CoCom Lists Supplement - 1993
CoCom Lists Supplement - 1993
CoCom Lists Supplement - 1993
printed in italics.
This supplement and the SEC booklet have no force in United KinSdom law,
Legal prohibitions on the exports of SQQds are contained in the ExpQrt Qf
GQQds (CQntrQ1) Order 1992 (EGCO) as amended. and the legislation implement inS
the sanctions reso1utiQns of the United Nations Security CQuncil, The EGCO,
with amendments, and sanctions legislation is available from HMSO bookshops.
The Lists published in the 1991 SEC booklet together with this update cover
goods which COCOM has agreed should be embargoed and define COCOM conditions
under which certain embargoed goods may be considered for licensing for export
to the 'COCOM proscribed destinations'.
ExPQrters shQu1d nQte that the 1992 EGCO includes contrQ1s Qn many gQQds in
additiQn tQ those cQntained in the COCOM list, It also contains contrQ1s on
expQrts to all destinations and controls derived from other international
cQmmitments and national concerns, relating primarily tQ the prQtection Qf
public security and the prevention of the pro1iferatiQn Qf weapons Qf mass
destructiQn, The COCOM lists are reproduced in the SEC booklet and this
addendum indicate their COCOM embargo status only: nothing in these lists
should be treated as a guide to the EGCO or how a licence application under
the EGCO will be dealt with by the Department of Trade and Industry,
Goods which have been decontrolled by COCOM as indicated in this update to the
COCOM lists will continue to require United Kingdom export licences if they
are controlled by the EGCO 1992.
Although the SEC booklet and this addendum are published primarily as a guide
for exporters to the COCOM proscribed countries; goods embargoed in these
Lists also require a United Kingdom export licence for all Qther
destinations. Such goods ~ qualify under one of the Open General Export
Licences (OGELs) for certain non-sensitive destinations.
See definition under the same heading in the September 1991 issue of Security
Export Control (SEC) booklet.
and referred to in the List and this publication as The Czech & Slovak Federal
See guidance notes under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet.
The inclusion of goods in these lists means that you need a licence under the
EGCO to export them to any destination. HOwever, it is not an exclusive list
of goods which need licences. The 1992 EGCO includes controls on additional
goods to those contained in the COCOM list (see page 1).
- 2 -
If you are uncertain whether you require a licence for your proposed export
you should contact the Department's Export Control Organisation, Sensitive
Technologies Unit (STU) (Telephone Enquiries and address: see back cover).
If a technical rating assessment is necessary you must provide full
supporting documentation; including a precise description of the goods to be
exported and complete technical specifications. Certain goods which contain
a computer or digital processing element may require a completed computer
questionnaire. There is also a questionnaire for the assessement of goods
covered in Category 5: Telecommunications. Technical Officers will then
assess your goods against the Export of Goods (Control) Order and provide a
formal statement on their licensing status.
See advice under the same heading in Security Export Control booklet
September 1991.
See advice under the same heading in Security Export Control booklet
September 1991.
To make this update more "user friendly", all new text as well as changes to
the List are printed in italics. Each Note lists 1:he qualifying countries
and the applicable conditions.
- 3 -
Note that there are separate and different General Technology Notes in front
of the Munitions List and the Atomic Energy List.
Advice given under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet applies.
Advice given under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet applies.
- 4 -
Enquiries can also be made at the US Embassy in London. UK exporters seeking
guidance on licensable items or restricted countries under US regulations
should contact the Commercial Section, US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square,
London WlA lEA (te1 071-499 9000 ext 2425 or 071-408 8025 direct).
Introduction 1
Category 1
Advanced Materials 7
Category 2
Materials Processing 8
Category 3
Electronics 10
Category 4
Computers 11
Category 5
Telecommunications and 13
"Information Security" 26
Category 6
Sensors and "Lasers" 27
- 5 -
Contents (continued):
Category 7
Navigation and Avionics 30
Category 8
Marine 31
Category 9
Propulsion 32
ML7 37
ML8 40
ML11 to ML26 48
B. Nuclear facilities
B1 to B6 56
C. Nuclear-related equipment
Cl to C6 60
Bulk copies of this updating addendum at £5.00 per copy may be obtained from
the Enquiry Unit, Export Control Organisation (see back cover).
Cheques should be made payable to 'Department of Trade and Industry'.
