Army Aviation Digest - Nov 1982
Army Aviation Digest - Nov 1982
Army Aviation Digest - Nov 1982
5 1 2
Joint Air Attack Team
* **
Brigadier General Ellis D. Parker
Army Aviation Officer
ODCSOPS, Headquarters,
Department of the Army
Major General Carl H. McNair Jr.
Brigadier General Charles E. Teeter
Deputy Commander
U,S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, Alabama
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, Alabama
page 14
MAJWiltiam J. and
CPT Prewitt
More Flight Hours/Less Fuel Dollars, COL Lewis J.
and MAJ Gary T. Downs
Professionalism And The FY 82 Aircraft Accident Record
Cobra Survival Kit
Hangar Talk: FM 1-5, Instrument Flying And Navigation
For Army Aviators, CW2 ( Gary R. Weiland
DES Report To The Field: Stress= Reduced Vigilance=
ACTAAT: Crew Rest
Aviation Personnel Notes: New Army Engineering
Test Pilots; Command And Staff College Selection
Views From Readers
Reporting Final
Threat: How Do You Spell Threat? CPT (P) Dale L.
Dustoff Panama, MAJ Bruce Furbish
Noise Abatement And Flying Neighborly,
COL John H. _r>uc-c .....
Inside Back ATC Action Line: More On
The Near Midair Problem, Mr. Kenneth Arnold
JAAT -what it is, its capabilities and the
roles of Army Aviation in the JAAT; see page 2.
Illustration by Paul Fretts
page 38
page 40
Honorable John O. Marsh Jr.
Secretary of the Army
Richard K. Tierney
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Conlmandirlg General, US. Army Aviation Center
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E VERYTHING you always wanted to know
about a Joint Air Attack Team and were too busy
to ask is contained in "JAA T - A Present Concept, "
this month's lead article.
Major William J. Filippini and Captain David S.
Prewitt identify a JAAT as a force that enables
the ground commander to engage "enemy forces
beyond the range of other antitank weapons."
They give a detailed explanation of how the team
is formed and how it is used in battle. This is a
most informative article about a topic we all need
to become more conversant with.
Colonel Lewis J. McConnell and Major Gary T.
Downs also address a subject that needs additional
attention. In " More Flight Hours/Less Fuel Dol-
lars," they reiterate some well-known but oft-
neglected ideas about fuel-saving ways to operate
our aircraft. " The need is evident-and the
numbers show that only a 5 percent savings
through conservation will result in a significant
increase in available flying hours for the same
money, " they write, adding that every Army aviator
needs to acquire a renewed fuel conservation
consciousness. Living evidence of the fact that
fuel conservation can and does work is the
experience here at the Aviation Center in fiscal
year 1982 where 2,345,662 gallons of fuel were
saved through strict conservation measures. As
reported in an earlier Digest, we have been able
to reduce our fuel required by 9.96 percent per
flying hour by the application of fuel saving initia-
And like fuel conservation which is only good
commonsense, it never ceases to amaze me how
much our very sophisticated business of flying,
of operating high-technology equipment in every
conceivable environment, depends on the use
of just plain old commonsense. That is especially
true in our striving to be ACCIDENT FREE IN
'83. For instance, in this issue's " DES Report to
the Field," some elementary procedures are
outlined as to how accidents may be avoided
through increased vigilance during stressful
operating conditions. The point is, many of those
conditions could be alleviated by simply paying
proper attention to commonsense procedures!
An especially good article that contains more
essential information for us is Colonel John H.
Boysen's "Noise Abatement and Flying Neigh-
borly." Colonel Boysen, a veteran aviator, des-
cribes the emphasis that is being put on the
reduction of helicopter noise by civilian industry
and aviation organizations such as the FAA. Closer
to home, he describes procedures (again simple
commonsense ones!) that Army aviators can follow
to cut the noise level of their machines. As Colonel
Boysen concludes, " Everyone needs to pull
together to accomplish this. All of us who share
the sky must share responsibility for noise abate-
ment." We at Ft. Rucker work diligently at this in
harmony with our neighbors here in south Ala-
bama. I'm sure that your unit has equally valid
concerns about your neighbors, so "fly neigh-
Just as we sometimes need to change our
modus operandi in order to save fuel or make
less noise, so changes are often necessary to
improve the career patterns of Army Aviation
people. "Aviation Personnel Notes" enlightens
us about new selection procedures for the Com-
mand and Staff College. That column also contains
some information on the Army Aviation Engine-
ering Test Pilot Program, a super challenging
program that begins with test pilot school at
Patuxent River Naval Air Station.
All in all , there is good reading from cover to
cover in this Aviation Digest. Read on and give
us your feedback on its content. Your views are
of utmost importance to help us ensure the
magazine meets your needs. This issue incorp-
orates a special survey form so that you can "tell
it to the Editor." Take the time to complete
and return the tear-out survey and you will help
us to truly make this "your" magazine for the
entire aviation team.
Major General Carl H. McNair Jr.
Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
Major William J. Filippini
Command, Staff and Doctrine Department
Armor Aviation Instruction Branch
U.S. Army Armor School
Fort Knox, KY
Captain David S. Prewitt*
11th Company, 1 st Battalion
1 st Aviation Brigade
Fort Rucker, AL
Captain Prewitt was assigned as operat ions officer for the Aeroscout
Branch, Department of Flight Training, U.S. Army Aviation Center,
Ft. Rucker. when he coauthored this article
A Present Conce t
THE AEROSCOUT. already a part of the combined arms
team, plays a big role in accomplishing the U.S. Army
Training and Doctrine Command's major mission areas in
the AirLand Battle (close combat, fire support, air defense, communi-
cations, command and control, intelligence/electronic warfare,
combat support/mine warfare and combat service support).
Much has been written recently concerning the AirLand Battle;
therefore, this article isolates one major aspect of the close combat
mission, the Joint Air Attack Team (JAAT). It addresses the compo-
nents of a JAAT, its capabilities and the role of Army Aviation
assets involved in a JAAT.
What is a JAA T?
A Joint Air Attack Team is a
combination of U.S. Army scout
and attack helicopters and U.S. Air
Force close air support (CAS) air-
craft (normally A-lOs) operating
together to attack high priority,
lucrative targets. The JAA T nor-
mally operates in concert with U.S.
Army field artillery, mortars, air
defense artillery, naval gunfire and
ground maneuver forces against
enemy armored formations, com-
mand vehicles and enemy air defense
weapons systems. A JAA T capital-
izes on the maneuverability and
firepower of the attack helicopter
and CAS aircraft to engage and
destroy the threat that is affecting
or will affect the close-in battle.
Throughout any JAA T operation
there are key elements that enhance
the effectiveness of the team.
The first element, and maybe
the most important, is the infor-
Air Battle Captain is designated by the attack
helicopter company commander for each attack
team. The air battle captain normally directs employ-
ment of his team from a scout helicopter. He is the
ground commander's subordinate for directing the
attack helicopter team and for coordination of attack
helicopters and close air support aircraft when
working the same target array.
Air Liaison OmC8 (ALO) is the senior Air Force
officer at each Tactical Air Control Party (TACP).
He advises the Army commander on all aspects of
~ ~
9 ~ / ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
the employment of tactical airpower to include
tactical airlift, tactical reconnaissance, battlefield
interdiction and close air support. He serves as the
focal point for Air Force coordination in joint air/ ground
operations and assists in the planning for tactical
air support of ground operations. The ALO super-
vises the activities of TACP personnel and is
responsible for all subordinate T ACPs.
Attack Helicopter Team is a combination of U.S.
Army attack helicopters and observation helicopters
commanded by an air battle captain.
Close Air Support (CAS) is provided to ground
forces by tactical aircraft such as the A- 10, A-7, F-
4 and F-16.
Contact Point (CP) is a point where CAS aircraft
and a FAC establish radio contact.
Forwn Air COlllrOlier (FAC) is a U.S. Air Force
officer who provides for coordination and control of
close air support aircraft employed in joint air/ground
indirect FII'II are those systems, i.e. , field artillery,
mortar and naval gunfire delivered at a target which
cannot be seen by the gunner.
Initial Point (IP) is a point from which the final
attack run-in is made.
S ........ orE..., Air DetInIe (SEAD) refers
to any action which destroys, degrades or obscures
enemy surface air defenses for a period of time to
enhance the effectiveness of friendly air operations.
mation flow between the ground
maneuver commander, the air battle
captain (ABC), the forward air
controller (FAC) and the fire support
coordination officer. The exchange
of "real time" information optimizes
the effectiveness of the JAA T and
assists in providing the ground
maneuver commander a verbal
threat update (figure 1).
A second element that is es-
sential for a successful operation is
the employment tactics of each
major JAA T element. Both the ABC
and the CAS flight leader employ
their respective elements according
to each service's proven tactical
doctrine. This does not suggest that
we have two separate elements
fighting two entirely different battles,
but rather considers the difference
in speed, maneuverability and weap-
ons systems between the attack
helicopter and the CAS aircraft.
A third key element of aJAAT
operation is augmenting the team
with available indirect fire support.
The addition of indirect fire weapons
systems allows the team to focus its
efforts on destroying the threat
rather than having to perform sup-
pression of enemy air defense
(SEAD) tasks in conjunction with
maneuvers against other threat
weapons systems. It is recognized
that indirect fire weapons systems
will not always be available and that
the team may have to perform its
own SEAD; however, every effort
should be made to integrate the
indirect fire systems into the JAAT
JAA T and the Ground Maneuver
The integration of JAAT into the
battle can provide the ground
maneuver commander with a force
capable of engaging enemy forces
beyond the range of other antitank
weapons. The ABC, FAC and scout
pilots can adjust indirect fire beyond
the range of ground observed fires
thus allowing for continuous pres-
sure on the enemy forces. The speed
and flexibility of the team may be
used to counter airmobile or air-
landed insertions in friendly rear
areas. The JAAT is capable of
conducting independent operations
forward of the FLOT (forward line
of own troops) when other suitable
options have been exhausted.
All in all, no matter what the
tactical scenario, the JAAT can
delay, disrupt and destroy enemy
formations, help stop enemy pene-
trations and provide the ground
maneuver commander with vital
intelligence about enemy strengths,
dispositions, composition and
Up to this point, we have focused
on the make-up and capabilities of
the JAAT, but the real issue is how
to bring together the AH-1 Cobra
helicopter and the A-10 Warthog
aircraft to form a JAAT?
How a JAA T is Formed
The CAS assets for a JAA Tare
brought together through one or
more of the following:
Preplanned CAS
Immediate CAS requests
Battlefield opportunities.
The preplanning for JAAT assets is
normally accomplished through the
same decisionmaking process that
is used to identify preplanned CAS
sorties; e.g., to support counter-
attacks, place antiarmor fires into
lucrative engagement areas and
support other tactical contingencies.
The ground commander has the
overall responsibility for the plan-
ning, coordination and employment
of the JAAT; therefore, the ground
commander is the primary initiator.
The request for JAAT assets also
may be spontaneous in regards to
the specific target, location and time.
The preplanned or immediate CAS
sorties and attack helicopters may
be diverted to attack appropriate
targets of opportunity.
The actual formation of a JAA T
begins when the commander initi-
ates the request for CAS aircraft
and, if necessary, attack helicopters
through normal request channels.
As the request is submitted through
the close air support request chan-
nel, for CAS aircraft, and through
operations channels to the division
G-3, one item should be entered on
both requests, "JAAT." The inclusion
of JAAT in the mission request alerts
the air support operations center
that A-lO aircraft are preferred while
also alerting the G-3 that attack
helicopters are desired to form a
Conduct of a JAA T
Let's say that the JAAT is ap-
proved and the assets are available.
Now what happens? As stated earli-
er, the ground maneuver com-
mander has the overall responsibility
for planning, coordination and em-
ployment of the JAAT. However,
the ABC and F AC initiate the neces-
sary coordination as early as pos-
sible. For preplanned operations the
opportunity may exist to coordinate
such items as flight corridors, in-
direct fire support, call signs, fre-
quencies, etc. When immediate air
requests or battlefield opportunities
initiate the formation of the JAAT,
prior coordination may not take
place. When this happens, the ABC
and FAC or A-lO flight leader will
coordinate on a common frequency
(see figure 2). As a minimum the A-
lO flight leader will pass to the FA C
or ABC in the FAC's absence, the
Call sign/mission number
Ordnance available
Loiter time.
The FAC or ABC will pass the
following information to the A-lO
flight leader:
Target location (coordinates or
geographic reference)
Initial point (IP)
Heading and distance from the
IP or contact point to the target
Target description
Air defense artillery (ADA) or
air threat
Position and activities of attack
Location of friendly elements
Restrictions (artillery firings, etc.)
Additional information as nec-
essary (inbound calls, departure
calls, etc ).
If conditions do not permit a full
target briefing, as a minimum, the
A-lO flight leader needs target loca-
tion and description.
Communications Plan
No matter what the circumstances
are surrounding the formation of
the JAAT, one person must direct
the "total team effort." Since the
ABC should be keenly aware of the
ground and air tactical plan and
can maintain continuous contact
with enemy and friendly elements,
he is the logical director/coordinator
of the joint effort. He does not
dictate attack methods but rather
coordinates the air attack upon the
enemy in consonance with the
ground scheme of maneuver.
The attack is now in progress.
The ABC and scout helicopter pilots
are employing indirect fires to slow
the enemy threat, suppress his ADA,
canalize and button up his armored
forces. The A-lO flight leader has
exchanged the pertinent infonnation
with the FAC and the ABC and is
turning toward the IP. What employ-
ment techniques are we likely to
see? We use three employment
techniques (figure 3, next page):
sector, sequential and combined
attacks. The actual technique or
combination of techniques selected
depends upon the situation, time
and space available.
Sector Attack: During a sector
attack the area of operation, to
include the target and avenues of
approach, is sectored by the F AC
and ABC (figure 3). Each element
of the JAAT is allocated a specific
operating sector. With the target
area divided into distinct sections
the two groups can work autono-
mously within their assigned sectors
while still providing each other
mutual support. In this way the team
can saturate the target area. Further,
sector attack can reduce the prob-
lems associated with aircraft coordi-
nation, ordnance fan and fragmen-
tation clearance and can function
with reduced communications dur-
ing periods of extensive communi-
cations jamming.
Sequential Attack: The second
basic option open to the team is to
attack the target using a sequential
employment plan. This option is
applicable when the target area is
small and the attack avenues are
limited. This situation may preclude
all members of the attack team from
engaging the target simultaneously.
