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The document provides an overview and introduction to the roleplaying game MotoCaust, which takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where people survive using vehicles and must contend with bandits and dangers.

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where society has collapsed and people survive by scavenging in the wasteland in their vehicles, contending with bandits, raiders, and other threats. It provides an overview of the background and world of the game.

Some of the dangers mentioned include skateboard bandits attacking vehicles on the highway remnants, shooting at traffic. In general the wasteland is described as dangerous with people having to contend with threats while scavenging.


MotoCaust created by Philip Reed and Christopher Shy

Written by Philip Reed • Illustrated by Christopher Shy
Editing and development by Gene Seabolt
Playtesting and valuable feedback provided by Oroszlany Balazs,
Michael Hammes, Jonathan Walton, and Stephen David Wark

Introduction...........................................1 Weapons.................................................30
Running the Red Line ..........................2 Extras .....................................................31
The World of MotoCaust .....................4 Calibration Codes, PROM Chips,
How Did We Get This Way? ...................4 and Tuning........................................33
Everyday Life in MotoCaust ...................5 Fuel Ranges ...........................................35
Types of Characters .................................8 Vehicle Design Walkthrough .................35
Other Peoples.........................................11 Sample Vehicles.....................................36
Places Then and Now ............................12 Playing the Game................................38
Terrors of the Wasteland........................13 Basic Task Resolution............................38
Playing a Sentient Necro .......................15 Game Turns............................................40
Creating Characters ...........................16 Initiative .................................................40
Campaign Information...........................16 Movement ..............................................40
Ability Scores ........................................16 Combat...................................................40
Hit Points ...............................................16 Vehicular Movement and Combat .........43
What You Need to Play .........................17 Starting Out............................................43
Skill Ratings ..........................................18 Laying Down the Cards.........................44
Weapons, Armor, and Equipment..........18 Determining Results ..............................44
Putting it All Together ...........................22 Moving Along........................................45
Archetype Sheets ...................................23 Special Cards .........................................45
The Redeal .............................................46
Creating Cars, Cycles, and Trucks ...26 General Notes ........................................46
Base Packages........................................26 Wipeout! ................................................47
Engines ..................................................27
Gas and Fuel Tanks................................28 Character Record Sheet .....................48
Armor.....................................................28 Vehicle Record Sheet .......................IBC
Tires .......................................................29

MotoCaust Copyright © 2004

Philip Reed and Christopher Shy,
all rights reserved. MotoCaust is a
trademark of Philip Reed and
Christopher Shy. Permission is
granted to player’s to make copies
of the vehicle and character record
sheets only. PDF purchasers may
print a copy of this game for per-
sonal use only.
The impact pulverized the world as we knew it. A planet killer of an asteroid
– like bad Hollywood turned into bad times – struck the center of North America
at 2:41 a.m. on a hot summer night. Within moments, the Earth had been shak-
en so violently, and so many had died, that it seemed like the end of our world.
It was, in a way. It was the end of the world of our fathers.
Somehow, we endured. Struggling to rise up from the ruined crater our world
had become, we tried to work together to save both humanity and our way of life.
Unfortunately, the honest citizens quickly found themselves overcome by roving
bands of criminals and … things far worse than merely lawless.

MotoCaust is a roleplaying game. Inspired by games and movies from our

youth, and our fevered dreams of today, this roleplaying game strives to present
the complete, basic game in as small of a package as possible. While future
MotoCaust supplements will likely expand upon what you find here (especially
in terms of the world and characters), don’t think that anything that we create
must be incorporated into your own game. Use what strikes you as cool, and toss
the rest out. We promise not to cry.

by Philip Reed
The sun hung on the distant horizon looking like a single drop of blood that someone had lifted –
ever so gently – and suspended above the blacktop. Parallel lines of black stretched before me, reaching
to the setting sun and beyond. The light shimmered and warped as it touched the earth, the heat climb-
ing from the road’s surface in visible waves.
I glanced down from the blood-colored sun, my eyes adjusting quickly to the dim interior of the
coupe. The dash lights had gone out a few weeks ago. There just hadn’t been time to get the problem
isolated and repaired. Likely, it was as simple as a fuse. Didn’t matter –
we didn’t have any spare fuses to replace the bad one.
The speedometer, just barely visible in the darkened interior,
showed 86 miles per. I nodded, more to myself than anything, and
pushed down just a bit harder on the accelerator. The needle on the
heat gauge responded to the additional pressure on the accelerator
by nosing its way just a little into the red.
“Jack.” The voice was Plug, our turret gunner. His shout brought
my attention back to reality. “Jack,” he bellowed again.
I roared back, “What?” It wasn’t that we were pissed at each
other. The V8, overcharged and overused, roared so loudly that the
only way to be heard was to get even louder than it.
Another quick glance at the dash showed that the needle of the
heat gauge was still climbing into dangerous territory. As I glanced
back up, the car started shaking. The vibrations tore through my
spine and shot up it to rattle my teeth.
I summed up my analysis of the situation with, “Fuck!”
I hit the brakes – hard – which sent the coupe skidding and
bouncing down the uneven blacktop. A cloud of dust and
debris lifted up behind us and blocked out everything in my
rearview. The car continued shaking, an automotive seizure
that ripped through every inch of its frame.
Plug shouted again from the turret, this time trying to be
heard over the sound of his cannon firing. “Necros!”
The car shuddered, jerking on its shocks with each round that
Plug fired from the 30mm Vigilante. The shells and cannon were
designed for minimal recoil, putting as little stress on the weapon’s
mount as possible, but it had been a few months since we’d had the
gun properly serviced. It wasn’t exactly tip-top.
Not that the rest of our car was tip-top. Or us, for that matter.
“Move!” Archer screamed from the back seat. The sharp crack of
his rifle every few seconds was a calm, relaxing sound, at least in
comparison to the Vigilante’s inhuman bass thrumming.
Pulling myself back together, I turned the key as I used one eye
to stare into the dust cloud behind us. No matter how hard I stared,
I couldn’t see anything but an ominous swirl of dust, gravel, and
road debris.

I turned the key again. the weapon not quite so loud now that I was no longer
“Fucking move it, Jack!” Archer screamed. confined to the interior of our dead coupe.
Somewhere above me, at the turret, I heard Plug jab- The cloud grew closer, and the outlines of at least
bering something very similar as he continued launch- 20 zombies on bikes grew within it. They were a cou-
ing a fortune in ordnance from the 30mm. ple of hundred feet away and closing quickly. I
Taking a deep breath, I tried the key again. Nothing. squeezed off a shot and cursed myself. What did I stop
Archer and Plug were still screaming and firing, the for? I thought as I fired again.
sounds intermingling and forming a cacophony that “We are righteously ass-out now!” Plug shouted as
reminded me of a concert that I’d attended a few weeks he fired again, ripping the head from one of the necros
earlier. The only thing missing was stage effects. On and forcing the creature’s bike into a crash that – unfor-
cue, a burst of steam shot up in front of me, billowing tunately – sent it sailing off the road without having any
from somewhere underneath the coupe’s hood. impact on the other zombies. They didn’t stop, didn’t
“It’s dead!” I shouted, as I unstrapped the safety even glance over at their fallen comrade. Not a lot of
harness and threw the door open. I had my 9mm in my sympathy was spread around in zombie crews.
hand before my feet hit the ground. A flash of light raced up the seam between the
“You’re shittin’ me,” Archer said, his voice surpris- coupe’s hood and quarterpanel. It took me a second to
ingly calm and giving no hint that he’d just been decipher it: Flame. Fire. The engine wasn’t done with
screaming bloody murder. Almost too calmly, he turned its little rite of self-destruction.
back to the task at hand and fired his rifle, the crack of Plug’s right, I thought as I fired again, we’re ass-out.

What follows is a brief introduction to some of the
places, history, and daily life of the MotoCaust world. HOW DID WE
Gamemasters, or “motomasters,” can use this informa-
tion as a springboard for adventures or to base original GET THIS WAY?
locations and characters on. For ease of introduction, Ever since the meteor, the world has been in a steady
we’re focusing on the area known as Texas. A cam- state of rebuilding. The following is a brief overview of
paign could take place anywhere in the former United what has happened since the event. This information
States, keeping in mind that the meteor landed in will help you to better understand the world of
Missouri and the physical devastation ripples out from MotoCaust.
there. (The social and economic damage reaches even By the early 21st century, the world was a place
farther.) filled with war, economic slump, and social decline.
Motomasters and players need to keep in mind that Across the world, people were fighting over religion,
MotoCaust is a game and, for that matter, one based money, oil, power – the same things people had been
more on cinematic adventure than reality. A lot of what fighting over for years. Nothing was changing, and the
follows is, we admit, completely ridiculous and pretty lines were being drawn, everything pointing toward
much impossible. what could very well be the feared World War III.
It’s also possible to have some wicked fun with it. And then, in an instant, that world ended.
The asteroid devastated the globe, the impact site
turning into a vast crater that quickly filled with
Mississippi River water while the rest of the planet
experienced cataclysmic weather, terrible earthquakes,
and sudden volcanic eruptions. More than a few people
thought that the end times – the biblical apocalypse –
were coming to a pass.
But the world survived. Life survived. Man survived
… even as unlife arrived to fight him for primacy.

The rebuilding of society was a difficult, tiring task.
North America had suffered the worst of the damage, and
within weeks the federal governments collapsed, leaving
dictator states. Life, while not great, is
local governments, police forces, and militia to deal with
slowly becoming pleasurable for many people.
the crisis. Millions upon millions died in the disaster, and
over the following months millions more followed them.
The rest of the world, once dependent upon and begrudg- EVERYDAY LIFE
ing of the United States, refused to give the survivors of
North America any assistance. They had their own mas-
sive rebuilding to face with meager resources. Even though the world has ended, life goes
For years, a state of lawlessness reigned across the on. After things settled down, people set to
world. Japan, England, and other coastal nations were work rebuilding their lives and, as the years
particularly plunged into, first high water, then anarchy. went on, things like television and radio
kicked back on. Fast-food joints still pump
China, Russia, India, and Germany worked quickly
out food, books keep selling, and life has an
to fill the gap left by the loss of Japanese and American
almost 20th century feel to it. If you don’t think
industry. Though it took years, trade slowly returned,
and over time China and Germany became the super-
power nations of this changed world.
Today, those nations, and to a lesser extent India and
Russia, manufacture most of the computer, electronic,
and automotive goods that keep the world operating at “I made good time until I hit I-35
levels of advance nearly equal to those before the event. running through what’s left of Austin.
The U.S. is just starting to return, but not as a cen- The ragged remains of the upper deck
tralized government. Instead, state-sized governments lurked over my right shoulder as I
are turning themselves into democratic, communist, and sped down the lower deck. Skateboard
bandits were riding the wreckage,
popping off shots at the traffic as they
reached the crest of each jump.
“Most of the local fools
around me slowed down
when the rounds
started flying,
making them-
selves easier
targets. Not
me. I hit the
gas and
flipped the
bird to the
kids …”

about the changed landscape, lack of
security, and “cowboy” mentality of most
towns and outposts. Ground Double Zero
While not an exhaustive guide to living The wrung-out Runner leaned over and fixed
in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of me with a bloodshot eye. “Listen, man, you don’t
MotoCaust, the following should give you even know what wasteland is,” he said. “I’ve seen
enough information to get started with a fun, it. I’ve seen Ground Double Zero.”
rewarding campaign. “Get out,” I said, letting the boredom creep into
Transportation my voice. “No one living’s come out of Missouri
since the event.”
While most of the roads are seriously
damaged, cars and trucks remain important “That’s just the legend!” he snapped, pounding
forms of transportation across the world. a palm on the table for emphasis. My own hand
Commercial air travel, while still available, crept toward my pistol, but that seemed to be the
is extremely expensive. A few rail lines are end of his outburst. His hand rested where it had
still functioning, and sea travel is as dominant landed. It had a perpetual little tremor to it, nerves
as it was during the early 20th century. strung way past the breaking point.
Food “There’s even people, living people, still
trying to make a go of it there,” he continued.
There isn’t any soylent green or similar sub-
“But the necros … They’ve got necros there
stance. Instead, people eat food much like the
fare in the late 20th century. Fresh produce and
that would scare the crap out of what we see
meat can be expensive in some of the more isolat- down here. Then there’s the hole …”
ed locations but, for the most part, food is afford- His voice drifted off. I made a scoffing
able and available. Grocery stores and restaurants sound but avoided meeting his eyes. When he
still exist. Delivery outside the walls of a secured mentioned the hole, some unimaginable hor-
outpost is rare and expensive. ror had shone in his eyes. Whatever really
spawned that fear, I wanted no share in it.
Medical Technology
While no significant advances have taken place since
the event, mankind has not lost any medical knowledge

The asteroid that hit the Earth
brought not only cataclysmic disasters
and destruction of biblical proportions
but, unlucky as we are, an alien spore
that filled the air for weeks after the
event. As the spore settled, it interacted
with our world, forever twisting and
transforming any decaying organic mat-
ter that it touched – especially the dead
and dying. A few months after the event,
just as people were starting to try to
rebuild their lives, the zombies appeared.

during the years following the disaster. While
not all towns and outposts have large, well-
stocked medical facilities, they’re usually PARTS
ready and able to deal with all but the rarest
and most deadly of diseases and accidents.
Rare drugs can be hard to find, however. “Now, this is truly out of date,” Jumbo Jim said as
he wrenched out a tangle of wires attached to some
Radio and Television device. “Reliable, but way dated. Most of your modern
Both exist. Radio and television stations are stuff has a coil firing right at each cylinder, so as to
either corporate-owned or run by the local com- squeeze out every last horse.”
munity. (A few government-sponsored stations
He mournfully shook the part he had extracted
also exist.) Programs include many, many series
from under my hood. It looked like a robotic squid.
from before the event and a mixture of new con-
tent. Broadcasts of high-profile runs attract a
“Back in the day, they fired every cylinder off this
large number of viewers (and listeners). Music sort of central distributor. Works about as fine and
consists of both songs recorded before the event chipwise it’s less upkeep. However …”
and hits from modern stars. Radios and televisions I waited two beats. “However?” I prompted.
receive transmissions over the air or satellite sys- He looked sheepish. “However, we’re gonna
tems – landline cable works in very few places. have to get knee-deep in zombies to raid some old
Communications junkyard and just maybe find a replacement.
Parts are hell, even for the new rides.”
Telephones are primarily cells, though some
landlines still function in the larger cities and out-
“Parts are hell,” I repeated to no one in par-
posts. The internet still exists, though a shadow of ticular. More zombies, I did not need.
its former self and accessible only through cell
and satellite connections. Unfortunately, commu-
nications are significantly more expensive today
than they were before the event. Nor are they as secure;
eavesdropping gear is more available and effective than
ever. It will crack anything short of military-grade securi-
ty and scrambling. For that reason, highly sensitive mes-
sages are usually transported by a runner or cycle courier.
Most people in the world of MotoCaust live grinding,
Public schools still exist, as do many private schools.
day-to-day lives, but a few professions tend to get out and see
A college degree isn’t as important as it was before the
the wider, wilder world. These are the same sorts of people
event and, in fact, a lot of students drop out and take jobs
that the player characters will tend to be. While every player
in garages or with private militias.
should feel free to come up with any sort of character that he
desires, the following archetypes can help those who don’t
have a strong concept in mind.

