Asteroid 1618

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a modular role play scenario for ENCOUNTER CRITICAL (second corrected edition)

By A.J. Putman

Vanth Subsector.....4
Psycho/Magical Index.....10
Asteroid 1618.....11
Environmental Rules.....18
Domed City.....20
New Equipment....29
13 Adventure Ideas...30
Shattered Dome.....33
Abandoned Towns.....36
Haunted Mine.....41
Random Monsters.....45
The Vanishing Pyramid.....46
Characters of Note.....64
Armor Rules.....73
Misc. Warlockery.....74
New Monsters.....75
Pugilist Class.....76
Stock Characters.....78
Additional Rules.....79
Blank Character Sheet.....82


Author: A.J. Putman

Additional Assistance: Dave Bergan Reginald Mallard, Duck of Adventure
Covert Art: Alex Guilder
Cover Logo: A.J. Putman
Interior Illustrations: David Cunninghan, Christian Conkle, A.J. Putman, Alton "Sir Chicken"
Wayne. Chris Ferddy, Alex Guilder, Jill Jergins
Playtesters: Various members of the Fantazmatron Science Fiction & Fantasy Club and the Oshkosh
Simulation Society
Special Thanks to Hank Riley and Jim Ireland, without whom this would never have been written.

"Dedicated to my Uncle Jim."


The adventure you hold in your hands is the product of eighteen months of intensive play,
involving over 40 sessions of game time, untold hours of preparation, and the countless heroic
exploits by over 2 dozen role play enthusiasts. The development of Asteroid 1618 began when
another game moderator ended a science fiction campaign leaving the players begging for more.
Suddenly I found myself the subject of intense pleading and even outright begging. These players
needed to get their fix of scifi adventure and I obliged, adding a third ongoing campaign to my
schedule. Meanwhile my original ENCOUNTER CRITICAL playgroup had grown dissatisfied with the
small mudball known as Vanth, and were eager to seek further adventure among the stars. I
decided to kill two birds with one stone by developing a planethopping setting for ENCOUNTER
CRITICAL, aplace where both travellers from other stars and barbarians from Vanth could find seek
their fame and fortune. The result has been the longest running and most exciting role play
campaign in the history of the Fantazmatron Science Fiction & Fantasy Club! And now a brief
glimpse into that world is available for you, as a broad tableaux in which to find your own path
to glory.

Journey Masters not interested in refereeing spaceship battles will certainly be able to find other
ways of using the bulk of the material presented here. The enigmatic Vanishing Pyramid might
appear in your already extant campaign setting and whisk your group away to Asteroid 1618, as it
did the infamous Sir Chicken and his rowdy associates. Or perhaps a mystical Bronze Door will
allow adventurers to walk between worlds, in the manner by which the characters in David Bergan's
Barsoomian themed MAZES & MINOTAURS project were able to "guest star" for seven earth shattering
sessions of the original Vanth Subsector campaign. Or, like certain a certain band of star
smugglers, a particularly bad misjump might cause their vessel to crash somewhere on the surface
of the asteroid. I hope they come down on the sunlit side! Whatever device allows you to bring
your party to Asteroid 1618 and its neighboring worlds, your players are in for a treat. A
thousand glittering wonders and deadly dangers await them!

If you are an EC player and your Journey Master intends to use the situations outline in this book
then I urge you to READ NO FURTHER. Don't ruin the surpise by reading the adventure before you
live it! Journey Masters are advised to make subtle alterations to the contents of this adventure
both to put his own individual stamp on the material and to discourage overzealous players from
relying on unfair research. The combination of an enthusiastic game moderator and intrigued but
essentially ignorant players is the cornerstone of excellent adventure role play. For maximum
enjoyment the players should only experience this adventure through the eyes of their characters.
I hope they love it, I know my players did!

A.J. Putnam


Humanity first travelled to Vanth Subsector approximately 6,000 ago, arriving across the emptiness
of the Glittering Vast via subluminal coldsleeper and multigenerational ships. At the time of this
Great Migration the existence of the Stardragon menace and their proximity to the subsector were
not yet known. So, too, the Vulkin Star Empire was an unknown. In those early days the men and
women of Vulkinas IV were not capable of manned multiparsec flight and their nascent Empire
consisted only of those habitable worlds orbiting Vulkin Prime and its sister suns, Vulkin Alpha
and Vulkin Beta.

Initial successes in colonization of the subsector were checked by a new mating cycle of the
Stardragons, which blasted several human colonies back to the stone age and utterly destroyed
others. Some scholars postulate that the Vermilion Belt (coordinate 1512) was once a habitable
world with a large human population before the arrival of one or more ovulating Stardragon
females. The initial dominance struggle among the various male and androgyne Stardragons
followed by the inevitable sky orgy left the entire system shattered.

After the lusts of the Stardragons were completely spent the Medieval Rim Sector spent sevevral
centuries putting itself back together. It was during this period of reconstruction and
consolidation that local Klengon scientists discovered superluminal spaceflight technology. Their
peaceloving friends, the Vulkins, promptly stole the technology and began a brutal conquest of
their home subsector. At that point the Vulkins gained the notice of the Galactic Domination
Bureau, who offered to expand their power grid into the Medieval Rim in exchange for the usual
tribute to the Dominator regime. Logically noting that the Bureau' technology, economy, and
brutality were orders of magnitude greater than their own, the TriEmpresses of Vulkinia agreed to
the pact.

With the galactic power grid allowing multiparsec travel in hours instead of days, new frontiers
were opened throughout the sector. A tentative Vulkin foothold into Vanth subsector was
established at New Remus and from there the Vulkin Empire slowly absorbed much of the region.
Their pointy eared legions soon controlled nearly every green world within their grasp, either via
outright conquest or economic dominance. Resistance movements festered on most civilized worlds
in the subsector.

At the same time a thousand lesser interstellar states throughout the galaxy rose up in an attempt
to throw off the yoke of the
Galactic Domination Bureau and the whole galaxy found itself locked in a deadly civil war. To
undermine the war efforts of the rebellious League of Frankenstein Overlords, the Bureau shut off
the tachyon pulsar arrays powering the grid of the entire Medieval Rim. Since it had been over
two centuries since anyone in the sector had produced or flown the old style "jump drive"
superluminal system, the Empire nearly collapsed overnight. It took almost a decade for Vulkinia
to manufacture and deploy sufficient jump drive vessels to restore order in its home subsector.
Only recently has recontact been established with the inhabitants of Vanth Subsector. During those
few years of isolation most of the Vulkin authorities were overthrown and new governments
established on most worlds.


VANTH: See ENCOUNTER CRITICAL rulebook, 2nd revised edition, page 27.

ENIGMA 23: This strange star alternated its existence, spending 3 to 18 months as a black hole and
then 3 to 18 months as a white hole. In either mode travel within 1.5 parsecs of E23 is extremely
hazardous. Jumping through the affect region will result in a travel mishap 50% of the time.
Jumping into the region causes a mishap 75% of the time. Before the sector power grid fell the
Vulkins established a science station in one of the few safe orbits around the Enigma. No one
has made contact with the station since the grid went down.

MYTHIKA: Most of this planet lingers at bronze level technology or below. The few survivors of a
continent that was destroyed during the Great Stardragon Mating Cycle have clung to a more
advanced technology, as have a handful of Vulkins that have been driven underground. At least a
dozen godpower entities influence events on this planet.

GAMMA: The high tech society of this planet burnt itself out several centuries ago in a planetary
atomic war. Mutant animals and rogue robodroids wander much of the land freely. What vestiges
of civilization remain tend to hide themselves in small enclaves. Outsiders visiting this world
have a 5% chance per week of picking up either a random mutation or a random disease.

WARDEN: Something has gone wrong on this miles long subluminal colony ship. Part of the
original waive of human settlement from 6 millennia ago, the Warden's automatic systems
malfunctioned and the ship never landed. It now wanders through space at random. Certain brave
space traders claim to have successfully docked their vessel to the Warden, and traded with the
now degenerate inhabitants of this vast generation ship. Every sixth year of game time roll a d6.
On a 1 to 3 the Warden travels to the next hex on its course. A 4 or 5 indicates a course
change, randomly select a new hex facing for the vessel. A 6 indicates no change in course or

MALACAZOOM: This small world was already in disrepair when humanity first arrived in the
subsector. Most of Malacazoom's surface water has evaporated and bled off into space, taking much
of the oxygen atmosphere with it. Over 75% of the planet is now deserts of rock and sand, with
only a single small sea and meager forest continuing to power the planet's natural water and
oxygen cycles. Nomad barbarians of a dozen different races wander the endless dunes, while the
few remaining inhabited cities struggle to artificially maintain the viability of their world's
ecosystem. Duels are very important among the cultures of both the city and desert folk and any
outworlder openly carrying a sword can expect to be challenged at least once a month. Most duels
on Malacazoom are not to the death, but accidents do sometimes occur.

TELLURIA: This balkanized world was on the bring of global atomic annihilation when the Vulkins
arrived to impose their idea of peace upon the planet. When the grid fell the nations of Telluria
rose up as one and overthrew the Vulkin occupation force. Since then they fallen to once again
squabbling among themselves and worldwide conflict seems to loom in the near future.

TEK ZARCANNA: Discovery of large quantities of bismuth and molybdenum turned this planet into an
overnight sensation. After a year of boom, the planet went bust when the interstellar mining
concerns concluded that most of the deposits were too low grade to make large scale mining
economically feasible. Now most of the inhabitants of the world are down on their luck miners
eking out a small living from the few good veins near the surface and the shabby towns that

support these small operations. Crime is on the rise as the economy slows. Law enforcement is
often ineffective in smaller communities and pistol dueling has become an acceptable way to settle

KRONUS 2: No class M worlds orbit the star Kronus. Most of its satellites are worthless rockballs.
Kronus 2, the only gas giant in the system, would be a popular refueling point if it weren't for
the dragons. A clutch of Stardragon eggs were laid in the planet's interior during the last
mating cycles of the beasts. These eggs have recently hatched and now newborn Stardragon menace
the system. Use Dragon of Fire statistics for infant Stardragons, but treat their breath attack as
phasic in nature.

CETI ALPHA 5: The youngest human colony in the subsector, it was founded only a century ago by
members of a eugenics cult. Under the laws of the colony only mutants and cyborgs of human
stock, advanced humans, and frankensteins are accorded full rights of citizenship. Treatment
under local laws varies widely for others, with hoblings and lizardmen having the same legals
rights as housepets while unevolved humans are considered wards of the state and accorded many
legal protections. During the years of Vulkin rule over the subsector the constitution of the
planet was amended to include Vulkins among citizens of full rank, but enforcement of this law
varies wildly.

MANDOR: Somehow over the course of 6,000 years this world has remained completely untouched by
the consternations of the subsector. The evolved humans of Mandor have
achieved a near Paradise on their small world. They have known neither
plague nor war in over 500 years. When the Vulkins arriced they greeted
their wouldbe conquerors with wreathes of flowers and a parade in their
honor. Most space travelers find spending more than a few days on the
world to be the most tedious and soulcrushing experience of their lives.

DEEP SPACE STATION K5: The human dominated Confederation of Worlds constructed the K series of
deep space stations as a way of bridging the gap of the Glittering Vast subsector. The fifth
station was put into place and hooked to the galactic power grid just days prior to the grid
coming down. Fortunately the station crew had all arrived via coldsleep transport and the vessel
had not yet departed, so they were able to place themselves in suspended animation until the
restoration of the grid. The station commander had not counted on a jump powered Klengon vessel
to be the next ship to visit the station. Now the Klengons are in command at K5 and the station
crew live as slaves.

HELL 6: Landing on Hell 6 is not recommended. Even the Stardragons avoid this world, for it is
LITERALLY the sixth layer of Hell. Souls of the damned and flaming demons are the only sentient
life normally encountered here.

LEMUKET: Of all the planets in the subsector colonized by slower than light vessels, this one has
the richest and most vibrant culture. Technology is stunted by a shortage metals in the upper
crust of the planet, but in poetry, dance, social rituals, sculpture, and many other arts few worlds
shine so brightly as Lemuket. But Lemuket is also a barbaric world with countless wars, harsh
justice, and a caste system that weighs like a millstone around the neck of the underclass.
Voyagers to this world should be warned that Lemuket seems more loosely tied to the the universe
than other worlds. For no discernable reason Lemuket occasionally phases into hyperspace for a
period of 3 to 18 months, during which time it is inaccessible to all known forms of space travel.
After a similar period in normal space it disappears again. Some thinkers postulate that

Lemuket's erratic existence and the strange properties of Enigma 23 may be somehow interrelated.

XARDOX: For centuries this society has been cleft in twain. The technological haves keep
themselves shut in underground fortresses from the technological have nots. Most of surface
dwellers are cave primitive hoblings, humans, and planetary apes
and many regions are cannibalistic. Traditionally the amazons,
blue elves, and robodroids have kept apart from such society,
other than the traditional amazon hunting parties that scour the
surface looking for suitable males to capture. The ecstasies to
be experienced at the hands of the amazon mistresses of Xardox
are sad to be capable of unhinging the minds of their pleasure

THE VERMILION BELT: This large field of planetoids is so rich in

dilithium that it sparkles like emeralds in the eternal night of
space. But exploitation of these valuable minerals has proven
quite difficult. The Vermilion Belt orbits a highly unstable star
given to unpredictable novas, flares, and ion storms. And the Belt itself is inhabited by a large
number of voracious Asteroid Worms.

OREZIUS: Prior to the last Stardragon rutting this world had an aristocracy of advanced humans,
lizardmen, and elves living upon a floating landmass of nearly continental size. Nearly all the
evolved rulers were killed and their floating home destroyed when two passing Stardragons selected
the airborne realm as the sight of a one night stand. The Continent of the Overlords was thrown
down from the sky, crushing the largest civilization on the surface. Only in recent centuries
have the Orezians regained a modicum of civilization. Nowadays their most potent myths tell of a
great war among the gods that caused heaven itself to fall. The modern inhabitants of Orezius
eschew the gods completely. They are a wicked and atheistic lot, given to the celebration of
pleasures of the flesh. When the sector power grid was up this planet was a very popular tourist

COBOL: This eerie world is a vast tomb floating in the void. The human colonists of Cobol
achieved a great civilization only a few centuries after coming to this planet. But after a
thousand years of greatness something happened. No one knows the ultimate fate of the people of
Cobol, but today the world consists of little more than empty cities and sprawling wilderness.
Treasure hunters of all kinds have stripped the planet of whatever relics of bygone days remained,
but rumors abound of secret vaults under the cities and mountains.

REMULAK: Genetic drift due to isolation and suboptimal initial gene pool affected the human
settlers of this world and they are now almost a new species of sentient. Fully 25% of Remulakis
are born Advanced but mutated, but the society has not answered the question of how to best deal
with these new creatures in their midst. Crossbreeding with other human cultures to stabilize the
gene pool has been rejected both due to cultural reasons and because the misshapen heads of the
Remulakis result in a 25% penalty to seduction attempts of other humans.

NEW REMUS: Today this once proud starport is little more than a high tech ghost town, as three
years ago a flaw in the central computer caused all the robodroids to go berserk. In only a few
short hours the robodroids slew all their fleshy oppressors save for a handful of survivors. Now
almost all the robodroids are dead too, due to either lack of maintenance or battery failure.

One Eyed Jack


The Psycho/Magical Index is an addition to the Universal World Profile, appended after the Tech
Level of the world, that indicates the relative power of psionic and magical manifestations on a
given world.

0.Magic does not work, except for phasic effects. Psionics work only 50% of the time.

1.All magic fails 50% of the time. Psionics extremely rare.

2.Warlock spells & other major magics fail 50%. Warlock skills and magic items OK.

3.Most magical effects undetectable by normal senses.

4.Magic dismissed as hooey by natives.

5. Summoned creatures & magical beings generally appear in disguise.

6.Psionics suficiently available to impact structure of society.

7.Magic is known, but not widely available ot understood.

8.Planet's lifeforce supports a divine biosphere. (Local gods are real.)

9.Magic considered a science, widely effects daily life.

A.Any locally produced items above TL 3 will be magically or psionically based.

B.Local gods active in planetary affairs.

C.Tech items must roll tech level or better on 2d6 tp activate each time used.

To generate PMI for a planet rolle 2d6. Dms plus 1 if TL 4 to 7, plus 2 if TL 8+, minus 5 for
hard scifi subsectors.


Prior to its destruction, the planet Aldaria was a peaceful and prosperous world for over a
thousand years. So opposed to violence were the citizens of Aldaria that unlike countless other
worlds they did not resist annexation by the Bureau of Galactic Domination. For six and half
centuries the Aldarians lived under the regulation of the Bureau, and yet they continued to
prosper. The Great Library at Grafnat City and the colleges adjacent to it became the premier
center of learning throught much of the northeast quadrant of the galaxy. Beings from all over
this and adjacent universes came to learn at to teach within the shadow of the Twelve Towers of
Knowledge, breaking new ground in such diverse fields as zero G ballet, quantum sorcery,
antidimensional mathematics, and plasma barbecuing. The Multiversity of Aldaria's kosho team also
won the sector penant on three occasions, but were never able to make it to the quadrant finals.

For much of this period Aldaria was among the handful of lucky worlds to receive more funding
into the planetary coffers than went out in the form of taxes. Much of this Bureau generosity was
in the form of grants to the Multiuniveristy and more particularly to the Sauron F. Agnew College
of Interstellar Administration. As the Galactic Domination Bureau's influence spread to encompass
more and more worlds, the College grew to become a primary source of new Bureau personnel.
Eventually, the grants to the College of Interstellar Administration grew to be the number one
source of funding for the Multiveristy and later as the Multiversity grew to encompass much of
Aldaria's northern continent, Bureau largess became the primary source of income for the entire
planet. Faculty members at the School of Advanced Omnieconomics published several papers
warning that this arrangement made for an unhealthy and unstable fiscal future of the planet, but
their warnings went unheeded by even the few who bother to read the Journal of Advanced
Planetary Financial Policy.

But, lo, the economics professors dire predictions came to pass. The College of Interstellar
Administration demanded more direct influence over the Multiversity that their activities largely
funded, while the Multiversity officials began to maneuver for more direct control over planetary
governance. The school administration quietly overthrew the democratically elected government of
Aldaria. This was acheived by blowing out of proportion demonstrations against Multiversity
expansion onto the culturally divergent southern continent. This jockeying for more external
power by the multiveristy officials and the dean of the College allowed the true threat to Aldaria
to grow out of check: the revelations of the secrets of the Old Stacks.

Upon achieving the lofy title of Archlibrarian, the obsessed bookworm Nozblat Grundthunki had
finally achieved sufficient rank in the Librarians Guild to allow him to pursue his lifelong
ambition, the resoration of the Old Stacks. During the Fifth Great Reorganization of the Library
some 3 centuries previous the original stacks room became lost in the shuffle of personnel and
policy. Initially, Archlibrarian Nozblat led expeditions of junior librarians into the bowels of
the main library complex but that program was cut short by the triple threats of an infestation of
Aldarian devilspiders, the accidental reactivation of murderously malfunctioning reshelving
robodroids, and the nihilistic rampages of deranged grad students. Given these dangers
Archlibrarian Nozblat decided it would be prudent to subcontract the task of finding the lost
stacks to experts in the field of underground exploration.