In this case, each element is assigned
the target area for a specified period
of time- 5 minutes for example.
During that period they work inde-
pendently to destroy the target. The
A-lOs and attack helicopters con-
tinue to sequence in and out of the
target area until the target is destroy-
ed or fuel or ordnance dictate an
egress. This option works well when
the A-lOs enter the battle and engage
the targets as the attack helicopters
maneuver to new firing positions.
The attack helicopters then engage
the target as the A-lOs momentarily
exit the target area thereby providing
mutual support for each other and
constant pressure on the enemy.
Combined Attack: If the situation
warrants, the elements of the team
can attack the target simultaneously
using the same basic attack avenues.
Coordination requirements are more
critical with this combined attack.
The inbound call is used to sequence
the individual attacks. The optimum
situation occurs when the heli-
copters attack as the A-lOs ingress
to the target. As the A-lOs begin
their attack, the attack helicopters
remask. The attack helicopters
unmask to reinitiate the attack as
the A-lOs complete their escape
maneuver and egress. This coordi-
nated attack scheme can continue
until the situation dictates a change
or the battle is terminated.
The JAA T may employ a decoy
operation with any of the three basic
employment techniques. By using
one element of the JAA T to decoy
the primary air defense threat, the
other element can often maneuver
to an advantageous attack position
and successfully engage the primary
target or neutralize the threat.
evolved from its fire support role to
that of an active participant in the
AirLand Battle. However, nothing
remains the same, our evolution is
continuing. Further doctrine devel-
opment is needed for the conduct
of JAA T operations. Leaders, es-
pecially in the aviation community,
must seize every opportunity to train
for JAA T operations. The proce-
dures described in this article have
been formalized as doctrine in the
Joint Field Manual 17-5(}3, which
is undergoing staff review. Your
suggestions for changing how we
fight the JAA T ot for itnproving
our approach to the training or
conduct of JAA T operations should
be directed to:
As we place the final TOW (tube-
launched, optically-tracked, wire-
guided) and Maverick missiles on
the threat and watch the ground
maneuver forces take advantage of
a weakened enemy force, there is a
realization that Army Aviation has
United States Army Armor School
Ft. Knox, KY 40121
Headquarters; Tactical Air Com-
Langley Air Force Base, V A 23665
Typical JAAT SequencEt
1. Army attack assets receh/e mission
2. ABC finds the threat
3. ABC passes target information to FAC Or
the A-1 0 flight leader
4. Scout team leaders position attack teams
into battle positions/firing positions
5. FAC passes I P, target description, heading/
distance to target and clearance to A-10
flight leader at CP (in FAC's absence, ABC
gives clearance)
6. A-10 departs IP with calion common fre-
7. Call is acknowledged by forward air con-
troller or ABC
8. A-10s call inbound prior to bunt (unmask
1 00 to 300 feet to fi re)
9. Artillery and or attack assets are coordi-
nated to mark the target for ease in identifi-
cation (suppress ADA, slow, canalize and
button up threat)
10. A-i0s and Cobras attack the threat
11. JAA l rGattacks under direction of ABC
until threat is destroyed odeam is relieved
12. IP/CP
13. Scout team leader repositions/with
draws Cobras as necessary
14. If JAAl is relieved, ABC or scout team
leader should remain in area to brief new
15. Appropriate reports ate forwarded (end
of mission, bomb damage assessment,
situation report, etc.)
Note: The above sequence is only one of many
ways the scenario may take place. I magi-
nation, the situation, time and space
including the METT factors (mission,
enemy, troops, terrain/weather) all will
playa role in the actual conduct of JAA T.
Framework for an A ~
Colonel Lewis J. McConnell
Major Gary T. Downs
H OW MUCH FUEL do you waste when you fly
your Army helicopter? Do you even think about it?
Uncle Sam pays the bill so you fly it like you've been
trained. Right? Right! We need to realize, though, that '
you and I actually pay for that fuel and we also pay in
terms of training hours available due to costs. What
we really need to pay is-attention to fuel usage!
Many of us were trained Be (before crunch) and
that means that we who are the instructors today
aren't trained to teach fuel conservation. It's not that
we haven't had the time and opportunity because
we have had a fuel problem since 1973. We just don't
find time to worry about fuel conservation because of
all the other problems.
Well, we should worry!
Today's abundance will give way to shortage again
and today's moderated prices, although high, will
rise again. We need to make needed changes now
because fuel conservation will be even more important
in the future if we are to maintain adequate flying
hour programs for the more sophisticated aircraft
being fielded. Those aircraft will require many more
hours for proficiency than previous helicopters, so we
cannot cut costs by reducing flying hours. We have to
maintain flying hours or increase them by reducing
waste and inefficiency.
Just how much is the Army's fuel bill each year and
how much can we save? Well, in fiscal year 1981,
Army aircraft bumed about 130 million gallons of
aviation fuels, at a cost of about $170 million. If we
were to set a modest savings goal of5 percent in our
overall day-to-day operations, which is not unrealistic,
the savings would amount to about 6.5 million gallons
or about $8.5 million. That would translate into several
more much needed flight hours.
There are many things aviators can do to effect
such savings; procedures which do not require
sacrifices and do not make job accomplishment
more difficult. Below are a few ideas which are known
fuel savers.
Optimize the number and type aircraft. Use the
most economical aircraft for the assigned mission. If I
an OH-58 Kiowa will suffice, don't use a UH-1H Huey.
Flight operations should do this as well to ensure that
only the necessary number of aircraft are sent on a
mission. It's better to have one aircraft at gross weight
than two operating light.
Watch your fuel samples. It is not necessary to
take a full quart fuel sample just because the container
will hold that much; take only the minimum amount
necessary to ensure there is no contamination in the
tanks. Also, do not take samples after each refueling
unless the aircraft sits for several hours. Contaminants
settle slowly and samples taken too soon only waste
Get your clearance before you start. If you're
flying on an IFR (instrument flight rules) flight plan, or
the weather is marginal (special visual flight rules),
get your clearance before you start the engine. If
available, use a ground power unit to save the battery;
however, a good battery should have no problem
operating one radio as long as transmission is mini-
mized. Any pretakeoff requirements which can be
accomplished before starting engines will minimize
wasted fuel.
Know your procedures and use the checklist.
i?erform your start and run-up requirements as quickly
as possible, Vv'hile ensuring accuracy. A lack offamiliarity
with the procedures, or just moving too slowly in
performing them, results in extra fuel wasted. The goal
is to get started flying as quickly as possible.
Keep hovering to the minimum. Hovering is one
of the highest fuel consuming maneuvers performed
in.a helicopter. It should be avoided, in lieu of ground
taxi or just sitting on the grqund, if possilSle. Waiting in
line to take off is inevitable at times, but every effort
should be made to avoid it, because hovering while
waiting increases fuel consumption drastically. Wheel-
ed helicopters should ground taxi to the maximum
extent possible.
Keep aircraft weight to a minimum. Carry only
ithe 'equipment and personnel needed on a mission.
Excess equipment and people add weight increasing
fuel consumption. In addition to weight external equip-
ment such as gun mounts also adds drag and further
increases fuel consumption. These items should be
removed when not needed and reinstalled as required.
Use the optimum airspeed for the mission. If your
mission is one of stayingairbome in an area (loitering)
where endurance is required, use the airspeed for
maximum endurance. This airspeed can be deter-
mined from the performance charts in the aircraft
operator's manual (dash 10). W1enflying cross-country,
airspeed should be as close to that for maximum
range as possible (that qlso can be found in the
dash 10). Since the maximum range airspeed in many
cases is quite fast, it may not be advisable or comfort-
able to fly atthis speed. However, airspeed should be
held as close as possible to that for maximum range
for the particular conditions.
Fly as high as possible with minimum safe rotor
Flying high and at rotor speed is a
proven fuel saver, saving as much as 50 percent
when flying at optimum conditions versus sea level at
maximum continuous rotor speed. Many variables
must be considered, such as distance, wind speed,
gross weight, etc., and that is where detailed flight
planning is involved. Obviously this type of flying can
only be done on cross-country type missions, but with
planning, flying otthe optimum (high) altitude
ahd atminimum continuous rotor rpm (revolutions per
minute ), significant fuel savings can be reaiized.
" J _ *,iL";; 0"";,, -
Fuel Consufried- 200: NM Crui8e- UH-1 H (Based on standard day conditioi'ls) ;"
.!J '
WRen combined with flying at optimum airspeed, this
is the greatest potential ruel saver of all the techniques
preseflletj. An example of the fuel savings possible
on dflight with a 200 nautical mile (NM) cruise is
tHe figure.
'Man your to minimize pOwer chdnges.
Whentpreptaring to land, attempt to accomplish the
descentwlth one pOwer change rafherthan continuous
PowE?r'changes. Re"duce power to a descent se1ting
i:gndincrease airspeed, if possible, to accomplish the
to make toe approach a constdnf
power as much as possible. Frequent power
changes' disturb the -steady oparating condition of
. :sthe' engine resulting in increased fuel consumption.
f., Also, descending too soon requiresti leveling offat
is' hiQher' power settings which increases fuel con-
,su'1'ption. With good planning and'minimum power
changes, a safe approach with mioimum fuel con-
sumption can be achieved. .,
Idle the as soon as poistble. After
landing, idle the engrne(s) as quickly to
get the 2-minute, cool down period going and to
reduce fuel consumption. This allows plenty of time to
accomplist1 bll shutdOwn procedures, make any radio
taliS, ahd still sbut dOJVn the engines rlghfat 2 minutes' '
after touchdown. Once ogain'this wililimiffuel wasted
by engines running,Jor prolonged periods-while on
the ground. ". '. .
Be careful retuelihg. USSpressLire refuel if availabie
4 '.' . -
Which nearly all of spilled fuel.
J1 port is usea, try to minimize spillage whether-
you or the fuel handl.errefuels the aircraft .. Drain the
"excess fuel out of the nozzle into the tank and n'ot on
if" ,0
the ground. Report any'leaks !n refueting
'Nt as soon as possible. fuel lost on ground during
refueling would probably be enough for severo I more
flying hours for each of us every year.
topiCS we've addressed are commc>n-
sense. ObviOusly, many of them do not apply to tacflGal
operations in the NOE (nap-of-the-earth) envirbnment
but some can be applied to thbt type of flight. It's,up
to each of us to do whatever we can to reduce
unnecessary fuel usage.
There are other things which are being done to
, ",", .W -
enhance fuel cpnservation. Better performance cnarts
. for the operator's manual are being developed to
allow easierdeterminatioQ of opflmum flight conditions.
A handheld flight planning computer is being eval-
uated. Its pLlrpE>se would be to reduce planning time
and allow greater accuracy; and it could also be
used during the flight for changing conditions. Programs
would be made for each type of aircraft and the
computer would do the job now done by the per-
formance charts-better, easier and quicker. These
programs are being carried out by the Army Aviation
Engineering Flight Activity and Army Aviation Research
and Development Command as part of a compre-
hensive fuel conservation program.
Additional action that can be taken. includes:
Upgrade refueling equipr:nent preferably closed
Revise operator's checklist to streamline proce-
dures and require less ground time.
Install better fuel monitoring instruments and use
them to identify aircraft that are buming excessive
Develop and distribute auxiliary fuel tanks for long-
range operations.
Those steps would enhance fuel conservation without
adding to the pilot's workload.
All of the ideas presented here will help toward the
ultimate goal: more training flight hours for the same
dollars through fuel conservation. The need is evident-
an9}he numbers show that only a 5 percent savings
through conservation will result in a significant increase
in available flying hours for the same money. Before it .
can work, though, a program must be implemented
and that means the biggest fuel conservation measure
of all: a sense of urgency and dedication to conserving
fuel by everyone cO("lcemetJ with Army Aviation. In
particular, commanders need to place the same
emphaSis on conservation thqt
they place on other areas $l,Jch qs . safety, personal
9PpeGJrance, etc.
A sense of fuel conservation consciousness on
part megF)s the qesired results will be
q:ttglned. ;Y; .'
Nqte: The"AAny Aviation Ft. AL intensified .
Its efforts to conserve aviq1ion fuel in FY 1979, and
. prqgressive savings have come from the resulting
and ongoing energy conservation program. In FY
1ge2, those savings amounted to 2.3 million gallons
and $2.9 million less than the targeted use.
COlonel Lewis J. McConnell Is a Master Army Aviator
with more than 5.300 hours In flxed and rotary wing
aircraft. He was commissioned from Infantry Officer
Candidate School In November 1953 and completed
flxed wing flight training In the flrst class to graduate
from Ft. Rucker. AL, on 29 January 1955. Colonel
McConneirs military schooling Includes the
Transportation Advanced Course. Command and
General Staff COllege and the Industrial College of the
AImed Forces. During his career he has commanded
seven aviation units to Include the 178th Assault
Support Helicopter Co 520th Aviation Maintenance
In . the 229th Assault Helicopter In. In Vietnam and the
11th Aviation Group (Combat) In Germany. He served
two tOUIS on the Army Staff and was the U.S. Army
Europe Aviation Officer before assuming his present
poSItion as commander, U.S. Army Aviation Engineering
flight Activity. Edwards CA.
Major Gary T. Downs graduated from the U.S. Military
Academy In 1967 and has since served In Vietnam as
weapons platoon commander In an air cavalry
squadron and In Germany as armored cavalry troop
commander. Subsequently he was assistant professor
of mechanics at the U.S. Military Academy. He has
completed Ranger School. Rotary Wing Aviator's
Course. Infantry Officer's Advanced Course and the
Command and General Staff College. He holds a
master's degree In aerospace engineering from
Georgia Tech and Is a distinguished grad-..ate of the
Naval Test Pilot School at Patuxent River. MD. CUrrentty
assigned to the U.S. Army Aviation Engineering Flight
Activity as an experimental test pilot. he Is flying In
several test programs which Include the fuel
conservation effort and the AH-64. He Is a Senior Army
Aviator rated In both flxed and rotary wing aircraft.
Personal Equipment And Rescue/survival Lowdown
Elaine Chiboucas photo by Tom Greene
SPH4 Ear Seals
Defense Electronics Supply Center (DESC), Dayton,
OH 45401 (RIC-S9E) has advised that the national
stock number (NSN) we have been accustomed to
using to order the nonhardening ear seals has been
deleted (old NSN 5965-00-058-1246) because of two
stock numbers being assigned to the same item. You
will now have to order NSN 5965-00-815-2525 to obtain
the seals, according to Mr. Chuck Freeman of DESC,
AUTOVON 850-5165.
