Term Paper

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Chapter one

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), Bangladesh (the bank) commenced its banking operations
in Bangladesh in 1948 ater obtaining banking license rom the central bank! Standard
Chartered Bank is incorporated in "ngland by #oyal Charter 18$%, to be read in
con&unction 'ith Standard Chartered Bank (ct 1984! )he liability o its stockholder is
(s per the asset purchase agreement ((*(), bet'een Standard Chartered Bank "ngland
and Standard Chartered +rindlays Bank (SC+B) (ustralia dated ,% -ecember ,..,,
'hich has been duly appro/ed by Bangladesh Bank, SCB took o/er all assets and
liabilities o SC+B and commenced operations as a combined legal entity 'ith eect rom
1 0anuary ,..%!
)he principal acti/ity o SCB Bangladesh is to pro/ide a comprehensi/e #ange o
inancial ser/ice, commercial banking tae ser/ices, cash management treasury and security
and custody ser/ice
Origin of the report:
)his report titled 1Standard Chartered Bank2s Credit 3anagement 4 its -ierent
(spects5 is a thesis paper, 'hich is the integral part o 3B( program!
Scope o the Study6
)he scope o the report is limited at dra'ing descripti/e and analytical rather than critical
presentation o SCB! )he 'hole analysis relects only rom Bangladesh point o /ie'!
Objective of the report6
7 )o amiliari8e 'ith the techni9ues o selecting the borro'ers, credit
in/estigation, pre: sanction analysis o dierent types (d/ances and /arious operational
7 )o ac9uaint 'ith the techni9ue o identiication and rehabilitation o non:
perorming ;oans!
7 )o ac9uaint 'ith the techni9ues o loan structuring and pricing!
7 )o de/elop kno'ledge about the mechanism o credit planing in the conte<t o
Bank2s credit management!
7 )o kno' 'hat e<tra acilities it2s pro/iding to local customers as a oreign bank!
7 (pplication o theoretical kno'ledge in the practical ield!
Research Methodology:
Some undamental steps o research methodology ha/e been adopted through my
speciali8ation ield o study o 3B( program and also rom the ields o other areas! In my
study I had to go or personal interaction 'ith the organi8ational people o Standard
Chartered Bank, -hanmondi #oad =, Branch to conduct the research 'ork!
Sources of information:
Both primary and secondary sources o inormation 'ere being pursued 'ith regards to
the presentations o this study! )he ollo'ing procedure and sources I accessed6
7 >eb page o SCB
7 *rior researches report on this topic!
7?ace to ace interaction 'ith *?C, Cash oicers and Branch sales e<ecuti/e (BS") to
get depth inormation!
7(nnual reports o SCB
7 Signiicant amount o inormation 'as gathered rom secondary sources, such as
bank2s brochures, rele/ant dierent printed ormats, eBBS statements, @utser/es
Limitation of the study:
I ha/e tried my best to pro/ide 'ith all necessary inormation about SCB supplied by *?C
S)3 and BS"! But due to e<hausti/e nature o this study most secret 4 strategic ethics
could not be brought in this report! (s ha/ing the status o the empirical study, this report
is sub&ect to ollo'ing limitations6
1! SCB is ully a centrali8ed bank and all inormation is a/ailable in head oice!
Branch gets inormation 'hen special re9uest is made! Branch employees only can kno'
the inormation that2s a/ailable in eBBS systems
,! Some o the data are sel:generated by ratio analysis, so it 'as diicult to dra'
%! ( 'orth'hile study re9uires the analysis o as much data as possible co/ering
/arious aspects o the study! But I did not ha/e access to the /arious types o inormation
about ;oans 4 ad/ances!
4! )o protect the organi8ational loss in regard o maintaining conidentiality some parts
o the report are not in depth
$! I carried out such a study or the irst time! So, in:e<perience is one o the main
actors that constituted the limitation o the study!
Chapter Two
Snapshot o
Standard chartered Bank
Standard Chartered Bank started its2 business in Bangladesh in 1948, opening its irst
branch in the port city o Chittagong! )he bank increasingly in/ested in manpo'er,
technology and premises as its business gre' in relation to the countryBs thri/ing economy!
(t present the bank has 18 oices in -haka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Chulna, Bogra and
Aarayangan& including the countryBs only oshore banking unit inside the -haka "<port
*rocessing Done at Sa/ar! It also has se/eral ()3 booths and ne'ly opened (uto Billspay
ser/ices! "<tensi/e kno'ledge o the market and essential e<pertise in a 'ide range o
inancial ser/ices indicate its2 strength to build business opportunities or corporate and
institutional clients at home and abroad! It generates ne' products and ser/ices to match
the speciic re9uirements o customers! In Bangladesh Standard Chartered oers ,4:hour
ser/ice through its 3oneylink ()3s! Continuous upgrading o technology (especially in
I) sector) and control systems has enabled the bank to oer ne' ser/ices, 'hich include
uni9ue ()3s, Call Centre and (uto Billspay ser/ice!
Standard Chartered Bank2s ser/ices in Bangladesh, ranges rom *ersonal 4 Corporate
Banking to Institutional Banking, )reasury and Custodial ser/ices! >ith o/er 1$. years o
e<perience in trade inance and an e<tensi/e international branch net'ork, Standard
Chartered is committed to help customers succeed in e/ery competiti/e en/ironment! SCB
applies state:o:the:art technology to automate daily operations and electronic deli/ery
system has been put in place to ensure that transactions are handled s'itly and eiciently!
It adopts a proacti/e approach in tailoring customi8ed packages to meet customersB e/er:
changing needs!
2/ !ear "ise progression of the Standard #hartered $an%

Set up by 0ames >ilson in 18$%, at the re9uest o Eueen Fictoria, the Standard Chartered
Bank aimed to inance and manage trade bet'een the British "mpire and its colonies in
India, (ustralia and China! It mainly operates in (sia:*aciic, ;atin (merica, the 3iddle
"ast and (rica! In all, it has $.. branches in $G countries!
)he o/erseas branch o the Chartered Bank open in Calcutta, Bombay and Shanghai
ollo'ed by Hong Cong and Singapore in 18$9!
)he Standard Bank is incorporated in "ngland and under the ne' title o )he Standard
Bank o British South (rica ;imited!
)he Chartered Bank and )he Standard Bank incorporated as Standard and Chartered
Banking +roup ;imited!
3erger o )he Standard Bank and )he Chartered Bank by the incorporation o Standard
and Chartered Banking +roup ;imited!
Standard Chartered ac9uires the Hodge +roup, 'hose operating company later becomes
Chartered )rust ;imited!
*arent company o the group renames Standard Chartered *;C! Standard Chartered Bank
becomes a clearing bank 'ithin the IC clearing system!
#ecei/e the /ery irst JBest Bank in (sia2 a'ards rom "uromoney maga8ine!
@n ,K (pril, (AD announced the sale o its +rindlays businesses in the 3iddle "ast and
South (sia, and associated +rindlays *ri/ate Banking business, to Standard Chartered
*;C! (AD announces ISL8 million strategic in/estment in Hong Cong, online
stockbroker, B@@3!com! (AD announces sales o +rindlays to Standard chartered or
ISL1!% ((L,!,) billion in cash!
Aumber o shares 1,1K4,$,.,.,.! Aumber o employees (%1M1,M,..%) %.,...! It has $..
branches in $G countries! (t present the bank has 18 oices in Bangladesh!
2/$ /lobal Mar%et
Standard Chartered Bank has its2 'ide /ariety o products and ser/ices are a/ailable the
ollo'ing countries6
frica )an8ania, +hana, Dimbab'e, +ambia, 3orocco, )unisia,
3auritius, Dambia, Aigeria, I/ory Coast, Cenya, Iganda,
Bots'ana, 3ala'i, Seychelles, 3o8ambi9ue, "thiopia
(rgentina, Bra8il, Chile, Colombia, 3e<ico, Fene8uela, *eru
Middle 0ast "gypt, ;ebanon, @man, Bahrain, 0ordan, Eatar, Cu'ait, Saudi
(rabia, I("
sia India, Corea, China, )ai'an, *hilippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia,
*akistan, Sri ;anka, Fietnam, 3yanmar, ?i&i
0urope C8ech #epublic, 3alta, )urkey, Cyprus, *oland
Chapter Three
I did the following jobs in SCB under consumer Banking:
)/1 ccount opening:
)/2&: 3ersonal account6 )his account is eligible or indi/idual or sa/ings,
transaction, in/estment, loans repayment, payroll purpose! It comprises o sa/ings,
current, access,
?oreign currency account (?C), #esident oreign currency accounts (#?C-)!
#e9uirement or personal account6 current, sa/ings and access (single)
1.AOF6 *roperly ills up the account opening orm ((@?)
,.introduction: -uly introduced by an e<isting accounting holder ha/ing
satisactorily relationship 'ith Standard Chartered Bank or at least si< months
*hotographN one copy o account holder photo graph duly signed by introducer
3.Nominee6 signature o nominee on the (@? 'ith ill up the gi/en portion
also 'ith a photo duly attested by applicant!
4.Documents: /alid passportM dri/ing licenseM, /oter I- card,M Holopnama
rom Aotary public 'ith photo signed by authority(aida/it is not acceptable),
organi8ational photo I-!(commissioner certiicate, certiicate rom +a8etted oicer is not
acceptable )
NB! (ny kind o o/er 'riting must be signed by applicant in (@?
Aame, ather2s name, mother2s name, date o birth, address, ha/e to match 'ith
supplied documents! )ransaction proile is one o the integral parts o all account opening!
)/22 : Sole proprietor4 trust4 partnership4 5/Os:
Requirement: ?ill up (@? 'ith sole proprietorship declaration
)rade license
)in certiicate
*assport o proprietorM main signatory
@ne copy o photo graph! In addition to that
*artnership deed in case o partnership
*assport o all partner
COC (orm :,) re9uired or all partner

)/2): 6oreign currency account 76#8:
Isually it is introduce or the person o 'age earners out side Bangladesh! It is also a
oreign currency account! In addition to the normal re9uirement &ob contact letter, copy o
utility bill to /eriy address i applicant 'rite do'n oreign address are also necessary !(ny
Bangladeshi nationals 'ho recei/e salary in non local currency sMhe also can open this
account! #e9uirement is almost same
)/2.: Resident foreign currency account 7R6#98:
)his is a oreign currency account, usually dollar M +B*M"uro account! ( person
needs to /isit outside Bangladesh and can open this account 'ithin %. days o arri/al! )o
get an international credit card it is mandatory! )his account opening needs appro/al rom
head oice! )his account holders does not get any che9uebook or ()3 card, they only
deposit and 'ithdra' oreign currency o/er the counter sho'ing passport! 3inimum
amount is L1... or $.. pound! Code o this account is .1
?ill up o (@?
*assport copy 'ith arri/al date
(ppro/al rom head oice
#?C- declaration

)/$: Statement and certificate preparation:
Statement is send to the correspondence address o account holder according to
instruction! Some time they need statement on urgent basic or /isa purpose! (t that time
'e recei/e a re9uest in a prescribed orm 'ith /eriying signature !'e deli/er it in the ne<t
'orking day! >e charge ,.. and 1$P /at or statements or last one year o/er the counter!
I he re9uires more than one:year statement then 'e send to account ser/ice and it takes %
days to deli/ery! Certiicate is a complicated one! It is normally or ta< purpose! >e gi/e
certiicate concerning interest recei/e and ta< deducted at sources on the account! >e gi/e
certiicate:seeing account e<isting inormation or taking documents rom customer! It is
charged rom his account! >e don2t mention the 'ord 1Sol/ent5! It is completely
restricted! >e may add another statements according to customer instruction ater sae
guarding us!
NB: no statement or certiicate 'ould be deli/ered I minimum balance o the account
belo' ,%.
)/#: :M card services:
"/ery ()3 has e<pire date! It re9uired replacing! I recei/ed the re9uest o ()3
'ith prior one and send it to account ser/ice! Customer collects I ater % 'orking days!
()3 replacement M ne' issue charge is %4$(%..Q /at)
) /9: ccount services:
)/92&: ddress change6 customers some time 'ant to change mailing and permanent
address! )hey ill up a orm and gi/e supporting documents or his address (in case o
permanent address change)! Supporting documents may be -"S(, >(S(, *H@A" bill
copy etc )his is ree o cost!
)/922: Signatory change (delegation o authority)6 some time customer 'ants to add ne'
one as &oint signatory! Customer ills up a orm and a signatory card 'here ne' applicant
signature duly attested by himM her! ( copy o passport or /oter I- or dri/ing license is
re9uired or ne' applicant
)/92): signature change6 i customer 'ant to change signature he ha/e to pro/ide his
any /alid document (re9uired or account opening) and a copy o photograph 'ith orm!
)/0: ccount closing:
Customers ha/e to surrender his che9uebook and ()3 card at the time o closing!
Closing charge is $K$Q e<cise duty (it is applicable i customer has more than 1..... bal!
in last G month) Q any -# balance!
%M6: 3urchasing of Sanchaypatray
Bank purchase Sanchaypatray only on behal o account holder6
)/62&: ( years Sanchaypatray:
Requirement6 ?illing up the prescribed orm!
Check the balance 'hether a/ailable or not!
3atch the signature and /eriy it!
*repare COC and *?C sign
?inally BSS3 appro/al or send

)/622: )monthly interest bearing Sanchaypatray
Requirement6 Same as $ years Sanchaypatray6
)/62 ) :pensioner Sanchaypatray:
Requirement: 1! #etirement certiicate rom department
@riginal copy o pension book
@riginal copy o pension certiicate
@riginal copy o gratuity certiicate
?illing up purchase orm
AB6 ( person cannot purchase Sanchaypatray beyond the total amount he Mshe recei/e at
the time o retirement!
)/62. : ;age earners bond (IS-)6
Bank purchases 'age earners de/elopment bonds (>"-B) on behal o customers!
Customers 'ho ha/e oreign currency account can purchase the bond! )he rate o interest
is 1,!$P!

