Writing For Publication - A Guide For New Authors: Methodology Matters

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International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2001; Volume 13, Number 5: pp.

Methodology Matters
Writing for publication a guide for new
Healthcare Quality Quest, Romsey, Hampshire, UK
Health care practitioners who are inexperienced in writing for publication are sometimes daunted by the publication process
and fail to submit their work on quality improvement to a journal. New authors can acquire experience in writing a paper
by working through a systematic thought process that includes consideration of what journal readers and editors want and
if the work is ready for publication. The most important part of writing a paper is to think through the key ideas and
messages for readers and then to organize the ideas into a logical structure. Writing clear answers to 10 key questions may
be one way to start the process.
Keywords: rst-time author, publishing, writing an article, writing for publication
Health care practitioners who measure and improve quality
Why publish?
in their own organizations, as well as researchers who are
applying ideas in new cultural settings, often fail to submit
Achieving and maintaining substantial improvements in the
their work for publication. They may feel that it takes time
quality of health care services remains a major challenge in
to write for publication and the process itself is daunting.
health care systems throughout the world [1]. Those con-
However, these individuals should be encouraged to become
cerned with the provision of health care services need to
new journal authors to facilitate rapid learning about successes
work together to learn how to achieve major improvements.
and failures in implementing improvements in clinical practice
Traditionally, journals have published the work of researchers
throughout the world.
in their specialist subject. The aim of the journals was to
There are specic benets of writing for publication that
communicate new knowledge to others researching and prac-
usually justify the extra work involved. Such benets can
ticing in that specialist eld. Published authors tended to be
include the following:
experienced researchers often working in academic centres.
The specialist eld of quality of health care services is
(i) Any lessons learned about improving practice will be
relatively new. Substantial research in the eld has been
useful to people working in other organizations or in
carried out primarily over the last 30 years. A relatively small
other countries;
number of academic researchers have concentrated in this
(ii) Others can review the work and provide helpful
eld. However, health care professionals throughout the
feedback or suggestions to the author;
world have carried out formal and informal studies of quality
(iii) The work may result in changing others practice or
of care. In addition, over the last 25 years, specialist health
at least suggest areas for further development or
care quality professionals have been appointed to facilitate
this work in health care organizations in a number of countries.
(iv) A network of people who are interested in the same
Individual clinicians, groups of clinicians and health care
subjects or methods or who are doing similar work
quality staff have acquired considerable pragmatic knowledge
can be established.
and experience about what does and does not work in
improving quality. Much of this work remains unpublished For new authors, the experience of writing for publication
is valuable for professional and career development. and the lessons learned unshared with others.
Address correspondence to Nancy Dixon, Healthcare Quality Quest Ltd, Shelley Farm, Shelley Lane, Ower, Romsey,
Hampshire SO51 6AS, UK. Email: ndixon@HQQ.co.uk
Some material in this article was published previously in Writing for Publication. Romsey UK: Healthcare Quality Quest, 2000.
The material is used with the expressed permission of Healthcare Quality Quest.
2001 International Society for Quality in Health Care and Oxford University Press 417
N. Dixon
organizations may benet from learning about the problems
What readers and editors want
experienced and how they were overcome.
Nonetheless, before taking the time to draft a paper for
If you are a rst-time author, you need to consider what it
publication, new authors should ask certain questions about
might take to get journal readers interested in a paper. Before
their work. Is the subject of the work important to patients?
you start to write, have your target readers in mind. Start by
Is the subject specic and clearly enough dened that others
thinking clearly who will be primary and secondary readers
will understand it? Are there specic, clearly dened objectives
of the work and how they might benet from learning about
for the work that others will readily understand? Have you
your work. Consider the following questions:
researched the literature on the subject and prepared a
(i) Who are likely to be the main readers of a paper on
short summary? Whichever approach you have used, original
this work?
research or implementation of a quality improvement method,
(ii) Who else might read the paper?
have you carried out the work properly? Do you have ndings
(iii) What is likely to be the background of the main
to present, preferably before-and-after measurement data for
readers and other potential readers? What are the
a quality improvement approach? Have you used the right
readers jobs?
ways to analyse and interpret the ndings? Has anything
(iv) What will interest the readers in the paper? What is
happened as a result of your work, that is, were any actions
the main point of interest to the likely readers?
taken? Did you learn anything that would be of interest to
(v) How much experience are the readers likely to have
people working elsewhere?
with the subject?