Favored and Penalized Skills

As described in Chapter 2, each character has a set of
skills that the player picks for him. The following archetypes
each have one favored and two penalized skills. The favored
skill represents knowledge that everybody in that profession
pretty much has to know, in order to be in that profession.
The penalized skills represent knowledge that is hard (though
not impossible) to pick up while following that trade.
Skill selection is described on p. 18. If the player chooses
to play one of these six archetypes, he automatically adds 1
to his character’s favored skill (and can purchase it up to skill

The cop was armored up, like
he planned on taking a stroll
through downtown Dallas and
kicking the shit out of anything
that looked at him cross-eyed. He
was carrying some sort of badass
longarm that I couldn’t ID, thick
as a rocket launcher but heavier
built. Some sort of flamethrower,
maybe, something wicked for
sure. A real old phrase came to
mind: One riot, one ranger. I
wondered if he’d recognize it.
He stepped up to the window.
“The toll is five trade pieces, or
equivalent value in goods,” he
said. “We might cut you a deal
for working radio parts.”
Oh hell, I thought, as I rum-
maged through my pack for
something of value. If the booth
monkeys are this tough I don’t
want to meet the real cops!

7, instead of the usual maximum of 6). On the other hand, Repair is the favored skill for Grease Monkeys, of course,
should the player decide to take a penalized skill, the charac- while their life spent patching battered and tattered machines
ter must spend one extra point to purchase it (and can still leaves them unlikely to have Social or Survival, which are
place no more than six points in it, for a skill level of 5). their penalized skills.

Body Guard Gun Bunny

In a world as violent as this one, those with the wealth Smart drivers drive. That’s all they do. Hurtling along at
give themselves an extra edge by hiring personal protection. 110 mph, the slightest twitch can spell the difference between
The MotoCaust setting offers a thriving trade in guns for life and death when the wreckage of some necro’s cycle
hire. comes pinwheeling at you. No sane driver wants to get
The pay can be real good, and the lifestyle even better, but caught staring at a targeting monitor when that sort of shit’s
there’s a steep downside: When the time comes, it’s your job hitting the fan, so those who can carry dedicated gunners.
to put your body between the hostiles and your employer. Being a Gun Bunny means it’s your job to turn that necro
Taking down the threat before he takes you down is real cycle into high-velocity garbage. There’s usually an opening
good, sure, but the job still gets done if you take a slug with on somebody’s team for a crack gunner who can always hit
the boss’ name on it. There’s a real good reason why the that crucial shot – so Vehicular Weapons is the Gun Bunny’s
derogatory term for the profession is favored skill – but it might not be a bad idea to have a strong
“bullet-catchers.” Only the very best live to a ripe old age. secondary skill, too. Even on these hostile roads, there’s a lot
All Body Guards need to know how to handle personal of downtime between shootouts. In the meantime, Gun
firearms, so Modern Weapons is their preferred skill. They Bunnies tend to come to favor the biggest and latest hard-
have to stay alert at all times while on duty, so they’re rarely ware, so Primitive Weapons is a penalized skill. They also
free to take part in maintenance chores. And when they do tend to acquire more than their share of personality quirks
swing into action, good Body Guards usually take the direct, (mostly having to do with snarling at others), from the
sledgehammer route to taking care of a problem. For these immense stress of being on the line every time the slugs start
reasons, Repair and Theft are their penalized skills. flying. Social is their other penalized skill.

Cycle Courier Runner

Given the frequent failures in the communications net, No matter how good the Gun Bunnies, the saying goes, it
and the chances of somebody listening in to all but the most still comes down to the guy behind the wheel. Or so the
secure links, businesses and governments have come to rely Runners like to say.
upon couriers to handle their most sensitive data. Usually Any fair-sized settlement will have one or more corners
traveling fast and solo, these messengers know that all they where these modern-day knights like to hang out with their
can rely on is themselves, their bikes, and being gone before tricked-out cars as steeds. Some of them pay for their rides as
trouble even arrives. racing professionals, others as duelists, still others as couriers
Riding fast is no mean feat on the shattered roads and carrying cargo that won’t fit on a motorcycle. Some just take
highways of MotoCaust, so any decent Cycle Courier knows the first thing to come along, because gas isn’t cheap.
how to expertly handle his wheels, making Driving their Being a Runner isn’t just about being good behind the
favored skill. Since they usually work alone, there’s rarely wheel, though Driving is the favored skill. It’s also a lot about
any call to aid a partner, and they rely on speed rather than style, both in your vehicle and your own conduct. The most
stealth, so First Aid and Stealth are the penalized skills. profitable Runners aren’t always the best drivers, but they’re
usually the coolest and sexiest of their peers. That said, as a
Grease Monkey profession they spend far too much time in a bucket seat, and
Graybeard mechanics like to point out that people have don’t stretch their legs often enough. Acrobatics and
always put their lives in the hands of their technician when- Unarmed Combat are their penalized skills.
ever they get behind the wheel. Only, nowadays, with bandits
and necros around every corner, that fact’s a lot more obvi- Tuner
ous than it used to be. Every serious road warrior in While Grease Monkeys trade out hunks of oily metal,
MotoCaust needs to at least know a good Grease Monkey, or somebody has to get into the electronic brains behind the
preferably have one riding with his team. Whenever some- machines and tweak their performance to its finest pitch.
thing crucial goes tits up in the middle of nowhere, the guy These technicians, with their computers and scan tools, are
with the grease encrusted under his nails can be far more called Tuners. They write after-market programming that
important to survival than the hottest wheel jockey. adds that little edge to a powertrain’s acceleration curve and

Experienced road warriors know that bad roads mean
trouble in two ways. Not only is the cracked pavement itself
a hazard, but the local settlements that depend on it for their
trade usually will be desperate to enslave more workers to fix
it. Illinois towns, and the city of Chicago in particular, are
infamous for enslaving visitors.

Soccer Moms
When the meteor struck, many feminists decided that
men were the idiots who had built the nuclear tools that could
have saved the world, but didn’t notice the threat in time to
use them. They grew radically more violent in their outlook,
and decided that as long as a new world was being created,
they would improve it by getting rid of the running sore that
was the male sex.
The Soccer Moms established several small settlements,
and many of them took to the roads in weapon-laden mini-
vans. They sometimes raid other small communities, carry-
ing off the younger girls and leaving no one else in their
wake. Rumor has it that their raids also fund state-of-the-art
gene-splicing research. Their goal is to be able to artificially
mate female chromosomes and thus render the human male
Despite their often barbaric raiding, most Soccer Moms
seem to have taken on the careful grooming and manners of
early 21st century suburbia, perhaps for reasons of irony.

find a way to piggyback high-rez bandwidth on the targeting- As if becoming a zombie weren’t bad enough, it’s not a
computer channel. simple or instant process. People who have been infected
Like Grease Monkeys, they rely upon Repair as their with the necro virus, but not yet fully turned, are known as
favored skill. (The difference between the two archetypes has “shakies.”
to do with how they spend their time, not what skill they Treatment can slow the process a bit, but a shaky usually
spend it using.) Being the ancestors of computer geeks, they will turn within five to seven weeks after being bitten. In the
don’t tend toward the physical or out of doors, so Acrobatics meantime, they suffer high fever followed by blisters and
and Survival are their penalized skills. cracks in the skin that discharge pus and blood. Their eye-
sight grows weak, then they lose appetite and bodily func-
OTHER PEOPLES tions completely. Dementia, coma, and death (such as it is)
ultimately follow. The victim will resurrect or rekindle with-
While not as suited for life as player characters, the fol-
in an hour after death. By the terms of the treaty of New York,
lowing sorts of people will be encountered fairly frequently
all patients passing into coma should be destroyed immedi-
in the wilds of Texas after the meteor. They can make formi-
dable allies or foes.
Shakies can be found everywhere if you look hard
Cool-Es enough. They seem to have filled the ecological niche given
The vast network of highways and roads linking Texas up by crack addicts (who no longer exist).
communities badly needs maintenance and repair – but life A few people have survived necro infection by instantly
outside the towns and outposts tends to be brutal and short. amputating the bitten extremity. It’s not known how long it
Communities have resorted to using forced labor, called takes the virus to course through the bloodstream and infect
“construction cool-Es” or just “cool-Es,” to work the pave- the entire body, but it’s likely measured in minutes if not sec-
ment around their locale. Convicts often find themselves onds.
assigned to this dreaded labor, but some towns have gone so
far as to enslave neighboring communities for the work.

Momma s Girls ingly referred to as “ziptucks,” and are avoided when at all
possible …
In the first days after the meteor, many women and boys
sold the one thing that they possessed – their own ass – in Zone Postals
order to survive. Over time, pimps and prostitution rings
A mail-delivery system has once again spread across
merged these freelancers. In this arena of unfettered capital-
North America, but it’s a chaotic and freeform thing run more
ism, a bloody process of consolidation continued until only
by competing clans than by any sort of bureaucracy.
two major operations remained. After a particularly fierce
Collectively called the Zone Postals, these clans sometimes
street war, only Momma’s Girls remained.
come to blows over the right to deliver in a given area. Wary
Often, the Momma’s Girls houses are the most heavily residents of larger communities have to scramble out of the
fortified in a given settlement, and the chain upholds a strict street as their armored vans come bumping and screeching
rule against harming their employees. Legend has it that the along, a pack of gunners and axe-men clad in brown on one
operation employs hunter-assassins, and will spend years side banging away at a similar pack in blue on the other.
tracking down any runner or cowboy so stupid as to back-
The largest three clans are Pappie’s, the GroundHogs, and
hand one of Momma’s own. The girls themselves unfailing-
Federated Trust. While Federated Trust actually tries to act
ly refuse to divulge any details of what goes on behind the
like a sane business, Pappie’s has the best reputation for driv-
doors of this prostitution monopoly, suggesting that disci-
ing around or through anything to deliver the goods. For
pline is just as strict inside as out.
much the same reasons, they’re not well regarded for the
No one has ever met Momma, or even can swear that she delivery of fragile parcels.
Though land lines have been left to decay, the re-emerg-
Taking to motorcycles the way that their distant ancestors ing cellular net has created a great demand for repair and
took to horses, many men roam the western wastes living the installation of communications towers. “Diggers” are the
life of KawBoys. Though a few of them find work tending crews that perform these jobs, often in dangerously isolated
beef cattle in remote regions, most simply find odd jobs in places. They usually display a great deal of skill at both
towns that they pass through sufficient to maintain their sim- telecommunications engineering and defending themselves.
ple lifestyles.
Nothing much is known about these men and women.
KawBoys often wear dusters and prefer an outmoded six- They don’t spend much time in settlements unless there’s a
shooter to more modern firearms. When they do have a few tower to be built, and they don’t talk much on the rare occa-
trading pieces to rub together, they often spend them at a sion when they do come into contact with people outside
Momma’s Girls establishment. Given the boys’ tendency to their own crews. Rumor has it that – though cellular contracts
get out of hand, these houses have an unspoken policy of can be obtained under a hundred different provider names –
charging them more than the usual customer. that one shadowy entity actually hides behind all the differ-
ZipTucks ent fronts. This massive business, if it really exists, also trains
and employs the diggers.
The profession of doctor no longer is what it once was.
Diggers often prove to be life-savers to travelers who find
Most medical professionals lack the hospital infrastructure,
trouble in the middle of nowhere. They always seem to know
advanced equipment, and wide range of drugs that they once
the local hazards and terrain intimately, and every one of
employed. The best of them roll up their sleeves and dedicate
them seems to be able to dress a wound in minutes. But, they
themselves to the life of a general practitioner, sometimes
won’t socialize or hang around long.
working under conditions not much better than those in the
Old West. No one really knows why they’re called “diggers.”
Mostly, they erect steel-frame towers, and spend far more
The worst of them – and many travelers swear that the
time climbing those than digging their foundations …
bad far outnumber the good – refuse to acknowledge that
their former specialization has left them almost worthless as
post-meteor medical men. Someone who once made a mil- PLACES THEN AND
lion dollars a year performing a single, intricate surgical
procedure 10 times a day often has no idea what to do about NOW
a simple infection given only a few tools at hand. Some locales no longer are important in post-meteor
The good ones get addressed as “doctor,” with respect, Texas, while other places have become far more prominent
by everyone in their community. The bad ones are despair- than they used to be.

Dallas-Fort Worth
Even the craziest Runner turns white at the thought of try- TERRORS
ing to cross the Metroplex. Torn apart by riots and a particu-
larly savage wave of necros, Dallas and Fort Worth have been
reduced to a massive expanse of rubble. To date, only the Nightmares stalk the lands between outposts and cities,
Soccer Moms have shown the cajones to stake out settle- many of them belonging to the zombielike assortment of
ments in the cities’ shadow. They’re also the only ones who creatures known collectively as necros. Where these crea-
seem to be able to make it through the ruins in one piece. This tures stalk, they leave wasteland in their tracks, as they pos-
amounts to a massive shortcut for them, because most parties sess an insatiable appetite for still-living flesh. Technically,
take extremely wide detours around the place even though all all necros are as dead as a four-card flush, and many of them
area highways run through it. display no more intelligence than roadkill. Others are inhu-
manly clever, and far more dangerous for it. The one fear that
Houston even the bravest living men hesitate to dwell upon is the
Though its government has broken into a crazy-quilt of prospect that, eventually, the sentient necros will organize
iron-fisted corporate dictatorships, libertarian anarchies, and and challenge the living for rule of the planet.
a few hard-pressed democracies, most inhabitants have not Each creature has statistics associated with it. Strength,
really noticed the difference. The region suffers substantially Intelligence, and Agility are described in Chapter 2. Combat
fewer necro invasions than most. It seems the heat and is basically the creature’s Skill rating (p. 18) with whatever
humidity accelerate necros’ rate of decay. Even the most attack it uses. Protection is described on p. 42. Hit Points are
mindless zombies instinctively avoid the place. explained on p. 16 and Damage on p. 42.

