instrument and contains several features not
seen on previous Hanford systems. In addition to the eight channels of corrosion monitoring electrodes incorporated
on previous probes, the new system is also fitted with an array of 22 thermocouples, an adjustable height verification
thermocouple, a tank waste high-level detector, ports for pressure/gas sampling and a set of strain gauges to monitor
the effects of tank operations on the in-tank instrumentation. These features add a great deal of functionality to the
probe, provide for a better understanding of the relationship between corrosion and other tank operating parameters,
and optimize the use of the riser that houses the probe in the tank.

Other important improvements to the systems included passing both the structural analysis of mixer pump operation
evaluation and the standard seismic analysis for non-safety class equipment, during the design process. An
adjustable collar was added to the top of the probe so that the height could be changed during installation. A new
design was used for the attachment of the electrodes to the probe body, which minimizes the exposure of the O-ring
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gasket to the waste (See Figure 2). Above ground wiring was fitted with driven shields to reduce external
electrostatic noise in the data, and the system was linked to local area network to facilitate remote access.

The data collection software is an Amulet system manufactured by Corrosion & Condition Control, Ltd. The data
collection hardware is a CIS400 instrument from Petroleum Research and Production, Ltd. Data quality from this
system has been of high quality.

Tank 241-AN-104 System Description

The Tank 241-AN-104 corrosion monitoring system is identical to the 241-AN-105 system with the exception of the
analog data cable between the probe top and instrumentation and the addition of a water lance to facilitate
installation. On the Tank 241-AN-104 system, eight separate lengths (one per channel) of data cable are used to
transmit signals from probe electrodes to the data collection hardware This cable was selected to provide additional
physical separation between conductors.

Independent System Review

In May 2001, the EN-based corrosion monitoring program was reviewed by a panel of experts from academia and
industry to provide a path forward for the site for corrosion monitoring and integrity management of the tanks. The
corrosion monitoring program was reviewed in terms of readiness for transition to operations, technical issues, and
site integrity management issues. The panel issued a report in June 2001 that was generally favorable, but suggested
areas for improvement before EN-based corrosion monitoring can be incorporated in day-to-day operations. Many
of the technical findings matched those previously identified during an internal review. (27).

Specific recommendations from the external and internal reviews were as follows: (1) Develop and implement a
long-term integrated tank integrity management plan which incorporates corrosion monitoring, non-destructive
testing, and tank waste sampling/analysis; (2) Provide continuous funding for this program commensurate with long-
term integrated program needs; (3) Conduct further laboratory work to develop or refine EN signal recognition and
data reduction methodologies, to evaluate SCC detection and characterization, and to characterize gasket failure; (4)
Conduct full-scale mockup testing of systems in available cold tank and/or well facilities; and (5) Conduct forensic
analysis and investigations on probes removed from service.



Real-time corrosion and chemistry data are necessary at SRS during waste processing since the tank and waste
conditions are dynamic. Starting in 1997, the SRS began developing a remote, real-time monitoring probe for
measuring the concentration of waste constituents which impact the tank corrosion and, in 1998 added the capability
for detecting corrosion in high level waste tanks. The SRS probe incorporates two technologies: laser Raman
spectroscopy (RS) for chemical analysis, and electrochemical noise (EN) for corrosion monitoring. Integration of
these two technologies into one probe has the advantage of correlating real-time information of waste inhibitor
concentrations and corrosion in an actual radioactive tank waste environment. Additionally, a deployable, variable-
height sensor, such as this probe, provides the capability of waste characterization and corrosion monitoring as a
function of depth and a more complete characterization of conditions. Probe development for SRS is a joint project
of the Department of Energy Tanks Focus Area, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, the Savannah River
Technology Center, EIC Laboratories, Inc. (EIC), and HiLine.

