Bedside Teaching
Bedside Teaching
Bedside Teaching
An Educational Monograph
For Community-Based Teachers
Sponsored By:
The Mountain Area Health Education Center
Department of Continuing Medical Education
and the
Office of Regional Primary Care Education
Preceptor Development Program
The MAHEC Office of Regional Primary Car Education
As a part of the:
Planning Committee:
John P. Langlois MD (Project Director), Sarah Thach MPH,
Marianne Kaple MEd, Sue Stigleman MLS, Cynthia Janes PhD, Suzanne
Landis MD MPH, Traci Riddle, Tom House, Betsy Hobkirk MPH, Diana
Ramsay MSW, Bob Gingrich MPA.
Continuing Medical Education
Purpose: The purpose of this Preceptor Development Program Monograph Series is to
provide training in teaching and educational techniques to individuals who teach health
professions students in the community setting.
Target Audience: This monograph is designed for physicians, physician assistants and
nurse practitioners who teach medical students, residents, nurse practitioner students
and physician assistant students in the office or hospital settings in North Carolina.
Accreditation: The Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) is accredited by
the North Carolina Medical Society to sponsor continuing education for physicians.
MAHEC designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1 hour of Category 1
credit toward the AMA Physicians Recognition Award.
Release Date: 11/1/98. Re-approval 7/1/2001. Course valid until 7/1/2004.
This course was planned and produced in accordance with the Essentials and
Standards of the ACCME and the North Carolina Medical Society.
To Obtain CME Credit:
1) Read the monograph.
2) Complete the post-test questions.
3) Complete the program evaluation form.
4) Return the answer sheet and evaluation to MAHEC CME Dept.
5) Enclose appropriate processing fee (if required).
Disclosure: The development and dissemination of this monograph was supported by
HRSA Family Medicine Training Grant #1D15PE50119-01. The authors of this
monograph have no commercial interests or affiliations to disclose.
Teaching at the bedside is defined as teaching in the presence of the patient.
Sometimes thought to be applicable only to the hospital setting, bedside teaching skills
apply to any situation where the teaching occurs in the presence of the patient,
including the long-term care facility and the office setting.
Teaching at the hospital presents additional challenges and opportunities for the
preceptor. The hospital preceptor is often working with a team of learners and frequently
has inadequate facilities for teaching. On the other hand, the hospital setting also
provides opportunities to expose the learner to a body of knowledge and skills that
cannot be taught the office.
This monograph has been developed to explore issues related to teaching at the
bedside and review teaching techniques and tips for all who find themselves at the
bedside with patients and learners.
The goals for this monograph are to:
1) Review past and recent history of bedside teaching.
2) Discuss the advantages and challenges of teaching at the beside.
3) Explore strategies for improving teaching at the bedside.
4) Review techniques for bedside teaching in the office setting.
The importance of bedside teaching has been discussed throughout the history of
Like the modern preceptor, Hippocrates (460-370 BC) was both a teacher and a
practitioner. The first two principles of his Hippocratic method are:
1) observe all, and 2) study the patient rather than the disease. Although his exact
methods of teaching are not known, it is difficult to imagine how the importance of these
principles could be communicated unless patients were present during these teaching
encounters. The importance or observation and considering the patient and not just the
disease are as relevant today and are still best taught in the presence of the patient.
Sylvius (1614-1672), a French practitioner for whom the Sylvian Fissure was named,
was one of the first to record his thoughts on teaching on rounds:
My method (is to) lead my students by hand to the practice of medicine, taking
them everyday to see patients in the public hospital, that they may hear the
patients symptoms and see their physical findings. Then I question the students
as to what they have noted in their patients and about their thoughts and
perceptions regarding the causes of the illness and the principles of treatment.