Fort Hood Army Base Corpsebound

This military outpost, just north of the ruins of Austin, is These foul creatures are the merging of two or more
home to a powerful, well-armed military division under the human corpses into a single, terrifying beast. Mindless,
dictatorship of General Harold “Cannibal” Rogers. The out- corpsebound crawl about the wasteland eating small animals,
post is well protected and surrounded by a low wall and insects, and any humans unfortunate enough to cross their
barbed wire fences. Tanks, APCs, artillery, and other path. Corpsebound will even feast on the rotting meat of
weapons are carefully guarded on this base as are the troops other necros. They are cowardly, and only fight when cor-
and their families. Rogers runs a tight ship and has a contract nered.
with the Texas government to provide escort to convoys and Some corpsebound are trained by motorheads and
patrol the western and central portions of the state. New wasteoids. These are more aggressive beasts, and are used as
recruits are always welcome, as are traders. Runners are guard dogs and, at times, in assaults on outposts.
frowned upon, though the base will use them if there are no
Strength: 4 Combat: 3
other options. Civilains are never allowed onto the base but,
instead, allowed into a fortified building just outside the wall. Intelligence: 0 Protection: 3
Agility: 3 Hit Points: 8 per body
Refuge Damage: 1d6+Strength (claws), 1d4+Strength (bite)
A citadel built in the heart of old Goliad, this site saw
some of the hairiest battles against the necros in years past. It
still suffers more than its share of them in the region, but the A fleshbug is a spore-mutated giant insect, with or with-
hard-bitten residents have gotten used to horrors that would out wings. Fleshbugs come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and
cause many men to wet their pants … dispositions, and all are hungry for the flesh of the living. A
fleshbug that does not consume living flesh once a week will
Scorpion Wall soon starve.
This trading post north of El Paso is particularly infamous These creatures will attack anything, even cars and
for its lawlessness, but it sits astride some important trade trucks. Most fleshbugs possess a cruel bite. Some wield a
routes. Wheelers and dealers of all stripes can be found there, poisonous stinger, but using the stinger inflicts as much dam-
but even the sharpest operator needs to keep one hand on his age on the fleshbug as it inflicts on the target. Many can tear
wallet and the other on his pistol’s grip. through steel with their powerful mandibles.
Strength: 6 Combat: 4
Intelligence: 0 Protection: 4

Agility: 2 Hit Points: 25 Strength: 12 Combat: 3
Damage: 2d4+Strength (bite), 2d10+Strength (stinger) Intelligence: 0 Protection: 8
Agility: 3 Hit Points: 15
Gargoyles Damage: 1d6+Strength (bite), 1d10+Strength (claw)
These bat-winged, once-human creatures spend their
days sleeping within dark caves, abandoned buildings, or any Hell s Servants
other location where they’ll be safe from daylight. At night, Undead humans, these zombies ride across the waste-
these creatures fly in search of living flesh and consider the lands on souped-up, powerful motorcycles or in armor-plat-
blood of humans a special treat. Also known as vampires, ed cars. Hell’s servants are the least intelligent of the sentient
gargoyles are aggressive and constantly hungry. necros, and can always be found fighting with each other or
Gargoyles live in colonies of dozens and have a clear human settlements. They eat whatever flesh – dead or living
organizational structure. Gargoyles have no true intelligence, – that they can get their hands on. It’s not uncommon for one
acting only on instinct. They have a mindless love for small of these monsters to tear the arm from a companion and begin
electronic devices and hoard them in their lairs. feasting on the gray, putrid meat.
Strength: 4 Combat: 3 These necros fight with swords, axes, their fists, and
whatever firearms they can scrounge. Not quite intelligent
Intelligence: 0 Protection: 2
enough to reload a weapon, a Hell’s Servant will use its gun
Agility: 3 Hit Points: 10 as a club once the ammo is spent.
Damage: 1d4+Strength (bite), 1d6+Strength (claw) Hell’s servants have limited language skills and can fol-
Necroworms low the simplest orders, such as “ride” and “kill.”
A necroworm is a mutated beast usually 20 to 40 feet in Strength: 6 Combat: 5
length and covered in rotting, swiftly decaying flesh. The Intelligence: 1 Protection: 6
head looks like that of some creature from the deepest depths Agility: 5 Hit Points: 12
of the ocean. They attack with either their powerful bite Damage: by weapon
(attempting to swallow prey whole) or by slamming their
huge bodies against the victim. Necroworms can slumber for Motorheads
extended periods without food, but must eventually eat 500 These intelligent necros feast on human flesh, but also
lbs. of living flesh each month. guzzle petroleum products as if they were engines of destruc-
Necroworms live underground. Some tall tales describe tion. Motorheads can be found leading packs of Hell’s ser-
necroworm cities deep beneath the earth, but few people vants, wasteoids, or other motorheads. In the last case, how-
believe in them. ever, the leader must always be prepared to defend his posi-
Strength: 20 Combat: 3 tion – treachery and backstabbing are a way of unlife for the
Intelligence: 0 Protection: 12
Rumors persist of motorheads that tire of their lives and
Agility: 1 Hit Points: 75
seek to join human outposts. Such individuals, if they exist,
Damage: 2d6x3+Strength (bite), 10d10x10+Strength (body would be fearsome allies in the war to reclaim the Earth and
slam) destroy the necros.
Skinthirsts Strength: 9 Combat: 6
These nocturnal, lizard-like necros are attracted to the Intelligence: 6 Protection: 7
smell of the living. They lurk just outside the larger human Agility: 6 Hit Points: 20
outposts, and often scrabble at the walls. Skinthirsts are Damage: by weapon
always seen in groups of five to 10, and will instinctively en
masse fling themselves at the open gates of a compound. If Shadows
one gets inside, it immediately pounces on the nearest The soul of a ninja resides within the rotting bodies of
human. these dark necros. Wrapped in blood-encrusted bandages and
Their hides are so durable that they can shrug off light looking something like black, high-tech mummies, shadows
firearms and most primitive weapons. Killing a skinthirst are highly competent martial artists and experienced comput-
requires either explosives or a well-placed attack on a vital er and electronics technicians. The typical shadow carries
point – their eyes, mouth, and underside all have Protection with him a small palmtop computer, binoculars, nightvision
0. gear, a flak vest, throwing stars, and a firearm.

Shadows are loners, working for the highest bidder. They Strength: 5 Combat: 5
prefer to be paid in human flesh, and some corrupt human Intelligence: 5 Protection: 6
outposts have gone so far as to hire a shadow to perform a Agility: 6 Hit Points: 12
service for them. These deadly assassins are to be killed at the Damage: by weapon
first opportunity – a second opportunity is not likely to pres-
ent itself.
Strength: 8 Combat: 8 PLAYING A SENTIENT
Intelligence: 8 Protection: 5
Agility: 9 Hit Points: 20 NECRO
Damage: by weapon Shadows and motorheads can be used as player charac-
ters if the motomaster allows it. There’s something creepy but
Wasteoids cool about playing a sentient zombie intent on saving human-
Addicts in life before their unlife, these drug-crazed ity from evil. Far be it from us to suggest that the creepy thing
necros are hooked on the nastiest substances that the post- stop you.
apocalyptic world of MotoCaust has to offer. They are hell- To create a sentient necro character, do the following.
bent on driving fast and consuming as much flesh as they can Motorheads: Create characters as normal (see p. 16) but
get their gnarled hands on. decrease starting skill points to 9. Motorheads get a +3 to
Wasteoids follow orders if there’s any reason for them to Driving but suffer a -5 to all Social rolls. Their thick skin
think that doing so will earn them a scrap of flesh or a nee- gives an innate Protection 1. (The statistic given with their
dle. More intelligent than Hell’s servants, wasteoids are writeup assumes Protection 6 armor is worn, as well.)
crafty, cunning warriors skilled with both primitive and mod- Shadows: Create characters as normal (see p. 16) but
ern weapons. Many wasteoids trade away their ammo or decrease starting skill points to 8. Shadows get +5 each to
weapons for drugs, but those armed with a pistol or rifle are Stealth and Unarmed Combat, and begin play with a flak
usually good marksmen and not to be lightly ignored. jacket, palmtop computer, nightvision gear, and canteen.
They also have the usual starting funds (see p. 19).

Archer’s not your usual scavenger. Sure, he’s fucking brilliant at uncovering a
spark plug when we need one, or finding a pack of batteries, but there’s something
… different about him. Maybe it’s the way he eats corndogs, or the way he tilts his
head to one side when he hears something or, just maybe, it’s that manic gleam in
his eyes when he finds an abandoned fuel tank half full of liquid go-gold.
Likely, it’s just his years in the Army. He never talks about what he used to do,
before the event, but he’s got one tattoo that some of the guys swears marks him as
Special Forces. All I know is that he’s always got my back, and has saved my ass
from being eaten by a shitload of necros.
That’s makes him cool in my book.
Characters in MotoCaust are quick and easy to
create. Just make a copy of the character sheet (see
p. 48), grab a pencil and some dice, and follow the
instructions in this chapter.

Agility: Hand-to-eye coordination, balance, and other

CAMPAIGN INFORMATION abilities associated with physical dexterity and grace all fall
under this ability. It’s less easily measured in real-world
Mostly, this material already was discussed on pp. 4-15
terms than the other two statistics, but no less important.
as part of the setting information. Once you’ve picked a
name and concept, it’s time to move on to the actual game Generating Ability Scores
mechanics of the character.
On the character sheet, each ability includes 10 boxes
after its name. To generate your character’s ability scores,
ABILITY SCORES roll 1d6 three times, then assign one roll to each of the abil-
Each character has three abilities. These are: ities by filling in the appropriate number of boxes. For
Strength: Muscular characters have high scores while instance, if you roll 5, 2, and 3, you might assign the char-
puny characters have low scores. While your Strength score acter Strength 2, Intelligence 3, and Agility 5 by shading
may influence decisions you make about your character’s two, three, and five boxes respectively.
physical appearance, it’s possible to play a small guy with a You then get 3 extra points to distribute among the abil-
high score. (“He’s real wiry, you know.”) Or a character ities in any way that you desire. You could place 1 point in
with a low score might look big and imposing. (“I, um, need each ability, 2 in one ability and 1 in another, or all 3 in a
to get out of the DragenWagen and walk more . . .”) single ability. Fill in the appropriate boxes.
Intelligence: This measures the ability to think quickly Your character’s ability scores are now determined.
and clearly, and to devise plans and understand instructions.
It incorporates things like “testable” IQ, creativity, and edu- HIT POINTS
cation. As with Strength, some high-Intelligence characters
All characters start with 20 hit points. As yours takes
will be dropouts, while some college-educated sorts will
damage, you’ll fill in boxes on your sheet. Once all of them
have low Intelligence. There’s a world of difference
are full, he’s bit the big one. See p. 42 for the gory details.
between book-learning and doing, especially in this world.

Plug, the turret man on our tricked-out SUV,
swung his piece to fire at the necroworm. The
brute was dozens of feet long, snapping down its
powerful jaws as it tried to grab the rear-end of
our ride. It shrugged off the 20mm rounds.
“Great. Now we’ve woke up his bee-autch!”
Plug snarled as the beast’s mate exploded out of
the ground to our right. Things were beginning
to look grim.
To play the game, you need only these rules,
copies of the character sheet (see p. 48) and car
sheet (see the inside back cover), a collection of
dice, a deck of cards, scratch paper, and a few
players. Once you’ve scrounged up the compo-
nents (players can usually be found near fast-food
joints and game conventions) you’re all set to dive
into character creation.

Social: This is the
SKILL RATINGS skill for schmoozing,
networking, or selling
Though life is full of thousands of pos-
something. You can use it to
sible skills, only 12 matter in MotoCaust.
arrange trades, smooth-talk
You begin the game with 20 skill points
officials, or convince others to do your
to divide among the 12 skills in any way
bidding – within reason.
that you wish, as long as you put no more
Stealth: This allows you to move within
than 6 points into any one skill (but
the shadows and operate without being
see p. 8). The more points you
seen. It also covers the ability to detect
have in a skill, the better you
those attempting to use Stealth, and
are at it. A single point would
knowledge of bypassing security sys-
represent the greenest rookie,
tems (but see Theft to overcome locks).
while 10 points (the most
that you can have in a sin- Survival: This skill didn’t matter much
gle skill after lots of before the meteor – it does, now. It covers
experience) represents locating food and water, knowing which high-
a stone-cold pro. Cha- ways and towns to avoid, finding a safe place to
racters can still try to sleep while on the road, and so forth.
use skills in which Theft: This lets you pick locks and pock-
they have not invested, but ets, fence stolen goods, and find your way
they do so at skill level 0. around the criminal underworld.
(And good luck with that.) Unarmed Combat: This represents the
Fill in a number of boxes unarmed specialty of the player’s choice –
equal to the number of points that karate, ninjitsu, pro wrestling, whatever –
you place in each skill. See p. 38 they only differ in special effects here.
for how to use skills in the game. Vehicular Weapons: This allows
you to fire large weapons of the sort
Skill Descriptions mounted on a vehicle, with particular
Acrobatics: This covers emphasis on accounting for your
climbing, jumping, running, own vehicle’s wild maneuvers and
flips, dodges, and whatever else those of the target.
that you associate with staying
squirrelly and hard to hit in a
highly cinematic setting.
Driving: This allows you to ARMOR,
control anything that moves on
the ground – including cars, motorcycles, and trucks. AND EQ UIPMENT
First Aid: This emergency medical training allows With ability scores and skills assigned, the character is
you to try to heal injuries. The practitioner can attempt it finished – but his odds in facing this hostile world while
on himself, but usually at some penalty for pain; -1 to skill buck-naked wouldn’t be too good. You’ll want to buy
for every 2 hits currently suffered would be about right. some stuff to improve his chances.
Taking measures such as biting a bullet or knocking down
a little firewater might offset -1 or -2 in these penalties.
Starting Funds
Modern Weapons: This is skill in modern weaponry, In the post-apocalyptic world of MotoCaust, barter is
particularly firearms, but it also provides enough famil- the primary way in which you get what you want. Theft is
iarity to fire military rockets and the like. probably a more common tactic for acquiring new goods,
but we’ll assume – for now – that the characters are hon-
Primitive Weapons: This lets you wield swords,
est. (Or they just haven’t found someone weak enough to
knives, bows – anything “old school.” When ammo runs
take down while wandering around in their birthday suits.)
dry, however, old school is better than getting schooled.
A money economy is slowly returning, but the dollar is
Repair: This is the ability to fix anything. Engines,
dead. Instead, Americans use the trade piece on the rare
electronics, drywall, plumbing – all are covered here.

