Certificat ISO 9001-2008
Certificat ISO 9001-2008
Certificat ISO 9001-2008
c are implementat i men ine un
sistem de management al calit ii
which has implemented and maintains a
quality management system
conform condiiilor din standardul
which fulfils the requirements of the standard
Director General
ing. Mihaela Cristea
ISO 9001 : 2008
SRAC CERT S.R.L. - Str. Vasile Prvan, nr. 14, sector 1, Bucureti, ROMNIA WWW.SRAC.RO
certific organiza ia
certifies the organization
Nr. Certificat
Valabil pn la
(Certificate Registration No)
(Valid until)
Initial certification date) Data iniial a certificrii
Data recertificrii
(Reissuing date)
: 8172 / 1
: 28 noiembrie 2013
: 28 noiembrie 2016
29 noiembrie 2010
pentru urm toarele activit i
for the following field of activities
Sediul social: Bd. Preciziei, nr. 28, sector 6, Bucureti
Proiectare, fabricare i comercializare, service produse extrudate, injectate,
sudate, strunjite din materiale termoplastice. Achiziie, comercializare de
sisteme i echipamente conexe pentru reele de ap, gaz, canalizare,
telecomunicaii, instalaii termice i sanitare
Design, manufacturing and sale, servicing of extruded, molded, welded,
turned products made of thermoplastic materials. Acquisition, sale of
related systems and equipment for water, gas, sewerage,
telecommunications networks, heating and sanitary installations
pentru urm toarele activit i
for the following field of activities
Sediul de lucru: Str. Biruinei, nr. 151, Pantelimon, jud. Ilfov
Fabricarea, comercializarea de produse rotoformate din materiale termoplastice
Manufacturing, sale of rotoformed products made of thermoplastic materials
IQNet and
hereby certify that the organization
Registered Office: Bd. Preciziei, nr. 28, sector 6, Bucureti
for the following field of activities
Design, manufacturing and sale, servicing of extruded, molded, welded,
turned products made of thermoplastic materials. Acquisition, sale of
related systems and equipment for water, gas, sewerage,
telecommunications networks, heating and sanitary installations
Productive Unit: Str. Biruinei, nr. 151, Pantelimon, jud. Ilfov
for the following field of activities
Manufacturing, sale of rotoformed products made of thermoplastic materials
has implemented and maintains a
Quality Management System
which fulfils the requirements of the following standard
ISO 9001 : 2008
Issued on : 2013 - 11 - 28
Validity date : 2016 - 11 - 28
Registration Number : RO - 8172
Michael Drechsel
President of IQNet
ing. Mihaela Cristea
SRAC General Manager
IQNet Partners*:
AENOR Spain AFNOR Certification France AIB-Vinotte International Belgium ANCE-SIGE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus
CISQ Italy CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany DS Denmark
FCAV Brazil FONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia IMNC Mexico INNORPI Tunisia
Inspecta Certification Finland IRAM Argentina JQA Japan KFQ Korea MIRTEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway
NSAI Ireland PCBC Poland Quality Austria Austria RR Russia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS International Malaysia
SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia
IQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc.
* The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updated information is available under www.iqnet-certification.com