Waste tank corrosion monitoring and control at SRS is currently provided by process knowledge, extensive
laboratory test results (which were obtained from simulated wastes) and chemical analyses of tank grab samples.
The procedure for pulling a tank grab sample involves numerous steps, puts personnel at risk to exposure, and takes
up to one month for results. The limitations of the current system in providing accurate information of the tank
corrosion and waste conditions ultimately limits the assessments of tank structural integrity and overall safety. The
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benefit of the SRS probe for real-time information of changing tank and waste conditions will reduce the need and
cost associated with manual sampling, reduce the risk of personnel exposure, and improve the analysis of tank
structural integrity and safety.

Monitoring Technologies

The laser RS technology was optimized to measure the primary waste constituents involved in corrosion of the SRS
high-level waste tanks, specifically nitrate, nitrite, and hydroxide. The detection ranges for these anions are 0.02-3.2
M for nitrate, 0.05-3.0 M for nitrite, and 0.03-13.4 M for hydroxide. Other polyatomic molecules, such as sulfates,
carbonates and chromates, could also be detected, but their detection was not optimized for the SRS probe. Raman
analyses of waste tank anions in actual SRS tank waste have been conducted previously (28). The results indicated
seven polyatomic anion, including nitrate, nitrite, and hydroxide, were readily analyzed with the RS technique.
Another important result was that fluorescence was found not to interfere in obtaining quantitative data for anion

RS is an optical technique that produces a unique spectrum for every molecule, which results from inelastic
scattered light collected for each molecule. In general, the spectral features for each molecule are sharp. Multiple
components of mixtures can often be differentiated without physically separating them because of these
“fingerprint” spectra. Although a full Raman instrument is unsuitable for in-tank deployment, small, flexible fiber
optic probes connected to the instrument can be readily delivered into the tanks for in situ monitoring.

The EN technology, which is similar to that described previously for the Hanford probes, measures over time the
instantaneous current and potential difference fluctuations that occur between three identical electrodes. These low
frequency signals are from the interactions of the electrodes with the exposure solution, including corrosion. For
SRS, the primary corrosion mechanisms of concern are general, pitting and SCC. Generally, the noise signals have
a characteristic pattern for different corrosion processes. Previous laboratory work performed in SRS simulated
waste solutions showed that EN was feasible for use in high-level waste tank chemistries (29). Prior to choosing the
corrosion monitoring technique, other techniques were evaluated, but did not provide the flexibility and simplicity of

SRS Probe Configuration

The SRS probe was required to be a height-adjustable measurement system because the primary use of the probe is
for active tanks in which the waste composition is changing due to frequent additions and removals. The system
was designed as a moveable probe head on a flexible cable. The cable is deployed from a reel mechanism housed in
a confinement chamber on top of the tank riser to protect against radioactive contamination on the tank top. The
cable connects to the reel hub from which the measurement cables run to the instrument trailer.

A multi-layered flexible cable is attached to the reel and houses the electrical, fiber optic and pneumatic cables and
lines. The cable consists of a 2.54 cm (1-inch ID) corrugated stainless steel conduit for water tightness with an
exterior stainless steel sheathing for structural support. The stainless steel conduit was chosen to resist the chemical
environment of the waste. A polyolefin coating is the outer layer and provides an additional barrier to waste
intrusion. The flexible cable houses the various leads for both the EN and RS techniques. There are two electrical
cables for EN, and two fiber optic cables and a pneumatic tube for RS. Each electric cable contains two shielded
twisted pairs of 22 gauge electric wire. One cable is for each electrode set. The fiber optic cables are for the
excitation laser and signal collection. The pneumatic tube provides a way to introduce calibrating solutions,
cleaning water, vacuum, and pressure to the RS sample chamber.

The flexible cable attaches to the top of the probe head with a swivel swag lock fitting. An early schematic of the
probe body, which shows the internal layout of the probe head, is shown in Figure 2. The electrical wires separate
from a cable and go to one of the electrodes. The wire for each electrode is soldered to the back of electrical feed
through for the electrode. One of the electrical cables is for each probe set. The feed through, which was designed
by Hi-Line, is placed into the sidewall of the probe head and secured with an O-ring and a collet ring. The bullet-
shaped electrode screws on the external post of the feed-through with another O-ring that isolates the electrode from
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the probe body. This design allows for ease of assembly without jeopardizing the leak tightness of the probe head.
The final design differed slightly from the preliminary schematic shown.