- 6 -
International Industrial List
Category 1: Advanced Materials
Insert New Note at the end of 1.A.2.:
(page 5 - right side column)
Insert New Note at the end of 1.C.10.e. and before the Technical Notes:
(page 9 - right side)
NJZrZ.: 1. C.10. e.
does not embargo epoxy resin matrix
impregnated carbon "fibrous or filamentary
materials" (prepregs) for the repair of
aircraft structures or laminates, in which
the size of individual sheets of prepreg does
not exceed 500 mm x 900 mm.
2.B.1.c.1 NOTES; 1.
c. A maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside
diameter or length;
- 8 -
Delete the following National Discretion Notes:
Add the following new Notes at the end of Category 2. (page 18):
- 9 -
2. NOTES: S. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for the export of turning machines
embargoed by 2.B.l.c.l. provided:
a. They are not intended for use in nuclear related
activities; am:t.
b. They have all of the following characteristics:
1. Only two axes which can be coordinated
simultaneously for Hcontouring control H;
2. The positioning accuracy, with all compensations
available, is not less (not better) than 0.002 mm
per 300 mm of travel;
3. Geometric alignment of the axes, parallel or
perpendicUlar to each other, is not less (not
better) than 0.001 mm per 300 mm o:l travel;
4. Slide travel in both axes is not longer than
400 mm;
s. HRun out H (Out-o:l-true running) in one revolution
of the spindle is more (worse) than 0.0004 mm
TIR; am:t.
6. "Camming" (axial displacement) in one revolution
o:l the spindle is more (worse) than 0.0004 mm TIR.
Category 3: Electronics
At the end of Category 3. (page 24) add new Notes 1. and 3. and
label existing Note as Note 2.
- 10 -
Category 4: Computers
Renumber existing Note 1 (on page 26) to Note 3.
Renumber and amend existing Note 4 (on page 27) to Note 2 as follows:
Renumber and amend existing Note 1 (on page 26) to Note 3 as follows:
- 11 -
Add new Note 5 as follows:
Renumber and amend existing Note 3 (on page 27) to Note 6 as follows:
- 12 -
Category 5: Telecommunications and
"Information Security"
Part 1 • Telecommunications
- 13 -
Add new Notes 2, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 and renumber existing National
Discretion Notes to Category 5, Part 1 - Telecommunications as follows:
1 11 9 6
2 12 10 9
3 13 11 7
5 14 12 8
4 1 13 10
14 16
6 3 15 17
7 4 16 18
8 5 17 15
5. NQIES.:
1. (Re-number existing Note 4 to Note 1)
Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic ("Hungary" deleted) and Poland of
equipment or systems embargoed by S.A.l.b, c., d., e. or f., and test
equipment, "software" and "use" technology therefor, provided that:
a. The Department of Trade and Industry is reasonably .
- 14 -
- 1S -
- 16 -
15. (See text of the existing Note 17 with the following changes:)
Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications for
exports to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (delete "Hungary")
and Poland of technology embargoed by this Category, and of
instrumentation, test equipment, components and specially designed
"software" therefor, and materials and components embargoed by the
Industrial List, for the modification or "production" of
telecommunications equipment or systems eligible for National
Discretion treatment under Note 1, provided:
~: Technology for general purpose computers is not eligible for
treatment under this Note, i.e., it remains governed by
Category 4.
a. The characteristics of the telecommunications equipment or systems
are limited to those eligible for treatment under Note 1 (old
Note 4);
b. Modification of the telecommunications equipment or systems is not
permitted if any aspect of the design would result in exceeding the
performance thresholds or features of Note 1 (old Note 4);
c. Testing of large scale integrated (LSI) circuits or those with
higher component densities is limited to go/no go tests;
~ Note 15. c. does not preclude exports of equipment or
technology which would be possible in accordance with the
,provisions of other Catego~ie&.
d. The specially -designed "software" is. that, necessary to use the
transferred technology, instrumentation and test equipment;
e. All "software" shall be exported in machine executable form only;
f. "Development" technology is not included;
g. The contract includes explicit conditions to ensure that:
1. The "production" technology or "production" equipment .
- 17 -
17. (See text of the existing Note IS with the following changes:)
Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications the
export of optical fibre cables and optical fibre transmission equipment
or systems embargoed by S.A.I.b. or S.A.l.e., provided:
a. The equipment or system is intended for general commercial
international traffic in an international civil submarine optical
fibre telecommunication system linking the importing country with a
member country;
b. It is to be installed in a permanent circuit under the supervision
of the member country licensee;
c. No means are to be provided for the transmission of traffic between
points in one or more proscribed countries other than the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic (delete "Hungary") or Poland;
d. The total length of optical fibre cable to be installed within the
proscribed country, excluding cable in territorial .
