Isa 88.00.02 2001

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This document discusses standards and guidelines for batch control systems including data structures and languages.

This document aims to provide standards and guidelines for batch control systems to promote uniformity in instrumentation.

It references standards from organizations like ANSI, IEC, and ISO.

Batch Control Part 2:

Data Structures and

Guidelines for Languages
Approved 7 February 2001
ISA The Instrumentation,
Systems, and
Automation Society

This is a copyrighted document and may not be copied or distributed in any
form or manner without the permission of ISA. This copy of the document was
made for the sole use of the person to whom ISA provided it and is subject to
the restrictions stated in ISAs license to that person. It may not be provided to
any other person in print, electronic, or any other form. Violations of ISAs
copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and may result in
substantial civil and criminal penalties.
Batch Control Part 2: Data Structures and Guidelines for Languages
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights reserved. Not
for resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
ISBN: 1-55617-745-3
67 Alexander Drive
PO Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
3 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
This preface, as well as all footnotes and annexes, is included for information purposes and is not part of
The standards referenced within this document may contain provisions that, through reference in this text,
constitute requirements of this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this document are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated within this
document. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ANSI
maintain registers of currently valid U.S. National Standards.
This document has been prepared as part of the service of ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and
Automation Society, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this
document should not be static, but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society
welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and
Practices Board; ISA; 67 Alexander Drive; P. O. Box 12277; Research Triangle Park, NC 27709;
Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; E-mail:
The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the metric
system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the preparation of
instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to USA users of ISA standards
of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric system) in their business and professional
dealings with other countries. Toward this end, this Department will endeavor to introduce SI-acceptable
metric units in all new and revised standards, recommended practices, and technical reports to the
greatest extent possible. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric
System, published by the American Society for Testing & Materials as IEEE/ASTM SI 10-97, and future
revisions, will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and conversion factors.
It is the policy of ISA to encourage and welcome the participation of all concerned individuals and interests
in the development of ISA standards, recommended practices, and technical reports. Participation in the
ISA standards-making process by an individual in no way constitutes endorsement by the employer of that
individual, of ISA, or of any of the standards, recommended practices, and technical reports that ISA
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 4
This standard is structured to follow IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) guidelines.
Therefore, the first three clauses discuss the Scope of the standard, Normative References, and
Definitions, in that order.
Clause 4 is entitled Data Model. The intent of this clause is to describe a data structure for batch control
systems using an object model approach.
Clause 5 is entitled Relational Tables for Information Exchange. The intent of this clause is to discuss a
data format that can be used to share recipes and other batch information across different systems.
Clause 6 is entitled Procedure Function Charts. The intent of this clause is to describe a symbolic
language for recipe depiction.
This standard is intended for people who are
a) involved in designing and/or operating batch manufacturing plants;
b) responsible for specifying controls and the associated application programs for batch manufacturing
plants; or
c) involved in the design and marketing of products in the area of batch control.
The following people served as active members of ISA CommitteeSP88:
L. Craig, Chairman Rohm and Haas Co.
T. Fisher, Editor The Lubrizol Corp.
M. Albano Honeywell, Inc.
J. Barrault Siemens AG
D. Brandl Sequencia Corp.
B. Braunstein Exxon Chemical Co.
E. Bristol The Foxboro Co.
L. Charpentier GSE Systems Inc.
T. Crowl Siemens Moore Process Automation
C. Eaves Intellution, Inc.
D. Emerson Yokogawa Corp. of America
L. Falkenau E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.
M. Fersky ABB Automation Inc.
D. Fleming Rockwell Automation
A. Ghosh ARC
5 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
R. Hall Sequencia Corp.
W. Hawkins HLQ Ltd.
N. Haxthausen Novo Nordisk Engineering
B. Jensen Yokogawa Corp. of America
B. Korkmaz Automation Vision Inc.
D. Kraska Geon Co.
T. McFarlane Neles Automation Inc.
R. Mergen The Lubrizol Corp.
D. Moffatt Wonderware Corp.
P. Moylan Rockwell Automation
T. Mller-Heinzerling Siemens AG
L. Natiello Merck
P. Nelson Dow Corning Corp.
L. Noble ABB Automation, Inc.
L. Pillai Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.
S. Prichard GE Fanuc Automation
T. Province Eastman Chemical Co.
R. Salisbury ABB Industrial Systems Inc.
M. Saucier Sequencia Corp.
D. Sweeny PharmComm Inc.
B. Sykes Yokogowa Corp. of America
T. Tom Siemens Moore Process Automation
K. Unger Real Enterprise Solutions
M. Van Epps Pharmacia Corp.
J. Vieille Jean Vieille Conseil
A. Webster E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.
A. Weidenbach Eastman Chemical Co.
R. Winslow Sterling Electronics
B. Winters Honeywell IAC
D. Wolin Siemens Moore Process Automation
This standard was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on
03 January 2001.
M. Zielinski Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.
D. Bishop Consultant
M. Cohen Senior Flexonics, Inc.
M. Coppler Ametek, Inc.
B. Dumortier Schneider Electric SA
W. Holland Southern Company
E. Icayan Advanced Control & Engineering Solutions
A. Iverson Ivy Optiks
R. Jones Dow Chemical Co.
V. Maggioli Feltronics Corp.
T. McAvinew Bateman Engineering, Inc.
A. McCauley, Jr. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc.
G. McFarland Westinghouse Process Control Inc.
D. Rapley Rapley Consulting Inc.
R. Reimer Rockwell Automation
J. Rennie Factory Mutual Research Corp.
H. Sasajima Yamatake Corp.
I. Verhappen Syncrude Canada Ltd.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 6
R. Webb Altran Corp.
W. Weidman Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group
J. Weiss EPRI
M. Widmeyer EG&G Defense Materials
R. Wiegle CANUS Corp.
C. Williams Eastman Kodak Co.
G. Wood Graeme Wood Consulting
7 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 13
2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................... 13
3 Definitions....................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Data model ..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Overview model .................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Recipe model ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.4 Equipment model .................................................................................................................. 29
4.5 Production planning and scheduling ..................................................................................... 31
4.6 Production information management .................................................................................... 34
5 Relational tables for information exchange .................................................................................... 37
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Master recipe information...................................................................................................... 52
5.3 Process cell equipment model exchange.............................................................................. 64
5.4 Schedule information exchange............................................................................................ 71
5.5 Production information exchange ......................................................................................... 75
5.6 Exchange table domains....................................................................................................... 78
6 Procedure function charts............................................................................................................... 80
6.1 Procedure function chart notation ......................................................................................... 81
6.2 Control recipe depiction ........................................................................................................ 99
6.3 Exception handling................................................................................................................ 99
Annex A (normative) Data modeling technique ............................................................................ 101
Annex B (normative) SQL definition listing ................................................................................... 105
Annex C (informative) Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 117
Annex D (informative) Language guidelines................................................................................. 119
Annex E (informative) Procedure function chart processing examples ........................................ 121
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9 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees
on which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as
nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National
Committees in that sense.
3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Committees
should adopt the text of the IEC recommendation for their national rules insofar as national conditions
will permit. Any divergence between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national rules
should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
4) The IEC has not laid down any procedure concerning marking as an indication of approval and has no
responsibility when an item of equipment is declared to comply with one of its recommendations.
This standard has been prepared by IEC SC65A WG11 and ISA SP88.
It forms Part 2 of a series, the other part being ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995, Batch Control Part 1: Models and
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this standard. Refer to annex A for an explanation of the UML
notation that is used in this standard. Refer to annex B for a summation of all of the SQL definitions from
clause 5. Annexes C and D are for information only.
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11 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995, Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology (referred to as Part 1 throughout this
standard), provides models and terminology applicable to batch control. This standard (referred to as Part
2 throughout the standard) addresses data structures and guidelines for languages. Data structures are
addressed by the data model that is defined in clause 4 that more precisely identifies objects and
relationships that are addressed by models and concepts of Part 1. Data structures are also addressed by
relational tables for information exchange that are defined in clause 5. Languages are addressed by a
recipe depiction methodology that is defined in clause 6.
The intended use of the data model is to provide a starting point for developing interface specifications for
software components that address any subset of the Part 1 standard. The data model addresses all of the
Part 1 standard as an integrated object model, but it does not presume or preclude any specific system
architecture or information exchange. The model does not assume any specific division of functionality
between systems.
A specific method for the exchange of selected data is defined in clause 5. Relational tables are used as
the information exchange method because, within the bounds of the information treated, they
a) utilize broadly available technologies;
b) are amenable to translation to other technologies;
c) are adequate; and
d) are consistent with other sections of the standard.
Multiple methods of information transfer have not been defined, nor has there been an attempt to identify
all information that might be exchanged. In the future, additional methods may be defined to provide
alternate ways to exchange data.
Clause 6 defines the symbols and rules for a graphical language that can be used to depict recipes.
Recipes are the central feature of batch control, and they can address a wide range of complexity, but
there is no one depiction that is ideal for all circumstances. A simple table, for example, might be the most
appropriate recipe form for simple cases. This standard specifies a method for depiction of master and
control recipe procedures that can be applied over a broader range of complexity.
Although this standard is intended primarily for batch processes, there may be considerable value for other
types of processes.
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13 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
1 Scope
This Part 2 standard on Batch Control defines data models that describe batch control as applied in the
process industries, data structures for facilitating communications within and between batch control
implementations, and language guidelines for representing recipes.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative
documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid normative documents.
IEC 60848:1988, Preparation of function charts for control systems
IEC 60902:1987, Industrial-process measurement and control: Terms and definitions
NOTE IEC 60902:1987 has been replaced by IEC 60050-351:1998, International electrotechnical vocabulary-Part 351: Automatic
IEC 61131-3:1993, Programmable controllers Part 3: Programming languages
IEC 61512-1:1997, Batch control Part 1: Models and terminology
ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995, Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology
ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Information processing systems Database language SQL with integrity
3 Definitions
ISA hereby grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited license under ISAs copyright in the
standard, to copy, display and distribute this section of this ISA standard (including software
included in or defined by such section), as follows:
1. Producers of products or services intended to comply with the standard may incorporate this
designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to make, use, and distribute
any product or service (including product documentation) that is compliant with this standard.
2. End users of a product or service made by a producer acting under the preceding license may
reproduce and use the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to
enjoy the intended functions of the product or service and to maintain, configure, or
reconfigure systems to be compliant.
3. Persons providing education on or promotion of the standard may copy, display and distribute
the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to provide information
related to the standard.
Except as expressly permitted, all other reproduction and distribution without permission of ISA is
prohibited. All copies of this section of the standard made or distributed under this license must
cite the standard and include the following notice of copyright:
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 14
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of ISA.
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply. Definitions and concepts expressed in
ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995 apply, except where differences are explicitly stated in this Part 2 standard.
Definitions in IEC 60902:1987 were also used as a basis.
3.1 allocation symbol:
a graphical symbol that is used to represent the encapsulation of the resource allocation and de-allocation
rules for a recipe procedural element.
3.2 building block:
a recipe entity that exists in a library.
3.3 enumeration set:
a list of predefined strings and their associated numerical values.
3.4 exchange table:
a database table that is used to exchange batch-related information between systems.
3.5 link:
an object that specifies the connection between two other objects (e.g., the connection between recipe
entities or between recipe entities and transitions).
3.6 procedure function chart:
a graphical representation of a recipe procedure that specifies the processing order for recipe procedural
3.7 recipe element:
a structural entity that is used to represent recipe entities and symbols, except transitions and directed
links, that are used in procedure function charts.
3.8 recipe entity:
the combination of a procedural element with associated recipe information (e.g., header, formula,
equipment requirements, other information). General, site, master, and control recipes are also recipe
4 Data model
ISA hereby grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited license under ISAs copyright in the
standard, to copy, display and distribute this section of this ISA standard (including software
included in or defined by such section), as follows:
1. Producers of products or services intended to comply with the standard may incorporate this
designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to make, use, and distribute
any product or service (including product documentation) that is compliant with this standard.
2. End users of a product or service made by a producer acting under the preceding license may
reproduce and use the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to
enjoy the intended functions of the product or service and to maintain, configure, or
reconfigure systems to be compliant.
15 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
3. Persons providing education on or promotion of the standard may copy, display and distribute
the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to provide information
related to the standard.
Except as expressly permitted, all other reproduction and distribution without permission of ISA is
prohibited. All copies of this section of the standard made or distributed under this license must
cite the standard and include the following notice of copyright:
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of ISA.
4.1 Introduction
This clause defines data models that specify a set of objects, attributes, and their basic relationships that
cover the concepts of Part 1 at a high level of abstraction. The models apply to interfaces to batch control
systems in a technology-independent manner. The models are not intended to address the internal system
architecture of batch control systems.
The intended use of these models is to provide a starting point for developing interface specifications for
software components that address any subset of Part 1.
The models address all of Part 1 as an integrated object model, but they do not presume or preclude any
specific system architecture or information exchange. The models do not assume any specific division of
functionality between systems.
In the cases where the objects and relationships defined in this clause are presented through an interface,
then that interface shall use the object names, the attribute names, and the relationships of this clause
commensurate with the interface technology chosen and the capabilities offered. An example of such an
interface is the SQL relational table interface that is defined in clause 5.
An exchange format or interface specification may implement only some objects or parts of objects (e.g.,
not all properties are defined). An exchange format or interface specification may also provide additional
objects or properties (e.g., phase duration information), including the expansion of any data model attribute
into multiple attributes. Any such implementation shall be consistent with the data model that is presented
here and the concepts of Part 1.
4.1.1 Modeling techniques
The models that are described in this clause are based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (see
clause A.1).
The tables describe only the class attributes of the objects. The relationships between objects are
described in the figures.
4.2 Overview model
This model (see figure 1) gives a high level overview of the main classes that are defined and the relations
between these classes for the batch domain that is described by the Control Activity Model of Part 1. The
individual object classes are more thoroughly described in the subsequent models in this subclause.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 16
Figure 1 Overview model
A general or site recipe is made up of a hierarchy of general recipe entities that correspond to the
procedural entities (process stages, process operations, and process actions).
A master recipe may be derived from a general or site recipe. The master recipe itself may be seen as a
top-level master recipe entity. A master recipe is made up of a hierarchy of master recipe entities that
correspond to the procedural entities (i.e., procedures, unit procedures, operations, phases).
A batch schedule entry specifies production of a specific batch through the execution of a recipe. A batch
schedule is, in principle, a list that specifies the production of batches, and it includes information about
timing. The product-specific information necessary for this purpose is derived from a related master recipe
Based on a Batch Schedule Entry, a control recipe starts as a copy of a specific version of a master recipe,
and it is then modified to create the recipe that will produce the batch. A control recipe includes the
information necessary for equipment control.
Control recipe entities are created based on master recipe entities. A control recipe may be enhanced with
additional information (e.g., scaling, equipment assignment), and it may be modified (including creating or
removing control recipe entities).
Equipment entities are selected and allocated to the control recipe entities.
17 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
A control recipe entity may be linked to an equipment procedural entity within the equipment entity
(normally the unit). The equipment procedural entity may be initiated, and its parameters may be assigned
recipe values.
Production information is generated during the production of the batch. This information may be related to
recipe entities, equipment entities, and/or equipment procedural elements.
4.3 Recipe model
4.3.1 Recipe entity
Recipes are organized hierarchically, with various categories of information at each level. The recipe entity
is the construct that is used to represent the tight coupling of the data at a particular level.
The recipe entity is the fundamental structure in all kinds of recipes (see figure 2). The recipe entity
structurally takes the place of the recipe procedural element as defined in Part 1, but it may include any or
all of the recipe components: procedural definitions, parameters with values, equipment requirements and
other information.
The class specifications are shown in table 1.
Figure 2 Recipe entities
Recipe Entity
Recipe Recipe
Building Block
Master Recipe Site Recipe
Sub c la ss - C a te g ory
Sub c la ss - Re c ip e Typ e
Control Recipe General Recipe
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 18
Table 1 Recipe entity
A recipe itself is considered to be a recipe entity (category: recipe). The recipe is built up of lower-level
recipe entities (e.g., unit recipes) (category: component). When constructing a specific recipe, the
components may be created from library elements (category: building block).
The recipe entity concept is applied to all recipe types: general, site, master and control. When a recipe is
executed, the representation in the batch history of the executed recipe entities will have much the same
structure, and it is therefore shown as a subclass. An overview of the subclasses is shown in table 2.
Subclasses by category are shown in tables 3 to 5. Subclasses by type are shown in tables 6 to 9.
General and site recipes are not discussed further in this subclause.
Table 2 Subclasses overview
FunctionalDescription A recipe entity is the combination of a procedural element with associated
recipe information (e.g., header, formula, equipment requirements and other
information). General, site, master, and control recipes are recipe entities. One
example is a unit recipe (ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995, 5.3.2). "unit recipe: the part of
a control recipe that uniquely defines the contiguous production requirements
for a unit." (ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995, 3.62).
RecipeEntityID Provides unique Identification.
RECIPE A complete and
general recipe.
A complete and
self-contained site
A complete and
master recipe.
A complete and
control recipe.
A generic general
recipe entity type
that can be
instantiated in a
specific recipe or in
another building
Building blocks for
site recipes may not
exist. Site recipes
are normally
modified using
general recipe
building blocks.
A generic master
recipe entity type
that can be
instantiated in a
specific recipe or in
another building
Building blocks for
control recipes do
not exist. Control
recipes are
modified using
master recipe
building blocks.
A component of a
general recipe or
library element -
may be an
instantiation of a
building block.
A component of a
site recipe or library
element - may be
an instantiation of a
general recipe
building block.