(as quoted in Whitman, 1990: 23)
More recently, Sir William Osler (1849-1920), a renowned clinician and teacher in
Canada, England and the United States, became a strong proponent of teaching on
rounds and stressed the importance of teaching at the bedside. In 1903 he stated,
How can we make the work of the studentpractical? The answer is, take him from
the lecture room, take him from the amphitheater put him in the outpatient department
put him in the wards (as quoted in Whitman, 1990: 24-25). He also expounded that
there should be no teaching without a patient for a text, and the best is that taught by
the patient himself (as quoted in Whitman & Schwenk, 1997: 181).
With this historical support for bedside teaching, where are we now? A study in 1964
indicated that less than 20% of teaching on rounds was done in the presence of the
patient. In 1978 a similar study demonstrated a decline to 16% of teaching done at the
bedside. Given the challenges of modern medicine with shortened hospital stays,
increased acuity of illness in the patients and new requirements for oversight and
documentation, it is doubtful that the amount of teaching at the bedside has increased.
The conference room, nurses station or corridor have become the de facto location for
teacher/learner interactions at the hospital.
History makes it clear that teaching at the bedside has been a vital component of
medical training. We should strive to make it as productive and valuable as possible
and to convey the energy and excitement of these past shapers of the profession.
TEACHING AT THE BEDSIDE: Obstacles to Bedside Teaching
If bedside teaching is valuable and important, why does it appear to be declining? A
study of potential obstacles revealed that time was considered to be the most significant
factor interfering with bedside teaching (Nair, Coughlan, & Hensley, 1998). Pressures
to see more patients, shortened hospital stays and competing demands for increased
documentation are contributing to this decline.
Preceptors may avoid beside teaching because of concern for patient comfort, yet
research has shown that a majority of patients enjoy and benefit from bedside teaching
(Nair, Coughlan, & Hensley, 1997; Simons, Bailey, & Zwillich, 1989; Wang-Cheng,
Barnas, Sigmann, Riendl, & Young, 1989). When conducted with sensitivity and
respect, teaching in the presence of patients can add to rapport and communication.
Learners feel that the bedside is an excellent place to learn a wide variety of skills and
often value this teaching more highly than their teachers (Nair et al., 1998).
Many teachers may feel uncomfortable in the role of bedside teacher. Lack of
experience, unrealistic expectations and discomfort with teaching in the presence of the
patient can lead to a reluctance to teach at the bedside. As will be discussed later,
there are techniques and approaches that help make bedside teaching more efficient,
fun and effective.
The bedside is an important location for teaching, but it is not appropriate for all
rounding functions. There are numerous functions that need to occur during rounds
(see Table 1). Detailed discussion of differential diagnosis or care plan options is best
done in a more confidential location. Administrative details and chart work will go more
smoothly in a comfortable location away from interruptions.
Presenting patients is usually best performed away from the bedside. Presentations
done in the presence of the patient need to be sensitive to the patient and
understandable by the patient. The typical format of patient presentation with its
medical jargon may intimidate or confuse a patient.
Mini-lectures or detailed discussions of differential diagnosis will almost always include
terminology or information that may be confusing or difficult for the patient to
As the attending physician, you will be visiting all patients and this is a prime opportunity
for role-modeling and bedside teaching. Although there is an additional opportunity for
teaching and role modeling in interactions with families, this can disrupt a more formal
planned teaching experience. Judgement is needed on how to incorporate discussions
with family members into teaching.
Tasks on Rounds
Work rounds
Determine care plan
Administrative details/ Charges
Chart rounds
Review and sign notes and orders
Write notes
Teaching rounds
Listening to presentations
Teaching interviewing and physical exam skills
Ward rounds
Seeing the patients
Talking to families
TEACHING ON ROUNDS: The Conference Room
Since all rounding functions are not appropriate for the bedside, the conference room or
nurses station is increasingly utilized. There are advantages and disadvantages to the
use of this location (listed in Table 2). There are also specific strategies to get the most
from this teaching.
As stated previously, time is the greatest obstacle to teaching, and if time spent in the
conference room or nurses station is not budgeted well, there will be little time left for
teaching in any other location. It is important for the teacher to direct the focus of the
discussion and keep the flow of the many tasks going.