- 18 -
- 19 -
- 21 -
g. supervision of systems installation and of maintenance
of embargoed transmission equipment shall be performed
by the licensee or the licensee's designated
representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country. Any portion of the installation of controlled
transmission equipment which would require the transfer
of embargoed technology shall be performed by the
licensee or the licensee's designated representative
using only personnel from non-proscribed countries;
ll.....ll.-: 1. Supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
h. Embargoed test equipment and embargoed spare parts shall
remain under the supervision of the COCOM member country
lL..l!....: The supervision of the test equipment and spare
parts by the licensee may be effected by stock
inventory procedures and does not require the
permanent on-site presence of a representative of
the licensee.
i. The COCOM member country licensee or his designated
representative who shall be from a non-proscribed
country shall have the right of access to all the
j. Upon request of the Department of Trade and Industry,
the licensee shall carry out an inspection to establish
1. The system is being used for the intended civil
purpose; i1lJJj
2. All the equipment exported under the provisions of
this Note is being used for the stated end purpose and
is still located at the installation sites;
After each inspection, the licensee shall report his
findings to the Department of Trade and Industry within
one month;
k. The licence application shall include a system plan
containing equipment quantities and approximate
locations for the proposed system. After final
installation, unless already provided, the exporter
shall provide his licensing authorities with the final
location of the installed equipment to the greatest
degree of precision available and a map of the final
cable route.
21. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export of systems or equipment embargoed by s. A.l. c _,1.
or S.A.l.c.2., or "software" for "common channel
signalling" embargoed by S.D.l.a. or 5.D.l.c.3., and
test equipment, specially designed components and
accessories and technology, necess~ for the "use"
thereof, provided:
a. They are intended for fibre optic, radio or coaxial
cable international telecommunication links fUlfilling
the provisions of Note 19.a. and b.;
- 22 -
- 23 -
- 24 -
- 25 -
Part 2 • "Information Security"
The only changes to Part 2 (pages 36 and 37) are to the Notes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The renumbered and amended Notes are as follows:
Note 1 change:
Note 2 change:
Note 3 change:
Note 4 change:
Note 5.change:
- 26 -
Category 6: Sensors and Lasers
Amend and renumber existing Notes and add new Notes 1, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19.
and 20 at the end of Category 6 (pages 45 to 47) as follows:
- 27 -
- 28 -
LASERS (continued)
18. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of everything embargoed by 6.A.6., and
"software" specially designed and technology
"required" therefor embargoed by 6.D or 6.E.
19. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export to the Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic and
Poland of everything embargoed by by 6.A.7. or 6.B.7.,
and "software" specially designed and technology
"required" therefor embargoed by 6.D or 6.E.
- 29 -
Category 7 : Navigation and Avionics
Replace Sub-items 7.A.l., 7.A.2. and 7.A.3. (on page 47) with the following
revised text:
- 30 -
Insert the following new National Discretion and Favourable Consideration
Notes at the end of Category 7 (page 49):
Category 8: Marine
At the end of Category 8 (page 52) add new Notes 1. and 3. and label existing
National Discretion Note as Note 2. as follows:
- 31 -
Category 9: Propulsion
At the end of Category 9. (page 55) add new Notes 1. and 3. and amend and
label existing National Discretion Note as Note 2. as follows:
- 32 -
Munitions List
Summary of major changes:
1. There are to be no Special Procedures for the export of Military
List items to Hungary, Czech & Slovak Republics or Poland.
Note: This list shows the major changes but is not exhaustive.
- 33 -
d. Silencers, special gun-mountings, clips and flash
suppressors for arms embargoed by sub-items a., b or c.
Technical Note:
Smooth-bore weapons specially designed for military .
- 34 -
c. Tank guns and anti-tank weapons with a maximum calibre of
105 mm and with a fire rate of not more than 10 rounds/minute,
having a maximum gun design pressure (GDP) not
exceeding 570 MPa and a maximum safe pressure (MSP)
not exceeding 600 MPa at the breech face, in
accordance with the pressure definitions specified
in NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4110;
d. Projectors with a maximum payload of 25 kg, and .