A component of a
master recipe or
library element -
may be an
instantiation of a
building block.
A component of a
control recipe - may
be an instantiation
of a master recipe
building block.
19 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 3 Recipe
Table 4 Recipe component
FunctionalDescription The top level recipe entity.
RecipeID Identifies the recipe. When combined with the "RecipeVersion," defines a
unique instance of a recipe.
RecipeVersion Identifies the version of a recipe. When combined with a "RecipeID," defines a
unique instance of a recipe (e.g., Red Oak - A10.3).
VersionDate* Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe was created or
ApprovalDate* Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe was approved.
EffectiveDate* Identifies the earliest date and time that this version of the recipe may be used.
ExpirationDate* Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe expires.
ProductID* Identifies the product or product family that would be created by execution of
this version of the recipe (e.g., Premium Beer).
Author* Identifies the person or system that authored this version of the recipe. (e.g.,
J. Smith).
ApprovedBy* Identifies the person or system that approved this version of the recipe.
Description Describes this version of the recipe and/or product (e.g., North Carolinas
Finest Premium Beer).
Status* Defines the Status of the information (e.g., "Approved for Production",
"Approved for Test", "Not Approved", "Inactive", "Obsolete").
*Not required for control recipe (available by reference to master recipe).
FunctionalDescription A recipe entity that is part of a recipe or building block (i.e., an instance of a
building block in a particular recipe or containing building block recipe entity).
Level Indicates the procedural hierarchy level (i.e., process stage, process
operation, or process action for general and site recipes and unit procedure,
operation, or phase for master and control recipes).
RE_Use Defines if the recipe component is a copy of a building block or a reference to
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 20
Table 5 Recipe building block
Table 6 General recipe entity
Table 7 Site recipe entity
FunctionalDescription A recipe entity that exists in a library. A building block can be parameterized
and used when building recipes.
RecipeVersion Identifies the version of the recipe entity.
VersionDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe was created or
ApprovalDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe was approved.
Author Identifies the person or system that authored this version of the recipe (e.g.,
J. Smith).
ApprovedBy Identifies the person or system that approved this version of the recipe.
Description Describes the function that is achieved through execution of this version of the
recipe entity.
Level Indicates the level of the recipe entity.
UsageConstraint Defines other rules that determine the usage (e.g., always succeeded by... or
never runs in parallel with...).
Status Defines the Status of the recipe entity (e.g., Approved for Production,
"Approved for Test", "Not Approved", "Inactive", "Obsolete").
Function Defines how the recipe entity is executed (e.g., by referencing an equipment
procedural element, through execution of contained logic).
FunctionalDescription All of a general or site recipe, a component of a general or site recipe, or a
building block for creation of a general or site recipe.
ScaleReference Defines a reference scale for the parameter values.
FunctionalDescription All of a site recipe, a component of a site recipe, or a building block for creation
of a site recipe.
ScaleReference Defines a reference scale for the parameter values.
21 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 8 Master recipe entity
Table 9 Control recipe entity
4.3.2 Parts of recipe entities
The model (see figure 3 and tables 10 through 13) shows the categories of information of a recipe as
specified in Part 1. The model indicates that these components may exist at any level of the decomposition
of the recipe (e.g., a unit recipe may have its own equipment requirements).
a) The Header category of information is contained in attributes to the recipe entity itself, instead of being
a distinct object class in this model.
b) The Formula category of Part 1 is modeled as a set of parameter objects. All levels of the recipe
decomposition may have parameters, including the recipe itself. See 4.3.6 on parameters.
c) The modeling of Equipment Requirements is discussed in 4.3.5.
d) The Other Information category, as defined in Part 1, is represented as a single object class, even
though other information may have multiple elements and different structures.
e) The Procedure category of Part 1 is modeled as a set of procedural structural elements.
FunctionalDescription All of a master recipe, a component of a master recipe, or a building block for
creation of a master recipe.
ScaleReference Defines a reference scale for the parameter values.
ProcessCellID Identifies the equipment category for which the recipe entity was defined
(e.g., process cell or process cells for which this master recipe was defined).
FunctionalDescription A recipe entity that is all of or a part of a control recipe.
BatchID Specifies the actual Batch ID.
BatchSize Defines the requested size or scale factor for the batch, based on the scale
factor for the batch as defined in the master recipe.
Status Describes execution status (e.g., not yet activated, active, or completed).
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 22
Figure 3 Parts of recipe entities
Table 10 Parameter
Table 11 Equipment requirement
FunctionalDescription Formula values or placeholders for values that are to be communicated to and
from recipe entities during execution.
ParameterID Provides unique identification.
ParameterType Specifies how the parameter value is interpreted (e.g., constant, reference
Description Describes the parameter or use of the parameter.
EngineeringUnits Identifies the engineering units of measure for the Value (e.g., kg, pounds).
Value Contains the parameter value. If Value is a relation, it contains the equation,
form, deferral rule or whatever ties the related parameters together. If Value is
a building block parameter, this attribute will hold the default value.
Scaled Specifies the scaling rule. Simplest case: scaled or not scaled with batch
reference size.
Usage Specifies the parameter as a process input, process output, or process
FunctionalDescription Represents an equipment requirement as specified in the recipe entity.
Recipe Entity
Other Information Parameter Procedural Structural
0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n
23 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 12 Other information
Table 13 Procedural structural element
4.3.3 Recipe entity relation (procedural structure)
Recipe entities are decomposed hierarchically along the structures for procedural entities as defined in
Part 1 (i.e., a recipe procedure contains unit procedures that contain operations that contain phases). This
hierarchy is modeled using recursive containment. Higher-level objects may contain lower-level objects.
Procedural structural elements include the recipe procedural elements and the connections (e.g., link,
transition) that are used to order them (e.g., a unit recipes procedural structural elements are the
operations and the ordering of those operations contained within it). The procedural structural elements
may be related to other procedural structural elements.
4.3.4 Recipe building blocks
Recipe building blocks are an important concept in the data model (see figure 4). This figure represents
the relations at a single level of the procedure hierarchy.
FunctionalDescription A category of recipe information that may contain batch processing support
information that is not contained in other parts of the recipe (e.g., regulatory
compliance information, materials and process safety information, process
flow diagrams, packaging/labeling information).
FunctionalDescription The recipe procedural elements and the ordering information for their
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 24
Figure 4 Recipe building block
Recipe building blocks are the building blocks from which master recipes are created. When a recipe
building block is instantiated in a master recipe as a master recipe entity, it may carry parameters,
equipment requirements, and other information that may be assigned master recipe specific values.
Lower-level contents of the recipe building block (e.g., subordinate recipe entities) may be copied into
master recipe entities. These same lower-level contents may also be accessible by reference to the recipe
building block.
A recipe building blocks functionality may be implemented in equipment through equipment procedural
elements (see table 14), which is necessary for the execution of the lowest-level recipe entities (i.e., the
recipe entities that are intended to be linked to equipment procedural elements).
Table 14 Equipment procedural element
FunctionalDescription A procedural element that is associated with a piece of equipment (e.g., an
equipment phase or equipment operation).
Provides unique identification.
Version Identifies the version of the procedural element.
VersionDate Identifies the date and time that this version was created or modified.
ApprovalDate Identifies the date and time that this version was approved.
Author Identifies the person or system that authored this version (e.g., J. Smith).
ApprovedBy Identifies the person or system that approved this version.
Description Describes the function that is achieved through execution of the recipe entity.
Level Indicates the level of the equipment entity. The equipment entity may only be
used at this level.
Mode Indicates the current mode of the procedural element.
State Indicates the current state of the procedural element.
Recipe Building
Master Recipe
Equipment Procedural
0..1 0..1
may be created as
an instance of
may be
implemented in
equipment by
may identify an
0..n 0..n
25 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
The mechanisms may be illustrated by the following example (see figure 5) that could represent an object
model of a part of an actual application. The generic concept of a building block is instantiated as a specific
building block "heat. The "is based on" relation between building blocks and components is replaced by a
subclass relation (this is one possible implementation, and it indicates that if the "heat" building block is
changed, then the change will propagate to all recipes that use "heat"). Another implementation could be
that "heat" is just copied when instantiated.
Figure 5 Building block concept
4.3.5 Equipment requirements
Recipe entities may contain equipment requirements (see figure 6 and tables 15, 16, and 17). Equipment
requirements reference a specific equipment property type (e.g., an equipment property type may be the
size of vessel or the lining of vessel). A specific equipment requirement could then specify a minimum
value for the size of a vessel.
This requirement may then be met by a piece of equipment with a certain equipment property that
references the same equipment property type. For example, a specific unit, UNIT12, would have a value
for the property type size of vessel.
An equipment entity is a specific piece of equipment, and it may be replaced by a class of equipment
(equipment class). See 4.4.1.
Recipe Building
Master Recipe
Control Recipe
may be created as
an instance of
Recipe Building
Equipment Procedural
may be
created as
an instance
Master Recipe Phase:
Unit 81A, Phase: Heat Control Recipe Phase: Heat
0..1 0..n
0..n 0..1
is copied into is executed on
may be
implemented in
equipment by
0..1 0..n
is copied into is executed on
The building block
mechanism in this example
is implemented as an
inheritance mechanism
Recipe system
is an
instance of
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 26
Figure 6 Recipe entity equipment requirements
Table 15 Equipment entity
FunctionalDescription A collection of physical processing and control equipment and equipment
control that is grouped together to perform a certain control function or set of
control functions.
EquipmentEntityID Provides unique identification.
EquipmentLevel Specifies the physical hierarchy level (e.g., process cell, unit, equipment
module, control module).
Mode Indicates the current mode of the equipment entity.
State Indicates the current state of the equipment entity.
Recipe Entity
Property Type
Equipment Entity
0..n 0..n
may be fulfilled by
0..n 0..n
defines the
value of
to a
27 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 16 Equipment property
Table 17 Equipment property type
Control recipe entities will initially contain the equipment requirements that are copied from the master
recipe entity, and these need to be fulfilled by the corresponding property of one or more equipment
entities in order for specific equipment to be allocated. The initial equipment requirement may be replaced
by specific equipment allocations. These allocations are also modeled as equipment requirements.
4.3.6 Recipe parameters
Parameters are variables associated with recipe entities. These variables may be used by equipment
procedural elements, they may be used by other activities (e.g., scheduling), or they may be referenced by
other parts of the recipe (e.g., transition criteria) (see figure 7).
FunctionalDescription Identifies a property that the equipment entity or class supplies. These
properties are application specific (e.g., lining type, size, heat capability, steam
PropertyID Provides unique identification.
Value Identifies the value of the property (e.g., glass, 50000, 650).
ValueRange Defines limits or constraints that are related to Value.
EngineeringUnits Defines the engineering units of the property.
Description Describes the type of the equipment property.
FunctionalDescription The general class of equipment attributes (e.g., lining type, size, heat
capability, steam temperature).
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 28
Figure 7 Parameter model
Parameters may be categorized as process inputs, process outputs, or process parameters.
Parameters may be made up of a collection of other parameters. The model supports the concept of
structured parameters. Therefore, the model allows the possibility of including parameters of different
types (process parameters, process inputs, process outputs) in the same structure as well as defining
single type data structures.
Parameter value attributes may be organized by defining parameter value types. Parameter value types
could include
a) IEC 61131-3 basic data types;
b) compatibility matrix information that is used for determining clean-in-place (CIP) or sterilize-in-place
(SIP) requirements;
c) data sets that define material transactions (transfer, consumption, generation of material); or
d) data series (e.g., a temperature profile that will be tracked).
Parameter values may be simple values, expressions, or references to parameters that are defined at the
same level or higher levels in the procedural hierarchy. Values that are expressions may include
references to other parameters.
Parameters may be related in a number of ways, including the following:
a) Algebraic or Boolean equations
b) Product specific entry forms that work on one or more parameters
c) Standard operating procedures (SOPs) that display or otherwise utilize parameters (e.g., dynamic
values, recipe values)
d) Deferral of parameters to different recipe entities (at the same or another level)
Recipe Entity
is made
up of
29 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
e) External applications that use parameters
The formula is represented in the data model as recipe parameters (see table 10). A recipes formula is a
collection of selected parameters to the recipe procedure, and it may also include parameters that are
defined at lower levels of the procedural hierarchy.
Parameters are often scaled, based on batch size or other key attributes. Scaling may be more complex
than a simple linear relationship. More complex scaling methods can be accommodated with user-defined
algorithms and relationships.
4.4 Equipment model
The physical structure of the plant needs to be taken into account in the evaluation of equipment selection
during recipe execution (see figure 8 and table 18). In particular, the transfer capabilities between
equipment or the ability to allocate shared equipment are important to routing a batch.
Equipment entities are defined as in the hierarchy that is specified in Part 1. This hierarchy is modeled
through the recursive nature of the objects. This construct allows for the configuration of expandability and
Figure 8 Equipment structure
Table 18 Equipment relation
The equipment in, for example, a process cell (i.e., units, equipment modules, control modules) is normally
related to each other by pipes or other connections. The connections may be modeled as equipment
relations (see figure 9), optionally with a direction (e.g., a flow direction). The relations (e.g., pipes) are part
FunctionalDescription A representation of the connections between equipment (e.g., pipes,
conveyors, flexible connections), but may also be used to represent other
kinds of relations between equipment (e.g., relation to shared-use equipment).
RelationID Provides unique identification.
Equipment Entity
Equipment Procedural
is made
up of
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 30
of the higher-level equipment entity. The connections may conveniently be categorized in relation classes
and this ensures a consistent evaluation. Equipment relations include
a) permanent connection;
b) temporary connection;
c) may be used as resource for; and
d) always runs the same product as.
Note that relations other than connections may be possible.
Equipment may have properties. The properties are specific to each user implementation. Equipment
properties may be used for examining equipment characteristics and matching recipe equipment
requirements. See 4.3.5.
Figure 9 Equipment entity relations
4.4.1 Equipment classes
Equipment classes (see figure 10 and table 19) provide a means to group equipment entities by common
characteristics. Equipment entities may be a member of one or more equipment classes, or they may not
belong to a class at all. Equipment classes may be used to specify groups of units and they may be used
as alternatives during equipment selection. For example, a recipe may require a reactor for a unit
procedure, so its equipment requirements may specify a specific reactor (e.g., R-101), a set of reactor
units (e.g., R-101, R-103) or the reactor class (e.g., the class Reactor that contains reactors R-101, R-
102 and R-103).
Equipment entities may be members of an equipment class, and the class determines some of the
properties of the class members. As an example, certain equipment properties (e.g., glass lining) are
shared with the class.
Equipment entities may belong to zero or more equipment classes (e.g., vessel BV1 may be both a reactor
and a holding tank).
Equipment classes may determine some or all equipment properties, equipment procedural elements and
equipment relations of the referencing equipment entities.
Equipment Entity
is made up of
is referenced by
references another
31 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Figure 10 Equipment classes
Table 19 Equipment class
4.5 Production planning and scheduling
The central entity in a schedule (see figure 11) is the batch schedule entry. This object defines an intended
execution of one or more batches/control recipes, or other control recipe entities (typically unit
procedures)(see table 20). The batch schedule entry may also be used to schedule other activities (e.g.,
equipment downtime). A batch schedule entry may include formula/parameter values that are to be used
in a control recipe (see table 21).
The batch schedule entry can be used to represent higher-level schedule entities (e.g., a production
campaign or a production order).
FunctionalDescription An equipment entity class.
EquipmentClass Provides unique identification.
EquipmentLevel Specifies the physical hierarchy level (e.g., process cell, unit, equipment
module, control module).
Equipment Class
Equipment Procedural
is made
up of
Equipment Entity
0..n may be a member of
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 32
Figure 11 Batch schedule
Table 20 Batch schedule entry
FunctionalDescription A scheduled item that represents a unit procedure in a batch, a complete
batch, or a set of batches (e.g., a campaign).
ID Provides unique identification (e.g., actual campaign, lot, batch ID, procedural
entity ID).
Level Specifies the hierarchy level (e.g., campaign, batch, unit procedure).
BatchSize Defines the requested size or scale factor for the batch, based on the scale
factor for the batch as defined in the master recipe.
Schedule Defines scheduled execution times (start/stop).
ResourceUsage Specifies resource usage for this schedule entry.
Status Specifies schedule status (e.g., proposed for evaluation (such as what-if
analysis), planned, committed, started, completed).
Batch Schedule
Master Recipe Entity Equipment Procedural
is made
up of 0..n
Equipment Entity
the use of
schedules an
execution of
0..1 0..1
Control Recipe Entity
schedules an
execution of
is selected
and allocated
may contain
ordering to
33 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 21 Schedule parameter
The schedule relations can be used to represent the scheduling-relevant subset of recipe relations (e.g.,
the relations related to batch transfers)(see table 22). At higher levels, they can be used to represent
required or desirable relations between schedule entries (e.g., batch xx should follow batch yy or a specific
cleaning should take place between the two batches). The specific subclasses and characteristics of
schedule entry relations are not modeled here.
A higher-level batch schedule entry will include the lower-level schedule entries and relations (e.g., a
scheduled campaign may include scheduled batches and relations between these batches).
In the simplest case, the batch schedule entry represents a batch in a batch execution list or queue that is
expected to be initiated in sequence. Intended starting times and projected duration/ending times may be
added. Further, equipment assignments and the use of other resources may be specified by the batch
schedule entry. The scheduling may happen at more detailed levels (e.g., scheduling of individual unit
recipes and their assignment to equipment, and potentially scheduling individual operations or phases,
their projected duration, and their consumption of resources, including shared or exclusive-use resources
that constrain the schedule). Units and equipment modules are allocated or de-allocated as required by
the specific control recipe.