Prior to Nozblat's recruitment drive adventurers had not been welcome in the hallowed halls of the
Multiversity, save in a handful of obscure departments such as Medieval Metaphysics and Mad Art
& Sciences. Professional adventurers have never been known for their great respect for the laws
of ordinary folks and several flagrant rules violations in and around the coed dormitories made

that fact abundantly clear to university officials. Before agents of the dean could eject these
ruffians from campus the handful actually engaged in active exploration of the library
subbasements made a major breakthrough.

While fighting a pack of diseased raider rats some six or seven levels below the surface of the
planet, a warlock bomb cast by noted sorceress Natassia of the Fourth Eye brought down a section
wall to reveal a staircase down. These stairs lead into the uppermost level of the Old Stacks.
Soon all of Aldaria was abuzz with the news of the discovery of this longlost trove of ancient
wisdom. Nozblat and Natassia became instant celebrities, appearing at all the society galas and
ritziest nightclubs. Scholars of every stripe lined up to get a peek at the long forgotten tomes.
But the Old Stacks were not ready to surrender their secrets easily. Deadly booby traps,
dangerously unstable piles of books, and the angry ghosts of dead librarians claimed many
victims. But eventually the tomes of previous centuries began making their way into the hands of
the greatest scholars inhabiting Aldaria.

That's when the trouble began with the Department of Political and Computational Sciences. The
discovery of three history books outlining the true origins of the Galactic Domination Bureau
would normally have been supressed for reasons of political expediency, but Nozblat was distracted
by his newfound celebrity and the Multiversity officials were preoccupied with taking over the
planet and fending off a takeover attempt by the College of Interstellar Administration. The
normal safeguards designed to keep the Multiversity out of galactic politics failed, resulting in
the publication of Professor Hargab Twinkletoes' book "Foundation of Lies: the illegitimacy of the
GDB". This popularization of a seditious indepth study of the sausage making of galactic empire
proved to be an overnight sensation on several nearby worlds.

Fearful for their careers should the information in "Foundation of Lies" spread further, several
local GDB officials paniced. Ugrax Bolmori, Subsector Supervisor of the GDB Department of
Noninformation, ordered all copies of the book destroyed. Thanks to the ruthless efficiency of his
Robodroid Bookcleanser Legions, over 95% of the printed copies were reduced to ash. Zarani
Starleaf, Sector Subalterness for the Department of Interstellar Tranquility, felt she had to go one
step farther. Her position in the GDB was already in jeopardy thanks to the earlier publication of
several provacative photos of her from her previous career as a gogo dancer in the pages of
PlaySentient magazine. Not understanding the vast scale of the operation, Ms. Starleaf issued
orders for the destruction of the Library and Multiveristy.

Lieutenant Admiral Karogga, a Klengon officer of many campaigns, received the orders with
delight. Her grandfather Kurgthor the Shatterer had been immortalized in the annals of Klengon
history when he oversaw the atomization of the Hobling
homeworld and here was her opportunity to achieve
similar honors. Admiral Karogga opted to destroy the
planet with a single low yield Phasic Resonance Device.
While the resulting destruction would not be as complete
as the job as the annihilation perpetuated by her
imfamous ancestor, Karogga was able to achieve her
mission well under the budget assigned her by her GDB
overlords. To the Bureaucrats of Galactic Domination
budget overruns are a much more serious matter than the
murder of a single world.

Karogga was courtmartialed and later dishonorably

discharged when afterwards it came to light that she had destroyed one of the major sources of
newly trained Galactic Bureaucrats. Zarani Starleaf saw the writing on the wall and simply
disappeared, quietly leaving a resignation letter on her supervisor's desk. Archlibrarian Nozblat,
Natassia of the Fourth Eye, and Professor Twinkletoes all happened to be off planet when Aldaria
was destroyed. The present whereabouts of all five of these personages is unknown.

Asteroid 1618 is the largest known fragment of the exploded planet Aldaria, being the majority of
an island just off the coast of the northern landmass. The initial shockwave of the Phasic
Resonance Device activation tore the island from the planet's crust and sent it hurtling through
space at superluminal speeds. The initial vector of the planet fragment passed closely to a red
dwarf in faraway Vanth subsector, where the asteroid entered into orbit around the small star.
Most of the rest of the planet broke up into much smaller pieces which evennow hurtle through
intergalactic space at speeds many times that of light. One or two other Aldarian shards may
remain in the galactic disk. It remains to be seen whether, like Asteroid 1618, these remnants
are capable of supporting life.

Public outrage over the destruction of Aldaria and a lack in sufficient GDB oversight personnel
were direct causes of the present unrest sweeping the galaxy. "Remember Aldaria!" has become a
battlecry among the many people seeking to oust the GDB from their homeworlds. And without
sufficient low level bureaucrats the Galactic Dominators are unable to properly manage these
interstellar brush wars.


1) DOMED CITY See appropriate section.

2) STARPORT Most visitors to the asteroid arrive via the Automated Starport here. A free shuttle
whisks visitors to and from the gate of the Domed City. Robodroids and computos are the only
lifeforms here, save the occasional visitor to the starport bar.

3) HEAVY LAKE Large yellow signs around the lake warn visitors not to discharge energy weapons
near the water. Accelerated evaporation has forced most of the water into the atmosphere. leaving
only atomically charged heavy water behind. The water is safe to drink but lazer and phasic
effects near the lake have a 12% chance of igniting a small nuclear explosion, doing d100 damage
to all in a thousand yards. 50% of all random encounters here will be Lake Monsters.

4) SHATTERED DOME See appropriate section.

5) ATMO FACTORY This large factory actually spews breathable gases into the atmosphere. Most of
the factory is operated by mechanical men, with a handful of human overseers commuting here each
day from the Domed City. At least three more of these edifices will need to be built in order to
keep up with the rate that breathable gases of the asteroid's atmosphere are leaking into space.
Some elements in City politics want to cut funding to this pilot plant, arguing that the air under
the dome is sufficient for the citizenry.

6) ABANDONED TOWN See charts.

7) ABANDONED TOWN See charts.

NOTE: At least 1d6 additional Abandoned Towns should be secretly placed on the map by the Journey

8) THE HOLE This black gap pierces the entirety of the asteroid. Anyone stumblong or falling
near the edge of the hole must roll Happenstance or fall all the way through the asteroid and be
ejected into the inky blackness of space.

9) TITANOBRIDGE Built and maintained within the last couple years by robodroids from the Domed
City, it is 1 GC to cross this magnificent structure, 5 GC for mounts or vehicles. Lava burbles in
the vast chasm the bridge spans.

10) FOREST This region is under the aegis of a commune of pacifist elves and dropouts from the
Domed City, who are attempting to stabilize the atmosphere via intensive forestry. The humans here
seek spritual guidance. Any Psi Witch or Warlock demonstrating their powers will be hailed as
their newest guru.

11) MOUNTAINS A pair of Dragons of Wisdom have established a lair here. They have 2 eggs and
over 10,000 GC in coins and other valuables, as well as a Ring of Second Chances that allows the
wearer to reroll any one die roll, once per session. The result of the new die roll is final, even
if worse than the roll it replaces.

12) HAUNTED MINE See appropriate section.

13) RADIOACTIVE SWAMP Each day spent adventuring here has a 1% chance of causing a new
mutation. Half of all random monsters encountered here will be cannibal hoblings or jungle


Asteroid 1618 wobbles rather than rotates around an axis. The upper surface is rarely darker
than twilight, while the underside is a land of perpetual night.

14) LAVA LAKE This lake of molten lava is nearly impossible to explore or cross. Only a boat or
submarine with an impervium laced hull can safely navigate these fiery 'waters'. Even flying over
the lava is dangerous, with a 17% chance of a bursting bubble splashing any flier for d20

15) OMINOUS CASTLE Moff Kiranto, an ancient vampire lord, makes his abode here. In addition to
being a vampire, he has the abilities of a 3rd level Warlock. His 5 brides are all vampiric
doxies of 1st through 3rd level. These creatures rarely wander out, as they have chained in the
castle dungeon a Blood Ooze. This creature is like a Cave Ooze that constantly drips gore. The
vampires milk the Blood Ooze for nourishment, which they supplement by occasionally feasting on a
member of the large band of terrorized goblins they keep as servants. The Moff and his lady
friends will cheerfully and lavishly entertain visitors. As long as they have their food source
they prefer not to drain the blood of potential friends. Hidden throughout the castle is at least
25,000 GC in treasure, spread among several trapped caches.

16) CRUST OF DOOM This region is safe to most travelers, but vehicles and especially large
creatures have a 5% chance per day of breaking through the relatively thin crust of solid rock
and plunging into the fiery magma underneath.

17) CAVE This cave is left for the development of the individual Journey Master. It could be a
small lair or the entrance to an elaborate dungeon complex.

18) HILLS Half of all encounters here will be with Manion Devils, which will have double hit
points and up to 20 attacks each. They grow 'em big 'round these parts!

19) DRY LAKE The small pools at the bottom of this lakebed are the largest open source of water
on the underside. The fishing here is surprisingly good.

20) UPSIDE DOWN ABANDONED TOWN This is an underground town previously occupied by dwarfs. The
buildings are all upside down. Use the Abandoned Town charts to flesh out this area. Any items
found will be made for dwarfs.

NOTE: The Vanishing Pyramid has not been placed upon the map. Roll d20 for nearest landmark
and place the Pyramid within d100 miles in a random direction or simply choose a starting


The rules below were devised as a means of enhancing play by providing a more scientifically
realistic system for depicting the environmental hazards of Asteroid 1618. Using normal Earth
physics to simulate action on the Aldarian Fragment would overlook the rich rewards to be found
in a more accurate simulation of adventure on an alien world. Would the Barsoom series have had
the same epic appeal if John Carter's muscles had been unbound by the lesser pull of Mars?
Would the Apollo missions have ignited the popular imagination had the Moon been found to have
the same atmospheric and gravitational configuration as Terra? The bounding astronauts in their
spacesuits provided some of the most striking film sequences in the history of motion pictures.


Exhaustion is a greater danger in the thinner atmosphere of Asteroid 1618. At the beginning of
each combat the Journey Master should roll one d12. That is the number of rounds before all
nonnative parties must make a Lesser Feat roll or suffer a 10% penalty to all percentiles and a
one point damage penlaty in hand fisticuffs. Robodroids, undead, and transdimensional entities
do not need to roll. Bionic characters and females with the unusual sexual gifts mutation get a
+15% bonus to their roll. Make new Lesser Feat checks every d12 rounds the combat continues,
noting that the -10 penalty for each previous failed check applies to the new Feat roll. The
oxygen supply is richer in the forest and within 10 miles of the Atmofactory. Make checks every
d20 rounds in those locations. Upon the mountains make the Lesser Feat rolls every d10 rounds.
No checks need be made while underground or in the dome city.

If no solution to the asteroid's atmosphere difficulties is found, decrease the size of the die
rolled by one categroy for every 3 years the campaign continues. After twelve years there will be
no atmosphere on the mountain tops. Three years later the general surface of the asteroid will be
effectively airless. The Atmofactory might last 3 years after that, but the forest will perish only
d12 months later. Resting for 10 to 60 minutes after a combat removes all exhaustion penalties.
Foot travel over the face of the asteriod will be slower as well. Assume only 4 to 6 hours per
day can be effectively used for marching. Natives and longtime residents of the asteroid do not
need to make exhaustion checks and may travel overland normally. Newly arrived characters may
be from world with similar conditions IF the player asks the JM about this possibility and their
homeworld's atmospheric composition is otherwise an unknown quantity. The character in question
is from a thin atmosphere world and therefore immune to the exhaustion rules if the players rolls
a total of exactly a 4 or 5 on 2d6.

After every combat in which a character becomes penalized for exhaustion the player may make a
Consume Alien roll. If successful, the character has become incrementally more accustomed to life
in a thin atmosphere. The penalty to percentile skills is reduce by one. When the percentile
penalty is reduced from 1% to 0% (by ten successful Consume Alien rolls after ten fights while
exhausted) the damage penalty is also removed, the character becomes fully adapted to the low
atmospheric pressure, and no further exhaustion checks are required.


First time visitors to Asteroid 1618 tend to bounce around quite a bit. Every time they make a
tactical move of more than 1" a roll of d20 is called for. If the result is less than the
Dexterity of the character in question nothing unusual happens and the move is completed as
planned. If the result is more than the character's DEX they they go kareening across the

battlefield. Pick a direction as 12 o'clock and roll a d12 for direction of bounce. Roll 2d6 for
inches of movement. The player may make a Happenstance roll. If successful they may choose the
direction of the movement. If the bouncing character lands on another character, they both take
2d6 points of damage and either both fall down or both bounce away from each other (50/50 chance
of either option). Dwarves are denser than normal matter and only roll 1d6 for inches of
bouncing, but do 3d6 damage in collisions. If the d20 roll is exactly equal to the Dex check the
character may opt to bounce 2d6 inches in the direction of their choice or make a normal move.
Each time a character makers their Happenstance roll or rolls exactly their DEX they become a
little better at controlling their movements on the surface of the planetoid. Their effective
Dexterity increases by one point for puposes of making their next roll to control their movement in
low gravity. Once they have reach an effective 20 Dex the character may opt to no longer roll or
may choose to do so in hopes of getting bonus movement. Characters from unknown worlds are
native to low gravity environment on a roll of 2, 3, or 4 on 2d6. Only make this roll IF the
player brings up the subject.


A map of only one of the city's four sectors has been provided. Journey Masters are invited to
make similar maps for the other three quarters of Domed City or to simply rotate the map 90, 180,
and 270 degrees for sections 2, 3, and 4. Unkeyed buildings on the map are mostly housing and
but additional locations may be further developed as JM's desire.


A) MAIN GATE: Security here is usually light, 2d6 inattentive guards. No charge is levied for
entering the city in order to encourage visitors.

B) ZAZRAK'S GENERAL STORE: All equipment under 3000GC in cost is available here.

C) BURGER SHACK: 2GC will buy you a tolerable meal. Lizard Men will need to roll Consume Alien
to digest the food.

D) SLEEPBANKS: 1GC will buy a night's rest in a sleep tube, or 5GC to rent a week in advance.

E) SINGING TREE TAVERN: A sleepy little beerhall rarely frequented by adventuring types.

F) CLONEBANKS: Growing a clone costs 10,000 GC plus 100 GC per month storage. A brain scan is
250 GC and without one the clone will be a tabula rasa.

G) BOOGIE WONDERLAND: This disco is considered a favorable location for the arrangement of short
term dalliances.

H) FORTUNELAND: A crass casino where the odds greatly favor the house. Lose as much as you
want here.

I) PUBLIC LIBRARY: Each month of thorough research gives a 1% chance of finding a warlock

J) GUEST HOSTEL: 2GC will buy a small but cosy room for a night, 50 GC will get you a room for 1

K) MENTOBOOTHS: Direct artificial sensory stimulation, like living a movie. The electirc opiate of
the masses. 5GC gets puts you in nearly any fantasy you desire.

L) SOYLENT FACTORY: Various colors/flavors of soylent cost 1 GC for one day of nutrition. Anyone
requesting soylent green will be quietly reported to the authorities.

M) MED COMPLEX: The local hospital. Healing is doubled here but the cost is 500 GC per day and
there is a 3% risk that the patient will be bionicized.

N) WIZARD'S TOWER: The home of a reclusive warlock infamous for transmogrifying uninvited guests.

O) PARK, NORTH: Pleasant gardens and a small duck pond.

P) PARK, SOUTH: Athletic field and a picnic area.

Q) GYMNASIUM: Membership 10 GC per month. Every 6 months of training raises STR or DEX by one
point, but an Unpleasant Order roll must be made each month to stay on the exercise regimen.
Training in the Pugilist class is also available here.

R) MAGVEHICLE RENTALS: 10 GC per day to ride around the city. 15 GC gets you the deluxe model
and 10 GC extra can rent a robodroid chauffeur. Magvehicles will not function outside the dome.

S) WEAPON SHOP: All weapons under 1000GC for sale here.

T) PAWNSHOP: 80% interested in buying nearly anything and a 20% chance of having any item for
sale, but lemon values are doubled.

U) TOWER OF 10,000 PLEASURES: Human and vulkin doxies. 75 GC for an evening of bliss.

V) HOLOTHEATRE: 3 GC for a ticket, 1 GC for the matinee, but 5 GC for snacks. The holofilms are
all a decade or more old.

W) SECURITY CENTRAL: At least 3d20 cops will be here at all times.

X) OXYGENERATOR: Source of the city's normalized atmosphere and as such will be defended to the
death by much of the citizenry.

Y) TELLURIAN EMBASSY: A heavily guarded compound. The ambassador is one of the city's most
notorious lechers. His charming young wife is less infamous but not for lack of trying.

Z) CENTRAL COMPUTER: The Unitron 9000 automates most of the municipal functions and is the best
ochorax player on the asteroid.

Section 2

A) CLOSED GATE: Sealed to reduce atmosphere leakage. During a catastrophe it will take city
officials d100 combat turns to reopen this gate if evacuations are necessary.

B) OCHORAX CLUB: On any day but Thursdays (Ochorax night) this meeting hall can be rented out to
other clubs and civic organizations for 25 GC for four hours.

C) CHURCH OF THE OMNIPRESENCE: Nothing of interest to most adventurers.

D) HYDROPONICAL GARDENS: Source of most of the plant material eaten in the city. 2 SC will buy
you a days nutrition worth of raw vegetables.

E) HOUSE OF FLESH: Human and a few Klengon and Hobling doxies. Sleazy but only 50 GC for a
typical night's enjoyment.

F) BOOGIE WONDERLAND: Best dance music in town, if you like disco.

G) HONEST ZED'S USED VEHICLES EMPORIUM: Damnation Vans and Bikes for the usual prices. Sold
without warranty.

H) DELUXE APARTMENTS: 200GC per month. No wookies.

I) CHEZ BLORZAK: Fancy eating (fine city attire required) for 15 GC per person but all must make
Consume Alien rolls to actually enjoy their meals.

J) UNCLE ROBO'S TOBACCOS: Various pipes from 1 to 100 GC, pipe tobacco for 2 to 5 GC per pouch,
and cigars from 3 to 30 GC each. No cigarettes, as Uncle Robo can't stand them.

K) MENTO BOOTHS: Direct artificial sensory stimulation, like living a movie. The electric opiate
of the masses. 5GC gets puts you in nearly any fantasy you desire.

L) SURESAFE ARMORS:All armors under 1000GC in cost available here.

M) SECOND CHANCE CASINO: A fairly upscale establishment. Any money lost will be partially offset
by quality free drinks.