TACOM Technical Area Manager For Life Support
The Tank Automotive Command has recently
appointed LTC (P) Morton S. Brisker as Technical
Area Manager for Life Support. He is the single focal
point within TACOM for all matters pertaining to life
support of crew and passenger personnel for military
vehicles under the TACOM proponency. This desig-
nation also carries a TACOM research and develop-
ment center designated line of authority for developing
pertinent task objectives, proposing funding resources
and reviewing task level technical perfonnance. Should
you desire to communicate with T ACOM on this
matter, please contact LTC (P) Brisker, AUTOVON
786-6386, or by letter to TACOM, ATTN: DRSTA-
NR, Warren, MI 48090.
Life Preservers (LPU 2IP and LPU lOIP)
Aviation life support equipment (ALSE) shops that
maintain LPU-2/P and LPU-10/P life preservers should
refer to a current copy of Air Force Technical Order
(TO) 14S-1-102, "USAF Flotation Equipment," and
technical manual (TM) 5-4220-202-14 for maintenance
and repair. However, the parts listings in these manuals
list only part numbers rather than NSNs. The following
list gives NSNs and source of supply for LPU repair
Source of
Nomenclature Supply UII NSN
FLU-liP valve FPZ ea. 4220-00-295-7945
Cell, Flotation, LH FPZ ea. 4220-00-868-9259
Cell, Flotation, RH FPZ ea. 4220-00-868-9260
Nylon LPU Cloth S9T yd. 831 5-{)()-()78-2958
Gasket, CO
Cylinder S9I ea. 5330-OO-{) 18-0792
Gasket, Inflator
Stem Upper S9! ea. 5330-00-0 18-{)793
Gasket, Inflator
Stem Lower S9I ea. 5330-{)()-{) 18-{)790
Cylinder, CO
AMDF ea. 4220-00-543-6693
Rubber Cement AMDF kt. 8040-00-262-9062
Cell Protector AMDF yd. 8305-00-926-1584
The FLU-liP valve is used to convert LPU-2/Ps to
LPU-10/Ps. The FLU-liP valve is a "breathing" valve
that replaces the LPU-2/P assembly that uses a clip to
hold the oral inflation valve in the open position.
Both assemblies facilitate cell breathing during altitude
changes, but the LPU-10/P is much simpler to maintain.
When you replace the inflation assembly of the LPU-
2/P with the FLU-liP valve, redesignate the life pre-
server as an LPU-10/P.
The cells, flotation, left hand and right hand, are for
replacement of nonrepairable cells, as identified in
TM 5-4220-202-14 and TO 14S-1-102. Repairable cells
will be repaired with nylon LPU cloth and rubber
Three gaskets are present in the inflation assembly.
Two are on the inflator stem (part of the cell) and the
other gasket is located in the CO
cylinder receptacle.
The cell protector is fabricated to protect the nylon
cell from the metal inflation assembly.
All specific repair procedures can be found in TM
5-4220-202-14 and TO 14S-1-102. All items with a
source of supply (SOS) other than "AMDF," must be
ordered AOE off-line.
Point of contact for further info, CW2 Gibson,
USAREUR Aviation Safety and Standardization Board,
APO NY 09025, AUTOVON 423-1110, Ext 7234-720/545
and Mr. Ed Daughety, from this office, DR CPO-
ALSE, AUTO VON 693-3307.
New Life Raft
The new LRU-16/P single person life raft provides
needed thermal protection in a survival situation in
cold water region areas. The raft is a fully inflatable
insulated raft with blow-up floor and spray shield. It
weighs 6% pounds (100 oz) and is 367 cubic inches in
size. Used with retainer 62E4336 or 7036789, the
LRU-16/P packs easily in the OV-1 RSSK. The NSN
is 4220{)0-118-6122.
Another new raft that is being made available for
special requirements is the LRU-17/P. This raft is a
take-off from the LRU-16 but without spray shield;
therefore, it can be packed into a smaller package.
Currently, it is available only by special request. The
raft is managed by the USAF as is the LRU-16/P.
Dear Pearl:
I am a young W01 rated aviator enjoying my new
assignment. My commander recently told me, "YOU
You could have knocked me over with afeather. "But
Major," I said, "I am only a WO 1 recently out of flight
school and I know little about ALSE"-and as you all
well know, my plea ended there. Previous ALSE offi-
cers had apparently let things coast. The condition of
our troop's ALSE is very bad. Pearl, beinga new "kid"
on the street of A LSE, I need all the information you
can provide such as: How do I order equipment and
expired components for survival kits/ vests, spare parts
for helmets, etc. I need help in setting up a system of
inspection and maintenance procedures for my troop.
A Iso, I have 40 tropical survival kits for the SR U-21 / P
survival vest. How do I inspect, seal and mark them
after they are inspected so I can issue them to aircrew
personnel? How does only one person inspect 45
aviators' ALSE such as survival kits, survival vests,
hot and cold weather kits, survival radios, strobe
lights, SPH-4 helmets along with the other numerous
ALSE items and still find time for other duties? I have
found out there is much more to ALSE than meets the
eye. Will you please help me?
Dear Name Withheld:
Believe me, I certainly sympathize with you, but
you are not alone. I receive many letters like this and
it is apparent that others need help too. We in ALSE
have come a long way and all things are not that
gloomy. The tool to help the ALSE community will
be available soon through the newly drafted Army
Regulation AR 95XXXX titled, "U.S. Army Aviation
Life Support Equipment System Program." In the
meantime, use Training Circular 1-62 (Aviation Life
Support Equipment); this was published more than a
year ago and distributed to the field. It is soon to be
reconstituted into two field manuals (FM), one for
ALSE operations and the other for ALSE inspection,
maintenance, repair and supply; the ALSE pamphlet
published by the DAR COM Project Officer for ALSE
has been out in the field now for more than 5 years
and is under revision with a target publishing date of
December 1982; this same office is developing ALSE
information packets which are to be providd to new
ALSE "experts" and 'are available for the asking.
An ALSE checklist is available for further assistance
. to you in the field. I agree that you need a library of
PEARL and FLIGHTFAX for there are many excellent
articles that have been published which will certainly
give you a firm background in ALSE. The formal
ALSE training school is at the U.S. Anny Transportation
School, Ft. Eustis, V A, and they are going all out to
make your "learning" meaningful with a 5-week "hands-
on" course. I responded to your letter in this format
to help other ALSE personnel who are in need, hope
it fills the bill!
If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue/survival gear, write PEAR L, DAR COM, ATTN: DRCPO-ALSE,
4300 GoodfellOW Blvd., Sf. Louis, MO 63120 or call AUTOVON 693-3307 or Commercial 314-263-3307
NOVEMBER 1982 13
of destroyed aircraft, and per-
centages of human error are
some of the more popular figures
used in aviation safety talks and
publications. While the use of these
numbers is essential in conducting
trend analyses and various statis-
tical studies, their full meaning often
seems to get lost in the process.
A good example of numbers that
really mean something is the 59 Class
A aircraft accidents, 58 flight and 1
ground, and 46 Army fatalities
for FY 82. (Taking into account
all persons killed in Army air-
craft accidents, the number of
fatalities in FY 82 is 86.) These are
not just numbers out of a computer.
They are dead people and destroyed
or heavily damaged aircraft. Their
loss has affected the overall readiness
Colonel Joseph R. Koehler
U.S. Anny Safety Center
of the Army, the number of replace-
ment aircrewmembers required
from the training command, the
morale of their units, and the lives
of their families. These 59 Class A
accidents have cost the Army $60
million ... enough to put 38 new
Cobras on the flight line. And this
figure is expected to increase when
all data is in.
The Class A rate for FY 82 is 3.7
per 100,000 flying hours. This is the
worst record since FY 73, when 64
Class A accidents and 74 fatalities
were recorded.
Over the 4 years from FY 78
through 81, the Army averaged 42
Class A aircraft accidents each year.
FY 80 was the best safety record in
Army aviation history. Thirty-eight
Class A accidents were recorded
that year, with a Class A accident
rate of 2.4. Flying hours for the 5
years through FY 82 were relatively
constant, averaging about 1.5 million
each year.
Fixed wing aircraft make up 6
percent of the total aircraft inventory
and account for 12 percent of the
total flying hours. Over the past 5
years, fixed wing aircraft have ac-
counted for 7 percent of the total
Class A accidents. Rotary wing
aircraft make up 94 percent of the
total Army aircraft inventory and
account for 88 percent of the flying
hours each year. Breaking out rotary
wing aircraft into categories reveals
the following:
Utility helicopters make up half
of the rotary wing fleet. They have
accounted for 45 percent of the
Class A accidents over the past 5
Observation helicopters, which
make up 31 percent of the rotary
wing fleet, have accounted for 26
percent of the Class A accidents
over the past 5 years.
Attack helicopters, making up
13 percent of the rotary wing fleet,
have accounted for 15 percent of
the Class A accidents.
Cargo helicopters make up 6
percent of the rotary wing fleet.
They have accounted for 7 percent
of the Class A accidents.
Year in and year ou t, analysis of
accident data continues to identify
human error as the most persistent
cause of aircraft accidents. Errors
made by flight crews, flight com-
manders, mission commanders, and
unit commanders accounted for 65
percent of the definite cause factors
in all Class A aircraft accidents- and
70 percent of all Class A, Band C
accidents-over the past 5 years.
Environmental factors accounted
for 18 percent and materiel failure
or malfunction accounted for 17
Forty-two of the 59 Class A acci-
dents for FY 82 involved crew or
factor. This number will probably
go higher when all investigations
are complete.
The predominant flight crew er-
rors were faulty judgment, violation
of regulations/flight discipline, fail-
ure to follow established procedures,
inattention to tasks, and pilot-
induced loss of control. Following
are typical examples of these crew
Faulty judgment
A UH-l pilot made an approach
into a "hot" mortar position without
clearance. The mortars were firing
almost directly below the aircraft,
and the pilot took evasive action by
banking to the right. While in the
tum, he applied additional collective
pitch which resulted in rotor and
engine rpm bleed-down. The UH-l
settled into the trees and crashed.
The aircraft was destroyed and the
five occupants were injured.
Violation of regulations
While practicing confined area
operations, an OH-6 pilot set up a
final approach, with no intent to
land, to an area he knew was not
authorized for confined area prac-
tice. His aircraft hit two power cables
and crashed. The pilot violated
regulations and established pro-
cedures by flying below 500 feet
agl, by not doing a high recon, and
by not identifying a forced landing
Failure to follow procedures
The pilot of an AH-l, when con-
fronted with an in-flight control
malfunction, misinterpreted the
aircraft actions as being caused by
a main transmission mount failure.
When the aircraft suddenly lurched
and rolled, the pilot made incorrect
flight control inputs. During the roll,
the main rotor blades hit the ground
and the aircraft crashed, killing one
occupant and injuring the other.
An OH-58 pilot descended from
800 feet agl to about 200 feet over a
lake. As the pilot passed one of the
boats on the lake, he waved to the
occupants in the boat. He was look-
ing to the right front of the aircraft
and did not notice that he was
continuing to descend. The aircraft
hit the water at an airspeed of about
90 knots. Both occupants of the
aircraft sustained major injuries.
Pilot-induced loss of control
The pilot of an OH-58, during a
tactical service mission, induced a
loss of tail rotor control. When the
aircraft yawed right as it cleared
the tops of some trees, the pilot
reacted with control inputs which
caused aggravated control flight.
The aircraft, near the critical limits
of tail rotor control, went into an
uncontrollable spin and crashed.
The aircraft was destroyed and the
three occupants were injured.
Supervisory error is also a persis-
tent cause factor in a large per-
centage of aircraft accidents. Pre-
dominant supervisory errors in FY
82 Class A accidents were failure
to provide adequate unit training,
failure to correct actions of subordi-
nates, failure to provide adequate
guidance, and failure to insure
instructor pilot qualifications. Fol-
lowing are examples of costly super-
visory errors.
Failure to provide adequate unit
An OH-58 was being operated
under conditions known to be con-
ducive to loss of tail rotor effec-
tiveness. When the pilot attempted
a tight right turn while 20 feet above
treetops, the aircraft spun and crash-
ed into the trees, killing one occu-
pant and injuring the other two.
The pilot had not been trained or
ClassA.Accident Distribution by Aircraft System
instructed in the loss of tail rotor
effectiveness during his transition
into the OH-58 and was not know-
ledgeable of prevention or recovery
Failure to correct actions of sub-
After dropping off supplies at a
field location, a UH-l proceeded
down a river at 50 feet and 90 knots.
The aircraft hit wires and crashed.
Three occupants were killed and
six were injured. The acting troop
commander was one of the six
passengers on board the aircraft.
Failure to provide adequate guid-
Four AH-ls were flying toward a
pass. When the flight leader an-
nounced over his radio that the
weather was deteriorating and he
didn't think they would make it
through the pass, the platoon leader,
who was copilot of the trail aircraft,
urged him to go a little further. The
flight leader continued on, entered
clouds, and became disoriented.
Control was lost and the aircraft
crashed into the side of a hill, injuring
the two occupants.
Failure to insure IP qualifications
An IP and pilot were on a UH-l
high altitude training mission in
mountainous terrain. The IP had
no hands-on mountain flight train-
ing and no mountain flying experi-
ence in more than 6 years. On short
final, the pilot was unable to maintain
directional control, and the aircraft
began to turn to the right. The pilot
tried to fly out of the turn instead of
Cause Factor Distribution of Class A Accidents
landing as required by the operators
manual. Flight control inputs were
ineffective and the aircraft crashed.
The qualifications of the IP who
was conducting the high altitude
mountain training were not checked
prior to the training.
The safety problem is a people
The sharp increase in Class A
accidents in FY 82 is not the result
of more demanding operations, nor
is it peculiar to any particular aircraft
system or level of aircrew experi-
ence. The accidents span the entire
fleet of aircraft and are spread across
the entire range of aviator experi-
ence levels.
The safety problem in Army avia-
tion today is clearly a people prob-
lem which can be corrected. Human-
error accidents can be reduced or
even eliminated if commanders and
supervisors get, and stay, actively
involved with routine day-to-day
flight operations.