It was about noon when we rolled up on the ruins. Archer, the team scavenger,
quickly dismounted and started digging through the rubble. The rest of us readied
our weapons while scanning the ruins and surrounding desert. You can never be
sure of just when or where a necro will surface.
We weren’t there 20 minutes before Archer started shouting for us.
Rushing to him, weapons drawn and expecting the worst, we were surprised to find him hunched
over a gaping gash in the earth, digging spastically like a dog half-remembering a bone. The only
other time he’d acted this way, he’d found some of those X-rated Japanese comics he likes so much.
I looked into the abyss, lit only by Archer’s flashlight. My knees buckled. He had uncovered the
basement of an old military surplus store.
“If we can get this stuff back to Scorpion Wall,” Jake said through his stupid-ass grin,
“We’re all going to be rich.”

occasions when it’s called for. Coins fashioned of gold or a vehicle – that will be provided elsewhere – but its value
silver, trade pieces most often come into play at larger out- can be used to purchase or barter for gas, ammunition, or
posts. In smaller communities, barter remains king, and vehicle upgrades after play begins. Given that equipment
trade pieces might not be accepted, or they might only be “spends” in a lot of the wild and woolly places where play-
redeemed at a greatly inflated price. ers’ characters will travel, while trade pieces do not, the wise
A character begins play with 5d10x10 trade pieces worth player will invest most of his character’s trade pieces in
of personal goods. This money doesn’t have to be spent on goods, whether for personal use or future barter.

Weapons Pistol, 6-shooter: This revolver, or “cowboy gun,”
uses ammo that costs 5tp per round. (Or 2tp to reload spent
To survive in the world of MotoCaust, you’re going to
brass.) A quick-loader (25tp) allows reloading the entire
need guns, lots of guns, and even heavier stuff at times
cylinder in one turn (see p. 40). Otherwise, it takes two.
when the zombie flesh gets thick on the ground. At other
times – when ammo runs out and there’s not a trader to be Pistol. Semi-auto: A modern pistol carries more
found for miles around – cold steel might spell the differ- ammo, can do more damage, and (in most eyes) looks
ence between life and death. cooler. Extra magazines cost 15tp each and ammo costs
6tp per round (or 3tp to reload). Of course, the semi-auto
The following is a listing of just some of the weapons
leaves spent brass and ejected magazines lying on the
that are available. All of these are personal weapons; for
ground – and you might lack time to salvage them …
vehicular weapons, see p. 30. They are also generic, cin-
ematic pieces. Those gun bunnies that demand more real- Rifle, Assault: These automatic rifles fire lots of bul-
ism and/or variety in their choice of firearms already have lets and are military-grade weapons. An assault rifle mag-
the appropriate books in their personal libraries; feel free azine costs 20tp and ammo costs 8tp per round.
to tinker with things to your taste. Rifle, Hunting: A sporting arm used to take down big
game. A clip costs 15tp and ammo costs 5tp each.
Modern Weapons — Ranged Shotgun: This fires a burst of pellets. The stated dam-
Weapon Ammo Damage Cost age is for a target within 20 feet of the shooter. Subtract 1
Anti-Tank Rocket 1 3d10x5 350tp die of damage (to a minimum of 1 die) for each additional
Pistol, 6-shooter 6 2d4+2 75tp 10 feet between weapon and target. Shells cost 6tp each.
Pistol, Semi-auto 15 2d6 150tp Shotgun, CAW: This military shotgun fires semi-auto
bursts or single shots. Not as damaging as a standard
Rifle, Assault 30 4d6 300tp
shotgun, the CAW does carry more ammo and has a faster
Rifle, Hunting 10 4d8 175tp
rate of fire. A magazine costs 20tp and shells 6tp each.
Shotgun 5 4d10* 175tp
Sword: While these come in all shapes and sizes, the
Shotgun, CAW 30 4d8* 400tp provided stats can apply to all but the largest or smallest.
Tripod MG 100 4d8 750tp Tripod MG: A military surplus machinegun on a tri-
Primitive Weapons — Ranged pod mount, these weapons are valued by any outpost or
organization. Ammo costs 10tp/round and must be fitted
Weapon Ammo Damage Cost
together with links (1tp/each) to form belts that are fed
Bow * 3d6 75tp into the weapon. The listed ammo amount of 100 is for an
Crossbow * 4d6 100tp average belt; they may be much shorter or longer.
Primitive Weapons — Melee Armor
Weapon Ammo Damage Cost Just about anyone venturing into the wastelands wears
Axe – 3d6+Strength 50tp armor – that is, if they expect to come back out. The fol-
Knife – 1d4+Strength 25tp lowing list describes some common types seen in the
Sword – 3d6+Strength 60tp world of MotoCaust. Of course, more can be created.
* See weapon description for detailed information. Armor Protection Cost
Flak Jacket 10 250tp
Anti-Tank Rocket: This disposable tube holds a sin- Helmet, Football 4 15tp
gle rocket. It’s point and shoot. Anything within 20 feet of
Helmet, Military 12 50tp
the rocket’s target suffers half damage from the blast.
Leather Jacket 3 50tp
Axe: Covers anything from the wickedest engraved
battleaxe to a plain tool for chopping wood. Flak Jacket: A military or police armored vest.
Bow: Fires arrows, at 2tp each. A more powerful bow Helmet, Football: Better than nothing. Barely. Other
(add user Strength to damage), costs twice as much. “sports armor,” such as football shoulder pads, gives sim-
Crossbow: These fire quarrels, also 2tp each, but not ilarly poor Protection at similarly low costs.
interchangeable with arrows. They’re fatter and shorter. Helmet, Military: A modern Kevlar and resin model.
Knife: This is a large hunting knife. A “survival” knife Leather Jacket: Bikers wear these for good reason –
– with compass, matches, and other small bits of equip- they minimize road burn in a skidding crash. And, well
ment in the handle – is available for twice the cost. yea, they look cool, too.

We rode into Scorpion Wall at dawn, just moments after
the rising sun chased the skinthirsts back to their homes. The
guards on duty, six guys with rifles and tattered dusters,
waved us in as soon as they recognized us. We were no
strangers to the people of the Wall, and the outpost’s residents
knew we’d only show up when we had something big to trade,
or needed to drop some tee-pees on a little R&R.
The outpost’s gate, a sheet of rusted metal reinforced with
wooden 8-by-8s, dropped into place behind us as we left the
dangerous wasteland. It’s not that Scorpion Wall is a safe com-
munity – hell, I’ve probably been in more fistfights inside its
walls than out – it was just that we knew the danger of necros
was pretty much eliminated once we were in the outpost. After
a week on the road, that knowledge felt good.

This is just a tiny sample of the equipment available. Anything that ever existed in
the early 21st century is still out there somewhere. Motomasters should feel free to
devise prices and rules for equipment not listed here.

Backpack: Perfect for carrying Binoculars: A standard piece of

gear – including extra ammo, maga- equipment for any runner or warrior.
zines, grenades, and a sack lunch. Camera, 35mm: This traditional
Batteries: All shapes and sizes. camera requires no batteries and often
Used to power individual items. comes with two lenses (one regular,
Rechargeable batteries are available at one zoom). A roll of film costs 3tp and
3x the cost; a charger costs 30tp. can take 24 photos.

Camera, Digital: Requires 2 “AA” bat-
teries. This camera plugs directly into a laptop Item Cost
or palmtop computer. A printer can be used to Backpack 25tp
generate physical copies of the photos.
Batteries 5tp each
Canteen: This model carries a gallon of
water (or other liquid). Insulated, the liquid inside Binoculars 75tp
is kept cool (or warm) for up to 12 hours. Camera, 35mm 50tp
Communications Headset: This headset Camera, Digital 100tp
plugs directly into a walkie (see below), or into
the CB or cell system of a car.
Flashlight: Uses two “D” batteries. A flash- Communications Headset 100tp
light like this illuminates out to about 30 feet Flashlight 15tp
and has a life of 18 hours with fresh batteries. Fire Extinguisher 50tp
Fire Extinguisher: This small, one-handed Folding Stock 75tp
personal fire extinguisher sprays only enough
foam retardent to put out a small engine fire.
Gas Mask 150tp
Recharging the extinguisher after use requires IR Goggles 150tp
special equipment and costs 10tp at just about any Laptop Computer 500tp
outpost or service station. Laser Targeting Scope 200tp
Folding Stock: Fits on pistols and related
weapons. Reduces any range penalty (p. 41) to
Medical Kit 150tp
Modern Weapons skill by 2 when unfolded. Night Vision Gear 200tp
Gas Mask: Protects the wearer against chemical Palmtop Computer 600tp
weapons, smoke inhalation, and the whipping sands of Tool Kit 350tp
a dust storm. These masks are military surplus and
cover the wearer’s entire face. The filter in a gas mask
Walkie 75tp
should be replaced once a week (or the wearer might start
asphyxiating from a clogged filter!). New filters cost 10tp.
IR Goggles: Allows wearer to see heat emissions,
negating most penalties for night vision. (But not much use
against zombies!) Runs for 20 hours on two “D” batteries.
Laptop Computer: This is an average system with CD,
DVD, floppy drive, and cellular modem.
Laser Targeting Scope: This may be attached to any
ranged hand weapon. It uses two “AAA” batteries and has a PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER
life of years. Using a scope gives the firer a +2 to Modern If you decided to go with one of the archetype character
Weapons skill. professions as described on p. 8, you may want to use the fol-
Medical Kit: Using this gives a +5 to First Aid skill. lowing character sheets to fill out your work. (These include
Usually includes some pain killers, bandages, antiseptic spray, handy reminders on favored and penalized skills, as well as
and various other stuff depending on who put it together. some inspirational artwork.) Otherwise, you may prefer the
Night Vision Gear: These military-grade goggles allow generic (and more vertically shaped) character sheet on p. 48.
the wearer to see clearly as long as there is some natural light In either case, you’ll probably need to fill in the last few
(moonlight, for example). details about your character. In particular, some people find it
Palmtop Computer: Less powerful than a laptop, but still easier to work up the character first, then decide on physical
quite useful because of its small size. Shadows (see p. 14) love description and personality. Others will have started with those
the palmtop system because it is so light and handy. Includes sections already filled out before tackling abilities and skills.
a cellular modem. The generic character sheet also provides a back page for
Tool Kit: This heavy case includes many small hand tools listing equipment. There’s not room to provide these for the
and some power tools. A tool kit gives a +5 to all Repair rolls. archetype sheets, but equipment can simply be listed on the
Walkie: As in walkie talkie. This handheld communica- back of the photocopied character sheet. In either case, this is
tor usually has a range of about 10 miles, though that can best done in pencil, because the actual goods are likely to
depend on interference a good deal. Uses four “D” batteries change frequently, depending on the character’s bartering
for 40 hours of listening and/or four hours of transmitting. and the ups and downs of his personal fortunes.

Bodyguard Ability Scores
Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Modern Weapons Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: Repair, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Theft Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Cycle Courier Ability Scores

Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________ Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Driving Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: First Aid, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Grease Monkey Ability Scores
Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________ Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Repair Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: Acrobatics, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Survival Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Gun Bunny Ability Scores

Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________ Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Vehicular Weapons Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: Primitive Weapons, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Social Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Runner Ability Scores
Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________ Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Driving Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: Acrobatics, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Unarmed Combat Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Tuner Ability Scores

Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Campaign Info Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Name: ____________________ Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Appearance: _______________
__________________________ Hit Points
__________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Personality: _______________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Skill Ratings
Background/History: _______ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
__________________________ Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Favored Skill: Repair Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Penalized Skills: Social, Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Survival Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

A burst of 30mm rounds tore into my passenger-side door as I pulled hard left,
almost ripping the wheel from the column in trying to keep the rubber side down.
“Move it faster!”
I took a second to glance at Gail, in the passenger seat. Her face had twisted into
a frozen, almost grotesque mask. She’d noticed how close those rounds had come.
Before I could respond, the
30mm fire lashed across our
front tires and, as if in a dream, I
felt us vaulting into the sky.

In MotoCaust, your character is no more important than

his ride. The players create a single vehicle that is shared by
the group. During the course of play, they will beg, borrow,
steal or sometimes even purchase new vehicles. This chap-
ter details how to build a vehicle from the ground up.
Sample vehicles, for those too lazy to create their own and
for motomasters to use for NPCs, can be found on p. 36.
To build a car, make a copy of the car record sheet (see
the inside back cover) and follow the steps in this chapter,
in order. You may spend up to 3,000tp per character in the
party on your vehicle. Anything not spent is lost forever.
(This represents that the vehicle isn’t really “purchased”
in most cases. It’s an extra-large reward that the charac-
ters somehow earned in their adventuring prior to the
start of play. One or more of the characters probably
should include in their backstory exactly how the wheels
came into their possession.)

BASE PACKAGES Speed: The maximum speed (in miles per hour) that
The first step is to select the basic vehicle. This “base the vehicle can reach before any modifications.
model” is fully functional with its own speed, maneuver- Maneuverability: The bonus that the vehicle’s type
ability, and flash ratings. It also has space and weight capac- grants to Driving rolls.
ity left over for customization. Body: The base damage the car can sustain, in hit
Type: Quite simply, the sort of vehicle that is being pur- points. Armor can be added to improve durability.
chased, from motorcycle to pickup truck. Flash: This measures how “showy” the base vehicle
Customization: The number of customization slots and is. See p. 33 for more on flash.
amount of weight that can be added to the vehicle without Cost: The cost in trade pieces for the base vehicle.
decreasing the basic vehicle’s performance.

