CoCom Lists Supplement - 1993

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KEY Changes to the text and new text added are

printed in italics.

References to page numbers apply to

September 1991 edition of SEC Booklet.

Unchanged text is reproduced only where

required for clarit~

© Crown Copyright 1993

Not to be reproduced or transmitted in any form including
photocopying, recording or use on any information storage
and retrieval system.
This is an addendum to update the September 1991 edition of the "Security
Export Control" (SEC) booklet and it should not be used on its own.
For clarity, changes to the text and new text added are printed in italics.

This supplement and the SEC booklet have no force in United KinSdom law,
Legal prohibitions on the exports of SQQds are contained in the ExpQrt Qf
GQQds (CQntrQ1) Order 1992 (EGCO) as amended. and the legislation implement inS
the sanctions reso1utiQns of the United Nations Security CQuncil, The EGCO,
with amendments, and sanctions legislation is available from HMSO bookshops.

This booklet is published to give exporters some guidance as to how some

applications for export licences under theEGCO for items on the COCOM lists
contained in the SEC booklet (as updated herein) to 'COCOM proscribed
destinations' may be dealt with.


This addendum summarizes the chan~es agreed to the new International

Industrial, Munitions and Atomic Energy Lists in COCOM since September 1991.

The Lists published in the 1991 SEC booklet together with this update cover
goods which COCOM has agreed should be embargoed and define COCOM conditions
under which certain embargoed goods may be considered for licensing for export
to the 'COCOM proscribed destinations'.


ExPQrters shQu1d nQte that the 1992 EGCO includes contrQ1s Qn many gQQds in
additiQn tQ those cQntained in the COCOM list, It also contains contrQ1s on
expQrts to all destinations and controls derived from other international
cQmmitments and national concerns, relating primarily tQ the prQtection Qf
public security and the prevention of the pro1iferatiQn Qf weapons Qf mass
destructiQn, The COCOM lists are reproduced in the SEC booklet and this
addendum indicate their COCOM embargo status only: nothing in these lists
should be treated as a guide to the EGCO or how a licence application under
the EGCO will be dealt with by the Department of Trade and Industry,

Goods which have been decontrolled by COCOM as indicated in this update to the
COCOM lists will continue to require United Kingdom export licences if they
are controlled by the EGCO 1992.

Although the SEC booklet and this addendum are published primarily as a guide
for exporters to the COCOM proscribed countries; goods embargoed in these
Lists also require a United Kingdom export licence for all Qther
destinations. Such goods ~ qualify under one of the Open General Export
Licences (OGELs) for certain non-sensitive destinations.

It is impQrtant fQr exporters tQ note that it is their respQnsibi1ity tQ

satisfy themse1yes as tQ whether Qr nQt a particu1Al: expQrt req.uires an expQrt
licence. Exporters who are in doubt as to the new ~OCOM control status of
goods may apply to the Sensitive Technologies Unit, Export Control
Organisation for a new 'rating', with full supporting documentation. If
known, the intended destination should be stated.


See definition under the same heading in the September 1991 issue of Security
Export Control (SEC) booklet.


Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Bulgaria,

People's Republic of China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Mongolia,
North Korea, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, RepUblic of
Slovakia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and


COCOM agreed in 1985 to maintain a differential in the application of controls

of strategic goods to the People's Republic of China.

and referred to in the List and this publication as The Czech & Slovak Federal

COCOM agreed in 1990 to maintain a differential in the application of controls

on exports to Poland and the then Czech & Slovak Federal Republic. COCOM
partners are according favourable consideration to exports to those Eastern
European countries in transition to a democratic system. For a defined range
of goods export licences can be granted at National Discretion for exports to
these destinations (Hungary was removed from the proscribed country list with
effect from 1 May 1992 which means that export licence applications are no
longer subject to COCOM procedures but are treated in the same way as for any
other non-sensitive destination).


In recognition of their changing political status, COCOM agreed in 1992 to

introduce a differential in the application of controls on exports to Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. Export licences for certain Telecommunication equipment
covered by Category 5 can be granted at National Discretion. The Export
Control Organisation of DTI should be consulted for the latest information.


See guidance notes under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet.


The inclusion of goods in these lists means that you need a licence under the
EGCO to export them to any destination. HOwever, it is not an exclusive list
of goods which need licences. The 1992 EGCO includes controls on additional
goods to those contained in the COCOM list (see page 1).

- 2 -
If you are uncertain whether you require a licence for your proposed export
you should contact the Department's Export Control Organisation, Sensitive
Technologies Unit (STU) (Telephone Enquiries and address: see back cover).
If a technical rating assessment is necessary you must provide full
supporting documentation; including a precise description of the goods to be
exported and complete technical specifications. Certain goods which contain
a computer or digital processing element may require a completed computer
questionnaire. There is also a questionnaire for the assessement of goods
covered in Category 5: Telecommunications. Technical Officers will then
assess your goods against the Export of Goods (Control) Order and provide a
formal statement on their licensing status.

When deciding whether an export licence is required exporters should refer to

the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1992 and its amendments. Exporters
should also bear in mind the provisions of Schedule 1, Part 11 to the
EGCO 1992 and any subsequent controls directed at restricting the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Pursuant to these
non-proliferation controls, if you intend to export any goods which are
capable of being used for chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, or
missiles capable of delivering those weapons, you should make reasonable
enquiries as to the proposed use of the goods and satisfy yourself that they
will not be so used. (The DTI booklet entitled 'Non-proliferation Controls'
is available for guidance.)


See advice under the same heading in Security Export Control booklet
September 1991.


See advice under the same heading in Security Export Control booklet
September 1991.


It is the general policy of Her Majesty's Government to consult its COCOM

partners before deciding whether to issue a licence for the export of
controlled goods to a COCOM proscribed country. However, for administrative
reasons, licences for some controlled goods may be issued at 'National
Discretion'. Other goods may qualify for export under COCOM's 'Favourable
Consideration' procedure. This booklet should not be treated as a policy
statement that these procedures will be followed for any particular export
licence application, or particular items in the COCOM lists.

To make this update more "user friendly", all new text as well as changes to
the List are printed in italics. Each Note lists 1:he qualifying countries
and the applicable conditions.

- 3 -

Section E of each Category in the new Industrial List describes that

technology which is controlled. This should be read in conjunction with the
General Technology Note (to the Industrial List) and this appears in front of
the Industrial List.

Note that there are separate and different General Technology Notes in front
of the Munitions List and the Atomic Energy List.

Wi th some exception, Controls do not apply to that technology which is

the minimum necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance (checking)
and repair of products whose export has been authorised.


Advice given under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet applies.


Advice given under the same heading in 1991 SEC booklet applies.


For guidance notes on re-export of goods of US origin refer to 1991 SEC


New US addresses for enquiries are:

Office of Export Administration,

US Department of Commerce,
Room 0705
14th Street
Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20230.

Questions relating to general U.S. defense trade policy, or to specific U.S.

policy positions of defense trade issues, may be addressed to:

PM/DTP, Room 7815

Office of Defense Trade Controls
Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington DC, 20520-7815

There are additional US licensing requirements for defence equipment of US

origin and these are administered by:

PM/DTC, SA-6, Room 200

Office of Defense Trade Controls
Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington DC, 20522-0602

- 4 -
Enquiries can also be made at the US Embassy in London. UK exporters seeking
guidance on licensable items or restricted countries under US regulations
should contact the Commercial Section, US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square,
London WlA lEA (te1 071-499 9000 ext 2425 or 071-408 8025 direct).

British companies requiring general advice on US re-export controls or

experiencing difficulties with US regulations should contact the DTI, OT2/1B,
Bay 759, 66-74 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6SW (te1 071-215 4611).

Department of Trade and Industry

Export Control Organisation
15 January 1993


Introduction 1

New International Industrial List (EGCO Group 3)

Category 1
Advanced Materials 7

Category 2
Materials Processing 8

Category 3
Electronics 10

Category 4
Computers 11

Category 5
Telecommunications and 13
"Information Security" 26

Category 6
Sensors and "Lasers" 27

- 5 -
Contents (continued):

Category 7
Navigation and Avionics 30

Category 8
Marine 31

Category 9
Propulsion 32

International Mumtions List • (EGCO Group 1)

MLl to ML6 33

ML7 37

ML8 40

ML9 and ML10 45

ML11 to ML26 48

International Atomic Energy List • (EGCO Group 2)

A. Nuclear materials
Al to Al4 54

B. Nuclear facilities
B1 to B6 56

C. Nuclear-related equipment
Cl to C6 60

Bulk copies of this updating addendum at £5.00 per copy may be obtained from
the Enquiry Unit, Export Control Organisation (see back cover).
Cheques should be made payable to 'Department of Trade and Industry'.

- 6 -
International Industrial List
Category 1: Advanced Materials
Insert New Note at the end of 1.A.2.:
(page 5 - right side column)

NJZrZ.: 1. A. 2. does not embargo composi te structures

or laminates made from epoxy resin
impregnated carbon "fibrous or filamentary
materials" for the repair of aircraft
structures or laminates, provided the size
does not exceed 1 m2 •
In 1.C.2.a. Technical Notes (page 7) replace:

"The average stress is defined as ... "

with: "The average stress ratio is defined as "

Insert New Note at the end of 1.C.10.b.:

(page 9 - left side)

NQXE.: 1.C.l0.b. does not embargo fabric made from

"fibrous or filamentary materials" for the
repair of aircraft structures or laminates,
in which the size of individual sheets does
not exceed 500 mm x 900 mm.

Insert New Note at the end of 1.C.10.e. and before the Technical Notes:
(page 9 - right side)

NJZrZ.: 1. C.10. e.
does not embargo epoxy resin matrix
impregnated carbon "fibrous or filamentary
materials" (prepregs) for the repair of
aircraft structures or laminates, in which
the size of individual sheets of prepreg does
not exceed 500 mm x 900 mm.

Insert New Note at the end of 1.E.2.f.:

(page 10 - left side)

NQXE.: 1.E.2.f. does not embargo technology for the

repair of "civil aircraft" structures using
carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" and
epoxy resins, contained in aircraft
manufacturers' manuals.

Add at the end of Category 1 a new National DiscretioIl Note as follows:

1. NJZrZ.: Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic and
Poland of everything embargoed by this Category,
exceot :
- 7 -
a. "Composite" structures or laminates embargoed by
1.A.2.a., when specially designed for stealth or space
applications, or by 1.A.2.b.;
b. Filament winding machines embargoed by 1.B.1.a.;
c. Tape-laying machines embargoed by 1.B.1.b.;
d. "Fibrous or filamentary materials" embargoed by
1.C.l0.a., 1.C.10.c., 1.C.10.d. or 1.C.10.e.;
e. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" for the equipment or materials described in
a., b., c. or d. abov~, embargoed by 1.D or 1.E.

Category 2: Materials Processing

This ammendment to Category 2 includes updates entered into force
at 7th November 1992.

Amend 2.B. Notes 1 (on page 12) as follows:

2.B.1.c.1 NOTES; 1.
c. A maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside
diameter or length;

Insert new Technical Note after Sub-item 2.B.1.c. as follows:

2.B.l.c. Technical Note:

Machines capable of being simUltaneously coordinated
for contouring control, in two or more rotary axes
or one or more tilting spindles, remain embargoed
regardless of the number of simUltaneously
coordinated contouring axes that can be controlled
by the "numerical control" unit attached to the

Amend Sub-item 2.B.9. as follows:

2.B.9. Specially designed printed circuit boards with mounted components

and 11 software 11 therefor , or "compound rotary tables 11 or "til ting
spindles", capable of upgrading, according to the manufacturer's
specifications, "numerical control" units, machine tools or
feed-back devices to or above the levels specified in 2.B.

Add new Note to Sub-item 2.D.2.b. as follows:

2.D.2.b. NOTE: 2.B.1. and 2.D.2. embargo any combination of

electronic devices or systems that collectively
contain software enabling such devices or systems
to ~unction as a CNC capable of coordinating
simUltaneously more than 4 axes for "contouring
control" •

- 8 -
Delete the following National Discretion Notes:

- 2.B.Notes 5. (page 13)

- Note 3 to Sub-item 2.B.6.d. (page 14)

Errata: In the Table - Deposition Techniques - Notes 16

(page 18)
Replace "carbidenickel-chromium"
with ·carbide/nickel-chromium-

Add the following new Notes at the end of Category 2. (page 18):

2. NOTES: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion :tor

the export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
and Poland o:t everything embargoed by this
Category, except:
a. "Numerical control" units, "numerically controlled"
machine tools with a positioning accuracy of 2
micrometres or better, and components, specially
designed parts or assemblies there:tor, embargoed by
2.B.1, 2.B.B. or 2.B.9.;
b. Non-"numerically controlled" machine tools for
generating optical quality surfaces embargoed by
c. Equipment specially designed :tor the deposition,
processing and in-process control of inorganic
overlays, coatings and surface modifications
embargoed by 2.B.5;
d. coating technology :tor non-electronic devices
embargoed by 2.E.3.d.;
e. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" for the equipment described in a., b. or
c. above, embargoed by 2.D or 2.E.
2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion :tor the
export to the People's RepUblic of China of machine
tools :tor milling embargoed by 2.B.l.c.1. to civil
end-users other than nuclear and aerospace, provided
they are not embargoed by 2.B.1.c.1.b.l, b.4., b.5. or
3. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export of equipment embargoed by 2.B.6.b.1. to civil
end-users not engaged in aerospace or nuclear
4. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Fed~ral RepUblic and Poland o:t non-"numerically
controlled" machine tools for generating optical
quality surfaces embargoed by Catego.ry 2.B.2., and
"software" specially designed and technology
"required" there for embargoed by 2.D or 2.E.