Fiber optic



SS Filter
RamanProbe window

Fig. 2. Savannah River combined probe head schematic.

The electrodes are made from materials similar to the materials of construction for the waste tank wall and cooling
coils. Archived materials from the actual construction were not available so the electrodes were fabricated from
new stock material. One set was made from A537 carbon steel representing the tank wall; the other set was made
from A106 carbon steel representing the cooling coils. The surfaces of the electrodes have a 600-grit finish so they
will have a minimal oxide layer. Since these materials are in a pristine condition, they do not replicate the tank wall
surface. Depending on the location, the tank wall has a build up of oxide, corrosion products, salt residues, and
sludge resulting from the exposure to various waste streams for more than twenty years. However, the electrodes
are expected to provide a conservative response since the metal surface is directly exposed to the waste.

The probe head is constructed of two stainless steel pieces, which have a screw connection. The upper pipe section
supports the EN electrodes and houses the various wires and tubes. After assembly of the probe head the upper
section was filled with a silicone rubber potting material. The RS probe and sample chamber are contained in the
lower section along with the thermocouple. The RS laser probe fits snugly into the lower section. The laser window
is oriented toward the sample chamber separated by a sapphire window. The polyethylene tube is connected to the
top of the sample chamber. The tube provides a path for the calibrating solution, air to remove chamber contents,
and vacuum to fill the chamber with waste. The bottom of the chamber has a filter for removing solids from the
waste sample.

Monitoring Instrumentation

The data acquisition instrumentation for EN consists of an intrinsic safety barrier (ISB), voltage and current
measuring unit (corrosion rack), and a control computer for data storage and analysis. The layout for the system is
such that the analog voltage and current signals from the electrodes pass through an ISB to the corrosion rack. A
computer that contains the data acquisition software is connected to the corrosion rack by an RS232 cable. Up to 40
megabytes of data can be temporarily stored in the corrosion rack prior to transfer to the computer. The ISB protects
the wiring and electrodes from any fault that occurs in the instrumentation or line voltage. Because the interior of
the tank contains some hydrogen (although below the flammability limit) the ISB provides a preventive safety
measure. The ISB contains four 2-channel shunt diode safety barriers; two shunt diodes for each set of electrodes.
The three electrode leads and the grounding wire for the cable pass through the ISB. The electrodes are connected
to the grounding bar in the ISB that is connected to the current unit ground. Thus, grounding for all parts of the
system are to the same location.

The RS instrumentation consists of an echelle spectrograph, laser, and pumps. An EIC echelle spectrograph with a
thermoelectrically cooled charge coupled device (CCD) detector will be used for Raman spectral acquisition. The
data acquisition software (RS2000) was developed by EIC and will be used with Galactic Industries Grams/32
version 5 software for spectral processing. The RS2000 and Grams/32 are linked via dynamic data exchange
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(DDE). A Process Instruments, Inc. (Salt Lake City, UT) 670 nm laser will be used for Raman excitation. Both
laser and spectrograph will be fiber optically coupled to the Raman probe via the 90-foot length of optical fiber
cable. The two optical fibers are a 90 µm core silica fiber for transmitting the laser to the sample chamber and a 200
µm core silica fiber for transmitting the collected Raman signal.



Through the TFA, the development of an EN corrosion monitoring system was initiated for ORNL. ORNL
personnel in conjunction with the Hanford EN consultant (HiLine) developed and implemented a program from
laboratory proof-of-principal experiments to deployment in less than two years. Late in 1999, initial proof-of-
principle requirements for laboratory testing were identified to confirm the technical basis for using EN-based
systems to monitor corrosion in nuclear waste tanks for ORR. Functions and requirements for deployment of a
probe in a specific tank, Tank W-23, were also identified. The probe was installed into Tank W-23 during mid-