Every person in the chain of
command must establish an atmos-
phere within their organization that
leaves no doubt that all hands are
expected to prepare themselves
professionally and execute their
missions with integrity and discipline.
There can be no approval of corner
cutting in the name of expediency.
It is a proven fact that most people
will perform the way they are ex-
pected to perform. If commanders
demand professionalism, sound air-
manship, and flight discipline, they
will get it.
Professionalism is the most es-
sential safety ingredient. Any job
done professionally is inherently
safe. But if there is no profession-
alism, there is no safety.
AMERICAN ingenuity is a byword that often
applies to Army Aviation people. Two who have laid
claim to it are Chief Warrant Officer, CW3, John P.
Goodrich and Chief Warrant Officer, CW2, Bryan D.
Both are AH-l Cobra pilots and unit safety officers-
CW2 McClendon for Company C, 229th Attack
Helicopter Battalion, Ft. Campbell, KY, and CW3
Goodrich for Company D, 7th Combat Aviation
Battalion, Ft. Ord, CA.
Their realization that the aircraft they fly has no
space for survival gear, other than what can be stuffed
into the individual's vest, was not unique. That
knowledge is shared, and dreaded, by every Cobra
Referring to the lack of gear to use in case of an
accident or forced landing, CW2 McClendon said,
"It is tragic enough to die in combat, but that is the
price for peace. It would be a real heartbreak to have
someone die in peacetime because of a lack of
So in separate and independent efforts, the chief
warrant officers determined to find a solution to the
problem; and they came up with the same ingenious
idea: for any Cobra (or other aircraft) with a TOW
(tu be-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided) con-
figuration, use an empty TOW tube as a storage
CW3 Goodrich uses the designator TUSK for his
TOW tube survival kit. Items he placed in the kit for
the Ft. Ord environment are shown in the accompanying
diagram and listing, and the total weight is 38 pounds.
Preparation of the tube is vital, he said: "Wash and
clean the TOW tube, then paint or otherwise seal it.
Next, cut out two aluminum disks to seal the ends' of
the tube, coating the disk edges with rubber silicone
to ensure a water-tight fit. Then reinstall the tube's
original flange and flange retaining device, along with
the disks.
"The contents of the TUSK can easily be modified
to meet the requirements of many different operating
environments and missions. Development of a wing-
strap device is underway so that the TUSK does not
occupy a space needed for a missile when operating
in a tactical environment."
CW2 McClendon also agrees that the TOW tube
survival kit will have to be put in another location if a
mission dictates full missile capability.
The Cobra survival kit, TUSK, designed by CWO John P. Goodrich, Ft. Ord,
CA, is depicted by a diagram showing how items are packed in the TOW tube,
a list of contents with corresponding item numbers, and a picture of those
contents and of CWO Goodrich, left, and SGT Joseph L. Freeman
Number Item and Quantity NSN
1 Expended TOW tube, 1
2 Aluminum disk, 2 Local manufacture
3 Tarpaulin, 1 8340-00-485-3012
Hat, sun, 1 8415-00-270-0229
Bag, drinking water storage, 1 8465-00-485-3034
4 Air Force Manual (AFM) 64-5 1
5 Tool kit, survival , 1 8465-00-973-4807
6 Candle, 4 6260-00-840-5578
7 First aid kit
Zip lock plast ic bag, 1 8105-00-837-7755
Bandage, gauze, compressed, 3 x 6 yards, 1 6510-00-200-3185
First aid kit, eye dressing, 1 6545-00-853-6309
Bandage, muslin, compressed, 37 x 37 x 52, 1 6510-00-201-17 55
Dressing, first aid, field, 4 x 7, 1 6510-00-159-4883
Provine iodine solution, 1 6505-00-914-3593
Water purification tablets, iodine, 1 6850-00-985-7166
Ammonia inhalant ampul , 3 6505-00-1 06-0875
Bottle, safety cap 6530-00-112-0160
Bandage, 18 6510-00-91 3-7909
Chapstick, hot weather, 1 tube 6508-00-116-1473
Gauze, petrolatum, 1 pkg. 6510-00-202-0750
Preparation, sunburn preventive, 1 bottle 8415-00-938-6231
8 Parachute cord, 50 ft .
9 Accessory packet
Zip lock plastic bag, 1 8105-00-837-7755
Plastic spoon, 1 7340-00-170-8374
Matches (nonsafety) , 1 9920-00-985-6891
Pocket knife, 1 5110-00-162-2205
Waterproof match box, 1 8465-00-265-4925
Wire, nonelectrical , 20 ft. 9525-00-596-3498
Can opener, 1
Whistle, ball, plastic, 1 8465-00-254-8803
Aluminum foil , 6 x 3 ft. , 1
10 Food packet, survival , 6 8970-00-082-5665
11 Headnet, insect, 1 8415-00-935-3130
12 Trioxane fuel, compressed, 3 9110-00-263-9865
13 Water, canned drinking, 12 8960-00-243-2103
14 Kit, fishing tackle, 1 7810-00-558-2685
15 Signal, distress, day/night, 2 1370-00-309-5028
Zip lock plastic bags (for distress signals), 2 8105-00-837-7755
Clockwise from top right: (1) CWO Bryan D. McClendon, Ft
KY, pOints to the survival kit he designed for the AH-1 Cobra, or any
aircraft that has a TOW configuration. (2) The contents of the survival
kit are adequate for two aviators. (3) The security bolt can be removed
with a pocket knife. (4) It only takes about 30 seconds to get the
contents out of the tube. (5) Even the items in the rear of the tube are
easily accessible with the pull cord
The only structural change his invention requires
for the TOW tube cannister is the removal of the
electrical wiring connector from inside the tube.
He said, "Each survival is numbered so that
control can be kept over it for inspection and mainte-
nance. The tube is secured on the helicopter by simply
placing a lock on the missile arming lever. That lock
is removed before flight and the key kept in the
logbook along with the door key. Securing the tube
also relieves the crew from carrying it to and from the
aircraft." (This is the same method used by CW3
Goodrich to secure the TUSK.)
The packing list for CW2 McClendon's survival kit
includes two blankets, two ponchos and liners, knife,
candles, chemical lights, nylon rope, copper wire, C
rations and an opener, plastic bags, trioxane fuel
tablets, matches and PRC-90 batteries.
photos by William H. Maki
Both inventors said the kits have been carried on
Cobras in their respective units on training missions
and that pilots have unanimously agreed the kit's
presence adds to their peace of mind.
Action is underway within A VRADCOM to address
all Army helicopter survival kit needs. Until the bright
day arrives when the new module is available, however,
two Army aviators have offered a workable interim
They invite inquiries. CW3 Goodrich can be reached
at AUTOVON 929-3008/4680 and CW2 McClendon
at AUTOVON 635-6801/2364.
Editor's Note: The Digest appreciates the willingness of CW3
John P. Goodrich and CW2 Bryan D. McClendon to have
articles they had submitted to the Digest published in this
combined form.
The purpose of this survey is to provide data that will
enable us to improve the Digest to better help you in your
profession-Army Aviation. Participation is voluntary and
anonymity is preserved. After completion, fold page as
indicated, staple and mail postage free.
Att ention unit commander s:
We would i.\ppreciat e your di stributi ng as copi es of thi s i.\S possibl e. They may
be re turned in a fri.mked envelope.
Please circle the letter for the appropriate response I Make only one choice. Please answer every question.
Enlisted E. Contract Civilian
Warrant Officer F. Other
Commissioned Officer
Department of the Army, Navy, Air Force,
My numerical grade is:
(Examples: E-3/W-3/0-3 = C; E-7/0-7/GS-7 = G;
GS-12 = L)
A. 1 G. 7 M. 13
B. 2 H. 8 N. 14
C. 3 I. 9 O. 15 or higher
D. 4 J. 10 P. Does not apply
E. 5 K. 11
F. 6 L. 12
3. The highest level of education I have completed:
A. Less than high school
B. High school diploma or GED
C. Some college
D. Bachelor's Degree (4-year degree)
E. More than a Bachelor's Degree
4. My total flying hours (present or former aviators/
A. o to 199 D. 2,000 to 2,999
B. 200 to 999 E. 3,000 plus
C. 1,000 to 1,999 F. Does not apply
5. Number of Digest issues I have seen in the past year:
A. None C. 4 to 6 E. 10 to 12
B. 1 to 3 D. 7 to 9
6. Number of issues I have seen in the past 3 months:
A. None C. 2
B. 1 D. 3 Qr more
7. How soon after publication do you see a copy?
(Digest is usually mailed the last week of publication
A. Same month C. Two months later
B. One month later D. Three or more
months later
8. I usually get/see a copy through:
A. Direct mail E. From friend
B. In office distribution F. In dayroom
C. In library G. Rarely see a copy
D. Visit to HQ or staff office
9. Overall, I believe information in the Digest is:
A. Very useful C. Slightly useful
B. Moderately useful D. Not at all useful
10. How often have you used the Digest as a source
document for policy/information papers, briefings/
A. Frequently D. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Seldom
E. N/ A, I don't prepare
those documents
11. I feel enough problem-solving articles are published:
A. Yes B. No
12. Overall, material in the Digest is meaningful to me.
A. Yes B. No
For questions 13 through 15, circle the letter which
indicates your evaluation of the following:
Excellent Good Average
13. artwork A B C
14. charts and graphs A B C
15. photography A B C
16. I prefer that acronyms be identified:
A. The first time used in the story
(as is done now)
B. By an acronym key for each story
C. Both A & B if there are more than
10 acronyms
D. Acronym keys should not be used
My primary job is:
A. Aviation Command J. Armor
B. Signal
K. Infantry
C. Pilot L. Artillery
D. Instructor Pilot M. Intelligence
E. Safety Officer N. Transportation
F. Maintenance O. QM
H. Logistics Q. Other:
I. Personnel
For questions 18 through 30, please circle the appropriate letter to indicate how much of the following articles you have read:
Remember Don't
Seeing but Remember
All Most Scan ~ i d n t Read Seeing
18. Center Commander's Introduction to the Issue A B C 0 E
19. DES Report to the Field A B C 0 E
20. Views from Readers A B C 0 E
21. Threat A B C 0 E
22. PEARL'S A B C 0 E
23. A TC Action Line A B C 0 E
24. Personnel Notes A B C 0 E
25. Hangar Talk A B C 0 E
26. Helicopter Aerial Combat Week A B C 0 E
27. Army Aviation Systems Program Review '82 A B C 0 E
28. Forty Years of Army Aviation, Grasshoppers A C 0
29. Victory in Airto-Air Combat, the Marine Corps Way A B C 0 E
30. From Routine to Near Disaster A B C D E
For each of the following statements about the Digest, circle the letter which indicates your agreement or disagreement:
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree
31. It is interesting A B C D E
32. It is informative A B C 0 E
33. Appearance meets high standards A B C D E
34. It has helped increase my professional knowledge A B C D
35. It stimulates thought and new ideas A B C 0
36. Authors are knowl edgeable experts in their profession A B C D E
37. It is easy for me to read A B C D E
Which two of the topic areas listed below would you most like to see (see more articles): (letter only)
38. Most
39. Next
A. Threat G. Training M. Accidents
B. Standardization H. Armament N. Combat Experience
I. Avionics O. Flying Experience
D. Aviation History J. Instrument Flying P. Medical
E. Major Unit Missions K. Maintenance Q. Research/Development
F. Doctrine and Tactics L. Weather R. Safety
Which two of the topic areas from the list above would you least like to see (see fewer articles): (letter only)
40. Least ______ _
41. Next Your comments next page.
Cornrnents: __________________________________________________________________ __
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker. AL 36362
DOD 314
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
P.O. Drawer P
Fort Rucker, AL 36362
. . . . . . . . . . " . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .
"Hangar Talk" is a quiz containing questions based on
publications applicable to Anny Aviation, The answers are at
the bottom of the page, If you did not do well, perhaps you
should get out the publication and look it over,
FM 1-5,
Instrument Flying
And Navigation For
Army Aviators
CW2 (P) Gary R. Weiland
Directorate of Training Developments
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
1. If the difference between the indicated altitude
and the known elevation does not exceed how
many feet, an aircraft's altimeter is considered
reliable for flight.
a. 30 c. 70
b. 50 d. 100
Ol-lZ 'q '01
01-lZ '6
qLZ-Z . L
{ZPIZ-Z 'q '9
q9-Z 'q
2. The tum and slip indicator aids the pilot in
controlling the pitch attitude of an aircraft.
a, True b. False
3. While taxiing for takeoff, transponders will be
operated in what position?
a. Off c. Low
b. Standby d. Normal
4. Pressure altitude is the height above mean sea
a. True b. False
5. Calibrated airspeed is indicated airspeed corrected
for error due to air density (altitude and tem-
a. True b. False
6. In a slip, the rate of tum is too fast for the angle
of bank.
a. True b. False
7. If the glass face of the vertical speed indicator is
broken, instrument indications will be reversed.
a. True b. False
8. If the air is colder than the standard temperature
for the flight altitude, the aircraft will be lower
than the altimeter indicates.
a. True b. False
9. Where available, runway visual range (RVR) is
the controlling visibility for straight-in landings
from an instrument approach.
a. True b. False
10. RVR will always be greater than an aviator's slant
range visibility.
a. True b. False
q -Z 'q 'I'
:>I-ZZ 'q '
11- 'q 'z SH:n\SN\I
Directorate of Evaluation/Standardization
V IGILANT, vigilance: 1. to watch, 2. staying watchful
and alert to danger or trouble.
Vigilance is required in different degrees in almost
everything we do. In aviation there are degrees of vigilance
depending on what mode of flight you are in. On takeoffs
and landings where a high degree of precision is required
vigilance must be higher; once cruise flight is achieved
then vigilance is usually reduced depending on the type
mission being conducted.
Research has shown that a constant high level of
vigilance cannot be maintained. Declines in performance
during the working day are found in all types of work. In
the type of vigilance required in aviation, inspection and
monitoring tasks, the level of vigilance may decline
within 20 minutes after the start of the mission. This
decline in watchfulness will continue in a steady downward
trend with only small upturns after rest breaks, such as
lunch, and then continue downward until the end of the
mission period.
In aviation we would like to assume that we are fully
alert all the time that we are behind the controls. However,
as mentioned earlier, a large amount of scientific research
shows that it is not possible for a person to remain totally
alert over an extended period of time. This is due to
fatigue and stress.