- 9 -
2. NOTES: S. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for the export of turning machines
embargoed by 2.B.l.c.l. provided:
a. They are not intended for use in nuclear related
activities; am:t.
b. They have all of the following characteristics:
1. Only two axes which can be coordinated
simultaneously for Hcontouring control H;
2. The positioning accuracy, with all compensations
available, is not less (not better) than 0.002 mm
per 300 mm of travel;
3. Geometric alignment of the axes, parallel or
perpendicUlar to each other, is not less (not
better) than 0.001 mm per 300 mm o:l travel;
4. Slide travel in both axes is not longer than
400 mm;
s. HRun out H (Out-o:l-true running) in one revolution
of the spindle is more (worse) than 0.0004 mm
TIR; am:t.
6. "Camming" (axial displacement) in one revolution
o:l the spindle is more (worse) than 0.0004 mm TIR.

Category 3: Electronics
At the end of Category 3. (page 24) add new Notes 1. and 3. and
label existing Note as Note 2.

3. NOTES: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion :lor

the export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
and Poland of everything embargoed by this
Category, except equipment embargoed by 3.B.l.b.,
3.B.l.c., 3.B.7.a. or 3.B.7.b., and Hso:ltware"
specially designed and technology "required"
there:lor embargoed by 3.D or 3.E.
2. (Text of existing National Discretion Note for exports to the
People's Republic of China)

3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications :lor exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal RepUblic and Poland of equipment embargoed
by 3.B.7.b. and Hsoftware" specially designed and
technology Hrequired H therefor embargoed by 3. D or

- 10 -
Category 4: Computers
Renumber existing Note 1 (on page 26) to Note 3.

Insert new Note 1 as follows:

liQIE.S.: 1. Licences may be granted at National "Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of everything embargoed by this Category,
a. Computers embargoed by 4. A. 1. or 4. A. 2 • ;
b. "Digital computers" embargoed by 4.A.3.c. having a
"composite theoretical performance" (CTP) exceeding
41 million theoretical operations per second
(Mtops), and specially designed components therefor;
c. Computers embargoed by 4. A. 4., and specially
designed related equipment, "assemblies" and
components therefor;
d. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" for the equipment described in a., b. or
c. above, embargoed by 4.D or 4.E.

Renumber and amend existing Note 4 (on page 27) to Note 2 as follows:

liQIE.S.: 2. Licences may be granted at National .

b. They are exported as complete systems or enhancements to
previously exported systems up to the limits in Note 2.d.;

Renumber and amend existing Note 1 (on page 26) to Note 3 as follows:

HQIE£: 3. Licences may be granted at National .


e. When exported as enhancements, the enhanced "digital computer"

does not exceed the limit in Note 3. c. ;

Renumber existing Note 2 (on pages 26 and 27) to Note 4.

NQIE.S.: 4. (See text of old Note 2)

- 11 -
Add new Note 5 as follows:

1iQ.IE.S.: s. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic and Poland of:
a. "Hybrid computers" embargoed by 4.A.2. when not
combined with specially designed software for
modelling simulation or design integration for
complete rocket systems and unmanned air vehicle
b. Computers embargoed by 4.A.4, and specially
designed related equipment, "assemblies" and
components therefor;
c. "So:ttware" specially designed and technology
"required" :tor the. equipment described in a. or b.
embargoed by 4.D·or 4.E.

Renumber and amend existing Note 3 (on page 27) to Note 6 as follows:

1iQ.IE.S.: 6. Licence applications for the following will receive favourable

consideration: "digital computers" or .

e. When exported as enhancements, the enhanced "digital computer"

does not exceed the limit in Note 5. c. ;

- 12 -
Category 5: Telecommunications and
"Information Security"
Part 1 • Telecommunications

Amend Sub-items as follows:

5. A. 1. b. 3. Being equipment containing:

a. Modems using the "bandwidth of one voice channel" with a
"data signalling rate" exceeding 9,600 bit/s;
~: 5.A.1.b.3.a. does not embargo dedicated
stand-alone facsimile equipment with a
"data signalling rate" not exceeding
14,400 bit/s not embargoed by 5.A.2.,
5.B.2., 5.C.2., 5.D.2. or 5.E.2.
("Information Security"). In addition,
the embedded modem in such equipment must
be of the single chip type and it must not
be feasible to remove the modem from the
dedicated stand-alone equipment.
b. "Communication channel controllers" with a digital output
having a "data signalling rate" exceeding 64,000 bit/s per
channel; 21.:
c. "Network access controllers" and their related common
medium having a "digital transfer rate" exceeding 33 Mbit/s;
EQI£: If any unembargoed equipment contains a "network access
controller", it cannot have any type of
telecommunications interface except those described in,
but not embargoed by, S.A.l.b.3.

5. A. 1. b. 6. Being radio equipment:

a. Employing quadrature-amplitude-modulation (QAM) techniques
above level 4 if the "total digital transfer rate"
exceeds 8.5 Mbit/s;
b. Employing quadrature-amplitude-modulation (QAM)
techniques above level 16 if the "total digital
transfer rate" is equal to or less than 8.5
Mbit/s; QZ:
c. Employing other digital modulation techniques and having a
"spectral efficiency" exceeding 3 bit/sec/Rz;
EQI£: 5.A.l.b.6.c. does not embargo equipment specially
designed to be integrated and operated in any
satellite system for civil use.

5. B. 1.a. Equipment, and specially designed components and

accessories therefor, specially designed for:
1. Development of .

~: 5.B.l.a. does not embargo optical :fibres and

"optical fibre preform" characterization
equipment not using semiconductor "lasers".

- 13 -
Add new Notes 2, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 and renumber existing National
Discretion Notes to Category 5, Part 1 - Telecommunications as follows:

Ex1stin& New Note Ex1stin& New Note

~ Number ~ Number

1 11 9 6
2 12 10 9
3 13 11 7
5 14 12 8
4 1 13 10
14 16
6 3 15 17
7 4 16 18
8 5 17 15


5. NQIES.:
1. (Re-number existing Note 4 to Note 1)
Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic ("Hungary" deleted) and Poland of
equipment or systems embargoed by S.A.l.b, c., d., e. or f., and test
equipment, "software" and "use" technology therefor, provided that:
a. The Department of Trade and Industry is reasonably .

2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania of equipment or
systems embargoed by S.A.1.b, c, d. e. or f, and test
equipment, "software" and "use" technology therefor,
provided that:
a. The Department of Trade and Industry is reasonably
satisfied that the equipment or systems:
1. Are designed :for and will be used for specific civil
applications; ana
2. Will be operated in the importing country by a civil
end-user who has furnished to the supplier a signed
statement certifying that the equipment or systems
will be used only for the specific end-use;
b. The exporter provides to the Department of Trade and
1. End-use assurances provided by the importer and backed
by his national authorities;
2. Accep'tance of on-site inspection of the equipment or
system by the COCOM member country licensee or his
designated representative from a non-proscribed
country, if requested by t~e Department of Trade and
3. A full description of the equipment or systems to be
provided; ana
4. The installation site and intended application; ana

- 14 -

c. The exporter promptly reports to the Department of Trade

and Industry evidence of:
1. Any violation of the conditions of this Note; Qr.
2. Any removal or diversion of the equipment from
authorised purposes related to the specific export

3. (Re-number and amend existing Note 6 to Note 3)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
People's Republic of China of the following communications, measuring
or test equipment:
a. Telecommunications transmission equipment embargoed by S.A.1.b.1.,
S.A.1.b.2. or S.A.l.b.4., provided:
1. It is intended for general commercial traffic in a civil
communication system;
2. It is designed for operation at a "digital transfer rate" at the
highest multiplex level of 140 Mbit/s or less and at a "total
digi tal transfer rate " of 168 Mbit/s or less;
N.B.: An additional 2 Mbit/s for operation,
maintenance and service communications may be
added to the "total digital transfer rate" of
168 Mbit/s.
3. For equipment embargoed by S.A.l.b.4., the .

4. (See text of existing Note 7. Change reference from "Note 4 to

Category 4," to "Note 2 to Category 4,".

5. (Re-number existing Note 8 to Note S)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
People's Republic of China of the following, provided the associated
multiplex equipment is designed for operation at a "digital transfer
rate" at the highest multiplex level of 140 Mbit/s or less:
a. Digital microwave radio relay equipment embargoed by S.A.l.b.1. or
S.A.1.b.6., for fixed civil installations, operating at 'fixed
frequencies not exceeding 23.6 GHz, with a "total digital transfer
rate" not exceeding 168 Mbit/s;
b. Ground communication radio equipment for use with temporarily fixed
services operated by the civilian authorities and designed to be
used at fixed frequencies not exceeding 23.6 GHz;
c. -Radio transmission media simulators/channel estimators embargoed by
S.B.1.b.3., designed for testing equipment described in Note 5 a.
or b.
d. (deleted)

6. (See text of existing Note 9)

7. (See text of existing Note 11)

8. (Text of existing Note 12 amended as follows:)
Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
People's Republic of China of repair facilities or "software" embargoed
by S.B.1.a.3. or S.D.l.a. for repair of "stored programme controlled"
communication switching equipment or systems, provided:

- 1S -

a. The repair facilities:

1. Are specially designed equipment for repair;
2. Are to be used to repair embargoed equipment authorised for
export at National Discretion under Note 6 to this Category, or
equipment free from embargo;
3. Are shipped in reasonable quantities .

9. (See text of existing Note 10)

10. (Text of existing Note 13 amended as follo~s:)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to the
People's Republic of China of minimum quantities of semiconductor
"lasers" designed and intended for use with a civil fibre optic
communication system which would be either unembargoed or eligible for
National Discretion treatment under Note 3 to this Category, having
an output wavelength not exceeding 1,370 nm and a CW power output not
exceeding 100 mW.

11. (Text of existing Note 1 amended as follows:)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to
Albania, Bulgaria, the People's Republic of China, the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic, ("Hungary" deleted) Mongolia, Poland, Romania and
Vietnam, of telecommunications equipment for optical fibres embargoed
by 5.A.l.b.4.a., provided the transmission wavelength does not exceed
1370 tun.

12. (Text of existing Note 2 amended as follows:)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to
Albania, Bulgaria, the People's Republic of China, the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic, ("Hungary" deleted) Mongolia, Poland, Romania and
Vietnam, of cables or fibres and specially designed components
and accessories therefor embargoed by S.A.l.e. provided:
a. Quantities are normal for the envisaged end-use; ADd
b. They are for a specified civil end-use.

13. (Text of existing Note 3 amended as follows:)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export to
Albania, Bulgaria, the People's Republic of China, the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic, ("Hungary" deleted) Mongolia, Poland, Romania and
Vietnam, of optical fibre test equipment embargoed by 5.B.l.a.3. using
a transmission wavelength not exceeding 1370 nm.

14. (See text of existing Note 5 with the following changes:)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export of
digital radio equipment or systems embargoed by 5.A.l.b.l. or
5.A.l.b.6. provided:
a. The equipment or system is intended for general .
c. No means are to be provided for the transmission of traffic between
points in a single proscribed country other than the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic (delete " Hungary" ) or Poland;

- 16 -

d. The "digital transfer rate" at the highest

j. Supervision of systems installation (delete "operation") and

of maintenance shall be performed by the licensee orthe~ licensee's
designated representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country, using only personnel from non-proscribed countries, until
such time as the Department of Trade and Industry agrees otherwise;
~: 1. Supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
k. Upon request, the licensee shall carry out .

15. (See text of the existing Note 17 with the following changes:)
Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications for
exports to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (delete "Hungary")
and Poland of technology embargoed by this Category, and of
instrumentation, test equipment, components and specially designed
"software" therefor, and materials and components embargoed by the
Industrial List, for the modification or "production" of
telecommunications equipment or systems eligible for National
Discretion treatment under Note 1, provided:
~: Technology for general purpose computers is not eligible for
treatment under this Note, i.e., it remains governed by
Category 4.
a. The characteristics of the telecommunications equipment or systems
are limited to those eligible for treatment under Note 1 (old
Note 4);
b. Modification of the telecommunications equipment or systems is not
permitted if any aspect of the design would result in exceeding the
performance thresholds or features of Note 1 (old Note 4);
c. Testing of large scale integrated (LSI) circuits or those with
higher component densities is limited to go/no go tests;
~ Note 15. c. does not preclude exports of equipment or
technology which would be possible in accordance with the
,provisions of other Catego~ie&.
d. The specially -designed "software" is. that, necessary to use the
transferred technology, instrumentation and test equipment;
e. All "software" shall be exported in machine executable form only;
f. "Development" technology is not included;
g. The contract includes explicit conditions to ensure that:
1. The "production" technology or "production" equipment .

5. The "production" technologYt "production" equipment and produced

equipment or systems will be for civil end-use only and not for
reexport to proscribed destinations other than the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic (delete "Hungary") and Poland;
h. System integration testing will be performed by the supplier or
licensor if it requires test tools which would provide the licensee
with the capability to recover "source code" or upgrade the system
beyond the performance thresholds or features of Note 1 (old
Note 4);

- 17 -

i. End-use reporting of the installed telecommunication equipment or

systems will be provided in accordance with the provisions of
Note 1 (old Note 4);
~: 1. No export under the Favourable Consideration provisions of
-this Note .

16. Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications for

export to Albania, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Romania and Vietnam only of
radio relay communications equipment, specially designed components and
accessories, specially designed test equipment, "software" and
technology for the "use" of equipment or materials therefor, embargoed
by S.A.1., S.B.1., S.C.l., S.D.1. or S.E.l., provided:

(See text of existing Note 14 for conditions)

17. (See text of the existing Note IS with the following changes:)
Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications the
export of optical fibre cables and optical fibre transmission equipment
or systems embargoed by S.A.I.b. or S.A.l.e., provided:
a. The equipment or system is intended for general commercial
international traffic in an international civil submarine optical
fibre telecommunication system linking the importing country with a
member country;
b. It is to be installed in a permanent circuit under the supervision
of the member country licensee;
c. No means are to be provided for the transmission of traffic between
points in one or more proscribed countries other than the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic (delete "Hungary") or Poland;
d. The total length of optical fibre cable to be installed within the
proscribed country, excluding cable in territorial .

k. Supervision of systems installation (delete "operation") and

of maintenance shall be performed by the licensee or the licensee's
designated representative, who,'sha11 -be .. from~·:a non-proscribed
. country., using only personnel from non-proscribed countries, until
such time as the Department'of Trade and Industry agrees otherwise;
1I.....Ih.: 1. supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2.• This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
1. Upon request by the Deparoment of Trade and Industry, .

18. (See text of existing Note 16)

- 18 -

19. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export of fibre optic telecommunication transmission
systems or equipment embargoed by 5.A.l.b.l.,
5.A.1.b.4.a., fibre optic cables embargoed by 5.A.l.e.,
or coaxial cable telecommunications transmission systems
embargoed by 5.A.1.b.l., and test equipment, specially
designed components and accessories, "software" and
technology, necessary for the "use" thereof, provided:
a. They are intended for international telecommunications
links dedicated to international civil traffic between
the following locations:
1. a. From:
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Turkey, United Kingdom;
Austria, Finland, Ireland, SWeden, switzerland;
Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic, Poland;
Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania;
b. To:
Albania Tirana;
Armenia Yerevan;
Azerbaijan Baku;
Bulgaria Sophia, Varna;
Byelorus Minsk;
Georgia Tbilissi;
Kazakhstan Alma-Ata;
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek;
Moldova Chisinau;
Romania Bucharest, Constanza;
Russia Moscow, Novorossiisk,
st. Petersburg, Volgograd;
Tajikistan Dushanbe;
Turkmenistan Ashgabat;
Ukraine Kiev, Odessa, Sebastopol;
Uzbekistan Tashkent; Qr.
2. a. From:
Australia, Canada, Japan, United states;
Hong Kong, New Zealand or South Korea;
b. To:
China Shanghai, Guangzhou;
Russia Khabarovsk, Nakhodka,
Vietnam Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City.
~: No traffic shall be carried between points in
proscribed countries, except in the Czech and
Slovak Federal RepUblic, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania and Poland.

- 19 -

19.b.No portion of tbe system is installed in the region:

East of 38 0 longitude East;
West of 1300 longitude East; and.
North of 45 0 latitude North;
Except in the region:
South of 50 0 latitude North;
West of 58° longitude East; and
Southwest of the great circle arc connecting
50 0 North/SO O East and 45° North/Sa o East;
c. They are designed to operate at a "digital transfer
rate" at the highest mUltiplex level of 623 Mbit/s or
d. The "laser" transmission wavelength does not exceed
1,590 nm;
e. The equipment, if employing synchronous transmission
techniques, shall conform to one of the approved
"Synchronous Optical Network" (SONET) or "Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy" (SDH) standards or recommendations
(i.e., ANSI or CCI'l'T);
f. Supervision of systems installation and of maintenance
of embargoed transmission equipment shall be performed
by the licensee or the licensee's designated
representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country. Any portion of the installation of controlled
transmission equipment which would require the transfer
of embargoed technology shall be performed by the
licensee or the licensee's designated representative
using only personnel from non-proscribed countries;
lLlL..: 1. Supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
g. Embargoed test equipment and embargoed spare parts shall
remain under the supervision of the COCOM member country
lLlL..The supervision of the test equipment and spare
parts by the licensee may be effected by stock
inventory procedures and does not require the
permanent on-site presence of a representative of
the licensee.
h. The COCOM member country licensee or his designated
representative who shall be from a non-proscribed
country shall have the right of access to all the
i. Upon request of the Department of Trade and Industry,
the licensee shall carry out an inspection to establish
1. The system is being used for the intended civil
purpose; and.
2 .' All the equipment exported under the provisions of
this Note is being used for the stated end purpose and
is still located at the installation sites;
After each inspection, the licensee shall report his
findings to the Department of Trade and Industry within
one month;
- 20 -

j. The licence application shall include a system plan

containing equipment quantities and approximate
locations for the proposed system. After final
installation, unless already provided, the exporter
shall provide his licensing authorities with the final
location of the installed equipment to the greatest
degree of precision available and a map of the final
cable route. r

lL.lh.: Destinations other than those listed in paragraph a.

of this Note may be agreed provided details are
submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry,
who shall reach a final decision on each application
on its merits.
20. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export of fibre optic telecommunication transmission
systems or equipment embargoed by 5.A.1.b.1. or
5.A.1.b.4.a., digital radio equipment or systems
embargoed by 5.A.1.b.1. or 5.A.1.b.6.a., coaxial cable
telecommunications transmission equipment or systems
embargoed by S.A.l.b.l., or optical fibre cables
embargoed by 5.A.l.e. and test equipment, specially
designed components and accessories, "software" and
technology, necessary for the "use" thereof, provided:
a. They are intended for:
1. Intra-city or inter-city links within Albania,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, BUlgaria, Byelorus, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania,
Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
or Vietnam;
lY:..J,L..: Intra-city links provide service within a local
service area which shall not extend beyond a
circle with a diameter of 50 km and with the
city in the middle.
2. Inter-city links between cities in Albania, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, BUlgaria, Byelorus, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, Russia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or UZbekistan;
b. They are designed to operate at a "digital transfer
rate" at the highest multiplex level of 156 Mbit/s or
c. The "laser" transmission wavelength does not exceed
1,590 nm;
d. The radio transmission system does not employ Quadrature
AmplitUde Modulation (OAM) techniques above level 16;
e. The equipment or systems are designed and intended to be
used for fixed civil applications directly connected to
the civilian network;
f. The equipment, if employing synchronous transmission
techniques, shall conform to one of the approved
"Synchronous Optical Network" (SONE'!') or "Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy" (SDH) standards or recommendations
(i . e., ANSI or CCI'l"I');

- 21 -
g. supervision of systems installation and of maintenance
of embargoed transmission equipment shall be performed
by the licensee or the licensee's designated
representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country. Any portion of the installation of controlled
transmission equipment which would require the transfer
of embargoed technology shall be performed by the
licensee or the licensee's designated representative
using only personnel from non-proscribed countries;
ll.....ll.-: 1. Supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
h. Embargoed test equipment and embargoed spare parts shall
remain under the supervision of the COCOM member country
lL..l!....: The supervision of the test equipment and spare
parts by the licensee may be effected by stock
inventory procedures and does not require the
permanent on-site presence of a representative of
the licensee.
i. The COCOM member country licensee or his designated
representative who shall be from a non-proscribed
country shall have the right of access to all the
j. Upon request of the Department of Trade and Industry,
the licensee shall carry out an inspection to establish
1. The system is being used for the intended civil
purpose; i1lJJj
2. All the equipment exported under the provisions of
this Note is being used for the stated end purpose and
is still located at the installation sites;
After each inspection, the licensee shall report his
findings to the Department of Trade and Industry within
one month;
k. The licence application shall include a system plan
containing equipment quantities and approximate
locations for the proposed system. After final
installation, unless already provided, the exporter
shall provide his licensing authorities with the final
location of the installed equipment to the greatest
degree of precision available and a map of the final
cable route.
21. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export of systems or equipment embargoed by s. A.l. c _,1.
or S.A.l.c.2., or "software" for "common channel
signalling" embargoed by S.D.l.a. or 5.D.l.c.3., and
test equipment, specially designed components and
accessories and technology, necess~ for the "use"
thereof, provided:
a. They are intended for fibre optic, radio or coaxial
cable international telecommunication links fUlfilling
the provisions of Note 19.a. and b.;

- 22 -

b. The "common channel signalling" is restricted to

associated mode of operation. Signalling channels and
all related traffic channels must be carried on the same
transmission system. Only international traffic between
the locations listed in Note 19.a. is permitted, i.e.,
calls originating in a proscribed country will not be
rerouted to any proscribed destination;
c. No general service of "Integrated Service Digital
Network" (ISDN) is provided by the proscribed country
gateway switch, except:
1. The ISDN user part (ISUP) may be used on the
international signalling link;
2. ISDN service may be provided for specified subscribers
on the proscribed countries gateway switch;
d. Supervision of systems installation and of maintenance
of embargoed equipment shall be performed by the
licensee or the licensee's designated representative,
who shall be from a non-proscribed country. Any portion
of the installation of controlled equipment or
"software" which would require the transfer of embargoed
technology shall be performed by the licensee or the
licensee's designated representative using only
personnel from non-proscribed countries;
~: 1. Supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
e. Embargoed test equipment and embargoed spare parts shall
remain under the supervision of the COCOM member country
~The supervision of the test equipment and spare
parts by the licensee may be effected by stock
inventory procedures and does not require the
permanent on-site presence of a representative of
the licensee.
f. All "common channel signalling" equipment, inclUding
spares, is operational in such a form that any removal
from or manipUlation on the end in the proscribed
country is immediately recognised by the operator*
(e.g., through remote maintenance and monitoring
g. The licensee or operator* takes immediate action to
ensure that non-operational equipment is repaired or
replaced within a week of the failure;
h. The COCOM member country licensee or his designated
representative who shall be from a non-proscribed
country shall have the right of access to all the
i. Proscribed country nationals are not given tools or
training allowing them to modify the approved
configuration or divert equipment or "software" to
non-approved uses;

- 23 -

j. Upon request of the Department of Trade and Industry,

the licensee or operator* shall carry out an inspection
to establish that:
1. The system is being used for the intended civil
purpose: amI
2. All the equipment exported under the provisions of
this Note is being used for the stated end purpose and
is still located at the installation sites;
After each inspection, the licensee shall report his
findings to the Department of Trade and Industry within
one month;
k. The operator* informs the Department of Trade and
Industry immerliately of any sign of misuse or diversion
of "common channel signalling" hardware or "software" on
the other end of the international link, or of any
failure of the operator at the other end to allow the
operator* to comply with the terms of the export licence;
1. Contractual agreements between the licensee and the
operators on both ends of the link require that the
operator at the other end of the international link
complies fully with all the conditions stipUlated in the
export licence and that, in the event of failure by the
latter to comply, the operator* will inform his
authorities and the Department of Trade and Industry:
m. The exporter will provide details to the Department of
Trade and Industry at the time of licence application,
of the export of systems, equipment or "software" for
"common channel signalling" intended for new fibre optic
international telecommunication links;
n. The exporter will provide details to the Department of
Trade and Industry at the time of licence application,
of the export under the provisions of this Note of ISDN
services for specified SUbscribers, or systems,
equipment or "software" for "common channel signalling"
intended for new non-fibre optic international
telecommunications links or existing links;
o. The exporter will provide a full description to the
Department of Trade and Industry at the time of licence
application, of the "common channel signalling"
configuration, equipment and "software" referred to in
paragraph n. of this Note.
"" 1LJJ.. These operators shall be from the countries listed in
Note 19.a.1.a. or 19.a.2.a.
22. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export of equipment embargoed by 5.A.1.c.4., 5. or 6.,
"software" embargoed by 5.D.1.c.3. that provides
features described in 5.A.l.c.4., 5.A.l.c.5. or
5.A.l.c.6., specially designed components and
accessories therefor, and test equipment, "software" and
technology necess~ for the. "use" thereof, provided:
a. The equipment or "software" will be used for a specified
civil end-use by a civil end-user only;

- 24 -

b. The equipment or "software" does not perform circuit

switching or circuit switching functions;
c. Supervision of systems installation and of maintenance
of embargoed equipment or "software" shall be performed
by ~he licensee or the licensee's designated
representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country. Any portion of the installation of controlled
equipment or "software" which would require the transfer
of embargoed technology shall be performed by the
licensee or the licensee's designated representative
using only personnel from non-proscribed countries;
~: 1. supervision of maintenance includes:
Preventive maintenance at periodic intervals;
Intervention for major malfunctions.
2. This is not meant to require that only nationals
from the exporting country should install the
3. This does not apply if the equipment or
"software" is designed for installation by the
user without further substantial support by the
d. The COCOM member country licensee or his designated
representative, who shall be from a non-proscribed
country, shall have the right of access to all the
equipment and may carry out inspections;
e. Upon request of the Department of Trade and Industry,
the licensee shall carry out an inspection to establish:
1. The system is being used for the intended civil
purpose; and
2. All equipment exported under the provisions of this
Note is being used for the stated end purpose and is
still located at the installation site;
After each inspection the licensee shall report his
findings to the Department of Trade and Industry within
one month;
f. The exporter shall provide the Department of Trade and
Industry, at the time of licence application for export
under the provisions of this Note, with details of the
equipment or "software" locations and the network

23. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export, for civil end use, of modems embargoed by
5.A.1.b.3.a. using the "bandwith of one voice channel"
with a "data signalling rate" not exceeding 14,400
bits/s and test equipment, specially designed components
and accessories, "software" and technology necessary for
the "use" therefor.

