Chapter 8 - Code Generation
Chapter 8 - Code Generation
Chapter 8 - Code Generation
Chapter 8
Code Generation Issues
Target language Issues
Addresses in Target Code
Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs
The final phase of a compiler is code generator
It receives an intermediate representation (IR) with supplementary
information in symbol table
Produces a semantically equivalent target program
Code generator main tasks:
Instruction selection
Register allocation and assignment
Instruction ordering
Code optimizer
Issues in the Design of Code
The most important criterion is that it produces
correct code
Input to the code generator
IR + Symbol table- runtime addresses
The many choices for the IR include three-address
representations such as
quadruples, triples, indirect triples
virtual machine representations such as byte codes and stack-machine
linear representations such as postfix notation
Graphical representations such as syntax trees and DAG's.
We assume Syntactic and semantic errors have been already
detected, type checking has taken place, and that type
conversion operators have been inserted wherever
Issues in the Design of Code
The target program
Common target architectures are: RISC, CISC and Stack based
We use a very simple RISC-like computer with addition of some
CISC-like addressing modes
Instruction Selection
The code generator must map the IR program into a code sequence that can
be executed by the target machine. The complexity of performing this
mapping is determined by a factors such as
the level of the IR
the nature of the instruction-set architecture
the desired quality of the generated code.
LD R0, y
ADD R0, R0, z
ST x, R0
LD R0, b
ADD R0, R0, c
ST a, R0
LD R0, a
ADD R0, R0, e
ST d, R0
Consider an example
Register allocation
Two subproblems
Register allocation: selecting the set of variables that will
reside in registers at each point in the program
Register assignment: selecting specific register that a
variable reside in.
A simple target machine model
We assume the following kinds of instructions are
Load operations: LD r, x and LD r1, r2
Store operations: ST x,r
Computation operations: OP dst, src1, src2
Unconditional jumps: BR L
Conditional jumps: Bcond r, L like BLTZ r, L
Addressing Modes
In instructions, a location can be a variable name x
referring to the memory location that is reserved for x
(that is, the 1-value of x).
Addressing modes(contd..)
A location can also be an indexed address of the form a(r), where a
is a variable and r is a register.
The memory location denoted by a(r) is computed by taking the 1-
value of a and adding to it the value in register r.
For example, the instruction LD R1, a(R2) has the effect of setting
Rl = contents (a + contents (R2)).
This addressing mode is useful for accessing arrays, where a is the
base address of the array (that is, the address of the first element),
and r holds the number of bytes past that address we wish to go to
reach one of the elements of array a.
Addressing modes(contd..)
A memory location can be an integer indexed by a register.
For ex- ample, LD R1, 100(R2) has the effect of setting R1 =
contents(100+contents(R2)) - loading into R1 the value in the
memory location obtained by adding 100 to the contents of
register R2.
This feature is useful for pointers,
Addressing modes(contd..)
We also allow two indirect addressing modes: *r means the
memory location found in the location represented by the
contents of register r and *100(r) means the memory location
found in the location obtained by adding 100 to the contents of r.
For example, LD R1, * 100 (R2) has the effect of setting R1 =
contents(contents(l00 + contents(R2))), that is, of loading into R1
the value in the memory location stored in the memory location
obtained by adding 100 to the contents of register R2.
b = a [i]
LD R1, i //R1 = i
MUL R1, R1, 8 //R1 = Rl * 8
LD R2, a(R1) //R2=contents(a+contents(R1))
ST b, R2 //b = R2
a[j] = c
LD R1, c //R1 = c
LD R2, j // R2 = j
MUL R2, R2, 8 //R2 = R2 * 8
ST a(R2), R1 //contents(a+contents(R2))=R1
LD R1, p //R1 = p
LD R2, 0(R1) // R2 = contents(0+contents(R1))
ST x, R2 // x=R2
Conditional-jump three-address instruction
If x<y goto L
LD R1, x // R1 = x
LD R2, y // R2 = y
SUB R1, R1, R2 // R1 = R1 - R2
BLTZ R1, L // i f R1 < 0 jump t o L
costs associated with the addressing modes
LD R0, R1 cost = 1
LD R0, M cost = 2
LD R1, *100(R2) cost = 3
Basic blocks and flow graphs
A basic block is a sequence of consecutive statements in which flow of
control enters at the beginning and leaves at the end without halt or
possibility of branching except at the end.
The basic blocks become the nodes of a flow graph.
A graph representation of three-address statements, called a flow
Nodes in the flow graph represent computations, and the edges
represent the flow of control.
Rules for finding leaders
The first three-address instruction in the intermediate
code is a leader.
Any instruction that is the target of a conditional or
unconditional jump is a leader.
Any instruction that immediately follows a conditional
or unconditional jump is a leader.
Consider an example
Flow graph based on Basic Blocks