The ORR waste tanks differ significantly from those at Hanford. Tank W-23 is a 50,000-gallon waste tank
fabricated from welded 304L stainless-steel plates. The tank measures approximately 3.66 m (12 feet) in diameter
and 18.59 m (61 feet) in length. It is housed in a concrete vault lined with stainless steel in the Bethel Valley
Evaporator Storage Tank (BVEST) facility near the center of the ORNL complex (30). The BVEST facility is used
to collect liquid low-level (LLLW) waste from waste stream producers at ORNL. The LLLW is reduced in volume
through processing at an evaporator prior to being moved to the BVEST facility. Tank W-23 is primarily used as a
storage tank for LLLW but can also serve as a feed tank for the evaporator. Because of its role as a storage tank that
could see waste streams of varying composition, Tank W-23 was an ideal tank for the application of on-line
corrosion monitoring. In particular, there was interest expressed in the potential corrosion of welded areas of the

Laboratory Testing Program

Prior to the fabrication and deployment of the Tank W-23 system, a testing program was developed to generate
baseline data that could be used to assist in the analysis of data collected from the actual in-tank system following its
deployment. Testing focused on the behavior of 304L in normal tank waste solutions.

A variety of 304L and welded 304L electrode geometries were exposed to several simulated waste and pit-inducing
solutions. (Table I shows a summary of tests performed.) All tests were performed at a constant temperature of
22°C. In all tests, EN data were collected from three-electrode channels at a rate of one simultaneous measurement
of current and potential per second. Electrodes were electrically isolated from electrode holders with peroxide-cured
EPDM O-ring type gaskets and glass-lined feed-throughs similar to those that will be used on an actual in-tank
probe. The field instrumentation was used to collect, store, and process data. Short lengths of cable were used for
each channel to collect the analog corrosion signal from the test cell and transmit it to the corrosion monitoring
instrumentation. Approximately 60-foot cables were used in the field. Since the field system demands intrinsic
safety barriers on all tank-penetrating conductors, laboratory testing also used shunt-diode type intrinsic safety
barriers. The test results produced EN data for uniform corrosion and pitting corrosion that validated results from
tests previously performed by others. SCC EN data were recorded in the ORNL corrosion probe development

Tank W-23 System

The ORNL Tank W-23 corrosion monitoring system is formed from two basic parts: the in-tank instrument tree and
the ex-tank instrumentation. The in-tank instrument tree is used to deploy corrosion monitoring electrodes into the
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Table I: Summary of EN tests performed at ORNL

Test Test Duration Test Solution Electrode Geometry Electrode Surface Area
1 10/17/00 – 10/24/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L Bullet Shaped Electrodes ~20 cm2
2 10/17/00 – 10/24/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L C-rings ~47 cm2
3 10/17/00 – 10/24/00 Simulated W-23 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons ~31 cm2
4 10/17/00 – 10/24/00 Simulated W-23 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons with Autogenous Weld ~31 cm2
5 10/24/00 – 10/26/00 100 mg/L FeCl3 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons ~31 cm2
6 10/24/00 – 10/26/00 10 mg/L FeCl3 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons ~31 cm2
7 10/24/00 – 10/26/00 1 mg/L FeCl3 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons ~31 cm2
8 10/24/00 – 10/26/00 0.1 mg/L FeCl3 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons ~31 cm2
9 10/26/00 – 10/29/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L Bullet Shaped Electrodes ~20 cm2
10 10/26/00 – 10/29/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L C-rings ~47 cm2
11 10/26/00 – 11/02/00 100 g/L NaCl 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons with Autogenous Weld ~31 cm2
12 10/26/00 – 11/02/00 10 g/L NaCl 1" x 2" 304L Flat Coupons with Autogenous Weld ~31 cm2
13 10/29/00 – 11/02/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L Bullet Shaped Electrodes with ~20 cm2
Waste 308L Weld Band
14 10/29/00 – 11/02/00 Simulated W-23 1" Diameter 304L Bullet Shaped Electrodes with ~20 cm2
Waste 308L Weld Band