- 25 -
Part 2 • "Information Security"

The only changes to Part 2 (pages 36 and 37) are to the Notes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The renumbered and amended Notes are as follows:

Note 1 change:

Existing Note 1 becomes a Note to 5.A.2. and moves to a position after

subheading 5.A.2.g. The Note is amended as follows:

NQIE: 5.A.2. does not embargo:

a. "Personalized smart cards" using "cryptography" restricted
for use only in equipment or systems excluded from embargo
under 5.A.2.c.1. to 6., under b. to e. of this Note,
or as described in Notes 1 and 2;
b. Equipment containing "fixed" data compression or coding
c. Receiving equipment for radio broadcast, pay television or
similar restricted audience television of the consumer
type, without digital encryption and where digital
decryption is limited to the video, audio or management
d. Portable (personal) or mobile radiotelephones for civil
use, e.g., for use with commercial civil cellular
radiocommunications systems, containing encryption, when
accompanying their users;
e. Decryption functions specially designed to allow the
execution of copy-protected "software", provided the
decryption functions are not user-accessible.

Note 2 change:

The existing Note 2 becomes a Note to 5.D.2. and moves to a position

after subheading 5.D.2.c. Also within the Note change reference (in
two places) from "Note 1" to "Note to 5.A.2.".

Note 3 change:

Existing Note 3 is renumbered Note 1. Also "Hungary" is deleted from

the heading to this new Note 1 as it is no longer a proscribed

Note 4 change:

Existing Note 4 renumbered Note 2.

Note 5.change:

Existing Note 5 is renumbered Note 3. Also within this new Note 3

there are changes in reference (in two places) from "Notes 3 and 4" to
"Notes land 2".

- 26 -
Category 6: Sensors and Lasers
Amend and renumber existing Notes and add new Notes 1, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19.
and 20 at the end of Category 6 (pages 45 to 47) as follows:


~: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of equipment:
a. Embargoed by 6.A.1.b. or 6.A.l.c., and "software"
specially designed and technology."required"
tberefor embargoed by 6.D. or 6.E.;
b. Eligible for National Discretion treatment under
Note 2 below.
2. (Formerly Note ll.a.) Licences may be granted at National
Discretion for the export to the People's Republic of China of
acoustic systems or equipment for determining the position of
surface vessels or underwater vehicles, provided:
a. They are not capable of processing responses from more than
8 beacons in the calculation of a point;
b. They do not have devices for correcting automatically
speed-of-sound propagation errors for calculation of a point;
c. They do not use coherent "signal processing" between two or
more beacons and the hydrophone unit carried by the surface
vessel or underwater vehicle; And
d. Transducers, acoustic modules, beacons or hydrophones therefor
are not designed to withstand pressures at depths exceeding
1,000 m.

3. (Formerly Note 1. - No change to text).


4. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export in

reasonable quantities to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
(delete: "Hungary") and Poland of non-ruggedised equipment
operating in the visible spectrum, embargoed by 6.A.2.c., and
containing image intensifier tubes embargoed by 6.A.2.a.2.a.3.a.,
provided they are to be used for civil certified end-uses by civil

5. (Formerly Note ll.b.) Licences may be granted at National

Discretion for the export to the People's Republic of China of
image intensifier tubes incorporating microchannel-plates, not
specially designed for cameras embargoed by 6.A.3.;
K..L: Note 5 does not apply to tubes incorporating a gallium
arsenide (or similar semiconductor) photocathode.

6. (Formerly Note 2. - No change to text) Licences may be granted at

National Discretion for the export of "multispectral imaging .

7. (Formerly Note 3.) Licences may be granted at National Discretion

for the export of reasonable quantities of non ruggedized image
intensifier tubes embargoed by 6.A.2.a.2.a.3.a. for bona fide
medical use.

- 27 -

NOTES: 8. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic and Poland, of everything embargoed
by 6.A.2., and "software" specially designed and
technology "required" there:for embargoed by 6.D. or
9. (Formerly Note 5. -No text change) Favourable consideration .


~: 10. Licences may be granted at National Discretion :for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland o:f cameras embargoed by 6.A.3.a.l or 6.A.3.a.5,
and "software" specially designed and technology
"required" there:for embargoed by 6.D. or 6.E.
11. (Formerly Note ll.c.) Licences may be granted at National
Discretion for the export to the People's Republic of China of
mechanical framing cameras embargoed by 6.A.3.a.2. designed for
civil purposes (i.e., non-nuclear use) with a framing speed of
not more than 2 million frames per second.


12. (Formerly Note 6.) Licences may be granted at National

Discretion for the export of the following for installation and
use at ground-based bona fide academic or civilian astronomical
research sites or in international air- or .

13. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications :for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic and Poland, o:f everything embargoed
by 6.A.4., and "software" specially designed and
technology "required" therefor embargoed by 6.D. or

~: 14. Licences may be granted at National Discretion :for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of:
a. "Tunable" pulsed flowing-dye "lasers" having all of
the following, and specially designed components
1. An output wavelength less than 800 nm;
2. A "pulse duration" not exceeding 100 ns; ana
3. A peak output power not exceeding 15 MW;
b. C02 or CO/C02 "lasers" having an output wavelength
in the range from 9,000 to 11,000 nm and having
1. A pulsed output not exceeding 2 J per pulse and a
maximum rated average single or multimode output
power not exceeding 5 kW; QZ:

- 28 -
LASERS (continued)

2. A CW maximum rated single or multimode output

power not exceeding 10 kW;
c. CO "lasers" having a CW maximum rated single or
multimode output power not exceeding 10 kW.
d. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" for the equipment described in a., b. or
c. above, embargoed by 6.D. or 6.E.
15. (Formerly Notes ll.d., e. and f. - Change to paragraph letterings
only) Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export to the People's Republic of China of:
a. "Tunable" pulsed flowing-dye "lasers" having all of .... ". .
...... peak output power not exceeding 15 MW; .
b. C02 or CO/C02 "lasers" having an output wavelength in.~h~
range from 9,000 to 11,000 nm and having .
...... exceeding 10 kW;
c. CO "lasers" having a CW maximum rated single or multimode
output power not exceeding 10 kW.

16. (Formerly Note 7. Amend indent error on page 46 of SEC booklet)

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export,
for civil applications, of "lasers", as follows:
a. Neodymium-doped (other than glass), pulse-excited, ;
b. Neodymium-doped (other than glass) "lasers" ;
c. Carbon dioxide "lasers" embargoed by 6.A.5.a.4.:
1. Being in CW multiple-tranverse mode; and
2. Having a CW output power not exceeding 15 kW.

17. (Formerly Note 8. - No change to text).

18. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of everything embargoed by 6.A.6., and
"software" specially designed and technology
"required" therefor embargoed by 6.D or 6.E.
19. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the
export to the Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic and
Poland of everything embargoed by by 6.A.7. or 6.B.7.,
and "software" specially designed and technology
"required" therefor embargoed by 6.D or 6.E.

20. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export .to the Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic and
Poland, for purposes such as air traffic control, of
radar equipment embargoed by 6. A. 8 or 6. B. 8, and
"software" specially designed and technology
"required" therefor embargoed by 6.D. ()r 6.E.
21. (Formerly Note 9. - No change to text).

22. (Formerly Note 10. - No change to text).

- 29 -
Category 7 : Navigation and Avionics
Replace Sub-items 7.A.l., 7.A.2. and 7.A.3. (on page 47) with the following
revised text:


7. A. 1. Accelerometers designed for use in inertial navigation or

guidance systems and having any of the following
characteristics, and specially designed components therefor:
a. A "bias" "stability" of less (better) than 130 micro g with
respect to a fixed calibration value over a period of one
b. A "scale factor" "stability" of less (better) than 130 ppm
with respect to a fixed calibration value over a period of
one year;
c. Specified to function at line~ acceleration levels
exceeding 100 g;

7. A. 2. Gyros having any of the following characteristics, and

specially designed components therefor:
a. A "drift rate" "stability", when measured in a 1 g
environment over a period of three months and with respect
to a fixed calibration value, of:
1. Less (better) than 0.1 0 per hour when specified to
function at linear acceleration levels below 10 g; ~
2. Less (better) than 0.5 0 per hour when specified to
function at linear acceleration levels from 10 to
100 g inclusive;
b. Specified to function at linear acceleration levels above
100 g;

7. A. 3. Inertial navigation systems (gimballed and strapdown) and

inertial equipment for attitude, guidance or control having
any of the following characteristics, and specially designed
components therefor:
a. For "aircraft":
1. Navigation error (free inertial) of 0.8 nautical mile
per hour (50X Circular Error Probable (CEP» or less
(better) subsequent to normal alignment;
2. Not certified for use on "civil aircraft" by civil
aviation authorities of a member country; .Q.t.
3. Specified to function at linear acceleration levels
exceeding 10 g;
b. For land or "spacecraft":
1. Navigation error (free inertial) of 0.8 nautical mile
per hour (50% CEP) or less (better) subsequent to normal
alignment; .Qt:
2. Specified to function at line~ acceleration levels
exceeding 10 g;

- 30 -
Insert the following new National Discretion and Favourable Consideration
Notes at the end of Category 7 (page 49):

7. 1iQIE.S.: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of everything embargoed by this Category,
a. Inertial navigation systems embargoed by 7. A. 3, and
"software" specially designed and technology
If required" therefor embargoed by 7. D or 7. E;
b. Technology embargoed by 7.E. for the accelerometers
and gyros embargoed by 7.A.l. and 7.A.2.;
c. Technology embargoed by 7. E. 4 • a. 4.
2. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal RepUblic and Poland of:
a. Technology embargoed by 7. E. for the accelerometers
and gyros embargoed by 7.A.l. and 7.A.2.;
b. Technology embargoed by 7. E. 4 • a. 4.

Category 8: Marine

At the end of Category 8 (page 52) add new Notes 1. and 3. and label existing
National Discretion Note as Note 2. as follows:

8. 1iQIE.S.: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal RepUblic and
Poland of everything embargoed by this Category except:
a. Submersible vehicles embargoed by 8.A.l.a.,
8.A.l.b., 8.A.l.c. or 8.A.l.d.;
b. Submersible systems or equipment embargoed by
8.A.2.a., 8.A.2.b., 8.A.2.c., 8.A.2.i. or 8.A.2.j.;
c. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" for the submersible vehicles, systems or
equipment described in a. or b. embargoed by 8.D or
d. Other technology for submersible vehicles, systems
or equipment embargoed by 8.E.2.
2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export for
civil end-uses (e.g., underwater oil, gas or mining operations)
of manipulators embargoed by 8.A.2.i.2. having 5 degrees of
freedom of movement.

3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal RepUblic and Poland of air independent power
systems embargoed by 8.A.2.j, and "software" specially
designed and technology "required" there for embargoed
by 8.D. or a.E.

- 31 -
Category 9: Propulsion

At the end of Category 9. (page 55) add new Notes 1. and 3. and amend and
label existing National Discretion Note as Note 2. as follows:

9. E:QI.ES.: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and
Poland of everything embargoed by this Category except:
a. nSpacecraft n , space launch vehicles and components
embargoed by 9.A.4. to 9.A.10.;
b. Test facilities or equipment embargoed by Category
9.B.1, 9.B.2., 9.B.3., 9.B.5. or 9.B.8;
c. "Software" specially designed and technology
"required" :for the equipment described in a. or b.
embargoed by 9.D or 9.8.
d. Other technology embargoed by 9.8.3.a, and
"software" specially designed therefor embargoed by
2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export of
marine gas turbine engines embargoed by 9.A.2., for installation
in civil marine vessels for civil end-use, provided their
specific fuel consumption exceeds 0.23 kgjkWh and their
continuous ISO rating is less than 20,000 kW.
3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal RepUblic and Poland of technology embargoed by
9.B.3.a., and ·software n specially designed therefor
embargoed by 9.D.

- 32 -
Munitions List
Summary of major changes:
1. There are to be no Special Procedures for the export of Military
List items to Hungary, Czech & Slovak Republics or Poland.

2. ML13 and ML22 are to be transferred to ML15.

3. Muskets, rifles and carbides dated earlier than 1938 are to be

removed from control in ML1.

4. Silencers and other gun accessories are to be added to ML1.

S. Decoying and jamming equipment for bombs, torpedoes etc. are to be

added to MU.

6. More extensive controls are to be included in MLS on fire control

and alerting and warning equipment.

7. ML7 is to have a new list of embargoed CW agents and a definition

for adapted for use in war.

8. Liquid oxidizers are to be added to ML8.

9. Clarification of the embargo status of military aircraft and

aero-engines in to be included in ML10.

10. ML1S is to be redefined to be more explicit about embargoed

imaging and counter measures equipment.

11. Libraries containing parametric data bases are to be added to ML11.

12. No change to the General Technology Note (GTN).

Note: This list shows the major changes but is not exhaustive.

Amend ML List Items as follows:

ML 1. Small arms, automatic weapons and accessories, as follows, and
specially designed components therefor:

a. Rifles, carbines, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols and machine

guns, except:
~. muskets, rifles and carbines dated earlier than 1938;
2. reproductions of muskets, rifles and carbines dated earlier than
3. revolvers, pistols and machine guns dated earlier than
1890, and their reproductions;

b. Smooth-bore weapons specially designed for military use;

c. Weapons using case1ess ammunition;

- 33 -
d. Silencers, special gun-mountings, clips and flash
suppressors for arms embargoed by sub-items a., b or c.

Technical Note:
Smooth-bore weapons specially designed for military .

Re number Notes to ML1 as follows:

HQIEa: 1. (Formerly Note 2).

2. (Formerly Note 3).
3. (Formerly Note 4).

4. (Formerly Note 1).

Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export
of weapons embargoed by this Item, and specially .
c. Multiple-barrelled hunting weapons having one or more
rifled-bore barrel (delete "and at least one
smooth-bore barrel");
d. Clips or magazines for the above weapons with .
Prior to-the issuance of a licence for weapons .
. . . . .. without the permission of the Department of Trade
and Industry.)

5. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the People's Republic of China of
equipment embargoed by Sub-item a. which has all .

ML 2. Large calibre armament or weapons, proj ectors and accessories, as

follows, and specially designed components therefor:

a. Guns, howitzers, cannon, mortars, anti-tank weapons, projectile

launchers, military flame throwers, recoilless rifles and
signature reduction devices therefor;
~: This sub-item includes injectors, metering
devices, storage tanks and other specially
designed components for use with liquid propelling
charges for any of the equipment embargoed by this
b. Military smoke, gas and pyrotechnic projectors or generators.
liQIE: This sub-item does not embargo signal pistols (delete: "of
the Very pistol type").

liQIE: Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications

for exports to the People's Republic of China of the following
equipment and specially designed components therefor:
N.JL..: This Note does not apply to equipment or systems
capable of electronically setting the fuse or
warhead on their projectiles.
a. Howitzers and field guns, as follows: .

- 34 -
c. Tank guns and anti-tank weapons with a maximum calibre of
105 mm and with a fire rate of not more than 10 rounds/minute,
having a maximum gun design pressure (GDP) not
exceeding 570 MPa and a maximum safe pressure (MSP)
not exceeding 600 MPa at the breech face, in
accordance with the pressure definitions specified
in NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4110;
d. Projectors with a maximum payload of 25 kg, and .

(At the end of g.3. delete: "except equipment or systems which

are capable of electronically )

ML 3. Ammunition, and specially designed components therefor, for the

weapons embargoed by Items MLl, ML2 or ML26.

NQIES.: 1. Specially designed components (delete: "are understood

to") include:
a. Metal or plastic fabrications such as

2. This Item does not embargo ammunition crimped .

3. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export of the following ammunition, ammunition
components or cartridges, provided they are for weapons
exportable as administrative exceptions under Note 4 to
Item MLl:
a. Target ammunition, cartridges with an expanding bullet of
the type used for hunting or sport or ammuni tion
components to reload used cartridge cases;
b. Ammunition or cartridges specifically intended for the
testing of firearms.

4. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the People's Republic of China
of the following:
a. Ammunition for use with equipment described in
Item 1.a., except anti-armour ammunition;
b. "Conventional unguided projectiles", up to the
calibre of 156 mm, of the point-detonating
contact or mechanically-set time-fused types
incorporating unitary high explosive warheads
only, and complete safing, arming, :tusing and
firing devices and specially designed components
c. Conventional unguided tank and anti-tank weapon
rounds up to the calibre of 106 mm which do not
exceed 400 mm RHA equivalent pe:r.-foration, and
specially designed components therefor;
lL..IL-: Note 4.b. and c. do not appl.y to projectiles
incorporating super quick or grazing sensors
or mUlti-option fusing.

- 35 -
ML 4. Bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles and accessories, as follows,
specially designed :for military use, and specially designed
components therefor:

a. Bombs, torpedoes, grenades, smoke canisters, rockets, mines,

missiles, depth charges, demoli tion-charges, -devices and
-kits, "military pyrotechnics", cartridges and simulators;
~: Sub-item a. includes:
1. Smoke grenades, fire bombs, incendiary bombs and
explosive devices;
2. Missile rocket nozzles and re-entry vehicle
b. Equipment specially designed for the handling, control,
activation, powering with one-time operational output, launching,
laying, sweeping, discharging, decoying, jamming, detonation 'or
detection of items embargoed by sub-item a.
~: Sub-item b. includes:
1. Mobile gas liquefying equipment capable of producing 1,000
kg or more per day of gas in liquid form;
2. Buoyant electric conducting cable suitable for sweeping
magnetic mines.
3. (Formerly c., deleted).

c. (deleted).
HQIE: Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications
for exports to the People's Republic of China of the following
equipment and specially designed components therefor:
a. Land mines employing mechanical initiation, except those
designed for extended on station time or for remote or
autonomous activation or deactivation;
b. (delete: "Military") Demolition charges;
c. White smoke, i.e., hexafluoroethane, .

ML 5. Fire control, and related alerting and warning equipment,

and related systems, as follows, specially designed for military
use, and specially designed components or accessories therefor:

a. Weapon sights, bombing computers, gun laying equipment

and on-board weapon control systems;
b. Target acquisition, designation, range-finding,
surveillance or tracking systems; detection,
recognition or identification equipment; and sensor
integration equipment.
c. & d. (deleted).

HQIE: Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications

for exports to the People's Republic of China of equipment
embargoed by this Item, as follows:
a. Optical fire control and optical gun laying equipment limited
to operation in the visible spectrum, and not incorporating
"laser" techniques, counter-counter measure (CCM)
features, auto-tracking or low light capability;

- 36 -
b. Single channel, fixed frequency, mechanically scanned radar
fire control equipment, except those having any of the
following characteristics:
1. Operating frequency of more than 18 GHz;

ML 6. Vehicles and related equipment, as follows, specially designed or

modified for military use, and specially designed components therefor:

Technical Note: For the purposes of this Item, the term ' specially
modified for military use' means .
a. Tanks and self-propelled guns;

f. Carriers, tractors and trailers specially designed for towing

or transporting ammunition or weapon systems and
related load handling equipment;
(Former g. deleted, h., i. and j. relabelled).
g. Amphibious and deep water fording vehicles;
h. Mobile repair shops specially designed to service military
i. All other vehicles specially designed or modified for military use.
HQIES: 1. Specially designed components for the equipment embargoed by
this Item include:
a. Pneumatic tyre casings of a kind specially constructed to
be bullet-proof or to run when deflated (delete:
"except types for agricultural and garden
tractors and farm implements");
b. Engines and power transfer systems for the
propulsion of the vehicles embargoed by sub-items a. to
i .

d. (delete: "Large deflection") Suspensions specially

designed for .
2. Vehicles embargoed by sub-item i. include tank
transporters, tracked amphibious cargo carriers, high speed
tractors, heavy artillery transporters, bridge laying
vehicles and specialised bulk refuellers.
3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the People's Republic of China
of vehicles .

ML 7. (The following text fully replaces ML7: )

Toxicological agents, "tear gases", related equipment, components,
materials and technology as follows:

a. Biological agents and radioactive materials "adapted for use in

war" to produce casualties in men or animals, degrade equipment
or damage crops or the environment, and chemical warfare
(CW) agents;
- 37 -
b. CW binary precursors, as follows:
1. DF: Methyl Phosphonyldifluoride (CAS 676-99-3);
2. QL: o-Ethyl-2-di-isopropylamino ethyl
methylphosphonite (CAS 37836-11-8);
c. "Tear gases" and "riot control agents" including:
1. Bromobenzyl cyanide (CA);
2. oChlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (oChlorobenzalmalononitrile)
(CS); .
3. Phenylacyl chloride (w-chloroacetophenone) (eN);

d. Equipment specially designed or modified for the dissemination

of the materials or agents embargoed by a. and specially
designed components there:for;
e. Equipment specially designed or modified for defence against
materials or agents embargoed by a., and specially
designed components there:for;
f. Equipment specially designed or modified for the detection
or identification of materials or agents embargoed by
a., and specially designed components therefor;
g. "Biopolymers" specially designed or processed for the detection or
identification of CWagents embargoed by a., and the cultures of
specific cells used to produce them;

h. "Biocatalysts" for the decontamination or degradation of CW agents,

and biological systems therefor , as follows:
1. "Biocatalysts" , specially designed for the decontamination or
degradation of CW agents embargoed by a. resulting from
directed laboratory selection or genetic manipulation of
biological systems;
2. Biological systems, as follows: "expression vectors", viruses or
cultures of cells containing the genetic information specific to
the production of "biocata1ysts" embargoed by h.1.;

i. "Technology" as follows:
1. "Technology for the "development", "production" or " use" of
toxicological agents, related equipment or components embargoed
by a. to :f. ;
2. "Technology" for the "development", "production" or "use" of
"biopo1ymers" or cultures of specific cells embargoed by g. ;
3. "Technology" exclusively for the incorporation of
"biocata1ysts" , embargoed by h.1., into military carrier
substances or military material.

NOTES: 1. Sub-item a. includes the following CW agents:

a. o-Alkyl (equal to or less than Cl0, inclUding
cycloalkyl) alkyl (Methyl, Ethyl, n-Propyl or
Isopropyl) - phosphonofluoridates, such as:
Sarin (GB): a-Isopropyl
methylphosphonofluoridate (CAS
107-44-8); an.Q
Soman (GD): o-Pinacolyl
methylphosphonofluoridate (CAS

- 38 -
b. a-Alkyl (equal to or less than C10, including
cycloalkyl) N,N-dialkyl (Methyl, Ethyl,
n-Propyl or Isopropyl) phosphoramidocyanidates,
such as:
Tabun (GA): o-Ethyl
(CAS 77-81-6);
c. o-Alkyl (H or equal to or less than C10,
including cycloalkyl) S-2-dialkyl (Methyl,
Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl)-aminoethyl alkyl
(Methyl, Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl)
phosphono-thiolates and corresponding alkylated
and protonated salts, such as:
VX:o-Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl
pbosphonotbiolate (CAS 50782-69-9);
d. Sulphur mustards, such as:
2-Chloroethylchloromethylsulphide (CAS
Bis(2-cbloroethyl) SUlphide (CAS 505-60-2);
Bis(2-chloroethylthio) mEthane (CAS 63869-13-6);
1,2-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (CAS
3563-36-8) ;
1,3-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-propane (CAS
1,4-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-butane;
1,5-bis (2-chloroethylthio) -n-pentane;
Bis (2-chloroethylthiomethyl) ether;
Bis (2-chloroethylthioethyl) ether (CAS

e. Lew-isi tes, such as:

2-chlorovinyldichloroarsine (CAS 541-25-3);
Bis (2-chlorovinyl) chloroarsine (CAS
Tris (2-chlorovinyl) arsine (CAS 40334-70-1);
f. Nitrogen mustards, such as:
HN1: bis (2-chloroethyl) ethylamine (CAS
HN2: bis (2-chloroethyl) methylamine (CAS
HN3: tris (2-chloroethyl) amine (CAS 555-77-1);
g. 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ) (CAS 6581-06-2).
2. Sub-item e. includes air conditioning units specially
designed or modified for nuclear, biological or chemical

3. Sub-item a. does not embargo:

a. Cyanogen chloride;
b. Hydrocyanic acid;
c. Chlorine;
d. Carbonyl chloride (phosgene);
e. Diphosgene (trichloromethyl-chloroformate);
f. Ethyl bromoacetate;
g. Xylyl bromide;

- 39 -
h. Benzyl bromide;
i. Benzyl iodide;
j. Bromo acetone;
k. Cyanogen bromide;
1. Bromo methylethyiketone;
m. Chloro acetone;
n. Ethyl iodoacetate;
o. Iodo acetone;
p. Chloropicrine.

4. Sub-item e. and f. do not embargo:

a. Personal radiation monitoring dosimeters;
b. Masks for protection against specific industrial hazards,
such as fumes or powders in mining, quarrying or
chemical plants;
c. Gas masks designed for civilian use.

5. The technology, cultures of cells and biological

systems listed in sub-items g., h.2. and i.3. are
exclusive and these sub-items do not embargo technology,
cells or biological systems for civil purposes, such as
agricultural, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary,
environmental, waste management, or in the food industry.

6. Licences 'may be granted at National Discretion for the

export of "tear gases" embargoed by sub-item c. provided
the end use is stated to be civil and the quantities are
considered by the Department of the Trade'and Industry to be
reasonable and commensurate with the stated end use.
Civilian use covers research, police activities and personal
self defence.

7. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export of riot control agents embargoed by sub-item c.
provided the end use is stated to be civil and the
quantities are considered by the Department of .

8. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the People's RepUblic
of China of static equipment for medical
protection or static decontamination of

ML 8. (The following text fully replaces ML8: )

Military explosives and fuels, "additives" and "precursors" therefor;
and liquid oxidizers, as follows:
a. "Military high explosives";
b. "Military propellants";
c. "Military pyrotechnics";
d. Military high-energy solid or liquid fuels, including "aircraft"
fuels specially formulated for military purposes;
e. Liquid oxidizers comprised of or containing inhibited
red fuming nitric acid (IRFNA) or oxygen difluoride.
HQIES.: 1. Mili tary explosives and fuels are substances and
mixtures which contain any of the materials in
paragraph a. or meet any of the parameters in
paragraph b. of this Note:
- 40 -
a. Contain any of the following materials:
1. Spherical aluminium powder with a particle size of 60
micrometres or less, manufactured from material with
an aluminium content of 99% or more;

2. Metal fuels in particle sizes of less than 60

micrometres whether spherical, atomized, spheroidal,
flaked or ground, manufactured from material
consisting of 99% or more of any of the following:
zirconium, magnesium and alloys of these; beryllium;
fine iron powder with average particle size of 3
micrometres or less produced by reduction of iron
oxide with hydrogen; boron or boron carbide fuels
of 85% purity or higher and average particle
size 'of 60 micrometres or less;
N.....I!...: The military explosives fuels containing
the metals or alloys listed in 1.a.l. and
1.a.2. are embargoed whether or not the
metals or alloys are encapsulated in
aluminium, magnesium, zirconium or
3. Perchlorates, ch10rates and chromates composited with
powdered metal or other high energy fuel components;
4. Nitroguanidine (NQ);
5. Compounds composed of fluorine and any of the
following: other halogens, oxygen, nitrogen;
6. Carboranes; decaborane; pentaborane and derivatives;
7. Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX);
(octogen, octogene);
8. Hexanitrostilbene (HNS);
9. Diaminotrinitrobenzene (DATB);
10. Triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB);
11. Triaminoguanidinenitrate (TAGN);
12. Titanium subhydride of stoichiometry TiH 0'.65-1.68;
13. Dinitroglycoluril (DNGU, DINGU); tetranitroglycoluri1
14. Tetranitrobenzotriazolobenzotriazole (TACOT);
15. Diaminohexanitrobiphenyl (DIPAM);
16. Picrylaminodinitropyridine (PYX);
17. 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO or ONTA);
18. Hydrazine in concentrations of 70% or more; hydrazine
nitrate; hydrazine perchlorates; unsymmetrical
dimethyl hydrazine; monomethy1 hydrazine; symmetrical
dimethyl hydrazine;
19. Ammonium perchlorate;
20. Cyc1otrimethy1enetrinitramine (RDX); cyclonite; T4;
1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triaza-cyclohexane (hexogen,
hexogene) ;
21. Hydroxylammonium nitrate' (BAN); hydroxylammonium
perchlorate (RAP);
22.2-(5-cyanotetrazolato) pents ammine-cobalt
(III) perchlorate (or CP);
23. eis-bis (5-nitrotetrazolato) penta
amine-cabal t (III) percblorate {,or BNCP) ;
- 41 -
24. 7-Amino-4,6-dinitrobenzofurazane-l-oxide
(ADNBF); amino dinitrobenzo-furoxan;
(CL-14) or diamino dinitrobenzofurozan);
(K-6 or Keto-RDX);
27. 2,4,6, B-tetranitro-2,4, 6,B-tetraaza-bicyclo
(3,3,O)-octanone-3 (tetranitrosemiglycouril,
K-55 or keto-bicyclic HMX);
2B.l,1,3-trinitroazetidine (TNAZ);
29. 1,4,5, B-tetranitro-l,4,5, B-tetraazadecalin
30.Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) or
HNIW; and chlatbrates of CL-20);
31.Polynitrocubanes with more than four nitro
32. Ammonium dinitramide (ADN or BR 12);

mrIE.S. 1. b. Meet the following performance parameters:

1. Any explosive with a detonation velocity exceeding
8,700 m/s or a detonation pressure exceeding 340

2. Other organic high explosives not listed in this Note

yielding detonation pressures of 250 kilobars or more
that will remain stable at temperatures of 523 K
(250'C) or higher for periods of 5 minutes or longer;

3. Any other UN Class 1.1 solid propellant not listed in

this Note with a theoretical specific impulse (under
standard conditions) of more than 250 seconds for
non-meta1lised, or more than 270 seconds for
al~inised compositions;

4. Any UN Class 1.3 solid propellant with a theoretical

specific impulse of more than 230 seconds for
non-halogenised, 250 seconds for non-meta1lised and
266 seconds for metallised compositions;

5. Any other gun propellants not listed in this Note

having a force constant of more than 1,200 'kJjkg;

6. Any other explosive, propellant or pyrotechnic not

listed in this Note that can sustain a steady-state
burning rate of more than 38 mm per second under
standard conditions of 68.9 bar pressure and 294 K

7. Elastomer modified cast double based propellants

(EMCDB) with extensibility at maximum stress of more
than 5% at 233 K (-40'C).

NQIES. 2. "Additives" include the following:

a. Glycidylazide Polymer (GAP) and its derivatives;
b. Polycyanodifluoroaminoethyleneoxide (PCDE);
c. Butanetrioltrinitrate (BTTN);
d. Bis-2-fluoro-2,2-dinitroethylformal (FEFO);
e. Butadienenitrileoxide (BNO);

- 42 -
f. Catocene, N-butyl-ferrocene and other ferrocene
g. Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) formal and acetal;
h. 3-nitraza-l,5-pentane diisocyanate;
i. Energetic monomers, plasticisers and polymers containing
nitro, azido, nitrate, nitraza or difluoroamino groups;
j. l,2,3-Tris[1,2-bis(difluoroamino)ethoxy] propane;Tris
vinoxy propane adduct (TVOPA);
k. Bisazidomethyloxetane and its polymers;
1. Nitratomethylmethyloxetane or poly
(3-Nitratomethyl, 3-methyl oxetane);
(Poly-NIMMO) (NMMO);
m. azidomethylmethyloxetane (AMMO) and its
polymers; .
n. Polynitroorthocarbonates;
o. Tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrile (TEPAN);
cyanoethylated polyamine and its sal ts;
p. Tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrileglycidol (TEPANOL);
cyanoethylated polyamine adducted with glycidol and its
q. Polyfunctional aziridine amides: with isophthalic,
trimesic (BITA); butylene imine trimesamide
isocyanuric; or trimethyladipic backbone structures
and 2-methyl or 2-ethyl substitutions on the aziridine
r. Basic copper salicylate; lead salicylate;
s. Lead beta resorcylate;
t. Lead stannate, lead maleate, lead citrate;
u. Tris-l-(2-methyl)aziridinyl phosphine oxide (MAPO);
bis(2-methyl aziridinyl) 2-(2-hydroxypropanoxy)
propylamino phosphine oxide (BOBBA 8); and
other MAPO derivatives;
v. bis(2-methyl aziridinyl) methylamino phosphine
oxide (Methyl BAPO);
w. Organo-metallic coupling agents, specifically:
1. Neopentyl [diallyl] oxy, tri [dioctyl] phosphate
titanate ; also known as titanium IV, 2,2 [bis
2-propenolato-methyl, butanolate or tris [dioctyl]
phosphato-O], or LICA 12;
2. Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato-l) methyl,
N-propanolatomethyl] butanolato-l, also known as
tris[dioctyl]pyrophosphato or KR3538;
3. Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato-l)methyl,
N-propanolatomethyl] butanolato-l, also known as
tris(dioctyl)phosphate or KR3512;
x. FPF-l
y. FPF-3 poly-2,4,4,5,5,6,6-heptafluoro-2-tri-
fluoromethyl-3- oXaheptane-1,7-diol formal;
z. Polyglycidylnitrate or poly (Nitratomethyl
oxirane); (Poly-GLYN) (PGN);
aa. Hydroxyl terminated polybutadierie (HTPB) with a
hydroxyl functionality of less than 2.16, a
hydroxyl value of less than O. 77 meq/g, and a
viscosity at 30'e of less than 47 poise;
bb.Lead-copper chelates of beta-resorcylate or
cc. Triphenyl bismuth (PPB);
- 43 -
dd.Bis-2-hydroxyethylglycolamide (BHEGA);
ee.Superfine iron oxide (Fe203 hematite) with a
specific surface area more than 250 izz2 /g and an
average particle size of 0.003 micrometre or
HQIES.: 3. "Aircraft" fuels embargoed by sub-item d. are finished
products not their constituents;

4. Sub-item d. includes milit~ materials

containing thickeners for hydrocarbon fuels
specially formulated for use in flamethrowers or
incendiary munitions, such as metal stearates or
palmates (also known as octo1) and M1, M2, M3
5. (Formerly Note 3) "Precursors" include the following:
a. Guanidine nitrate;
b. 1,2,4 trihydroxybutane (1,2,4-butanetrio1);
c. 1, 3, 5-trich1orobenzene;
d. Bisch1oromethy1oxetane (BCMO);
e. Low (less than 10,000) molecular weight,
a1coho1-functiona1ised, po1y(epich1orohydrin);
po1y(epichlorohydrindiol) and triol;
f. Propyleneimide, 2-methylaziridine;
g. 1,3,5,7 tetraacetyl-1,3,5,7,-tetraaza
cyclo-octane (TAT);
h. Dinitroazetidine-t-butyl salt;
i. Hexabenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane (HBIW);
j. Tetraacetyldibenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane (TAIW)j
k. 1,4,5,8 Tetraazadecaline.
6. This Item does not embargo those "precursors" that are
industrial chemicals, not embargoed elsewhere in the
International Lists, widely available in international

7. (Formerly Note 6) This Item does not embargo the

following substances when not compounded or mixed with
(delete: "other") military explosives or powdered metals:
a. Ammonium picrate;
b. Black powder;
c. Hexanitrodiphenylamine;
d. Dif1uoroamine (HNF2);
e. Nitrostarch;
f. Potassium nitrate;
g. Tetranitronaphtha1ene;
h. Trinitroanisol;
i. Trinitronaphthalene;
j. Trinitroxylene;
k. Fuming nitric acid non-inhibited and not enriched;
1. Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (tetryl);
m. Acetylene;
n. Propane;
o. Liquid oxygen;
p. Hydrogen peroxide in concentrations of less than 85%;
q. Misch metal;
r. N-pyrrolidinone; I-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone;

- 44 -
liQIES.: 7. s. Dioctylmaleate;
(Cont.) t. Ethylhexylacrylate;
u. Triethylaluminium (TEA), trimethylaluminium (TMA), and
other pyrophoric metal alkyls and aryls of lithium,
sodium, magnesium, zinc and boron;
v. Nitrocellulose;
w. Nitroglycerin (or glyceroltrinitrate, trinitroglycerine)
-x. 2,4,6-trinitroto1uene (TNT);
y. Ethylenediaminedinitrate (EDDN);
z. Pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN);
aa. Lead azide, normal and basic lead styphnate, and primary
explosives or priming compositions containing azides or
azide complexes;
bb. Triethy1eneglycoldinitrate (TEGDN);
cc. 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol (styphnic acid);
dd. Diethyldiphenyl urea; dimethylidiphenyl urea;
methylethyldiphenyl urea [Centralites];
ee. N,N-diphenylurea (unsymmetrical diphenylurea);
ff. Methyl-N,N-diphenylurea (methyl unsymmetrical
gg. Ethyl-N,N-diphenylurea (ethyl unsymmetrical dipheny1urea);
hh. 2-Nitrodiphenylamine (2-NDPA);
ii. 4-Nitrodipheny1amine (4-NDPA);
jj. 2,2-dinitropropano1;
liQIES.: 8. Licences may be granted at National Discretion
for the export for civil end use of the following
substances and Hprecursors H :
a. Magnesium or magnesium powder up to 1 kg per
shipment and 5 kg per calendar year to each
proscribed country;
b. Hydrazine or hydrazine derivatives up to 1
litre per shipment and 5 litres per calendar
year to each proscribed country;
c. Ferrocene or ferrocene deri vatives up to 50 ml
per shipment and 250 ml per calendar year to
each proscribed country;
d. Guanidine nitrate and 1, 2, 4 trihydroxybutane
(1, 2, 4 - butanetriol) up to 5 kg per shipment
and 25 kg per calendar year to each proscribed
ML 9. Vessels of war, special naval equipment and accessories, as
follows, and specially designed components therefor:

a. Combatant vessels and vessels (surface or underwater) specially

designed or modified for offensive or defensive action, whether or
not converted to non-military use, regardless cu~rent state of
repair or operating condition, and whether or not they
contain weapon delivery systems or armoflr, and hulls or
parts of hulls for such vessels;

b. Engines, as follows:
1. Diesel engines specially designed for· submarines both of the
following characteristics:
a. A power output of 1.12 MW (1,500 hp.) or moxe; And
b. A rotary speed of 700 rev/min or more;

- 45 -
2. Electric motors specially designed for submarines having all of
the following characteristics:
a. A power output of more than 0.75 MW (1,000 hp.);
b. Quick reversing;
c. Liquid cooled; And
d. Totally enclosed;
3. Non-magnetic diesel engines specially designed for military use
with a power output of 37. 3 kW (50 hp.) or more and wi th a
non-magnetic content in excess of 7St of total mass;

c. Underwater detection devices specially designed for military use

and controls thereof;

d. Submarine and torpedo nets;

e. Equipment for guidance and navigation specially designed

for military use;

f. Hull penetrators and connectors specially designed for military use

that enable interaction with equipment external to a vessel;
HQIE: This sub-item includes connectors for vessels which are of the
single-conductor, multi-conductor, coaxial or waveguide type,
and hull penetrators for vessels, both of which are capable of
remaining impervious to leakage from without and of retaining
required characteristics at marine depths exceeding 100 m; and
fibre-optic connectors and optical bull penetrators
specially designed for Hlaser H beam transmission
regardless of depth. It does not include ordinary propulsive
shaft and hydrodynamic control-rod hull penetrators.

g. Silent bearings specially designed for military use and equipment

containing those bearings.

NQIES: 1. Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the People's Republic of China of:
(No change to text).

MLlO. "Aircraft" (Note that the definition for "aircraft"

includes helicopters.), unmanned airborne vehicles, aero-engines
and "aircraft" equipment, related equipment and components, specially
designed or modified for military use, as follows:

a. Combat "aircraft" and specially designed components therefor;

b. Other "aircraft" specially designed or modified for military use,

including military reconnaissance, assault, military training,
transporting and airdropping troops or military equipment,
logistics support, and specially designed components therefor;

c. (Formerly Sub-item b.) Aero-engines specially designed or

modified for mili tary use, and specially designed components

d. (Formerly Sub-item c.) Unmanned airborne vehicles, including

remotely piloted air vehicles (RPVs) , and autonomous, programmable
vehicles specially designed or modified for military use and their
launchers, ground support and related equipment for command and

- 46 -
e. (Formerly Sub-item d.) Airborne equipment, including airborne
refuelling equipment, specially designed for use with the
"aircraft" embargoed by a. or b. or the aero-engines embargoed
by c., and specially designed components therefor;

f. (Formerly Sub-item e.) Pressure refuellers, pressure

refuelling equipment, equipment specially designed to facilitate
operations in confined areas and ground equipment, developed
specially for "aircraft" embargoed by a. or b., or for
aero-engines embargoed by c.;

g. (Formerly Sub-item f.) Pressurised breathing equipment and

partial pressure suits for use in "aircraft", anti-g suits,
military crash helmets and protective masks, liquid oxygen
converters used for "aircraft" or missiles, and catapults and
cartridge actuated devices for emergency escape of personnel from
"aircraft" ;
h. (Formerly Sub-item g.) Parachutes used for combat personnel,
cargo dropping or "aircraft" deceleration, as follows:

i. (Formerly Sub-item h.) Automatic piloting systems for

parachuted loads; equipment specially designed or modified for
military use for controlled opening jumps at any height, including
oxygen equipment.

