Writing Skills

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Pre Reading English For Nursing II

Developing Your Essay Writing Skills

by Arum Raesita Ulfa (1306405793)
Faculty of Nursing

Most academic courses will require the college students to write their
assignments or reports. You need to write your assignments and reports as
good as you can so the lecturer and your friend will understand what you
want to tell from your writing. At university common assignments is writing
an essay. Essay is a short literary composition dealing with a single subject,
usually from a personal point of view and without attempting completion.
The purpose of essays is for demonstrate your understanding of certain key
concepts associated with your course and communicate this understanding
in a formal structured way. Because the assignments in university usually
made an essay, we need to develop our essay writing skill so we can perform
our best at essay writing.
When someone wants to write a paragraph, there are principles that they
need to do and understand. The principles are the topic sentences,
supporting sentences and concluding sentences. Same like the principles of
paragraph writing, essay writing had the principles too. The principles of
essay writing is selecting a topic, title of the essay, the thesis statement,
paragraph relationship, essay outlining, the introduction, the body, the
conclusion, and sometimes you need to write the references so people know
youre not plagiarism someone works.
Selecting topic is the first thing you have to do when you want to write an
essay. By selecting the topic you will know what you need to tell from the
essay you write. You need to remember the focus of your essay academic

writing is to encourage you to conclusion about what you are studying. The
next is title of the essay. From the title people who read your essay will be
know what the main idea of your essay in general. The title must be interest
the reader, and short so people will interest to read your essay. The next is
the thesis statement. You need to prepare your thesis statement because the
thesis statements tell the reader what you want to tell about your topic.
Things you need to keep in your mind about the thesis is a good thesis will
made you greatly improve your chances of writing a good essay. The things
that can help you to move from topic to sentences is free writing,
brainstorming, branching, and questioning. Free writing is write nonstop on
your topic for a short time. Write whatever comes to your head without
regard to grammar or sentences structure. Brainstorming is made a list of
everything you can think of on your topic. Branching is write your topic in the
middle of paper and you can write anything around the topic everything that
related to the topic Questioning is write down all of the questions about your
topic. After you do this thing, you can move to the next step before you write
your essay writing so your essay will be good.
The next step is understands the paragraph relationship and the essay
outlining. Paragraph relationship is the relation between the previous
paragraphs to the next paragraph. When you write an essay, you need to
make a link between paragraphs to the next paragraph so the reader will
understand what the next things that will you want to tell in the next
paragraph. The essay outlining help you to organize what will you tell in your
essay. From making the outline you will know how to organize your thoughts
in to the essay so the essay cant make the reader confused. After you
understand this thing you can make your own essay.
When you want to make your own essay, dont forget about the introduction,
the body, the conclusion, and references. The introduction has a function to
introduce the subject that you will explain in your essay. To write this, you
can start from the general thing in to the specific thing, use an anecdote, use

a quotation, asks a question, or present facts and statistics. Thing you need
to keep in your mind when you write the introduction is keeps the
introduction short, preferably to one or two paragraphs and keep it succinct,
to the point. To write a provisional introduction, you can ask your own self
what the reader needs to know in order to follow your subsequent discussion
in your essay. The body of an essay is the main part. In this part you need to
develop the topic and thesis that you want to tell by your essay. The most
effective way to organize the body is to start with weakest argument and end
with strongest argument that you have about your essay. Things you need to
remember are in body of the essay is:
The body paragraphs present the evidence, arguments, examples, and reasoning that go to
proving the Thesis, body paragraphs have two parts: the topic sentence and the supporting

The topic sentence tells what the paragraph is about; it introduces the part of your thesis you

are going to
Discuss in that paragraph. A topic sentence can appear anywhere in the paragraph, but its a

good idea to
Place it at the beginning. The idea in the topic sentence must be directly related to the thesis.
The supporting detail in a paragraph develops the point made in the topic sentence. This

supporting detail
Must be relevant to the topic sentence.

The conclusion is a summary of the things that you are write in your essay. In
the conclusion you should summaries your whole argument. To write this part
you can use words like In conclusion. Or To summarize. or As we
have seen. And etcetera. In this part the reader can reconsider the main
ideas that you have given in the essay. The final sentence of an essay usually
gives a suggestion, an opinion, prediction, or conclusion to the essay. Then
last thing that you need to write in your essay is the references. When you
write the references, and cited all the sentences, idea, opinion by the other
people to make your argument strong, you are prevent your own self from
plagiarism. You need to list all the references that you use in your essay.

To develop your writing skills especially writing and essay skills you need to
understand and can adopt all of the things that describe before. When you
can adopt all of things describe before in your essay you can make your
essay become a wonderful essay. Not only adopt and understand, you need
to practice more. The more youre practice the more you can improve your
writing skills, and dont be ashamed with the essay that you made.

Essay Writing Structure And Organisation. Downloaded from
%20guide.pdf (April 22, 2015 at 07:16 pm)
Institute of Communications Studies. Essay-writing: The essential guide.
Downloaded from www.theory.org.uk/david/essaywriting.pdf (April 22,
2015 at 07:13 pm)







http://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/essay-writing.html (April, 22, 2015

at 11:12 pm)
Writing an academic essay. Downloaded from
ng.pdf (April 22, 2015 at 07:43 pm)

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