The collection of schedule entries may be viewed in the following different ways:
a) As a list or chart of batches in a process cell or part of a process cell, which provides an overview of
process cell utilization
b) As a list or chart of resource utilizations, which provides a resource or equipment schedule
FunctionalDescription Formula values that are to be communicated to and from batch schedule
ParameterID Provides unique identification.
ParameterType Includes how the Value is interpreted (e.g., constant, reference, or equation).
Description Describes the parameter or use of the parameter.
EngineeringUnits Identifies the engineering units of measure for the Value (e.g., kg, pounds).
Value Contains the parameter value. If it is a relation, Value contains the equation,
form, deferral rule or whatever ties the related parameters together. If Value is
a building block parameter, this attribute will hold the default value.
Scaled Defines the scaling rule. Simplest case: scaled or not scaled with batch
reference size.
Usage Identifies the parameter as a process input, process output, or process
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 34
Table 22 Schedule relation
4.6 Production information management
This subclause describes models that define the collection of production information.
Production information, including timely information of how things have progressed, may include both
batch-specific information and selected non-batch-specific, or common, information (see figure 12 and
tables 23 through 28).
Figure 12 Production information
Table 23 Production information
FunctionalDescription A representation of relations between schedule entries (e.g., required line
clearance, cleaning between scheduled items, specifications of sequential
relations within a procedure).
ExecuteOrder Specifies in what sequence multiple schedule entries should be processed
relative to each other.
FunctionalDescription Information generated during the production of a batch.
Batch Specific
Procedural Entity
Batch History
Batch Report
35 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 24 Batch specific information
Table 25 Batch history
Table 26 Common information
Production information may include some of the following:
a) A copy of the control recipe
b) A copy of the master recipe
FunctionalDescription Data that relates to one batch history entry.
BatchID Defines the actual Batch ID.
EntryID Provides unique identification.
NewValue Indicates the current actual value.
EngineeringUnits Defines the engineering units, if any, that are appropriate for the NewValue.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element that may be associated with the entry.
UTC Identifies the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and date of the recorded
UserID Identifies the user, if any, who is associated with the change.
FunctionalDescription An item of information that documents batch production.
BatchID Defines the actual Batch ID.
FunctionalDescription Data that relates to more than one batch history entry (e.g., cooling water
temperature, atmospheric pressure, steam capacity).
EntryID Provides unique Identification.
NewValue Indicates the current actual value.
EngineeringUnits Defines the engineering units, if any, that are appropriate for the NewValue.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element that may be associated with the entry.
UTC Identifies the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and date of the recorded
UserID Identifies the user, if any, who is associated with the change.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 36
c) Information about materials that are used and produced
d) Trend information
e) Alarms and messages
f) Operator interactions with the batch (e.g., overwrites, acknowledgements)
g) Late records and asynchronous records (e.g., lab sample measurements)
h) Additional information (e.g., allocation, start/stop)
An executed procedural entity is a recording of an instance of execution of a recipe entity or an equipment
procedural entity (see table 25). Data is associated with the execution instance and that data is maintained
in the related batch history records.
The executed procedural entities that result from the execution of a control recipe will frequently have the
same structure as the control recipe entities. The structure of executed procedural elements may,
however, deviate from the control recipe in some cases. The following are some typical examples:
a) Repeated instances of a recipe entity created through looping in the procedural logic
b) Not executed instances due to branches or GoTos in the procedural logic
c) Recipe entities that are inserted or repeated manually
d) Recipe entities that are activated on the spot in units that are already associated with a batch or that
are manually associated with the batch
The recipe entity relation and the rest of the recipe entity design pattern is not repeated here, because the
history is about logging the facts as they were and not the intended structure.
Table 27 Executed procedural entity
Batch reports (see table 28) are understood to be any extraction of batch data from production information
for display on screen or on paper, or for transfer to other systems.
FunctionalDescription A representation of a recipe entity (e.g., equipment procedural element)
that has been executed.
ExecutedProceduralEntityID Provides a unique identification.
ProceduralEntityCounter Uniquely identifies repeated execution of the same procedural entity.
37 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 28 Batch report
5 Relational tables for information exchange
ISA hereby grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited license under ISAs copyright in the
standard, to copy, display and distribute this section of this ISA standard (including software
included in or defined by such section), as follows:
1. Producers of products or services intended to comply with the standard may incorporate this
designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to make, use, and distribute
any product or service (including product documentation) that is compliant with this standard.
2. End users of a product or service made by a producer acting under the preceding license may
reproduce and use the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to
enjoy the intended functions of the product or service and to maintain, configure, or
reconfigure systems to be compliant.
3. Persons providing education on or promotion of the standard may copy, display and distribute
the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to provide information
related to the standard.
Except as expressly permitted, all other reproduction and distribution without permission of ISA is
prohibited. All copies of this section of the standard made or distributed under this license must
cite the standard and include the following notice of copyright:
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of ISA.
5.1 Introduction
This clause defines the structure of SQL relational tables for the exchange of selected batch control related
information between systems. It defines an interface specification, meeting the requirements in clause 4,
for the exchange of batch information in the following selected categories:
a) Master and control recipe information
b) Process cell equipment information
c) Schedule information
d) Production information
Exchange tables shall be built using the table names, field names and relations that are defined in this
clause. Not all tables need to be implemented, but all fields in an implemented table shall be included.
Any such implementation shall be consistent with the table definitions presented here and the concepts of
Part 1.
FunctionalDescription A component of a batch report.
ReportID Provides unique identification.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 38
The format for the exchange tables only defines standard information that can be exchanged. The table
definitions can be extended through the inclusion of additional attributes, additional related tables and
additional enumerations. The extended structures may be used to exchange information among tools that
understand the structures, but this information is outside the scope of this standard.
Examples of additional information are
a) the addition of icons that represent different elements of the equipment hierarchy, so that the
equipment may be represented consistently by different tools; and
b) the addition of control system addresses for equipment element procedures, procedure parameters
and data elements.
5.1.1 Method
The relational table structures are defined using SQL, as specified in ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Information
processing systems Database language SQL with integrity enhancement.
The exchange mechanism is based on a common structure for database tables. These tables are defined
as a data base schema that can be defined in SQL tables. Annex B contains the SQL table definitions of
the exchange tables.
Figure 13 illustrates how the exchange tables would be used to exchange batch information between
different tools. Each tool will generally have its own local data stores for batch information and each tool is
responsible for importing from, and exporting to, the exchange tables.
Figure 13 Data transfer using exchange tables
Most of the remaining models in this clause are represented using entity relationship diagrams (ERDs)
(see clause A.3).
Tool A Tool B
Local Data
Local Data
Export To
Import From
39 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
The type and use of the tools that are using the batch information are not specified in this standard.
Possible tools include, but are not limited to,
a) recipe authoring systems;
b) recipe execution systems;
c) documentation systems;
d) configuration management systems;
e) simulation systems;
f) batch control systems;
g) planning and scheduling systems; and
h) information management systems.
5.1.2 Exchange tables
This standard does not specify which tools create and maintain the exchange tables. This standard only
defines the structure of the tables. Tools could be designed such that they can only read from pre-existing
exchange tables, only write to pre-existing exchange tables, read and write to pre-existing tables, or
create, read, and write to exchange tables.
The exchange table structure is designed to allow multiple recipes to be exchanged in the same set of
tables and it allows multiple versions of the same recipe to be exchanged. The exchange table structure
also allows the exchange of the equipment capability and specification information about process cells and
process cell equipment.
The exchange table structure also allows the transfer of either complete or incomplete subsets of a master
recipe, equipment descriptions, schedule information, or batch history.
The syntax of data strings in the exchange tables (e.g., computed formula items, transition conditions) is
not defined in this standard. Tools that read and write the SQL exchange tables should resolve syntax
The field lengths that are defined in the SQL definition of the exchange tables represent default values and
they are not intended to enforce a standard, minimum, or maximum field length. Tools that read and write
the SQL exchange tables shall resolve field length differences.
5.1.3 Common exchange information
A set of tables is defined to contain information that describes the exchange format and that can be
commonly used in the different exchange table sets. Figure 14 shows the tables that are involved in the
common exchange information.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 40
Figure 14 Common information exchange tables Exchange information
The common exchange information table, BXT_Exchange, contains all of the information that is needed
only once in the exchange of data (see table 29).
The table, BXT_Exchange table contents (see table 30), contains one record for each of the defined items
(e.g., SCHEMA and the DELIMITER characters). It may also contain other user-defined information.
Table 29 BXT_Exchange
Table 30 BXT_Exchange table contents Enumeration sets
Many of the tables contain fields that can contain standard or user-defined enumerated items. These
enumerated items are passed as numbers in the exchange tables, with the strings contained in an
enumeration set table. The enumeration set tables (see table 31) provides a single location for translation
ExchangeID Identifies the exchange element.
ExchangeValue Identifies the value for the exchanged information.
Schema The version of the standard that the database schema was defined against.
The initial version value shall be the title of this standard (e.g., "ISA-88.00.02-
Delimiter The character that is used to differentiate between the element names in the
recipe element hierarchical name.
ToolID The identification of the tool that created the exchange tables.
ToolVersion The version of the tool that created the exchange tables.
ToolSchema The customized schema version created by the tool.
BXT_Exchange BXT_EnumerationSet
41 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
of the strings between different languages. The BXT_EnumerationSet table defines the enumeration set.
The BXT_Enumeration table defines the members of the set and the associated numerical value.
The enumeration tables contain standard enumerations and values. These may be extended by the user.
Additional user enumerations of the standard enumeration sets may take on values of 100 and above.
Enumeration values of 0-99 are either used or are reserved by this standard. In addition, user defined
enumeration sets and their respective values may also be defined in the enumeration tables. For example,
the enumeration set "Blend Oil" may be defined for phase parameters with members of "Virgin Oil,"
"Blended Oil," and "Recovered Oil" having values of 101, 102, and 103, respectively.
Table 31 BXT_EnumerationSet
EnumSet Identifies the standard enumeration set.
Description Contains the use of the enumeration set. (Provided to assist in the translation
of the TextString.)
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 42
Table 32 defines the standard enumeration sets that are defined in this standard.
Table 32 Standard enumeration sets
Boolean Defines a set of Boolean values.
DirectionType Defines how a parameter is intended to be handled.
EquipmentLevel Defines the equipment hierarchical level for equipment elements.
EquipmentType Defines the type of equipment record for equipment elements.
EvaluationRule Defines the evaluation rules for equipment properties.
FormulaType Defines the recipe formula types.
FormulaSubType Specifies user-supplied formula sub type definitions.
LinkDepiction Defines how links between recipe elements are to be depicted.
LinkToType Defines if a link is referencing a step or transition.
LinkType Defines the type of link.
RE_Type Defines the recipe element (RE), either recipe procedure level or
allocation symbol.
RE_Use Defines how a recipe element (RE) is used in a recipe.
RecipeStatus Definition of the possible status of a recipe.
RecordSet Defines the enumeration set that is used to classify a record into a
category of batch history information.
RecordSetControlRecipe Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetMasterRecipe Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetExecutionInfo Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetMaterialInfo Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetContinuousData Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetEvents Provides further history record classification under the category of Events.
RecordSetOperatorChange Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetOperatorComment Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetAnalysisData Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetLateRecord Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetRecipeData Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetRecipeSpecified Provides further history record classification under the category of
RecordSetSummaryData Provides further history record classification under the category of
ScheduleAction Defines the intended action of the schedule record.
ScheduleMode Defines the mode in which the schedule record begins execution.
ScheduleStatus Defines the possible status of a schedule.
SE_Type Defines the type of entity in a schedule record.
ValueDataType Defines the data type of an associated data value.
ValueType Defines how a value string is interpreted.
43 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 33 shows how enumerations are defined by this standard.
Table 33 BXT_Enumeration
EnumSet Identifies the name of the enumeration set.
EnumValue Specifies the numerical value associated with the enumeration member.
EnumString Defines the associated text for the enumeration member.
Description Contains the use of the enumeration member. (Provided to assist in the
translation of the TextString.)
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 44
Table 34 contains the list of standard enumeration members that are defined by this standard.
Table 34 Standard enumerations
Boolean 0 FALSE Definition of a Boolean value.
DirectionType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Internal Identifies how a parameter is
handled. Internal = only available
within the Recipe Element. Defined
at creation or created as an
intermediate value.
2 Input The Recipe Element receives the
value from an external source.
3 Output The Recipe Element creates the
value and makes it available for
external use.
4 Input/Output The Recipe Element and external
element exchange the value, and
may change its value.
5-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
EquipmentLevel 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Enterprise Identifies the equipment hierarchical
level for BXT_EquipElement.
2 Site
3 Area
4 Process Cell
5 Unit
6 Equipment Module
7 Control Module
8-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
EquipmentType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Class Identifies the record type for
2 Element
3-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
45 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
EvaluationRule 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 = Equals comparison operator for
equipment properties.
2 <> Not equals comparison operator for
equipment properties.
3 < Less than comparison operator for
equipment properties.
4 > Greater than comparison operator for
equipment properties.
5 <= Less than or equals comparison
operator for equipment properties.
6 >= Greater than or equals comparison
operator for equipment properties.
7 Member Is a member of comparison operator
for equipment properties.
8 Not member Is not a member of comparison
operator for equipment properties.
9 Not Not comparison operator for
equipment properties.
10-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
FormulaSubType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1-99 Reserved
100+ User defined. Allows further user
classification of a formula type.
FormulaType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Process Input Recipe formula type
2 Process Output
3 Process Parameter
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
LinkDepiction 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 None No link depiction
2 Line Link shown with line only.
3 ID Link shown with identifier only.
4 Line & ID Link shown with line and
5 Line & Arrow Link shown with line and material
flow arrow.
6 Line, Arrow, & ID Link shown with line, material flow
arrow and identification.
7-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 46
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
LinkToType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Recipe Element Link is referencing a record in the
BXT_MRecipeElement table.
2 Transition Link is referencing a record in the
BXT_MRecipeTransition table.
3-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
LinkType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 ControlLink Defines a link between recipe
elements that indicates a flow of
procedural control.
2 TransferLink Defines a link between recipe
elements that indicates a material
3 SynchronizationLink Defines a link between recipe
elements where there is some form of
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
RE_Type 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Master Recipe Specifies the type of recipe element.
2 Procedure
3 Unit Procedure
4 Operation
5 Phase
6 Allocation
7 Begin
8 End
9 Start Parallel
10 End Parallel
11 Start Branch
12 End Branch
13-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
47 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
RE_Use 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Linked A recipe element (RE) may have
several referencing RE Steps.
2 Embedded A RE has only one referencing RE;
one RE is defined for each use of
the RE.
3 Copied The same as Embedded, but the
specific RE was modified from its
original definition.
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
RecipeStatus 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Approved for Production Recipe is approved for production.
2 Approved for Test Recipe is only approved for test.
3 Not Approved Recipe is not approved for
production or test.
4 Inactive Recipe is not active.
5 Obsolete Recipe is obsolete.
6-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
RecordSet 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 RecordSetControlRecipe Defines that a batch history
information record is part of the
ControlRecipe category.
2 RecordSetMasterRecipe
3 RecordSetExecutionInfo
4 RecordSetMaterialInfo
5 RecordSetContinuousData
6 RecordSetEvents
7 RecordSetOperatorChange
8 RecordSetOperatorComment
9 RecordSetAnalysisData
10 RecordSetLateRecord
11 RecordSetRecipeData
12 RecordSetRecipeSpecified
13 RecordSetSummaryData
14-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 48
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Entire Control Recipe History record is related to the entire
control recipe.
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Entire Master Recipe History record is related to the entire
master recipe.
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Allocation
2 De-allocation
3 State Change
4 State Command
5 Mode Change
6 Mode Command
7 Procedural Entity Message
8 Procedural Entity Alarm
9 Procedural Entity Version
10 Procedural Entity Prompt
11 Procedural Entity Prompt
12-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Material Consumption
2 Material Production
3 Material Allocation
4 Material De-allocation
5-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
49 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Continuous Data Value
2 Trend Association
3 Trend Disassociation
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 General Event
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 General Operator
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 General Operator Comment
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 General Analysis Message
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 General Late Record
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 50
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Generic Recipe Data
2 Recipe Parameter Value
3 Recipe Result Data
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Generic Recipe Specified
2-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Generic Summary Data
2 Utilities Consumption
3 Equipment Run Time
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ScheduleAction 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 New Schedule record change action
2 Update
3 Delete
4-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ScheduleMode 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Automatic Schedule record mode
2 Semi-automatic
3 Manual
4 Not Specified
5-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
51 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
ScheduleStatus 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Complete Batch schedule record status
2 In-progress
3 Scheduled
4 Schedule Hold
5 Not Specified
6-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
SE_Type 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Campaign Defines the type of Scheduled Entry.
2 Batch
3 Unit procedure
4 Operation
5 Phase
6-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ValueDataType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Boolean Defines the data type that is expected
for an associated value.
2 8-Bit string
3 16-Bit string
4 32-Bit string
5 8-Bit unsigned integer
6 16-Bit unsigned integer
7 32-Bit unsigned integer
8 8-Bit signed integer
9 16-Bit signed integer
10 32-Bit signed integer
11 32-Bit float
12 Double float
13 Octet string
14 DateTime
15-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 52
Table 34 Standard enumerations (continued)
5.2 Master recipe information
This subclause only deals with Master Recipes. The information that is exchanged is what is needed in
order to exchange a master recipe, as defined in Part 1. This information contains the procedural control
definitions, the formula value definitions, the equipment requirements of the recipe, header information,
process cell specific information, other information, and coordination control requirements.