)//1 Loc%er service:
)//2&: Loc%er opening6
Bank pro/ides saety locker ser/ice to it s customers! (ny account holder can take it!
(ccount holder need to ill up a orm 'ith specimen signatory card! Signatory may not be
more than three! In the orm locker holder must mention the account number rom 'here
locker charge 'ill be debited! (ter clariy all things 'e allocate the applicant a locker and
gi/e him a key!
Type Annual charge Size
Small %... 4!$< K<,%!$
3edium 4,.. 4!$<14<,%!$
;arge $4.. K<14<,%!$
)//22: Loc%er visiting6
;ocker holder can /isit any time 'ithin 9 am to $ p!m! rom Saturday to >ednesday!
But in )hursday /isiting time is 9 am to , p!m! customer 'ould sign the /isiting record
and locker custodian 'ill /eriy it!
)//2): Loc%er charge6
;ocker holder is charged B-) 11$ or per /isit 'ithin oice hours (e!g!6 9 am to % p!m!
rom Saturday to >ednesday! )hursday 9 a!m! to 1 p!m!) Ao charge 'ithin the time %p!m
to $ p!m! and 1pm to , p!m! customers are not allo'ed to /isit i his account balance is
suicient to deduct charges (yearly 4 per /isit charge)!

) //2 .: Loc%er closing6
I any one 'ants to surrender the locker, sMhe needs to surrender the locker key and /isit
the locker inally 'ith custodian! >e keep the key in the /olt and re allocates it!
) /< #all center:
#ecently bank inaugurates a center rom 'here customer can kno' all the account related
4 credit card inormation! He Mshe need to ill up a call center orm and sMhe 'ill gi/en a
pass'ord ()IA)! )his pass'ord is his identity to gi/e inormation! Call center acilities are6
::: Inormation on account balance
::: Inormation o the last $ transactions
:::#e9uest a che9uebook
::: #e9uest a bank statement
::: #ecei/e inormation on oreign currency e<change rate!
::: )alk to a phone Banker regarding6
Inormation regarding other products 4 ser/ices o standard chartered Bank!
Changing o account address
Inormation on remittance
Inorming bank about lost or captured ()3 card
Stop che9ue instruction
#ecei/e instruction rom customer to prepare pay order M demand drat to be
collected at the branch!
@ther account opening assistance
) /I: Receive = delivery of >9#/39#:
>hen the customers close his loan his I-CM*-C (pre/iously gi/en by him) come
back to branches! >e gi/e entry in a registrar and locked it in a bo<! >hen customers
come to recei/e it, 'e recei/e a ackno'ledgement rom him and gi/e him I-CM*-C ater
/eriy signature!
) /?: ;elcome pac%s stoc% maintaining 6
>elcome pack contains an ()3 card and the che9uebook! It is gi/en at the time o
account opening i customer 'ant! >e re9uest around %. 'elcome pack o current, sa/ings
and access account to account ser/ice according to muster number in a printed orm! >e
recei/e 'elcome and our BSS3 ackno'ledge it! >e store these in /olt! "/ery morning 'e
bring out $ 'elcome o each type! (t the end o the day 'e balance the 'elcome in a
prescribed orm and return it to /olt ater signing the balance by cash manager and BSS31
) /@: #ustomers Aueries:
@/er the counter I respond to customer 9ueries! Common 9uires 'as account
balance, money arri/al, account opening, account closing, ()3 replacement, che9uebook
stop, ()3 stop, loan closing,
:ime Study:
:!30S :IM0
(/erage ser/ice time 6
1!K, minutes
1!4$ minutes
,!.4 minutes
(/erage 'aiting time6
9!K9 minutes
K!,1 minutes
11!4% minutes
(/erage no6 o customer ser/e K9,
I obser/e that around 1,:1$ minutes re9uires ser/ing a loan customer! (t that time *?C
can not concentrate to others! Because customer 'ant to kno' dierent loan interest,
installment tenor process o sanction etc! some customer 'ait to talk the speciic *?C! at
that time he Rshe booked chairs that2s makes other standing! 3ore o/er a normal customer
'ith general 9ueries can sol/e the problem through call centre
Motion Study:
)he layout o the bank can be changed to ser/e the customers in the best 'ay! Customers
sometimes ound roaming here and there in the bank because they do not ha/e the proper
instruction as to 'here heMshe shall be ser/ed and ho' he Mshe 'ill be ser/ed! )hat is 'hy a
lot o time spends or a single customer by this time , or % customers could be ser/ed! So
each and e/ery employee o the bank should kno' their assigned task as 'ell as they
should kno' the o/erall banking solution so that they can ser/e M assist the customer in the
spot! But the employee should bear in mind that heMshe ha/e to do his assigned &ob irst!
?igure sho's 9uick customer ser/ice at the right 'ay possible!
A Dianosis of Loans & Advances
4A! 9etailed nalysis of Loans = dvances:
Loans and
2--) 2--2
Secured o/erdrat K,,K$,$4K,$9, G,4.1,.GK,$G9
Sta loan 4%$,K,G,8%K 1%9,84$,4G%
)erm loan ,$,9G,,%99,KG. 18,%9.,G89,$$8
;oan against import 4,,8G,%%$,.4$ %,$K8,8$G,91K
Bills discount and
1,,K9,%91,9$4 1,.1K,49.,489
:otal )+42)+4.2&4&'' 2+4(2,4+.+4++*
4" ::Maturity grouping of loans and advances:
:ypes 2--) 2--2
*ayable on demand 8,,1$,G$9,.GK K,..9,991,48%
;ess than three month KKKK,%K,,1,$ G,8,G,4G.,%8G
3ore than three months but less
than 1 year
8,%%G,%9K,,48 $,1,K,.K9,1%9
3ore than 1 year but less than
11,9%4,K91,8G8 9,1G%,G94,K8,
3ore than $ year 1,G9$,8.8,9,G %8%,,%%,K1K
:otal ),4+*-4-2+42). 2'4(&-4.(+4(-,
4# ::Loans advances B insides and outside $angladesh:

:ypes 2--) 2--2
Inside Bangladesh %K,9G.,.,9 ,8,$1.,4$9
@utside Bangladesh :::: ::::
:otal ),4+*-4-2+ 2'4(&-4.(+

4D ::Loans and advances on the basis of significant concentration:
;oans and ad/anced to the Chie "<ecuti/e and
@ther e<ecuti/es (head)
1$4,K%1,49, G,,.G$,%84
4$ ::)otal number o customers ha/ing credit acilities o more than 1$P o the bank2s
capitals 'as 1. and outstanding amount 'as )C $,K8.,G.%,%K8 as at %1-ecember
,..%!)his does not include any ad/ersely classiied loans!

4%22:: 3articulars of loans and advance:
9escription 2--) 2--2
-ebt considered good in respect o 'hich the
Bank is ully secured
%%,4$4,GK4,18K 9,.K.,G%%,41$
-ebt considered good or 'hich the Bank
holds on other security than the debtor2s
personal security
$,K84,K4K,8K4 ,,.,%,$94,1GK
-ebts considered good and secured by the personal security o one or more parties in
addition to the personal security o the debts!
-ebts considered doubtul or bad ,not pro/ided or
-ebts taken by directors or e<ecuti/es or any o them taken &ointly or separately 'ith other
-ebts due by directors or oicer o the bank or any o them either se/erally or &ointly 'ith
any other person and debts due by companies or irms in 'hich the directors ,partners or
managing agent or in the case o pri/ate companies are members
3a<imum total amount o ad/ance, including temporary ad/ances made at any time during
the period to directors o the Bank are interested as directors, partners or managing agents
or, in case o pri/ate companies, as a members!
-ue rom other banking companies
;oans against 'hich legal actionM
proceedings are taken to reco/er
4%%.4$..8 G4$G8K...
! ;oans 'ritten o during the year %49,441,1.4 ,,$%,,4%.
.//22$ill discounted and purchased:
1! Inside and out side Bangladesh6 2--) 2--2
Inside Bangladesh 1,,1G,K99,4.8 1,..1,.8.,.%8
@utside Bangladesh G,,$9,,$4G 1G,41.,4$1
:otal &42,+4)+&4+(. &4-&,4.+-4.'+
21 Maturity "ise
;ess than 1 month 1$8,84.,$$$ 1,4,%.$,K.1
3ore than 1month less than % months 4.,,9.9,G4$ %1$,%.9,G88
3ore than % months less than G months K1K,G41,K$4 $KK,8K$,1..
3ore than G month
:otal &42,+4)+&4+(. &4-&,4.+-4.'+
4&--/eographical location "ise loans and advance 7including Bbill discounted and

,..% ,...
-haka (rea ,9,41.,8K%,884 ,,,%%.,8%4,KG$
Chittagong (rea 9,..9,,G8,44$ G,891,,8%,,9,
Aarayongon& ,G4,%KK,G9G
Sylhet 4..,991,G8, %.$,8%1,9%9
Bogra %K,841,,89
:otal )+42)+4.2&4&'' 2+4(2,4+.+4++*

4' ::>nclassified4 classified4 doubtful and bad loans and advances:
7Including bill discounted and purchased8
2--) 2--2
Inclassiied %8,1$8,891,188 ,8,98,,%$4,99G
Substandard 119,%,,,... ,,,%%9,...
-oubtul ,,,,K94,... 1,KG4,...
BadR loss K%8,414,... $,1,49,,...
:otal )+42)+4.2&4&'' 2+4(2,4+.+4++*

graphical presentation of classification of Loan:
Geographical Location Wise Loans
Dhaka Area
Chittagong Area
Dhaka Area
Chittagong Area

