058 - Reflex Action

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Reflex Action

January 2000 Number 58
Reflex actions are simple automatic responses operated through the nervous system. They aid the survival of animals by, for example:
producing protective reactions such as blinking, sneezing, coughing.
adjusting the activity of internal organs to the physiological needs of the body.
adjusting the tone of skeletal muscles to enable balance and so maintain posture.
causing reciprocal inhibition within antagonistic muscles, thus allowing one muscle to contract while the other one relaxes.
The structure of a simple reflex arc
A reflex arc is the simplest functional unit of the nervous system, involving
the complete pathway of neurones from the receptor which receives the
stimulus to the effector which produces the response. The basic three
neurone arc will consist of, in order, a sensory neurone, a relay or
connector neurone and a motor neurone. The structure of this type of
simple spinal reflex arc from the voluntary nervous system is shown in Fig 1.
Exam Hint - Exam questions on this topic are likely to test knowledge
and understanding of the structure and operation of a three neurone
spinal reflex arc, or the importances of reflex actions to the organism.
Questions could be of tick box, fill in the missing words, diagram
labelling, or of continual prose type.
Fig 1. A simple spinal reflex arc of the voluntary nervous system
Many neurones together make up nerves. The fibres of sensory neurones
lie in sensory nerves (for example, the optic nerve from the retina to the
brain), the fibres of motor neurones lie in motor nerves (for example, the
oculomotor nerve from the brain to the iris and ciliary muscles of the eye)
and the relay neurones make up the grey matter of the spinal cord or
brain. A mixed nerve (for example, the sciatic nerves from the spinal cord
to the legs) contains both sensory and motor neurones.
In the voluntary nervous system the sensory and motor neurones are
myelinated which enables them to conduct impulses very quickly, thus
allowing fast responses.
In the autonomic nervous system the motor neurones are non-myelinated
and so conduct impulses slowly. However this allows more gentle, sustained
control of bodily functions. The relay neurones are non-myelinated.
Remember the effectors for the voluntary nervous system are the
striated skeletal voluntary muscle fibres but for the autonomic system
are involuntary smooth muscle cells, glands, or in the case of the
heart, cardiac muscle fibres.
spinal cord
(transverse section)
cell body of
motor neurone
fibre (axon of
motor neurone)
fibre of sensory
cell body of
sensory neurone
dorsal root ganglion
(striated muscle fibres)
The functioning of a simple spinal reflex arc
All reflex arcs must be initiated by a stimulus which is recognised by a
receptor. The receptors act as transducers, that is, they change one form
of energy into another form. Table 1 gives some examples of receptors
which change various forms of energy into electrical nerve impulses in
sensory neurone.
Table 1. Receptors involved in reflex actions
Receptor Position Sensitive to:
Rods Retina Dim light of any wavelength
Cones Retina Bright light of specific
Paccinian corpuscles Under the skin Pressure changes
Stretch receptors Alveolar walls Tension changes
in lungs
Proprio-ceptors Muscles, tendons, Tension and pressure changes
joint capsules
Thermo-receptors Under skin, Temperature change
Taste receptors Tongue, Various chemicals
inside of cheeks
Olfactory (smell) Nasal mucosa Various chemicals
The stimulus causes depolarisation of the receptor cell membrane which in
turn, via the synapse from the receptor to the sensory neurone, depolarises
the sensory neurone setting up nerve impulses. These are transmitted via
the dorsal root ganglion (where the cell bodies of the sensory neurones are
situated) into the dorsal horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord. This
then sets impulses up in the relay neurone, via the synapse from the
sensory neurone to the cell body of the relay neurone. This transmits the
impulses to the synapse between the relay neurone and the cell body of
the motor neurone in the ventral horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord.
NB - In a two neurone reflex arc, the sensory neurone synapses directly
with the motor neurone and there is no relay neurone.
Reflex action
Impulses are then set up in the motor neurone which are then transmitted
through the ventral root of the spinal cord to the effector. The motor
neurone will induce a response in the effector, (via the neuromuscular
junction in the case of a muscle.
Dependent on which reflex action is involved, the higher conscious centres
of the brain may or may not be involved. For example, reflex actions that
control physiological functions such as gastro-intestinal movements, heart
beat changes, blood pressure changes and breathing changes are generally
carried out at a subconscious level. Reflex actions such as coughing, sneezing
and responses to pain are generally given conscious attention. To enable
this to happen the sensory and relay neurones in the reflex arc can synapse
with myelinated relay neurones which run up and down the length of the
spinal cord, to and from the brain. These myelinated fibres are fast
conducting and make up the white matter of the spinal cord. The arrangement
of the white and grey matter in the spinal cord is shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2. Transverse section of spinal cord