- 35 -
ML 4. Bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles and accessories, as follows,
specially designed :for military use, and specially designed
components therefor:
c. (deleted).
HQIE: Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications
for exports to the People's Republic of China of the following
equipment and specially designed components therefor:
a. Land mines employing mechanical initiation, except those
designed for extended on station time or for remote or
autonomous activation or deactivation;
b. (delete: "Military") Demolition charges;
c. White smoke, i.e., hexafluoroethane, .
- 36 -
b. Single channel, fixed frequency, mechanically scanned radar
fire control equipment, except those having any of the
following characteristics:
1. Operating frequency of more than 18 GHz;
Technical Note: For the purposes of this Item, the term ' specially
modified for military use' means .
a. Tanks and self-propelled guns;
i. "Technology" as follows:
1. "Technology for the "development", "production" or " use" of
toxicological agents, related equipment or components embargoed
by a. to :f. ;
2. "Technology" for the "development", "production" or "use" of
"biopo1ymers" or cultures of specific cells embargoed by g. ;
3. "Technology" exclusively for the incorporation of
"biocata1ysts" , embargoed by h.1., into military carrier
substances or military material.
- 38 -
b. a-Alkyl (equal to or less than C10, including
cycloalkyl) N,N-dialkyl (Methyl, Ethyl,
n-Propyl or Isopropyl) phosphoramidocyanidates,
such as:
Tabun (GA): o-Ethyl
(CAS 77-81-6);
c. o-Alkyl (H or equal to or less than C10,
including cycloalkyl) S-2-dialkyl (Methyl,
Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl)-aminoethyl alkyl
(Methyl, Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl)
phosphono-thiolates and corresponding alkylated
and protonated salts, such as:
VX:o-Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl
pbosphonotbiolate (CAS 50782-69-9);
d. Sulphur mustards, such as:
2-Chloroethylchloromethylsulphide (CAS
Bis(2-cbloroethyl) SUlphide (CAS 505-60-2);
Bis(2-chloroethylthio) mEthane (CAS 63869-13-6);
1,2-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (CAS
3563-36-8) ;
1,3-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-propane (CAS
1,4-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-butane;
1,5-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-pentane;
Bis (2-chloroethylthiomethyl) ether;
Bis (2-chloroethylthioethyl) ether (CAS
- 39 -
h. Benzyl bromide;
i. Benzyl iodide;
j. Bromo acetone;
k. Cyanogen bromide;
1. Bromo methylethyiketone;
m. Chloro acetone;
n. Ethyl iodoacetate;
o. Iodo acetone;
p. Chloropicrine.
- 42 -
f. Catocene, N-butyl-ferrocene and other ferrocene
g. Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) formal and acetal;
h. 3-nitraza-l,5-pentane diisocyanate;
i. Energetic monomers, plasticisers and polymers containing
nitro, azido, nitrate, nitraza or difluoroamino groups;
j. l,2,3-Tris[1,2-bis(difluoroamino)ethoxy] propane;Tris
vinoxy propane adduct (TVOPA);
k. Bisazidomethyloxetane and its polymers;
1. Nitratomethylmethyloxetane or poly
(3-Nitratomethyl, 3-methyl oxetane);
(Poly-NIMMO) (NMMO);
m. azidomethylmethyloxetane (AMMO) and its
polymers; .