An aviator who must maintain constant vigilance is
under stress. The longer this vigilance must be maintained,
the more stress the individual must deal with. The more
stress the individual must face the less vigilant he will
become-a vicious circle. It has been proven that as
monotony, fatigue and stress on the job increase, and
vigilance declines, the number of errors that are made is
greater and the rate of accidents increases.
How can we in aviation overcome the vicious cycle of
stress=reduced vigilance = accidents? There are several
ways, but here we will name only a few:
Crewrest-allowing your aircrews to obtain the
maximum amount of rest between missions in order to
reduce fatigue and stress. This is especially important
during field training, in harsh environmental conditions,
prolonged terrain flight training and Night Hawk-night
vision goggles training.
Planning -allow enough time to plan missions as
completely as possible. If a great deal of mission planning
must be done after the crew is airborne, the stress level is
incrf;ased and at least part of the crew's vigilance is
taken away from the control of the aircraft.
EmotionallPersonnel Problems - trouble in the
aviator's family, conflicts in the chain of command or
other problems create a great deal of stress. They are
often hard to identify and, again, distract the crew from
flying the aircraft. Aviators should be observed for such
problems at all times and immediate action taken to
either get the problem solved or at least discussed before
the next mission.
Complete-the-Mission-stress level usually will be
high during any operation. It will especially be high
during operations conducted in marginal weather condi-
tions, night vision goggles and terrain flight operations.
The perception by the aircrews that these missions must
be accomplished "at all cost" causes additional stress
that might be acceptable in wartime but not during
daily peacetime operations.
DES welcomes your inquiries and requests to focus attention
on an area of major importance. Write to us at: Commander,
U.S. Army Aviation Center, ATTN: A TZQ-ES, Ft. Rucker, AL
This discussion could go on and on in the same manner,
restating what seem to be commonsense approaches to
reducing stress in our aircrews. Often these commonsense
approaches are overlooked because the aircrews or their
leaders are too busy planning for the big mission, but
overlooking the obvious small details that are causing
many of our aviation accidents. Stress=reduced
vigilance = acciden ts. ,
36362; or call us at AUTOVON 558-3504 or commercial 205-
255-3504. After duty hours call Ft. Rucker Hot Line, AUTOVON
558-6487 or 205-255-6487 and leave a message
Aviation Center Training Analysis and Assistance Team
ISSUE: Many operational aviators feel that any crew
rest policy should have rigidly enforced standards.
Commanders should establish the policy locally, but
both ground and aviation commanders should be
required by AR 95-1 to waiver, in writing, any crew
required to over fly the policy. Crew rest consider-
ations need to be incorporated into all Pre-command
COMMENT: Establishment of a crew rest policy
with rigid requirements would not be realistic. Large
variances in the stamina, and recuperative power of
individuals require any policy based on consideration
of a fatigue-time relationship to be extremely broad,
if it is to cover all personnel. In this case the policy
becomes meaningless and amounts to little more
than a reminder in the general vein of "don't work
your people too hard."
Any policy not addressing the great disparity in
human endurance leaves vulnerable those individuals
on the extremities of the scale. In this case, the
policy, if rigidly followed, creates more problems '
than it solves.
Most people recognize that there is a fatigue level
beyond which a pilot cannot effectively perform.
The unit commander, following general guidance, is
the individual best qualified to make decisions regarding
individual work and flight assignments.
(Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization)
New Army Engineering
Test Pilots
N 11 JUNE 1982, Class Number 81 was graduated
from the Naval Test Pilot School at Patuxent
River, MD. Congratulations to the Army graduates:
Chief Warrant Officer, CW3, Hugh Lammons, Captain
Robert MacMullin and Major Bill Leonard. We also
have three students in Class 82. They will graduate in
The October 1981 Aviation Digest contained an
excellent article outlining the Army Aviation Engineer-
ing and Flight Testing Program. Here is some additional
information by way of an update.
The program is a doorway to challenging assign-
ments and unique opportunities in the aviation research
and development area. The competition for selection
is keen and the program itself is 13 months of rigorous
academic and flight training.
Test POot Program Prerequisites. Active duty Army
aviators in the grade of major and below may apply.
Must hold pilot status code 1 and either Specialty
Code 15, 67J, 71, or military occupational specialty
100 series.
Must be dual rated with a minimum of 1,000
hours military flight time.
Must possess a current instrument certificate.
Must be a competent swimmer.
Must have completed college algebra, physics
and calculus with above average grades.
Experience in complex aircraft such as the CH-
47 Chinook, UH-60 Black Hawk, AH-64 Apache
or OV-1 Mohawk is highly desirable.
Selection and Training. Selection of Army aviators
for participation in the program is made by an annual
Military Personnel Center (MILPERCEN), Officer
Personnel Management Directorate (OPMD) board.
Board members are drawn from:
U.S. Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity
U.S. Army Aviation Development Test Activity
U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS)
OPMD Combat Arms Division
OPMD Combat Service Support Division
OPMD Warrant Officer Division.
Only those applications of officers who are recom-
mended by their respective career divisions are
considered. Once selected, and prior to attending
NTPS, officers are sent TDY (temporary duty) to the
Army Test Pilot Orientation Course at USAAEF A,
Edwards Air Force Base, CA. This 8-week course is
designed to provide academic and flight refresher
training. Academic subjects include college math
through calculus, physics, aerodynamics, mechanics
and technical report writing. Flight orientation includes
high altitude environmental training, flight test tech-
niques and familiarization in a number of aircraft
used at NTPS. NTPS classes begin semiannually, in
January and July. The Army's training quota is nine
per year; however, the number of officers trained is a
function of requirements. Upon successful completion
of the NTPS, graduates are assigned to the U.S. Army
Aviation Research and Development Command or
USAADT A, Ft. Rucker, AL, as engineering test pilots.
Board Schedule. The next OPMD Engineering Test
Pilot Selection Board will convene in January 1983.
Department of the Army Circular 351-83, "Army Avia-
tion Engineering Test Pilot Program," has been revised
and the new one should reach the field this month. It
provides further general information as well as detailed
application procedures. Those readers whose applica-
tions have been held for future boards must update
their application not later than 15 December 1982,
which is also the administrative cut-off date for new
Further information is available at the Aviation
Plans/Programs Branch, USAMILPERCEN, ATTN:
DAPC-OPA-V, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA
22332; AUTOVON 221-8156/7/8 or commercial (202)
325-8156/7/8. _ f
Ed itor's note: TheAviation Digest regrets the recent death of
CW3 Hugh Lammons.
Command And Staff College
Selection Procedures
ON 19 AUGUST 1982, the Chief of Staff approved
modifications to the Command and Staff College
(CSC) selection system effective with the 1982 selection
board that met earlier this month. The principal change
is that zones of eligibility for consideration and selection
for CSC attendance is now captain (P) through less
than 14 years of service (YOS).
In 1980 the CSC selection system was changed to
allow CSC selection and attendance of captains not
yet selected for major. That was implemented in
response to Department of Defense guidance for full
tour stability and the review of education and training
for officers (RETO) study recommendations. The
combination of those factors required that officers
complete staff training before their 12th YOS and
have been at their previous duty station for 36 months
before attending school. The eligibility zone for the
1981 selection board was changed to 8 to 11 YOS.
Subsequent action to implement Combined Arms
and Services Staff School (CAS3), coupled with a
policy for early selection/attendance at CSC, resulted
in assignment congestion for company grade officers
and limited the time available for developmental
Since the planned attendance at CAS3 for 100
percent of the officer corps supported the RETO
recommendation for staff training before 12 YOS, it
was determined that changing the zone of eligibility
for CSC selection to captain (P) through less than 14
Y OS would alleviate assignment congestion and would
add time for professional development and use of
company grade officers. This change also recognizes
CSC as a school which orients on preparation of
officers for field grade duties. Previously programed
at 9 through 14 YOS, attendance will now normally
occur in 10 through 15 YOS. Other features of the
new CSC selection system are:
Elimination of the separate screen board. The
modified zone of eligibility reduced the eligible
population and negated the need for a screen board.
The records of all eligible officers will be reviewed by
the CSC selection board with a general officer as
Elimination of the use of an alternate list. The
board will select a fixed number of officers who will
be scheduled to attend CSC in accordance with (lAW)
stability guidance, operational requirements and annual
seats available. Replacement students will be selected
from principal selectees IA W slating guidance.
Stability criterion remains at completion of a
normal tour (up to 36 months onstation). This will
result in some officers being deferred for not more
than 2 years.
Year groups (YG68-75) affected by the former
selection system were considered and selected under
a rigid year group quota system. That system was
considered appropriate because a large eligible
population was competing for a fixed number of CSC
allocations (14,000 officers vs. 1,000 allocations). Eligible
populations for this year's board were smaller, and
will be for all future selection boards, and therefore
will receive a higher proportion of CSC allocations
than under the past system. In order to preserve year
group equity, selection boards will receive guidance
on the minimum number of officers who should be
selected from each year group on an annual basis.
This year the eligible population consisted of all captains
(P) and serving majors through year group 68, minus
previous selectees, attendees or declinees. Future
boards will only consider officers who have less than
14 years active federal commissioned service.
In the future, each year group will be considered
for CSC during a 4-year eligibility period. Strength
projections indicate that at least 50 percent of an
eligible year group can now expect to attend resident
CSC instruction; the former system allowed only 40
to 45 percent of the eligible population. Nonselectees
by 14 YOS won't be considered for resident CSC.
Request the enclosed listing of Mis-
souri ARNG aviation facilities and units
be published in the U.S. Army Aviation
Jefferson City
Army Aviation Support Facility
(Airfield Operations)
1717 Industrial Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Comm: (314)751-2321 Ext 237/ 238
AV: 631-3730
867th Medical Detachment
1717 Industrial Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Comm: (314) 751-2321 Ext 277
A V: 631-3730 Ext 277
868th Medical Detachment
1717 Industrial Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Comm: (314) 751-2321 Ext 277
A V: 631-3730 Ext 277
Det 1, HHC, 135th Engineer Group
1717 Industrial Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Comm: (314) 751-2321 Ext 277
A V: 631-3730 Ext 277
Army Aviation Support Facility
(Airfield Operations)
P.O. Box 5088
Whiteman AFB, MO 65305
Comm: (816) 687-3612
AV: 975-3612
Company D, 38th Aviation Battalion
P.O. Box 290
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Comm: (816) 747-6211
Army Aviation Flight Activity
(Airfield Operations)
Route 6, Box 385, Regional Airport
Springfield, MO 65803
Comm: (417) 862-8552
AVCRAD (l107th) (-Det 1)
1400 N. Fremont
Springfield, MO 65802
Comm: (417) 869-2501 /2513
Det 1, A VCRAD (1107th)
Route 7
Lebanon, MO 65536
Comm: (417) 532-4381
HHD, 142d Transportation Battalion
(Aircraft Maintenance)
1400 N. Fremont
Springfield, MO 65802
Comm: (417) 869-6341
l106th Trans Co (A VIM) (-Det 1)
1400 N. Fremont
Springfield, MO 65802
Comm: (4 17) 869-6341
Det 1, l106th Trans Co (A VIM)
409 W. Locust Street
Aurora, MO 65605
Comm: (41 7) 678-3568
COL Willard L. Bean
State Aviation Officer
Missouri National Guard
Request the enclosed listing of Army
A viation National Guard units from the
State of Washington be published in
the U.S. Army Aviation Digest.
Tacoma ( Gray AAF)
Attack Helicopter Troop (-), 116th AC
Camp Murray
Tacoma, W A 98430
Comm: (206) 964-6410
AV: 355-7410
81st Inf Bde, Avn Section
1601 West Armory Way
Seattle, W A 98119
Comm: (206) 464-6161
AV: 941-3496
841st Med Det (AA)
P.O. Box 19069
Spokane Int'I Airport
Spokane, W A 99219
Comm: (509) 458-5405
A V: 820-7405
LTC Timothy M. Flynn
State Army Aviation Officer
Washington National Guard
The Aviation Digest has carried
Ihtings of Anny A viadon Nadonal Guard
units in Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Min-
nesota, New York, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. Also,
a list of Reserve units, by state, is avail-
a b l ~ The Digest will be happy to pub-
lish listings of other National Guard
units not previously printed.
I recently saw the second article in
the series "Forty Years of Army A via-
tion" and would like a copy of the
complete series. I served as an air
observer in World War II, liaison pilot
in 1945, Army aviator in 1950 and senior
Army aviator in 1954. I was retired in
1961 and have continued to work for
the Army (including active duty from
1966 to 1968 as an Army aviator).
Additionally, is there a way to get a
Master Army Aviator rating now that
the instrument/ weather minimums have
been reduced?
James W. Abbett
Lawton, OK
There are no provisions for people
who retired before 1 June 1981 to obtain
a retroactive Master Army A viator
Please add the Little Rock District,
Army Corps of Engineers, to your
mailing list.
Karen K. Johnson
Assistant PAO
Little Rock District
Corps of Engineers
Little Rock, AR
Distribution of the A v iation Digest is
handled through pinpoint distribution.
It wUl be necessary for you to submit
DA Form 12-5 in accordance with
instructions on tbat form to start receiv-
ing tbe magazine.
In reference to the article, "The
MICOM Pledge: A Good Weapon
Today, A Better One Tomorrow," which
a ppeared in the May 1981 i ~ s u of t h ~
A viation Digest. It was rather discon-
certing to see the fruits of our efforts
presented in a manner which did not
acknowledge those of us responsible
ior the original concept and develop-
ment of the mast-mounted sight (MMS).
While every word in the paragraph on
the MMS is true, the facts are that this
project began at Frankford Arsenal,
P A, in 1976 and was transferred to the
U.S. Army Armament Research and
Development Command (ARRADCOM)
along with the personnel, following the
closing of Frankford.
The pictured MMS was developed
solely at ARRADCOM and in the opin-
ion of the undersigned the omission of
these facts imply otherwise.
Kennard Raisner, Project Engineer
Thomas W. Peters, Engineer
Anthony LaCosta, Engineer
James A. Connolly, Test Engineer
U.S. Army Armament Research and
Development Command
Dover, NJ
The June article by BG Ford, "Grass-
hoppers," was one of the best written
pieces I have seen in your magazine. In
addition to the high quality writing skill
he displayed in portraying the birth of
Army Aviation, another theme is describ-
ed which is still current-40 years later.
