Exposure To Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth
Exposure To Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth
Exposure To Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth
Among Youth
Steven C. Martino, Rebecca L. Collins, Marc N. Elliott, Amy Strachman, David E.
Kanouse and Sandra H. Berry
Pediatrics 2006;118;430-441
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2006-0131
The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:
aRAND, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; bRAND, Santa Monica, California; cUniversity of California, Los Angeles, California
The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
BACKGROUND. Early sexual activity is a significant problem in the United States. A
recent survey suggested that most sexually experienced teens wish they had
waited longer to have intercourse; other data indicate that unplanned pregnancy peds.2006-0131
and sexually transmitted diseases are more common among those who begin doi:10.1542/peds.2006-0131
sexual activity earlier. Popular music may contribute to early sex. Music is an
Key Words
integral part of teens’ lives. The average youth listens to music 1.5 to 2.5 hours per adolescent sexual behavior, media effects,
day. Sexual themes are common in much of this music and range from romantic music lyrics, sexually explicit media
and playful to degrading and hostile. Although a previous longitudinal study has Abbreviation
STD—sexually transmitted disease
linked music video consumption and sexual risk behavior, no previous study has
Accepted for publication Apr 11, 2006
tested longitudinal associations between the content of music lyrics and subse
Address correspondence to Steven C. Martino,
quent changes in sexual experience, such as intercourse initiation, nor has any PhD, RAND, 4570 5th Ave, Suite 600,
study explored whether exposure to different kinds of portrayals of sex has Pittsburgh, PA 15213. E-mail: martino@rand.
different effects. PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2006 by the
DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS. We conducted a national longitudinal telephone survey of American Academy of Pediatrics
1461 adolescents. Participants were interviewed at baseline (T1), when they were
12 to 17 years old, and again 1 and 3 years later (T2 and T3). At all of the
interviews, participants reported their sexual experience and responded to mea
sures of more than a dozen factors known to be associated with adolescent sexual
initiation. A total of 1242 participants reported on their sexual behavior at all 3
time points; a subsample of 938 were identified as virgins before music exposure
for certain analyses. Participants also indicated how frequently they listened to
each of more than a dozen musical artists representing a variety of musical genres.
Data on listening habits were combined with results of an analysis of the sexual
content of each artist’s songs to create measures of exposure to 2 kinds of sexual
content: degrading and nondegrading.
OUTCOME MEASURES. We measured initiation of intercourse and advancement in non
coital sexual activity level over a 2-year period.
RESULTS. Multivariate regression analyses indicated that youth who listened to more
degrading sexual content at T2 were more likely to subsequently initiate inter
course and to progress to more advanced levels of noncoital sexual activity, even
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after controlling for 18 respondent characteristics that hour a day listening to music, and a quarter of them
might otherwise explain these relationships. In contrast, listen in excess of 3 hours per day. Some have argued
exposure to nondegrading sexual content was unrelated that, because popular music is such a large part of ado
to changes in participants’ sexual behavior. lescents’ everyday experience, youth cannot be under
stood without a serious consideration of how music fits
CONCLUSION. Listening to music with degrading sexual lyr into their lives.7 From music, adolescents gain informa
ics is related to advances in a range of sexual activities tion about society, social and gender roles, and expected
among adolescents, whereas this does not seem to be behavior, and they use music to facilitate friendships and
true of other sexual lyrics. This result is consistent with social interactions and to help them create a personal
sexual-script theory and suggests that cultural messages identity.7–9 It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that the
about expected sexual behavior among males and fe messages conveyed in popular music have significant
males may underlie the effect. Reducing the amount of implications for adolescent socialization and behavior.
degrading sexual content in popular music or reducing References to relationships, romance, and sexual be
young people’s exposure to music with this type of havior are commonplace in the music that is most pop
content could help delay the onset of sexual behavior. ular with teens, with �40% of popular songs in the
mid-1990s containing such references.7 A recent analysis
of the content of television shows, movies, magazines,
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Sample Recruitment attrition weights, which were combined with the final
Our sample for this study was recruited from a pur baseline weights to produce longitudinal weights. All of
chased national list of households with a high probability the analyses used these weights, appropriately account
of containing a member aged 12 to 17 years. This list was ing for their effects on SEs.43
based on residential telephone listings, supplemented After applying these weights, 47% of T3 respondents
with other sources of information. The sample frame were girls, 68% were white, 14% were black, 12% were
was stratified by census tract race/ethnicity to produce Hispanic, and 6% either identified themselves as having
nationally representative proportions of minority and other racial/ethnic backgrounds or did not provide in
non-Hispanic white youth. We mailed parents in these formation about race/ethnicity (�1% of cases missing
households an explanation of the study in advance and race/ethnicity). At least 1 parent had a college degree for
obtained verbal consent via telephone from a parent or 33% of the longitudinal sample; 59% had a parent who
legal guardian just before conducting an interview with had been otherwise educated beyond high school.