The information that is exchanged is what is needed to exchange a master recipe, but this information
does not specify the following:
a) How the information was created
b) How the master recipe could be used in a system
5.2.1 Recipe definitions
Creation of a master recipe, as specified in Part 1, may use information from the site recipe and the
definition of the process cells processing capability. A master recipe is tied to the process cells
processing capability, but the definition of the processing capability is not part of the recipe-exchanged
5.2.2 Recipe structure
A recipe is made up of the following information categories: header, formula, procedure, equipment
requirements, and other information.
The recipe exchange schema is recursive by nature. The basic structure of that schema, as shown in
figure 15, is built around these five information categories. Every level of the definition contains all of these
information categories until the procedural definition references an equipment procedural entity.
ValueType 0 Invalid Entry not valid
1 Constant Defines how a value string is
interpreted. It contains a fixed value
as a string.
2 Reference Defines how a value string is
interpreted. It points to the source of
the value.
3 Equation Defines that a value string represents
an expression to be evaluated in order
to determine the value.
4 External Value is supplied by some external
means, and it is not contained in the
recipe (i.e., value may be supplied by
an operator or by a scheduling
5-99 Reserved
100+ User defined
53 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
The term Recipe Element (RE) is used to define some of the structural entities in a recipe. A recipe
element may be the Master Recipe itself, Recipe Procedure, Recipe Unit Procedure, Recipe Operation,
Recipe Phase, Allocation symbol, or other graphical symbols, as defined in table 34.
In the recursive model of the schema, recipe elements contain either lower-level recipe elements or
references to Equipment Procedural Elements. While the definition of the recipe element is contained in
the recipe element table, each use of a recipe element is called a Step.
Figure 15 Nested recipe elements make up a recipe
5.2.3 Table overview and integrity constraints
Figure 16 illustrates the tables that are used to exchange recipes and their relationships and it defines the
associated integrity constraints between the tables.
Non-direct relationships, such as between the LINK and RE, are not depicted; however, they are defined
through the set of common key fields in the table. "NOT NULL" entries in the associated SQL tables are
used only to enforce the integrity constraints of the Entity Relationship diagram.
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
<Equipment Requirements>
<Other Information>
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 54
Figure 16 Exchange table relationships
The recursive definition of the Recipe Elements (REs) is through the two associations between the
BXT_MRecipeStep and BXT_MRecipeElement entities. Each defined use of a recipe element is recorded
in the BXT_MRecipeStep table. Each definition of a recipe element is recorded in the
BXT_MRecipeElement table. One association shows what steps are contained in a recipe element. The
other association shows what element is referenced by a step. Each RE that is referenced by the owning
RE has a record in the Step table. The Step table then references the actual RE definition. The tables
support a single RE definition per Step, and they support multiple Steps that reference the same RE.
The relationship between Steps and Transitions is maintained in the BXT_MRecipeLink table.
The master recipe formula definition is the collection of all master recipe parameter records and it
describes the process input, process output, and process parameters within the recipe. The formula values
are contained in the BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table and they have their definition in the
BXT_MRecipeElementParameter table.
The recipes equipment requirements are contained in the BXT_MRecipeStepEquip and
BXT_MRecipeElementEquip tables.
Figure 17 shows how entries in each table are related to each other for the BXT_MRecipeStep,
BXT_MRecipeElement, BXT_MRecipeElementParameter, and BXT_MRecipeStepParameter tables. One
BXT_MRecipeElement record exists for each version of an exchanged recipe. A relationship between this
BXT_MRecipeElement record and a single BXT_MRecipeStep table record exists, and this relationship
BXT_MRecipeStep BXT_MRecipeLink
May be made
up of
May be made
up of
0..N 1..N
0..1 1
May contain
May contain
May contain
other info
Step is the use
of an RE
55 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
contains the specific recipe information, including formula values in the BXT_MRecipeStepParameter
The BXT_MRecipeStep table contains a key into a single record in the BXT_MRecipeElement table. This
BXT_MRecipeElement table record contains the definition of the recipes procedure, including the
definition of the formula values in the BXT_MRecipeElementParameter table.
The BXT_MRecipeElement table for this procedure contains a key into multiple records in the
BXT_MRecipeStep table, one for each Unit Procedure. (Other procedure level recipe elements are omitted
from this example for simplicity.) The BXT_MRecipeStep record for the Unit Procedures contains a key to
the BXT_MRecipeElement record that defines the Unit Procedure. The BXT_MRecipeElement record for
each Unit Procedure contains a key into the BXT_MRecipeStep table for each Operation. This structure
continues down to the Phase definitions.
This table format uses the BXT_MRecipeStep and BXT_MRecipeElement tables to contain the procedural
hierarchy of a recipes procedure.
Figure 17 How entries relate in the tables
entry for
the Master Recipe
entry for
Recipes Procedure
entry for
Procedure Definition
entry for
Formula Values
entry for
Unit Procedure
entry for
Formula Specification
0 or more
0 or more
entry for
Parameter Values
0 or more
entry for Unit
Procedure Definition
entry for
Parameter Specification
0 or more
entry for
1 or more
1 only
1 or more
1 only
1 only
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 56
5.2.4 Recipe table summary
The tables that are defined for recipe exchange are shown in table 35.
Table 35 Recipe exchange tables
5.2.5 Recipe table definitions Header information
Master recipe header information is transferred as fields of a record in the BXT_MRecipeElement table.
The BXT_MRecipeElement table (see table 36) contains one element for each master recipe that will be
exchanged. The combination of RE_ID and REVersion defines the exchanged recipe master recipe.
Table 36 BXT_MRecipeElement
BXT_MRecipeStep One record for each use of a RE within a RE.
BXT_MRecipeElement One record for each recipe element that is exchanged.
BXT_MRecipeTransition One record for each transition that is used within a RE.
BXT_MRecipeLink One record for each link between Steps and Transitions.
BXT_MRecipeElementParameter One record for each parameter for each RE.
BXT_MRecipeStepParameter One record for each parameter for each Step.
BXT_MRecipeOtherInformation One record for each element of other information.
BXT_MRecipeElementEquip One record for each property requirement for a RE.
BXT_MRecipeStepEquip One record for each value for an equipment property
defined in a step.
RE_ID Identifies the Recipe Element that will be exchanged (e.g., Red Oak). When
combined with the "version," this field defines a unique instance of a RE.
When the record represents the master recipe, this field contains the master
recipe ID.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID," this field
defines a unique instance of a RE (e.g., V10.3).
VersionDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the RE was last modified.
ApprovalDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe was approved.
EffectiveDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe is effective.
ExpirationDate Identifies the date and time that this version of the recipe expires.
Author Identifies the person or system that authored this version (e.g.,
J. Smith).
57 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 36 BXT_MRecipeElement (continued) Procedure information
The procedural parts of a master recipe are included or contained in a combination or collection of tables.
These records define
a) the procedural control element steps;
b) the procedural control elements;
c) allocation symbols and other graphical representation symbols;
d) the parameterization of procedural elements with limits;
e) the linkage between the elements; and
f) the transition definitions between elements.
ApprovedBy Identifies the person or system that approved this version of the recipe.
ProcessCellID Identifies the process cell or class of process cells for which this version of the
master recipe was defined.
ProductID Identifies the product or product family that would be created by execution of
this version of the recipe (e.g., Premium Beer).
UsageConstraint Defines other rules that determine the usage (e.g., must be succeeded by...
or must not run in parallel with...).
Description Describes the recipe element.
Status Defines the status of the information that is being exchanged as an
enumeration from the enumeration set "Recipe Status.
RE_Type Identifies the type of the RE from the enumeration set "RE_Type.
RE_Function Contains an optional reference to the equipment information exchange tables.
The format for this information is not defined in this clause. An example is a
reference to an equipment procedural element (see BXT_EquipInterface
table). If this entry is NULL, then the function of this RE is defined by
BXT_MRecipeStep and BXT_MRecipeTransition entries that have a ParentRE
that matches this tables RE_ID.
RE_Use Identifies the relationship between the RE and the BXT_MRecipeStep, from
the enumeration "RE Use. Linked specifies that there may be multiple
BXT_MRecipeStep uses of the RE definition. Linked would be used when the
BXT_MRecipeElement is a library building block. Embedded specifies that the
RE has only one referencing RE and one RE is defined for each use of the RE.
In this case, the RE is "embedded" in the recipe definition of a single recipe
step and it is not used elsewhere. Copied specifies the same as Embedded,
but the RE was modified from some original definition. Copied would be used
when the RE was a library building block that was fully reproduced in the
recipe, and its linkage to the library removed.
DerivedRE Identifies the recipe element from which this recipe element was derived.
DerivedVersion Identifies the version of the recipe element from which this recipe element was
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 58
The Step, Transition, and Link tables contain the definition of REs that contain lower-level REs. The
BXT_MRecipeStep table (see table 37) contains each instance of use of a RE. Each BXT_MRecipeStep
contains the parameters used when a RE is used. Because a RE may be used multiple times in a recipe,
there is only one record in the BXT_MRecipeElement table, but there are multiple records in the
BXT_MRecipeStep table, one record for each use of the RE.
Table 37 BXT_MRecipeStep Recipe element
The BXT_MRecipeElement table (see table 36) contains one record for each Procedural Element that is
referenced in the exchanged master recipe. This table contains the definition of the Element, not the use
of the element. In the table, one record exists for the procedure, for each unit procedure, for each
operation, and for each recipe phase that is exchanged. The BXT_MRecipeElement and
BXT_MRecipeElementParameter tables contain the specifications for the use of the RE, the number and
types of parameters that are passed, and the default values for the parameters.
REs shall be unique to a parent RE. The RE_ID is a fully qualified name of the RE under its parent REs;
therefore, the RE_ID is enough to contain all of the parents RE_IDs.
ParentRE Identifies the RE or master recipe with which this Step is associated.
ParentVersion Identifies the version of the RE or master recipe with which this Step is
associated. When combined with a "ParentRE," this field defines a unique
instance of an RE.
StepID Identifies the unique execution instance of the referenced RE, with a name
that is unique to the scope of its parent RE. (A simple example might just be
the step number in the RE.)
RE_ID Identifies the name of the RE that this step is an instance of, with a name that
is unique to the scope of its parent RE.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE this step is an instance of.
VerticalStart Specifies the vertical starting position in the presentation of this element in the
procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left
to (1,1) lower right.
VerticalStop Specifies the vertical stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStart Specifies the horizontal starting position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStop Specifies the horizontal stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
ScaleReference Specifies the reference size for recipe elements; all formula values are based
on this reference size (e.g., 1234.5 kg).
ScaleEngrUnits Specifies the units of ScaleReference.
MaximumScale Specifies the maximum scale factor, or size, of the recipe element.
MinimumScale Specifies the minimum scale factor, or size, of the recipe element.
59 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 Transitions
The BXT_MRecipeTransition table contains one record for each transition connection that is defined by
the REs (see table 38). These records correspond to the transitions in Procedure Function Charts (see
clause 6).
Table 38 BXT_MRecipeTransition Links
The BXT_MRecipeLink table contains one record for each connection that is defined in the REs and/or
transitions (see table 39). These records correspond to the lines that connect elements in the Procedure
Function Charts that are described in clause 6.
RE_ID Identifies the RE the transition is contained in.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID" defines a
unique instance of a master recipe.
TransitionID Identifies the unique execution instance of this transition element. The ID
contains the full hierarchy of parent RE instance names of which this transition
is a member element.
Condition Contains the expression or condition that, if TRUE, causes or allows the
VerticalStart Specifies the vertical starting position in the presentation of this element in the
procedural view of the RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left to (1,1)
lower right.
VerticalStop Specifies the vertical stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left to
(1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStart Specifies the horizontal starting position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left to
(1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStop Specifies the horizontal stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left to
(1,1) lower right.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 60
Table 39 BXT_MRecipeLink Parameters
The BXT_MRecipeElementParameter table contains one record for each parameter for each RE that is
defined (see table 40). For example, a RE called CHARGE may be defined with two parameters: the type
of material to charge and the amount to charge. One record would exist in the BXT_MRecipeElement
table and two records would exist in the BXT_MRecipeElementParameter table for the RE CHARGE.
RE_ID Identifies the RE with which the Step and/or Transition is associated.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID," this field
defines a unique instance of a RE.
LinkID Specifies a unique ID for the link, which simplifies access to the table.
FromType Kept as an enumeration, defines if the FromElement specifies a StepID for a
step or a TransitionID for a transition, from the enumeration set "LinkToType.
FromElement Specifies the Step name or TransitionID. The ID contains the full hierarchy of
parent RE instance names of which this element is contained. This shall
match the step or transition name in the step or transition table.
ToType Kept as an enumeration, defines if the ToElement specifies a StepID for a step
or a TransitionID for a transition, from the enumeration set "LinkToType.
ToElement Specifies the Step name or TransitionID. The ID contains the full hierarchy of
parent RE instance names of which this element is contained. This shall match
the step or transition name in the step or transition table.
LinkType Specifies if the link is a procedural control flow or a material transfer
association. Kept as an enumeration, as ControlLink or TransferLink, from the
enumeration set "LinkType.
VerticalStart Specifies the vertical starting position in the presentation of this element in the
procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper left
to (1,1) lower right.
VerticalStop Specifies the vertical stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStart Specifies the horizontal starting position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
HorizontalStop Specifies the horizontal stopping position in the presentation of this element in
the procedural view of the parent RE, in normalized coordinates of (0,0) upper
left to (1,1) lower right.
Depiction Defines how the link is presented, from the enumeration set "LinkDepiction.
EvaluationOrder Defines the specified order of evaluation of the link (if required) to meet the
left-to-right evaluation of PFC transition checks that are specified in clause 6.
All links from the same step to multiple transitions are assumed to be
evaluated in the order that is specified by the order field. Lower numbers are
evaluated first.
61 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 40 BXT_MRecipeElementParameter Standard sub-parameters
This standard recognizes a set of sub-parameters that may be related to a parameter value, to further
qualify its definition and use. For example, defining and transferring the high and low limits that a
parameter is allowed to take may be useful. This type of information is transferred in the exchange tables
by defining sub-parameters for the affected parameter. Sub-parameters are defined for a given parameter,
by creating a new table record with the affected ParameterID used as the ParentParamID. The set of
standard sub-parameters and their defined use is given in table 41. Other sub-parameters may also be
defined by the user. This set of sub-parameters should be supported for use with the
RE_ID Identifies the RE with which the parameter is associated.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID," this field
defines a unique instance of a master recipe.
ParameterID Identifies the Procedural Element parameter. Note that if the parameter is part
of a set, the ParentParamID field is used and the parameter set becomes part
of the name of the parameter. For example, for a parameter set of
MINOR_CHARGES and a parameter of BLUE_DYE, the ParameterID would
be MINOR_CHARGES.BLUE_DYE if the delimiter character is a period.
ParentParamID Identifies the parent parameter set of which this parameter is a member. This
field will be NULL if there is no parameter set.
DataInterpretation Defines how the default parameter value is interpreted, as an enumeration
(i.e., constant, reference, or equation), from the enumeration set "ValueType.
DataDirection Defines how the parameter value is intended to be handled, as an
enumeration (i.e., input, output, input/output, neither), from the enumeration
set "DirectionType.
DefaultValue Contains the default parameter value that is used if the instance of execution
does not specify a value and it may be a member of a user enumeration set.
ValueType Defines the data type of the value, from the enumeration set
Description Describes the parameter or the use of the parameter in the RE.
EngrUnits Identifies the engineering units of measure for the Value. (e.g., kg, pounds).
EnumSet Identifies the enumeration that this element is a member of (if not NULL).
DefaultScaling Specifies the default selection when defined as an instance in the
BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table and it is kept as an enumeration from
enumeration set "Boolean. If TRUE, the formula value will be scaled when
the size of the batch is scaled. If FALSE, the formula value will not be scaled
when the size of the batch is scaled. Non-linear scaling may be accomplished
through the use of expressions in the formula values.
ParamType Specifies the default selection when defined as an instance in the
BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table. This field identifies the use of the formula
value as an enumeration from the enumeration set "FormulaType (i.e.,
Process Input, Process Output, or a Process Parameter). The enumeration set
is user extensible.
ParamSubType Specifies the default selection when defined as an instance in the
BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table. This field identifies the use of the formula
value as an enumeration from the FormulaSubType enumeration set.
Elements in this set are all user defined.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 62
BXT_MRecipeElementParameter table, the BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table (see, the
BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter table (see, and BXT_ScheduleParameter table (see
Table 41 Standard sub-parameters Formula
Values of components that are to be used in the production or execution of a batch are passed as step
parameters and their limits. The BXT_MRecipeStepParameter table contains one record for each
parameter that is used for each Step that is defined (see table 42). Because REs can evaluate default
parameter values, not all parameters of a RE need to be defined in the Step.
Table 42 BXT_MRecipeStepParameter Other information
Other information typically has to be transferred with the recipe (see table 43). The meaning of the
information is not specified in the exchange definition, but it is an agreement between the sender and
receiver. This other information is usually extra documentation or descriptive information that may be
needed in order to exchange a valid master recipe, but it is not information that is needed in order to
execute the recipe. Examples of other information may include compliance documentation, molecular
structure diagrams or even pictures of the expected product. The RE Other Information table, named
BXT_MRecipeOtherInformation, contains this data.
HighValueLimit Specifies the largest value that the associated parameter is allowed to take on.