(vi) Are the readers likely to be familiar with the situation Before submitting the paper to a journal
or circumstances being described in the paper?
After you have prepared the paper for submission, consider
(vii) Why do the readers need to read the paper? From
these further questions before actually submitting the paper.
the authors point of view, what is to be learned
Is the paper prepared in accordance with the journals in-
from the paper?
structions? Is the paper logically organized? Is the paper well
(viii) What do you want readers to do as a result of reading
written? Are statistics presented in the paper appropriate and
the paper?
clearly presented [3,4]? Are there any ethics, condentiality
or competing interest issues involved in the work being Most readers will want details about an authors work. They
described in the paper and have these issues been handled will want to know why you carried out the work, an overview
appropriately? of the previous research on the subject, the approach and
Re-read the journals instructions for authors and ensure methods used, the ndings and their interpretation and the
that your paper complies with all the instructions. Ask a conclusions.
colleague who has not been involved in the work to read the An editor wants everything that readers want and more.
paper and then to list the four or ve most important points
An editor wants to publish papers that interest and excite
in order. If the colleagues points are not the same as yours,
the journals readers, that are important to advancing know-
or if they are not in the order you intended, review the
ledge in the eld and that spark new ideas for work in the
organization of the paper and make it more logical to the
eld. An editor also wants papers that are consistent with
both the journals aims and Instructions for Authors and that
A paper is well written if a reader who is not involved in
are well written. (See the Instructions for Authors in the end
the work can understand every single sentence in the paper.
pages of this issue of the Journal [2].) Finally, an editor wants
A colleague can help a new author by marking every idea or
to publish papers that give a true and accurate picture of the
sentence that is not entirely clear. Do not submit the paper
work undertaken.
to a journal if the ideas in it are unclear to a colleague. The
journal staff may reject the paper on grounds of poor quality
or may ask you to clarify the ideas before formally considering
Is the work suitable for publication?
the paper for publication.
Statistics presented in the paper will depend on the nature
There are two stages at which you should consider whether
of the work. The statistical methods used and the ndings
your work is suitable for publication; before starting to
need to be clearly explained. Check at least for the following:
prepare the paper and before submitting it to a journal.
Are the participants in the study described completely? If a
sample was used, is the way the sample was constructed
Before starting to prepare a paper
described? Are the dates for data collection clear? Are any
First-time authors sometimes think that their work is on a comparisons between ndings clear? Are main ndings pre-
common subject so it wont be important to a journal. But sented in tables or gures? Are changes or differences reported
common subjects affect many patients so new knowledge of for all measures used in the study? Are condence intervals
what works to improve a routine health care service will be used to report change or differences? Are all observations
of interest to others. Also, sometimes practitioners think that accounted for in the report of the ndings?
because the work did not go perfectly, it will not be good Many journals now publish statements about ethics [5],
condentiality or competing interests. First-time authors enough for publication. Again, people working in other
Writing for publication
should read the statements published by relevant journals Dene the work
before submitting a paper. The following are general points
To develop more efcient and effective writing behaviour,
to consider:
rst set out the exact specications for your paper. Clarify
(i) Does the work reproduce or make extensive use of
the following: the exact length in words or pages, the main
published material? If so, be sure to obtain written
parts of the paper that are required by the journal, and
permission from the publisher to reproduce the ma-
tables, gures or illustrations you might include. Convert the
terial. Be sure that previous work reviewed or made
intended length of the paper into a measure you can easily
use of is properly referenced.
relate to. For example, if you normally write on a computer,
(ii) Is there any way in which individual patients could
note the number of words that will t on a typical text page.
be identied in the paper? If so, revise the content to
If you are writing 3000 words, for example, you can estimate
protect the identity of patients.
the number of text pages needed. If you normally write a
(iii) Was patient or practitioner consent involved in any
paper by hand, note the number of words you write on a
part of the work? If so, be sure to describe briey
typical handwritten page. Also, estimate how long it takes
the consent procedure.
you to write one page of text, assuming you have an outline
(iv) Could others conclude that any ndings being pre-
to work to. If it takes 20 minutes to compose one page, for
sented constitute negligent care by the practitioners
example, and there are about 300 words on each text page,
involved? If there is any uncertainty, consult with a
creating the rst draft of a 3000-word paper is going to take
responsible person in the organization.
about 200 minutes or roughly three and a half hours.