It is important to extract from his
excellent article the fact that Army
A viation owes its existence to branch
As BG Ford describes, it was vitally
important that the capabilities of the
aviation machine be tied directly to the
mission of artillery in order to ensure
responsive fires. To do this, the aviation
capability had to be decentralized away
from the Army Air Corps- "the tradi-
tional operator in the flying domain"-
and down to the artillery units. The
training by BG Ford, the close working
relationship with the artillery units and
total mission orientation proved to be
Today, however, we again find a
centralization of aviation capabilities
away from the branch and mission users
of its capabilities. As he described 41
years ago, aviation is now "allotted to
subordinate units on a mission-by-mission
basis from centralized assets." We have
pilots and an aviation specialty. We
have a steady questioning of mission
proponency. The child which broke
away 40 years ago is growing to be
more like the parent he broke away
from. Where is the BG Ford to break
the "holt" that is being made now?
MAJ William V. Chiaramonte
U.S. Army Concepts Analysis
Bethesda, MD
I read Betty J. Goodson's article
"Victory in Air-to-Air Combat, the
Marine Corps Way" with great interest
in the July 1982 issue of u.s. Army
A viation Digest.
In the 1969170 timeframe, Air Test
and Evaluation Squadron Four (VX-4)
at NAS Point Mugu, CA, conducted a
Joint USN/ USA evaluation, called "Pro-
ject Strawman," of figh ter airplanes vs.
helicopters. The USA Cobra helicopters
were from Ft. Ord, CA, and led by a
Major Hirch (sic). As chief projects
officer at VX-4, I led the fighter team.
A joint report was written and is probably
buried somewhere at VX-4 or OPTE-
VFOR. (Too bad we have to continue
reinventing the wheel.)
In any case, the conclusions were
the same as those noted by Major
Goodwin and Major Wojtasck (page
617). If the helicopter pilot sees the
fighter, then there is little chance of
the fighter getting a solid (guns or
missiles) shot. We concluded that the
helicopter could easily evade (read-keep
out of the fighter's weapons envelope),
hide, or in many cases, get a high
deflection passing shot at the fighter.
We also noted that if the helicopter
pilot had an AIM-9 (series) weapon
(launcher on skids) available, he could:
(1) get a valid shot; (2) scare hell out of
the fighter; (3) scare hell out of himself:
(4) all of the above.
One of the side "bennies" of "Straw-
man" was the fighter (F-4/F-8), Cobra
cross training. Both teams gained great
respect for the other guy's capabilities
and problems by flying in the other's
CPT F. S. Teague, USN
Chief, Current Operations
Camp H. M. Smith, HI
Articles from the A vI.tlon DIg t requested in these letters have been mailed. Readers can obtain copies of material
printed in any issue by writing to: Editor, U.S. Army Aviation Dlg t, P.O. Drawer P, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362
Late News From Army Aviation Activities
New publications. Two new field manuals are
expected to be available in early 1983: FM
1-301, "Aeromedical Training for Flight Person-
nel," superseding TC 1-20; and FM 1-202, "Envir-
onmental Flight," superseding TCs 1-10, 1-12
and 1-13.
FM 1-301 will provide aircrewmembers with
information on effects of the flight environment
and will assist commanders and flight surgeons
in conducting aeromedical training. Topics cover-
ed in the manual include altitude physiology,
oxygen equipment and cabin pressurization,
G-forces, stress and fatigue, toxic hazards, tem-
perature extremes, noise, vision problems and
spatial disorientation illusions.
FM 1-202 will help crewmembers complete
missions under such varying environmental
conditions as desert, jungle, mountain and cold
weather. Topics included are human and environ-
mental factors, flying techniques, survival infor-
mation and a recommended training program for
each addressed environment.
(OTO POC: 1 ~ 3 0 1 Campbell, AV 558-7113;
1-202, Sharpe, AV 558-3801)
Winning Writer. Raymond P. Johnson, an air
safety specialist with the Army Safety Center
since 1963, won the Aviation Digest monthly
writing award in July for his article "When Will
We Learn About Mountain Flying?"
Mr. Johnson, who was an Army aviator from
1942 to 1962, said his purpose was to tell aviators
some of the lessons they must learn to fly safely
at high altitudes.
"I hope the article helps; some instructor pilots
have told me I've probably saved some lives,"
Mr. Johnson said. (USAAVNC PAO)
A New Way to Fly. Some AH-1 S Cobra pilots
are being taught to fly their helicopters, from lift-
off to touchdown, while under the hood and unable
to see outside the cockpit by natural means.
They are participants in the Apache Flight
Training Infrared Piloting System (AFTIPS) Assess-
ment Program being conducted by the Army
Aviation Board. It is designed to be used to
determine the adequacy of the planned training
program for the AFTIPS, which is scheduled to
be incorporated on the AH-64.
The system includes a helmet display unit that
allows the pilot to see a video image of the outside
world as interpreted by infrared radiation. The
image can be seen only with the right eye, leaving
the wearer's left eye free to view instruments
and other objects inside the cockpit.
(Kontos, AVN BO)
Annual Conference. The third annual Army Avia-
tion Policy Committee Meeting/Training Sym-
posium was held 15 to 19 November with about
150 representatives of all major Army commands
and Department of the Army staff agencies attend-
They were welcomed to the U. S. Army Aviation
Center by its commander, Major General Carl H.
McNair Jr. The Training Symposium began Mon-
day morning and ended at noon Wednesday,
and the Policy Committee convened Wednesday
afternoon and adjourned Friday noon.
Opening remarks for the two separate but
interfacing conferences were made by Brigadier
General John M. Kirk, director of training, Office
of the Deputy Ch ief of Staff for Operations and
Plans, Department of the Army. He said his
objective is to get the time, money, people and
equipment needed to enable aviation training to
be as effective as possible. "An area that needs
special attention" he said, "is training resource
"Ghostriders." Aviators of D Company, 229th Attack Helicopter Battalion at Ft. Rucker, AL,
take off for Camp Blanding, FL, for a week of annual gunnery training. There were 17 AH-1S
Cobras used in the training exercise, as well as 8 OH-58 Kiowas and 3 UH-1 Hueys. The exercise
was the first time an attack helicopter unit had undergone that type of training, using the entire -------..... ~
company at Blanding for team qualification
management, which will make training at all levels
easier than it is today."
Keynote speaker was Lieutenant General Julius
W. Becton Jr., deputy commander for training,
Army Training and Doctrine Command, Ft. Mon-
roe, VA. Army Aviation's place as an essential
multiplier of combat power for the combined
arms team was further ensured, he noted, by the
outcome of the Army Aviation Systems Program
Review held at Ft. Rucker in March 1982.
"The scope and the force of the training issue
of the SPR go right to the heart of the Army's
capability to win the next war, and the whole
force structure will be improved as the result of
recommendations flowing from the SPR," he said.
General Becton added that issues resolved in
the November conferences will also strengthen
Army Aviation's ability to meet the challenges of
the AirLand Battle concept.
"We need to focus on the things we do well,"
was the theme Brigadier General Ellis D. Parker
used for his remarks at the beginning of the
Policy Committee meeting. As the Army Aviation
officer, Office of the Deputy Ch ief of Staff for
Operations and Plans, Department of the Army,
he is the committee's executive chairman. Two
of the elements he talked about were the sympo-
sium and committee conferences which provide
a forum whereby an issue raised by a person
anywhere' in Army Aviation can reach a Depart-
ment of the Army committee, and the standard-
ization network that starts at DA level and has
tentacles down to every unit.
Future issues of the Aviation Digest will carry
detailed coverage on the conferences.
Get Your Bearings Here. Since manufacturers
have curtailed the production of aircraft bearings,
reclamation has become highly profitable, con-
sidering that many helicopter bearings average
about $800 each and prices have jumped as
much as 300 to 400 percent in one quarter. That's
what makes the work done by the bearing re-
clamation facility atthe Corpus Christi Army Depot
so valuable. Currently, the facility handles about
500 different types of bearings used in helicopter
engines, transmissions, rotor heads and control
In addition to saving money, the reclamation
saves time. It reduces the 40 or more month
delivery dates for new bearings to a timeframe
that provides bearings for aircraft maintenance
so that engine and transmission overhaul sched-
ules can be met. (TSARCOM PAO)
Military History Chief. A Master Army Aviatoris
now acting chief of military history for the De-
partment of the Army. Colonel Olen D. Thornton
was appointed to that position 1 October.
More Cobras Ordered. The U.S. Army has
awarded Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., Fort Worth,
an $18 million contract for 12 AH-1 S Cobras with
deliveries to take place from November 1984 to
February 1985. (Tipton, Bell PR)
Volcanic Ash Tracking. From research done
on potential accidents caused when two com-
mercial airlines had to make forced landings
because of ingestion of volcanic ash from erup-
tions of Mt. Galunggung in Java, the International
Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, has deter-
mined that new procedures to track clouds of
volcanic ash are needed.
ICAO learned that the U.S. National Oceano-
graphic and Atmospheric Administration was able
to monitor the ash cloud, using both geostationary
and polar-orbiting satellites.
Information has also been received that Austral-
ian scientists have developed a method that might
be useful in such tracking. Tracking stations in
that country are said to be receiving data from
one of the United States' satellites; and then
through a painstaking computer-based automated
discrimination process, clouds of ash can be seen
at high altitudes where they usually are invisible
Training Display Unit is Evaluated. As the pilot of an AH-1 S
Cobra, CW4 Stu Park is ready for a training flight using the
new helmet display unit that is part of the Apache Flight
Training Infrared Piloting System (AFTIPS). The training system
consists of the helmet and the special infrared electronics
to conventional weather satellites.
As a follow-up, the development of a stan-
dardizeq procedural warning system associated
with volcanic eruptions is currently under discus-
sion at ICAO. Immediately following a volcanic
eruption near airways, the issuance of warnings
can best be handled by local authorities and
would most likely have to be based on obser-
vations from the ground or from aircraft. Subse-
quent tracking of ash clouds would be of inter-
national concern, and monitoring could be done
in flight by aircraft observations and from weather
satellites. (lCAO PAO)
onboard a modified Cobra and is geared to ,each aU phases
of current flight procedures to the pilot who is inside an
enclosed canopy. Twenty-four aviators at Ft. Rucker, AL, are
participating in the Army Aviation Board's assessment of the
proposed program of instruction using the new system
r ~ ~
Captain (P) Dale L. Radtke
Threat Branch
Directorate of Combat Developments
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
How Do You Spell Threat?
F YOU ASK THE typical Army aviator, "How do
~ you spell THREAT?" the answer will probably be,
"small arms." However, in a nonnuclear, nonchemi-
cal European scenario during normal everyday oper-
ations, this will not be the case if you, the aviator,
make a full assessment of the battlefield environment
and use current tactics and doctrine accordingly.
To do this assessment of the battlefield environment,
and thus prioritize the threat to you during your
specific flight, your preflight pfanning must include
an analysis of the enemy situation, intentions and
capabilities. To assist in this effort, the Threat Branch,
U.S. Army Aviation Center, Ft. Rucker, AL, has
identified below the prioritized list of systems posing
a threat to U.S. Army helicopters in forward areas in a
nonnuclear, nonchemical European scenario. This is
a generalized list, as the threat may change considerably
in any specific situation. It also assumes the crew/air-
craft is using current tactics, is equipped with oper-
ational aircraft survivability equipment (e.g., APR-39
radar warning receiver) and can read a map correctly.
It should not be confused with a list of target priorities
which would be mission dependent.
Regimental air defense systems (ZSU-23-4, SA-9
and follow-on SA-13, SA-7 and follow-on SA-14).
Attack helicopters (Hind/Hip) .
Artillery (e.g., SP-122, SP-152, BM-21 multiple
rocket launcher).
Divisional air defense systems (SA-6, SA-8, SA-II).
Tanks (12.7 AA MG and main tank gun).
Armored personnel carriers (BMP with 73 mm
gun or 30 mm cannon and SAGGER/SPIGOT
ATGM, BMD and BTR with 14.5 antiaircraft
machinegun) .
Fixed wing ground attack aircraft.
Small arms.
Regimental air defense systems were chosen as the
greatest threat because they can all use passive detection
techniques to acquire a hovering helicopter, giving
pilots no notice until the round or missile is en route
to their positions, and because they have the range
capability to acquire and shoot at a detected helicopter
hovering at our doctrinal stand-off range. These systems
are also present in large numbers near the forward
line of own troops (FLaT). Since a ZSU-23-4 can
acquire and fire optically (passive) or using the gun
dish radar system (active), a ZSU-23-4 battery will
probably operate with a mix of the two operating
modes, unless visibility is restricted.
Attack helicopters were selected second because
of the large number of Hind and armed Hip helicopters
that will be in the forward area (parity with United
States in any brigade area) and because their mobility,
long-range antitank guided missiles (ATOMs) and
forward employment will place them well within range
of U.S. attack and scout helicopters. While the
armament carried, and the -mission assignments of
the Soviet attack helicopters are not optimized for
air-to-air combat, they certainly have the capability
to fire on a hovering helicopter as if it were a ground
target. The U.S. Army Aviation Center position is
that these "chance" encounters will occur to such an
extent that air-to-air engagements will become a routine
part of the Army Aviation mission.
Artillery was chosen third because of the likelihood
of helicopters being located in the vicinity of vast
amounts of artillery impacting around ground units
(wrong place at the right time). It is not our contention
that artillery will routinely be called in on helicopter
firing positions, but that helicopters attempting to
find firing positions to place effective long-range A TO M
fire on Soviet systems will, of necessity, often find
themselves near (within 500 meters) friendly ground
troops. It is also possible that Soviet artillery forward
observers may call for artillery upon detected helicopter
firing positions when those helicopters do not move
to alternate positions as soon as they should (e.g.,
delaying to fire one more missile).
The threat posed by radar-acquired, radar-guided
surface-to-air missiles at division level will vary greatly
with the type of system present in your sector and
with its ability to acquire a hovering helicopter. Whereas
an SA-6 battery probably will not be able to acquire a
hovering helicopter unless it is hovering 30 feet above
the trees and skylined, an SA-II battery will be able
to lock-on at a lower altitude in more ground clutter.
With U.S. Air Force fixed wing aircraft as their greatest
priority target, it is questionable to assume a divisional
air defense battery will fire a missile at a hovering
helicopter that only needs to descend 10 to 20 feet to
break radar lock-on when given warning by an APR-39.