a randomly selected teen from the household. Teens
provided verbal assent. Our refusal rate at baseline was Measures
36%, similar to other studies of less sensitive topics. The
vast majority of those adults who refused consent cited Sexual Behavior
time constraints rather than a concern with the sexual Questions assessed behavior with someone of the oppo
content of the survey. site sex. Intercourse experience at each time point was
measured with the item, “Have you ever had sex with a
Baseline Sample Characteristics and Weights boy/girl? By sex we mean when a boy puts his penis in
Without weights, the baseline sample of 2003 teens had a girl’s vagina” (yes/no). At T2, those with intercourse
demographic characteristics similar to those of all teens experience also reported the month and year of their
in the United States but included somewhat fewer His first intercourse experience. We used this date to deter
panics and youth with highly educated parents. A mul mine the relevant analysis sample: youth who had not
tivariate logistic regression predicting nonresponse at had sex by September 2001 (the beginning of the refer
baseline from information provided by the supplier of ence period for music listening; see below). At all 3 of the
our sample and a brief nonresponse interview with par interviews, we also measured lifetime levels of noncoital
ents identified higher response rates: (1) in census tracts experience with a scale developed for this study,44 based
with higher proportions of blacks, (2) among house on a measure used by Miller et al.45 Adolescents indi
holds where a teen aged 12 to 14 years was present but cated whether they had ever (1) kissed, (2) “made-out
not randomly selected, and (3) when girls of any age or (kissed for a long time),” (3) touched a breast/had their
boys aged �14 years were randomly selected for sam breast touched, (4) touched genitals/had their genitals
pling. We created nonresponse weights inversely pro touched, and (5) given oral sex or received oral sex.
portional to the probability of enrollment indicated by Items 1 and 3 were asked of all youth; others were asked
this regression equation. After applying these weights, only if the response was “yes” to the item listed imme
there were still small departures from the 1999 Current diately before it. Participants received a score of 1 to 5
Population Survey, which we corrected with poststrati reflecting the highest level of noncoital behavior expe
fication weights. These nonresponse and poststratifica rienced; adolescents who reported none of the noncoital
tion weights were combined to form final baseline behaviors were included in the lowest category, along
weights. with those who had only kissed.
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tapping affective state over the previous 4 weeks.49 Re these analyses (analogous to what we did with the anal
spondents’ self-reported grades in school at baseline yses predicting intercourse initiation). We did, however,
were used as an indicator of academic performance (1 � control for the level of noncoital behavior at the time of
mostly As to 5 � mostly Fs). Deviant behavior was the baseline survey.
measured with 6 items drawn from previous studies of We began by testing simple associations between our
adolescent risk behavior (� � .65 in this sample).50 Par T2 music variables and intercourse initiation by T3 and
ticipants indicated how many times in the past 12 advancement in the level of noncoital behavior between
months they had: been sent out of class; broken into a T1 and T3. Because teens who listen to more sexual
house, school, or place of business; skipped school; content in music also listen to more music overall, the
cheated on a test; damaged something on purpose; or music variables are best understood in the context of one
stolen something (1 � not at all, 4 � �10 times). To another. We, thus, examined all 3 of the music variables
measure religiosity, we asked participants to indicate on (exposure to degrading and nondegrading sexual con
a 4-point scale their agreement with the statement, “Re tent and total amount of music listening) simultaneously
ligion is very important in my life.” Sensation seeking, a in these tests. We also tested whether other respondent
strong predictor of sexual initiation in a previous study characteristics might explain any relationship between
of this sample,41 was measured with 3 items from the listening to sexual content and sexual behavior by ex
Zuckerman scale (� � .58).51 amining bivariate associations between these character
Finally, we included several indicators of adolescent istics and exposure to sexual content in music at T2,
interest in sex or sexual readiness before music listening intercourse initiation by T3, and advancement in the
to control for the possibility that youth who are consid level of noncoital behavior between T1 and T3.