tank. General in-tank design features include, but are not limited to, the following: the probe is fabricated from
304/304L dual rated stainless steel; the probe is designed to fit through a 10.2-cm (4.0 in.) diameter riser; the probe
design facilitates decontamination by minimizing areas of liquid retention; all materials are capable of withstanding
temperature ranges up to 100°C; all materials are capable of withstanding liquid phase pH ranges from 7 to 14; all
materials are capable of withstanding radiation levels up to 1000 R/hr; conductor/feed-through connections are
angled to withstand probe flexure; system collects SCC EN data from two channels of 304L C-ring type electrodes;
one electrode of each C-ring array is pre-cracked and strained prior to immersion; system collects pitting EN data
from two channels of 304L "bullet" type electrodes; bullet electrodes are fabricated from two pieces of 304L bar
stock welded with 308L filler prior to final machining; EPDM O-ring gaskets are used to electrically isolate
electrodes from probe body; and, the probe body serves as grounded shield to reduce unwanted interference in the

The following are the primary design features of the ex-tank instrumentation software/hardware used to collect data
from the in-tank instrument tree: current and voltage EN data are collected in an automated, user configurable
fashion; system simultaneously monitors four channels of EN electrodes (not multiplexed); system is capable of
periodically conducting LPR scans at user-configurable intervals; data collection hardware is housed in a custom
enclosure placed in a climate controlled instrument building adjacent to BVEST W-23; data are stored locally on
data collection computer for analysis; above ground wiring uses driven shields to reduce external electrostatic noise
pickup; shunt-diode type intrinsic safety barriers are used on all tank-penetrating conductors; the operating software
is compatible with site standard desktop PCs; and all data is stored in ODBC and SQL compatible databases.

System Operation

Since its installation, the Tank W-23 EN system has collected over 14 million points of data on the four channels
being monitored. Table II shows the configuration of each of the eight channels on the in-tank probe.

In general, the Tank W-23 corrosion monitoring system is behaving as expected and collecting data on a full-time
basis with no obvious external electrical interference or data corruption. Upon installation of the in-tank probe, all
channels behaved as predicted. Channels one and two did not show a great disturbance in corrosion behavior since
the electrodes did not enter the waste. Channels three and four reacted to their introduction to the waste with a large
WM’02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ- pg. 11

transient in current and voltage and followed by a slow passivation process that started equilibrating after five weeks
of operation.

Table II: Tank W-23 corrosion probe electrode layout and descriptions

Channel Distance from Top of Riser Electrode Type Environment Can Detect
1 79.5" Bullet Tank Vapor Space Pitting
2 118.25" C-ring Tank Vapor Space Pitting and Stress Corrosion
3 157" Bullet Supernate Pitting
4 195.75" C-ring Supernate Pitting and Stress Corrosion

Field data collected on channels one and two through the first five weeks of operation indicate periods of corrosion
when atmospheric humidity is sufficient to coat the electrodes with enough electrolyte to allow the conduction of
current. These time periods are intermittent in nature, but become more consistent over time as the electrode
surfaces form thicker passive layers which facilitate the retention of moisture. However, no laboratory data on
electrodes immersed in this vapor space environment or a simulated vapor space environment has been collected to
verify this hypothesis.

Field data collected on channels three and four through the first five weeks of operation show EN data indicative of
low rates of uniform corrosion. This result is consistent with tank design considerations (304L selected as tank
material for corrosion resistance) and with data collected on 304L electrodes immersed in simulated Tank W-23
waste. Field data does contain the occasional transient that is thought to be indicative of pit initiation. This result is
consistent with laboratory data done in support of the development of the field system. The occasional pit initiation
transients in the field data are similar to the transients from the lab data. These type of transients did not result in
any gross damage to the surface of the electrodes used in laboratory waste simulant testing and are therefore
unlikely to be indicative of the onset of corrosion damage in the tank. No pit growth transients have been recorded
in the field data. The EN transients that stand out from the background are not necessarily associated with pit
initiation or other corrosion phenomena. Other surface disturbances such as gas bubble formation and release can
create transients in EN data.