As teacher you must fulfill two roles simultaneously. While listening to a presentation or
discussion, you are diagnosing the patients condition based on the data presented. At
the same time also you need to diagnose the learner his or her strengths, weakness,
omissions and areas for improvement. Recognizing and remembering this dual role is
half the battle. One technique is to take two columns of notes during a presentation. In
one column list diagnoses and issues related to the patient, and in the second column
list issues related to the learner, the presentation, differential diagnosis and care plan.
This note-taking method will facilitate both of your roles as well as providing a record of
learning and patient care issues to address.
Table 2
Carefully noting patient care and learner issues as they arise will also help identify
teachable moments. Although any piece of information can be presented to a learner
at any time, the impact of this teaching is enhanced if it is relevant to the clinical
situation at hand. For example, the role of magnesium deficiency as a cause for
refractory hypokalemia can be discussed at any time, but when a patient with
hypokalemia is identified, this clinical tidbit is much more meaningful and more likely to
be remembered. A quick note on your paper can help you take advantage of this
The conference room is perhaps the best place to focus on clinical problem solving.
Discussion of an expanded differential is best done away from the patient, where it
could be confusing or frightening to the patient. Even if a patient presents with a clear-
cut diagnosis, the discussion can be enhanced by What ifs?. By changing aspects of
the case, you can exercise the clinical reasoning of the learners and help them to
consider a larger differential. For example, if a patient with an asthma exacerbation is
admitted, the discussion could be expanded to include pulmonary embolus by asking,
What if this patients left calf were swollen and tender? How would that change your
differential diagnosis and evaluation? This type of brief discussion can add interest to
routine cases and foster improved clinical reasoning and allow discussion of additional
clinical entities.
Teaching on Rounds
Time efficient
Good for work rounds, presentation skills and mini-lectures
Team teaching Pharmacy, Social Work, Etc
No patient contact
Relies on presentation/chart
Keep to task and time.
Diagnose the patient and the learner at the same time.
Look for (and capture) teachable moments.
Focus on clinical problem solving.
Keep topics related to current patient care.
Keep learning tools handy and use them.
Use of the conference room or nurses station also allows the teacher to role model the
use of additional sources of information. Pharmacy colleagues, social workers and
nursing staff can be sources of valuable information and sometimes will attend rounds
regularly. Asking appropriate questions of these care team members can foster an
interdisciplinary approach for the learner. The preceptor can also role model the
appropriate use of texts, journals and computerized sources of information. A frequent
problem with learners is that they feel they must carry all medical knowledge in their
heads, and this modeling can help foster adult learning and comprehensive care.
Teaching on rounds involves spontaneity. Often one does not know in advance what
issues or diagnoses are likely to arise. No one can be expected to speak
extemporaneously on all possible topics. When an important issue arises that may
benefit from a mini-lecture, reserve some time the next day for a brief review. You may
also assign a topic to a learner to present to the group at your next meeting.
It may seem that the corridor or hallway provides a location for rounding functions that
are best not performed in the presence of the patient, while at the same time allowing
ready access to the patient. Many teaching hospital hallways are clogged with clusters
of learners craning to hear a case presentation while straining under a load of charts
and dodging medicine carts and stretchers. At times these rounds can stretch on for
hours and at their worst may be referred to by the learner as shifting dullness (after the
physical finding related to ascites). At their best corridor rounds remain uncomfortable
and at very high risk for violating the patients confidentiality.
Teaching in the Corridor
Allows ready access to the patient
May be needed as a bridge to bedside teaching
Uncomfortable and tiring
Many distractions
Confidentiality very challenging
Not a good location for chart rounds or work rounds
Limit corridor rounding
Be vigilant of confidentiality
In general the use of the corridor should be limited. While trying to increase your
bedside teaching you may find that brief hallway discussions are necessary, but an
awareness of confidentiality should be maintained at all times.
