Nyaya Part 5

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Old Monks

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS

Fallacies of Inference
 hetvabhasa i.e. material fallacies in Indian logic
 It literally means a hetu or reason which appears as, but really is not, a
valid hetu! (invalid vyapti)
 All such cases according to Naiyayika’s are c/d ‘hetvabhasa’
 Nyaya gave 5 kinds of material fallacies-
1. Savyabhicara (irregular middle term):
 Lets take example- All knowable objects are fiery
The hill is knowable
Therefore hill is fiery
 Here middle term (knowable) has no universal relation with major
term (fire).
 This fallacy is also called as anaikantika i.e. inconstant concomitant of
the major term Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Fallacies of Inference
2. Viruddha (contradictory middle)
 Lets take example- ‘Air is heavy, because it is empty’
 Here middle term (empty) is contradicted as it disproves the heaviness
of air.
 Same is the case in- ‘Sound is eternal, because it is caused’

3. Satpratipaksa (inferentially contradicted middle)

 One inference is contradicted by another inference
 Lets take example- ‘Sound is eternal, because it is audible’, this inference
is contradicted by ‘Sound is non-eternal, becoz it is produced like a pot’
 Here ‘eternality’ is contradicted by ‘production’ aspect of sound.
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Fallacies of Inference
4. asiddha (unproved middle)
 When we say ‘sky-lotus is fragrant’, here middle term has no locus standi
since sky-lotus is non-existence i.e. asiddha or merely assumed

5. badhita (non-inferentially contradicted)

 Here inference in contradicted by perception or any other source of
knowledge unlike in case of satpratipaksha
Eg: ‘Fire is cold, because it is a substance’
 Here through perception we know that fire is not cold, so wrong

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS

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 Next video will be on Upamana & Shabda (Theory of


Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS


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