High-Quality Professional Development: A New Definition: Reprinted With Permission. Do Not
High-Quality Professional Development: A New Definition: Reprinted With Permission. Do Not
High-Quality Professional Development: A New Definition: Reprinted With Permission. Do Not
Research shows how schools can create more powerful professional development experiences.
To help young people learn the more complex and analytical skills they need for the 21st century, teachers must learn to teach in
ways that develop higher-order thinking and performance. To develop the sophisticated teaching required for this mission, education
systems must offer more effective professional learning than has traditionally been available. What does research say about the
kind of professional learning opportunities that improve instruction and student achievement?
In a recent national survey (Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001), teachers reported that their knowledge and skills grew
and their practice changed when they received professional development that was coherent, focused on content knowledge, and
involved active learning. Hands-on work that enhanced teachers' knowledge of the content and how to teach it produced a sense of
efficacy—especially when that content was aligned with local curriculum and policies.
Saxe, Gearheart, and Nasir (2001) compared three types of support for teacher learning: (1) traditional professional development
workshops, (2) a professional community-based activity that offered support to teachers using new curriculum units, and (3) the
Integrated Mathematics Assessment (IMA) approach, which directly engaged teachers in learning the mathematics in the new
curriculum and developing pedagogical content knowledge necessary to teach the curriculum. Students whose teachers had
participated in the IMA program showed the greatest gains in conceptual understanding. These teachers attended a five-day
summer institute and then met once every two weeks throughout the year to discuss their practice and to problem solve. They
looked at samples of student work or videotapes of students involved in problem solving, learned to assess student motivation, and
developed specific pedagogies that included how to lead whole-class discussions, assess student work with rubrics, and create
assessment tools of their own, which they shared with one another.
Research on effective professional development also highlights the importance of collaborative and collegial learning environments
that help develop communities of practice able to promote school change beyond individual classrooms (Darling-Hammond &
McLaughlin, 1995; Hord, 1997; Knapp, 2003; Louis, Marks, & Kruse, 1996; Perez et al., 2007). When whole grade levels, schools,
or departments are involved, they create a critical mass for changed instruction at the school level. Teachers serve as support
groups for one another in improving practice. Collective work in trusting environments provides a basis for inquiry and reflection,
allowing teachers to raise issues, take risks, and address dilemmas in their own practice (Ball & Cohen, 1999; Bryk, Camburn &
Louis, 1999; Little, 1990).
Cohen and Hill (2001) describe two approaches that proved successful in California's statewide reform, which introduced a new
mathematics curriculum and assessments. Both approaches gave teachers opportunities to actively learn about new mathematics
content as well as to practice and share their new knowledge.
The first professional learning activity engaged teachers in learning the mathematics in the new curriculum units. Teachers then
taught the units and returned to share their experiences with other teachers and to problem solve while preparing to teach
subsequent units. In the second effective approach, teachers evaluated student work on assessments directly linked to the reform
curriculum. The teachers were guided through conceptual roadblocks students faced on the assessments, and they learned how to
anticipate and address these misunderstandings.
In addition, teaching practices and student learning are more likely to be transformed by professional development that is sustained,
coherent, and intense (Cohen & Hill, 2001; Garet et al, 2001; Supovitz, Mayer, & Kahle, 2000; Weiss & Pasley, 2006). The
traditional episodic, fragmented approach does not allow for rigorous, cumulative learning (Knapp, 2003).
Although time is not the only variable that matters, it is often a prerequisite for effective learning. Two separate evaluations found
that teachers who had 80 or more hours of professional development in inquiry-based science during the previous year were
significantly more likely to use this type of science instruction than teachers who had experienced fewer hours (Corcoran, McVay, &
Riordan, 2003; Supovitz & Turner, 2000). Further, increased student achievement was associated with teachers' more intense
participation in the professional development and students' greater exposure to the resulting reform-based instruction (Banilower,
In a review of nine studies, Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, and Shapley (2007) found that sustained and intensive professional
development was related to student achievement. The three studies of professional development lasting l4 or fewer hours showed
no effects on student learning, whereas other studies of programs offering more than 14 hours of sustained teacher learning
opportunities showed significant positive effects. The largest effects were found for programs offering between 30 and 100 hours
spread out over 6–12 months.