~:1. Sub-item b. does not embargo "aircraft" designed or

modified for military use which have been certified
for civil use by the civil aviation autborities in
a member country and which are equipped to
international civilian standards, or specially
designed components therefor;
2. Sub-item c. does not embargo:
a. Aero-engines designed or modified for military
use which have been certified by civil, aviation
authorities in a member country for use in
"civil aircraft", or specially designed
components therefor;
b. Reciprocating engines or specially designed
components therefor.
3. The embargo in sub-items b. and c. on specially
designed components and related equipment for
non-military "aircraft" or aero-engines modified
for military use applies only to those military
components and to military related equipment
required for the modification to military use.
4. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the People's F~public of China of:
a. Light transport, trainer, observer or patrol "aircraft"
having either of the following ;
b . "Aircraft" ground service support .and maintenance
equipment specially designed for use with "ai.rcraft"
which have previously been exported .

- 47 -
ML 11. Electronic equipment not embargoed elsewhere on this List
specially designed for military use and specially designed components

~: This Item includes:

a. Jamming and counter-jamming equipment, including electronic

counter measure and electronic counter-counter measure
equipment (i.e., equipment designed to introduce .

ML 12. Transferred to Item ML 15.

ML" 13. Armoured or protective equipment and constructions, as follows:

8. Armoured plate;

~: 1. Sub-item b. includes combinations of metallic and

non-metallic materials specially designed to form explosive
reactive armour or to construct military shel ters •

2. Sub-item c. does not embargo conventional steel .

3. Licences may be granted at National Discretion

:tor the export o:t personal protection equipment
:tor police or security personnel.
4. (Formerly Note 3).
Licence applications for the following, for the People's
Republic of China only, will receive favourable
a. Homogeneous armour plate;
b. Equipment embargoed by sub-item d.

ML 14. Specialised equipment for military training or for simulating military

scenarios, specially designed components and accessories therefore

~: 1. The term 'specialised equipment :tor military

training' includes military types of attack trainers,
operational flight trainers, radar target trainers, radar
target generators, gunnery training devices, anti-submarine
warfare trainers, flight simulators (including human-rated
centrifuges for pilot/astronaut training), radar trainers,
instrument flight trainers, navigation trainers, missile
launch trainers, target equipment, drone "aircraft",
armament trainers, pilotless "aircraft" trainers and mobile
training units.

2. This Item includes (delete: "synthetic") image

generating and interactive environment systems for
simulators when specially designed or modified for military
3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the People's Republic of China
of military training equipment as follows:

- 48 -
• I
a. Basic operator and maintenance training equipment for
military equipment that has been approved for export to
the People's Republic of China and not containing any
capabili ty for the evaluation of, and real- time .

ML 15. (This amended text for ML15 incorporates transfers from

Imaging or countermeasure equipment, as folloW's, specially
designed for military use, and specially designed
components and accessories therefor:
N.Q!I!E.: This Item does not embargo first generation image
intensifier tubes.
a. Recorders and image processing equipment;
b. Cameras, photographic equipment and film processing
c. Image intensifier equipment;
d. Infrared or thermal imaging equipment;
e. Imaging radar sensor equipment;
f. Countermeasure or counter-countermeasure equipment for
the equipment embargoed by sub-items a. to e.
(See also Category 6.A.2.a.2. and 6.A.2.b.)

H.QIE.S.: 1. (Formerly Note 2).

The term 'specially designed components' includes the
following when specially designed for military use:
a. Infrared image converter tubes;
b. Image intensifier tubes (other than first
c. Microchannel plates;
d. Low-light-level television camera tubes;
e. Detector arrays (inclUding electronic
interconnection or read out systems);
f. Pyroelectric television camera tubes;
g. Cooling systems for imaging systems;
b. Electrically triggered shutters of the
photochromic or electro-optical type having a
shutter speed of less than 100 microseconds,
except shutters which are an essential part of
a high speed camera;
i. Fibre optic image inverters;
j. Compound semiconductor photocathodes.

2. Sub-item f. includes equipment designed to

degrade the operation or effectiveness of
military imaging systems or to minimize such
degrading effects.

- 49 -
3. Favourable consideration will be given to licence
applications for exports to the People's Republic of China
of: .

ML 16. Forgings, castings and semi-finished products specially designed for

the products embargoed by Items ML1, ML2, ML3, MU, ML6, ML10, ML23
or ML26 on this List.
(Note deleted.)

ML17. Miscellaneous equipment, materials and libraries, as follows, and

specially designed components therefor:
a. Self-contained diving and underwater swimming .
(Former Sub-items b. and c. are deleted.)
b. (Formerly d.)
Construction equipment specially designed for military use;
c. (Delete: "External") Fittings, coatings and treatments for
signature suppression, specially designed for military use;
d. (Formerly f.) Field engineer equipment specially designed for
use in a combat zone;
e. (Formerly g.) "Robots", "robot" controllers ;
f. Libraries (parametric technical databases) specially
designed for military use with equipment embargoed by
this List;
Technical NOTE: For the purpose of this Item, the term
'library' (parametric technical database) means a
collection of technical information of a military nature,
reference to which may enhance the performance of military
equipment or systems.
~: Favourable consideration will be given to licence applications
for exports to the People's Republic of China of construction
equipment embargoed by sub-item b. above.
(The "a." part of the original Note has been deleted.)

ML 18. Equipment and technology for the "production" of products .

NQIES: 1. Sub-items a. and b. include the following equipment:

a. Continuous nitrators;

d. Screw extruders specially designed or modified

for military explosive extrusion;

h. Fluid energy mills for grinding or milling the

ingredients of military explosives;
i. Equipment to achieve both sphericity and
uniform particle size in metal powder listed in
Note 1.a.l to Item ML8;
- 50 -
j. convection current converters for the
conversion of materials listed in Note 1.a.6.
to Item ML8.

2. a. The term 'products referred to in this List' includes:

1. Products not embargoed if inferior to specified

concentrations as follows:
a. hydrazine (see Note 1.a.18. to Item ML8);
b. "Military high explosives" (see Item ML8);

2. Products not embargoed if inferior to technical

limits, i.e., "superconductive" materials not
embargoed by Category 1. C. 5. on the Industrial
List; "superconductive" electromagnets not embargoed
by Category 3.A.1.e.3. on the Industrial List;
"superconductive" electrical equipment excluded from
embargo under Item ML20 b.;

3. Metal fuels and oxidants deposi ted in

laminar form from the vapour phase (see Note
1.a.2. to Item 8);
b. The term 'products referred to in this List' does not
1. Signal pistols (delete: "of the Very type") (see
Item ML2.b.);

2. (Formerly 3.) The substances excluded from embargo

under Note 2 to Item ML7;

3. Personal radiation monitoring dosimeters and ...... ,

4. Acetylene, propane, liquid oxygen, dif1uoramine
(HNF2) , fuming nitric acid and potassium nitrate
powder (see Note 7 to Item ML8);

5. (Formerly 6.) Aero-engines excluded from embargo

under Item ML10; (note deletion)

6. Conventional steel helmets not equipped with, ...... ,

7. Equipment fitted with unembargoed industrial ;

8. Muskets, rifles and carbines dated earlier

than 1938, reproductions of muskets, rifles
and carbines dated earlier than 1890,
revolvers, pistols and machine guns dated
earlier than 1890, and their reproductions;
(Note 2.b.8. does not allow the export of
technology or production equipment for non-antique
small arms, even if used to produce reproductions of
antique small arms.)

3. Sub-item d. does not include techno1ob~ for civil purposes,

such as agricultural, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary,
environmental, waste management, or in the food industry
(see Note 5 to Item 7).

- 51 -
4. Licences may be granted at National Discretion .

5. Governments may permit, as administrative

exceptions, the shipment of hand operated
equipment for reloading sporting or hunting

ML20. Cryogenic and "superconductive" equipment, as follows, and specially

designed components and accessories therefor:

a. Equipment specially designed or configured to be installed in a

vehicle te~peratures below 103 K (-170 C);

~: Sub-item a. includes mobile systems incorporating or

employing accessories or components manufactured from
non-metallic or non-electrical conductive materials, such as
plastics or epoxy-impregnated materials.

Correct indent error in SEC Booklet September 1991 as follows:

b. "Superconductive" electrical equipment (rotating machinery and

transformers) specially designed while in motion.

~: Sub-item b. does not embargo direct-current hybrid

homopo1ar generators that component in the generator.

ML22. Transferred to Item ML 15.

ML23. Directed energy weapon systems (DEW), related or countermeasure

equipment and test models, as follows, and specially designed
components therefor:
a. "Laser" systems specially designed for destruction ;
b. Particle beam systems capable of destruction ;
c. High power radio-frequency (RF) systems capable of ;
(Former Sub-item d. deleted)
d. Equipment specially designed for the detection or identification
of, or defence against, systems embargoed by a., b. or c.;
e. Physical test models and related test resul ts for the systems,
equipment and components embargoed by this Item.

lliITE.S,: 1. Directed energy weapon systems embargoed by this Item

include systems whose capability is derived from the
controlled application of:
a. "Lasers" of sufficient continuous wave or .
b. Particle accelerators which project a .
c. High pulsed power or high average power .

2. This Item includes the following when specially

designed for directed energy weapon systems:
a. Prime power generation, energy storage,
switching, power 'conditioning or fuel-handling
b. Target acquisition or tracking systems;
c. Systems capable of assessing target damage,
destruction or mission-abort;
- 52 -
d. Beam-handling, propagation or pointing
e. Equipment with rapid beam slew capability for
rapid mUltiple target operations;
f. Adaptive optics and phase conjugators;
g. CUrrent injectors for negative hydrogen ion
h. "Space qualified" accelerator components;
i. Negative ion beam funnelling equipment;
j. Equipment for controlling and slewing a high
energy ion beam;
k. "Space qualified" foils for neutralising
negative hydrogen isotope beams.

ML 24. "Software", as follows: (No change to text).

ML 26. Kinetic energy weapon systems and related equipment, as follows, and
specially designed components therefor:

a. Kinetic energy weapon systems specially designed for destruction or

effecting mission-abort of a target;

b. Specially designed test and evaluation facilities and test models,

including diagnostic instrumentation and targets, for dynamic
testing of kinetic energy projectiles and systems;

~ c. (Deleted. Text of former c. absorbed into the new Note 1.)

(For weapon systems using sub-calibre ammunition or employing solely

chemical propulsion, and ammunition there:for, see Items ML1, 2,
3 and ML4).

HQIE.S.: 1. This Item includes the following when specially

designed :for kinetic energy weapon systems:
a. Launch propulsion systems capable of accelerating masses
larger than 0.1 g to velocities in excess of 1.6 km/s, in
single or rapid fire modes;
b. Prime power generation, electric armour; energy
storage, thermal management, conditioning, switching or
fuel-handling equipment; and electrical interfaces
between power supply, gun and other turret
electric drive functions;
c. Target acquisition, tracking, fire control or damage
assessment systems;
d. Homing seeker, guidance or divert propulsion (lateral
acceleration) systems for projectiles.

2. (Formerly Note 3.) This Item embargoes weapon

systems using any of the following methods of propulsion:
a. Electromagnetic;
b. E1ectrothermal;
c. Plasma;
d. Light gas; .2r.
e. Chemical (when used in combination with ).

3. (Formerly Note 2.) This Item does not embargo

technology for magnetic .

- 53 -
Atomic Energy List
Summary of changes:

Replace or amend Items A.l, A.2, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9, A.l3, B.l, B.3,
B.4, B.5 and e.l.

Add New Item C.6 to the Atomic Energy List.

The General Technology Note, the Technocal Notes thereafter, Items A.3, Al2,
B.2, B.6, C.2, C.3, C.4, C.5 and D.l are unchanged.

Items A.lO, A.ll, A.l4 are not used.


A.l "Special fissile materials" and other fissile materials, except:

a. Shipments of one "effective gramme" or less;

b. Shipments of four "effective grammes" or less when contained in a

sensing component in instruments.

EQIE: Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export of

enriched uranium in which the assay of uranium- 235 is less than
20 weight percent (o/W), in the form of nuclear reactor fuel
supplied subsequently for use in exported reactors which meet all
the provisions of Note 2 to B.3.

A.2 Natural or depleted uranium in the forms of metal,

hexafluoride, tetrafluoride or tetrachloride, except:

a. Shipments having a natural uranium content in any of the forms

described above, of:
1. 10 kg or less for any application; 2X
2. 100 kg or less for civil non-nuclear applications;

b. Uranium depleted in the isotope 235 in which the uranium 235 isotope
comprises less than 0.35 weight percent (o/w) of the total
uranium assay;

c. Depleted uranium specially fabricated for the following civil

1. Ionising radiation shielding;
2. Packaging;
3. Ballasts;
4. Counter-weights.

- 54 -
HQIES: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export
of uranium in the forms of metal, hexafluoride,
tetrafluoride or tetrachloride, for the purpose of its
enrichment in the isotope 235 (toll enrichment), provided:
a. Any uranium enriched in the isotope 235 is removed from
proscribed countries upon completion of the enrichment
process; .and:
b. Any depleted uranium (tails) resulting from the enrichment
process will be removed from proscribed countries unless
the assay of the uranium 235 isotope remaining in the
depleted uranium is 0.35 weight percent (o/w) or less.