N) INTERSTELLAR MINING CONSORTIUM: Will pay up to a 1,000 GC finder's fee for precise info on
mineral prospects.

O) HOUSE OF GROG: Cheap drinks (only 4 GC to intoxication for most folk) and a tough crowd.
Adventurers welcome.

P) SLEEP BANKS: 1GC will buy a night's rest in a sleep tube, or 20GC to rent a month in advance.

Q) PET STORE: No pets sold here will be ferocious enough to aid an adventurer in combat, but it
might be possible to train Krigarian Monkey Spiders (25 GC each) as aids in trap removal and petty
thievery. Space pirates needing space parrots will spend 75 GC on a bird that already knows the
lingo, or 25 GC on one in need of instruction.

R) ELECTRONICS STORE: Parts to repair robodroids and other devices.

S) PRIVATE SECURITY: 25 GC a day will hire you a private goon (warrior level 1).

T) HOUSE OF FASHION: Fine city garb for 20 GC or more.

U) GRANDMA'S BAKERY: 4GC buys you one of the best fruit pies in the subsector.

V) QUALITY GENERAL STORE: All equipment priced 5,000 GC or less. Prices are double normal, but
lemon chances are halved.

W) DISCOUNT WEAPONS EMPORIUM: All weapons 1,000 GC or less. Prices are 90% normal but any
lemons with malfunction catastrophically.

X) BANK: 1% monthly interest on deposits. No loans to adventurers without a local co-signor.

Cash on hand for bank robbers is d6 x 1,000GC at the teller window, d6 x 10,000GC in the vault.
Safety deposit boxes hold another d100 x 1,000GC in valuables. The tellers take d6 rounds to rob,
the vault another 3d6 rounds. Clearing the deposit boxes taxes 3d20 rounds and special equipment
(drills, explosives, etc). During the daytime police will automatically respond to silent alarm in
2d20 rounds. At night they will only be alerted 25% of the time.

Y) ROBO CENTRAL: The civic supply of maintenance and construction robodroids are stored and
serviced here. Frequently picketed by the Robodroid Rights Coalition.

Z) DELUXE HOTEL: 75GC per night, 120GC for the presidential suite.

Section 3

A) CLOSED GATE: Sealed to reduce atmosphere leakage. During a catastrophe it will take city
officials 2d100 combat turns to reopen this gate if evacuations are necessary. An Illicit roll
will allow a Criminal to open the doors, as the combination is known to the local mafia, who use
this particular gate when someone needs to quietly leave the city.

B) MAG VEHICLE RENTALS: 10 GC per day to ride around

the city. 15 GC gets you the deluxe model and 10 GC
extra can rent a robodroid chauffeur. Most magvehicles
will not function outside the dome, but they offer a
pair of heavy trucks with their own maggenerators for
30 GC a day.

C) VPRUNG'S NIGHTCLUB: One of the few hot spots that

has not surrendered to the galactic menace of disco.
Popular with Vulkins.

D) GLADIATORIAL ARENA: Thursday is Amateur Night,

prizes 10d10 GC per victory. Those wishing to turn pro
must sign a six month contract for weekly appearance,
but earn three times as much.


will supply holy water to sworn vampire hunters.
Uvanna the Hutt
F) THEATRE: 4 GC admission for most performances. The
troupe is always looking for new actors with LEA of at least 12.

G) WARLOCK COLLEGE: Visitors are generally unwelcome here unless they are applying for a
wizardly education. To be accepted as a student requires a non-returnable application fee of 100
GC and a roll of percentile dice equal to or less than the applicants INT plus MAG plus LEA.

H) WAX MUSEUM: 2 GC admission. Includes a gallery depicting some of the greatest heroes and
villains in galactic history.

I) ALGAE TANKS: Algae soup is a staple among the city's lower classes. 1 GC gets you a gallon
jug of the stuff. Klengons and other carnivores must roll Consume Alien to keep algae down.

J) GENERAL STORE: Sells all standard equipment 500 GC or less in price. Any armor in the same
price range will be available 50% of the time, but never in Army quantities. A little known fact
is that all standard types of ranged weapon ammo are available behind the counter.

K) MENTO BOOTHS: Direct artificial sensory stimulation, like living a movie. The electric opiate
of the masses. 5GC gets puts you in nearly any fantasy you desire.

L) FORTRESS OF THE INNER EYE: An outpost of the Galactic Order of Psi Witch Knights. They only
accept apprentices who swear to uphold the traditions of their order, and being telepathic they can
easily spot insincerity. An earnest applicant must still roll their ESP or less on 3d6 in order to
be accepted into their ranks.

M) STEAKHOUSE: 8 GC gets you a manly meal.

N) DOLEMITE'S TOTAL EXPERIENCE: This disco is known for all encompassing debauchery.

O) WEAPON STORE: All weapons 2,000 GC or less are for sale here. For double price and an Illicit
roll you can get untraceable weapons.

P) PAWN SHOP This place buys Equipment at 75% of the listed re-sell and weapons/armor at 50% list
price. They will accept stolen goods. This store has a 35% chance of selling any standard item,
but Lemon chances are doubled and weapons will be in poor condition.

Q) PRIVATE DETECTIVE: 25 GC per day plus expenses.

R) FLOWER SHOP A bouquet of space roses costs 10 GC. In the back is a ramshackle hospital for
criminals and others who won't seek official assistance in the Med Complex.

S) CHURCH MISSION: Hardluck cases can find a hot bowl of soup and a clean cot here, but they'll
have to listen to sermon on the expected Fourth Coming of the Astromessiah.

T) DEW DROP INN: An utterly banal drinking establishment. Criminals will find easy marks for
confidence schemes.

U) FLOPHOUSE: 1 SC a night for a cot, but 2% chance of catching a random disease.

V) RECYCLING PLANT: The smell here is noticeable.

W) DREAM MONGERS: An esoteric sect that will assist some in the exploration of dreamworlds.

X) KLENGON BARRACKS: Always 3d6 klengon warriors ready to rumble here. Some bureaucrat once
concluded that the police needed additional assistance and these Klengon mercenaries put in the
low bid. Now the city can't get rid of them.

Y) MADAME ZO'S PLEASURE PALACE: An equal opportunity house of ill repute, human doxies and
rakes are both available here for 80 GC a night.

Z) GOVERNMENT BUILDING: Between the central computer and the robodroid workforce, a job here is a
pretty good gig.

Section 4

A) CLOSED GATE Sealed to limit atmosphere leakage. During a crisis it will take city officials
4d20 combat turns to reopen this gate if evacuations are required. Even then, the gate is behind
on regular maintenance due to administrative neglect and only has a 50% chance of opening.

B) RIGELLIAN FRIED POULTROID: 5 GC will get you a bucket that feeds four.

C) NUNNERY: A spiritual retreat for female adherents of the Doctrine of the Magenta Illumination.

D) DELUXE ROLLARENA: Admission 1 GC, skate rental another 1 GC. Tuesday's and Friday's are
roller disco nights, while Saturday night features all girl Roller Derby action.

E) TATTOO PARLOR: 10 GC for a basic tattoo such as a sailor would get.

F) WEAPON STORE: In additional to selling all standard weapons priced 1,000 GC or less, for 50 GC
this store will sell sniper scopes that double the maximum range of longarms.

G) MUTATION STATION: 1,000 GC buys you one roll on the mutation charts. 5,000 GC gets you the
choice of two rolls. If the customer roll results in a mutation they already possess, they lose
that mutation. Any character with 5 or more beneficial mutations and no defects will be invited to
join the Overlords of Genetic Potency, a luncheon club that meets once a month, alternating between
the Steakhouse and the restaraunt in the Deluxe Hotel. Once a year they throw a grand ball at
the Ochorax Club.

H) PHASIC DRAGON PUB: This pub is almost exclusively patronized by member of the adventuring
classes. A great place to find a Biker gang to join or Klengons to brawl.

I) PUBLIC HOLOZOO: Pseudophotonic animals from a dozen different worlds on display here.
Admission 2GC but free on Wednesdays.

J) HALL OF THE SWORD: A guildhall for members of the Warrior profession. A mere 5 GC per month
membership fee gets you access to their training facilities and network of mercenary recruiters.
The Guild can also match up warriors of equal level for purposes of dueling to qualify for
advancement. When searching for such an opponent roll d6 once a month. If the result is your
level or lower an opponent is found. Such duels are not usually to the death. For those wishing
to join the Warrior profession an instructor is available, but he will only take a student who can
roll under the total of their STR and DEX on 2d20.

K) MENTO BOOTHS: Direct artificial sensory stimulation, like living a movie. The electric opiate
of the masses. 5 GC gets puts you inside nearly any fantasy you desire.

L) GROCER: 20 GC well spent here will provide the raw materials necessary to feed someone
splendidly for a week, providing you can cook.

M) PUBLIC POOL: Noncitizens pay 3 GC admission.

N) GARDEN OF CARNAL DELIGHTS: For 300 GC the most lavish and exotic adventures of the flesh can
be experienced within this extravagant botanical paradise. If visited more than once per level a
customer must make a Psi Resist roll or become addicted to the reality altering sensations found

O) HOFLUUG AND SONS, BREWERS: Supplier of most of the local potent potables. Buying in bulk here
will allow you to roll out a barrel equivalent to 100 bottles for the cost of 90.

P) LADY LUCK CASINO: The establishment of choice for serious gamblers. In certain private
chambers may be found Fizban games with stakes in the tens of thousands of credits.

Q) ASYLUM: Most mentally addled citizens are treated at the Med Complex or exiled from the city.
Well-connected but untreatable cases end up here.

R) NEW & USED BOOKS: Finding a book on a particulr topic here will require searching many
disorganized shelves. Prices vary widely, d20 GC for most books. No books containing warlock
spells will be found. It's not publicly known, but the owner is a warlock herself and keeps any
spellbooks she buys in her private collection at her home in the Deluxe Apartments.

S) COMPUTO SAGES: These magnificent thinking machines can be consulted by appointment only, which
are book 2d6 months in advance. A Computo Sage will answer d6 questions at a single session at
a cost of 1,000 GC per question. These artificial brains can answer most questions with 67%
accuracy. A roll of '99' or '00' indicates dangerously inaccurate information.

T) MUSIC STORE: Stocks all popular genres of recordings, with surprisingly robust collections of
Transuranian Metal and Orcish Punk. Most eight tracks 6 GC.

U) ELF TREE: The elves living in this titanic staroak welcome all members of their race with open
arms and glad hearts. No elf staying here will have to pay for food or lodging. Others are not
welcome except during the festivities of Elf Day, for which the motto is "Everyone is an elf on Elf

V) FAIRGROUNDS: Once a month this space is devoted to a combination farmer's market and swap meat
and once a year this are is the focus of the week-long Feast of Foolishness. The rest of the time
this field is used as a public park. Pickup games of quantumball are common here.


X) LITTLE MISS SWEET'S CANDY STORE: Most confections are 1 to 4 SC each. A box of chocolates is
5 GC.

Y) HOLOTHEATRE: More artsy than the holotheatre in Section 1, this place only charges 2 GC for a
ticket, 1 GC for the matinee, and 3 GC for snacks. Like the competition the major holofilms are
all a decade or more old, but they also show a few classics of the medium from the allblue era as
well as some locally made art films.

Z) DEPARTMENT STORE: Most of the cheap wares sold here will be of little interest to hardy
adventurers, but the sporting goods section sells Compound Bows, Modern Crossbows, Shotguns, and
appropriate ammo.


On Aldaria this game had faded in popularity prior to the destruction of their world, and was
considered old fashioned, even hokey. But the Aldarian survivors on Asteroid 1618 have embraced
Ochorax anew as part of their now-threatened cultural heritage. No home in the domed cities is
considered complete without an Ochorax board. Most tables at taverns, restaurants, and other
public venues have boards carved into or painted upon their surface with the pieces in small
drawers or hanging from small sacks tied to the table legs. The rules are similar to the Terran
game of chess, from which it is undoubtedly derived, with the following differences.

1. Although playable on a standard 8x8 chessboard, the central 4 squares (d4, d5, e4, e5) of the
board are considered a sort of no man's land called the Void. No piece may be placed on these
squares and only a knight's leap may cross the Void.

2. Rooks begin the game upside down. During the course of the game each rook may make a
single knight's move, after which it is turned rightside up. A variant of Ochorax native to the
southern continet of Aldaria does not allow the rook to use it's special knight's leap to cross the
void, but more commonly the move is treated as described in 1.

3. There is no castling. Southern Aldarians sometimes use the term 'castling' to refer to the
rook's special move.

4. If at anytime the kings both occupy corner squares (any two of a1, a8, h1, h8) the game is a

5. Traditionally the first move of the game is accorded to the older player as a gesture of
respect, regardless of color being played. In formalized play this rule is only enforced in the
first game and every other subsequent game between two players.

6. Promotion of a pawn can only be to previously captured pieces and if more than one piece is
available the choice of piece selected goes to one's opponent. If no piece is available for
promotion, the promotion is delayed until a piece becomes available. It is considered the height
of elegant play to force one's opponent to pick between promoting to a lesser piece that places
their king in check, or a giving up a captured queen. An outworlder making this play, called
Murgo's Dilemma, will instantly gain celebrity status among the Aldarians living on Asteroid 1618.

To simulate an Ochorax game without setting up and playing an actual game of it, simply have both
parties make Logic rolls. A successful Logic roll defeats a failed roll. If both succeed or both
fail compared the number actually rolled, with higher dice throw winning. Rolling exactly the
Logic score number indicates a successful use of Murgo's Dilemma. Non-natives are considered to
have 25 fewer points of Logic when first learning Ochorax. This penalty decreases by 1% for
every game played until the character can use its full Logic score. Psi Witches may cheat by
using Meld instead of Logic, but a 10% penalty applies while they are learning the game. Most
Aldarian Ochorax players will have a Logic score of 66%.

If the players prefer to actually play Ochorax using a chessboard and pieces, then grant the
natives an advantage by removing one or more pieces from the players' starting array. Roll d6
and consult the following table. Add 1 to the roll if the opponent is an Aldarian above second
level and/or known to be a strong player. Subtract one if the opponent is not very smart.


0) pawn
1) bishop
2) knight
3) rook
4) queen
5) knight + bishop
6) bishop + rook
7) knight + bishop+ rook


OXYMASK Ignore exhaustion rules due to low oxygen

environments. Doesn't work in vacuum or water. Cost
22 GC. Lemon 14%. Army 4% (8% on Asteroid 1618).
Resell 10 GC.

OXYTENT A puptent with oxyfilter. Cost 40 GC.

Lemon 5%. Army 3% (5% on Asteroid 1618). Resell 23

OXYGENERATOR Large machine that maintains atmosphere in a 500 ft radius. Cost 1,000 GC. Lemon
7%. Army 1%. Resell 500 GC (750 GC on asteroid.)

REGEN PILLS Heal d4 points or 34% chance to reattach severed limb/head. Cost 75 GC. Lemon
24%. Army 7%, Resell 60 GC.

LEADLINED BOOTS May move 3" in low gravity without penalty. Cost 22 GC. Lemon 11%. Army 5%.
Resell 10 GC.

SMOKE GRENADE Fills 3" radius for 2d6 turns. Cost 10 GC. Lemon 9%. Army 8%. Resell 8 GC.

LESSER BLUTARCH Cost 25 GC. Damage d4+1. Range 1". Scare 27%. May be thrown.

SCIMITER Cost 37 GC. Damage d6+2. Range 1". Scare 27%.

LAVA RIFLE Cost 750 GC. Damage 4d6+2. Short 11". Long 24". Minus 5%.

TOMMY LAZER Cost 1500 GC. Damage 3d10. Short 22". Long 120". Minus 3%.

ZOMBIE RAY Cost 2000GC. Damage roll Psi Resist or Living Dead d6 commanded by Ray owner.
Short 15" Long 90". Minus 4%.

DOUBLE BARRELED SHOTGUN Cost 150 GC. Damage 1d12. Short 8". Long 25". Minus 3%. Can be
used to make two attacks against a single foe or two adjacent foes, but ammo is automatically


Below are thirteen adventuresome situation on Asteroid 1618. Development of details is left to the
individual Journey Master.

FREELANCE EXTERMINATORS In the access tunnels beneath the Domed City

dangerous pest such as Raider Rats and Goblins are growing in number and
belligerence. In response city officials offer a 10 GC bounty on the heads
of such beasties. The party will discover that the rats, goblins, and other
assorted monsters are the minions of Fezclod Grimteeth, a half-dwarf
biker/warlock. The city suffers his verminous wrath in vengeance for
impounding his bike due to numerous unpaid parking tickets.

RESCUE MISSION? Zaybella Fruchan, the Vulkin owner of the Algae Tanks
needs a visa to travel to Telluria, where she plans to explore the
profitability of exporting her advanced algae technology. Unfortunately the
Fezclod Grimteeth
Tellurian Ambassador must personally approve the travel papers and he is
locked up in the Gardens of Carnal delight with several of his favorite doxies. If he follows his
usual pattern of activity he will not emerge from his fit of debauchery for at least another week,
ruining Zaybella's business plans. If the party can get the visa approved she will cut them in for
5% ownership in her offplanet venture or 150 GC cash each. In order for the Ambassador to afix
his stamp upon the visa he will need access to materials in his office, but neither the party nor
Zaybella will necessarily know this.

MAD SCIENCE A hobling professor from the Warlock College named Igstein Cursegriddle seeks the
party for assistance in a new experiment. He has created a machine that should allow for the
conversion of the contents in Heavy Lake into potable water. Professor Cursegriddle seeks an
armed escort to protect him on the journey and will pay 50 GC per day. Any warlock assisting him
will also receive scholarly credit should the experiment succeed. Activating the large and
cumbersome device will annoy the Lake Monsters.

RAMPAGE! Several possible menaces could threaten the city due to mechanical malfunction. A
blown fuse in the Central Computer could turn all the city robodroids Rogue. A leak in the
Oxygenerator filters coalesce into a Smog Monster. Perhaps a Mento Booth overload could fry the
brains of its users, turning them into Living Deads. Or semireal animals could escape the
Holozoo. Treat the latter as Blink Beasts or Time Ghosts (50/50) due to their nonmaterial
substance. The party member most visibly instrumental in stopping the rampage will be presented
the Key to the City, which really opens any of the four gates.

ARRR, MATEY! The party somehow discovers that Kovar Wampler, the sophisticated old gent newly
inhabiting a Deluxe Apartment, is a recently retired space pirate and not a spice merchant as he
tells everyone. Players might seek to rob him, but his last few voyagers were not particularly
profitable and he keeps most of his money in the Bank anyway. He lives modestly, with a few
mementos of space in his abode and an old servant droid. There is the matter of the old treasure
map in his safety deposit box, which purportedly leads to a vast fortune hidden under an
abandoned city on Malacazoom. Former business associates of Captain Wampler may be interested
in that document as well.