Starting in 2001, the TFA provided funding to AEA Technologies to perform initial studies using an EN-based
corrosion monitoring system in simulated INEEL tank waste. This waste differs from all other DOE high-level
waste. Engineers from SRS, Hanford and HiLine have provided INEEL with technical support in defining the
testing program and equipment selection.

Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) was reprocessed at the INEEL from 1953 through 1992. This reprocessing produced
mixed liquid waste, which was stored in the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) tank farm.
This tank farm consists of eleven, 300,000-gallon stainless steel tanks placed within underground concrete vaults.
The waste tanks were constructed from 1951 to 1964 and were put into radioactive liquid waste service from 1953 to
1966. The first two tanks (WM-180 and -181) were constructed of 347 stainless steel with the remaining tanks
(WM-182 through WM-190) constructed out of 304L stainless steel. From 1963 through 2000, most of this liquid
waste was removed from the tank farm and solidified through a calcination process.

Two types of liquid waste have been stored, high-level waste and sodium bearing waste (SBW). The composition of
the high-level waste was dependent on the SNF type being processed (aluminum, stainless steel or zircalloy
cladding). The SBW resulted from processing and decontamination activities that made extensive use of sodium-
based chemicals such as sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate. Approximately 960,000 gallons of predominately
SBW wastes are still stored in the INTEC tanks. The INTEC wastes have been generally characterized by large
WM’02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ- pg. 12

concentrations of nitrates and dissolved metals such as aluminum, potassium, and sodium with small concentrations
of sulfates, chlorides, chromium and nickel. A typical SBW composition is shown in Table III (31).

Table III. Typical Sodium Bearing Waste Chemistry

Major Species Molarity Major Species Molarity Major Species Molarity

Acid (H+) 1.28 Potassium (K) 0.17 Nitrate (NO3) 4.50
Aluminum (Al) 0.57 Iron (Fe) 0.002 Sulfate (SO4) 0.043
Boron (B) 0.017 Mercury (Hg) 0.0013 Uranium (U) 66.4 (mg/L)
Cadmium (Cd) 0.001 Fluoride (F) 0.04 Undissolved Solids 2.4 (g/L)
Sodium (Na) 1.50 Chloride (Cl) 1000 (mg/L) Liquid Density 1.25 g/mL

Small amounts of fission products and transuranic elements are also in the waste. The Cl- and F- ions can cause
localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel alloys. The tanks also contain solids found in a
sludge layer on the tank bottom and adhere to the tank walls in some of the tanks.

The corrosion-monitoring program for these tanks has consisted of remote visual inspections using video cameras
and retrieval of corrosion coupons for determining corrosion rates and localized corrosion tendencies. The historical
corrosion performance of the tanks through 1988 has shown very low rates of general corrosion (5.3 X 10-2
mils/year maximum) with no evidence of localized corrosion such as pitting or stress corrosion cracking (32-35).
However, recent inspections of corrosion coupons in tanks WM-183 and WM-187 revealed initiation of pitting
(36,37). Tank WM-183 is being taken out of service but WM-187 (along with tanks WM-180,-181,-188 and -189)
will see continued service for an estimated twenty years. It should be noted that the two oldest tanks (WM-180 and
-181) would continue in service.

Background - AEA Technology EN Work

A program was recently initiated to ascertain the applicability of EN-based systems to stainless steel tanks
containing acidic waste solutions containing high concentrations of chlorides and fluorides. AEA Technologies
conducted the laboratory research program which included procurement and setup of Concerto equipment. The
system is similar to those installed at the other DOE sites. The work involved initial baseline data of 304L stainless
steel in nitric acid chemistry (Table IV), and testing of a simulated INEEL SBW waste (Table V)(38).