Latest Loan information as at )- ?une 2--. (according to types o ;oans)
(mount in )housand
:ypes of Loan Received pproved :arget
*ersonal G$9,41K %G,,89K 4G,,4K$
?le<i 1,8,G,$99 G$,,%$4 1,.$%,G.$
(uto 849,.%4 49$,48$ 48G,..4
BI; %,,%,1,9K$ 9,,,,$ 88,,4.%
B?S @/er -rat 18%K.G 1$8K.G
Cash ;ine 1.K4GK9 141,.$
Credit Card 1$KK1 1.%9K 11$G8
Classification of Loans
Bad$ Loss
Bad$ Loss
Sectors:'ise classiication o loans and ad/ances (including bill discounted
and purchased)
,..% ,..,
*ersonal 3ortgage %G.,899,14, 1.8,44,,1%8
*ersonal 1$,994,.$%,89G 11,KK$,K,%,K$$
(griculture, hunting,
orestry and ishing
KK9,$8G,... ,91,K.,,%9.
3anuacturing 14,.,4,$$8,1G9 11,$1%,181,1$G
"lectricity, gas and 'ater 1,8.,,,G8,... 1411%1G8G1
Construction 91,.G1,... 11G9948K1
#eal estate 1,%1$,... 89,G$%
Amount (000)
(ersonal )le*i Ato B+L B)S ,-er Draft Cash Line
Types of Loans
Loans Application ,Approved And Target Relationship
Commerce 1,G$9,994,... 1,,K8,9$G,GG4
)ransport 4communication 1,$8K,9.1,... 8,,,K4$,4.4
Community ,social and
personal ser/ices
91G,,18,... G1$,88$,%4,
?inancing ,insurance and
business ser/ices
1,,84,%K8,... 9,.,4KG,%11
Banks K%K,188,981 GK,,4%$,4$1
)otal %9,,%9,4,1,188 ,9,$,K,949,99G

ectors Wise Loan ! Advances("00#)
9#"1#""" #'#&"""








































Standard chartered ban%
$angladesh branches
6inancial highlights
s at )&st 9ecember 2--)
St 3articulars 2--) 2--2
capital: und deposit 'ith
Bangladesh bank
84$9..$.4 8%.$1944K
total capital including retained
49$K..89G1 41K4.KG...
SurplusM shortage o capital ,4%9K%,..1 ,%%.1KK...
)otal o assets $K%KG.%9,9$ $19%41G,8,K
total deposit 4$4GKK4%899 %9G9,G%4989
total loans and ad/ances %9,%94,1188 %4$.KK99,91
)otal contingent liabilities 4%.%18$,1$% 4.K9G8K,$K%
*roit ater ta< and pro/ision 19$%GK4K%8 114,$K1KGK
(mount o loans classiied during
the year
48K$$414K 4,44$K94
(mount o pro/ision against
classiied loans
(4G%K999) 44GG41KK.
*ro/ision surplusM shortage 1$K8K8... ,%9$%1...
Interest e<penses 18.1GK9$%1 1$.K91GG%,
Aon interest bearing assets $G.84,%8,% 8KK1.11849
interest bearing assets $1KGKG1$4K, 4%1G%1$.9K8
Standard chartered ban% $angladesh
Interest rate matriC 7effective2-& may 2--.8
(! deposit rates
1! current account(;CO 4 ?CO)6
minimum balance re9uired B-) $.... or e9ui/alent
interest rate no interest is paid
,! sa/ings account (;CO)
3inimum balance re9uired B-) 1.....

monthly a/erage balance Interest rate
Belo' B-) 1..... .!..P
B-) 1..... up to B-) $..... 4!..P
B-) $..... up to B-) 1...... 4!,$P
B-) 1...... and abo/e 4!,$P
Aote6 other condition apply (e!g! ma<imum numberM amount 'ithdra'al)
%!super sa/ing account (;CO: ) client relationship
(ccount balance Interest rate
@perating sa/ing account(@S() Ip to B-),$.... .!..P
(bo/e B-) ,$.... %!$.P
I balance alls belo' ,$.... on any day during a month, interest 'ill be oreited or
that ull month
(ccount 3onthly a/erage balance Interest rate
In/estment sa/ings
Ip to B-) $ million $!..P
(bo/e B-) $ million to
B-) 1. million
(bo/e B-) 1. million to
B-) 1$ million
(bo/e B-) 1$ million to
B-) ,. million
(bo/e B-) ,. million G!K$P
4! #esident oreign currency deposit account (#?C-)
3inimum balance re9uired =IS- 1... or +B* $.. or e9ui/alent! Ao interest to be
accrued i the balance alls belo' the minimum amount!
Interest rate = based on international market rate and Bangladesh bank guidelines = to be
ad/ised by global market to all branches rom time to time!
$! S)- (ccount: consumer banking6
3inimum balance re9uired B-) ,$....! i the balance alls belo' ,$...., no interest
'ill be accrued interest rate %!..P to $!..P
!G! S)- (ccount: client relationship
3inimum balance re9uired B-) ,$....! I the balance alls belo' ,$...., no interest
'ill be accrued
Interest rate %!..P to K!$.P
K! i<ed deposit (;CO) : consumer banking6
3inimum amount re9uired6 B-) 1.....
tenor B-) ,m4 belo' (bo/e , m 4 up to
B-) 1. 3
(bo/e B-)1.m
1 month $!..P $!$.P $!$P
% month G!..P G!,P G!%P
G month G!4P G!$P G!K$P
1 year G!$P G!K$ K!..P

Chapter Five
9etails of Loans = dvances
#ash Line
Cash ;ine is a ully secured lending acility! It is intended to meet the emergency cash
needs o the customer! )he customer2s money is tied:up in in/estments but he needs cash
no'! #ather than pulling out his in/estment, he can take a Cash ;ine and meet his
immediate need!
:o this end4 there are 2 basic types of #ash Line: a8 Overdraft
b8 6iCed Loan
Meaning of fully cash2secured
?ully cash secured means that customers can get this acility by pledgingM liening a security
that is either cash or can be /ery easily con/erted to cash! )he amount o the loan is at best,
can be e9ual to the /alue o the security!
securities that can be Deasily converted to cashE
)he securities that SCB considers can be easily encased are +o/ernment issued security
bonds, ICB units, ?i<ed -eposit (ccounts o SCB!
<o" much cash security is reFuired to get this LoanG
Since this is a ully cash secured acility, security is more that the loan amounts! +enerally,
8.P to 9.P o the security present /alue is appro/ed as loan! ;oan amount determined by
the present /alue o the security, not ace /alue!
3eaning 4 dierences o present /alue 4 ace /alue
?ace /alue means the amount o money that none 'ould get i he en cashed the security
today! Sometimes, present /alue o a security is more than the ace /alue because o
interest that has accrued on that security!
)he dierence bet'een the t'o is that, present /alue is al'ays higher that the ace /alue o
the security! *resent /alue contains interest recei/able amount, i any! )he calculation or
cash line loan amount is determined by present /alue
L:H Ratio
;)F means ;oan:to:Falue! Falue! @ther 'ords the ratio bet'een the loan amount and the
/alue o the security deposited! )he /alue here is the present /alue! +enerally, ;)F ratio is
in the range o! 8 to! 9 or 8.P to 9.P o the present /alue o security! #arely, ;)F ratio o
more than 9.P is gi/en as loan! ?or that, Head o Credit 4 Collections and Head o
Consumer Banking2s appro/al is re9uired!
L:H ratios for various forms of Security
Ao, not all types o security 'ill get the customer a loan amount that is 9.P o their
security2s present /alue! ;isted belo' are the dierent ma<imum ;)F ratios or dierent
types o security6
Ip to 9.P o the ace /alue o ?i<ed -eposits o our Bank
Ip to 9.P o the encasement /alue o +o/ernment Sa/ings Certiicates issued by our
Ip to 8.P o the encasement /alue o In/estment Corporation o Bangladesh (ICB)
Init certiicates!
Ip to 8.P o the encasement /alue o +o/ernment Sa/ings Certiicates issued by
other Bank! )he issuing branch must be in a city 'here SCB has a branch!
-eposits o transaction (Mc like S)- (Mc, Sa/ings (Mc, Current (Mc, e/en i it is 'ith SCB
are not accepted as security by CCI!
Overdraft in #S<LI50G
Cash ;ine @/erdrat is an o/erdrat acility! )he limit o the acility is 9.P o the security
/alue pledged to SCB!
6iCed Loan in #ash LineG
Cash ;ine ?i<ed ;oan is an installment loan payable in either monthly or 9uarterly
)he amount that the customer has top pay each month is called "3I:"9uated 3onthly
"ho can get #ash Line
Both Salaried e<ecuti/es and sel:employedMbusinessmen can get Cash ;ine!
purposes for "hich customers can get #ash Line
Customer2s can get Cash ;ine or any o the ollo'ing reasons6
House reno/ations *urchase o *ersonal Computers
3arriages in the amily *urchase o rerigerators
(d/ance rental payments *urchase o urniture
)rips abroad
@ice reno/ations
Hospitali8ation or other emergency medical needs
Higher proessional or tertiary educationM proessional training
*urchase o oice e9uipmentM accessories
*urchase o miscellaneous household appliances
5ote: #ash line can be ta%en for reasons that are not mentioned above4 as long as it is
not an illegal activity1
Minimum and MaCimum Loan available under #ash Line
3inimum ;oan (mount6 )k!8., ...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6 )C!$, ...,...
interest rates in #ash lineG
@/erdrats 1%P Interest #ate *(
Installment loans 11P Interest #ate *(
Builet *ayment loans 11P Interest #ate *(
$ullet 3ayment LoanG
Bullet *ayment ;oan is a i<ed loan to be repaid at the end o the loan period! )he
dierence is that customers can pay their interest installments 9uarterly rather that
monthly! Customers also ha/e the option o paying do'n the principle amount any time
they eel like!
Minimum and MaCimum :enors of #ash Line
3inimum ;oan )enor6 1, months
3a<imum ;oan )enor6 G. months
?or Cash ;ine @-, the acility has to be rene'ed annually!
3rocedure of Loan disbursement
)he loan 'ill be disbursed by crediting the account o the client! )he customer mentions
the account 'here the loan 'ill disburse or the account that an o/erdrat limit 'ill be
attached to! I the applicant does not ha/e an account 'ith us an account is opened 'ith
18ero balance5 or the loan purpose!
6ees = charges of #ash Line
*rocessing ?ee6 1P o appro/ed loan amount or B-) ,..., 'hiche/er is higher!
@ther Charges6 B-) 1... or o/erdrat rene'al charge at annual inter/al!
"arly settlement ?ee6 B-) 1...
*rincipal reduction ee or bullet *ayments6 B-) $.. e/ery time
:hird 3arty Security
)hird *arty security is security in a person2s name that is not the applicant! )hird party
securities are acceptable to the bank!
6ormalities in case of )
party security
)hird party2 s signature against the specimen attached to the original instrument is
to /eriied
)hird party instrument to be sent to the issuing oice or /eriication and 'ritten
conirmation on lien marking and encashment o instrument!
)hird party2 s conirmation to be obtained 'ith regard to lien marking and authority
or encashment o securities!
Loans repayment procedure
#ash line 6iCed Loan: "3I 4 Bullet *ayments
Customers 'ill repay the loan by 3onthly Installments or Cash ;ine ?i<ed ;oan! ?or
Bullet *ayment arrangements, customers aMc holders and SCB non:aMc holders!
#ustomers "ith /c "ith S#$: )hey can put a standing order in their aMc that 'ill
automatically take the "3I e/ery month! )he beneit o Standing order is, that it can be
set or any date o the month!
#ustomers "ith no prior /c "ith S#$: )hey can gi/e *ost -ated Che9ues (*-C)s or
the entire loan tenure! )he *-C s 'ill be dated 1st, 8th 1$th or ,Gth o each month
Customer 'ill ha/e to choose one date among the our or all @-C s
<o" "ill the #ustomers repay the LoansG
#ash Line O9:
Cash ;ine @- is a utili8ation:based product! Interest is based on utili8ation!
Interest is charged daily on the utili8ation! (t the end o the 9uarter the accred interest
'ill 1hit5 the collection account! Since all Cash ;ine @- customers are SCB account
holders, a standing order 'ill be in place on the transaction aMc, 'hich 'ill automatically
transer the interest amount to collection account!
penalties for missing an installment
)he penalty or missing an installment is that an additional ,4P penal interest 'ill be
charged on the outstanding amount! )his interest 'ill be charged daily on the outstanding
amount till the customer pays the outstanding!
#ash Line O9Is limit can be enhanced/ decreased
Oes, Cash ;ine @-2 limit can be enhanced or decreased! ;imit can be enhanced
"ither by submitting more security!
(pplying to the Bank saying that the present /alue o security has increased,
thereore his limit can be enhanced!
;imit can be decreased by6
By 'ithdra'ing or en cashing security!
9ocuments reFuired at the time of loan approval
-uring loan appro/al the documents re9uired are G:months2 latest account statement! )he
security to be pledged must also be 'ith the application papers! In case the loan is o/er
)C! $lac, a /alid identiication is re9uired!
9ocuments reFuired at the time of loan disbursement
)he documents that must bear customer2s signature are6
-emand *romissory Aote
;etter o Continuation
Indated ;etter(authori8ing the bank to encash security at its discretion)
( dated letter authori8ing the bank to put date on the undated letter!
;etter o ;ien 4 Set:o o/er -eposit aMc (in case security is ?-#)!
@riginal receipt o ?-# signed 4 surrendered by customer!
;etter o +uarantee (in case security is in %

rd party2s name)
?illed in Banking (rrangement ;etter!
D#ross #ollectiviJationE
1 Cross Collecti/i8ation5 means using the same security or to' or more lending acility!
Suppose some one has lac 'orth o % 3S*! He takes ?le<i ;oan pledging %lac o that %
3S* as collateral! >ith the remaining K lac he took a Cash ;ine o )C G!% lac o!
So, this security o 1. lac is used or a Cash ;ine and a ?le<i ;oan! )hus the security
Is said to be cross collateri8ed or simple said 1Crossed5
In a more comple< scenario, a year later, the present /alue o the security has increased
(interest) and by paying his installments he has reduced the outstanding o both acilities!
)his security re9uired to co/er this reduced outstanding is less than 'hat it 'as a year ago!
So no', the customer can apply or another acility 'ith the 1reed:up5 security!