ering coital or noncoital activities that they have not yet We then tested multiple-group path models to look
enacted may listen to more sex-oriented music. These (separately) for gender and racial group differences in
indicators included baseline level of noncoital sexual the relationships between exposure to sexual content in
activity, intentions to have sex in the next year (1 � not music and sexual behavior while controlling for the
at all likely to 5 � extremely likely), expected negative effects of all of the other variables. We were limited to
consequences of having sex, and sex self-efficacy. Ex comparing whites and nonwhites in our models that
pected negative consequences (� � .60) were measured examined racial group differences, because our sample
with a 3-item scale (eg, “If you had sex, you would feel sizes for minority subgroups were too small to obtain
guilty afterward”) drawn from a previous study.42 Sex reliable estimates of group differences. To test for be-
self-efficacy was measured with a single item: “How tween-group differences, we first constrained each
likely is it that you would be able to talk with a boy (if model parameter separately to be equal across groups.
female respondent) or girl (if male respondent) about We then calculated the difference between �2 statistics
whether or not you should have sex?” This item was for this constrained model and an unconstrained model
drawn from a scale used in a previous study in which it that allowed for gender or racial group differences and
was shown to have the highest factor loading.42 tested each �2 difference for significance. A significant
effect indicates that the influence of the predictor differs
Analyses for boys/girls or whites/nonwhites. In examining be-
To be included in the current analyses, respondents had tween-group differences in the path coefficients involv
to have completed interviews at each of the 3 survey ing the music variables, we constrained/freed all of the
waves (N � 1390). Respondents also had to have valid music parameters at once because of their conceptual
sexual behavior and music exposure data at all 3 of the interdependence.
time points. One hundred forty-eight respondents re All of the analyses were conducted in Mplus 3.12
quested that we skip questions about sexual behavior using maximum likelihood for parameter estimation.43
(an option presented during the interview) at �1 of the To be certain that our estimates were robust to violations
3 surveys. These respondents had missing data for sexual of the assumption of multivariate normality, we esti
behavior. To control for sexual behavior before music mated SEs using a sandwich estimator and tested the
exposure, the analysis sample for predicting intercourse significance of coefficients with the Yuan-Bentler T2*
was restricted to those youth who had never had inter test statistic.52
course (“virgins”) before the reference period for the
music items (September 2001; see above). Thus, the Missing Data Imputation
final sample for these analyses was 938. Tests predicting Ten covariates were missing in small numbers of cases
noncoital behavior included all of the respondents who among those retained through the third wave (0.5%–
provided data on sexual behavior at all 3 of the survey 3.0% for 4 variables and �0.5% for 6 variables). To
waves (N � 1242). Because we did not have dates for avoid bias that listwise deletion of cases with missing
noncoital behavior, we were not able to control for level data might introduce in our results, we imputed missing
of noncoital behavior just before music exposure in data on these predictors.53 Imputation was based on
TABLE 1 Musical Genre, Number of Songs, and Sexual Content of Songs by Each Artist Included in the
Content Analysis
Artist Musical Genre Number of Songs % of Songs With % of Songs With Degrading
No. per Album Sexual Content Sexual Content
1 Hard rock 12 50 0
2 Alternative rock 15 33 0
3 Alternative rock 11 0 0
4 Rap-rock 14 64 43
5 Rap-rock 11 63 45
6 Rap 13 70 70
7 Rap 17 71 59
8 Rap 13 0 0
9 Rap-metal 14 21 14
10 R&B 12 42 17
11 Country 12 0 0
12 Country 13 8 0
13 Teen pop 12 33 0
14 Teen pop 13 23 0
15 Teen pop 12 42 0
16 Teen pop 13 23 0
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TABLE 2 Associations Between Candidate Predictors and Exposure to Sexual Lyrics and Sexual Behavior
Predictor Variable Exposure to Exposure to Intercourse Level of Noncoital
Degrading Sexual Nondegrading Initiation by Sex at Time 3
Lyrics at Time 2a Sexual Lyrics at Time 3 (Controlling for Time
(n � 1390) Time 2a (n � 1390) (n � 981) 1 Level) (n � 1242)
� P � P � P � P
Music exposure variables
Time 2 exposure to degrading sexual lyrics .36 �.001 .20 �.001
Time 2 exposure to nondegrading sexual lyrics �.14 .02 �.05 .13
Time 2 total time spent listening to music .21 �.001 .10 .002
Age, y �.01 .84 .01 .79 .29 �.001 .04 .21
Female gender �.03 .44 .24 �.001 �.11 .02 �.10 .002
Black (vs non-Hispanic white) .24 �.001 �.05 .16 .10 .07 .01 .70
Hispanic (vs non-Hispanic white) .13 �.001 �.01 .91 .06 .36 �.02 .60
Other race (vs non-Hispanic white) .06 .05 .03 .44 .09 .05 .02 .51
Lives with both parents �.18 �.001 �.10 .02 �.11 .07 �.04 .19
High parent education �.18 �.001 �.05 .20 �.09 .10 �.06 .03
Time 1 parental monitoring �.07 .04 .07 .06 �.30 �.001 �.13 �.001
Time 1 perceived parent disapproval of sex �.10 .003 �.01 .86 �.06 .13 .03 .17
Time 1 has mostly older friends .04 .32 .02 .61 .12 .02 .00 .96