WEEDING A group of enterprising Domed City inhabitants have decided to start a new agriculture
operation similar to the Forest Commune, but focusing on the raising of food crops. The Comput0
Sages indicate the most promising location for such an endeavor is a tract of land just 40 miles
northwest of the Domed City. Unfortunately this spot is overrun with wild vegetation and dangerous
animals. If the party agrees to clear the area of hazards, they will each be cut in for a share
of the AgroCollective's profits. To make the region safe will require the defeat of d6 groups of
Jungle Flowers and at least one nest of Giant Spiders. Even if the party is successful, it will be
d4 years before the AgroCollective will be in the position to turn a profit. After that period roll
2d4 times 100 credits for annual returns. If the party fails to find and destroy all the Giant
Spider eggsacs the Collective will be destroyed d12 months after they arrive. 3d4 survivors will
blame the party and seek vengeance.

HAPPY ELF DAY, NOW PREPARE TO DIE! One of the most festive occasions in Domed City is the
annual Elf Day celebrations, which has been embraced by locals regardless of the relative
pointyness of their ears. Preparations for this year's Elf Day are muted, however. In the last
two months a serial killer has been cutting the throats of young elvish lasses on a weekly basis.
The inhabitants of the Elf Tree lack confidence in the ability and dedication of local authorities,
so they attempt to recruit the party to investigate. The Elves are cash poor, but if the party stops
the murders the entire community will be grateful. The party will be honored guests at the Elf
Day banquet, receive a place of significance on a float in the parade, and be propositioned by
several relieved Elf women. The identity of the murderer is left to the Journey Master.
Possibilities include a strangely malfunctioning city maintenance droid, a vampire with a fondness
for elvish blood, or an aging human doxy driven to insane heights of jealously by the seeming
eternal beauty of her elvish coworkers.

WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD Reports reach the party of increased activity at one of the
Abandoned Towns. A group of Frankenstein families have arrived on the asteroid and are seeking
to build a new life for themselves by renovating the ruins. If attacked the Frankensteins have
Lazers and other hi-tech equipment, but they would much rather prefer friendly relations with the
other people of the asteroid. Their leader is Evalin 57, a female Pioneer who has Provided the
colony with their own jury-rigged oxygenerator. Male Frankensteins and Cyborgs will be of great
interest to Evalin, as she is one of the few adults in the colony who did not travel here with a
mate. She was planning on Providing one herself, but will happily drop that plan if a suitable
partner can be found.

BATTLE PROSPECTORS Moorvog (a Dwarf/Klengon Hybrid) is the surly director of the local office of
the Interstellar Mining Consortium. He would like to hire the party to resurvey the Haunted Mine
with a tricorder, in hopes of finding a previously undetected vein in the otherwise played out
mine. Upon signing the voluminous contract the party will be given 100 GC upfront for expenses
and loaned a tricorder. Per the contract the party must return within 45 days with the tricorder
fully functional and having been used to scan all the chambers of the mine. Success gets the
party member 500 GC each plus a bonus of 10 times d100 (based upon the utility of the mining
data). If they fail to do so they must repay the 300 GC plus interest and if necessary pay a 3,500
GC penalty for losing or damaging the tricorder. Failure to pay back the monies owed under
contract will infuriate Moorvog. He will hire a firm of Klengonish Murderlawyers to sue and/or
assassinate the party.

VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN Election time is fast approaching in Domed City. The race for Section 3

Tribune looks very contentious this year, as one candidate, Ullo Dripbiscuit, is vehemently anti
crime and accuses his opponent, Fraglik Esselbloo, of being tied to the mob. Riots have broken
out at the last two political rallies and Dripbiscuit's campaign manager wants to hire the party as
additional security for 25 GC a day each for the remaining 2 weeks until the election. The party
will be expected to use nonlethal force to break up any further riots, to generally cooperate with
the police, and to do everything in their power to prevent any assassination attempts. Inquisitive
party members will discover that it is their guy, not Fraglik, whose campaign is actually funded
by organized crime. On election day the voting could go either way, unless some sort of scandal
has wrecked one of the candidacies. The winner of the race doesn't really matter though, as all
real political power in the City is held by unelected bureaucrats.

THE KLENGON QUESTION Domed City officials have long regretted the decision, made in the
turbulent first few years after Aldaria's destruction, to hire jackbooted Klengon thugs to restore
and maintain order under the dome. The Klengons' contract has long since expired, but they
refuse to abandon their barracks and move on to another assignment. Despite no longer providing
any security, the Klengons continue to receive paychecks from the government for fear they would
pillage the city if not appeased. But a recent series of high profile Klengon crimes have pushed
the bureaucrats over the edge. They want the Klengons out. If the party can drive the Klengonish
mercenary force out of the city they stand to collect 1,000 GC each, but in order to collect the fee
the Klengons must in no way suspect the city's involvement. There are 100 Klengon warriors living
in the city, most of which still live in their barracks. It will take at least 25% casualties to
convince the remaining Klengon thugs to leave. The party will probably want to defeat the
Klengons in detail, but after 2 attacks on their kind the leadership of the mercenaries will wise
up and organize a counter offensive.

STARCROSSED LOVERS A young couple approaches the party, in need of help. They wish to marry
but she is a member of the Congregation of the Omnipresence and he subscribes to the Seven Saints
Doctrine. Both young lovers want a proper church wedding, but neither church's priesthood are
permitted to officiate at the nuptials of members of the other faith. The couple has no money or
other reward to offer, but pleads to the party to provide assistance in the name of True Love. The
couple will name their first child after the most sympathetic party member if the party can find a
solution aside from one of the two youths converting.

SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW The party catches word of a rainbow over one of the eastern
mountains. According to their informant this rainbow appeared in the same spot every day for
over a week. If the party travels to the end of the rainbow they will be able to find a cauldron
containing 1,000 GC, but there is a 5% chance that an Asgardian Godshadow will travel down the
rainbow while they are gathering up the gold. Also, at some point the gold's owner, a Hobling
Warlock, will seek vengeance.


A) LOOTED DEPARTMENT STORE The only thing of value here are some omniester clothes that were
left behind by looters, who considered them too tacky to steal. Among the smashed mannequins are
enough pieces to construct a single plastic woman, who will animate as a Magic Statue. This
artificial dame will serve and guard the one who put her last piece in place, but she will also be
homicidally jealous of any other females showing attention to the creator.

B) BURNT OUT MUNICIPAL BUILDING The exterior of this edifice is covered in spray paint mottos
such as "The Mayor is a Fink" and "You CAN fight city hall." One of the spraycan hoodlums was
an unbalanced warlock, who painted the formula for Fire Blast on the west side of the building.
A warlock wishing to transcribe this spell into his or her grimoire will need to make a
Scholarship roll the first time the spell is used. Failure indicates the transcription was flawed
and the caster will zap himself rather than the target.

C) HAUNTED APARTMENTS A pair of Spectral Spirits lurk here. They are an old married couple and
may be successful distracted by tricking them into squabbling amongst themselves. They have no

D) WEBBY APARTMENTS It is obvious to all but the most greenhorn of adventurers that a family of
Giant Spiders lives here. Throughout the building can be found a total of 8 Giant Spiders as well
as a Giant Gold Spider, a cousin of the others in town for a visit. Among the victims trapped in
webcocoons is a dead elf wearing a Molecule Vest that has been enchanted to make the wearer
immune to the Fire Blast spell and all its variants.

E) GYMNASIUM OF THE DAMNED A dozen muscular Living Dead can be found here. They will pump
iron for all eternity if left undisturbed. Each truckload of weightlifting equipment will be worth
120 GC to the right buyer.

F) WRETCHED HIVE CANTINA At any given time of the day this drinking establish contains 0 to 19
Goblins, 0 to 11 Orcs, 0 to 9 Goxes, and 2 to 20 Criminals of various sorts. Gambling is common
here, as are brawls. 5% chance of d4 Doxies working the room. All drinks are available except
Dwarf Grog. No Robodroids allowed.

G) SMALL APARTMENTS These two buildings have been barricaded and fortified by a large tribe of
goblins. Each building houses 30 goblin warriors and a like number of non-combatants. 3 giblins
in each building are armed with Lever Action Rifles, which they will use to snipe intruders as
they approach the buildings. The goblins have dug a tunnel connecting the basements of the two
buildings, which they will use to escape if one of the buildings is overrun. The tunnel is too
small for anyone bigger than a hobling to use. The goblin queen has three levels of Criminal,
carries a Lava Rifle, and has a tamed Blink Beast that will defend her to the death. Hidden in
the queens bedchamber is a treasure chest containing 230 GC and three pieces of a jewelry: a gold
brooch shaped like a cobra and worth 75 GC, a large silver tiara suitable for Amazonian royalty
worth 2,500 GC, and small copper bell decorated with rubies worth 50 GC.

H) PILLAGED CHURCH Nothing of value is to be found here, save a small brass key clutched tightly
in hands of a strangled priest. The key opens a locker at the Automated Spaceport, but that is
not readily apparent. Inside the locker is a treasure map written in Ancient Low Vulkin. Only a

Vulkin making a successful scholarship roll will
be able to follow the map, which leads to a hidden
cave on the tallest mountain on the asteroid.
Inside that cave 3 Magic Statues guard the Demon
Christened Sword of Teneblarr, a +15% long
broadsword that does triple damage against elves,
vulkins, and Psi Witches. Elvish or vulkinian Psi
Witches take ten times normal damage when struck
by this blade. Ouch.

I) SMALL SHOPS Each of these buildings contains

1d4 Mutated Mummies. Roll 1 to 3 mutations for
each mummy. The third shop searched will contain
a locked safe holding 300 GC cash and a sheaf of
steamy love letters.


single Machine Friend will reactivate this device.
Within a few hours the atmosphere within 2000 feet
of the building will improve steadily such that
exhaustion checks due to thin atmosphere will need
to be made only every 1d20 rounds. Unless a
qualified maintenance crew services the generator
at least weekly the machinery will break down
again after d6 months. Also there is a ruin slug here.

K) ABANDONED MOVIE THEATRE A giant serpent with a head on each end of its body lives here. It
may make 2 attacks each round of combat, but they cannot both be directed at the same foe. Among
the ruins here will be found 6 holofilms worth at least 100 GC each. A clever seller could get the
theatres in Domed City into a bidding war over these materials, as neither house has received any
new movies to show since Aldaria exploded.

L) RUINED DINER A Robodroid fry cook makes hamburgers and fries morning noon and night, while
a malfunctioning Robodroid attempts to eat them. Anyone sitting at the counter will be served a
greasy but edible meal. Entering the kitchen or disturbing either droid will turn them both Rogue.
25% chance of setting a grease fire should combat occur here. The cash register appears to be
empty but under the cash drawer is an I.O.U. for 50 GC from Mulgrok Villaki, a mutated vulkin who
presently serves as a minor functionary in the government of Domed City.

M) MADAME MANNER'S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES This Doxy finishing school has been taken over
by a rowdy band of 14 female orcs. They will welcome any visitors, plying them with tea laced
with Mickey poison. If that does not work they will draw concealed Stun Rays and attempt to knock
out the party. The male members of the party will be restrained and upon awakening will be used
as test subject for various orcish doxy practices. Escape will be feasible, but only after a loss
of d4 random statistic points due to madness and/or debilitation. 1 in 20 nonorcs will find the
experience surprisingly enjoyable and suffer no stat loss. Female prisoners will be taken to the
kitchen in preparation of serving them for supper. Apart from several doses of mickey and a half
dozen stun rays there is no treasure here, unless the party can find a market for a large supply
of orcish lingerie or a buyer for two dogeared copies of the Orca Sutra.

N) CENTRAL COMPUTER REMAINS The mammoth computer has been smashed to pieces, but its spirit
continues to haunt the building. Any Robodroid entering here must roll Psi Resist or be possessed
by the ghost of HYPERVAC 6, who will then begin repairing and rebuilding his material body.
Upon completion (2d6 days) the possession will end,. If no Robodroids are with the party the a
cyborg may be targeted, but the Psi Resist roll is at +50%. The party may opt to help HYPERVAC
complete his task. At his direction the party will be able to halve the repair time. The computer
will then assist the party in any way it can.

O) SMOKING SPORTING GOODS STORE A fiery demon makes his abode here. His name is Grazzonak
and he will not attack anyone who appears to be willing to sell their soul in exchange for
gaining a level of experience. Nearly everything here has been burned to some degree, but a
Pioneer seeking to Provide has double chances based upon the large quantity of nearly intact
goods present.


Use the sample map provided for the various abandoned towns on the face of the asteroid, adding
or removing buildings and altering the north orientation as desired. Or draw your own map.
Then roll on the tables below to fill the ruins with adventure. A sample adventure key follows
after the charts.


Most buildings in Aldarian towns were originally d6 stories tall, with 1 in 12 standing 2d6 stories
in height. After determining original building height roll d6 and consult the chart below.


1 nothing but rubble +0 05/25/01
2 rubble concealing intact basement +05 in basement 25/40/10
3 ground floor partially intact +10 15/50/15
4 ground floor mostly intact +15 35/35/20
5 d4 stories intact +7 per story 40/10/25
6 completely intact automatic 40/05/25

Roll to determine monster and hazard for every intact story of a building, but only make one
check for treasure for the whole structure.

3) AntiMagic Region: magic fails 50%
4) Cracked Sewer Pipe: half seduce and 50% chance fo disease until cleaned up
5) Creeping Crud: 2d6 damage to anyone sleeping here overnight, reptiles and robots immune
6) Disease: character with lowest Luck plus Strength must roll Consume Alien to avoid random
7) Flammables: any firearms or energy discharge here will cause a fire, all take d12 damage per
8) Rusty Nail: Lowest roll of d20+Luck steps on it, make save or get tetanus
9) Live Wires: searching or fighting here 10% chance of 2d6 electrical damage
10) Necromatic Field: all dead left here rise as some sort of undead d6 days later
11) Noxious Fumes: 50% chance they are just stinky, 50% chance they are deadly (Consume Alien or
take 4d6 damage)

12) Poltergeists: Roll Restore Courage or flee in terror. Party leader may roll for whole team.
13) Radiation: Take 2d20 damage. If damage equals exactly your ADA gain 1 mutation if you
14) Slick Slime: Every turn of combat here roll Dex or less on 3d6 to avoid falling prone.
15) Spoiled Food: If eaten make Consume Alien roll or else treat as poison. d6 rations worth.
16) Steam Vent: 25% chance/turn of 2d6 damage to random person, visibility is low
17) Unstable Floor: 34% chance per search or turn of fight of falling to lower floor/basement
18) Unstable Wall/Ceiling: Area attacks 50% chance collapsing whole structure, d100 damage to all


Items 1 to 12 on this list may be found multiple times but 13 to 20 should only be placed once.
JMs may reroll if these items come up a second time or they may offer a suitable replacement, such
as a Rocket Pistol in place of the Eon Blade or d6 Impervium bars in place of the big wad of
cash. To avoid duplication the sample ruins found after these charts use suitable equivalents for
items 13 to 20.

1) d100 gold credits

2) Random ranged weapon, roll d20 and consult the ranged weapon chart. '1' = sling, '20' = laser
gun. NO AMMO.
3) d6 loads of ammo for a range weapon. See above.
4) Random hand weapon. Roll d20 and reference the hand weapon chart. '1' = Theskrian dagger,
'20' = mace, minor.
5) d6 grenades. Equal chances of all types.
6) 1 suit of intact Garb. Randomly determine suitable race, gender, and garb type.
7) d12 bottles of 1=ale, 2=beer, 3=dwarfgrog, 4=mead, 5=wine, 6=vodka, 7= Venusian whiskey, 8=ink
8) 2d10 rations. 10% chance exotic flavoring requires Consume Alien roll to use.
9) musical instrument. 1 in 6 chance of something suitable for a rock band.
10) scroll with random warlock spell
11) potion of healing
12) d20 8 track tapes. Roll percentile dice for relative coolness. 1=polka, 100=metal
13) d6 x 1,000 Gold Credits
14) suit of imperial plate
15) 2d6 nudie mags (roll dice for race depicted)
16) eon blade
17) old diary of a domed city official, suitable for blackmail
18) d6 dragon eggs. roll d6 for type. 1=darkness, 2=fire, 3=wisdom,
4=slime, 5=lightning, 6=star
19) wrecked but salvageable Damnation Van (repairs take 0 to 7 hours,
require 0 to 300 GC in parts, and a Machine Friend roll)
20) Great Grimoire of Gallibard the Gourmet

All items found in the ruins have have Lemon ratings 10 percentiles higher
than standard. Items without Lemon ratings have a 10% chance of being
flawed or in disrepair.


4) 3d6 Banditos (level 1 criminals) with a leader level 1 to 3 (any class)

5) 3d8 Bee Girls (50% chance of 1 queen with them)
6) 2d6 Blink Beasts
7) d8 Carnivorous Clouds (only on 5th or higher story)
8) 1 Cave Ooze (Ground floor or basement only)
9) 2 Clonoids
10) d4 Demons
11) 1 Dragon (equal chances for all types but Star)
12) d12 Fatal Funguses
13) d100 Giant Ants
14) d6 Giant Monkey Men
15) d4 Giant Spiders
16) d4 Giant Serpents
17) d6 Giants (each has d4-1 heads)
18) 1 Genie (not in bottle or lamp)
19) 10d4 Goblins
20) 1 Godshadow
21) d4 Gox
22) 4d10 Hellbats
23) d6 Hooded Horrors
24) d8+1 Hyperspace Gremlins
25) d8 Infernal Apes
26) 5d6 Living Deads
27) d4 Magic Statues
28) 1 Manion Devil
29) d4 Mega Tortoises
30) 1 Minotaur
31) d4 Mummies
32) 10d6 Orcs
33) 5d4 Phasic Wolfs
34) 3d12 Pyrexis Hounds
35) d4 Radioactors
36) 2d20 Raider Rats
37) d4 Rogue Robodroids
38) 1 Ruin Slug
39) 3d6 Sky Piranha
40) d20 Slimes
41) 1 Smog Monster
42) 1 Spectral Spirit
43) d4 Succubuses
44) d4 Time Ghosts
45) d4 Tyrannosaurs
46) 1 Vampire
47) 1 Whirling Dervish (50% chance of d6 grenades)
48) d4 Zen Monks (Psi Witches and/or Pugilists levels 1 to 3)


A. Rubble over basement, inhabited by 1 Radioactor.

B. 4 stories completely intact. The first floor is home to 22 Hellbats. The 3rd story has a stash of
Magic Incense (4 trips). The top floor is home to 7 infernal apes.

C. Partial ground floor intact, but empty.

D. 4 stories completely intact. In a drawer on the 3rd floor is a single load of Demon Fire Gun

E. This partial ground floor is haunted with a necrofield. A broken robodroid can be found under
a large pile of debris.

F. Partial ground floor intact, but empty.

G. Clearing this pile of rubble leads to an empty basement.

H. This single story building is intact and home to a hostile Godshadow.

J. A three story building once stood here, but only the ground floor remains. Haunted by

K. A two story building. In a hidden safe on the first floor are 2 stag holos worth 25 GC each. 7
hyperspace gremlins live on the upper floor.