Teaching in the presence of the patient has several advantages. The presence of the
patient strengthens the learning possibilities. As opposed to listening to a presentation
or reading off a blackboard, learners have the opportunity to use nearly all of their
senseshearing, vision, smell, touchto learn more about the patient and their
problems. The sterile facts and descriptions from a sterile presentation come alive and
are tangible. These characteristics alone can help the learner remember the clinical
situation. I suspect that you might be able to vividly recall certain patients that you saw
early in your training: the first patient you admitted with diabetic ketoacidosisthe fruity
smell of the breath, the air hunger of Kussmaul respirations, the decreased skin turgor.
These experiences create hooks upon which a great deal of clinical learning can be
hung for long-term storage and ready recall.
The presence of the patient allows for clarification of the history and physical. The case
presentation is the result of a great deal of processing and interpretation by the learner.
The bedside visit allows the teacher to clarify and confirm key aspects of the history and
physical. Was the presentation of the characteristics of the patients pain accurate?
Was an abdominal bruit present in this patient with a hypertensive emergency?
Confirming this data is crucial to patient care and also provides an important chance to
mold the learners clinical skills if performed in their presence.
Bedside teaching is very well suited for using role modeling as a teaching technique.
Although it is possible to describe and discuss how to ask a question well or how to
demonstrate sensitivity to a patients comfort and concerns, it can be far more effective
to demonstrate those skills and techniques in front of the learner. The learner may be
more apt to do as you do than as you say, and the positive results from good rapport
and technique speak for themselves.
There are some perceived disadvantages of bedside teaching. There is no question
that it takes more time. Given how effective it is as a teaching strategy, how can you
find time to teach at the bedside? One strategy is to avoid duplication. If an issue
related to the history or physical exam comes up in the conference room, save that time
for a bedside visit. If you are going to see a new admission after the conference room
session, bring at least one learner with you. We will discuss more strategies on how to
incorporate bedside teaching into a busy day in a later section. The truth remains that if
you want time to do bedside teaching, you will need to actively plan for it.
Teaching at the Beside
Strengthens learning
Allows clarification of history and physical in the presence of the
Allows teaching of history and physical skills
Allows role modeling
Takes time
Potential patient discomfort
Requires specific skills and techniques
Go to the bedside with specific purpose.
Teach history and physical exam skills.
Teach observation.
Maintain a comfortable and positive environment for the patient
and the learners.
Everyone should feel better after.
A concern for patient comfort is often expressed when discussing bedside teaching.
Several studies have shown that a majority of patients enjoyed the experience and felt
that they understood their problems (Nair et al., 1997). It seems certain though that
patient comfort is dependent upon what is done at the bedside and how it is done.
Table 5 lists several strategies to foster patient comfort during bedside teaching
(Weinholtz & Edwards, 1992).
Patient Comfort Issues
Provide advance notice of visit.
Limit length of time for patient comfort.
Explain all examinations and procedures to the patient.
All discussions and communications should be explained and
understandable to the patient.
Avoid or modify presentations at the bedside.
Visit the patient after rounds to answer questions and thank him/her.
If possible, one should provide the patient with advance notice of a bedside visit with a
brief discussion of its purpose and what to expect. The time spent at the bedside
should be limited, probably to a maximum of 15 or 20 minutes. The teaching session
can be very tiring for the patient, especially since hospitalized patients are more acutely
ill now than they have been in the past.
All procedures that are to be performed should be explained to the patient, even
something as simple as a heart exam. In addition any discussion or communication
about the patient should be understandable by the patient and should be explained to
the patient. For this reason, one should avoid presentations at the bedside.
Presenting about the patient in the third person can be demeaning and confusing for the
patient. Extensive theoretical discussions may be very difficult to explain to the patient.