LowValueLimit Specifies the smallest value that the associated parameter is allowed to take
HighTolerance Specifies the largest upward deviation from the value of the associated
parameter that is allowed.
LowTolerance Specifies the largest downward deviation from the value of the associated
parameter that is allowed.
ParentRE Part of the KEY to the BXT_MRecipeStep table for this parameter.
ParentVersion Part of the KEY to the BXT_MRecipeStep table for this parameter.
StepID Identifies the unique execution instance of the RE, with a name unique to the
scope of its parent RE.
ParameterID Identifies the RE parameter.
ParentParameterID Identifies the parent parameter ID if defined. (Allows for parameter sets.)
ParameterValue Contains the parameter value (numbers are transferred as ASCII
representations of the number). If the parameter type is a user enumeration
set, then this may be a member of the set.
DataInterpretation Defines how the parameter value is interpreted, as an enumeration (constant,
reference, external, or equation), from the set "ValueType.
Scaled Kept as an enumeration, from the enumeration set "Boolean." If TRUE, then
the parameter value will be scaled when the batch size is scaled. If FALSE,
then the formula value will not be scaled when the batch size is scaled.
63 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Because the structure and form of this data are so variable, the recipe exchange language provides a
means to reference, or point to, this information. The actual information may be exchanged in the
DataValue field, if it is text information, or it may reference other files whose names are in the DataValue
fields. Exchange of the other files is outside the scope of this standard.
Table 43 BXT_MRecipeOtherInformation Equipment requirements
RE equipment requirements contain the equipment constraints and conditions of the recipe, and they are
defined using similar tables and relations as those that are used to define the equipment capabilities in 5.3.
The equipment constraints and conditions may be associated with any Recipe Element in the Recipe
Element hierarchy. RE equipment requirements define the equipment constraints and conditions that are
applicable at that level (e.g., at the Unit Procedure or Operation level).
The equipment requirements are contained in the BXT_MRecipeElementEquip table and the
BXT_MRecipeStepEquip table. The BXT_MRecipeElementEquip table contains the definition and default
value of the property, and the BXT_MRecipeStepEquip table contains the specific property value that is
required for a step. RE equipment requirement
A RE may have equipment requirements (e.g., "Reactor name" or "Reactor lining"), and these specify the
required properties for the RE to execute. Specific allowed values for the property for a specific step are
defined in the BXT_MRecipeStepEquip table.
The equipment requirement may define data elements that the process cell supplies for use in the recipe.
These elements could be used in the recipes transition conditions or elsewhere in expressions. Examples
of data elements are "VesselPressure" available from a unit and "SteamPressure" from an equipment
Table 44, named BXT_MRecipeElementEquip, defines this set of related equipment requirements.
RE_ID Identifies the RE with which the "other" data is associated.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID," this field
defines a unique instance of the RE.
StepID Identifies the unique execution instance of the RE if the other information is
associated with the step. If null, then the other information is associated with
the RE.
DataID Defines the identification of a data element with other information.
DataType Identifies the type of the data value from the enumeration set ValueDataType.
DataValue Specifies the value of the other data information. This field may be the name
of a file that contains the actual data. The importing tool should have access
to this file.
Description Describes the data element type.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 64
Table 44 BXT_MRecipeElementEquip RE step equipment requirement
A BXT_MRecipeStep may have a specific value for an equipment property (e.g., "Reactor Class" of
"Exothermic" or "Reactor Lining" = "Glass"). Table 45, named BXT_MRecipeStepEquip, defines this set of
related equipment requirements.
Table 45 BXT_MRecipeStepEquip
The "meaning" of the constraints is not important to the language definition; however, it is an agreement on
the naming of equipment sets or equipment entities.
5.3 Process cell equipment model exchange
A set of tables is defined that describes the capabilities of the equipment in a process cell. This
information reflects the actual capabilities of a process cell. The exchange of process cell capabilities
can be useful as an information exchange, even if it is not used in conjunction with recipes.
RE_ID Identifies the RE for which the equipment requirements are needed. When
combined with the "version," this field defines a unique instance of the RE.
REVersion Identifies the version of the RE. When combined with a "RE_ID," this field
defines a unique instance of a RE.
PropertyID Defines the equipment property needed for the RE to execute (e.g., "Reactor
Class" or "Vessel Pressure Tag").
DefaultValue Defines the default value for the property, if none is specified in the steps
(e.g., "Exothermic Reactor" or "VesPressure").
DataInterpretation Specifies how the value is interpreted, and it is defined as an enumeration
(i.e., constant, reference, external, or equation), from the enumeration set
EvaluationRule Specifies how the value is compared against the equipment property value,
and it is defined as an enumeration, from the enumeration set
EngrUnits Identifies the engineering units of measure for the value (e.g., kg, pounds).
Description Describes what the property is and it may include why it is needed for the
ParentRE Part of the KEY to the BXT_MRecipeStep table for this parameter.
ParentVersion Part of the KEY to the BXT_MRecipeStep table for this parameter.
StepID Identifies the unique execution instance of the RE, with a name
unique to the scope of its parent RE.
PropertyID Identifies the RE property.
PropertyValue Contains the property value (numbers are transferred as ASCII
representations of the number). If the parameter type is a user
enumeration set, then this may be a member of the set.
65 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
5.3.1 Equipment description
The process cell capabilities tables are organized around a hierarchy of equipment descriptions. The
elements in the hierarchy correspond to the elements in the Part 1 equipment hierarchy.
The equipment information exchange tables include the following information:
a) Equipment element - This defines a specific equipment element or a class of equipment.
b) Equipment procedural element interface - This defines the interface to a procedural element that is
available in the equipment element.
c) Equipment element property - This defines the properties of the equipment, in a manner that mirrors
the property specification of the RE Equipment Properties.
d) Equipment element link - This defines the linkage between equipment, in a manner that mirrors the
property specification of the Master Recipe RE Equipment Links.
5.3.2 Table overview and integrity constraints
Figure 18 shows the structure of the equipment information tables.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 66
Figure 18 Equipment information exchange tables
5.3.3 Equipment description table overview Equipment hierarchy
The equipment information tables contain the hierarchical definition of the equipment, through the
"ContainedIn" attribute of the BXT_EquipElement table. This table describes which equipment is
contained within another piece of equipment. For example, a process cell equipment element may contain
equipment elements that are composed of units and/or equipment modules.
Each level may have associated property specifications, data specifications, and link specifications. Each
level may also have associated procedural elements in order to support the full Part 1 model, but these will
typically be associated with units or equipment modules.
Is contained in
Has a Link to
Has a Link from
Is defined by a
May be made up of
capabilities for
67 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 Equipment classes
The equipment information tables allow the specification of equipment classes through the "include the
capability of" association between elements. An equipment element may also include the capability that is
defined in one or more equipment elements.
For example, a unit may be a member of a unit class because it implements a set of procedures that the
class defines, because it contains a set of properties of the class, or any combination of this information.
One record exists in the BXT_EquipElement table for each equipment instance definition and one record
exists in the BXT_EquipElement table for each class definition.
5.3.4 Equipment information table summary
The tables that are used for equipment information exchange are listed in table 46.
Table 46 Equipment information exchange tables
5.3.5 Equipment table definitions
The following subclause contains the detailed specifications of the equipment information tables.
BXT_EquipElement Equipment Element One record for each element
of equipment or class of
BXT_EquipLink Equipment Element Link
One record for each link
between equipment elements.
BXT_EquipInclude Equipment Element Includes One record for each
equipment element that
belongs to a class of
equipment elements.
BXT_EquipProperty Equipment Element Property
One record for each property
specification and its value for
an equipment element.
BXT_EquipInterface Equipment Procedural
Element Interface
One record for each
equipment procedural element
that is defined within an
equipment element.
BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition Equipment Procedural
Element Interface Definition
One record for each
equipment procedural element
interface class that is defined
within an equipment element.
BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter Equipment Procedural
Element Interface Parameter
One record for each data
element input to, or output
from, the equipment
procedural element that is
defined within an equipment
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 68 Equipment element
The BXT_EquipElement table contains one record for each equipment entity (i.e., process cell, unit,
equipment module, control module) (see table 47). The BXT_EquipElement table contains the definitions
of entities and classes of entities (e.g., "Reactor101", "Filter20", "Reactor", "Filter"). The
BXT_EquipInclude table that is defined below is used to contain the class relationships.
Table 47 BXT_EquipElement Equipment element links
An equipment element may have an equipment linkage specification (e.g., that equipment may feed into
other equipment). These links typically define material transfers that the process cell (or units) supports.
For example, a recipe may specify that a MIXER links to a REACTOR. The BXT_EquipLink table contains
the equipment linkage (see table 48).
Table 48 BXT_EquipLink Equipment element includes capability
An equipment element may include the capabilities of one or more equipment element classes. For
example, an equipment element may exist that represents a class of reactors with a specific set of
procedural elements that represent the processing capability of reactors. A specific unit would include the
capability of the reactor class and it may add additional capabilities or specifications. The
BXT_EquipInclude table contains the relationship between the equipment class and the equipment
instance (see table 49).
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment.
EE_Type Identifies the type of record as an enumeration (i.e., Class definition or
Element definition), from the enumeration "EquipmentType.
EE_Level Identifies the equipment level as an enumeration (i.e., Area, Unit, Equipment
Module, Control Module), from the enumeration "EquipmentLevel.
ContainedIn Identifies the equipment element that this equipment is contained in (e.g., the
process cell that a unit is contained in). This field may be NULL if the
equipment is not contained in any equipment or if the containing equipment is
not defined.
Description Describes the equipment element.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment.
ToEquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment that the "EquipmentID"
links to.
Description Describes the type of the equipment element link.
69 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 49 BXT_EquipInclude Equipment element properties
Equipment element properties define the capability that is available within an equipment element. This is
done by specifying what equipment is available, in the same form as is specified in the recipe
requirements, as a specification definition and the value for the specification.
The specifications may be associated with any Equipment Element in the equipment hierarchy and they
define the specifications that are applicable at that level (e.g., at the process cell, unit, or equipment
module level).
The BXT_EquipProperty table (see table 50) contains one record for each property that the
equipment element has available (e.g., "lining type" and "glass lined unit", "size" and "50,000 gallon").
Specifications may also include equipment data elements that are available from the equipment (e.g.,
"SteamTemperature" from a heating equipment module, "VesselPressure" from a unit). The data elements
could be available for use in recipe transitions and expressions.
Table 50 BXT_EquipProperty Equipment procedural element interface
The BXT_EquipInterface table (see table 51) contains one record for each equipment element
procedure that is defined within an equipment element. Each BXT_EquipInterface record provides a
mapping to the interface definition for the associated equipment element procedure. Because multiple
BXT_EquipInterfaces (e.g., equipment phases) may have exactly the same external interface definition,
they may all reference a single BXT_EquipInterface interface definition. This structure allows the definition
of functionally equivalent BXT_EquipInterfaces, in order to allow for class-based recipes.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment.
ClassEquipmentID Identifies a class of equipment within which the EquipmentID is contained.
Description Describes the association.
Attribute Description
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment.
PropertyID Identifies a property that this equipment supplies (e.g., "Lining Type," "Size,"
"Heat Capability," "Steam Temperature").
PropertyValue Identifies the value for the property (e.g., "Glass," "50000," "650").
EngrUnits Specifies engineering units of the property (e.g., "gallons," "BTU/hr").
Description Describes the type of the equipment element property.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 70
Table 51 BXT_EquipInterface Equipment procedural element interface definition
The BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition table (see table 52) contains one record for each equipment procedural
element interface that is defined. The BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition table contains the definition of an
BXT_EquipInterfaces input and output parameters.
Table 52 BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition Equipment procedural element interface parameter
The BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter table (see table 53) contains one record for each data element that is
required by, generated by, or modified by an execution of the equipment procedural element that is defined
within an equipment element. The BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter table contains the definition of the type
and units of the required data element, and an optional reference to an enumeration set.
The BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter table also indicates if the input value is scaleable and it provides a
default value that would be used if no actual value is passed to the equipment procedural element.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element or class of equipment.
EPI_ID Identifies the equipment procedural element interface of an equipment
procedural element.
EPI_Definition Identifies the definition of the BXT_EquipInterface.
Description Describes the type of the equipment procedural element.
EPI_Definition Identifies the equipment procedural element interface definition.
Description Describes the expected behavior of the BXT_EquipInterface.
71 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 53 BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter
5.4 Schedule information exchange
The schedule tables define one or more scheduled batches for a given process cell. Each scheduled
batch contains additional batch specific information that may be used along with the master recipe
information, in order to create a control recipe. Each scheduled batch may define a set of parameter
values that are needed for recipe creation and a set of equipment requirements. Not all information that is
needed to execute a control recipe needs to be provided in the schedule information exchange tables;
additional information may be supplied by the control system or operator.
Scheduling activities may require information in addition to that provided by these tables. Scheduling may
need to use other means in order to obtain some of the data (e.g., the status of equipment, material
inventories, utility conditions). This information is best exchanged by other methods.
5.4.1 Schedule table overview
The schedule information exchange tables allow for information on multiple scheduled batches to be
included in a single set of tables.
The schedule information exchange tables do not specify how the information is created or how it is used.
Tools that use the information may include scheduling packages, batch automation packages, operational
display packages, and work-order tracking packages. The importing and exporting tools shall determine
the correct use of schedule information in the tables.
Figure 19 shows the five tables that make up the schedule information exchange tables.
EPI_Definition Identifies the equipment procedural element interface class.
ParameterID Identifies the name of the parameter that is used by the equipment procedural
ParentParamID Identifies the parent parameter set of which this parameter is a member, and
this field is NULL if there is no parameter set.
Type Identifies the type of the data that is used by the equipment procedural
element, from the enumeration set ValueDataType.
EngrUnits Identifies the engineering units of the data that is used by the equipment
procedural element.
EnumSet Identifies the enumeration set of which this element is a member (i.e., if not
Scaled Specifies if the parameter may be scaled before it is passed to the equipment
procedural element. If this field is TRUE, the parameter may be scaled, from
the enumeration set "Boolean.
DefaultValue Identifies the default value that is used if no value is passed to the equipment
procedural element.
Description Describes the equipment procedural element parameter.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 72
Figure 19 Schedule structure
5.4.2 Schedule table summary
The tables that are used for schedule information exchange are listed in table 54.
Table 54 Schedule information exchange tables
5.4.3 Schedule table definitions Schedule entry
The BXT_ScheduleEntry table (see table 55) contains one element for each scheduled event. Schedule
entries can represent a batch or some other processing activity (e.g., a unit recipe). If the scheduled
event is a batch, the table contains the batch identification that is associated with the scheduled batch (i.e.,
if assigned at this time) in the ScheduleEntryID field and the master recipe that is associated with the
scheduled batch is identified in the RE_ID field. The ScheduleEntryString field is used to uniquely identify
scheduled entries when their "real" ID has not yet been assigned.
BXT_ScheduleEntry One record for each scheduled item (i.e., a batch, unit recipe, or
cleaning event).
BXT_ScheduleEquip One record for each equipment selection requirement.
Permissible equipment selections may be defined.
BXT_ScheduleProperty One record for each property specification for each equipment
BXT_ScheduleParameter One record for each parameter item of the schedule record.
May contain
May contain
May be made up of
May contain other
schedule entries
73 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 55 BXT_ScheduleEnTRY
ScheduleEntryID Identifies the unique ID (within this table) of the schedule entry. This may be a
campaign ID, batch ID, unit procedure ID, or unique string with no external
ParentSchedID Identifies the parent scheduled item record to which this record is related by
using the parents ScheduleEntryString.
ExternalID Defines the identifier that is used by the business to identify this schedule
RE_ID Identifies the Recipe Element (e.g., Red Oak). When combined with the
"version," this field defines a unique instance of a RE. When the record
represents the master recipe, this field contains the master recipe ID.
(Identifies the Recipe Element that is referenced by this schedule entry.)
REVersion Identifies the version of the master recipe.
SE_Type Defines the type of entity that this schedule record represents, from the
enumeration set SE_Type". This definition allows a batch record to have more
detailed schedule information at lower levels in the procedure hierarchy (i.e.,
property and equipment requirements can be identified for each unit procedure
in the recipe), as well as handle the scheduling of campaigns and groups of
BatchID Identifies the ID of the batch for which this schedule item is a part.
LotID Identifies the ID of the lot for which this schedule item is a part.
CampaignID Identifies the ID of the production campaign for which this schedule item is a
ProductID Identifies the product to be made.
OrderID Identifies the production order or customer order(s) with which this schedule
record is related.
SE_Action Defines the expected action by the receiving tool, as an enumeration (i.e.,
New, Update, Delete, User defined), from the enumeration set
SchedStatus Defines the status of the schedule record (i.e., Complete, In-process,
Scheduled, Schedule Hold), from the enumeration set "ScheduleStatus.
StartCondition Specifies the expected starting condition of the schedule record, if known (e.g.,
"Starts before...", "Follow...").
InitialMode Defines the mode in which the schedule record begins execution as an
enumeration (i.e., Automatic, Semi-automatic, Manual), from the enumeration
set "ScheduleMode.
SchedStartTime Specifies the expected starting time of the schedule record, if known.
SchedEndTime Specifies the expected end time of the schedule record, if known.
BatchPriority Specifies a priority that is placed on the schedule record, if known. Lower
numbers have higher priority (e.g., Priority 1 is more important than Priority 7).
BatchSize Defines the requested size, or scale factor, for the batch, based on the scale
factor for the batch, as defined in the master recipe.
EngrUnits Optionally identifies the engineering units of measure for the BatchSize.