Time 1 perceived friend approval of sex .17 �.001 �.08 .02 .39 �.001 .14 �.001
Time 1 good mental health �.06 .07 �.08 .02 �.09 .07 �.02 .40
Time 1 low school grades .17 �.001 �.01 .73 .24 �.001 .08 .003
Time 1 deviant behavior .15 �.001 �.10 .004 .35 �.001 .11 �.001
Time 1 religiosity .03 .38 .12 �.001 �.14 .002 �.11 �.001
Time 1 sensation seeking .14 �.001 .04 .25 .26 �.001 .16 �.001
Time 1 level of noncoital activity .22 �.001b .04 .27b .47 �.001c .57 �.001
Time 1 intentions to have sex .26 �.001 .00 .98 .44 �.001 .12 .002
Time 1 expected negative consequences �.17 �.001 .09 .02 �.27 �.001 �.12 �.001
Time 1 sex self-efficacy .11 .003 .02 .52 .38 �.001 .17 �.001
a Tests for exposure to degrading sexual lyrics control for exposure to nondegrading sexual lyrics and total music exposure. Tests for nondegrading sexual lyrics control for exposure to degrading
b Because of nonimputed missing values on time 1 noncoital activity, n for this analysis was 1298.
c Because of nonimputed missing values on time 1 noncoital activity, n for this analysis was 938.
group would not be considered early according to US “boys being boys” and dismiss girls’ sexual preferences
norms and might be considered healthy. and desires as inconsequential. Our research is unable to
That the effect of sexual music content on adoles test for these effects but does suggest that degrading
cents’ sexual behavior is specific to degrading lyrics sug sexual lyrics do more than “go in one ear and out the
gests something about the process by which this effect other.”
occurs. Musicians who incorporate this type of sexual We have explained the effect of degrading sexual
imagery in their songs are not simply modeling an in lyrics as operating through the acquisition of a specific
terest in healthy sexual behavior for their listeners; they sexual script in which sexually aggressive men treat
are communicating something specific about what are women as valued only for the sexual pleasure that they
appropriate sexual roles for men and women. These can provide. There are, however, other characteristics of
lyrics are likely to promote acceptance of women as degrading sexual lyrics that may contribute to their ef
sexual objects and men as pursuers of sexual con- fects. For example, degrading sexual lyrics are more
quest.21,33 Teens who are repeatedly exposed to and ac likely than nondegrading sexual lyrics to be explicit and
cept these messages may come to see these as appropri to focus on casual rather than committed sex. In the
ate characterizations for themselves and enact these future, researchers may want to distinguish the effects of
stereotyped gender roles in their sexual behavior. De these dimensions to determine whether multiple pro
spite the fact that degrading sexual lyrics are particularly cesses operate to determine teen sexual behavior.
demeaning in their treatment of women, they affect Lyrical content may be only part of what drives the
adolescent boys and girls similarly. This could have wor associations found in this study. For example, teens who
risome implications for what both genders come to ex listen to music by artists who use degrading sexual im
pect from their own sexual partners and experiences. It agery in their songs probably also watch music videos by
may be that girls who are repeatedly exposed to these these artists, in which case the effect of these songs is
messages expect to take a submissive role in their sexual likely to be greatly enhanced.31,32,56 Adding a visual por
relationships and to be treated with disrespect by their trayal of sex may reinforce sexual lyrics not only by
partners. If so, these expectations may have lasting ef increasing the number of sexual cues in the message57
fects on their relationship choices, a possibility that war but also by aiding the interpretation of the meaning of a
rants further investigation. Boys, on the other hand, song and clarifying ambiguous lyrics.58 Other than lis
may come to interpret reckless male sexual behavior as tening to music and watching videos by music artists,
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teens may also read about them in music magazines, references to sexual behavior, as has been done in some
attend live performances, and otherwise expose them recent media content analyses.10,62 Future research
selves to the messages that these artists portray. The should undertake a more detailed analysis of music sex
music and the artists form a consistent package that ual content to confirm that our findings are robust to this
many youth identify with strongly.7,23,59,60 Not all youth limitation. A related shortcoming is that we only asked
will identify with these artists, however, and not all participants about 16 musical artists. Although these
youth will interpret their lyrics in the same way. Inter artists were popular with teens at the time of our survey
pretation probably depends on many factors, such as and represent the musical genres that teens listen to
age, race, gender, social background, where youth are in most commonly,6 a measure that included a broader
their sexual development, and how involved they are in sample of artists, including non-English-speaking artists,
the music to which they listen.25,37 Future work is would likely be more sensitive and may have shown
needed to elucidate the meanings assigned to degrading stronger effects for music exposure than those reported
sexual lyrics by male and female listeners and how these here.