Type Custom Speed Man. Body Flash Cost
Cycle 1/200 lbs. 80 +2 10 1 600tp
Compact 2/300 lbs. 60 +1 20 0 900tp
Sport 4/400 lbs. 80 +2 30 1 2,000tp Bittersweet, an old sponsor
Coupe 6/500 lbs. 70 0 30 0 1,800tp operating out of Refuge, had
Pickup 10/900 lbs. 60 0 40 0 1,700tp called us in with promises of a sim-
ple job and big rewards. Archer
ENGINES shook his head and muttered
something about Bittersweet’s idea
All of the above include a basic powertrain, with a stock engine,
of a simple job and sex with a
as represented by the listed speed for each type.
corpsebound, but in the end we
Of course, real runners never settle for the stock parts, and always
decided to see what the deal was.
either rip out the engine completely – dropping in a new one to
replace it – or bolt on a lot of extras (see p. 31). The majority do both. Bittersweet’s office was in an
Assuming that you want to upgrade your engine to a high- old garage just off of the outpost’s
performance model, select an engine modifier from the following list. south wall. It was so close we could
MotoCaust doesn’t concern itself with cubic displacement, number of hear the sand whipping against the
cylinders, or any other details of real-world engines. All you need to wall and the necros trying to claw
know is what game effects that your upgrade package has. their way inside.
All engines have 10 hit points (see p. 42). “Here’s the score,” Bittersweet
Engine: Ranked from +1 to +4. (Assuming that no upgrade is pur- said, grinning as he leaned back.
chased, the base engine would qualify as a +0 model.)

“All you boys have to do is take

this,” he indicated a small metal case
Customization Requirements: The number of slots and with his head, “and get it to Dour
amount of weight that this engine requires. Subtract these num- Raven at Mexi Station One . . .”
bers from the available customization slots and weight of your He paused only briefly, eyeing us.
vehicle. If the result is a positive number in both areas you’re
“ . . . in 12 hours.”
fine; if the result is negative in either area see the box on p. 28.
Plug laughed. Flat out and no trou-
Speed: Increase in top speed (in mph) that this engine gives you.
ble, the Mexi could be made in 12. But
Flash: The flash bonus of the engine. See p. 33.
trouble had the place locked up tight.
Cost: The engine’s price, in trade pieces.

The basic vehicle (see p. 26) includes the vehicle’s cus-
tomization slots and weight. New items added to a vehicle
subtract from this number and as long as you don’t go
below 0/0 you’re fine.
Things go south in a hurry, however, whenever either
value becomes a negative number. For every -1 slot or
-100 lbs. (or fraction thereof), the vehicle’s top speed is
reduced by 5. If top speed falls to 0 or below, the vehicle
cannot move. Try changing your design.
In addition, for every -2 slots or -200 lbs., the vehicle’s
maneuverability drops by 1. It is possible to have a nega-
tive maneuverability.
In MotoCaust speed and firepower are important.
Trading a bit of one for the other might help your design
hold up to the rigors of the road and the necros.

Engine Requirements Speed Flash Cost
Engine +1 1/75 lbs. +10 0 250tp
Engine +2 1/125 lbs. +20 0 350tp
Engine +3 2/175 lbs. +30 +1 500tp
Engine +4 3/225 lbs. +40 +2 750tp


Gas is expensive in MotoCaust. The average price of gas is
20tp/gallon and it can go as high as 50tp/gallon at some of the really
remote outposts. Many fights have been started over a gas cache.
All base vehicle are assumed to have a 10-gallon tank. Increasing the
size of a tank requires 25tp and customization 0/60 lbs. for each 10- gal-
lon block added. The largest tank allowed is 50 gallons. Anything over
40 gallons total requires 1 slot in addition to the weight requirement.

The body rating of your vehicle (see p. 26) is the vehicle’s hit
points. You can increase the vehicle’s hit points – and/or give it a pro-
tection rating – by adding armor.

Armor Hit
Increase Points Protection Weight Flash Cost
Light Ablative +15 0 50 lbs. 0 200tp
Heavy Ablative +25 0 75 lbs. 0 300tp
Molded Flash +20 2 50 lbs. +2 500tp
Streamlined +20 2 100 lbs. +1 600tp
Non-Ablative Plates +30 4 200 lbs. -1 1,000tp

You may add multiple units of armor, as long as they Non-Ablative Plates: Heavy metal plates are bolted
are all of the same type. Hit points and protection are onto the vehicle’s body. While this armor makes the vehi-
increased by one-half (round up) for each extra armor unit cle extremely durable, it does seriously impair appearance.
added after the first. Flash is not increased beyond the
base bonus.
Hit Points: The number of points added to the vehi-
As with engines, every basic vehicle includes tires.
cle’s basic value for its type.
Basic replacement tires have 10 hit points and cost 50tp
Protection: The defense of the armor (see p. 42).
apiece. They weigh 20 lbs. apiece for every vehicle
Weight: The customization weight the armor requires. except cycles, which use tires weighing 10 lbs. each. (The
Flash: The flash modifier of the armor. tire weight can be ignored for tires that are actually in use
Cost: What the armor costs in trade points. – the weight only comes into play when carrying spare
tires as cargo.) If you want to upgrade your tires, select
Armor Descriptions from the following options:
Light Ablative: Ablative armor is fashioned of a Armored: Each armored tire has 15 hit points and a
lightweight metal and plastic composite. Light ablative Protection value of 1. When carried as cargo, they weigh
uses the lightest, weakest materials in its construction. 30 lbs. each, or 15 lbs. each for cycle tires. +100tp per
Heavy Ablative: By adding in a touch of ceramic and armored tire.
using slightly denser metals and plastics, ablative armor Off-Road: These large, knobby tires are designed for
can be made just a bit more durable. travel across country. The penalty for driving off-road
Molded Flash: This armor is custom-constructed for (usually -3) is reduced to -1 if the vehicle has off-road tires
each vehicle and, unlike ablative armor (and non-ablative on every wheel. When carried as cargo, they weigh 30 lbs.
plates), appearance and protection are very important. each, or 15 lbs. each for cycle tires. +50tp per off-road tire.
Molded flash wraps around the vehicle’s contours and Street Slicks: These are fat, smooth, sexy tires used
changes the body appearance to make it a sleeker, sexier car. by a lot of runners and street racers. They grant a +1 to
Streamlined: A vehicle with streamlined armor is maneuverability on dry pavement, but on wet pavement
chopped, or cut down to make it sleeker. A single cus- they inflict a -2. (True, glass-smooth racing slicks would
tomization slot is lost in this process. This much lower give a dry +2 or inflict a disastrous -4 on wet roads.)
profile makes it both harder to hit and just a little faster When carried as cargo, street slicks weigh 25 lbs. each, or
(+10 mph to vehicle’s speed). 13 lbs. each for cycle tires. +100tp per tire.

Now we’re getting to the good stuff.
WEAPONS You’re going to want to come up with a good balance of weapons
So what, exactly, are “legal – without sacrificing too much speed and maneuverability – so that
weapon mounts”? They’re the loca- you can take down roving bands of necros, criminals, or others intent
tions in which a weapon may be on robbing you of life or cargo.
placed in a vehicle, and they affect When placing a weapon, you must decide where it is mounted in
the direction of fire as follows: the vehicle. Legal weapon mounts are on any side or in a turret (see
Front: Weapons mounted on the p. 33). Also see p. 28 for how the customization requirements
front are assumed to be bolted onto described below limit how much firepower you can stack in your ride.
the hood (subtract 1 from the vehi-
cle’s Flash and 100tp from the
Weapon Ammo Damage Requirements Cost
weapon’s cost) or carefully installed
inside the front of the car (to keep the 7.62mm MG 100 4d8 1/100 lbs. 850tp
vehicle looking as slick as possible). 20mm MG 100 2d10x4 2/150 lbs. 1,100tp
Front-mounted weapons may fire at 30mm Cannon 25 2d20x3 2/250 lbs. 1,500tp
anything in front of the vehicle or out Vigilante Cannon 50 2d20x3 3/350 lbs. 2,000tp
to 45º in either direction. (The Single-shot RPG 1 3d10x5 0/50 lbs. 400tp
mounts include a limited system to Multi-Fire RPG 10 3d10x5 2/200 lbs. 2,500tp
traverse, or swing, the weapon). Hellfire Launcher 20 2d10x3 2/300 lbs. 3,500tp
Left: As front except on the left Flamethrower 15 4d6x5 1/150 lbs. 650tp
side. Left (and right, for that matter)
weapons may not be bolted on and 7.62mm MG: This is a fairly standard weapon in the post-apocalyp-
must be installed inside the vehicle. tic wasteland of MotoCaust. It uses the same ammo as the tripod MG
Right: As left but applying to (see p. 20). Ammo costs 10tp per round and each round must be attached
the right side. together with links (1tp each) to form belts that are fed into the weapon.
Back: Like a front mounting, The listed ammo amount of 100 is for an average belt; a mounted
but on the back. Pickups cannot 7.62mm machinegun can use a longer belt of ammo at a customization
mount weapons on the back. requirement of 0/25 lbs. for every 50 rounds over 100.
Turret: See p. 33. 20mm MG: This heavy machinegun rips through armor and zom-
bies at such an incredible rate that there are more than a handful of run-
ners that swear by the weapon. Ammo costs 20tp per round and is linked
Cycles can only mount front and
together into belts. See 7.62mm MG, above, for info on belts.
back weapons; nothing can be
30mm Cannon: This recoilless rifle fires single 30mm caseless
rounds. The weapon’s reloading and cooling gear makes up most of the
weapon’s customization requirements, and is sometimes scrapped (sav-
ing 1/75 lbs.) to create a self-loading, air-cooled weapon. It takes one
round to manually reload a 30mm cannon, and if fired
more than twice in three rounds, there is a 25%
chance of the weapon overheating and
breaking down. (A Repair roll at -5
to skill is required to fix an over-
heated weapon.) Ammo costs
30tp per round.

Extras distinguish the vehicle. Your choice of
extras not only reflects your own style, but also cus-
tomizes the performance of your vehicle.

Engine Extras
All of these extras are designed to enhance the
performance of your vehicle. A single vehicle can
use almost all of these extras at once; see individ-
ual descriptions for more information.
Bolt On Headers: The exhaust headers are
designed to increase the power of your engine.
Add 5 mph to your vehicle’s top speed.
Cold Air Intakes: These improved intakes
increase your vehicle’s horsepower and airflow.
Add 5 mph to your vehicle’s top speed.
Nitrous Oxide System: Each nitrous-oxide
injector increases your vehicle’s top speed by 30
mph, but for only five seconds. Multiple systems
can be installed on a single engine (limit of 5),
but each time a NO system is used, roll 1d6: if
the result is equal to or under the number of sys-
tems installed on the vehicle – whether they’re
all being used at the time or not – the engine
explodes, completely destroying it. See p. 47.
Performance Kit: This kit includes an igni-
tion-system upgrade, improved fuel injection,
and free-breathing cylinder heads and a better
camshaft. The improvements increase your
vehicle’s speed by 20 mph. A performance kit may not be
used with a supercharger.
Vigilante Cannon: This rapid-fire recoilless rifle fires Supercharger: A supercharger force-feeds air and fuel
30mm slugs at a speed close to that of the 7.62mm into your engine, increasing the power of the engine. Add 10
machinegun. Ammo is interchangeable with the 30mm mph to your vehicle’s top speed. Superchargers are only
cannon though the Vigilante packages it in disposable available for vehicles with the Engine +3 or Engine +4 mod-
clips for autofire. ification.
Single-shot RPG: Like the anti-tank rccket (see p. 20), Turbocharger: A turbocharger works like a supercharg-
the single-shot RPG has a blast that extends out 20 feet – er, but only adds 5 mph to the top speed. They are available
anyone (other than the primary target, of course) within for any sort of engine.
that range of the detonation suffers half-damage.
Multi-Fire RPG: Unlike the single-shot RPG, the
multi-fire RPG may fire between one and 10 rockets in a
single shot. Rocket reloads cost 400tp each.
Hellfire Launcher: This multifire rocket launcher
fires small, unguided rockets 10 at a time; the ammo load
of 20 actually represents 200 small rockets. Each ammo
load (one “shot” of 10 rockets) costs 25tp.
Flamethrower: The flamethrower spews high-
temperature fuel over a wide area, engulfing anything
within 50 feet in fire. See p. 47 for rules on fire.

EXTRAS Customization
Engine Extras Requirements Cost Man. Extras Requirements Cost
Bolt On Headers 0/20 lbs. 800tp Handling Kit 1/100 lbs. 750tp
Cold Air Intakes 0/20 lbs. 600tp Off-Road Suspension 0/50 lbs. 500tp
Nitrous Oxide 0/30 lbs. 750tp Spoiler 0/75 lbs. 800tp
Performance Kit 1/100 lbs. 1,600tp
Supercharger 0/45 lbs. 1,250tp Customization
Turbocharger 0/35 lbs. 1,300tp Defensive Extras Requirements Cost
Armored Wheels 0/30 lbs. 250tp
Customization Armored Windows 0/50 lbs. 400tp
Flash Extras Requirements Cost Crash Seats 0/25 lbs./seat 200tp/seat
Chrome Wheels 0/0 lbs. +100tp/tire Roll Cage 1/150 lbs. 1,000tp
Custom Paint Job 0/0 lbs. 500tp/+1
Lightshow Kit 0/25 lbs. 300tp Customization
Spikes and Blades 0/50 lbs. 150tp Offensive Extras Requirements Cost
Vehicle Decals 0/0 lbs. 150tp Turret 1/100 lbs. 800tp
Window Tinting 0/0 lbs. 300tp Weapons Computer 0/10 lbs. 1,000tp

Flash Extras Vehicle Decals: Available in a variety of designs and col-

ors, these high-quality decals personalize a vehicle and can
These extras serve no purpose other than to add to the
add a playful – or dangerous – look (Flash +1).
Flash rating of a vehicle. There’s nothing stopping a runner
from adding all of these extras to his vehicle – nothing but Window Tinting: Either black, colored, or mirrored,
cash, that is. window tinting adds +1 to your vehicle’s Flash.
Chrome Wheels: These stylish wheels add to the visual Maneuvering Extras
appeal of any vehicle. Chrome wheels give a +1 to Flash.
These extras modify the handling, or maneuverability, of
Chrome spinners cost three times as much, but add +2.
the vehicle. A single vehicle may, if the owner can afford it,
Custom Paint Job: A really good paint job can go a long use all of these extras.
way toward making a vehicle look ultra-sexy. Every 500tp
Handling Kit: Improved brakes and suspension make
spent on your vehicle’s custom paint job
this kit extremely useful. The vehicle’s maneuverability is
gives the vehicle +1 to flash, to a maxi-
modified by +3.
mum of +4 for 2,000tp.
Off-Road Suspension: This
Lightshow Kit: This package
extra gives the vehicle a
includes underbody lighting, glow-
high-sprung appear-
ing gauges, wheel lights, and an assort-
ance and it also
ment of other small lights that make the
vehicle look awesome (Flash +2).
t h e
Spikes and Blades: These
jagged, wicked-looking steel spikes
and blades not only make your
vehicle look frightening (Flash
+2), they also inflict an additional
3d6 points of damage to any indi-
viduals – living or necro – struck
by your vehicle.