Table IV. Initial Baseline Testing

Test No. Solution Temperature Time Electrode Surface Coupons

1A Nitric Acid 25 °C 5 days Cylindrical pins (5 cm2) Smooth (1200 grit) None
1B Nitric Acid 50 °C 5 days Cylindrical pins (5 cm2) Smooth (1200 grit) None

Table V. Baseline Testing of Simulant Solutions

Test No. Solution Temperature Time Electrode Surface Coupons

2A Simulant solution 25 °C 10 days Cylindrical pins (5 Smooth (1200 grit) After 2, 5, 10 days
2B Simulant solution 50 °C 10 days Cylindrical pins (5 Smooth (1200 grit) After 2, 5, 10 days

Table VI describes additional tests that evaluated EN response to sample surface finish and stress state.
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Table VI. Simulant Testing, Effect of Sample Configuration

Test No. Solution Temperature Time Electrode Surface Coupons

3A Simulant solution 25 °C 2 days Cylindrical pins (5 cm2) Rough (120 grit) After 2 days
3B Simulant solution 50 °C 2 days Cylindrical pins (5 cm2) Rough (120 grit) After 2 days
3C Simulant solution 25 °C 5 days Open tube (20 mm Smooth (1200 grit) After 5 days
3D Simulant solution 50 °C 5 days Open tube (20 mm Smooth (1200 grit) After 5 days
3E Simulant solution 25 °C 5 days Stressed C (20 mm Smooth (1200 grit) After 5 days
3F Simulant solution 50 °C 5 days Stressed C (20 mm Smooth (1200 grit) After 5 days

Research Results

Phase 1 (1A, 1B) -- The response of 304L stainless steel to nitric acid at 25 and 50° was expected to show
passivation of the metal surface with very low rates of general corrosion. The current plot at 25° C is stable and
featureless. The current plot at 50°exhibited more fluctuations. SEM examination of the test electrodes showed
possible pit initiation at 25°C and some pit initiation at 50°C.

Phase 2 (2A,2B) -- The EN results were difficult to interpret due to difficulties with data analysis of the larger files.
The SEM micrographs of the test electrodes at 25 and 50°exhibited some pit and crevice corrosion initiation. The
removable corrosion coupons showed no evidence of localized corrosion with very few surface features evident.

Phase 3 (3A, 3B) -- The system had not fully equilibrated at the end of the two-day test. The EN plots at the end of
the test show rapid, microscopic variation in the current signal. This could be related to localized corrosion initiation
events. The SEM micrographs of the electrodes at 25 and 50°C show pit initiation and crevice corrosion in the
rough surface. The removable corrosion coupons showed no visible corrosion.

Phase 3 (3C, 3D, 3E and 3F) --The statistical evaluation of the data shows that these systems had just come to
equilibrium at the end of the test period. The EN plots at the end of the test again showed rapid, microscopic
variation in the current signal. One stressed C-ring electrode (3C at 25°) showed evidence of crack initiation
indicative of stress corrosion cracking near the bottom of the v-notch. The removable corrosion coupons showed no
visible corrosion.


The Hanford corrosion monitoring system design has evolved steadily since the prototype probe was installed in
1996. An effort has been made with each successive design to correct problems detected with previously installed
systems. Additionally, each successive system has made better use of tank riser space by incorporating other pieces
of equipment on the probe body to compliment the existing corrosion monitoring components.

Currently, data are being collected from the four systems installed in the 241-AN tank farm at Hanford. Data are
collected full-time, on a once-every-other-second basis on each channel of each system (one simultaneous
measurement of current noise and voltage noise every other second on each channel on each system). Data is
logged locally on the computer associated with each in-tank probe. Data are checked at least once per day to verify
system operation. Troubleshooting and system resets are performed as necessary. Each week, data is downloaded
from each system and processed using the operating software. Periodically, findings of these analyses are reported
to management. Currently, all data downloading, processing, analysis and reporting is handled by the engineering
organization or its subcontractors.

In 2001, the Hanford EN-based corrosion monitoring program was reviewed by a panel of experts from academia
and industry to provide a path forward for the site for corrosion monitoring and integrity management of the tanks.
WM’02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ- pg. 14

The review panel found that further basic development is still necessary, particularly in the areas of data
interpretation, sensor refinement and equipment reliability. Additionally, the site needs to generate a clear vision
and integration plan for the data produced by the corrosion monitoring systems prior to turnover to operations.