0Cample of charge documentsG
-emand *romissory Aote, ;etter o Continuation2 ;etter o ;ien and Set:@/er -eposit,
;etter o Hypothecation these documents are called charge documents!
;hy are these documents importantG
Incase the customer deaults on his installment payments, and then these documents
'ill help us establish our right in court to li9uidate his loan by encashing customer2s
@nly the customer can sign on these documents! Bank employees or representati/es
must not sign or stamp a seal on these pages
Methods of verifying signature of applicant
)he best 'ay to /eriy signature is to stamp a 1Signature Feriication5 seal on the
customer2s signature on the inside ront co/er o the booklet! )he *erson doing the
/eriication must also gi/e his ull signature and stamp hisMher oicial seal! In this 'ay, the
signature there becomes /eriied and could be used as reerence or all other customer
signatures throughout the application orm!
I the signature on the security dier rom the signature on the application
I this happens then the loan can still be disbursed, but 'hat is done here is that a *ersonal
guarantee is taken! In that guarantee the applicant signing 'ith the signature on the security
is /irtually guaranteeing the application orm signature! )he t'o Signatures are to'
separate entities, one standing in guarantee or the other!
personal loan
It is a loan oered to indi/iduals or some gi/en purposes and is to be repaid by
e9ual monthly installments! Ao security is needed or this loan! )he monthly
installment is called "3I!
Meaning of 0MI
"3I or "9uated 3onthly Installment is the amount a customer has to pay e/ery
month to pay back that loan! (Click the underlined 'ords or details o *ersonal
;oan "3I)
3ersons eligible to get personal Loan
Salaried employees o 3ACs, ;arge local corporate bodies, A+@s, International
aid agencies, IA bodies, (irlines! +o/ernment employees, businessmen and sel:
employed proessionals can also get this loan!
Since no security is taken, the income o the applicant is gi/en prime consideration!
)hereore, based on employment applicants are di/ided into segments!
9ifferent type of segments
Segment &: "<ecuti/es o listed local corporate bodies and multinationals 'hich ha/e a
corporate relationship 'ith us, ha/e been maintaining their salary (MC 'ith us and ha/e a
history o "@SB ("nd:o:Ser/ice:Beneit) payment o their employees through SCB
0Cample: "<ecuti/es o ;e/er Brothers, British (merican )obacco Company, Ao/artis
Segments 2: "<ecuti/es o Supra Aationals sector 'ho ha/e their salary (MC 'ith us!
0Cample: "<ecuti/es o I;@, >orld Bank, (-B and other IA agencies!
Segment ): this segment is urther di/ided into % categories!
#ategory &: "mployees o corporate bodies, "ducational Institutes, A+@ 'ho
ha/e salary (MC 'ith us only!
#ategory 2: "mployees o corporate bodies, "ducational Institutes, A+@ 'ho are
paid salary through (MC 'ith other banks!
#ategory ): "mployees o corporate bodies, "ducational Institutes, A+@ 'ho are
paid salary in cash!
#ategory .: Sel:employed proessionals and businessmen!
Reasons for segmentation
#emember, no security is taken or this loan! )he bank considers the salary o the
applicants as security! So 'e segregate the applicants based on their salary and Beneit
relationship 'ith us! )hat is 'hy those 'hose employers ha/e a corporate relationship 'ith
us, they get their salary through SCB and their employer keeps their pension and other
sta beneit und 'ith us are in one segment! >e eel that 'e can assess their income
correctly and in case o deault are in a good place to collect the remaining amount!
IA agencies, I;@, (-B >orld Bank stas are considered sae and reliable so they are in
another segment! (ll other are in segment:%! Segment:% is considered more risky since it
contains businessmen and e<ecuti/es 'ho do not get their salary through us or in cash!
(s you 'ill read through this module, you 'ill learn that since 'e do not take any security,
monthly income becomes /ery important in gi/ing this loan! Segmentation is done based
on their salary and pension 'ith or 'ithout us and 'ho their employer is!
S#$ reluctant to give 3ersonal Loan to the follo"ings1
*eople 'orking in garments, restaurants, car sho'rooms, tradingM indenting irms,
-eense @icials!
purposes of getting a 3ersonal Loan
)he purposes or 'hich ?le<i ;oan can be a/ailed are6
House reno/ation
*urchase o miscellaneous household appliances!
3arriages in the amily!
(d/ance rental payments!
Hospitali8ation or other emergency medical needs!
)rips abroad!
Higher proessional or tertiary educationMproessional training!
@'ners o sole proprietorships can apply in their personal name not in their
company name! )hey can take the loan to buy oice urniture and machinery but not
or 'orking capital and hea/y industrial machinery!
#emember6 *urpose o the loan must be clearly 'ritten in the speciied space
3ost Important6 )he -B ratio o the applicant must support the loan amount!
9ifferences in loan for the different segments
)he dierence is in the ma<imum loan amount and documentation re9uired!
0ligibility criteria for Segment2& applicants
Aationality6 Bangladeshi
Salary6 3inimum Aet monthly Salary B-) 1.,...!
>ork "<perience6 3inimum G months o continuous employment 'ith present employer!
3inimum (ge6 ,%yrs
3a<imum (ge6 "ither G$ years or the loan tenor must end beore retirement!
)he options that 'ill gi/e a lesser number 'ill be taken!
Security6 Ao security or *ersonal guarantee is re9uired or this segment!
Interest #ate6 19!$P
3inimum ;oan (mount6 B-) G.,...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6 B-) 1 3illion or 1$ times o Aet Salary, 'hiche/er is
)his segment can get loans o more than B-) 1 3illion but the applicant2s "nd:@:
Ser/ice:Beneits must also be more than B-) 1 3illion! )his amount 'ill ha/e to be
declared be the employer o the applicant! )he loan amount 'ill be e9ual to the declared
amount! )his is segment:12s biggest beneit!
9ocuments reFuired
Salary *ayment /oucherMpay slip
;etter o introduction rom H# or ?inance or ;ine manager!
Salary assignment rom H#M*ersonal department !
(ssignment o "@SB ("nd:o Ser/ice:Beneit) !
;ast G month2s aMc statement!
Signed -emand *romissory Aote!
I the applicant 'ants to repay the loan in more than % years then heMshe 'ill ha/e to
sign the letter o continuation!
1 undated che9ue or the entire amount! ()o be gi/en only ater loan is appro/ed)!
@ne *hotograph
Ao *ersonal +uarantee is re9uired or this Segment!
0ligibility criteria for Segment22
#ategory 21) = .:
Aationality6 Bangladeshi
Salary6 3inimum Aet monthly Salary B-) 1,,...!
>ork "<perience6 3inimum G months o continuous employment 'ith present employer!
?or Sel:employed 4 Businessmen6 3inimum % years in business or sel:
3inimum (ge6 ,%yrs
3a<imum (ge6 "ither G$ years or the loan tenor must end beore retirement!
)he options that 'ill gi/e a lesser number 'ill be taken!
?or Sel:employed 4 Businessmen6 $$ years
Security6 @nly *ersonal guarantee is re9uired or this segment!
Interest #ate6 19!$P
3inimum ;oan (mount6 B-) G.,...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6
?or Salary (MC >ith @ther Banks6 B-) 1 3illion or 8 times o Aet Salary, 'hiche/er is
?or Sel:employed, Businessmen 4 those 'ho get salary in cash6 B-) 1 3illion or G
times o Aet income, 'hich is lo'er!
6ollo"ing documents Segment2) customers "ill give at the time of
#ategory &42 = ) 7Salaried Individual8:
Salary *ayment /oucherMpay slip
;etter o introduction rom H# or ?inance or ;ine manager!
;ast G month2s aMc statement!
*ersonal +uarantee!
Salary certiicate rom H#M*ersonal department !
(ssignment o "@SB ("nd:o Ser/ice:Beneit) !
Signed -emand *romissory Aote!
I the applicant 'ants to repay the loan in more than % years then heMshe 'ill ha/e to
sign the letter o continuation!
1 undated che9ue or the entire amount! ()o be gi/en only ater loan is appro/ed)!
*ost:dated che9ues! (i salary aMc is not 'ith SCB)
@ne *hotograph
0ligibility criteria for Segment2) applicants
Category:16 Salary (ccount 'ith SCB
Aationality6 Bangladeshi
Salary6 3inimum Aet monthly Salary B-) 1.,...!
>ork "<perience6 3inimum G months o continuous employment 'ith present employer!
3inimum (ge6 ,%yrs
3a<imum (ge6 "ither G$ years or the loan tenor must end beore retirement! )he options
that 'ill gi/e a lesser number 'ill be taken!
Security6 @nly *ersonal guarantee is re9uired or this segment!
Interest #ate6 19!$P
3inimum ;oan (mount6 B-) G.,...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6 B-) 1 3illion or 1. times o Aet Salary, 'hiche/er is
6ollo"ing documents Segment2) customers give at the time of application
#ategory2. 7$usinessmen = Self2employed8
Falid trade ;icense!
Certiied true copy o 3emorandum and (rticles o (ssociation o the ;imited Co
'ith ?orm S, ?orm SII and ?orm SFII!
*artnership -eed or partnership business
*ersonal +uarantee!
Bank statements o the last 1, months
@ne undated che9ues (I-C) or total payment amount (Installments times the
"3I), is re9uired during disbursement o loan!
*ost dated che9ues (*-C) or each "3I (i (MC is not maintaining 'ith us), is
re9uired during disbursement o loan!
@ne *hotograph
3rocess of Loan disbursment
)he loan 'ill be disbursed by crediting the account o the customer! I the applicant does
not ha/e an account 'ith us an account is opened 'ith 1Dero balance5 or the loan
3rocess of loan repayment
Customers 'ill repay the loan by 3onthly Installments!
Customers 'ith (MC 'ith SCB6 )hey can set a standing order in their aMc that 'ill
automatically take the "3I e/ery month! )he beneit o Standing order is, that it can
be set or any date o the month!
Customers 'ith no prior (Mc 'ith SCB6 )hey can gi/e *ost -ated Che9ues (*-C) s or the
entire loan tenure! )he *-C s 'ill be dated 1st, 8
, 1$
or ,G
o each month! Customer
'ill ha/e to choose one date among the our or all *-C s!
:ime of &st installment due
?irst payment 'ill be 'ithin $9 days ater loan disbursement!
Installment payment periods
?or Segment 1, , 4 Category 1 o Segment %6 )he loan can be paid back in a minimum o
1, installments and a ma<imum o G. installments!
?or Segments % (Category , 4 %)6 )he loan can be paid back in a minimum o s1,
installments and a ma<imum o 48 installments!
3enalties for missing an installment
)he penalty or missing an installment is that an additional ,4P penal interest 'ill be
charged on the outstanding amount! )his interest 'ill be charged daily in the outstanding
amount till the customer pays the outstanding!
#ustomer can repay the loan before maturity
Customers can settle the loans beore maturity! ?or that there is an early settlement ee or
Meaning of :op >p
)op:Ip6 Simply said, )op:Ip means additional loan under the same acility!
0ligibility for :op2>3
?I#S), the loan must be at least 1 year old! "<isting customers 'ho ha/e ne/er missed ,
installments, consecuti/ely or separately! In other 'ords, only those 'ho ha/e regular
repayment record can get top:up o their loan!
#emember6 @ne customer can ha/e ma<imum o , top:ups or 1 acility! )here 'ill be no
top:up! )he customer then 'ill ha/e to apply or a ne' loan!
dditional Loan thing
(dditional loan is nothing but a ne' loan gi/en to the same customer! (ll documentation
and eligibility criteria are the same!
(dditional or subse9uent loans are gi/en only 'hen the applicant2s -B ratio meets our
disbursement criteria!
0Cample of the charge documents
-emand *romissory Aote, ;etter o Continuation, and ;etter o ;ien and Sel:o o/er
-eposit, ;etter o Hypothecation these documents are called charge documents!
Importance of these documents
Incase the customer deaults on his installment payments, and then these documents
'ill help us establish our right in court to li9uidate his loan by en cashing
customer2s security!
@nly the customer can sign on these documents! Bank employees or representati/es
must not sign or stamp a seal on these pages!