the penalty for driving off-
road (usually -3) by 2. This
beneficial modifier is cumu- FLASH
lative with the modifier for While a lot of survivalists and searchers will turn up their
off-road tires (see p. 29). noses at the pretty cars that the runners drive, that style ensures
Spoiler: A large airfoil, this the runners’ success in the world. The Flash of your car has sev-
gives a vehicle +2 to maneuver- eral game/world effects, a few of which are:
ability as well as +1 to Flash. Higher Profile Jobs: A lot of sponsors only want to work
with the guys with the coolest cars. When it comes time to hire
Defensive Extras a new runner, a sponsor looks first at the cars and then the driv-
Designed to enhance the vehi- ers – the job goes to the guy with the flashiest car and, if tied,
cle’s survivability (especially that of the driver with the higher Driving skill.
the occupants), these extras protect More Bets: Betting is an important way for runners and
against weapons and crashes. All of sponsors to make money. The flashier the car, the more bets
them may be used on one vehicle, will be placed on the driver.
subject to the owner’s budget. Reputation: When someone knows what car you drive, you
Armored Wheels: These metal add one-half the vehicle’s Flash to your Social skill.
coverings take damage before the tires Motomasters are encouraged to devise their own uses for
half of the time (roll 1d6; on an even Flash. The amount of use that Flash will see in a game depends
roll, apply damage to the armor first). upon the type of game that the motomaster and players enjoy.
They have 10 hit points each.
Armored Windows: Armored windows
leave only narrow slits for the driver and passen-
gers to see through. Targeting the interior of a vehicle
with armored windows is not allowed.
Crash Seats: These carefully designed seats protect the
occupants in a crash or roll. Damage from a crash (see p. 47) A cycle may not mount a turret; all other vehicles may
is reduced to one-half if the individual is properly belted into mount just one.
a crash seat. Scrapping the gun camera and weapon controls will cut
Roll Cage: This extra bracing protects the vehicle and the cost and customization requirements of a turret in half.
occupants in rolls and collisions; all damage suffered is Unfortunately, weapons in this sort of stripped-down turret
reduced by 2 dice (see p. 47). may only be fired by a dedicated gunner who must stand in
the vehicle – with head and upper body exposed to gunfire –
Offensive Extras and aim the weapons manually.
These extras make the vehicle more dangerous. Again, Weapons Computer: This upgrades the onboard sys-
both of these extras may be used on a single vehicle. tems with targeting software and a weapon-camera monitor
Turret: A turret is a rotating weapon platform on top of a that give a +2 to Vehicular Weapons skill. Each computer
vehicle that may hold weapons with a combined weight of no gives its bonus to just one seat; multiple gunners require mul-
greater than 300 lbs. They can fire in any direction except tiple computers if all are going to enjoy the bonus. If he plans
down. A turret includes a gun camera, and may be fired by on firing any weapons, the driver may want one, too.
the driver (at -2 to Vehicular Weapons skill) or by a designat-
“There is today more computer power in a Ford
Taurus you drive to the supermarket than there was
in Apollo 11 when Neil Armstrong took it all the way
to the moon. Isn’t that amazing?”
– President Bill Clinton, 1996

Code Effect Value
Alter Spark Timing +5 mph 500tp
Reprogram Fuel Injector +10 mph 800tp
Reset Idle Speed Fuel range +5 350tp
Shift Points +5 mph 500tp
Once an engine’s codes are recalibrated, that change
remains in effect until a diagnostic is run (which resets
the system) or a static shock hits the system (also reset-
ting the codes to their factory standards).

hundreds of codes
available on the
black market. Some
codes are input
through a proper
series of brake, accelera-
tor, and key commands
(such as tap the brake pedal
four times while the ignition is
turned to on and the vehicle in neutral
to reset the check-engine light). Others
require interface with the vehicle’s computer using a laptop
or palmtop system (see p. 22) or a dedicated scan tool. See
the box, above, for a small sample of calibration codes, their
effects, and their trade value. This is the cost to have some-
one give you the code and reprogram your engine – the code
cost alone is one-half of the listed value.
Recalibrating an engine, once you know the codes,
requires a Repair roll at -2 to skill. A tuner may recalibrate a
number of codes on one vehicle equal to one-half (round
down) his Repair skill, and no more than that.

PROM Chips
Being based on the commercially produced vehicles of
the 1990s and early 2000s, the cars of MotoCaust are loaded Sometimes recalibrating the engine’s base chip just won’t
with computers, electronic circuits, software, and other high- give the desired effect. In such instances, the tuner resorts to
tech gear. Each engine is preprogrammed by the manufactur- purchasing a new PROM chip and installing it in the vehicle.
er. Some runners and tuners have taken it upon themselves to
PROM Chip Effect Cost
recalibrate these base settings and, at times, swap out chips
for better, more expensive PROM (programmable read only AHITW6a “Banshee” +10 mph 1,000tp
memory) chips that improve performance. GsEX55 “Camel” Fuel range +10 1,400tp
RxRa-7 “RoadRunner” +15 mph 1,250tp
Calibration Codes TAG “Reaper” +2 to Vehicular
Every chip in a factory engine is reprogrammable if the Weapons skill 1,250tp
tuner has access to the proper calibration codes. Since these WIT-76 “Oblivion” +20 mph* 1,500tp
codes vary not only by engine size and manufacturer, but also * After every 10 minutes at Oblivion-enabled speeds, roll
by the desired calibration change, there are hundreds upon 1d8. On a 1, the engine explodes.

Installing a new PROM chip requires a Repair roll at -4 10-gallon gas tank, they know they’re
to skill. A tuner may install a number of new PROM chips on going to need a better range than that
one vehicle equal to one-half (round down) his Repair skill will provide. They add in another
and no more than that. 10 gallons leaving them with
Motomasters and players are encouraged to create their 6,475tp and 2/215 lbs. for
own PROM chips (and, for that matter, calibration codes). If further customization.
you come up with something especially cool, send it to us at 4. Add Armor. In keeping with the
street image they
FUEL RANGE desire, they select
molded flash
Each engine – depending on size, extras, and the vehicle armor. To increase
it’s mounted in – has a different range per gallon of gas. To survivability, they
determine your vehicle’s range per gallon of gas, subtract its choose this option
top speed (after all extras) from the sum of 130 plus any twice, giving them
modifiers for fuel range (such as PROM chip GsEX55). +30 hit points and a
Multiply by 40 then divide by the vehicle’s hit points (after Protection of 3, as well as Flash +2. They now have 5,475tp
adding armor). The result is the number of miles the vehicle and 2/115 lbs. to work with.
can travel on a single gallon of gas.
5. Select Tires. They choose street slicks and now have
If the number is negative, the engine drains too much 5,075tp and 2/115 lbs. for customization.
fuel and the design is unusable. Reconfigure your vehicle to
6. Mount Weapons. Looking over the limited customiza-
give it a positive fuel mileage.
tion weight, the decision is made to add one 20mm MG –
mounted in the front – leaving them with 3,975tp and 0/-35
VEHICLE DESIGN lbs. This extra weight will reduce their speed by 5 mph, and

WALKTHROUGH they know that anything else that adds volume or weight will
also reduce top speed.
Now that you’ve read over the design rules, let’s go 7. Add Extras. Even though they’re overweight, the deci-
through and design a car step by step. Refer to the various sec- sion is made to try and make up any speed loss through engine
tions as you read through this walkthrough so that you have a extras. They decide to add bolt on headers, cold air intakes,
clear understanding of the design process. and a turbocharger for engine extras, leaving 1,275tp and put-
This walkthrough assumes a party of three characters, giv- ting the vehicle at 0/-110 lbs.
ing them 9,000tp to create a ride. With their remaining funds, they add chrome wheels, a
1. Select Vehicle. These guys want a cool car, so they pick lightshow kit, vehicle decals, and window tinting.
the sports body, leaving them with 7,000tp. It has a cus- Their final numbers are value 8,875tp, 0/-110 lbs., top
tomization rating of 4/400 lbs. speed 115 mph (125-10 for overweight), maneuverability +2,
2. Upgrade Engine. They want a fast, flashy car so they Flash 7, and a fuel range of 10/gallon.
choose Engine +3, leaving them with 6,500tp and 2/275 lbs. Flip to the next two pages for a few sample vehicles.
for customization.
3. Gas Tank. While their basic
car includes a

Vehicle Name _______
Ripper Hit Points
Molded Flash
Armor Type: ___________________________
Basics Engine ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Vehicle:__________________________ Body ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Value: ___________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Customization: ___________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
0 Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
6 ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Flash: ___________________________
Engine: __________________________
20 gallon
Gas Tank:________________________
Fuel Range: ______________________
Protection: _______________________ Tires
Street Slicks
Type: _________________________________
Front Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Vigilante Cannon Front Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Weapon: _________________________
Location: _________________
Ammo: _________________ Back Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Damage: _________________
Weapon: _________________________ Back Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Location: _________________
Ammo: _________________
Damage: _________________
Weapon: _________________________ Customization Codes
Location: _________________ Reset idle speed
Ammo: _________________ shift points
Damage: _________________ ______________________________________
Extras ______________________________________
Chrome Spinners ______________________________________
Vehicle Decals
________________________________ PROM Chips
________________________________ Reaper
________________________________ Camel
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ Notes
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________

Vehicle Name _______
skeleton Hit Points
non-Ablative Plates
Armor Type: ___________________________
Basics Engine ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Vehicle:__________________________ Body ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Value: ___________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Customization: ___________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Speed:___________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
0 Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
4 ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Flash: ___________________________
+4 ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Engine: __________________________
20 gallon
Gas Tank:________________________
Fuel Range: ______________________
Protection: _______________________ Tires
Type: _________________________________
Front Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Vigilante Cannon Front Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Weapon: _________________________
Location: _________________
Ammo: _________________ Back Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Damage: _________________
Multi-Fire RPG
Weapon: _________________________ Back Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Location: _________________
Ammo: _________________
Damage: _________________
Weapon: _________________________ Customization Codes
Location: _________________ Reset idle speed
Ammo: _________________ reprogram fuel injector
Damage: _________________ ______________________________________
Extras ______________________________________
Window Tinting ______________________________________
Custom Paint Job +2
________________________________ PROM Chips
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ Notes
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________

As we cruised down the crumbling blacktop, constantly swerving to avoid the larger
potholes and craters that dotted the road, our lights caught a pair of corpsebound. The
conjoined zombies – gray flesh and white eyes and a tangle of arms and legs – looked up
at our approach. They cried out in terror and inhuman pain.
“Nail the fuckers,” Archer shouted from the rear of the truck as he swung his rifle into
position and took aim.
The rest of us did likewise, as Bone swerved the truck in an
attempt to run down the necros before they could escape.

Now that you have your character and a vehicle, it’s time to learn how
to play the game. Ideally, this won’t take long – MotoCaust has been
designed to run simply and smoothly, with bare-bones mechanics that
don’t go into a great amount of detail. This does require the motomaster
to fill in the details, so please remember that his word is law.


All actions in the game are accomplished by rolling 2d10, adding
the dice together, and comparing the total to the appropriate Ability +
Skill. If the number rolled is equal to or less than Ability + Skill,
you’ve succeeded. If it’s higher than Ability + Skill, you’ve failed.
The Skills, and the Ability with which they’re usually paired, are:

Skill Ability
Acrobatics Agility
Driving Agility
First Aid Intelligence
Modern Weapons Agility
Primitive Weapons Strength
Repair Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Stealth Agility
Survival Intelligence
Theft Agility
Unarmed Combat Strength
Vehicular Weapons Agility

Obviously, Agility and Intelligence are more important than

Strength – until a fight turns to blades and fists …

I could see the gang’s leader through my binoculars.
A huge, malformed motorhead wearing dark leathers and
straddling a Japanese cycle, this beast’s eyes moved rap-
idly, always surveying his minions and the area sur-
rounding them. The motorhead’s chest was tattooed with
the image of a bone-white engine block.
“Archer,” I hissed into the walkie, “It’s the Bone
“Awesome,” the walkie squawked back at me, static
melding with Archer’s voice. “Those east Texas pricks in
Refuge are offering a reward for the Bone Cylinders.
Regroup with us and we’ll find a way to waste these fuck-
ers and go claim that bounty.”

When it becomes necessary – usually only during combat – During movement, characters can move in any direc-
MotoCaust is played in turns. A turn represents roughly 10 sec- tion they want and stop at any time. A character never has
onds, though the exact length depends on what the motomaster to move his full allowed distance in a turn.
and players need at the time. It’s safe to assume that, on aver-
age, six turns equal one minute.
In a single turn, if a character is on foot, he may do any one A character can climb a number of feet in one turn
of the following: equal to his Agility plus Acrobatics score. He can attack
with a one-handed weapon at a -5 penalty to skill, or -2
Move: On an average 10-second turn, a character can move
penalty if he climbs only one-half his allowed distance.
as much as (Strength + Agility)x20 feet. Anything over 50 feet
during a 10-second turn equates to running. Jumping
Attack with a weapon: A single attack with one weapon is A character can perform a running jump by running
allowed on a single turn. See below for combat rules. for one turn then jumping a number of feet equal to his
Reload a weapon: Reloading a weapon (if it requires Agility plus Acrobatics score on the next turn, or a stand-
reloading) takes one turn during which time the character can ing jump in which he jumps one-half the running-jump
do nothing else. distance. He cannot attack on a turn in which he jumps.
Move and attack: It’s perfectly legal for a character to
move and attack with a weapon in one turn. The character’s COMBAT
movement is reduced to 50 feet, or one-half normal, whichever The second that someone draws a weapon, the game
is less. Or, if the character chooses to move at full speed, the has entered combat mode. The roleplaying can continue,
attack is at a -5 penalty to skill. but everyone’s attention is going to be focused on the
weapon and the potential for violence.
It’s important to stress that combat is not essential to
enjoying MotoCaust. It’s possible for players who prefer
non-combat situations to play for countless sessions
without once using these combat rules. (Of course, we
wouldn’t want to play with those players. We’re
always looking for an excuse to spill some blood.)