Soviet tank crews train to fire their 12.7 mm antiair-
craft machinegun at a helicopter when the target is
within range (I ,500 meters) and to use their main gun
if the helicopter is beyond that range. A tank crew
will fire whatever round is loaded in the gun tube as
the automatic loader cannot easily extract a shell
from the tube. Tanks conducting an assault normally
will be concentrating on their immediate objective
and the ground forces on it, so the probability of them
detecting hovering helicopters beyond 2,000 meters
will be very low. BMP and BTR vehicles will have
about the same potential for detecting helicopters
but will be less of a threat because of range limitations.
Fixed wing ground attack aircraft have the potential
to shoot down helicopters; however, their low level,
high speed in gress/ egress flight profiles near the FLOT
allow little or no flexibility and reaction time for
targets of opportunity. A greater threat would be
posed by a ground controller who detects a line of
attack helicopters in firing positions along a ridgeline
and diverts inbound aircraft to attack the ridgeline.
Small arms were assessed as the least threat because
riflemen and gunners will not be able to acquire
helicopters at doctrinal standoff ranges and will rarely
dismount their carriers during offensive actions.
In the following situations the weapons systems dis-
cussed will become a more (or less) effective threat as
Nuclear: In a nuclear environment, nuclear weapons
will be the greatest threat but should equally degrade
the performance of all Soviet ground systems by forcing
them to button up. Small arms and the SA-7/14 teams
will remain in their vehicles during offensive operations
and will be no threat.
Chemical: In a chemical environment, systems with
chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) protective
systems allow the crew to function normally (without
mask or CBR suit). The BMP, BMD, T-64, T-72, 122
mm howitzer, 152 mm howitzer and Hind can all
function normally except buttoned up in a CBR environ-
ment. In contrast, older systems such as the ZSU-23-4
and T -62 have overpressurization systems that only
protect the crew from radiation. Dismounted personnel
firing small arms or an SA-7/14 would have to sight
through their mask eyepieces and their performance
would probably be reduced.
Night: In a night environment, weapon systems
that do not have radar, thermal sighting systems such
as forward looking infrared radar (FLIR), or long-
range night vision devices will be seriously reduced
threats. Any night vision devices that operate near
the range may be able to "see" any active
laser range finders in their field of vision and, therefore,
detect the source.
Heavy Smoke/Obscurants: In the vast smoke screens
the Soviets will use during an assault, the IR (infrared)
degrading smoke will cause more ZSUs to operate in
the radar mode and the Hinds will maneuver around
it, causing both to be increased threats. Systems with
optical acquisition only (SA-7/14, SA-91l3, small arms)
will be severely restricted and even systems with thermal
acquisition systems (tanks and BMPs) will be degraded
in effectiveness.
decreased threat
+ increased threat
Cross FLOT: During any cross-FLOT operations,
helicopters will be much more susceptible to small
arms and regimental/divisional air defense systems.
Chance encounters with Hinds will be more likely,
but exposure to hostile artillery and fixed wing ground
attack aircraft would be unlikely.
Heavy Jamming: In a heavy jamming environment,
regimental and divisional air defense systems will be
degraded by radar and communications jamming.
Tank and BMP companies will normally assign platoons
to assist in the air defense of our forces under these
Rear Area: During flights in our rear area, attacks
from Soviet fighters or ground attack aircraft would
be more likely, and small arms fire from infiltrators or
insurgents would be possible but unlikely.
Defense: In a situation where the Soviets are in a
defensive posture- for example, a frontline regiment
in a hasty defense because of heavy attrition, awaiting
passage of another regiment - the SA -7 /14 teams and
small arms will be dismounted and could be the greatest
threat. Unbuttoned tanks and BMPs would be assigned
defensive sectors and could easily detect and engage
hovering helicopters as they pop up.
Recon Units: In a covering force area when Soviet
reconnaissance units are preceding their main forces,
these recon units will frequently dismount personnel;
small arms and SA-7/14s could, again, be a major
threat. Divisional and regimental air defense units are
usually not present with recon units, but additional
SA-7/14 teams could easily be attached to them. The
volume of artillery normally associated with an assault
would not be present, so artillery, as a threat, would
be greatly reduced.
Assessing the threat to SEMA (special electronic
mission aircraft) is much less complicated and, except
for nuclear and chemical environments, should always
1. SA-4/12.
2. Fighter/ground attack aircraft.
3. SS21/SCUD nuclear, chemical or ICM attack
on base airfield facility.
4. SA-6/11.
5. Small arms/SA-7/14 (infiltration teams).
You, the aviator, will have to assess not only what
weapons systems oppose you in the battle and where
they are, but also what battlefield environmental factors
will/won't enhance ability to acquire and kill you.
(' J. Army Aviation in America
NEWEST team member in Panama two major treatment facilities. In addition, the unit
is the U.S. Army medical department activity's transports essential medical personnel, whole blood,
(MEDDAC) Air Ambulance Section, "Ditch Dustoff." biologicals and other medical supplies.
With the implementation of the Panama Canal Like most air ambulance units, Dustoff Panama
Treaty of 1979, the Army assumed responsibility for has a four-man crew on standby at the airfield 24
health care within the former Panama Canal Zone. hours a day, and it is because of this responsiveness
To discharge this responsibility, an air ambulance that they also serve as crash rescue support to Howard
section was organized, primarily to provide an aerial AFB.
link between the two major treatment facilities, Coco This unit's organization and mission are truly unIque
Solo Army Hospital on the Atlantic side of the isthmus for several reasons. It is one of only two Department
and Gorgas Army Hospital on the Pacific side. of the Army air ambulance units worldwide which are
Colocated with the 210th Aviation at Howard Air also under the command and control of a medical
Force Base on the west bank (Pacific terminus) of the treatment facility.
Panama Canal, this aviation section has a three-fold With its geographic location on the 4O-niile wide
mission responsibility. Foremost is its aeromedical Isthmus of Panama, the section is also able to boast
evacuation of casualties from jungle field sites and that it is the only Army unit with aeromedical evacuation
the interhospital transfer of patients between MEDDAC's duties ranging from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans.
Training in all types of terrain and
all types of equipment keeps the
air ambulance unit's personnel
photo by SSG Charlie Drake
Major Bruce G. Furbish*
Plans, Operations and Training Officer
Letterman Army Hospital
Presidio of San Francisco
\ *Major Furbish was assigned as chief, Air
Ambulance Section, MEDDAC, Panama, when
he wrote this article
The possibility of removing a casualty from watercraft is real
in Panama. Crews from the Gorgas Army Hospital air ambulance
unit practice this tricky maneuver over a 1 097th Transportation
Company (MED SOAn LCM on the Chagres River near Ft.
Sherman, Panama
The makeup of the supported population provides
another distinction not commonly found in most air
, ambulance units. As its primary mission the unit pro-
vides aeromedical evacuation to not only all Depart-
ment of Defense elements of the U.S. Southern
Command, but also to a large number of civilian
Panama Canal Commission employees. Secondary to
this support and similar in concept to the MAST
(Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic) program,
the unit is also frequently involved in search and
rescue support, as well as humanitarian missions for
the host country, Panama. These missions range from
the extraction of injured sailors by rescue hoist from
ships in waters adjacent to the Panama Canal to a
mission of mercy flight to a small village deep within
the Darien jungle of Panama to rescue a young woman
with prenatal complications.
During the past year the unit flew 620 missions - an
average of 52 per month - in support of its various
missions. Viewed alone this may not seem impressive,
however, these statistics were compiled with only
three assigned UH-1 V Huey aircraft on a Flying Hour
Program that totaled 992 hours. This equates to 330
hours per airframe and could well make it the busiest
air ambulance unit in the Army today.
Statistics like these are not easily obtained without
a maintenance section that is responsive to mission
requirements. Often working long hours, the unit's
maintenance section has ensured the availability of a
minimum of two standby aircraft at any given time.
. The maintenance section can take pride in the fact
that the section has never missed a medical evacuation
(medevac) due to a maintenance-related problem.
Supporting such a diverse mission load requires
medical aids who are highly trained and able to work
under pressure with no physician supervision. To
prepare medics for these challenges, candidates are
required to be Emergency Medical Technicians,
complete the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course,
and receive extensive training in the labor and delivery
wards of Gorgas Army Hospital.
As with all aviation in Panama, the requirements
for safe operations in a tropical environment pose
special challenges to the pilots. From the suddenness
of a heavy tropical rain shower to the total darkness
of the jungle at night, pilots of air ambulance flights
must be highly trained and confident to handle the
mission. To cope with these special mission require-
ments, a high premium is placed on night, instrument
and high performance hoist proficiency.
Comprehensive ground school classes are conducted
weekly complemented by regularly scheduled Night
Hawk and instrument flight periods. Additionally, the
aviators are annually sent to Ft. Benning, GA, for 20
hours of SFTS (synthetic flight training simulator)
refresher training culminating in the renewal of their
instrument flight tickets.
To familiarize aviators with the flight physiology,
meteorology, aircraft performance and control tech-
niques associated with high altitude operations, aviators
annually conduct training in the 10,000 to 12,000 foot
high mountains near San Jose, Costa Rica. The product
of these training programs is aviators capable of
planning flights and safely operating their aircraft
over terrain as diverse as the hilly triple canopy jungle
of the region, the vast open water areas surrounding
the Panama Canal or the rugged mountainous areas
of western Panama and much of Central and South
America. Although the youngest of the Army's aero-
medical evacuation uni ts, the daily routine of long,
tedious hours of standby punctuated by the shrill
alert of the mission and a call for help is well known
by all who serve with "Dustoff." Our air ambulance
section proudly joins the long list of medevac units
worldwide dedicated to providing a rapid and responsive
evacuation link for all U.S. Armed Forces and Allied
elements whom they serve.
HIS ITEM in the Flight Infor-
mation Bulletin is one of a
growing number of procedures
which are being published and prac-
ticed at Army Aviation facilities to
put into action the noise abatement
procedures being pressed by the
"Fly Neighborly Program."
The Fly Neighborly Program is
the vehicle by which the helicopter
industry is trying to improve the
environment by removing, or at least
reducing, objectionable sound. All
of us who fly have learned to live
with noise and sometimes we take
it for granted. Due to the growing
voice of state and local governments,
special interest groups and citizens,
the civilian helicopter industry has
begun to take an earnest interest
because restrictions imposed to
reduce helicopter noise - higher
flight altitudes, route control and
sound limits-would ultimately ad-
versely impinge upon industry's
At its February 1982 convention
at Las Vegas, NV, the Helicopter
Association International (HAl)
proposed a plan to reduce noise
levels associated with helicopters
through source design, engineering
and piloting techniques. Design
engineering to reduce acoustic sig-
nature hopefully will be realized in
the fu ture as manufacturers find
new ways to muffle sounds, diffuse
noise and reduce vibrations. In the
near term, adaptation of sensible
piloting techniques can contribute
to elimination of noises and vibra-
tions. This just means that we who
fly helicopters must avoid flight
envelopes which produce annoying
noise. I hope to show you how in
this article.
As military pilots, you and I have
always been concerned as much as
the civilian firms about helicopter
noise, although the reasons for
concern may have been different.
We, of course, are aware of the
need for good public relations,
because we live and work very
closely with-indeed side by side-
civilian communities. Our unit per-
sonnel and our families are subject
to the same conditions as "those
civilians. "
On the other hand, from a purely
military sense of the word, we need
to reduce detectability on the battle-
field as a contribution to surviv-
ability. Also, the Army is sensitive
to the effects that noise and the
vibration associated with it have on
the health and job efficiency of the
soldier. We know that noise attenu-
ation reduces fatigue and noise can
provide anxiety, hearing loss and
other health problems.
The intensity of noise is directly
related to the loudness of the source
and its proximity to the recipient
("victim"). Within the realm of Army
Aviation, noise factors include en-
gines, gearboxes, air turbulence,
power tools, weapons and even the
rushing sounds of the radios. The
characteristics of our modern mili-
tary operations with helicopters-
flying lower and slower-exacerbate
noise but remain necessary to ac-
complish our mission. These charac-
teristics are:
We must train as we intend to
fight, which includes multi-
aircraft formations.
We must train to fight day and
Sophisticated enemy detection
and acquisition systems drive
us to low levels (nap-of-the-earth)
in order to survive. This re-
quires slower speeds.
Adverse weather forces us to
lower altitudes, even on ad-
ministrative flights.
Training and normal operations
often require us to fly 7 days a
From the point of view of civilians
or other personnel who are not
directly involved in the maneuvers
at hand -like weekend vacationers
- you can imagine the reaction to
one or more noisy helicopters slap-
ping through the rainy night air.
The Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration's (FAA's) concern about
noise abatement has prompted con-
sideration of regulatory action. On
19 July 1979, the FAA issued Notice
of Proposed Rule Making No. 79-
13 which proposed noise standards
for helicopters considered for certi-
fication in the normal, transport and
restricted categories. It also pro-
posed to prohibit certain changes
in type designs of helicopters that
might increase their noise levels
beyond prescribed limits. This notice
was withdrawn on 25 November
1981, however, after review indi-
cated that relatively small indicated
benefits of noise reduction would
be far outweighed by the potential
costs. Still in force, however, is the
Noise Control Act of 1972, which
requires that noise reduction design
features which are "within economic
reasonableness and technological
practicality," be incorporated in each
newly certificated helicopter model.
These design considerations include
an environmental assessment report
and require that external noise
measurements be made during de-
velopment and benefits of design
technology are incorporated.
The International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) has adopted
noise abatement standards and
recommended practices in its publi-
cation on environmental protection.
From the development point of
view, we must remain cognizant of
this requirement and move to im-
prove the ways we can use tech-
nology to serve our needs. From
the practical point of view, we must
endeavor to reduce noise in all the
ways we know.
What are some of the character-
istics of noise that affect us? As you
will see, knowing a little about this
will enable you to defend yourself
and others against harmful effects
or the annoyance of noise. Figure 1
illustrates sound level in decibels
(dB) and typical sounds.
In a series of publications, C. R.
Cox of Bell Helicopter Textron
provides pertinent data of great use
to the pilot in understanding noise
and its effects on the environment.
In these pamphlets, he recommends
procedures to reduce the adverse
effects of noise when operating light"
and mediumS sized helicopters. Here
are some highlights.
FIGURE 2: trend of helicopter
noise levels
threthold 0' palll
Ilrpl ... It 10 , .. t
hl", .. erhIt .. dHI pllt. , , .. t I.IY
rlnllll, "'Iehl .. 40 'Ht I.IY
tractor trlll.r "Irtlll, lip SO 'Ht IWlY
90 \\?\:{:.:.;.;.::::::::::::.;.:....... .