may explain the associations that we have observed. We were also limited by our inability to distinguish
We also observed an association between time spent among racial and ethnic minorities in our multiple
listening to music in general and changes in sexual be group comparisons. Research has shown that patterns of
havior. The more time teens spent listening to music, the media use and interpretation of media content may dif
more likely they were to advance in their noncoital fer across racial/ethnic subgroups. The vast majority of
sexual behavior and to initiate intercourse. This was true nonwhites in our sample were black and Hispanic youth.
although the sexual content of the music was controlled Both of these groups had significantly more exposure to
for statistically. It may be that listening to popular music, degrading sexual content than did whites, and neither
regardless of its content, results in heightened physio group’s exposure to nondegrading sexual content dif
logic arousal that, through a process of excitation trans- fered from that of white youth. These findings are con
fer,61 incites sexual behavior among teens. Alternatively, sistent with research showing that black and Hispanic
time spent listening to music may be a proxy for a youth listen to more rap music,7,63,64 the genre with the
covariate that we did not measure in our survey, such as highest concentration of degrading content in our anal
use of leisure time. It is likely that youth who spend a ysis. Although black and Hispanic youths’ amounts of
great deal of time listening to music also spend more exposure to sexual content, relative to whites’, were
time at parties and clubs and less time working, study similar, their interpretation of this content may never
ing, interacting with their families, or watching TV. This theless have differed. Future research should attempt to
difference may create greater opportunities to meet po discriminate among other minority groups to determine
tential sexual partners and/or pressure to engage in sex whether the effects observed in our study fail to hold
ual activity. A third alternative was alluded to earlier in among certain racial and ethnic groups.
our recommendation for caution regarding interpreta Finally, we were not able to fully control for previous
tions of the degrading music lyric effect. It may be some sexual experience when predicting advances in nonco
thing about popular musical artists other than their lyrics ital behavior. Because we did not know the precise dates
that produces a correlation between music listening and on which teens advanced from one level of noncoital
sexual advancement. The artists may project sexual im behavior to the next, we were limited to controlling for
ages, lifestyles, or otherwise adult behavior that youth noncoital behavior at baseline, �6 months before the
identify with and emulate, and this in turn may result in reference period for music exposure. Because adoles
progressing sexual activity. cents’ music choices are likely to be shaped, in part, by
This underscores an important limitation to our their level of sexual experience,23–25 we may have over
study. Although we accounted for many individual and estimated the relationship between exposure to degrad
environmental factors that might otherwise explain the ing sexual content and advances in noncoital behavior.
relationship between exposure to sexual music content Nonetheless, the analyses presented go beyond a simple
and adolescent sexual behavior, including sexual inter cross-sectional design, and our prediction of intercourse
est, readiness, and behavior before music exposure, it is is not affected by ambiguity in timing.
possible that we have overlooked some variable that These limitations notwithstanding, our findings sug
may account for the association. A second limitation gest a need for intervention. Reducing the amount of
concerns the level of detail in our coding scheme. We degrading sexual content in popular music, or reducing
coded 2 general categories, sex and sexual degradation, young people’s exposure to music with this type of
that comprise a set of more specific attitudes and behav content, could delay initiation of intercourse and related
iors that we did not attempt to distinguish (eg, oral sex, activities. This, in turn, may reduce sexual risk behavior
anal sex, intercourse, and behavior toward committed and sexual regret. Intervention possibilities include
versus casual partners). We also coded for sexual content reaching out to parents of adolescents, to teens, and to
at the level of the song rather than coding for discrete the recording industry. Parents could be encouraged to
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