The first step in combat is to attack the target. An
Do nothing: Though typically attack requires an Ability + Skill roll (see p. 26) with the
not a great choice, doing nothing most certainly is a choice … exact stat and skill depending on the nature of the attack.
The above choices are for a character on foot. If the char- See p. 18 for the appropriate Skills for each weapon and
acter’s in vehicular combat, he’ll have a different set of p. 38 for which Ability couples with each Skill.
options depending on if he’s a driver or passenger (see p. 43). Unless the attack is by an automatic weapon, it repre-
sents just a single strike, using up only one round of
INITIATIVE ammunition (arrow, shotgun shell, etc.) where appropri-
ate. Obviously, it’s possible to fire more than one shot, or
At the beginning of an encounter – not each turn – one
throw more than one punch, during the course of 10 sec-
of the players and the motomaster each rolls one d10 and
onds, but these rules assume that most of that time is spent
adds the highest Agility score on that side (highest Agility
ducking or weaving and generally just looking for an
score for the players and highest Agility score for the
opening to place one good shot.
NPCs or creatures). The side with the highest total wins
initiative and takes actions first on each turn. Autofire
If the rolls tie, then all action is assumed to be simul- Automatic weapons such as machine guns fire a burst
taneous in this encounter. The players go first, but any of 10 rounds in a single attack. The first round hits nor-
damage inflicted by either side is not applied until the end mally, and for every 2 points by which the attack roll is
of each turn. This could lead to the rare case where a char- under the Ability + Skill target, another round hits. All
acter and creature kill each other. That’s cool. other shots fired in the burst are wasted.

Once combat has ended, the survivors are going to
A successful First Aid roll indicates that the charac-
be looking to heal themselves and repair any damaged ter has healed 1 hit point for each full 30 minutes spent
equipment or vehicles. Healing and repairs are both administering First Aid – anything less than 30 minutes
fairly easy to accomplish in MotoCaust, requiring First has no effect. A failed roll also has no effect.
Aid and Repair skill checks … and time. A character may only be healed up to 6 hit points in
a single day through the use of First Aid.
Healing For every full night of sleep, a character also regains
Any character with at least 1 hit point remaining 2 hit points.
after combat is still alive and can be healed through use A character may never be healed – or regain through
of the First Aid skill. A character can only use First Aid sleep – more hit points then he started with; 20 hit
on himself if he has 10 or more hit points remaining – points is the most a character may ever have.
anyone with between 1-9 hit points may only be healed
See next page …
by another character, or by natural means.

Your attack roll can be modified by a number of vari- Your attack roll also will be modified if the target is
ables. Some more common skill modifiers include: any bigger or smaller than an average adult human:

Situation Modifier Size Modifier

Target is at Point-Blank Range (29’ or less) 0 Shot to the Eye! -6
Target is at Close range (30’-99’) -1 Skinthirst Mouth, Human Hand -5
Target is at Medium range (100’-299’) -2 Cycle Tire, Human Head -4
Target is at Long range (300’-899’) -3 Car or Pickup Tire, Passenger in Car -3
Target is at Extreme range (900’+) -5 Cycle Engine, Half-Exposed Gunner -2
Target is Moving -1 per 150’/10 mph* Car or Pickup Engine -1
Target is Behind Cover -1 to -5 Pedestrian, Cycle Rider 0
It’s Raining or Snowing -1 to -5 Cycle, Pony, small Corpsebound +1
It’s Foggy -2 or -3 Compact, Horse, Outhouse +2
Attacker is On Fire -3 Sports Car or Coupe, huge Corpsebound +3
Target is Unaware of the Attacker +3 Pickup Truck, small Travel Trailer +4
* Round up; i.e., a target moving 151’ a turn is -2 to hit. Semi Tractor, small Necroworm +5
Add +1 to hit for each doubling of size thereafter.
Of course, hand weapons cannot attack anything except
adjacent targets. Pistols, shotguns, bows, and crossbows dou- These modifiers stack with those in the previous table.
ble the skill penalty for attacking beyond medium range. Shooting a human-sized necro at long range is -6 to skill;
Rifles double the penalty for extreme range. shooting him in the head is -10. Best to get
Vehicular weapons use the listed penal- closer …
ty at all ranges.

Damage to Unarmored Targets
If the target is not wearing any armor with a Protection value, then roll the appropri-
ate damage for the weapon used and subtract that amount from the target’s hit points.
If the target has hit points remaining, it is still in the game. If it doesn’t, it’s either dead
or destroyed.
Optionally, the motomaster may want to rule that, on the turn after taking damage,
humans and other living creatures take a -1 to all Skill usage for every 2 hit points
they lost in the previous turn. Neither necros nor cars feel pain, so this penalty
wouldn’t apply to them.

Damage to Armored Targets

If the target has armor that provides Protection, roll the damage of the weapon used
and compare each die rolled to the target’s Protection value.
If the die roll is less than the Protection number of the target, toss the die out – it
inflicts no damage.
If the die roll is equal to or greater than the Protection number of the target, subtract
the number rolled from the target’s hit points.
If the die roll is the maximum that die is capable of – such as rolling an 8 on a d8 –
and it’s at least half of the target’s Protection value, then permanently subtract 1 from the
Protection of the target and subtract the die roll from the target’s hit points. A target’s
Protection cannot be reduced to a negative value; 0 is as low as it goes.
Example: Drake fires his 7.62mm MG at a massively armored car with Protection 14.
Two shots hit and he rolls 3, 6, 8, 1, 2, 2, 7, 5. None of the dice penetrate except the max-
imum 8, which is more than half of 14 and thus reduces the target’s Protection to 13.
Meanwhile, Drew pops off a semiauto pistol round at the car. He rolls 6 and 2, but even
the maximum 6 isn’t more than half of the remaining Protection 13. The bullet bounces.

Dead or Destroyed
Once the hit points of a character, creature, or item are reduced to 0 – or lower –
that particular target is dead or destroyed. A dead character or creature drops where
it is and is no longer a threat. (Then again, the threat of a horrible odor is likely to
provoke those around the corpse to either leave the area or remove the body.) A
destroyed item may not be repaired – the damage is so severe that there isn’t
enough left to work with. It’s barely usable as scrap.


A successful Repair roll indicates that the item is par-
tially restored, at 1 hit point for each full 30 minutes
Repairs work much like healing (see p. 41) except
spent performing the repairs – anything less than 30 min-
they’re applied to items and require the Repair skill.
utes has no effect. A failed roll also has no effect.
Unfortunately, repairs also require spare parts – any
Repair attempt made without access to spare parts suf- Any item, as long as it has 1 hit point, can be repaired.
fers a -10 penalty. Some items are more difficult to repair than others as is
demonstrated by these sample Repair skill modifiers:
Any vehicle or item with at least 1 hit point is still
functional and can be repaired. If a vehicle or item is
reduced to 0 hit points, it is completely destroyed and Tire -4 to Repair
cannot be repaired. The destroyed item can be sold or Engine -3 to Repair
traded as scrap for 1/20th its original value. Computer -3 to Repair

Vehicular Movement
and Combat
Vehicular combat is fast and furious – and tough to keep track of on the same scale
as foot combat. So, we’re not even going to try, but instead use an abstract system that
depends on the imagination of both the motomaster and the players.
While this system requires no maps or counters, it may be a bit too freeform for
some players to enjoy. Those who prefer a harder, tactical feel can find several other
game systems that do the job. If you want to use one of those to play out MotoCaust
combat, go for it.

To begin with, the motomaster needs to set the scene, describing what the road’s
like, what fills the surrounding terrain, the weather, and so forth. The players will
need this information to fill out their actions as combat progresses. The players, of
course, determine how fast they’re traveling when combat begins. The motomaster
determines how fast the opposition is moving, where they are in relationship to the
players’ vehicle(s), and whether or not one side has surprised the other.
Then, the motomaster shuffles a deck of ordinary playing cards and deals them
out. Every player who’s going to take an active role in the upcoming combat gets five
cards. The motomaster also deals out a five-card hand for each major non-player
character to take part. (In a massive fight involving more than 10 combatants, this will
have to be reduced to four cards apiece, or even three if more than 13 participants are
involved.) The remaining cards are discarded.

Initiative then is determined normally (p. 40), except that if Example: The bandits have surprise, so they go first. Given
one side has surprise it always goes first. that he had them open fire, the motomaster already has pretty
Example: Morgan, Wandering Bob, and Ajax are cruising much mandated what their first move is. He looks at his first
down a lonely stretch of Arizona highway in their custom hand and finds Qc, 4s, 3d, Ac, Td. That lone spade isn’t such a
Azzcrusher 1200 coupe at 80 mph. It’s Morgan’s turn behind hot card for attacking. The other hand holds 6d, 6s, Tc, 7s, 9h.
the wheel. The motomaster describes that they’re heading west, That seven of spades looks more promising. As he lays it down,
into a fiery setting sun, and that the road is cracked and buck- the motomaster says, “As the setting sun clearly outlines your
ling from years of neglect. Its shoulders slope down through car coming over a rise, the first bandit fires a great shot.”
some steep gravel banks to a salt- The players confer. Morgan’s player has 9d, Ah, Qd, 3h, 2s,
crusted desert sprinkled with a bit of scrub and cactus. while Wandering Bob’s has 8d, Jc, 6h, Js, Th, and Ajax’s has
Two shimmering dots appear on the far horizon. About the 9c, Kh, Jd, 5h, 8s. Since Morgan is behind the wheel, they agree
time that Morgan makes them out as Chromestar XL compacts that he should stick to driving. (They’ve already learned that -2
running at about 60 mph, one of them opens fire. Combat has for doing two jobs at once can be a killer.) So, they decide to
begun! burn his low spade now, on defense, and save their higher
The motomaster shuffles and deals out five cards each to the spades for later attacks. It’s a bit risky, but the bandit is still far
players for Morgan, Wandering Bob, and Ajax. He deals him- off and they’re moving fast – it should be a real tough shot even
self two five-card hands, one each for the single bandit behind with that seven added to it. “Just as he pulls the trigger, a little
the wheel of each Chromestar XL. glimmer of reflected sunlight off of our windshield ever so
slightly spoils his aim,” says Morgan’s player as he lays down
the lowly deuce of spades.
Whichever side ends up going first, one player (or
motomaster-selected NPC) from that side will begin the fight-
ing by laying down one of his five cards. He must describe the After the cards have been played, either the attacker or
event that he’s causing to happen, and if the motomaster does defender is going to roll against an appropriate Ability + Skill
not think he’s trying hard enough, he can penalize or even can- with his own card’s value as a bonus and the other card’s value
cel the card played. The suit of the card determines what sort of as a penalty. The result depends on the suit:
event that he’s causing to happen; the value of the card gives a
guideline to how serious the event is, with 2 being the lowest
Spades (Attacks)
value and 10 the highest. (Aces and face cards have special val- This is the most straightforward. The attacker always rolls.
ues; see p. 45.) He takes all the other modifiers described on p. 41 (don’t forget
The suits and their corresponding events are: those for speed!) as well as those from the cards. If the attack
hits, the target suffers damage normally.
Spades: Attack (value adds to weapon skill).
This attack must target the vehicle in general, not a specific
Hearts: Change in Speed (value adds to Driving).
component, unless a face card is used to launch it (see
Clubs: Breakdowns (value adds to Repair). p. 45) or the target is a non-vehicle (a combatant on foot, a build-
Diamonds: Fancy Maneuvering (value adds to Driving). ing, etc).
Note that drivers can only play hearts or diamonds in this
manner, and gunners can only play spades or clubs. Hearts (Change in Speed)
(Additionally, the gunner playing a spade must fire a weapon The attacker’s description of what he’s trying to do deter-
that he controls, and no other gunner can fire the same weapon mines whether or not he or the defender rolls vs. Driving, with
in the same turn.) Drivers who also have weapons at their com- their own card as a bonus and the other card as a penalty. In
mand can play any suit, but both their Driving and weapons either case, the rolling player takes a +1 for every 5 mph by
skills will be at -2 for the combat as they split their attention which his top speed is better than the other combatant’s, or -1 for
between two crucial functions! Pedestrians can play any suit every 5 mph by which his car has less top speed.
except hearts. If the attacker rolls, and succeeds, then his margin of success
At this point, any player on the defending side can lay down determines the results. For instance, a success by 1 might let him
a single card in the same suit to offset the attacking side’s card. change the range band by one (moving from long to medium
Again, the player must describe how this event is being offset. range or vice versa), a success by 3 might let him zip through
When possible, it’s a good idea to have drivers play their other- three range bands, while a success by 10 would let him break off
wise useless black cards and gunners their otherwise useless red any engagement entirely and leave the other side in the dust, if
cards in this role. he so desired. If the roll fails, relative position remains