uto loan
9istinguishing featureN
;oan amount unto K$P o car /alue
*ayable in a ma<imum o G. monthly installments
;o'est interest rate in the market!
#ustom designed
>ith standard chartered auto loan it is easier than e/er to buy the car you al'ays 'anted
because only standard chartered oer one the option o buying brand ne' car,
reconditioned car or used car! (uto loan oers complete le<ibility in structuring your
loan! Oou can choose your loan tenure, cash security re9uirement, loan amount and e/en
the interest rate on your acility! (uto loan also oers you an option o early settlement or
partials payment o your loan i the need arises!
:rouble free
)here is no re9uirement to pro/ide personal guarantee or cash security to 9ualiy or an
auto loan! I you choose to pro/ide %.P or more o the loan amount as cash security you
'ill en&oy a higher loan amount and discounted interest rate
(uto loan is designed to make lie easier or you! >e oer you easy repayment options
and the reedom to choose your repayment period =rom 1 year to $ years depending on
your car! ?or your better understanding installment amounts or dierent tenors or 1.....
are sho'n in the ollo'ings

Installment amount or B-) 1..... loan
Interest rate &2
1%P 89%, 4K$$ %%K. ,G8% ,,KG
1%!$P 89$G 4KK8 %%94 ,K.8 ,%.1
1%!K$P 89GK 4K9. %4.G ,K,1 ,%14
14P 89K9 48., %418 ,K%% ,%,K
*lease note that interest rate 'ill depend on the security amount you 'ill pro/ide
I5#OM0 SS0SSM05: MO9>L0 6OR >:O LO5
3ethods or Statement (nalysis o Sel "mployed *roessional or Businessmen
(s o no' there has been no ormali8ed income assessment module or calculate income o
applicants or auto lone! >e ha/e been using modules used or ?le<i ;oan to calculate
incomes! >hile using these modules 'e ha/e identiied many loopholes and dra'backs,
'hich 'e ha/e addressed no'! In the proposed modules used or dierent product are
described belo'!
:ype of ccounts ta%en into consideration:
1! *ersonal aMc
,! *roprietorship aMc
%! *artnership aMc
4! ;imited Company aMc
I! ?or personal accounts, aMc must be in single name o &oint names 'ith spouse!
II! ;oan "ligibility calculation rom *artnership and ;imited Company accounts!
)o deri/e an indi/idual2s income rom company accounts 'ith credit acilities (cc or
pro&ect loan), irstly the company2s liabilities are deducted rom the gross monthly credit
turno/er or a/erage balance to deri/e the net credit turno/er or a/erage balance,
respecti/ely! )hen the net igure is apportioned to the applicant as per hisMher share in the
Methods >sed for pplicant "ith Repayment <istory "ith S#$:
Since the risk proit o an e<isting customer is dierent rom a ne' customer, methods
used to determine income o an e<isting aMc holder is some'hat rela<ed! ?ollo'ing are the
methods used or an e<isting aMc holder!
Method &2 #onsistent verage $alance in a/c: 66
)his method is used or customers 'ho maintain a steady and consistent balance in their
account! >e e<tract the a/erage balance igure rom the system and allo' a loan amount
'ith *#@*@S"- "3I i less than or e9ual to ,$P o the a/erage balance!
"3I T (/erage Balance M 4
Conditions (pply6
1! 3inimum Balance o the account at any period in the last 1,:months must be e9ual
to the "3I amount!
,! 3ust ha/e at least 1 year o account relationship!
%! (ccount must be operati/eMtransactional and must match 'ith business nature!
Method 22 Inconsistent verage $alance: 66
)his method is basically used or customers 'ho do not ha/e re9uired balance in their
account, but has a good repayment history! )hey are eligible to get a loan 'ith "3I
e9ui/alent to the "3I o the pre/ious loan they ha/e satisactory repaid in ull 'ithin the
last G months!
Conditions (pply6
1! 3inimum 1:year repayment history o an "3I based loan!
,! *re/ious loan 'as settled not beore G months o the ne' application!
%! *re/ious loan ne/er 'ent to G.Q-*-!
4! *re/ious loan ne/er 'ent to %.Q-*- more than t'ice during the loan tenor!
1!4 3ethods Ised or Customers 'ith no *re/ious Borro'ing History o aMc #elationship
'ith SCB6
Regular a/c "ith Satisfactory verage $alance: 6:
)he ollo'ing method is used or customers o this category!
Income T 3onthly (/erage Balance U 1.P:%.P
3onthly (/erage Balance T (@pening Balance Q 3id:month balance Q Closing
Balance)M%N i the customer does not 9ualiy this method, then the ollo'ing method can be
3onthly a/erage balances6 %. days actual a/erage balance
Aote6 Income has been considered ma<imum up to %.P o a/erage balance since the
a/erage balance is the net igure deri/ed ater considering all debits and credits rom the
account! )his is the igure, 'hich can be disposed or any urther commitment!
Aote6 P has been increased since a/erage balance is the net igure ater considering all
debits and credits rom the amount!
Conditions (pply6
1! ?or business aMc, transaction in the aMc must match 'ith the nature o business! (n
aMc 'ith suicient a/erage balance may not be considered i the aMc transaction
does not match 'ith nature o business!
,! ;atest 1, months a/erage balance 'ill be taken into consideration! Ho'e/er, latest
G months a/erage balance 'ill be taken or aMc 'ith declining trend o a/erage
%! >hen a business aMc statement 'ith o/er at acility is pro/ided, a/erage credit
turno/er o @- aMc is considered to deri/e income!
4! )rend o monthly a/erage balance 'ill be considered and any e<tra ordinary
a/erage balance o a particular month 'ill not be considered that may ha/e arisen
out o a non business transaction like sale o property, li9uidation o security or
transer rom another aMc etc!
$! ( ma<imum o one in'ard clearing che9ue returned or insuicient und is
allo'ed o/er a one:month period!
Overdraft ccount "ith Halid ## Limit: 60
)his method is basically used or assessing aMc 'ith @- acility! Since the a/erage balance
o aMc 'ith @- acility gi/e us a negati/e igure (-r Balance), this method is used deri/e
the income!
Income T (/erage 3onthly Credit )urno/erU,P : $.P
3onthly Credit )urno/er T Summation o total monthly credits!
Conditions (pply6
i! )he percentage actor o the credit turno/er 'ill depend on the o business!
ii! (ccount s'ing o the o/erdra'n balance is to be obser/ed!
iii! (ccount discipline o the o/erdrat aMc is to be obser/ed! ( proposal may be
declined i o/erdra'n balance re9uently goes o/er appro/ed limit!
i/! "<tra ordinary credit that may ha/e arisen out o a non:business transaction like
sale o property, li9uidation o security o transer rom another aMc etc 'ill not
be taken into consideration!
/! )rend o a/erage monthly credit turno/er and natural o transaction is matched
'ith nature o business! In case o mismatch, the application may be declined!
/i! ( ma<imum o one in'ard clearing che9ue returned or insuicient und is
allo'ed o/er a %:month period!
/ii! ( ma<imum o 1$:day grace period is allo'ed or regulari8ation o e<cess,
only at 9uarter ends!
/iii! Credit may decline applications i the e<cess seems to be inauthentic or
verage #redit :urnover in Regular ccount 75e" approach8 6R
)his method is used or accounts 'ith strong credit s'ing but 'eak "@- balance! Inder
this method ;imited Company account, proprietorship account, partnership account and
personal account can be considered!
Income T (/erage 3onthly Credit )urno/erU,P : $.P
3onthly Credit )urno/er = Summation o total monthly credits!
Condition6 *#@*@S"- "3I must be less than or e9ual to ,$P o the a/erage balance o
the account (company or personal) based on 'hich the loan is assessed!
Conditions (pply6
i! ?or business aMc, transaction in the aMc must match 'ith the nature o business!
(n aMc 'ith, suicient a/erage balance may not be considered i the aMc
transaction does not match 'ith nature o business!
ii! ;atest 1, months Credit )urno/er 'ill be taken into consideration! Ho'e/er,
latest G months a/erage credit turno/er 'ill be taken or aMc 'ith declining
trend o credit!
iii! )rend o monthly current transactional account 'ill be considered and any e<tra
ordinary credit /olume o a particular month 'ill not be considered that may
ha/e arisen out o a non business transaction like sale o property, li9uidation o
security or transer rom another aMc etc!
i/! ( ma<imum o one in'ard clearing che9ue returned or insuicient und is
allo'ed o/er a %:month period!
/! )he percentage actor o the credit turno/er 'ill depend on the nature o
/i! (ccount s'ing is to be obser/ed!
/ii! )he a/erage balance o the said account must be e9ual to 4 times o the
proposed loan "3I!
/iii! )he balance in the said account at any gi/en point o time remains suicient to
co/er 1 loan "3I!
Income ssessment Method for Self20mployed 3rofessionals and Landlords:
Conditions (pply6
i! @nly personal aMc in single name or in &oint name 'ith spouse is taken into
ii! )he credit in the aMc has to be regular as per the nature o the income!
iii! )he lump sum credits that may ha/e arisen out o sale o property, security or
any other e<tra ordinary credits that does not match 'ith the nature o the
income 'ill not be taken into consideration!
Income ssessment Method for Self20mployed 9octors: 69
)here are a lots sel employed proessionals (like doctors) 'ho deals in cash and thus their
inancial 'orth is not truly relected in their bank statement, but they are socially reno'ned
4 earn a handsome amount rom consulting practices! )hey also ha/e demonstrated
satisactory repayment beha/ior earlier!
Aet Income T Ip to $.P o (/erage Credit )urno/er in the personal aMc
Credit )urno/er T Summation o all monthly credits
Income ssessment Method for Landlord: 6L
)here are a lots sel employed personnel2s (like ;andlordM;andlady) 'ho deals in cash and
thus their inancial 'orth is not truly relected in their bank statement, but they are sol/ent
4 ha/e credit 'orthiness! )hey also ha/e demonstrated satisactory repayment beha/ior in
dierent times! )he basic 9uest o credit is to ind out the ability and 'illingness o a
customer to reply the loan!
Aet Income T -eclared rental income supported by the rental agreement 4 /eriied by
third party agency!
Conditions (pply6
(t least ,$P o declared rental income should be relected in the aMc!
Falid rental agreement should be pro/ided 'ith cash /ouchers along 'ith related title
Income ssessment Method for Self 0mployed 3rofessionals
7ccountants/ #onsultants4 0ngineers4 rchitects8: 63
It has been obser/ed that particular classes o sel employed proessionals like "ngineers,
(ccountantsN Consultants hold a /ery respectable position in the society ha/ing strong peer
inluence! )hese proessionals tend to be committed to their proession during their entire
career! @/erall repayment history o this segment is also satisactory as their cash inlo'
deemed to be regular due to their proession and their career are also e<tended beyond the
normal retirement age! )hese proessions can continue and lourish in their career as
reelancers 'ithout depending on others!
Aet Income T ,$P o (/erage Credit )urno/er in the personal aMc
T 1.P : ,$P o a/erage Credit )urno/er in the company
account (*ro/ided account is a sole proprietorship
Credit )urno/er T Summation o all monthly credit
Income ssessment for #ustomers "ith Multiple $an% Statements:
It has been obser/ed that due to the /olatile inancial en/ironment 4 shiting o oice o
the businessmen, these customers tend to shit their account one bank to the other and
hence ails to meet the 1:year relationship 'ith other bank as per the *-- criteria! (s per
the standard module, ractional bank statements ($ months rom one bank and the rest rom
other to make a complete one:year o transaction) are not considered! )hrough these
statements contain continuity o substantial transaction!
Aet Income T as per calculation guideline gi/en earlier or (/erage balance
and Credit turno/er!
Condition (pply6
i! (ll conditions 'ill remain in orce as ad/ised under a/erage balance and credit
turno/er methods!
ii! Ho'e/er proper &ustiication has to be gi/en to retrie/e the true reason or aMc
hopping 'ithin 1 year!
iii! 3a<imum , ractional statements must make up the basic re9uirement o 1
year! @nly one s'itch in the last 1 year is accepted!
i/! 3ain aMc has to be maintained or a minimum o 1 year and the support aMc or
at least G months to be acceptable or income assessment!