::: 20 I", , .. ,
",utiCI III h ....
.. ...--- 1I ..... raphic office .oull4.
.,;..- h.lleopt.r 400 'Ht I.IY
e-- ... rl,' co,-,,"lIoII , , .. t IWlY
____ ... ra,. city IIr .. t
FIGURE 1: overall sound levels
Adapt ed from proposed City Code of Ord i nance,
Department of Health, Houston, TX, Chap V, Sect I,
Noise Rules, Levels, Recommendations, not dated, p. 63.
piston powered helicopter
at 250 feet
2,000 5,000 10 ,000 20 ,000 30,000
gross weight , pounds
turhine powered helicopter
at 250 feet
truck or motorcycle
at 100 feet
pereeptihle .Iap
slap houndary
Rate of Climb
[feet per minute]
Rate of Descent
[feet per minute]
- 500 .......
lIIuilllUIII slap_
Rat e 0 f C lim b + 5 0 0 .-------.-------.-----,--------.-----.----1
[fe et per minute]
Rate of Descent
[feet per minute]
- 5 0 0 r-----t----'ri- -.;;
-1 000 '----__ ---L. ____ ____ ...L_ __ __ ---L. ____ ._J
-1000 L-__ -L __ ____ J_ __ ____ __ __
20 40 60
80 100 120 20 40 60 80
[ knots]
100 120
FIGURE 3: noisy flight operations, light helicopters FIGURE 4: noisy flight operations, medium helicopters
The noise level of a helicopter is,
of course, a function of the size and
type of power plant. Turbine pow-
ered helicopters are quieter than
piston powered ones with unmuffled
engine exhausts and produce sounds
no louder than familiar vehicles
(figure 2).
Blade slap occurs in the light heli-
copter typically during partial power
descent, when a blade intersects its
own vortex system or that of another
blade, such as in formation flight.
In the medium helicopter, this modu-
lated sound occurs during high speed
forward flight normally at airspeeds
of more than 100 knots, during slow
flight and during turns. Figure 3
illustrates blade slap regions of the
Bell Model 206A (OH-58 Kiowa
type) as a function of airspeed, rate
of climb and rate of descent and
shows where you can expect this
sound. Note that maximum blade
slap occurs between 65 and 80 knots
and at rates of descent between 300
and 600 feet per minute (fpm).
Figure 4 illustrates the bounds of
"slap" in the helicopter Bell models
204B, 205A and 212 (UH-1 Huey
type). The "slap boundary" can be
larger because the main rotor may
slap outside of the zone illustrated
intermittently when it encounters
wind gusts or if you transition rapidly
from one condition to another.
Elimination of the most offensive
sounds can be accomplished by
avoiding the slap region. Some other
poin ters to red uce the sound are:
A void overflight of populated areas
(if you must fly over them, maintain
cruise airspeed of about 95 knots)
and fly at highest practical altitude.
Approach and Landing. When
commencing an approach in light
helicopters such as the OH-58,
follow one of these two procedures:
Establish a rate of descent of at
least 500 fpm before reducing air-
speed, then reduce airspeed while
increasing rate of descent to at least
800 fpm; or, hold rate of descent to
less than 200 fpm while reducing
airspeed to about 55 knots, then
increase rate of descent.
At an airspeed between 50 and
75 knots, set up your glide path
while maintaining a rate of descent
of 800 fpm or greater. If the main
rotor tends to slap, increase the
rate of descent. When approaching
the flare, reduce airspeed to below
60 knots before decreasing the rate
of descent. Then execute a normal
flare and landing.
Departure. You can limit the total
area of exposure by using a high
rate of climb and making a very
smooth transition to forward flight.
Maneuver. Avoid rapid, high g
turns. Perform maneuvers smoothly.
A suggested technique to avoid
blade slap is shown in figure 5.
In medium helicopters such as
the UH-1, the main rotor slaps to
some degree between 10 and about
85 knots, where it slaps almost con-
tinuously. At other airspeeds, it slaps
intermittently. Maximum slap occurs
during partial power descents-at
airspeeds between 60 and 80 knots
and rates of descent between 200
and 400 fpm.
At airspeeds above about 100
knots, blade slap intensifies, and it
may not be readily apparent to the
crew because the sound propagates
forward of the helicopter instead
of spreading.
Blade slap also occurs during
constant speed turns, if turn rates
are too high due to blade interaction
with the rotor wake. Figure 6 shows
slap hounclary
+500 2.5
Rate of Climb
I feet per minute)
Left Turn
Rate of Descent
Ifeet per minute)
Right Turn
to "."roach
!lIMIe slope
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40
Airspeed Airspeed
Iknots) I knots)
FIGURE 5: noise abatement flight technique, light helicopters FIGURE 6: noisy maneuvers, medium helicopters
that continuous slap occurs in turns
which exceed 1.5g with airspeeds
between about 50 and 90 knots in a
left turn and between about 40 and
110 knots in a right turn. The crew
can hear this noise easily and learn
to avoid these thresholds by adjust-
ing power or the severity of the
The same ideas for noise atten-
uation listed above for the light
helicopters generally apply to the
Huey except for approach and
When commencing an approach,
begin the descent at least 200 fpm
before reducing airspeed, then re-
duce airspeed while increasing rate
of descent to about 800 fpm. This
gives a slightly steeper approach
angle like a semiautorotation and a
smaller exposure "footprint" on the
ground (figure 7).
At a convenient airspeed between
50 and 80 knots, set up your ap-
proach glide path while maintaining
the fpm rate of descent. If the main
rotor begins to "slap," increase the
rate of descent. Approaching the
flare, reduce airspeed to below 50
knots before decreasing the rate of
descent. Then execute a normal
flare and landing.
The suggested noise abatement
flight technique illustrated in figure
8 will help you to avoid the "noise
zones. "
FIGURE 7: ground noise-exposure footprint
normal approach
noise ahatement approach
Humid days associated with low
cloud cover and low winds increase
sound propagation. When these con-
ditions exist-particularly when
there is fog, drizzle or light snow-
use noise abatement procedures.
As a step toward immediately
alleviating some of the noise prob-
lems through piloting techniques,
HAl's plan suggests a four-element
program. As you can visualize, each
of these points is directly applicable
to the Army's modus operandi.
Increase pilot knowledge and
awareness and concern for environ-
co"tour 01
equal noile level
normal approach --
noise-ahatement approach -
.It, hou_ry
Rat e of Clim b + 5 0 0
[feet per minute]
Rate 0 f 0 ascent
[feet per minute]
-1000 L---._-'--__ __ L.._ _ __.J
20 40
120 140
FIGURE 8: noise abatementflighttechnique, medium helicopters
mental improvement.
Emphasize noise reduction.
Issue and become familiar with
publications which provide noise
abatement information, power set-
tings, and flight maneuvers and
techniq ues.
Condition our aviators to prac-
tice "good neighbor" flying.
Some common noise attenuation
methods are literally right at the
fingertips of every helicopter pilot.
We can reduce the length of hover-
ing and proximity to buildings or
personnel. Hovering requires higher
power settings and consequently
causes higher noise levels. Avoid
low level flying except in authorized
Develop discrete routes, ap-
proaches and approach procedures
focusing on minimum exposure.
Enforce the rules.
Join with civilian organizations
to promote good neighbor practices.
Seek public acceptance by de-
veloping community awareness of
the benefits of Army helicopters
and the need to fly as we do. Be
concerned about community
When Brigadier General Ellis D.
Parker, Army Aviation officer at
HQDA, was commander of 17th
Aviation Group in Korea, he dis-
patched teams of people to measure
decibel levels from which he regu-
lated routes of helicopters. Although
some of your noisier routes may
remain, the populace will accept it
more readily if you take the time
and exert the courtesy to show them
some consideration. This association
will provide a foundation upon
which to deal with serious complaints.
Work with local planners and
cooperate to make heliport facilities,
operating hours and flight routes as
compatible as possible with the local
Develop for each helicopter
type (and model) the appropriate
piloting techniques to reduce noise.
HAl will continue to adminis-
ter the Fly Neighborly Program in-
cluding collection and distribution
of program information.
Given this semitechnical infor-
mation along with the theory that
noise abatement makes sense, what
can we as aviators and unit com-
manders do to make it work for us?
Here are some thoughts. If reduction
of noise can reduce acoustical de-
tection of us by the enemy, then
let's practice it! And, let's keep our
neighbors- both military and civil-
ian - happy by practicing noise
abatement. Do this by careful flight
planning and developing noise abate-
ment routes and procedures wher-
ever you operate. Educate these
neighbors as to why and where you
have to fly, consider their requests
for relief and cooperate as much as
There is no reason that we cannot
continue to operate business as
usual, train to be ready to fight and
respect the consciousness of those
around us-particularly when we
are some of "those" affected by our
helicopters. Everyone needs to pull
together to accomplish this. All of
us who share the sky must share
responsibility for noise abatement.
1. DA Tech Bulletin TB AVN 1-1157,
" Army Aviation Flight Information
Bulletin," HQDA, 2 March 1982, p. 8.
2. " Fly Neighborly Program (Draft), "
Helicopter Association International.
8 February 1982.
3. ICAO International Standards and
Recommended Practices, Environ-
mental Protection, Annex 16, Volume
I (Aircraft Noise), first edition-1981.
4. C. R. Cox, Flying Neighborly- How
to Operate the Light Helicopter More
Quietly, Bell Helicopter Textron, un-
5. C. R. Cox, Flying Neighborly- How
to Operate the Medium Helicopter
More Quietly, Bell Hel icopter Textron,
6. C. R. Cox, Ibid.
Colonel Boysen was assigned to Head-
quarters, Department of the Army in
Combat Division, Requirements Direc-
torate, ODCSOPS (DAMO-RQD), when
he wrote this article. He represented
HQDA at the February 1982 Helicopter
Association International Convention. This
article is adapted in part from his speech
to that forum. The author is a Master
Army Aviator. He acknowledges assis-
tance from Mr. C. R. Cox of Bell Helicopter
Textron in editing the article for technical
accuracy. Colonel Boysen is now assigned
as security plans and operations officer,
Headquarters, 13th Support Command,
III Corps, Ft. Hood, TX.
us. Army Communications Command
More On The Near
Midair Problem
Mr. Kenneth S. Arnold
u.s. Army Air Traffic Control Activity
Aeronautical Services Office
Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA
JOSEPH PAUL Goebbels, the notorious Nazi propa-
gandist once said, "If something is repeated often
enough, people will soon begin to believe it. "
Using Dr. Goebbels' premise, and at the risk of
sounding repetitious, this short discussion is again
aimed at the near midair collision menace. It is done
so with the hope that all aviators will soon be convinced
that as long as VFR and IFR traffic are permitted in
the airspace, only they are in a position to really do
anything more about the problem. Collision avoidance
systems are only aids to the eyeballs and work on the
same see and be seen concept.
It all comes down to this. The highest level of pilot
vigilance must be maintained to avoid midair collisions,
regardless of the airspace in which operations are
being conducted and regardless of the air traffic control
services being used. No pilot should permit himself or
herself to be lulled into a false sense of security by
ATC procedures that cannot necessarily guarantee
separation under visual meteorological conditions.
Reports show that many pilots under radar control
believe they will be advised of traffic which represents
a potential conflict - and behave accordingly. They
tend to relax their visual scan for other traffic until
warned of its presence. When warned of a conflicting
aircraft, they tend to look for it to the exclusion of
within cockpit tasks and scanning for other unreported
Obviously, prohibitions against uncontrolled aircraft
in terminal control areas are not entirely effective. A
study of near midair collisions reported to the Federal
A viation Administration indicated that of half the
near midairs in terminal control areas one of the
aircraft involved was not known to or controlled by
A TC. Any interpretation of near midair collision data
within TeAs must take this into account. Intruders in
TeAs are a random element in a system designed to
provide maximum orderliness in high density terminal L
Air traffic controllers cannot inform pilots of traffic
that is not visible on their radar scopes, nor can they
provide separation from such traffic. It is plain that at
least some pilots receiving Stage III services believe
that they will be told about all traffic that represents a
threat, yet controllers can handle traffic only with
regard to threats they can see. With respect to
participation in Stage III services in terminal radar
service areas, the FAA has stated that 80 to 90 percent
of VFR aircraft avail themselves of such services.
Yet, FAA and military data indicate that almost two-
thirds of near midair collisions in TRSAs involve a
nonparticipating aircraft. Clearly then, the risk of a
near midair collision is disproportionately high for
the aircraft that does not participate in Stage III
One is thus faced with a situation in which pilots
may expect more from the A TC system than it can
deliver, and in which controllers may be expected to
provide more information than their equipment gives
them. Whether this problem exists because of misunder-
standings, lack of pilot education or the implied promise
of Stage III procedures is not fully understood, but
the data available indicate that it does exist.
Those pilots, who do not understand the limitations
of terminal radar and of the controllers who use it as
their primary source of information, must be taught.
Many aircraft in TRSAs, and some of the intruders in
TeAs, are not transponder-equipped. Such aircraft
are often not visible to controllers. These aircraft,
and many others near TeA boundaries, represent a
threat detectable only by the pilot, and then only if he
or she is looking for them! ,
Readers are encouraged to address matters concerning air traffic control to:
Director, USAA TCA Aeronautical Services Office, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314
. ....
"suspect malfunction" won't hack
it .. .
Describe it in simple terms- it's
not a writing contest: (you tel l )
what happened during (flight
condition: taxi , T.O., climb, de-
scent, cruise, hover IGE/OGE,
practice autorotation, steep right!
left bank turn) while (power con-
dition: applying power, decreas-
ing power, maintaining - torque
reading/_% power/_ in. Hg @
_ RPM). Saw engine instrument
readings ri se, drop, fluctuate
from __ to _ _ : lost electrical
(or erratic) power to _ _ instru-
ments/radios/lights. Smelled
smoke, acid, electric wires.
Noises heard-one/many/con-
tinuous, hollow, solid, muffled,
loud, soft, knock, chatter, purring,
shrill , or none at all.) Felt flight
controls respond, not respond,
mushy, positive, opposite to com-
Be specif ic- give the mainte-
nance crew all the data you re-
member so that they can fully
correct the malfunction. Let's
help ourselves to be Accident
Free In '83.