SENote Provides information or instructions to operations.
Description Describes the scheduled item and/or product (e.g., Premium Beer).
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 74 Schedule record equipment requirement
The BXT_ScheduleEquip table (see table 56) contains one element for each equipment requirement for a
schedule record. The related BXT_ScheduleEquipProperty table contains a specific property definition that
this equipment needs to satisfy.
Typical requirements for a batch may be equipment selections. A schedule records equipment
requirements and properties will generally correspond to a master recipe's equipment requirements and
properties. For example, a scheduling package may specify a specific unit to be used in production.
The BXT_ScheduleEquip would specify the equipment identity as defined in a RE and the
BXT_ScheduleProperty would specify the name of the selected unit.
Table 56 BXT_ScheduleEquip Schedule record equipment property requirement
The BXT_ScheduleProperty table (see table 57) contains one element for each property specification for
each equipment requirement for a schedule record.
Because a single equipment requirement for a given scheduled item can have multiple property criteria
(e.g., material of construction and volume), a separate table is used to list these requirements.
Table 57 BXT_ScheduleProperty Schedule parameter
The BXT_ScheduleParameter table (see table 58) contains one element for each parameter for a
scheduled item. Parameters in a schedule item are typically parameters in the master recipe, but they may
also be information for the operator or for other users of the schedule information.
Limits for schedule parameter items may be defined in the same way that sub-parameters further define
the parameters in recipes.
ScheduleEntryID Identifies the scheduled item that is exchanged.
RequirementID Provides a unique name for the equipment requirement of a scheduled item.
This name may refer to an individual piece of equipment, a class of equipment,
a list of allowable equipment, or other groups of equipment (e.g., a train).
Description Describes the requirement (e.g., First reactor unit in the batch).
ScheduleEntryID Identifies the scheduled item exchanged.
RequirementID Identifies the requirement set associated with the batch, typically an
equipment or material class.
PropertyName Identifies the name of the property for the schedule batch.
PropertyValue Specifies the value for the property for the schedule batch.
EngrUnits Optionally identifies the engineering units of measure for the PropertyValue.
Description A description of the property (e.g., Use UNIT345 as the first reactor unit in the
75 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 58 BXT_ScheduleParameter
5.5 Production information exchange
Production information exchange provides a structure in order to exchange all of the information about the
execution of a batch.
Many tools (e.g., batch automation systems, laboratory information management systems, batch reporting
systems, batch analysis systems, scheduling systems, simulation systems) could use this information.
The structure of the exchange tables allows for data on multiple batches to be exchanged in the same
Production information is contained in three areas:
a) the control recipe;
b) the equipment that the recipe ran against; and
c) a log of all events that occurred during the execution of the recipe.
5.5.1 Control recipe information
The control recipe information may be exchanged using the MR tables, with the ProductID as the
representation of the batch identification.
Because the control recipe starts as a copy of a master recipe, the MR tables may contain the master
recipe used for production and the event table may contain any changes to the control recipe, or the MR
tables may contain the control recipe after modification. In either case, the RecipeID and REVersion
information serve to identify the specific master recipe that was used to create the control recipe.
5.5.2 Equipment information
The equipment that is used in the production of the batch may be exchanged using the
BXT_EquipElement (Equipment Entity) tables. The tables may contain the definition of the entire process
cell that was used in production, or they may only contain the subset of equipment actually that was used
in the production of the batch.
ScheduleEntryID Identifies the scheduled item that is exchanged.
ParameterID Identifies the parameter for the scheduled batch.
ParentParameterID Identifies the parent parameter set of which this parameter item is a member
(i.e., NULL if there is none).
ParameterValue Specifies the value for the parameter for the scheduled batch.
EngrUnits Optionally identifies the engineering units of measure for the ParameterValue.
ItemLocation Defines where in the recipe structure this parameter item is applied. This
record is used when the ParameterID is a simple alias, and the ParameterID
does not provide sufficient information to identify where it is applied.
EnumSet Identifies the enumeration this element is a member of (i.e., if not NULL).
Description Describes the parameter for the related scheduled item and/or product. (e.g.,
Premium Beer).
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 76
5.5.3 Batch history
The batch history is contained in two tables, the BXT_HistoryElement table and the BXT_HistoryLog table.
The BXT_HistoryElement table is the record of each execution of a recipe procedural element and/or the
equivalent equipment procedural element. This table contains one element for each RE or EPE execution.
Figure 20 shows the elements of batch history and the relationship to the previously defined equipment
element tables. The BXT_HistoryElement table (see table 59) contains records that may be used to
reference the associated equipment and equipment procedural element.
Figure 20 Batch history
The BXT_HistoryLog and BXT_HistoryElement tables contain a list of time-defined records that
occurred during the production of the batch, one record for each recorded event in the batch. The
BXT_HistoryElement tables contains each instance of use of a recipe procedural element or equipment
procedural element. The BXT_HistoryLog table contains one record for each event that occurred for the
procedural element (e.g., the start of execution of the procedural element, a mode change, a state change,
a value that is reported from the element).
The batch history tables are designed with several objectives:
a) Information that would be duplicated in multiple records is moved to the BXT_HistoryElement table
and this provides a significant amount of reduction in the size of the BXT_HistoryLog table.
b) Information that can be described in the equipment tables is only referenced by key value. The
BXT_HistoryElement record contains an equipment element identification to the associated equipment
and an identification of the associated equipment procedural element.
c) The BXT_HistoryLog table also includes a reference to the equipment element and equipment
procedural element, in order to simplify the use of the BXT_HistoryLog table, even though this
information is duplicated in the BXT_HistoryElement table. History element
The BXT_HistoryElement table contains one record for each recipe element (see table 59).
BXT_HistoryElement BXT_HistoryLog
(* Defined in previous subclause)
77 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 59 BXT_HistoryElement History Log
The BXT_HistoryLog table (see table 60) contains five sets of information about the event that should be
a) the time of the event;
HistoryElementID Provides a generated identification number that is required for relational
BatchID Specifies a unique identification of the batch that is associated with the
BXT_HistoryElement record. This is duplicated information with the
BXT_HistoryLog table record.
MasterRecipeID Specifies the identification of the master recipe that is associated with the
MasterRecipeVersion Specifies version identification of the related master recipe.
ControlRecipeID Identifies the control recipe ID. In some cases, this identification may be
different from the batch ID.
ReferenceEquipProcedure Identifies whether the procedural control hierarchy is defined to be referring
to recipe or equipment, as a Boolean enumeration, with True identifying a
reference to equipment.
RecipeProcedure Identifies the Procedure that is associated with the BXT_HistoryElement
UnitProcedure Identifies the Unit Procedure that is associated with the
BXT_HistoryElement record.
UnitProcedureCounter Specifies an instance of execution counter, which is the number of times
that the unit procedure has been executed. This counter is needed
because the recipe may execute the same unit procedure multiple times
due to manual intervention or looping.
Operation Identifies the Operation that is associated with the BXT_HistoryElement
OperationCounter Specifies an instance of execution counter, which is the number of times
that the unit procedure has been executed. This counter is needed
because the recipe may execute the same operation multiple times due to
manual intervention or looping.
Phase Identifies the Recipe Phase that is associated with the
BXT_HistoryElement record.
PhaseCounter Specifies an instance of execution counter, which is the number of times
that the unit procedure has been executed. This counter is needed
because the recipe may execute the same phase multiple times due to
manual intervention or looping.
EquipmentID Identifies the equipment element that may be associated with the
BXT_HistoryElement record. This is duplicated information with the
BXT_HistoryLog table record.
EPI_ID Identifies the equipment procedural element that may be associated with
the record. This is duplicated information with the BXT_HistoryLog table
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 78
b) the batch and recipe information that is associated with the event;
c) the equipment that is associated with the event;
d) the operator that is associated with the event; and
e) the event information.
The BXT_HistoryLog contains production information events. The production information events are
categorized using enumerations in the RecordSet and RecordSubSet fields to aid information handling
(e.g., filtering and sorting).
Table 60 BXT_HistoryLog
5.6 Exchange table domains
The same information is contained in multiple tables for key fields and many of the fields in the tables have
the same domain (i.e., specific data type and range). The ISO/IEC standard for SQL does not define
domains, so table 61 contains the definition of the domains for selected table attributes in the exchange
RecordID Specifies a generated identification number that is required for relational
UTC Identifies the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and date of the record.
LocalTime Identifies the local time and date of the record.
BatchID Provides a unique identification of the batch that is associated with the record.
HistoryElementID Provides a unique identification of the instance of execution or the associated
recipe element or equipment procedural element that may be associated with
the record. This field is a key into the BXT_HistoryElement table.
EquipmentID Identifies an equipment element that may be associated with the record.
EPI_ID Identifies the equipment procedural element that may be associated with the
UserID Specifies the name of the user, if any, who is associated with the record.
RecordSet Specifies the type of the record, from the RecordSet enumerations.
RecordSubSet Specifies the subtype of the record, from the enumeration set that is specified
by the RecordSet record.
RecordAlias Defines an equipment-independent record specification (e.g., "vessel top
NewValue Specifies the data value that is associated with the record type and subtype.
OldValue Defines a field that may contain the previous data value.
EngrUnits Specifies the engineering units, if any, that are appropriate for the NewValue
and OldValue.
79 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table 61 Exchange table domains
BXT_MRecipeElement-Author CHAR (32) Name or ID of the author.
CHAR (128) Identifies a step within a recipe
procedural element.
CHAR (32) Engineering Units Specification.
INTEGER Status of the recipe or
procedural element as an
CHAR (128) Identifies a recipe procedural
CHAR (16) Version identifier for all elements
with versions.
CHAR (32) Identifies a parameter of an RE,
definition of use.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 80
Table 61 Exchange table domains (continued)
6 Procedure function charts
ISA hereby grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited license under ISAs copyright in the
standard, to copy, display and distribute this section of this ISA standard (including software
included in or defined by such section), as follows:
1. Producers of products or services intended to comply with the standard may incorporate this
designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to make, use, and distribute
any product or service (including product documentation) that is compliant with this standard.
2. End users of a product or service made by a producer acting under the preceding license may
reproduce and use the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to
enjoy the intended functions of the product or service and to maintain, configure, or
reconfigure systems to be compliant.
3. Persons providing education on or promotion of the standard may copy, display and distribute
the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to provide information
related to the standard.
Except as expressly permitted, all other reproduction and distribution without permission of ISA is
prohibited. All copies of this section of the standard made or distributed under this license must
cite the standard and include the following notice of copyright:
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of ISA.
This clause defines a method for graphical representation of Master and Control recipes. The
representation of the procedure is called a Procedure Function Chart (PFC). This clause also addresses
requirements for representation of formula, equipment requirements, header, and other information.
The PFC language, as defined in this standard, is designed to support recipes with complex procedures
(e.g., parallel steps, selections) that vary from one product to another.
CHAR(32) Identifies a process cell or other
equipment entity.
81 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Procedure Function Charts build upon Function Charts, as defined in IEC 60848. In Procedure Function
Charts, it is presumed that steps follow transitions and transitions follow steps, as described in IEC 60848.
However, there are significant differences between that standard and this one that are necessary in order
to meet the requirements of procedural control, as opposed to documentation. In batch control, equipment
procedural elements contain the procedural logic that regulates when and how they complete. In addition,
many equipment phases in batch control are designed to complete a task and then terminate. The PFC
approach supports the separation of recipe procedural elements from equipment procedural elements, by
recognizing that equipment procedural elements, once started, execute independently. Another difference
that must be addressed in a procedure function chart is the multiple level structure of recipe procedural
elements; therefore, it must be clear whether a symbol represents a recipe phase, a recipe operation, a
recipe unit procedure, or an entire recipe procedure.
6.1 Procedure function chart notation
Procedure function charts depict procedural logic, using a series of symbols that are interconnected by
directed links, in order to define the execution sequence of procedural elements. The execution of
procedural elements may occur in series or parallel and the execution may be dependent upon conditional
logic. Activities that are depicted include the intended execution of unit procedures, operations, phases,
and the evaluation of transitions. In general, the flow of execution is top to bottom and left to right.
Procedure function charts are used to depict the procedural logic for all levels of the recipe: recipe
procedure, recipe unit procedure, and recipe operation.
6.1.1 Symbols
A procedure function chart is defined by a set of symbols for
a) elements (i.e., recipe procedural elements);
b) begin and end points;
c) resource allocation;
d) element synchronization;
e) recipe transitions; and
f) basic structures (i.e., directed links, sequence selection, simultaneous sequences).
Only the global representation of the symbols is imposed; dimensions and details (e.g., thickness of lines
and font of characters) are left to each implementation. Elements
Symbols shall be used to represent a recipe phase, a recipe operation, a recipe unit procedure, or a recipe
procedure. A graphical indication within the symbol shall be used to identify the symbol as representing a
recipe phase, a recipe operation, a recipe unit procedure, or a recipe procedure. One example for
identifying procedural elements is shown in figure 21.
Part 1 defines only four levels in the procedural hierarchy and only those four levels are described in this
document. However, additional levels are possible and they may be defined for various purposes. While
this document only addresses the four levels of procedural elements that are defined in Part 1, any
additional levels that are defined separately may be identified either graphically, following the same
general principles described herein, or textually by a string that starts in the upper left-hand corner of the
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 82
Figure 21 Recipe procedural element symbols
A procedural element above the level of a phase may represent an encapsulation of other procedural
elements at the next lower level in the procedural control hierarchy. A procedural element that represents
an encapsulation, where the lower level recipe procedural elements are not shown, shall be identified by a
plus sign (+) in the upper right hand corner of the rectangle, representing the procedural element (see
figure 22). Procedural element symbols that expose the encapsulation shall be identified by a minus
sign (-) (see figure 38). Procedural element symbols that reference an equipment procedural element shall
have no indication.
Figure 22 Procedural elements that encapsulate lower-level
recipe procedural elements
When a procedural element represents an encapsulation of subordinate procedural elements, a separate,
lower-level procedure function chart that specifies the subordinate procedural elements and associated
ordering symbols may be used to define it. The icon representing the encapsulating recipe procedural
element may also be expanded to allow the lower level procedure function chart to be depicted within the
boundaries of the encapsulating icon. The process of expansion of single symbols may continue until there
is no subordinate level. An equipment procedure may possibly be shown as an expansion of the recipe
procedural element that refers to it.
Procedure Unit Procedure Operation Phase
Procedure Unit Procedure Operation
+ + +
83 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 Begin and end points
Procedure function charts shall have at least one begin point and at least one end point, in contrast to a
sequential function chart that may continuously cycle. Begin
At least one begin symbol (see figure 23) shall be used to designate the beginning of each procedure
function chart and/or each subordinate procedure function chart.
Figure 23 Begin symbol End
At least one end symbol (see figure 24) shall be used to designate the end of each procedure function
chart and/or each subordinate procedure function chart.
Figure 24 End symbol Resource allocation
Some resources are allocated to a batch before the batch can make use of them. Controlling the timing of
this allocation may be important to the recipe or for scheduling; therefore, resource allocation rules and
start conditions are needed. Allocation, if shown, shall be depicted by an oval icon (see figure 25) that
represents the encapsulation of the resource allocation requirements for a recipe entity. The allocation
symbol is a recipe procedural element appropriate to the level of the procedure function chart and it may
be used at any level of the procedural hierarchy.
The allocation symbol represents the data and/or logic that determines what will be allocated to the batch
(e.g., which specific unit or criteria for unit selection, equipment modules, materials, personnel) and when it
will be allocated to the batch (e.g., two hours after the start of another unit procedure). The allocation
symbol may contain logic that is to be executed by process management or through equipment procedural
elements that are not necessarily associated with actual physical equipment. An explicit transition that
follows the allocation symbol may be used to specify the starting condition for the following recipe entity.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 84
The allocation symbol may also be used to specify explicit de-allocation. In this case, an appropriate text
annotation should be used to indicate its use for de-allocation.
Figure 25 Allocation symbol Element synchronization
Synchronization between recipe elements may need to be depicted (see figure 26). Synchronization, if
shown, shall be depicted by a rectangle that extends out of either side of the symbol for any of the recipe
elements that are involved in the synchronization. Corresponding synchronization symbols may be
connected with a dashed or other line that is distinguishable from a directed link, when the location of the
symbols allows such notation without confusion. If the synchronization represents a material transfer, an
arrowhead shall be added to indicate the direction of material movement intended. If no line is used, a
unique identifier that identifies the specific interaction shall be provided at each recipe element that is
involved in the synchronization.
85 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Figure 26 Element synchronization examples Recipe transitions
Procedure functions charts depict two types of transitions: an implicit and an explicit transition. Implicit transitions
A directed link that consists of a single line between recipe entities (see figure 27) shall indicate a transition
whose only condition shall be that the entities directly preceding the transition have finished their
execution. No logic conditions shall be entered for this type of transition.
Add A Heat S01 S01
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 86
Figure 27 Implicit transition Explicit transition
A directed link that consists of a single line between recipe entities, with two short, tightly spaced double
bars perpendicular to the link line (see figure 28), shall be used to indicate the explicit recipe transition.
Figure 28 Explicit transition
This transition is defined by an expression that evaluates to either true or false. The transition is
continually evaluated, once the immediately preceding entity becomes active.
When condition is
TRUE, a request to
terminate may be
passed to the
equipment phase
Transition to the
next entity occurs
after the equipment
phase indicates its
termination and the
condition is TRUE
Some condition
87 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
The transition is used to perform two functions:
a) to interrupt the execution of a branch of the recipe procedural logic; and
b) to request the termination of all immediately preceding procedural elements (e.g., unit procedures,
operations, phases).