2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the

export of uranium in the form of nuclear reactor fuel
supplied subsequently for use in exported reactors which meet
all of the provisions of Note 2 to Item B.3.

(For titanium-uranium alloys, see International Industrial List

Category 1.C.4.)

A.4. Zirconium metal; alloys containing more than 50 weight percent

(o/w) zirconium; compounds in which the ratio of hafnium to zirconium
is less than 1:500 parts by weight; and manufactures wholly thereof;
a. Zirconium metal
b. Zirconium in the form .
NOTE: (no change to text).

A.5. Nickel powder and porous nickel metal, as follows:

a. Powder with a nickel purity content of 99.9 weight percent (o/w)

or more and a mean particle size of less than 10 micrometres
measured by the ASTM B 330 standard and a high degree of particle
size uniformity;
b. Porous nickel .
NOTES: 1. Sub-item A.S.b. refers to porous nickel metal manufactured
from nickel powder defined in A. S. a. which .. ~ ...
2. (no change to text of Note 2.).

A.6 Nuclear-grade graphite, i.e., graphite having an impurity level of

less than one part per million boron equivalent and with a density
greater than 1.5 g/cm3 , except individual shipments of 100 kg or less.

A.7 Lithium, as follows:

a. Metal, hydrides or alloys containing lithium enriched in lithium 6

to a concentration higher than the one existing in nature (7.5
weight percent (o/w);

b. Any other materials containing lithium enriched in lithium 6

(including compounds, mixtures and concentrates), except lithium
enriched in the 6 isotope incorporated in theDmoluminescent

(For the deuteride of natural lithium or of lithium enriched in

li thium 7, see A. 3 . )
- 55 -
A.8 Hafnium, as follows: metal, alloys and compounds of hafnium containing
more than 60 weight percent (o/w) hafnium, and manufactures
thereof, except shipments of the above having a hafnium content of 1 kg
or less.

A.9 Beryllium, as follows: metal, alloys containing more than 50 weight

percent (o/w) beryllium by weight, compounds containing beryllium
and manufactures thereof, except:
a. Metal windows .

d. Shipments of 5 kg or less .....

A.13 Materials for nuclear heat sources, as follows:

a. Plutonium in any form with a plutonium isotopic assay of

p1utonium-238 of more than 50 weight percent (o/w) , except:
1. Shipments with a plutonium content of .
2. Shipments of three "effective grammes" or less .
3. (deleted).

B.1 Plants for the separation of isotopes of natural and depleted uranium,
"special fissile materials" and other fissile materials,
and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor,
as follows:

a. Plants specially designed for separating isotopes of natural and

depleted uranium, "special fissile materials" and other
fissile materials, as follows:
1. Gaseous diffusion separation plants;

9. Electromagnetic separation plants;

b. Equipment and components, as follows, specially designed or prepared

1. Gaseous diffusion separation process:
a. Valves wholly made of or lined with aluminium, aluminium
alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60 weight percent (o/w)
or more nickel, 40 mm or more in diameter, with bellows seals;
b. Blowers and compressors (turbo, centrifugal and axial flow
types) wholly made of or lined with aluminium, aluminium
alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60 weight percent (olw)
or more nickel and having a capacity of 1,700 litres (1.7 m3 )
per minute or more, including compressor seals;
c. Gaseous diffusion barriers made of porous metallic, polymer or
ceramic materials resistant to corrosion by uranium
hexafluoride (UF6) with a pore size of less than 1,000
angstroms, a thickness of 5 mm or less, and, for tubular
forms, a diameter of 25 mm or less;
d. Gaseous diffuser housings;
e. Heat exchangers made of aluminium, copper, nickel or alloy
containing more than 60 weight percent (o/w) nickel, or
combinations of these metals as clad tubes, designed to
operate at sub-atmospheric pressure with a leak rate that
limits the pressure rise to less than 10 pascal (0.1 millibar)
per hour under a pressure differential of 10 5 pascal (1 bar);

- 56 -
B.1. b.2. Gas centrifuge separation process:
a. Gas centrifuges;

f. Rings or bellows with a wall thickness of 3 mm or less and a

diameter of between 75 mm and 400 mm and designed to give
local support to a rotor tube or to join a number together,
made from high strength-to-density ratio materials described
in the Technical Note B.l.b.2;
g. Baffles with a diameter of between 75 mm and 400 mm for
mounting inside the rotor tube, made from high strength-
to-density ratio materials described in the Technical Note
h. Top and bottom cups with .
i. Molecular pumps comprised of .
j. Ring-shaped motor stators .
k. Frequency changers (converters or inverters) specially .
1. Mu1tiphase output of 600 Hz to 2 kHz;
2. Frequency control better than 0.1%;
3. Harmonic distortion of less than 2%; ~
4. An efficiency of more than 80X;

Technical Note (B.l. b.2.): The high strength-to-density ratio

materials used for centrifuge rotating components are:
a. Maraging steel 'capable of an ultimate tensile strength of
2.05 x 10 9 N/m2 or more;
b. Aluminium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of
0.46 x 10 9 N/m2 or more; ~
c. "Fibrous and filamentary materials" with a specific modulus of
more than 3.18 x 106m and a specific tensile strength
exceeding 7.62 x 104 m.
lL.1L..: ~. Specific modulus: Young's modulus in
pascals, equivalent to N/m2 divided by
specific weight in N/m3 , measured at a
temperature of (296 ± 2) K ((23 ± 2)oC) and
a relative humidity of (50 ± 5)%.
2. Specific tensile strength: ultimate tensile
strength in pascals, equivalent to N/m2
divided by specific weight in N/m3 , measured
at a temperature of (296 ± 2) K ((23 ± 2) 0C)
and a relative humidity of (50 ± 5)%.
b.3. Aerodynamic separation process:
a. Separation nozzles consisting of slit-shaped, curved channels
having a radius of curvature less than 1 mm (contained within
the nozzle is a knife-edge which separates gas flowing through
the nozzle into two streams) ;
b. Tangential inlet flow-driven cylindrical or conical tubes,
specially designed for uranium isotope separation;
c. UF6-hydrogen helium compress~rs wholly made of or lined with
aluminium, aluminium alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60
weight percent (ojw) or more nickel, including compressor
d. Aerodynamic separation element housings, designed to contain
vortex tubes or separation nozzles;
e. Heat exchangers made of aluminium, copper, nickel or alloy
containing more than 60 weight percent (o/tI) nickel, or
combinations of these metals as clad: tubes, designed to
operate at pressures of 6 x 10 5 pascal (6 bar) or less;

- 57 -
b.4. Chemical exchange separation process:
a. Fast-exchange liquid-liquid centrifugal

7. Molecular "laser" isotopic separation process:

a. Para-hydrogen .

e. UF6 carrier gas compressors wholly made of or lined with

aluminium, aluminium alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60
weight percent (o/w) or more nickel, including compressor

9. UF6 mass spectrometers or ion sources specially designed

a. Unit resolution for mass of more than 320;
b. Ion sources or mone1, or nickel plated; and
c. Electron bombardment ionization sources.
d. (deleted)

B.l. Technical Notes: (Former NB's to Sub-items b.6, b.7. and b.8.
are consolidated into these Technical Notes)
1. The following "lasers" and components are important in
the atomic vapour "laser" isotopic separation process
referred to in B.1.b.6.:
a. "Lasers" to pump dye "lasers":
1. Copper vapour "lasers" of 40 W or more;
2. Argon ion "lasers" of more than 40 W;
3. ND:YAG "lasers" that can be frequency doubled and
thereby have an average power of more than 40 W;
b. Other "lasers" and accessories: ·
1. "Tunable" pUlsed dye "laser" amplifiers and
oscillators, eXcept single-mode oscillators, with
an average power of more than 30 W, a repetition
rate of more than 1 kHz and a wavelength between
500 nm and 700 nm;
2. Modulators for controlling and modifying dye
"laser" bandwidth;
3. "Tunable" pulsed single-mode dye oscillators
capable of an average power of more than 1 W, a
repetition rate of more than 1 kHz, a pulse width
less than 100 ns, a wavelength between 500 nm and
700 nm and frequency modulation for bandwidth
(For the embargo status of "lasers", see International
Industrial List Category 6.A.S.)
2. The following "lasers" are important in the molecular
"laser" isotopic separation process referred to in
a. Alexandrite "lasers" with a bandwidth of 0.005 nm
(3 GHz) or less,' a repetition rate of more than
125 HZ, and an average power of more than 30 W;
b. Pulsed carbon dioxide "lasers" with a repetition rate
of more than 250 HZ, an average power of more than
1.2 kW and a pulse length less than 200 ns;
c. Pulsed excimer "lasers" (KeF, KeCl, KrF) with a
repetition rate of more than 250 Hz and an average
power of more than250 W;
(For the embargo status of "lasers", see Category 6.A.S.)
- 58 -
3. The following microwave power sources and
"superconductive" electromagnets are important in the
plasma separation process referred to in B.l.b.8.:
8. Microwave power sources of more than 30 GHz and more
than 50 kW for ion production;
b. Solenoidal "superconductive" electromagnets of more
than 30 cm inner diameter, with a magnetic field of
more than 2 T and uniform to better than 1i over the
central 80i of the inner volume;
(For the embargo status of: - Microwave power sources,
see category 3.A.l.b.; - "superconductive"
electromagnets, see category 3.A.l.e.3.).

B.2. (Sub-items c. and d. are amended to refer to:) "special

fissile materials" and other fissile materials .
(The rest of text is unchanged.)

B.3. Nuclear reactors, i.e., reactors capable of operation so as to maintain

a controlled, self-sustaining fission chain reaction, and equipment and
components specially designed or prepared for use in connection with a
nuclear reactor, including:
a. Pressure vessels, i.e., metal vessels .

g. Internal components specially designed or prepared for the

operation of a nuclear reactor, including core support structures,
thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates and diffuser plates;
h. Heat exchangers.

B.3 HQIE£: 1. Not used.

2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export

of water-cooled and moderated civil nuclear power reactors,
components therefor and initial shipments of ,fuel and
moderators therefor , provided:
a. The reactor is designed to use uranium fuel of 20 weight
percent (o/w) or less enrichment;
b. Fuel to be provided shall be uranium of 20 weight
percent (o/w) or less enrichment; .ADSi
c. The reactor is not designed for marine propulsion.

3. Licences may be granted at National Discretion for

the export of electronic components embargoed by
Sub-item B.3.d. for water-cooled,
graphite-moderated civil nuclear power reactors.
(For "software", see Item D.l.)

B.4 (Text for 'Item B.4. is unchanged but add new Fa~~urable Consideration
Note as follows:)

N12!J:.E.: Favourable consideration will be given to licence

applications for exports to the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic and Poland of equ.ipment and
facilities embargoed by Item B.4.
- 59 -
B.5 Plants for the production of heavy water, deuterium or deuterium
compounds, and specially designed or prepared equipment and components
therefor, as follows:
a. Plants for the production of heavy water, deuterium .

b. Equipment and components, as follows, specially designed or prepared

1. Hydrogen sulphide-water .

4. Concentration of heavy water to reactor grade (99.75 weight

percent (o/w) deuterium oxide):
a. Water distillation towers containing

d. Infrared absorption analysers capable of on-line

hydrogen-deuterium ratio analysis where deuterium
concentrations are equal to or more than 90 weight percent
(o/w) •


C.1 Neutron generator systems, including tubes, designed for operation

without an external vacuum system and using electrostatic acceleration
to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction and specially
designed components therefore
HQIE: Licences may be granted at National Discretion for the export of
tubes and systems covered by this Item C.1., provided:
a. They are for civil use; ~
b. The exporter will provide to the DTI such .

C.3 Electrolytic cells for the production of fluorine with a production

capacity exceeding 250 g of fluorine per hour.

C.6 Equipment for nuclear reactors:

a. simulators specially designed for nuclear reactors;
b. Vl trasonic or eddy current test equipment specially
designed for nuclear reactors.
NOTES: 1. Licences may be granted at National Discretion
for the export of simulators specially designed
to simulate the operation of civil nuclear power
plants, for user training and practice, for
normal and safe operation within a civil nuclear
power plant.
2. Licences may be granted at National Discretion
for the export of ultrasonic or eddy current test
equipment specially designed for civil nuclear

- 60 -
Please address any C0I11ments on the fonnat or contents of this
booklet to the Sensitive Technologies Unit of the Export Control
Security Export Control
Export licence applications and directly related enquiries:

I)epartlnent of Trade and Industry

Export Control Organisation
Kingsgate House
66-74 Victoria Street

All of the units within the IJepartlnent's Export Control Organisation are located at the above address.

General Enquiries: Tel: 071-2158070

Fax: 071-2158564

• Technical rating rpI111PI;:tf;;.!':lrl',Tlrf'" (Sensitive lecJhn()lo~~tes Unit)

• General enquiries on export licensing (Policy Unit)

• Sanctions Unit - Iraq Tel: 071-2158102
Fax: 071-215 8386 (24
Tel: 071-2158512
Tel: 071-215 8570
Fax: 071-215 8386

Licence applications: (Export Licensing Unit)

• Non-proscribed countries
• Proscribed countries
• Hong Kong exports to proscribed destinations
• I)TI General Enquiries Tel: 071-215 5000

January 1993. Departnlent of Trade and Industry.

Printed in the UK. DTIIPub l043/Sk/l.93/NE.

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