Through the Tanks Focus Area the lessons learned from the development of the Hanford EN probe systems have
been applied to the development of probes for SRS and ORNL, as well as preliminary research for INEEL
applications. Although site deployment conditions dictate specific design differences the basic system considerations
have been incorporated into systems for the other sites.

The combined probe for SRS underwent a thorough cold demonstration during 2001 and installation on Tank 43 is
planned for mid-2002. The deployment platform will be mounted on Tank 43-H with the ex-tank systems installed
in a mobile trailer located in close proximity to the tank top.

The system for ORR was deployed in BVEST tank W-23 on June 21, 2001 and is operating successfully. Prior to
the fabrication and deployment of the Tank W-23 system, laboratory testing was performed to characterize the
behavior of 304L stainless steel in simulated Tank W-23 waste solutions. This testing was performed primarily to
support field data interpretation. Testing at ORNL produced EN data for uniform corrosion and pitting corrosion
that validated results from tests previously performed by others. In general, the Tank W-23 corrosion monitoring
system is behaving as expected and collecting data on a full-time basis with no obvious external electrical
interference or data corruption.

At INEEL, the results from the preliminary test program show the 304L stainless steel alloys passivate and show
low currents and no signal features in nitric acid exposure. The EN signal features increase with exposure to
simulated SBW and the temperature increase from 25 to 50°C. There were anomalies in pitting and crevice
initiation tendencies between the electrodes and the removable samples. The initial testing of the stressed C-ring
electrodes was not able to identify a characteristic signature for SCC . The un-stressed C-ring experiments indicated
a gradual evolution of the electrochemical potential and current. SEM microscopy identified one stressed C-ring
electrode that exhibited SCC behavior as compared to passive behavior in the other stressed and unstressed C-ring
electrodes. Recommendations for additional work include: 1) Potentiodynamic testing of the alloys used for
electrodes and coupons to establish baseline localized corrosion performance 2) Perform testing in known,
aggressive environments where pitting and SCC would occur to establish baseline EN signatures 3) Perform
additional work on data handling of large data sets, storage, export, and numerical processing,

The AEA Technologies testing has demonstrated that EN measurements can be made with the austenitic stainless
steels used in the INEEL HLW tank construction when exposed to simulated waste solutions. The program will
continue with additional testing at AEA Technology and the INEEL. The program goal is to design and fabricate an
EN system for deployment in an INEEL HLW tank.


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10. Hladky, K. and J. L. Dawson, Corrosion Science 22, (1982): p. 231.

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Dawson, (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1996) p. 173.
20. Lotto, C.A. and R.A. Cottis, Corrosion 45, (1989): p. 136.
21. Edgemon, G.L. and G.E.C. Bell, Technical Basis for Electrochemical Noise Based Corrosion Monitoring of
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22. Edgemon, G.L., J.L. Nelson, P.C. Ohl, and G.E.C. Bell, Hanford Prototype Corrosion Probe Operational
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23. Edgemon, G.L., J.L. Nelson, and G.E.C. Bell, Design of an Electrochemical Noise Based Corrosion Monitoring
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28. Marston, A.L., Nuclear Technology, 25, 576 (1975).
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D.L. Reichert, and J.L. Dawson, (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1996) p. 201.
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31. Palmer, W.B., et al, INTEC Waste Management Through 2070, INEEL/EXT-2000-01005, Idaho National
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WM’02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ- pg. 16

36. Dirk, W.J. and L.L. Torres, Corrosion Evaluation of INTEC Waste Storage Tank WM-183, INEEL/EXT-01-
00262, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, March 2001
37. INEEL Interoffice Memorandum, T.S. Yoder to M.W. Patterson, “Interim Results From Visual Inspection of
WM-187 Corrosion Coupons”, Uniform File Code: 6153.101.27, Dated October 11, 2001
38 Christian, J.D., Composition and Simulation of Tank WM-180- Sodium-Bearing Waste at the Idaho Nuclear
Technology and Engineering Center, INEEL/EXT-2001-00600, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental
Laboratory, April 2001

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