Definition Amalgam
Definition Amalgam
Definition Amalgam
7 Dental Amalgam
Amalgam seems first to have been first used for the restoration of teeth in the
early part of the 19th century in Europe. I t was just one type of metallic
restoration: others included hammered gold leaf or lead, the latter placed while
molten. Right from the start, the use of amalgam was controversial. Mercury
was known to be toxic and the technique of inserting amalgam seemed crude
compared with the meticulous approach needed to place gold foil. Conse-
quently the use of amalgam was considered unethical. In America, the dispute
between those dentists who would use amalgam and those who would not
became extremely polemical, leading to the so-called umalgam wars. In fact,
there was an early professional body, the American Society of Dental
Surgeons, whose express purpose was to unite ethical dentists (i.e. those
refusing to use amalgam) against the unethical ones. Later, many individuals
were involved in helping to formulate safe and reliable amalgams for dental
fillings. 187 One of the most notable was G.V. Black, whose Manual of Operative
Dentistry published in 1896 established the mechanical principles for sound
cavity design for use with these more satisfactory amalgams. Finally, in 1929,
the American Dental Association adopted a specification for dental amalgam,
which included the requirement that the material be tested under defined
conditions. This was an important step in eliminating unsatisfactory products
from the market.
To prepare dental amalgams, a powdered alloy consisting mainly of silver
and tin is mixed with liquid mercury. The powder may be produced either by
lathe cutting or by milling a cast ingot of the silver-tin alloy. The resulting
particles are irregular in shape. Alternatively, the liquid alloy may be atomised
and allowed to condense, a process which results in particles having an
essentially spherical morphology. Alloys of both these types are used in clinical
amalgams, as also are mixtures of lathe cut and spherical particles.lX8
In clinical use, amalgam alloy is mixed with mercury in a process known as
trituration. Although formerly done by hand, possibly in the hands themselves
with a rolling action, modern dental surgeries tend to be equipped with
vibratory mixers, and the unmixed amalgam is prepared by the manufacturers
in two chambers of a small capsule. Immediately prior to mixing, the thin
membrane that separates the alloy powder from the liquid mercury is broken,
and the capsule inserted into the arm of the mechanical mixer and vibrated for
the required length of time, typically 30 seconds, to bring about thorough
mixing of powder and liquid. The freshly mixed amalgam, which has a plastic
consistency, is then extruded from the capsule and into the cavity.
During the process of trituration, the surface layer of the silver-tin alloy
dissolves in the liquid mercury, and there is a reaction that leads to the
formation of new phases. These new phases are solid, and their formation
causes the plastic amalgam paste to solidify. A number of metallurgical phases
are involved in this transformation, details of which are given in Table 4.13.
The detailed metallurgy of the phases involved is complex, and changes in
the silver content of the initial silver-tin alloy can lead to the formation of
Metals 137
Table 4.13 Phuses involved in the setting ofdentul umulgum
Phase Cheniical formula
different phases which have correspondingly different physical properties.
Silver-tin alloys anyway are brittle and difficult to grind uniformly unless a
small amount of copper is included. This is limited to 4-5 wt%, since above
this level the discrete compound Cu3Sn is formed. Below this level, the
presence of copper hardens and strengthens the Ag-Sn alloy.
Zinc may also be included in the alloy, typically at levels of around 1 wt%.
The presence of zinc leads to amalgams that are less plastic than zinc-free
amalgams, an important feature during finishing processes for fillings. The
main purpose of adding the zinc, though, is for it to act as a scavenger for
oxygen, 189 thereby reducing corrosion through minimising the occurrence of
other metal oxides in the finished amalgam.
The main setting reaction of dental amalgam is as follows:)
The final alloy also contains significant amounts of the unreacted y phase,
Ag3Sn. Modern amalgams are formulated to include up to 30 wtO% copper,I
and this leads to a subsequent reaction, as follows:
Sn7 *Hg + Cu - Cu3Sn +Hg
The elemental mercury that is formed in this reaction is then free to react with
further silver-tin alloy, and form the desirable yI phase. There are several
advantages to these reactions occurring in the setting process of amalgams:
resulting materials are less susceptible to creep and corrosion92 and they reach
their final levels of strength quicker than so-called conventional amalgams. 193
The absence of corrosion is regarded as particularly advantageous, because it
eliminates the main route by which mercury can be released from the filling
and enter the patient viu the gastro-intestinal tract. As a result, high-copper
amalgams are now the material of choice for the clinical repair of cavities,194
and in certain countries, e.g. Germany, high-copper is the only type of
amalgam that is permitted for clinical use.
Dental amalgam is used within clinical dentistry for a variety of permanent
restorations, i.e. those designed to last several years, rather than merely weeks
or months. 195 The actual survival time varies considerably, depending on the
138 Cliupter 4
brand of material, condition being repaired, and patient factors such as age
and quality of oral hygiene.'96 Amalgams are recommended for a range of
cavities, including substantial ones needed to repair the molar teeth.
Amalgam itself has no adhesion to either dentine or enamel. This means that
there is the potential for marginal leakage, especially with high-copper
amalgams, which give rise to less corrosion product that might otherwise fill
any marginal gap. Traditionally, cavity walls are coated with a layer of copal-
ether varnish.197 This results in a very thin layer of organic film, about 2 pm
deep, which provides some modest sealing of the gap by flowing to fill any
surface irregularities on the prepared wall.
