This document contains a list of 17 references used in a paper on preprosthetic surgery. The references are publications from 1996 to 2014 that cover topics such as: preprosthetic surgery techniques for dental implants, alveoloplasty as a preprosthetic surgical procedure, the use of lasers vs conventional surgery for frenectomy, the impact of ozone on healing after alveolectomy, and factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status. The references include books, journal articles, and publications from various countries and are written in English.
This document contains a list of 17 references used in a paper on preprosthetic surgery. The references are publications from 1996 to 2014 that cover topics such as: preprosthetic surgery techniques for dental implants, alveoloplasty as a preprosthetic surgical procedure, the use of lasers vs conventional surgery for frenectomy, the impact of ozone on healing after alveolectomy, and factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status. The references include books, journal articles, and publications from various countries and are written in English.
This document contains a list of 17 references used in a paper on preprosthetic surgery. The references are publications from 1996 to 2014 that cover topics such as: preprosthetic surgery techniques for dental implants, alveoloplasty as a preprosthetic surgical procedure, the use of lasers vs conventional surgery for frenectomy, the impact of ozone on healing after alveolectomy, and factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status. The references include books, journal articles, and publications from various countries and are written in English.
This document contains a list of 17 references used in a paper on preprosthetic surgery. The references are publications from 1996 to 2014 that cover topics such as: preprosthetic surgery techniques for dental implants, alveoloplasty as a preprosthetic surgical procedure, the use of lasers vs conventional surgery for frenectomy, the impact of ozone on healing after alveolectomy, and factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status. The references include books, journal articles, and publications from various countries and are written in English.
infeksi Orofasial. Terjemahan Oleh : drg. Purwanto dan drg. Basoeseno, MS. EGC, Jakarta, hal. 119-122. 2. Fragiskos D. Fragiskos. 2007. Oral Surgery : Preprostetic surgery. Veldag Berlin Heildelberg : Springer. Chapter 10, hal. 243-258. 3. Cuolthard P, Esposito dkk. 2005. preprosthetic surgery versus dental implants. The Cochrane Library. 4. Peterson, L. J. 2003. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Edisi keempat. Saint Louise : Mosby. 5. Aditya, G. 1999. Alveoloplasti Sebagai Tindakan Bedah Preprostodontik. Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Gigi dan Mulut Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti. Jakarta, vol.18, No.1. hal. 27-33. 6. Lemon,C. J dkk. 2005. Facial prosthetic rehabilitation: preprosthetic surgical techniques and biomaterials. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. Vol.13, hal. 255262. 7. Langlais, P.R., Miller,S.C. 1998. Atlas berwarna kelainan rongga mulut yang lazim. Hipokrates; jakarta. 8. Koerner, Karl R. 2006. Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist. Preprosthetic Oral Surgery. Chapter 4. Edisi kedua, hal 88-92. 9. Matthew et al., Surgical aids to Prosthodontics,Including Osseintegrated Implant in Pedlar J., et al 2001, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Edinberg. Churchill Livingstone. 10. Yates, Collin. 2000. A manual of oral maxilofacial surgery for nurse. Preprosthetic Oral Surgery. Hal. 255-263 11. Scully, C., Cawson, A.R. 1995. Atlas Bantu Kedokteran Gigi: Penyakit Gigi dan. Mulut, Hipokrates, Jakarta. 12. Malik, N.A. Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 3 nd ed. New Delhi India : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, 2012, 467-483 13. Wrey, David dkk. 2003 Text book of general of oral surgery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone. Hal. 243-249 14. National Survey of Adult Oral Health 2004-2006. Oral health and visiting patterns of Indigenous Australian adults aged 3554 years. Australian Dental Journal : 2009. 15. Kaur ,Prabhjot dkk. (2014) Management Of The Upper Labial Frenum: A Comparison Of Conventional Surgical And Lasers On The Basis Of Visual Analogue Scale On Patients Perception. Journal of periodontal medicine & clinical practice. 1, (1), 38-46. 16. Zore, I.F dkk. (2011) Impact of ozone on healing after alveolectomy of impacted lower third molars. Saudi Med J. 32, (6), 642-644. 17. Khalifa, Nadia dkk. (2012). Factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status among Sudanese adults. Journal of Oral Science. 34, (4), 303-311.