L. Ground floor intact, but empty.

M. Ground floor intact, but empty.

N. Poltergeists haunt this pile of rubble. The 2 Giants who live in the basement don't care though.
They can't see the spooks because they lack heads.

P. Live wires crisscross this pile of rubble. Anyone trying to make their way to the (empty)
basement will automatically be shocked.

Q. Trapped under this pile of rubble are 2 Magic Statues. They will seem very grateful if someone
digs them out, but they will likely sneak off with the party's treasure if given an opportunity.

R. A partially intact 1 story building containing a lone Radioactor.

S. The mummy who makes his abode in this partially collapsed single story building has chosen a
lair rather foolishly, as the whole place is loaded with flammables.

T. An empty burnt out shell of a one story building.

U. Piles of rubble over an empty basement.

V. Just a pile of rubble.

W. More rubble.

X. The bottom three stories of this 5 story building are intact. On the second story can be found 8
cans of hash (8 rations). On the third floor a gladius is hidden in a basket of dirty laundry

Y. If this pile of debris is cleared away, a small cellar can be found. In the cellar is a cigar
box with 75 GC inside.

Z. A pile of rubble, nothing more.


A) The acoustics of the mine cause the wind blowing through this intersection to sound like a horrid
moaning. A player who specifically inquires if the wind may be to blame may roll Logic or less to
ascertain the truth. Otherwise this sound is so unnerving as to require Restore Courage rolls to
continue exploring past this intersection. Any player making a rousing speech to urge their fellows
to action may make a single roll for the entire party.

B) A 60' deep shaft connects the upper east/west corridor with the lower northeast/southwest passage.
Descending or ascending without benefit of rope requires two Lesser Feat rolls. A Pioneer can
accomplish the task with a single Explore roll and anyone he or she instructs will only need to
make a single Lesser Feat. If sufficient rope is available climbers will only have to roll
Happenstance or less on 1d20 to avoid incident.

C) Twenty Hellbats make their lair on the ceiling of this chamber. The floor is thick with slippery
guano and anyone missing a hand attack against the bats will need to roll their DEX or less on d20
or fall facefirst into the stuff. A thorough search of the chamber requires an Unpleasant Order
roll but yields a necklace of green gems on a chain of silver, worth 250 GC.

D) Six Fatal Funguses sit in a ring around the tunnel opening on the floor of this chamber. These
particular mushroom monsters are a tastier and more nutritious subspecies. No Consume Alien roll
is required to make a meal of them and each of thier corpses will fetch 10 GC if sold to a chef.

E) This chamber contains an icy pool of water which is the home of a hostile Cave Ooze. Searching
the pool causes d6 points of cold damage but will reveal a lamp containing a beautiful and wicked
gjenie woman named Marazella. She will plead and use whatever lies are necessary to trick a new
master into wishing her free of her lampy prison.

F) Adventurers travelling north along the tunnel to this chamber will notice the dried slime
encrusted upon the walls, floor, and ceiling. The passageway ends at the home of a cranky Dragon
of Slime. Called Scoomadoor, this dragon has maximum hit points for a member of his race. The
only thing that will save intruders from his wrath is to claim to know the location of a female of
his kind. During combat Scoomadoor will try to knock wingless foes off the precipice at the
entrance to his lair. His hoard consists of 10,000 SC, 1,000 GC and 2 gems. One of the gems is
crystallized plutonium, worth 100 GC and it glows in the dark. The other is a Psi Diamond,
granting +10% to all ESP and Psi Witch abilities but crumbling to dust if the owner is struck with

G) This chamber is empty save for a few bones strewn about. A successful Scholarship or Explore

roll will identify the remains as a partially intact hobling skeleton.

H) A band of 10 goblins makes their lair here. They fancy themselves Bikers, but ride unicycles
instead of bikes. Each goblin has a Biker Jacket and a length of chain (treat as Minor Flail).
Their leader has maximum hit points and a bigger chain (Great Flail). His girlfriend has a
doublebarrel shotgun and 6 reloads. She will concentrate fire on anyone who appears to be a
warlock, psi witch, or elf. The unicycles allow these goblins double their normal movement. In
addition to their equipment their treasure consists of 2 sixpacks of beer and 20 GC cash between

I) Some old mining picks are piled up against the far wall of this chamber. Anyone crossing the
room will be attacked by one of the three Haunted Quicksands lurking on the floor. The picks are
worthless but hidden among them is an enchanted Klengon War Hammer that is +5% in hand combat
and does double damage against vulkins.

J) The large amount of rubble here will probably lead to a thorough search by the party. If a
random monster is rolled during the search it will be one of the Haunted Quicksands from area I or
2d4 Goblins from area H, unless they have already been defeated. In which case the monster will be
a totally different Haunted Quicksand or 2d4 new Goblin unicyclists.

K) The ceiling of this room is not stable. Every time the party enters this room the member with the
lowest Luck will be bonked on the head by a rock, taking d6 damage. If two or more characters tie
for lowest LUC they all take a rock to the head. Any fighting here will cause d6 random combatants
to take d6 damage each round, with a 5% chance per round of a general cave-in crushing everyone

L) Three hostile Time Ghosts haunt this chamber. If all

three are destroyed a bronze door appears in the middle of
the room. It requires a Great Feat to open this door.
Anyone passing through the door will be taken to any
location of their choosing in the universe. Each someone
uses the door there is a 10% chance it will slam shut and
then disappear, to be replaced by 3 hostile Time Ghosts.
Each time this happens the Time Ghosts will double their
hit points and damage rolls.

M) A band of 6 Hooded Horrors have turned this chamber

into a den of evil. They are building a Satanic Computer
which they intend to use to conquer the asteroid. Five of
the Horrors are armed with broomhandle mausers and
cutlasses, while the leader has double maximum hit points
and wields a lazer pistol and an eon blade. The partially
completed Satanic Computer is worth 250 GC, but will
require significant effort to transport out of the mine and
to a buyer. Also, there is a 75% chance that the buyer
will continue with the Horrors' mad scheme of world

N) This tunnel continues on seemingly forever. If the

party chooses to follow it they will emerge from the cave
The Hooded Horror leader revealed
2d6 days later within sight of a random location on the asteroid. Roll d20 and consult that number
on the wilderness key. Reroll travel time and the location of the tunnel exit everytime this
passageway is used.

Triphotonic War Axe



West of the Great Gap Section 1
1) 3d6 Goblins 1) d6 bored cops
2) 1 Magic Statue 2) d4 strung out junkies
3) 3d10 Raider Rats 3) d12 alien tourists
4) d6 Jungle Flowers 4) 1 street prophet declaring doom
5) 1 Haunted Quicksand 5) unattended open manhole
6) 3d6 Living Deads 6) roll d4 on section 2 or 4 chart (50/50)

East of the Great Gap Section 2

1) 2d6 Orcs 1) d20 political protesters with placards
2) d8 Slimes 2) 2d4 citizens in a festive mood
3) 2d4 Bee Girls (25% w/Queen) 3) 2d6 belligerent Klengons
4) d4 Manion Devils 4) 1 hotdog vendor & d4 hungry citizens
5) d4 Rogue Robodroids 5) 1 guru plus 3d4 young citizens
6) 1 Tyrannosaurus (10% mutated) 6) roll d4 on section 1 or 3 chart (50/50)

Underside Section 3
1) 1 Dragon of Darkness 1) d4 street doxies (25GC each)
2) 3d20 Orcs 2) 1 Magic Incense peddler
3) d4 Mummies of Vampires (50/50) 3) d6 criminals (con men, muggers, etc)
4) d8 Infernal Apes 4) 1 street hustler with gold wristchronos
5) 1 Smog Monster or Godzilla (50/50) 5) 1 government official plus roll d4
6) d6 Giants (0 to 3 heads each) 6) roll d4 on section 2 or 4 chart (50/50)


1) 1 Ruin Slug 1) ochorax game with d12 spectators
2) 2d4 Fatal Funguses 2) 1 farmboy, 1 old man, and d4 droids
3) 3d6 Orcs or Goblins (50/50 chance) 3) 1 rampaging Rogue Robodroid
4) d12 Pyrexis Hounds 4) d6 mimes
5) 2d20 Raider Rats 5) magvehicle accident
6) Nearby building catches fire 6) roll d4 on section 1 or 2 chart (50/50)


1) d6 Mummies Level 1
2) d4 Vampires 1) 2d4 Orcs, half with shotguns
3) 3d20 Living Deads 2) 3d6 Goblins
4) 2d6 Pyrexis Hounds 3) 1 Giant Spider
5) Roll d4 twice 4) 3d4 Raider Rats
6) Lowest ADA catches random disease 5) d20 Sky Piranha
6) All lights on level flicker out briefly

Level 2 Level 3
1) 2d6 Orcs, all with Lazer Guns 1) 2d4 Pyrexis Hounds
2) d4 terrified Goblins 2) d4 Manion Devils
3) d12 Slimes 3) 1 Gjenie selling fresh produce
4) d6 Giants (random number of heads) 4) d4 Mummies
5) 1 Time Ghost 5) d6 Rogue Robodroids
6) Steam fills d4 corridors, visibility 1/2 6) All lights on level go out d12 hours

Level 4 Level 5
1) d4 Magic Statues of space pirates 1) d8 Infernal Apes
2) 1 Dragon of Flame 2) d4 Succubuses
3) 1 Robodroid handing out religious tracts 3) d4 Demons
4) 2d10 Living Dead circus clowns 4) 1 Manion Devil
5) d4 Time Ghosts 5) Roll d4 twice
6) The smell of freshly baked cookies? 6) Roll on level 4 chart.


The galaxies of space are rife with tavern tales spread by besotted star-voyagers, tales of
alluring alien doxies, ancient glittering treasures, and haunted spacecraft. The story of the
Vanishing Pyramid is one of the greatest enigmas of the Medieval Rim Sector, oft-told around
campfires and at crowded bars. The story goes that the Pyramid was constructed out of stargold
by the Robopharoah Autohotep, as a tribute to his fondness for his favorite concubine, the pleasure
droid QT314. One day the Robopharoah discovered QT314 servicing the output of the grand vizier,
VL616. Autohotep flew into a great rage. The Pyramid was converted into a tomb and QT was
mummified alive as punishment for her infidelity. VL was thrown into the Eye of Doom, the great
black hole at the center of the Undying Dark Subsector. QT314's spirit is said to haunt the
Pyramid to this day. Her fruitless search for her lost lover is the cause of the strange
appearance of the Pyramid on countless alien worlds.

Or so the tale goes. Historians can confirm the rule of Autohotep during the third and fourth
Galactic Robot Wars and the ascension of unit VL616 to the position of grand vizier. The ruined
Stargold Pyramid of QT314 really exists, but it has never left the site of its construction in a
deep valley on the airless rockball world Altair II. The stargold exterior and anything else of
value, including any robot remains, have long been stripped by grave criminals. The Eye of Doom
was unknown at the time of the reign of the Robopharoahs and VL616's true fate remains a mystery.
Some computosages suspect Autohotep's vizier is the same VL616 who seven centuries later co-founded
the Cyborg Dynasty of the Star Gypsies. Others contend that origin myth of the Cyborg Gypsy Kings
could not possibly be true, as the programming of a robot of such lofty rank would not permit it to
lay with a biological unit to produce a halfbreed roboman.

The true history of the Vanishing Pyramid begins on the medium tech, balkanized world of Vulmia,
a dozen parsecs to the left of the Medieval Rim Sector. Vulmia was originally settled by
Planetary Apes, but their culture was threatened by the arrival of a vast fleet of dwarfish colony
ships intent on mining the metals below the planet's outer crust. Soon great gaping holes were
carved into the verdant surface of Vulmia and the skies were darkened by the output of a thousand
impervium refineries. The apemen of Vulmia lacked the force of will and strength of arms to
offer resistance to the wholesale exploitation of their planet, so instead they turned their

attention to alternative solutions. Some apes initially signed on with the Galactic Domination
Bureau's efforts to colonize uninhabited worlds, but that quickly ceased when it was reported that
life under the GDB's Colonizer Lords was even harsher than the new status quo on their homeworld.

Many adventurous apes with advanced technical skills took positions with passing starfreighters
and a passing Cosmic Exploration Dreadnought, while others sought a technical solution to their
environmental woes. Attempts to build atmosphere containing transteel domes around several ape
cities were cut short by an increase in tectonic instability brought on by dwarvish lazer magma
drilling. Enviroscrubber factories were built at strategic locations around the Ape Continent, but
they seemed unable to keep up with the everchanging load of toxins spewed by the smelter cities of
the dwarves. The wee miner folk, for their part, were completely oblivious to the damage their
operations caused. It had always been their lot in life to turn green and blue worlds into brown
piles of polluted slag. Spacefaring dwarves consider such a transformation part of the natural
lifecycle of planets. Had the apes simply asked them to stop, perhaps Vulmian history would have
turned out differently.

As the dwarves cheerily continued to poison the planet, the few remaining technologically savvy
Planetary Apes decided it was a time for drastic action. Pooling their knowledge and drawing
upon the resources of the Ape Mafia (who liked green forests and blue skies as much as the next
ape), the ape intelligentsia set to work building a weapon. Not just a weapon, but a SUPERweapon
capable of ridding Vulmia of the Tiny Menace in one stroke. Led by Mango Pete, their greatest,
maddest scientist, the Simian TechnoCrime Cabal designed and constructed the Psionic Multiplication
Complex, a massive pyramidal structure constructed of alloyed atlantium, crystallized photons, and
the distilled dreamstuff of sleeping cybersouls. Built atop the pyramid was the Great Focusing
Crystal, a hollow dodecahedron sculpted out of hyperspace spidersilk interwoven with
quasisolidified antidimensional nonmatter. The Psionic Multiplication Complex was one of the
great wonders of a wondrous age.

Too bad the damn thing didn't work as advertised. According the apes' working theory, when Mango
Pete activated the Brain Device in the control room of the Pyramid it would grant him near
omnipotent levels of psychic power and allow him to rewrite the universe as he saw fit. Inside the
Complex the remaining members of the Simian TechnoCrime Cabal would be safe from Pete's editing
of existence. Again, that was the theory. In his hubris Mango Pete never contemplated the
psychological or physical strain of achieving the godhead. As his brainwaves amplified to deific
levels, the cells of his body became so energized with psionic energy that they each individually
achieved sentience on their own. After a brief debate among elected organ representatives meeting
in Pete's liver, the cells determined that it was not necessarily in their best interest to coalesce
around the soul of a monkey with delusions of godhood. The cells that had formed Mango Pete's
body quickly dispersed. Most of them eventually exited the Psionic Multiplication Complex in
several great migration waves, but not before taking the time to capture and ruthlessly exploit any
nonsentient cells they found in their wanderings through the pyramid. These predations included
the cells of the other members of the Cabal, who did not understand what was happening as they

Unlike the other victims of the Cellular Independence Movement, Mango Pete did not die. His
overloaded mental energies rebounded throughout the universe like a vastly improbable pinball
bouncing ghostlike throughout the pinball machine that is the entirety of creation. On the world
Zargon Beta 4 his brainwave pattern briefly intersected the minds of the Singing Monks of the

Adobe Tower, driving them to madness and eventually triggering the sectorwide Barbershop Quartet
Riots. Deep inside the Oodrapor Nebula his mental vibrations resonated with a newly born star,
granting it a measure of Pete's inflated ego. A billion years later that star would command the
attention of whole galaxies as the cosmic threat Mungor, the
Screaming Sun. At the Third Battle of the Lesser Magellanic Cloud,
one of the most important space combats in the history of solid
matter, Pete's pychoessence materialized briefly as an id
manifestation. This manifestation appeared to the telepathic
Zoruubians as their greatest collective fear, causing a route that
would allow the combined forces of the Klengons and Centaurs to
win the day over the forces of the League of Intergalactic Peace.
Eventually Mango Pete's hyperenergized brain pattern bounced off
the end of the universe, which inadvertently delayed the coming of
Ragnarok by two hours. To this day Thor speaks highly of Mango
Pete, as the apocalypse went much better after he had a hearty
breakfast. Upon returning to normal timespace Pete's apotheosized
soul flew through the first meeting of Wudrak Malakoy, history's
third greatest plumber, and Izarella Bjornud, the inventor of five
dimensional architecture. The two were simultaneously inspired to
build the Aquaflush Palace, which would become the most resplendent restroom facility in this or
any other universe. The duo would later go on to be married three times and have 2 children
together before casting off their flesh to join the great Hivemind of the Pandimensional Artisan

After a journey across much of the cosmos, the energies overloading Mango Pete's brain began to
dissipate and his soul reformed in the vicinity of the Psionic Multiplication Complex. Without a
body to return to, Pete's brainwaves bounced around the interior of the pyramid, until his psychic
energies were captured in the Great Crystal that powered the Complex's psionic engines. The
unrestrained brainwave activity inside the Psionic Multiplication Complex knocked it out partially
out of phase with normal matter, sending it on the great hyperspace wanderings it continues to this
day. Now called the Vanishing Pyramid its five dimensional vector eventually brought it in
proximity to the black/white hole Enigma 23, which it now hyperorbits in a noneuclidean ellipse.
To the uneducated this orbit gives the appearance of the Pyramid inexplicably vanishing in one
location and reappearing in another. But any sufficiently advanced computer built by an intellect
of at least the 14th degree would be able to plot the regular movements of the pyramid through
space/time/hyperspace/hypertime/subspace/subtime. In the decades since the Vanishing Pyramid
began its fateful journey through space many creatures have entered its chambers. But few
sentient beings remain for long, as the trapped soul of Mango Pete is an unnerving influence on
all who visit the Vanishing Pyramid.



Unlike many dungeons the Pyramid is not a construct of medieval stone. Instead the walls are
constructed of advanced hyperplastics and superstrong steel alloys, with many pipes, cables, and
gigantic circuit boards festooning walls and ceilings of many corridors and chambers. The
lighting system in the pyramid is partially functional, most areas are gloomy with one or two
dimly lit or flickering bulbs. All the doors usually open with a simple button press, but 1 in 6

are stuck and require a Lesser Feat of strength to open. A door can be functional for one
adventure and stuck the next.

Most rooms and some corridors have ventilation grates, but the openings are so small that not even
a hobling can crawl through them. Someone with access to shrinking magic or technology of some
sort will be able to enter the ventilation system, but there are hazards. An Explore or halved
Happenstance roll must be made each such trip to avoid becoming hopelessly lost and ending up
exiting in a random room on any of the first four levels some d6 days later. Additionally, there
is a 25% chance of encountering a hostile Raider Rat pack. If the tiny explorer neither loses his
or her way nor falls to rat attack, they may scout out the contents of 2d4 nearby rooms before it
is necessary to check again for hazards.


A) MAIN ENTRANCE On class M worlds the airlock quickly opens with the press of a button. In
more hostile environs the airlock takes 2d6 rounds to cycle. During transit between locations the
front door will not open at all save for a Great Feat of strength, a halved Machine Friend roll,
or a Psi Witch successfully Commanding at least 600 Lbs. of Matter. The room on the other side of
the airlock is usually empty of foes, but make an extra random encounter check if the party cycles
the airlock or spends a lot of time trying to open it during dangerous circumstances as their
shenanigans will certainly draw the interest of various pyramid inhabitants.