n. Polynitroorthocarbonates;
o. Tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrile (TEPAN);
cyanoethylated polyamine and its sal ts;
p. Tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrileglycidol (TEPANOL);
cyanoethylated polyamine adducted with glycidol and its
q. Polyfunctional aziridine amides: with isophthalic,
trimesic (BITA); butylene imine trimesamide
isocyanuric; or trimethyladipic backbone structures
and 2-methyl or 2-ethyl substitutions on the aziridine
r. Basic copper salicylate; lead salicylate;
s. Lead beta resorcylate;
t. Lead stannate, lead maleate, lead citrate;
u. Tris-l-(2-methyl)aziridinyl phosphine oxide (MAPO);
bis(2-methyl aziridinyl) 2-(2-hydroxypropanoxy)
propylamino phosphine oxide (BOBBA 8); and
other MAPO derivatives;
v. bis(2-methyl aziridinyl) methylamino phosphine
oxide (Methyl BAPO);
w. Organo-metallic coupling agents, specifically:
1. Neopentyl [diallyl] oxy, tri [dioctyl] phosphate
titanate ; also known as titanium IV, 2,2 [bis
2-propenolato-methyl, butanolate or tris [dioctyl]
phosphato-O], or LICA 12;
2. Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato-l) methyl,
N-propanolatomethyl] butanolato-l, also known as
tris[dioctyl]pyrophosphato or KR3538;
3. Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato-l)methyl,
N-propanolatomethyl] butanolato-l, also known as
tris(dioctyl)phosphate or KR3512;
x. FPF-l
y. FPF-3 poly-2,4,4,5,5,6,6-heptafluoro-2-tri-
fluoromethyl-3- oXaheptane-1,7-diol formal;
z. Polyglycidylnitrate or poly (Nitratomethyl
oxirane); (Poly-GLYN) (PGN);
aa. Hydroxyl terminated polybutadierie (HTPB) with a
hydroxyl functionality of less than 2.16, a
hydroxyl value of less than O. 77 meq/g, and a
viscosity at 30'e of less than 47 poise;
bb.Lead-copper chelates of beta-resorcylate or
cc. Triphenyl bismuth (PPB);
- 43 -
dd.Bis-2-hydroxyethylglycolamide (BHEGA);
ee.Superfine iron oxide (Fe203 hematite) with a
specific surface area more than 250 izz2 /g and an
average particle size of 0.003 micrometre or
HQIES.: 3. "Aircraft" fuels embargoed by sub-item d. are finished
products not their constituents;
- 44 -
liQIES.: 7. s. Dioctylmaleate;
(Cont.) t. Ethylhexylacrylate;
u. Triethylaluminium (TEA), trimethylaluminium (TMA), and
other pyrophoric metal alkyls and aryls of lithium,
sodium, magnesium, zinc and boron;
v. Nitrocellulose;
w. Nitroglycerin (or glyceroltrinitrate, trinitroglycerine)
-x. 2,4,6-trinitroto1uene (TNT);
y. Ethylenediaminedinitrate (EDDN);
z. Pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN);
aa. Lead azide, normal and basic lead styphnate, and primary
explosives or priming compositions containing azides or
azide complexes;
bb. Triethy1eneglycoldinitrate (TEGDN);
cc. 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol (styphnic acid);
dd. Diethyldiphenyl urea; dimethylidiphenyl urea;
methylethyldiphenyl urea [Centralites];
ee. N,N-diphenylurea (unsymmetrical diphenylurea);
ff. Methyl-N,N-diphenylurea (methyl unsymmetrical
gg. Ethyl-N,N-diphenylurea (ethyl unsymmetrical dipheny1urea);
hh. 2-Nitrodiphenylamine (2-NDPA);
ii. 4-Nitrodipheny1amine (4-NDPA);
jj. 2,2-dinitropropano1;
liQIES.: 8. Licences may be granted at National Discretion
for the export for civil end use of the following
substances and Hprecursors H :
a. Magnesium or magnesium powder up to 1 kg per
shipment and 5 kg per calendar year to each
proscribed country;
b. Hydrazine or hydrazine derivatives up to 1
litre per shipment and 5 litres per calendar
year to each proscribed country;
c. Ferrocene or ferrocene deri vatives up to 50 ml
per shipment and 250 ml per calendar year to
each proscribed country;
d. Guanidine nitrate and 1, 2, 4 trihydroxybutane
(1, 2, 4 - butanetriol) up to 5 kg per shipment
and 25 kg per calendar year to each proscribed
ML 9. Vessels of war, special naval equipment and accessories, as
follows, and specially designed components therefor:
b. Engines, as follows:
1. Diesel engines specially designed for· submarines both of the
following characteristics:
a. A power output of 1.12 MW (1,500 hp.) or moxe; And
b. A rotary speed of 700 rev/min or more;
- 45 -
2. Electric motors specially designed for submarines having all of
the following characteristics:
a. A power output of more than 0.75 MW (1,000 hp.);
b. Quick reversing;
c. Liquid cooled; And
d. Totally enclosed;
3. Non-magnetic diesel engines specially designed for military use
with a power output of 37. 3 kW (50 hp.) or more and wi th a
non-magnetic content in excess of 7St of total mass;
- 46 -
e. (Formerly Sub-item d.) Airborne equipment, including airborne
refuelling equipment, specially designed for use with the
"aircraft" embargoed by a. or b. or the aero-engines embargoed
by c., and specially designed components therefor;
- 47 -
ML 11. Electronic equipment not embargoed elsewhere on this List
specially designed for military use and specially designed components
- 48 -
• I
a. Basic operator and maintenance training equipment for
military equipment that has been approved for export to
the People's Republic of China and not containing any
capabili ty for the evaluation of, and real- time .