6lo" chart of 6leCi Loan process
Consumer Credit Init ((ppro/al)
Contact *oint Feriication (C*F)
Statement Feriication
(ppro/ed -eclined
#eturn to Source
(sset @ps
Meaning of 6leCi Loan
?le<i ;oan a partially secured loan acility gi/en or any legitimate purpose!
)he loan can be either partially secured o ully secured! )he security or the
loan should be in a readily encashable orm!
)his loan is repayable in "9uated 3onthly Installments V"3I
?le<i ;oan cannot be taken as 'orking capital or any business purpose
3a<imum ;oan Installment is G. installments
3inimum ;oan (mount6 B-) 1..,...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6 B-) $,...,...
3ersons eligible for 6leCi Loan
6leCi loan targeted for
"mployees o reputed ;oan Corporate, 3ultinationals, A+@S, pri/ate uni/ersities,
International (id (gencies, IA bodies and (irlines!
+o/ernment "mployees
Sel:employed proessionals (-octors, "ngineers, Chartered (ccountants and
3ersons not eligible for 6leCi Loan
*eople 'orking in any sole:proprietorship M partnership irm(garments, restaurants, car
sho'rooms, tradingM indenting irms)
-eense oicials!
Business e<perience less than % years!
purposes for "hich 6leCi Loan sanction
)he purposes or 'hich ?le<i ;oan can be a/ailed are /ery particular! )hey
House reno/ation
3arriages in the amily!
(d/ance rental payments!
Higher proessional or tertiary educationM proessional training!
*urchase o 3iscellaneous household appliances

purpose for "hich 6leCi loan cannot be ta%en

?le<i ;oan cannot be used or business purposes like 'orking capital and
buying industrial machinery! But doctors, architects, Cash, engineers 'ho
ha/e pri/ate practices can use this loan to buy their oice machines, oice
e9uipment2sM accessories or oice reno/ation!
Interest rate of 6leCi Loan
Interest #ate6 Interest rates depend on readily encashableM cash securities are
pro/ided by the clients! #ates are6
14P annually I security /alue T 1..P o loan amount
1GP annually I security /alue T $.P to 99P o loan amount
18Pannually I security /alue T %.Pto49P o loan amount
processing ?ee6 1P o appro/ed loan amount or B-) ,.., 'hiche/er is higher
Aote 6 #eadily encashableM cash securities need to be acceptable to bank!
)a< )k (11,...)
)otal -eduction )k (,,,...)
@ther (llo'ance
House rent allo'ance )k 1.,...
)otal other (llo'ance )k! 1.,...
Aet Salary )k! K%,...
He has a *ersonal ;oan o SCB 'ith an "3I o )C! %,%G,
He has credit card 'ith the limit B-) 1..,...
Ao', he 'ants ?le<i ;oan o )k! 8!,$ lac or 4 years!
His -B ratio 'ill be6 ((ll "3Is Q%P o credit card limit) M Aet 3onthly income
His "3I or ne' ?le<i loan 'ill be6 ,9!,4 * 2%& : %35#%' /er
DB ratio : ;'5'1% < %35#%' < '5""" < 1"""= > ;7'5""" < 15"""=
: ;'1532& > 795"""=
: "?31 or 31% is 7ithin his DB ratio? So he 7ill get the Loan?
Meaning of 0MI
"3I or "9uated 3onthly Installment is the e9ual amount a customer has to pay e/ery
month to set o that loan!
0MI table or ?le<i:loan
Interest rate 1, 3onths ,4 3onths %G 3onths 48 3onths G. 3onths
14P 89!K9 48!.1 %4!1. ,K!,$ ,%!19
1$P 9.!18 48!4. %4!$8 ,K!,4 ,%!K.
1GP 9.!K% 48!9G %$!.G ,8!,4 ,4!,1
18P 91!G8 49!9% %G!., ,9!,4 ,$!,$
Ho' 'ill you get the actual "3I amount rom this table6 Select the tenor (months) and the
interest rate! )hen multiply the loan amount in thousands 'ith the corresponding actor
and you 'ill ha/e the "3I or that tenor and that interest rate!
?or e<ample6 3r, #i8/i, a businessman, 'ants to take a ?le<i loan o )k! ,. lac by
pro/iding %$P readily encashable M cash security! He 'ants to repay the loan in % years! So
his tenor 'ill be %G months, interest rate 'ill be 18Pand the corresponding actor 'ill be
%G!.,!)hat 'ill be multiplied by ,..., since ,. lac means ,... thousand!
)hereore, his "3I 'ill be6 %G!., < ,... T K,,.4.!
Similarly, someone 'anting a 1, lac )aka loan by pro/iding $.P readily encashable M cash
security or , years 'ould ha/e an "3I o6
1,.. < 48!9G T $8,K$,
Aote6 "3I must be 'ithin the -ebt: Burden #atio! Oou ha/e the option to ad/ice the
customer to take a lo'er amount o loan i the "3I does not support his -B ratio!
"<ample o -B #ation Calculation6
3r! 0unayed is a salaried "<ecuti/e o a ;arge ;ocal Corporate!
3onthly +ross:Income )k! 8$,...
*ro/ident und
Internal ;oan
Meaning of 9ebt2$urden Ratio
-ebt:Burden #atio (-B#) is the ratio bet'een applicants2s pro/en monthly income and
his M her total monthly repayment commitments to'ards all loans and credit card! So, -B
#atio T ((ll "3I s Q%P o Credit Card limit)M Aet 3onthly Income
Aet monthly income T +ross salary = (pro/ident und Q ta<es Q ;ea/e ?air (llo'ance
QBonusN yearly, 9uarterly, i sho'n in the monthly break do'n)
It represents the portion o his M her monthly income 'hich can be used to ser/ice the
loan installment or "3I!
)he monthly "3I o the proposed loan acility also need to be included 'hile
calculating the -B ratio!
(cceptable -B ratio is dierent or dierent income le/els! ?or ?le<i loan they are6
Income #atio
,$,...:%4,999 %$P
%$,...:49,999 4.P
$.,... Q $.P
0ligibility criteria for Self2 employed professionals and $usinessmen to get 6leCi
Minimum ge ,% yrs
MaCimum ge $$ yrs but the duration o the loan must end
beore age G.
Minimum :otal Monthly Income 1,,... )aka
Location 3ust li/e in a city 'here SCB has a branch
:elephone 3ust ha/e either a personal mobile phone
or a phone in residence
5ationality Bangladeshi
Income is assessed through ta< returns and bank statement!
SCB (M C holders ha/e to pro/ide latest G:monts statement
@ther Bank (MC holders ha/e to pro/ide latest 1, months statement!
3rocedure of Loan disbursement
"<isting account holder

)he loan 'ill be disbursed by crediting his M her account

Aon: (ccount Holder
)he loan 'ill be opening a ne' account 'ith 18ero balance5 or the loan purpose!
Minimum or MaCimum Loan amount available under 6leCi Loan
3inimum ;oan (mount6 B-) 1..,...
3a<imum ;oan (mount6 B-) $,...,...
?ollo'ing ?actors are considerable or loan amount
(pplicants monthly income
3onthly e<penses
@ther monthly commitments
Credit card balance
Security detail
Customer type and as prescribed by Credit 4 Collection Init!
Minimum or maCimum loan installment for different cases
Ao, the number o ma<imum installments is not the same or all cases! It
depends on the loan amount!
3a<imum Installments6
Loan amount Loan amount
)k!1 ;ac: )k! $ lac %G Installments
)k! $ ;ac: )k! 1. lac 48 Installments
)k! 1. lac: )k! $. lac G. Installments
)ypes o security that are accepted or ?le<i ;oan
?or ?le<i ;oan the acceptable securities are6
?i<ed -eposit (?-) o bank
+o/t! security bond = >age "arner -e/! Bond (>"-B)issued by Standard Chartered
or other banks rom branches in cities 'here SCB also has branches
ICB unit certiicates
3rocess of loan repayment
Customers 'ill repay the loan by "9ual 3onthly Installments ("3I)! )he repayment
method is dierent or SCB (MC holders and SCB non (MC holders!
Customers2 (MC 'ith SCB6 )hey can put a standing order in their (MC that 'ill
automatically take the "3I e/ery month!
Customers2 no prior (MC 'ith SCB6 )hey can gi/e *ost -ated Che9ues (*-C) s or the
o each month!
:ime to pay the installments
?irst payment 'ill be 'ithin %. days ater loan disbursement
6ollo"ing documents should be given at the time of application
$usinessmen =Self2 0mployed professionals
pplication form filled in
;atest Bank Statement6 G:1, months
*roprietorship Business (MC6 Falid )rade ;icense
*artnership Business (MC6 Certiied true copy o 3emorandum 4 (rticles o
(ssociation 'ith ?orm SII and ?orm SFII
?or @- (MC6 Copy o the oer letter o the acility is to be submitted 'ith the
-etails o security to be submitted
Copy o /alid )rade ;icense 4 )IA ceriicate must be attest by Branch oicial M Sales
3anager as 1@ MS5 = @riginal seen
Aote6 In case the loan is )k!$ ;ac or o/er )a< Identiication Aumber ()IA) 4
CIB clearance rom Bangladesh Bank are re9uired
#harge documents and these documents importance
( -emand *romissory Aote, ;etter o Continuation, ;etter o ;ien and Set:o o/er
-eposit, ;etter o Hypothecation these documents are called charge documents!
Incase the customer deaults on his installment payments, then these documents 'ill
help us establish our right in court to li9uidate his loan by encashing customer2 s
@nly the or representati/es must not sign or stamp a seal on these pages!
)op:Ip6 Simply said, )op:Ip means additional loan under the same ?acility!
"ligibility or )op:Ip
)he loan must be at least 1 year old
"<isting customers 'ho ha/e ne/er missed , installments, consecuti/ely or separately
In other 'ords, other 'ords, only those 'ho ha/e regular repayment record can get
top:up o their loan!
!@ne customer can ha/e ma<imum o , top:ups or 1 acility! )here 'ill be no % rd top:
up! )hen customer then 'ill ha/e to apply or a ne' loan!
Introduction of additional loan
(dditional loan is nothing but a ne' loan gi/en to the same all documentation and
eligibility criteria are same!
(ddition or subse9uent loans are gi/en only 'hen the applicant2s -B #atio meets our
disbursement criteria!
Methods of verifying signature of applicant
)he best 'ay to /eriy signature is to stamp a 1Signature Feriication5 seal on the
customer2s signature on the Inside ront co/er o the booklet! )he person doing the
/eriication must also gi/e his ull signature and stamp hisM her oicial seal! In this 'ay
)he signature there becomes /eriied and could be used as reerence or all other customer
signatures throughout the application orm!
If the signature on the security is different from the signature on the
application form
I this happens then the loan can still be disbursed, but 'hat is done here is that a personal
guarantee is taken! In that guarantee orm the applicant use the same signature, 'hich
signature(s) is (are) used on the security! )hese t'o signatures are t'o separate entities,
one standing in guarantee or the other!
;hat are the penalties for missing an installmentG
)he penalty or missing an installment is that an additional penal interest W ,4P annually
'ill be charged on the missing installment amount! )his interest 'ill be
Charged daily on the missing installment till the customer pays the outstanding
$usiness 6inancial Services:
( ne' era o consumer banking da'ned on the 1
o march ,,..4 'hen Bangladesh
become the irst country in the middle east and south (sia region o standard chartered
bank to oer banking acility or the small and medium enterprise segment 'ith B?S!
Currently it is oering o ;etter o Credit (;MC), guarantee, o/erdrat and Business loan!
?or an emerging economy like Bangladesh, the small and medium enterprise (S3")
segment is the engine o gro'th !B?S is a prime maniestation o the bank2s ocus on the
market and introducing products and ser/ices that address the need o its chosen segment!
Business ;oan has been a Hit in the market 'ith total outstanding already reaching B-)
89. million at 0uly end! SCB is the irst oreign Bank to oer such packaged ser/ices in
)his loan is gi/en as6
7 Bank o/er drat
7 Installment loan
7 #e/ol/ing loan
7;etter o credit
:0RMS 59 #O59I:IO5
In consideration o Standard Chartered bank (together 'ith its successors and assigns
hereinater called Nthe Bank)agreeing to grant me Rus (together 'ith its successors and
assigns hereinater reerred to as Nthe customer )loan acility the acility under ?le<i ;oan
applied or by me Rus, herein ,IR 'e agree that by signing the declaration belo' 'e shall be
bound by the ollo'ing terms and conditionN