unchanged. If it fails by more than 5, he goes to the Wipeout!
table (p. 47). MOVING ALONG
Usually, the defender only rolls in a situation where the Once the first pair of cards is played, then a character or
attacker is trying to get him to Wipeout! (see p. 47). He usually NPC from the other side gets to play a card offensively, with
has the option of forgoing the roll, and letting the attacker zip on any opposing player able to respond to it defensively as above.
down the road. If he decides to keep pressing the combat, he Then, a second player from the initial side gets to play offen-
rolls. On a success, nothing happens. On any failure, his vehicle sively, then a second player from the other side, and so on. If
suffers a Wipeout! one side has more combatants than the other, then the more
Clubs (Breakdowns) numerous side will have a string of combatants play cards at the
end of the turn while the less numerous side can only respond
In clubs, the defending character in charge of maintaining to them defensively.
the targeted vehicle always rolls against Repair skill, with the
Once every combatant has played a single card offensively
cards as modifiers. If he misses the roll, something breaks down
(regardless of how many cards they’ve played in defensive
from the wear and tear of combat! Roll 1d8:
response to the other side’s plays), then the turn is over. Based
Roll Result on the fighting vehicles’ orientation and speed during the turn
1 Something caught fire! See p. 47. just ended, the motomaster should adjust his description of the
2 Gas line leaks (1 gallon per 10 turns). scene for the next turn. (For simplicity’s sake, assume a car
moves 15 feet for every 1 mph it’s going during a turn. Two cars
3 Tire springs leak (1 hit point per turn).
moving in the same direction thus get either closer or farther
4 Turret locks up; roll 1d4 for facing. away by 15 feet x the difference in mph depending on which
5 Targeting computer or other extra* quits. one’s moving faster. Two cars closing on one another get near-
6 Random weapon jams for remainder of combat. er by 15 feet x the sum of their speeds in mph.) Also, things like
7 -1 Maneuverability for every point roll missed by. leaking tires or ticking time bombs can be checked off, under
8 -5 mph top speed for every point roll missed by. the assumption that all of the above took 10 seconds.
* Ignore those extras that improve top speed or maneuverabili-
ty; they’re already covered by results 7 and 8.
Zero Cards
At any time, offensively or defensively, a combatant can
If the rolled result doesn’t apply, then nothing bad happens! choose to play a “zero card.” This doesn’t use one of their cards,
Simpler vehicles suffer fewer breakdowns than more complicat- but counts as a 0 value in the ensuing Skill roll. For instance, if
ed ones. your turn to play offensively comes up, and you absolutely
The character isn’t actually rolling against some sort of want to take a shot but don’t have any spades, you can play a
instant use of Repair skill, by the way. He’s rolling to see how zero card and take a shot at +0 minus the value of any spade
well he performed in maintaining the vehicle before the combat. played defensively. Combatants who run out of cards must play
For that reason, if the characters have been busy or slipshod in zero cards until the redeal (below). Some players may find a
babying their ride in the last few days, the motomaster should plus side in that a zero card never requires any special descrip-
feel free to apply an additional penalty to this roll. tion of its effects. “I shoot” or “I want him to roll for a break-
down” is as colorful as it needs to get.
Diamonds (Fancy Maneuvering)
This works almost exactly like hearts, except that the trick is
not based on slamming the gas or brake pedal to the floor; it’s
based on fancy work behind the wheel. Instead of the modifier The face cards and aces are special cards. Face cards cannot
for the difference in top speed between vehicles, the rolling driv- be played defensively, only on offense. They provide the fol-
er takes a modifier of +1 or -1 to Driving for every point by lowing special privileges:
which his vehicle’s Maneuverability is higher or lower than the Face Card Ability
opponent’s. Otherwise, the mechanics work the same.
Js Target tire at +10 minus usual size penalty!
Example: The spades give the bandit a +5 to his attack roll.
Qs Target engine at +10 minus usual size penalty!
He also takes a -5 because his target is still at extreme range, a
-2 because he’s shooting and driving at the same time, and a -8 Ks Target occupant at +10 minus usual size penalty!
for his target’s speed of 80 mph, with a +3 for its size. This Jh +/-10 and Wheelie Stunt Possible!
works out to a net -7. His Agility is 6 and Vehicular Weapons 7, Qh +/-10 and Bootleg Stunt Possible!
giving him a modified target number of 6. He rolls 2d10 and gets Kh +/-10 and Airborne Stunt Possible!
an 8, which is a miss. Jc -10 to foe’s roll and automatic result 6 on table!

Qc -10 to foe’s roll and automatic result 7 on table! Morgan is the last combatant to play offensively.
Kc -10 to foe’s roll and automatic result 8 on table! Concentrating solely on his driving, he decides to pull out the
Jd +/-10 and Fishtail Stunt Possible! big guns early. “I weave right through the remains of that dead
Qd +/-10 and Super Weave Stunt Possible! bandit at full speed, passing his buddy and making it so he’ll
have to do some hard driving to catch back up with us,” he says,
Kd +/-10 and Tilt-on-One-Side Stunt Possible!
laying down the Qd. Though the motomaster thinks maybe his
On a successful roll, the stunts possible with red cards last bandit should let the PCs just drive on by, he decides to pull
should make it extremely difficult for opposing vehicles to pur- one last nasty trick. “As you start swerving past the first lump
sue; the motomaster will have to judge. They also can be used of twisted metal, you notice the oil slick behind it,” he states,
to force the action in ways that otherwise would be forbidden, and drops the Td. Morgan has Agility 8 and Driving 3, and the
such as by squeezing a car trapped in a gated clearing through two powerful cards cancel each other out, so he rolls against an
an ordinary doorway by tilting it up on two wheels. 11. He comes up with a 9 and a 6, and just barely avoids the
Aces can only be played defensively, not offensively. Wipeout! table …
They’re only worth 1 point, but they force the attacking player With that, the round ends. The remaining bandit will play
to swap cards and roles! He gets the singleton and you get what- first to begin the second round, followed by the three PCs in any
ever value of card that he played, and whatever he was trying order that they choose. The real problem for the bandit is that
to do to you he now has to avoid himself! (This does mean that he’ll be running out of cards real soon!
you do the shooting, not him, when you play the As!)
Example: The first bandit having missed, it’s the players’
turn. Behind the controls of the Azzcrusher’s 20mm cannon,
No one gets new cards until every combatant has used all of
Wandering Bob decides to end this right now. Saying, “This
his cards. That will leave a lot of zero-card plays (see above),
sneak attack really pisses me off and I bead in on the other guy
especially if a lone driver (with only five cards total) is trying to
as he moves toward us silhouetted by the sun,” he plays his Js
fend off a pack of attackers (with five cards each). Someone
to target the second bandit’s tire at +10 (for the card), -5
who wants to keep his opponent from trying anything real
(extreme range), -6 (the bandit’s speed), and -3 (the tire’s size)
tricky can purposely hold onto his last card, playing zero cards
for a net -4. The motomaster decides not to risk his two remain-
instead, just to deter the redeal.
ing spades so soon. He shrugs and says, “Zero card.”
Once all cards are played, the motomaster shuffles the deck
Wandering Bob has Agility 5 and Vehicular Weapons 7, for
and deals out fresh cards.
a target number of 8 with the modifiers. He rolls an impressive
4, which is four under his target number, giving him three hits This pattern is continued until the combat ends, either
with his cannon! The tire explodes into shreds and the second through the destruction of everybody on one side or through
bandit goes to the Wipeout! table (p. 47). The results there leave one side fleeing the field and the other either letting them go or
him as a smoking trail of grease and fountain of flying debris in being unable to keep up with them.
his companion’s wake …
Because the first bandit has already played a card offen- GENERAL NOTES
sively in this turn, this leaves the PC crew playing in an unin- Some other factors to keep in mind include:
terrupted string. Ajax decides to play his 9c, to see if he can’t
force further bad luck on the remaining bandit, and tells the Facing
motomaster, “Your remaining bad guy drives over some of the The motomaster should remember that, to fire on a foe, the
remains of his buddy’s car.” attacking car must have a weapon facing in that general direc-
Unfortunately, this plays right into the bandit’s hand, and tion! The narrative should keep general track of how the oppo-
the motomaster drops the Ac while stating, “That’s not near as nents are oriented, and thus help determine who can shoot
bad as that one flying gun barrel that ends up arcing way over whom. Savvy combatants should maximize gaps in their oppo-
where y’all are heading it off at 80 mph.” Between fights, nent’s field of fire. For instance, if facing a car with no side-
Wandering Bob takes care of the Azzcrusher, with Intelligence mounted weapons, play a heart and try to zoom up beside him,
3 and Repair 4, so he now has to roll against a target number of so as to later blast him with your own side-mounted gun!
-1 (plus 1 for the ace minus 9 for his own club)! Needless to say,
he fails, rolling a 14. Rolling on the Breakdown table, he comes Alternate Card Counts
up with a 5. The motomaster announces that the flying wreck- The basic rules give a gritty feel where “numbers tell,” and
age tore off the gun camera for Ajax’s targeting computer, while the side with fewer fighters has a large disadvantage. For more
the players breathe sighs of relief that the margin of failure did- cinematic play, “cannon fodder” foes can be given fewer cards
n’t come into play! to begin combat. For instance, the motomaster might give each

player five cards in a fight against 15 Hell’s servants, but Fire
only give a card each to the nearly braindead necros.
Some breakdown rolls will leave a vehicle on
Alternately, he can give more cards to each player for even
fire, as will taking more than 30 hits from a
more cinematic play. Or, he could base the number of cards
flamethrower. When this happens, the flaming vehi-
dealt to each combatant on their Intelligence score.
cle rapidly fills with smoke and heat, causing no
Whichever system feels best is the right one.
small amount of distraction to its crew.
Dodging Anyone carrying a fire extinguisher (p. 22)
Pedestrians who get caught in the middle of a in their personal gear can give up their chance
vehicular fight, or even in combat with others on to play an offensive card and instead try to put
foot, might want to devote themselves to avoiding out the fire. Roll 1d6; on a 1-3, the fire is put
trouble. If a person on foot moves no more than out. At the end of each turn in which the fire
half speed and devotes their entire turn to dodg- is still burning, roll 1d8 to see how much
ing, they roll against Agility + Acrobatics. damage that the car body and each occupant
Everyone trying to shoot them in that turn takes takes.
a -1 to hit for every point by which the roll
came under their target number. Anyone trying WIPEOUT!
to run them down would roll against their The only problem with driving fast is that
Agility + Driving, and take the same penalty. sometimes the ride ends real suddenlike. Crashes
Drivers can do the same thing, but not as are handled on this Wipeout! table. Maneuvers in
well. They only impose a -1 for every 2 combat can cause wipeouts; so can damage: If the
points by which they make a Agility + vehicle itself, all tires on one corner, or the driver
Driving roll. Any gunners in their vehicle reaches 0 hit points, then a Wipeout! roll is called
can still fire, but at -15 plus any other mod- for. Also, some non-combat hazards – such as an
ifiers! unexpected patch of ice – can prompt Driving
rolls to avoid Wipeout!
Dead Engines and
In all cases, a roll must be made. (Dead
Other Minor Issues drivers roll against Agility 0 and Driving
Once a car loses all of its top speed rating, or engine 0!) Apply a -1 for each 15 mph of current
hit points reach 0, it no longer has power. It automatically slows speed. Look up the results here:
down by 30 mph each turn. The driver can slow it even more
by playing a heart on his turn.
Result Effect
If a vehicle loses all its body hit points and survives the
Success by 5 or more No effect
Wipeout! roll (below), it slows down in the same fashion. If it
Success by 4 15º fishtail, -10 mph
survives a lost tire on one corner, it slows as above but the driv-
er can maintain his speed by playing a heart on each of his Success by 3 30º fishtail, -20 mph
turns! He’ll be at an extra -3 to skill for maneuvers while driv- Success by 2 45º swerve, -30 mph
ing on three tires, however. Success by 1 60º swerve, -40 mph
Success by 0 90º wheelover, -50 mph
Collisions Failure by -1 Flip on one side, 1d4 x (mph/5)
When an object hits another object, divide its hit points by Failure by -2 Roll, 1d6 x (mph/5)
5, then round the result down to the value of the next available Failure by -3 End over End Roll, 1d8 x (mph/5)
die size (usually 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and a maximum of 20). It does
Failure by -4 Airborne, 1d10 x (mph/5)
1 die of this size damage for each 10 mph of relative speed that
it has. The other object does the same number of dice, but with Failure by -5 or more Wow!, 1d20 x (mph/5)
die size based on its hit points. Assuming they survive, both Any change in direction might point the vehicle toward a
objects must then roll on the Wipeout! table, as well. new hazard. If damage is taken, the vehicle itself takes the full
Example: An armored truck with 90 hit points strikes Jeff, amount listed, and anything on it or in it with hit points (most
who has the usual 20 hit points for a human, at 30 mph. The certainly including occupants) rolls one-third as many dice
truck uses (30/10 = 3) 3d12 (90/5 = 18 rounded down to 12) to (round down) for its own damage.
determine damage to Jeff while Jeff does (30/10 = 3) 3d4 (20/5
= 4) to the truck.

Weapon: _________________________
MOTO Caust
Skill: _________________
Ammo: _________________
Damage: _________________ Campaign Information
Weapon: _________________________ Name: ___________________________
Skill: _________________ Appearance: _____________________
Ammo: _________________ ________________________________
Damage: _________________
Weapon: _________________________ ________________________________
Skill: _________________ ________________________________
Ammo: _________________ Personality: ______________________
Damage: _________________ ________________________________
Defense ________________________________
Armor Item: _____________________ ________________________________
Protection: _________________ Background/History: ______________
Notes: _________________ ________________________________
Armor Item: _____________________ ________________________________
Protection: _________________ ________________________________
Notes: _________________ ________________________________
_________________ ________________________________
Armor Item: _____________________ ________________________________
Protection: _________________
Notes: _________________
_________________ Ability Scores
Strength ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Miscellaneous Intelligence ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Agility ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Hit Points
________________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Skill Ratings
________________________________ Acrobatics ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Driving ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
First Aid ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Fold on dashed line.

________________________________ Modern Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Primitive Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Repair ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Social ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Stealth ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Valuables Survival ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Theft ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Unarmed Combat ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
________________________________ Vehicular Weapons ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

Permission granted to copy for personal use only. Copyright © 2004 Philip Reed and Christopher Shy, All Rights Reserved.
Vehicle Name _______ Hit Points
Armor Type: ___________________________
Basics Engine ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Vehicle:__________________________ Body ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Value: ___________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Customization: ___________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Speed:___________________________ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Flash: ___________________________
Engine: __________________________
Gas Tank:________________________
Fuel Range: ______________________
Type: _________________________________
Weapons Front Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Weapon: _________________________
Location: _________________ Front Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Ammo: _________________ Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Damage: _________________ Back Left ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Weapon: _________________________ Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Location: _________________ Back Right ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Ammo: _________________ Armor ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑
Damage: _________________
Weapon: _________________________
Location: _________________ Customization Codes
Ammo: _________________ ______________________________________
Damage: _________________ ______________________________________
Extras ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ PROM Chips
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ Notes
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
Written by
Philip Reed
Illustrated by
Christopher Shy
Editing and development by
Gene Seabolt

“I made good time

until I hit I-35 run-
ning through what’s
left of Austin. The
ragged remains of the
upper deck lurked
over my right shoulder
as I sped down the
lower deck.
Skateboard bandits
were riding the wreck-
age, popping off shots
at the traffic as they
reached the crest of
each jump.
“Most of the local
fools around me
slowed down when
the rounds started
flying, making them-
selves easier targets.
Not me. I hit the gas
and flipped the bird
to the kids …”

PDF Edition Released 07/16/04 – $10.00

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