B) Nothing here but the shredded and useless remains of a Damnation Van owner's manual.
However the quietest and least chatty party member should be allowed a Clue roll to hear the
twitterings of the rodents coming from the north.

C) Three orcs currently make this room their home. One of the orcs is armed with a Tommy Gun.
If the party approaches the room from the west they will be subject to Tommy Gun fire halfway down
the corridor between A and C unless they all make Sneak rolls and/or are somehow invisible.
After being dispatched the orc's Tommy Gun will only contain half a load of ammo. After each
attack the new owner will have a 50% chance of emptying the ammo drum.

D) Bloody footprints, some booted and others cloven hooves, have dried upon the floor of this room.
An Explore roll or a halved Logic roll will reveal that a battle has been fought here fairly
recently, with the victory going to the creature with the cloven hooves, who dragged the corpses of
his foes north. Loud argument or unnecessary dithering here has a 75% chance of drawing the
notice of the inhabitants of L and/or J.

E) BATHROOM This restroom has been out of order for 500 years yet it still reeks of apes and
poop. Anyone other than a Planetary Ape entering this room must make a Lesser Feat roll or
become nauseous, halving attacks and damage for the next hour. Nothing of value here.

F) SUPPLY CLOSET A thorough search among the mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies reveals a
First Aid Kit and a Minor Mace that is enchanted to do double damage to robotic foes, including
cyborgs. The name 'Robo Smasher' is engraved around the cylindrical head of the mace in the
Vulkin language.

G) This room is completely empty.

H) The northeast corridor leading into this room has a concealed pit trap. The pit is only 1
meter deep, doing 0 to 3 points of damage to anyone who fails their saving throw. The room itself
contains 6 plasteel crates. A Great Feat or Command Matter roll is needed to open them. Inside
each crate is 50 pounds of freeze dried bananas. I) An eerie purple mold covers the ceiling of
this room. It is harmless. If a player specifically requests an Alchemist roll and succeeds on
the dice their character will be able to identify the mold as a key ingredient in a certain
formulation for Potions of Healing. A backpack or bucket full of mold is worth 100 Gold Credits
to the right buyer and three such loads are available. During the time spent scraping mold the
Journey Master should make at least one additional random monster check.

J) COMPUTO ROOM Looped around the three blinking computo columns in this room is a sleepy Giant
Serpent. It is possible to Sneak through the serpent's lair if no great commotion has been made in
room D. If the serpent is defeated and a player asks they may attempt to activate one of the
columns by making a Machine Friend roll. If successful the computo brain will say "Query
please." The columns can answer any Yes/No question that does not involve future predictions with
84% accuracy. If the players ask a non Yes/No question the response is "Please restate question."
Asking a Yes/No question that requires the prediction of future events is dangerous. The computer
will say "Calculating, please stand by" every few minutes for d6 hours, after which it will explode,
doing 6d6 damage to anyone in the room at that time.

K) Shoved into the northwest corner of this room is a pile of broken wooden and plastic furniture.
A search of the trash yields a partially full box of Walther PPK ammunition, worth 3 reloads of
such a weapon. A pipe running along the top of the western wall has a sputtering, intermittent
coolant leak. Everyone in the room during the search must roll d20 plus Luck. The lowest score
it hit with supercool liquid for 2d6 frost damage. If two or more tie for lowest they divide the
damage rolled between them. Metal armor will not allow a saving throw for half damage.

L) Four goblins are playing strip poker in this room. It is 35% likely that 1 or 2 of them are
already naked when they encounter the party. Anyone with an Adaptation score of 9 or less is at
half chances to hit a naked goblin in hand combat. Psi Witches fighting blindly are unaffected.
One of the goblins wields a bone spear, allowing it to do d6 damage at a range of 2". Other than
the spear their treasure consists of a half empty bottle of dwarf grog and a deck of marked cards
that is missing the Queen of Diamonds and the 4 of Clubs.

M) Eight belligerent Raider Rats presently make this filthy room their home. They have a 50%
chance of rushing into the 20' wide hallway to attack intruders, otherwise they will wait until the
fight comes to them. Anyone bit by one of these rats has a percentage chance equal to the damage
done of catching a random disease. Symptoms will first appear d4 hours after the bite. Each
character can be inflicted with but one disease in this matter. The first player to volunteer to
search through the rat poop automatically finds a blue pearl worth 74 gold credits, but they also
automatically catch a disease. Someone already infect by ratbite can catch a second disease in
this manner.

N) This room is empty. The northern door is covered with splatters of dried blood.

O) Several largish potted plants once thrived in this room. They have all since died. Several
clay pots have been knocked over, spilling black soil across the floor. A few upright pots still
hold the dried remains of plants. A thorough search of the husks and dirt will reveal a few
seeds that might bloom if planted. These seeds will yield delicious fruits not known to the
inhabitants of the local subsector and thus have longterm investment potential.

P) Any warlock of second level or higher will be able to recognize the faint chalk marks on the
floor of this room as a magic conjuring circle. While in this room a warlock may use the circle
to increase their Conjure percentage by 25 percentiles. The conjuration will summon 1 Demon. A
flaw in the circle makes the summoned immune to the Demon Master spell, but sends him back to his
home dimension after 3d6 turns. A warlock has a 10% chance
for each level over 4th of recognizing this flaw. The
summoned demon will be hostile to the warlock and anyone
else present at the conjuration.

Q) The rotting remains of a mangled warlock and his

equally mangled friends have been piled in a heap at the
center of this room. Someone has already removed most of
the items of value on these corpses, but one dwarf still
wears a mostly intact Biker Jacket.

R) On the floor of this chamber lies a scroll tube with an

ominous seal of black wax pressed with the symbol of a blade
piercing an eye. Inside the tube is a scroll made of
klengon skin, upon it is a missive from Darth Viraxis to the
inhabitants of Eku Colony demanding their complete
surrender. Viraxis threatens the use of atomic weapons if
he does not receive a timely reply. The letter is dated
almost two years ago. Characters who have spent time
adventuring across Vanth will know that the Eku Colony, the
northernmost of the Klengon Colonies, was in fact sterilized
by neutron bomb.

S) Filthy rags and miscellaneous debris cover the floor of

this room to a depth of about 18 inches. The first person to
enter this room hears what sounds like faint whispers in an
unknown tongue. The sound lasts but a moment and is never
heard again. Searching the filth acoomplishes nothing but
an additional random monster check.

T) A Manion Devil with but a single tentacle lurks in this

room. It has no treasure.

U) Due to local instability in the local spacetime continuum

Rayez Godslayer time passes at a slightly faster rate in this room than
elsewhere in the Pyramid. Spending the night here will
result in but a single random monster check. If a random monster is to appear it is 50% likely
to be d4 Time Ghosts.

V) This room was once used as storage for the parts and tool necessary for servicing the computo
columns in room J, but the shelves lining the room have been stripped bare. Looking behind the
shelving units will reveal a pristine XZ5000 computer chip, but only if a player specifically states
they are looking behind the shelves. If installed in a Robodroid character this chip will grant a
+1 to both INT and LEA but ADA will have to be rerolled. Installation should be by a
professional with the proper tools. Anyone else will have to make both Machine Friend and

Alchemist rolls or botch the job. If either roll fails no bonuses are granted and ADA must still
be rerolled. If both rolls fail the Robodroid also takes 4d6 damage.


A) An unpleasant seepage is pooled at the base of the door to the south. Anyone tasting the foul
phosphorescent fluid takes 2d6 damage unless a Consume Alien roll is made. If 12 points of
damage are taken and survived, the drek drinker gains a new random mutation.

B) A radioactor has coagulated into existence here among several corroded barrels of toxic
chemicals. To search the smelly scum on the floor is not dangerous, but requires an Unpleasant
Order roll to successfully complete. If the roll is made the searcher finds 3d10 impervium coins
stamped with the seal of the Galactic Domination Bureau. Each such coin is worth 11 GC and is
legal tender in all starports in the galaxy.

C) The temperature in this hallway is unusually high. It is not hot enough to harm most beings,
but creatures made of ice and characters with an ADA of 5 or less take 1d6 damage for passing
through this corridor.

D) This room is empty but a nearly invisible leak in the ceiling has allowed a small amount of
water to pool on the floor. If a fight breaks out here (whether by random monster or intraparty
squabbling) any time someone misses an attack in hand combat they will have to roll their DEX or
less on 4d6 or fall prone.

E) The eastern wall of this room was once a detailed technical schematic of the entire pyramids
electromagnetic system, but most of the information has been erased by the judicious application of
several axeblows. A spectral spirit of a planetary ape invisibly lurks here, but he will only
materialize to attack a lone adventurer or any group carrying bananas from room H of level 1.
If defeated the spirit collapses into a pile of gold dust worth d20 GC.

F) A polka band consist of 4 Living Deads on tuba, accordion, clarinet, and drums plays in this
room. Their music can only be heard in this room and the hallway to the west. These creatures
will only fight if attacked. Their instruments are all lemons.

G) The first Psi Witch to enter this room gains a momentary telepathic gestalt with the trapped
spirit in room B, level 3. The Psi Witch fleetingly experiences a memory of a hyperexctied
intellect bounding uncontrollably through all of space and time. The agony of the contact does
1d12 damage unless a Psi Resist roll is made, but after the brief rapport the Psi Witch will be
able to operate the Brain Device (room A, level 5) without a Machine Friend roll, but will not know
this until he or she sees the device.

H) This room has been claimed as the home of a pair of Headless Giants. When the party enters
the room the giants are searching for a can opener that one of them misplaced. The room is
decorated with crude wooden furniture sized appropriately for giantish existence, but is otherwise
typical peasant home equipment. If the party helps the giants find the can opener (Clue roll to
locate) they will be very grateful. The giants will open several cans and prepare a meal of red
beans and rice to share. If the party partakes the meal is delicious and nutritious. The giants'
treasure consists of the can opener, cooking utensils, a barrel of fresh water, several dozen cans
of beans, and a large bag of white rice. If attacked the giants will attempt to flee if one of
them is wounded 50% or more.

J) On the floor of this room is a single playing card, the 4 of Clubs. Above the card on the
ceiling lurks a clever Giant Spider that has been trying to catch goblins with the card as bait.
It will drop down on any nonrobotic being that reaches for the card. If the spider is cut open in
its gullet is a large uncut diamond. The diamond would be worth 120 GC to a jeweler or the
jeweler could be paid 500 GC to cut it into a gem worth 4d4 x 100 GC.

K) This area is emptier than empty. No dust, no cobwebs, and no vermin will be found here. Not
so much as a single scuttling bug. Random monsters might be foolish enough to tarry here but the
monsters on the dungeon key will pass through the room as quickly as possible. Due to a serious
flaw in the pyramid's dimensional shielding, every d6 hours this room and its contents fade into
nonexistence for a few seconds. Anyone in the room when this happens will be dumped into
hyperspace, where dimensional forces will kill them after a number of rounds equal to their ADA
score. The party member with the highest Luck may make a Happenstance roll for a spaceship to be
passing nearby but it will take the ship's crew 3d6 rounds to rescue each character. Doxies (but
not rakes) and any females with more than 10 LEA may roll 2d6 as the starsailors will be
especially motivated.

L) The remains of a campfire and a half eaten onion are the only items in the room. Any Pioneer
can tell that the campfire has been cold at least a couple of days. A Monster Friend or halved
Logic roll indicates that the being who bit into the onion had large fangs.

M) This room is filled with wires of all gauges that crisscross into and out of the walls, making
movement and vision difficult once one gets past the short north/south corridor leading into the
room proper. Raider Rats have nawed into the insulation of a few live wires, so any attempt to
search here has a 25% chance of shocking the searcher for 3d6 electrical damage. The first
character to thoroughly search the room and not get zapped will find a larger black book entitled
"Hammer of Evil: The Witch Hunter Handbook". Studying this book for d6 weeks will allow a
character to take levels in the Witch Hunter class from the ARDUIN GRIMOIRE, volume 1, pages 25
and 26. Warlocks, Psi Witches, Doxies, and Criminals will have to renounce their old class
abilities to join the Witch Hunters.

N) A dozen old tires are piled in this room. A thorough examination of the tires will reveal that
two of them are almost new motorcycles tires worth 25 GC each to a Biker. Hidden under the tires
are three provocative polaroids of a blonde succubus, each worth 10 GC to most sentient males.
Near the bottom of the north wall (behind all the tires) is a small ventilation grill, through which
the coffin in room P is visible. There is no other means of access to room P.

P) This room is bare save for the wooden coffin laying in the center of the floor. The coffin is
the resting place for Kahglarth, an ancient klengon vampire. Kahglarth spends much of his time
sleeping the sleep of the undead and will only awaken to loud sounds, such as detonating grenades
or warlock bombs within 100', or when someone opens his coffin. Kahglarth is a wily old creep
and will not attack an obviously superior foe, opting instead to vanish in a puff of smoke to
wreak his vengence later. If any female klengons are among the party he will attempt to seduce
them at 37%. In the coffin is 500 GC and an Amulet of Spell B Gone, which gives +25% saves
against magical attacks and effects, such as warlock spells. Kahglarth chooses not wear the
amulet because it doesn't go with his purple leisure suit and black silk cape.

Q) ARCADE The foozball table, pinballs machines, and video games in this room have been smashed
and hacked. By scavenging parts in two broken pinball machines a third might be repaired to
functionality, but that will require both a Machine Friend and a Logic roll and d6 hours of work.
The video games cannot be fixed, but their electronic circuitry could be stripped, up to a
backpack's worth is available with a resale value of 4d20 GC. The busted foozball machine has no
value. No quarters will be found anywhere in this room, they having been looted long ago.

R) Half a dozen Fatal Funguses scuttle about this room. These moldy malefactors are near the
peak of their reproduction cycle. If they are killed and neither eaten nor consumed with fire the
next session that adventurers pass this way there will be thrice as many funguses waiting for
them. The chance that the second wave of killer shrooms is near their sporing time is only 3%.

S) Three barrels of Antarian beer can be found here, along with a tap, a wooden mallet, and a
dozen large mugs. Each barrel is worth 200 gold credits and the mugs are worth 1 gold credit
each. But any Warrior or Criminal entering this room must make an Unpleasant Order roll to
avoid helping themselves to an intoxicating amount of beer. Intoxication halves all percentiles
and lasts d4 hours or until slept off.

T) Here can be found three stone statues of space pirates (one klengon, one dwarf, and one
cyaborg wookey), all very lifelike with expressions of fright on their faces. All three statues
face the passageway to the north. Hauling a statue from this room to the dungeon exit on the
first floor would require a single Great Feat roll. Three characters making Lesser Feat rolls
could work together to accomplish the task. Make an extra random monster check while a statue is
being lugged about. Using the emergency exit in room 3E allows the percentages to be doubled, but
getting the statue down the outside of the pyramid will end up being an even harder task. If the
party can find a warlock with a fully stocked alchemy lab he or she will pay 500 GC for each

U) A lovely young medusa once used this chamber as her boudoir, but that was over a century ago.
In her wardrobe are three silken outfits suitable for a doxy and valued at 50 GC each. Under a
pillow is a small wooden box with a Warlock Bomb cast on it that activates if any but a Doxy
opens it. A warlock or psi witch who examines the box will be able to detect the spell if a See
The Future roll is made. Inside the box are several pieces of gaudy costume jewelry of no value,
a doxy make-up kit, and a golden necklace worth 3,000 GC. If the Warlock Bomb is activated all
the box contents will be destroyed as will the silky clothes if they have been removed from the
wardrobe but not specifically secured.


A) Poltergeist activity is common here, with a 12% chance per visit to the room of a scene
playing out from the akashic memory. The tableau depicted will be that of three Planetary Apes
melting in agony. These apparitions cannot be interacted with except by use of a Spectral Body
spell or similarly untangible, in which case they attack as 3 Spectral Spirits. The ghostly
manifestations have no treasure.

B) In this room malfunction in the pyramid's

energy conduit system has caused a crackling
field of lurid green energy, visible down the
corridor from as far as away as the Auxiliary
Control Room. The field cuts the room in two
and is impassable to anything made of
standard matter. Furthermore, any being
attempting to pass the green hate field will
take 2d12 points of phasic damage. No
solution to crossing or deactivating this
barrier is immediately obvious and it is solely
up the ingenuity of the players to defeat this
obstacle. The Journey Master is strongly
urged neither to suggest nor encourage any
particular path of action, but to cooly
adjudicate the solution to this problem. Allow
no one to pass the green force field until you
are thoroughly convinced of the cleverness of
the players' plan and any appropriate dice
rolls are made.

C) AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM This room is still

intact and fully functional, being as it was
from the days of the pyramids original
construction. Any attempt to manipulate the
shiny buttons and blinky lights here with cause
a roll of 2d6 to be made on Wanderings of the
Vanishing Pyramid, Chart 1. Intentionally
damaging the controls will set off showers of
sparks doing 1d6 electrical damage to all
present and igniting flammables with 10%
probability. Further more, every blow or shot
to the controls, including 50% of all missed
attacks in a general combat, has a +5% chance
of accomplishing the same. After such a
shower of sparks the controls will no longer Quackers the Samurai, sworn foe of R. Mallard

D) The water fountain in the southeast corner of this room is clean and functional, delivering a
small stream of cool, refreshing hydration at the press of a button.

E) UPPER EXIT The emergency exit out of the pyramid is clearly labeled with a red lighted sign
above the door, but make use of it one must first get past the ruin slug that makes its lair here.
Unless a player specifically notes they are propping the door open somehow and makes a
Happenstance roll, the emergency exit is one way only and no force less than a gjenie wish can
open it from the outside. Note that there is no airlock here and the exterior door is nearly
invisible from outside the pyramid.

F) ROBO STORAGE This room is piled high with stacks of used robodroid parts. Because of the
widely varying amount of wear and tear on the parts each backpack full is worth d100 GC. There
are 10 packworths of such parts. A Clue roll and a thorough search will yield a single load of
parts worth ten times as much as the rest of the parts. The search will also reveal two intact but
deactivated robodroids. They can be switched on with no difficulty, but a Machine Friend roll is
necessary to avoid them going rogue and attacking. If one or two characters have been killed
previously and the robodroids are not immediately hostile then these two machine people could be
used as a means of introducing new party members. Or a warrior who has rolled but not yet
received a shield mate could activate a loyal warrior droid. Otherwise the robodroids will briefly
thank the party for reactivating them, then leave on their own business.

G) MAIN CONTROL ROOM The computer displays and control panels in this room have all been
destroyed. Everytime the pyramid fades out of existence to transit to another location the broken
remains of the controls crackle with electricty. Everyone in the room will take 1d6 damage as
they are showered in sparks and any exposed flammables have a 10% chance of being ignited.