The bedside is an excellent place to teach history taking and physical exam skills. An
additional skill that is often neglected is observation. Important clues to the patients
illness, disease, or response to being hospitalized may often be found in the room or at
the bedside. Snacks on the diabetic patients bedside table, blood streaked sputum in
the emesis basin of a patient with cough and weight loss, or a Jehovahs Witness
pamphlet on the bedside table can shed important light. The bedside visit is the time to
teach and practice careful observation.
Bedside teaching is more efficient and effective when done with a specific purpose in
mind. Use the list you created in the conference room to identify the issues you wish to
review with the patient or physical exam findings you wish to confirm. What teaching
opportunities are presented? Limiting the focus of the bedside visit will help control the
time spent and make the visit more efficient.
After the teaching session is concluded, a learner or the teacher should return briefly to
see the patient to answer any questions that may have arisen as a result of the visit and
to thank the patient for his or her time and assistance.
It is important to maintain a comfortable environment for all participants. As discussed,
the patients comfort is a vital consideration. Learners comfort is important too. The
bedside visit is not the place for pointed questioning or criticism of learners. This should
be a place for positive learning. By the same token, the preceptor should feel as
comfortable as possible in his or her role as bedside teacher. Avoid teaching topics that
you are less comfortable with. Use the skills and attitudes that come naturally to you
most often, and gradually hone and add new skills with repeated visits to the bedside. It
is said that an episode of bedside teaching is successful only when everyone involved
feels better afterward patient, learners and teacher (LaCombe, 1997).
At this point we hope that you see the unique value of the bedside as a site for teaching.
If you are already doing some bedside teaching, we hope that you have inspiration and
ideas on how to improve your teaching. If you do not already do some bedside
teaching, the primary obstacle is getting started. Do not set unrealistic expectations.
You may not have the luxury of a full half-day spent moving from one stimulating clinical
case to another accompanied by a group of enthusiastic and appreciative learners. The
key to doing more bedside teaching is to start small.
First, budget some time for going to the bedside. Find a time when you are going to see
a patient anyway and make this a teaching visit by bringing one or more learners and
entering the room with a purpose. Even if you can only do it once or twice a week, you
have opened the door. This may add a little time to that normally spent with the patient,
but could provide a significant learning experience.
You may look at your patient list and feel that there are no interesting teaching
opportunities. Diagnoses that seem old hat to you may be new for your learner. All
patients, whatever their diagnoses, have histories and physical findings. A review of a
good normal exam can be valuable from time to time, and physical findings that are not
related to the diagnosis could be exciting for a learner (such as a benign seborrheic
keratosis, a torus palatini, or an accessory nipple). More routine cases are a good time
to strengthen observation skills. There is teaching and learning in any encounter.
If you are working with a team of learners, you do not need to have the entire team with
you to do bedside teaching. Take one learner with you to see a new patient whom he
or she has admitted. Ask another learner to accompany you when you need to discuss
a case with a family after rounds are completed. These less formal instances are still
bedside teaching and can be very valuable.
All the responsibility need not fall to you alone. Get your learners involved in selecting
and presenting patients. Inform learners that they will be asked to point out three
physical findings on a patient on bedside rounds the following day. Inform a skilled
learner in advance that you would like him or her to demonstrate a specific technique at
bedside teaching rounds. Have learners select the focus for a bedside visit or conduct
a bedside visit for their peers.
In modern medicine we are less reliant on our physical exam skills, and as a result they
are less finely honed. Bedside teaching is an opportunity for the preceptor to focus
more energy on these clinical skills. It may require some brushing up, so start small.
Select an area of interest and read a little. Dust off your medical school text on physical
diagnosis and stash it at the nurses station or in the conference room for your and
learners reference. Some additional focus and bit of practice will polish up those skills
Table 6
Budget time for bedside teaching.
Start small.
Use the material you have.
Involve learners in bedside teaching.
See one or two new admissions at bedside.
Review your own physical exam skills.
Have references on H&P skills readily available.