The productive teacher learning communities studied by Little (1990) engaged in what she came to call joint work—"thoughtful,
explicit examination of practices and their consequences" (p. 520) that emerged from collaboration on concrete tasks such as
curriculum development, problem solving around students and their learning, and peer observations. These communities created
norms that valued mutual aid above privacy. They shared responsibility for instructional improvement and supported teachers'
initiative and leadership with regard to professional practice. Because effective collaboration requires much more than simply
bringing teachers together, we need to learn how schools can form and support teacher learning communities that engage in joint
These broad structures give some idea of the prerequisites for a professional learning community, but a finer lens is required to
examine the types of interactions and processes that foster teacher learning in such a community. An understanding of the
particular ways teachers talk and collaborate can provide insight into the role of professional learning communities in improving
teacher practice.
Researchers who have studied the process of forming a community have found that it is often slow and fraught with conflicts,
silences, and misunderstandings. Persistently working through and reflecting on these challenges creates avenues for community to
emerge. Grossman, Wineburg, and Woolworth (2001) documented how social studies and English teachers in one urban high
school slowly developed a professional learning community. Participants gradually began to accept shared responsibility for
individual growth, formed a group identity and norms of interaction, and learned to use difference and conflict productively.
Like all professional development, a professional learning community's interactions should focus on improving instructional practice.
To identify problems, group members must make their practice public to colleagues and take an inquiry stance. Change occurs as
teachers learn to describe, discuss, and adjust their practices according to a collectively held standard of teaching quality (Little,
2003). The process of learning with colleagues in small, trusting, supportive groups makes the difference (Dunne, Nave, & Lewis,
Structured dialogue as part of a group's inquiry cycle can provide the necessary opportunities for a continual focus on improving
practice. Hollins, McIntyre, DeBose, Hollins, and Towner (2004) documented how elementary teachers collaboratively inquired
about improving literacy development among their black students. In a five-step process, they identified a challenge, selected an
approach, implemented and evaluated the approach, and then reflected on their experiences to guide future practice. In the course
of two years, the teachers developed more positive views of their students' abilities, developed new instructional strategies, and
watched their students improve.
Peer observations of practice. Teachers in professional communities often make regular visits to one another's classrooms and
provide feedback and assistance (Hord, 1997). Critical friends groups trained to use protocols designed by the National Reform
Faculty have successfully engaged in this type of professional learning (Dunne, Nave, & Lewis, 2000). Teachers can also videotape
their teaching to make aspects of their practice open to peer review, to learn new practices and pedagogical strategies, and to
analyze aspects of teaching practice that may be difficult to capture otherwise (Sherin, 2004). Research has found that this kind of
work can change teachers' practices, knowledge, and effectiveness (Lustick & Sykes, 2006; Sato, Wei, & Darling-Hammond, 2008).
Analysis of student work and student data. The activities of productive professional learning communities often center on student
work and data. Analyzing student work together gives teachers opportunities to develop a common understanding of what good
work is, what common misconceptions students have, and what instructional strategies are working. The power of focusing on data
and dialogue in professional learning is evident in the success of elementary schools that consistently produce higher-than-expected
student achievement (Strahan, 2003).
Study groups. When professional communities study practice and research together, they can make meaning of new strategies and
concepts and can support one another in implementing new ideas. Phillips (2003) describes a community that transformed its
practice by reading and discussing education research. Teachers used what they learned in their study groups to improve their
assessment practices, raise expectations for traditionally underperforming groups, and create relevant and engaging curriculum.
Current research suggests that providing intensive, content-rich, and collegial learning opportunities for teachers can improve both
teaching and student learning. When schools support teachers with well-designed and rich professional development, those
teachers are able to create the same types of rigorous and engaging opportunities for students—a foundation for student success in
school and beyond.
Enables teachers to acquire new knowledge, apply it to practice, and reflect on the results
with colleagues.