H) This room is empty save for a coil of rope made of elf hair, only 25 foot long but extremely
strong. Also, it is silky and shiny and smells of lilacs.

J) A large cardboard sign taped to the door leading into this room reads "Danger! Do not open!"
A brown spot on the floor approximately 3 foot in diameter is the only contents of the room. This
floor stain is a colony of fully sentient single celled organisms, with a rich microscopic culture
and heritage. For all their advances in the arts and sciences they are unable to recognize the
existence of large multicellular beings. Rather, any such entity coming into the room will be
viewed akin to a herd of wild cattle to be rounded up and used as they see fit. Each round spent
in the room does 2d6 damage to party members as their flesh apparently melts away, like the
poltergeists in room A of this level. Only engulfing the entire room in fire will completely
destroy the unicellular menace, but energy or fire attacks aimed at the brown stain will delay
further fleshmelting by d4 rounds as the amoebic city concentrates on disaster relief. A Psi Witch
melding with the citizens of the colony might be able to open diplomatic relations with the local
government, but there is no easy way for the party to determine that their foe is alive, much less

K) A skeletal corpse is slumped against the corner of this landing. It is naked save for a pair
of good but smallish boots, worth 5 GC. The skeleton clutches a Klengon grenade with the pin
pulled and laying nearby on the floor but concealed under decades of dust. If the skeleton is
disturbed it takes a Happenstance roll to grab the grenade before it detonates. Locating the pin
requires a Clue roll. Safely putting the two back together requires Machine Friend or a Criminal
using Steal. Carrying a live grenade is a tricky business, and every round of live combat it is
held requires a new Happenstance roll to avoid going boom, as do any stumbles, falls, seductions,
arguments, or encounters with traps.

L) A bronzium cube 3 feet to a side sits in the center of this room. This is a treasure chest of
uncanny alien design, much like a Chinese Puzzle Box made of nearly indestructible pseudometal.
It takes a Clue roll to even notice the nearly invisible seems along the faces of the cube and no
non-magical attempt to open the cube can be begun before this clue is found. It takes a series of
three Logic rolls and d6 hours per roll to unravel the secrets of the cube. A warlock or psi
witch can attempt to cheat the system by use of See the Future and Command Matter respectively,
while a criminal can attempt a Steal roll to partially dismantle the puzzle like mechanisms. A
successful cheat of the cube takes only d4 hours and requires no Logic rolls, but a failure
activates the cube's fourth dimensional escape system, causing the cube to fold up upon itself and
disappear from the material universe altogether. Inside the cube are three treasures: a laser gun
that fires silvery beams (affecting werewolves and such) and requires no ammo replenishment, an
impervium collar that grants its wearer a second survival roll against decapitation at 50%, and a
haunted demon skull that will teach a secret to the first person to talk to it. The demon skull
cannot speak unless it is first addressed, even in jest. ("Alas, poor Yorick", etc.) But the spirit
trapped within it can teach a warlock any one spell from the rulebook or it can instruct a member
of any class how to use a percentile ability exclusive to his class more efficiently, granting a
permanent +10% bonus. Once the skull has taught a single secret it teletransports itself 5d100
miles in a random direction and silently awaits rediscovery.

M) An angry and territorial Phasic Wolf of maximum size guards this chamber. A Monster Friend
roll will keep him at bay just long enough to cross the door to room L, but a second roll will be
needed to cross back. A Pioneer may attempt to Tame this beast, but only with an offer of food.
The wolf has no treasure save its particularly magnificent phasic pelt, which could be worked into
a cape or other garment of 100GC value. Subtract 10 GC of potential value for every point of
damage inflicted by blades, energy attacks, and magic spells.


A) The northwest door opens as normally, but there is no room beyond. The contractors who
installed all the doors on the pyramid misread the blueprint and accidentally installed an extra
door here.

B) GREAT CRYSTAL The humming crystal ensconced in this chamber is the cold heart that beats at
the center of the living computer that is the Vanishing Pyramid. Psi Witches that made contact on
Level 2, room G will instantly recognize the crystal as the container of an ancient and twisted
soul, psionically shrieking for all time in undying agony. Others will simply appreciate the
pretty lights it emits. Smashing the Great Crystal requires a Great Feat of Strength or at least 40
points of damage in single attack. A failure results in 3d6 Phasic damage arcing through the
body of the attacker. Success frees the trapped soul but strands the pyramid in its present
location. Removing the crystal by nonviolent means is impossible. The shattered crystal
fragments appear to be of great value (d20 pieces at 1 to 6 thousand credits each) but they turn to
ordinary sand d8 days after the crystal is broken.

C) In this room are two statues of space pirates. One is an orc with a stone pegleg, the other a
hobling wielding the stone replica of a phasic cutlass. Unlike the statues on the second level of
the pyramid, these two are animated Magic Statues. They will seek to fight any living beings, but
a party consisting totally of robodroids, undead, and/or fellow statues will not be harmed. The
orcish statue can only move 5" per round due to the pegleg. The eyes of the statue (3 total, the
hobling has an eyepatch) are Goraxxian Moon Rubies, worth 75GC apiece. A Goraxxian Moon Ruby

crushed and added to a bottle of wine makes an excellent tasting Potion of Healing, but only
someone making an Alchemist, Illicit, or Provide roll will know that bit of adventurer's lore.

D) The bulbs under the glass floor in this room no longer function, and the mirrored sphere lays
broken on the floor, but clearly this room once served as a discotheque. The mirrors of the ball
were blessed by a priest of the Eight Gods of Getting Down. The largest fragments of mirror can
be thrown as a Grenade (Modern) that only effects devils and demons of all sorts, as those beings
are allies of the Powers of Metal, the cosmic foes of disco. There are 6 blessed glass shards, but
carrying and handling them may result in accidental cuts and scrapes, at the Journey Master's

E) A small cylindrical elevator shaft sits in the corner of this room. The elevator door is
trapped. Whoever pushes the button to summon the elevator car with be sprayed with Hellacid, an
acid that ignites upon contact with the air. The damage done is 3d6 fire and 3d6 acid. The acid
will ruin any material armor the victim is wearing, including exotic items such as impervium
cuirasses or black hole metal shields. Furthermore, the trap sets off a silent alarm above,
alerting the inhabitants of Level 5. One way to avoid the trap is to use some sort of long range
device or ability to press the button, such as poking it with a spear or sending a minion to press
the button. The spear, minion, or any other material device will be destroyed in the process.
Another option would be to dismantle the button before pressing it. A Machine Friend roll and 2d6
minutes of work will either disarm the trap completely or simply summon the elevator car without
setting off the trap (50/50 chance), either way the alarm still activates.

F) Six lumps of sticky, silky material are glued to the walls, floor, and ceiling of this room.
These are the egg sacks of the Giant Spider currently residing on Level 2 in Room J. Any
prodding of the sacks has a 50% chance of causing it to burst open. d20 Giant Spiders of minimum
hit points will scuttle out and attack. Any gunfire in this room also has a 25% chance of opening
an egg sack. Should the party kill any of these spiders, the mother (if still alive) will be able
to smell their blood on the killers and will track them relentless and fight ferciously (double
damage) to avenge her young. There is no treasure here.

G) This chamber is empty. Spraypainted on the northern wall are the phrases "Thrazar was here"
and "No I wasn't." Also, there is small a "For a good time call" message in chalk, naming and
giving the hyperphone digits of the mother of a random party member.

H) When anyone comes round the corner and discovers the dead end here, make an immediate random
monster roll. An indicated foe will be rounding the corner 50 feet to the west, looking for

K) see level 3, area K


suave young Infernal Ape of maximum hit points. If the Klengon Vampire in room 2P was routed,
then he will be here crashing with his buddy. There's also a 50% chance that Ugro will be
entertaining d4 Succubus friends when the party arrives here. Furthermore, there is a 10% chance
of a diabolic party being under way, with d4 more succubuses and d4 demons. The festivites of a
party will be sufficiently distracting that the silent alarm in room 4E will not be noticed,
allowing the possibility of surprising Ugro and friends. During combat every time a partying

demon or succubus is hit roll percentile dice, if the result is equal to or less than the damage
just sustained the monster will disappear with a sulfurous "poof!", returning to their hell
dimension of origin.

Ugro's apartment is sumptiously furnished, but most of its contents will be destroyed by combat.
Surviving the fight will be 2d6 bottles of wine, d8 bottles of vodka, d4 doses of Mickey, a small
bag of Magic Incense, d100 GC, a killer stereo system worth 400 GC, and 3d20 GC worth of record
albums (mostly soft rock, unfortunately). Also present here is the Brain Device, which Ugro has
connected to his stereo so that he may see, smell, and taste his music as well as hear it. If the
Brain Device is plugged into the special socket currently hidden under a beanbag chair, it can be
used to try to guide the Pyramid's wanderings through hyperspace. The wearer or a friend must
make a Machine Friend roll to operate the controls, except that a Psi Witch who made telepathic
contact in room in 2G need not roll. Once activated the Brain Device wearer must make a Command
Energy roll. Success indicate they can roll 2d6+1 on Chart 1 of the Wanderings of the Vanishing
Pyramid. Failure indicates a danger of psionic information overload. If a Psi Resist roll is
made the Brain Device inflicts 2d6 damage upon the user and their ESP score and percentiles are
halved for 2d4 months. If the Psi Resist roll is failed the wearer's brain explodes, killing them
with 98% certainty.


CHART 1 Random Pyramid Activation

Roll below every d6 months and everytime the controls in room 3C are manipulated. Roll 2d6 and
modify by -1 if the Great Crystal has been damaged, +1 if someone is using the Brain Device.

1) Pyramid explodes. Each character in the Pyramid rolls Survival. Failure indicates the
character's atoms are dispersed throughout the cosmos. Success indicates random transportation,
roll on chart 2 to find destination. Party may be split up. Anyone in the Dodecahedron (room 5A)
will automatically make their survival roll and all arrive together in the same random location
from Chart 2.
2) Pyramid malfunction, roll on Chart 3.
3) Great Crystal glows blue for d6 days, but nothing else happens. Roll again in d6 months.
4) Pyramid and its contents partially dematerialize, becoming insubstantial for d6 days. No one
may enter or leave the Pyramid during this time, except perhaps ghosts and wrlock's using Spectral
Body. Roll again in d6 months.
5) Roll a destination from Chart 2. The pyramid exists at both it's present location and the
rolled destination. The main entrance (area 1A) leads out to the current location. The upper exit
(room 3E) leads to the new destination. After d6 weeks the Pyramid will solidfy at a single
location, 50/50 chance of either one.
6) Great Crystal glows red for d6 days. During this time anyone attempt to use the controls in
room 3C will be zapped for 3d6 damage and set off a Pyramid Malfunction. Roll again in d6
7) Nothing happens, roll again in d6 months.
8) Pyramid malfunction, roll on Chart 3, and Pyramid teleports to a new location from Chart 2.
9) Pyramid spends d6 weeks in hyperspace, then materializes at a location rolled on Chart 2.
10) Roll twice on Chart 2. PC with lowest Luck score may make a Happenstance roll to get to pick
one of these two locations. Otherwise the Pyramid arrives at a third randomly generated site.
11) Pyramid transports to a random location from Chart 2.
12) Party is transported to a random location from Chart 2, Pyramid does not go with them.

13) Character using the Brain Device may make a Machine Friend roll. Success indicates that
they can pick the new location of the Pyramid off Chart 2 without rerolling. Otherwise the
character may select between staying put for d6 months or a random roll on Chart 2.

CHART 2 Pyramid Destination (d20)

1) Cobol, in a deserted city

2) Orezius, next door to the Great Goblin Cooking Academy
3) Ceti Alpha 5, deep in an unexplored jungle on the southern landmass
4) Deep Space in a random hex adjacent to Enigma 23
5) Malacazoom, a day's journey from the city of the Vulkins
6) Tek Zarcanna, inside the territory of a belligerent native tribe
7) Dantooine, near the remains of an abandoned base
8) Vanth, at the bottom of the Lake of Hori
9) The Vermilion Belt, floating in the belt within 1000 meters of a pristine Stardragon egg
10) In the heavy craft hangar of the starship Warden
11) Mandor, overlooking the Lake of Eternal Contemplation
12) Asteroid 1618, within d100 miles of a random landmark (roll d20 for location)
14) Enigma 23, in orbit near the Vulkin science station
15) Lemuket, on the island of the Cinnamon Demons
16) Hell VI, among the Flaming Tombs of the Heretics. 50% chance of d100 Living Dead and d12
Demons entering Pyramid.
17) Vanth, in the Forbidden Waste
18) Xardax, in the vast Orgy Chamber of the High Ones. 75% chance of festivies already under
way at time of arrival.
19) In the middle of a fleet of mysteriously crewless Klengon Warcuisers orbiting a gas giant in
the Gamma system
20) A random world in another (1 or 2) subsector (3 or 4) sector (5) galaxy or (6) universe

CHART 3 Pyramid Malfunctions

1) Radiation leak. All biological creatures must roll Command Energy to avoid 4d6 damage and a
random mutation.
2) Life support on the blink. 62% chance of atmosphere venting next time the Pyramid is in a
3) Robot rampage. All robodroids in room 4F activate and go rogue.
4) Gender inversion field. All characters in pyramid switch genders. Ungendered beings gain a
set of genitalia.
5) Temporal distortion dampers fail. d6 Time Ghosts appear at a random location in the Pyramid
6) Crystal overload. Next person to enter Room 4B will be zapped for 3d6 phasic damage, no save.


The next several pages present seven complete character records each depicting one example of the
known character classes, including the new Pugilist class. These characters may be given out to
players if the Journey Master wishes to immediately begin play, but it should be noted that their
equipment and experience may prove overwhelming to an unprepared or novice JM. Another possible
use for these characters is for substitutes when an already established character dies in the
middle of a dungeon, when an irresponsible player forgets to bring their character sheet to a
session of play, or when an enthusiastic player recruits a friend willing to try ENCOUNTER
CRITICAL. Should the Journey Master instead choose to retain these characters for his own use,
the following notes may provide inspiration.

ONE EYED JACK: This grumpy cycloptic bounty hunter hails from the wilden west world of
Tekzarcanna. When encountered by the party he will most certainly be working on a case, perhaps
it is an adventure they could join him on and share in the 10,000 GC reward. If so, use one of
the other characters below as the criminal with a price on his head. The subject of Jack's
attentions will be hiding in one of the ruined towns or the shattered dome with an entourage of 2
to 20 minions (orcs, klengon mercenaries, banditos, etc.) and one or two monster or machine
friends. If the players have a criminal record elsewhere or get into trouble in the domed city, it
might be that Jack is looking for them! If the party looks too tough for Jack to handle by himself
he'll recruit 2 to 8 first level klengon mercenaries to assist him. Jack can be convinced to leave
the party alone for 150% of the price on their heads, but he will try to connive a way to collect
both the bounty and the bribe.

RODERIGO MALLARD: A man (well, duck) of adventure, Roderigo has been scouring the Medieval Rim
in search of the Great Grimoire of Gollibard the Gourmet, the spellbook of the greatest
warlock/chef to ever live. Roderigo's not much of a cook and doesn't know a thing about wizardry,
but the Soup Witches of Ducktron V want the Grimoire. Man, have you every seen a picture of the
Soup Witches of Ducktron V? There have feathers up to HERE. And rumour has it they give quack
like nobody's business. Roderigo has come to Asteroid 1618 because a crazy old robohermit told
him that he would find Gollibard's spellboook there. It was the closest thing he had to a lead
since finding Gollibard's home burned to the ground. Although normally not a fool, Roderigo has
become obsessed. He will follow any possible clue to the whereabouts of the Great Grimoire, no
matter how far-fetched or dangerous. A dishonest party could easily recruit his services for a
single mission simply by dropping a hint that they know the location of the book he seeks.
Another approach would be for Roderigo to recruit the party in order to follow up on some
harebrained and particularly deadly clue.

UVANNA THE HUTT: A dangerous alien with the death sentence in thirteen systems, Uvanna fled to
the Medieval Rim Sector after the robbery of the federal reserve organ bank at Gelvon 6 went sour.
She plans to take over all criminal operations on Asteroid 1618 and is more than willing to cut
the party in on the action in return for them doing her dirty work. As an insurance policy she
will gather evidence incriminating the party and set them up to take the fall should local law
enforcement take an interest in her activites. If the party is too civic minded to be brought in
as partners, perhaps they could be contacted by a Dome City official she is blackmailing or
shopkeepers bristling under her protection racket. If the party appears to her to be acting as
rivals in the criminal underground Uvanna will not hesitate to hire d4 klengon hit men or
robodroid assassins to eliminate the competition.
VARALIA OF THE SCARLET SILKS: This supple young lass opted to leave her homeworld when her
professional activites became entangled in a series of embarassing political scandals on her

homeworld of Telluria. Arriving at the domed city only two months ago, she has become the toast
of the town, much to the annoyance of the wives of the most powerful men living under the dome.
She would very much like to make some friends who are neither clients nor sisters in the trade.
Perhaps some outraged matron hires the party to find incriminating evidence of her husband's
extracurricular activities. Or perhaps the party needs information that only one of her admirers
possess. She might have heard something useful during a private moment with the gentlemen in
question. Varalia's naive younger brother Borgo came to Asteroid 1618 with her, but he recently
rejected her sophisticated lifestyle and left the dome city to live at the Forest Commune. She has
not heard from her brother in three weeks, which is an abnormally long period without
communication. Maybe the party would be willing to travel to the forest and check up on him? If
any assistance is render her Varalia can express her gratitude in a number of intriguing ways.

RAYEZ GODSLAYER: An evolved human from Remulak who finds himself shunned by his own people,
not for his mutations or eerie psychic powers, but for his religious crimes. The Fluffy Pink
Rondoo, a rare gigantic flightless bird native to the planet, has long been a holy animal to the
Remulakis. Many of the seven hundred sects of Remulak view the great stupid beasts as the
incarnation of their most sacred gods. But when one particular dumb Rondoo pooped on Rayez's
lawn every day for six months, he just could not take it anymore. He shot the filthy thing
through the head with a crossbow bolt, killing it instantly. Even meditative psi witches have their
limits. When word of his deed spread there were riots in the streets of every city on Remulak.
Even with his amazing psionic gifts, Rayez barely made it offworld alive. He has been on the run
from the Holy Murderers Cult for three months and simply wants to lay low and rebuild his life.
He's a remarkably chipper fellow for being so down on his luck. Rayez needs friends and maybe
the party would be willing to overlook his pointy head. Or maybe they will sell him out to his

SWEET SALLY VEGA: This bright eyed young fisticuffs expert had the misfortune to be visiting
Aldaria when it exploded. She was well on her way towards making it big in her subsector's
crossgender allspecies boxing league and had a scheduled exhibition match against planetary
champion Xudron of the Twelve Knuckles. Now she finds herself in a subsector with no competitive
fighting organization above the planetary level. Never one to flinch from a challenge, she is
attempting to build an interstellar league from the ground up. She will cheerily challenge one or
more party members to a nonlethal match, providing they agree to a public fight. No matter who
wins, if they fight with honor she will attempt to recruit them into her nascent boxing league as
combatants, referees, promoters, trainers, or whatever other job they will take. If the party
members intend to seek adventure offworld she will urge them to help her contact whatever fighting
sports promoters might be found on Telluria.