There are significant opportunities for teaching in the presence of the patient in the
office or ambulatory setting. In the typical interaction, the learner sees the patient first,
presents the patient to the preceptor outside of the exam room and then both return to
the room to complete the visit. One can vary this order and all of these components
allow chances for bedside teaching.
Although typically the learner sees the patient first, seeing the occasional patient
together can allow an opportunity for significant role modeling. Although shadowing is
usually considered a technique for early learners, it may be judiciously employed with
more higher-level learners to demonstrate advanced techniques of managing the visit,
advanced questioning and dealing with multiple problems presented by the patient. The
outpatient preceptor can often predict the challenges that certain patients will offer and
can discuss in advance the goals and strategies planned for the encounter so that the
learner can be actively analyzing the interaction.
As discussed in rounding techniques, it is possible to have the learner do his or her
presentation in the presence of the patient. This technique requires some preparation.
The learner should already be fairly adept at presentation and should be informed in
advance that this technique will be used. He or she should be encouraged to use terms
that are likely to be understood by the patient. The patient should be instructed to be an
active part of the presentation, clarifying or correcting parts of the presentation as
appropriate. Presenting at the bedside requires careful patient selection, but can be an
efficient, useful and enjoyable technique.
Table 7
Advanced shadowing.
Select patient in advance.
Discuss anticipated issues and planned technique.
Instruct learner to be active observer and to critique the visit.
Learner should be skilled at basic presentation.
Inform learner in advance.
Learner should use language understandable to patient.
Patient should be actively involved in clarifying or adding to
Allow learner to ask additional questions or clarify points.
Review physical exam and teach techniques.
Learner provides medication instruction and patient education
to patient.
Role model the clinician/patient relationship.
Thank the patient for his/her time and teaching.
Returning to the room to complete the visit invites the use of a variety of techniques.
The learner may be given the opportunity to ask additional questions or clarify points
that arose in the discussion of a presentation. This allows the preceptor to observe
immediately how the learner responds to feedback and advice. Role modeling the
doctor/patient relationship is a valuable component of the wrap-up portion of the visit.
The learner can be given the opportunity to provide medication or patient education,
allowing the preceptor to observe these skills. As at the bedside, it is important to thank
patients for their help and their contribution to teaching.
Bedside teaching has a long and venerable history and with good reason. Teaching in
the presence of patients provides unique and valuable opportunities to integrate the
knowledge and skills of medicine for the direct benefit of the patient. The teacher is
able to role model skills and attitudes which are vital, but hard to communicate with
words. Modern medicine has placed additional demands on all parties involved, but
that is insufficient reason to abandon a teaching tradition that spans several millennia.
We must renew and increase our efforts to pass on this tradition of medical education.
LaCombe, M. A. (1997). On bedside teaching. Annals of Internal Medicine, 126, 217-
Nair, B., Coughlan, J., & Hensley, M. (1998). Impediments to bed-side teaching.
Medical Education, 32, 159-162.
Nair, B., Coughlan, J., & Hensley, M. (1997). Student and patient perspectives on
bedside teaching. Medical Education, 31, 341-346.
Simons, R. J., Bailey, R. G., & Zwillich, C. W. (1989). The physiological and
psychological effects of the bedside presentation. New England Journal of Medicine,
321, 1273-1275.
Wang-Cheng, R. M., Barnas, G. P., Sigmann P., Riendl, P. A., & Young, M. J. (1989).
Bed side case presentations: Why patients like them but learners don't. Journal of
General Internal Medicine, 4, 284-287.
Weinholtz, D., & Edwards, J. C. (1992). Teaching During Rounds: A Handbook for
Attending Physicians and Residents. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Whitman, N. (1990). Creative Medical Teaching. Salt Lake City: University of Utah
School of Medicine.
Whitman, N. & Schwenk, T. L. (1997). The Physician as Teacher (2
ed.). Salt Lake
City: Whitman Associates.
Sapira, Joseph D. (1990). The Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis.
