A1 Poster Final
A1 Poster Final
A1 Poster Final
in the Professional Studies Module of BSc in Design and Technology Education.
What is team-teaching?
Team-teaching occurs when two or more teachers jointly
deliver instruction to a group of students in a single space
One teach, One observe
Parallel Teaching
Station Teaching
Alternative Teaching
One teach, One assist
Team teaching or tag-teaching
Aims and objectives
To explore how team-teaching can inform (change and
improve) my practice with a view to sharing these insights
with colleagues. To deliver on these aims the following
objectives were set out;
To survey the student group
To evaluate the student feedback which focuses
on the teachers actions
To compare and contrast the refections of
teachers that have engaged with team-teaching.
To identify specifc aspects of the participating
teachers practise that have changed due to the
experience of team-teaching
To trial a range of co-teaching formats, e.g.
team teaching, one teach one observe, Parallel
Instruction, station teaching, etc.
Single case study where the primary data sources were;
Written feedback from 19 students over a period
of nine weeks
Students refections/feedback via an online Moodle
forum in week 10
Refections from both teachers in weeks two
and six
Lecturer interviews from undergraduate study.
Beninghof, A. (2012). Co-Teaching That Works. San
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Bransford, J. B. (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind,
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Caviglia-Harris, J. H. (2004). Interdisciplinary Teaching:
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Stuides. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
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Cleland, A. Q. (2012). Double Jeopardy? Team
Teaching in a Law School Elective. MacQuarie Law
Journal, 1-22.
Conderman, G. H. (2012). Purposeful assessment
practices for co-teachers. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 19-27.
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collaborative teaching. College Teaching, 11-15.
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Friend, M. C. (2007). Interactions:Collaborative Skills for
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practices for co-teachers. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 19-27.
GMIT. (2010, April). Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Strategy. Galway.
Helms, M. A. (2005). Planning and Implementing
Shared Teaching: AN MBA Team-teaching Case Study.
Journal of Eduacation for Business, 29-34.
Hopkins, D. (2008). A Teachers Guide to Classroom
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Kearney, F. (2009). Resources. Retrieved from Sess.ie:
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Mastropieri, M. e. (2005). Case Studies in Co-teaching
in the Content Areas: Successes, Failures and
Challenges . Intervention in School and Clinic, 260-270.
McNiff, J. (2002). Action Research for professional
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Murawski, W. (2012). 10 Tips for Using Co-planning
Time More Effectively. Teaching Exceptional Children,
Orr, J. H.-K. (2008). A Model for Collaborative Teaching
Teams in Counselor Education. Counselor Education
and Supervision, 146-163.
Shapiro, E. D. (2008). Confict Resolution in Team
Teaching - A Case Study in Interdisciplinary Teaching.
College Teaching, 157-162.
Sileo, J. M. (2011). Co-Teaching, Getting to Know Your
Partner. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32-38.
Stake, R. (1995). The Art of Case Study Research .
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Stenhouse, L. (1975). An Introduction to Curriculum
Research and Development. London: Heinmann.
Svinike, M. (2006). A Guidebook on Conceptual
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University of Texas.
Villa, R. J. (2008). A Guide to Co-Teaching (2nd Edition
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Zelkowitz, A. (2008, December 18). Strategies for
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Author: Kevin Maye
The study is underpinned by the
philosophy of Action Research,
specifcally the idea that ones
own practice is the subject of
the research and that there is a
constant cycle of self-evaluation
seeking to improve ones practice.
I would like to thank Dr. Pauline Logue Collins, my
teaching partner and the 4th year students of the BSc in
Design and Technology Education programme.
Discussion and analysis
The thematic analysis revealed;
Student evaluations repeated used words and
phrases such as; motivated, excited, learned a
lot, good discussion, stimulated. To see this
kind of language being used is very rewarding for
the teacher and contributes to a virtuous cycle
of motivating the teacher to continue to look
for ways in which the learning environment can
be improved to continue the spiral of action
Students were most likely to be engaged by
tag-teaching and were negatively disposed to
parallel teaching
Moodle refections were more considered than
hardcopy feedback and ultimately of greater value
to the teacher as the insights were generally more
Comparative analysis revealed themes that were entirely
consistent with recent studies;
The importance of working with a compatible
teaching partner
The extra planning required to team teach must be
equality shared between partners
The positive effects team-teaching has on