Is part of a school reform effort that links curriculum, assessment, and standards to
professional learning.
Does not provide sustained teacher learning opportunities over multiple days and weeks.
The Old Paradigm
Like many schools in its large urban district, Kennedy High School was facing low levels of achievement in 9th grade
algebra. To address the problem, the principal dedicated two of the five professional development days that year to
improving algebra instruction. She brought in experts to help her math department learn teaching strategies that would
help improve algebra scores.
At the beginning of the year, the 16 math teachers were eager to spend concentrated time on improving math
instruction. On the first professional development day, the consultant introduced an exciting new research-based
program. Teachers spent four hours listening to and watching the consultant demonstrate how using manipulatives
and projects could engage students. They watched videos in which teachers praised the program and students were
visibly involved in learning math. The school invested heavily in new materials to support the program.
At the end of the two-day workshop, teachers were asked how they would incorporate the new strategies into their
classrooms. Many said they would try the strategies the next week. Several teachers left feeling they wanted to learn
more and that their students would enjoy working with the program's hands-on materials. But they also left with
questions and doubts: How will this new approach help us align our curriculum with the state standards? This program
looks great, but how will my students handle it? How will I change what I've been doing to incorporate this new
When the math teachers came together for a second meeting in the spring with the consultant, teachers confessed
that they had made little progress with the new approaches. Teachers said they did not really understand how to
teach with the materials. Some had tried, with limited success; others simply couldn't find time in the curriculum, given
the pressure to cover all the standards. The teachers were frustrated about spending time on "yet another new flavor
of the month" for math when they could be figuring out ways to prepare students for the exam later that month. They
spent the next few weeks focusing on test prep, drilling students on sample test items and formats. At the end of the
year, no gains had been made in student achievement and the principal was stumped as to how to improve math
instruction and student learning in her school.
The New Paradigm
In just three years, Pine Hills Elementary School went from having two-thirds of its primarily low-income students
reading below grade level to having two-thirds reading at or above grade level. The principal and teachers attribute
this transformation to the redesign of professional learning opportunities at the school.
Pine Hills teachers were given the opportunity to create their own professional development plan on the basis of goals
they selected for their students. They decided to focus on literacy and sent a cadre of teachers to a three-week
summer literacy institute sponsored by a local university. The institute helped them learn to integrate reading and
writing instruction with strategic assessments and teaching of essential skills to students as needed.
The six teachers who attended the institute worked with two district-funded instructional coaches to design
professional development for the rest of the staff. The coaches, who were selected by the teachers, had substantial,
deep knowledge of the institute's language arts strategies and the strong body of research on which they were based.
These coaches, in collaboration with the six newly trained teachers, introduced curriculum and teaching strategies and
data-analysis techniques during professional development meetings held monthly throughout the year.
The two coaches served as experts in the building and were available any time to model a lesson, observe and
provide feedback, or organize a study group. They also organized peer observations so that teachers could observe
reading lessons in one anothers' classrooms and debrief together, sometimes serving as substitutes to allow these
observations to happen.
Instead of using the five district-allocated professional development days for daylong sessions, the principal
redesigned the school schedule to enable teachers to spend an hour together each week while students were at
music or art, in the library, or receiving tutoring. During this time, grade-level teams collaborated to improve reading
instruction, sometimes on their own and sometimes with the help of the instructional coaches or outside consultants.
Individual teachers brought problems from their classrooms to the group and the team engaged in inquiry cycles to
devise solutions.
Teachers worked within the framework of the state standards and were supported by both district and school
leadership. The school adopted the new strategies after teachers had tried the new approaches with their peers and
discussed problems they may have had teaching them. By learning to pose problems and research effective
approaches, teachers improved reading instruction and student learning in their school.
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Authors' note: Research for this article was supported by the National Staff Development Council for its study of the state of professional learning in the United
States (to be published in 2009).
Linda Darling-Hammond is Codirector of the School Redesign Network and the Charles E. Ducommon Professor of Education at Stanford University;
ldh@suse.stanford.edu. Nikole Richardson is a doctoral student at Stanford University School of Education; nikoler@stanford.edu.