Remember - synapses between the grey and white matter neurones
occur in both the dorsal and ventral horns of the grey matter enabling
impulses to be transmitted between the reflex arc and the brain and vice
versa, if necessary.
Reflex action Stimulus Receptors Effects
Salivation Smell or taste of food Olfactory and taste Secretion of saliva into buccal cavity.
Pupil reflex Light intensity Rods and cones Iris muscles adjust pupil diameter, wide in dim light, narrow in bright light.
Accommodation Lack of clarity of Rods and cones Ciliary muscles adjust lens curvature, more convex for near vision,
of image on retina less convex for distant vision.
Flexion reflex Pain Pain receptors Limb muscles flex, drawing limb away from pain, (pin, hotplate).
Stretch reflex Stretching of muscles Proprioceptors Contraction of muscles to maintain constant tone, thus enabling balance,
(muscle spindles) maintaining posture.
Knee jerk Tapping patellar Proprioceptors/ Lower leg kicks forwards due to sudden contraction of front thigh muscles.
tendon stretch receptors
Sweating Increased body Thermoreceptors Increased sweat release to cool body surface down.
Vaso-constriction Decreased body Thermoreceptors Constriction of skin arterioles so less heat loss from blood via skin.
Vasodilation Increased body Thermoreceptors Dilation of skin arterioles so more heat loss from blood via skin.
Shivering Decreased body Thermoreceptors Skeletal muscles have continual spasms to generate metabolic heat.
Coughing Irritant material on Chemoreceptors Sudden contraction of diaphragm and internal intercostal muscles causing
and sneezing mucosa of airways a violent expiration to blow irritant material out.
Increased cardiac Lowered blood Baroreceptors Increased frequency and force of cardiac muscle contractions, so blood
activity pressure, raised (for blood pressure) pressure raised and more blood carried to lungs for CO
blood hydrogen Chemoreceptors
carbonate level
Increased Raised blood Chemoreceptors Increased frequency and depth of breathing to remove extra CO
ventilation hydrogen
carbonate level
Table 2. Examples of reflex actions in mammals
Other examples of reflex actions are shown in Table 2.
sensory input
dorsal root ganglion
(contains cell bodies of sensory neurones)
dorsal horn
of grey matter
cell bodies of
relay neurones
canal (contains
ventral horn of grey matter
(contains cell bodies of motor
(protective membrane)
motor output
grey matter
relay neurones
running from
dorsal horn to
ventral horn)
Exam Hint - A common error made by candidates in examinations is
to confuse white and grey matter. Remember- white matter contains
myelinated fibres and grey matter contains non-myelinated fibres.
(Myelin is white in colour)
white matter
neurones running
up and
down cord)
Reflex Action
Practice questions
1. The diagram below shows the spinal cord of a mammal in transverse
section and the neurones involved in a knee jerk reflex action.
(a) (i) Name the parts labelled A, B and C. (3 marks)
(ii) Distinguish between parts A and B. (2 marks)
(b) (i) Name neurones X, Y and Z and state their functions in this
reflex arc. (6 marks)
(ii) What stimulus would cause a knee jerk reflex to operate?
(1 mark)
(c) The knee jerk reflex is a spinal reflex but some reflexes are cranial
since they operate through the brain stem. Suggest three examples
of cranial reflexes. (3 marks)
2. The diagram of the pupil and iris shows the directions in which the
muscles of the iris run.
(a) (i) What is the main function of the iris? (1 mark)
(ii) What type of muscle is found in the iris? (1 mark)
(iii) What type of nervous control regulates the iris muscles?
(1 mark)
(b) Describe how the size of the pupil would be adjusted when
moving from dim light to bright light. (6 mark)
3. The table below refers to features of three reflex actions. If a feature is
correct put a tick in the appropriate box and if it is incorrect, a cross.
1. (a) (i) A = grey matter;
B = white matter;
C = dorsal root ganglion;
(ii) A contains non-myelinated fibres and B contains myelinated
A contains relay fibres running across the cord and B contains
relay fibres running up and down the cord;
(b) (i) X = motor neurone;
Y = sensory neurone;
Z = relay neurone;
Y transfers impulses from the receptor to the dorsal horn of
the grey matter (or equivalent);
Z transfers impulses from the sensory neurone to the motor
neurone/dorsal horn of grey matter to ventral horn;
X transfers impulses from the relay neurone/ventral horn to
the effector;
(ii) tension/tapping on the patellar tendon;
(c) Any three of: blinking/pupil reflex/focussing/salivation/tear release/
any correct example;;;
2. (a) (i) To regulate the intensity of light reaching the retina (thus
protecting the retina from damage);
(ii) smooth/involuntary;
(iii) reflex action;
(b) bright light causes cones/rods to be depolarised;
this sets up impulses in optic nerve to brain;
impulses sent in motor/oculomotor nerves to iris muscles;
circular muscles contract and radial muscles relax;
thus pupil size reduced;
this is an autonomic reflex;
Feature Salivation Blinking Elbow jerk
Spinal reflex
Cranial reflex
Feature Salivation Blinking Elbow jerk
Spinal reflex
Cranial reflex

(3 marks)
radial muscle
circular muscle
This Factsheet was researched and written by Martin Griffin
Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg,
120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
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ISSN 1351-5136

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