Baltimore: Urban and Scwartzenberg, Williams and Wilkins.
Degowin, E. L., & Degowin, R. L. (1994). Diagnostic Examination, 6
Ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Bates, B. (1995). A Guide to Physical Examination, 6
Philadelphia: Lippincott.
The Effective Preceptor
Teaching Styles/ Learning Styles
1.) Beside teaching has been promoted throughout the history of medicine. Which of
the following statements in not correct?
A) The patient has been considered an indispensable component of clinical
B) Bedside teaching appears to be declining.
C) Recent changes in medical care are promoting bedside teaching.
D) The conference room and corridor are the chief sites of hospital teaching.
2) Which of the following is not an obstacle to bedside teaching?
A) Perceived lack of time.
B) Concern for patient comfort.
C) Teacher discomfort.
D) Learner disapproval.
3) Not all rounding functions are appropriate for the bedside. Which one of the
following is most appropriate at the bedside?
A) Mini-lectures.
B) Discussion of differential diagnosis.
C) Teaching history taking skills.
D) Chart rounds.
4) The conference room can be a useful place to perform some of the functions of
hospital rounds and provide teaching. Which of the following is not an advantage of
the conference room?
A) Time efficiency.
B) Confidentiality.
C) Comfort and lack of distractions.
D) Good for teaching history taking and physical exam.
5) There are many advantages to the use of the bedside for clinical teaching. Which of
the following is not an advantage of bedside teaching?
A) The learner is able to practice using all his or her senses.
B) The preceptor can clarify and confirm key portions of the history and physical.
C) Teaching at the bedside is time efficient and easy to do.
D) The preceptor can teach by role modeling positive behaviors.
6) Concern for patient comfort is considered an obstacle to bedside teaching.
Research has shown that patients often enjoy and benefit from bedside teaching.
Which of the following strategies would be unlikely to promote patient comfort?
A) Sessions should be long enough to cover all issues in depth.
B) Advance notice of visit should be provided to the patient.
C) The patient should be able to understand what is said and discussed.
D) A visit should be made at the end of rounds to answer questions and thank the
7) The challenges to increasing the amount of bedside teaching done can seem
overwhelming. Which of the following strategies for getting started with bedside
teaching is incorrect?
A) Set aside time for going to the bedside.
B) Begin with small manageable goals.
C) Wait for exciting cases before you begin.
D) Involve the learners in selecting cases and coordinating visits.
8) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) Bedside teaching is restricted to the hospital setting only.
B) Presentations at the bedside need not be modified.
C) Shadowing should only be used for early students.
D) Patients can provide useful clarification and feedback for the learner.
9) True or False: The hospital corridor is an efficient and practical place for most
rounding functions.
10) True or False: Bedside teaching is a useful teaching technique as well as a
longstanding tradition of medical education.
1) C.
Recent changes in medical care, including shorter hospital stays and changing
requirement for supervision of learners have made it more difficult to find the time to do
bedside teaching. As a result, bedside teaching has been on the decline and the
conference room and corridor are the chief sites of hospital teaching. The patient
remains and indispensable component of clinical teaching and modern preceptors need
to be creative in continuing the tradition of bedside teaching.
2) D.
Research has shown that obstacles to bedside teaching include perceived lack of time,
discomfort of the teacher with teaching at the bedside and concerns over patient
discomfort and disapproval. It has been shown that learners and patients value and
benefit from bedside teaching.
3) C.
There are many functions of hospital rounds and not all are appropriate for the bedside.
Mini-lectures and discussions of differential diagnosis usually involve a significant
amount of jargon and information that may not be relevant to the patient and should
occur in the conference room. Chart rounds involve reviewing notes, writing notes and
writing and signing orders not a good use of valuable bedside teaching time. Teaching
history taking and physical exam skills is very appropriate use of the bedside.
4) D.
The conference room has many advantages. It is a quiet, comfortable location where
teaching, care planning, presentations and case discussion can take place
confidentially. It is least desirable as a location for teaching history and physical skills
an area where the bedside is best.