The termination of the immediately preceding procedural element may be a condition of the expression.
However, a conditional language for the expression is not defined in this standard.
When a transition becomes true, the active procedural elements immediately preceding the transition shall
be requested to terminate. When immediately preceding procedural elements terminate before the
transition evaluates true, the transition shall continue to evaluate its logic until it is true.
An entity that immediately follows a transition shall be activated only after the transition condition evaluates
true and the procedural elements preceding the transition terminate. Basic structures
Structures define the intended thread of execution of the recipe elements. The simplest case is a series of
recipe procedural elements that will be activated one after another. More complex structures include
sequence selection and simultaneous sequences. Beginning of sequence selection
The beginning of a sequence selection is shown in figure 29. Each branch of a sequence selection shall
start with a transition. A selection of one path, out of several possibilities, is represented by as many
transitions (i.e., under the horizontal line) as there are possibilities. Only one sequence shall be selected
from the set of sequences below the line. The transitions shall be evaluated in left to right priority. The
sequence below the transition that becomes true first, when evaluated in this manner, shall become the
selected sequence.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 88
Figure 29 Beginning of sequence selection End of sequence selection
The end of sequence selection shows the joining of possible threads of execution from a sequence
selection (see figure 30).
Figure 30 End of sequence selection
89 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 Beginning of simultaneous sequences
The beginning of simultaneous sequences (see figure 31) shows the start of independent threads of
execution of the recipe elements and there is one thread of execution for each path under a start of
selection. All threads of execution shall be joined back to a single thread of execution in the recipe entity.
The beginning and ending of threads of execution do not have to be matched. If an explicit transition is
needed, then it shall be above the parallel lines.
Figure 31 Beginning of simultaneous sequences End of simultaneous sequences
The end of simultaneous sequences shows the joining of independent threads of execution of the recipe
element (see figure 32). The transition that immediately follows the parallel lines is evaluated only when all
of the entities that immediately precede the parallel lines are either active or have completed.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 90
Figure 32 End of simultaneous sequences Rules for valid diagrams
Valid diagrams shall follow consistent rules for threads of execution. Independent simultaneous threads of
execution shall be joined. The end of sequence selection cannot be used to join simultaneous threads of
execution. Figure 33 shows an example of a valid diagram segment with sequence selection and end of
91 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Figure 33 Valid sequence selection diagram
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 92
Figure 34 shows an example of a valid diagram segment that shows start and end of simultaneous
Figure 34 Valid simultaneous sequence diagram
93 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Looping provides for the re-execution of entities based upon transition conditions (see figure 35). This
allows dynamic execution of entities based upon differing conditions.
Figure 35 Looping with explicit recipe procedural elements
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 94
This standard cannot define all valid and invalid procedure function charts. PFCs can be constructed that
have unreachable procedural entities or that have an invalid execution path (e.g., in figure 36, the thread
through "Phase 1" may never complete if the thread through "Phase 5" is executed).
Figure 36 Invalid procedure function chart
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3 Phase 5
Phase 4
Phase 6
95 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
6.1.2 Procedure and unit procedure initiation
A depiction of the beginning of a recipe procedure is shown in figure 37. At every level below the unit
procedure, directed links clearly indicate the order in which the recipe procedural elements become active
or are initiated. The initiation of a recipe procedure is most likely to be related to scheduling requirements;
therefore, it has a need for starting rules, some of which can be based on the schedule. A unit procedure
becomes active after the transition following the allocation symbol is true. Procedure, unit procedure, and operation completion
When the end symbol in a procedure function chart is reached, the encapsulating procedural element is
complete. Relative relationship between procedural entities
Figures 38 and 39 show two methods for depicting the relative relationship between procedural elements
in procedure function charts. This relationship can be accomplished by organizing the procedural
elements vertically in relation to each other. The vertical size of the procedural elements can also be
varied in order to show relative relationships between depicted elements. The horizontal dashed lines
show the synchronization that occurs between the operations within each unit procedure.
A compliant system shall implement at least one of the methodologies that are depicted in figures 38
and 39.
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 96
Figure 37 Depiction of procedure and unit procedure initiation
Procedure #3
Procedure #1
Procedure #2
Procedure #4
Procedure #5
+ +
Procedure #6
97 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Figure 38 Relative relationship of procedural entities
Procedure #3
Procedure #5
Procedure #1
Procedure #2
Procedure #4
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 98
Figure 39 Relative relationship of procedural entities Alternate 1
When procedural elements at two different levels (e.g., unit procedures and operations) are shown on a
drawing of this type, a box that shows the same grouping as the higher-level procedural element (i.e., unit
procedures) shall enclose the lower-level procedural elements (i.e., operations). Unit procedure #1 in
figure 38 illustrates a procedural element that is shown with a lower-level PFC that it encapsulates.
6.1.3 Non-procedural master recipe information
All other information that is part of a master recipe is related to a specific element or symbol in the master
recipe procedure. This standard purposely does not specify how that relationship or reference is
implemented. In a pencil and paper implementation, for example, the reference might be accomplished
with something similar to a footnote or the information might be written alongside the procedural element in
Procedure #3
Procedure #5
Procedure #1
Procedure #2
Procedure #4
99 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
question. In an electronic implementation, pop-up boxes or some other mechanism that is not yet invented
might be the implementation of choice. However, the relationship shall be clearly indicated and it shall be
consistent within each application. Master recipe formula
Formula information consists of process inputs, process parameters and process outputs. The formula
information shall be able to be represented in its entirety (e.g., associated with a recipe procedure), in
parts (e.g., process inputs only or for a specific unit procedure) or as a summary of lower-level formula, as
appropriate for the context and intended use. When depicted, the formula shall be associated with a
recipe procedural element.
For example, the amount of product that a recipe produces may be associated with the recipe procedure,
while the amount of material to add to a reactor may be associated with a specific phase. The use of
formula permits a summation of all recipe procedural elements parameters that have been identified as
process inputs, so that a list of the process inputs for an entire recipe, unit procedure, or operation can be
provided. Master recipe equipment requirements
Equipment requirements are specific to the execution of recipe procedural elements. The representation
shall provide a method for the user to view the equipment requirements that are associated with each
procedural element individually or for all elements in aggregate. Header and other information
Header information and the other information category of recipe information may be related to the recipe
in general (e.g., recipe ID, regulatory status) or to specific recipe procedural entities (e.g., protective
equipment requirements, hazards of chemicals information). All header and other information shall be
able to be represented in its entirety or associated with the procedural entity to which the information is
6.2 Control recipe depiction
When procedure function charts are used for the depiction of a control recipe, they shall follow the same
principles that are defined for the use of procedure function charts for the depiction of a master recipe. In
this case, however, the depiction of the control recipe will also, usually, become an active display in
automated systems. Because the relationship between recipe procedural elements and equipment
procedural elements is known during the execution of the control recipe, colors and/or other means of
demarcation may be used to indicate the status of the procedural elements.
6.3 Exception handling
Special processing may be included in the recipe in order to handle product-specific exceptions, in addition
to any equipment logic that is used for handling equipment-related exceptions. These product-specific
exceptions are generally related to the method of manufacturing a product, often its quality, and they are
not specific to equipment. They are interwoven into the normal procedure; therefore, they are not easily
distinguished from normal processing and they only become active in the event of an exception.
The extent of the effect of exception handling in the recipe procedure is normally confined to unit
procedures because the units operate independently. In some cases, however, commands, states, and/or
modes are propagated to another unit when there is a common concern (e.g., a transfer or concurrent
processing with common time constraints). In some circumstances, an entire recipe may have to be
commanded to a specified state and/or mode.
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101 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Annex A (normative) Data modeling technique
A.1 UML notation
Table A.1 defines the UML notation that is used in this standard (see J. Rumbaugh/I. Jacobson, The
Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, 1999, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.).
Table A.1 UML notation

Defines a class of objects, each with the same types of attributes.
Each object is uniquely identifiable or enumerable. No operations or
methods are listed for the classes. Attributes with a - before their
name indicate attributes that are generally optional in any use of the
An association between elements of a class and elements of another
or the same class. Each association is identified. Can have the
expected number or range of members of the subclass, where n
indicates an indeterminate number (e.g., 0,n means that zero or
more members of the subclass may exist).
Generalization (arrow points to the super class) shows that an
element of the class is a specialized type of the super class.
Dependence (i.e., tightly bound relationship between the items)
shows that an element of the class depends on an element of
another class.
Aggregation (i.e., made up of) shows that an element of the class is
made up of elements of other classes.
A class of object that is an instance of another class of object.
Attributes : Type
Association Name
Is A Type Of
Depends On
Is Made Up Of
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 102
A.2 Definitions
A.2.1 class:
a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, behaviors, relationships, and semantics.
A.2.2 encapsulation:
a technique that separates the external aspects of an object from the internal, implementation details of the
object (also called information hiding).
A.2.3 instance:
a term that is used to refer to an object that belongs to a particular class but that is not itself a class or a
subclass. For example, "reactor401" is an instance of the class "reactor".
A.2.4 model:
a formal abstract representation of a system. A model is usually presented as a collection of diagrams and
a data dictionary.
A.2.5 object:
an entity that is composed of state and behavior. State is the value of all attributes at a given time. An
attribute is a piece of information that qualifies the object. The behavior of an object is the functionality that
is contained in the object that is necessary to manipulate the attributes.
A.2.6 subclass:
a class that is a special case of a more general class (e.g., glass-lined reactor is a subclass of reactor
A.2.7 unified modeling language (UML):
a language that is used for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software
systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems.
A.3 ERD notation
Table A.2 defines the ERD notation that is used in this standard.
103 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Table A.2 ERD notation
Defines an entity.

For each occurrence of A, there is one and only one occurrence of B.
The association at B may also be marked with the number 1.
Numerically specified association. In this example, for each
occurrence of A, there may be one or more occurrences of B.
Another example is 0..N. If no numeric association is given, 0..N is
Numerically specified association: 0 to some positive number. In this
example, for each occurrence of A, there may be 0 to 2 occurrences
of B.
Looped association. An occurrence of A may be made up of zero or
more occurrences of entities of the same type. An optional
association is that an occurrence of entity A may contain zero or
more occurrences of entities of the same type. Another usage is that
an occurrence of entity A may contain zero or more occurrences of
entities of the same type.
The association between entities is labeled in order to specify the
nature of the relationship. The label applies to the entity that it is
closest to. In this example, the association is read as follows: Each
occurrence of A contains one and only one occurrence of B.
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105 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Annex B (normative) SQL definition listing
ISA hereby grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited license under ISAs copyright in the
standard, to copy, display and distribute this section of this ISA standard (including software
included in or defined by such section), as follows:
1. Producers of products or services intended to comply with the standard may incorporate this
designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to make, use, and distribute
any product or service (including product documentation) that is compliant with this standard.
2. End users of a product or service made by a producer acting under the preceding license may
reproduce and use the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to
enjoy the intended functions of the product or service and to maintain, configure, or
reconfigure systems to be compliant.
3. Persons providing education on or promotion of the standard may copy, display and distribute
the designated section, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to provide information
related to the standard.
Except as expressly permitted, all other reproduction and distribution without permission of ISA is
prohibited. All copies of this section of the standard made or distributed under this license must
cite the standard and include the following notice of copyright:
Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of ISA.
This annex contains the ISO/IEC9075:1992 standard definition of all of the tables that are defined in
clause 5.
ExchangeID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ExchangeValue CHAR (128) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO BXT_Exchange (ExchangeID, ExchangeValue)
VALUES (Schema,ANSI/ISA-88.00.02-2001)
VALUES (Delimiter, /)
VALUES (ToolID,ToolName)
VALUES (ToolVersion,4.0)
VALUES (ToolSchema,1.2)
CREATE TABLE BXT_EnumerationSet (
EnumSet CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
CREATE TABLE BXT_Enumeration (
EnumSet CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
EnumString CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EnumSet, EnumValue))
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 106
INSERT INTO BXT_EnumerationSet (EnumSet, Description)
VALUES (Boolean,
Defines a set of Boolean values)
VALUES (DirectionType,
Defines how a parameter is intended to be handled)
VALUES (EquipmentLevel,
Defines the equipment hierarchical level for equipment elements)
VALUES (EquipmentType,
Defines the type of equipment record for equipment elements)
VALUES (EvaluationRule,
Defines the evaluation rules for equipment properties)
VALUES (FormulaSubType,
Defines the recipe formula types)
VALUES (FormulaType,
User supplied formula sub type definitions)
VALUES (LinkDepiction,
Defines how links between recipe elements are to be depicted)
VALUES (LinkToType,
Defines if a link references a step or a transition)
VALUES (LinkType,
Defines the type of link)
Defines the recipe element, either recipe procedure level or allocation entity)
Defines how a recipe element is used in a recipe)
VALUES (RecipeStatus,
Defines the possible status of a recipe)
VALUES (RecordSet,
Defines the enumeration set used to classify a record into a category of batch history
VALUES (RecordSetControlRecipe,
Provides further history record classification under the category of ControlRecipe.)
VALUES (RecordSetMasterRecipe,
Provides further history record classification under the category of MasterRecipe.)
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo,
Provides further history record classification under the category of ExecutionInfo.)
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo,
Provides further history record classification under the category of MaterialInfo.)
VALUES (RecordSetContinuousData,
Provides further history record classification under the category of ContinuousData.)
VALUES (RecordSetEvents,
Provides further history record classification under the category of Events.)
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorChange,
Provides further history record classification under the category of OperatorChange.)
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorComment,
Provides further history record classification under the category of OperatorComment.)
VALUES (RecordSetAnalysisData,
Provides further history record classification under the category of AnalysisData.)
VALUES (RecordSetLateRecord,
Provides further history record classification under the category of LateRecord.)
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeData,
Provides further history record classification under the category of RecipeData.)
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeSpecified,
Provides further history record classification under the category of RecipeSpecified.)
107 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
VALUES (RecordSetSummaryData,
Provides further history record classification under the category of SummaryData.)
VALUES (ScheduleAction,
Defines the intended action of the schedule entry )
VALUES (ScheduleMode,
Defines the mode which the schedule entry begins execution in )
VALUES (ScheduleStatus,
Defines the possible status of a schedule)
Defines the type of entity in a schedule record)
VALUES (ValueDataType,
Defines how a value is represented (e.g. Boolean, float, etc.) )
VALUES (ValueType,
Defines how a value string is interpreted)
INSERT INTO BXT_Enumeration (EnumSet, EnumValue, EnumString, Description)
VALUES (Boolean, 0, FALSE,
Defines a Boolean value)
VALUES (Boolean, 1, TRUE, )
VALUES (DirectionType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (DirectionType, 1, Internal,
Identifies how a parameter is handled.)
VALUES (DirectionType, 2, Input,
The Recipe Element receives the value from an external source.)
VALUES (DirectionType, 3, Output,
The Recipe Element creates the value and makes it available for external
VALUES (DirectionType, 4, Input/Output,
The Recipe Element and external element exchange the value, and may
change its value.)
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 1, Enterprise,
Identifies the equipment hierarchical level for BXT_EquipElement)
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 2, Site, )
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 3, Area, )
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 4, Process Cell, )
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 5, Unit, )
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 6, Equipment Module, )
VALUES (EquipmentLevel, 7, Control Module, )
VALUES (EquipmentType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (EquipmentType, 1, Class,
Identifies the record type for BXT_EquipElement)
VALUES (EquipmentType, 2, Element, )
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 1, =,
Equals comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 2, <>,
Not equals comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 3, <,
Less than comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 4, >,
Greater than comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 5, <=,
Less than or equals comparison operator for equipment properties)
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 108
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 6, >=,
Greater than or equals comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 7, Member,
Is a member of comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 8, Not member,
Is not a member of comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (EvaluationRule, 9, Not,
Not comparison operator for equipment properties)
VALUES (FormulaType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (FormulaType, 1, Process Input, Recipe Formula type)
VALUES (FormulaType, 2, Process Output, )
VALUES (FormulaType, 3, Process Parameter, )
VALUES (FormulaSubType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 1, None, No link depiction)
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 2, Line, Link shown with line only )
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 3, ID, Link shown with identifier only)
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 4, Line & ID,
Link shown with line and identification )
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 5, Line & Arrow,
Link shown with line and material flow arrow )
VALUES (LinkDepiction, 6, Line, Arrow, & ID,
Link shown with line, material flow arrow and identification )
VALUES (LinkToType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (LinkToType, 1, Recipe Element,
Link is referencing an entry in the BXT_MRecipeElement table)
VALUES (LinkToType, 2, Transition,
Link is referencing an entry in the BXT_MRecipeTransition table)
VALUES (LinkType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (LinkType, 1, ControlLink,
Defines a link between recipe elements that indicates a flow of procedural control. )
VALUES (LinkType, 2, TransferLink,
Defines a link between recipe elements that indicates a material transfer.)
VALUES (LinkType, 3, SynchronizationLink,
Defines a link between recipe elements where there is some form of synchronization.)
VALUES (RE_Type, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RE_Type, 1, Master Recipe,
Specifies the type of recipe element. )
VALUES (RE_Type, 2, Procedure, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 3, Unit Procedure, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 4, Operation, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 5, Phase, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 6, Allocation, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 7, Begin, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 8, End, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 9, Start Parallel, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 10, End Parallel, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 11, Start Branch, )
VALUES (RE_Type, 12, End Branch, )
VALUES (RE_Use, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RE_Use, 1, Linked,
A recipe element (RE) may have several referencing RE Steps)
VALUES (RE_Use, 2, Embedded,
An RE has only one referencing RE, one RE is defined for each use of the RE. )
109 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
VALUES (RE_Use, 3, Copied,
The same as Embedded, but the specific RE was modified from its original definition. )
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 1, Approved for Production,
Recipe was approved for production. )
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 2, Approved for Test,
Recipe was only approved for test. )
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 3, Not Approved,
Recipe was not approved for production or test. )
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 4, Inactive, Recipe was not active. )
VALUES (RecipeStatus, 5, Obsolete, Recipe was obsolete.)