(v) Is there any relationship between the funding source
for the work being described and the author or
Do the thinking
authors? If so, write a letter to the editor explaining
the relationship. The most important work in preparing a paper is often the
(vi) If the work has made use of commercial products or hardest: to think very clearly about exactly what you have to
proprietary material, check with the editor about how say. Dont start to write until you have nished thinking.
reference to such products or material is to be made Start by thinking about the answers to the key questions
in the paper. Usually, editors will not publish en- listed in Table 1.
dorsements of a commercial product or proprietary Write one complete sentence, not just a short note, to
material. answer each question. The 10 sentences you write make up
the framework or outline for your paper. The sentences can
become topic sentences for paragraphs or leading sentences
for sections of the paper.
How to get ready to write
After you have written your 10 sentences, review each
one. Check to see if the sentence is clear in its meaning. See
Think about how you tend to get ready to prepare a report
if there are any words you can delete without losing any
or paper. Generally, when people have to write a paper, they
meaning. Consider if there is a simpler way to say the same
seem to have one of two work styles: gatherer or hunter. A
thing. Revise your 10 sentences, if necessary, to make them
gatherer collects all available material that might be relevant
as clear and understandable as possible. Add any ideas you
to the paper, reads all the material gathered, sifts through
may have left out. Finally, make a note of the single most
and uses the material to organize ideas for the paper and
important message you want to get across to readers.
then begins to write. Gathering behaviour is appropriate if
you are writing a review or similar publication. It is the
Do the planning
behaviour that students learn as part of their formal education.
But gathering behaviour is not appropriate for all writing. When you have written 10 key sentences and have a clear
Gatherer-type writers can make serious mistakes before they understanding of your most important message, you are ready
even begin to write such as being vague about the target to organize your work into the main parts required by the
readers for the paper, being unclear about its true purpose, journal and to develop a more detailed outline of the paper.
being unsure about the key messages to be conveyed and The most common structure for research or improvement
not paying attention to the organization of the ideas to be studies is provided in Table 2. To organize your paper, rst
presented. decide where in the structure the 10 sentences you wrote
More experienced writers tend to use the hunter style of will t. Next, allocate an approximate number of words or
writing. They decide why the paper is needed. They are clear pages to each part, making sure that the total number of
about whomthey are writing for. They knowthe specications words or pages will add up to the required total length. Test
their writing has to meet. They devise a strategy to respond the ow of your ideas and your key messages. Decide where
to the specications in the form of a brief outline. They you have to further develop your ideas.
gather only the material needed according to the outline. Consider where you can use tables or gures to get your
They get their ideas down quickly and test them for clarity. key messages across to the reader. Papers that describe
They organize their ideas logically to get across key messages original research studies tend to use tables or gures to
present statistical descriptions of a population or sample and to the readers. They can edit their own writing.
N. Dixon
Table 1 Key questions to answer in order to identify key ideas and messages. Write a complete sentence that answers each
of the questions
Why did I (or we) set out to do the work I am writing about, that is, what prompted me (or us) to do the work to begin
Why do I want to write about the work, that is, what do I want to achieve by writing about it?
What does available research, expert opinion or general literature say about this subject, if any research, opinion or
literature is available?
What is the work setting like and what was happening in the work setting in relation to the subject I am writing about?
What work did I (or we) do, that is, what is the overall nature of the study or project?
How did I (or we) do the work, that is, what approaches or methods did I (or we) use?
What have I (or we) shown through what I (or we) did, that is, what is the major nding?
What have I (or we) learned by carrying out the work, that is, what is the most important lesson for others?
What did I (or we) do with what we learned, or what do I (or we) plan to do next?
What are the benets of what I (or we) did for patients, practitioners, health care organizations, researchers, policy
makers or others?