- 49 -
3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the People's Republic of China
of: .
a. Continuous nitrators;
- 51 -
4. Licences may be granted at National Discretion .
ML 26. Kinetic energy weapon systems and related equipment, as follows, and
specially designed components therefor:
- 53 -
Atomic Energy List
Summary of changes:
Replace or amend Items A.l, A.2, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9, A.l3, B.l, B.3,
B.4, B.5 and e.l.
The General Technology Note, the Technocal Notes thereafter, Items A.3, Al2,
B.2, B.6, C.2, C.3, C.4, C.5 and D.l are unchanged.
b. Uranium depleted in the isotope 235 in which the uranium 235 isotope
comprises less than 0.35 weight percent (o/w) of the total
uranium assay;
- 54 -
HQIES: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export
of uranium in the forms of metal, hexafluoride,
tetrafluoride or tetrachloride, for the purpose of its
enrichment in the isotope 235 (toll enrichment), provided:
a. Any uranium enriched in the isotope 235 is removed from
proscribed countries upon completion of the enrichment
process; .and:
b. Any depleted uranium (tails) resulting from the enrichment
process will be removed from proscribed countries unless
the assay of the uranium 235 isotope remaining in the
depleted uranium is 0.35 weight percent (o/w) or less.
B.1 Plants for the separation of isotopes of natural and depleted uranium,
"special fissile materials" and other fissile materials,
and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor,
as follows:
- 56 -
B.1. b.2. Gas centrifuge separation process:
a. Gas centrifuges;
- 57 -
b.4. Chemical exchange separation process:
a. Fast-exchange liquid-liquid centrifugal
B.l. Technical Notes: (Former NB's to Sub-items b.6, b.7. and b.8.
are consolidated into these Technical Notes)
1. The following "lasers" and components are important in
the atomic vapour "laser" isotopic separation process
referred to in B.1.b.6.:
a. "Lasers" to pump dye "lasers":
1. Copper vapour "lasers" of 40 W or more;
2. Argon ion "lasers" of more than 40 W;
3. ND:YAG "lasers" that can be frequency doubled and
thereby have an average power of more than 40 W;
b. Other "lasers" and accessories: ·
1. "Tunable" pUlsed dye "laser" amplifiers and
oscillators, eXcept single-mode oscillators, with
an average power of more than 30 W, a repetition
rate of more than 1 kHz and a wavelength between
500 nm and 700 nm;
2. Modulators for controlling and modifying dye
"laser" bandwidth;
3. "Tunable" pulsed single-mode dye oscillators
capable of an average power of more than 1 W, a
repetition rate of more than 1 kHz, a pulse width
less than 100 ns, a wavelength between 500 nm and
700 nm and frequency modulation for bandwidth
(For the embargo status of "lasers", see International
Industrial List Category 6.A.S.)
2. The following "lasers" are important in the molecular
"laser" isotopic separation process referred to in
a. Alexandrite "lasers" with a bandwidth of 0.005 nm
(3 GHz) or less,' a repetition rate of more than
125 HZ, and an average power of more than 30 W;
b. Pulsed carbon dioxide "lasers" with a repetition rate
of more than 250 HZ, an average power of more than
1.2 kW and a pulse length less than 200 ns;
c. Pulsed excimer "lasers" (KeF, KeCl, KrF) with a
repetition rate of more than 250 Hz and an average
power of more than250 W;
(For the embargo status of "lasers", see Category 6.A.S.)
- 58 -
3. The following microwave power sources and
"superconductive" electromagnets are important in the
plasma separation process referred to in B.l.b.8.:
8. Microwave power sources of more than 30 GHz and more
than 50 kW for ion production;
b. Solenoidal "superconductive" electromagnets of more
than 30 cm inner diameter, with a magnetic field of
more than 2 T and uniform to better than 1i over the
central 80i of the inner volume;
(For the embargo status of: - Microwave power sources,
see category 3.A.l.b.; - "superconductive"
electromagnets, see category 3.A.l.e.3.).
B.4 (Text for 'Item B.4. is unchanged but add new Fa~~urable Consideration
Note as follows:)
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