VALUES (RecordSet, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSet, 1, RecordSetControlRecipe,
Defines that a batch history information record is part of the ControlRecipe category.)
VALUES (RecordSet, 2, RecordSetMasterRecipe, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 3, RecordSetExecutionInfo, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 4, RecordSetMaterialInfo, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 5, RecordSetContinuousData, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 6, RecordSetEvents, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 7, RecordSetOperatorChange, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 8, RecordSetOperatorComment, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 9, RecordSetAnalysisData, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 10, RecordSetLateRecord, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 11, RecordSetRecipeData, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 12, RecordSetRecipeSpecified, )
VALUES (RecordSet, 13, RecordSetSummaryData, )
VALUES (RecordSetControlRecipe, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetControlRecipe, 1, Entire Control Recipe,
History record is related to the entire control recipe.)
VALUES (RecordSetMasterRecipe, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetMasterRecipe, 1, Entire Master Recipe,
History record is related to the entire master recipe.)
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 1, Allocation, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 2, De-allocation, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 3, State Change, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 4, State Command, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 5, Mode Change, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 6, Mode Command, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 7, Procedural Entity Message, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 8, Procedural Entity Alarm, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 9, Procedural Entity Version, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 10, Procedural Entity Prompt, )
VALUES (RecordSetExecutionInfo, 11, Procedural Entity Prompt Resp, )
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo, 1, Material Consumption, )
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo, 2, Material Production, )
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo, 3, Material Allocation, )
VALUES (RecordSetMaterialInfo, 4, Material De-allocation, )
VALUES (RecordSetContinuousData, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetContinuousData, 1, Continuous Data Value, )
VALUES (RecordSetContinuousData, 2, Trend Association, )
VALUES (RecordSetContinuousData, 3, Trend Disassociation, )
VALUES (RecordSetEvents, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 110
VALUES (RecordSetEvents, 1, General Event, )
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorChange, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorChange, 1, General Operator Intervention, )
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorComment, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetOperatorComment, 1, General Operator Comment, )
VALUES (RecordSetAnalysisData, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetAnalysisData, 1, General Analysis Message, )
VALUES (RecordSetLateRecord, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetLateRecord, 1, General Late Record, )
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeData, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeData, 1, Generic Recipe Data, )
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeData, 2, Recipe Parameter Value Change, )
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeData, 3, Recipe Result Data, )
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeSpecified, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetRecipeSpecified, 1, Generic Recipe Specified Data, )
VALUES (RecordSetSummaryData, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (RecordSetSummaryData, 1, Generic Summary Data, )
VALUES (RecordSetSummaryData, 2, Utilities Consumption, )
VALUES (RecordSetSummaryData, 3, Equipment Run Time, )
VALUES (ScheduleChange, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (ScheduleChange, 1, New, Schedule record change action)
VALUES (ScheduleChange, 2, Update, )
VALUES (ScheduleChange, 3, Delete, )
VALUES (ScheduleMode, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (ScheduleMode, 1, Automatic, Schedule record mode)
VALUES (ScheduleMode, 2, Semi-Automatic, )
VALUES (ScheduleMode, 3, Manual, )
VALUES (ScheduleMode, 4, Not Specified, )
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 1, Complete, Batch schedule record status)
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 2, In-progress, )
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 3, Scheduled, )
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 4, Schedule Hold, )
VALUES (ScheduleStatus, 5, Not Specified, )
VALUES (SE_Type, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (SE_Type , 1, Campaign,
Defines the type of Scheduled Entry)
VALUES (SE_Type , 2, Batch, )
VALUES (SE_Type , 3, Unit Procedure, )
VALUES (SE_Type , 4, Operation, )
VALUES (SE_Type , 5, Phase, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (ValueDataType, 1, Boolean,
Defines the data type that is expected for an associated value. )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 2, 8-Bit string, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 3, 16-Bit string, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 4, 32-Bit string, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 5, 8-Bit unsigned integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 6, 16-Bit unsigned integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 7, 32-Bit unsigned integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 8, 8-Bit signed integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 9, 16-Bit signed integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 10, 32-Bit signed integer, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 11, 32-Bit float, )
111 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
VALUES (ValueDataType, 12, Double float, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 13, Octet string, )
VALUES (ValueDataType, 14, DateTime, )
VALUES (ValueType, 0, Invalid, Entry not valid)
VALUES (ValueType, 1, Constant,
Defines how a value string is interpreted. It contains a fixed value as a string. )
VALUES (ValueType, 2, Reference,
Defines how a value string is interpreted. It points to the source of the value. )
VALUES (ValueType, 3, Equation,
Defines that a value string is interpreted as an expression to be evaluated in order to determine
the value. )
VALUES (ValueType, 4, External,
Value is supplied by some external means, and it is not contained in the recipe (i.e., value may
be supplied by an operator entry or by a scheduling system).)
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
VersionDate DATETIME,
ApprovalDate DATETIME,
EffectiveDate DATETIME,
ExpirationDate DATETIME,
Author CHAR (32),
ApprovedBy CHAR (32),
ProcessCellID CHAR (32),
ProductID CHAR (32),
UsageConstraint CHAR (255),
Description CHAR (255),
RE_Function CHAR (255),
DerivedRE CHAR (128),
DerivedVersion CHAR (16),
ParentRE CHAR (128) NOT NULL,
ParentVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
VerticalStart FLOAT,
VerticalStop FLOAT,
HorizontalStart FLOAT,
HorizontalStop FLOAT,
ScaleReference FLOAT,
ScaleEngrUnits CHAR (32),
MaximumScale FLOAT,
MinimumScale FLOAT,
PRIMARY KEY (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID),
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeElement (RE_ID, REVersion))
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 112
CREATE TABLE BXT_MRecipeTransition (
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
TransitionID CHAR (128) NOT NULL,
Condition CHAR (255),
VerticalStart FLOAT,
VerticalStop FLOAT,
HorizontalStart FLOAT,
HorizontalStop FLOAT,
PRIMARY KEY (RE_ID, REVersion, TransitionID),
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeElement (RE_ID, REVersion))
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
FromElement CHAR (128),
ToElement CHAR (128),
VerticalStart FLOAT,
VerticalStop FLOAT,
HorizontalStart FLOAT,
HorizontalStop FLOAT,
Depiction INTEGER,
EvaluationOrder INTEGER,
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeElement (RE_ID, REVersion) )
CREATE TABLE BXT_MRecipeElementParameter (
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
ParameterID CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
ParentParamID CHAR(32),
DataInterpretation INTEGER,
DataDirection INTEGER,
DefaultValue CHAR(128),
Description CHAR(255),
EngrUnits CHAR(32),
EnumSet CHAR (32),
DefaultScaling INTEGER,
ParamType INTEGER,
ParamSubType INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (RE_ID, REVersion, ParameterID),
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeElement (RE_ID, REVersion))
113 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
CREATE TABLE BXT_MRecipeStepParameter (
ParentRE CHAR (128) NOT NULL,
ParentVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
ParameterID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ParentParamID CHAR (32),
ParameterValue CHAR (128),
DataInterpretation INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID, ParameterID),
FOREIGN KEY (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID)
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeStep (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID))
CREATE TABLE BXT_MRecipeOtherInformation (
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
DataType CHAR (32),
DataValue CHAR (255),
Description CHAR (255),
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeElement (RE_ID, REVersion))
CREATE TABLE BXT_MRecipeElementEquip (
REVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
PropertyID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
DefaultValue CHAR (128),
DataInterpretation INTEGER,
EvaluationRule INTEGER,
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (RE_ID, REVersion, PropertyID),
ParentRE CHAR (128) NOT NULL,
ParentVersion CHAR (16) NOT NULL,
PropertyID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
PropertyValue CHAR (128),
PRIMARY KEY (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID, PropertyID),
FOREIGN KEY (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID)
REFERENCES BXT_MRecipeStep (ParentRE, ParentVersion, StepID))
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 114
EquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ContainedIn CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EquipmentID))
EquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ToEquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EquipmentID , ToEquipmentID),
EquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ClassEquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EquipmentID, ClassEquipmentID),
FOREIGN KEY (ClassEquipmentID)
CREATE TABLE BXT_EquipProperty (
EquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
PropertyID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
PropertyValue CHAR (255),
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EquipmentID, PropertyID),
CREATE TABLE BXT_EquipInterface (
EquipmentID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
EPI_Definition CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
CREATE TABLE BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition (
EPI_Definition CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EPI_Definition) )
115 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
CREATE TABLE BXT_EquipInterfaceParameter (
EPI_Definition CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ParameterID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ParentParamID CHAR (32),
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
EnumSet CHAR (32),
DefaultValue CHAR (128),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (EPI_Definition, ParameterID),
FOREIGN KEY (EPI_Definition)
REFERENCES BXT_EquipInterfaceDefinition )
CREATE TABLE BXT_ScheduleEntry (
ScheduleEntryID CHAR (64) NOT NULL,
ParentSchedID CHAR (64),
ExternalID CHAR (64),
RE_ID CHAR (128),
REVersion CHAR (16),
BatchID CHAR (128),
LotID CHAR (128),
CampaignID CHAR (128),
ProductID CHAR (32),
OrderID CHAR (128),
SchedStatus INTEGER,
StartCondition CHAR (255),
InitialMode INTEGER,
SchedStartTime DATETIME,
SchedEndTime DATETIME,
BatchPriority INTEGER,
BatchSize FLOAT,
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
SENote CHAR (255),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (ScheduleEntryID))
CREATE TABLE BXT_ScheduleEquip (
ScheduleEntryID CHAR (64) NOT NULL,
RequirementID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (ScheduleEntryID, RequirementID))
CREATE TABLE BXT_ScheduleProperty (
ScheduleEntryID CHAR (64) NOT NULL,
RequirementID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
PropertyName CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
PropertyValue CHAR (255),
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (ScheduleEntryID, RequirementID, PropertyName))
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 116
CREATE TABLE BXT_ScheduleParameter (
ScheduleEntryID CHAR (64) NOT NULL,
ParameterID CHAR (32) NOT NULL,
ParentParameterID CHAR (32),
ParameterValue CHAR (255),
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
ItemLocation CHAR (128),
EnumSet CHAR (32),
Description CHAR (255),
PRIMARY KEY (ScheduleEntryID, ParameterID))
CREATE TABLE BXT_HistoryElement (
BatchID CHAR (128),
MasterRecipeID CHAR (128),
MasterRecipeVersion CHAR (16),
ControlRecipeID CHAR (28),
ReferenceEquipProcedure INTEGER,
RecipeProcedure CHAR (128),
UnitProcedure CHAR (128),
UnitProcedureCounter INTEGER,
Operation CHAR (128),
OperationCounter INTEGER,
Phase CHAR (128),
PhaseCounter INTEGER,
EquipmentID CHAR (32),
PRIMARY KEY (HistoryElementID))
BatchID CHAR (128),
HistoryElementID INTEGER,
EquipmentID CHAR (32),
UserID CHAR (64),
RecordSubSet INTEGER,
RecordAlias CHAR (32),
NewValue CHAR (128),
OldValue CHAR (128),
EngrUnits CHAR (32),
117 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Annex C (informative) Abbreviations
The following are abbreviations that are used in this standard:
BXT Batch exchange table
EPE Equipment procedural element
ID Identification
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISA ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MR Master recipe
PFC Procedure function chart
RE Recipe element
SFC Sequential function chart
SOP Standard operating procedure
SQL Structured query language
UML Unified modeling language
UTC Universal coordinated time
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119 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Annex D (informative) Language guidelines
A language is a set of symbols and the rules for their use in communication. Clause 6 describes guidelines
for creating the symbols and rules that are needed for selected batch process-related communications.
Communication, involving machines and people, occurs among all six of the control activities that are
described in Part 1. Both ends of any communication path must understand the same symbols and they
must use the same rules.
Communication between people and electronic batch processing systems is usually done with a video or
other graphic devices and various pointing and input devices. Text is frequently used for detailed
communication, but visual symbols are often more effective for communicating complex relationships.
The central feature of batch control is the recipe. Graphic symbols related to the procedure and rules for
their use are defined in clause 6. Other parts of the recipe (e.g., formula) contain detail that may be better
represented visually as text.
D.1 PFC derivation
Three example depiction methods, Table format, Gantt Chart notation, and Sequential Function Charts
(SFC), were discussed in ISA-TR88.00.03-1996, Possible Recipe Procedure Presentation Formats.
A table format is attractive because of its simplicity, intuitive interpretation, and flexibility (e.g., support of
additional attributes listed in a tabular form, of inserts). However, the table format is limited to procedures
that are linear in nature because it does not adequately address selections and parallel steps.
Gantt Chart notation is commonly used to depict time-oriented activities and it can be extended to depict
recipe procedures in more complex cases than the table format. However, Gantt Chart notation does not
lend itself to portraying conditional decisions.
Sequential function charts may be used to portray the conditional decisions in a procedure. However, there
are certain aspects of procedures that are not adequately represented by SFCs or that become
unnecessarily complicated to depict in SFCs.
Elements of these three depiction methods were combined to create a notation called Procedure Function
Chart (PFC). The PFC is defined to graphically depict the procedure portion of the recipe and it is a
derivation of Function Chart notation, as defined in IEC 60848:1988, that has been modified to make it
usable in recipe depiction, and to add some of the benefits of Gantt Chart notation and the table format.
D.2 Recipe procedure
The separation of the recipe procedure (that defines desired process functionality) from the equipment
procedure (that defines control execution) supports one of the goals stated clearly in Part 1: that recipes
can be created without routine control engineering involvement. This goal defines a division of effort
between the control engineering function and the recipe authoring function. This goal requires that the
control engineering function defines and implements equipment procedural elements (e.g., equipment
phases) and provides representations for use by the Master Recipe author, with appropriate constraints.
Part 1 defined the following four levels of procedural elements:
a) Procedure
b) Unit procedure
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 120
c) Operation
d) Phase
The procedure consists of some number of unit procedures. A unit procedure consists of an ordered set of
operations that depict a contiguous production sequence that is to take place within a unit. An operation is
made up of an ordered set of phases. Although there is no limit to the number of phases that may be
simultaneously active in a unit, only one operation is presumed to be active in a unit at any time. Unit
procedures are largely independent, but they encapsulate or reference lower-level operations and phases
that may interact with operations and phases in other unit procedures.
D.3 Requirements for procedural control element depiction
A clear method of depicting procedural control elements in recipe procedures is essential. The following
requirements have been identified for a clear depiction method:
a) Simple to follow: Easy for people to understand
b) Easy to build: Few syntax requirements and symbols to learn
c) Clearly defined boundaries: Standardized graphical symbol for Start and End
d) Unambiguous depiction of execution order: Sequence, parallelism, selection (divergence) and
e) Expression of coordination relationships: Material transfers, Wait for, Synchronize
f) Hierarchical level: Standardized symbols for Procedure, Unit Procedure, Operation, Phase
g) Existence of levels: Standardized graphical symbol to show possible decomposition of an element of
the hierarchy
h) Applicable to master recipes and control recipes
i) Applicable to all levels: Similar set of symbols and rules at all levels in a recipe
j) Independent of media: Equally usable and understandable whether implemented with pencil and
paper or with full-color animated computer graphics
121 ANSI/ISA88.00.022001
Annex E (informative) Procedure function chart processing examples
Many rules concerning Procedure Function Chart processing are system dependent. The following
examples illustrate possible PFC processing systems.
In these examples, a dot is used to identify the active symbols. The dot is not part of the symbols and it is
only used for explanatory purposes. Active means that the symbols are being evaluated or executed by
the PFC processing system.
When a procedural element is active, the lower-level PFC or equipment procedural element that it
represents is currently being processed according to its state model. For these examples, the
ANSI/ISA-88.01-1995 example state model is used. Inactive means that the symbols are not being
evaluated or executed by the PFC processing system. When a procedural element is inactive, the lower-
level PFC or equipment procedural element that it represents has a state that is appropriate with its state
model, but it is not being processed and, therefore, it cannot change its state.
When an explicit transition is active, its expression is being evaluated by the PFC processing system, or
the expression has already been evaluated true and notification of this has been sent to the lower-level
PFC or equipment procedural entity that the preceding recipe element represents.
Example 1: Phase completes after the trailing transition is evaluated to be true (see following figure).
ANSI/ISA88.00.022001 122
The PFC has started and the begin symbol is active.
Recipe phase S1 becomes active. The corresponding equipment
phase (not shown) has also become active.
Explicit transition T1 becomes active and it is continually evaluated
once recipe phase S1 becomes active.
T1 is evaluated to be true.
Equipment phase S1 receives input that T1 is true.
Equipment phase S1 continues to be active until its logic results in it
becoming inactive.
Equipment phase S1 enters the complete state and it becomes inactive.
This completion may be a result of the input from T1 and the successful
accomplishment of housekeeping actions.
Recipe phase S1 becomes inactive once equipment phase S1 becomes
T1 stops being evaluated and it becomes inactive.
Recipe phase S2 and its corresponding equipment phase S2 become
Explicit transition T2 becomes active and it is continually evaluated.
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ISBN 1-55617-745-3
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