1! )he acility shall be made a/ailable or the customer orm date o the Banks
acceptance o this application until such time as stipulated in any latter and this acility
shall be a continuing one until ull ad&ustment 'ith interest and other change!
,! )he Bank is authori8ed to open and maintain or the purposes o the acility in
addition to any current R o/erdrat accounts (s) utili8ed in respect o the acility ,such
other or urther account (s)as in necessary or the purpose o administering and
recording payments by the Customer in respect o the acility!
%!a) Interest rate is loating and can be re:i<ed at the Bank2s sole discretion!
%!b) Interest on the acility shall accrue at the rate as mentioned in banking (rrangement
;etter or at such other rate to be re:i<ed orm time to time at the Bank2s sole discretion
!(ny repayment ,'hether in part or ull ,or acility 'ill be attributable ist to interest
'hich has accrued on the acility and than to principal ! )he rate o interest determined by
Standard Chartered Bank orm time to time shall remain in ull orce and eect a i the
acilities granted to the borro'er 'ere still in orce, e/en tough the account Raccounts in
the customersJs name 'ith the Bank are closed, become dormant or are sub&ect to
litigation,until settlement o all the customer2s liabilities to the Bank !
%! *repayment penalty 'ill be charged on the outstanding amount as and 'hen decided
by the Bank!
4! (ll payments re9uired to be made respect o the acility shall be made by the customer
on the respecti/e due date and the customer hereby irre/ocably authori8es the Bank to
debit any o the customer2s 'ith the bank 'ith all amounts o'ing in respect o the
acility ,including interest ,charges and e<penses (together the indebtedness)at such
time as the same shall become or be due and payable and transer such sum to the
;oan account or ad&ustment , but in any case the customer shall al'ays remain liable
and agrees to make payment in ull o all such to the bank !

$! )he Bank is urther authori8ed to enorce all or any o the securities e<ecuted Rkept
by the customer in a/or o the Bank, 'hich may include, but is not restricted to, any or
all o the ollo'ingN

1! -emand promissory note
,! -eposit (Rc held 'ith the Bank or any other Bank
%! 3onthyR% 3onthly R G 3onthly sanchaya
4! *ratirakkha sanchaya patra
$! Bangladesh sanchaya *atra
G! ICB Init Certiicate K! >"B- 8! *ost dated Che9ues
9! Indated Cha9ue 1.!@ther
&1 )he Customer irre/ocably authori8es the bank to encase the securities duly
discharged and kept 'ith the Bank as securities as security at its absolute discretion
in the e/ent the loan account become irregular and small apply the proceeds
to'ards ad&ustment o the outstanding loan liabilities along 'ith all legal ees ! )he
Customer urther agrees (s. that the Bank shall ha/e irre/ocable lien on any i<ed
depositor any account maintained by the Customer 'ith the Bank!
8! In the e/ent o normal death o the Customer, the Bank shall be entitled to en cash the
securities and ad&ust the dues irst beore any reund is made to the heirs R nominees!
9! Sa/e and e<cept in the case o maniest error, the banks statements and records shall be
binding on the Customer and constitute conclusi/e e/idence o debt or all purposes!
1.! I at any time, any pro/ision o hereo becomes illegal, in/alid or unenorceable in any
respect !the legality, /alidity and the enorceability o the remaining pro/isions shall
neither be aected nor impaired thereby!
11! )he bank reser/es the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time on
notiication to the Customer!
1,! (ny notice made by the Bank in respect o the acility shall be in 'riting and made to
the address gi/en by the customers to the Bank and shall be deemed to ha/e been
ser/ed on the Customer % business days orm the date o posting!
1%! I the declaration belo' is signed by more than one person as Customer, the liability o
each such person is thereunder, and those terms and conditions shall be &oint and
)hese terms and conditions shall be go/erned by and construed in accordance 'ith the
la's o Bangladesh and the Customer and the parties hereby irre/ocably submit to the non:
e<clusi/e &urisdiction o the courts o Bangladesh!
Loan documents reFuired: )o deals 'ith a loan customer *?C tell about dierent
documents! )here are no printed copies o the re9uirements! ?ollo'ings are the
re9uirements at a glance
*ersonal loan6
:ype of customer
Service holder $usinessman
1!Bank statement (one year)
,!+ruanter one person 'ith photo 4 /isiting card
(F*,F*,3anager, (stt! 3anager)
%:salary statement appro/ed by H#-
4, one copy o photo
$ passport M/oter I-Mnotary public
Sole proprietor ;imited company
1! )rade license 1!)rade license
!,!Bank statement (one year) ,!Bank statement (one year)
% @ne copy o photo one copy o photo
4 passportM dri/ing licenseM /oter I-M notary public 4 passportM dri/ing licenseM
/oter I-M notary public
(rticle o association
3emorandum o association
Schedule 1.
Board resolution
Incorporation license
#ate o interest is6 18P! It2s going to be 1KP! #ate o interest /ary 'ith negotiation
(uto loan6
)ype o customer
Service holder $usinessman
1!Bank statement (one year)
%:salary statement appro/ed by H#-
4, one copy o photo
G passport M/oter I-Mnotary public
K Euatation rom sho'room
8 )in certiicate
Sole proprietor Limited company
1! )rade license 1!)rade license
!,!Bank statement (one year) ,!Bank statement (one year)
@ne copy o photo one copy o photo
4 passportM dri/ing licenseM /oter I-M notary public
$! Euotation rom car sho'room 4 passportM dri/ing licenseM
/oter I-M notary public
(rticle o association
3emorandum o association
Schedule 1.
Board resolution
Incorporation license

#ate o interest is 1%P! 3a<imum amount o loan is 4. ;ac! Bank 'ill pro/ide K$Po
*rice or 4. ;ac 'hich e/er is lo'er! 3a<imum tenor is 48!
6leCi loan:
Sole proprietorK limited/partnership
1! )rade license )rade license
!,!Bank statement (one year) Bank statement (one year)
% )in certiicate )in certiicate
4! @ne copy o photo (rticle o association
$ passportM dri/ing licenseM /oter I-M notary public 3emorandum o association
Schedule 1.
3a<imum loans amount 1, ;ac! )enor = $ yr! $. P o sanctioned amount must deposit
as i<ed! #ate o interest is 14P!
$usiness financial services:
Sole proprietor Limited/ partnership
Bank statement o all banks customer
)in certiicate
)rade license % years
Incorporation certiicate
Bank statement o all banks customer
)in certiicate
)rade license % years
Incorporation certiicate
Board resolution
3emorandum 4 article o association
3a<imum amount is G. ;ac! #ate o interest is 14P! $.P o loan amount need to deposit
as i<ed!
#ase line: ( product that oers you the best o both 'orlds, permitting ready access to
cash 'ithout disrupting interest:earnings on i<ed in/estments! It pro/ides ready access to
cash against 9uasi:cash in/estment papers like )erms deposits (;cy M ?cy) Sa/ings
Certiicates, >age "arnersB -e/elopment bonds, ICB units certiicates etc!)!
@ther eatures6
Both #e/ol/ing 4 terminating options!
High utili8ation ;imit (based on security /alue)!
Euarterly payment o Interest (only on the outstanding amount)!
Ao commitment ee (on unused limit)!
)his loan is sanctioned against ?-#! It is 1..P secured! )'o types are here! @ne is
@/er drat and another is e/ery month installment ("3I)! #ate o interest in case o @-
1.P, in case o and "3I 1.!$P! )enor $ years
#redit #ards
Standard #hartered #redit #ard comes "ith a "inning combination of value B
pac%ed features and benefits1
)ypes o credit cards
1! +old 3aster Card
,! Sil/er 3aster Card
%! FIS( Sil/er Card
3onth Closed card
?eb ,K
3arch 1%4
(pril G8
3ay 8K
0une K8

3onth (cti/ate
0an 19.4
?eb 1$1K
3arch ,,KG
(pril 1K$4

closed card reinstate
closed card
3ay ,4G8
0une ,4.8
ReFuirements to get a credit card 7L#!8:
Service holder $usinessmen
?illing up a credit card application orm
)a< identiication certiicate
@ne year bank statement
@ne copy o passport si8e photograph
?illing up a credit card application orm
)a< identiication certiicate
)rade license
@ne year bank statement
@ne copy o passport si8e photograph
;ide cceptance
Standard Chartered Credit Card is accepted at o/er %$.. merchant outlets around the
country! >ide range o merchants include hotels, restaurants, airline and tra/el agents,
shopping malls and departmental stores, hospitals and diagnostic centers, &e'elry and