Table 2 Structure for a paper on a research or improvement study
Headings Questions answered
Objective(s) and/or rationale Why you did what you did and why you are writing about it
Background What available research and/or expert opinion says
Context and setting What was happening in your situation
Design and method(s) Exactly what you did and how you did it
Findings of (initial) measurement What you showed through what you did
Analysis (sometimes called discussion) What you learned from the measurement and what you did about it, if anything
and action
Findings of successive measurements What you showed through measuring again; how the action you took worked
(where appropriate)
Conclusion Summary of the work including the benets for others from what you learned
of ndings. Studies that are about improving the quality of words and phrases. For example, use some not a number
of, now not at the present time or indicate not give an patient care can make use of other useful gures such as a
process map or ow chart to show how a process of care indication of. See if sentences of more than 20 words can
be simplied or paragraphs of more than eight sentences has been modied or created, a run chart or control chart
to show how variation in a process has been identied and can be shortened. Delete unnecessary punctuation, especially
unnecessary commas, and replace jargon words. Run a check a process has been brought into control, or a shbone
diagram to show analysis of the causes of a problem dis- of the manuscript using the spelling and grammar checking
systems in your word processing software. Use a fog index covered through the study [6]. Prepare the tables and gures
you are going to include in your paper. to measure the readability of your writing. Fog indexes involve
counting out a number of words in the text, say 100 words,
and then calculating the average sentence length and the Do the writing and rewriting
number of hard words in that section of the text in order
Finally, use the results of your thinking and your planning
to obtain a readability score [7,8]. If your writing scores over
to write a rst draft of the paper. Use the key sentences as
standard on a readability scale, simplify it.
a guide to sections in the paper. Use the tables and gures
as the focus for the text that describes your ndings. There
How to prepare for the journals peer review
is a useful maxim for new authors: First get it down and
then get it right. The speed with which you write the text is
probably a reection of how much practice you have had at After submitting your paper to a journal, expect the journals
editorial staff to take some time to process your submission. writing. Writing is like any other skill. To do it fast and well,
you have to practise. During this time, they are deciding if your paper is consistent
with the journals aims and Instructions to Authors, if it is There are several ways you can assess and improve the
quality of the writing in your rst draft. Find weighty words of sufcient quality to merit publication and whether or not
there are any special issues related to the paper such as and phrases in your writing and replace them with simpler
Writing for publication
2. The full version of this journals Instructions for Authors is
patient consent or potential competing interests and if they
published in the February issue of each volume of the Journal
have been handled appropriately.
and on the Journals website at www.intqhc.oupjournals.org. A
If your paper passes editorial screening on these criteria,
shortened version of the Instructions is published in the end
the editor will forward the paper for peer review, i.e. for
pages of each issue.
review by others working in the eld who will advise the
editor on its suitability for publication. Peer reviewers tend
3. Orav EJ. Statistical presentation. Int J Qual Health Care 2001; 13:
to ag parts of a paper where the structure or the meaning
is not entirely clear or where the content is inconsistent with
4. Editorial Announcement. Int J Qual Health Care 2001; 13: 165166.
other research on the subject. The value of the peer review
process is that it tends to improve the quality of papers
5. Tonks A, McCall Smith A, Smith R. The BMJs ethics committee
is open for business. Br Med J 2001; 322: 12631264.
If the editor decides to invite the author to submit a
6. Bonetti PO, Waeckerlin A, Schuepfer G. Frutiger A. Improving
revised version of the paper, the author will be asked to
time-sensitive processes in the intensive care unit: the example
review and respond to the reviewers comments and to let
of door-to-needle time in acute myocardial infarction. Int J Qual
the Editor know what changes have been made to address
Health Care 2000; 12: 311317.
these comments. The author will need to determine what
was unclear or incomplete about the paper and rewrite those 7. Flesch R. The Art of Readable Writing. New York: Harper and Row,
1949. sections of the paper accordingly.
8. Gunning R. Technique of Clear Writing. New York: McGraw Hill,
1. Brook RH, McGlynn EA, Shekelle PG. Dening and measuring
quality of care: a perspective from US researchers. Int J Qual
Health Care 2000; 12: 281295. Accepted for publication 19 June 2001

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