5) C.
Bedside teaching can be time consuming and takes practice to do well. However, there
are many advantages of doing some teaching at the bedside. Learners are able to use
all their senses in learning about the patient and their condition. The preceptor is able
to confirm information obtained in the presentation and can role model positive
6) A.
When bedside teaching is conducted with respect, patients can be comfortable and
benefit form the interaction. Advance notice should be provided as well as a follow-up
visit by a team member at the end of the session. Information exchanged should be
explained to the patient in a manner that he or she can understand. The preceptor
should be sensitive to time, since patients are generally acutely ill and may fatigue
7) C.
To get started in bedside teaching, it is most important to get started! Begin with small
manageable goals brief focused episodes. Schedule in some time to go to the
bedside. The responsibility for arranging and selecting cases can be shared with the
learners. It is not necessary to wait for some dramatic case or finding. There is
something of value to learn at each bedside it just takes practice to see it.
8) D.
Bedside teaching includes any teaching done in the presence of the patient: both in the
hospital and outpatient settings. Presentations at the bedside should be modified from
the usual form to make them more understandable by the patient, and the patient
should be encouraged to clarify points and provide feedback to the presenter.
Shadowing can be used with learners of all levels, especially if it is targeted to
demonstrate certain aspects of the clinician/patient relationship.
9) False.
The corridor or hallway is noisy, uncomfortable and is not conducive to confidentiality.
The use of the corridor should be avoided as much as possible.
10) True.
Bedside teaching has a long and distinguished history. Through your efforts, the
tradition and benefits can continue.
Teaching at the Bedside Monograph
This Monograph is eligible for one (1) hour of AMA Category 1.
To receive credit: Please complete this Post-Test and Evaluation form and submit it to:
MAHEC Department of Continuing Medical Education
501 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
NOTE: A processing fee of $10.00 is required from participants located outside
MAHECs Western North Carolina region.
Name: ______________________________________________ Date ___________
Address: ____________________________________________
Social Security Number: ___ ___ ___--___ ___--___ ___ ___ ___
Profession: MD/DO ___ NP___ PA ___ Other: __________________
Specialty: _______________________________________
Type of Learners Taught: (Circle all that Apply)
Medical Students Residents NP Students PA Students Other: ________
Circle letter that corresponds to your answer for each question
1) A B C D
2) A B C D
3) A B C D
4) A B C D
5) A B C D
6) A B C D
7) A B C D
8) A B C D
9) T F
10) T F
Please complete the evaluation form on the next page
PROGRAM EVALUATION: Teaching at the Bedside
Rating Scale Range is 5-1
5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair 2=Somewhat Disappointing 1=Poor
Please rate:
1. The monograph overall 5 4 3 2 1
2. The extent to which the learning objectives were met, that you are now able to:
Review past and recent history of bedside teaching. 5 4 3 2 1
Discuss advantages and challenges to teaching at the beside. 5 4 3 2 1
Explore strategies to improve teaching on rounds & at bedside. 5 4 3 2 1
Review techniques for bedside teaching in the office setting. 5 4 3 2 1
3. The relevance of the content to your precepting 5 4 3 2 1
4. The extent to which this format makes it easier for you to participate
in preceptor development activities 5 4 3 2 1
5. What did you like about this monograph (in terms of content or format)?
6. What would make it better?
7. List one idea or recommendation gained from this activity that you will use in your
future clinical teaching.
Check off additional PDP topics that you are interested in learning more about:
_____ Setting Expectations
_____ Effective Feedback
_____ Evaluation: Making it Work
_____ Dealing with the Difficult Learning Situation
_____ Teaching Styles/ Learning Styles
_____ Teaching in the Busy Practice
_____ Characteristics of the Effective Preceptor
Preferred Format(s):
_____ Monograph
_____ World-Wide Web
_____ Lecture/Seminar