shops, electronics and computer shops, leather goods, mobile and internet ser/ice
pro/iders, petrol pumps and many moreX )his number is increasing e/eryday to cater to
customers2 needs!
0asy #redit
>ith Standard Chartered Credit Card customers ha/e the con/enience to pay as little as
$P o their outstanding on the card account e/ery month!
Instant #ash dvance
Customers do not ha/e to carry cash anymore i they ha/e a Standard Chartered Credit
Card! customers can 'ithdra' cash up to $.P o credit limit rom any o the branches
or ()3s across the country!
Re"ards 3rogram
Standard Chartered Credit Cards oer a re'ard program! #e'ards catalog is packed
'ith a /ariety o products and git! #e'ards can be selected based on the number o
points the customer has earned! ?or e/ery )C $. spent on credit card, customer 'ill
earn 1 treasure point!
Safety5et Insurance
SaetyAet insurance comprehensi/ely co/ers the entire dues on the Credit Card in the
unortunate e/ent o death or permanent disability o the primary Cardholder! "/ery
Standard Chartered Credit Cardholder is automatically enrolled in SaetyAet 'ith a ,
months ree trial period!
ll ccidental 9eath Insurance
)he Standard Chartered Credit Card gi/es you an (ll (ccident Insurance co/erage up
to )C 1..... (or sil/er card) or )C $..... (or +old Card) in case o accidental
death! )his co/erage is also applicable or supplementary Cardholders!
Standard #hartered International HIS #redit #ard
Standard Chartered International FIS( Credit Card simpliies customer2s tra/el and
eliminates the need to carry cash!
>orld'ide recognition and acceptance!
Standard Chartered International FIS( Credit Card is 'elcomed and
honored at o/er 18 million establishments in more than 1G. countries!
Customer can pay as little as $P o the amount due e/ery month!
Standard Chartered International FIS( Card allo's cash ad/ances rom
$$.,... FIS( ()3s 'orld'ide!
Customer can a/ail cash ad/ances rom %98,... FIS( member oices
around the 'orld!
Customer can a/ail cash up to $.P credit limit!
Supplementary Card
Standard Chartered International FIS( Credit card holders can en&oy the con/enience
o supplementary card or their spouse, children o/er 18 years o age or any amily
member or riend!
)o a/oid o/erspending customer can also set a spending limit o hisMher
choice, 'hich 'ill be the ma<imum amount that the supplementary card holder can
spend in a month!
I the customer loses hisMher card, heMshe has nothing to 'orry about!
Customer is co/ered or all raudulent charges as soon as it is reported! Customer
needs to make sure that heMshe reports the loss immediately on disco/ery! )he Call
Center is open ,4 hours a day and %G$ days a year or assisting customers!
Service = price charge /uide for Local #ards
card gold
Fisa Sil/er 3aster card Sil/er
*ayment due date rom
statement date
1$ -ays 1$ days 1$ days
3inimum amount due $P or B-) $.. 'hiche/er is Higher
Cash ad/ance limit $.P o credit limit
3a<imum interest ree days
4$ -ays 4$ -ays 4$ -ays
(nnual ee(B-)) %... 1$.. 1$..
(nnual ee or irst and
additional Supplementary card
,... 1... 1...
Cash ad/ance ee )k!1.. or ,P 'hich e/er is higher
Cash replacement ee $.. ,.. ,..
@ther ees and charges(all cards)
?inance charge ( daily a/erage
balance method)
,!$P per month
@/er limit charge $.. ,.. ,..
;ate payment charge $.. ,.. ,..
-uplicate statement $. $. $.
#eturned che9ue $.. $.. $..
Copy o sales /oucher 1.. 1.. 1..
Certiicate charge 1.. 1.. 1..
@ut station che9ue processing 1.. 1.. 1..
Service = price charge /uide for international #ards
International /isa gold International Fisa classic
*ayment due date rom
statement date
1$ -ays 1$ days
3inimum amount due $P or L1. 'hiche/er is Higher
Cash ad/ance limit $.P o credit limit
3a<imum interest ree days
4$ -ays 4$ -ays
(nnual ee(B-)) IS- 1,. IS- K.
(nnual ee Supplementary card G. %$
Cash ad/ance ee ,!$P ,!$P
Cash replacement ee 1$ 1$
@ther ees and charges(all cards)
?inance charge ( daily a/erage
balance method)
,!$P per month
@/er limit charge 1$ 1$
;ate payment charge 1$ 1$
-uplicate statement $ $
#eturned che9ue 1$ 1$
Copy o sales /oucher 1. 1.
Certiicate charge 1$ 1$
@ut station che9ue processing 1$ 1$
9ifferent ratio analysis:
Ratio !ear 2--) !ear 2--2
-eposit ;oan ratio 8G!%P 8G!94P
Classiied to total ;oan ratio ,!K$P ,!GGP
;oan (sset ratio G8!%8$P K1!18P
Bad debt ratio 1!88P 1!KGP
Interest income to loan ratio 11!,8P 8!,%P
Interest e<pense to deposit 4 borro'ings ratio 4!..P %!,8P
*ro/ision or loan ratio !,GP !,KP
Aet *roit to interest income ratio 44!GP %K!18P
#eturn on (sset %!41P ,!,.P
#eturn on in/estment 4,!G%P ,9!G9P
Some eye catcher ratio6
?rom the abo/e analysis it is praise'orthy that #@I has increased by about 1%P and
also #@( by 1!,1P! Collection dept perormance is not good enough because bad debt
ratio has increased! (s bad debt is higher than last year 'hy does pro/ision or loan is little
bit less than pre/ious year, is not understandable! Contribution o interest to net income
has increased by around $P! (/erage interest on loan as 'ell as interest e<pense has also
Recommendations and #onclusion:
)he ollo'ing recommendations are made based on responses rom 9uestionnaire and o/er
the counter claim at the time o customer ser/ice!
Recommendations for customer service:
1 Call center need to populari8e! It 'ill reduce customer 9ueue and bothering!
Customers account related 9ueries e<cept closing and claim can sol/e through call
center at any time!
21 In case o locker /isiting, option o cash payment or /isiting need to introduce!
Because locker:/isit record keeping, /ouchers preparing is time consuming relating
to B-) 1..! 3ore o/er some customer ha/e not a/ailable balance!
)1 Customers 'ant statement and certiicates immediately! -ay to day re9uest can be
deli/ered 'ith cash payment because /oucher preparing, Checking then entry is a
length process and time consuming or a *?C!
.1 Complaint manager system is good! But complaint mail is not good enough! Bank
can set up a complaint bo< and customer 'ill put the complain liter into the bo<! at
the day end *?C open the bo< ,screening the letter ,try to sol/e it or send to c:
(1 Customers are not so much a'are about dierent charges! )hey claim to the bank
ater debiting their account! SCB can inorm them beore imposition o ne'
*1 -S" need ade9uate training and inormation about day to day change in dierent
,1 It is recommended that branch perormance should not hit by -S" account
opening return
Recommendations for Loans services:
&1 ( good linkage is essential bet'een ront oice 4 back oice! Because i a ;oan
application decline *?C aces customer 9ueries and dissatisaction!
,! )o encourage loan repayment, ;oan closing ee and "arly settlement ee need to
reconstruct! Because customer claim against these!
%! Inspect the reasons o great /ariation bet'een ;oan application and appro/ed that
sho'n in the graphical presentation on page ! (lso instruct the person ho' to clariy a
loan application!
4 Feriication process needs to impro/e! Because customer are not 'illing to gi/e
conidential inormation to unkno'n! In this situation back oice can contact to
*?C or BS"M-S" to gi/e more inormation not declining the application
$! SCB can oer dierent incenti/es to reach loan target such as
a! Concession interest rate!
b! @er to ad&ust interest 4 principal money or classiied loan i a lump sum
amount is paid!
c! Can arrange 1SCB ;oan 'eek5
d! #ela<ing some re9uirements o loan that is ar rom target!

#onclusion: the main purpose o the report 'as to ocus on the lending ser/ices to its
/aluable customers and the credit management pro/ided by Standard chartered bank as
comprehensi/ely as possible! (lthough I did not ha/e much time to learn the 'hole
procedures but it 'as supporti/e to understand and gather an initial banking management
e<perience! (s the long:term perormance o any organi8ation is depend on its intake o
9ualiied people and de/eloping them to perorm their best as a team, as 'ell as
indi/idually! )o cope 'ith the recent challenges o banking sector SCB is creating an
en/ironment 'here employees are happy to build their career and customers eel good
doing business 'ith them
#onsumer ban%ing schedule of charges
Item Charge
Current accounts
3inimum account opening amount B-) $....
;edge ees =B-) account Ail
;edger ees ?CO accounts o both
Bangladeshi and oreign nationals
(/erage balance ees =B-) account B-) $.. hal yearly (i monthly a/erage
balance alls belo' B-) $.... , in any
month during the period)
)ransaction ees B-) 1,!$. per entry rom 8
transaction (K
ree entries)
3onthly minimum balance ees Ail
Sa/ings account and e<tra /alue sa/ings

3inimum account opening amount
B-) 1.....
B-) %..... "FS(
;edger ees M monthly minimum balance ees Ail
(/erage balance ees B-) $.. hal yearly (i monthly a/erage
balance alls belo' B-) 1..... or
sa/ings and B-) %..... or "FS(, in any
month during the period)
(ccess account
3inimum account opening amount B-),....
;edger ees M monthly minimum balance ees Ail
@/er the counter cash 'ithdra'al B-) $. per 'ithdra'al
(/erage balance ees Ail
CashM tra/elers che9ue
Issue o ?CO cash 4 )C customer 1PQB-) ,..
Issue o ?CO cash 4 )C non customerM or
against cash payment in ;CO
Aot allo'ed
)ra/elers ch9ues enactment: customer @ur )C = ree
@ther )C:!,$P
3inimum B-) $..
)ra/elers ch9ues enactment: non customer @ur )C = ree
@ther )C:!,$P
3inimum B-) 1...
Intercity transactions
B-) 1 to B-) 1..... -eposit to any account: ree
>ithdra'al rom sa/ings account: B-) 1..
charge to account holder
>ithdra'al rom other accounts: ree
B-) 1....1 to B-) $..... -eposit to sa/ings account: ree
-eposit to current: B-) 1$., charged to the
account holder
>ithdra'al rom account: B-) 1$. charged
to account holder
B-) $....1 to B-) 1......(deposit 4
'ithdra'al both)
B-) ,$. charged to the account holder
B-) 1.....1 to B-) $......(deposit 4
'ithdra'al both)
B-) $.. charged to the account holder
@/er B-) $......(deposit 4 'ithdra'al
B-) 1... charged to the account holder
?und transer
Che9ue on sel/esM pay order issue:(customer !1.P (minimum B-) 1.., ma<imum $..)
Cancellation o ;CO drat pay order B-) ,$.
Issuance o ?CO -rat IS- 1.
@thers charges
?ees or personal che9ue book rom the ,
item on'ard
B-) ,..(applicable or account not
maintaining re9uired monthly a/erage
?ees on destruction o uncollected che9ue
book and ()3 cards
B-) ,.. per item ( at the end o ,
rom the date o issuance)
Instant in house account to account und
transer( on an urgent basis)
B-) 1..
-ishonored che9ue:due to insuicient unds B-) $.. per che9ue
()3 card annual ees B-) 1$.
()3 cards replacement ees B-) %..
AB 1!/at is applicable W 1$Pon all ees and charges
1! )he bank reser/e the right to assess charges on transaction 'hich are not co/ered by
this schedule and to amend 'ithout prior notice the terms, condition or rate, stated in
this schedule
I am a student o -haka Ini/ersity 3B( program (ma&or in (IS)! )his 9uestionnaire is
de/eloped solely 'ith the purpose ser/e the customer satisaction on consumer banking o
standard chartered bans! (ll the data pro/ided here by the respondent 'ill be only used or
this purpose and 'ill be kept conidential to any other parties!
I 'ill be grateul, i you kindly spare some o your /aluable time to ill out the
)hank you
Age: ,.:%. %.:4. 4.:$. abo/e $.
'ncome: 1....:,.... ,...1:%.... %...1:4.... abo/e 4...1
1!3aintaining account 'ith6
,! >hat is the dri/ing actors to open an account in SCBY
Social status )echnology dri/en "<clusi/e product 4 ser/ice
"asy to operate rom any'here 3ultinational Bank
%!>ho inluence to open an accountY
Sel sales e<ecuti/e ad/ertisement any e<isting account holder
4! )ypes o account
Sa/ings account current account access account

?C account #?C- account
$!'hat problem ha/e you aced in account openingY
1! 3aniold re9uirement compared to other bank
,! % 'orking days to open an account
% others 'hat did you ace
G! -o you use ()3 cardY Oes Ao
K! >hat are the reasons or not using the ()3Y
@perating procedure #isky capture problem other

8! >hich site you, use moreY
9! -o you use (uto bills payY Oes Ao
1.!Ha/e you a call center pass'ordY Oes Ao
11 >hat you preer mostY Call center @/er the counter solution
1,!>hat are the problems you acing o/er the counter ser/iceY
;ong 9ueue Space problem person are not gi/ing you to the
point solution

1%! >hy do you not deposit money through ()3Y
(ckno'ledgement problem *rocess is unkno'n others not use so I also
14!Ha/e you any complain to chargesY >hich oneY
#elationship ee statement 4 certiicate ee ()3 ee ;ocker
/isiting ees
1$!Ho' long ha/e you been maintaining an accountY
1G!'hich part do you think SCB need to impro/eY
Comment about ser/ice
Satisied -issatisied 3oderate
Aot at all
1K! Oour /aluable suggestion!

1!?ace to ace interaction 'ith *?C and other credit personnel to get in
depth inormation!
,! *rimary inormation sources, such as 9uestionnaire, inormation
gathered at the time o customer ser/ice!
% Secondary inormation sources, such as product brochures, dierent
printed ormat, manual and guidelines or *?C, Booklet o ;oan application!
4! @utser/e Ae'sletter =Bangladesh (,..4) /olume1, issue ,

$! *rior research 'ork and reading material on this topic
*1 (nnual #eport o SCB, ,..%!
K! >eb site o SCB

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