More recently, amalgam restorations have been bonded in place using a
bonding agent especially designed for the purpose, Using such materials, quite
high experimental bond strengths have been recorded between bovine dentine
and amalgam; it is, however, too soon to have demonstrated whether such
bonding agents improve the longevity and clinical performance of amalgam
restorations when used in human teeth.
Briefly, amalgam has the following advantages:
(i) It is inexpensive;
(ii) It is strong and durable in the oral environment, and shows excellent
(i. e. minimal) wear;
(iii) Its use is relatively insensitive to clinical technique;
(iv) It has a proven track record of over 150 years of clinical service.
On the other hand, it has the following disadvantages:
(i ) Lack of adhesion, which may lead to marginal leakage (see above);
(ii) I t has to be retained mechanically, which in turn means it is not
conservative of tooth structure (healthy tooth tissue has to be removed
to create the necessary undercut cavity in order to retain the hardened
(iii) Its aesthetics are poor;
(iv) There is patient concern over toxicity.
Dental amalgam is a space filler, and its placement in the tooth causes a
weakening effect. Consequently, techniques that are highly conservative of
tooth tissue are generally employed by dentists and cavities are cut so as to
avoid sharp angles because they also weaken the tooth by causing stresses to
be concentrated at the corners.
Amalgam is prepared and placed under the driest possible conditions
because if an unset amalgam comes into contact with a wet liquid, i.e. saliva or
blood, the cavity margins become difficult to finish properly, and the adapta-
tion is poor. In amalgams containing zinc, there is also the possibility of
reaction of the metallic zinc with water to yield zinc oxide and hydrogen:
Zn +H2O ---f ZnO + HZ (gas)
Metals 139
The latter causes bubbling and expansion of the filling which, in severe cases,
will result in pulpal pain and cuspal fracture.
When used properly, amalgams have extremely good properties as restora-
tive materials being durable and showing little in the way of recurrent caries.
Modern high-copper zinc-containing amalgams have been shown to have
extremely good survival rates, typically being shown in one study to have over
90% surviving for at least 12 years.'98 The overall conclusion from studies of
durability is that the lifetime of an amalgam restoration depends on three sets
of factors:
(i) the material (brand, composition, quality of mixing etc.);
(ii) the dentist (cavity design, condensation, moisture control etc'.); and
(iii) the patient (oral health and hygiene, diet, occlusal forces applied,
including possible tooth grinding during sleep, behaviour known clini-
cally as bruxism).
The first two influence performance during the early part of the restoration's
lifetime, whereas the latter emerge as important as the restoration ages.
Dental Amalgams and Health
Mercury is a toxic element, both as the free metal and in chemical combina-
t i ~n . ' ~~ Elemental mercury is relatively soluble in lipids, and is readily
absorbed at the lung surface, where it is oxidised to Hg2+. I t is transported
from the lungs by the red blood cells to other tissues, including the central
nervous system. Mercury is readily methylated in the environment and, as
methylmercury, easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and also the placenta
into the foetus. Consequently, it may accumulate in the brain, and may also
affect the unborn child. Inorganic and metallic mercury, by contrast, does not
cross the blood-brain barrier, and hence from amalgam fillings in these forms
it does not pose a threat to the brain.
Corrosion of dental amalgam fillings may occur under the conditions found
in the mouth.200~20' There is some inhibition of corrosion by the strong
passivating layer of SnO on the y1 phase which, though soluble in acid
solutions, is not under the relatively mild acidic conditions of active caries, i.e.
about 4.9.202 Despite this inhibition, some corrosion may occur, and this
causes mercury to be released as ions which pass into the gastro-intestinal
tract. However, the amount is limited, and there is no evidence that it is
sufficient to cause any adverse effects.
There are many studies which show mercury to have negligible effect on the
health and well-being of patients. For example, in a study in Sweden,'03 the
possible effects of amalgam fillings were examined by evaluating the health of
patients drawn from the ongoing Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Ageing. The
mean age of the subjects was 66, and the authors concluded that no negative
effects on physical or mental health could be found from dental amalgam, even
after controlling for age, gender, education and number of remaining teeth.
140 Chupter 4
There have been numerous attempts to link the presence of dental amalgam
with the disease multiple sclerosis, MS. There are difficulties in that MS is
characterised by bouts of spontaneous but temporary remission, so that
anecdotal accounts of improvements in health following removal of amalgam
fillings are of no value in determining whether there is any relationship. In fact,
what evidence there is shows there to be no relationship. Clausen204 analysed
the mercury content of brains from those who had suffered from MS in their
lifetimes and compared the results with those from the brains of deceased non-
sufferers. The overall levels showed no significant differences, but the lipid-
soluble mercury levels were significantly lower in the MS sufferers. This was
explained in terms of changes in both the blood-brain barrier and in vitamin
BIZ metabolism in those affected by MS. Whatever the explanation, it is clear
that MS is not connected with increased levels of mercury in the brain, and any
suggestion of a connection between dental amalgams and the disease seems to
have no basis in fact.
Dentists and their assistants have a much higher level of, exposure to
mercury in the form of vapour than do patients,205 yet studies have shown that
there are no significant differences in health, mortality and morbidity com-
pared with the general population. In fact, the only known and scientifically
confirmed problem with mercury is the very rare instances of mercury
hypersensitivity.206 Studies have also been conducted on the health of children
born to dental personnel, and again there appear to be no risks of abnormal-
ities in neonates in this In conclusion, the scientific evidence suggests
that the use of amalgam fillings poses no threat to the health of the dental
personnel carrying out treatment and that, once placed and set, there is
similarly no evidence that amalgam poses a threat to the health of patients.
8 References
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