MORKOSS THE EVISCERATOR: A ranking member of the Dread Servants of the Antistars, a cult that
worships black holes and the cosmic annihilation they cause. He has travelled to Vanth subsector
across a thousand parsecs to learn the secrets of Enigma 23. This clever reptile has deduced that
the Vanishing Pyramid occasionally appears in orbit around the Enigma. Perhaps he will use his
magic to pose as a nubile space princess and attempt to hire the party to assist in conquering the
Pyramid. Or he might already have recruited some orcs or other thugs and will act as a rival to
the party. If given an opportunity he will steal any warlock grimoires, wands, staves or other
devices that he can lay his claws on. Morkoss has no compunctions about coldly killing those who
displease or inconvenience him, but he generally avoids confrontations in cities and other crowded



The heavy tome contains six spells: Cure, Mimic Special Talents, Phantasmic Forces, Teletransport,
Smoke Field, and Summon Salt. Smoke Field fills an area of up to 20 cubic yards with an earthy
smoke lasting d6 combat rounds. Hand combat in the smoke field is at half percentiles and ranged
attacks into or through the smoke are targeted randomly. Any meat in the area instantly gains a
hardy smokey flavor. Summon Salt conjures up several cups of various types of salt (iodized,
ionized, kosher, sea, etc) anywhere within 6" of the caster. Against Ruin Slugs and such the spell
does 3d6 damage. If cast upon the eyes of a target they must roll a Saving Throw to avoid
blindness for 2d6 rounds. The book also contains several excellent recipes, the best of which is
Gollibard's Rigellian Style BBQ Sauce, which won him many awards.


Most of the time this book in no bigger than one inch by one inch by a quarter inch thick. At
this size this grimoire is very portable, but requires a microscope to use. Upon the
pronounciation of a magic word known only to Morkoss ("Sssissisz") the book enlarges by a factor
of twelve. Within this book can be found seven spells: Demon Master, Enslave, Warlock Bomb, Fire
Blast, Ice Blast (just like Fire Blast but cold), Pass As Human, and Cosmic Inversion. Pass As
Human allows the caster to appear as any sentient biped for 24 hours but the spell is broken if
anyone says the magic words "Ka nama kaa lajerama" within earshot. Cosmic Inversion turns black
holes into white holes and vice versa. It must be cast within orbit of the target.


Roll d20 on the chart below for each warlock level of the grimoire creator. For creators with two
professions make an additional roll for every 2 non-warlock levels.

1) Accurse 11) Restore Life

2) Battle Imperative 12) Spectral Body
3) Cease 13) Teletransport
4) Clone 14) Transmogrify
5) Cure 15) Warlock Bomb
6) Demon Master 16) Warlock Pit
7) Enslave 17) Fire Blast variant (Ice, Electric, Sonic, Lazer, Phasic, Snake, etc)
8) Fire Blast 18) Demon Master variant (Orc Master, Robodroid Master, etc.)
9) Mimic Special Talent 19) Previously unknown spell.
10) Phantasmic Forces 20) Roll twice more on this chart.

If desired, roll d8 for type of spell storage device:

1) Large Scroll
2) Hyperspace Gremlin Familiar
3) Pointy Hat
4) Wand
5) Book
6) Runic Staff
7) Crystal Ball
8) Portable Microcomputer



Aquafiends 2d20 1 43 d6 d10 48 72 29 75
Attack Kelp 1d6 2 26 d4 2d4 32 86 59 25
Carni Cloud 1d8 3 34 d6+1 3d6 15 02 69 150
Clonoid 1 or 2 1 50 d6 2d6 25 36 50 65
Lightning Dragon 1 3 79 2d12 d4x100 52 11 36 450
Slime Dragon 1 3 52 1d12 3d100 47 03 29 250
Fatal Fungus d12 1 35 2d4 2d8 27 50 37 80
Giant, Headless d8 1 38 d8 4d10 09 55 18 80
Giant Monkeys d6 2 47 d6 2d6 59 76 43 175
Godshadow 1 1 92 d20 4d20 99 23 81 750
Gox d4 2 40 d4 d8 35 62 35 25
Hellbats 4d10 1 15 d4 d4 11 25 35 10
Hood Horrors d6 1 25 d6 d10+1 37 09 78 120
Minotaur 1 1 61 d12+1 3d8 30 69 31 95
Slime d20 d4 32 d4 d4 50 33 21 25
Time Ghosts d4 1 15 4d4 3d12 33 07 92 100


Aquafiends: 50% chance of being armed with laser guns.

Attack Kelp: Encountered only in water.

Clonoid: Able to mimic other creatures with 65% accuracy.

Dragon of Lightning: Breathes a lightning bolt up to 250" long, but affecting no more than d4
targets in a line. Lightning damage 3d20.

Dragon of Slime: Each time this dragon fails to save against bladed weapons it bleeds out 0 to 3
slimes who fight on the dragon's behalf.

Fatal Fungus: Any inedible Fatal Fungi are deadly poisonous (8d6 damage) to all but wookeys.

Godshadow: 50% of these enigmatic creatures know d4 warlock spells, each of which they can use
once per day.

Hooded Horrors: These weird beings may walk on water, up walls, across ceilings, and into
transdimensional spaces.

Minotaur: Most carry war axes but 1 in 12 will be wielding a black hole metal axe for 3d10+1

Time Ghosts: Immune to bullets, walls, and doxies.


The class of boxers, barroom brawlers, karate killers, professional wrestlers and others who rely
on weaponless combat as their primary means of overcoming obstacles. First level Pugilists begin
with 4 to 16 hit points and gain 1 to 12 additional points with each new level. Their qualifying
statistic is STRENGTH. Newly created Pugilists begin play with 0 to 1,100 Gold Credits.


1 0 30% d6 01
2 447 34 2d4+1 02
3 1096 37 d12 03
4 1998 39 4d4 03
5 3024 44 d8+d10 04
6 4489 d20 48 06
7 6153 51 4d8 07
8 8002 53 3d12 08
9 10155 58 2d20 09
10 12406 62 11d4 11
+2251 +3 +1d4 +1

ATTACK and DAMAGE refer to hand combat with natural weapons

such as via punch, kick, headbutt, bite, wrestling throw, etc.
ATTACK adds to the Melee Attack skill for purposes of
calculating the total percentile needed to hit. If the attack
roll is less than the KO number, the foe is render
unconscious for d6 turns. If the KO number is rolled exactly
the foe is dazed and until the end of its next action the foe's
movement, damage, and percentile skills are all halved. The
Melee Damage bonus for a high Strength is added to the
unarmed DAMAGE rating of the Pugilist. ATTACK and DAMAGE
abilities may not be used while wearing any armor heavy
enough to inflict a movement penalty of 1" or more.

Upon attainting a new level a Pugilist may add 5% to a

randomly selected skill. Roll d8. 1=Melee Attack 2=Saving
Throw 3=Survivla 4=Lesser Feat 5=Restore Courage
6=Experience Bonus 7=Roll d6 twice 8=Add +5 to any one

Pugilists may split their attack percentages to gain up to two

additional strikes in a single round of combat. If the total
percentile to hit is under 100% attacks must be split as
evenly as possible. For Pugilists with chances above 99%
they may opt to take one automatic hit and roll a second
attack with the balance of their percentile. EXAMPLE 1:
Randal the Savage is a second level Pugilist with a base
Melee Attack of 55% (STR 11) and an ATTACK score of 34, giving him a total attack percentage
chance of 89%. He may take a single attack at that chance, 2 attacks at 44% & 45%, or three
attacks at 29/30/30. EXAMPLE 2: Chang Shi is a ninth level Pugilist with a 8 Strength, giving
him a total chance of 103%. Chang may take a single attack at 103%, two attacks at 100/3 OR
51/52. Or he may opt for three strikes at either 100/2/1 or 34/34/35.

A NEW SPECIES OF FOE IN SINGLE UNARMED COMBAT. The foe may be armed, but not the qualifying
Pugilist. Multiple foes are acceptable, as long as all are members of previously unfought animal,
monster, or racial types. Qualifying foes must have hit points equal to at least two thirds that of
the Pugilist, with multiple foes counting in aggregate. Cave primitives, advanced races, mutants,
halfbreeds, cyaborgs, and similar variants of already defeated species are only 50% likely to
count for qualification, with dice thrown after the foe is defeated.

Pugilists of 8th level or higher who construct a dojo in an area at least lightly populated and
minimally civilized will attract students seeking to learn the secrets of the fighting sciences.
From o to 3 students will appear for every ten thousand Gold Credits spent on the training
facility, up to a limit of 50,000 GC. Fully two thirds of these students will be classless youths
who have a flat 20% chance of achieving level 1 in pugilism for every d6 months of training.
For every full year of training without success the student must make an Unpleasant Order roll or
quit in disgust. The rest of the students will be members of another class seeking to enter a
second profession. These students will have be level 1 to 4 with an equal chance of belonging to
all known character classes. The loyalty of students to their instructor will depend solely of the
Leadership abilities of the teacher and the treatment they receive while under his or her tutelage.

Young Reginald Mallard



When using a Tommy Gun or similar weapon on full auto an attacker may opt to spray fire against
multiple targets. The targets must be within 3" of each other and no targets may be excluded from
the hail of bullets. A Ranged Attack roll is made against each target, any hits doing full
damage. The attack must then make a Happenstance roll (assume 20% for most monsters) or find
their ammo drum completely exhausted. Warriors may substitute Unpleasant Order for Happenstance
as they are trained to be more disciplined in their fire.


CYCLOPS: These large single eyed creatures are penalixed three points of Dexterity and a point of
Extra sensory Perception, but gain four points of Strength and a point of Robot Nature. They are
also +10% on Consume Alien rolls.

HUTTS: Walrusoid bipeds known for their illegal enterprises, Hutts lose two points of Magic Power
and a point of Extra sensory Perception in exchange for an extra point of both Luck and
Leadership. Furthermore, Hutts are +15% on Monster Friend rolls and +5% on both Clue and Steal.

DUCKOIDS: These fowl creatures are penalized three points of Strength and two points of
Leadership, gaining two points of Luck and one point of Adaptation in exchange. They are also
excellent swimmers and can fly for short bursts as a Great Feat.


If the Building Condition roll indicates an intact basement or a character falls through an
unstable floor on the ground floor roll 2d6. On a '2' the basement leads to a dungeon of d6 levels
in size. On a '12' there is a tunnel leading to one of the other regions on the asteroid
wilderness map. Roll d20 for tunnel destination and consult wilderness key.


Should a warlock be interrupted while casting a spell, roll 2d6 and consult the chart below.
Warlocks under 4th level subtract one from the roll, while warlocks above 6th level may add one.

1) Warlock catches fire for d6 damage each round for d6 rounds. Spell ruined.
2) Spell fails, but counts against the Warlock's daily allotment anyway.
3) Spell goes off, but some element of the spell (range, duration, area, damage) is half normal.
4) All gold on the warlock's person turns to lead. Spell goes off as planned.
5) Spell ruined but the warlock may make an immediate Magical Attack instead.
6) Spell affects the wrong target.
7) Spell fails but does not count against the Warlock's daily allotment.
8) Smoke comes out of warlock's ears. Spell goes off normally but warlock is stunned next round.
9) Spell delayed until the warlock's next round.
10) Spell goes off but the warlock will be unable to cast that particular spell again for d6 days.
11) Warlock must choose between the spell activating and taking d6 damage or canceling the spell.
12) Spell activates as normal, but counts a two spells cast. If the spell is the warlock's last,
take 2d6 damage instead.
13) Spell goes off without a hitch.


Roll d4 and d20. If the d20 is higher the opposite gender is preferred. If the d4 result is
higher then the subjects own gender is preferred. A tie indicates no preference. Also roll
percentile dice. An '01' indicates preference for members of another race, determined randomly
using the chart on page 5 of the ENCOUNTER CRITICAL rulebook (second corrected edition).


Characters that beging their adventuring career with training in only one class may opt to add a
second class at a later time. A source of instruction must be found, typically in the form of a
school or a mentor of at least 3rd level in the selected class. Training in the new class
typically takes 1d6 months and costs 100 GC per month in addition to normal living expenses. At
the end of the training period the student must roll their ADA or less on 3d6 to successfully join
the class. Training can be repeated but most instructors reject students who do not graduate after
d4+1 years. An roll of 18 on the dice indicates that the student is untrainable in the particular
class, while a 3 indicates they are a 'natural' and enter the second level of the new class. After
the training period is over all the normal rules for Secondary Classes apply to the character.


Adventuring folk are creatures of great appetites. For each month without a number of gratifying
encounters equal to their level such characters must roll Unpleasant Order. The services of a
trained Doxy count as an amount of gratifying encounters equal to their level, providing they
make a Seduce or Lesser Feat roll. Failure indicates a minus one penalty to all percentile rolls.
This penalty doubles for every subsequent failed roll due to a monthly lack of pleasurable
activity, but all penalties are reset to zero after release is achieved. Anyone whose Logic score
is effectively reduced below 1% becomes a berserker, doing double damage in hand combat. All
allies must fail Mistaken Identity checks or be treated as foes by a berserk character. Females
not of the Doxy class can go twice as long without invoking these rules.


Sometimes the Journey Master may desire to test the stomachs of characters when the eat foreign
food. Roll d6 on the chart below if a Consume Alien roll is failed. Add one if the food sampled
is normally eaten by another race.

1) The food tastes odd, but not unpleasant. d4 more chances to eat this dish will turn it into an
acquired taste.
2) Much too bland. Seems tolerable with copious salt, pepper, or other spices.
3) Incompatible flavors, such as bananas and beef or chocolate sauce on mashed potatoes.
4) Overpowering aroma. Unable to smell or smell like anything else for d6 hours.
5) Much too spicy. Intestinal distress d100 minutes after the meal.
6) Make a Command Matter roll or spend d6 rounds retching.
7) Some ingredient in the food is deadly poisonous to your race. Take 2d12 damage.


Scaring takes 1 whole round. If the Scare roll is made, roll 2d6 on the table below.
If the Scaring character has not made a successful attack, subtract 1.

Add 1 if the character has singlehandedly slain a foe.

1) Foes laugh at wouldbe scarer, who is demoralized to the point of a 10 percent penalty on
attack rolls and half damage for the rest of the combat.
2) At the next opportunity all foes with ranged attacks concentrate fire on the scarer.
3 or 4) Anyone attacking the Scarer in hand combat must make an Unpleasant Order roll or do half
5 or 6) Foes hesitate. Scarer's side automatically wins next initiative dice.
7) Nearest foe must roll Psi Resist or get shakes, losing next attack.
8 or 9) When selecting foes for hand attacks the Scarers opponents will generally prefer other
10) Nearest foe soils self. Seduction impossible until cleaned up.
11 or 12) All foes within 6" must make a Restore Courage check or flee in terror.
13) Random foe has heart palpitations. 2d6 damage and incapacitated d6 turns.

Undead robots and monsters at least twice the size as the scarer are immune to scare effects 3
through 12.
Cyborgs and wookies are 50% resistant.


These rules can be used to make characters generated for TRAVELLER playable under the ENCOUNTER


ADAPTATION: Half Intelligence (round up) plus 1d6

DEXTERITY: Dexterity plus 1d6
ESP: 2d6 plus Psi (if tested)
INTELLECT: Intelligence plus Education minus 1d6
LEADERSHIP: Social plus 1d6
LUCK: 3d6
MAGIC POWER: 3d4, but gain another d4 if later trained as a Warlock
ROBOT NATURE: Endurance or Terms, whichever is greater, plus 1d6
STRENGTH: Strength plus d6


Marines, Army become WARRIORS

Navy, Scouts becomes PIONEERS
Merchants choose between PIONEERS or CRIMINALS
Others choose between DOXIES or CRIMINALS
Anyone with Psionic Training adds PSI WITCH as a secondary class.


Starting level equals Terms Served divided by 2, rounding up.

Psionic characters subtract one from that number for their primary class, and 2 for their Psi
Witch levels, minimum first level in both classes.

Character Class:
Character Race:
Character Level:
Experience Points:
Hit Points:
+++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
Camping Survival
Consume Alien Food (Saving Throw )
Appease Enrich
Invisibility Happenstance
+++++++++++++++ Mistaken Identity
DEXTERITY: +++++++++++++++
Ranged Attack MAGIC POWER:
Sneak Attack Magical Attack
Sneak Ensorcel
Steal Conjure
Saving Throw See The Future
Missile Damage Alchemist
+++++++++++++++ Monster Friend
ESP +++++++++++++++
Psychic Implant ROBOT NATURE:
Command Matter Unpleasant Order
Command Energy (Logic )
Read Minds (Seduce )
Psi Resist (Invisibility )
(Saving Throw ) Labor
+++++++++++++++ Machine Friend
INTELLECT ++++++++++++++++
Scholarship Melee Attack
Argue Melee Damage
(Psi Resist ) Lesser Feat
Experience Bonus Great Feat
Clue (Logic )
+++++++++++++++ (Scholarship )
LEADERSHIP (Saving Throw )
Command (Psi Resist )
Restore Courage +++++++++++++++
Crowd Manipulate
(Invisibility )

Welcome to the Real Deal Asteroid 1618 credits page!

Despite claims to the contrary, this module wasn’t written in 1981 by some dude named A.J.
Putman, but by me, Jeff Rients, as part of Worldwide Adventure Writing Month, June 2007.

Encounter Critical is S. John Ross’s homage to tripped-out 70's science fantasy. In addition to
writing a great game, S. John also supplied the art on pages 30, 43, and 48. Do yourself a
favor and check out all his cool game stuff at Cumberland Games & Diversion:

S. John is one cool cat.

Christian “Evil Schemer” Conkle drew the pieces on pages 2, 19, 42, 57, and 77. Stephen
Henderson-Grady supplied the illustrations on pages 29, 35, and 52. The drawings on pages
8, 13, 23, 38, and 76 were supplied by Andrew “Dr. Rotwang!” Reyes. He also did the cover
art, but not the cover logo. Amber Reyes supplied the illo found on page 7. These people are
all awesome. Thanks for all your help, folks!

(The rest of the illos are all my fault.)

While I’m handing out thank-yous, I’d like to thank my wife Amy and daughter Elizabeth for
putting up with more than my usual amount of tomfoolery as I obsessed over this adventure.

If you want to chat with like-minded gamers about this module or other Encounter Critical
nonsense, look no farther than the Encounter Critical mailing list:

Or swing by my blog about games and stuff, the imaginatively title Jeff’s Gameblog, If you make use of any part of this module, please tell me and the
rest of the mailing list gang all about it!

Stay nifty!

Jeff Rients
June 28th, 2007

No klengons were harmed in the creation of this module. Not for lack of trying, though.

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